OREGON MIST. flK PTKM HICK 22, 18IH). LOCAL AND GENERAL NOTES, Mm. Thoa. Ooopar, of Kalama, visited in una ouy a uay or two una week. Mr. Uito. Ramsey and Mr. W. O. fli.l. Una were down fro to Hcappoose Monday VTVIIIlia Attorney W. II. Conyers wii up from Ulatskanie on Tuesday tteiuiiiig to WIU UUIIUWH, Attorney Hall was attending to legal , jvjuniii inursuay. Mrs. Jacob George ckme down from orilina Waannarlav aftirtinnn n I.... J ,... Mr. Plilllirnrik will n.,t, ....-I 0.,. day at liaclielor Flat ktU :1W k. ru.. knd at Yankton kt8;S0p. m. Robert Went, of WeitDort. tu acci. dentally killed on Wednesday of last w K oy tuning on k knife which lie had in in nana. JJcceaaed wkk well known by ruldeutk of the lower portion of this anility. Although totsllv lillnd ha nt aoout k great dual unassisted. Our friend, Oscar Elliott, k very sue- Elltor Ulnckford, of the Clatakanie ?,?",UJ LW '? ,h" Mawhland district, . George Ounderaon liluf. wan a na.ss.ii.mr Hn-T, . .'"ned bis(rgtr.g o teams out to graze the evinlntr train l Chief, wk k passenger down on the rjnaver luewiay evening, J. u. Flank has Just made a contract to iiirnisii 4uu or WW cords of hardwood lor me Astoria market. Judge Doan waa up from Balnler wouneetfay forenoon and later in the ay continued on to Portland. Mies Dell Butler, after ' visiting rela tlvea here for some time, returned to tier work in Alaaka laat Monday. Mra. J. H. Stlne knd aon, Harry, who visited relatives here for eomo time, re- uruou w oiuutuoutii on aionusy, Mr. Qeo. Fox waa in the city Tueaday veiling, from Bcappooae, attending a ixmitciiuuo oi we iwiiignis oi rytutae. Messrs. Colt A Quick are huatllng inns uay. in oraer to nirniM) abstracts lor which they are receiving numeroua vruera. Mra. Frank Dow and aona and Mr. Frank Dow, jr., returned on Friday from Nehalem valley, when they had Tiaiiwj tor aome time. BertMilla and Win Mellinger. who have been in the hopiielda in the Will amette vanejr lor soma time, returned a if ... m.. iw uuuitud lueeuay. Will Fullerton. of Warren, and Qua Nelson, of the House, ranch, on the Hough, were In town Tueaday evening uvnuing ik. oi r. loo ge, D. W Price waa down from Bcappooae Wednesday afternoon for a quantity of stationery wnicn mis omce turned out for the Unn of Watt I'rlce. Hon. T. J. Cleoton went to Astoria on Monday to take np his duties In the cir cuit court, ine regular September terra Having opened there on that day. Mr. J. C. Wilooi, the affable and obliging bookkeeper for the Borthwick Lumber Company, at Goble, waa in town last Friday on a buaineaa mission, una. Meserve, of Clatakknie, spent Sunday in this city, continuing on to roruanu Monday morning and return' lug to Clatakanie Wednesday morning. The county road from Warren to me Bunker hill district wsa opened tiirongh to Ellson'a place laat Hatnrday. Mr. Klleon came out over the road on Tuesday. The family of Joseph Black moved to this city this week from Rainier, in orunr to scnnoi we Children. They will occupy the house recently occupied by Mr. and Mra. U. U. Mayger. Mr. John Jolma. who has conducted a atore at the month of the Clatakanie for number of years, has purchased the Fisk place, near there, and is erecting a home and atore building thereon. a few evenings ago, and the next morning lounu one oi me most valuable oxen dead, with Ita head wedged between two logs and its feet in the air. It had evi dently attempted to jump over the logs, and falling, got ita bead wedged between mem Henrv Oolvln. who onerataa a larva lmririnu nlant. at Wrwl'i I rwl I ttr in 'eatport lough, umi a Fout's tfrin i w awPkBsa uiwvuiuvf TV a eisis a ion days ago, it is said, got kway from the engineer ana ran away down a long, steep hill. Before getting to the river it turned over and waa damaired to such an extent that it waa Ikid off for repairs or aome time. It will be neceaa'arv for fit. Helena and other incorporated towna in the county to provide a act of registry books for the registration of voters for the annual election next spring. Under a recent law the Harmon law votera at all electiona, whether It be city, county or state, must tie registered. The city coun cils of incorporated tows In this county siiouia uear mis met in niinu. Authentic reports from the wheat fields of Oregon and Washington show that the damage by rain has not been one half what it was reported. In the Will amette valley there has not been S per cent loss; In the Wallk Walla and Pa louse countries there has not been 10 per