The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, September 29, 1899, Image 3

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    oki:gon mist.
SEPTEMBER !, 1809.
Mm. II. B. Cllir vliltod Portland lust
Laritost stock and loweut prices at V.
li. uoiiimii's.
Harry Wont wi duwu from Buspjioose
last xwwiay.
Dr. M. K. Halt waa up from Kalnler
aiiusuay aiiurnoon.
J. It. E. Hourno, of lUlniur, waa on
our airuuia i uusiiay.
liiMirjte Muyger waa down from Port-
lanu l noway oveuiug.
For a oumplutn atock of uiercliandlae
call at Win. J I. Dolman'.
Thure loctiia to m hut two aeaaom in
Oregon A tigtist and hepUtuiber,
Mrs. A. J, Hubert and Mrs. Andrew
Huburt eut Monday In I'crtlaud.
J. G. I'lank waa attending to bualneaa
matter down the rivor on luuaday,
The county board of equalization will
meet at 1110 court nouae next MonOay,
Miaa Louli Wilaon.of Portland, visited
friend In thli eity a day or two tuts
Mra. Frank Dow and aona. of Oak
inland, were in town laat Haturday
Mr. and Mra. W. J. Muckle. of Rain
ier, were in town two daya of laat week
viaiting wiui relatives.
Home new plank have lieen added to
the floor of the McNulty ereek bridge,
on trio Hcappooae road.
Some alterationa are bains made in
the interior of the city moat market
wnu ii win auu 10 tua convenience of trie
Mr. Cliri V. Auderaon, of CJoble. waa
in the city on Tueaday in attendance
upon the hint Ice court in the case of
r timer vi. ku mark.
Mr. A. 8. Foster, of Portland, waa in
the city Wednesday attending to busi
ness and vlaiting hi nephew and niece,
Dr. aud Mrs. U. It. Cliff.
Rev. C. K. Phllbrook will hold ser
vices next Ntinday at Peria at 11 :00. a.
m.;al Yankton at 8:30 p.m., and at
Ht, Helens iu Uie evening.
Mr. and Mra. D. W. Price and child
ren, of Ncapiioooe, spent Saturday and
Sunday last visiting in this city, the
guette oi Mr. and Mra. J. ti. Watts.
Mr. VV. n. Buell, of Portland, came
down Monday and proceeded to Hunker
hill, where he went to adjust the ions on
the Catholic church, which burned
thure some time ago.
When your supply of printed station
ery Iswouioa exhausted, send in an order
to this olllcc, whuro beat quality of atock
and workmanship are fliriiinhed at
pricea consistent with such qualities.
After remaining in camp for nearly
three months, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Dol
man and other members of the family,
returned to thla city from liunkor hill
last week, bringing their camp outht.
Hereafter, instead of "rubbering" or
"rublterneckliig," the up-to-date slang
devotee must say "peninsulating," be
cause it uieana the same thing a long,
narrow neck extending out to (see) sea.
The Pt. Helens Sunday school vaca
tion enda this week and exercises will
begm promptly at 10:46 next Sunday
morning. All are welcome and earnestly
desired lo attend. M. 0. CiHAr, Super
intendent. Miss Willie Caples, who baa been
vihiting her parent at Columbia City
lor the t six weeks, left Monday
fur Wawatosa, Wisconsin, where she
assist her brother, Dr. B. M. Caples, in
a sanitarium.
This office tnrned out the posters a
tew days ago announcing a ball to be
given at hcappoose on October l:Uh,
under the auspices of Scappoea assem
bly of Artisans. Undoubtedly a most
enjoyable time will be had.
Mine Nora Dillard, who visited her
brother and his family at this place (or
six months past, started on Iter return
to Virginia last Monday. During her
stay iu this city Mies Dillard made
many warm friends who regret liur do
Watiiiltigtoii county farmer are very
much elated over the fact that the gov
tirnmernt ha recently purrhaaed 760
tons of timothy hay In that county,
tutting several thousand dollar in the
lands of the producers. Other large
purchase of hay are ex pecid.
The steamer Joseph Kellogg hung up
on a sunken pile in the Cowlitx river
lust Monday morning on her regular trip
out to Portland. Hhe soon ilTled with
water and sauk, bat the work of bulk
licadiug waa soon commenced and th
boat waa able to proceed to Portland
that night.
oatmaster Dolman on Tuesday re
ceived the tlrat book of new-style money
order, of which we gave a full descrip
tion week or two since. The olllce
has been without money order blanks
for some time, greatly to the inconven
ience of the public, but in future all
demands will be supplied.
