t I U ULj0 'lie Is m proud and peerless rooordm It Is a reoord of euro, of constant oon eueat over obstinate Ula of women Ilia that deal out despair auf faring that many woman think la woman's natural heri tage f disorders and dis placements that drive out hope Lydh E. PMUum'i VejttebW Coeopoaae cures these troubles of women, and robs men atruatlon of Ha terrors. 1 No woman need bo with out the aafeat and surest advloa, for Mrs, Plnkham oounaels women free of charge. Her address Is Lynn, Mass. i Can any woman afford to Ignore the medlolne and the advloa that has oured a million women 7 Mist Ella Gates, aged 25, ol Ontairo, N. Y., had long been subject to faint ing spells. While dictating a letter, he suddenly gasped, dropped to the floor and died. A post mortem exam ination disclosed that she had two per fectly formed hearts. PARIS IN 1900. For the benefit of those who intend visiting Paris during the exposition, the Rio Grande Westers railway has gotten oat an attractive folder illustra tive and descriptive of the main tea tares of the exposition. It contains some valuable bints for intending visitors and descriptive articles upon Place de La Concorde, Aro de Triumphs, the Madeleine, the Column of July, the Trocadero, Hotel de Ville, Column Yendome, the Louvre, the Grand opera house, the Bourse and the tomb of Na poleon, in addition to a bird's eye view of the exposition grounds. The folder, or pamphlet, is gotten out in handy form, and is written in a pleasant and attractive style. It, in fact, gives in little space everything one going to the exposition would like to know before starting on hit journey. For copies of the Paris exposition folder and other advertising matter descriptive of the Eocky mountains' famous scenery, tributary to the Bio Grande Western railway and its con nections, write J. D. MANSFIELD, Gen'l Agent, ' 353 Washington St., Portland, Ore, Workmen while razing an old house on a farm in the village of Greene, Me., found a pewter cup upon which are the figures "1383." The year in which the house was built is not known, bat the barn on the same plact was constructed in the forties." SHAKE 1MO TOIR SHOES Alien's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swonen, (martine, nerv ous feet, aud instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the preatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Fool Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure fur Ingrowing Kails, sweating, callous and hot. tired, aching feet. We have over 30.000 testimonials. Trv it todav. Bold bv all druggists and euoo owjim. d, man lur lu eiaiiip3. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen 6. Olmsted, L Koy, N. Y. A novel cure for corns has been tested by L. L. Johnson, a retired mer chant, of Winsted Depot, Conn. For years he had been troubled with corns, and all the remedies he had tried bad failed to give relief. With chisel and mallet he cut off three of the af flicted toes. Nearly all the shoes worn in Japan are made of straw or wood. A Bare Thing. Dr. Plunder's QrgonloodPuriier Horses used for pleasure in Bussia have around their neck a stoat thin cord with a running noose. When the animal starts to ran away, a jerk on the oord stops him like magic, as the horse instantly stops when the cord presses his windpipe. Buffalo, with a population of 400, 000, expended $173,840 on the poor last year. Rochester, with 175,840 people, spent $90,000, while Syracuse, with about 125,000 inhabitants, paid oat more than $200,000. 1 A fabric much lighter than silk, and nearly as strong, is made in Australia from the web of the tarantula. Each of these poisonous spiders yields about 40 yards of filment, and eight of these twisted together form a single thread. The fabric is need for ballons. Sour Stomach "Alar I waa lata to Cry CASCA BBTS, I will sever be etlboat ttitoi lu tbe doom. Mr liver waa la a vary baa ebepe. aat nr head eeaes aaa I bad etomaea trouble. Mow. tinea tak las Gaaoarete. I faal ana. Mr wlfa bat alto ataS these wilt beneSelal tataltt for totr itoaiece." . Joe. Kasauna. wu Congrats at. SI Loait, Me. CANOV CATHARTIC ut Pleasant. Palatable. Fount. Tatta flood, no SouO, Merer Sicken. W eaten, or Gripe, llxu , (De. