The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, March 02, 1900, Image 4

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    JJULi kill U Li tlJbliU
If a person Is 111 and need a medi
cine ii it not wise to get one that hu
stood tha test of time and baa bun'
Idreds of thousands of cures to its
A great many women who are 111 try
'everything ther hear of in the way of
medicine, and this experimenting- with
unknown drugs is a constant menace
to their already impaired health.
This seems to us very unwise, for
there are remedies wnicn are no ex
pertinents and have been known years
and years to M doing- only good.
Take for instanea Lydia K. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound; for thirty
years Its record has been one un
'broken chain of success. No medicine
for female Ills the world has aer
known has such a record for cures.
It seems so strange that some people
iwlU take medicines about which they
really know nothing, some of which
miirht be, and are, really Harmful
while on the other hand it is easily
Droved that over ons million women
have been restored to health by Lydia
. Pinkham Vegetable Compound.
We have published in the news
papers of the United States more
genuine testimonial letters than have
ever been published In the interest of
any other medicine.
All this should, and does, produce a
pirit of confidence in the nearts of
women wnicn difficult to dislodge.
and when they are asked to take some
thing else they say, " No, we want
Lydia K. Pinkham' Vegetable Com
pound, which has been tried, and
never found wanting, whose reliability
is established far beyond the experi
mental stage."
We have thousands of letters like the
following addressed to Mrs. Pinkham,
knowing that
Monthly Suffering Is Al
ways Cured by Lydlm Em
Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, also Back'
mohe and Bearing-down
"I suffered untold agony every
month and could get no relief until I
tried vour medicine ; your le tter of ad
vice and a few bottles of Lydia .
Pinkham s Vegetable Compound have
made me the happiest woman alive. I
ihall bless you as long as I live." Miss
June Sail, Dover, Mien.
" Four years ago I had almost given
up hope of ever being well again. I
was afflicted with those dreadful head
ache spells which would sometimes
last three or four days. Also had
backache, bearing-down pains, leucor-
rhoea, dizziness, and terrible pains at
monthly periods, confining me to my
bed. After reading so many testi
monials for vour medicine, I concluded
to try it X began to pick up after
taking the nrst bottle, and nave con
tinued to gain rapidly, and now feel
like a different woman. I can recom
mend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound in the highest terms to all
tick women." Miss Rosa. Heldu,
124 W. Cleveland Ave., Canton, 0.
Two Letters which Prove
that Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound Will
Remove Tumor and Cure
Other Female Weakness
" Two years ago I was a great
sufferer from womb trouble and pro
fuse flowing each month, and tumors
would form in the womb. I had four
tumors in two years. I went through
treatment with doctors, but they did
me no good, and I thought 1 would
have to resort to morphine.
" The doctor said that all that cfluld
help me was to have an operation and
have the womb removed, bat I had
heard of Mrs. Pinkham's medicine and
decided to try it, and wrote for her
advice, and after taking her Vegetable
Compound the tumors were expelled
and I began to get stronger right
along, and am as well as ever before.
Can truly ssy that I would never had
fotten well had it not been for Lydia
L Pinkham's Compound." Mabt A.
Stahl, Watsontown, Pa.
" After following the directions
given in your kind letter for the treat
ment of leucorrhea, I can ssy that I
have been entirely cured by the use
of Lydia E. Pinkham's remedies, and
will gladly recommend them to my
friends." A. B. Davids, Binghamton,
n. y.
Another Case of Womb,
Kidney and Bladder
Trouble Cured by Lydia
Em Pinkham's Vegetable
" Dear Fbibkd Two years ago I had
child-bed fever and womb trouble in
its worst form. For eight months after
birth of babe I was not able to sit up.
Doctors treated me, but with no help.
I had bearing-down pains, burning in
stomach, kidney and bladder trouble
and my back was stiff and sore, the
right ovary was badly affected and
everything I ate distressed me, and
there was a bad discharge.
" I was confined to my bed when I
wrote to you for advice and followed
your directions faithfully, taking
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, Liver Pills and using the Wash,
and am now able to do the most of my
housework. I believe I should have
died if it had not been for your Com
pound. I hope this letter may be the
result of benefiting some other suffer
ing woman. I recommend your Com
pound to every one." Mhs. Mart
VaVwHX, Trimble, Pulaski Co., Ky.
Thought 8h Had Scored.
"I saw him kiss you just before ht
was leaving, " said the sour visAged
sunt, and she said it in a regular dull
thud tone.
