OltEGON MIST. SEPTEMBER 10, 1890. LOCAL AND GENERAL NOTES Subscribe now (or Tun Ohxooic Mint, Largest stock and lowest prices at W ll. uoiinarrs. MIm Mamie Dart, of Portland, visited in inn cuy inn wee. Mr, Kl MuFarlaud was down from warren Wednesday forenoon. For complete ttoek at merchandise call at win. 11. Dolman's. Judge Woodruff, of fialnier, wm In town Tuesday looking after business matters. Mini Winnie WHy spending week with nor titter, Mrs. Otto Kulper, on lwii river. Mr. Con Murphy, who owned a neat little luriii near liaclielor Flat, died in roruanu last Bsturuey. Mri, W. B. Dlllard ipent several days of the pait week visiting her mother, rs. nuicomu, in roruanu, Mri, 0. H. Plggott spent several dayi in town till week packing her house- ioiii goous lor shipment to rortiauu. Mr. and Mri. 8. S. Way have aold their houae and lot on Honesty hill to Bin. r. k. uouirey, tne consideration using foov coin. Mr. II. R. Cliff and children arrived home lant Thursday evenlm after an ax tended visit during the lunmior uiuntlii t Urlmee grove, seaside. An Ice cream aoclal will be given at iiouiton tomorrow (Saturday) evening, the proceedi to b given to Rev. Mr, Haley aa a benefit donation, Everybody ii in oil ooruiany invitea 10 eitena. When your aunnlv of orbited station ery liecomee eshausted, lend In an order to thla office, where beat quality of itock and workmnnihlp are furnished at price oonaiitent with luoh qualities The grnat success of Ohamberla Oollo. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy In the treatment of bowel complaint hai made it itundard over the greater part of the civilized world. For aale by ir. Euwin boss. The steamer Lurllne wilt probably be nu!k on ine Astoria route otn weec. Shell atlll at the abipyard, but the work on her bai bfn alinoit completed The boat hai a new hull and bollen and la practically a new boat. Her preaent Ixjlien give her fifty pounds of iteam more tiian sue uas ever earned ueiore. Several liopgrowers from up the val b y are itlli aearchlng for picker. The iiiiklng season 1 in full blait now, but fully 1000 more iiandi are needed In the yards. Price are good and the vlnee full of iiopi, to that induatrlou picker are able till year to make fair wage. The aeaaon will laat about two weeki longer, Mr; A. T. Law wa an from Mar in land laat Saturday. Mr. Law ha been employed In a logging camp at that place all summer. He states that all logger! in that vicinity have had a very prosperous business year. From flA to 7S per month hai been paid to the men aa wage and everybody In that part of the country seems aatUfled with Mo Klnley time. Colombia county I no longer without a coroner. The county court at it laat amnion appointed Dr. II. R. Clin, of thii city, to tint office and certainly a better choice could not have been made. The office waa left vacant by Dr. McLaren, of Ralniur, when he loft for the East, alnce which time there bai been no act ing coroner. Coroner Cliff hai tiled hli official bond and entered upon the dis charge of the duties of hi office. Good enough. Free stwech end a free pram are mighty fine thing theoretically, and when applied atrictly to Internal na tional adaire may be bleiilngi, eay the Milton Kagle, but there eliould be a limit. A gug ihould tie placed on the mouth of thereeident American Filipi no, and their sympathizers of the pren deserve to be in the hand of a rigid censor. These fellow are all traitors in fact, but they lack the moral courage to take np anna in lupport of their con victions. Chaa. Mosorve, who for some time past haa been with the Foard A Stokei Company, of Aitoria, aa their traveling salesman, hai removed to Cletekanio and will hereafter make thla place hla lieadiuartera. He will continue to rep resent the Foard A Stoke Company, He haa formed a partnership with A. J. Orwig, and tbey will do a general cotn iniiifion business, handling all kind of inrm produce, live stock, etc. Mr. Moaerve wai a former resident of thii county and ii well known a an upright, ruitling business man and the aaine can be aald of Mr. Orwig. Clatekanie Chief. I suffered with dlarrhusa for a long time aud thought I waa paat being cured. I had spent much time and money and Buffered ao much mieery that I bad al most decided to give np all hope of re covery and await