Mr. and Mr. N. A. PerrV, of Houlton,
and Mrs. J. li. Watts, of Srappoose, re
turned last Friday morning frjm a
week's visit in the Grande Ronde valley,
in Eastern Oregon. Newton is very
much impressed with the appearance of
lUranue ana union ana says mat oust
ties in that vicinity ia very brisk.
A town, unlike a city, i no place to
foster jealousy and nourish contentions.
All should learn to know that whatever
will conduce to the welfare of a town
mi not injure her citixena. The dispo
sition made manifest by her citixen
point to her downfall or rise. Harmony
among the people of a community i as
necessary to their success as is air to
Nearly twenty members of the Trinity
church section of the Ladies' Auxiliary
of the Episcopal church of Portland,
came down to Ht. Helens Wednesday
morning to visit the members of the
church of this city and assist in making
preparations for the annual baxaar to be
given later in the season. The ladie of
the church Rave the visitors luncheon
in Maaonio hall, after which the Port
land contingent returned to Portland on
the Hassalo.
A passenger rate war la fairly on and
the transportation companies are throw
ing out inducements to the public
which make it cheaper to travol than
remain at home. The steamboat seem
to tie after the scalps of the railroad
people, putting the tare from Portland
to Astoria down to 50 cents, which rate
was met by the rsilroad. The steamer
Canby, on the Rainier-Portland run,
reduced the fare to 26 centa for the
round trip, while the Iralda, on the
same run, reduced the fare to 46 cents
one way. Competition is . the life of
trade, and the public accepts the new
condition with no misgiving, to be
The Methodist Episcopal conference
which was in session at Halem for about
one week, completed its labor last
Monday. The appointment of minis
ter to mi local oharge were made as
follow: At Ht. Helena, Kev. Donald
moijiuoniin ; at uiatskaiile, Kev. K. V
Smith, (returned) 1 at Rainier. Rav. A
0. Fairehlld. Rev. G. G. Haley was
vuv mj vrarreuton
Mr Il.uM ir.. .,.,.. .. ir..n
took passage on the Gatxert Tuesday
moruing for Astoria, where ha iolned
the crew of the steamer Jessie, and
sailed on Wednosday for the tishing
banks In the northern waters. The
Jessie la in command of Capt. A. A.
Henderson, and Mr. Henshaw ships
with an eaay berth, that of loir-keener.
How lung the voyage will last is not
xnown, nut at an evsnts the vessel,
with (lupt. Henderson a master and
Mr. Munsiiaw a minute noter, i in
competent nanus.
Considerable excitement prevailed for
a lew momenta laat Sunday evenlngat the
steamer lauding at this place, when a
passenger for the Bliaver was precipitated
to the water, caused by the foot plank
slipping from the wharf. The steatner
llwaco was lying next to th wharf and
it was necessary lor the Beaver's pan
senuers to nas over her nnner deck,
The gentleman was attempting to de
scend the plank, with a heavy grip in
his hand, when the plank slipped, and
all took an involuntary bath. Only a
couple of minute time was consumed
in rescuing ins uniortunst passenger,
deed fortunate that he was not killed.
A case in the lustice court here on
Tuesday was the cause of considerable
excitement among the law fraternity.
The Htate of Oregon waa plaintiff and
Ed Ulack, of Goble, was the defendant,
charged with assault and battery upon
tne person oi utirisiian a. feiuer. u
A. Hall appeared for the state and G,
W. Cole for the private prosecutor.
while Dillard & Day appeared for the
defendant. A jury trial waa hail, which
ultimately result! in the discharge of
tne uuienuam. ini jury reuiauieu out
all night and finally agreed to disagree,
four being for acquittaland two for con
viction. Upon motion of the deputy
prosecuting attorney uie case waa uis-
Senator McBride cam in from the
Dolman camD at Bunker bill laat Friz
day and on haturday continued to Port
land, where he went to attend to Im
portant business matters. The senator
stated that be expected to go to Wash
ington on important uueiness, wnicn
would necessitate an absence from this
state of three weeks, when be would
return to tins city to remain until about
the 26th of Novemlier. Senator Mc
liride ia much improved in health and
unless some unforsnen circumstance
takes place to impair his vitality, he
will be able to enter upon the discharge
of his olllcial duties in December with
f raster seal and energy than ever be
ore, notwithstanding the arduous tasks
he lias conquered heretofore.
