OREGON MIST. 9tEDVH f ill DA V MOUNIMCI -T- DAriD DHS, Editor and Proprietor. MkserlaiUoa) Haie. - 8n copy on yar In advance tl 30 nt copy alx inoiitha f II nil cony ., Advertiaing rut "'wad kaown upon application COLUMBIA COUNTY DIKKtTOKY. cot NT V on iftBs. .loapph R. Dosn, Rainier J. J. Wan. St. Ilclrua J itdm Clerk bllerllT Trpamirer friupt. of tfehoola A mwiwor ........ . Purveyor Coroner . ., i. S. Hire, SI. Helena K. Kosa,s-t Helena ... I. II. I'nitelriliil. Himlton ..Martin While, 81. Helena A. R. Mule, Hntiltou Dr. II. H. CliC St. Helena ...P. A. FralJea, Hoappo. N. U. Patersou, Ht-sl (Mmmltal'ir.ers j MARCH 10, 1SHW. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. Tub political arena is extremely qniet In Columbia county. Politicians m.iv lie extremely active, but their work is of a quiet nature. Now doth the the busy politician im prove each shining hour, repairing fences broken down by the opposition's "jour." Milton Eagle. It is no longer conjecture as to what the subject for discussion is when you see two or more men engaged in conver sation. This is the political season of the year. Coli'Hbia county is entitled to the joint senator this year, but it is dollars to doughnuts that we do not get it. Washington county again has designs on the place. Fisn Commissioner Little, of Wash ington, collected $40,000 last year for licenses from fishermen and canners. He expects the receipts from the same sources to be $60,000 during the pres ent year. Politicians may condemn the Ding ley tariff law, but its effect upon the United States treasury is vastly more salutary than was that of its predec essor, the Wilson tariff law. Buying bonds in time of war beats selling bonds in time of peace. Aocisaldo has deserted his cause and his country and fled to Asia. His for mer conduct would lead to the belief that he would be capable of just such an act. He succeeded in embroiling his countrymen in rebellion against the authority of this nation, and when in the thick of the fray he becomes a deserter. And some people in America have the audacity to bold such a specimen up as a martyr. At the precinct primary elections to be held on the 31st of this month it should be borne in mind by the voters that the nomination of a justice of the peace and a constable should be made, and it must be particularly remembered that the primary convention is the proper time and place for nominating the road supervisor for that road dis trict. In precincts where there are two road districts there should be two nomi nations made. Do not leave this matter to be disposed of by the nominating convention. One cannot get a better idea of Sen ator McBride's standing among his fel low committee members than by glan cing at the names of the men who make up what is familiarly known aa the Philippine Commission. With one ex ception the entire committee, Senator McBride being a member, is made np of men who have seen more than one term of service in the senate, and with two exceptions, McBride and Beveridge, all are veterans. Two of the most promi nent men upon the foreign relations committee were taken ; from the appro priations committee was selected its chairman, Senator Allison, of Iowa, the honored leader of the senate ; from the committee on naval affairs, its chair man, the veteran Senator Hale, of Maine; from the committee on agricul ture, the distinguished senator from Vermont, Redfleld 8. Proctor, the for mer Secretary of War ; and Sentor Mc Bride himself is chairman of the com mittee on coast defenses. Senator Beveridge, though a young man, is rec ognized as a careful student who has made a special subject of the Philippine people, their customs, manners, laws and their condition under Spanish rule. But for this he could not have hoped to secure a place upon so important a committee. The report of the condition of the na tional treasury, published on Tuesday, bIiows almost $550,000,000 on hand, as follow : Available cash balance, $303, 075,056; gold -reserve, $242,931,049. This is a quite different condition of national financial affairs from that ex isting when the present republican administration took charge of the gov . ernment. Mr. Cleveland's administra tion found almost as much cash in