The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, January 12, 1900, Image 4

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    0. S. SENATOR
Peruna, the Catarrh Cure,
Gives Strength and Appetite.
rontmer-ilal unit Plmmotal Htttienlos
f lulereet to the tirowlttg
We.tara Stalee.
It is reported Hint Oonglus Bros., tlx
big saw-mill men of lgnruw, Siskiyou
county, who own a largo tract of valu-
able timber laud on Hungary crock,
went of Colon and near the Oregou-Cal-
ifomia state line on the south side ol
Siskiyou mountain, wilt put in a saw
mill on their property in the spring,
They have secured by purchase from
Stockton parties, by lieu land process.
and purchase from railroad, seven "no
tions of Hue timber land in that seo
tion and will build a railroad Irom a
point this side of Cole's to the scene ol
the mill operations. The distance ia
three or four milos in a straight liuo,
but it will require a switchback rail
road of six miles to reach their timber.
Thev will ship the lumber to the gen'
eral markets and to their box factory
at Igerna.
Outlook llrlght to Loggers,
The outlook for the lowers is bright-
I er now, says the Budget at Astoria,
than it has beeu for a long time, not-
I withstanding that most of the logging
camps are shut down for a time, while
I short days and bad weather are the
rule. Some 5,000.000 or 6,000,000
feet of logs just floated out of the Elo
kamin river, have been sold to the
North Pacific Lumber Company for
50 per 1,000, which is .he highest
price paid for logs iu this section for
probably eight or 10 years. This is
I encouraging to lowers, notwithstanding
I it is said the company needed the logs
and had to pay a little more than their
real market value.
Will rnd Pulp.
Six hundred head of cattle belonging
to Patterson & Armstrong arrived from
Wallowa county, at La Grande, and
were driven to the feeding grounds at
the sugar factory there for winter feed
ing, Messrs. Patterson & Armstrong
having purchased from the sugar com
pany all the pulp from this season's
run on which to feed their stock. The
pulp of the sugar beet is said to be by
those who have fed it to cattle, a most
excellent article n pon which to fatten
stock, and imparts to the beef a most
delicious flavor. Messrs. Patterson &
Temporary Koactloa rrom the Heaviest
Holiday Trade on Keoord
Bradstreet'i says: Holiday influence
and stock-taking impart an appearance
of dullness to general distributive trade,
broken, however, by fair activity in
reorder business to All up stocks de
pleted by the heaviest holiday trade
that has ever been experienced.
Antidilution of spring trade wants
has given a more than ordinarily ac
tive appearance to business In dry
goods at New York, while in Industrial
Hues the efforts of manufacturers to
keep up with filled order-books is re
suiting in unusually active operations,
Following the flurry in money, stocks
and in some lines of speculative coin
modules noted last week, has ooiue, as
was expected, a more cheerful tou,
and a firming up in quotations is noted
in such staples as cotton, which was
effected by last woek's money develop
ments, and also in hog products, cof
fee, copper, tin and lead. The strength
of textiles is still a feature which finds
justification in current statistics of
larger season's receipts and sales of
wool, and in reports ol enlarged old
aud heavily increased new capacity in
manufacturing lines.
Iu iron and steel, seasonable quiet ai
regards new business is observable, but
unabated activity on earlier booked
orders is reported. In some cases, no
shutdown was made for the holidays
by mills aud furnaces.
Wheat (including flour) shipments
for the week aggregate 3,610,657 bush'
els, agaist 2,813,714 bushels last
6,303,623 bushels in the corresponding
week of 1808. 5,405,001 bushels
For the year, failures are the smallest
in number for 17 years past, and were
it not tor a lew heavy nancial suspen
sions in December, liabilities, which
will exceed those of 1802 slightly,
would have been smallest for 12 yeail
Itonsst Boy,
"I am glad there are a few honest
people left. Two years ago I sent a
boy around the corner to buy a postal
card. I have never seen the boy to
ibis day."
"You don't oall that boy houeat?"