A cord of string beans sound rather
exaggerative, but we feet justified in
saying there was almost a cord in the
lot of beans sent to this office laat Sat
urday by Mrs. Goea, who resides on the
lilakesley place, near Houlton. Not
from their number, particularly, but
from their lixe. we are prompted to
sneak. They were of the ''Caseknife"
variety, many ol them being an men
wide and twelve inches long. They
were brittle and juicy and added an im
portant feature to the Sunday dinner of
"ye editor' ana lamuy. Mr. jess
Hendricks, of Perls, also brought to
this olllce a few days ago sample of a
very large and delicious variety ol string
beans, something new in this vicinity,
which proves that any aud all varieties
of vegetation grow and mature in the
most perfect condition in tin county.
Mis Marguerite Longacre, of Port
land, at the fall examination only
recently held of the Chicago musi
cal college, waa the successful competi
tor among 318 contestants, for the free
scholarship offered by that institution
for vocal anility and talent. Miss Long
acre is a pupil of the college and poses
see an excellent voice, from the cultiva
tion of which her friends expect much
in the future. The competition In which
she successfully engaged waa confined
to her fellow students, who are from an
parts of the country, and was estab
lished by the college lor Uie purpose ot
encouragiug the development of musi
cal talent among them. In addition to
vocal music, Mia Longacre is taxing
the full course in elocution, physical
culture and instrumental music pro
vided by the college. Hiss Longacre la
well known in this county, having
taught school at different place here in
the past.
nnnrolltalile time to Mr. and Mrs. John
Gifmore, who reside near this city,
when fire consumed their dwelling
house, and it ws by considerable effort
that the sheds ana outnounes were
saved. The origin ot Uie fire is un
known, further than it started in th
kitchen, and it waa but a few minutes
until the whole building was enveloped
In flame. Mr. Gilmore was asleep in
the upper story of the house, and it was
with some difficulty that he escaped
uninjured on account of the feeble con
dition of hie health. The entire con
tents ol tne nouse wore aesiruyeu.
consisting of many valuable articles of
furniture, doming, oooas, uicji;,
some cash and many vaiuauie papers,
among them being some promissory
nntn St lirT sVAl ! Inir at thin late time in
life, ii a circumstance which Mr. aud
nrr. ran ill afford to bear.
There was some insurance on the prem
ises, the agont coming aown nstouu
dny to adjust the loss, which will be
sufficient to partly reimburse the elderly
couple. Had not friend happened to
be panning tnat way at tne uuio, wu
hastened to their assistance, the loss vaan BTtT. In all uroba-
bilityMr. Gilmore will be ablo tore-
build the house in the early spring
a i I At ..mIa mwlvaA In Astoria
A cnnufMi ui
on Tuesday, from Portland. They were
consigned to a firm of butchers. We
glean this news from the Astorian.
What Is the matter with Clatsopcounty T
Or with Tillamoos: ana omnium i
When the people down there get down
to the work and see to the supplying of
their own local wants, perhaps they
nnlaidn C&Illtal tO SO
in and help build up their city
and country.1' Salem Statesman. The
Statesman err in us mnwu
farmers of Columbia county, at least,
are endeavoring to supply the demand
for cattle, but, of course, cannot do it.
One reason to be aseigned for thistm
poseibility is the fact that for a period
of tlireo or four years recently, there
was no demand for beef cattle and farm-
i ,4;uwMirfiAil nt low rjrices.
The herds were allowed to diminish in
number until few, If any, oeei came
were to be found in thS county. For a
vear or two, demand ho been better
and prices very high, but a scarcity of
trood beef animals obtain. The fact of
the matter is, Columbia county is un
able to supply the demand for many
commodities, but what of them are to
bo had, command a high figure, spot
cash and gold standard dollars. More
attention ia being given by our takers
to stockraislng and in future will be
hotter able to meet the demand,
Will Pattullo, of Portland, spent Sun
day at Warren.
Mr. Gus Ostby was a Portland visitor
viie urn oi toe weex.
J. S. Baoon was attending to pusinees
iu jruraanu on jnunuay last.