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... jSurilae Saaatr f naintr. fttoaft. ltUml. Sta Ttrt. til M.Tfl.Rlf! ,a fjiartnteea by all drag-IU-BAW altie 10 C'V'KavroDasoo Habit. tv. attifcJ t i iumi I Bast tuuaa .1 M iama whim ill fits tins. i ixMiaa syrup, 'ratios uooa. use In time. Hold by dnnrtlsts. Cetfl r 1 aLaT SIIEEr ON RESERVE. Reftilatlons Under Which Orating rerroltted-Ne Oraaoa Stork In Washington. It The total number of sheep to be al lowed on the Mount Hunter orcil re sen during the coming season, under the recent order of Secretary Kite coc'c, will be 850,000. This number practically the same as in previous yerrs. Last year 860,000 were allow ed on the reserve. Cattle and horses are, also, to be al Ic wed on the reserve, the number c tttle being limited to 5,500 aud of torses to 1.000. These figures aro tased noon the number of cattle and "jorees that have been estimated as go ma on the reserve heretofore. Each man desiring the privilege of the range mast make an application which, when approved by the deiart ment, will entitle him to a certain part of the reserve. Each permit to grate will contain qualifying clause, which provides that those accepting the permit will pay such charges, per head, for their aniiu als as the secretary of the interior may hereinafter decide. According to pre' vious suggestions and recomnienda tions, the secretary is expected to favor a charge of 2 to 4 cents per head for sheep and 10 to 12 cents per head for cattle and horses. The permits which are to be issued will prohibit Oregon sheep or cattle grazing on the reserves in Washington There has been much complaint regard ing the invasion of Oregon sheep aud cattle in Washington, and it is now the purpose of the department to pre vent such invasion in the future and to reserve the eraxinn lands of Wash ington for the sheep and cattle men of that state. Superintendent Shelter recommended that approximately 850,000 sheep be allowed to graze on the reserve this year. His actual figures were a little leas than the number allowed by the secretary of the interior. Fabulout Wealth. The famons Helena mine, Bohemia district. Lane county, Or., which for a long time was restrained from opera tion through litigation, is now in full operation. The mill was started April 1. The first 30 hours' run produced f 7,000. It was generally known that that the Helena mine was a valuable property, bnt this icmarkable showing goes beyond the anticipations of every body except its owners. Mr. Jennings states that trom the present develop ments they have ore in sight for two years' work, and its value runs - very high. Prairie City Oltttiet. Several rich strikes are reported from Prairie City, the new mining town at the bead of the John Day. Lon Cleaver, er, who is heavily interested in mining property in that section, telephoned his brother, E. E. Cleaver, of Portland, that half a dozen rich strikes have been made three miles from Prairie City. Another rich strike was made on Dixie Potte mountain, six miles from Prairie City, of free gold, which was said to be very rich. The bare particulars of the strikes only were telephoned and no details were given. North watt otee. Hepnner, Or., is building a two mile bicycle path. Spokane is working to secure the Trans-Mississippi congress for 1901. A public park is the next improve ment that is spoken of for Baker City. A Coos bay mill has a million feet of lumber on its wharf, awaiting ship ment. Frnit in Yakima county is reported not to have suffered from the recent frosts. At Lostine, Or., a mill man adver tises "common rough lumber at $3.50 per M." D. B. Hinton ("Uncle Ben") an Ore gon pioneer, died in Crook county the 4th inst., at the age of 60. Spokane expects to take in $20,000 this month and next from saloons. The license is $500 per