"Yes slrl This- morning I received
a postal with Oils on the back! 'Dear
Sir: Here la your postal. I started In
business with the penny yon gave me
and have prospered. Thanks.' "r-Cul-
cago Evening News.
Knstentl'e Armor (I Trains.
The ninsiilncent armored trains ussd by
England lu hor wnr Willi the liners will
protect hsr troops iu about tbs same way
lhat Mnatetter'e Ntmiiai-ll rltttare drive
dyipetista fttim the human stomach, and
than mounts amiird tbul it doss not return.
The blttsrs lis won in every rami of Indi
gestion, constipation, liver aim muiicy
trouble for tilty years.
Natural givs conveyed in bamboo
tubas was utilised in China years ago.
Finn's Cure for Consumption In the best
of nil cough curds. (Imiriia W, Lots,
Fuburher, !,., August III, 1SHS.
The average advance In
Wisconsin for all classes iu
past was 15 per cent.
wages In
the year
An iugentous Chicago man ia Intro
ducing a new footboard designed for the
use of brakemeu on the freight trains.
The device consists of a number of par
allel iron pipes, one inch in diameter,
and laid upon a framework which raises
them eight inches from the level of
the car roof. The top sides of the
pipes are ftirulnshed with iron spurs,
From all aooonnts the glassmaklng
trails will In the near future be revoin
tlonlsad bv maohinery. Home of the
inventions have emerged from experi
mental stage, aud there are many more
to follow.
oisrxoi cannot cm
By local appllosllont. ss that vaiinot reaoh the
Slwwdi'oflH"'ihs eer. Tssrslsoiiii one
wIytocura.nliiM.nulli Is .
ilonel remedies. Peeineae Is rented by sn In.
ned voudltlon of ttte toueou. llulns ol In
KiuHerhlan Tube. When mis iu in-
r : . . H .umKiintf m.hbS or linner
k,t h.erhii. end when U Is nllrelr sb-ed
deliio le the reeiill. and nnleee Hie in
lion ean tie taken oul end Jhle luWH
u nurmel eniiamou, neeniia w,u
dealnea. It
realnred Mi
Jwenl PitiN(e
e ieiill, enannieee
iken oul end Inl. Iu
ndlllan, Iteernis wiiioeoeainiT-
li.reeri nlneeeet. oul ol ia eieosiwem
it neintnt n. a" n.......
ndred 1K Itrt (or any
hr eetsrrli) thai oe
eatetrb., eeluh It
not be cured by Uelt't Catarrh Care.
ised ti
eirculere, lie.
Holler, for an
baud lor
F. J. CIIRNKY A CO., Toledo, O,
UeJl'iriunlly Winers Hie best.
Painters aud decorators at St. Louts
want 87 s cents, eight hours aud Hat
unlay half-holiday on and after Aprl
1, 1000.
The United States torn out anna
ally 185,000,000,000 pounds of plug
The Boo Line hat officially an
nounced the withdrawal of its cut rates
off 19 and 17 between Kt. Paul and
Now York, which bid (air (or a time to
demoralise the rate of the Wottern
Passeuger Association. When the rloo
made the out rates high olllclals of the
road stated that they would remain lu
effect until the close of the stoamship
season, and their withdrawal at this
' 'Nature Abhors a Vacuum. "
ffiolMng In tht wW $Unds ttitl. If
you r xtl 4fd Strong rfsjl osy tin
Hood ivpplns tit tid of viior. If you ttt
III, tht blood 1$ wong tnd cAfrit$ Inert,,
ing qutntittis of distd gtrmt. You cn.
not chdngt Niun, but you tn Aid htr by
kttping tht blood pun. Hood" I SrsPA.
Hit dott thl$ ai nothlna tht csrt. Bt
surt to gtt llooXs, btcAust
The January Cenlary.