Mr. George Vollens was a passenger
on ouuuay evening train lor Portland
Mr. Harry West spent a few day at
naisiu lasv wtwK auenuuig tne suite
Mr. D. Prioe and family spent Satur-
aay anu Huuuay with friends at Houl
Miaa l ull, Vralroa .a l.l,l l.l.
friend at Warren and Scappoose last
Mr. Kinmt Htavana and (lr. Vnina
of Kllmor farm, spent last Sunday at
Miss Anne Johnson and Mlaa Mollis
Cloniger drove to Portland on Sunday,
returning tne same evening.
Mr. Host, a prosperous farmer of
Clark countv. Wash., spent a couple of
uays at tne rattuno ranch till week.
... i.' . . .. ' . . . .
Tlr fl.u..l la anil T, TUr f Vmi.
laud, attended the assembly of Artisans
at Scappoose on Saturday evening last.
Miss Ella Bacon. Mis Laura Paxev.
Walter Collins and Dale Semple were
the guest of the Misses Maude and Mav
Slaven on Sunday last.
Mas Berg boast of the f wellest turn
out in Columbia county. He has re
cently purchased a three-seated carriage
aud a new set of harness.
The larire oil paintina- which waa raf
fled off at Scappoose this week waa won
by Mr. A. Stump, number forty-eight
being the winning number.
The Cudahy Packing Company's rep
resentative aud Closset fc Devers repre
sentative were doing business with
Merchant Price on Monday lost.
John Dow n in ir has purchased a horse
from the Liunton cannery which he is
now ureaxuig to unve in lit new miggy.
Now sirls. here is the chance of voiir
Mr. Henry Bartell. who 1 eneaired in
hauling wood to Johnson' landing, fell
from bis wagon last week, bruising his
arm to such an extent that he had to
take a lay off.
Max Ben. Mr. Jensen. Mr. Naeel.
Mi'. Pinnick and Mr. Larsen, with their
respective families, and Peter Anderson
spent Sunday with Mr. Tetx and family
in uutcn canyon.
Mr. Ed McFarlane went to Portland
on Saturday to attend a farewell dinner
party given at his mother' home, in
honor of Mis Flora Hobson, who leave
for California to spend the winter.
Louis Puxey. while riding hi broth
er's bicycle one evening laat week, col
lided with another biker, damaging the
borrowed wheel to such an extent that
it bad to lie sent to the shop for repairs.
Mr. E. M. Jones, traveling represent
ative for Burns, the photographer, of
Portland, baa been doing a land office
business in our vicinity, t or toe next
two month photo will be as numerous
as fliee.
John Bushman and John Spark Quit
the section last week and went to mak
ing: hav. but we understand that Sparks.
after working a couple of daya in the
nay neld, weut back to his old job of
tamping tie. Bushman 1 expected to
arrive later.
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage of Mis Ilattie Elizabeth Tomp
kins to Mr. Joseph Meserve, of Port
land, the ceremony to be performed at
the home of the bride's parent on Hun-
day, October 1st. .
Bills are out annonnclng a grand ball
to be given at Scappoose on Friday,
October 13, under Uie auspice of the
united Artisan assembly number 173.
First-class music will be furnished and
a pleasant time is assured ail. Tickets
with supper included, have been fixed
at $1.6. The following gentlemen com-
pose the committee: Messrs. Ostby,
Englert, Vanderinoat, Brown, Cham
ber and Fox.
Those who happened to be in the vi
cinity of the store at Scappoose a week
ago Monday evening, were treated to a
first-class rag chawing contest between
three vounir ladies and Jack Chambers.
Jack got his pedigree read In strictly
up-to-date style, mercy these young
ladies had none. They ripped Jack op
one side and down the other, much to
the amusement of the bystanders.
Chambers tried to get a word in edge
ways, but be might as well nave tried
to fly. All be could do was to say a few
cuss words under his breath and take
his medicine. When the young ladies
had finished with him be was a total
wreck. We understand from good
authority that Jack has worried so much
over the roasting be received that it
caused two of Job's comforters to ap
pear on each side of bis nose about the
site of an egg, which has made it im
possible for him to attend to hi work.
On Wednesday, October 4th, the
Pickering Concert Company, which, is
composed of some of Portland's best
known musician, will give a grand con
cert at Watts A Price' hall, at Scap
poose. Mr. Pickering himself is well
worth the price of admission. His vio
lin playing ha gained for him a wide
reputation and he ia acknowledged by
musicians to be one of the best com
poser on the coait. Mr. H. Battels Is
also well known and hi cello playing is
really remarkable. Mr. M. Seaman is
the piano player whom one must hear
to appreciate, and the other member
of the company are equally well known.
