The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, January 19, 1900, Image 4

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S4200 RGivarflll
T Sat hMUhlu Coenp",
ten, "III MT 4. la auk prim, iui-
ta fro iatetdf eaoa, a tkaae who will uUI
la wrltlaf mh aaaaaal uftrMMa tkrUlla
aereataf, or raaciaaua f raak ol ta traefla
atloa la a sayl lka will latareat ika kaadreda
at taauaaaaa ol reedera of Taa tun Cat,
tka aalqae abartetary aiaa wfctoh ha
lkilt f - Tka sory-ullla kit a tka
sea tare
Tkla Prtaa eoenpatlttoa la epea (a
all, aad eack etory will b Jadf4 aolaly aaaa
lu aeerlu wltkoai reaard ta la auaotrDa-
tatloa at tta wrltar; e a eta U aa seetid
red mi all aaltn it is aea irUMm a e.eeid
aar trilk tin pHalnd (nMMM, wfcloa will ke
stalled frae, aoetaa- said, ioaaaaa, tosS
wihi worn utmm e paviuiea
storiea, aad many ol tka
mm aad addreeaaa, a
refrena.of tka aaeaaa
aoonll all parte of ia,
arlea wko hav raoelied
aver SJuaoaaaah for Buck
Cat atorfea, aloa informa
Sloa of real nine la all
wha are lataraatsd la
aarnla wmonmf at keaia.
Bead addrcee at eace. aa
UM'ooataat cloata at arch list. Tka Short
Story PaMlihlnf Oo, Blfk-Bartlord St,
poeioo, him.
Appreciated tka Play.
The following is from an earn writ
ten by a schoolboy, aged ten, on a play
he had been to see: "The villun curled
his most. rah and seeiing the pnre rnr
gin shreeks ha ha mine or deaths bind
is on my head this dogger tabs thee to
thy ntermost sole ha ha vengonaa.
But the good hero oomes and says O
bevins stur won step and thy dad body
lies at my door. liy won parm on the
rurgins korpee and it was better if yon
was drowned with a millstone. Avsrat
ivarnt from the sweet korpses
Bla Teran Wara AeeeptadU
General Jonbert, when he was in
New York city a few years ago as the
iraert of Henry George, told with mod'
esty of his negotiations with the Brit
ish at Main be hill and his eyes spark
led as he recited his reply to the Brit
ish commander-in-chief. "It does not
comport with these," said the British
general, pointing to the decorations on
his breast, to accede to yoar terms.
To which said Jonbert, pointing to his
riflemen: "And it does not comport
with those to offer any others."
The Noma Gold fields
The first map folder or circular re
specting the Klondike gold strike of
1898 was issued by the Northern Pacific
railway. It is more than a coincidence
that the first map folder or phamphlet
of the Noma mining district comet
from the same source. The present
folder not only contains a good map ol
sue Some district, bat is embellished
with several cuts of views at Nome City
and the beach where the method ol
mining is clearly shown. All informa
tion obtainable regarding sailing date
from Seattle and Tacoma, through
rates, etc., is given in this book and
the public cautioned to go to the agenti
of the X. P. Ky., who are supplied
with diagrams of the Alaska steamers.
and arrange in advance for their acoora
modations rather than to put off th!
very important business nntil tht
reach Paget Sound. There is no donbt
but what there will be a very consuler-
able passenger bueinewa from the mid
dle and eastern states and a very heavy
business from the Pacific coast state
to the Nome district next spring.
For folders, rates, etc., call on A. D.
Charlton, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., Port
land, Or., or eenl a two cent stamp td
Chat. S. Fee, General Passenger Agent,
St. Paul, Minn., and he will mail yoo
the Nome folder.
The Daughters of the American Revo
lution in New York city are making f
strong effort to save the famous Hamil
ton tree of St. icbolas avenue, ai
142d street. The trees are the ones led
of the original 13 planted by Alex
ander Hamilton to commemorate tht
13 original states. It is likely that tht
society will buy the lot and have it
neatly fenced in. If they cannot raist
enough money to buy the place tht
trees will be cut down and a block will
be built thereon. We American do
not pay enough attention to the reser
vation of such historical valuable.
James Eads Howe, of St. Louis, wb
has given his fortune of $1,000,000 tc
the poor, says he was influenced to d
this by the incident of the rich young
man related in the tenth chapter of St.
Mark' gospel. Mr. Howe ia a grand'
son of James B. Kads, the famous engi
neer who built the great Mississippi
bridge at St. Louis.
The Sioux and Black feet Indiani
rill at parting dig their spears in tlx
earth as a sign of confidence and mu
tual esteem. This is the origin of thi
term "burying the tomahawk."
The governor of Oklahoma In hli
annual report, filed in Washington,
says that the time is not ripe for tht
statehood of Oklahoma, and he recom
mends that it would be best to wait t
while. He believes that the best plat
Is to join Oklahoma and the Indian ter
ritory and make one state of them.
Such a state, he says, wonld be a pridt
and gratification to its people and fc
the people of the nation.
