The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, November 10, 1899, Image 3

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    "" ' 1
IJ I !. 1 ta. B.I I ' I 1 1 BiAlU LAHH
Vll M-J-A Vll XUlUXl
NOVEMBER 10, 1809.
Wi Fusion Coaunitieematn.
To TH Kmroa. Will you pleso state,
in the column of Tu Mint whaKhe
polltioal faith of the defaulting deputy
menu oi i-iautj eutiiiiy ia r ivKAbiCHi
ueer waa Looklna- Aft..
"' Internal.
Mr L. B. Gewr, the itat land agont,
WM lu tl.. city Tueiday Kttendii.K t2
niatter connected with the loaning of
7i . vu iiiu auu io estimate
the ralii of the land on which money
tia already been loaned In case fore-
M. 0. Gray wm in Portland Tuesday.
irvvT" "toclt lowest price at W,
IL Dolman'. .
closure proceeding become necessary
Lane county uolitle for ,. con the. property of
(Deputy tiherlfT Day had boen proml
- . i r-- -
lime, and at tha tlma bl hi. disappear- u" ttdli V , y' ,"1uir'8 ,or
anc he wa chairman of tha t,U... I?1.: ?0r?. very liumerou. at pres-
county central committee
V - I Veil. UlU (Lata nn, nam l..m oim
farms, which have reverted to It at a
I Mail It ti l,m..A
Slnety thousand dollar, will ba n.ld and.'. "i"". "S.
hi. aan in tluiaa ,!, ...i.i:. . T" mo same
,L,r , -; "" ih uiey coukl be bought from nrl.
v. "7 . . " w-.-w. iv.( w ayiu Mil Burn. MTfVirnintT rniu-iil luin.
Tl la 1st itauutt ti 111 .! hiatu (... U.ln " . . . v "-! "
. . w w V.XHIWVV, vj i noil, VH1U0 oi linproveniei.ti and ntntn
the factory people, of a yield of 20.000 of cultivation. TheTlmve oScome state
tons at an average of M.ftO a ton. Ami ,i u .(.'." , .l "vuv"
who.., posslbly-Nft grower, will iXoZa Tn .' r ear. in WZZ
- . . - . susiu vi iiitvrniu us inn main nrm tuiun
iT.Y iJ.!;. r' . . ',B """ ?o large in the first place, accord
IIILLTINU1 HIWrllllH V UVfiM LfJVUIlU Lflal I ltlfF Tl til a tralim .f 1 l ,
perimental atage, and from this on ant the state limits the size of Its
vkvh v. wM. v,p. iHvuuoia. to one-wnru trie actual value of the real
. ' . wiaie, uiBKing no allowance for build
Flnanolalljr Saooasafiil. ings or other poriahable Improvements
Miss Flora L. Vincent, who has
teaching school In tha Htahtnanvlila
. . . i j i ... . . ... .
"LTr..? "I-?'. "001. Bf the Interest
MsisUdbvMr. Ford, with hi f.mou. "r"rr,rh w ,0. eslr, to borrow
msglo lanlern views. The neat sum of ?, "y 'r"inAhe ?tate " "''"K1 to P?
10.00. wm made, wuicn goes toward
Ings or other perishable Improvements.
I ijAAn Jn.tlw y r- 0eBr tll" precaution
ladi L" U)in" t"'len Klt overioanlng, and
1 bV D'rr?w,"' f hettor able to keep up
1U.UV. WM auwuw, wwiuit HUVI
tha furnishing of the echoolhouae. The
total number of pupils enrullod this
term Is 21; boy 9, glris 11; average
dally attendance fourth month, 18 ; fifth
month, 17; sisth month, 12. Number
of visitors. iW. Pupil neither absent
nor taruy for me tlx wontus were Jan
and Jiae IAan.
Hie expense of proper lurvey and
niatlng out of abstract. Money is
loaned for one vear at a tlma tmt il.n
ins loon n uo oxiemiea from year to
car, ii me iniereai is tept Jiam up."
'Will ray 91 of Amount.
Mesaers. W. W. Elliott and A. T.
Woodard, of Marshland, were in town
Wednesday Interviewing the county
the Apportionment BUI
fot Home of Them.
The statement la bnln nnliliaW ,.
