OREGON MIST. II1VKD EVERY RIDV flfOHKINU -- DAVID DAVIS, Editor and Proprietor. Bnferrlflla Hale. One copy one ;nr to edvauos... -II 30 One cow tlx months....... Stngl. copy - - Advertising nt "vmeds known upon application COLOMBIA. COUNTY DIRECTORY. eoimtv orrirERs. Jndge Joaeph B. Dnan, Rainier (Jlera ..... ....J. . nnw,r. nrmii UL.rtir J. N. Klee, t'latskanie Treasurer . t. : K. Ko, Ht. Helen Bunt, of school t opeiami, " arren anr Martin White. Uiiliioy Bilrvevor t'eo. Hayee, Nttyger Coroner ,Dr. H. R. Cliff, St. Helena . , i. ' p. A. Frages, canpoe Coinmlesloner I '' N- D. f,emu, Nlst JANUARY 2, 1900. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. It is noteworthy fact that never in the history of the public schools of this county has the progress made been so satisfactory as has been the caso during the'past two years. Very much of the credit" is due - to the excellent system established b-r Superintendent Cope- land arid the conscientious manner in Which he has performed his ofiicial work. . Mr. Copeland is an educator of the advanced class. He has made edu cational matters and methods a deep end earnest study. No other one in the county ia better equipped than he to perform such official work, and for that reason his renomination for bis present place ought to be, and undoubtedly is, am assured fact. It no other demand is made by the people of this county upon their repre sentative in the next legislature, who ever he may be, of whatever political faith, or whether he has any faith or not, the demand alioald be made upon him to use bis beat endeavors for the enactment of a law creating a state boaxd of equalization. The experience of one year's assessment in this state is quite enough, and as must be the case, one year more to follow with such redic nlously discriminate assessment work as has been done the past year throughout the. state, we believe the people will be a loud in their demands for a state board of equalization as they were a year ago clamorous for its abolition. Let's keep this matter in mind and "goad up" our next legislator. ,Now that opportunity ia about to present itself for progressive enter prise in our immediate vicinity, it ia strictly in keeping with the order of things for some old blatherskite to fling disparagement at it! Because an elec tion is approaching, everything, in the mind's eye of gome people, must be subordinated to that event. If people want to build a railroad they will build it, and in this instance in question the "want to" seems to be quite serious, but it certainly is too bad that capitalists have to be insulted and enterprise con demned by a decrepit-in-mind old shys ter) whose dominant ambition is to re tard progress by howling "political scheme." Sabby. In this instance how unfortunate it is that prosperity benefits the worthy and unworthy alike. Hokisty is always to be commended, and honesty in the long run, is certainly the best policy. Because someone has been dishonest, and reaps temporary benefit, it certainly does not follow that everybody should pursue the game dis honest methods. The assessment of Co lumbia county was justly, honorably and correctly made, there being no other policy that could be pursued with honor and justice, and the fact that such is the case speaks volumes for the integrity of those who conducted' the canvass. Be cause one man gets down into the mire of disregard for honorable things in or der to accomplish a little temporary re lie, does not open the right-of-way for others to follow in his unjust course. Notwithstanding the fact that the amount of money to be paid to the state this year is an unequal sum, let it be paid, but let an effort be put forth to check the abusive methods of those who take advantage 'of honor. The question naturally ariaes: Shall we go forward orjhall we go backward? As encouraging sign of progress that has already been made in the settlement of the Cuban question is the fact that 409 farmers and mechanics have just ailed from this country to Cuba, with the intention of establishing a perma nent American colony in the island. This colony is to be located near the port of Nuevitas, in the province of Puerto Principe, in a tract consisting of 61,000 acres of virgin forest. Most of the