If jtm tMrea't remiUr. ttoaltb? moment H tlx
buwla arer dr, jou'r sick, or will bo. Mf juru
vjwn, aim ssfj wcji. m uruv, tsj tuv SBaVpej tx
violent physio or pill poison, Is daomroas. Tin
lu'Kjiunai, otuHwsi, mosi perreci W im ring i
bowel clear aod el, la to t
PlMftftnt. Pe.1ete.hla. PttLatnt Tavafsi flswvl TVt Aswwl
J lever Hicfcen, Weaken, or Gripe. I0e, ZTttio Writ
irr f re imPl, end booklet on becltk Addreee
t Cetaeeey, felesee, nriwq. M&m lavfc.
1 1 am CuairB SyraiLTaaUa QviC CM I i
f 1 latima Sois tr initiM. f 1
' mm, - .anfeaawVga,."a;S-' hj
Uea Lao 4 Claim Rat lUallr BfTwrtlre
Asalaat f aU-eturdaa at rraaf
a Kallraad. laataad at Settler.
Pott 1 er in the state o( Washington
ind Orvson. and. In fact, in all th
sues through which the Northern I'a
eific railroad passes, ar Terr mnch in
tereeted In ths rulings now being made
by the interior department on the act
of congra of Jane 4, 1 SWT, which al
low the Northern raolflo Kailroatl
Company and others to slect land in
lien of land embrace in the various
fore reeerrea and held by them under
I patent or under unprotected claims or
cua' tors' rights
la lien of the lands so relinquished
the railroad company and others was
authorised to select from any vacant
lands open to settlement.
The department of the interior has
held "vacant lands to settlement" to
mean, if necessary, all unsurveyed
lands. Therefore, settlers or squatters
oa unsurveyed lands have been very un
easy for some time, and many of them
felt that there ia little prospect ol hold
ing their claims.
The land department ol the railroad
company, however, asserts that it is
not Its purpose to take the lands of any
bona fide settler.
Al we same time roe aeparuneas oi
the interior .encourages the settlers to
continue their settlement, and within
Miree months after the acceptance of
the official survey of their lands to as
sert their claims thereto.
The ruling of the department la that
the party first Initiating the right of
settlement has the prior claim.
Congressman Jones, of Washington,
who has just introduced a relief bill on
behalf of settlers, is of the opinion
that most settlers would not think of
fighting the railroad company, and.
therefore, the law aa it was enacted
does grave injustice to settlers, as a
rule. In an interview Mr. Jones said:
It has been repeatedly asserted that
lands upon which there are settlers
have been filed on by the railroad com
pany nnder the present law. To pre
vent this is one of the objects of the
law. I know that settlers have their
remedy. That ia to fight the claim of
the company and establish their prior
rights. This is expensive. The set'
tiers are not wealthy. The rirospect of
delay is discouraging, and many prefer
to abandon their settlements rather
than bear the expense and delay of
The railroad cannot complain at
these provisions. If its claim to a tract
of land ia just it will prevail. Delay
and expense cannot hurt it aa they do
the settler. All it has to do is to in
spect the land. If it finds a settler
and does not think he is there bona fide
it can contest his claim as any other
contestant, but it should bear the bur
den of such contest. These bills are
introduced without any hostility to the
railroad, but out of a desire to do jus
tice to the settler. I believe the gov
ernment should be quite lenient with
men who are striving to reclaim the
public domain, especially now"wheo
the choice land ia taken no. If we
had more owners of small tract oi
land we would be better off."
Senator Foster and Representative
Cnshman have each given much atten
tion to the claims of settlers and tlieii
rights, and in all cases there is an nn
qualified sentiment favorable to the
pioneer and home-building squattei
and settler.
Gavaramaat Boapltal at Taaeaavor.
President Beebe, of the Portland
chamber of commerce, at its last meet
ing, called attention to the bill locating
a permanent general hospital at an
couver, Wash., which has been intro
duced in congress by Representatives
Jones, of Washington. George Taylor,
jr., said that the hospital was of great
importance to Portland. ' Vancouver'
healthful location is well known," said
Mr. Taylor. "Before long, many sol
(Hers will be returning from the Phil
ippines, and Vancouver is the place for
them." The trustee voted to request
the Orbgn congressional delegation to
co-operate with the Washington dele
gation in behalf of the Vancouver hos
pital. Statistics showing that van
couver is a healthier place than the
Presidio will be sent to Washington tc
help the bill along.
North waat Notaa.
Eteelbead salmon are reported very
numerous in Coos bay.
The Dalles has authorized a contract
for an electric fire alarm system for 1C
fish Commissioner Little has ar
ranged to plant a carload of Eastern
lobsters in Pnget sound water as an
A horse, loaded with United Statoi
mail, was recently killed near the falls
below Brewster valley by missing its
footing and rolling over a precipice or.
the rocks, ISO feet below. The mail
was recovered.
The Christian denomination of Al
bany intends to build a new chnrcb
and ha raised $2,000 toward it. The
pastor announces that the size of the
building is to be determined by tht
amount of money raised, as the congre
gallon intends to build only such s
structure a may be dedicated free from
The common council of The Dalles
has passed an ordinance to refund f 20,
000 of 6 per cent bonds at 4 per cent
At the December meeting of the
board of Thurston county commission
ers the quesiton of calling $20,000
worth of the Olympia & Cbehalis rail
road funding bonds of 1889 was conid
ered, and the call decided upon. Ol
course, as the bonds have 10 years yet
to run the call was conditional on the
disposition of the holders to release
A Pomeroy man has been lined $20
for allowing his son to remain on the
streets after 7:80 o'clock in the even
ing, in violation of curfew ordinance.