We nave bad the pleasure 01 nearuig
these gentlemen and can assure those
who attend that a treat ia in store for
them. Although not making a practice
of playing at cheap prices, Mr. Louis
Pickering, the advance agent, has been
prevailed upon to cut the price of ad
mission to 26 cents for adults and 15
centa for children, In order to give every
one a chance to attend. "
A Word to Mothers.
Unlk... nl xhtLlran affnxtait with
iUUVIIDI , M. .' -
croup or a severe cold need not hesitate
to administer Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It contains no opiate nor nar
cotic in any form and may be given as
.ftlaMl.( td flia haltfi aa in an atllllt.
The great success that has attended its
in the treatment 01 coins ana croup
Won for it tne approval anu pram 11
1 I .1 ....Un... . V. a T T tttirl
receiveu i.iirvuKiivui. v n.rc
States and in many foreign lands. For
ale by Dr. Edwin Ross.
.Ar..Aj1 with Hiarrlima fnt a lnnflr
A Duiioim. - - a
. ! a -HJ . U .... nl. , T mum rmat hmina annul
liiuio aim un'i'a " v " t""- -,"e "
I had spent much time and money and
suffered so much misery that I had al
most decided to give up all hopes of re
covery and await the result, but notie-
: the advertisement 01 jnamoeriaiu's
I n puIam n1 I liarrhma Rnmmiv
and also some testimonials stating how
. . 1. , 1 .
some wondenui cures naa ueeu wruugm
by tills remedy, I decided to t7 it.
After taking a few doses I was entirely
well of that trouble, and I wish to say
further to my readers and lenow suuer-
er tnat 1 am a naie anu nearly "
today and feel aa well aa I ever did in
my life. O. R. Moobe. Sold by Dr.
Edwin Ross.
The great success of Chamberlain'
Colic, Cholera and Diarrbota Remedy
in the treatment of bowel complaints
ha made it standard over the greater
part oi tne civilized world, ror sal by
ir. iKiwin noes.
8t. Hslbms, Oregon, Sep. 1, 1SW.
11 Board of Kquallration for Columbia coun
tv, Oregon, will niet In th Court Houm. In
ths ('Itv of St. Helena. Oregon, on Monrlav. Go
lobar J, WW, for His uuruoM of aqualUlnt th
tuiH'iwnient of 1WV. All olaluis for oorracUon
must be made balers US board.
Ameajor of Columbia County, Oregon,
County Tastmais'i orrica,
HT. Hn.IH. III.. Hen. S. IBM.
1' unpaid County Warrant of Columbia
i'Ouni.jr, ureion. wnicn Dave neon preaenuju
and eiiilomerl' "Sot Paid for Want of fuuda,"
prior to October lit. 1H. will be uaid man ure
eolation at tbla office. iDterext will not tie al
lowed after til In duM. K1IWIN ROHM.
al Treaauror of I'oluintil County, Oregon.
undenianed administrator of the aetata of
T. If. Taylor, deoeaaed. taal filed In th
County Court of tne Htate of Oregon, hi tine
account and petition for final distribution of
the realuue of aald attate, and that th Judge of
aio uunnaa aoponiiea ftionaay, in otn aay
of November. M09. at 1 o'clock V. M., and th
court room of laid Court. In 8t. Helena. In aald
County and Htate. aa the time and place for
Bearing ana aeuniur ins aaia account ana peti
tion for dlitrlbutloD, at which time and place
any peraon Interested In aald aatate may appear
and file written obieetlone to the allowance of
sua account ana tne granting oi aaia petition
n . .... Mjnni,
Admlnlitrator of the aetata of T. H. Tavlo.
andeniianed mutrdian of the aatate of John
Hendrlck, an Incompetent person, has filed In
the office of the oountv clerk of Columbia coun
ty, elate of Oregon. Ilia final account a such
guardian, and the Honorable County Judge of
una uoiunioia county, uregnn, naa appointed
Monday, the 16th day of October, UWI, at th
hour of 1 o'clock In the afternoon of aald day.
and the court room of tha county court botwa,
in the city of Hi. Helen. Oregon, a the time
and place for hearing aald final aoooant and
oojecuon wnica may d maae tnereto.
Guardian of th aetata ol John Hendricka. an
Incompetent penon.
iaiea, oi. neieu. vregon, aepfemoer 10, lew.