emigrant are from New York and the New England states, like the hardy pioneers who built np the great West, while Western and Southern states are also' represented, showing that the movement toward the colonization of the new territories is a national one. The fact that already American colonies are being projected in these regions is proof that the tide of emigration lias turned in that direction. With Ameri can colonies scattered throughout the islands, it is but a matter of time before the American sentiment will predomi nate and the Americanization be com plete. The disparity in ratio between the native inhabitants and the American aet.tlers is no bar to the accomplishment of this end. A few sturdy Yankees, in troducing Yankee ideas, will go far toward leavening the entire mass. Ir there be anything in signs, the coming year is going to be a hummer for business in this locality, in fact, throughout the county. Pawmills, wood flumes, logging railroads and logging tramways are projected by wholesale lots, and eveu it only a part of the con templated enterprises are brought to a realisation, there will be decided changes in old Columbia' borders. There never baa been time in the history of the county when prospects for new business enterprise were so good as at present. The natural resources are here in great variety and endless quantity, and why should we not have our dayT The lo cation of the county in proximity to the markets of not only our own domain, but to those of the world, is such as to command the investigation, utili sation and placement of capital in its rcleutless desire and search for invest uient, Timber,, oodles of it, mineral, too, in paying quantities, besides vast deposits of coal, which i said to be worth developing. And after these resources which natnra has so bounteously sup plied us with, are exhausted, if ever, the lands are capable of producing the best hay, fruit and grain of any region on the coast. Let it all come to pass ; we guess we can reconcile ourselves to our fate. Indications now seem to point to the fact that there will be but little conten tion for places on the republican ticket in the coming county convention. There will probably be a spirited contest for representative nomination, but it will be friendly, and all aspirants will cheer fully abide the decision of the delegates. Judge Doan will very likely be renomi nated by acclamation, as will also be the case with Mr. Watts for clerk, and Dr. Boss for treasurer. For sheriff and assessor there art a number of candi dates in the field, all good men, which means that the convention can make no mistake. We have heard of no opposi tion to Mr. Copeland for school superin tendent, and presume his nomination will be unanimous. For the office of county surveyor there is an open field, as is also the case with the commis sioner. No one seems to be willing to have the office of coroner saddled off on them because of the already certain task of burying an unusnally large num ber of defeated populist candidates. But in regard to the work to be done by the convention, the old saying that "the best laid plans o' mice and men," etc., mav be realized. A scheme is on foot among the popu list leaders for the calling of a national convention ahead of everybody else, and the nomination of Bryan and some good democrat on a populist platform. A more successful way of embarrassing Bryan and the democratic party could scarcely be found. And, come to think of it, have not the populists already a ticket in the field with Barton and Don nelly as leaders? That prosperity is in the land has been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt, as the following item from an exchange will witness : "The editor of a neighboring county paper was Inst week held up by two highwaymen and robbed of $263 in cash and notes." This fact removes all suspicion of hard times from the minds of those who are in the leastwise willing to be convinced. Tins request of Mr C. G. Caples in a communication which appears in this iHsue, that the matter of lands attached by the county for unpaid taxes, be placed in its proper light, is an excel lent idea, and we have made an effort to comply. It is to be presumed that such a discussion will have salutary effect