4 tHANKSOIVINQ PUMPKIN PIES n H mar not b versed In history, theolocy and that. She hit never paid attention to a B aharp or A flat; I know It'a Tory cer tain that the plan eta In the sklca nave not bothered with her skill In making Inscloua tmoipkln pica. Bhe haa never wor r I e d e r over que tlona called obtuee, vh. mruF nr4n, nt , eltne; she haa had atreng h to retuae: She would tut a sorry figure In the aoclal paradise rut the looms a perfect paragon concocting pumpkin pies. Rer mini has never wailed through the lit erature of gush. Her rheeka hare never rrltneoned other than with uaturc'a blufih. She lin t versed lo aubtle ways and fashion able Ilea Bot ahe'a queen of a'l creation when she bulida pumpkin plea, Bhe has not applied for membership In any cooking fad. She haa never murmured politics to mate all nature sad But vhe't mighty Intellectual In wrestling with the tlrs Surrounding the amusing of Thanksgiving pumpkin plea. Pooo'i looker- -j.a rtO ES, I come sat better with 'em Yv than I expected," said Phoebe v- Todd across the barnyard fence to her neighbor, Mrs. Tripp, who said: Taey's as fine a lot o' turkeys as I ever see, Miss Todd, and you'd great luck to do so well with 'em. Turkeys are dread ful hard things to raise. Don't jrou think or "l'es, they be; an' I do'no as I shall ever try it again. They need so mnch coddlin' when they're little things an' they cat so much I doubt if It pay to bother with 'em. But I thought I'd try It once just to aee how 1 come out, an' I didn't lose a single one. One of 'em had the pips, too; but I coddled it through all right." . "You'll sell some of 'em at Thanksgiv ing time. I s'pose?" ; "Ob, yes; I callate on selling all bat that young gobbler, an' I'm goin' to eat m. I'm short of grain and it won't Pa7 me to buy feed for a lot of turkeys. They'd eat their heads off In six weeks." "Yes, I s'pose so. Who you goin' to have for comp'ny Thanksgi vln' ?" "I ain't quite sure yet; but I gness It won't be bard to git someone to come in an' help eat a plump, juicy young gob bler like that" "No, Indeed. We're all goin' over to Hebron to eat dinner with my husband's sister. They're goin' to have a big fani' ly reunion there, an' sister counts on bav in' over forty to dinner." "It must be nice to have that many own folks," said Miss Phoebe, with a sigh. "Here I ain't got any kin at all." "There's your cousin Thyrza," said Tripp. "I don't count her as kin," said Phoe be Podd coldly, and she manifested her resentment of Mrs. Tripp's suggestion by turning about abruptly and walking Into the house, while Mrs. Tripp walked down theacountry road toward her own home, aaying to herself: "If ever there was a et piece Phoebe Podd Is one. There's nobody on earth she'd ought to bare and he'd like to bave help her to eat tliat young gobbler as Thyrza Deane and her boys, but she'd die, Phoebe Podd would, before she'd own up to it." Mis Podd lived on a profitable little farm left to ber by her parents, who had also left her cash and stock enough to make her one of the "best off" women in the neighborhood in which she lived. She lived aloue, with the exception of a hired man. ' Miss Podd and her cousin Thyrza had been more like sisters than cousins in their Intimacy until a trifling disagree ment bad resulted in their complete es trangement, and It had been five years since they had spoken to each other. Mia. Deane had become a widow dur ing these five years, and she had been re duced from a state of ease and plenty to ono of hardship and poverty. But these facta had apparently made no difference r A THANKSGIVING HUNT IN YE OLDEN TIME. X : '-'-- r afh with Phoebe Podd, tot she continued to utterly ignore the existence of her cousin. "I'd like to see myself asking Thyria Deane and her young ones to come and help me eat thnt turkey!" said Miss Podd spitefully as shewent into her spotless kitchen and banged the door behind her. "I've a good mind never to speak to Sarah Tripp again for mentioning the name of Thyrxa Deane to