Mr. Hldney Bmyth, of Clackamas county,
la being urged to become a candidate
lor joint senator to renrvnont tha I7ih
onatoriai district. Multnomah and
. . .1.1.. ... ...i.l.. I ai'iiauirnu
u',ir: -.1 "rT""'. "u7 Clackamas counties
leadlnt- from the railroad deoot at that h5. R.ur?lnK Mr- Bmyth to
dace to the achooilwuse on theoountv Fl T?.""" ,nonorl' my
m i.i a rM ii i tticir tuuis iu iMLLiencfl. infire
ienerouslr doiiaUd' the ZJrT land "?0 lni "I,ti0' lect fr" bove
FrihVnty0 A ,tM,nX, fe "nder the
coat of which wm aatimated .. .i.-T ill TV- 00 ,enl
Mullnomah county will secure two joint
fence, the
atf70. and of which amount the court
otiurod to pay $47, provided the petl
tloner will pay $13. The proposition
anem to have been tatlsactory to all
Settlement of Taylor Katate.
senators, one Jointly with Clackamas,
Hie outer wan uolumbla and Wash
ington counties.
Undor further nrovlaiona of tha ut
noiuovor senstors representing districts
oomposeu oi more man one oountv
wlion such have been chamred bv tha
new apportionment, shall lie considered
In the Drobat court last Mondav tha
onal account ana report oi me adminis
trator oi tne estate oi i. u. lavior. ae- i u .ii.,.in ...... .i
ceased, Mr. James iMrt, was submitted which tlicy reside
uu iira i..u.uiui.M.itiiu liy sik-Ii cliaiiKC! conditions. L. I,
His bondsmen UlsclianrtKi i na ap- o( 0rcgoI, clt o(!Cte)1 ( 1HU
praised valuaUon of the real property of M j,,int KnlUjt (or Clackamas and Mar
ine estate was .ouu. personal proiwrty. 1 1 ,,!. ui i.. n. i. ......
consisting of numerous noWs. I23M Unatnr for Multnoumh and Clackamas
mo uv"i fiN1""" , . ""' !!'- counties. Pr. JoseDhi will be the re-
niost iu,uw. iiie aammistrator-t re- fining holdover, having been elected
rTl ."oln" ,ov"r w lu1 tuccecd Mr. Joseph Simon to the
ueira eiw.Ovo. ucwrir ww 111 dauihi ui I ..... ......... ti...m ..:n
the appraled value. The esUte has (rom Multnomah countv and one
joint senator In connection with Wash
ington and Columbia counties to elect
next June.
Senator Morrow, who was elected to
represent Morrow. Grant and Harnev
Will Tar the Tax 1 counties, is aiso a noiuovor auected by
Mr. Ii. B. Uecr. Uie state land aorent. anH iimat il niiu. (n tn
wuo nas ueen in town two or three days, his home county. Senator Smith will
SiaiOS lliai llie State Will llOOIUaU) t lie nn nnrawnl lUkr Hirnav ami MmI.
mount it Owed this COUntV On account hanr .,i.,li... and Hnnat.ira ni..m n,l
of taxes on Und ownad . by the state Kellv. ol Unn county, can settle aroong-
nd on lands upon wulch the sUte holds theniselve which shall be a joint sena-
woriwre, inu on wnicn me lax nas tor for that and Marion counUes. The
not been paid for some year. Al- above are the onlv holdover senators af-
togetner inesiaw owes wiumbla county I fected by the rodietricting of UiesUte.
17 fiuw( hiiu uvruaiier, mr. Keer
been an Interest-paying one on account
of rant, and the administrator is to be
congratulated upon hi success In set
tling np the matter In so satisfactory a
says, taxes will be promptly paid. This
county has carried these several amount
aiLBg lor a number of years, paying in
tereat on an eaual amount of ouutand.
ing warrant, and it is but simple jus
tice that the state pay the amount at
once, wnicn in ail line;
Indue Sapplngton Declare Them
Urand Bucceaa,
Several of the countv official and a
few citizen went out to inspect the
rhlch in all likelihood, will be the fl1.11!."'. wa,. .l0.,n.,.P!cl.'?:
case. A few such transaction a this - '.'"'".'j
will put the county In a splendid rlnan- " 01 uiuy, w, .w nu
cial condition aa Uie amount of out- -", ff? Ta " . WV1 Z
IUVtiCU Willi WIV VIM t".U.
Judge Sappington and his crew were
busy completing the last few yards of
the road, when the work, as lar aa this
standing debt at, present doe not ex
ceed szu,uuu.
