Captain Gridley's Mother , i n.TTTi 'iSut- j DEWEY'S FLA8-SHIP OLYHPIA ' Mrs. Qrldlty, mother ot Captain Qridley, who was In command of Dewey's flagship, at the destruction ot the Spanish fleet at Man ila, says of our remedy, Peruna: "At the solicitation of a friend I used Peruna, and can truth fully say It Is a grand tonic and Is a woman's Mend, and should be used In every household. After using It for a short period I feel like a new person. B. Qridley. Nearly all onr ills aw due to catarrh. We are liable to have catarrh of the head, catarrh ol the throat, catarrh of the longs, stomach, kidneys, bladder and pelvio organs. Peruna cures catarrh wherever located. Address Dr. II art man, Columbus, Ohio, for free book. SALT LAKE CITY. Am Important Factor la SramaeoBtl mental Travel. No one crossing the continent can afford to cut Salt Lake City from his route. The attractions ot the place, including the Mormon Temple, Taber nacle and Church institutions, the Great Salt Lake deader and denser than the Dead Sea in the Holy Land the picturesque environment and the warm sulphur and hot springs, are greater to the square yard than any lo cality on the American continent. The Rio Grande Western Railway, connecting on the East with the Den ver St Rio Grande and Colorado Mid land Railways and on the West with the Southern Paoifio (Central Route) and Oregon Short Line, is the only transcontinetnal line passing directly through Salt Lake City. The route through Salt Lake City via the Rio Grande Western Railway is famous all the year round. On account of the equable climate of Utah and Colorado it is just as popular in winter as in summer. Send 2c to J. D. Mansfield, 253 Washington St., Portland, or Geo. W. Heints, Acting General Passenger Agent, Salt Lake City, for a copy of "Salt Lake City the City of the Saints." I Jmprored Trmla IqulpmnV The O. R. M. and Oregon Short Line have added a buffet, smoking and library ear to tlieir Portland-Chicago thiougb train, and a dining car service has been inanguarated. The train is equipped with the latest chair cars, day coaches sod luxurious first-class and ordinary sleepers. Direct connec tion made at Granger with Union Pa cific, and at Ogden with Rio Grande line, from all points in Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho to all Eastern oitiea. For information, rates, etc., call on anr O. R. & N. agent, or address W. H. Hurlburt, General Passenger Agent, Portland. The hod carriers of Cripple Creek, Col., district have made a demand for an eight-hour day and an increase of wages from $3.50 to $4 per day. Wait ers and cooks have recently secured a six-day week without striking, and all city laborers have been advanced from $1.75 to $3 per day. E ,-" '"N . I Mi An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, BvRur of Fias, manufactured by the California Fia Svrup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of planta known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal (laxative. i In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fio Syrup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effect and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. I sah rx Air Cisco, oa 1 LOtrvxu.a, it. mrw rout T. Tor Hie by all Druggists. Price 50c per bottle. MACHINERY, all kinds -.TATUM at BOWEM... It to 31 First Street PORTLAND. OR. FilO end Msgle Lantern Bargain Llit No. 16 now reedy for mailing. T. P. ANDREWS, 10 Montgomery St. Sea Francisco. GANGER t Curable Without the U i Knife. Address DR. NSWKLRK. Mountain Home, Ids. i Beet Cough 6j 1 la time. Irrup. Tastes Uooa, DM sow Try aru(irlts. ... i aL f- m i C -iff. . S 'limn ii 1 1 ii t i ijr " sP-W.'lu.nn"'. J'.e: n ia list lin ft- r i 51 Restored by Peruna. T JSX, 'nf.! 3 cri u I CAPTAIM OBIDLEY, COMMANDER. Care of the