"Yes, auntie."
" Well, I can realize that it would
be the last thing he would think of,"
and she sailed ont as though she had
scored every possible point. Detroit
Free Pre an.
Small Books.
The largest library of small books in
the world belongs to a Frenchman,
who boasts that be can pack 700 of his
pocket editions in a single portman
teau. The affection of old ge is one of the
greatest consolations of humanity. I
have often thought what a melancholy
world this would be without children,
and what an inhuman world withouf
the aged. Coleridge. ,
Government Will Attempt to Induce tho
Adoption of Conservative Moth
oda of Lmb.rii,
The attempt of the government to
Induce the adoption of conservative
methods of lumbering in order to pre
serve the national resources, and the
responsive interest taken by timber
owners, have brought up many interest
ing legal questions, and the division of
forestry haa found it necessary to make
extensive researches in this direction
As a result, a circular dealing with tho
laws which affect forests is in course
of preparation and will lie sent free to
persons Interested, One of the most
Important points brought out is the
recognition by law of the prospective
value of growing timber. The possi
bility of profitably carrying on lumber
ing with systematic provision for future
cutting depends upon this point. It
haa usually been held that when, by
tresspass, or by unscrupulous cutting
by contractors, timber hss been re
moved contrary to the owner's wish,
he could recover only its stunipage
value. As forestry usually requires
that a certain nnmlier of trees of cer
tain aim be left, it follows that an un
scrupulous contractor could easily upset
the plans of years with little -fear of
punishment. The supreme oouit, how
ever, haa recently ruled that the differ
ence in value between logged and mi-
logged laud depends not oulv on the
value of the timber removed, but on
its probable increase had it been left
Improvement in Alaska.
Captain W. 11. Ahercromlrie, head of
the government exploration party,
which last season did mncb work in
the Copper river country and began
opening up a military road from Port
Valdes to Fort Egbert on the Yukon,
arrived in Seattle, en route north to
continue his work. It is the purpose
of the government, he says, to con
struct 2,400 miles of telegraph line in
Alaska, and complete the military
road. He returns this year with in
creased responsibilities. The road, he
says, will be completed during tins
season from its present terminus, 80
miles inland, to Tanana, about two
thirds of the distance to the Yukon,
The telegraph line will be built from
Port Valdes along the road to tort
Kgbert and thence down the Yukon to
St. Michael.
Among other northern improvements,
be says, a large government what f at
valdes has been decided upon.
An Eastern syndicate, headed by
Henry Villard, he says, is now having
snrvevs made along the general course
of the military road with a view oi
building a line.
Bank for Ballard.
After many vain efforts on the part
of the citizens, Ballard has finally se
cured a national bank, to be called the
Ballard First National bank, with a
capitalization of f 50,000. The hank
will be founded and intimately connect
ed with the Seattle National, whose
cashier, S. Foster Kelly, is now arrang
ing the details of the new institution.
E. W. Andrews, president of the Seat
tle National, will be the head of the
new bank. Mr. Kelly will be vice
president, and the cashier and other
officers are yet to be announced.
Northwest Notes.
A condensed milk factory is under
consideration for Hillsboro.
There were 1,800 visitors at Crater
Lake last year.
The Eugene water com pany haa been
reorganized, five of the old stock
holders selling 220 shares to four new
men for f 22,000.
The Dalles business men will take up
the project of establishing a fruit and
vegetable cannery there when the
scouring mill project shall be off their
An effort is being made to construct
telephone line from Tillamook to
North Yamhill, by way of the toll
road. It would cost, it is estimated,
about f 2,500.
Allen Edwards pleaded gnilty to the
charge of obtaining money by false pre
tenses at The Dalles, and was sen
tenced to the penitentiary Jot one year.
He obtained $2 at the Umatilla house
on a fraudulent check.
Sheepmen of Enterprise, Oi., are re
fusing $5 a head by the band for good
ewes, says tne renuieton lribune.