The January Century will contain a
poem by Kudysrd Kipling, "In the
Matter or uue compass." vr. Mitch-
oil's story, "The Autobiography of a
CJuaok," ends lu that Issue, but
another serial by Dr. Mitchell will lm-
gin in the March u umber, It is called
Dr. North anil ins n mums," and one
who has read the manuscript calls is
an epitome of the science, culture and
common souse of the nineteenth con-
Nothing finer in the way of effective
railroad advertising has reached the
coast this season than the recently Is
sued new booklet of the Croat North
ern system, entitled "Across America,"
says the Prattle Times. The booklet
contains an accurate description of a
trip (mm Buffalo to Heat tie and gives
complete information, illustrated by
. , . . .i. i ,i
wees., I r' ... . I limn Indicates that the Km miilil mil . , . ....n...
manner as spikes unou a railing. His, ,:r . ------- - ' : passwi joiirurj n.uiuuiK mor
A , . , L . .. 1 wlthntaml the powerful pressure brought I o nan .n.. n. ..i,.-..
in I Ciaimeu UT uiu umiUKnillcill uiv nimrn , - , . j m i,.....ww w. .,VVv.
m ..' . . . r.. . i to Ixinr unou it br associate lines. . t i.-. -.,.
I orevent tne imi mini sunning on suon inii uiniiii i nwuminwu.
loe as gathers, while the snow falls be- 8t. Louis machinery moulders now
tween the rows of pipes un the roof. get $1.75 a day; two months ago $2.
em is being showered with letters com
plimentary to the new publication.
Hon. V. N. Roach, United S ates Senstor From North Dakota.
Hon. W. f. Roach, United States .Senator from North Dakota, personally en
lorses Peruna, the great catarrh cure and tonio. In a receut letter to the Pe
runa Medicine Company, at Columbus, Ohio, written from Washington, D. C,
Senator Koach savs
"Persuaded by a friend I have used Peruna as a tonic, and I am glad Armstrong are "lenced cattle-rais-
.-x i.t t-t-.j !- . t .-i era, and it is thought their experiment
to icsiuy ii uas gTcauy ucipcu ui aucug in, ijui uui pvuic i wjn prove a success.
I have been advised by friends that it is remarkably eihcacious as a cure
for the almost universal complaint of catarrh"
Senator Roach's home address is Larin.ora, North Dakota.
Peruna is not a guess, nor an experiment; it is an absolute, scientific cer
tainty. Peruna cures catarrh wherever located. Peruna has no substitutes no
rivals. Insist upon baring Peruna. Let no one persuade you that some other
remedy will do nearly as well. There is no other systemic remedy for catarrh
but Peruna. Address the Peruna Medicine Company, Columbus, Ohio, ' for a
free book on catarrh, written by Dr. Hsrtman.
, The bill to protect child labor has
passed the Georgia senate. The bill
seeks to prevent children under the ae
of 12 yeani from working in the factor
ies unless widowed mothers or invalid
fathers need their labor.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. . V. Grove's signature
is on each box. 25c.
After April 1 carpenters will demand
an advance of 40 cents per day and a
prolonged fight is looked for.
Mothers will find Mrs. Wiuslow's Sooth
ing Syrup the best remedy to ue for tb'r
Children during the teething period.
A pioneer sheep feeder of Fort Col
lins, Col., is feeding 25,000 the larg
est number ever fed by one individual.
VITALITY low.debtlllatedoreilieii.lmi c-iiri-lbr
Dr. kilut't Invigorating Tunic. KKK1. Truil
Bottle containing 3 Weeks' trt-atmf-nt. Dr. Klinf'i
institute. Kll Ann -St., Philadelphia, founded liTl.
London holds 63 per cent of its po
licemen for night duty.
Victim of 1-1 1 Own Medicine.
A physician of jastboume. Me- re
cently made up a draught for a patle::t,
puttlug In by mistake stryeliutuo In
stead of chloroform, and w ben she com
plained that It made her sick, got nnjry
and to prove that the meillciue was all
right swallowed half the .coq cihs of
the bottle himself. Ho Immediately rec
ognized the symptoms of strychnin
poisoning, used a stomach pump ami
j other means to destroy the effect, but
died soon after.
Wom-n'i Riehte In Turkey.
