Oil KG ON M 1ST Viiuuvil UllkJ.1. rii-.-ir-..-jr-:-.-ir-s - lUiCHMIJKR H, lHliu. I,i(rnmt stock anil lowest prices nt V. 1. Dolman's. Mm. l'runk Miles, of HuIdiiT, vIhIUmI relatives in mis place Moiiuuy, ' .Vor ft eaiiipluto stock of general mer chandise cull Hi W. II. Dolman's. Eiigcno MukusUiv U now omplovcil an the Council stock Innu on Dour inland. Mr. and Mr. J. 8. OloiilngeratiilMrs. K. II. Joseph visited I'uiUiinJ hint Bat tinlity. Mr. nI Mrs, Ueortfe A. Hull spent TliHTiki(ivlii with relatives lu West rortliinii. Mr. Smith Klstnor, a nicrchnnt ol our nolgl'liorliig city, Kainler, was In town Monday. Tha pension eiBtiilnliiB board mot In thin city IuhI Tuesday. Two applicants wore examined. Mrs. Ford, of Fortluml 'was tho Riicst of Mr. nnil Mm, '1'homits J, Clwtou k lew cl ivy a thl week. Kov. O. Cl, Haley, formerly of this city, hint assumed editorial charge ol the Warrenton Tribune. If you are In need of somo nice, up-to-dnto statlonety It will pay ou to h'avo orders at thin ollUo. Rev. Mr. Phllbrook will preach at Bachelor Flat Hunday Ht 11 A. M., mid in this city In tho owning, JudjfP J. II. Dunn came ui) from Rain lor on Tuesday to tnkn a look at the new addition to the court houe. Mm, Jacob Ooru and duuuhter. I Annie, and Minn Kale HauimluU, ol 1'urt luncl, a)Hjnt TliBiikKiving i'l tho city. Mr. and Mm. Holcoinb, of 1'ortland, were tho guests on Thanksgiving I'ny ol Mr. and Mm, W. U. JMIIartl, In thin city. Mr. and Mm, I. II. Copland and oliildnm and Misil I fc.ru Copland were visitors in 1'ortland hint rttlurdiiy and Hominy. . If you want li atari tlie now year nff in good kIim do not fail to ntt.-mt the grand hull l Ik) given in this city on .Now ear a uiglil. IMt, on the steamer Irnlda on Sntnr day afternoon, a ladles gold watch with the monogram "M. 8. it," on th cane, Itotiirn to purser on Irnldu and receive rowani. rivo road petition are printed on the front of tho court Ikiiiko, nil praying tho court at it January meeting to order tha respective roads viowru, survcyeu uml opened. Tb carienlora began work on tho fiuatl addition to tho court house Mon day morning. Tho building will bo rttxlKS! to completion at speeuny as ixjwiiblo. There Is to lw a grand masquerade ball at rcapHHiii on i:nrniiitas nigm, undtft tho luaiiagvuit-nt ol 1ji(i Urirtvn nnil Jny While, Tickets, incUiding auji- jHr, only fl.iw. m Somo time airo tho fare from St. Hoi fiia to Ton laud on the ateamer America waa redtuvd to So centa. which hn been the prevailing prico lor two months, mid U 10 at prevent. JaeiMi Borbor has disnoaed of hla in teret in tho aalunii at K'ulnina for 101110 time condiirted by Meaara. Herber A tooiwr. Mr. Cooper now conduct the liuifiiecs. K local Biiti-expaii8loiiiit anya hla "aynipnthiea ar with Ihfl followers of Asiiitiuldo." Thal'a juat U10 way we tool, too. Wo my throe cheers lor tho InUa who are following him, and may thoy aoon "corner" tho sou-of-a (inn. Tho hi'ada of tho naila in tho aide walka alHiut town ho a tendency to got aUivtt their bilifinoM. This iaauythinir but pleaaant to tho foot of the tiuwary pedentiiim, to wlnmi they mldriia thoumclvea with a tort of riniiiu intloctlon. Tlie papcra have k-on made out trans ferriiir mveiitMin acroa ol land IhiIoiir iug to Mr. and Mm. John Uilmore, wont ol the railroad track, u Mr. F. M. Thorp. Mr. and Mm. iiilmoro expect to remove to Oregon City, where tliey will realdo In future. (ioata aro born rnatlora, aro never nick, live 011 tin chiih, oak grubs and montaiiv ld thing; aro easily fattened, weigh moro than aheep, and their wooL ih worth twico aa touch. Tho people who nro going into tho goiitbusineca in woat etrn (J1vg.u1 will all be plutocrats iu a few ycaM. James Ijiniar, formerly of this place, waaatUoble lust Friday attending to tiualncaa mattora. Jainea ia now tally man at Young's mill, 1'ortland. Ilia father and elder brother aro now resid ing in Oregon City. Johnny is now tnllyninn at lumen, l'oulaon'a mill, 1'ortland. . Next year we may expect to road of something like the following in the dally papers: About 10 o'oloek this looming a horseless wagon loaded down with cow less milk collided with a brainleaa rldor on a chainlet's wheel. TI10 luckless wheelman wim badly in jured, and liolng homeless he was taken in a horseless cub to homo for the friendless. " At Iho semi-annual election of officers conducted Inst Tuesday evening at Avon lodge K. of 1., the