Tv mm MA I .Jk at! B B
, Z """" , . . year is concerned, of planking roads in
Charlet YV Monroe wm exanilned be- J , will h;ve .top for lack of
forejudge l)oan in thl. city Tuolay un(i,. a to the cost of constructing
morning m to his sanl y and ordered the pi,nkod road, of which seven miles
ojmmitted . to Uie wylum at Balem. 1 U d, the county judge inform u. he
Thoma Cloninger and Harry West u to total up the different item
"1 ; . u. . 1 zz ."" r"r.T ?:"" aim 1
wai ati uiav wm neceaoary ta tne caauai
ooaerver trial uie man wm seriously
mentally deranral. His hobby seemed
to ba religion. He had hired himself
out to work for Mr. West, but that gen
tleman discovering that eomethlng was qUrtors, yet the very people loud
wrong, let hlra go away, when Mr. , i Shoir ..pfikiam nvr Ln toeonnt
ainger employed hlru to dig potatoes ... Mt n. tke into consideration the
and intend maxing a siaiomeni in me
near future. Like every departure from
the old rut and reaching; out for im
provement in road making, it is, of
course, natural to expect mat a gooa
dee of fault finding will be hoard in
.Mo.11!J?'rM.bort Amity thisute' impassable condition of some of these
in 18W. but for three year past bM re- rJji iu th willtar fter trge eumg
Idod In Idaho and fcMtorn Oregon. h , ugei to koep them in repair.
Ills case is a severe on and it is very Xhemain question to be decided, and
ike.ythat he will never recover from mhlr$ the la experimont-
lii unfortunate condition. Dr. Cliff ,' not wllBther the plank should be
ndW. W. Blakesley accompanied the two feet longer, or that some of the po-
liniYiriiinat rt Hjilnm Tllnaila artjipnnnn. Y i i I i i
. w j 1 tltlonera auu viewera uau wnvu 111 imbu
ing tome parts of the road, or that the
fraue may oe 100 Bleep in some places,
here may be or may not be room for
complaint, but that is Immaterial. The
most cranky must admit that the
a wonuenui improve-
Over from Keaaey.
Dow Keasey was in town Wednesday
afternoon from his home on Rock creek.
Ha continued on to Portland and ex
pected to return home the latter part of ni.nked road i
the week. Dow says the work of re- meat over chuck boles and hauling in
niacins' tho recently washed-out dam at I n.i ami alnah nn ta tha hnb. with all
i'ittaburg i progressing favorably, and danger now avoided by bridges being
the mill will soon be able to operate constructed over . number of creeks,
again. Mr. Keasey has charge of Howe- l0w on the planked road and the long
wood ranch and the postofllce at Keasey trestle work over the swamp lands will
Uiis winter aunng me ausoncv ui ruu)ain at to travel over, we are not
father and mother, who are spending Iuthoritv on that point or able to pre
the winter in Missouri, where they ex- Jlct- poadbly it will be found more
tiect to remain severnl months. At his economical in the future to raw the
nnnaat we accompanied Dow to the
clerk' office and attached our signature
to a little piece of paper, but of course
we would not intimate what the paper
meant. Anyhow, we venture the pro
diction that Dow does not batch much
longer, the young ladle initials being
Mis Kosa Sesseman.
Counting the People.
In June of next year the people of the
United State will be conn tod for the
twelfth time since the establishment of
our govornment. It will require about
00,000 enumerator to lako me census,
and their work must be finished in one
month' time, or by the first week in
July, 1000. That mean about 75.000,
000 people must bo recorded in thirty
days, or at the rate of two-and-one-haif
million a day. The rate will be even
vreatnr than this, however, for In towns
and citiot of eight thousand inhabitants
the enumeration must be completed
within two weeks. The enumerators
will not he nermitted to have any as
sistance in the work; it must be done
by them In person, except in such sec
tion of the country at contain a great
many foreigners, where the employ
ment of interpreter will be allowed, at
otherwise It would be next to Impossible
to secure the proper data. The enum
erator will be paid for their services
In accordance with the amount of work
they are called upon to do.
' Whan vniir ailnnlv of nrlntod Station'
ery become exhausted, ond In an order
to thl office, where best quality of stock
and workmanship are furnished at
price consistent with inch qualities.
plank two feet longer, especially for
roads with grades somewhat ttsep, and
at to the best location 01 ronun, too
much supervision cannot be exercised.
It may be. however, that too much su
pervision la now exercised by petitioners
and viowors to the detriment of a rond,
that la, If their objects are more for
personol than public consideration.
However this may be, It is well to be
guided in the future by the experience
of the past. County Judge Happington
has banked his reputation on planked
roads for this eounty whore good gravel
cannot be obtained, and he Is contldent
it is going to turn out a succesB, despite
those who aro doing some tall kicking
about spending so much road money in
one part of tha county. One thing is
certain, that there is some pleasure in
traveling over the new planked roads in
this comity, and those who still want
chuck holes find mire to wallow in will,
no doubt, And plonty of places whore
they can do this before all the main
roads in the oounty are planked. Tilla
mook Headlight.
Used by British Boldler In Africa.
