, JV .-M fit M emem u-uaiiLsuucJUuu RcntetSoo Far disorders of tha feminine organs hava gained thoir groat ronowm mad enormous amis be cause of the permanent good they have done and are doing for the women of this country, tt all ailing or suffer ing women oould be mads to understand how ab solutely true are tho statements about Lydta Em Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, their suffer ings would and, Rlrs, Pinkham oounseSs women free of charge. Her address Is Lynn, MSass, Tha advloo she give a la praotloal and honest. You osn writs freely to herf she Is a wo- TikM Literally. It wu only playfully that he re ferred to her husband aa "a regulai beatben." bnt it is alwayi well to label aucb remarks when made in the prea ence of children. The little one who overheard tliia re mark trot ted "away to Sunday school mruediately thereafter, and in some way the subject of attendance at church came up in the class that day. "My papa doesn't go," volunteered the little one. "Nj?" returned the teacher inquir ingly. "Oh, no. He's a heathen, you know." Chicago Post. SHAKE INTO YOTK SHOES Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cum painful, swollen, smarting, nerv ous feet, aud instantly takes tne Ming out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot Ease makes light or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for Ingrowing Nails, sweating, callous and hot. tired, aching feet. We have over 30.n00 testimonials. Tr it today. Bold bv all druggists and shoe stores. Pv mail for Sic. in damps. Trial package VRKE. Address, Allen 3. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. A Probable Result. A skit What will be the result ol tbe Kansas editors and preachers changing; places? Tellit The people will put pump kins in the contribution plates and pay subscriptions in suspender buttons. Baltimore American. Danerons Place. In Kentucky they shoot men for the possession of the office of governor. In Chicago, says the Times-Herald, of that city, they shoot men for street car transfers which retail at three cents each. - Bnden-Powell't Joke. The officers of the Mafeking garrison were at mess and what a mess I "Cheer up, lade," remarked Colonel Baden-Powell, taking his second help ing of mule steak. "We might be worse off." "Indeed? I can't imagine it." growled the dyspeptio major. "Well, just fancy our diet if the au tomobile had been introduced here." Collier's Weekly. One thousand bricks made by ma chine take 13.5 minutes, instead of two hours and four minutes when made by hand. As a rule, most criminals have lagre ars. An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effect of the well known remedy, ttraur or Flos, manufactured by the Califokhza Fio Syrup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from very objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fie Smut Co. only. In order to get its beDeficia effects and to avoid imitations, picas remember the full name of theCompanj printed on the front of every package CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AM FBAVCISCO. CAI 1-OtrISVII.I.l!, IT. TOXX, V. T. For sale by all Druggists. Price SOc. pcrbottli pPfunder--' I I M Coawk a7rup.Ta.uje Uood. Cee t I f I In time. Sola or druea-tala. ( B a- 'i:''.i rrry w eye.- -yww ""' I . ,i ... .I.MniHii 1 'I - " .4 LIVESTOCK IN CITIES A Special Ennmerntlon of Domestl ' Anlannla Sot Found en Farias OT Baa gee. Ia ths coming census a special enu mention will be made of the nuiubo and value of livestock not found on farms and ranges. The preparation in tha oenaus office of this supplement' ary schedule, calls to mind the enorui ous importance of the livestock inter sts of the country. Statistics of livestock heretofore have been verv incomnlete. because no enumeration is made in cities and vil lages. We obtain leliable estimates of the stock on farms and ranges, but the horses and other animals in street-car, express, livery and other city stables go uncounted. This defect has made trustworthy calculations about the sources of future supply and the prob able increase of cattle aud sheep, who I ly impossible. The agricultural department