f f9 XOETIIWEST 5EIT3L. It mum ms SisivtuJ. fib wtrat L fa 0dutdi0idiip ti "C2m a m iftJ ; U udUG r IFSH&ft aatow artj atiacaniuve MM f f M . tor m!Mar en f l.W !WWtA kV! f'MV a . aaav ia (a r.ar2K &J ee aeaav ' Nkbenrt'i mr.. tt htm m toft MWk S MM m b i r gtaamt, : amaweamtsvaea c M fcu tuaius; to f u tni a4 W,wf. "" at tte Esa U nn a aiv iwsMt Wta " C h iw .c.t, Mo .tt ?it..-T rww9.. p&ar ff3 t4 H-tV. Tmi 4k? aw u tat rf wi IttMiiU M uaM eul wi;a Tim I M rl jtyf'.r Watt tr uu at Si tmywm, th m i a41it tutot. twcml La 4T-.tra.lH3. Jt- ttwt )n-an. Xkt irf-a!n at s AW. St f?it er..-k PERUNA PROTECTS OUR HOMES .. am, at.ai. Bapwnv in. fi tg X- Taaf ft avt-fawarf Ifr. aaa etM nH!MM.it WWi wt ' m tTynfoaa) to trwa- kf nnif a gas- taa f Muf hr, iff )ntHMMi a feraaa-atv A wvavai aa taw trnr.f V a MM aar it tm rwio V tm a Iff.- tmmivuwt t Buvav Kaary w-wrta It eav ? atf fr-w aavt Ut www., kaiiyap-Ss-iT y,Ji , ftva Sa7 u.4 - prntwarft- m(am, ' MlMli hvW la?. te I aav- fnaai a pvw4r nuKtiMw ? r fam..y pf r.i. It aa awatameav aty WlMwwt atnMrf r KVa am Wm lap f" ei irVuw m miafiuutnt. awlkVv-lsae; frwaa ey tvra fima w as tei-HruS a trm f tmmmmmm frit Kail Aaae a Km, AH art racatvaaL t.ia, r-eeaJ ef Mr4 a-jr wm a-aty. Tki jat ymSJtim awvt a stave -awt, it to earrtiiaHl 1 ay ta 4a wkAa Wtm. tt hwK S Of tt w . TkuM Hit f".jft 4 IM S i f Wm fmm Prw w(h w th4t it ta iut )ut r iMt !' Ut ... jnmw rmmm. itMt Mo MytAwMr m TV r rpt rv-Jtryi, ! kwy 4 UbWMUUUt UM rjst s i..v.i i itmm. mmmm. tew to to f mmf tima t4 tiwrf itwowi ;on an ua v:n ir.m f Humwi f WM fti, auvft f. n uA U.T, mm J an. ttme'.f m fA t- tmittt m mml. 1 im turf t tlk Mtff W v '' -?v MM 1mu f tfc Ji vtq. Mnrfc Mm It Ife? ut.t i vi.- UM 1 pervstaei to Mat -V -,ijrM. sm tarn hitmrr td torn 1 Bi UW utuJS au.s t ma War ga. ,11r' law wa M a.aaf km gum vmm "'a:'a- htm Jjftfl taw jRb"4idj ;! -tK Is t& ma- n3niijto awia?f cb tp.. If n mm wnwww 3KSMa M WBTP F -. - . , & kfciarf ,imrM Uka r -sU f Se-..nta finer. 6ji a (? r-a t tarn fmt tw 5 4jf - rp3 VMiW ksaitr tiaaa tea iat attf ttiw ;rt ts;"- 4 iaM wtav .r. Cjut rt.rsa taiHtf Kw s sua Taiitat f aa aw a-ijrt k A t ss iKm-Jwr Sr. a Ktr-faswi .t in mm wm- , fetfta, T r ;t-y yr-f, Jtwlt. Mtsluim Uu Kn f 1mnt. m.tant 'Mrdi M tx'ton awnut, A ,jaay ta rm prr- or; tdif xt r.a.ut. " flw-a'"rtiir" imm'Mmmt Mkwui miwoIx ttaw't Two Womem Through Ohmttffoof Ufo oad Guroo Amothor of Stortllty. fsooa ThotrLottoro. " bcaa Km. Pttmm-1 (mI that M wbta 'm w.at aas aiir b-r 4af. It kaa U m Mt f a awb awl r I Hm4 iim U ki waaaa wit a rl --rv to trM aa twWw a ajr. Nf tf'mhla ara Aay at hit, hA fritfciw"rrara tow MMi- a caa4 uha r)at awsf, I a v abia l V ail mt a4 WkaM 1 ttnhamn, I am ,rty tbrm fr ot a a4 mitfn tvA fca.t Mm A; f'ia,a.a4a xa, rrfm. rfa to T'n, I m ia a rr ta4 a rbaer" "f twl tfea fcra aai4 I k4 biaSVr a4 tr'ui. 1 had jrr4 f'r ?ara. Ixstrtora faJJa4 vxioaMaarfxxl. i I fcara uaa I4ia , rjairfeajo'a Vretat,i Cyia bosa4 7 fcit fcaa iu,prrt4 rtrf i WUJ fli fnt(aai f mt m4ieA Ut iUrfrr 4 a aara that tt rtii arvra a rrat a bioaaiar to Um aa t mm v ,-Kiu, t,uv. II, Jfaa. I'iaa-ft M arnt !-tra t ttava a bii4, 1 ka4 bw asarrwm tlsr faasa and a ajlW, ao rr'ta V jm Ut 4 t tU rrawa, Ifuf Ar.ii,.. flfow atSw a4 takt(r Lr4ia K, Krkna Vrtali Oxn i I Warn Wmi KKAxf f a bcaottfal Ut r ' r bna. H ia a fat, araJUty Wby, thanlra Ut fmr Ai-ia."'