oent lose. Harvesting ta about nnlahed in the Willamette valley, and in Eastern Oregon and Washington this week will see the harvest practically done. John Palm, who runa Urge mill at Clatakanie, baa, until recently, been shipping all the product of his mill to r ortiand. lie is now shinning the great est part of it to the mouth of the Colum bia, tie baa a large contract with the Astoria Railroad Company for ties, and also ia tending his aiabwood, which he formerly burned, to Astoria, lie also for two bridges in Wahkiakum county, wasu., near iirookneiu WARRRN AND BOAPPOOHB. Mr. John Dnlan wu a VnrtnA .l.ltn. last week. Mr. B. O. Hawtn la helping to make j iue ratiuno rancn, Mr. D, Price was attamilna tn Kn.l, i. , i , . , m fnw iu l orijauu last week. Mrs. Nim Dakar anent a dav at Aa. i .. At. a x . . . . " urw vu urst pari oi me week, Mr. Tomnklna and fntnllv iniii Onn. .i ..ir.vr -i y wim inr. ana mrs. rkuk 1'ayne. Mr. Newton Perry knd wife, of Houl ton, were Scappoose visitors laat week Archie Collins lft Thursday last Intending to be absent all wiuier. ire Gnnderson waa a naaaAncpav nn the evening train fiundav bound for W 11 1 roriiunu. Mra. FrAft TlawlrltiH ar,rl kAw .(.In. Miss Ollle Ellis, were Portland visitors naiuraay. Mra. Urie and children. Mlaa Mn. Queen and Mra. Oillihan are the irueau ui mi, anu rars. nun uaaer. Will Sheffield and famiW and Will Holts drove to Portland on Wadnaadav returning tne same evening. Hcappoose wsa well represented at the ball given at St. Helens on Friday aai. ins young people report a good UUJQ, Mr. Collins, of tha Honevman ranch la erecting two ailos which, when mm pleted. will hold about 100 tons of ailaore caca. Judge McBride and party returned liiHt Baturday from a several weeks ao- joiirn in the vicinity of MU' Ht. Helena. The judge atatea that the party had a very pleasant outing and secured a great many oerriet. Mr. Albert Henahsw, who haa for koine time held the position of first clerk in Mr. Dolman's store, expects to leave aoon lor tuwtern Oregon. Ills position will be held by Mr. J. II. Collins, of I Portland. The jrmat auooess of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Uiarrhu Komedy in the treatment of bowel complaint has made it standard over the greater nn oi ins civilised world, tor sale by )r. Edwin Rosa. The county court at the last session revoked the order made aome time ainoe to pay a bounty nn wild nimals. There will protiably be as many animals killed hereafter as when the county paid a bounty on their acalpa. Mr. John Uilinore. the faithful watch man for our town for a number of years. Is unable to attend to his duties, having recently been attacked severely witfi rheumatism. 1). J. rjwitxor is attend ing to Mr. (iilmore'a work. The dance given tn this city last Fri day evening was very much of a success both financially and socially. Splendid tnnslc waa furnished by Prof. Wood ring's orchestra and a first-class supper served at the Oriental hotel. The matrimonial fever seems to have atruck Columbia county, and those who have not been vaccinated had beetter do so at once ; or if any prefer innoculation now seoms to be the accepted time, as aome of oar best people are victims of Uie disease. At a meeting of the city council held on Tuesday evening, the resignation of Mr. Q. O. Mayger, as city recorder, was read and accepted, and Mr. W. F. Slaughter waa appointed to serve in that capacity until the regular term of Mr. Mayger will have expired. The grain crop In the vicinity of War ren lacks a good deal of being a failure. Charley Muckle threshed 2U0 bushels of barley off of four acres of ground 66 bushels to the acre. K. F. Larsen threshed 700 bushels of oats off of 11 acres of ground about 63 bushels per Mr. Elmer Thayer, of Portland, who visited in this city several days this week, states that if a good bicycle path were unlit between Portland and this city, hundreds of cyclists would come to this city every week from the metrop olis. The distance la aucb as to render it a pleasant trip by wheel, St. Helens being the first point on the Columbia river to be reached kltor leaving Port land. Edgar Fowler, the 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. It. M. Fowler, of Ooble, is the latest youth to turn op missing. The boy was sent to Portland to go to school, and waa boarding at 028 Fifth street. Sunday night he disappeared from his boarding house, and has not been seen since 6 :30 of that evening. The boy waa unusually quiet