year. Waterville, Wash., has granted telephone company- the right to erect poles within the town limits. The United States government has let a contract for clearing the timber and brush from land back of Fort Flag ler, as a protection to the fortifications at Marrow stone point against fire. D. H. DeCann, member of the execu tive committes of the State Shingle Association, of Washington, states that the committee has decided to try to or ganize a close-down for two weeks, be ginning April 30. The market for "clears" is strong, but "stars" arl weak, and unless the output is curtail ed a break in the market is feared. N. K. Garvick, a German carpenter, who had $25 in money and a $200 draft in his pockets, started with three tramps to "beat" the railroad from Pendleton to Spokane. They took refuge In a box car, and when not far from Walla Walla Garvick was attack ed by bis companions, who took his watch money and draft, exchanged bis clothes and shoes for poor ones, and then pitched bim from the car. He had a long difficult time reaching Spo kane, and says be bus bad enough tramping. The receipts for the town of Samp ler, Or., for the past two years have' been $10,634 and the disbursements $10,890. The town now claims a pop ulation of more than 4,000. A burning question in Albany, Or.. is whether an ex-poundmaster is keep ing his two dogs with one license. The present poundmaster says his distin guished predecessor is running a thimble game" on him, by claiming that his license receipt is for the dog that gets into the pound. An Ellensburg man has gone to Wal la Walla and secured a contract for furnishing groceries to the penitentiary tor the next six months. Lawrence Olds captured a black bear weighing 400 pounds in a steel trap on the bank of the Tillamook river a few nights ago. Miss Nellie Brown, daughter of Salmon Brown, of Salem, and grand daughter of John Brown, of Osawa tomie, has joined the Salvation Army, and will devote her talent as violinist to that organization. She is 28 vears old. WEEKLY TRADE REVIEWS. Appearance at Irregularity la tha tl Situation, Bradetreeta' says: Backward spring weather conditions have figured con siderably in dlsrtibutiv trade reports this week, and In connection with some weakness in prices of leading slocks have imparted an appeal ance of irregularity to the general sitnation. Another of those downward swings in the prices of agricultural staples is exhibited tills week in slightly lowered prices for the cereals, partly because of the bearish sentiment of immediate supplies and partly because of the bet ter than expected government crop re port, which is takeu to indicate a pos sible winter-wheat yield In excess of all records. Corn and oats have sympathised with the reaction in pork products, which reaction, however, bas not been uni versal, as shown by the fact that lard is at the highest point reached on the present boom. Evidences accumulate that active missionary work in favor of lower prices fur iron aud steel is at last bear ing fruit. The strength of raw sugar is a reflec tion chietly of the fact that a consider able shortage is looked for in the sup plies of cane sugar, not only in Cuba, but in the far East. A slight upward swing in cotton is to be noted this week, and Southern mills have advanced prices. On the other hand, while the mills are active on old orders, new business is reported of smaller volume. Wheat, inluding flour, shipments lor the week aggregate 2,896,653 bushels, against 3,830,936 bushels last week. Business failures for the week num ber 153, as compared with 182 in the United States last week. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Saattla Markata. . Onions, new, $3.25 4.00 per sack. Lettuce, hot house, 45c per doa. Potatoes, new, $17(818. Beets, per sack, 75(d)85c. Turnips, per sack, 60o. Carrots, per sack, 75c. Parsnips, per sack, 75(3 85c. Cauliflower, S5ig90c per dozen. Cabbage, native and California, $1.00(81.25 per 100 pounds. Apples, $1. 