LiHD Orncg at OasaoK Ctry, Om.,
Sept. l'ith, iS9.
il following-named settler haa filed notice of
hi Intention to make final proof In supportof
nie claim, ano mat naio prooi win oe mane oe
fora the Rcgiiler and Keoelver, at Oregon City,
Oregon, on October 27U, 1M), vis:
Homestead entry , for the lot 1, and I, sec
tion 31, towuthlp4 north, range 4 west.
He name the following wltneme to prove hi
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of
mi Ki iann, via: Aiuen nciuniaiin. rrea oor
leicki, Herman Fullner and Oeori; at. Holt, all
Brauiinport, Oregon.
tliuJO CHA8. B. M00RE8, Keglater.
Land Ornca at Oaaooa City, Oi.,
Sept. Uth, 189.
following-named settler has filed notice of
her IntenUon to make flnal proof In support of
her claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the HegUter and Receiver, at Oregon City,
Oregon, on October tflh, law, vis:
Widow of Theodore Alsleben, deceased, home
stead entry No. VK77, for the lots I and 4, of sec
tion 30. and lot 1, ol section SI, township i north,
range 4 west.
Bhe names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and eulUvation
of said land, vis: Albert Hchmidlin, Fred Bor
iescki, Herman Fullner andtieorge It. Holt, all
of Br&unsport, Oregon.
26u'A) CH AS. B. M00RE8 Register.
Laxd Ornca at Oaaooa City, Ot.,
NSept. S, WB9.
following-named settler ha Bled notice of
her intention to make Anal proof In support of
ber claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Keginter and Receiver at Oregon City, Ore
goo, on October 21st, 18S, vU:
Homestead entry No. 11,441, for the east H of
northeast M. and east M of southeast of sec
tion So. tow iish Id 4 north, range 6 west. She
namea the following witnesses to prove her
continuous resiuenoe apou auo euitivauon 01
said land, vis: Robert Simpson, Adam Simp
son, William B. Lonsignont and Thomas J. Mc
Farland, allot Buxton, Oregon.
slSolS) ' CHA8. B. MOORE8. Register.
Lamp Ornca at Oaaooa City, Or ,
Sent. 6th, 1899.
following-named settler ha filed notice of
her Intention to make final proof lu supportof
her claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the Register and Receiver, at Oregou City,
Oregon, 00 October 21st, 1MN, vis:
Homestead antry No. 11,240, for the southeast X
of seotlou 26, towniditp 4 north, range S west.
Hhe names the following witnesses to prove her
eonUnuous residence upon, and cultivation of
said lana, vis: itooen Simpson, saw mmp
snu, William B. Lousignont and Thos. J. Mo
Farland, all of Buxton. Oregon.
Uo20 CHAtl. B. MOORE8, Register.
Notice for Publication.
TJhitid State I.isd Ornca,
OasoeH City, Or., August 29. ISM.
compliance with the provisions of the act
of congress of June S, 1878, enUUed "An act for
the sale ot timber lands in th State of Cali
fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri
tory," a extended to all the Fublie Land 8tates
by act of August 4, UV2, Kay E. Watts, of Ooble,
county of Columbia, State of Oregon, has this
day Bled in this otfloe her sworn statement No.
40W, for the purchase of the southeast ii of Mo
tion S, In township No. ft north, rang No. S west,
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more vsltisble for Its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim
to said land before th Register aud Receiver of
tbls office, at Oregon Cliy, Oregon, on Wednes
day, the 15th day of November, 199. She name
as witnesses: John M. Archibald, Charles Morel,
Emit Wesmr and George Morel, all of Ooble.
Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described lands are requested to
tile their claims in this nfllee on or before said
l.'wh day ot Novemlier, 18!.
sttnlO ( HAS. B. MOQKE8, Register.
In the Circuit Court of ths Bute of Oregon, for
Columbia County.
TsaaY E. Cos, Plaintiff,
vs. I Summons.
Hsu Cos, Defendant.
To Huu Cos, the above-named defendant.
You are hereby required to appear and ans
wer th complaint filed against yoa In th abov
entitled suit, on or before the 14th day of Octo
ber, 18U9, and if you fall so to answer, for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief demanded In the complaint: Which
ts for a decree of divorce against you upon th
J round of desertion. This iimmooi Is pub
lined by order of Honorable J. B. Doan, county
Judge, duly made and entered In the above-entitled
cause, dated August SHh, 1MW, and aald
order requires tills summons to be published
once a week for aix consecutive weeks in Ths
Ohsiioh Mist, one each week, the first publi
cation being September 1st, li.