The oldest letter-carrier in Seattle
is Everett A. Hartley, whose term of
service dates from August 6, 1888. He
will, therefore, wear two black stars.
The private banking firm at Burns
has been dissolved, and in its stead a
bank has been incorporated by citizens
with paid-np capital of $25,000. J.
W. Biggs is president. The News sayi
tha stockholders are prominent citizens
of Harney county.
Wlad-ap of Old tlaalalu Baldlag
lava 5tv Traaaaetlaas.
R. G. Dun A Co.'s weekly review
ays: Failures in 1899 were 9.393 in
number, with liabilities of $123,132,.
679. The last few days of the vear
added few to the number, and some
millions to the known liabilities of
firms and banks which failed close to
the end, to that commercial defaults
reached 10,879,889. Most people in
basineas hare been ao occupied with
their accounts and the settlements of
the past year that little new business
has yet been done. No new tendency
in manufactures or in trading appears.
and less change than was anticipated In
money markets.
There is nothing unsound In the
business of the great Industries, but an
extensive revision of prices may dis
appoint extreme expectations. Two
way of stimulating badness are adopt
ed. The Iron Age notices "transac
tions of magnitude in foundry iron,
which indicate that some sellers are
willing to make concessions to secure
the trade of good customers." But the
steel and wire company has advanced
prices of wire nails, barbed and
smooth wire 25 cents.
Wool is strongly held, though prices
of a month ago cannot be otbalned.
Cotton doe not rise further because re
ceipts from plantations have somewhat
increased, and accounts of large stocks
at many small town have attracted
Lot ton goods are at the highest quo
tation of last year, with good demand,
though cotton has declined a little.
Wheat moved very sluggiHhlv, with
small change in price. In six months
of the crop year about 99,000,000 bush
els (floor included), hare been ex
ported, against 133,000,000 last year.
Atlantio exports have now fallen to
only 1,690,928 bushels for the week.
against 5,514,840 last year, and Pacifio
export were 631,223 against 614,833
last year.
aattla Marhala.
Onions, new, $1.00(91.25 per sack
Potatoes, new, $16(320.
Beets, per sack, 75(3 85c
Turnips, per sack, 60c.
Carrots, per sack, 60o.
Parsnips, per sack, 75 (3 85c.
Cauliflower, 7Gc$l per dozen.
Cabbage, native ami California,
S 90c per 100 pounds.
Peaches, 65$ 80c
Apples, $1. 25 1.50 per box.
Pears, $1.00(31.25 per box.
Prunes, 60c per box.
Watermelon, $1.60.
Nutmegs, 60(3 75c.
Batter Creamery, 82o per pound;
dairy, 17 (3 22c; ranch, 22c per pound.
Eggs Firm, 25 s 26c.
Cheese Native, 16c
Poultry 9 10c; dressed. 13(3 Uc
Hay Puget Sound timothy, $12.00;
choice Eastern Washington timothy.
Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23;
feed meal, $23.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton.
$21; whole, $22.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.26;
blended straights, $3.00; California,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $0.00; gra
ham, per barrel, $3.80; whole wheat
flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.80$4.00
Milliitaffs Bran, per ton, $15.00;
shorts, per ton, $17.00.
Feed Chopped feed, $19.60 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal,
per ton, $30.00.
Portland Markat.
Wheat Walla Walla. 61 52c;
Valley, 62c; Blueetem, 64o per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $3.00; graham,
$2.60; superfine, $2.15 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 34 35c; choice
gray, 84c per bnshei.
Barley Feed barley, $15(313.00;
brewing, $18.00(318.50 per ton.
Millstnffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16 per
Hay Timothy, $9.50(311; clover,
$7(38; Oregon wild hay, $6(37 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 60(3 66c;
seconds, 42 i 4 5c; dairy, 87X40c;
store, 26 85o.
Eggs 20o per dozen.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c;
Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.50(3
8.60 per dozen; hens, $4.00; springs,
$2.50(33.50; geese, $7.00(39.00 forold;
$4.50(36.50 for young; ducks, $4.50
per dozen; turkeys, live, 12) (3 13c
per pound.
Potatoes 55 (3 75c per sack; sweets,
22ic per pound.
Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 90c:
per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cauli
flower, 76c per dozen; parsnips, $1;
beans, 66o per pound; celery, 70(3
75o per dozen; cucumbers, Sue per
box; peas, 834o per pound; tomatoes.
75o per box; green corn, 12i(3
16o per dozen.
Hops 8 11c; 1898 crop, 638o
Wool Valley, 12(3 13c per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 8 14c; mohair, 37
80o per pound.
Mutton Gross, beet sheep, wethers
and ewes, 8ic; dressed mutton, 6K(
7c per pound; lambs, 1io per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00;
light and feeders, $4.60; dressed,
$5.60(38.00 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $3.60(34.00:
cows, $3(33.50; dressed beef, 8)40
7 Mo per pound.
Veal Large, 64374c; small, 8(3
8Xc per pound.
aa Praaetaeo Markat.