the remit, but notic ing the advertisement of Chamberluin' Colin, Cholera and Diarrhoua Remedy and alio aome teatlmonial itatlng how aome wonderful cure had been wrought by thla remedy, I decided to try it. After taking a few doaea I wa entirely well of that trouble, and I wish to lay further to my reader and fellow suffer er that I am a hale and bearty man today and feel aa well a I ever did In my life. O. R. Moon. Bold by Dr. Kdwln Rosa. The dairy business I on the Boom, and every man in Tillamook county who hai a few cow il a plutocrat, lie al waya haa money, and while the herds are inrreastug, price are doing like wise. T. H. Townsend, we understand, la now paying Id cent for butter fat, which ia more, probably, than the farm er have ever received before, and more than they could possibly make by man ufacturing It themselvea. At thl rate, common, old scrub cow is not to be sneezed at, while a first-class dairy ani mal would seem to be a veritable Klon dike. Twenty-five cent for butter fat I My, it would seem that a cheese factory that could afford to pay that amount would be drowned oat in a little while. Tillamook Herald, The county court i very wisely oon Idering the advisability of putting on an addition to tho court house. In fact; measurement for an additional room have alreaxly been made by the carpen ter, and the building of an addition about 18x20, two stories high, will. In all probability. oon be started. The large volume of business and the equip ment for doing It hs made sui'h a move necesaarv, and as the county is unable, financially, to build a new temple of Justice, the next best thing must be done. The addition, If built, will be on the south side of the building, In front of the room now used as the clerk's ofllce, and will be extended to the sido walk, making a large and commodious room both un stairs and down. Tiie addition will not be costly in price, yet it will be a great convenience ana aaa greatly to the facilities for expediting Charley Muckla is Inslns nn tin,. i getting into line with other prominent farmer and dairymen of the county. no is Delivering uie material at bi Deer Island farm with which to con struct a 100-ton silo and expects to start won on it at once, uu tn place are two very large barn, not arranged, how ever, for car of dairy cattle, which will be remodeled at once and made to ao commount forty cow. Heretofore Mr, Muckle ha kept but a few cows, but the demand for butter and cream ha con vinced him that good profit from hi farm await only the arrangement for taking car of more cow. On the place till year is growing nenrlv ten acres of corn irom wiucn nr. Muckle will make ensilage lor winter food lor his herd The dairy business In this countv hu always been s paying Industry, yet it is only in its Infancy. Within the next ten years that Is a line of industry that win u worm uiousanus oi dollars an nually to those who pursue it on strlctlv .. . ,-. .!...., 1 i - - wy-iArume unci. ine county nai ourcnased a nu typewriter, inanimate, However, which Without doubt, will be the irreabiat economizer on time, space and salary of any clerical assistant ever employed In the clerk's department. It Is Mr. Flah. er's patent and Is so arranged to oermlt of one of the large record books being . . 1 I - - A 1. I 1 . 1 . , )MMmi upon m utuie unuernentn ine machine, and the process of recording deeds, mortgages and other document! at a much more rapid rate and in lesi than one-fourth the space 1 the essen tial qualification of it. The machine will soon pay for itself in the nrtce of rectru nooai on account oi ipace saved, while the work of the machine is aa clear and distinct and legible as a neatly printed book. These additions to the equipment about the court house have long been needed and the court haa dli played good Judgment In purchasing mew. A larire crowd of people lathered at the Taylor-street Methodist church last Monday evening to pay tribute to Dr. and Mrs. N. Doane, whose tolden wed ding anulverary was celebrated last Sat urday at their borne in University Park. vt. voane, wnen cauea on lor lew L.IA . lit 41 . sermon in Oregon at St. Helens. When the resident! at that place heard I was missionary tney insisted on me d reach Ins sermon. I was at loss to know num auurn ,v . I Bllu u 7 wile