-Ma, JJwfca Viikl, turn- mm, m. i , wiaw a.i lraaucvitt aaut a ar a4K ta carry aar? v, ifn frtaa aatl wj baa aa .". .. A Hot a tHV4W f ia t a- ru i vtaa KaMJ'aai't.x rta-taat. A Taa )rf rarcnti ro!a(wl tbia TMcts "Wa ea4 tha ir.aa thai avla Uta km sot fiYiXj " Aavi'a F'l-f-jftM, a rftivjf f (ha raa ft esf tm-utui. ,ist. i.irtttif. iirr- im Un. aMi .it;t takra to miiut tint w rj.ti t aim imriumm, t a t rr'atnt rtMH,U,n 4,wt,rm if tta. A iii't tiott it ta "rtait tnra for Jiiiiu, in. t"t. W ha wf JTi.fMi Inlinuniuiia. Try it a4. J(.,(1 tr al! droirit arwl Ufrm. y.r natt tor zW- tn (him tnai 1V.t.V. A-Mrs, Allan H. Tbr art at tm trawntt nonttl l twawa C n4 SXjfl wmroiaaioawl offi- ar to tha I a) I I tUU anar bo faara riwn firra tha rank. Raaa4 aa4 IVarWra' Ara lotonaa tnat an rao nr oa tha oWratio nr ot tha 5tmb t IAmttwl, in (rpvratVm on nA ittmr April 2h rjo tim Svnhmm Pacldc. Thi olaarTatiya ear trJIl Im a UwJy. UMI UtaSat. al Omasaa ar.Bt Himuai r f , , VW r kr-lai ta; inmu4 tlfAMmjm, af i4MCA tii taswaa a frra Aia asd (juousia. ; ta iUta aart ftaa hwmaW 2t far can, n tsa-jtirta frrta that yaart fkw iarrwaaaj r tt. w t-. um -Mratttt a4 taatraKti'a tfvtm Wm at, im.mriii fa: an tit tim i-v:JU omt myutt Urm-a a w-n jrwaTwiaiaa eittaa ( tea Jfw?i- wart, trstik SoaMia, P',Uttl aad BW tajrtf wisi aaxki iwtMv fc mmttswrnaai ajraT, TSa iaj aatwiasa auai jriaar tim paa. 7 car fey Canara aytauata Sa ti.i aarts tat 4m4i&.M If thm iar-i!stJ i ei. T3a Pmfit J-ibw la tsswwyia-j; t c tba kvr of da a ut balk ia tra InZzust ny (', t;ri:y aiVJi r rfwva aay ttmiftrj. Casna-jk fr.r Ua afatwt 23 mm naM Xiv. aa Cramatti it nuiiliii la Ixirvkin. Ia IM, is that dir. only tim btxilea wr 0 (KayJ of ia Utat way. Ja Wt, Frart Tfc Urw.T al &('a ;y. Or., era aswjot to arvt a trail eaanary. At a tic)r feeM at ti arifjiiaa at tSsa f!ca tha ln r( tim ra!Sy fsf -ri' 3,W9 fc,r tba piopr.Mr. Tb total t ol Um p!aot vij m atrat f 'i.OOO, ao4. aa tbia if tita Sm avwtiM ba!d, tl famwna ar erml)4st that no tttmUm will U R,t with ia ratlin tha fall amooot, Thn Mta!iihaiot of tisa eanrr will ba of mneJi teoafSt 10 Baker City, m U m to tba fmrt of tha a)iy, wlwra a lara amooot of rtoit la raiaad annoally. Tha eaanary ill be ctiunurvA on tha eo-praii plan, ami it U tha iiitutiein to uk all tha Iroit itttmsA hi tha fartnara. Morn of tha prwioct will fjml a markat in iiaknr City, a tha hotna cortaomution ia jafjfa and la it;llly itufmia,. tea Chataa ta Ita t'tlllia4. A eompany baa Un OTKanixed to toka water ont of tha Deiwnotea at a point naar the Thr tu-n known u Lava ialand, and conduct tha watr to tha dart lir eaat of the rir. The pint of liTnion ia said to he one of tha heat 00 tita rirer owinz ta tha ab- nca of rrjeky blnffi. f r'im thia point water will ba taken eaat to tha oi l river bed, 15 milea, eorerini( larj-e uracu 01 ai' U-ot firming land. - paws,: tatajMw a -j ewapatioaa, auK J urna xmtirjraiV. PACiFfC COAST if Vail- rirr? :r -a. . ", Vvlk -r- " e"H '. .. 'V To- II !U4ru rilj. f r:i City, Xefc, Are Hrltky tnJ Happy A Rare Sight la The Dy- taTS. ' am If mn - ft Ml W W a a-a . a. a a . a. aaa, Tl'J y, "We Taiak ffrnoa Ij The Greatest Medirine On Erth." 