Capt. 0. 0. Dcnnison la well known
all over Africa aa commander of the
forces that captured the famous rebel
diillsho. Under dato of Nov. 4, 1897,
from Vrybnrg, Uechuanaland, he writes :
"Before starting on the last campaign
I bought a quantity of Chamberlain's
Colio. Cholera and Diarrhcaa Komody,
which I used myself when troubled
with bowel complaint, and had given to
mymen.and in everycaseit proved most
beneficial." For solo by Dr. fidwiu Bos.
1 Dir?0? ttni'l to tmslnet in Port-
.urn luuuuaj,
Aflioosor White wan attending to but in tl..wl1..M.l . . . .....1
.vdw a viunuu j.uesuay.
Mr. Harry Meserve wm dp from Del-
vuoiHofja lane oaturuay.
J. M. Payne and wife, of Deer Island
were in Portland Wednesday.
Mrs. II. It. Cliff and Mrs. 0. H.Johns
Tituwu at nainier on Tuesday.
Considerable business was transacted
wis pruuaie court this week, .
Por a camplete stock of general mer
chandise call at W. H. Dolmon'a.
Mrs. A. H. George and daughter,
I .111 11 HM In Tt. . 1.. .1 til- I 1 '
"i iihumu rreunesuay.
Mrs. OttO Kulner. nt Txvl. I.
i.i.i.. 1... tt .. . '
a ,IDi mumer, mrs. D. o. Way
Air. W. 11. D aril aHiJln. i
wuaiuvaB liiULLnm in i-rtrriani waira.
, wti-M- If VUUOsT
Mr. Alex Sword came mrnr (mm Va.
non la Mundav unfl rnntililliwl nn tn U...i
. 1 ......uw WM wiviir
LIT. Willis Moraa. nt Solum vl.itl
relatives in this city a few days this
DeDUtv HhnrlfT llatin, .,;.ui
down-river point Tuesday on official
AM I If .
nurwi morgan, 01 Hudson, was a
passenger lor Portland Wednesday
Miss Hulia Shatto of thi
Biendlnff Uie week viHitint- liar nininli
at Baimer.
Miss Mav Whitnaw a Mr. Tu.nk
Hayburn, of this city, were iu Portland
CountV COUrt eonvnnait nn Wmliuu.
day morning with the full corps of
officer present.
Some of the matorial ! nn,.l ;ti.
"jch to extend the wood companies
wuan ni. tula piace.
J 11(1 (TO Doan SDent Wednaailav nlirl.t
at uaiiuer. reiurninir to tin dutma
itu I - "
uursuay morning.
Mr. E. Fare a merchant and PrH T
Prahl, a lotriter. of Clatukanin. VArn in
wwn on Business Saturday.
Mr. James Muckle. Sr.. waa the tnn.t
of his daughter, Mrs. Jacob George, in
1 ui viuuu a part 01 last weex,
Mies Maude Watts, of IVannnnaa hu
wwii 1.110 kucdk u reiHLivea in liiir nitv
1 tT,...l. .1 - . '
auu uuiuwu uunng tne weex.
Sheriff Itice. who bM been at iha
Portland Sanatarium for two weeks, is
roporicu not greatly improved.
Jtev. Air. I'hU brook will nrsarh at.
rlachclor rlat on Sunday at 11 o'clock
aim in mis city in the eveulmz.
Attorney W. II. Con vers waa in town
Tuesday attending to the settlement in
the estate 01 Andrew a. Louison.
Siirel Wilkinson and family have re
moved from Vernonia to Rainier, where
xi - ii' : 1 1. : 1 1 1 ,
.ui. niiniunui iioa oeuureu employment.
Miss Daisy Ewine. of Maveer. arrived
In the city last week and will spend the
winter wun nur sister, Mrs. J. u. watts,
Captain Henderson has consented to
again take command of the deep-sea
fishing schooner Jessie, and expect to
leave at once tor Astoria.
In the probate court on Tuesday let
ter of administration were ordered
issued to David Davis to administer
upon the estate of f rank M. Webber.
Wash Muckle returned Wednesday
evoning from Portland, where he has
been under the care of a phyiscian for
some time. His health is considerably
Mrs. Grippen, of Los Angeles, Cal.,
was In this city a few days, recently,
visiting her cousin, Mr. W. II. Dolman,
whom she hod not seen since 1830 63
years ago.
The Artisan assembly of Houlton will
hold an open meeting tliia (Friday)
evening. A literary programme will be
rendered and a lunch served, to which
all member and Uie public is invited.
Mr. Charles Tar bell inform us that
he has succeeded in improving his
Plymouth Kock hens. He has a male
bird seven months old that weighs eight
pounds, and pullets correspondingly
The Rathbone Sister of this city en
tertained the members and a few friends
at their hall on Thursday evening of
last week. A luncheon wm the princi
pal feature of the entertainment, which
all present seemed to enjoy.
