"For the Safte of Fan Mischief is Done.' A vast amount of mischief is done, too, because people neglect to keep their blood part. & appears to eruptions, dyspepsia, indigestion, nervousness, kidney diseases, and other aSments. Hood" s Sarsaparilla tares S diseases promoted by impure Hood or lent state of the system. 3(ccd SaUapaiiHt Gunnison, Utah, expects to" have beet sugar factory by another Tear. THOUSANDS WERE THERE. It YTn m Bias af Brilliancy, anal Stela, bach Conaratalated. ' One of the event of the season was the recent grand opening ot A, B. Stein bach & Co. 'a new oluthing (tore, corner of Fourth and Morrison streets, Pott land. It was a scene of splendor and 1 5, 000 pleased people Inspected it. The new store la large and roomy, light and try, and Ha elegant oaken counters re piled hieh with a fresh, latest-style stock of men's and lioya' clothing and famishing gooda. Everything sold at Mr. Bteinbach'i store ia always known to be durable and first-class in every respect If you drop the firm a line they will send you free samples of suitings and rules for self-measurement, so that you can order clothing that will fit psrfectly and be equal to custom-made, at leady-made prices. In boys' clothing, the firm excels, especially in f 5 special school suits. Visitors to Portland are cordially in Tited to call at the Bteinbacb store and make themselves at borne Ara Tom Going; Eat IT a If so, yon should see that yonr ticket reads via the Great Bock Island route, and you will get the best. Pullman palaoe sleeping cars, elegant reclining chair can "free," and library buffet cars on all through trains. Best dining car service in the world. Popu lar personally conduoted excursions once a week to all points East. Fur full particulars call on or address any ticket agent, or A. E. COOPER, G. A P. D., O. B. I. & P. By., 246 Washington street, Portland, Or." Kansas City boasts a Isdy switch tender. Schillings Best Japan Ctylosy English Breakfast Oolong Ideal Blend Tea The railroad coal mines in the Pitts bnrg district are being operated to. their fullest capacity. Operators in some parts of the field are oomplaining of scarcity of- cars and also a lack of. men. One of the largest operators iu the district said that from present in dications the tonnage of the northwest shipped over the lake this season will reach 6,000,000 tons. The shipment last season amounted to about 4,500,-' ooo. L Llka tha Admiral. Mrs. Stnbb John, is that yon com ing home at such au unearthly hour? Mr. Stnbb Yes, M-Maria; the club had a little D-Dewey toast tonight. "Well, you remind me of Dewey." "In w-what way, M-Maria?" - "A long time coming home." Chi cago Evening News. . " A committee of iron moulders called on Governor Mount, of Indiana, and protested against the employment of paroled prisoners from the reformatory in foundry in Louisville. In Baltimore considerable interest has been aronaed by the statement of the city register that when the board of estimates fixes the tax rate for next year be will vote to reduce it fiom the present figure to $1.76. Something- Ua Didn't nave. Hicks I bear that Klinkard hat palled up stakes and gone to the mountains. Wicks Gone for his health, I sup pose? "No; as I bear it, be baa gone on account ot nut having any health." Boston Transcript. An Excellent Combination. Tha pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Sthuf or Flos, manufactured by the Camfokhia Fio Syrup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting1 them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting? on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating' them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the CALiroBHiA Fie Syrup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Ml FBAjroISOO. CAC we nrwrajJi t. snrw Toms. ar. T. sais )y all Drag!, Prlo CO, per bottl r