Attorney for pialnUff
In tho Circuit Court for ths State ot Oregon, for
Columbia County.
Josam Ukkbasd Ahtom, Plaintiff,)
vs. BeastoMS.
CaaoLINS Amtosj, Defendant. )
To t'ASoUN Anton, th above-named de-
You are herebv rsualred to appear and ans
wer the complaint Hied against you in the
above-entitled Court and cause on or before the
17th day of October, 189S. which is six weeks
and four days after th 1st day of September,
1HU9, the date ordered for the nrst publication
of this notioe, and it you fall to so appear and
answer, the plslnUBT will apply for the relief
prayed tor In his complaint, towtt: Forade
uree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now
existing between above-named plaintiff and de
fendant, and for euoh other aud further relief
as to the court may seem meet aud lust, This
summons I published by an order of the Hon.
John A. Cleland, Judge of the above-named
court 'or Multuoraan county, made and entered
on the 2!ili day of Aiicust. 1899.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Mr. Georie Merrill, of Deer Island
is visiting friends ia this city this week,
Rev. Bmith attended the Methodist
Episcopal conference at Salem laat
The Misses Elliott, of Marshland and
Miss Carl, of Vesper, were in the city
Fred Watt and several other of our
citizen attended the state fair at Halem
laat week.
Mr. Euhralm Jolma i building a new
house on hi urooertv recently pur
chased from the isk estate.
Mr. Mill, who haa been visiting ber
relatives here, returned to ber borne at
Fresno, Uaiiloroia, riaay.
It I reported that Harvey Glen In
lands to build dwelling house on hi
lot on Main street this fall.
Mr. George Sutherland is building a
neat cottage on his presmises recently
purchased from VV. E. Conyer in this
Mr. John Jolma ia erecting: a new
store building on the county road lead
ing to uuincy ana near tne raiiroaa
The Finnish A nostles Lutheran church
society are building a neat church edi-
nce on tne lana recently ootaineu irom
airs. Kutter near town.
Our school owned laat Monday with
Prof. Wbitten. W. A. Hall and Miss
Tracy in charge and with about 100
scholars in attendance.
Mr. D. W. Freeman, of Fishbawk,
brouebt load of oats to this market
Thursday, where he found a ready sale
at a good price ail in gold coin.
Mr. Abe Myers' business ha in
creased to that extent that he find it
neoeeaary to become an expansionist
i t- , - -1 1 : i .1 : . : . l: i
auu is uuiuiiuK an auuisiuu w u,a janro
and commodious (tor room.
Mr. T. F. Butter won the first prize
at the wood sawing contest at Merrill's
ball Wednesday evening. Mrs. uee.
Mr. Batter. Mr. Haines. Mis Trithall
and Mia Berkeufelt were the contest
We ask for Information. What iaa
kissing bug? We have read of them,
but don't know anything of their pe
culiarities or characteristics. It is re-
Dorted that one was brought to this
place recently on a steamer and was
left at one of our leading hotels, but we
did not get to see it.
Laat Saturday afternoon the house oc
cupied by Mr. Charles Lee on Mehalem
avenue, caught fire and burned a targe
bole on the root, rne ore nen sonnueu
the alarm and the people turned out
with bucket. The fire company was
on band shortly, and in one and one-half
minute from tne time tne alarm teii
sounded, the company turned a stream
of water on the flames, soon extinguish
ing them. The damage waa not great
from the fire, but the house and eon
tent were deluged with water. The
boy of the fire department deserve
great praise for their coolness and effi
ciency in the midst of excitement.
Ten woodchopnen wanted immediately to cat
hardwood : (1.00 ner cord. Aobly to J. U. Plan.
St. Helena, Oregon.
We will nay 112 a week salary ts either a man
or a woman to represent the Midland Monthly
Magtslne as subscription solicitor. The Mid
land Is the same size as McClurea or the Cosmo
politan. It is now In Its sixth year, and is the
only magazine of this kind published In the
great Central West. A handsome premium
given to each subscriber. Send 10 cents for a
copy of the Midland and premium list to the
TwenUeth Century Publishing Co., St. Louis, Mo.
Skin Diseases.