and well be haved, knd it ik not believed possible that he could have run away, although this seems to be the only tenable theory of bis disappearance, August Fogol, who Uvea nearClats ksnie, accidentally shot knd killed him self laat Saturday. Ho waa hauling wood from the woods to hia residence, when, his dog barking up a tree near by, he Rent his boy for his rifle, and when he obtained it' ho stepped upon a pile of wood to see what the dog was liarking at. As he did so the gun went off, the bullet striking him in the region of the heart and killing him instantly. Coroner Cliff went down that afternoon and considering it not necessary to hold an inquest, ordered the remains buried at the expense of the family. There la a rumor current, and fairly well aubstantiated. too, that Captain Conway is about to resign aa superin tendent oi the water lines oi the U. it. it N. Co., and take command of one of their steamers again. Mince ne haa had hia oositlon on the shore his health haa not been as good as when he was at sea. and this is given as his reason for resign ing. His successor, It is said, will be Captain Ed Sullivan, for so long a time tne popular master oi tne rotter. The price of fall fish baa been fixed bv the cannerymen at 2 cents a pound for ailversides and good quality of Chi nooks, with varying prices for other var ieties of fish. What will be a later price depends very largely upon the quality and quantity of the fish. It ia gener ally understood that the ooldstorage peo ple will pay a alight advance over the price paid by the cannerymen. Fish Agent unoiuon states mat ine present run oi nan is verv aiacx. but toe nsner- men are hoping for better things In the near luture. The local lumber market at Astoria is very active, aaya the Budget, and at present it ia Impossible to fill any orders quickly on account oi the increased de mand during tne past lew months, w. II. Edwards, manager at Astoria of the II. B. Borthwick Company, says that his company is unable to keep up with their orders, although they buy lumber from several mills, and their orders are increasing every month. Their orders for oordwood are in the same condition, and they find it impossible to get enough to meet the demand, and their deliveries are in the same coudition, Mr. B. M. Mantclll. of Portland, ar rived down on the night boat last Satur day, and on Sunday, in company witn Mr. E. T. (lore, went ont to the Iron denoaits In the Bunker hill district. after some of the ore in order to have another assay made. The deposit of iron in that vicinity are said to be very valuable, so much so, anyway, ks to warrant the expenditure of considerable money to take it. The recent riso in the price oi iron nas nauouDteuiy naa tne ei feet of stimulating research tor deposits. For a number of years it has been be lieved that mineral existed in paying quantities on toe property uitubu vj Mr. Mantelll. Although we have published the game law several times, there appears to be a misapprehension on the part oi some persona aa to when China pheasants mav be lawfully killed. Here is the date again: "Section 15. It shall be unlawful within the state of Oregon at any time between the first day of De cember of each year and the first day of October of the following year to take, kill, inlure or destroy or have in posses sion, except for breeding purposes, or sell, or oner lor saie any grown, piamtj chicken, pheasant. Mongolian pheasant, quail or partridge." Hence, the time for hunting birds is limited to two montliH October and November. In several counties of the state persons have paid large suuia for a violation of thialaw, and we call attention to the open season that none in thia county may get in trouble. A circumstance took place here on Tuesday of last week which should be a warning to people not to entertain too readily every proposition made to them to acquire goods at loss than half price. A man giving his name aa James Mc Donald rode into town on a new Ram bler bicycle, and proceeded at once to look for k purchkder for the wheel, offer ing it kt 120. One of our town boys wks not long in striking a bargain with the stranger on a compromise proposi tion, paying 18 for the wheel, taking a bill of aide of it. A day or two later Fred Merrill, of Portland, the Rambler man, telephoned down, asking if a Rambler had recently been Bold here by a Btranger. Being advised in the affirm ative, the sheriff waa not long in taking the stolen property in his possession. The