the treasury when it was inaugurated as there is at the present time, but before his tenure of office had expired there was less than (62,000,000 in the gold reserve fund, notwithstanding the fact that the laws are such that no adminis tration shall reduce the gold reserve j fund to an amount less than 1100,000,-1 000. Furthermore, Mr. Cleveland's administration, besides expending the etish it found on hand when iniuigur atetl, it sold goM-benring boiuli of the gorcriunent to tlio nuiount of $-C2,000-000 to raise sufficient cash to run the government in time of profound peace. The present atlmtnstration has con ducted war for aljnost two years, at a necessarily immense cost to the govern nicnt, issuing, of course, $250,000,000 ot war bonds, but tlie treasury today shows almost $500,000,000 mora on hand than was the rase when it took hold of the govermontal affairs. This is a condi tion to be regarded with some degree ot consideration and is record ot no little significance upon which the republican party can justly asa commendation. f,0OQ NQ OUTLOOK FOR 1900. The CatbUmet Gasette Furnishes Facta and Figure. ''liog. are scarce and in such good de mand on toe Columbia river that tney can hardly be obtained at any price. Most of the annual output of the large firms has been engaged by niillmen in advance, and timber is being cut now to nil orders. The loggers are doing their best to get out all the logs possible and man? niillmen have been turned down in the past few weeks. .1 I 1 I . . . I . , - . , me uregonian suites msi loruana mills will require 100,000,000 feet more this year than last. Other mills will also require a proportionate increase. Logs being now scarce and the East ern and i'ennoyer mill not started, the prospect for a reduction in price is not warranted by any sign. It is doubtful whether the Columbia river camp will increase their output 100,000,000 in 1000. Logs are cash, employes, as a rule, get paid promptly, in fact, whenever they want money tney get it. Kothing is so conspicuous on' the Columbia as the logger's check, which goes for its face iu all transactions. There is very little "stand-otT in logging camps, because logging hands are scarce, and prompt payment of wages is necessary to secure them and keep them at work. There is no present sign in the situa tion that forbodes a reduction in the price of logs. There is prospect of a rise, as much of the available timber is going into the hands of large syndicates capable of holding off for tatter prices. In a short time the small loggers will have difficulty in finding logging shows, and then prices will rise far above what thev are now. SUPERVISOR MUDDLE. Plan to Overcome that Might Any Difficulty Art. Tiiere is considerable activity among the leading men in various country pre cincts, looking toward the nomination of candidates for load supervisors, to be named at the county convention, and in many cases efforts will be made to se lect delegates to the convention with a view solely to their position on the candidacy of certain aspirants for the position of road supervisor, losing sight of the more important places to be hi led by the convention. This is liable to have bad results, and it has been sug gested that the choice of candidates for roau supervisors be made at the primar ies, the delegates simply pledging them selves to abide by the choice of the voters at the primaries iu their respect ive precincts. In the precincts where open primaries are held the matter can be easilv adjusted bv choosing the road supervisor hrst, the candidates for dele gates, chosen thereafter, pledging them selves to present the choice 01 the pri mary to the county convention for rati fication, in the precincts where closed primaries are held, it is suggested that the voters, when preparing their ballots, write the name of their choice for road supervisor on the ballot, the one receiv ing the majority, or a plurality, to be pretented to the convention, bv the delegates, as the precinct's choice. This would take the road supervisor's hjht out of the contest for delegates, and would not embarrass the convention. This procedure is pronounced legal by the liest authorities, and is perfectly feasible. Salem Statesman. OFFERS