upon the county's exchequer. The importance of regard for the re quirements of the registration law and an early compliance therewith will save voters and registering officers alike much trouble and worry. Do not put off this important matter, but register at once. Law is law ; be this one good or bad, its requirements must be com plied with. The state democratic central com mittee lias met in Portland and issued a call for a state convention on April 12th. Chairman Steele, of the republican com mittee, will soon call a meeting of that body, and the state republican conven tion will probably be held early in April. Ik all the prospective enterprises for Columbia county are realized and pros perity in greater slugs than now pre vails forces itself upon us, what on earth are the poppy's going to do? Will they move out? Never; they will remain to enjoy it with the rest of us. Asotheb member of the Oregon legis lature has gone to join the angels. 8. G. Uawson, representative from Gilliam county, in the lant scstion, shot and killed himself at the Esmond hotel in Portland, last Mondav. All over -a woman, too. Just think of it. There appears to be mistaken idea in the minds of many regarding registration thinking that only foreign ers are compelled to register. This is a great mistake. All must register, to save themselves trouble when they come to vote. Having a Great Hun on Chamber lain' Cough Remedy. Manager Martin, of the Pierson drag store, informs us that he is iiaving a great run on Chamberlain's Cough itemeuy. He sens nve bottles or that medicine to one of anv other kind, and it gives great satisfaction. In these days of la grippe there is nothing like Vimmoeriain i uoogn nemeay to stop the cough, heal np the sore throat and lungs and give relief within a very short tune. 1 ne sales are growing and all who try it are pleased with its orornnt action. South Chicago Daily Calumet. For sale by Dr. Edwin Boss. Tell Your dialer. A Beautiful Complexion is an iriirxisni- bility without good pure blood, the sort that only exists in connection with eood digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover Root Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver and kidneys, keeping them in perfect health. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. Detailed Report of the Court' I)e llberatlona-Ordere Made. Be It remembered, that a regular term of the County court 1 in aunt ot wvgon.ior me coin" ... f.lM twniu mid held at the cotltllY Court- houae, Iu City ol ft. Helena, iu said County ami Stale, otl Vt dnceuay, lite an uay oi January, it. I. WOO. the him being the time Used by law for holding regular term ol said court. Present: lion. 1. B. Doau, Judgv; Hon. N. H. PatBtsbin. cniiinilaalnner: Hon. r. A. crakes. commissioner; J, O. Watte, clerk; J. N. Kite, Due proclamation being made, the following proceeding were had: Petition of II. T. Beunett and other for a county road, allowed, and J. W. Tiukham, Jus. Beegle and M. Saxon apiioiuted viewer, to meet at resilience oi I . ucuueu, wiiu vunut; ..n,.. . Jan. . 1MUl Petition of Win. Kcidnilua and others for a county road, allowed, and J. W. Thikhaia, Jas. Beegleaud M. Saxon appointed viewers, to meet at realdeuee ot H. T. Uenueil, with County tjur vever, on Jan. , Petition, oft). U Hunter for liquor Uoeiuetor Golile precinct, urauieu. in thn matter of the antdlcatlnn ot C. ). Catle lor remission of tales tor the years MM ami iksu: , t ..... ... This matter coming on to be beam, ana the court being fully advised In the matter, II la or deied by the court tbal upon the payment ol the aura ot U by Hie aald f. U. Caplee, that the sum o! J1S.M tw remittoi ana mo ciora narj ervdittor the name. Whereupon the, aald C, U faplea paid the naid sum of t-M.