Mis Tillie Muckle, of Portland, lost
week received throe letters from her
brother, Thomas, who is at St. Michaels,
near the mouth of the Yukon river,
Alaska. Thomas expects to remain at
St. Michaels this winter.
This paper possesses the only well
equipped job printing plant in St. Hel
ens, where me quality 01 stock usea
and workmanship are of the best. Our
prices are consistent with such qualities
and we guarantee satisfaction to patron.
Poster are out announcing a Brand
ball to take place at Scappoose on the
night of November 30th (Thanksgiving.)
Good music will be furnished and a
prizo given to the best lady and gentle
man waltsers. Tickets, including sup
per, only $1.25.
Tho will of the late William Connell,
of Portland, waa admitted to probate in
Multnomah county last week. Wm.
D. Connell. of Deer Island, wm be
queathed all the property in Columbia
county, consisting of the farm on Deer
island and all adjacent lands. The
estate was valued at $05,000.
The attention of our reader is direc
ted to our advertising columns this
week and at all other times. Many of
the ads have been reset and each one
contains profitable reading matter.
Merchants who do business are users of
printers ink, invariably with profit.
The place to find bargains is with the
firm who invite your patronage through
the medium of the local paper.
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney G. A.
Hall went to Rainier Wednesday to ap
pear for the state in a case in the jus
tice court, when Grant Howmnu und
Wm. Nelson were prosecuted jointly
for trespassing upon the premises of
Wm. Greenwald. The case was tried
before a jury, which -after a few minutes
deliberation, returned a verdict of guilty,
whereupon the court imposed a fine of
$15 each upon the defendant.
It will not be a aurprise to any who
are at all familiar with the good quali
ties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
to know that people everywhere take
pleasure in relating their experience in
the use of that splendid medicine and
telling of the benefit they have received
from it, of bad colds it has cured, of
threatened attacks of pneumonia it has
averted and of the children it has saved
from attacks ol croup and whooping
cough. It is a grand, good medicine.
For sale by Dr. Edwin Ross.
immense Flame Will Parallel the
Beaver River,
Meserve Bros., of Delena, in order to
wuarge irieir lacintiea lor carrying on an
extensive lumbering business, are now
directing their efforta to procuring the
right-of-way for an immense flume to
soon do built. Their attorney, W. H.
Conyers, met with flattering success in
ma canvass oi tne territory througl
which the flume is expected to be built
hut very few resident! opposing the
movement or refuting to comply with
ivuuonM tor pnviuges. '
It is the object of tha firm to bnild
flume from their mill at italcnn tn tl.
railroad at the crossing of the Beaver,
where facilities for shipping can be ob
tained. The distance will ha ahnnt.
seven miles, and the project will neces
sitate the Outlay of an flnnrmnm anm
of money, m it Is the intention to put
in a flume capable 6f carrying large
iniuuor auu piling, incidentally projec
ted to convey many thousand cords of
wood annually. There is no estimating
mo miaiiuitti uenenc in ma naavar vai av
oLviuu ouuu an enterprise will pe. in
fact, there is no other method by which
the vast forests of that section can be
taken to market so successfully or at so
little expense. Until aomn anh antor.
prise It Inaugurated. I it t in nrnirroaa in
development can be looked for. While
a great aura of money will be necessarily
required to start this enterprise, the
Ultimate outcome will be big returns to
uie promoters and normannnrliniFlv nan.
eficial to each and every land owner in
that valley in a financial tense. The
natural product of a varv urnnlthv rn.
i ui . r ( r'
tjiuii win at once spring into prominence
and immediately find a ready market at
good paying figure. The people of
Beaver valley can do no less than heart
ily support such an important enter
prise, both morally and financially.
Countv flnmmtiiai nnap
In Vernonia Monday.
county affair.
reterson wm
looking after
Dow Keasev returned tn tha vallav
Wednesday. He .will do the noatoffiue
... . ir , . , -
a-i av n.eauey uus Winter.
Mrs. C. S. McNutt and Rosa Sesse
man went to Forest Grove Thursday on
iiuiocubck, returning eunaay.
Two wagon loads of ealmon hunters
irom Washington county passed through
here Sunday, en route to Upper Rock
T. B. Denslow went to Forest Grove
Monday, returning Tuesday. Ho says
the road out that way ia much better
than by bt. Helen.
Mrs. Tracy left Monday morning for'
oi-auie, wnere sne will spend the win
ter with her sister. Mr. Tracy accom-
pauiea uer as iar aa Bt. Helens.
J. Rose, B. Hosford and John Peck
spent three days lost week hunting in
the Pebble creek country, with the
usual luck "saw lota of tracks."
Mr. Walters, a gentleman from Ohio,
spent a couple of days in Vernonia and
vicinity looking at the country in gen
eral. He was pleased with this port of
Oregon, all but the roods.