make estimates of the live stock of the conn try, but these are also confined to stork on the farms and ranges. Moreover their count is made at a time of the rear January at which there are but few young animals on hand. The cen sus enumeration will refer to June 1, and in consequence will include most of the young born in 1900. The ani mals will be classified by ages, and the result of the June enumeration will be as representative a picture of the stock of the country as can be secured. Tha Gold King. The Gold King Mining & Milling Company, of Seattle, is a newly inoor porated organization which the luoor porators and stockholders are confident of bringing to the front during the coming season. These properties are located in the verv heart of the Index mining district, adjoining the Copper Vault, upon which the important strike was made a short time since. Active work is soon to be commenced upon these properties with the idea of bringing them to a producing basis as rapidly as possible. Monte Chrlate Mining. . Perhaps the greatest revival in min ing and milling which Western Wash ington has experiecned in many years ia soon to be inaugurated in the justly famous Monte Cristo mining district By June 15 trains will be running to Monte Cristo and the many valuable properties which were forced to sus pend operation after transportation was shut off bv reason of the washout of the . & M. C. railroad will again resume active work with an increased force of men. Index Waking Vp. Considerable activity is manifest in mining circles at Index, Wash. t-up- plies are coming in daily for the various mining properties; new developments are in progress, while workings that were closed on acconnt of the approach of winter last year are starting up again, or preparing to start. Many a cabin, throughout the various camps, that has presented a deserted and lone some appearance for four months past now exhibits signs of life; smoke is issuing from the pipe in the roof; a do; sits at one entrance; some one is chop ping wood nearby or repairing or en Urging the log structure. A new tent shows on some hitherto untenanted hill side, while a curl of blue smoke aris ing from the vicinity betrays the pres ence of a camp fire. Tiny specks of light can be distinguished again in the hills on either hand as one travels over the Bkykomish valley trail by night; the tide of travel ia increasing, while pack animals are again in demand; in fact, everything tells of the return of spring in this growing copper camp. Northwest Notes. Many new orchards are being set in the Kittitas valley this spring. A French draft horse, valued at $3,000, died last week at Tule lake, Or., of colic. R. G. Robinson, a Wheeler county, Or., stockman, has sold SO 2-yeai-old steers at $28 per head. W. R. Mascall, a Grant county sheepman, ia reported to have suffered the loss of 500 head from poison. Wheat is already heading in the Walla Walla valley, with every promise for the biggest crop ever harvested there. Seveial papers of the state not only urge voters to register, but ask their subscribers to "see that your neighbors do likewise." Ban Juan county, Wash., has paid all its expenses and has a balance of $496.66 in the treasury as a contingent fund. Wenatchee valley has been'visited by heavy frosts the past few nights, great ly to the disappointment of the gar deners. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. TJllery, of Wenatchee, Wash., was fatally hurt by being stepped on by a horse s few days ago. Medford, Or., boasts the establish ment of a cigar factory. It employs young women, and expects them to turn out 20,000 cigara weekly. The project of (applying electric power and light at Cheney from Spok ane Falls, 16 miles away, is under con sideration by the proprietors of the water power. The cost to Spokane county of pun ishing George Webster for the runnier of Mrs. Aspland was $2,139.20. This included $438 for three years' board in the county jail, and $896.90 for exe cution expenses. Herbert Shaw, of the government fish hatchery at Baker lake. Wash., says the hatchery has already turned out 12,000,000 sockeye salmon fry, and