'Otst. la-w. II t $ 1.TS jar aaua. tcac, hut iwttar, 4&c j cua. raaiM, Mr. fcaeta. jr aae:k. Ti a tit. T strati ja, pt aay,1. .s. Umti, (Kr aac. lieu I'as.t ja aar.k. Ti g tSc. tasiiSt-wer, "J- 1 par awa. Ca-v'awa, a ti t a aai '. hrmaea, ' jer ix. fcstw Creamery, lu sr tKat aT. K fiJ-r, taoeJbt. U usal ii( Ie. Cbma atiia, lie. fwaitry U 9 Ite; ireaaal. UIU; jurifif, 5. IUr Ia tUaodry, fii.OO; ehrAra hanter WaaJhiawai uaMAay, O-ra vraoia, f!J.(; oaekad. t; fel steal, f 23. Larky Koiied m growl par too. floor Patent, per tatrre!. 3. blen-ie.1 araihu, tl.00; CaiiSoroi. s.it; ijociwneat rar, H.90; tra- ham, far barrel, fl 00: wbcla wheat (Soar, 3.00; rye floor, 1 V)r W. Willatoffa fcran, put Urn, 111. 00; thorta, per too, SIS.M. IWI (.liri,pi Jer 119.00 per ton. mi-Hliiijot, per tin, iu; oil cake meal. per ton, I .w w. Freah Meata Cboica dreaaed teal teera, THc; eow, 7c; mutton 8c; pork, 8:; tnntmed, ilc; aai, 1:. Ilaroa Larze, lie. amall. 11U 'rfcakarf bau, 12,e; dry aalt ildee. 9C, J 5- nji aa Sncr a ti taaa ' j raanpfct- aoii .ataaiOL A ri-jorai A af I amtti. tmrrvi. Matt i-rat- I XMwa tnupbtsif. Km at mt ay a eo I Sir as laaiy. i4 a laimatny. n a tms Mootv a I. liarama it Tf.-ym. vliutt xXnfX aa fcil&wa: - 'taw iaanea. aa.1 taa laawina. wa crsv aii regaatta att.-. it ( Ksij .nr bey. CSaariae. waa in jret v atsacict -J fmunscmsm aaJ .wy. Oct t&:H ley. Ji.a, wa aJt ft Jeter at ar (saluai) a4 lifer trsit. i'r nwaajy, rVrsaav ereI sy tny eatireJy, a evw I lsara tirwa tia aeattlaaat y ia taa Mete f 'etraaka, wbka I at tricta t yocr ominrtsm. My aiJa bad a ctctsacit troabtet wbica I'ersoa i alao caned. Aletfcr tor aty alar la tastily bare mjmi aiaeteea buttiea ttt Faraaa. mud bare Use land .: ia i.ln' feiila. I as a er.trae;r ai awn ty trade, Ai aa Itaowa all Sebrajka. I nana bad a a'otnack trooKa wbicb hat ta jreasly rehered VKxmm, ia a tualsitode of aotwabolda, ataolstely iadipaab!a. Mr. T. G. Walker. Carneiro. Kanaaa. by yoor rctrtady. IVmna, for which I ( wr.ua: "It i aith pleaaura that 1 ra- as ti3 tkiaT it. Wa talak it ia the I peat that I ant Latter Cuts I httt been rw adjtaa o aanb." C. T. j d ajaay yean. I Iwiiava i'erns a fcKama, I 5a Oly. brika. witaoat a doaM tha tea nedicine thai wy'iaat Yj-Mod, Aiitur atar wa ia a (amiiy. It Km 1 tot tha Interior. rttrad n aarratmia. wita wbt. h t ritea from Waaa ; bad been aSictad (ur a grvat a a other D. C, to ofyeara." Dr. Hart-naa, Co- f It U a fa of eer Irarreaainy aatca !abtta, Ohio, aa Ubmant that an asaay other wue aaaai fclktwa: "I'ra ( j ble ai prorident peopSa ill. fur the tea heard of yoar ; neglect o( an aiaiple a prnraaitun at tn treat medicine aad ; he a bottle 01 feruna at ha, bring bar peraaaded asy apoa Ibemaelree tha neadlaea aaffertnf wtJe, aba baa been and toolina atpeaaa that a practittoner tack af a aufferar ol medicisa ia forced to witaeaa avery froea ratarra, to try day. Parana, and after j A anon aa tha raloa ol Pemna U mnot caa bottle aba folly appreciated ty arery booaehold, baa wonderfully j both aa a preveotitira aad a raraof improved. It haa theea affectUMW, ten of Ihouaandt of protad all yon j Urea will ba aaveti. ao.1 bamlrada of ka claimed for It. and 1 Uke plaore tboaaaixtt