Wool Spring Nevada, 12(315o per
pound; Eastern Oregon, 12(3 16c; Val
ley, 20 22c; Northern, 10(3 12c.
Hops I8t crop, ii a 120 per
Onions Yellow, 7685o per sack.
Butter Fancy creamery 26c;
do seconds, 24 (3 25c; fancy dairy, 21
(823c; do seconds, 19o per pound.
Eggs Store, 28(331c; fancy ranch,
Millstuffs Middlings. $16.00 (3
19.00; bran, $13(314.00.
Hay Wheat $6.60(39; wheat and
oat $7.60(39.00; best barley $5.00(3
.00; alfalfa, $5.00(37.60 per ton;
straw, 86345e per bale.
Potatoes Early Rose, $1.00; Ore
gon Burbanks, 650(31.10; river Bur-
banks, 46(3 75c; Salinas Burbanks,
1.00(31.25 per sack.
Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valenola,
$2.76(38.25; Mexican limes, $4.00(3
.00; California lemons 76o3$1.60;
do choice $1.75(32.00 per box.
Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.60(3
2.60 per bunch; pineapples, nom
inal; Persian dates, 6 (3 6 Wo per
tt Lias A boat Ike Moath af the Oalf
of Bt, La wrvaea-Croas Curraats, yoga,
Xcabaraa, Realta amd Uthar Baaraa as
Haraa Marinara,
If one prong of pair ef compasses
be placed about the center of the Gulf
of St Lawrence, and th other de
scribe a semicircle from Labrador to
the southernmost point of Nova Scotia,
the area circumscribed might well ba
called the graveyard of the Atlantic
Not only is this part of the ocean sub
ject to all tha gale of the roaring for
ties, but every kind of water snare that
entrap luckless sailor is found la thl
section of th North Atlantic Tb
dirty brownish fog that It across th
horizon above Belle Isle are, of course,
th most treacherous snemy for th
ocean liner. They conceal th other
danger, and the other danger ar
neither few nor far apart What with
Iceberg ranging in size from a few
hundred feet in circumference to mon
ster nine mile in length (th exact di
mension of on measured by tb New
foundland superintendent of fisheries),
with naked rock wall rising vertically
700 feet out of the sea, with crumbled
ledge whose saw-tooth edge stand up
in pinnacle or slopes down to a wblte-
capped reef, aud with the submerged
shoal of the Sable and Magdalen Isl
and districts, the pilot bas as difficult
a piece of water to nnvtgute as could
be found.
Th peril of Nova Scotlan water
can be and have been lessened. Light
house now mark the most dangerous
points, and long ago stop wa put to
the nefarious work of the wrecker
who piled successful depredations
with Sable Island aa a basis. Time
was, within the memory of navigator
still living, when false lights above the
sands of Sable Island lured passing
ship to their ruin, and when the gov
ernment cruiser would come to the
ships' aid not a thing would be found
but the stripped hull. Though passen
gers might have waded ashoro lu soma
places, the dead osed to be found strip
ped of all clothing aud jewels, with the
ring finger cut off, and frequently the
gash of a wrecker's weapon across the
forehead, signs plainly telling of a con
flict between the passengers struggling
a shore through beating surf and the
murderous men who awaited them.
But all this I a thing of the past on
Sable Island. Not only were wreck
ers driven off, but live ttook was
placed on tb long stretch of grass
grown sand, so that castaways could
have some meacs of subsistence until
help came.
Belle Isle strait I by far the most
treacherous part of the North Atlantic
route. The coast of iAbrador projects
Into the ocean like a barrier against
the flinging tides; and when the baffled
current finds resistance suddenly re
moved, when the narrow straits open
between Newfoundland and Labrador,
the waters toss in with the sidling mo
tion that creates the beam sea so hate
ful to all landsmen. The strength of
this Inburstlng current simply cannot
be calculated or counteracted by any
mariner. In width the straits vary
from nine to forty miles; and when the
brownish fog never absent from the
northern horizon spreads southward.
obscuring every landmark. It 1 lui
possible for any captain to keep op
speed and retain his bearings. He may
refer to his chart as often as be please
and tell himself, "Thus and thus have
we come, and here 1 the place we
are." Tide and fog may have betrayed
him in spite of his calculations, and he
may be at least a hundred mile out of
hi course.
Beside the danger from fog and tide
at the entrance to the Gulf of St Law
rence, there Is the peril of long, sharp
ledge that furrow all parts of the
northern coast and are only risible by
the fretted line of surface spray. No
lighthouse mark these hidden reefs,
and many a schooner come to grief
upon them during the night or In a fog.
False Cape runs out from Newfound
land in great Jagged, towering rocks.
torn by the driving tide, and White Isl
and lie off th shore bare and lonely
a tombstone. Afar, from other
rocky Islands, comes the dull booming
of the surf, which Indian legend of
Labrador describe a the shrieking of
demon over their prey. Roofless
hut used as wind-break by the seal
ers In the spring add to the Indescrib
able loneliness of the tenantless coast;
and if some fisherman' dory comes
bounding over the wave Its audden
disappearance behind some rocky emi
nence only accentuate the ntter drear
iness of the whole region. New York
Evening Post
Indiana of a Bnlned City Befua 50,
OOO for a Maaterplace.