following officers were elected for tho f nailing term: C. Cl., J. U. Watts; V. C, W. J. Kiillerton; J'relate, Daviil Davis; M. of W., Martin White: K. of U. and 8., W. A. HarriHl M.atA., II. U. Cliff; M. of E..M.C. (irav; M. of F.. Kdwin Koss: I. (1., l rcd Watkins; O. U., C. N. tiublo. Trustee for three years, K, K. (Juick. Captain O. 8. Wnud, nn old-time etoanilxmt raptain on tho Columbia, was drowned in tho Yukon rivor, near lLiuiuiM CMv. nn the Kith of December. Captain Waud will bo remembered by inatiy people in this county as having command of the steamer Otter In 18,7. Afditrcrent times lie was master oftho steamers WeBt)Mirt, Maria VVllklns, Clatsop Cliief, Oovemor Newell, Lin coln, Manwinillo and others. , Aa a euro for rheumatism Chamber lain's l'aln Halm is gaining ft wide repu tation. I). It. Johnston, of Kiclimom , Ind., has lieen troubled with that ail ment since MM. In spenking of it he says1. "I nevor found anything that would reliove mo until 1 used Cham berlain's l'nin Halm. It acts like magic with mo. My foot was swollen ui" paining mo very much, but 0110 gw;i application of Kin Halm relieved 1110. For sale by Dr. Kdwin Hons. At the semi-annual election of officers of Bainit'r lodgo No. fi8, Knigjita of I'yth lus, held hist Saturday oveniiig, tho fol lowing officers wore elected for tho 011 suing term : 1 0. and M. of W., W. A. Wood ; M. It. I'omeroy. C. C ; J. fc. Bourne, V. O.j T. A. Hlchardson, l're ate; M. K. Hall, K. of H. and H. J. li. Doan, M. of K.; J. II. i'omMov, ; M. of J A. U Clark, M. at A. ; 0. W. I rous, I. b. ; J. E. Brons, O, G. ; trustee of gen eral fund. J. W. Doan trustee of W. and 0. fund, M. Both. I wnl"'. -UltaohMn. Martin I WltlUs'M imiMmr, hut .Ironed of her I 'arm BllJ other immnrlv iu IL,l,,,,.i Wis., and will come to Oregon to make ier homo, Mho Is expwitod to arrive i,y uuny spring time, ,1 Mr Jp1'11""". ""f Scappooso, of the II rm of JohiiHoii & Burgdorll'er Hros.. tlWMt.t'a ..f ,1... it, "hmi uiu nvwilllll Oil Bollltl rtClip' poose creek, was la town lust Huturdav IIiiipo gontlemen are enterprising and industrious, and ara building up a splendid business through caruful at- wiiuuiraini nonorauio dealings. A petition for a county road" signed by most of tho residents of the particular section, will bo presented to the court at Us meeting in January. Tho petl- ......... am jiruyoig lor 1111 OStaOllHlleU cou ay roinl from il. T. Bennett's place, mik of Warren, direct to the bay, through tho Fullerton land holdings. Hero are some of tho terrible things hat aro likely to befall some of the de linquent subscribers of Tint Mist. Lust Week a delinquent subscriber said lie would pay up (Saturday if ho lived. He's dead. Another, "I'll see you to morrow." llu's blind. Still another one stud : "I hope to pay you this week or go to the devil," lie's gone. There ilie hundreds who ought to take warn ing from these procmsUnators and nay up their subsrenptions now. Lovers of dancing will be pleased to learn that there is to bo n grand New ear's bull given at tho large hull in Ht. Helens on the night of January 1st. Ilrlie's orchestra, of Hldgelleld, has wen engaged to furnish tho music, nnd careful and competent persons have agreed to take charge of the matter and conduct the lloor and dunce In the proper manner. The price of tickets lias been placed at tho extremely low llgure of 75 cents. Hopper will bo pro vided at tho hotel. This will undoubt edly bo the best dance viven in this cil.v for some tlino. Misses Griffith and Kennedy closed an eight month's tcrui of school at i'lincy last Friday. Sixty pupils were enrolled during the term. The enter tainment given in the evening rellectcd great credit upon both teachers nnd pupils, ihero was one 'graduate, Nit a Heitlia I.ewison, who has tho honor of being tho II rut. graduate ot tho (uincy school, Superintendent Copcland pres ented tho diploma and made a short address. Tho largo audience that filled the house was an indication that inter ct was not wanting in school matters by the patrons. , , Mr. F. Vivian, of Columbia City, presented to us last HUuday three small raspberry stnlka, on which wore rasp berries ui all tho dillereut stages of their existence, from the bloom to the well matured raspberry. The stalks were plucked out of Mr. Vivian's gar den that morning, and were much of a curiosity, considering the lateness ol the season December 