el chronic, lineerinj raaea ia reciMBBteading it to aarooa who ia'of dueaaa praut). IVtana it tha aStcUei with catarrh." Parana baa bouerhold aafea-uarl. j v . -i e : i H'fS f ym 'a I'eaawt4. A complrta work on cbroaio catarrh tent free ta any addreae by Tha Pa rana Medicine Company, Colo m boa, Ohio. Sorts Ooaet Itimitad, Two lizhu in each aw-tkta. Head for a Sortij Coaat Limited leaflet. Out new umnmltm. Coat Ri:a. ano- pliea tha beat and large bananaa that oom hi tha United Stet, av mm a 1 m iw ti ihwimi mnoro WW&mOii WhO I In the niht will torn on tha alrtH AOKmoWlOOao thm Halm l-fht in tha 1'ollman atandard tnoy novo Hooolvo from VZZi 7:l .Til f ' . .rr'"0. " Mr, Plnkhmm. Ela Maa. Pmaaaaj-TK- A,, aare I aa ttitttrmtum tit tita m... t. aJ ri,M miff m. 7 hare ia achina; we. 1 1 rwa ran jo nm any pti frteaaa wrHa, Mae, Aiaa f.Mr., a otwn, , 1,, Mceiuber VI, ir7. -waaa mm. Piaaa-i ..iw.a ;w invrucima, ano rww I want arerr woman aufferintr fm .... 1- troiihla to know how irood on .H.i and medittliie ia. The doctor ad rlaed an operatim. 1 eoold miiiin 01 tnat. an f(.ii.,i ..1.1 I t better rlrht off. 1 took aia bottlea wi trttia r.. riiiMitain Vegetable Com pwnnd and td three parkairea of hanatfre Waab ; alao U,i your Mer iijaj, aillii bid fTliretl."M feiai fcfiae. Caaaa, t-ullr,n, W. y IVeaoiber H. iaua ' 'link Mna. fiaaiiin-If..- tnfferioir f(r orer a tear ami i.aH ti.r ""' n 1 nine or tiieriatraatlon aener terrioie pain In bek and orarira. 1 bare headache nearly erery day, and fl tired all ih. ;,... n ' IV, m7 """"" waaout of place. Would be eon lad If y,m eoU,i help me. Asyaati, lw. " lleaar, awpt my ainirre tlianba for w e irootl y My)rm and Lydle K. Ilnkharna Veiifftable fmpaiirid fcaa dona wr., I rti,l erarythln you told "; "! only threa brrttlea, aii4 feel better in every reapret."-- o voaa, nai'Miy, Iowa, Marnt Mrs, PInkham hmo Fifty 1 noumana auon Lmltaro mm noovo on Film mi ttor Of. floo- ShoMmkomno State, otenta Sho Omonot Provo, , lihaerfulneaa. M'hethw a man he Hen or r, If ha bava kihiiI hfrt toward the Lord, be mall at all tlmea rrjolre with a cheer ful Wiiutniiaitca, Jptitt, Kon of Hlrach. Whare liu ra Mef iron th Hue id the Northern I'ttclflrl look out at nltfht lor the bin eliicrtb: litflited trad tnnrk on tha rear eu) of tha North Coaat Mm I ted. It will burn all ul(ut and Inave a trail of apleudor liehitid to aattinluli the DHtlvea after April iilith, Hond to any of our Kiit lor our Minn tmt Mm I Hid liwlliit. Maralr a faker Term. Jt 1 nl'l time it kiliK call do no wniiiu, Tha mrlnif probably origin ated with a man who held four aova, Chliiego Daily Newa, Theae Oatag Te Tha LewiaVu, P,uffalo Ifnmp, Biff Bend, Coenr d'Atena or Kootenai re alone can enjoy tha new Worth Coaet Llmitwl with iu electric Ikbta. iteam beat, wida veetibule and olarvation car, after April liith, and maka cl'tea connection at Hpokana for all morning iraina. Wkat Waa Irene. unnnt ntonewau jackaon' cam- paltpi in tha Khenandoab valley It ba re me neceaeary mat a OTMge over a email creek etwuld be boilt in great naale. Ona eveninff Jaokaon aeot for hti old pioneer captain, Meyer by name, ana pointed out to him the nra ency of the occasion, mjUiu that ha would Bend him tita plan ol hi colonel of ermine