-U and a re a,iitim cerliticaie was turned to said Caples. Iu the matter of selectluir a Jury lor the year 1900, two hundred names were selected from the assessment roll lor me jury nu l th HtMrlMf nf th rMtfla-uattoil of W . J. Kilt lerton as supervisor of road district No. II and the examination ol his report, aald reslKtiallon is accented and his report is allowed, and In. elaiai for the sum of 4J as supervisor iaailowed lu the matter of re-disirtctlug Columbia I n the matter of designating the official paper of Columbia county lor the year 1U00. It appearing to the court irom the lists filed bv the Columbia County News aud the Orcnou Mist that in coiuiuoia county news uas w. subscribers and lb Oregon Wist hasHsub vriii.nL ihe tirviron Mist havttic the liirgest number of Buhscribem It Is ordered by the court that trie Oregon attsi ne, ami me aauie is, hereby designated as tne omciai paper lorcpi iimldt ramitv for the vear ltnJO. In the matter of bids for publishing the county court itweeuna lor tne year iht. I.i.i nf the Columbia County News to pub lish the county court pruceediuirs for the year U4IO lor the sum ot si.uu ana tne oio oi me vat ooM Mist to publish the couuty court proceed in f.,r Oio vear two free of charge, were x amined, and the Oaooon Misr being the lowest bidder, the salu oia oi me uaauon uir was as ftl'Utl. Petition of P.Umisignot and others for a connty road, allowed. Viewer appoiuted aa follows: William Anderson. Ueo. Kauisevaud KU Lvuch. to meet at the residence of H. Z. Joy, on Feb. 8, land, with the eounij surveyor, lu the matter of cancelling of tax sal certltl Now, at this time, the elerfc presents to the court a list ol lanaa vrnicn nave ueen aoiu io: delinquent taxes that pruof had not been made upon and also a list that was a double assess ment, and which were bought by the county. The court being fully advised In the premln-s. It Is hereby ordered that the certificates for the land ol tne loitowiiig-nauiea partioa ue cau u!liul .a..r4h.Ml 8j flllloWS. tfVWll: J. A. Kinperton, sr., ne and nw 11 of sec 10, tp 6 u. r 4 w, lor 1K. Edward Mcfweeuey, w s or oeoi aee a, tp a n, r 4 w, lor liwi. John M. Movers, nw k of ne and lota 3 and 4 of sec 1$, tp 5 n, r 4 w, lor lr-tu. A. Nichols, se & ot see a, tp 6 n, r $ w, for lSyj. W. C. Purdin, nw W of aw ii and aw of nw IA n. i M.-l.lfiln.r&t. for l.MU-l-0-e. jr. W. Prehn, sw V ol sec 34, tp u, r w, tor !, C. Person, lots 1 and 3 of blk a, Vernonla, tor Sum Tim, lot 4. blk 5, Vemonia, for 1CM. J a lot 2. blk 7. Vemonia. for 1BU1. S. C. Spencer, nw of sec 4, tp S n, r 4 w, for w' s stnnc. ae '.' of nw W and sw i of ne Ki and ne ' ol an ! and nw J ol e ol sco IS, t p en. raw, ior ElizatieUl lurx.se ;toi sec , tp a n, row, for lNa. ii is ordered that the same be and are hereby ordered cancelled aud that Ihe clerk have credit for the aeveral sums. In the matter oi redemption oi v. it. or nun Weeks' laud: it im ordered bv th conrt. that noon the TT- ment ol fi7.!jl that redemption cerliticaie issue for the sale o' 1BJ1 aud lwi tax, which sum was paid, end that the clerk hate credit for the sum oisia.'. claim of P. A. Marmiam for refunding sher Iff fees collected from July, 11, examined and rejected. Application UI a. A DUweiB lur assiKuiuc-u. v tax sale certiorates Aos. ow ana iu&, lor tne sum of til., allowed. Petition of J. L'lmen and others for a county road was continued for the term. Hoad supervisor appointed 10 serve until July Ut, were correctly publislied in the Issue of The Mist of January 12th. Ihe list of juuxe ana cierxs oi election, as printed in Tub Mist of the issue of Junuary kih. was correct, except lor Beaver Falls pre cinct, which was omitted. Following are the judges ami clems ior mat precinct: J. . Meservc, chairman, C. Snyder and J. W. Boals, judges; W. H. Kyser, A. J. Uuigley, clerks. Polliug place, Meserve's hall. The books of the sheriff, clerk and treasurer were examined by the court, checked up and approved. . . M. Both, assignee of Dean Blanchard, having fisid ap the taxes and co-d on the lands sold or delinquent taxes and which Columbia countv had taken a deed. It la ordered that a quitclaim deed be executed in lavorof aald M. Both as assignee, recouveyiug said land, except lots 7 and 8, blk 14, which suld lot are to be deeded to Edith K. Clark. In the matter of the tax levy for the year 1899: It Is ordered that this matter be continued until Jan. 2A. 1900. It is ordered that npon the payment ot the sum of 17.50, the amount of taxes and costs of tale of T. B. McMillan's land, that the peualty be remitted, which sum was so paid, and the clerk Is to have credit for the sum of 111.76 pen alt; remitted. It is ordered by the court that the clerk have credit tor the sum of file. 97, the amount of double