Orchard. The past year, with its unusual ell matio conditions, has been marked by a signal neglect of tillage operations in the orchards ot the state. One result of this baa been the formation of an ex tra large amount of fruit wood and buds, and under ordinary conditions, next spring there will set a very much greater amount of fruit than will be best for both the interest of the tree and the orchardis. The orchard should receive a judicious, yes, a vig out pruning this winter, to the , end that Uberal thinning of fruit spurs shall be had, otherwise the more expensive work of hand thinning must be done or else there will be produced a mass of small inferior frint for which no mar ket can be found, and as too often oc curs, the larger part of the crop be comes a watse. Now is the time to make a thorough examination ot the trees; study the various systems of pruning and the ends they are sought to reach. Watch the insect and fungous foes and ths climatio effects upon the fruit and foliage buds, and with the opening of spring be prepared to give the orchard a vigorous but judicious pruning and then follow this with generous tillage of .the soil. Only under conditions like these can we expect to get the best of returns from the orchard next year, under the usual Oregon climatic condi tions. Oregon Agricultural College and Experiment Station. VITALITY low. debtlltared or (ihmilnl cured h Pr. Kline's Invigorating Tonic. FHKEI1. Trial Bottle containing 1 WH' treatment. Dr. Kline' Institute, Kll Arch St., Philadelphia. Founded 1S7 L All street railway companies operat ing in the city of New York are re quired by law to run at least one closed car in every four at all seasons of the year. TO Cl'RI A COLO IX ONE DAT Take Laxative Eromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. V. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. The coal mines nesr EJlna, Mo., have been compelled to shut down be cause the operators could not find men to dig. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for thl children during the teething period. K. H. Edmonds, of Baltimore, placet the amount of wages which will be paid to factory hands in the South this year at the large sum of $350,000,000. - Piso's Cure for Consumption Is the only cough medicine nsed in mv house. D. . Albright, Mitflinburg, Pa., t)ec. 11, U8. Cllnate, Seenery end Nature's Sani tarium. ' Scenery, altitude, sunshine and air, constitute the factors which are rapid ly making Colorado the health and pleasure grounds of the world. Here the sun shines 857 days of the average year, and it blends with the crisp, electric mountain air to produce a climate matchless in the known world. No pen can portray, no brush can picture the majestic grandeur of the scenery along the line of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad in Colorado. Iar;iea going East should travel via this line which is known all over the world as the Scenic Line of the world. For any information regarding rates, time tables, etc., call on or address R. C. Nichol, general agent, 351 Wash ington street, Portland, Or., or any agent of the O. R. & N. Co., or South ern Pacific Company. Are ou Going EaatT ! mm If so, you should see that I your ticket reads via the I j Great Rock Island route, ti"'m.J and yon will get the best. Pullman palaoe sleeping cars, elegant reclining chair cats "free," and library buffet cars on all tlironiih trains. Best dining car service in the world. Popu lar personally conducted excursions once a week to all points East. For full particulars call on or address any ticket agent, or A. E. COOPER, Q. A. P. D., C. R. 1. & P. Ry.. 246 Washington street, Portland, Or. Lb Fayette Dollars. The La Fayette memorial commission has announced that the United State mint at Philadelphia would soon begin