A CORRKCTION. To the Editor. Please allow me to sav for the farmers of Nehaleui that the statement in the telegraphic dispatch from Astoria, which appeared in your Eaper of the 9th of March, classing Man ane as a farmer, is a complete false hood. We have no such farmers here, and declare we never will. Before bis marriage he claimed a partnership in the sawmill of the Lane Brothers, at Mist, (now of Deep creek). Since his marriage he would claim anything to avoid manual lobor. If the writer from Astoria had pnblished or commented on the villainy of turning such criminals loose unpunished in the last few years, we farmers would think he had judged matters justly. We see violations of the law daily and conclude to bear it, until it becomes insnpportable, as in the pres ent instance, rather than swell our tax list with court expenses, and with but little hope of punishing the aggressor. Now, Mr. Editor, this gives the senti ments of Nehalein farmers. I have lived here twenty-one years, and can say that our breeches hang so low now that if we have to pay any more court expenses and criminals go unpunished, farmers must either go naked or borrow some good strings from old Kentucky or North Carolina until we have tune to raise some hemp in Oregon. Ex-Governor Lord's wife advocated flax raising so that Oregon women might learn to spin, therebyasisistingtheir husbands through hard times. Our wives feel very grate ful to her ladyship for the good example and encouragement, and propose to carry me industry stui mriuer. xney ten us now that we must have both flax and hemp; the flax they will convert into an article 01 ciouung, ana tne neunp tney mean to use for medicinal purposes. They claim if the article is ptoperly medicated and carefully administered one dose is sufficient in the worst stages of disorder. A Nkiialem Fabjieb. Have Yon Registered? Below is the number of voters who have registered in the county for each precinct to date: 1 Auburn 86 Apiary, r 6 lieaver Falls 21 G'latfkanie 103 Deer Island 16 (Joble 61 Marshland 20 Nehalum 9 Rainier 53 Oak Point 66 Scappoose 46 Union 117 Warren 36 Total. 620 We have saved many doctor bills since we began using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in our home. We keep a bot tle onen all the time and whenever nnv of my family or myself begin to catch cold we begin to use the Cough Kemedy and as a result we never have to send for a doctor and incur a large doctor bill, for Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy never fails to cure. It is certainly a medicine of great merit and worth. D. 8. Meab kle, General Merchant and Farmer, Mat tie, Bedford county. Pa. For sale at the St, Helens Pharmacy. WARRKN ITEMS. Ole Bowman was a Portland visitor last week. J. F. Downing made a business trip to M. Helens last aionuay. Born : To the wife of William Coopei on lliursday, March otn, a son, F. M. Hoyt has been very ill for week or two", but it now improving. W. E. Stevens, of tlie Kilmore Lake farm, was over last week attending to business matters. N. V. Baker returned home last wee from Hammond, and will remain to pre' pare for spring work. Mrs. Henry Larson and son. Louis, made a business trip to St. Helens 011 Thursday of last week. Myrtle and Lela West, of Scappoose, were the guests of Miss Garnet Lynch at this place last Sunday. Mrs. L. Blanchard, who has been vis iting at few berg for the past six months, returned home last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Q. W. Baker were visit' ing their daughter, Mrs. John Urio, and family, of Houlton, last week. Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Baker took pas sage on the steamer America for Port land last Monday. They returned on Tuesday. Ed McFarland returned home from Portland last Saturday. He was accoiii panied by Will Pattullo, who remained a uay or two. W. J. Fullerton. who has been in Port land for the last two or three weeks, was down last week visiting with friends and acquaintances. Miss Lulu A. Frakes is attending school at the Portland University. She began with the spring term which com menbed rebruary 5th. Flovd Piuer, who represents the Wal- awav his book of samples and is ambit;-.; -. In. Will Wn- U'U SIUIUI. IV, 