assessment of D. Blanchard, w bich sum is herebv remitted. The court adjourned until Jan. 26, 1900. KOTICE TO TAXPAYKR8. To The Editor. I learned today from the county clerk that there are now more than 500 persons who have had their lands sold for back tax in the county, which was levied ten years ago. Most of these persons know nothing of the sale, thinking, and many knowing, the tax had long since been paid. It is a notorious fact that the sherilf's about that time were very crooked. One went crazy ; the other ran off to South Africa, and in consequence, the people are pay ing dear for it, and shou.d be warned of the dangers and probable logg of their lands and home. Allow me to say, 1 have great sympathy for those who have bought homes and made furms in this county, for I have lived here a long life time, since 1847, and have made two small farms ont of the timber, say noth ing of the hardnhips of standing off the Indians, in the attempt to build up a home in the wilds of Oregon. In many cases 1 have induced settlers into thin county, and at times have favorably represented and sold gome lands to set tlers, and now I do not want to see any one lose all, who is worthy. I have written to many persons, informing them of the situation of their land, but you know this is expensive and can only reach a few. You are aware that the subject of taxation baa, from the earliest creation of man, let it be conducted in ever so good a manner, caused the world to mourn. In view of thia fact, is it not best to approach the danger line with gome degree of moderation? Hoping yon will put this subject in its proper light, I remain, C. Or. Caklks. Columbia City, Ore., Jan. 17, 1900. Very Encouraging Outlook. The outlook for the coming fishing season on the Columbia river ia most encouraging, at least so far aa the amount of money that will be paid the fishermen for their labor is concerned, and that ia the portion of the industry that we are most vitally interested in. The eastern markets are almost bare of the canned product and every cannery and the cold storage man is anxious to secure aa large a quantity as posKible. While no price hag lieen fixed either by the nshcrmen'i union or the canners, the indications are that at the opening of the season, Chinooks will bring not less than 5 cents, and perhaps as much as 6 or 7 cents per pound. With any . . i-i t , t t.: ill lunigliaen inir rmt ut unii, tin win mean the distributing of a vast sum of money among our resident fishermen as wages. . . If vou are In need of some nice, up- to-date stationery it will pay you to leave order at thia office. CIj AT8K ANI H 1TKMM. Silas Shourds it at Nehaltmi bay this weK. .... Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Van are pending a tew uitys in town. Mist Louise Barr wag down from Tort' land last week, spending a day with her parents ami menus. Al Harvey and Claude Lane, of No- haletii valley, were in towu Monday on ineir return from t oruanu. This community was quite shocked when the news came that William Gra ham had been drowned last Friday near nig Home at treemaira landing, far tics from her went to asaist In the search for the body, which was found about midnight. It is learned lie had just (hushed a very small bout, which lie wag trying for tho licet time. llli wife and family had been out to aee the Ho:tt and as he started out In It, they returned to the house near by. Mrs. Graham soon after in looking out, saw the boat upside down, nut aaw notnlni of her husband until hie body wasfomul near the shore, toward which he had evidently been swimming. Me was a -jood swimmer, but for soma unknown reason, failed to reach the shore. No ono seems to have seen the boat upset bill it wag about the middle of the stream when seen. The funeral took ulace In in Portland on Sunday, at the Lone Fir cemetery. Decttwd was a member of the Modern Woodmen here and his comrades of that order rendered what assistance they could, and twenty or more of them accompanied the remain to Iortland. Decettned wag a son ol Samuel Urnhnin, of Marshland, and leaves a widow and two children. For tunately he carried an insurance of c.uou iu tne Aiouern woodmen. It has been demonstrated repeatedlv in every state in the Union and iu many ioreign countries that Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy is a certain preventive and cure for croup, it has locoitie the universal remedy for that disease. M, V. Fisher of Liberty, W. Va., only re peats what has been said around the gin! when he writes: "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my CITY TREASURER'S S0TICS. Orrics or City Taxxsi'aaa, 8t. Hrlkns. Oregon. Jan. 28. 