25(31.50 per box. Prunes, 60o per box. Bntter Creamery, 22o per ponnd dairy, 17(3 22c; ranch, 17o per pounJ Eggs 15(316o. Cheese Native, 15o. Poultry 13 (3 14c; dressed. 14315c; spring, Jo. Hay Puget Sound timothy, $13.00; choice Eastern Washington timothy tl8.0019.0O Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked. $23; feed meal, $23. Barley Polled or ground, per ton, $20; Hour Fatent, per barrel, $3.25; blended straights, $3.00; California, $3.25; buckwheat Hour, $6.00; gra ham. per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.80(2:4.00. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $13.00 shorts, per ton, $14.00. Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton; middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal, per ton, $30.00. fresh Meats Choice dressed beet steers, 7 3 (3 so; cows, 7c; mutton 8c; pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 8g(3 10c. Hams Large, 13c; small, 13'; breakfast bacon, 12, c; dry salt sides, 8c. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla. 54 (355c Valley, 64c; Bluestem, 5"c per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.00; graham, $2.50; superbne, $2.10 per barrel. Oats Choice white, So 36c; choice grav, 34c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $ 14 14. 60; brewing, $17.00 17.50 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $13 per ton; mid filings, $19; shorts, $15; chop, $14 per ton. Hay Timothy, $9 10; clover, $7(3 7.50; Oregon wild hay, $6(37 per ton, Butter Fancy creamery, 40(2 45c; seconds, 45c; dairy, 3037gc; store, 25(332Kc. Eggs 12o per dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c: Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.50(1 4.50 per dozen; hens, $5.00; springs, $2.50(38.50; geese, $6.60(38.00 (or old; $4 506.50; ducks, $5.50(36.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 10 11c pel pound. ' Potatoes 80 50c per sack; sweets, 2 2 Ho per pound. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 75c; per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cab bage, lo pe? pound; parsnips, 75; onions, S2.508.00; carrots, 50c. Hops 3 (3 8c per pound Wool Valley, 16(gl8o per pound: Eastern Oregon, 10 15c; mohair, 27(3 30c per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethen and ewes, 4 lie; dressed mutton, 7(3 7ic per pound; lambs, $2.50 each. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00; light and feeders, $1.60; dressed, $5.00(36.50 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, $4.00(3 4. 50) cows, $3.504.00; dressed beef, 6 Is g 1o per pound. Veal Large, 6Ji7c; small, 8(3 8J2C per pound. Tallow 5(S5-ic; ho. S and grease, 8 ' 4c per pound. San franeiaeo Markat. Wool Spring Nevada, 13(315opei pound; Eastern Oregon, 12 18c; Val ley, 2022c; Northern, 10(3 12c, Hops 1899 crop, llgl3o pei pound. Butter Fancy creamery 17c; do seconds, 1616c; fancy dairy, 16c; do seconds, 1815c per pound. .Eggs Store, 14c; fancy ranch, 16c. Millstuffs Middlings, $17.00 20.00; bran, $12.60 13.60. Hay Wheat $8.509.60; wheat and oat $6.00(39.00; best barley $5.00(3 00; alfalfa, $5.00(36.60 per ton; straw, 25 40c per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, CO (3 75c; Ore gon Burbanks, 60c (3 $1.00; river Bur banks, 40 (3 70o; Salinas Burbanks, 80c'31.10 per sack. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $2.75(33.25; Mexican limes, $4.00(3 .00; California lemons 75c$1.60; do choice $1.75(32.00 per hox. Tropical I-ruits Bananas, $1.50(3 .50 per bunch; pineapples, nom inal; Persian dates, 626jo per pound. ttarrltna's Moat ra aaaaa Oaoo, "It U doubtful," said sn Indianapolis lawyer the other day, "whether uen. Harrison recalls a certain case which he tried out in Indiana that was more remarkable in Its way than the session of the Venezuelan arbitration. Of the four oouusel only one had ever been heard outside of his own state, and the judge had merely a local reputation, Yet within 12 years one of the quar tette had been elected vice-president ot the United States, another one presi dent, still another Uuited States sena tor, and