me!" Three days before Thanksgiving Miss Podd engaged the services of Jane Gray, a woman who "worked out" In the neigh borhood, and the two women dressed the entire (lock of turkeys for market after Job, the hired man, had done duty as a butcher. The plump young gobbler alone was spared, but his end was to come on Thanksgiving day. "Although it'd be a mercy to kill Mm now," said Miss I'odd to Jane Gray, "He'll feci so lonely without his mates. I'll have Job kill 'ira early Thanksgiving morning and put 'im in the Ice house to cool off 'tore I roast 'im, an' I don't think I'll have any one here this Thanksgivin'. I ain't feelin' right well an' I don't feel able to fuss 'round gettln' up a big din ner. I don't seem to have any Interest in Thanksgiving this year." But her Interest was aroused when Job came In on Thanksgiving morning, and informed Miss Podd that the young gob bler was not to be found. "I've looked high and low for 'Im, ma'am; an' he ain't to be found nowhere. I've my s'pirlons where he went. "You have? Well, why don't you eorut out an' say what you think?" asked Mist Podd irritably. "I think he was stolen, ma'am." "It looks like it," said Miss Podd. "An I've my s'picions who stole 'im." "Whor "Well, I met that oldest boy of the Widow Deane'a In the woods near your barn last evening Just at dusk an' be had a white an' black turkey gobbler slung over his shoulders. He made off mighty fast when he saw me. I never thought anything about it until I come to look up your turkey this morning, and couldn't find him. "And you ain't seen my turkey since yon saw Joe Deane with a gobbler like mine on his back?" "No, ma'am. The last I saw of your turkey was about 4 o'clock yesterday af ternoon when I see 'im goin' out toward the timber back o the barn. It's my opinion that the Deane boy swiped that gobbler." Miss Podd was in Just the right mood to be easily led to this same conclusion, and ber wrath knew no bounds when she had finally decided that Job was correct in his surmise. "Yes," she said finally, "that boy nab bed my turkey, an' he probably did It out of pure spite. But then he bad a great uncle on the Deane side who was once arrested for stealin' an' the failin' has prob'ly cropped out In Thyrza's children. But she'll wish she'd raised 'em better 'fore night. I ain't crossed her doorstep for most six years, but I'll cross it to day an' tell her to her face what I think of this performance. I'll tell her some thing that'll make that turkey taste mighty bitter lo ber mouth, now see if I don't!" It was a raw, cold aad sunless day. Miss Podd's anger had made her forget that she was not feeling well, and soon after noon she set forth from her own snug and pretty home to visit the' far from attractive and comfortable home In which ber cousin lived. There had no money for repairs of any kind on the Deane place and Miss Podd relented a very little bit as she noted the forlorn aspect of the place. But she was determined to carry through what she had undertaken. It was unlike the Podds to swerve from any fixed res olution, and Miss Podd's face wore a hard, grim, resolute look as she knocked at the Diane's back door. "I'll face 'em when they're In the very act of entin' my turkey," she had said to Job. "I'll make that turkey change from sweet to bitter in their mouths!" Someone called out "Come In," and Miss Podd entered the Deane kitchen just as Mrs. Deane and ber five children had seated themselves at a table on which there was no sign of a turkey or of s Thanksgiving feast of any kind. A plate of corned beef and a dish of boiled potatoes were the chief dishes on the ta ble. Mrs. Deane's surprise when she saw who ber caller was was manifest in ber face. "Why Cousin rhoebe!" she said. Miss Podd's sharp eyes took In at a glance the poorly spread table and the air of poverty the interior of the bouse presented, and her tlrst words wore: i "Well, Thyrsa Deane, is this the best Thanksgiving dinner you're able to haver "yea. It la, rhocbe," said Mrs. Donne