1W0. rTMIK CITY TKKASI KVR OF SsT. IIKI.KNH. x uregou nereDy atvea notice mat an war rants of this ctiy which have leeu prcaented and endor-d "Not raid for Want of guilds, prior to Feb. 7th, 1H&), will be paid upon pre setitatinn to me. Interact will not be allowed after this date. UAVIU WW, City Tiwurer. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given to all whom it nay concern, that tiie underaigued, ad ministrator of theeetnte of Joseph Smith, deceased, has tiled in the County Court of Columbia county, for the mate of Or egon, his final account and report a such administrator oi saia estate, and that Mondav, the 5th day of March, ItMX), at the hour of 1 o'clock 1. M. ol said day, has been appointed by said Court aa the time for hearing of objec tions to said final account and report, and for the hearing and settlement thereof. Dated January 28. HKO. Ukor.uk VV. Smith, Administrator of the estate of Joseph Smith, deceased. jaiCy ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice ia hereby given that I will sell for cash, at public auction, at the court house door, at St. Helens, Columbia county, Oregon, on Saturday, the 17th day of February. 1X), at 12 o'clock noon, of said day, the following-dpsrnheu real property belonging to the estate of Edward Weatbv. deceased, to-wit: Lots numbered two, three, and four, and the southwest quarter of the northeast quar ter of section six, in township six, north ot range live, west of Willamette mer idian, in Oregon, containing one hun dred and fifty acres and seventy hun dredths of an acre. Said property will he sold by me as administrator of the estate of Edward Westby, deceased. Hated, Astoria, Oregon, Jan. 13, I Hull. Jonn Carlson, Administrator of the estate of Edward Westby, deceased. jlOfltt ra. - a Zf Uk dhiions Cough and (onsiin.ption cure This Is beyond question th most successful Cough Medi cine ever known to science: a few dose invariably cure th worst case of Cough, Croup and Bronchitis, while lu won derful iucccs In the cur of Consumption I without a par. allel in the history of medicine, feince its first discovery It ho been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medicine can atand. If you have a Cough, wo earnestly ask you totrylL In United State and Canada ic., 1.0c. and 11.00, and In Kngland 1. lid., K. M. and 4. fid. SOLE PROPRIETORS 5.C.WELIS &CoJ LEROY. N.Y. TORONTO, CAN. FOR SALE BY EDWIN, ROSS. CAMPAIGNING IN THE PHILIPPINES. A book of over M0 natrea, with nearly 300 beau tiful UlUHintlioiis nf troops In action and scenes In Ihe Philippine Islands, published by The Mckt-Judd Publithing Co., ' Of San Francisco, the only publisher In the United Mtates who sent represeutatlvits to Ma nila especially to compile a histurr of the war. As many as twenty-three writers were engaged in the work in Manila, many of whom were with Ihe troops In their varlon engagements and they were permitted to use official records to verify their report. map ot Battltfitld Made bv an official man-maker In the am Army Corps enables the readers to follow closely the movements of troops. Detcription of Philippin Itland Oivlna statistical and other Information a to climatic condition, resources, etc., and an ae countof the trio to Manila, taking the reader to Honolulu and through Japan and China, are interesting leatureaoi tne nooa. Th Ortgon Special Book Contains a complete history of the 2d Oregon Volunteer rcKlment In the Philippine cam nslirri. and also the name, uostotxlce address and occupation of every member of lite regi ment, toxether with llata of killed and wounded, deaths by disease, promotions, discharges, etc., and also cuts of each company and omcers of Hie. regiment. It is vouched for asolllclally correct by a certificate from the colonel. Advance Salt ot Oner 6000 Volume In Manila show the faith nf soldiers In the publication. It