Her V a story about a picture which
hangs in the ruined Church of Tzln-
zuntzon, Mexico, and which the Mexi
can Herald asserts I a genuine Titian,
which, though the average traveler
know nothing about bo been visited
by artists from all parts of the globe,
who have made the Journey to Mexico
solely for the purpose of seeing this
canvas. And they have all declared
that tb picture wa well worth the
Tb famous picture bang In one of
the old ruined churches. The padre
himself will point out the way and
stay with you while you are there. The
entrance to the auditorium of the
church I through a long, dark corridor,
that leads up to a great door, barred
and chained and padlocked that seem
ed to carry you bock to the old feudal
day and make one tbluk that the door
of some old castle were being opened
to htm.
Tbe door opens into an Inner room as
dark as night the padre unfastens
grated window, and a flood of golden
sunlight come from over tbe western
bills beyond tbe lake and falls full up
on tbe picture. Huch coloring, such
composition, such feeling as could only
come from tbe band of a master. Tra
dition says It was painted by Titian and
presented to Philip of Spain. Eminent
men, author and painter agree with
this version. An effort has been mads
to buy the painting, and $00,000 wa
offered by th Bishop of Mexico, but
th faithful, devoted Indian refuse.
Th picture I so entombment, six
teen feet long by seven feet high. Sur
rounding th dead Christ, wrapped In a
winding sheet, stand th Virgin, Mag
dalen, St. John and nln other figure
II life lite. The picture's Hate of pres
ervation I marvelous. Mora, thau 1104
year bar lapsed sine th great mas
ter touched It, and yet on I deluded
Into th belief that It wa painted but
yesterday, so froth, pur and rich is lu
Tslnsuntsan t easily reached by th
Mexican National Railroad. It I at th
nd of Morella Branch of thl road,
which branches off th main II n at
Acambaro. Fir hour from Acaiu
baro tb Indian town of Patscuaro, on
th lake of the same Dime, to end of
th branch, 1 reached. Tilusunlsan Is
almost directly across tb lak from
Patscuaro, It can b reached by a
horseback ride of two hour and half,
around tb lake, or nior easily by tak
ing on of the Indian cano and being
paddled across.
Some time ago Nat Goodwin had an
opportunity to witness Alt Hampton's
Imitation of himself In hi favorite
role. Hampton, knowing Goodwin wa
present outdid himself, but at th close
of th seance Goodwin had never a
word to say. At last an Intimate friend
ventured to ask bow b liked It "Well."
replied Goodwin, "all I can say is, on
of us Is d n bad."
Kate Field used to take dally lessons
In Latin from Walter Savage Landor,
when sli was In Florence, aad at ber
entrance Into the room bis rugged ex
pression Invariably softened and be be
came what his pupil called "chivalry
Incarnate." One day b dropped bia
spectacles, and as she picked them up
and banded them to him, be exclaimed,
"Oh, thl I not th first time that you
have caught my eye."
Prlnc Henry of Orleans when he
travels take with him a physician, a
scientist an editor, a historian, and a
photographer, each of whom make a
dally contribution to the book which
Is to describe tbe journey. In describ
ing his method at a Paris sa!n. a frb n l
Ironically asked: "And what Is the
bard work which you do for your
bookr "The hardest of all." said tb
Prince; "I hav the overwhelming duty
of making tbe various account agree.
Gen. Jouberi, when he was In New
York City a few year ago as the guest
of Henry George, told with modesty
(says the Sun) of bis negotiations wltt
tbe British at Majuba Hill, and bla eyet
sparkled as be recited bis reply to thl
British commander-ln-cblvf. "It doc
not comport with these," said the Brit
Isb general, pointing to the decorations
on bis breast "to acce.le to your term.'
To which said Joubert pointing to bis
riflemen: "And It does not comport
with those to offer any others."
A colored man was before the Tnltml
States court in I'blladelphts, recently
t'liargea with some infraction of the
law. He bad no counsel, and the Judge
assigned Hampton L, Carson to defend
him. The government by the testimony
of several witnesses established a
strong case against the defendant Tlio
learned counsel for the prisoner said:
"Now, Sambof please take the witness
stand and give your version of tbls af
fair." The "man and brother" looked
wise and quizzical, and turning round
for a moment said: "Iiossl In these
yeah circumstances, I guess It would
be bettab for tn to remain neutral.
"Bob" Palmer, the comedian, had
been originally a bill-sticker, a fact
pretty generally known among hi col
league of tbe (tage. One evening.
when dressed for the character of Sir
Brilliant Fashion, he strutted Into tbe
greenroom with buckle sparkling on
his shoe and a fine diamond on his
finger. A brother-actor Inquired If his
gems were real. "To be sure they are;
I wear nothing but diamonds," was the
reply; whereupon Bannister remarked:
"I congratulate you, Bob, for I remem
ber when you wore nothing but paste."