ALONG THE COAST. Itaaa ef CSanaral Intara. tllee.ed t'ront the Thrl.tna; 1'aolBa State. Ta Heart f Interior. Plats were tiled Monday at the land office by the O. R. & N. for SO miles ol right of way along the middle fork of the Clearwater from Kamiah. says the LewUton Tribune. This right of way was purchased some months ago by tho company at a time when the big railroad fight began. For many yeara it was considered that the middle fork of the Clearwatei provided the only approach to the pass through the Bitter Koots, and when the Northern Pacifio ileclaied its intention of building the Butte cut-off. it ia said the O. R. N. hastened to appropriate the right of way along the middle fork. Another explanation ot this move on tho part of the Oiegon company is tnat the Bur lington line has intentions of soon ex tending its lilies west from Billings, Mont., snd that the O. R. & N. has se cuied the light of way leading into the heart of the interior Clearwater oouu tiy, and will perhaps remain contented with the possession until the further development of that region justifies the construction of a road there. I'haeee Oatlaak. P. Mi-lutoeh, of Tillamook, who manufactures more cheese than other any wan in the Northwest, speaking of the outlook in Tillamook countT for a lartte pruduutlon ol cheese, says: "The spring and summer this year were not especially good, as the rains continued so late and the weather so cold that the grass was not given a chance to grow. August rains have had the opposite effect, and the fall pioimses well. The fall grass bad already attained a good growth at the time that ia usually the driest of the year, and it shows in the increased production of milk. Every thing points to the probability of a good fall. Prices will lie good or even better than in some time past, as there is a shortage in Eastern states, and the cheese imported will come at a high figuie. It now looks as though theie will be a good advance between now and January." Maker Ctljr'e Profr.... The Citizens' bank building is pro gressing favorably. The bank will cost ia the vicinity of (20,000, and the work will be pushed rapidly. Toe en tire edifice ia expected to be completed bv January I, 1900. Almost another -'0,000 is going into a handsome build ing which will he of buck, namely. the N. C. Haskell structure. And still another, only four blocks from the Citi- na' bank, where the foundation for the Houston five-story hotel and opera house is laid. A Ktw Asbaetoe Find. A vain nf nalwwtna hfl. l-Afln disCGV- ered in Idaho county, Idaho, which is MMiriftl a. Vutino nf tlia warv finest quality and has a market value of 60 cents a pound. With all the big tliint. in that eewtinn of flmintrv an asbestos mine is not amiss aud will add to the wealth ol the state. 4. Frotprtitlv Shipyard. C. G. White, of California, has been in Everett, Wah., for the past week tiying to make arrangements for the establishment of a shipyard. He saja he has contracts in sight valued at about (200,000 already. He wishes to have a free site and a subsidy of $260, 000. Fort fttevena Railroad. Tha anthnritiea nf Fort Stevens bave received permission to proceed with the construction 01 a line 01 ranioau R00 feet in lenuth. to connect with the line of the Astoria & Columbia Kiver railroad. Contracts aggregating (80.