about 6,000,000 will be liberated before the season ia over. About 60,000 steel bead trout will also be hatched. It is reported that there is an organ ized movement back of the steady im migration to Washington from British Columbia of Japanese pauper laborers. l or volation of the pauper alien law, 21 in all have been arrested. The hint four of these were taken off the steamer George E. Starr. Jacob Wortman, of McMinnville, Or., ran steamboats between Oregon City and Corvallis from 1857 to 18H5, among them being the Oregon, Klk, Onward and Surprise, the fare being $30. Last week he made bis first triu over the route in 86 years. SPRING TRADE SITUATION. revocable Weather Brings aa Improved lietall Distribution. Bradstreet't aaya: Favorable features continue in the majority in the general trade situation. Tha hope for tha ad vent for seasonable spring weather have been realised, and nearly all mar kets report an improved distribution at retail This, as explained heretofore is really the key of the general mer chandise situation. The industrial sit nation ia a rather spotted one. April 1, instead of May 1, aeems to have been fixed upon aa a data for presenting new demands as to wages and hours. Wheat crop advices are on the whole favorable except from the Central West. Sympathy is shown with corn, which in turu has been influenced by the steady advance in hog products and by the known smallnesa of reserves in cribs and in store. Cotton goods are seasonably quiet at first hands, but a fair jobbing business ia doing, aud retail distribution is en contagiug. Wool is on the whole weaker, but reports from the woolen goods branch are quit favorable. Cancellations reported are the smalltwt thore is record of. Lumber has shown some weakness, a widely separated market this week pointing to not alto gether satisfactory outlook in the build ing trades, whether because of heavy advances in prices or ot unsettled la bor conditions. Wheat (including flour) shipments for the week aggregate 8,864,963 bush els, against 3,962,349 lust week. Business failures in the United States for the week number 182, as compared with 178 last week. For the first quarter of the year, failures are fever in number than in 1899, and liabilities are 7 per cent smaller. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Seattle Markets. Onions, new, $3.00(t 2. 75 per sack. Lettuce,- hot house, 45c per doa. 1'otatoee, new, $17(318. Beets, per sack, 75(3 85c. Turnips, per sack, 6 Co. Carrots, per sack, 75c. Parsnips, per sack, 75 (S 85c. Cauliflower, 75c$l per dozen. Cabbage, native and California, 1.003 1.25 per 100 pounds. Apples, 11.25(3 1-50 per box. Prunes, 60o per box. Butter Creamery, 25o per pound; dairy, 17(3 22c; ranch, 17o per pound Eggs 15f316o. Cheese Native, 15o. Poultry 13 ($ 14c; dressed. 14015c; spring, $5. Hay Puget Sound timothy, $12.00; choice Eastern Washington timothy, $18.00(319.00 Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23; feed meal, $23. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $20; Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.25; blended straights, $3.00; California, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; gra ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat Hour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.80(34.00. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $13.00; shorts, per ton, $14.00. Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton; middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal, per ton, $30.00. Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef steers, 7'38c; cows, 7c; mutton 8o; pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, BX3 10c. Hams Large, 13c; small, 18V; breakfast bacon, 12c; dry salt sides. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla. 64355c; Valley, 64c; Bluestem, 57c per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.00; graham, $2.50; superfine, $2.10 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 35 36c; choice gTay, 34c per bushel. Barley teed barley, $14(314.50; brewing, $17.00(317.50 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $13 per ton; mid dlings, $19; shorts, $16; chop, $14 per ton. Hay Timothy, $9 10; clover, $7 (3 7.50; Oregon wild hay, $6(37 per ton. Butter fancy creamery, 40 (3 45c; seconds, 40c; dairy, 30(337)so; store, 25(332ic. Eggs 11 Mc per dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c; Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.60(3 4.50 per dozen; hens, $5.00; springs, $2.50(33.50; geese, $6.60(48.00 for old; $4.50(36.50; ducks, $5.60(36.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 0lle per pound. Potatoes 40 50c per sack; sweets, S2Jio per pound. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 75c; per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab bage, lc per pound; parsnips, 75; onions, $2.503.00; carrots, 60o, Hops 3 (g 8c per pound Wool Valley, 16(3 18c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 10(3 15c; mohair, 27(3 80c per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 4''4c; dressed mutton, 7(3 io pr pound; lain be, $2.50 each. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $6.00; light and feeders, $4.50; dressed, 5.00(36.50 per 100 ponnds. Beef Gross, top steers, $4.00(34.50; cows, $3.504.00; dressed beef, X3 o per pound. Veal Large, 6si74c, small, 8(3 Kc per pound.' Tallow 5(35c; No. 2 and grease, 'i$ic per pound. San &ranelsea. Market Wool Spring Nevada, 13 (3 15c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 12(8 16c; Val ley, 20 (g 22c; Northern, 10(3 12c. Hops 1899 crop, ll18o per pound. Butter rancy creamery 17c: do seconds, 1616Kc; fancy dairy, 16c; do seconds, 1315o per pound. Eggs Store, 14c; fancy ranch, 16Jc. Millstuffs Middlings, $17.00 (3 20.00; bran, $12.60(313.50. Hay Wheat $6.60(3 9.50; wheat and oat $8.00(39.00; best barley $6.00(3 .00; alfalfa, $6.00(36.50 per ton; straw, 2640o per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, 60(375cj Ore gon Bnrbanks, 60c $1.00; river Bur- banks, 40 (g 70c; Salinas Burbanks, 80c(31.10 per sack. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $2.76(33.25; Mexican limes, $4.00 9 00; California lemons 75c3$1.60; do choice $1.76(32.00 per box. Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.60(3 .60 per bunch; pineapple, nom inal; Persian dates, l&tOt'o per pound. .OST A REWARD BY SNEEZING. lard Luck of a Detective Who Was la Biaht of a Fortune. While tha detectives were sitting round the office, waiting for the ser vant to Issue assignment tod msk tlls, one of the men, an old sleuth, those hair baa grown white shadow Bg criminals, suddenly gave a loud neese that mad the incandescent Ighta vibrate. "Great stain," exclaimed one of the vunger brood, "you are the most tx-lferou sneeter i ever heard." "Yea, and let me tell you something, oft," replied the old detective, "that neete of mine once cost me $10,000." The expressions of lucredullty upon he faces of his hearer caused the old letective to tell tha story of the costly neese. "Maybe some of you remember," ha aid, "about the police In Atlanta being totlrled back In the '80 of two bank obber heading this way. They bad obbed a bank In the East, aud the re tort was they were coming to Atlanta o meet and divide the apolls, having parated after the robbery to avoid usplclon. I was detailed to work on he case, and It wasn't many day be ore I had spotted a suspicious stranger topping at a boardlng-hous in the ity. I kept a close watch on him and few days later another suspicious haracter turned up and went to the ame house to board. I knew. the men vere only suspected, and that to secure ivldence upou which to convict them would have to see them together vhen they divided the money or hear hem discuss their plans when they bought themselves unnoticed." The story was getting Interesting, for he "boy" In the detective office knew hat no matter how much tbe old sleuth tooled other people he never went back n the "profesh." So I arranged with the landlady of he board-bouse," continued the old de- cctlve, "to lock me me up the closet tpenlug Into tbe room which my bird coupled. I was afraid not to have the ioset locked, because tbe fellows might tave pried around aud opened the Ioset to be sure they were alone. 