The Turkish woman Is marriageable
at the age of 0 years and by Turkish
law at that age. If married, sue la com
petent to manage her property aud dls
nose of one-thlid of her fortune. The
law allows her to aboudun her hus
band's house forjust causeand will pro
tect her In so doing. She cannot be com
pelled to labor for the support of her
The first recorded strike in the Uni
ted States is that of the journeymen
bakers of New York in 1541.
A recently patented freight seal has
made its appearance on the market,
and several lines are now considering
its adoption. The new seal is said to
possess many advantages over the com
mon lead seal now in use. It consists
of a tablet of terra cotta, on which the
initials of the road are stamped, and
perforated by a square bole, through
which the fastening .device is passed.
It is impossible when applied to car
doors, to open them without first break
ing the seal. When broken no amount
of ingenuity could serve to prevent the
knowledge it had been tampered with.
sVk. C''-,'
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
StbvP or Fios. manufactured bv the
CaXiroHNiA Fl Syrup Co., illustrate
Health from au Open Fireplace.
Pbyslclnns are discovering that the
old-time open fire had much to do with
the health of our grandmothers and
that steam heat and furnace beat are
responsible for many aliments. Steam
beat especially has a way of gradually
Increasing so that anyone who Is used
to a stoum heated room becomes au
easy victim to colds and all the long
string of ailments to which a cold ia the
introduction. An open Are Is a sort of
Inspiration In itself, and since It drawl
In the out-of-door oxygen through all
the cracks and crannies it helps to puri
fy the air In the room while It heats It
Great Britain's Ivocornotlees. "
There are 19,014 locomotives at work
on the railways of the United Kingdom,
and each of these on an average runs
10,096 miles In a year, and earns fol
this 4,573, so that each mile the loco
motive runs Its grcass receipts are About
4s. 9d. Like the human facte r In all
industries, the locomotive to day is do
ing more than that of ten years ago,
but, unlike the human factor, engines
are now earning less; tbs 13,924 locomo
tives then on the railway each ran 19,-
035 miles, and earned 4,020 per annum.
If, therefore, we take the cost of an
average locomotive at 2,700, it Is found
that she earns In gross receipts her total
cost la seven months; but the proflts are
quite another matter.
Another New Intluetry for Albany.
Another new industry will soon be
in operation in this city, says the Al
bany Herald, if everything is satisfac
tory. W. H. Nudd, of the firm ol
Nudd & Taylor, of Centralia, Wash.
was in this city recently looking for a
location, and seemed pleased with the
outlook. The firm manufactures
wooden eave gutters, conductors aud
moldings, and is a solid institution.
It has otliccs at Minneapolis, Minn.,
and turns out yearly several million
feet of its product. The company em
ploys 25 men and manufactures its en
tire product out of fir. The product is
mostly sent east of the Mississippi
river to market. J he company comes
without solicitation, and is not seek
ing a bonus or inducement.
Philomath Enterprise,
Philomath is to have a new school-
house. At a meeting of the enterpris
ing citizens of that district last week
it was voted to erect a schoolhouse to
cost $3,000, to contain five or six
rooms, gnd to be equipped with all
modern conveniences. A tax will be
levied to raise $1,000 and bonds sold
to cover the other $2,000. A fine site
for the new structure has been selected,
and work on the building will com
mence as soon as the weather will per
mit in the spring.
Bank Will Hove.
The Rucker bank, at Everett, Wash.,
has secured a lease of the Northwest
Trading Company's building, on Hew
itt and Colby avenues, at Everett, and
will move there about the first of the
year. The tincks are on the ground
for the building of the vault, and as
soon as completed the bank and fix
tures wul be transferred to their new
Perfumery Factore.
Frank M. Phelps, Ph. G., an Eastern
chemist of 15 years' experience, is in
Baker City with a view of locating
there in business. He has visited many
points in the Northwest, and has de
cided to locate at Baker City. He will
establish a laboratory there for the
manufacture and wholesale of first-
class goods in the line of perfumes, ex
tracts and toilet articles.
Its Olorjr Done.