striking the La Fayette dollar author ized by congress in aid of the monu ment. The coin, a legal tender, will bear upon its face in bus relief a double medallion of the heads of Washington and La Fayette, and upon its reverse miniature reproduction of the eques- I trlan statue of La Fayette, to be used on the monument. The number is limited to one for each 1,500 of the population of the country. The first coin struck of the 50,000 will be pre sented by the president of the United States to the president of the French republic. As the La Fayette dollar will be s desirable souvenir and me mento of the children's monument to the "Knight of Liberty," the com mis sion' has fixed the price at two dollars. The dies are finished and a specimen coin has been sent to Washington. SUGAR BEETS. Conclusions From Kiperlinonte Con. dented by Orgo Agricultural 8t tioa Industry In WeaUlugton. The Oregon agricultural experiment tation at Corvallis has issued a pam phlet In which it presents the conclu sions reached after five years of investi gation oonoerning boot sugar produc tion in Oregon. It says three sections of the state are exceptionally vroll adapted to the industry, via.: Union county in the vicinity of La Grande; Malheur county, in,the vicinity, of On tario, and Arcadia;'jackson county, in the vicinity of Medford, possessing a it does a large area capable of produc ing a very large supply ol lieets. Water, fuel and limestone are easily and cheaply obtainable in each lo cality. The most serious obstacle in any of these localities is the limited number of people available for field help at short notice, especially would this be true in Malheur county. Western Oregon is not well adapted to the industry on account of the early fall rains and a soil which is very heavy and sticky, and tenacious to the beet when wet, and it also lacks a cheap lime supply. Beet growing in Malheur county would have to be under a system of ir rigation similar to that in Utah. If beets are planted in the middle of April either in eastern or southern Ore gon nothing is gained by delaying har vest later than the first week in Sep tember. The Original Klein Wanalebener and the Elite Klein Wanslebener have proven themselves well adapted to the con rtit ions in the Grande Ronde valley, and have both given good results in Jackson county. The former has given the better results in the latter place. Each has given better results in each place than the Vilmorin. In eastern Oregon beets may be left in the ground quite late without seri ous loss from second growth. Beets for sugar production should not be planted on alkali soils. Beets may be allowed to grow much larger here than in Germany and still bold an excellent per cent of sugar. The hill lands of Jackson county are not well adapted to the industry. The establishment of a sugar factory makes possible a most excellent oppor tunity for a high development of the dairy industry. This is of no mean consequence when it is remembered that all three of the localities which present favorable conditions for the in dustry produce immense quantities ot alfalfa, and yet ship in dairy products in buve amounts. Whv not rjroduce them at home and supply the neighbor ing sections; Th nKtahlixhment of a m car factory means also the development of large fuel and lime industry. Warerly Sugar Factory. The new sugar factory at Waverly, Spokane county, Washington, began operations December 6. This is the first beet sugar factory to be built in this state, and the second in the Pacific Northwest. The farmers in the vicinity of the factory raised about 400 acres of beets this year, the yield being 4 to 12 tons per acre. D. C. Corbin, of Spo kane, owner of the factory is paying $4 per ton for beets containing 12 to 14 per cent of sugar and 83 1-3 cents