1 as to stay In the locked closet until he men held their meeting, aud toon as they left the landlady was to lurry Into tbe room and release me. die rest would have txHn plaue sailing. iVell, the fellow met. and I was In the closet all right I heard them talk ibout how they bad worked the rob ery aud discuss the division of the noney. Then at a most critical moment : felt that I was going to sneeze. I did tverytuliig In my power to keep tbe ineeze down, but the dust In the closet lad got In It work and I gave one of ny regulation sneezes, greatly IntensI led because I had attempted to aup rets It. The Jig was up. I beard two uen fleeing down tbe steps. I knocked n the door and tbe landlady let me ut after what I thought was an Inter nlnable wait The men escaped from lie city, and so far aa ( know wer lever caught There wa a reward ot 110,000 for them."-Atlanta Conatltu lon. Clara Barton Is preparing materials for an autobiography. William Le Queux has finished a nor- fl called "In White Raiment" "Out of the Past" by Eleanor Hooper Scryell, la published by Street dt Smith. "Stephen, the Black." by Caroline II. Peuiberton, la a tragic story based on 4the color Hue." Longmans, Green & Co. have recent y Issued a volume by Walter Henie Pollock, called "Jane Austen, Her Con lemporarles, and Herself." Elder Haggard's "Jes" I having a fresh boom since the breaking out of tbe war wttb the Boers, say W. L. alden in his London literary letter to the Time. Albert Lee, the English novelist, whose "Key of the Holy House" proved to successful, baa written another itrlklng historical romance called "Tbs Seutleman Pensioner," which Is to b published Immediately by D. Appleton fc Co. Tbe Century Company Is printing arge new edition of "Hugh Wynne." The steadiness with which Dr. Weir Mitchell's romance of the American revolution continue to sell after It ha been for more than two years on th market indicates that It 1 likely to becctne a permanent addition to histo rical fiction. Say a writer: "With regard to Blackmore's masterpiece, 'Lorn Doone,' It Is Interesting to note from what slight materials be wove a de lightful and realistic romance, which reads almost like a historical novel. Some years ago I was engaged In extra- Illustrating and interleaving a copy of t'jls most deservedly popular tale and ( was able to find but little actual his toiy of the Doone of Bagwortby. Cu riously enough, I lighted among some aid number of the Leisure Hour, on story entitled The Doone of Ex- moor,' and a commonplace story It was, which, although It contained many of tho name since made familiar by Blackmore (It was published lomi years before 'Lorn a Doone'), had no re semblance to tbe great romance of Ex moor In the smallest degree. On what tradition It was founded I was unable to discover. Mr. Blackmore assured me that be bad never heard of or seen It, and with regard to tbe history of that last survival of a banditti In En-I llund, the Doone, be wrote: 'I do not know of any written history of th Doone and do not think that there It sny such. Occasional notices are, I be-1 llevc, to be found In some local guld' books, although I have not searched them. I batre never seen tbe tale In tbe Leisure Hour of which you speak. I I have seen somewhere a tale founded ! on tbe murder of the old squire of th ' Doones. This may be the one you re fer to.' It would eem, therefore, that Mr. Blackmore' imagination could have nothing more on which to work than such oral tradition a his school day at Tiverton doubtless mod bin) familiar with." teUat of tratetr. Wife George, are you going to the club tonight? Husband Yi, ray love. I really don't oar to go, but it la an Important meeting, and it would hardly do for in to absent myself. "What thus do you expect to return home?" "By 11 o'clock at th latest." "Wall, on your way just stop for m at th Woman' Twentieth Ceutury club, on Keener street; I'll be aur to wait for you." Richmond Dispatch. Th aeorets of rianets Kovealod. Th immense teleeoop which is now In process of construction is expected to bring the moou within a mile's eyesight of this world, and l reveal the secrets of all plan ets. It may cauae