Joe Reid and Mat Johnson, of Keasev.
passed through Vernonia Friday, each
with a load of supplies from Forest
Grove. The former had a load for L. B.
Stuart, who will need twice the amount
of groceries this winter that it took for
him hut winter.
Mr. and Mr. Jas. Cox paid Portland
a visit Tuesday.
N. A. Perry made a business trip to
Portland Tuesday.
George Kellv is buildng an addition to
his barn this week.
A. B. Little paid the metropolis a
visit one day this week.
Mrs. Pine has her house completed
and is now occupying it.
Miss Maude Watts, of Scappoose. wm
in our town one day this week.
Posters are out announcing a basket
social at this place Friday evening.
Captain Henderson expects to leave
toon on another fishing expedition.
We were pleased to see Mr. John
Frsntx on our streets the other day.
James Cox. Jr.. left for Portland Mon
day, where he goea to seek employment.
Mr. and Mrs. I. II. Copeland are visit
ing with relatives at Warren this week.
George Emerson and Clav Clark re
turned from Cosmopolis, Wash.. Tues
Mr. W. II. Conyers. of Clatakanie.
passed through our town one day this
Miss Dora Copeland is having her
house repapered and renovated this
Uriah Kelly and Delos Walker are en
gaged in cutting hardwood on the
island for Jep Walker.
Our people got a glimpse of Maior-
tieneral Miles &b he and his staff passed
inrougn mis piace on a (special a. a v.
L. E. Bailev goes around with a smile
on his face these day a foot wide. Lee.
says he don't care whether thirteen is
an unlucky number or not.
We are pleased to see our school pro
gressing so finely under the skillful
management of the teacher, Mr. M. K.
Brown. Houlton ha a school she can
be proud of.
Master Forrest Cox had the misfor
tune to have one of the bones broken in
his nose, by being struck with a base
ball. He was taken to St. Helena for
medical assistance.
Care for Gossip.
It It an old laying that the best cure
lor gossip I culture. When you find a
book-reading family you will find
parent and children who have otli
things to talk about than their neigh
bors. Beading is a safeguard against
gossip. People who can talk of boo
uo not nave to talk 01 persons.
BAILKY. At Houlton, November 4, UtW,
tilt wilt ol L. K. Bailer, a ton.
ORims. At Yankton, November , 18W,
tne wue oi J. Ji. urinii, a (laughter.
i.1 undent irneil htm bean, bv the Honorable
Comity Court ol Columbia County, state ol Or
evon. BDDOlntrd adminUtrator of the imtutp ol
John Hendrlcki. deveaned. and that 1 have dulv
qualified ageuvh, and that all penonj harluv
cutima against aald eatate are hereby r
to present the same, accompanied by proper
reby required
vouchera, at the office of Cole Quick, In HI.
Helena. aald Miuntt and .tut, mnnlhi
irom ine aaia nerooi.
Dated October '7th. 1M K. K. Otllflf.
Administrator of the estate of John Hendricks,
deceased. 027H24
' Lixd Ornci at OaaaoH City, 0 ,
Nov. Jth 1x99.
11 following-named settler has flled notice of
Die Intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore tha Countv Clerk of Columbia countv. at
oi. neieus, uregon, on isecerauer lotu, lew, Tul:
Homestead entry 08!M. for the lota 1 and 2 sec.
tiou o, township s north, range 4 west, and
south Vi of the southeast !i of section 82. town
ship 4 north, range 4 west.
He names the following witnesses tn Drove
nis continuous resiuence upon ana cultivation
of said land, vis: Harry Hlooman, of Forest
urove, uregon; Hllas A. Bowers, John Lucas aud
rrana neele, oi nmton, uregon.
CHAR a. MOORES, Register,
Land Ornci at Okcoom CiTy, Or.,
fkn.nKA ytA IBM
J.V following-named settler has filed notice of
nis intention to make final prool In support ol
his clrJm, and that said proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk of Columbia County, at
ok xieiens, uregon, on uccemoer inn, uwv, viz
Homestead entry No. 10012. for the northeast Ki
ui aevuun ta, lowiignip a norm, range 9 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: Krnent (J. Bhannahan. J. P.
eheeley and John Smith, of Vernonia, Oregon,
auu auoiuh oergerson, oi rvisi, uregon.
027dl CHAS. B. MOORES, Register.