Palmer did not take the joke with be
coming good humor, and an angry al
tercation ensued, which was only bro
ken when Mrs. Jordan cried out: "Why
don't you stick him against the wall,
Bob? Stick blin against the walll"
A Detroit man, whose wife was go
ing to San Francisco on a visit accom
panied her as far as Chicago and put
ber on the overland train. Before leav
ing ber, be gav the porter half of a
five-dollar blU that he had torn In two,
telling tbe man that bis wife had the
other half and would give It to him at
the end of the Journey If she were prop
erty looked after. When he got home
be found he had neglected to give bis
wife the other half of tbe torn bill, and
a few days later be received a letter
from hi wife reminding him of tbe fact
and saying that she bad torn dollar
bill in two and given half of It to the
porter. Somewhere along the line there
must be a wild-eyed darkey with the
halve of two worthless bills In his pos
session and a Arm conviction that he
bos been worked by some sort of a new
flimflam game. Meanwhile, the De
troit man I very anxious to find out
what sort of reasoning hi wife used
when she gave that porter a half in
stead of the whole of that ono-dollar
New York VnljrarJty.
I had not been three hour on Ameri
can soil before I heard a charming
young Indy remark, "Oh, It was bully I"
I gathered that thl expression I con
sidered admissible In the conversation
of grown-up people only In New York.
often beard It there and never any
where else. A very distinguished of
ficer who served as a volunteer In Cuba
wa asked to state his Impressions of
war. "War," be said, "I a terrible
thing. You can't exaggerate It horrors.
When you sit In your tent tb night
before a battle and think of borne and
your wife and children you feel pretty
atck and down-hearted. Hut," be add
ed, "next day when you're In It, oh, It
is bully!"-Wlll!am Archer In fall Mall
Wben a grocer advTtU tbtt
egf caaft le beat, avoid blm.
a r.t a a rira-Alara.
Had It not bean for tb roswlng of a
pet cat for two or more honra early ths
tisa a - I niv ' tha horns
would probably hav boon bnrued to
th groutttl whll uimli of the fam
ily were aaleop. day th Philadelphia l.l, Havaral niece of hot
coal foil from the kitcn stev on the
floor and ignited th carpet. Th
H.tnM .mead slowly, but harassed th
.t to tha intent that It msd itsell
heard. Member of th family were
awakened, and coming downstair they
found the kitchen in smoke. II ltd the
M mraa.! In the nautrv. where anm
dynamite wa stored, th nous wu
hav been blown up
Maw Cahle Llaaa.
Franc Is diH.iKliil upon Kngland for
news of Hi Transvaal war, lievaus in
rablrs ar umis r thalr control, sntl Is
ready to spl vast sum of money to
fra herself. This is Ilk man people who
hsv dysiwpul. spend a fortune sarklns
dlivermnc. Tbry should Iry Hosteller's
Moiuat'h Hitter. H m't fails t cur
i)sul, eoiiliption slid biliousness,
The inhabitants of Wlnton, England,
believe that wltli the close ol the cen
tury tb world will com to an end.
isarKBs cannot ctmio
toeal applleailMi. as they rannol raarh lh
dlMaad WWII" ol Ik . Ttlr Uum on
. tourdrtk(u".and thai I br bHJ"
lkmalrmllf. baalr.. I eeusd br a .
aaidaiidlilia ol b ssucnus lluln vl ths
Kuurbln Tutw. this tbM tut su In.
(ind to bv s raaibllni and or Impar
fret hvarin. and ba II 1 anilrslv U4
dtamM I lb latull, andmilililnlUna
llun n ha ukrn oul and IhH lub raMnred x
lu normal rumliilun, haarlna wUlkadmad
kiravMj nine earn oul i.l I'S arn.l l
caiarrh. vhlrh I noihlns Mil an Inltamad
W ail) la On Hundrad Itallsrs far an
tuiil DMlnMirausrd bf larrh Mial
not Im urd br Hall's Caiarrh Cars, toad
'""'"-r. 1. f HKNKY A CO,T.Ud0,
Hold br Drassuia. IM
liall's Vaaily rills ar th bast.
It is not generally known that Rod-
yard Klpllnng's lull nam is Joseph
Kudyard Kipling.
Take Laxativ Brotno Qululn Tablet.
All druggist refund the money if It
tails to cure, K. W. Grov' tgnstur
is on each box. 25c.
A novelty ia tb cold storage ol bops.
This is don in several plaoes in Kug-
Oalr Safa Madletae far Chlldras.
Tha Mndr Mill Intlrir ol rblldran ar
rulnrd bjr iloUM narg. vlll"' Il'in-U I'a
rt ait nlt-aianl, hatuiltu, ulttclln. Iruj
lta, lie, Xc.
Some naturalists believe that hare
never drink, but get enough liquid fur
their needs in the dew on the grass thuy
VITat.ttr ln.MillluiMihaMtMlnir-lr
hr. Klln' lHinratn,a Tuul. I'llltKII. Trul
tlottl fuuialnlxs t '' Itwaimotil lr KHm,'
luMllMl. HI if Ml. Ihll-.l.lll flHUHlMl
Half a century atto nail were slowly
wrought on at a time with hammer
and anvil.