One man refused $3.50 for spring
lambs, and another paid $5.50 for 60
head of first-class sheep. Goats sell fur
$5 a head. ,
At a public meeting in Klamath
Falls, the proposition to donate $150,-
000 worth of land to the Oregon Mid
land railroad, which proposed to build
to that town, were accepted, and com
mittees were appointed to arrange the
It is reported by a gentleman resid
ing in Ashland that instead of rebuild
ing the woolen mill at that place it is
likely that the company will build a
woolen mill at Klamath Falls, says
the Klamath Fulls Republican. It is
argued that such a mill here would, on
account of the long and mountainous
road- intervening, be far easier of
access for the wool growers of Klamath
and Lake counties, from which counties
te Ashland mill derived its main
Spokane wheelmen have organized an
association, admitting without dues
every bicycle rider who has a license
The Weyeihanser syndicate will
this year pay taxes on 169,560 acres
of timberland in Chehalis county. The
1899 tax amounts to $17,036.42.
Citizens of Goldendale have ordered
10 pair of Mongolian pheasant, and
will endeavor to have that desirable
game bird well established in Klickitat
county this year.
Mrs. Bertha Lambert, tried in the
superior court at Colfax and found
guilty of assault on T. 11. Wilson, a
school teacher at Winona, was fined
$25 and costs, the whole amounting to
about $100.
In the Olympia high school, a
teacher was explaining the principle
on which a steam radiator worked, and
just as he reached the point of explain
ing how explosions may occur, the
radiator in the room exploded. No
one was Injured.
There are 8,863,720 Christian En-
BRADSTft SET'S report.
Favorable Inerease of Trails as Com
pared to Last tsar.
Bradstreet's says: Satisfactory
vices as to expanding trade in
goods and kindred lines come from
number of markets. That the aggre
gate business of the country is of good
volume otherwise is, however, indi
cated by detailed reports of increases
in trade, as compared with last year,
confirmed by satisfactory railroad earn
ings reports, by fair gains in bank
clearings and by reports of better de
mands for money in commercial chan
nels. A year ago, it may be recalled
extremely stormy weather -was exper
ienced, and some effects, notably those
on winter sown orops, were; very unfa
vorable. This year opposite condition!
have ruled and though some talk of
lack of snow in grain-growing regions
is heard no widespread damage from
cold weather is yet noted. In fact,
unseasonably mild weather has becu an
appreciable effect on several industries,
notably those engaged in the manufac
ture of footwear, in discouraging salei
of the same actually causing the shut
down of some rubber manufactories.
and also in the lumber and ice but-i
ness. The scarcity of snow in the
Northwest will unquestionably affect
the log cntting season, and a firmer
tone as to values is already perceptible,
notwithstanding talk of labor troubles
affecting the building trades.
The foreign demand for iron and
Fteel seems likely to have a most impor
tant effect upon prices of the domestic
product. It is conceded that auy iui
portant recession in value would be
met by a heavy enlarged export move
Failures for the week in the United
States uumber 199, as compared with
281 last week, 160 in this week a year
ago, 289 in 1898, 825 in 1897 and S!7
in 1896.
attlo Marketa.
Onions, new, $3.25(33.50 per sack.
Lettuce, hot house, 40c p?r do.
Potatoes, new, $18(320.
Beets, per sack, 75$85c
Turnips, per sack, 60c.
Carrots, per sack, 50c.
Parsnips, per sack, 75 85c.
Cauliflower, 75c $1 per dozen.
Cabbage, native and California,
$1.0031.25 per 100 pounds.
Apples, $1.25(31.50 per box.
Pears, $1.001.25 per box.
Prunes, 60c per box.
Butter Creamery, 81o per pound;
dairy, 17 22c; ranch, 20o per pound.
Eggs 20c.
Cheese Native, Ho.
Poultry 13l4c; dressed. 14S15c
Hay Puget Sound timothy, $12.00;
choice Eastern Washington timothy,
Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23;
feed meal, $23.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
$21; whole, $22.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.25;
blended straights, $3.00; California,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; gra
ham, per barrel, $3.80; whole wheat
flour, $3.00; ire flour, $3.804.00.
Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $14.00;
shorts, per ton, $16.00.
Feed Chopped feed, $20.00 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal
per ton, $30.00.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beei
steers, 7 3-i 8c; cows, 7c;mutton 8c;
pork, 7c; trimmed, 9e; veal, 8
Hams Large, 13c; small, 13 a ;
breakfast bacon, 12,'uc; dry salt sides,
Portland Market
Wheat Walla Walla. 5354c;
Valley, 53c; Blnestem, 67c per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $3.00; graham,
$2.50; superfine, $2.10 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 85 36c; choice
gray, 34o per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $ 14 15.00;
brewing, $17.00 18.00 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $13 per ton; mid
dlings, $19; shorts, $15; chop, $14 pet
Hay Timothy, $10 11; clover,$78
7.50; Oregon wild hay, $67 perton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 60 55c;
seconds, 42 6 45c; dairy, 3037c;
store, 25482iO.