Land Ornci at Orsoom Citt, Ob.,
October 14th. 1H99
followlnar-named settler hna filed notfA of
his Intention to make final proof in support of
uu ctaim, anu mat saia prooi win tie made De
torn the County Clerk of Columbia County, at
ol. neieus, uregon, on novemuer l&, IKFJ, viz
Homestead entry 10630. for the northwests of
uciiuu oo, Kiwuuiip i uuriu, rauge 4 west.
tie names tne louowing witnesses to prove
nil cuiitiuiiaiiB reHiuRiiiMi Dunn min (MiniviiEinn
oi said land, vis: Lewis Malcolm, Fred 8. Hal
eolm and Leon A. Malcolm, of Kyser, Oregon
ana j. i
and J. R. Ueadlee. of Raluier. Oregon.
chab. u. auuaui, ttegister.
Lamo Ornci at OnaooN City, Or..
October 12th. 1899.
J.1 followine'-n&med settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be-
in re me neeistar ana Keceiver. at uremm uuv.
Oregon, on November 24th, 1899, viz:
Homestead entry 11196, for the west H of the
northwest and weat of the southwest M of
cet-fciou , townsnip 4 nonn, range o west.
tie names tne louowing witnesses to prove
hla continuous residence noon anil cultivation
of said land, vis: David Tweedle and John
Corcoran, of Vine Maple, Oregon, Joseph Lynch,
ana rreanrk spnu
of Mishawaka, Oregon, and
ui .leweu, uregon.
Land Orrica at Obiooh Citt, Or.,
foltowlnff.named settler has flled nntic of
her Intention to make final proof in support of
her claim, that said proof will be made before
the county Cleric ol St. Hel
ens, Oregon, on November 27, vli:
Homestead entrv 9974. for the northwest H of
section 10, township 6 north, range s west.
cne names tne following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence unon and cultivation
of said land, vis: Fred Ninseadt, W. 8. Brown
and Dan Stehman, of Apiary, Oregon, and J. R.
tiesatce, at aaimer, uregon.
o3un24 CHAS. B. MOORES, Register.
Vast Try It.
If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption
Cure, which is sold for the small price
of 25 cts., 60 cts. and $1, does not cure.
take tne Dottle back and we will refund
your money. Sold for over fifty years
on this guarantee. Price 25 Cts. and 60
cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Boss, druggist,
Bt. Helens, and N. A. Perry, Houlton.
Our lob printing department is kept
busy moat of the time turning out com
mercial and society work of all kinds.
We are constantly adding to our job
material and the reputation of turn
ing out good work is given us by all
who patronize us. Our prices are con
sistent with good workmanship. We
will print anything from a calling card
to a poster or a book, and do it well and
Chamberlain's" Pain Balm Cures
Others, Why Not Yon?
My wife hag been using Chamber
lain's Pain Balm, with good results, for
a lame shoulder that lias pained her
continually for nine years. We have
tried all kinds of medicines and doctors
without receiving any benefit from any
of them. One day we saw an adver
tisement of this medicine and thought
of trying it, which we did with the best
of satisfaction. She hot used only one
bottle and her shoulder is almost well.
Adolfh L. Miluett, Manchester, N.
II. For sale by Dr. Edwin Koss.
Notice for Publication.
Unitkd Statss Laud Orrica,
URKOVN UITT. ur.. AnffUJt 29. IffiH.
i.1 comuliance with the Drovisions of the act
of congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for
the sale of umber lands In the states of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri-
tory," as extended to all the Public Land Stales
by act of August 4, 1892, Ray E. Watts, of Goble,
county of Columbia, Stale of Oregon, has this
aay nieu in tms oince ner sworn statement no.
4U60, for the purchase of tha southeast K of sec
tion 6, in township No. 5 north, range No. 3 west,
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for Its timber or stone than lor
agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim
to said land before the Register and Receiver of
luisomce, as uregon i;ny, uregon, on weanes
day, the 15th day of November, 1899. She names
as witnesses: John M. Archibald, Charles Morel,
Emll Wasser and George Morel, all of Goble,
Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverae-
Slhe above-described lands are requested to
e their claims In this office on or before said
l.-itd dayot November, 1899.
sSnlO CHAS. B. MOORES, Register.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
oiuiuoia uouniy.
Flora Wantv, plaintiff,
8. H. Kistner and Ellen Klstner, husband and
wife, and R. L. Sabln, as assignee of Wauhams
. A Co., a private corporation, Buckingham At
Hecht, a private corporation, J. Closset and
A. H. Devers, Capen Shoo Company, a private
corporation, Allen & Lewis, partners, Corbelt
& Macleay Co.. a private corporation, Charles
Hegele and L. P. H. Leoompte,partuersuudcr
the name of Charles Hegele A Co., The G. H.
Hammond Co., a private corporation, Page At
. Son, a private corporation, M. Seller aud P.