a Kll,a s( jt w gm. eit morning Ja-.kaon rrxla down to Jlyera' ioarter, aixl, aalutlijj the vet eran, add: "ttdttin, did you get tha plan of the triilxe from Col. 7" Wail," aald tha captain, "tha brirtae. general, ia boilt, bo 1 don't know whether the picture ia dona or aA." Golden Daye, Blood Humors Ara Cored by Hood's Sarsaparilla It Purifies the Blood. ertkeraat rlotaa. A new Metbodiat Epiacopal church la to be erected at Coltjtae Grove. Or., to coat f 3,000. WeahiiMrtotj Itr are earinir coin plimentary thinjta aitont Harry Yoe- motM, of Spokane, who helped Harvard rin tha iutereolieziata debata from Vale. Blodjrett A Oreenbanm have bevnn work to aooble the capa.-itr of their fertilizer plant at Falrhaven, Wah n1 hfim thia araaon to handle all the refoeeof the fih canneriea in their vicinity. The aarilieiooi patr of a Baotiat chorcb at Albany, Or., took the follow ing for hi an Meet ftnnday evening. "Would Jeaoa Vote tlte Bepablbn or lerocratic Ticket?" The vice of Hneldoniain if apreading. A Bellinahain bay man. named Can field, baa a bed of panetea planted. and will attempt to raiea tltem for need. Ta only penny aeed product In the W eat in in California, and tha bent varietiea come frorn franca a Bl- fflurn. If be raieea ai iroftd need a he planted, Mr. Canfleld will get 30 a pound for it. A large number of Waahinifton'i ihingle mllla, probbaly 75 per ceut. are obaervlng an agreement frr a abort hofc-fown. The reaettn given therefore la that "the backward apring in the Kent bat caoaed a falling off in order. which make a curtailing of the aupply neceaaary to the etjuililrinoi of pricea." ina r.atrn buyer may think thli ia Ilia action of a trnat, but, of coume, it ura't. Tha bulb farrna at Fort Bellinaham. wan are now at their hamlaomeat One man ha a vaat numlier of tulip ana o,aov nyaciutn in bloom. A Wallowa man ha brought back from Aew Orlean a live alligator eignt lncnea in langtn. A carload of Canoara hark wa hlntied irom corvalii, or, jt deatination la Hamburg, Oertnany. Tha 8-year old daughter of Khetlff Holder, of fiherman county. Or,, wa playing with kite aid matche. luet week, when aha et her clothing afire and wa conlderably bnrneti. Hhe i ipected to recover, with little di llgnreir ent. rertlaa Markaa. Mheat Waila Walla. SSftMc: Valley, E3c; Blumtera, Wc per baabaL, tktur Kt grade, I).00: eraham. f.'.WJ; tuperfine, 13.10 per Uriel. Oate Choice white, 2g37c; choice gray, 8i per buebel. Barley Pewi lrley, tItU.t0: brewing, 917.004 17.64 Per ton. Millatns P.ran, 913 per ton: mid dlmga, 91; abort, f 15; chop, SH per Uiu. Hay Timothy, 'i$ lit; clover, 7.&0; Vn-fitn win bay, 6g7 per ton. jJuttesr r any creamery, 4 6 50c: econl, 40c; dairy, iOfaiTXc: Ure, 25!J2-jc. Kg g 1 1 c per tloxen. Clieeee Orevou full cream. 13c: Vouug America, lie; new cheeea lOe per pound. Poultry .Tjicken, mixed, 3.50a 4.60 per iknen; hen, 8.6); epring, J.60ttS,60; goeee, d.SO'iJS.OO for obi; .&039.60; lw;k, t5.6O6.0O par mrusn; turitey, live, 10(llc per pouni. PoUtoea 40(ji55c per ack: awaeta. w!l4c per pfunl. egeuble Beet, fl; turnip, 80c; per tack; garlic, 7c per pound; cab-'-"K", i'Ao fjr iwund; pamnlp, fl; onion, f.wa.60; etrruu, fl. nop 7Mtt,na per pound Wool Valley, 1(3180 tier cooivl: r.aM?rn Oregon, lU(J5c; mohair, i7 ma per pound. Mutton Oroaa, leet heei. wether anI ewee, 4ic; dreaeed mutton. 