-- 000 have been let lor wore at rori Stevens. Stona Powder Magaslaa. TV. 1 n. I. u Ua.ilv.p. nnmnanir if Snmpter. will let a contract to John maun lor trie construction 01 a atone powder magazine. J. W. Crowden will eiect a tnree-story rooming nonse which, with other improvements, will cost about (5,000. A Heavy Ordar. An otder for 400,000 cases for a '.iget sound cannery has been'received :y the Pacific Sheet Metal Works of Astoria. The present indications are that the factoiy will run full time for the next two months at least. Pari Be Caaat Chat. Eight ships will be necessary to carry the salmon catcb of British Co lumbia to Europe. Officers of Whatcom, Wash., are ar resting saloon keepers of tbat place for violating tbe Sunday-closing ordinance. About (800 is being expended in the gymnasium and baths of the Seattle Y. M. C. A. A large amount of fruit is being placed in cold storage for the Walla Walla frnit fair. The university of Washington, at Seattle, opened its fall year with a largely increased attendance. Hobos held np two pasengers on a freight tiain at Selahin, Yakima coun ty. Wash., the other day, while tbe train crew was at dinner. From one tliey secured a watch. The other had (100 concealed in his shoes, which tbe bandits did not discover. Moran Bros., of Seattle, received a check for (75,000 from Uncle Sam, Friday, in part payment for their fit ting out of our transports which earned horses and supplies to Manila from tbe Sound. Governor Rogers, of Washington, has received a letter from a lady in Clallam county, informing him of the first birth of triplets in that county, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Seely being the patents. Tbe children aie two girls and a hoy, and tho governor is asked to name the liov. The natural oyster beds at famish bay, Puget sound, are being destroyed by lack of attention and the star fish, and unless something is done for them toon they will become woithless. The steamer City of Seattle has se cured tbe contract for cairying tbe malls between the Sound and Skagway, Aliska, and will make three trips pur month. The bell at Point-no-Point, a little timbered snndspit south of Port Towu iend, on the Sound, which has hereto foie warned mariners in a fog, has been replaced by a deep-voiced fog whistle. FINANCIAL SKY IS CLEAR. Ke lUiqiilellng Change A (Tacts General Ittialne.a. R. G. Dun & Oo.'s weekly isvlaw of trade says: Tbe sky is still cloudless and no dis quieting change has mine during the week. In spite of mote warlike news about South Africa, the bank of Eng land behaves aa if the worst possible bad been fully provided for, and this country has no reason to (ear tiouble from that source unless English mar kets have boon so overloaded as to nead help. The marketing ot domestic pro ducts, both farm and manufactured, continues surprisingly large for tha season. The new possessions, taken together, aie returning in revenue al ready more than it costs to clean and govern them. The West and South still behave as if it would ba inipaitl nent for New York to offer money for orop moving, and aie still bidding tor commercial loans here. Failures ara few and at likes scare and readily set tled, and the passage ot September 4 without presBuie means reasonable safety for months ahead. After a sharp decline wheat lias risen ti cent this week, with Atlantic ex ports 8,900,966 bushels, Hour included, against 8.325,100 bushels last year, and Faciflo exports, 864,830 bushels, against 163,193 bushels last year. Corn has also taken a stait upward, rising of a rent with exports of 3,061,560 bushels, against 8,431,085 bushels last year. The wool market is much less aotive than ot late, with sales of only 9,965, 800 pounds at the chief markets, most ly territory, and while prices are stiff, manufacturers are buying ouly for im mediate needs. Failures foi the week have been 138 in tbe United States, against 164 last year, and 30 in Canada, against 16 last year. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla, 5859o: Valley, 60($6ic; Bluestem. 6O&6I0 per bushel. Flour Beet grades. (3.85; graham, (3.65; superfine, (3.15 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 87I40c choice gray, 36(g37o per bushel. Barley Feed barley, (lOtglT, brewing, (18.50 per ton. Mi Usui da Bran, (17 per ton; mid dlings, (33; shorts, (18; chop, (16.00 per ton. Hay Timothy, (8(99: clover. (7 (88; Oregon wild bay, (6 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 4550o; seconds, 85 (3 40c; dairy, 8035o; store, 833370. Eggs 1818JsC per dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 13o; Young America, 18o; new oheeae, 10c per pound. . Poultry Chickens, mixed, (3. 