1 1 ... vviv.. Mrs. L. AUard and daughter. Inex. of rrouiuaie, drove down in a buggy last week on a visit to their son and brother, Prof. D. C. AUard. They returned to Troutdale Saturday. A social dance was (riven at the home of Eli Lynch last week by some of his menus from rcappoose. A One time is reported. Supper was served at mid- nignt, to which an did ampin justice. Mrs. Wm. Beaver gave a dinner party at ner home one day last week, the occa aion being her birthday. Quite a num ber of friends and relatives were invited and all spent a most enjoyable afternoon D. E. Brewer, diciplinarian of the Cheiuawa Indian .training school, at Salem, passed through Una place last Monday looking for two runaway boys who escaed from that institution a lew days ago. (ieorire E. Frakes returned last Mon day to Portland University from which he has been absent four weeks. He underwent a very severe but successful operation at ot. Vincent a hospital on January 30th. and came home for ten days to regain his strength before re turning to school. A subscriber of Tun Mist would like to know when the bicvele tax of Col u in bia countv is to be paid and what the tax is to be. The tax is $1.25 on each bicycle within the county, which tax is now due and payable at the sheriffs office in St. Helens. Editor. The entertainment given at the school house on Friday evening last was first- class. It was due to f ranklin Hoyt and Jasper Hazen, who were sole directors of the movement, that it was such a suc cess. The proceeds, some $14 or $15, is to go to astist in building the proposed evangelical church at this place, first on the programme was an opening chorus, followed by a recitation by Lena Wilson, which was rendered well. The recitations by Misses Musette Grewell. Mae Slavens, Maude Wilson and Master Clyde urawell were all that could be de aired. The vocal duet by Mr. and Mrs. AUard was well received. Mrs. AUard possesses a remarkable alto voice, which she uses to good advantage. A pathetic song, llie Living tneineer," rendered by Maude and Mae Wilson and Katie liaker was worthy of an encore. Miss Lillian Larson captivated the audience oy ner vocal solo and ber instrumental selection was a masterpiece of work. She chose as her selection Ben Hur's Chariot Race, a piece by no means an easy one. Mrs. Hoyt's vocal solo, "The Jiam m me mill, anu ner recitation, were both very clever bit of work. The tableau, representing "Love. Courtshio and Marriage," by Misses Olive and Musette Grewell and Mr. Floyd Puzey. would have been second to none on the programme had there been red fire used but as it was, the audience appreciated the effort. The vocal solo, ''The best little girl in the wide, wide world," was creditably rendered by Mrs. J. F. Down ing. The nigger sketch was good, each part being well carried out. The min strel first part was also extra gold, the circle being com posed of nine boys 111 neat uniforms, with Frankie Hoyt and Vin Grewell on one end and Janper Ha zen and Louis Puzey on the other end, while Carson Harms carried out the middle man's part in a creditable man ner. The jokes and songs were new and catchy and the audience was not slow in responding. Louis Puzey made the hit of the first part by his original joke on one of the end men, which seeuied to strike the audience as being remarkably funny. An elegant lunch was served after the programme had been concluded, after which dancing was indulged in. The verdict of the people as they left the hall was to the effect that they had witnessed a first-class entertainment. Blank note and receipt books for sale at this office. Dn Shilohs .Cough and msumption cure Thf 1 beyond qucatlon tn znoat aucceaaful Cough Medi cine ever known to acience: a few doacs Invariably cure the worat caaea of Cough, Croup and Bronchitis, while it won derful aucceaa in the cur of Conaumption la without a par allel in t be htitory of medioine. Bine it flikt diacovery It ha been aold on a guarantee, a itst which no other medicin can atand. If you have a Cougb, we earnestly ak yon to try it In United State and Canada Sc., 60c. and $1.00, and in Knglaod 1. lid., U. 3d, and .Sd. SOLE PROPRIETORS .CWells LEROY. N.V. TORONTO, CA FOR SALE BY EQWIN ROSS. SUPERVISORS' SALARIES. Auiount