1(k tyin perpouni; lamb, 7cper ponnd. liogn ijroe, choice Iieavr. 85.00: light and feeder, 94.60; dreaaad, fi.Wf8.6U per 100 pounti. ljef (irom, top ateen, f 4.00(34.60: cw, fa .60 at 4.00; dreeaed beaf, tXB 17o per pound. al Large, 6K37c; amall. 141 Be per pound. Tallow 6 64c; No. 9 and BTeaae, i'Agio jer pound. f ULBAWT!rK te k orlrteal acta itr suraz4a aati CMmt,a.c. ertttratr 4tfferil frrna all ka aocBiaaa. Kadr Ir w.a la mite or l.urtn beaatlfal 1 tics br ai4tag ruld water. ATilTS eattt rallr rfr ALA i3 STINK fur wa.U and !- Inaa, becaoae It la par, clean, curable. Put up to Srr pa darad form, tn B-a4 pack aaea, wiu full ouecUosa, IX. kaleomtrte are eheaa, ttru parerv preparaiwoa asadefroa MUi . cha.Ma. da a. ai, aa4 aiurk on walla with a rartnc animal tf'm A CABAa T I.NK la not a keieomlna. IWARB of tha dealer wha aaya ba caa aatl yoti ttr "fame thtr" aa AUADAHT1.VE or "aomethiog iuat aa go4.M Ha ia either Dot puete4 Of la try ing te deceive you. NO 13 orrmixa aometbtng ha baa bournt rlvea? and trie to ml on At-AtlAHTINK a da niaada. be mar rtt raitte tba damatre yoo war tit auffar by a kataoaUna or your waila. ENSIBUS dealer will sot buy a taaeult. feature riak arte br aallina and eonaumara by ualng tufrtrmenC Alabaettne Co. Ota right to make wall coat ing to ntla with cold water. I HB INTERIOR WALLS of every church ana ecbool afcouia be coated only with pure, dur able ALAHA8T1NR. It aafa guarda health. Hundreda of tone u4 yearly for tbia work. K BCTINO ALABATIXB. cuatomera ahould avoid g'l- ttna cheap kalauminea under ; dirfr-rent namea. Inatat on havtnc our goode tn paakagaa ! and properly labeled. TJTBANCB of wall paper fa Ob viated br ALAHAHTiNE. It ; can ba uted en plaatared walla, ; wood ceillnga, brick or can- : ra. A child can bruah it 00. : It doe not rub or acaia oft. WAGONS 4w-l 1 ' M Am th brat thai caa W maic. Nothing or caa br tufxriat to a Mitchcfl Ttfoa, fcacauat a mad of tht but autcrial by aparicoccd workmra wbkh, cou pled wita aS ycart czperirnca ia build- fa( wagooa, during wbkb tim tht oun- Biacrurcn kv bad but en aim, and thai to produca th brat pomMt to build, a a ruanatM of quality. U yon buy a Mitch!! wfoo, yoa fet tha beat Oul caabt made. AGENTS EVERYWHERE. If nona in your vacinity, w will atO to you direct. Stnd for circuUrv MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. PORTLAND, ORCCON. Brmnche at Spokane, Seattle, Salem, Mc.Hlnnvllle, Medtord and La Orande. Mantiea thta yapar. The grip ha no terror for a certain gentleman In Holton. Kan. Ha be long to 15 different eocietle, and in thera baa taken 72 degree. THREE DAILY TRAINS BETWEEN OGOEN AND DENVER. Tha increase la tranamntinental travel by way of Salt Lake City ia con aequeur a of the acenio and other attrac tion of the route, ha recently juatified tlie Kio Grande Weitera Kailway in connection with the Denver k Rio Gran.Ie and Colorado Midland Kailroad BTABLIHHED In faror. Bhun ay the Salt Lake Tribune, in eatab all Imitation. Ak paint deal. ! ti-hi' . a. it. ... er or drtirlat for tint card, j l""ig a triple daily lat paaaenger Write aa for Intercntlng bojk- (ervice between Ogdea and