suggested, -xne wages oi Din is Death This is where i nrst ion tne value of a loving wife. I had just graduated from col eve. and nad not nad much exoeri- ence in preaching, and wa consequently grraiij coiuuseu wnen caueu upon to preach so suddenly." It wa In 1849 when Mr. Doane first preached in this city fifty years ago. 3. H. Peterson, of Rainier, was in town last Sunday and closed the nego tiation! for the purchase of Henry Miller's logging camp and outfit. It is Mr. Peterson's Intention to put in an iron tram road at once, laying the iron on top oi tne sxius and thoroughly planking the entire road, so that it can be used in the winter. Three donkev engines and new camp buildings will be erected at once. It ia the intention to work from sixty to eisrhtv men steadily. 000 (eet of excellent fir and spruce tim ber to be logged at thla location, which will keep camp logging for several years. The people oi uatniamet ought to congratulate themselves on the ac quisition of this new industry to the place, nana pew perry win probably nave charge oi the camp. Cathlamet Uaxette. The case of Henry Lsrsen vs. K. F. in the Justice court on Monday, waa not tuaen to tnai. ine pa rues seitiea tne case out of court, tliui aavlne them selves considerable costs, aa well aa the unpleasantness of ealllutt neighbors into court to testify in the case. Roth par ties seem satisfied with the settlement nd certainly the community is better off. The receipts of the county clerk's office for the first ten days of September was IW5.40 tor land redemptions on ac count of taxes. These McKinley-gold standard times are thunder. They have had the demoralising effect of causing Columbia county to pay off about ftO 000 of debt in two years. Mr. I. Sneucer came over from Ver- nonia Tuesday acoompauied by his sou and daughter, who are on their way to attend college at Portland. Mr. Omar Spencer and his sister, Ural, have at anded Portland University for two years, and expect to continue until the course is completed. The steamer America will hereafter leave HU Helens at 6:30 a.m., her old schedule, instead of 7 a. in. This change of time of departure Is made necessary by increased wore aiong tne slough, and to give paasengers more time in the city. Hurrah I Everybody is getting mar ried. Those who are not making ar rangement! for such an act are only waiUnir for the opportunity. The crop of benedict thla fall i quite large, and Judge Doan seems to be responsible for tne whole tning. This osDer possesses the only well equipped job printing plant in St. Hel ens, where the quality of stock need and workmanship are of the best. Our prices are consistent with such qualities and we guarantee satisfaction to patrons. Mike Pierter believes in expansion. He ia reaching out for business and has increased bis capacity to do more work v adding: a new Doner ana engine to his woodsawing machine. The new apparatus came down Tuesday. Onlv that Dortion of the county court ftroceedings relative to bills paid will be urnished our readers this week. The county clerk had not time to prepare the court orders, hence they will not appear until our next issue. Our public school opened laat Monday with a good attendance and a splendid prospect for a successful year. Mr. Cleveland has charge of the school, as sisted, however, by Mrs. S. 8. Way. Mr. E. E. Quick was in Portland Tuesday looking after matters connected with the fast Increasing business of the firm of abstracters, of which he la a member. Mn M. II. Wilds, of Albany, who hna Iwnn vlsitina her dntiKhter. Mn. I H. Oopeland, at Uoulton, since last Friday, is reported quite sick. Mrs. T. 0. Watts was up from Reuben last Saturday evening attending the semi-monthly communication of the chapter of Eastern Star. Do not forget the grand ball to be given in St. Helena tonight (Friday). A grand time will certainly lie had. Rev. Mr. Philbrook will preach at Peris next Sunday at 11 o'clock and at St. Melons in the evening. Mrs. J. H. Groves, of Portland, visited her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Muckle, in this a day or two this week. Miss Mary Burke, of Portland, spent Saturday and Sunday visiting relatives at Rainier. HBrvost festival and social Octobor 16tU and iflth at the Episcopal church. WARREN AND CAPPOOflB. Mrs. Gause