In one of the finest cities of onrweBt,
liiiawa a nr,taln m a n w Y Yam ruian
m til' 1 11 i i i j iui9 a wsj a vaeau iuau tt v uho ltwm
VrindplTf'Vl.nU known Te ! .11 his life in the work of
has been too busy at this to have much
, time for reading. When his pile was
j made he started for Europe and visited
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in the form most refreshing to the
taste aud acceptable to the system. It
is the one perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing the system effectually,
dispelling oolds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. IU perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make it the ideal
In the process of manufacturing Hps
are used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but .the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fig Sviiup
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full name of the Company
printed on the front of every package.
Rale of School ftontle.
The board of trustees of school dis
trict No. 86, Bingham county, Idaho,
has offered for sale coupon bonds of
that district to the amount of $440,
bearing interest at tne rate of 8 per
cent per annum, payable annually, re
deemable in 10 years after date, for the
purpose of building and providing
schoolhouse in said district with the
necessary furniture.
New Lumber Company.
The Jones Lumber Com pan v has filed
articles of incorporation in the stAte
department. The company will manu
facture and deal in lumber and all
manner of wood manufactures and
merchandise in general. The princi
pal office will be located in Portland.
Seattle Markets.
Onions, new, $1.00(31.85 per sack.
Potatoes, new, $16 20.
Beets, per sack, 7 5$ 85c.
Turnips, per sack, 60o.
Carrots, per sack, 50o.
Parsnips, per sack, 75 (3 85c.
Cauliflower, 75c (3 $1 per dozen.
Cabbage, native and California, 71
90c per 100 pounds.
Peaches, 8580o.
Apples, $1.35cil.50 per box.
Pears, $1.00(31.25 per box.
Prunes, 60o per box.
Watermelons, $1.60.
Nutmegs, 60375o.
Butter Creamery, 82o per pound;
dairy, 1722o; ranch, 22o per pound,
Lggs 1 irm, 30 (a 81c.
Cheese Native. 16o.
Poultry 0(8 10c; dressed. ISOUo,
Hay Puget Sound timothy, $13.00:
choice Eastern Washington timothy,
$17.00 18.00
Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23;
feed meal, $28,
Barley Uolled or ground, per ton,
$21; whole, $22.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.88;
blended straights, $3.10; California,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $0.00; gra
ham, per barrel, $3.80; whole wheat
flour, $3.10; rye flour, $3.80(14.00.
Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $16.00;
shorts, per ton, $17.00.
Feed Chopped feed, $20.60 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $22; oil cake meal,
per ton, $32.00.
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla, 61(3620;
Valley, 62c; Bluestem, 54o per bushel,
Flour Best grades, $3.00; graham,
$2.50; superfine, $2.15 per barrel
Oats Choice white, 84035c; choice
gray, 34o per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $15(316.00;
brewing, $18.00(818.50 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16 per
Hay Timothy, $9(8 10.60; clover,
$7(3)8; Oregon wild hay, $6(317 per ton,
Butter lancy creamery, BO 055c;
seconds, 42 45c; dairy, 87XO40o;
store, 260 35c.
Eggs 18010c per dozen.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 18c;
Young America, 14c; new cheese lOo
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed,' $3,600
3.50 per dozen; hens, $4.00; springs,
$2.60 0 8.60; geese, $7.00(39.00 forold;
$4.6008.50 for young; docks, $4.50
per dozen; turkeys, live, 13)i018o
per pound.
Potatoes 650 70c per sack; sweets,
2240 per pound.
Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 90o;
per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cauli
flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, $1;
beans, 60 6o per pound; celery, 70 O
75o per dozen; cucumbers, 60o per
box; peas, 34o per pound; tomatoes,
75o per box; green corn, 13)(g
16o per dozen.
Hops 8llc; 1898 crop, 608o.