as great a change in the world's thought as Hosteller's Stomach Diners does in th physical condition of stitlerers from dvnpenaia, constipation, liver or kidney trouble. The llittcrs strengthen the entire system, and also pre vents malaria, fever and ague. Try it, The calamander tree of Ceylon, al lied to tli ebouy family, and represent ed by only 90 specimens, is credited with he very rarest wood. The true is carefully protected. A St. Louis woman was asked how she managed her husliaud: "Feed him well aud trust to luck," was her answer. Let as help the fallen, still, though tbav novae nav dr. aud let us lend. ! without exacting th usury of grati tude. , ANOTHER FAST TRAIN. Th Rio Grande Western Railway "The Great Salt Lak Route," has re sumed its fast train service to the East, making the run from Portland to Chi cago in three days and a half. No lay over is necessary, and only one change of cars is made. Those who desire it have the privilege, however, of a day light stopover either at Salt Lake City or Denver. Three daily express train are ran, leaving Ogden, Utah, at 7: 15 a. m and 1:15 and 7 p. m.. The morn ing train carries a through standard sleeper to Chicago, via the Burlington Route, and th night train one via the Chicago, Hock Islund ds Pacific Kail' way. The toiirlut sleepers aud chair cars run daily as formerly through from Portland to Denver. Twice a week tourist excursion cars ar run through from Portland to Boston. All train carry dining cars, making the trip across the continent, via "The Great Salt Lake Route," most desira ble. The Rio Grande Western Railway is the only road running thiotigh Salt Lake City, and with its connections the Denver & Rio Grand and the Col orado Midland takes the passenger through the famous Rocky mouutain scenery of Colorado. For rates and all other Information, address J. D. MANSFIELD, General Agout, 253 Washington St., Portland, Oregou. Gon. Miles keeps up bis good horse manship by constant practice. Wher ever h may be or whatever the weath er, a morning never passe but be take a brisk ride. Oregon Christian Kndeavor Convention. The Oregon Christian Endeavor con vention will be held at Albany, May 25-27. John O. Wool ley, the great temperance orator, will a. Id rem the convention on Sunday, the 27th. Tbe famous Tissnt pictures of the "Life of Christ" will be given by stereopticon Saturday evening. Railroads have made usual reduced rates. Committees are actively engaged in making all necessary preparations. They expect a splendid convention aud a large number of delegate from all over the state. Tbe total catch of seals by Canadian sealing vessels during the past seamm was 84,344, as compared with a total for the preceding year of 28,652. Never sicken, Weaken or Gripe. A constipation enre that pleases your palate, pleaM-s yuur stomach, pleases yonr pfM-ketuonK Cancarets Caudy Cathartic, brugslsu, luc, 24c, UK. Physicians in Springfield, Mass., have agreed not to make ouutract with any society to furnish ruedcal attend ance. A HINT FOR SPRING. When Housekeepers Are Brightening the Interiors of Their Homes. Now that the backbone of this re markable winter is broken, housekeep era are remarking the dingy look of the home interior. The question of new wall coverings is up. Paer is dear ami short lived; kalsominea are dirty and scaly; paint is costly. The use of such a cement as Alabasline, for instance, will solve the problem. This admirable wall coating is clean, pure and wholesome. It cau be put on with no trouble by anyone; there is choice of many beautiful tints; aud it is long lasting. Tbe tonio qnalities of sea air are at tributed by a French chemist to a third of a grain of salt per entile yard and a trace of iodine that he found by analysis to be present. Drs. Thelmult and f-iappetior, two Parisian physicians, have discovered an anti-alcoholic serum. A few doses of it causes an unconquerable disgust for all alcoholic stimulants. I a I spring Medicine There's noseaion when K"od med icine is so much needed aa in Spring, and there's no iiifiliclue which dues so much K'X'd In Hpring us Hood's 8arsaparilla. In diet, Hpring Medi rine is another