description of the man who rented the wheel at Portland, given by Merrill, tallied so exactly with the appearanoe of James McDonald, of Clatakanie, that it was thought well enough to look after the matter. The man who sold the wheel here told Mr. Merrill that he re sided at Clatakanie, hence W. W. Blakosley, armed with a warrant, went to that place on Saturday, accompanied bv the gentleman who was victimised, bit upon sight of Mr. McDons d it was seen at once that he waa not the right fellow. The bicycle was sent back te lls owner on Sunday, the boy isout llB and the publlo has a warning not to jump at everv inducement offered for snaps by unscrupulous strangers. Henrv Allenbauarh. who haa been nnn, fined to his home for the laat six montha IS able to be around airain with the aid oi a cane. Ralph Thomas, who for the last three yt-ars has been working on the section, haa Quit tamoing ties and is now In tha . . . - employ oi Mr. Duncan. The Misses Apnea Johnson. Airnnaflal. lahan and Messrs. Stumn and Callahan made a trip to Portland on their bikes tne drat part of last week. we woum i ae to accommodate von Brother Bacon, but it will be unDossible to publish that last joke of yours aa we have not fully recovered from the but anocx. Wild having Is In full blast In thia vicinity and men are verv acarca. Rome oi our farmers are offering $2 a day and minx themselves lucky in securing neip at mat price. While cleaning the chain of hia bike on Sunday last, Floyd Puzey bad the misfortune to get the first ringer of his riKin nana caugni in tne sprocket wheel, tearing the flesh almost away irom iue none. Our friend. Ralnh Thomas, haa branched out as a dramatist. He is very busy at present nutting tha finish ing toucnea to a tour-act comedy drama which, we understand, is to be produced ai ocappoose in tne near luture. In our news letter of last week, by an oversight, we failed to give Mrs. Price any credit whatever for the part she took in tne entertainment a week ago eaturuay. it waa due to Mra. race's hard work and skillful management that the programme waa rendered with out a hitch, which are generally so com mon in an entertainment of this kind. A short time ago one of the corres pondents of Tim Mist wrote a verv clever article about people who like to see tnetr names tn print. Our only wish is that we had those people in our vicinity, tor witn reauesta not to men' tion them, when anything of impor tance happens, and with delegations to wait on us with entreaties and threats. its a wonder that our vicinity ia repre sented at all. If people will jump a poor correspondent what a picnic it murt be to oe en editor. VERNONIA ITEMS. James Adams knd crew have been threshing for A. Sword this week. Mellinger & Beeghlev are threshina with their machine at the T. L. Adams place. Several strangers passed through here last week hunters, fishermen and home-seekers. A. Soule finished threshing last Satur day. He reports about one-fourth of his wheat spoiled by the rains. Jack Fringie waa in town laat Satur day with his threshing machine, on his way to tne uergerson settlement. Mrs. 8 1 roup and aon and Miss Ross returned last Saturday after an absence of three weekafc visiting in Multnomah county. Emery Sheeley lost a very valuable ipe last Sunday. Anyone finding it will please leave at his Place and receive reward. J. E. Buckley, a stockman, from eaet ui iiiv uiuuuuuiifl, una uevu awuruig ttie valley for young cattle. He haa suc ceeded in buying about SO head. Hoppickere have commenced to wend their way homeward, among the first to return being James Emmons. Perry and Cleve Mellinger and Ray Mills. joen Besseman and wile came over from Westport lant Friday for a short visit. Josh returned on 8unday to re sume work In the logging camp. Warns Mullah A grand old remedy for Coughs, Colds and Consumption; used through the world lor naif a century haa cured in numerable cases of Indolent .i a -j ; 1- viuu anu reueveu many in advanced stages. If yon are not satisfied with the results we will refund your money. Price 26 cla. and 50 eta. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist, St. Helens, and a. Avrrjr, nouiton. (tkere. ' lrouple the terror of thousands of young mothera because ita outbreak ia so agonizing and frequently fatal. Shi- ion s uougn and Consumption Cure acta ike magic in caaea of Croup. It haa never been known to fail. The wnn cases relieved immediately. Price 25 cts.. biiu f i. ooiu py UT. X,OWin KOSS, druggist, St. Helena, knd M. A. Perry. lAiruaiAm, LKOAIi NOT1CK8. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MEETING. Orrics or Couhty Auimii. . ST. Hii,k, Oregon, Sep. 1, lsw. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of KmiMlfFntlnn f, r.ilnn,i.i it, ifremiu. will iiiaai. in iha iTnupr Unt.u i. the C'lly of St. Helena, Oreson, on Monday, bo toberi, UW, for the pnrpote of equalizing the noncnnuiviit iroi, All Clttimi VJf COrroCUOO iuuh u maae oexore uie boara. Id A HT1N WHTTK Aweeeor of Columbia County, Oregon. C0ONTT TREASURER'S NOTICE. Coomtv Tarisuua'i Orncs. HT. Hei.bmi. Or . Rati S laOQ VTOTICB IB HKKKBY UlVKN THAT ALL 1.1 UDOald Cnmit.v Warrant, nl fil,..... ivumy, uroaoD, wnicn nave Deen preiented and endorted- "Not Pld for Wnt of Fundi," prior to October let, IMW, will be paid upon pre entatlon at thl office, Intereat will not be al lowed eiier huh aete. kuwin HOriH. aul Treuurer of .'Solumnle County. Orearan. GUARDIAN'S FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IB HEREBY OIVEM THAT THE andenlHTied inuirrilftti of th mi.u r,t t,.hn Hendrlolu, en Incompetent penon, baa Died In the office of the oounty clerk of Columbia conn. tr, Mate of Oregon, bli Hnal account aa each guardian, and the Honorable Couutjr Judge of aid Columbia county, Oregon, haa appointed Monday, the leth day of October, lmt, at the uouroi lo ciocain tne aiteraoon of said day, and the ooart room of the oounty court booae, in the city of St. Helena. Oreson. aa tha tlma and place for hearing Mid dual aeooant and oujocuoui wnicn may ne maae thereto. Guardian of the aetata ai John HandriAa an l,IVf!ll),VltTUV PVTMfU, veiea, hi. ueieuj, Oregon, September u, 18M. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE IB HEREBY OrVE'THAT E FOSTER. At Good Samaritan hoapltai. In Port-following-named eettler hat filed notice of "Mid, Hatnrday, He Member 16, UW, Mrs. Eliza hia Intention to make final proof In support of betb Foeter, of Ooble. HOVIiTON NOTES. Clay Clark ia working on the section at tnis place. Clay Clark came home from the log ging camp rnesday last. Mr. P. U. Baker was down from Port land a few days this week, Mrs. Cox and Mra. Daggett were Port land visitors .tueaday last. George Keller, ir.. is again employed on tne section at mis place. Mrs. Bonner knd daughter. Blanche. arrived Here Irom Idaho tola week, A few of our young neonle took In the dance at oi. neiena laat rnuay evening, N. A. Perry and wife and Mrs. J. E. Watts spent the past week at La Urande, tnis state, The warm weather ia being taken ad vantage of by numeroua ones here to bathe in the creek. School opened here last Monday with k large attendance. Miss McCann, of Astoria, has charge. The ice cream and watermelon social last Friday evening was a grand success. About $18 waa realized. Billy Campbell, express messenger on the Northern Pacific, visited with N. A. Perry knd D. Henshkw last week. Mrs. Minnie Brona. of Bainier. who vuutea at toe ferry home, on tne bill, for the past week, returned home on Tuesday. We extend our warmest sympathy to some of our boy friends at Marshland ivrtl a u Lr mi inr tiiM nlaa.nm "f K .1 .A,nn lady's company, and the answer came pJHt3$H0HQr;H0H3r a i ir uva. wnwutwKvw iimvi ewftV I 0 fA others. Y Yarn Try ! If Shiloh'a Cough and Consumntion Cure, which Is sold for the small price of 26 cts., 50 cts. and fl, does not cure, take the bottle back and we will refund your money. Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Boss, drnggist, et. ueiena, and n. a. ferry, uouiton. niBBy at a.Ter Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl witn an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Boot Tea purifies the breath by its action on the bowels, etc.. aa nothing else will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 26 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Boss, drng gist. bi. rteiens, ana n.A.rerry, nouiton. BIEO, s ..-..St. Helens Popular Store... 3 P ... .. .. ... m we Have tvemhing You want in the Line of 3 5 ..GENERAL.. 3 ..Merchandise.. I 3 - Oar Prices are Bight I Come and See ns, whether 3 you buy or not. We are pleased to 22 show goods and give prices. 