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's rWh.
big Bvrup lb brst remedy to ua for tht
Child rn during tus teething parkid,
Henry James, the novelist, does most
of his writing at night.
Two bottles of Pluo's cur for consump
tion cured me of a bad luns trnubl. M r.
J. Nichols. 1'rini-eton. I11J., Mar. 'M, liunV
The quickest wink on record is about
one-sixth of a second.
Impraved Trala ttqutpmeal.
Th O. K. A N. and Oregon Short
Line hav added a buffet, smoking sml
library car to their I'orlland-Cliiosno
through train, and a dining car serf ia
has been insiigusrsted. The trsin Is
equipied with the latest chair cars,
dny coaches and Insurious flist-olaas
nd ordlnsry sleepats. Direct connec
tion msd st Granger with Union l'
clflo, and al Ogden with llio Urnn.l
line, from all points in Oiegon, Wash
ington and Idaho to all Eaaiein oitle.
for Information, rates, etc., call nn
any O. It. & N. agent, or addras IV.
II. Uurlburt, General Passenger Agent,
A Sradleat tjaby.
At New Brunswick, Jf. J., a syndi
cate of foster mothers may adopt Ger
trude Davison, of Carman street, and
bring her np on th cooperative plan.
Th syndicate baby la 11 months old.
Her mother, Mrs. John Davison, died
recently, leaving Ave children, (oor of
whom have been placed with relatives.
Not knowing who would takeOertturtu
the father advertised her for adoption.
Several charitable women said that it
was the first time in the centurr that a
child bad been so advertised lu New
Brunswick, and they began to orgaulae
the syndicate.
In Maine there are IT spool factories.
and the white birch trees of that state
annually supply the material for 800,
000,000 spools, on which ar subse
quently wound about 80,000,000,000
yards of thread.
Lovalr Boob Kraa.
Onl, a fear rrmlaa 1-n nrf t.i.v n. w..i
S'JrfMualf lllualraliNl wllrj numaraaa en(ralnta
nfmlrilnf toenM and tha (randaal aronarr In Ilia
Brj.-lir irounlalna the edlllua mi H.kbui aahllah.
II la not aa air. Sir artrona. Uaralv iotwl.i
our hlf llloalralad ranillf 'nklf a. will Mail a
cpr or the ahore fin, UimiH free la all eemllna ua
lav-anl atampa Kir II araaka' trial aolMorlullon.
Our penar poblltkaa aaoh waaS auirlae of adian
liire, an th lataat mining neara, snit I Hunt ration
!:!.,0:'". '"",h "' nunaoflSirSOCjtlnrll
wkrr:'l5in;:,,:,ulr,, -4 tM,,m mu"u
Will out-vlrld rnrn- alll n.w. ....
of meal; hat uperlorfaiteriltif aliu: will
olv th prnlilem (it faitetilfie; U and Cauls
In a whnai country: should he anarn in ti..
Hf tl f, I . wh"l ", "," r'd from
tuuilisbuslilspraer th straw altar It Is
ihrruhed has an 0!ly sukslane sud II Is slinosi
aa S'kkI aa hay.
kli" 2' ,0" P" pound or S par
hundred. Addreat
M. J, SIUKLUM A CO., Moscow, Idaho.
, - !l!0, r,,'!,: "Slnt I th war Id ths ORBATEST RRMIIDV that
as svr eroducad, and jrnu uead our aaalttano lo secure fallal lor vouraelf sod
bratigh SWANSON'5 "g DROPS.1' ' "
A REMEDY SUPREFi1EA,",r,rtaAm",""NTrh,,
u Ji i 'tlanZVr , ,,, ,WRC,t,l-qrdsndwlllcomiu.rsMlhlttiPe
It. so will MS DROPS' unfalllneiv mmiim. ail i. ... . ai.....lv4a.
lb... CUtrrhl all klads ASTHMA, bysptpaUi, ISSTSifd
; p, laainaca, taracha, Creaplnf Numbneas, nroncni..
Llvr and kldrwy Trouble., ., au., or any diet sac for which w rro.
ommandlt 0R0P5" Is lh nun and thadow. i DkOI'S" I P"
fecily harmleaa. II dues not contain Ballcylalt of Qds sor Oplal 1" t
form. Th Child can ua ll a wall aa th Adult, ;
Hd carefully whst Mr, I s. smith, of Kl Ilorado Sprinffs, Mo.,riteS
us under data of Nov. J7, Vm, also Marten Bowers, of Cr.ghr. Ohio,
tuttUrdaUof rMe.iMh,lr9i niellaaejtPl1
zvreuz-skisriMt RHEUMATISrsI
, ... , month ti,it l iaid 'i 7 ' WJ!" ".' ""
Si nn nnTertlaement of imi, A tiunaia if , -FU, ear a may oaneu mi ana uiv
lug rour
r-. nfjAawi . .
ibssiibj m. tin inns) witn HlMla ami
ihr.m of Oorl for it. Ivwllldc
III To ll v
wiwmn in,, i tmiiin IKrtf IttAp,
I- wont
ftal lot bo nlM itn f oi ox
Tt tliwi)
"A Thre.d Even Dy
Kikes a Skein In a Year.'