pel ton additional for each per cent of sugar avove 14. The average price for the entire crop is about $4.50 per ton. Taking the average yield as eight tons, half way between the . extremes, this would give a gross return of $38 per acre. The cost per acre of the beets delivered at the factory is in the neighborhood of $25 to $30. Thie leaves some profit to the average beet grower, and considerable to those whose beets give yields of 10 or 12 tons per acre. Another year, when the farmers know more of beet culture, and are in position to give their cropt the attention they need, better resultc may fairly be expected. This is th beginning of an industry which will, if successful, become an important feat ure of Eastern Washington agrioulrure. It will give the farmers of the Falouse country a profitable crop to grow in rotation with wheat. When the farm ers have learned the value of sugai beet pulp as a stock feed, it will also doubtless result in an increase of live stock on the wheat ranches in the vi cinity of the factory. Iforthweit Notes. Postmaster Winter, of Colville, has resigned. Spokane saloons are compelled to close at midnight now. The enrollment of dudIIs in La Grande's pnblio schools is 641, with 15 teachers. Dogs killed 26 head of sheep for a Kentuck slough rancher in Coos county last week. lie has killed one of the dogs. The money orders issued from the Tillamook poetoflice last month num bered 850, amounting to $4,899, while the money orders paid out numbered 100, amounting to $1,465. ' II . H. Lazard has been appointed county clerk of Coos county, to suc ceed W. E. Rackleff, who violated the office-holders' rule that few die and none resign, by vacating the place last week. Fairs of the second Southern Ore gon district, embracing Coos, Curry and Douglas counties, have heretofore been held at Roseburg. This year an effort is to be made to have the fair held at Marsbfleld. The Great Northern will keep 500 to 1,000 men employed all winter, and expend $150,000 in laying new track and improving its right of way through Spokane. Besides this, new depots are to be constructed there, and new bridges built. The Syrian colony of Tacoma is aroused over outrages recently perpe trated on their countrymen. One of them, s peddler, was robbed by high waymen a few days ago. Sometime previous another peddler had mysteri ously disappeared, and they now think he was murdered and robbed, as he was known to carry quite a sum of money. So now the colony is raising a fund to pay for a search for the missing ped-' dletr't body and discover in what man ner he came to his death. Tekoa gralndealers are in a pool, and refuse to sell wheat for less than 40 cents per bushel, TRADE QUIETING DOWN. Undisturbed, However, by an Unfavor able Money Situation, Bradhtreet's says: Geueral trade In wholesale and manufacturing Hues is quieting down, but it is worth noting, It is undisturbed by the money situa tlon, the influence ot which has been oouflned to speculative circles. Holi day trade, ou the other hand, has been given a decided impetus, and compnri sous with the same period of preceding yean are uniformly favorable, little doubt remaining that although retail trade in seasonable lines has been af fected in some localities by un favor able weather, holiday specialties have enjoyed exceptional activity. As re gards prices, it is a notable fact that a many staples have advanced this week as there have declined, while by far tbe larger number of quotations have remained steady or firm. The strength ot textiles Is still a most nota ble feature of the general situation. Cotton goods are hetvily sold ahead by agents, and a very large spring busi ness has already been booked. Raw cotton Is firm and unchanged on the week, partly owing to the light re oelpta and to