the judge had risen to the cir cuit bench aud had filled two cabinet post. It was a political case, and each party chose its most famous repre sentative to represent it. Mr. Harrison aided tha United States district attor ney, and Senator David Turpie and Vice-President Thomas A, lloudrlcks appeared for the Democrats. The judge was Walter Q. Gresham, who had been appointed disitict attorney for Iudtana less thuu nine years before." Phila delphia Post. Our Halations to Othara. We are not Kobinson Crusoes, living each one on his own little island alone. There are other people and they are all about us. Their lives touch ours ou many points and their interests inter lace with ours. In seeking to live out our own life to its utmost, we soon be come aware of limitations caused by duties to others. In a sense, the w hole world has its claim upon us; and there is no man, woman or child anywhere whom we are not to consider, to whom we are not a debtor. The law of love to our neighbor leaves nobody out. The wounded man by the wayside, whoever he may be, we must not pass by. This relation to others is one which must be considered in every true life. We may not think of self only, ignoring the whule world and devoting all our thought and energy to the culture of our own character, the making of our own career. rorwaid. Sorry Now He Wat llonatt. Master Yes, bovs. "Houesty is the best policy." It will surely bring its reward. 1 am glad to have a good ex ample of honesty among your own number. William Williams, stand up. W. W. rises. "Now, William, when I was coming to school this morning I happened to drop a quarter out ot my pocket with out the slightest knowledge of the fact, and you, like an honest boy, returned it to me. Tell the boys what prompted you to do such an act when you might have kept it for yourself." W. W. Please, I thought it was a bad'un. Stray Stories. Called Ula Bluff. One of the boys was bragging of his mauifold accomplishments, until one of the company at the round table lost patience and said, in a gruff voice: "Now, we've heard enough about what yon can do. Come, toll us what there is you can't do, and I'll nuder talte to do it myself." "Well," replied the student, with a yawn, "I can't pay my account here. So glad to find you're the man to do it." Collier's Weekly. He Was Too Dark. Photographer Is there any partic ular way in which yon would like to be taken? Negro Yes, sah. If there's no de tention, I'd like to be taken in light cream color. Tit-Bits. Millions for Kaiaball. A million of dollars are spent every year upon the gams of baseball, but large as tint sum is, it cannut begin to equal the amount spent by people in search of health. There is a sure method iif ohtaining strength, and it la not a cn-tly one. We urge triune who have spent much and lost hope to try lloftetter's btomach Hitters. It strengthens the stomach, makes digest ion eaxy and natural, and cures dvtpepoia, constipation, biliousness aud weak kid neys, A couple of talking machines occu pied the pulpit of Zion tabernacle, Chicago, on a recent Sabbath. Through them the Rev. John A. Dowie conducted services and preached, gave out the hymns, etc., although he was several miles distant, resting himself at White Lake, Mich. His voice wat dis tinctly heard all over the church, HOW'S TIIIS? Ws offer One Hnndred Dollars Reward for ny ease of Catarrh that can not bo curaU hf lialfs Catarrh Cure. . F. 1. CHENEY CO., rropt., TOIMO, o. Wa the undertitned. have known F.J.Chener for the natt 16 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all biistu as trauiaetloiis and fin ancially able to carry out aoy obligation bjr tueir urin. W hoienalo Imnerrists, Toledo, O. WiLBiNO, Kinnam A Marvin, Vt noletale Drug-latt, Toledo, O. Etll'lCatarrb Cure It t: ken. nt -rnallv. acting (Tirectiyon tbe blood and mucous surfacaa 01 thoyt- rn. Frl e "5c per bo- tie. bold by ail drugclsts. TettlmonUlt tree. iiau mamur run r tu - uetb A St. Petersburg paper has tbe fol lowing interesting item concerning