Allowed tboae Omoer for their Year' Labora. The county court, while In regular ses sion for the March term, examined the annual reports of tha road supervisors ana allowed mem the following amounts: Dint. No. 1. J. A. Holadav :t9 00 " 2, T. A. Clonlnger 60 00 3, W, J. Fullerton 47 00 " 4, J. J. Plank.., 88 00 " 6, II. Schmitt 80 00 " , F. Henderson DO 00 " 7, W.M.Perry 25 00 8, J. M. Stehman 64 00 , 8. Mellaril 81 00 " 10, Dan Rice 70 00 " 11, J as. Wallace 81 76 " 13, A. M. Berg 24 00 " 13, J. F. Peterson 65 00 " 14, Wm. Priiigle..,, 14 00 " lS.Thos. Petti joha 44 00 " 10, A. Shannahan 16 00 " 17. O. K. Wonderly - " 18, C. W. Melliuger 27 20 iv, B. u. Pcnoonover. . . . 40 w " 20, O. J. Wallia 20 00 " 21, James Boyle - " 22, R. H. Bailey 81 63 " 23, Joseph Ihjpont, SO 00 " 24, P. O. Markg 24 00 " 28, K. f. Uurus 69 00 " 26, F. O. Johnson 30 00 " 27. Olave Johnson 86 00 " 28, Win. Resimina 14 00 " 211, J . L. Young 11 00 " SO, Thos. Anderson 20 00 " 81, A.Parker 2o 00 ' 82, Oliver Wilson 10 00 many L.vr Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl with an offensive breath, tvun s clover Koot lea purines the breath by its action on the bowels, etc as nothing else will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts. and SO cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. A. R. De Fluent, editor of the Journal Doylestown. Ohio, suffered for a number of years from rheumatism in his right shoulder and side. He says : "My right arm at times was entirely useless. I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and was sur prised to receive relief almost Immedi ately. The Pain Balm ha been a con' stant companion of mine ever since and 11 never laus. or aaio l tue ot. uei ens Pharmacy. Doe Thla Sirik mf Muddy Complexions and Nauseating lireath fromchromcconstipation. Karl s Clover Root Tea is an absolute cure and haa been aold for fifty years on an abso lute guarantee. lTice 26 eta. and 60 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Rosa. Blank note and receipt books for sale ai tuis omce. It is very hard to stand idly by and see our dear one suffer while awaiting the arrival of the doctor. An Albany (N. Y.) dairyman called at a drug store there for a aocwr w come ana see nil cnuu, men very sick with croun. Not find inn the doctor in, he left word for him to come at once on his return. He also bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy, which he hoped would give some reuei until the doctor should arrive, in a few hours he returned, saying the doc tor need not come, as the child was much better. The druggist, Mr. Otto Scolts. says the family has since recom mended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to their neighbors and freinds until he lias a constant demand for it from that part of the country. For sale at the St Helens pharmacy. , Da Van ataaw Consumption is preventable? Science has proven that, and also that neglect is auiciuai. ineworsicoiu or cuuim can - 1 1 n . 1 , be cured with Shiloh s Cough and Con sumption Cure, hold on a positive guarantee for over fifty years. Sold by Dr. tawo rloss. Gail for a County Convention. A republican convention for the county of Columbia, state of Oregon, is caned to meet at Kainier, uregon, on Monday. April 8th, 1000, at 11 o'clock a, m., of said day, for the purpose of nom inating candidates for tlie various county offices of said Columbia county, Oregon, and to elect six (6) delegates to the Btate convention to be held in fort- land, Oregon, on Thursday, April 12th, 1000. and to transact any other business that may be brought before the conven tion. The convention will consist of fortv-two (42) delegates, apportioned among the several precincts aa follows: Auburn 3 Apiary 1 Beaver Fnlli S ClaUkanie ..5 Deer Island 2 Goble 4 Marshland. .'. 