60O 4. 60 per dozen; bens, (5.50; springs, (3.3583.50; geese, (S8.50 for old, 14. fO (3 8. 60 for young; docks, (4.609 5.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 13(i 13 Sc per pound. Potatoes 65 70c per sack; sweets, 83Jc per pound. Vegetables Beets, (1; turnips, 90o per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab bage, l)4'3c per pound; cauli flower, 7 60 per dozen; parsnips, (1 beans. 606c per pound; celery, 70(9 75c per dozen; cucumbers, 60c per box; peas, 3 (3 4c per pound; tomatoes, 45 (3 50c per box; green Corn, lJ)(gl5a per dozen. Hops 11(81 3o; 1897 crop, 4 60. Wool Valley, 1213o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 813c; mohair, 37 3Uc per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 3c; dressed mutton, 6,(3 7c; Iambs, 84c per lb. Hogs (irons, choice heavy, (5.00; light and feeders, (4.60; dressed, (6.00 0.50 per 100 pounds. . Beef Gross, top steers, 8.60(3(4.00; cows, (3.00(33.60; dressed beef, 67J4'c per pound. Veal Large, small, 8(3 8Kc per pound. Saattla Market.. Onions, new, (1.60 1.05 per saok. Potatoes, new, 90c(l Beets, per sack, (1 10. Turnip's, per sack, 750. Carrots, per sack, 90c. Parsnips, per sack, (1(31.75. Cauliflower, 76c per do. Cabbage, native and California (1 1.85 per 100 pounds. Cherries, 75c(l. Peaches, 75 g 90c. Apples. (1.85(3 1.75 per box. Pears, (1.75 (8 2 per box. Prunes, ( 1 per dox. Watermelons, $1(32.50. Cantaloupes, 60o(l. Butter Creamery, 36c per pound; dairy 17820c ranch, 13.0170 per lb. Eggs, 26c Cheese Native, 18 13c. Poultry 13d 14c; dressed, 16)c. Hay Puget Sound timothy, (7(39; choice Eastern Washington tim othy, (14.00. Corn Whole. (83.60; cracked, (28; feed meal, (23.00. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton (81; whole, (23. Flour Patent, per barrel, (3.60; blended etraiithts, (3.86; California (8.25; buckwheat flour, (3.60; grabam, per barrel, (3.60; whole wheat flour, (3; rye flour, (3.75. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, (16; shorts, per ton, (16. Feed Chopped feed, (30.60 per ton; middlings, per ton, (83; oil cake meal, per ton, (35. Saa Fraaelseo Markat. Wool Spring Nevada, 12 14c per pound; Oregon, Eastern, 10(3 14o; Val ley, 1719c; Northern, 810c. Onions Yellow, 7585o per sack. Butter Fancy creamery, 85 26c; do seconds, wxwuw, fancy uairy, 23(3830 do seconds, 1831e per pound. Eggs Store, 202io; fancy ranoh, 87931c, Hops 1899 crop. 10 13c per pound. Citrus Frnit Oranges, Valencia, (2.7598.85; Mexican limes, (4 9 5.00; California lemons, 76c9(1.60; do choice, (1.7692.00 per box. Hay Wheat, (8M9; wheat and oat, (68; best barley, (55.09 7: alfalfa, 6.0097 per ton; straw, 309 86c per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, 60 9 60c; Oregon Burkanks. (1.25(1.60; river Burbanks, 60 9 70o; Salinas Burbanks, (1.00 91.25 per sack. Trepical fruits Bananas, (1.609 8.60 per buncb; pineapples, (39 4.00; Persian dates, 9IKa SUFFERED 25 YEARS, m AT tf r' ",'i ji7taf9 rfaf Congressman Kotktn, et WlnAold, Kamas. In a recent letter to Dr. Ilartman Congiessmau Uotkin says: "My Dear Doctor It gives mo pleas ura to certify to the excellent curative qualities of your uiedioinea Pe-ru-na and Man-a-lin. I have been afflicted tnoie or less for a quarter ot a century with catarrh of the stomach and con itipation. A residence in Washington has increased these troubles. A few bottles ot your medicine bave given me almost complete relief, and 1 am sur that a continuation of thetn will effect a permanent ouie. Pe-ru-na is surely a wonderful remedy for catarrhal