with a blush. "It's so poor, Phoebe, that I'm ashamed to ak you to share it." "Where's the turkey Joe brought home last night?" asked Phoebe. "We sold It. It was one he earned hnskin' corn all dny tor Andy Tetlow, and we were too poor to keep It for our selves, so I dressed It and Joe took it to town after dark last night and exchauged y.1' 'K 'IT'D BE A MKUCT TO KILL MM, it for things we needed more thun we needed the turkey." There was silence in the room for a mo meut and then Miss Podd burst out Im petuously : "I ain't fit to live! No, I ain't! I'm too miserably mean an' narrow contract ed to be respectable even! I'm" " hy. Cousin Phoebe, I "You jest keep still, Thyrxa, an' hear me out! You know what I come here for? Hey? No, you don't, an' you ain't mean-minded enough to guess! I come here to accuse your boy Joe of atcalln' a turkey from me! I" "Why, Phoebe " "You keep still, Thyrxa, an' hear me Out, an' then order uie out If you feel like It A young gobbler I had was nilss ln' this morn In' an' Job, my hired man. saw your Joe goin' home las' night with a turkey on bis back, an' I was mean enough to make myself think It was my turkey, an' here you are eatin' a Thnnks glvln' dinner of corned beef an' potatoes, an' more thankful for It, Hi be bound, than I am for all the good things I've got in my cellar an' pantry! I'm so ashamed of myself!" "Why, Phoebe!" "But this Is what you've got to Jo, Thyrza; you an' the children must go right home with me an' keep Thanksglv ln'. I'll kill a pair o' chickens an' we'll make a big potpie like we bad the last time you et your Thanksgivln' dinner with me. I've piles of pie an' cookies nn' doughnuts an' a big pound cake ail baked up! You've got to go, Thyrza, for the sake of old times! Come on an' welcome to you all!" There was no opposing Miss Podd and in fifteen minutes they were all on their way to her house, the two cousins walk ing arm In arm. When they reached Miss Podd's house Job met them with a grin on bis face. 'That young gobbler's a good one," said Job. "I reckon he thought he'd be smart enough to save bis neck. I found hlin Just now In tbe shed room. The winder was up an' I reckon he flew in there Inst night an' he found it so comfortable be concluded to stay right there, 'spcsbly as there was a bag of corn there." "Well, you get his head right off an' put blm in the ice bouse to cool off," said Miss Podd. "Our dinner'll be late, Thyr za, but I'll set out a good lunch to kind o' stay our stunimicks an' then you an' I will pitch In an' git up one o' the reg'lar Thanksgivln' dinners like we used to git up 'fore we was geese enough to fall out. But we've fell In again, as It were, an' it won't be my fault if we don't stay friend the rest of our days." Detroit Free Press. Why School It) Closed. Teacher And now, Johnny, tell me why school will be closed on Thanksgiv ing day? Johnny So that we may have some thing to be thankful for, School Board Journal. In 28 flays not ft scrap ot food or nourishment ot any kind passed the lips of Milton Hathtiun, of Mount Ver non, N. Y, When ho began hia volun tary fast ho weighed 210 pounds; Ills abstinence caused the loss of 43 pounds and it lms caused him no nppnrttnt 'u Jury. ' llll More Counterfeiting, The Secret Service baa juat unearthed another band uf counterfeiters and secured a quantity of bogus bills, which arecleverlv executed. Things of great value are al ways selected fnr Imitation, notably Hos teller's Mtiimaeh Itinera, which has mnny Imitators but no equals for disorders like indigestion, dyspepsia and constipation. Street car drlvora in Alaska, are paid $4 a day. Skagway, I believe Pisa's Cure Is tho only medi cine that will cure consumption. Anna M. Hosa, Willlainaport. Pa., Nov. M, ttt. riuniMug la taught in the London trades school, Mothers will Cud Mrs. Wlnslow's Sooth ing Syrup tho best remedy to use for theur Children during tho teething period. Evolution of an Oeean. THE MiW PACIFIC Hy Hubert Howe Haucroft. The events of the past year, in