is sold by subscription only and retnrnliiK soldiers have been employed almost exclusively thus far, and have found In tlilc very lueratlveemployment. A few more agents wanted in this state. Address the Hlcks-Judd Publishing Company 21 First kit., Han Francisco. family for several years and alwayt with perfect success. ' We believe that it is not only the best cough remedy, but that it ia a sure cure for croup, it has saved the lives of our children a num ber of tiiuea." This remedy Is (or aln by Ut. f.awln Hoes. llKtUKN lTtCMH. Crist Felber was In town Thursday. Thog. liurges left for Portland Thurs day. Fred Koblo aud wile oaine to town Thursday. M. C. Uray, of St. Helens, was in town Thurauay. W. D. Dlllard, of SL Helens, wag In this city last Friday. Shtlo Olson, of Vancouver island, is vixiting his uncle, Jacob Hertison, ol Uotile. List Gamble was In from his place anil reports a broak down iu their ahiu gle mill. W. H. Poly and wife, of Alblna, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Watti- litKt week. R. It. Foster, who has ten visiting oltl friends on the Cowlitx, returned home buuday. 8. C. Hoadlev shipped a cow and a calf on the Keflogg Monday, for which he received U, Jamea McNanghton, and U. 8. Foster were doing biiaineasi In t'ortlnnd fllou day and Tuesday. James McNanghton, II. M. Fowler, and T. V. Watta attended the masonic lodge at St, llulcna Saturday evening. Miss Amy (Jeorge, oi Portland, came down on the KefhigY Saturday and I visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Watts (bis week. George Archibald went to Oregon City Saturday to make final proof on nta homestead. Loo uauiDie accom pnnied him as a witness. Itriun haaa cinch on Yellowstone whis key. . Try Hunter-Baltimore Rye at Brinn' saloon. PROFESSIONAL. C.G.NIXON, ATTORN E Y-AT-I1 W. Collections a Specialty. RAINIER, : i OREGON. rjR. J. B. UAI.I, rilYSir.IAS AND SURGEON. Clatikaiiie. Columbia county, Or. jR. EDWIN ROMs, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. 81. Helens, Oregon qr. B. R. CUFI, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon. G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND COI'NoKl.dR-AT LAW, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Title Abstract Books, Notary Public, Commla doner of Deeds for W ahington, aud anexper ienced collector in conuevtiou with ogle. J. W. DAT W. B. DILLARH ptUrttrlr Se jPrt, ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Office next door to Courthouse, , ST. HKI.KNh, OKKIiON. Oeneral practice in courts of Oregon or Wash ington. Abstract made directly from count) records. GEO A. HALL, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW nr. iiEi,t:iN, obecom. Office next door to Cole A Quick's law and abstract office. Collections a specialty. Forcclosnrea, mechanic'! liens, promptly attended to. 0. R. & N. CO. To." Tims SCHEDULES raoa Fast Bait take, Denver. Vt. Mall Worth, Omaha.Kan- Fast 8 p.m. ' aas City, Ht. Units, Mall Chicago and East. (:4o p. m. Hooknne Walla Walla, Spokane, fjpoknne Flyer Mlu nea nol I a, hit. Flyer 8:46 j. m. Paul, liuliilh, Mil- 8.00 a.m. waukce, Chicago 4 JSsst. . Ocean Steamships. p-m- All sailing date, sub ject to change. For Hsn Francisco Ball every live days. s n. m. Oolumbla River . m Kx. Sunday Steamers. Kx.Buuday Saturday To Astoria and Way 10 p.m. landings. a. m Wlltamatt) Rlvwr. .,. e. m. 4:S0p. ro. Ex.Bunday Oregon City, Newberg, Ex.(jiiuuaj Halein 4 Way-laud gt Willamette and Yam- .m 7 a. m. 1,111 H:aJp.m, Tues.Thur. "" Mon. Wed. and Bat. Oregon City, Dayton, aud Frl. and Way-landing. Sa m. Wlllam.it. Rlv.r. ,.., Tnes.Thur. Portland to Cnrvallis Mon. Wed. aud Bat. and Way-laudiuga. and Frl. Lr. Riparia 8nak Rlvr. Lv.Iw'ton 1:20a.m. dally at daily Riparia to Lewlston. H:ao a. m. "W. H. HURLBERT, Oeneral Passenger Agent, PORTLAND OREGON ......STKAMEIl Ij IJ 3R. Ii 1 1ST . PORTLAND AND ASTORIA Leaves Portland every night at o'clock for Astoria, (except Bunday.) Saturday .night a 10. ....... Returning, leaves Astoria at (1:80 o'clock every morning (except Monday.) Bun day at 6 : 00 o'clock p. m. How About ct ItK YOtt W'ltlt ".A iiiti iiltli tlisl a W I. H,..l V. ,WH,M. .MM ........ ..lalesceurliv, take no man's w.ud. but lu. at upon knowing what Hi record shows resaiillug Ihe HH. Au AUalnuil la aaeseyiillsl a adeed . Insist nit having It. We have Ihe onlv set ol a .stra.it books In the cotitit). Allwork promptly esemited and satlslsollon a mrai mid. II o'i have pmMii IV to insure give us ewli . W ar ails "Hh.tHitllrelnsiimnceeonipiil.hi lha world. If you Imv. proH.rty for sal list II with us aud w will d a buygr. f HOLE 4 di aW7i .-. PORTLAND, RAINIER AND WAY LANDINGS. TIME CARD tavaa Rainier at A M . Neer City at .10 A. N.. KaUui at A. M.,Oaple al 1 Ht A. II., Co lut-hll till) 'a 7 M aIm., Jl, Helena al A. si., arrives at I'orlUii.V.t 19 M A. at, ROUND TRIP DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Uaves Portland al : P. M., M. Helen. 4 HI; foluint.la Clljf 4 ); re.l 4.W; Xalamk I D; Nest City 0 . Arrive al Kaluler al ft. JO r, I. TWtNTY-FIVt OCNT0 TO PORTLAND ANO ALL LANOINOi. W. K. NIWOM- mmmmmmiifiifiirmitfiirffiiiftnfflmiiriifiifitfTOm; 1 The Weekly Oregonian 1 CONTAINS j OUR CLUBBING OFFER Jt . We have mtrftH-trttl arrangement where hy we are enahlod to fnr Jf uiah The Weekly (Ircgoiilau in connection with Tua Mint for J only Two Dollars. The price of The Oregtmlan alone i 1.80. E ' THE OREGON MIST W arty stack of g al eshi.il si II.KJC.OOUOO si w v .-. ,!' W, swn and eceuny th taliest mareantit bolbllng In th world, W bar evsr t.eee.iav (ustomera. Bistsen huinirsd ttarks ar constantly engaged Ailing eut-ef-towa srdera. OUR ORNRR AL C ATALOOOE I th bwk of h peopla It jwts Wholmwl Price t. Everybody, has aver iw pagae. it, a) lllusuatlea. 4 te.oa dsscrlptlon of anlel.i with prlte. It costs r '' ,0 P" mn m'n eachcopy. W wnt you te have en. SKNU FIPTKKN CKNta W ahow your good faith, and wa'll sand yea a copy FHKtt, with all charges pts(iald. unyTcnutnY vuinn t v n:wn i uwais.it i iipiiu ut ....MUCK Lli BROS.... J --rri;rr- -MANUFACTURERS OF- LUHBER inmensinn iumir, lloormjt, rustic theathinir, rasirga, and acoinpli-te J Block of every variety of luinhf-r. LST. HELENS, OREGON. I No ladies furniture Is complete without a new HirM-running SINGER If you buy a sowing-machine why nut net inu ix-ai, noiu on easy terms without intnrugt. C. P. LOONEY, Agent Antortu - . . Oreiiion. STEAMER G W. SHAVER DELL SHAVER, Master. The company reset ve th rlgh to change time Shaver ....STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... fJ-V ? on Monday, Wednesday and Krlilays at 6 o'clock a. m. 'S, 8 l.W A..a.JJ "if. fi m l.v. Portland and Kelso Route via Columbia River Your Title? It Is all right? governs, It Is lleiiietnhcr that It Is Ih our hltstooae lo search the what thev Of contain III relutloti to laud If vou colilcllll'lsle inlying lami i"s "7 .. . . , t .................. ...l QUIOXjEV " --" " w - a- 13 paces a week -3 M cduions " ay (1.14 paurs year 3 iWiseolunma " - All the new well written. Articles dewril.itig; Western acenet and Inrlilents. Hinrlet of love and adventure by well known author. llrilliant illustration by newspaper artlsta Interesting ketches and literature for laiva and girls. Fashion articles and Illustrations for women. 3 War I receive I.e. i IHUSJ M t.u .UUO I'llaf avsiy day CP1 nn iNi.a...t4.giii.v vvi cmuaao WHITE COLLAR LINE TIIKCOI.l'MBIA ItlVKK ANPI'UOET BOUWO K AVI'iATIoN CO. PORTLAND-ASTORIA RODTE. STR. GATZERT Undlng root of Alder Htreel, fortland. leaves rortlaud dally (eacetd nnnday)at 7 A, Lsii'linir Telephone diM-k, Asturls. l eaves A.torla dally (clcepl rtunday)? P. . Halley (lal'nrt llckeis giaid on steamer llassalo. hleaiuer llassalo Hi keis gnod on Hallay lialsert. U. B. SCOTT, Pres. m?' I. Illilisiil III aassa. Skin Diseases. For th apnody and pennanent enre of tetter, gait rheum and cumta. Cham bcrlaln'g Eya and Bkin Ointment la without an nal. It rcllBTcs tha Itch Inir and smarting almost Instantly and lta coiitlnncd naa etTncta a permanent euro. It also enrea Itch, barW's Itch, scald head, gore nipples, Itching plica, chapped hands, chronic sore eye and grnuulatod lids. Dr. Tftdy' Condition Powdprt t horsoa ar (ho orwt tonic, blood purifier aud vermifuge. Price, 85 cenU. Bold b. Dr. Edwin Kost. Leave Tortland, foot of Wash ington St., Mondays & Thurs days, C::J0 A. M. Leave Clats kanio Tuesdays and Fridays at i o'clock in the morning. without notice. Transportation Company. t.VrJwV m leaves Port- 'A H 1 A lis i ?:". ,,.