Lowengart, partners under the lirru name of
M. Seller Co.. Adam Grant, Henry M. Mur
phy, Jos. A. Ford, Jos. D. Grant and Hugh
Whipple, partners under the name of Grant,
Murphy 4 Co., Ralph Brown, A. Brown and
BahrSeedeman, partners aa Brown Brothers
ft Co., Julius Triest, Bernard Triest and Jessie
TrleJst, partners under the name of Triest &
Co., August Schilling and Geo. F. Volkman,
partners under tho name of A. Schilling St
Co., J. Doan, as assignee for the benefit of
creditors of A. P. Aurys and 8. H. Klstner,
partners doing business under the firm name
of Anrys & Klstner, Holmes, as assignee
of Meier & Frank Co., a private corporation,
Goulan & Co., a private corporation, and the
Union Moat Co., a private corporation,
ment, order and decree, duly issued out of
aud under the seal of the above-entitled court,
in the above-entitled cause, tome duly directed,
and dated November 1st, 1899, upon a Jugment
and decree rendered and entered in said court
on the 19th day of October, 1899, in favor of the
above-named plaintiff, and against the above
named defendants, for the sum of f 1127, with In
terest thereon at the rato of 7 per cent per an
num from the 19th day of October, 1899, and the
further sum of I1J0, with interest thereon at the
rate of 7 Der cent Dcr annum from tha 19th riav
of Ootober, 1899, and the further sum of 44.oO.
costs and disbursements and the costs of and
upon this writ, commanding and requiring me
rihea p
to make sale of the following descrll
erty, to-wit: The west K of the southwest H.
ana the southeast U of the southwest of sec
tion 21, township 7 north, range 2 west of the
Willamette moridlan. Now. therefore, bv virtue
of said execution, judgment, ordor and' decree,
and in compliance with the commands of said
writ, i win, on nouaay, tne sin aay oi uece ru
ber, 1899, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore
noon of said day. at the front door of the countv
courthouse, In the city of St. Helens, said county
and state, sell, subject to repemqtion, at public
auction, to the highest bidder, for United States
gold coin, cash iu hand, all the right, title and
Interest which the above-named defendants, or
either of them, had,' in and to the foregoing
described premises, all in said county and state,
at the date of plaintiff s mortgage, or since had.
to satisfy said execution, judgment, order and
neoree, interest, costs ana an accruing: costs.
Bherl J of Columbia county, Oregon.
,.Are You Willing:.,
o-TO BUY-o j
Where you get the best value
for your money.
Have, as you all know, always kept a first-class line of general
merchandise, which they still propose to do. As to price they
are in a position to sell you goods cheap.
...Staple and Fancy Groceries...
Of the best quality, are always found at this popular
store.' Their prices are right.
" ;
To be effective must be
good and accurately prepared.
A full line of tablets,
choice writing paper,
school books, etc.
Da. Edwin Boss, Pkophietob. '
- i
f IOMNSOM Jj miDrnoDctTD none
w w w w mm w hfWIIUbrVIII BmBB, m I V?
- Manufacturers of and Dealers In o
...All Kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber...
Fl.orias;... Bn.tfe ... Ceiling
...Dltnenalon Lumber...
Mill on south fork of Scappooea creek, four
miles from Scappoose station.
Lumber delivered at Scappoose station or
juiinson s lanuing at fl.uu per ss, extra. At
Warren staUon, 1.60.
- - - OREGON
When you are in need of Hams, Bacon or Lard
remember that you can always secure the beat
article at the lowest price at this market.
...FreshJVleat Always on Hand...
: :
Special Bate Given on Order for Large
Quantities of Meat.
J. If. DART. Proprietor St- Helens. Oreeon
SrVP"V W V V V XF V yi aj1 y ayt y yt ag. ay aji ay jga jsi ayi bm
" H. MORGUS, Proprietor,
General Merchandise
Dry Good, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hots, Caps, Ladies' and Gent
Furnishing Goods. Children's wear, etc. A large invoice of Eubber
Boot just received. aFAll goods at Portland prices.
Our line of groceries, tobacco, cigars, candies, nuta, fruits, etc., ia
new and clean, in fact, our stock consists of strictly up-to-date goods. 4
faryy v v v1 y v v v v v yvw v v v v v v-v v
DR. J. E, HALL, Proprietor.
Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles Etc
We have a choice lot of one and two-vear-old
trees, such as Ben Pavie, Northern Spy, Bald
win Cvti'lnhnM an1 naaimnavr,;.
Will 9 motto Prima 0ne an two-year-old trees. Clone were obtained in
UlllalllCllC rlUIIC. prominent trait grower, and were cut from bearing tree
V V V W W iy tf gr-ay -ay aj. jl aj. y y. yTayayTay- mjt qpmf. aysj
AH kinds of Paint,
Painters' Supplies.
Oils, Brushes, and