4 l Loggers' Outfits. Logging Camps Supplied ' ...THE POPULAR GROCERS ., : MAIN STREET, ST. HELENS, OREGON ....St. Helens Meat Market.... ....J. H. DART, Prop Fresh Meats, Sausage, Hams, Bacon, Lard Bacon, Lard and Hams Sold way Down. Special Bates Given on Orders for Large Quantities of Meat. St. Helens. mi intention to malt a fin! Droof In tnnnnrt hi claim, and that iald proof will be made be fore the Reirliter and Rareivr. at nnumn nitv vicjuu, vu wwuoi w in, iov, u; FRANK AL8LBBEN, Homeatead entry 981, for Uie lota 1, 2 and t, sec tion 81, toirnihlp 4 north, range 4 west. He name, the following wttneeMa to Drova hl continuous residence upon, and cultivation of Nun i.ua, tis; Aioerc ecnmiaun, Fred Bor leacki, Herman FuHner and George M, Holt, all al&oW CHAS. B. MOOHE8. kealater. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. DeceeMd waa a toioneer of 1870: a daughter of 1 John Alexander, of Ohio, and wae bora In that ttate In la. Hhe waa married to B. K. router. of Keuben, In January, 1880, and they had re-1 lded on their farm there .Inc. that time. Her nuatnna earvivei ner. She leaves are children I aa follow.: Mlaa Bebecca A. Foster, of South Omaha, Neb.; P. M. Foeter, Mra. C. E. Miller aad Chaa. Foiter, of Morrle, III., and R. W. Foe ter, of Portland. The funeral ceremony waa held at Ooble on Monday, sermon by Or. Kell- oi roniana. ne remains were lata to rest I Neeruuy. WOOD CUTTERS WANTELK ....JOHNSON & BURGDORFER BROS..... o Manufacturer, of and Dealers tn o ...All Kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber... Land Orrics at Oaiooa Citt, Oa., Bnnt. 12th. lflfie UTira IB HEREBY OIVKN THAT THB 8t. Helena, Oregon. her Intention to make fiual proof in support of uvw vi.iui, uu tun Mia pnjui wiu De maae oe- Ten woodchoimen wanted immedielv tn int I nardwood; ai.w per cord. Apply to J. O. Plamk. I rierlaa;... Raiatlc ...Celling .Blaweaalem I.wsakr.i GOOD ROAD TO THE MILL. Mill on eoutb fork of Scappooae ereek,four mllea from Bcappooae station. Lumber delivered at Scappooee station or Job neon's landing at fl.00 per Mf extra. At Warren atation, tl.ao. SCAPPOOSE, OREGON fore the Keg Inter and Receiver, at Oregon City, v,vu, vu wwuvr .fiu, u, via: LOUISE ALSLEBEN. Widow of Theodore Alaleben. deeeaaed. hnma. etead entry No. W877, for the lota t and 4, of no. mm ou, .uu iui 4, ui wwod u, towuuttp a north. Hhe namea the follnwln. wlttiMw. tn nma her conUnuoua residence upon and culUvatlon of laid land, via: Albert Hchmidlin, Fred Bor leacki, Herman Fallner and Ueorge M. Holt, all ui iiiBMiuuv ii, vrri(i'u. . 24o20 CHAH. B. MOOBE8 Register. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. tmw arvsa, wiiumm, iibiiu acii. uia liWIUfj Willi- I out Junt cause, I will not be responsible for any I debu contracted by said Wllhelra Bachmeyer. ei oh a ukokub 01CHNIT11, (nig lamer.) I SOLICITORS WANTED. We will pay $12 a week salary t either a man I to represent tne Midland Monthly I a subscription solicitor. The Mid-1 r y wj wp TP IF TP Tf "F wji W WJ. "IT V J. mm Tf swWafar stli ararararafaraVagVa1ir atai aararaTlraa1fc-aaatauajeja1kJtf J NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lamo Offics at Oaaooa Citt, Oa., 8eTr A. 1899. otior ia hereby given that the followlna-najiied Heftier hu llliwt nntloA ni her Intention to make Sua) proof in support of her claim, and that aid proof will be made be- lore tteaiHter ana Keceiver at uraaon citv. Ore. uu, wu unuu iiM low, vis; GERTRUDE A. ORTH. Homestead entrv No. 11.241. for the M.t i nt northeaet ii, and east H of aoutheaat of sec tion 86. township 4 north, range west. She names the following witnesses to Drove her continuous residence apon and cultivation of said land, vii: Robert Simpson, Adam Simp- r it nana, aiioi j niton, ureroii. alfioJO CHAS. B. MOORES, Eeriater. N JUItY LIST. The following-named taxriAvers were drawn by the clerk and sheritTThursday morning to serve as jurymen at the reg- 11 1 ta s tarin t4 niawsi-iaaV rvtiivr aa? K i f V on ill uawa siva aa ia mivuiv wmi v. v? u wit convene here on the 11th of October : Jacob Brous Rainier H. I). VanHlarloom vernonla E. W. Fowler Goble Mat M. Johnson ..KeaseV J. R. Headiea Apiary C. E. Rice Clatskanie Wm. Barr Clatakanie Chaa, Pilchard Rainier Wm. Hacker... R. N. Lovelace John MoAdam T. A. Clonlnger w. r. conne l Chaa. Ia Olson Edward Anderson., U Belgert L. D. Dusan G. W. tirant Ole Bohraan , Ruflis H. Klnff Mavirer Jared Wilson Rainier .Keaiey Rainier Mayger Scappoose Deer Island Deer Island Mayger Vernonla Kyser , .....Scappoose Bcappooae Baker., 3V Garrison Bcappooae Chris. Anderson FUuhawk Bradle: O. 1). Jas. K. Ntewart Rainier I. N. Hhatto Rainier R. G. Davev uulnn Chris Johnson Clatukanie John N. Slavens Warren w. K. van venper N. B, Stewart Rniuier Is a Columbia Count) Boy.. R. W. Foster's many