Wool Valley, 120180 per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 8014o; mohair, 370
80c per pound,
jaal larn imt gV
U Ll p
TTI AT.IWKTAKY raWAf,, I. !mr 1 of
aM'mhaetura.t-ile)wni.h4aiirvt l . fM rt"i lae ttroef
to in. aleiuaae, a OaMlAA n4 il .iorii I. I'Tlnrlo at
Uandanaui t Oall blailderi L , t ainall lni
linear f. Cawurai t V.rBilforw asMaUUi S Anllag ,ioai
I Traaa-.nM aoloei 11. Dt4inf enloa, la llni.U 91.
SO la Hluni, It al Tae odvm ItMatlououa irtta
email lule-lla.. Toe nail etuptMe Into the
kwge lnla.Hjia ar .oloa at tea eeuum. la arraw. U'lioal
dlracUtfa waiea tae aaatanw or tae buwau out lake la
ea atlas aareasfe tea ineienUrr eaoai.
re packci away in your IrultUs and mutt be kept clean,
la order and doing; business.
It'i a long- way, with many turni and pit fall to catch
the refuse and dog the channel U not mott carefully
cleaned out erery day. . --r
When this long- canal It blockaded, look out for
trouble furred tongue, bad breath, belching of gaies,
yellow spots, pimples and boils, headaches, spitting up of
food after eating-, an all-around disgusting nuisance
Violent pill potions or grtplng sa8s are dn$fr
oas to ast for cltAntng oat tht bowls. They
forct oat tht obstruction by causing violent
spisms of tht bowls, bat they Uvt tht Intes
tines wetk tnd even less tblt to keep up reguUr
movements thsn be fort, tnd mtkt a Urger dost,
necessity next time.
Then you have the pill habit, which kills more people
than the morphine and whiskey habits combined.
The only safe, gentle but certain bowel cleansers are
sweet, fragrant CASCARETS, because they don't force
out the foccal matter with violence, but act as a tonic on
the whole 30 feet of bowel wall, strengthen the muscles
and restore healthy, natural action. Buy and try them!
You will find that In an entirely natural way your bowels
will be promptly and permanently
Made CLEAN and STRONG by
V-X w V w
m t mm m m
25c. 50c.
Te any scdy mortal, who can't tlford to buy, ws will null s box ttu.
Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago er New York. il
iraac mark.
Medical, Wonderful,
Astonishing, Yet
Sr the Intrwliie tlnn In the medical field, of our mint wonderful "H riHrtPs " a I.. i
liieatfniitble relue he. been leueaihtd to mankind. Mtifferltie humanity ! no looser el ihe
meroy of dl.eeaea which have alweye defied the iklil nl the medlral iirifltii. for no "A
------ ... - .... ...u.... ....... ... ...k.i i.i in,, I,,,. iruir a , (
Tltl. j. truly
remedy, yet InTented l,y man for the henrfltof ufft-rln, morula, end wilt b handed down to
Centurr. Thl. remedy la poattlrrly eurlns more ,.le dally than all oilier remedlea stm
blued, we challenge Ihe wor.t c.n"f Hheuinetlaui In all In fiinna. Catarrh. Naurati
A.thma, La lirlnpe end kindred aa a teat of what thla rained, will ,l H i...
notltlrely eured In e .hort time many who were bt d-rldtt.n for year.: other, who rould only
Walk br the a.e of etu tehee, and atllf other, who had been el veil 111, h I.I...I..I.... .
Jla. I-Hta 1. Ua. t.aa. Ik. ..I.I . I ' J.I. 1 -i i .rT I. '
-" a ...... .--a.-....". ....... ...... itvm iu uui iHiitt'..ion 10 urova ai
B.UI, 111"
'a 1IHOPS" noaltlvelv cure, the fo lowlne dlaaaaea
BuiAiitia, iiinrarnia. nt a'i-HE
ill we aay and
RHKIIHATiaH Ma-if 11 1 ,. .
IIAV-KKVKIt, C'ATA Rltil. HI. KStl'I.e-Swt
Motion uross, oen sneep, wemers m.JJ. , V,. t.ZCi. .' : .,.,). "'-: 'i"-";, t HKti--
1 ni t 1 .V 1HQ FfJHBNaXSA, HKtlNCH I TIS, LlVKnaind KI1NKY blSKAHICS and all.,.
atvl ewes, 8Xc; dressetl mutton, 6X9 I. red by thl. remtwly, they .lay cored of llt..e dl,e.aee, for II lortle. the .V.tem elan a. !