was a thl week. Portland visitor Jim McKay spent few days at Port- utuu ism wees. Frank Hoyt and D. 0. Alerd were roruanu visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Knute Bunby, of Port ana, are nere on a visit to relatives. Mr. Louis Plckerlna- of Portland the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hoyt. Ella Bacon and Laura Pmsey spent uie urit prt tn last wees at rortianu Dave Honeyman, of Portland, spent nunuay as a guest at tne Honeyman muL'u, Miss Mary Vincent and Miss Grace Duncan spent a few days at Portland last week. Mill Gunderion. of Portland, haa been for the luit week the truest of Mr. ana nrs, usoy. Floyd Posey. Mr. Beaver and Frank llovt are helnimr to make hav at the rsituno rancn. Miss Brehaut and Miss Smith, of Port land, visited at the Pattulo ranch Sat urday and Hunday. Jack Cooper, who is working at Port land, came down to attend the enter- ment at ecappoose on Saturday last, Mr, Ole Kissell and Chic. Houebton. of Portland, drove to Scappoose Satur day evening to attend tne entertain ment. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Marauam. fr.. of Portland, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. AlarQuara'i lather. Mr. A. It. Sheffield. While at St. Helens lsst week some one out of pure meanness run a knife into Tommy Callahan's tire, causing loin to waia nome. Mrs. Captain Snow, of Portland, and Miss Gertrude Vollens. who is attend ing school In Portland, are here on a visit to Miss Vollens' grandmother, Mrs. names. John Downing is snorting a new bone and buggy. John informed as tost we . - V ... " . ... bikers nad everything our own way tins summer, out just watcn nis smote tnis winter. We are in receipt of a' letter from Mr. Ueo. Uonderson who seems very snxious to xnow u worx is plenty around Warren, and it not, bow would gathering old Junk pay. Our advice to friend George Is to come to Warren and loin our sere nad en and we will promise um an tne ora juna ne can cart away. VlssOllie Ellis was tendered a sur prise party at her home near here last Friday night. The yonng people met at a named place and marched to her home in a body. The surprise was decided success. Miss Ellis entertained ber guests with games and songs. A light uncneon was served which all enjoyed. The coolness and quick actions of Mrs. Osby were all that saved the lives of even people on eunday laat. Mrs. Osby, with her two children and Miss Gunderson, were drivivg home from Scappoose in light buggy, and were crossing a bridge near their home in Dutch canyon, when Mrs. Osby saw a horse attached to a buggy wbich con tained Mr. and Mn. Blaskie and their four-year-old son come dashing down the hill. Mn. Osby. who waa in the center of the bridge, backed her horse from the bridge, which, by the way, had no railing, and was very narrow. Not a second too soon had she accom plished this feat before the frightened animal dashed by, overturning the buggy and throwing the occupants heav ily to the ground, bruising them con siderably. The amusement-loving people of Scap poose are very fortunate In having in their midst a man like Mr. Jack Cham bers, whose gentlemanly ways have won for himself a host of friends. Jack is always ready to do his best to entertain the people, and how well be has suc ceeded everybody knows who has at tended the entertainments given at Scappoose during the last few months. Jack is foremost In them all and is al ways willing to do more than his share. He also holds the highest office in the Artisan assembly here and his many friends showed their appreciation and in what esteem they held him by electing him to the office he now holds nd nils so successfully, ne was one of the few who received from Mr. I. Mo- Kenna. the grand master of the Arti sans, the emblem of the lodge, which he now wean. In Mr. Chambers' last venture, which wss given on last Satur day evening, everyone was loud in their S raise of his management and it waa ue to his and the committee's labors that everyone had a good time. The Misses Hartman and Bushman opened the entertainment with a song which was rendered in fine style. The recita tion by Mrs. W. T. Watts, entitled "The Famine," was a fine piece of work and which she did full justice to. One of the best numbers on the programme was the instrumental solo by