name for Hood's Hur sspurilla. Do not delay taking it. Don't put It oft till your heulth tone gets too low to be lifted, Hood's Sarsaparilla Will give you a good appetite, purify aud enrich your blood.overcotne that tired feeling, give you mental and digestive strength aud steady nerves, lie sure to ask for HOOD'S, and be sure that yisn get Hood's, the best medicine monty can buy. (let a bot tle TODAY. Alldruggists. I'rlccf 1. Ills Ambition. Minister Well, JohnnU, what do you propose to make ol yTJurslf wbn . you grow up to ti a ninnr Jobnule (thoughtfully) WH, I don't kuow sure, but I hav ben think- lng lately that 1 should like to 1 dog-catcher. BomervllU Journal. I Carter's Ink. flood Ink Is a necstslly fur good writing, Carter's is th best. Costs no mor than poor Ink. . I If men wer anxious to b worthy nl i.n.ltlnn aa thnv ar to italn it. th world would hav more great man. "now'iTuiit tV offer One ttiindred Dollars Bewatd lot nf ease ol Catarrh that van not ba oOreU by tiali t ttMit l ynKNKY 4 (.., Pfop. Toledo, tt I We theunderslgned.havelinowu l'.J.CIieney ' tor tli. past IS years, ami believe him perleoily honorable III alt busla ss Irausautlous and Da- am-laiw able to catty out any ubllsnOuu BiaUe by liieir arm. . . . WatraTstux. , Wkoiesalo liniSftUtl, Toledo. 1. WsiaiNO, Kikxak A Msavia, Bolertle Pmr-lsts, Toledo, O. nall'sCatarrh Cure 1st a.n.iil.Tnally.aoiliil i t-lreoilyon tbe blood end m .onus surlsjiea ul the syslt ia, I'rl e Tic -xr uo us. ovim ui arun; lst. Testimoni als tree, Uah's saintly 1'ills c tlnbsst. Although a great portion of the turf from personal tasts aud hereditary in stincts, tbe late duk of Westminster was never iu tbe ordinary sens a sport ing peer. He who shall introduce into publlo affairs th principles of primitive Christianity will revolution! th world. BESTFORTIIE IIELS If yum bftvB'i m mrulftr, htaUbr nomm at lb btmali vr7aUr, fuu r aicft. ur will he Lp rnr fcowoia op it. n4 h wil. r ore la ibthrw VluifQl ibj"l or pill itulu'ii. I (JaunnfUft. fit miNitltOBl. uli. itKt ttertert w ftMwilta1 IM tuwU v.r 4 ltd QitrM m mi Pleasant. PelstaMe. futenl Taste tioad Union, ftsver Hlrksn. Wsahen. ort.rtpe. ft. AOs Write for free sample, an eutiklet oe Dealt. 4eres Ssm.e aaaMJr nmnmt, cuius, soiou, se ts. sate KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN Ar the best thai can bt mid. Nothing is or can bt superior lo a Milch 11 Vagon, because it is nude of th best materia by txperitneed' workmen which, cow pled with 65 years' experkne ia build ing wtgoru, during which tim t iw maav ufacturcrt have, had but on aim, and that lo produce- the best poulkle lo build. 00 JkrMSmYi Canov Xnw T"M "" iTWa g Is a guarantee of quality. If you buy a Mitchell Wagon, you gel th best that can be made. AGENTS EVERYWHERE. If none in your vicinity, w will sell lo you direct. Send for circulars. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVERCO. PORTLAND, OltECON. Dranehet at Spokane, Seattle, Salem, McMinnville, Medford and La Orande. Mention ibis paper. KROGH M&H'G bp? IS THf Supremely Great Tonic, VI N MARIAN! Hm 5nA Mm Tr of 015 . ..rfi1 BUFFALO PITTS CO. MANUFatJTUKtCRJI OW lew Doub'i Cylinder Firm Loci notlm and Trashing Machinery. Write for Catsloetn 3X0 K. Yamhill HI., I'OHTI, AXD, OK, Mention this apr. MACHINERY, all kinds ...TATUM A. BOWIN... t le 86 First Strati PORTLAND, 0. .. '..jAmmtj. .... r r.'jjp ITCH J Mi I'iliM prixeucfj mot i ii r a nff oftiiMi Itnhtnar. Thlit funn, wfi m Itilnd, ltwiiiii,g or Priii-urling J'llei tro cur-fid 1 1; Dr.Bounko'tPllt Rmdy. HUi Itfhlnir ami biftfldlrig. Atiwtrbi tumor. Mm m Jarfttdrufftf.au or aeut hv mill. T run tit true. Wriu iij about your ewe. Uli. JJOftANKO, I'fcUada. &M CURE YOURSELF 1 tlx Did M for nnnstnral fllsrbarsas.lDflamniaunas, Irritations or uliierstloas rHtfcJCtimnii'Co. snt Msououe, liSiSMl,.PTi fcr Drna-tlata, A. . Jrfsent In tlsla wrspeaa. aKoJ i','r",rVV trnnalrl, fa Vt? m (Jlroulur saut aa raou.il. BAD SPRINO BLOOD Reanlres some sort of atnnlethat eleans nut I the Impurities, cine that really duet this and i mors is floore's Revealed Remedy And does It thoroughly, Pleasant to takt. 1.00 at your