On Ptutl dutAst gtrm Citnti ty lh,
Hood though tht Mysttm W ronwf 4
httlthj humn body to 4 condilion of
lidm. A not wit until you dr
Hddtn. Kup your Mood pur4 and lift-gnu.
tng til th tint. Hood" $ SmwtMrflt
tccompiiihti this d nothing tht un,
Fishing is tho favorite pastime of
Hook Uaptd (la.) dog. It swims out
Into th water and oatolius the flab in
It mouth.
ee aad Wlr t ark.
rOltri.ANli win- iiiiiN vtiiHM: wins.
lit. nHuliili,-,...,.',,,,!,,, mi Altltf,
Maablaarr and nplua.
lilr, suppllM. su rlnli., fuiliaud.Oi,
J01IX POOLE, Postmss. Osin...
can irtva you ths bt Iwrsaln In fmuenl
niahinry, angina, bnllars.teuk, iittnira.
tiiows. halts and winilniilla. 'II.. ...2
sil I XL windmill, sold i. hh.. I. .. '
N'lruillirallv lilaiia-.
, Therefor rus sot
( Mh ialt Inr Stone Arrow,, a,.
IMl.ABi.eli Write andwnil il
lines to II. I, ilautlltaa, Twa Hi .era, Wla,
Well machines,
ft4 4l4 T.ftOO worth Mrm.n wlih lltttt rr,
it ( nffwrev, thHI
inr ) SMI wow a in us iapwwnri( WM
tin 'at pW' L L'",!" fra
rirfift. oiiiu.
... aaxuracTuasD t ...
ONt won a oose. c.r h..
ad rrnaia, lWuaw.a I'latplaa and furllt laa
Blood, aid l'lt-alladPoeat Hi I tea .a Im
at lirlp WHIrtaa. T-.-ou.lnc ., ,,u ami
ample tree, arl.lllw., htr. IH. tltwaNslJ
c;u., t'kiiada.,draaa. Said bt lrinuu.
M tki lit i lift.
A,t-treat t'R. NKWKIHK, Mountain llnma, Ids.
tsam fump
nd Water
Pumntn rltnt at
Anr Capariijr
t riral Street. I'orllaad, Or.
Maoliinarr All Kind.
dftMlltAjntMul bKttkil 1 rlt f
Weak and
Worn-Out People
ran erciira health aad slreag th-eas da
ll qalnklr try using
Moore'B Revealed Remedy
II contains no darnremna dnirr It hu
s pleaaanl laaie. II a boill al iiruMta
tm. . i. oo.
tf for 1
i-f tr this m
Mat fMUMt
f for Women
tMa.lisMMfsl!') WH
this IM'ik.stoid.istt'tf f"f
French Femals Pills.
PraJaMl ar ItwiaauMt, rf a.nrf-4 IMw-al
Mlirall Inniiaill aMUl lr,a
kieaak lira .! A M Vaarik, twk OUS
Var Oixwrh" aa Hlt M rarat't BpolJ
b Iha ONLY MtMlb'taa ehlrli will mi ! aad awry
eua. SO CAHH Sanaa u kaa lalll lo w
taller how mtom or it bu knw antiit kwiM
fraai Ma aaa elll atfntilak yua. It to .i-.i'iUIr
R nm tr n ! Ui... W, ... T . . .
Cmmm .nd itaMill.Mi Inm hn.ia.i I'HIl K Sa ''
a,) kr all nUlahla dinmua. ur anal nrauaNl
plauly eraavae, un rnviiil nl .. ( .
Obsatar sullad revaaaa,
Han Hlf tt nrnnaral
lirllallunt or akeretleii
MMWtMH. or Olliouat lli.Binr... .
fn,aau ' raltila, and an! '
f vol or aniauBuua.
old by DramM,
r aaul In slain erfrpf.
ly aiaraai, yraaani, mr
I An, nr I twltlra, U - .
miliar ni on miuan.
H. P. W. V.
Ko. a-lo.
WHEN wrltlna
mention this
to advertiser lae
ynnr "S "f "
. Uav
. I
mi ijoruo Bpnait. mo., ot. ii. i-
...(.lit-. IIIKhU
ornrniy btwlr.
N V TIM H Hi V"3
lif.Vu sSs.TT-i: i.i tL
, ma mmaillnia nll-f as almtu aLsllH ,
-11 lull III ll
Alwar Ph.
Jf tatheendtruutaaree la h.
ff thai enlr enal bait a much.
l Tea 14, Iroa lo Dam, freah aad II
J reliable, Alwaf lh baa. At I
tr rarr ' take no oibwa. I
V Write for law Sed Saaaak
X . at. raasv cex, jr J
V Na," " MLm
SURE CuRE for piles
rri. inho rtl Drittf rtrtffwftftj mn iiim
TlltS tutm, f M all 11, fciM-l-tfJM lHltltJ
plm fwl trior. oMnio'fHll-mii
lilt tifblatfj i4 blavfij. AitV luantn. Iwf'4
Ju dru(taMul bimtl Triid fr itij
' Jr la 1 1, t aart, J
ftt m UaartahMS
I.aiimti0niinii On
Aid.,, f
- s
" iAim huk ., im a ass st., cuivawu m