reatlirmation of a short orop estimated by the department of agriculture. Manufactured goods, where not advanced, are firmly held. Wheat, lnoludlug flour, shipments for the weekagareiiate 8,250,649 bush' els, against 8,133.831 bushels last week, 6,248,659 bushels in the corre sponding week last year, 4,404,399 bushels in 1897, 8,534,820 bushels in 1896 and 2,056,043 bushels in 1805. Since July 1 this season, tho exports of wheat aggregate 97,550,936 bushels against 109,730,853 bushels last year and 118,808,197 bushels In 1808-99. Business failures in the United States for the week were only 210 as com pared with 220 Inst week, 234 in thts week a year ago, 283 in 1897, and 859 In 1896. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Seattle Market. Onions, new, $1.00 1.25 per sack. Potatoes, new, $16(320. Beets, per sack, 75(385o. Turnips, per sack, 60o. Carrots, per sack, 60c. Parsnips, per sack, 75 85c. Cauliflower, 75c$l per dozen. Cabbage, native and California, 75 (J 90o per 100 pounds. Peaches, 6580o. Apples, $1.251.50 per box. Pears, $1.00(1.25 per box. Prunes, 60o per box. Watermelons, $1.50. Nutmegs, 6075o. Butter Creamery, 83o per pound; dairy, 17 23c; ranch, 22o per pound. Eggs Firm, 8031o. Cheese Native, 16c. Poultry 9 10c; dressed, ll13o. Hay Puget Sound timothy, $13.00; ohoice Eastern Washington timothy, $17.0018.00 Corn Whole, $33.00; cracked, $23; feed meal, $33. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $31; whole, $32. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.85; blended straights, $3.10; California, 13.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; gra ham, per barrel, $3.80; whole wheat flour, $3.10; rye flour, $3. 80 4. 00. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $16.00; shorts, per ton, $17.00. Feed Chopped feed, $30.60 per ton; middlings, per ton, $22; oil cake meal, per ton, $82.00. Portland Market, Wheat Walla Walla. 6152o; Valley, 62c; Bluestem, 63o per bushel. Flour Bet grades, $3.00; graham, $3.50; superfine, $2.15 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 8435o; choice gray, 85o per bunhol. Barley Feed barley, $16(316.50; brewing, $18.00(319.00 per ton. Millatuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid dlings, $22; shorts, $1S; chop, $10 per ton. Hay Timothy, $9 11; clover, $7 8; Oregon wild hay, $8(37 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 60 55c; seconds, 42K45o; dairy, 8740o; store, 25(3 35c. Eggs 1830o perdozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c; Young America, 14c; now cheese lOo per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00 8.60 per dozen; hens, $4.60; springs, $3.00(33.60; geese, $7.00 8.60 forold; $4.50(36.50 for young; docks, $4.50 per dozen; turkeys, live, 1415o per pound. Potatoes 5060o per sack; sweets, 22ic per pound. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 90c; per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cauli flower, 75o per dozen; pannips, $1; beans, 66o peT pound; celery, 703 75o per dozen; cncumlicTB, 60c pur box; peas, 834o per pound; tomatoes, 75o per box; green corn, 12) 16o per dozen. Hops 8(3 11c; 1898 crop, 836o. Wool Valley, 1218o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 8 (3 14c; mohair, 27 80o per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 8c; dressed mutton, 7o per pound; lambs, 7aO per pound. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00; light ami feeders, $4.60; dressed, $5.60(36.00 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, $3.50(34.00; cows, $8(38.50; dressed beef, 6X 7Mo per pound. Veal Large, 67c; small, 1(9 SJic per poundj an Franeieeo Market. Wool Spring Nevada, 12(316oper pound; Eastern Oregon, 1216c; Val ley, 20 (3 22c; Northern, 10(312o. Hops 1899 crop, ll12o per pound. Onions Yellow, 7585o per sack. Butter Fancy creamery 24 (3 26c; do seconds, 22 (8 24c; fancy dairy, 21 22c; do seconds, 19320o per pound. Eggs Store, 26 3 27c; fancy ranch, 8flo. Millstuffs Middlings, $17.00 3 20.00; bran, $14(316.00. Hay Wheat $7.00 (3 10; wheat and oat $7.509.00; best barley $6.00(3 7.50; alfalfa, $5.00(37.50 per ton; straw, 85(346o per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, $1-00; Ore gon Burbanks, 60o(31.10; river Bur banks, 46(376c Salinas Burbanks, $1.00(31.26 per sack. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $2.76(38.25; Mexican limes, $4.00(3 6.00; California lemons 75c3$1.60; do choice $1.75(33.00 per box. Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.60(9 2.60 per bunch; pineapples, nom inal; Persian dates, 66io pet TTeddlnc for "Original" rolb. For peculiar marriage customs the Negritos caunot be beaten. The young man who seeks a bride llret obtains tint favor ot her parents and theu pursues her, catching her in his arms. Hhn breaks loose and runs, and does uot yield until he has caught her several times. Finally he lends her lu triumph to her home. Here the father drugs the youth up a ladder to the floor of their hut. The mother drags up the maiden. They are made to kneel, nnd the father pours ovor thorn a cooonnut shell full of water. He theu bump their hoads together, and the ceremony is completed. They sjieud their honey moon in the depths of the mmiutuins, aud for live days and nights are lost to sight, after which they come bank to everyday life. Then there is another marriage custom. Instead of tho youth aud maiden being dragged up tho hut ladder, they aro made to climb two samplings that grow near each other. Then , an elder of the group grasps the sappliugs and draws them together until the kouds ot the young couple touch, with a kiss or bump, according to the force used. This makes thorn man and wife N. Y. Preta. Perhaps the most trying experience in the career of a niaideu who has passed the first blush of romantic girl hood Is when she broces herself to meet the shock of a proioiial ot marriage from some man, nnd the shock doesn't come. Cincinnati Enquirer. BOWEL Clean yourself out gently but Every form of bowel trouble 10c. 25c. 50c. mm " f-T-n ... To my needy nvorUl luffenn; from bowel troubles and loo poor to buy CASCARETS we will tend ft box Crtc Addrtm C. I: D J.. y- W.1 V L. .. .l.-e.- esl ! PORTLAND DIRECTORY. Veuee anil Wire M urk.. PORTLAND WIKK A lltOS HOIlK; W1KK ami Iron leiMrluir: office railing, etc, I4 A Icier. Meelihierr and Siitpe. CAWflTON CO.: KSlllNKS, HOII.KK. SI, eliioerr, sunulltss. Klrsisi., Puriiaud.ur. JOHN POOLE. Portland, Onflow, can eivs you the best barirains in gciivral niacbiuery, enxines, boilers, tanks, iiumps, plows, belts and windmills. The new tl I X It windmill, sol.l by him, Is un equalled. Rupture treated soien tlflcal If end cotiflrieDll al- C. H. W000S.S0 CO., 108 Msn4tl.Jsrflssa. 200. SAMPLE BOTTLI lOo. sHu7eh8you H;i Lang Hate Ton Read ALout "5 Drops" Without Titln. The.? Do ron not think you hare wentcd precious time and snlfsrcd enniirhf II so, then try the "ft lirups" and he promptly and prrmannnilr ourcd of your afflictions. "Ii Drops" Is a snerdy and Mure :nre for ftheuma II. in, Neuralgia, Nclatlca, I.ainlia((larnehaok). Kidney Irlaeaaea, Asthma, May "eer, Iysipsla, c atarrh of all kind., Hronnhllls, I. a Urlppe, Meadaehe (tierrmis and n.nralflc). Heart Wssks.ii, Irrnpsy, Karachi., Spasmodic and Catarrhal Croup, Toothache, nervnusneaa. Sleeplessness, Creeping Nsm1in.ii, Malaria, and kindred "ft fjroi)." liURIirMl ninr. itAfii.lM rinrln. th i,.at lour iTHADC MANK.l VCarS. Of tllS arxiVCn.fn.ff In case of Rheumatism Is curli( mere then all the i1octnr,paient mcdlclnss, electric hoi is and Latteries combined, for they csimot euro Comnle Therefore wasie