ra tions in the British army: "The Kng lish have plenty of food for their sol diers, but, like the Malays, they feed their men on tiger's flesh to make them more courageous and bloodthirsty." Ernest Carhart, a barber in the min ing camp of Chemung, Idaho, after re moving the beard of a customer, recog nized bim s Christopher Manning, who had obtained his wife's affections years before, in Uresnen, Me. Tbe barber procured a pistol and shot Man ning dead as he sat in the chair. Spring Humors of the Blood Come to a certain percentage of all the people. Probably 75 per cent, of these people are cured every year by Hood's Barsaparilla, and we hope by this adver tisement to get tbe other 25 per cent, to take Hood's Barsaparilla. It has made more people well, effected more wonderful cures than any other medicine in the world. Its strength as a blood purifier is demonstrated by its marvelous cures of Scrofula Salt Rheum Scale Head Bolls, Pimples All kind of Humor Psoriasis Blood Folsonlng Rheumatism Catanh Malaria, Etc AH of which are prevalent at this season. Vou need Hood's Barsaparilla now. It will do you wonderful good. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Blood Medicine. FAIR 1M1EI1 SPEAK. Pe-ru-na Works Wonders for the Gentler Sex in Catarrhal Ailments. - - . Ami i - A VRX MRS. COLONEL HAMILTON. That Pe-ru-na has become a house hold remedy in the home of Mrs. Col onel Hamilton is well attested by a letter trom ber, which says: "I can give my testimony as to the merits of yonr remedy, Pe-ru-na. I nave been taking the same for some time, and am enjoying better health now than I have for some years. I attribute the change to Pe-ru-na, and recommend Pe-ru-na to every woman, believing it to be especially beneficial to them." Mrs. Hamilton's residence is 269 Goodale street, Columbus, Ohio. Mrs. Margar etha Danben.No. 1214 North Su perior street, Ra cine City, Wis., says: "I feel so well and good aud healthful now that pen cannot describe it. Pe-ru-na Is everything to me. I feel healthy and well, but if i should be sick I would know what to take. I have taken sev eral bottles for female complaint. I am in the change of life aud it does me good." Have you catarrh of the head, throat, langs, stomach or any other organ of the body? If so, writ to Dr. Hart man at once. He will send you direc tions for treatment without -charge. Address Dr. Hartman, Columbus, O. Jerome K. Jerome declares the be ginning of his good fortune was when the inundation of his father's mines at Cannon Chase, Kngland, sent him out into the world in search of work. Mothers will find Mrs. W Intlow't (tooth ing Hvrnp ths best remedy to use for their ohtldreu during ths teething pariud. The emperor of Germany is collect ing playing cards. He bas examples of some of the earliest known, and speci mens from every country in the world where tbey are in common use, Piso's Cure for Consumption Is sn In fallible medicine for coughs and colds N. W. Hamusl, Ocean Prove. N. J. Feb, 17, 190(1. In Waukegon, Wis., there Is an old church which for 88 years has been without a steeple. A storm struck the steeple in 1862 and it fell upon an ad joining house, wrecking it The owner of the house obtained an injunction re straining tbe church trustees from reeling snower spue. Rcalt th river Irremlarlir kills. Al the Ant ilira take Tat - earett Candy Cathartic. Keep a box htinly at home; In your pocket, In jour detk. All drug- tlttt.iuo.ioc.wc. A Newark bride, after her return from the honevmoon. rjersuaded hor husband to accompany her to church. He bad not been in church for 10 years, and he reluctantly consented. Imagine the bride's humor when she saw him enter the pew with a cigar in his mouin, ai wnion ne was contentedly pulling. The death of James Parson, of Dev onshire, England, is announced. He was known as "The Singing Machine" because he had memorized and could sing about 4,000 songs. One evening he made and won a bet that he could go on singing until daylight without repeating any song. We wish to