For the speed v and permanent cure of
tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham
berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is
without an equal. It relieves the itch
ing and smarting almost instantly and
its continued use effects a permanent
cure. It also cares itch, barber's itch,
scald head, sore nipples. Itching; piles,
chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and
granulated Has. -
Dr. CioV Condition Powders for
horse are the best tonic, blood purifier
and vermifuge. Price, 25 cents. Sold by
Dr. Edwin Boa.
V AfiTrllTm I T V
Mrs. M.J. Scott Proprietress
A Strictly Prst-Class House. A
Home for Commercial Travelers
and the Public. Board and Lodg
ing at Most Reasonable Rates.
. r
For Care of Patron's Horses. jsa
Expert :-: Barber
None but purest chemical used in wash
ing anu cleansing uie lace.
Get a Hot Towel on Your Face
Usual price for work.
SOm. a?rrn, vi.
If you want something. Rood In the
line of whisky try
Only ths best of
Lienors and Ciaars Kept in Stock
Pool and Card Table for the use
of fatroua. Courteous treatment.
(Betw) th tw Hotel.)
""St. Helens
We Have Everything You Want
in the Line of
Our Price are Bight!
Z you buy or not.
afc show good
Loggers' Outfits. Logging Gamps Supplied
....St. Helens Meat Market.... g
....J. H. DART, Prop g
Fresh Meats, Sausage, Hams, Bacon, Lard
Bacon, Lard and Hams Sold war Down. Special Rates
Given on Orders for Large Quantities of Meat.
r0 o cow
o Manufacturers of and Dealers In o
...All Kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber...
4 ri..rlia;... Baatie ...C.lllnsj
(1 auo
( l-Hsaiber...
11 Tllf iftl
.....Carries a Large Assortment ol.....
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats Caps Dresses, Etc
Out line of groceries, tobacco, cigars, candies, nuts, fruits, etc., is
new and clean, tn fact, oar entire stock consist oi Btrictly up-to-date
goods, which we invite the public to inspect. Portland prices lor floods.
H H. MORQUS, Proprietor, .
N St Helens, Oregon Harris' Old Stand M
STV -------- -
I fJTJf TJ FpTJTjrjfl W hav6 choice lot xA one and two-year-old
II r r JjK In (113 trees, such as Ben Davis, Northern Spy, Bald-
win, Spitzenberg and Gravenstein,
Ulr 11 mfiAA Driinn One and two-year-old tree. Hons were obtained Irom a
YlillaillbllC rrUilC. prominent fruit grower, and were cut from bearing trees. '
Front & Morrison Sts, Portland
Under New Management
ISO Booms at 25 Cents to 50 Cents.
tiuite75 Cents to f 1.00.
Elevator, Electric Lights and Bells,
and all Modern Conveniences.
Free Bus Meets all Boats
and Trains.
Restaurant Connec eHviiiEoel
Oregon Telephone 290.
Columbia Telephone 27.
k'VVV 'VtV''Vly'tV1
Home-Halle Bread, Pies Cates, Dongtats-Lnnches, 10 cents Dp.
also a Stock of Notions and Coufectiouery
For Catalogue, address
Or W. A. WANN, Secretary of faculty.
Popular Store.... j
Come and Bee us, whether 3
We are pleased to
and give prices. 5
ooooo o oo
Mill on aouth fork of Scappoose ereek.four
miles from Keappoose sution.
Lumber delivered at Mcappome slstton or
Johnson's landing at ll.W) per M, extra. At
narren auiuon. i.w.
- - - OKKGON
r aaf mwm a W ' C 3
li "America"
M Willamett Slongh Route M
Leave SL Helens....
Arrive at Portland . . .
Leave Portland .
Arrive at St. Helens..
7:00 A M
10:30 A M
. 2:30 P M
6:00 P M
Will Carry nothing but Passen
gers and Fast Freight.
SL !
State Normal School
Training School for Teachers. New Build
ings, revr iiepartmenis, ungraded
Country Hchool Work.
,...Gradvat0t 5cr 6aaf Pet 'rtit..
Strong Courses, Well Coninped Training
department, normal uouraequtcaes
and best way to Mat Certificate.
Expenses for year from 1120 tn I1MK or
Doara sz-.-wi w SA-tJU per weea. lait
ion St.25 for term of ten weeks.
Fall farm bgin Spt. 19th. Summtr
Urm Jun ST f Sept: t.