Eggs 1 4 i 16c per dozen.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c,
Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00
4.00 per dozen; hens, $4.50f springs,
$2.50(83.50; geese, $7.00(88.00 forold;
$4.506.50; ducks, $5.00(36.00 per
dozen; turkeys, live, 10(3) Ho per
Potatoes 55 90c per sack; sweets,
22'c per pound.
Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 90c;
per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cab
bage, lo per pound; parsnips. $1;
onions, $1.502.00; carrots, $1.
Hops 78c per pound
Wool Valley, 1213o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 814c; mohair, 27
80c per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
ami ewes, 4'c; dressed mutton, 7
7 Mo per pound; lambs, 7 3-aC per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00;
light and feeders, $4.50; dressed,
$5.60(6.00 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, f 4.00(34.50;
cows, $3.504.00; dressed beef, 6K
1t0 per pound.
Veal Large, 78c; small, 8J49
9Kc per pound.
San Franotseo Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, 12 15c per
pound; Eastern Oregon, 12 16c; Val
ley, 20 22c; Northern, 10 12c.
Hope 1899 crop, ll13o pel
Butter Fancy creamery 23 (s 24c;
do seconds, 2222c; fancy dairy, 20
21c; do seconds, 18 19c per pound.
Eggs Store, 1815c; fancy ranch,
Millstuffs Middlings, $17.50
20.00; bran, $12.50(818.50.
Hay Wheat $6.609.60; wheat and
oat $6.609.00; best barley $5.00
7.00; alfalfa, $6.00 7.60 per ton;
straw, 80 45c per bale.
Potatoes Early Rose, 90 90c; Ore
gon Burbanks, 70c (3 1.10; river Bur
banks, 50 75c; Salinas Burbanks,
80c 1.10 per sack.
Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia,
$2.76(33.25; Mexican limes, $4.00
5.00; California lemons 76cfl.60;
do choice $1.752.00 per box.
Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.60
2.60 per bunch; pineapples, nom
inal; Persian dates, 0io pet
"Experience is the
"Best Teacher:9
The experience of millions
has demonstrated that Hood's
SdrsaparilU is the perfect
remedy for tit troubles of the
blood, stomach, nerves,
bowels, liver and kidneys,
snf thst it Imparls strength, vijor and
viUlity. Every itstimonUl is tht voice
of experience to you.
Dyapopata "o4 complication of
troubles, dyspepsia, chronic cmUrrh and
infUmtrnHon of the stomach, rheumatism,
etc., made me miserable. Had no appe
tite antS I took Hood's Sarsaparilla. I am
thoroughly cured." N, B. Stetty, 1S74
West 14th Avenue. Denver, Col.
Hood's Fills eura llrsr Ills ; the non lrrttatlne sn4
snijjeatbartloto""tse with kooit'i SsnmparlllsT
-Walking Warily.
A man who walks circumspectly has
hi eyes open and his wits about him.
If you ask him whore he is going he
can tell you instantly, lie has a rule
of conduct, and a distinct object iu
view, and carries with him a certain
sense of dnuget that some one or some
thing will interfere with the object he
has in view. Such a man will be more
likely to accomplish his purpose than a
mere wanderer. If it is worth while
to walk circumspectly, for the aake of
success in business and the accomplish
ment of onr earthly schemes, how much
more is it worth while, for the sake of
our spiritual welfare and growth in
grace? United lrewbyterian.
Kali war Padding-.
Cream together with two ounces of
fresh butter and a cup of white granu
lated sugar; add to this the well beaten
yolk of one egg and a cup of milk.
Work well together and flavor with
any esseuce desired. Mix a large tea
spoon of Itakmg powder with two cups
of Hour and gradually add to the mixt
ure. Bake in an oblong tin. When
cooked, divide iu two, spread one-half
with jam and press the other lightly
on it. Some of this mixture might be
baked in small patty pans for tea cakes.
Boston Globe.
With local applications, as they cannot reach
the seat of the i!is-hm. catarrh is a blood or
constitutional diraM, and tu ordsr to euro it
ton must take Internal remedies. Hairs i:a
;arrh Cure is taken internally, ami aetsillracttr
on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Ca
tarrh ('ure is nut a miack medicine. It was
prescribed br ons of the beitt physicians In this
country (or years, and Is a reirular prescription.