the war with Spain and the acquisition of new domain, resulting in a revival of trade and phenomenal 'industrialism, invest with froth interest the Piioiflo ocean, round which cluster so many crowning incidents. The author begins his work with sketch of the war with Spain, the causes which led to it and the resultant issues, as preliminary to the glimpses, of history and description of the coun tries in and around the Paciiio, their resources, commerce, climates, mines and manufactures, with a glance at the old-time traftlo iu trinkets and furs, on account of the important voyages of Oircnm navigation, science and discov ery, the great gold gatherings, and kindred topics. The ltuncroft Com pany, publishers, 150 Fifth Avenue, New Ycrk City. Dr. Simpson, a Boston physician, ays that old persons should not use ar tificial teeth. He says they enable aged persons to eat meat, and nature in tended them to eat only soft food. When the teeth drop ont It is a warn ing that only vegetable food should be taken. A recent government census of India, contains a remarkable statement in ref-, ereuce to youthful marriages. There are in that country 6,010.75!) girls lie- tween 5 and 8 years of ago who have been or are wives, them are widows. Over 170,000 of 8 -CsU You are costive, and nature is under a constant strain to relieve the condition. This causes a rush of blood to the rectum, and before long congested lumps appear, itching, painful, bleeding. Then you have piles. There are many kinds and many cures, but piles are not curable unless you assist nature in removing the cause. CASCARETS make effort easy, regulate and soften the stools, relieving the tension, and giving nature a chance to use her healing power. Piles, hemorrhoids, fistuli, and other rectal troubles yield to the treatment, and Cascarets quickly and surely remove them forever. D.Vt be persuaded to experiment with anything ebel M.I Vf J t I I aewround aoytoing toequl mem. Tn-o Jx I f I 1 I am entirely tree trocn pllno aad fnel Ilk r ' :, m a m -m THIS JS THE TABLET CA8CABBTS are abaoloUly harmless, a sorely vefetakls esrayooBd. Wt ameoriaJ or other Mineral yfll-aoisoa is Casearet. Cascartta promptly, te0ly ana osrBuuuratlw ears every ftitordsr ot the Stomach, Liver and btiMtiaea. They sot oaty ears eoosripatlos, bat correct any aad every form of Irregolarlty of the howata, Includlai dlarrhoasad dysentery. Pleasant, palatable, potaat. Taste rood , so too, "over sicken, weakea or (rips. Bo sare yea get the i engine I Beware sf Imitations and substitutes I Bay a box ol C ASCAttBTS to-day, aad If aot pleased la every respect, (et your money back I Write as for booklet aad tree sample I Address STKBMNQ KliktHDT COMPAMT , CHICAGO or RKW YORK. asc. SAMPLE BOTTLE ioc FOR NEXT 30 DAYS. A MARVELOUS DISCOVERY In Medical (traoc MARK. CURES RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA AND SCIATICA. Hy the Introduction In the medlral field, of our moat wonderful " DrtOPS," a legaay of IneatlmnWe value haa Is'eri Ijeqiicatlud to rnaiiklml. Hufforlng humanity Is no longer al thu iiii,:. wi tiirriM.. wintii imve niwny. uriit ine anill Ol me rnu'lll!HI profession, lor MOW o IlKOi'8" oc-nt-a these dlaeaites. and haa roblsid thorn of their terror. Thl. I. trnlv n ri.uiv.... remedy, yet Invented hy man for the hem-Atof auffurlng mortals, and will lie handed down to roinliiir gi-nerallolia aa tht. .noat wonderful production In me. Ileal science during the Nineteenth Century. Thla remi-dy Is jKwIllvely curing more people dally than all other relnndlea Cum- oine'i. neciiH KHinn worrft cuaeaoi ameuitiitusm in all ita forms, fJaturrh, neural rIm, Asthma, Im firlpps and kindred diseases as a test of what thla remedy will do. It tins ifui,ivi:i7 vuis ,,, .nn. limn win, wum m iiTiooeii ror years; omere wno couin only walk hy the naj of oru ti-hea, and ailll othera who had been glycn up by eom-tent phyalelana lo die. Thla la no exaggeration. We have the evidence In our poaaoaslou to prove all wo aay and "IS