2 Nehalem 3 Oak Point ...3 Rainier 4 Scappoose 4 " Union 6 Warren 3 The same being; one (1) delecate-at- large from each precinct and one (1) for every twenty-four (24) votes cast for T. 1. ueer lor governor in W)H, ana one for each major fraction of twenty-four (24) votes cant for said T. T. Geer, gov ernor. The county central committee recom mends that the primaries in the several precincts be held at the usual voting places in said precincts on Saturday, March 31st. 1900, at 2 o'clock p. m., ol said day, and that the delegates attend the convention in person. isy order 01 the committee. A. L. Clark, David Davis, Secretary. Chairman. ED H1XLSBERRY, Expert :-: Barber SHARP RAZORS AND CLEAN TOWELS. None but purest chemicals used in wash ing and cleansing the lane. Get a Hot Towel on Your Face Usual prices for work. DECKER'S OLD STAND, ST. HELENS $1 vnn Ana Ai uAva wtrt nnaa OOO AT TRI gANQUET None bat the best in both Imported and Domestic wines, liquors and cigars. CYRUS - NOBLE WHISKEY The celebrated Welnliard Beer always on draught. CL0HIN0EH t, WHITNEY, Prop: ST. CHARLES HOTEL Front & Morrison Sts,, Portland Under New Management 190 Rooms at 2S Cents to AO Cants. Suites 7ft Cents to 11.00. Klevator, Klectrio Light and Bells, and all Modern Cotiveiiinee. Pre But Met all lioau and Trains. Restaurant Conncc eiviiiEocl OTgnn Telephone 9fW. Columbia Telephone 27. jkaj tUH POMTLAND. DAILY. "America" Willamett Slongb Route Leave St. Helens. . .. 6:30 A M Arrive at Portland. .10:30 A M Iave Portland 2:30 PM Arrive at St. Helens. 0:00 PM H M H M H H H FARE IS CKilTS. ri Will Carry Nnthlne- bill Pauen- M 1. J . .. - MI4 Sal gera ami Fait Freight. jAm: uooD, nwiir. w A STORIA & COLUMBIA RIYER II RAILROAD COMPANY. aADDOWK DAILY. TAYiona. DAILY. '11 u r. a. I a. m. r. h 7 no Oft s X a as S 44 s w S OH OH 19 S S7 s ml .0! 05 80.4' la 4.VH HA M M 40 M.' 90 i.V..r Lt.. Portland.. A r 11 40 a si S 90 a 00 7 M 7 4 7 in ooun Kainter Pyramid ...... Matgar Qtifury ....ClalKkanl.... ....Marahland.... WirtHtrt..,.. millon Knappa Hveimm ....John Hay Ar ,. Aitorla .. . f.v 10 0(V M ss X t M t l 'i t 0! S ft! S S7 a 17 m 1 M 7 4.1 10 00 Ifti.J 10 10 M.4 7 10 n i7i.r 10 as I'm 71 11 02 MA ! It 10 MUX II ! WM! II 30 W H 7 17 7 Ol il 10 OU 10 ON 10 ai 10 Ml 6 10 All Iralal make ftnao ronnarilona at Oolilp vita Northern i'aoitic tratiu 10 atil fmin the Kant and Hound luiliua. At Portland with all traina leaviha t'utun ileliot. AI Aalnrla wilh 1. K. a N. ( .' boat ami rati Una to and frpui II wacu and .North licacb (wlnta. PaArtirra for Aatnrla or war nolnta moat fin traina ai ilonlioa. Train, will t,,i, 10 lot ia.- Hnnrra oft at lloullon u hvn romlng from poluta weaioiuouie. ,a. v. , (icn. I'a. Ant., Aaurt, Or. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent enre of tetter, salt rtienra and eczema, Chnin berlain'a Eye and Kldn Ointment is without an eqnal. It relieves the Itch ins; and smarting almost Instantly and its continned ne effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's Itch, scald bead, sore nipples, itchinir piles, chapped handa, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. w . .... , m X.VK.....V.. avnuvis 1 ... horses are the best tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Price, 23ciits. bold by Dr. Edwin Uoss. PROFESSIONAL. GEO A. HALL, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW T. HELENS, OHKCION. Office next door to Cole A Quick's law anu abstract office. Collections a specialty. Foreclosures. mechanic's liens, promptly attended to. C.G.NIXON, ATTORNEY-JT-R1 W. Collection a Specialty. RAINIER, : : OREGON. pR. 1. B. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatsksiifs, Columbia county, Or. J-JR. EDWIN ROOM, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helena, Oregon pR. H. r. curt, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. lit. Helens, Oregon. G, W. COLE, ATTORNEY and counbelor-at-law, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Title Ahatract Booka, Notary Publln. Commla. nloner of iMxxla for WsahiiiKton, and aneiper- lenvea Guiiwwr lit voimeuiiun wiin vnivo. 