It Iscompoaeilol the best tonics kuown. com
blued with the best blood purltiers, actlns: di
rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is what pro-
auces sucn wonuenut results IS curing oatarrn.
Seud fur testimonial, free.
F. J. t'HENKY A CO., Proprs , Toledo, O.
Hold by driurK'sts, price TV.
Halls Family fills are tho beat.
A Just Ood,
It is as hard as ever to reconcile the
wrongs which men suffer at each other's
hands with the great truth that there
is over all a just, holy and gracious
God. Our own personal life is full of
unsolved mysteries, and lays upon us
heavy hands. There must be some
great facts of which we can lay hold to
steady ourselves amidst the flood of
doubt which otherwise might engulf ns.
Rev. Ed. Coe.
A powder to be shaken into the shoes.
At this season your feet teel swollen, ner
vous and uncomfortable. If vuu have
smarting feet or tight shoes, try Allen's
root-r.ase. it rents ana columns; mattes
walking easy. Cures swollen mid nweating
feet, blisters and tallotis spots. Itelieves
corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer
tain cure for ( 'till ulnins, nweatmg, (lamp or
frosted feet. We have over thirty thousand
testimonials. Try it iodny, bold liv all
tlrugtrists and shoe stores for Trial
package FREE. Address. Allen S. Olm
sted, Le Roy. N. Y.
Man is not exceptional ia the te?t
that he is and has to be a worker. All
nature ia a scene of incessant action.
Everything from atoms to stars and sys
tems of suns are constantly in motion.
-Rev. Dr. Thomas, People's Church.
Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. E. w. Grove's signature
is on each box. 25c.
A Model Husband.
Wife I saw the loveliest lace
spreads today, only two dollars and a
half, and I wanted them awfully, but I
knew yon wished to economize, and so
I didn't net them.
Husband That's too bad, my dear,
you should have got them. Anything
which adds to your happiness and
brings gladness to your eyes, anything
which lightens your domestic cares and
gilds the lowering clouds, anything
which borders with sweet flowers the
thorny paths of duty and appeals pleas
antly to your aesthetic nature, making
life more worth living, home a para
dise, you are welcome, donbly welcome
to, my dear angel, if it doesn't cost
more than two dollars and a half. N.
Y. Weekly.
Made Hlin Homesick.
A tramp went along a dusty road
and sat down on the steps of house
in a quiet village street. Through the
windows the voices of a man and
woman in violent altercation were
beard, and the tramp listened intently.
Angry words, and occasionally the
sound of something thrown, reached
his ears, be could hardly sit still.
At last, evidently, the wife had
taken a broom, and the blows fell fast
and fnrious.
The tramp conld stand it no longer,
but, rushing to the side door, he darted
in, and, stepping between the pair, he
cried, with a husky voice:
Give ns a clip or two with the
broom, old woman; it seems just like
old times!" Collier's Weekly.
Clrle and Military Powers.
- A Boer field cornet is usually the
magistrate of the neighlioring country
wherein be resides, and is invested with
the power to commandeer all able
bodied men on such an occasion as the
present war. N. Y. 8un.
Too Much Time Wanted. "If you
will get my new suit done by Satur
day," said the customer to a tailor,
"I'll be forever indebted to you." "If
that's yonr game," replied the tailor,
"the clothes will not be done at all."
Ohio Stat Journal.
Vaa of Liquor ia tho Army.
The Evangelical alliituoe at Cincin
nati listened to two addresses on "Tem
perance." Rav. F. M, Wells, forniar
chaplain of the First Tennessee regi
ment at Manila, spoke of Intoxication
among the soldiers. He said that there
were 800 traveling liquor salesmen in
the Philippines aud that liquor is told
on ninny transports, at well aa ou the
battleship Indiaua. lie cited names of
officer whom ha said he had seen
drunk, and said 90 per oont of the ill
nest among the soldiers it caused by
liquor, lie wat followed by Clinton
N. Howard, the temperance orator and
reformer, who outlined kit work in
Ueard Ilia Name.
The following ttory is told in the
life of the late Archbishop Benson by
his son about the archbishop's favorite
dog, Watoh: "My father was reading
tho lesson, which was the thirteenth
chapter of St. Mark, iu which the word
'watch' occurs several times. The
dog, who had been slumbering peace
fully, became very restless, and, as the
bishop ended with tho words: 'What
I say unto you, I say nnto all, watch,'
iu a very imperious voice, there fol
lowed a great scuffling ami scratching,
and Watoh emerged hastily from his
place and proceeded to the door of my
fathor't stall." Troy Time.