2nd. Mr. Vivian tells us that ho made no esjwcial effort in selecting such Ktti!ks,-as his raspberry patch presents dozens of similar fruit- latfon biamrhc, and on Thanksgiving Day raspberries and cream were served with the dessert course at their Thanks giving dinner. Until two or three weeks ago Mr. Vivian's folks had great quanti ties of strnwlH-rrics for table ukc, grown in their garden, all of which demon strates that the climate of tho Colombia river valley js favorable to the growth nnd maturity of fruits until almost t'hl Whim tune. Tho bazaar conducted In this city Tuesday and Wednesday evenings by tho Ijidies Uilikl ol tne episcopal church was in every way a success, l'lueo lioulhs were conducted. Tho faiu v work lajoth, in charge of Mrs. Cliff, assisted by Mies (irace Miles, con tained ninny uselul articles, wnicn were readily disposed of. Tho candy .booth, conducted uy Mrs. D. Davis, assisted by MiM May "Wliitnov and Lulu tieorge, was well supplied both evenings with delicacies in that line, which had a wonderful timdency to sweeten tho tem per, of those present. Mrs. A. 11. (h'orgc, Mrs. Cox, Mrs. (iilnioro and Mrs. Mwltxor superintended tho refresh ment booth, and succeeded admirably iu maintaining tho reputation borne by St. Helens ladles lor at nil times aim under idl circumstances furnishing a de licious cup of coffee.- The largo and handsome doll, dressed by Mru. James Mucklo, wns a central figure of atlrao tmotion. nnd was rallied off at 10 cents achiince. It sold for $11. SO nnd wu won by Mrs. John (iihnoie, J'-vory ar ticle in tho house unsold t 9:30 Wed nesday evening, was auctioned off by Dr. :liir. The fancv work booth netted over $;w, the emidy booth $S.50 and the refreshment Isxitn aisnit fo, ine nei proceeds being over $50, whicluwill lie placed In the church fund. The Indies are very thankful to all those who At tended the bamar, and especially grate ful to 1 1 i(i60 who took an interest in making it tho success it proved to be. An alarm of flro turned in from W 117. in the lHth ward, on Wednesday morning was responded to by most of the companies of tho city 1. F. I). The underwriters' patrol having re ceived a still alarm, was wen on tne way to tho scene of tho conllngnitiou before the general alarm went in.' Chemical companies 1. 3 and 8 and hook and ladder company No. arrived at the same time and through the heroic efforts of Chief of tho Clicuiicnl Companies W. A. HurriB, tho services ol tne engine companies were not -needed, although live companies responded to thenjnrm. It is certainiv fortunate that such was the case. Through tho careless manip ulating of the team, driver of No. 8 crashed Into two engines which had ar rived just uhead of iiiui, causing a gen eral pile-up and complete wreck of two of the engines. In tho excitement which prevailed, driver of No. 7 dashed down the street at a tremendous rate of speed, and as ho turned tne corner oi Columbia street he at once saw that a collision with the wrecked engines on the opposite side of tho street was un avoidable, and he leaped for his life, his team and niachino continuing in its frantic pace, joining the other wrecked .....!.:, ...a billitKS two of tllO IllOSt Vlll- llin. - n ---- - liable horses in the department. The 1 the threatened disaster was tho lame wholesale clothing establishment at the comer of Twenty-Focoiul and Co lumbia, of a lately arrived nnil irom na svria, or somo other tropical region.' The danuigo to tho stock was slight, owing to tho efficiency of tho pntiol sys leni.lmt the building was damaged to tho extent of tho loss of one shingle and tho breaking oil' of tho corner of one brick in the main fluo leading from the hot air furnaces in the basement. Chiei Engineer Andrew King was late in arriving, which, in all probability, accounted fur tho disaster to the en gines. He was heard to remark that he proposed to finish drinking Ins coflee r .i, holrt town wns destroyed. Ills neglect of duties will be the prin cipal matter to coino before the board of aldermen ot tho . regular meet ing held tonigut, auu it is naeiy be impeached for procrastination in office Mr. King states that if ho ia caused any inconvenienco by this action bv the councilnien ho will start proceed liigs against the Ladies Guild of the Episcopal church for detuimng him until an unreasonable hour t the bft ,.aar hold on Tuesday night. The flue at the roar of