Iil'tOPd" positively enrea the following NKSM, NKKVOirHNKHM. HEAKT WKtKNKHt, TOO T H II K, K A IC At II K, It KKI' ISO NKMIINKNia, IIKONCII ITIH, IM KIl and KIIINKV IIISKAHKS, and where one Is cured hy this remedy, they stay cured ot the.e dlaeaaes, for II fortlllea the ayalmn sgalnat any future sitae. "6 IiKDI'h" Is the name and five drops the dose. Largo hotiles (30U doaea) nri pnid hy MrII or Kspreaa, 11.00. or six bottles for ir.H0. Ksinple Isjttlea, rcgnlnr prleo, ttoi., but for hib iki, vim i j hi, iiuiii ne irnie in in paper, we will sunn asm pie iiotliea upon reeulpt of lot" each. No ono can appreciate this wonderful remedy until they try It. Write today. Agenta wanted. KWANHON ItllKIIMAtlO tl'HK C'Mt'AllS, 100-104 K. Lake Htreet, Chicago, III, PORTLAND DIRECTORY. feu and Wire U'orka. I'Olt'l'I.ANI) WIKK A IKON WOltKH; H I UK and Iron leticlng; olliee railing, eti:. mi Alder. Alactilliery anil Nupidlea. CAWHTON 4 CO. KNOINKS, HOIbKItS, MA chinery.aupplles. tK Ml KiratBt., I'urtlanil, Or. juita ruuuts, Fortlaud, Onsaov, can aive you the best bargains In general machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and windmills. Tho new steel IXIi windmill, sold by him, is un equalled. ILL LLSt IAILS. Lsjusri oyrup. 'J anus, Mood. In time. Hold hy driimrl.ta. Usa.'jsJ , H ClMiS WHtHt I -0 LdBes Cllmata, looser? anil Nature's Baal tarluin. Scenery, altltttde, sunshine an.falr, constitute the motors; which are rapid ly making Colorado the health and pleasure grounds of the world. Here the sun shines 867 days o( the avnntKO year, and it blonds with the crisp, electric mountain air to produce a climate inatohltws in the known world. No pen can portray, no brush can picture the niajentio Kramlour ot the scenery along the line of the Denver & Iilo (jramle Kailroad in Colorado. Parties, goliitf East should travel via this line which is known all over the, world as tho Seenlo Line of the world. For any information roKnitlinu; ratee, time tables, etc, oall on or aiblrtwa It. C. Niohol, general agent, 851 Wash ington street, Portland, Or., or any agent of the U. It. & N. Co., or South era Tactile Company. Improved Train. Equipment, The O. it. & N. and Oregon Short Line have added a buffet, smoking and library car to tliolr I'orilund-Cliioago thtougb tiain, and a dining car servloe has been iuaugiiarated. The train Is equipped with the latest chair cars, day conches and luxurious flisi-ohiss and ordinary sleepers. Direct conuev lion made at Granger with Union I'm ciflu, and at Ogdun with ltio Urande line, from all points in Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho to all Easleiu cities. For Information, rates, etc., call ou any O. H. A N. agent, or address W. II. Hurlburt, Ueuural PussLiiger Agent, i'oilland. The oyster crop of Chesapeake bay diminishes tw.h year. TO CURIS A COI.I IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Promo Quinine TuMcU. All druggists refund tho mouey if it fails to care. K. W. drove's signature is on each box. 25c. The bloyclo workers and kindred crafts of Munice, hid., have formed a local organization of the trade. Shecps horn is used tor horseshoes in Icaland. Iu the valley of tho Upper Ox us, Asia, the antler of deer are used for the same purpose, the shoes being fastened with pins of horn. Iu the Soudan the horses wear socks made of camel's skin. A novel advertising scheme has been devised by a firm in Ceylon to popular ixe a certain brand of whiskey. An aurouaut ascends in a balloon, and from a great height drops sample bottles of whiskey attached to miniature para- chutes. Atchiton Science, Wonderful, Pales TV "'' Woaeam's Salt. ' rf t SMMiill tsai eras a? rrr rnr i-tss rr-v Astonishing, Yet True. dlaeaaes: TtllEnM ATIMM, NKURALOr A. P and Maglo Lantern flargaln Mat no. 10 now reiiuy fnr mailing. T. P. ANMtKWH, lt) Monigumery Ht., Han Kranclaco. 