7operporind; lambs, 70 per pound. J""" ' " bROP,''J., "'!,nnfnd,Ji.,,P,'' ' b""lM P'-
ti f i. ! i. nn Plo by Mall or Kipre... II 1)0, or alx boltlt-. for (i.0O. Samp . butt t-.. resnlar urlVa 'av. h,i i7.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, 6.00i (h. neit thirty day. from the date of thl. peper, "we will M, amp'e lilflee nKo rVT
light and feeders, $4.60; dressed, f,"f,Noon Mn this wriietc,d..
5.606.00 per 100 pounds. "",u- . awAnaon VMAtii o ( l j
I i - " s vHivnaui llli
L-.&-z ft
tt Is t rirsl tlreet
f0SILS0 0t.
PAHPCD Is Curable
UMIlULII Without fhe Use oT Inife.
A ilil real IIR. NKWKIKK, MonttUln Home. Ida.
fJP fOn A DOSE. Cure Sink llr.datlie
ed ny.t..l., )!., Tlnt,l.i. ml Purlly the
BIH.d. Aid I'lK-'.tloD and Pr.'.iil lllllouaiiu.. Io
Qalllrliie OfSlk.n T.a.i..l.u...i .a. Ill mall
""P's free. r I'm ijtmi lorV, IIH. HOKANKtV
CO., Fhllatlt.
IVild by IlrtlKSlaU,
the various countries. Among other
cities be took in Lome. It chanced
that he drove out in the country and
was shown the Coliseum. The guide
told him it was a theater. The old
man was surprised. When he came
hank he was asked about his trip; he
mentioned Borne. Naturally he was
asked if he had seen the Coliseum. lie
had. lie didn't think much of it. To
quote his own words: "It was a
blamed good bouse once, but it's in
ruins now." Detroit Free Press.
Escape of the Newly Wedded.
A newly married couple In New
Brunswlcfc N. J., circumvented their
mischievous friends by starting on
their wedding journey by way of the
roof. The fnends, well-suppllod with
For sale by all brusgiets. Price SOc. per brittle, 'rice and old slippers, stood at the foot
of the stnlrs. The pair ascended to tbs
Iw .a -- -a.".
i 4 Beet Cough Syrup.
tin tlniA.
At Ail RfJlAUft.
up. fute. OouO. Um
Cm M
roof, walked to the Adjoining house,
then down and through the rear door
to a back street, where they entered a
waiting carriage and were driven to
the railway station,
Shingle Mill Progreaelric.
Work on the Keed & Million shingle
mill at Mt. Argus, Wash., is progress
ing very satisfactorily. The machin
ery is lining pnt in as rapidly as it ar
rives. The company has received the
Dew Bturdevant fan for the hot blast in
the dry house. This monster piece of
machinery weighs 22,000 pounds and
is 120 inches in diameter. It is the
biggest pieoe of machinery of the kind
in that county, and probably the big
gest in any shingle mill on the coast.
Telephone Line to Seven fjevlls.
It is said plans are beinir made to
extend the Union Telephone Com
pany's line from Tine Valley to Cup
rum, Idaho, in the 8even Devils conn
try, via Ballard's Landing. This will
be a great convenience to all that
great mining section, as it will give
them long-distance connection with the
outside world, since the Union line
connects at Union with the wires of
the Inland Telephone Company.
first 17-story
Mass., is bnilding Its
apartment bouse, to cost
Beef Gross, top steers, 13.60(34.00;
cows, 9.(39.00; dressed beef, 0H9
7 Tie per pound.
Veal Large, Q'AGtlXc: small, 80
So per pound.
Ben Franeiaoo Market,
Wool Spring Nevada, 1215o pel
pound; Eastern Oregon, l.Q16o; Val
ley, 20 (3 22c; Northern, 10013c.