For Wireless Steering.
All Invention for steering any craft, by
means of an ether wava on tb wireless
telPKraplt principal lias been perfected. Ill
naval war it Is expected to make the tor
pedo boat almost infallible. In this re
Siect it will equal the fannm Hosteller's
Stomach Hitters, which never fails to cure
-on.itiviion, Indigestion, dyspepsia, bil
iousness and malaria.
rerreetly Absurd.
Chappie She called me a conceited
Oollv Tho Ideal Whv. an idiot
has nothing to be conceited about.
Town Topics.
1 shall recommend I'iso's Cure for Con
sumption far ami wide. Mrs. Mulligan,
Plunuttead, Kent, Knglaud, Nov, 8, ltW.
This world is full of tools, and he
who would wish uot to see oue must uot
onlv shut himself up aloue, but also
break his lookiug glass. Boileau.
No More Bonr Htntnaeha.
When rou'r constipated, nmllgested food rots
tit our stomach like garbage Iu a swill barrel.
( lesn it nut min Cascarvu Caudy Cathartlcl
lue, On, few.
Ought to Ineludo an Alarm Bell.
This timely suggestion comes from
the Chicago Record: Why not make
every microbe wear a fender and carry
a headlight?
An Important factor In
nantal Travel.
Xo one crossing the continent can
afford to cut Halt Lake City from his
route. The attractions of the place,
including the Mormon Temple, Taber
nacle and Church Institutions, the
Great Salt Lake deader and denser
than the Dead Sea in the Holy Land
the picturesque environment and the
warm sulphur and hut springs, are
greater to the square yard than any lo
cality on the American continent.
The Rio Grande Western Kailway,
connecting on the East with the Den
ver & Kio Grande and Colorado Mid
laud Railways and on the West with
the Southern Pacitlo (Central Koutc)
and Oregon Short Line, is the only
transcontinntnal line passing directly
through Salt Lake City. The route
through Salt Lake City via the Kin
Grande Western Itailway is famous all
tho year round. On account of the
equable climate of Utah and Colorado
it is just as popular in winter as in
summer. Send 2c to J. D. Mansfield,
253 Washington Street, Portland, or
George W. Heintx, General Passenger
Agent, Salt Lake City, for a copy of
"Salt Lake City the City of the
Aa soon as a man gets to old he has
no more trouble with heart affairs, his
liver begins to make him grief. Atch
inson Globe.
Mothers will lind Mrs. Wiuslow's Sooth
ing Syrup the best remedy to use for thrtv
children during the teething period.
Martha "Do you think it would be
wrong for me to kiss Miss Plainface?"
Harry "Not if your eyes were shut,
perhaps." Boston Transcript.
Improved Train Equipment.
The O. R. & N. and Oregon Short
Line have added a buffet, smoking and
library car to their Portland-Chicago
through train, and a dining car service
has been inatiguarated. The train is
equipped with the latest chair cars,
day coaches and luxurious flrst-clasa
and ordinary tleepeis. Direct connec
tion made at Granger with Union Pa
cific, and at Ogden with Kio Grande
line, from all points in Oregon, Wash,
ington and Idaho to all Eastern cities.
For information, rates, etc., call on
any O. K. tc N. agent, or address W.
II. Hurlburt, General Passenger Agent,
Tart Hut Traa.
Until indivuality is enabled to as
sume the mantle of greatness it can
probably do at much to make a man
unpopular at any other one quality.
Whenever you commend, add yonr
reasons for doing so; it it this which
distingnishet the approbation of a man
of sense from the flattery of sycophants
and the admiration of loots. Steele.
If yon hT0ti'tft retro lr, bttlthr moTatnnnt of th
bowels vrf day, you're nick, or will b. Kttep four
bowuia opn, and be well, force, In the tliapo of
violent pbyilo or pill poison. I datifferoun. The
niooiijt).. easiest, mot perfect way i Jumping tUe
bowel olear aud clean Ui to lake
Pleasant, PalataMe, Potent. TssteOport. Do Onnd,
Merer Sicken. Weaken, or Uripe. luo, too Write
fur free sample, and booklet on nealtn. ASdress
Mrllae Sr M7. Cthas, Iml, M Ists. ls
lirttS WrtlKt ill H.HI FAILS.
t tiush syrup.