druggist's. mm fc'-W'tonw Mjjf,.as mttm-metam&tiBimm A KNOCK OUT There Is mor disability and kelolessuess Itotn LUMBAGO than sny other wutonlar all wsul, but St. Jacobs Oil lias lonnd it lbs rasliwt and prompliat to eat ol any furut ul LAME BACK -I Cigar manufacturers at Tamps, Florida, will establish a factorv, at which cigar kose will be manu factured. I am sure I'lso's rtire fur Coiiinnttl.pn saved my life three years avo. Mas. Tims, Kossins, Manls tilrvst, Norwich, N.V , Kb, 11, 1 DUO. Th American Flint lilass Worknra' Union will establish co-oixiritttve factory In tli lb liana tins Holt, to make prescript! a war. Mother will find Mr. Wluslow's Font),. In Hyrup lb bil remedy to u for thrly olilMren during th teething period. A Huston physician asserts that nine tenths of th case of dtptberia am traceable to defective draluag aud Im perfect ventilation. Tested and True. Try Ibis irln QMGONjJlOODpUMfllR Tlier 1 a transewndtmt power In in ample. W reform others, iincou clously, when we walk uprightly. If thou dally offend, dally repent; If twice, ihrloe, an hundred, an hundred thousand times, twice, thrice, au hun dred thousand times repout. WAGONS I 7 Mike the BEST PUMPS for IRRIGATION and RECLAMATION. MINE DRAINAGE Capa cities from one gallon to 100,000 galloni per minute. They alto V T Anil TWO STAMP MILLS, build tli An I llin Cement U ravel Mills, and the Celebrated nvM j,,,, ,sujjiiu(i. Special Machinery tor CAPK NUMK. heud lor Catalogue. CO. ',: IT tensnn at. I Han nek, 14 IS Main St., I frsiwiu-o PORTLAND DIRECTORY. Psnss an Wire V'erna. POItTI,HI Wirt a IKOM WOIIKS; WlltS tut Iron lenciiif; udlre ramus, eie. S.H a liter. BteenlMers aMtt Hp,llee. c:a WarroM a t'O.s rnoinkm, mou.kr, ma ekiaert, supplies. 4 Ml f lrstSt., Purliana.Or. JOHN POOLE, roart, Oattoo. cau sir you th best bargains In fenrral machinery, enflnee, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and windmills, Th new steel I X L windmill, sold by him, Is un jnallil. m2g nukiiiuiili iiiiiiiiiiwisii YOUNG MEN! Vnr nnenrrkira nrl llat sal I'atat's l)ks V StwHSri, IS Is Ilia ONLY nia.Hi-iria whlili will rurs nn h anS raaaa, Nil r'HK klluwn II Mas ovar fallil to " tnauer how e-rlaoa or nt how lonf auuiillot. fnire lis uaa will satonlah yiM, II la lm.MUr ssro, bravanu atrlfWire, and pan tie lakon wllliout locooj; lanra ami lu-nHon from hii.ln . I'ltll'K. on. or atla lif all rallahls dniKirlala, or aont pmMtll hr ssprwalt plaJnlr wrspiawl, on wi.liil of nHoa, hr ... ' ..iiKTCHEltJAL(X.,OnleaSO,lll. Olraular auiled on raaiMat. PATENT CU"!!TIIP eaMlitl. Fsientailvorlli''l Ire. Free n.vio," a to, patantablll yv i"" J'Si ors' l'rliner' MILO P, STkVtN' CO. Kstalillahari im. WaahlnRton. O, O. Brauoli Oflli-es: (Jhlntto, i:UiH'Ulnl, Detroit. wL,.r,iv;-HrAj pension ICKPORH, Wuhtngton, 0. C, thu will r- IT SICKFOSu. tVtihlnoli II nolva nialeh reulloa. M. Mil n. II. vuip. o-" auth Corps. Prosecuting claims since 1S7S. M. P. If. V. no. .-!. WUBN wrltlnr to ertrertlser pleat minUen tnls ianer. rtL C It O TU m, eatllM. Mrs HI ntsle mm pinea e.Hiicf tuuiuf n X FARr n tt,i si.iwi,wMip" I U O fcM MritAT y T . , tlUt us sa, m sarr, nliel T"fi LORN susmlkail (1 I fV a fl t er. Oi.u.l ftt n MV wl ft sn4k,f fW UUal4',riha mui n rAvf1-.! a rari.rv. EHti.tas, II l"'.?A tWitf! 1"". IsS.V. wsSri I vnir iUM BAP See. A TO II UAi i iV S I s. '. r"l"r. tu..ii u 1' It fll f riilsus. wtil i.inkir n l' . mt '!; 'tli rows u it e.t. I L V'".''- ''ri BKOsit iNimii' U t.v'. P. J raut crM -art. uri.ll m st'Mllaa la satfl.a araraWa- n I ) ! ' a. !'' varraalt M I M li' A IV ITII Slll.l.ln'l BOMAB m tVW I 't lfl tetete la tba hn.ii tata.il a PI M IV vA l r DI tm" aa MMb. sa4 Salaar Sis 1 1 U IV.tWIiT aaka a.ialll -..;. :U.kl ! ruViu v ml '."t-at srr r raiauM see U I MV(f,'k rcrtaiii.r snrss U I Is V'; SefAln raaal, aairf.art IUI In tl. . n M V'fl fa M a w"' SaaS, SSa, IS. Rivvlklari I ! af ' a '1 1 1 earraaaaS tasraw. St akea aaf. II I ' ' 7' fl I !" faealablal, aaalaald, 1a. B fllW I ' " I"TA1IP. fl H .. i. aa this Bella. VS wall r.al Saal ri aW WT Calal-s aa Is aa Farw M Na.altlas. fl H Catalaf slaaa, Is. eMas fO "I U John ASalzerSeed Co. U E a i t n I I