25c MT. ANGEL 25c Benedictine Salve. Experience of Mnny Years Clearly Item. onatratea the Great KBleleney of This I.liilment. I'oatpald, lia m Box, Address Benedictine Priory, Mt. Anel, Or. Nxw ORi.stNS, I,a., Nov. , Mm. Rov. rather Kneloaed find money order for another box of your Halve. I find it very good indeed, and try not to he without It. 1'AXltlCK OAKHY, bll Bolivar Bt. . I5uiviM.g, Ky., Jan. is, lswi. Rev. Fathers I rind your Halve to bo Die beat Halve that I over naed. HI. SCliKHVBRI, 712K, WalnutBt SALT LAKE CITY. An Important Fartnr In Transeontl aoiitnl Travel, No one crossing the continent can afford to out Salt Lako City from his route. The attractions of the place, iuuluding the Mormon Jcmplu, Taber nacle and Church institutions, the Great Halt Lake deader and denser than the Dead Sea in the Holy Land the picturesque environment and the warm sulphur and hot springs, aro greater to the square yard than any lo cality on tho American continent. The Mo (Iriiudo Western Hallway, connecting on the Fast with the Den ver & Uio Grande and Colorado Mid laud Hallways and on the West with the Southern l'aoillo (Central Hon to) and Oregon Short Lino, la tho only transt'outtnntuiu Hue passing directly through Salt Lako City. . The route through Salt Lake City via the lilo Grande Western Hallway la famous all the year round. On account of the equable climate of Utah and Colorado it is just as popular lu winter as in summer. Send 'Jo to J, D. Mansfield, 251) Washington St., Portland, or (loo. W. llulnts, Acting General Passenger Agent, Salt Luke City, for a copy of "Salt Lake City tho City of the Saints." Aro V..u Uolii Knatt itw If so, yeu should see that IjlSftllrl 'our tic" roads via the i "tifrij f'Akreat Hook Island route, laojpSaJ and you will got the best. Pullman palnoe sleeping cars, elegant leolinlng ohalreais "free," and llbiary buffet earl on all through trains. Ust dining cat service in the world. Popu lar personally conducted exclusions once a week to all points Fast. Fot full particulars call on or address any ticket agent, or A. K. COOPElt, O. A. V. D., C. K. I. A 1. Ky., Hi Washington street, Portland, Or. American commissioners for foreign missions have expended tua,44U the past year. A funeral procession mile in leugth, comprised of Ism to and their occupants, was lately witnessed in Shannon, Iruland. The deceased had been a farmer in Athlouo, and his body was convoyed by water to tho cemetery at Clamnacnolnc, his friends and rela tives following lu boats. A despicable wretch, employed as watchman in a Chicago livery stable, cut off the tails of forty horses in one night and sold tho hair tot fU.OO. Ity this rascally deed the value ot the horses was decreased $1,900. vjone. P. Ity. not I a p dor be "I ratrVr4 lb lortnraa of the damned wlia protruding pilea brought on bj ooaatl'tion with whkh I was offlieusl tor iwen'v yuan. raa across your UAit -IUCT4 In the town ol Newell, lo., and BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... af ABtUTAOrtTBCO r ... CALIFORNIA FlO SYRUP CO. Ir-KOTE THE NAM a. Deep-Seated Diseases flnch it Khi'iimiill-m, m1 lilricam.f pcrnltiir to Hoore's Revealed Remedy Will give Immcdlaln relief almost In averr coae It eilri,. If t.lf..,i r..u.,l-l ....1 ...H...I.....,. a, . . ; ..i . ., .uuiuiHiu viiue 1 pur bottle at your druggitt's. Yon Can't Kite i Mistake bj Taking the For ft Is the favorite through Dinino Car and Buffet-Library Car Lin East. t .. .. ...... I'lineinars can on or sitareas J. It. NAOKX, U. P. A. W. K. COMAN (I. A t. O, TKURY, T. P. A. 124 Third Street, Portland. Ob. SOI.B ACIKNCY L af wo'hlngton I 'Jl am Pumps and Water Meters. Pumping Plant, 0 Any Capacity. Tl TI'H a u SO to 85 flrat Htreet, I'ort land, Ur. Mscliliiery-All Kind.. UDIfS! Mon"dy Regulator CANNOT FAIT, Ut"1"1 Bus free. Mrs. H. Huwa'n, Milwaukee, .