'1 sslas uoua.
In time. Hold hy rtrtnrirlRts.
sifc-srsi siMisisiftia-n
JtffiZmYi- CANDY
Cared of Catarrh
By Perana
After 20 Years'
sjis mLm?$u'-,m
"My wife (Polly J. Evans), my a sAc feela entirely cured of sys
temic catarrh of twenty yean' Handing. She took nearly tlx bottles
of thy excellent medicine, Pervna, aa directed, and we feel -very
thankful to thee for thy kindness and advice. She did not expect to
be so well aa she Is now. Twelve years ago It cured her of la grippe.
I want to tell thee there has been a great deal of Peruna used here
last winter. Ihiruna does not need praising. It tells tor Itself. We
can and do recommend It to anyone that Is affllcteJ with catarrh. "
As ever, thy friend, John Evans, South Wabash, Ind.
When catarrh has reached the chronic
ttiiKi of course it hat gone beyond the
reao of all local remedies. Nothing
but a systematic remedy can reach it. j
i'ernna is the only remedy yet devised j
to meet such cases, i'ernna eradicates
catarrh from the system. It doe its
work quietly, but surely. It cleanses
Willamette Iron , and Steel Works
n l(n ere ami flnll1r t Marina tCngtH, Mlttlne; ami Or1(tita; Mttrhinr
anil 4nral Mill mud Iron Worst. lia HydraMta, I'allvjre. fMiMfLiiitf t. twrre-'
lundnva Mottatteil
08o M-CTIE3
wnson Rhkomatic Cl'S Co.l Whrtt I wuit )ro far ssnitt huttla of "t HHOI'H" my
rifa wsssullsrlnf terribly ftiwo Rheumatism ami was wry dlscuuiasnl, as 1 had trk4 avtry
Iking the doctors preset ild, nn srlln( ber to Micliflrltl Springs, etc My doctor Is wry iiiihH
aurprissd at the praams my wits ia making, and she is so well that ah
refused to keep her
doctors Insist ea her
'5b- wry well know here, the ' Mtora" is receiving cuneideiaMeattoa.
lT7SllJLJ turn and praise. V. K. PRICK, Jersey City, N. J. Oct. li, lH
HM ' J sransoH RnstmaTic Ctia Co i I suffered terribly with Kidney
(tau mae) lor Kidney Disease. MARY A. CAK11AUOII, lllack Oap, I'a. Aug. Xt,"K
Use nDOd Is the sson poaarfal spoHae kaowa. r from nvtota and nerferUr hanaleas,
O UflUrO It gives elmiMS Itusanloaeoae reiler. aiul to a fruMUvwesrerur Uneaamtlsss
elatlaa, Nearaltria. 0TSMla, ssaehaebo. Asthma. May t'eeer, f'atarrh. tlt-l,
Crwww aieealeeMeea, Nereaaeaaea. Hereasie aad Maaralale uiaaaee. Caewaaa, TaaUt
aeaa. Heart Wesksta, Dew, Malaria Crewplng amnaeea, els., ata.
eaa V a V to enshls tfl (refers to te ? riKOrS" at left trUI. we will send a de aamrts sntlle,
VJ Lr!Tw oreosld by tor teste. AroiriebHiewlile4Mlite you. Al. !r btue (SSI
gosse) SI ttu for). Sold by sad agesls. SHUTS wtsrs le S.e TnHe 7. "Sits IS TU-llil.
fatal Itrawbaaks.
'You say yon won't marry me lo
cnuiie I am bald ami because I make
"Yns; If yon were bald and didn't
make puns or if you made (mna and
wore not bald it would be difTttrent;
but the fact that you are bald and still
make puns convince me that you are
too old to reform." Chicago Kecord.
lias No Torrars for Hlin.
The bathtub trust, says the I'ittaburg
Times, cannot acare the old inhabitant
who wa brought np to wash at the
Vantia and Wlra Worhi.
ami Iron lencnis; ottlce ralllim, mm. $. Aider.
JMaohlitart' anil niiills.
Mlstaas.( aisi.a.llsasl at M. All Uiral Ml sV..r I at sis4 t tm
f v 1 1 11 a vwir,, 1 Jit 1 iiAHlf, VRKiin",
can fflve you the tout tmrtcitlin In K'-m-ral
tniTM rrtr v t .. . ,
plows, bftlta nnd windmill. Tha tuw
ipfl I X L windmill, void by Mm, 1 un-
Hu the largest sals of any ink
in tne worm.