1. W. DAY W. D. DII.LAKD pUlitvl & ait, ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW Oft ft next door to Cnnrthoiia, HT. 11KI.KNH. OKKIiUN. Oenenil practice In court of Orovrm or Wali liiKtiui. Abatraut mad dlroctly from county recorda. . .BTKAMEll Ii IJ PR Ij 1 1ST Ej PORTLAND AND ASTORIA Leavfi Portland eynry night at 8 o'clock for Astoria, (except Hunday.) Saturday nlglit at 10. Keturnlnir, leares Aatoria at 0:80 o'clock eyery niornlna- (except Monday.) Bun day at 6: 00 o'clock p. m. M a.jf irjirvwwww How About GOIB t Main Stroot PORTLAND, RAINIER AND WAV LANDINGS. TIME CARD Uwvea Ralnlar al A. M.. Ntwr City at 6 SO A. M., Kalam at 40 A. M..Caiil at 7:90 A. at., Co liimma City al ?:0 A. M Hk IMoiia al 7: It- A. M arrlvaa at Portland al 111:110 A. M, ROUND TRIP DAILY EXOEPT SUNDAY. Uaraa Portland al 2;f P. M SI. )lln 4 HO: rolunildit City 4 111; Capias 4:411; Kalam t.K; Km City 4.40. Arrlvva al Haliilvr at 0:'J0 P. U. TWINTV-PIVI OINTt TO PORTLANO AND ALL LANDINQS. W. I. NIWiOM. ... WHEX IN NEED OF MIS PIC IN E... -OO TO- thc... (j LATSKAN1E J DRUQ Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc 0H. J. t. HALL, fropriotor. CL.1TSKJNIE, - Oil EG ON. I ' f -i Wa aarrr . 'CT vlu,l al J tl.aOO.OM00 it: ; ? 'i. - 8S KB V. 4V, 0. Wa awn and Mcapy tha tallaal martantlia bulldlni la la world. Wa hair ovf a,aaa,aos cuaiomara. Biiimi hundra dark ar (oaalantly an c ad ftlllnf aul-of-towa ordar. OUR OINtlAL CATALOOUE is tha book of tha Bapl II quota Wholaaal Prica to Kvarybody, haa evar i.aoa pa, it.aaa illuatntioo. and 60,000 daacrlption of artlclaa with prica. tl coaia ya cam 10 print and mall aebcopy. Wa want you to hav on. SEND riFTKKN CENTS la ahow your rood faith, and wa'll aaod you copy KRttlt. wllh all chara prapaid. MnmnnycDV wion a , mwn 1 wwmi.il 1 iiniiHiavvi GHioaao .STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... mi MftndttjrH, ml Krt.Uyji at no t!imn a, m. .Portland and Kelso Route via Columbia River 0. B. A N. CO. Time SCHEDULES a.., TtwH ral Halt f.ak, Doiivar, Kt. ' Mall Worth, Oinaha.Kon- Faat lp.m. aaa city, Ht. I.mila, Mall Chlcafo and Kaai. t Up.tu, Hpoknn Walla Walla. Hpnkan, Hpokan Klyor Mlnnaapolla, hi. Kljar S:if p. m. Paul, liuliilh, Mil- ll liua.ro. waukeo, C'hicagu -Eaat. . Ocaan Blaamshlpl. 8p,m- All aalllns d.tca .lib- ip m )rt Ui cliaiiR. For Hon Pranoli'f Hall evary Sv ilaya. p. m. OolumW Rlvr 4 , m. Kx.Humlay Staamara. Kx.Huuday Haturday To Aatnrla and War lup. m. luudluga. Sa. m. Wlllamrtt Blvar. 4-(to n n Ex.HiiiirtBy Ori'ion City. Newtiers, Kx.Hui'ida'y rialum k Way Unil ga 7am Wlllaai d Vm. j.jo p m Tna.Th'ur. hill Rlr, Mi.n. Wad. od Hat, Oreiroii City. Dayton, ud Krl. aud Way.Undlnga. .m. Wlllam.ll Rlvar. 4Mp,m. Tuea, Thiir. Portland to Corvallla Mon. Wvd. and Hal, and WaydandlnKi, and Frt, I.v. Rlparla SnakRlvr.- f.v.Uw'lon l:)a. m. dally al dally Rlparla toLewlaton. S'ilUa. in. W. H. HURLBERT, General Paaaenfc-er Agent, PORTLAND OREGON STEAMER G. DELL SHAVER, Master. !'g-ffltTO um vtnrawi,,,,,.,.,, ,.., w,,,,,,,,..,, , The company reaorvei tin rlgh to Changs time Shaver Your Title? A RR YOU Bt'HR It la all rlMt Rpiiiamlwr tliat II la In ,5V, KKCOItl) that iiiivt'Nia. Il la niir lnilua in ararvh Ilia "l rci-onla ami allow what lliay vnntitlii III rvlallmi to lunil tllli-a. If yuii cuiileiuulatt huylim lil or loanlna monvy on ivn. auu I'.Miilly, tnaa no luaii'a word, but In.l.t Utnn kuowliix what the iw'onl alinwa ri'itanlln the llllo. An Abatraut luaaewnllol aa mU'o.l. In.l.t on bavin II. W hava tha only aat of alialravt booka III tliu county. All work promptly mtail and astlafaollon Simrmilowl. If you hav property 10 luaurailvauaa rail, W ar aiixula lor th bt lire tiiaiiralii'ooniiaiiltaln Ih world. If you linva pruparty fur aaio IUI U with ua ami w will Dud Uuyr. OUIOK, ST. HUMS, OHtOOM STORE Wa rci In 10.000 u tft.vull.itan aiaf y dav ii.wr - . 3" tV rn "ikj....sMt.diiiri lnnl TuoinUy, Thnrl)f, Nti't ttatfurtiftjra, l o'clock . m. M XJo ladle (tirnltare is comoleta - ' witnoiu a new iigiii-runniiin glNGER ijat-"?-" If you buy a sowing-machine why not gfl the best. Hold on easy terms without intercut. C. P. LOONEY, Agent Aatoriia Oron. t'J WHITE COLLAR LINE rTfKTPin!iri 1 Kl am.a '- ju.MA'saaK TUK COLUaf DIA JUVKR AND I'UOKT BOUND NAVIGATION CO. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. STR. GATZERT Landing Foot of AMar Hlreet, Portland. Laavea PnrlTand dally (exciiitHnmlay)at7 A. M Lamllna Tilnphima dock, Aalorla. Lavea Aatorla dally (aancpi HiindaylT P. llalley Gataarl tloketa good on alvamar llanaalai Hteainer liaaaalo tloketa giMid on bailey liana". U. B. SCOTT, Pres. W. SHAVER Leave Portland, foot of Wash ington St., Mondays & Thurs- I .OA A tr T nl.iia kanie Tuesdays and Fridays an ociock in tnn moinini:. without notice. Transportation Comoany.