the Harris store building burned out. AltOUM) 1'IIH OOUftT UOVHE. Items rioted Up on tho Side, and rrepored for Headers of The Mist. Miss Mario Watts, of Hcsppooae, is as sisting iu tho clerk's office this week. The receipts of tha nomitv elerk'a office for the month of November for recording ices was $205.05. The deputy sheriff on Monday con ducted a snle on foreclosure in tho case of Flora Wanty vs. H. II. Kistneretal. a Tho county having made such eom mcndublo. progress in paying off the debt during tho present year, all the officers are feeling encouraged, and may be almost liko challenging any county in the state to uiuke as good a showing. - Last Batnrday tha-sheriff conducted three snlesof lauds under foreclosure pro ceedings. One of Muckle Bros, vs. the estate of James Flannegan, deceased, and Francis E. Terneban. deceased; one of Elizabeth Hhriins vs. Charles 1'. Bry ant and Inejs M. Bryant: the other of KuTe Wilbur vs. 1'. It. andC.A. Wilbur, The assessor finds no greater Impedi ment to progress in making up the present ownership books thun the fact that many persons. who hold deeds to property in tho county do not file the documents for record. There a number of huge tracts of land in the county that huvo been divided among heirs and deeds made, yet the instruments are not a matter of record. All these onners should be forthwith filed and recorded. . IjiikI redemptions for the month of November proved a very satisfactory source of Income to tho county. We havo explained before the methods em ployed by the officers in makinir these collections. Up to the 18ih of Novem ber there had been $4.10.60 received on account of land redemptions, and for the remaining twelve days of the month there was received $117.00. niakinz a total for tho month of $548.50. As op portunity presents- itself for tho clerks to- devote any time to this work, the mutter is taken dd and cood results always follow. As there seems to be considerable misunderstanding as to the proper man ner for procedure in procuring liountv on wild animals, we have taken the precaution to look tho matter up. The first necessary step is for the person se curing the sculp of the animal on which bounty is pant, is to go to tne justice of the peace in his precinct, or to a notary public, make affidavit and secure a cer tillcato from the administering officer, which certificate is to be presented to the county court. The justice or notary will make and lilo with the county eourt a list of ail scalps presented to him, by whom presented, together with the scalps, with the exception of one ear, which be retains. No scales are to bo destroyed by the administering officer, as all certilicates must tslly with the scalps presented by the histico or no tary. The county clerk will forward the certificate, properly attested, to the secretary of state, who will return a stuto bounty warrant to the person mimed. 'The administering officer re ceives as his compensation 6 per cent of the amount of the bounty. . Speculations and estimates on large flnuncial propositions are wo.tli no more than the breath and time con sumed iu making tltem, but carefully prepared data from the county records Is reliable and trustworthy. Several times within the last few months we havo stated that the debt of the county did not exceed $20,000. That was guess work, based however, on reasonable calculation. Wo aro pre pared now to state tho absolute facte in the caso, having consumed considerable time in going over tho books in the county clerk's office, taking the figures as wo found them there. As tho county treasurer has culled for all outstanding warrunts endorsed prior to January 1st, 18!)!), those warrants are practically paid, because tho cash is on hand w ith which to redeem them. This being tho case, the debt of the county amounts to just tho amount of warrants issued in 1890. The county clerk's register of warrants being more reliable iu. tho matter than tho treasurer's register, for tho reason that many warrants may be issued that havo not been pres ented for endorsement, renders the statement absolutely correct. These figures we find to be $20,170.27, not in eluding the warrants to be issued on the 1st of January next, for officers' salaries for December, which amount will be $184.15, added to the former figures, gives the entire debt of the county on the first day of next January, which will be $20,054.42 principal and about $1000 in terest, tlie total being $21, 054. About $40,000 ot debt has been paid this year. C Tlie prospects for Columbia county paying a, larger amount of state tax this year than last, us we have stated before, are very good. Were this not the case it would be more in reason with sound judgment to presume that a levy for road purposes would be made by the county on tho first of tho year, and of course, it is not certain that such will not bo done. When tho county court made the levy last January, it was nec essary to lower the levy for oounty pur poses 2 mills because tho state levy was raised that much, and which, of course, cheated 'the county out of that amount, because tho entire levy was no greater than in previous years. If it is possible to levy .a tax for road purposes and by doing so not materially raise the levy; wo believe such action should be taken. The law under which proceed ings of this nature will be conducted will revolutionize methods .of collecting road tax. For instance, instead of the siiervisor warning people out to per form two davs work on the highways, tho individual will bo charged up with $2 on tho tax roll, which will be col lected bv the sheriff and turned over to the treasurer, in whose custody it will remain until drawn out only upon a warrant issued direct noon the road fund, under which name all moneys so collected shall bo known. Good roads Vie nc such an important motor in tno development nnd progression of a county or community, wo believe any plan which promises improvement over tne prosent method of road making would be welcomed bv a majority of tlie peo l . v know' that the present method is almost worthless, and if some inno vation is indulged in wnicn, ntter trim, ((..velnns no better results, we could easily enough return to the old plan. But certainly anything would be better than the method now in vogue. The plan of paving $2 into the treasury in stead of working two days on tho roads is certainly n aim for better things, which it is to be hoped will be adopted us soon as it practicably can be. My son has been troubled for years with chronic diarrhoea. Some time ago I persuaded him to take some of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy. After using two bottles of the 25-eent size he was cured. I give this testimonial, hoping someone similarly afflicted may read it and be benefitted. Thomas C. Bowkb, Olencoo, O. lor sale by Dr. Edwin Boss. HOUITON NOTES. Chas. Cox is visiting at Coble this week, Ben a tor McBride and secretary passed through this placo Wednesday on tlieir Wuvl.1 Wflnlininlnn k't fl Miss Kathryn Johnson, of Portland, spent Thanksgiving with her sister, Mrs. Ilenshsw, returning home Batur day. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Stamp, of Latonr ellu Fulls, are visiting Mrs. Stamp's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, at tiiis placo. Mrs. Jas. Kennedy and children, of Portland, are visiting with Mrs. Chas. Duggett lor a few days. Tho Thanksgiving dance and supper was a success socially and financially, about $30 being netted from both. The proceeds of the supper went to tlie new church toward buying a bell, and of the dance to the Artisun assembly at this place. THOS. McSWEENEX VKAV. One moro of the pioneers of Nehalem valley has passed away. On Wednesduy evening, November 29th. Thouiaq Mc Hweeney departed this life. He bad been a great sufferer for many years of what appeared to be erysipelas, at the same time being, troubled with asthma, which finally proved fatal. Heveral weeks ago he was taken to the hospital at Portland but returned in a short time without being materially ben efitted. Ho was able to be about most of the time, until ft week ago last Hun day. His remains were laid to rest on December 2, in the Fishhawk cemetery. Deceased was a native of the Emerald Isle, was abont 05 years of age. He was a devout Catholic and a life-long demo crat. Ho settled on their present homo near Fishhawk, about 27 years ago, hav ing resided there continuously since. He leaves a wife and a host of friends to mourn his loss. A BUItE CCHK FOlt CUOUP. Twenty-five Years' Constant Use Without a Failure. The first-indication of croup is hoarse ness, and in a child subject to that dis ease it may be taken as a sure sign of the approach of an attack. Following this hoarseness is a peculiar rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after tlie croupy cough appears.it will prevent tin attack. It is usea in many inousanus oi pomes in this broad hind, and never disappoints the anxious mothers. We havo yet to learn of s single instance in which it has not proved effectual. No other preparation can show such a record twenty-five vears constant nse without a failure. For sulo by Dr. Edwin Rosa. ritOVOSALS INVITED. Scaled bids will be received by the undersigned until December 1809, for furnishing material for and building a church and removing about 150 cubic yards of rock, at St. Helens, uregon. Plans and specifications can be seen at my room. The board of trustees reserve the right to reject any or all bids, or any part thereof. . D. MacLachlin. - Card of Thanks. We wish to thank our neighbors and friends for their kind assistance .and gentle ministrations . during our late trouble and loss, Mas. Coba A. Allkmbauou. What ShUohV A grand old remedy for Coughs, Colds and Consumption; used .through the world for hall a century ; has cured in numerable cases of incipient consump tion and relieved many in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied with the results we will retuna your money. Price 25 cl a. and 50 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Boss. This D.iner Dossesscs the only well equipped job printing plnnt in St. Hel ens, where the quality of stock used and workmanship are of the best. Our prices are consistent with such qualities and we guarantee satisfaction to patrons. mco, MATTHEWS. At Reuben, December 6th, 18s9, Jimies Mutlheivn, uller a liugerJiijj,llliita, aged 7.1 years. Deccnsed was born In London, England, July I2ih, IS-t. He went loCwnula inlJWI, from t'sn 'ln to the I' nlted States In 1S5S. settilnit iu Illi nois, in i S77 he removed to Kansas, thenf-e to Oregon in 1SU7. Deceased wiw wedded to Julia Aim Elliott hi Momrenl, Canailft, in Uto7, who tumves him. Three children, Mrs. James Kow lev, of lioiilton, Orenon, Mrs. Cora Harris, of l'nioka, KnnH, B. W. Matthews. o Reuben, Orecon, survive deceased, lliirial took place at Odd fellows, cemetery, Warren, on the 6ih. BORM. EVKK80I,.-Nenr Warron. November 29, 1899, to iho wife ol W. K. Kversol, a daushter. New Year's- Is scheduled to take place in this city on MONDAY, JANUARY 1ST, 1900 Good Music by Brice's Pop ular Orchestra. Dance Tickets 75 Cents Good order will be kept dur ing the entire evening. Prize for best waltzing will be given. For detailed particulars, see lnrgef bills. ED HILLSBERRY, Expert :-: Barber SHAB1 RAZORS AND CLEAN TOWELS. None but purest chemicals used in wash ing and cleansing the face. ' !- Get a Hot Towel on Your Face tlsual prices for work. DECKER'S OLD STAND, ST. HELENS VEKSONIA ITEMS, John Fringle, Sr., wont to Portland Sunday fast. A. II. Matthews was up from Pitts burg Monday. B. Sossernan and family spent Thanks giving at Keasey. Win. Haslett, of Pittsburg, was in Vernonia Saturday on business. A. A. Mead, a former resident of Peb ble, now located at Greenville, is in the valley visiting old friends. G. W. Rice and J. W. Rench went to Forest (irove Wednesday after freight fry Zillgitt, returning Friday. Low McCauley, of Keasey, carried off more prizes than anyone else at the shotting match last Wednesday. Zoller made a trip to Houlton last week with his stage. He will only make one trip a week during the win ter. Frank Wilson and Claud'Ch'amberlain attended a dance at M. M. Johnson's, on Crooked creek, on Saturday night, and report a good time. Another narrow escape from fire on account of stovepipe running through the roof occurred at Lou Siegcrt's last week. The heavy wind had discon nected the pipe just below the roof so that when a fire was built the shingles caught and were burning quite brisk when discovered. Jo damage. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Cocsty TasjAsuaEtt't Office, ST. tlKLKSS, (IB,, WOV. ti, OTICK IB HEKKUV tHVEN THAT ALL nr,nM riiiilv Warrant of Columbia N' County, Oregon, which have been presented and endorsed- "Not Paid lor Want ot Funds," prior to January 1st, 1U9, wll Ibe paid u.n presentation at this office. Interest will not be allowed Hllerthls date. KDWIN KOSH, aiWU Treasurer ol Colombia Couuty, Oregon. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Office or Citt Tkescrsr, St. Hki-kns, Oregon, Not. 21, 1H99. rpHE CITV TKEASUIIKR OiT bT. HELENS, X Oregon hereby gives notice that all war rants of this city wmeh have been presented and endorsed "Not Paid for Want of Funds," prior to Oct. lstb, will be paid upon pre enutlon to me. Interest will not be allowed alter this dale. DAVID DAVIS, f;lty Treasurer. NOTICE TO creditors: . In the County Court of the Btate ol Orcgon,-ln . and for Columbia County. In the mutter of the estate of Frank H. Webber, deceased. ' . VTOIK-E I HEREBY GIVEN BY THE UN dersigiied, administrator of the estate of Frank M. Webber, deceased: To the creditors of and to all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to present theiu, with the proper vouchers, within six months from the (late of this notice, to the said administrator, mills i.tllce in the city oi St. Helens, Columbia county, Oregon. Untie l,v order of the Honorable J. B. Doan. Judge of the Countv Court of the State of Ore- gou, lor (jOluuiuia UUUUIJ, lliauc ..u.cm'iu. iu, iW - DAVID DA VIH, Administrator of the ert,aie of Frank M. Web ber, deceased. Dated November 17th, 1SU9. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Office ai Oskgos City, Ob., December 2, 1S99. XTC-TICE is HEREBY GIVEN THAT IHE IN following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in supiwrt of his cluim.-aud that said proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver, at Oregon City, Oregon, on January 20tb, 1'JoO, via: GEORGE ARCH1BOLD, Homestead entry No. 11041. for the northwest of section 17. township 6 north, range 2 west. He names tne loiiowing wimwiteii w prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, vl: Ncls J. Feusant, James Mc Naughtou, Cook Gamble and Henry Wasser, all of Goble, Oregon. dlojlo CHAS. B. MOORE8, Register. NOTICE FOR' PUBLICAT0N. Laud Office at Oreoom City, TJr.. November 2th. 1899. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE i foliewing-named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver, at Oregon City, Oregon, dn January 20th, 1W0, viz: MANNED BHROCK, Homestead entry 11203, for the southwest of the northeast and east M of the northeast i of section 23. and the norleweat i of the nottli west M of section 21, township 4 north, range 4 wet. He names, the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cnltivaiion of said land, vis: Hamnel H. KaufTman and Simon D. Yodcr. of Hubbard, Oregon, Jonas Y. Karill'man, of Needy, Oregon, and John C. Mullein, of Vernonia, Oregon. dljS CHAS. B. MOOUES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . Land Office at Oresoh City, Or., November 10,'1?99. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVES THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his tutentlon to make tlnal profit in supirt of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Ore gon, ou December 22nd, 1SH9, via: ERNEST GRANDGEORGB, Homestead entry 10606, for the southeast H of sectiou 4, township 5 north, range S west. He names tlie following witness to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vU: James M. Archibald, Cook Gam ble, christin Felber and James Cook, all ol Goble, Oregon. , nJ7dia CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Or , Nov. 4th, 1W9. NOTICE- IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed uotice of his tnteutton to make flnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof wjll be made be fore the County Clerk of Columbia county, at St. Helens, Oregon, on December 10th, 1NI9, vise JESSE A. F1NEOUT, Homestead entry 989S, for the lots land 2 sec tion 5. township 3 north, range 4 west, and south ' j of the southeast i of section 32, town ship 4 north, range 4 west. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upou and cultivation of said land, viz: Harry t-looman, ot Forest Grove, OrcKon: Silas A. Bowers, John Lucas aud Frank Keefe, of Buxton, Oreeoli. CHAS. B. MOORES, Rogister. NO TICE FOR PUBLIC A TI0N. Land Office at Oreoon City, Or., October 23d, MUD. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE follow lng nanied settler has filed uotice of his Intention to make llnal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will besnuulo be fore the Countv clerk of Columbia County, at St. Helens, Oregon, on December 9lh,18S9, vi: HANS CHR1STENSEN, Homestead entry No. 10012, for Ihe northeast i ol soction 23. township 4 north, range 5 west. He names llie following witnesses to prove his continuous, residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Jbrnosc u. cnannanaii, j, i. Slieeley and John Smith, of Vomoula, Oregon, and Adolph Bergerson, of Kist, Oregon. o27dl CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. To thee Honorable'County Court of Columbia County, Oregon, w e, tne Hnaorstimea teijai vot ers, residing In Deer Island precinct, Columbia County, suite of Oregon, would respectfully pe tition your honorable body, at Its next regular term, which will be held on the 3rd day of Jan uary, MOO, In tho Court House, in the city of St. Helens, Columbia County, Xtate of Oregon, that ll.'nu,, he irranted to O. E. Hunter to sell spir ituous, vinous and molt liquor In qnantitie 1cn than one gallon, In Deer Island nreolnel, in snid County and State, and that said license be granted for a period of one year, for all of which we will ever prav: Dated, Goble, Oregon, this 2otn nay oi uctouer, mw w It..n,l w n 11. .(.nit W K Hunter. 1 II Blackeier, John Glllcm, It It Foster, o C JiiqulJh, Victor Furor. J C Monroe, A Necr. Win 8 Brod ick, Kinil Mossner, diaries Morci, jos Law rence. Leonard Reis, U H Wake, C E Leaven, Alex Nichols, M Link, R Livingston, W K Dela no, A F'Batson, U- Gruber, Fred Kobel, F I, Rwent. .Toseoh Roth. L Bradlev. Jna Kennedy, O 8 Foster, Peter Kramer. Mathlas Lanll'eiibur- irar Th.tmOa P,,onl(S. (1 P MllStCll. BollJamOfl. Frank Cleaver, Edward Chrlsmann, J C Brad- dock, J M rowter, uien i.iiik, c w uowier, o c Hints, Ja llnlse. O C Fowler. Geo Foster. Jr. Thos Pollson, M W Bradley, H B Blake, Fred Won,!liam. Anrv LlnK. Christ Felber. C C Fowl er, J Deapaln, Vt'm F Clique, W Hastloy, W W Hn.itt. a 0 Hoaiilev. Win Moiiresur. O A Spinney, George Pitsenberger, Olto Graf, F Bruuner, L Btehmau. . u21d22 H H H H M H H H H H H H H H H H H M H ,.Are You o TO Merchandise Where yon get lor your DART & MUCKLE Have, as you all know, always kept a first-class line of general niercbandise, which they still propose to do. As to price they are in a position to sell you goods cheap. ...Staple and Fancy Groceries... Of the beBt quality, are' always found at this popular store. Tlieir prices are right. 11 i5FFVVVVTIFVVVVVVVVVTVVV Si A Sffc fl r To be effective must be good and accurately prepared. 1 Medicine Stationery WHEN VOU WANT A FIRBT ...ST. HELENS PHARMACY... Dn. Edwin Bobs, Propriktob. ...A COMPLETE STOCK OF TOILET ARTICLES... A CHOICE LINE OF CONFECTIONERY JOHNSON & BURCDORFER BROS o Manufacturers ...All Kinds of Rough Floorins;... Buttle ...Ceiling; ABO ...Dimension Lumber... A 8CAPPOOSE. - ftT. HELENS MEAT A Fresh Meat Always on Hand... I 1 Special Bales Given on Orders for Largs Quantities of Meat. J. H. DART, Proprietor 1 ..NEW YORK STORE.. I I I I I I ENDLE68 VARIETY OF Shirt Waists... ...AND- ...LADIES' JACKETS Complete Line cf Mackintoshes and Eubber Goods. H. MORGUS, PROP. HA Kit 1 3' OLD STAID, ...WHEN IN NEED OF MEDICINE... -OO ) DRUG Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc - ' DR. J. f. HALL, Proprietor. ' CLJTSKJNIE, - OREGON. r 3IONTE VISTA NURSERIES! TTT Tl mT) 17170 ,lavs a cll0'c0 ot of ono BIl' two-year-old . fl r r Lhi IK ViViS trees, such as Ben Pflvis, Northern Spy, Unld n.1 l Uli 1 ilUUW. win gpitzenberg and Uravenstein, ON WHICH WE QUOTE . . n-..- One nd two-vear old tree. Uons were obtninM Irom a W llHrfl CLlC rrUllC. piomluntfruttgrowor, oud were out Irom bearing tree ALSO CHERRY, PLUM AND FEAR TREES. A. HO LA DAY, PROP., ii. filw A AAiHrA lfti rfWirt'r A A A r n PAINTS1I1 I A All ft CLEVELAND COTTAGE COLORS g. H PORTLAND PRICES. E.3 38 Willing.. BUY - o i the best value money. J fc--,. A full line of tablets,- M choice writing paper, school books, etc. - CLAS8 ARTICLE GO TO THE- KEPT IN fJTOCK ot and Dealers Irr o and Dressed Lumber... GOOD ROAD TO THE MILL. Mil! ou south fork of Scappocwe creek, four ( miles from St'Mi'Doose station. t Lumber delivered at Boappoow station or Johnson 9 landinsr nt fi.w per m, extra, ai i ttrren giauon, fi.w. ,. , - - OREGON MARKET...... no When you are in need of Hams, Bacon or Lard re'inember thnt you can always secure the beet article at the lowest price at this market. : St. Helens, Oregon LARGE STOCK OF ...Fresh Groceries... ...AND PROVISIONS All Kinds Country Produce Taken' in Exchange. ST. HELENS, OREGON TO- STORE - VERY REASONABLE PRICES. Afcuuit, urttuuM y -.knnM.An Mtis-nvSksT A A AAAAAA A ilk Jlkjgf J kimla of rBinta. Oils. BrnsheB. and ST. HELENS-PHARMACY Plj K