affeo tions. J. D. BOTKIN." The most common fotui ot summer catarrh is catarih of the s'to'iiach. This is generally known as dyspepsia. Congressman Botkin was a victim of this disease 85 years. Pe-ru-na cures these cases like uitigio. Address Dr. Hartmau, Columbus, O., for a free book. The microbes that cause chills and lever and malaiia enter the sys tem through mucous mombianes mado porous by catairh. Pe-ru-na heals the mucous membranes and prevents tho entrance ot malarial geims, thus preventing and curing these affections. Three liens belonging to Dr. Shaw, ot Russellville, Ky.. aie high flyers. They recently ascended 200 feet in the air iu pursuit of a hawk. When the noon whietloa blow they quit scratch ing gravel and hasten home to dinner. I believe my prompt use of Ti'o's Cure prevented quick consumption. Mrs. I.ucy Wallace, Marquette, Kaus.. Dec 12, '0i. There has been considerable increase in the wages of iion moulders all over the United States. In general, the inoreaae has reached 10 per cent Vegetarians have eleatei comp'ex ions than people who eat animal lood. Cleveland meat cutters and paokers demanded an advance of 25 cents pel day. The advance conceded them, ac cording to the company, amounts to about 17 cents a day. Jerome K. Jerome takes his vaca tions on a farm, where be becomes one of the day laborers. He has studied agriculture both from a theoretical and practical point of view and expects to establish a model farm of his own next summer. Back up a sewer, and you poison the whole neighborhood. Clog up liver and bowels, and your stomach is full of undigested food, which sours and ferments, like garbage in a swill-barrel. That's the first step to untold misery indigestion, foul gases, headache, furred tongue, bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that is horrible and nauseating. CASCARETS quietly, positively stop fermentation in the stomach, make the liver lively, tone up the bowels, set the whole machinery going and keep it in order. Don't hesitate! Take Cascarets to-day and be saved from suffering 1 at II VI MM -aa I f i at- " . N- W W i a-t'e THIS is it..- TTJF TAUT FT at A at av liyifl iwateaai n CASCARETS are abtolttely harmless, s surely v.rttible eempoasd. BT mereurud ar ererr disorder! th Stomach, liver and lateitlne. They not only ear eonttlaattoa, Pleasant paUUble, potent. Tatt good, do good. Htver tickea weakea or grip. Be to-day. and U aot pleased la vry retpect, get yor money back I Writ as for bookUt sad MACHINERY. ALL KINDS ...TATUM BOWEN... 29 I 38 First Street rORTLANO OR. DB. MABTtl'S BOOK, lief for Women" frfmt fret, In pln,itJfw1 eo relet, Wpft Ur muiX JwUmommU of Utt. mki h.v X-aAty itir mm mmc . ooniati uijh i artiv - iFrench Femala Pills. Prlstfrl hv Ihmsatvtiria nf lutlsflftrl tsullss &f; JwstTiritbli Aiid wittioutu r'UAl. Hold bTBlfdrUntiiria'Siyi meUi box, rrHUiia. TU4W on vup in map, v uiuj tnu ni. ims o oinsri Vtunh Drug Co., mi au ti u. Vw-n Ci' ir KJPENSior. In SICKFuRo. Wathlnglon. 0. C. ttn-y vi 111 ri--1 1 celve quick repliet. H. Alh N. II. Volt. Staff 20lb Corp. I'roiecutliig claim, ilnco 1878, i 4 Beet Cough arrup. Ttnuie Ociia. TJee t,J In lime. iM brOruetln". ffV 9twjMiri jfnAA,-!S aP"0l'!!!"lm-is. Rupture ill fisf UlllS. I'l I Vj-.wv-' -i7w- i : ; ud !. Old Ballefa Kevlvadi The colored people of Chattanooga, Tenn., and vlcnity have Inaugurated the ancient voodoo dancs and the en tire negro community has gone wild on the snbjeot. They congregated from as far as Alabama and Missis sippi to participate in tha weird exor cise and worship. The oily Is full of excited colored people, drown there by the news which has gone forth. Tbe other night several bundled ot the ne groes danced to tha aoconipanliiient of tom-toms and other like Instruments. The applicants for membership In the hand take their seats in tha mid dle