ftlends in Ka lama will be pleased to learn that "Reub," as he is familiarly called here, has taken another step in the line of promotion in the Burlington railroad office in Portland, being now general fiassenger and ticket agent. The Port nnd Evening Telegram of the 22d inst. gives an illustration of the elegant and commodious new offices of the "Bur lington" at 100 Third street, and inci dentally mentions the fact that R. W. Foster is now passenger and ticket agent in the new ollices. "Reub's" ability and energy are boundless and we don't expect to ace him stop short of the of fice of president or general manager of the road. Success to him and the Bur lington, which latter, by the way, has for the pnst few years been greatly in creasing its Pacific coast business, and some railroad men predict t hat the Bur lington will soon build a through line to the coast. Kalaina Bulletin. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Likd Ornca at Oaiaow Citt, Oa., Rpnt. ath 1HQO OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THR followlna-named settler he. filed nntlra nf her Intention to make final Droof In aunoortof her claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver, at Orevnu Cltv. ureguu, un uuuiuer st lew, vu: VIOLA ORTBCHILD. Homestead entry No. 11,240. for the aoutheaat X I bwuuu mi, Kiwiiamp . Winn, nuige o west. She names the following wltnesaes to Drove her oontiiuiou. re.iueuce apou, aua cultivation oi said land, vli: Robert Simpson, Adam Himp- miu. muiHin o lAiiiniguont aua luaa. j. uc- Farland, all of Bnxton, Oregon. 15o) CHA8. B. MOORE8, Register. IImTs'r LAND, ACT JUNE 8, 1878. Notice for Publication. Ukitsd STiTaa Laud Orncs, Oaaoea Citt, Or., August 3D, 1899. VTCTICR 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN XI compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for tne sale oi umber lands in tne Htates of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri tory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1862, Ray E. Watts, of Goble, county of Columbia, State of Oregon, haa thia day tiled in this offioe her sworn statement No. 4050. for the Durchase of the southeast U of sec tion 6, in township No. ouorth, range No. 8 weBt, and will oner proof to show that the land sought la more ralusble for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Roglster and Receiver of this office, at Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednes day, the 15th day of November, 18V9. She names as witnesses: John M. Archibald, Charles Morel, Emit Wasser and George Morel, all of Goble, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the abnve-desorioed lands are requested to nie tneir claims in mis omce on or oeiore said intn oayoi novemner, item. a8nl0 CHAS. B. M0ORE8, Register. or a woman to represent the Magiuneaaa subacnption si land la the same sUe aa. McCluras or the Cosmo politan. It is now In Ita sixth year, and ia the only magazine of thia kind published In the great Central West A handsome premium srlven to each subscriber. Send 10 cent, tnr . copy of the Midland and premium list to the I rwentietn century rubushing Co., St- Louis, Mo. I Skin Diseases. For the speed v and rjermanent earn nf tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment ia without an eqnal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued use effects a permanent cure, it also cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, sore ninnies, ltchine rjiles. chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granuiatea uoa. Dr. radr'a Condition PnwnVtra fori horses are the best tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Price, 25 cents. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. aaa.aaamaa.aM V An tti vrm Y V UltlMTAL HOTEL Mrs. H. J. Scott Proprietress ST. HELENS, OREGON. ..THE NEW YORK STORE.. ...Carries a Large Assortment of..... Dry Goods, GlotMng, Boots, Shoes, Hats Caps Dresses, Etc GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Our line of groceries, tobacco, cigars, candies, nuts, fruits, etc., is new and clean, in fact, our entire stock consists of strictly up-to-date goods, which we invite the public to inspect. Portland prices for goods. II. MORQUS, Proprietor, St Helens, Oregon Harris' Old Stand freWV H H H H M H myisjy mr wrmft mmL Mr Mfmat m y my njnur APPLE TREES. We have a choice lot of one and two-year-old trees, such as Ben Davis, Northern Spy, Bald win, SpiUenberg and Gravenstein, ON WHICH WE QUOTE VERY REASONABLE PRICES. Witlamntta Driinn One and two-year-old trees, done were obtained from a II lllolllCllu rillllB. prominent fruit grower, and were cut from bearing treea. ALSO CHERRY, PLUM AND PEAR TREES. A. HOLADAY, PROP., SCAPPOOSE, OREGON SUMM0NS BY PUBLICATION. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, tor 1U1I1IUU1. IfOUUtT, Tiaar E. Coa, Piaintlff, ) vs. 5 BnaaoHs. Hblbn Cos, Defendant. ) To Hklih Cob, the above-named defendant IK THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are herebv reaulred to anoear and ans. wer the oomplaint filed against yoa In the above ber, and If yon fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint: Which is for a decree of divorce against yon upon the f round of desertion. Thia summons is pub ished by order of Honorable J. B. Doen, county udee, duly made and entered tn the above-en-ttled cause, dated August 30th, 1M, and said order requires this summons to be published onoe a week for alx oonaeenttva weeks in Ths OaaooN Mist, one each week, the first publi caUon being September 1st, 1MU. GEOKGK A. HALL, Attorney for plaintiff. A Strictly Prat-Claas House. A Home for Commercial Travelers and the Public Board and Lodg ing at Most Reasonable Bates. A WELL KEPT STABLE For Care of Patron's Horses. j& I ED HILLSBERRY, Expert :-: Barber SHARP RAZORS AND CLEAN TOWELS. None bat purest chemicals used in wash ing and cleansing the ace. y Get a Hot Towel on Your Face Usual prices for work. DECKER'8 OLD STAND, 8T. HELENS ST. CHARLES HOTEL Front & Morrison Sts, PortlaM Under New Management' 150 Rooms at 25 Cents to 50 Cents, tiuites 75 Cents to $1.00. Elevator, Electric LijrhU and Bells, and all Modern Conveniences. Free Bus Meets all Boats and Trains. Restaurant Connec e.viliHoe Oreatm Telephone 289. Columbia Telephone 27. nayjrataaiajiajfianaiJt aus ajjs auaajfi-sj M M M M M M H M M M M M H M M FOB PORTLAND, DAILY. -STEAMER uAlerica, Willamett Slough Ronte r Leave St. Helens.... Arrive at Portland . . Leave Portland. Arrive at St. Helens. . 7:00 A M 10:30 A H . 2:30 P M . 6:00 P M FARE SO CENTS. Will Carry Nothing but Passen gers and Fast Freight. H H H H i jtwfcrfVwVafl.JWa'Wata. AaafWsrWwV.3 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. In the Circuit Court for the Btate of Oregon, for loiuiuui. juiiiiLy. JossrH OaaHARD Antom, PlalntUT,) "v. ... i Sun nous. Casolinb Ahtoh, Defendant. ) To Caromns Amtos, tli above-named de fendant. 1 TN THK NAMB OF THK STATE OF OREGON: I A you are nereny renatred to appear and ai wer the complaint tiled against yon in the above-entitled Court and cause on or before the 17th day of October, IKttB, which is six weeks and four days after the 1st day of September, L nr.. puunoation in mi. uumvd, mm u juu i.ii w mi appear anu answer, ine planum win apply tor tne relief prayed for in hlr oomplaint, towlt: For a de cree dissolving tne bonds oi matrimony now a-tiBim. ueiwevn .uove-n.mra piainiin ana de lendant, and tor auch otlier anil further relief as tn the court may seem meet aud lust. This summons Is published bv an order of the Hon. John B. Cleland, judge of the above-named court for Multnomah oounty, made and entered on the aih day of A uenat, 18!i9. DAVIS, OANT1SNBK1N A VBAZIK, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 5 DDTNW'Q CAT AAM i ? N V SWm. SJrinn. Slrcir. V If you want aomethlna; good In the f' h M Una of whisky try d S v MT i SHAW'S MALT I- W Only tha best of ? t Lianors aM Cigars Kept in Stock t t -ittAk at Pool and Card Tables for the use AAI, iSJ II if I'll iaj 1, of Patrons. Courteous treatment. J fj I O Xj I Jl -TJXt JE ?, (Between the two Hotels.) J J aU&iKW l&AJ 'i S Sr. HELENS, ... OREGON. S S "- rtMif i OPEN FROM A. M. TO ! S A 12 O'OLOOK MIDNIGHT. 1 A avm'VrJ 4V HBLKN8, 0 VVfVVfAJ HOME BAKERY m LUNCH BOOH ! MRS- 8. C. M'INTYRE, PROPRIETRESS. Home-ttade Bread, Pies Cates, DongHiiuts Lunelle s, 10 cents Dp. Also a Stock of Notions and Confectionery JUT TO BOWLINa ALLBY, -tr . ST, State Normal School MONMOUTH, OR., Training School for Teachers. New Build ings, new uepartments, ungraded Country School Work. ..Qraduatl Stcurt Good Potitiot.,. 8trong Courses, Well Equipped Trnlnlng 1epaniiiBut. nuruiAi uuiiine nuieaest and beat way to mate uerttneate. Expenses for year from $19) to $160, or ooam .z-ou to 9.w per weea. Tuit ion t.26 tor terra of ten weeks. Fall term bogini Stpt. 19th. Summtr ttrm Junt 27 to Sept. t. For Catalogue, address P. L,. CAIfPBKUU Pres. Or W. A. WANN, Secretary of Faculty.