Hops 18.9 crop, 11 a 12o per
Onions Yellow, 7Ssoo per sack.
Butter Fancy creamery 24rj2So;
do seconds, 22 (3 28c; fancy dairy, 20
(3 21c; do seconds, 19o per pound.
Eggs Store, 2527.o; fanoy ranch,
Millstuffs Middlings, 116.00 (8
19.00; bran, $1314.00.
Hay Wheat 7.009; wheat and
oat 97.609.00; best barley fS.OOO
7.50; alfalfa, $5.00 7. 60 per ton;
straw, 85 45o per bale.
Potatoos Early Kose, 1.00; Ore
gon iturbanki, 0Occ 1.10; .river liur-
banks, 46(3760; Salinas Burbanks,
$1.00(31.25 per sack.
Cltrut Fruit Oranges, Valencia,
2.75(38.26; Mexican limes, 14.00
6.00; California lemons 75o81.60;
do ohoice 1. 75 (3 2. 00 per box.
Tropical Fruits Bananas, 1.60(3
2.60 per bunch; pineapples, nom
inal; Persian dates, 6 lt9 pe
j. Wtf T
f iS THr?
Ttft of
Grow up with it.
feiiue aaurl wire Works.
and Iron l.nolnj; ofllo. rallln,. i0. Kit Altler.
MBelilnerr antl Suppllea.
ouineir, an,,pllM. 4S-A0 rir.iHt., furtland.Or.
JOHN POOLE. PobtTjAhd, Ossoor
csn k v. you the beat bur,.!... In general
.iscr.lnery ;, nglnes, htillerl, tanks. pu,m,V
ZU'Slr'" )S t- 1"' irTJe
m,m " Will Will iHl) f,M, ft Ifl l-,,intl a-i-
irnvM.u rtrfcttini, mii! .mi. t tnkm wtLh.u.t in'J.T-"'
. 1 nn ,'k. u
plttinly mnviml, on h.
l'i Hail
CreuUr mailed on rucMt,
t'llrt rif liiir, fi '
MT ClltHlUAt 0O.( ChlMgo, 1".
rajS E IE E.Saj
H frow patjlnr erops beoaune tbejf're H
treeh and elwere the beet, for H
I sals everywhere. Itemee til-etlttitee. H
H Stick to Kerry's tewele and proa per. H
H 1S00 Heed Annual free. Writs for It. pj
I P. a. FERRY t CO., DtlroM, Mick, gj
ITOIIINtXPIlM uriHiuu niolTurM.tnloiiTl' tV"
inn turni, wii m HlioJ. Ilia
rum tii flvNi m pr. OosnnHo'f PM I
Bt-nt) lUhlns bl(llti. Atisiort. tiim
Jar at
mm ftboui juur amm.
it'at4-irMiit b nitll Trtiaiiaf fm
vil. ouitn
Vnr I'ri'iriiniuB
Ki. rhild-,l'
ML MaBTdi'S 11001,
fuila (nr una lla'iik.iiuiitaliiliiil l"rt.lj-tjj
lara atuj Twuuoulala ol IHL MiHlaLS
French Femala Pills.
Pralavt tir llitnainila tit utl.tlMl lailMa.
Weak and
Worn-Out People
i"u,!rkY;,yeu'i1;,ijnd "-
Moore's Revealed Remedy
It contains no dtninross "trust
splestant lte. U bottle ifl'
f. alwar.r.1 labia and wllli.ntlan l'ia-
( en l;p la nine, Whlui aiuf Tlntl. Taan nu I'll"".,,,..
Inuah I)ru 6o.,ni a ma J-uarlsu, Mew ItorkOIV.
a I aliaji. '
Kmi tMm tt tor unnJiirU
oouf nuiiii'T""-
ntnBM IMS Lmelaaa.
lviUOHyinti fa cnt or puUoboui,
Olroil.r atal ia rSsiiMfc
N. P. Ni V.
No. a-ieoo.
Wnmtl writing
1 1 mention this
to adeertl.ers plea.e
peper. . . '