of dark room. There they wait until a vision Is seen and they immed iately aiiae and relate it. If the dream la hoirible enough and suits the look-eia-on tha neg'io is admitted into fel lowship and atonoe begins his dance with the others. The voodoo worship has assumed such alarming propor tions that the attention of local offl oers of the law has been called to It, nd a stop will probably he put to it befoie another dance takes place. HOW TO TRAVEL. Ia forma tloa fur tha l'ublle. In seleollitB vour touts to the East you cannot afford to overlook the ad vantages and comforts offered by tha llio Urande Western Railway in coll ection with the Denver A Uio Urande and Colorado Midland railroads. It is lliaonlv transcontinental line Massing directly through Salt Lake City, and in addition to the glimpse It afTonls ol the Templu city, tbe Ortat Salt Lake, the salt palace, and tha picturesque Utah valley, It offeia choice of six dis tinct routes to tha East and the most magnificent scenery in the world. A double daily traiu service and through Pullman nalace and ordinary sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and a uerfect dlniim car service are now in operation via these lines. For pamphlets descriptive ol the "Gieat Salt Lake Iioutr," apply to J. D. Mansfield, general agent, 263 Wash ington street, Poitland, Or. Imnra.an Train SCqulnmaal. The O. R. A N. and Oregon Short Line have added a buffet, smoking and library car to their Portland-Chicago through train, and a dining car service has been inaiignarated. The train Is equipped with the latest chair cars, day coaches and luxurious fiist-claaa and ordinary sleepais. Diieot connea tiou made at Granger with Union Pa cifio, and at Ogden with Kio Urande line, from all points in Oiegon, nasb initton and Idaho to all Eaatein cities. For information, rates, etc., oall on any O. It. & N. agent, or address W. II. Hurlburt, General Passenger Agent, Portland. About 10,000.000 feet ol birch wood will be sent this year fiom Maine to England and Scotland for spools. Belgium exports 8.200,000 dressed rabbits yearly to England. They weigh from six to eight pounds apiece and tha rabbit crop soils for (1.170,000 on tbe aveiage. English barb-wire manufacturers having reduoed prices, while American goods have advanced, hope to be able to compete In South Africa with what has heretofore been almost an Ameri can monopoly. OULT I er.t. , ROBUST AND STRONG. Bach person It th contunt envy of the weak, pervout person ot the imrton with thin. Impure blood. The way to build up health It thiough the blood. Moore's Revealed Remedy Make lmi.urs blood purs. It nreatet a gnd appetite and axlttt dlgctlion. 11.00 per butlle at your drugglste. YOUNG MEN! Ynr Ortii'irTha and OI frt Vnbtt'w Okay fpcn. II la t)i ONLY mtJillt uia witrh will cura wh antl avarf eaaa. HO CaHfc known (I haa evx ftl)ri) to eura, no mattar how aTtotia or of how long MAwi'lInf, Kanlt4 from it dm will MtftnUSi Jon, It la altKilut)f tttfa. prewf-nW atilntura, and cm ba lakan without I neon. nlnra and rtrtntlim from bualnttM, I'ltU 'K, S 00. r'isf ale y all rallalila dniirnirta. or arniprapaul by aapfaaa, biaiulf wrapuad, on rtoni ut of pHna, ht TV tthTCUtgiOAfcOOegOhloOsllt Circular ma! Aomnyut. ilRTER'S Drill Is scientifically compounded of the beat materials. treated trlerr IllW tl I t anil contlilrntltl. Iv. CwrueMtiMi MlMUt. H. W00Uha A CO., 101 fee' It., P IUal. Sit SSS ANNUAL 8ALE3. 