Wa wish to (tin this t sar WMirO
tistr aaitonisirs. and n tn unr
1 Pi. Cltr Osr.l-a Boat, lt
I Ktrrii Htnrsiu;ueaniMtlh
Htrawbnrrjr MsIud
li i-r Ifs-iwb,
ksrir tips :(ihs,
Ksrlf iHntirtr On dm,
UNiiisnt riowsr no
W.rtfcM.OO, for 14 Mala. TuO
Bisll jroa fres tocstbsr with out
arsst OUlof. tslll nu all aimnl
Sl traps. IdtIU roar trad. mnd
4 know wb.o fov ottos try Malaar'a
4ftat1a r' will osvfrr do wit boot.
sgajniarar" pit ft II rrilMOn nSISwT'S IVUV fSf-
st sari Isst Tomato Ulaot os ssrtb. FC
JOHR A. Hi Ull BIBB CO., LA taotwa, Wl.
ONI FOR A DOBS. Cnrs Sick RaadKha and Dya
pepsls, Homova I'liiivloa.i'urlfy the liluod, Aid lllgos
llon, I'rovont lllllouenrea. IxinotUrlpeorHlcksn. To
eotiYlncn you, will In sll ssmp s treat full Iws.'lM. DR.
OSANHOCO.lrkUsa,issia,rs. euiduyUmggista,
nnnDOU Treated
Addrsss DK. NIKUKIBK, Mountsln Home, Ida,
if r,s
the in u cons mnitihraiie of the whole
body, it produce regular function,
rerun restore pvrfwt health in a
natural way.
No one should neKlect to procure one
of lr. Uartman' free lxakou catarrh,
mint to any address by the I'ernna Medi
cine Company, Culombua, Ohio.
patients use "5 DROPS" for
etc. Read
the follow
Ing letters:
seamstress and Is sow (tutu tier own sewing. Tb
taking " Drops " and assura her that It Is Bow
I rouses lor yeara, ann alter using mmm wan in poiiaes oi "a i'kiii o
1 am now entirely wetland I gira " DKOI"" the pralsa for my cure. I
could not Cnd anything that would give me the slightest relief unlit I
tried this remedy, and t recom memi 1 1 to ewry aa a permaneat cur
... KAWUFAOTUasm BT ...
iravriTiii mns.
aoi.H AO kmc v
Steam Pump
and Water
Pumping IMsiiis ol
Any (Jars!Uy
SO te S5 first Street, I'ortland, Or.
Msoliluary Alt Kinds.
Tbouaanda of garden-
enilependon Ferry 'etwmls
avery year and neeer sunVr
dlsiiltment. C'licun sull.
tules brlna lists, not nnviiie cmns.
It MIVS to titte & IUI I mnr. tn 1
fsaair'aHaaia. Hve reins ner nauer '
I everywhere, and always worth It
always las nest, inuuneeii annual rres.
I. at, m1 4 C., CITMtT, MIC.
Hnmrthlng to put their blond In proper ctiinll
tlon lor spring's changeable weather.
rioore's Revealed Remedy
Will do It effectively. Nn elnoliol or noltuimnlS
drugs purely vegetable, fl.ou per buttle at
tne drug shires,
A U-ginr1ilriil la,r.a.w It' 111 annrl.i ihtl
tlil nest ti i ui tn out irtirouM laathr wairpro(
aihl ndilt to I ih iluralillltv. Htmil us wn sllvr
sih! rftmlvc by rnlurii mall. Mit mld, eiuniKh
ifin. inn ,tii jrani. nui.Hin'llm (iinriiiui'g'ii
TlimiipiMju tk Craig, 41A UrU Hi., Han Kraiicitcui
Use Hls for nnnslursl
Irrllstlons or uli-uretioliS
muaous nieniursiiM.
aitilM. snil notsstrlU"
lf,ilCHtsitii Do, or poisonous.
VlSOmStTl.t.f! thslsl sy ear Ists,
sent In plsla wrsppee,
etsrMi. di-hbsM. lot
M. or bottles. SV.TS.
lireulsr sunt oa resuesl.
N. P. N. V.
No. a-IVOO.
WUBIf writing to advertiser pleas j
maatloa this psysr, j
g J slutton.XJ
gT UuubdimS m
a.: nut to itlatsK.
r I himu IkiuU
A V-if TK
Oi 'e-yrf (