Denver. lei, Itt". a"n."" AH At then In M . ...U.J . , . vav viiircnt W.I4 the lateat appliance, improvement and car. Thi road now opt-rate through eleejier letween Chicago, Ogden and fin Francinco. alo a jterfect dining car erviofl. Bend 2o portage lor literature, rate or other information to J. D. Manafleld, 253 Wellington treet, Port land; or Geo. W. llelntx, general paa enger agent, gait Lake City. PORTLAND DIRECTORY. gaeaa Bed H ire ttarMe. fOKTI.ANtl WIKK A IKON WOl'.kK; WtHI and inn lanclna ; oinra ratlin. ate. sMAKtar, CAWrrrilN A CO.; KNillNm, KOII.Kua, MA ih iarr . auillaa. at a mi u f .. liaad, Or- Urand lUplda, Mica. Hurvlvora of the Civil War. Our pe onion bureau eatimate that there are 1,032,418 aurviving aoldier ol the civil war, excluding deserter. Altout 812,000 ol theea are onpen iloned. The average age ol tha anrviv- or l 60 yean, Chicago Evening New. All Cures Eruptions. Thar ara in tlx United ptata 80 1 Jlnrllna, 81 Hamburg, 28 town Uar luff tit natiia pari and II London, Eradicites Scrofula. "I lyt take HtKd Hanaparllla In Ihertpring and It la lit tet blotxl purlliar I ktiow of." Mim PAi. liatrri, Baldwin, Mich. "Kruptloit that rama on mv fate have all llaiieared ullifa llwtraii takiitv llmid'a AtHA ll!, owner of Ukevlew have decided to Blooiiiingtoii, lud. ' bmA tha town for f 10,000 for a water "1 had aerofula Xln and electrio light plant. It i Mrea all over my bark Mot'l tha improvement will La r;:,ir;,d!,,K::kr: . Ilia anil in a few anrli I E. C. U. Taylor, an old and reapeoted ,eltien of Iawl county, Wash., 1 dead, near Toledo. He wa a member of tha (). A. R. and a pioneer of that part Of Waahlngton, I could not aee any Imi ol the aorei." Otto II, Moot. Mount Hop, Wl. Tb Bank of Ontario, Or., announce mat it will take advantage of the new national banking law, and organic t Battonal bank. aa Preaelaee Market, Wool Kpring Nevada, 13 (21 60 cat poumi; r-aritern Oregon, 1318o; Val ley, 2022c; northern, 10(4 12c. nop lsvii crop, lataiso raw pounti. Butter Fancy creamery 18c: donecoud. 1817c; fancy dairy, 18 g inio;(ioecon(l,l4 316o per pound. I'.gg Htor. 18J4c; fancy ranch. ioao. Millatuff Middling, fl7.00 61 zo.oo; bran, 912.00(813.60. Hay Wheat f8.609.60; wheat and oat 96.00(39.00; beat barley f6.00Q 7.00; alfalfa, 95.00(6.50 per ton; traw, 26 40o iter bale. Potato Early Ktwe, 60(3700: Or- gon Burbank, 65c (if 1.00; river Bnr- Imnkd, 40f($75c; Halitui Burbank. 80!( 1.10 ier ack. Citru Jruit OranBe. Valencia. fa.76)8.zn; Mexican lime, ft. 003 6.00; California lemon 76c6Cll.60: uo cnoic 8l.76CT2.00 per box. 'implcal fruit Banana. 11.500 3.60 per bunch; pineapple, nom inal; Persian date, But 80 ver pound. April 2th and thereafter watch for the Northern Pacific North Coaat Lim ited. ' The French poetofflo department ha excluded mourning envelope from the mail for the reason that they can be opened without much chance of detec tion. Kleetrle Fan Will keep the dining and observa tory car on the new North Count Lim ited Northern Paclfla cool and com fortable. Klectrio light will light the n at night. Klectrio berth light in Standard Pullman deeping can and a big dome light on rear obaervation car platform. There are fewer aulolde in Ireland, in proportion to the population, than in any other country in the world. Forty-thre per cent of the fruit tree in Southern California are orange and 1 6 per cent lemon. A Chicago profoor predict that in 1,600 year Chicago will ba inundated by Uke Michigan. The city 1 (ink ing at the rata of nine inches every 100 year. JOHN can mac. plow, belta POOLE, Pea-rune, Oaitoo. ! you the beat Uryalm in ganeral binary, engine, hollrr. tank, pumps, 1 mi ml 1 la, ina n'w and teal I X L windmill, aol.l by him, i un equalled. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... MAKUTrAOTOD T ... CALIFORNIA Fid SYRUP CO. irtUTlTatSAME ctAtataTi ro OKI la aaiMAH ICKFOSU. Watfclnataa CDIraatllrk ranllva. H. Mh N. II. Vol.. Stag auibCurpa. frtwaeutlng claimatlitc 17. If; ?S PENSION ihlagtae, 0. C . Ilioy Hl , II. vol.. ArtloltHi of mvtrf amrripiion wifnt M by ciirftrlsunM liijr And frwnrr1 by niftU or Mnrm. imiv minim aseict, 455 Morrison Unit, Portland, Ortgti. BUFFALO PITTS CO. MANUrACTURICItr) OF Riw Doable Cyllndir Firm Loco- motlm md Trishlng MicMnirv. Write lor Catal'iciiu. S0 Tamlilll Hi., POKTLANO, OR. (Mention thlt paper.) FOn 14 CENTS Wa wlk to aala IdLraar , a.w . utlnai n, att ft na w- t lk. ttit. t..,l.-a.-t. Itw kul'H KiaualtlCaritialMriea " LaOrMMliLaUaaa.M " au.t.rrr M.iaa, m It D.r aadl.h, l' gwir Ki ( f.bata, )" Ktrlt itlnpiir Oaion, " " brllflaat KlaaMSMda. Hf Warrt Sl.aa, far 14 aaala. WC Abo.. M Ttl. worlk (l.a aa will ai.il ria Irmm, tnathr viih aw Cf.t(!aUIf,t.innaailaltult tttllt t MlUlt laUAi rSTATI apoa rlutl tbia aallra Ai. alantiM. Wa la.tta toatkwaAm. alt knew wh.a yoa hh irr Hal aer'a ;paa rua will aa.raaa witaaat. fta Frl.ato H.I.Mr. iwaB tar- tn aarllM Ton. to Ulaat a ftrlb. Ft jeaa a. bausb aaaa ra., t caataia, a ml YOUNG MEN! sirs- I Jffunder'f- TmT- health USKIT! IB lkj- Mli Wrttlli .ttuah Brrup. In tlma. Hoitl TTfTWi itrTsrFAiix ti- TaataaOiHid. va t br drutrtfl.t.. r 1 TERRIBLE NERVOUS DISEASES Are the Mrloni mlifortnnn of nln.temh of tha woman lu tit world. Woman ahuuld kuow ol Moore's Revealed Remedy, It'i wnudnrriil afftiOtlvenrH In than iDiran.. haa mado ftir It thou.aiida of frlentl,. 11.00 p,r buttla at tita drug ilora. r Vnr A,.nnt.,M .nrf filu. - I. I vL. ..nHlt! It ki Uw tim. V mntinlu wl,l,)t will nura mA ati ararr NO CANK kn.wn li lu ...r r.llotl to ur t R.tur how nrlnta or t Cow iona "1ln WW oa lla w will artnntali Jutt. It la laoliiMIr Itwaia tarlftttra. anil nan ha taken wtltiottt Inoaa. atanaa ana iiauntlnn from tmalnaai. fKH X .ia, rat 11. ny aii ranaiM. aniavtata. or arruinra! Btaial wntapad, aa r. .!ut of prl,-.. hy ra . ... HaHHTClltMIUACC Cinalw aaOkNt aa rauaaat, CURE YOURSELF 1 Dii.oyirsKspiLLs ONg Won A DOSg. Cora Stekilaadastta aad Bra. patMla Kama,. I'lmplaa.P.rlf, thaiiZa, a?dE tloD.rtavantlltlloii.naaa. ItonotUrlpBlckaarTa O8ANkO0O.ntaaaua,rai BUyprasauii, CttRM I tat 4aa Oaarkaiaai aat u Mit-MM. I Pr.ra.la OmiuIu VHltrfcllOtllpiotl (!,), rtiaoiaaATT,. I . a, llaa BIJfnrunnajarl alaiiltaraaa.laflamniaii'tBa, Irritation or alteration jt nnt.il at. Palnlaaa, anil ai itaaibranaa, ant aattla- gaut or polaoaotta. at br Bnaawlata. rappar, alii, far Ip.n. raquaat. n,-n a. a. J r aant la plain 1 "-fyj fi'vTroi?r3r ' Cllroular aanl on K. P. N. O. ts.tooo. w at atn wrltlna la- aaeatloa tkT pspar. O