5.000.000 BOXES. p.t sr v what It Manns. In one of tha suburbs of Phlladel nhla there is a school principal who is a very kindly man. Us is noted par tioulaily for Ills lova of animals, and he never negleots an oppoitunliy to leottire his young charges on ins pet hobby. ,. , . Ths other day he told them an anout .lwlaA.ill,in ail ,1 linw. In tha name of solenoe, It entailed untold suffering upon dumb animals. At the end ot his discussion, In order to make sura that his words had been fully understood, he asked: "Now tell ms what vivisection means," "Wease, sir," answered one of lbs boys, "it meiins trying It on the dog." Judge. ' Nllll Mora tlouiit.rf.lllnt. im. U....W.. uw1km Ima tu.t ti iinartliBtt aiintlirr band of eonnlerfi'liern aud neeured a tiimiitltv of boKtu hills, which are vsry cleverly executed. Tilings ol iireut value arealwava si-lecicd lor Imitation, uolubly Hosteller s ntonmi'n iinmra, anion na. inuiiv Imitators but no f(iml for (Unorder like 'Indigostlon, dyspcpula and ooiistlpa lion. A neuro convict ill an Australian fall was conveyed to a Vienna hospital and there experimented upon with ler.tiluity for four months. At tin end of that time he was so bleached that he would pass for a alitto man, SHAKB IMTO YOUK SIIOKS Allen's Koot-Kase, a powder for the fast, It euros nalnful. swollen. miirtlllK. nerv ous feet, and Instantly lakes the sting out ofenriutand bunions. It's the grimiest comfort discovery of the age. Aliens foot Kino ninko. tight or new shoes feel easy. It u a fi-titlii runt fitr Iiitrrnwhtir Nulla. sweatitiff, callous and hoi, tired, aching fret. We have over .KI.uiiO lemimoiilnls. Trv it iwmy. Hold by all driiKKiala and aliiie stores. Hv mail for '.'.Vi In stamps. Trial package f'KKK. Address, Allen 8. Olmstml, l. Roy, N. Y. Tha hiuvarii at Port BlakelaV. Wash., has enough work on bund to keep It busy for a year to come. DCAFNKSS CANNOT SI CUBED By local eiillratlina. as Ihojr cannot reach ths dlwaxad porilun ol I ha r. Thar It only ons way to oure uVaiiiMn. ami that It by miilliu- ilonal ronifllet. ixalixw Is eauaxl tr an la mr,l conillilun ul Ilia tmirou, llnlnc ol tli Su.tai'blaa Tube, wnan in it tuna gait in vmt liava a rumbtluf tomtit or tinner Iri-t hearing, ami when II la entirely clnaad 4Iiin la ili issuli, and unlaaa Ilia Intlanima Hun ran U taktm mil ami Ililt liilm m.l .rt.l to Iu nurmalromlltlon, hearing wlllbedesimrail lurevrr; nliiaeaMt out ot la ata caused lit catarrh, which la nothing bul an InUameJ eoinllilonol ihemuemitsiirlai-e. HamWa One HiinilreU iHillara lor any CtMiol Pi'eineecaued by catarrh) that can nul tie eurrd by Hell's Catarrh Cure. Baud lor Bold by nrusl,tt,7M lieU'i Fatally Fills are the hast. It Is said that every ton of coal mined in England pays 18 cents as roy alty to support the Church of Eng land, whether the owner ot tha mine or the workers in it ever enter parish church or nu It Is snld that the productive capacity of lahoi-saviiiB machinery at the pies- ent time Is equal to a hand working population ot 400,000.000. The total number ol women over 18 years old employed in the factmlus and workshops of the British islands is about 600,000. The therapeutic value of liquid air is very gieat. It is said to be a cure fur diphtheria, cancer and other germ diseases, deatroying the bacilli by spraying. The intense oold makes oi ganic life iintossible. tnacli bro. lor ob th.w mra I rr CO' after I was Ind.eed to try CASOA- BK rs, I will never ba without (hem In lb houea. My liver was la very bad ehepe, and my baad ached and I had turaiach trou ble. Now. aloe taking Caaeereta, I feel da. My wife h alto need them with ben Dole! reeull for tour stomach " j. it. Kasnuwo, K1 Congrea St.. St. Levis, ItO. tOc 1 ibi r ether mineral tin-polioa la Catearsts. Csturstt sremptly, tetlvsly and eermaMatly hut correct aay and vryfona ot Irregularity ol th owlt, lacludlag dlarrbo)4dyeatry. sur yos get ths genalne I Bewsr el Imitations and substitutes I Buy a boi of CASCARITS lr aampl I Addrea ITBHLIKO RBMBDT C0MPAST, CHICAGO SW TOBK. I7S PORTLAND DIRECTORY. Pane and H'lr U'ork. PORTLAND WIRK A IRON WORKS; WIRK and Irmi leiiclua'; olflce railing, etc SMAIder. Alaelilnary himI Mnpille CAWH'I'IIN A ('II.; KNMINKA, HOII.KKH, MA chlDery, auppllei. ta-Mi