(IflSQOEJ Jar at drassUtearaeiit hy mail. Tnatlso fm WrliS teabeatyeiuoaae. BSIullli&BlUZtS 44 The Best is Cheapest" Wt ttm IhU from txperltnc In tvtry dtpA'tmtnt of lift. Good clolhti rt most ttnikttb! and Ti'fjtr tht longest. Good food ghi$ tht btai nultntnt. Good mtdicint, Hood" $ StMpirtfc, Is tin btst nd chttptft, btctust It cunt, tbsoluttly CURES, whtrt til others ftS. 3focd& SaUafxVdtla For an hour a balky horse in Huston delayed tralllo by holding up a lino of thirty trolley cars, Miming paMir was held under the animal's nose and vari ous other means adopted to start the refractory creaturo. At last, when the contents ot a soda siphon were squirted into his ear, he darliod oft at a two mi uu to gait, too ltKWAitn in oo. The readers of tlila iispor will ho pleated to Marii llml titers la at leant one drcsduil tliMiano lliat mioiii'o lour Ih'kii nhlu lo euro In all Us Stssim. and that laoalarrli. Itall'sCaturrh Cure la lbs only poalllvo eiirn known to Ilia medical (rsivrnlty. l alsrrh bolus a uotiatlluiloiial (lit. no, requires a entKllluilonal triMtinrut, Unit's Caiarrli Curs is taken Internally, amlng dlreelly upon ibu blood and mucous itirfaces ot Iho aynleiu, thereby denlroylng llm (omnia tlon of Iho dliisun, and giving I lie patient Btrensthby building tip lb conMllutiott and aiwlttlng naiuru In lining ita work. I'lio pro. irielr liavo au much IHlih In lis enraiive powers, that lliey offer One Handled IMIsri tor any dial II lalta touuro. btm.1 for liat ol tcatltuuulala. Aiblre V. J. I'll KNEV A CO., Toledo, O, Bold hy druggists, 711. Hall's Fauillynila areni beat Street railway employes ot Chatta nooga, Touu., roceu'ly formed a union, and all were discharged in oouaoiiueune. rtTO pVrnmneiiily t'nrr.t. No Ataor nnrvounheaa III nn.Tllrnl iUr'a in, of Hr. Kllna'a limit Nerro lu.ior.r. thwd n.r I IIKD am.oo iri-J bottleaiHl lrtl. 11 I. 11. 11. JU.INU, W.hjJ a rub si -eel, 1'liilwlelpbla. To. Tho plumlatrs of Chattanooga, Term., have settled on a nine-hour day, with $2.50 per day as a minimum wage. Mrs, 3. Waiihburn, of Watertown, Mass,, put some lime in a bottle to alack it, and after pouring hot water QHin it, tightly closed the bottle. In a few minutes there whs a thundering explosion, cutting her fuco with the Hying glass and burning her eyes with the limo water. A fatal i.e. I Is pointed out to visitors in an engine house in Macon, (ia. Four men died soon after occupying it and one ot its latest occupants declare that the ghost ol one ot tho dead firemen laid his toy hand upon him, and ho be lieves that ho is soon to join him. JOc. 25c 50c DRUGGISTS SHI OUTER'S Bflfi Used by tuilllniip, Hiiro proof uf its ijniilily, pa. itnrtMi nooK, for Women" lw (VtitAw.ln ftaUn,ftmTnnf.ot. Writs ti(ttt f.-r thla IUm.Ii. m.iitAiiInr I'ttrtlnt. iV Ura tuul TMUiiwjuiotij uf Lit. MAkrs.i..l V French Femald Pills. PrfllatMl h IhrmsMtnita at aatlarflnil lak,lleaa,.si ssf '. wTPiiiiiii.ann wiirtoiiian riiJ. w 4C. U itj mi dmgtf ist'flju m-t tj,t, iVniuu fn t.uln ftlu., Wl.iu, ftnjTt.iit. IrUs tioidlinr. dl). liver rILLd ONI FOR A DOSE. Cure "Irk llealanh sod l)yanKila. Henmva Tlmuleeand Purify the IlliHid, Aid lilgeailoiisndPrereut llllloiianeaa. Ita notllrlnnorHlekvn. TMn,l,4 ,.., -i. rumple free, or full lios tntlfa, lilt. IIONANKU PP., PhlUili,., Priuaa. Hold hy Drugitlata, V Rupture tienien acien. lllleally and cotilldenti at. ly. CrrnpdMM Itlitilil. 0. H. WOODAhU CO., I0S Second SI., PorllanS, YOUNG MEN! la tliu ONLY nn-(H!iii(i whlrii will ur fsu h tvtxl wJ orma. tl V.AHK kmiwu it tin ur fitll."! u ur, im m fitter how (t.'Hfmii or of lnr lmn )iiiiltrifr. Uf-Mlf frulll IU UsW Will tMtfitlllill yiill. It. Ill ftlMOilttl'ljr ia-f( KrvwailU Mili'tiim, Ktul n (ir tnkttn vVltlinil. In (ton lcnr nil lrlnuin from iruHioi M. TltU K Pr ml Uy all n hsililti ilr.ittf.HU, ur nl imMil bj opftiiaa. Ilitiljr wn.ppu.1, n n tut if priPti. hr I'AIIUT f'HIatlltAI Vt nklM tIL Circular mailed m rtHiuos. lit CURE YOURSELF t tlae Itlar 44 fur ttniiaftiraS nlaeliBrifea.liiflttiiiiiiRiloiitt. Ouar.ni.Ml tl Irrliatiolia or UleelatleuS I T h 1 1 s Cm t M mil Oo. ut ur pulaimuua. ajoia by Dranilate, pr sunt In plain wrapp'f, I' eapreaa, sraralii, fut CllrouUr aunt en'raqiioal. n. r. N, 0. MO. T-'l. WJ .Tr,"?T to lertlsors please aoontloB thla paper. fr belief cm a iisaasoSaslWiiilnirai a i