no moro valu ahle lime snd money, hut try "6 Drops" and he promptly ('IIItKli. "6 Drops" Is not only the bt medicine, but It is the cheapest, for a 11 t butlle contains KI doses. I'rlie per bottle, II.Ou, CTiEJ-' ,iy ms" cl!r"'""' "' 6 bottles for two. For tbe neat m any we will send a Me sample FlllCK to anyone sending 10 ocnis to pay for the mailing. Agents wanted. Write to-day, SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURI CO. 100-184 I. LAKI ST.. CHICAGO. TtRft I09 JI4. (Withal Prnflt. .purahJia. Dfica. nl with th. tofurtilih htn - . .ll ,.er.rl .1 t jl Jl at" A ft . . 1 f,.17. VOU ui4 Uproar, of iti,r o, of thMMrlortufM. Thvplotttre iiuljs rintiaMurilitriiNfiet Hntf). O. iJ.oa r-o-iitnu7t. van pfty its! mom to rour b.nttsr or fralglil Sfjoum iwTtl stfour dimt. ',rflffWMl. A lAira Htnrm i1 ilToni inr ia ralnil kMlMifMl thsDftstuUotfir Lwvl rlinn -"rlu -ili-aVAtJ-HTUVE JATALOQUB FRKR. ll ST. 1 avkt aVtf AQt fit anr fuilrsar I I'M etf 56 nsisai Ic.JRV W L Others bT dvAaov tholr Wtt 1MM W-"HJ, Jf r P-rlrtr HtYrTMal hnr nn. ennlr.k WWim ttV . i W-sA faff I fPI . i .. , . v .-fc s-'K 11 mm T, M. KOUKBTd' MUPfLV UOt'HK, MIMNKAPULisl. BtiMM Dyspepsia Iocs ms. lasting Immediate a i 1 n h a i i n n ,inr A Literary frojeel. Stern Parent No, Maroella, I posi tively forbid you to receive George Gay Imy, He's taken to bad ways lately; does nothing but frequent raue tracks and poolrooms, Martella Oh, but, p. 1 has good object in going there. He's a literary man, you know, aud he told me he was making m book on the race. Harlem Life. Proeperlty for I BOO. Indications point to great pronnerty for the coming vear. This Is the nig" healthy nature. Th suircsas of a country, n writes of en Individual, depends upon lii'nlth. If vou have any stomach trouble trv llontviler's ritnniaoh Hitlers which din's dynprpsis, ImligtNitloii and bilious ness. There was uo assignable cause for 12,204 fires last year. "iiow-i'Tniai 7t otter One Hnndmd Dollars Reward for nn ease ot Catarrh Hint cau nut U u4 by Hall's C,Ur'V "."'llKNKr A CO., Props., Toledo. O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. tMwiwy (nr lbs tnat 19 years, and believe him porlM'lly bunnrabU' In all Iraiisaellous end lln anelalW able to oarry out any oUlgnUuus mods by tuolr Arm. Wsst Tsrux, Wbulmalo )rulsts, Tolf ilo, . WilJOIMl, KlHNIN A Hat'VIN, W nolemtle Drug 1st. Toledo, O, nail's Catarrh Oure Is I kn .nr '. rnallj , ae' in". Otreotlyon Ihn blood and m Oous urfauee ot the system. I'rl ia TSc per bo' lie. So.4, by si. uruiiilsts. Testlmoul Islree, Uall's family Pal' ' f tb- lest. 0 ..... i ' i i i I. Iu Germany, between Dussoldorf and Creteld, a distance of 14 miles, an ex press train Is run by electricity at m maximum speed ot 87 miles an hour. There's only one way to set it right. thoroughly and tone up your bowels with CASCARETS. is quickly and permanently CURED BY Vk JT V CANDY CATHARTIC You Can't Niki i IlittU by liking tbe flAII-Ugo For it Is th favorite through Dining Car and Buffet-Library Car Line East. for further tartlmilars call on or address J. K. KAUKI,. (.. T A, W. K. CUMAN, 0. A. C. O. TKKKY, T, H. A. 124 Third Street, Portland, On. ARTERS1NK Can't be tout. rOR NIXT THIRTY DAYS. RHEUHATISIJ? din..... tli.n .11 .tlli.r r.mMiliM. kf,fin i.,t i toon FREE N0 CsUlo-as- fur Lstsmp- njinrt. gnrn.ts rfwBqwii, MsrieaiiQrsi iaititnsnt, r i' i Goods. M-lui'.ii.)lothtnj(or U M-UorrUsnd Hhni. O Ldirt1si.i-i . Hni lArtssnd our Lsm. Hupplr (isloue aniitntn. Ins Mae snl bHoMwUrUsalsiiraMi.