call the attention of oar readers to the particular merits of "Five Drops," an actual care for rheu matism, manufactured by the Hwanson Kheumatio Cure Co., 160 Lake street, usJh Americans in Africa today, and has been the means of alaying much pain and distress on both aides. There is no better remedy, no tnrer cure for those who are troubled with rheuma tism. Sample bottle 10 cents. Write for it today A gigantio mushroom, weighing three pounds, was recently found in Bonoma county, Cal. The top was 40 inches in circumference, and the stem 11 lnohes long and two Inches thick. Competent authorities state that South America bas greater undeveloped resources than any other section of the world. Any crop grown elsewhere can be duplicated there, and the country abounds in mines of coal, silver and gold, most of which have only been slightly developed. Squirrels are numeros in Madison, Wis. They are so tame that they sit on the park benches besides the human sojourners, and they aro often seen dodging the trolly cars. There is an unwritten , law that they mnst not be harmed by any one, and even the boys respect this law. em aa J. J' lu .. "A W II MIS3 ANNIE WYANDOTTE. Miss Annie Wyandotte, queen ot the operatic stage and dramatic soprano, says: "Fifteeuth St. and Jackson ave., Kansas City, Mo. "Dr. Hartman: "Dear Sir Pe-rn-na has been my salvation. It has given me back a beautiful voice, a gift of Hod; It has brought me once more to my old pro fession. I can talk now, and slug, where before, I could scarcely whisper. Can you wonder at my delight? I with every person who is suffering as I suf fered might know Pe-ru-na. Only those who have been afflicted can ever know the intense satisfaction and grati tude that comes with a complete cure. My voice was completely gone. April lft I felt so elated over the restoration of my voice that 1 Inserted an adver tisement in The Stur (or vocal pupils. The advertisement, which coot me 05 cents, brought me live pupils, and that was the neginulng of my proaeut large class. Yours gratetull, Annie Wyandotte." A congestion, inflamation or ulcera tion of the mucous membrane, whether of the head, stomach, kidneys, or other organ, Is known to the medical profes sion as catarrh, It is known by differ ent names, sucb as dyspepsia, Hright's dlseass, female complaint, diarrhoea, bronchitis, consumption and a host ol other names. Wherever there is a con gested mucous membrane there is catarrh, acute or chronic. Art the best that can be made. Nothing is or can be superior to a Mitchell Wagon, because it Is made of the best material- by experienced workmen which, cou pled with 65 years experience In build ing wagons, during which time the nun ufaclurers have had but on aim, and that to product the best pottible to build. is a guarantee of quality. If you buy a Mitchell Vigon, you get the best that can be nude. AGENTS EVERYWHERE. If none In your vicinity, wt will ten to you direct. Send for circular. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. PORTLAND, ORECON. Branches at Spokane, Seattle, Salem, McMlnnvllle, Medtord and La Qrande. Mention this paper. - . - - am . .. - u , imbt, 1 " In 5 lb. papr packages, made raadjr lor Bas to ; blte sod fourteen beautiful tints br mlilnf I ... , .. . ,, ... , through a process of totting, hardens with a at, .audeaobeeoaiadandrecoated without washing off 11s old coats before renewing, ALABASTIflE Is entirely different from all th ' i,d oath, well with sloe, alobt.tioe euttomers should intltt on hating the goods la packages properly It be lad. They should reject all Imitations. There it nothing "Jott at good." ALABASTINE P reran te much sickness, particularly throat and lnng difficulties, attributable to unsanitary coatings on walls. It baa beta recommended In a paper published by ths Mlchlfsa Bute Board of Health 00 account of Its unitary J natures; which paper strongly condemned lalaonilnea. Alabastina can ba naml on either plastered walla, wood ealliuga, brirk orcanvae, and any one can brush it on. It admits of radi cal changes from wall paper decorations, time aecnrlna at reasonable exnensa the iataat anrf beat effaeta. Alabattina la manufactured by this Instructive and interesting booklet mailed free to all applicants. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... XAWUFAOTDUD T ... CALIFORNIA Fid SYRUP CO. tar-note mm nam a. Artlclm of averr dt'tu'tiptlon swlwi. i bjr niireritMM'M llyn. forwunlrit by 111 fat) or u,nn. Correijjotideucv to licittxl Arid TRIM LADIES' PURCHISIM 1CEMCY, 4SS Morrison Street, Portland, Ongon, -' 1 1 v "nrf7 ftSTOHtR. UIIITI on. GUiviirSuv pills ONI WOn A DOSC. Care flick ReadaebesaSDra peotlt, II, mora flsipiat, Partly tha Blood. Aid llltrl lion, I'revtot Bllloutnait. IMnot Orlpe or Slckea. To J?i'J"-r; L"! !'!1 nm' 1 serapie freei full bos, 1B. fan. OSANKO CO., nutariakla, ft. S14liy trtssUl nil MI88 OLABA STOECKEE. j Miss Clara t-'toerkur says: "I had chronic catarrh fr over a year. I tried many remedltts, but found no re lief until I saw an advurtianmeut In the paper of your Iron linen t fur ehmulo catarrh. I trl. d It and I think I am now well, I recommend Pe-ru-na to all my frleuds who are afflicted with catarrh, " Miss Stoeuker lives at Pitts burg, Pa. Mrs. Mar paretb Frits, W 1 1 0 o 1 , Oklaho 111 a, writes: "I e x tend my sincere thanks fur the good ad vice you have given me. 1 do not Initiate I would be living now if it were not fur you. 1 had suffered with flow of blood for four mouths, auil the doctors could holp ma but little. They operated un me three times. It was very painful aud 1 ouly obtained little relief. 1 was so weak I could not turn lu bed Then 1 ap plied to Dr. Hartman. I did not know whether be could help me or not, but I followed his advlre, and used ouly three bottles of Pu-ru-na and Mau-a-llu. Now 1 am well aud strong as 1 ever was, thanks to your remedies." Pelvio catarrh has become to (requent that most women are more or leas afflicted with It. It is usually called female disease. WAGONS PORTLAND DIRECTORY. Peitee and Wire M orat. I'OIITMNI. WIIIK A 1IKIN WOI1KH; WIKR ami trim lencinsi oftn-e railliiif.eiu. t-UAIder. Slaalilitary aiitl rMll-t. CaWKI'ON A (rfl.i KNdlNKH, MWI KItH. MA eliiatry, tnppliM. 4 M Mitirit., I'miiaiid.Or. JOHN POOLE, Pnim.An, Oatnog. can give you tha beat bargalni In general machinery, engines, holier, taukt, pumps, plows, belts and windmills. The new sirrl t X I, windmill, told by him, Is un equalled. BAD SPRING BLOOD Reatilret tome sort of a Ionic that ch ant ont the impurities. Out thai leally diart this and more -It nnn. f ). Dnntodv ,w fc " ivwvt.n-u svvissvw And does it thoroughly, Pleasant 10 lake. I.V at your druggist's. BUFFALO PITTS OOL M A N Iff F A OT U 1 1 K Itft Of New Double Cylinder Karin I.oen- lliotlvet and Threshing Machinery Write for C'alslriKiie. 30 at. Vauililll Mt., I'Oll I I. ANI, OK. (Mention this auer. YOUNG MEN! fnr Ooii'irrhisaa anr t Jlwt srtH Plt'a kr Bpnolllo. H Is tit ONLY riiftllrin wtiMi will eui wu-il nrt avert mam. Ho f'AHK known it has aver felled to curt, no tnttr how pf-louf or ut how tuny ftUndinff. Hctwtw fr.-m lu un win maUmitb y-n. It 1 Aln.iiflr prmrntm atrtt-tu re, wiit ran taken wHItmu moon' nirnnr sv.fi (ctntlo!i fn.tn tmaliine. 1'Itli K. 3 K( to.) by ml nliKtl0 dniirtTMa, or twnl nrapftid bjr upr piminiy wppj4. on r it ot itriro, by ... CU-toW mll4Ml orn ramtmak. CURE YOURSELF I I'm HI 4s! fur onnnftir! fllrCtlsVr.'i,lH(timiHltllOllsJ. Irrltatlona ot ul'-rratlouf lt (t iirlsun. Ot miltioui mrninr.i. rn'MH itesjuaUsi. ralnlnM. and not aiUin- IrHUvuiOHfW'OM Oo. fiiiorioiouuu. mil at? nrariau or ami In plain by aiprtnift, tr 4 1 00, or a tottlf Circular mt oi ir twnl In fIatn wrafipnr. m, I'rttpsUii, iust ttnttlfffl, i.75. on rHUMSt if; w"I""7ih?5 PENSION BICKFOSii. Wtihlnaton. u C. limy will n celveoulck reiillea. M. nth S. II. Vol". HttH ailli Corns. lToteculliig claims since IS7S. N. P. N. If. No. IT-1 WOO. WHIN wrltlnat to advertisers nuntloa tills payer. tMMta.? f Jf it 1 1 i tra j Jif ar Bimuim, VI aa C3 nioiTi.o.r,Bl