r lrttMt., I'oriland,Ur JOHN POOLB, PortTi,AHD, Onroorr, can civs you tli best baraalns In general machinery, ennlnet, boilura, tanks, punin, plow, belts and windmill. Tin new smel 1 X h Wlndinill, sold by him, is mi- S(IIHlllrll. CURE YOURSELF! Ilia. HlartU t.. I 1 i. 1 4.T.. I (.lii'-tiarKM, .ritlMiiiiiiailoiia, UWIIUM iiMt.iioiis ur iiM-nisstlUlif 1rfsau i..aaioa. Palnlfi-f, an1 nui aatrla THcEvlOHIl.mi (lo. or pulaonoua. L OINOlNtlATI.O I I T ifrnffliu, or aanl In plalu wrapper, or aapri, prapald, tut (Jlrcular aant 011 'riujuaii. DR.GUf.frST;"v0EvR0PILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sink llnidtehe tnd rrrine,,,. ltemoeellmplesand Purlr the Blond, Aid I'lsi .llontndPre.eiit IIMIoumieM. D nulOrlpeorMluktn. Toooiirluoe rou.ae will mall i?.'V).!r..'i,r ,UJI ,m . lloHANao ClO.,Ahllada.,y0aaa, Sold by Prugglttt, The Burden Mrs. Ada M. Iterr, of 43 Vf . Char. lotle Ht., Laoi-Mler, l'a., surTaraxt ter ribly from female dleorUara, liar nerve bepame unairmig, eha en dured lulane pain. His slight! labor wearied lior aud household du ties became a burden. Frequent fainting and Ulsiy (pells would com upon her and she would fall pros trate In a swoon. AfUr trying eeve. ral physician without sucvae airs. Iterr began taking Pr. William' Pink rills forl'alereopl. niistaysi "The pills brought Immediate re lief, aud after taking al bear I was cured. Pr. William' I'lnk rill for Pal People had don what all p ra violi l treatment had failed to du" i Viihi iht A'aamOter, AeHratfrr, fM, Our new nook, Plata Tale Wemai sent In plaia envelop, sealed, OB request. Dr. Williams' rial Plllt ler fal eat re sever teld r I a Sett r aaaer, eel iiaerl la sect get. SI all dnigeltl, r Slrtel Ireai Id Ol. WHIIwat Meeleta C.. (ehaecl, N, ., Id cents sar eaa. Mlll.W. The recent epidemic of lockjaw Is not diilloult of explanation, Tha dis ease Is produced by a microbes netting Into any b.-eak in tha sain, Tha ml crobe abounds at all times, at sums place mors than others. ffya PermanenUy Cured. No flieof nervaeaw Ml anerHrat i.y t wee of Ur, Kllae'e UreJ Nerve Heinrer. aend fur rKIB JIS.OO iria, bollleami ttrallea. D. H. 11. ILtOHk, Ltd., Set A rub street, ftiiudeloala. Pa. The brluklyaeis of Vancouver have struck against ths employuisut ol Chi nese aa mason tenders. Mothers will And Mrs. Whitlow's Sooth Ins Hyrnp the beat remedy to ue fur tbtf outldrvn during th teething period. Tbe horse novor breathed of which George Ilrt Int was afiald. At th ago of 103, In Drown county, Iml., ha bioka and lode a colt which hi neigh bois feaiod to appioauh. He died I short time ago, at the aga of 118. Tbe price of medicine In Prussia Is regulated by the slate, a new piles list being published every yoar. 8late pencil are made In Tenti from slate dust and other ingredients compressed by hydrsolid rueaus. One concern made 85,000,000 In a year. An agreement has been reached be tween representative of the Washington breweries and their employes which establishes a uniform woikdayof 10 hours In local brewerie and laises ths scale of wages of all brewery workers from 0 to 8t per cent. 25c 50c. 41 DRUGGISTS is ,QO BAST... -VIA- Thronrh I'alace and Taurlet Bleoper Ailulus Mint HurTa Miuaklua Library Car. ....FAST TIME.... Parvlre and Scenery Unequalled, for Tickets ami all Information apply 10 your uearetl taunt, or tildreai A. II. I). OKNNWTON, P. P. anil T. A., I'uriltud. ft, C. BTKVENfl, O. W. P. A., Hcaiilo. SURE CURE FOR PILES tTOlTlNliTMlii. priiO'ii-. innl.tiir. tnilotn-. itclnnft Till, furiu, t, w.ll m tUind, Blexilliiir or Prutrinllug JM.. ar. ciin-J i.r pr. Soaunko't Pile Reman ati,,g ituhiii. .na bl.tiliiie. Ani'irn. luiiKir.. eon a. J. i irttilrii.iil.t.firt.iit lr intil. Trw.tl. fr... Write m. tuuut ruur ttte. . vt a' OSANAU,l'bilada.,P W. P. N. . MO. SM-'S. WHStN writing to adeartlears pleas aaaatUa this pr,