-id. Vi piutMsnd ovsrotis 1 'V-r"1tiitilnm The Ideal French Tonic TOR BODY AND DRAIN Endorsed by Medical Faculty efficacious agreeable tT' a m eiui 04 Take Time By The Forelock' 'Don't tvti unlit tlckntu ovtrUktt you, nfun tfut tittd feeling, tht flrii rhtu. miiic ptin. the first wtmlngt of impure blood Mr manifest, ik Hood" i Snp. rill and you lutil rescue your health and probAbly urve a serious sickness. Be ture to get Hood's, beetust Ills Highest Orlllual 1'ral.e, Edward Terry tells of a pretty IncU dent whluh occurred during a tour la Aimtralia. "Do vou know what I con. stder the most glowing tribute I ever received? The compliment came from a child, mere was a orowueu house, au Intent audlenoo, and humor had for the instant given place to pathos. You might havu heard a pin drop and I felt the tension ot the house was at break ing point. The Intense silence was broken by childish voice a girl's who, turning to hnr parent, asked lu a broken voice: 'Mother, is it realf Kan Francisco Bulletin. . At a mass meeting heliTln St. Paul it was decided to establish a uniform rate ol 25 rents for hair cutting. Out of 105 shops in St. Paul all but three were represented at the meeting aud all present signed the agreement. BLOAT A horrible, sLtmy monster that makes man's life a misery. After eating: a bloated belly, belching of gas from the stomach, a foul, Ul-smelling scurf on the tongue, dizziness, headache, a sour rising and spitting up of half-digested food, it's Bowel Bloat. When the bowels stop working they become filled with putrid, rotting matter, forming poisonous rases that go through the whole body. It you don't have a reg ular, natural movement of the bowels at least once a day your fate is bowel bloat, with all the nasty, disgusting symptoms that co with it. r4 - Naie ALL DRUGGISTS 1 Da. t(AKTat.t Iroot, r. aad TeMawuials at UK. SsatltLS rrrencn rem-is riiis Prmla-d trv Wbmtswrvrla of miiIIm1 ImAiaaaM mt; sjwut rsiUiIti d witbuul mm t4iiJ. ftsililliw-irrlnisrwiBt-Ia moti bn. I'rata-ik flT Wl tip tn Kins, Wblle aiu) Tl. TeU ito pUisr. VnuMe. I)rg Co., Mi A sM VmrlttU. isw iwl Ctdl Do You Ever Feel That life la not worth living. Tired out before the day's work Is begun. Hoore's Revealed Remedy will build up your system, purlfv your blood. Oond beslth makes happiness. 1.UQ pur buttle at your druggist's. 'his ftirm, ss wli ftirm, ss wN ss nnita, uisrxiiosr i'rirunnc srs unrsi j Dr. lloMnko'f M RmiiUtf rtiossruunrkniirc; BtiiiMi Itfhtfi. snilT Jsr st driiir(At-(ir aanl, hi msll. 'I'mAtlM frsa. ' 1 11 fin n snu itistttiiUgj, Aiifturns tdriifntMitsorssDt hf ip)l. Trust aum atruut lour est. DU. 0OH4N UO, Fh.lsd 1's, 0R.GUNN'S IMPftOVRO PILLS LIVER ONE FOR A DOSE. C?ura Rick Hesdachs ?d pyspp.ia, Itemu.e l'lmplss snd Purify the Blood, Aid DIp'itloRsndFrsftit IIIIIousiish. De, Toenn.lnre you, we will msll HnnU (,m n.l.ui t . i .. . . CO., Fhlluda., fnuaa. Hold by Druggl.u YOUNG MEN! Ynr 0mnrrlins snd (llsrt mi I'sbst's Olty Hptrifln. II Is Uis ONl.V m ml loins wlii-Ti will ur Sewli sjirl Svrry inish. HO ('AK known ii liss svsr fsiit to eurs, no imtUfr hw r Hiius or of fmw tun stsuiMiic. Itsitiui trum its iis will wstsinUh yn. It U llitly sra. irpnU strlrtuni. snd mn hm Isiisn wUiul Itnm ttlrnr snd iliolKntltirt trim, ntislnfMs. 1'Hll K. 3 (A br all rt iiftbls dmirifiirts, or Sft nrHiMid b sipnss plainly wrspiiwl, on wphii of nriiH, hy , , CLnmisx buUIikI oo iuvst. CURE YOURSELF I Use Ills l for iiBtiiirsl dlsrhars,lulluini. lions. Irritations ur ulcralluus of muoous membrsiiM. p.IiiIm.. sail not eslrla- lElOMIIiini(to. S.ntor pol"""1"- ' lOISTI,0.r' eerWeWtsSa, f J aw14 hr Draffs lorssnt In plain wi 'snl !sJVfsttiiIhl Circular eat ua r tHPSUSSls N. P, M. U. M. Sll-'SS. WW S3 H grow paying crops because they're fresh and always re beet. Tot B sale erorysr here, llenise suballtnlae. B Mick to Kerry's Si. 4s and prosper. H I Ota Bead Annual tree. Writs for It H I 0. M. FtRflT A CO., Detroit, Mlek. H r? F is i is s ssrs. J OSSfMleXd L J F - sifUiirs. W " 1 srwrfs( Cnaals Kel'M es1 w HEK writing to adrertlaers pleas suss wis peper, . .....