Mn. Osby. The lady was greatly handicapped in her endeavor by the piano, which waa so far back upon . the stage that the sound reached the audience in. a jumble. Nevertheless, her playing showed her to be a finished artist. As she finished her selection for a few moments the ap plause was deafening, but Mrs. Osby would not respond, much to the regret of the large audience. The recitation bv Richard Mulllns was well rendered and very funny. George and Mamie Hartman sang a verry pretty duet which was well received. ''Ben Bolt" was sung in fine style by eight of the school children. The instrumental olo by Master Roy Price wa a fine bit of work. Although but nine years of age, Master Roy' playing would lie a credit to many an older person. The vocal solo by Miss Maude Watt, entitled "Because I Love Her So," was aung in such a manner as to fairly captivate the audience and the applause that followed showed how much her work was appreciated. 'Lucky Jim," which was delivered by Mr. B. Brinn, was very funny and the f;ood natured audience did not forget din when he had finished. Mr. Cham bers sang "The Farmer's Daughter" and had to respond to an encore. A Word to Mothers. Mothers of children affected with croup or a severe cold need not hesitate administer unamoeriain-s uougn Remedy. It contains no opiate nor nar cotic in any form and may be given as confidently to tne pane as to an anuic. The great success that has attended its use in the treatment of colds and croup haa won for it the approval and praise it has received throughout the United States and in many foreign lands. For sale by Dr. Edwin Ross. Tell four Stater. A Beautiful Complexion is an impossi bility without good pure blood, the sort that only exists in connection with good digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. Karl a uiover ttooi iea kctb uircuuy on the bowels, liver and kidneys, keeping them In perfect health. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggists, St. Helens, and N. A. Perry, Iiouiton. De feat Knew Consumption Is preventable T Science has proven that, and also that neglect is suicidal. The wont cold or cough can be cured with 8h lion's Cough and Con' sumption Cure. Sold on positive guarantee for over fifty years. Sold by ur. zawui uoss, druggist Bt. Helens, and Si. A. Perry, Hoalton. Vn Every Battle Of Shlloh's Consumption Cure Is this guarantee i "All w ask of you Is to use two-thirds of the contents of this bottle faithfully, then, if you say you are not benefited, return the bottle to your uruggtst and ne may reiund tne price pain." rrtee w cts., oo cts. and ii.w. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist, St. ueiens, snu st. a. ferry, iiouiton. liKOAL NOTICEB. B0ASD Of EQUALIZATION MEETING. Omcs or Covmtv Awiasoa. st. HEMcMi, Oregon, ssp. l, law. NOTICE IS HKRKBV GIVEN THAT THE Board of Equalization for Columbia eoun- th City of St. Hrlenn, Ormon. on Moudar. Oc v. urwuD. win itivefc ill ma tjouri iio ut. in tober a, um, for ihs piirpuM of eiuslltfns tbs wtiwnini ui jaw. aii claims Kir cuirtcuoa must os uuuli Delora tits board. MAUTTH WS1TK. ASMWor of Columbia Count, Oregon. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Codmty TaKAitiaaa'a nrnca. ST. HSLIMI. Oi., SB. , uw. NOTICE HEKKBV OIVEM THAT ALL Unnftld Cnmitv Warrant nf CftlllnihfA county, Oregon, winch have mn preienwd and andorM'd' "Not Puld for Waut of Fnnda." prior to October 1st, UHW, will be paid upon pre- aeuwuon ai inn omce. jnieret win noi om ai' lowed afier thin data. EDWIN ROSS. aul Treasurer of i'oltimbla Countv, Oregon. GUARDIAN'S FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE aiidernlgned guardian of the estate of John Hendricks, an Incompetent Demon, haa filed in ine omce 01 ine county ciera oi i;oiumois coun ty, elate of Oregon, hla dual account aa anch guardian, and the Honorable County Judge of am oiumoia county, Oregon, nae appointed Monday, the Kth day of October, mi, at the hour of 1 o'clock la the afternoon of Midday, and the court room of the county court houae, In the city of St. Heleue, Oregon, aa the time ana piece ior ocarina aain nnai amount ami oojecuone wmch may be made thereto. . B. UUIl'K, Guardian of the Batata of John Hendricks, an Incompetent peraon. vatea, at. aeteue, uregon, Beptemnerio, taw. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ld omcs at Oaaeoa Ciry, Oa., Kent. 13th. iSM. XTOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE i K followfiie.named aettler haa Sled notice of hli Intention to make Anal proof In support of nia ciann, ana ma nam proof win oe maae co Oregon, on October 7th, Vm. rut: lore uie HMniier ana ueceiver. at urenon uitv. FRANK AL8LEBKN. Homestead entrc S8M. for the lots 1. 1 and i. Me llon i, towniiitp norm, range west. He names the (ollowlna wllntaeee to Drove hla continuous residence upon, end cultivation of aaia iann, via: Aioen ecnmiaiin, rrea oor leeckl, Herman Futlner and George at. Holt, all Braunnport, Oregon. 1M20 CHA8. B. MOOfcES, Hegteter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ornca AT Oasoos Citt, Ob., Scot. nth. urn. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE foltnwllur.named MAttlctr hna filad notice nf her Intention to make final proof In support of ber claim, and that aald proof will be made be- Oregon, on October 27th, lSw, via: LOUISE ALSLEBEN. Widow of Theodore Ataleben, deceased, home ate ad eutry No. IMT7. for the lota I end 4. of sec tion 80, and lot 1, of section 81, townahlp 4 north, raiiKe a wen. She names the followinr witneeeea to prove her continuous reiidence upon and cultivation of said land, via: Albert Hchmidlln, Fred Bor leocki, Herman Fullner aud Ueorge M. Holt, all of Bruaiuport, Oregon. s2k2u CUAH. B. MOORE8 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lard Ornca at Ossooa City, Ob., Sent. S. 1899. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE fnllowlna-nanied settler haa filed notice of her Intention to make flual proof iu support of her claim, and that Mtid proof will be made be fore Rentier and Receiver at Oregon City, Ore gon, ou October 21at, laus, vis: GERTRUDE A. ORTH. Homestead entry No. 11,411, for the east of northeast K. ana east If of southeast ! of sec tion 86. township 4 north, range 6 west. 6he names the following witnesses to Drove her continuous residence BKn aud cultivation of said land, via: Robert Simpson, Adam Simp son, William B. Louslgnont aud Thomas J. Me Farland, allot Buxton, Oregon. sUo'JO CUAS. B. MOORE8, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Ornca at Obbgos Citt. Ob , Sept. 6th. i9. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has tiled notice of her Inteutinn to make final proof in support of her claim, and that aald proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver, at Oregou City, Oregon, on October 21st, IrVS, vis: VIOLA ORT8CH1LD, Homestead entry Nn. 11,240, for the tontheaat X of section 2S, township 4 north, range t west. She names the followlus wltnesaes to prove her continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, vli: Robert Simpson, Adam Hlmp sou, William B Louslgnont and Thoa. J. Me Fartand, all of Buxton. Oregon. sMoai CHAS. U. MOORES, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 8, 1878. Notice tor Publication. Ukitbo BTATse Lard Ornca, ubbosjm uity, ur., Augnai jv, tew. OTICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN comnllance with the orovlsionaof the act of congress of June , 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Htatea of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri tory," aa extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1882. Ray E. Watts, of Ooble, county of Columbia, State of Oregon, baa thia day filed In thia oHlcs her sworn statement No. 4060, for the purchase of the southeast of sec tion a, In township No. 6 uorth, range No. 8 west, aud will offer proof to show that the land sought la more valuable tor lt timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said laud before the Koglster and Receiver of this office, at Oregon Ciiy, Oregon, ou Wednes day, the 15th day of November, 1IW9. She names as witnesxea: John M. Archibald, Charles Morel, Emll Wssser and George Morel, all of Goble. Oregon. Any and all persona claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this oillce on or before aald 1,1th day of November, 18W. sttnlO CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. SUMMONS Bf PUBLICATION. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia County. Tbbbt E. Cos. Plaintiff, ) vs. Suasions. Hai.su Cos, Defendant I To Helbh Cob, the above-named defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and ans wer the complaiut tiled against yoa in Uie above entitled suit, on or before the 14th day of Octo ber, IfVD, and If you tall ao to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demandod In the complaint: Which la for a decree of divorce against you upon the f round of desertion. Thia summons is pub Ished by order of Honorable J. B. Doan, eoHnty lu.liie, duty made and entered In the above-eu-tttled cause, dated August 80th, im), and aald ordor requires this summons to lie published once a week for six consecutive weeks in The Oskooh Mist, once each week, the first publi cation being September 1st, Mis. GEORGE A. HALL, Attorney for plaintiff. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. In tho Circuit Court for the State of Oregon, tor ooiumnia uouitty. Joski h Gkbbard ahtom, Plaintiff,) Summons. Caholimb Ahtor. Defendant. To Casolini Anton, the above-named de fendant. IN T1IK NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby roqHlred to appear and ans wer the eopiplaiut tiled against you In the above-entitled Court aud cause on or before the 17th day of October, 1WIH, which Is six weeks and four days after the 1st day of September, 18Wt, the date ordered for the first publication of this notice, and if you fail to so appear aud answer, the plaintiff will apply for tne relief prayed for in his complaint, towlt: For a de cree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between above-named plaintiff and de fendant, aud for sueh other aud further relief as tn the court may seem meet aud lust. This summons ia published by an order of the Hon. John 11. Clelnnd, Judge of the above-named court tor Mtiltuomah county, mado and ontered on Uie fill day of A ugtist, lmni. DAVIS, GANTKNBK1N B VRAZIE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. PROPERTY AMEHMBMTf. Soma Interesting Figures From the Roll of 1890. County Assessor Martin White has the assessment roll for 18U9 practically com pleted. Assessments for 1SU8 snd 1899 compared shows tbat the 1809 roll in creases the gross valuation of all prop ertv 154.46). the totals being, for 1898, 1.896.080; for 1889, 1.4M,M6. The fol lowing figures sre taken from the sum mary just completed : Acres of tillable land. 11.898: total val nation. 1172.406: averse value, 114.40, Acres of non-tillable land. 861,189: total valuation, $828,666; average value, IZ.oO. Value of improvements on deeded lands. 177.866. Town and city lota, total value, $38,660. Value of Improvements on town and city lots, $40,875. Vnlue of improvements on lands not deeded or patented, souau. Miles of logging railroad bed, 2 val- ma S14RJt, ..,a..n vlna u tnila ShUl Miles of railroad bed. 62: total value. $164,000; average value per mile, $2060. Value of logging railroad rolling stock, Value of railroad rolling stock, 117. om Miles of telegraph and telephone line. 101 : total value. 9606 : average valne per mne, IU4.7U. Value of merchandise and stock in trade$17.670. Valne of farmins; implements, wagons, carriages, etc, $4930. tfonery engines, etc., $68,216. v siiw ua iwaiuuvnw, .oi t vu urn. - Money, vow. .Notes and accounts, $21,660. Shares of stock. 182: value. $1160. Value of household furniture, watches. jewelry, etc., $21,113. Horses ana muies, 14Z4; total vaine, $21 .01 2:-average value. $16.38. Cattle. 4012: total valne. $42,867: av erage value, $10.08. Btieep ana goats, is; total vaiue, $1373 ; average valne, $1.00. Swine, 880 ; total value, $1660 ; average value, si.7. Urose value of all property, $1,660,306, Exemptions, $99,790. Number of polls, 600. Total taxable property, $1,460,645. BENNETT. Near Warren, Monday, September it, iw, to tne wne oi a. r. Bennett, s son. nABHlED. FOMEBOY-MILLEK. At Kainier. Or., Thurs day, September 7, IMS), Mr. J. H. romeroy and atiaa Annie Miner, auuge troan,apmciaung. WASHBURN-BEE. At Ealnter, Or., Sunday. September 10, law, Mr. C. V. watbbnrn and Miss Anna Bee, Judge Doan, officiating. MOROAN-WONDEBLY.-At Hoalton. on, Thursday. SeDtember 14. ISM. Mr. A. gan and alias Jennie L. Wonderly, Judge Doan, omciating. TEAM FOR SALE. A team of good farm horses, aged 8 and t years, weight about 1200 each. Work either sin gle or double. Call on or address u. n. rjLaj&x, nomton, ur. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Mr son. Wllhelm. havlna- left hla home with out just cause. I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by aald Wllbelm Bachmeyer. johm usobob rjACHMBYxa, (nu lamer. J SOLICITORS WANTED. We will pay fit a week salary to either a man r a woman to represent the Midland Monthly Maglslue as a subscription solicitor. The Ml land la the same size aa Met In res or the Cosmo politan. It is now In ita sixth year, and la the only magazine of thia kind published In the great Central West. A handsome premium given to each subscriber. Send 10 centa for a copy of the Midland and premium list to the Twentieth Century Publishing Co., St Louis, Mo. Skin Diseases. For the rroeedr and nermanent core of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment Is without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued nae effects a permanent cure. It also cores itch, barber's itch. scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyea and granuiaieu uas. Dr. fadv'a Condition Powders for horses are the best tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Price, 25 centa. Sold by Dr. Edwin Boss. O nn tt-i utiti m V UK1MTAL HOTEL Mrs. I. J. Scott Proprietress ST. HELENS, OREGON. A 8trictly Frst-Clsss House. X Home for Commercial Travelers and the Public. Board and Lodg ing at Most Reasonable Rates. r i A WELL KEPT STABLE For Care of Patron's Horses. g. ED HILLSBERRY, Expert : Barber SHARP RAZORS AND CLEAN TOWELS. None but purest chemicals need in wash ing ana cleansing tne lace, r i Get a Hot Towel on Your Face Usual prices for work. DECKER'S OLD STAND, ST. HELENS .BRIMS SALOON. Stm. jScrrtn, Vvt. If you want something good in the line of whisky try SHAW'S MALT Only the best of Liprs and Cigars Kept in Steel Pool and Card Tables for the use of fatroue. Courteous treatment. (Between the two Hotels.) ST. HELENS, - . - OREGON. OPEN FROM 0 A. M. TO 12 O'OLOCK MIDNIGHT. ....St. Helens' - We Have Everything You Want in the Line of ..GENERAL.. I ..Merchandise.. i Onr Prices are Right I yon buy or not. show goods Loggers' Outfits. Logging Gamps Supplied ...THE POPULAR GROCERS... I MAIN STREET, ST. .ittiMJUJUJUJUm g ....St. Helens t .. J. H. BART, Prop., Fresh Meats, Sausage, Hams, Bacon; Lard Bacon, Lard and Hams Bold way Down. Special Bates Given on Orders for Large Quantities oi Heat. jac euu'cre wvi &ctt JOHNSON & BURCDORFER BROS.. o Manufacturers ...All Kinds of Rough a) Fleeriass;... Rustle ...Cellists; ...IMsa.B.loa I.asakr... S BOAPPOOSB. - yBssUsttK.JIitrfhjsffc H M M H H H H H H M M ..THE NEW YORK STORE.. ...CArriea a Large Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats Gaps Dresses, Etc GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Oar line of groceries, tobacco, cigars, candies, note, fruits, etc., is new and clean, in fact, our entire stock consists of strictly up-to-date goods, wbich we invite the public to inspect. Portland prices ior goods. , H. MORQUS. Proprietor. St Helens, Oregon h isl r gyro vvvvv'v'vv v- MONTE VISTA NURSERIES APPLE TREES. 0M WHICH WE QUOTE fERY REASOHABLE PRICES. Willnmnfta Drunn 0ne Rni1 two-year-old trees, dona were obtained from g HliiulIiCliC rlUIIC. prominent fruit grower, and were cut from bearing trees. ALSO CHERRY, PLUM A. HOLADAY, PROP., ST. CHARLES HOTEL Front & Morrison Sts Portlani Under New Management 150 Booms at 25 Cents to 50 Cents. Suites 75 Cents to 1.00. Elevator, Electric Lights and Bells, and all Modern Conveniences. -Free Bua Meets all Boats and Trains. Restaurant Cornice cil win Heel Oregon Telephone 290. Columbia Telephone 27, HOME BAKERY . . - MRS- 8. E. MMHTYRE, PROPRIETRESS, Homc-Made Bread, Pies Gates, Donglinnts-Liinches, 10 cents Up. Also a Stock of Notions and Confectionery a NEXT TO BOWLING AI.I.KI V, -:- ST. HELTON'S. For Catalogue, addresa P. L. CAMPBKI.L. Pres. i Or W. A. WANK, Secretary of Faculty. Popular Store... m 9 - av Come and See us, whether We are pleased to and give prices. . HELENS, OREGON Meat Market.... g . v. -lj. ttKto, t of sad Dealers In o and Dressed Lumber... GOOD ROAD TO THE MILL. Kill od sooth fork of Scappoose creek Jour miles from Scappooae station. Lnmber delivered at Scappoose station or Johnson's landing at 1.00 per H, extra. At Warren station, 11.50. - - - - OREGON ssfti aftr jsjfls. jtdftss atafc. 4 H H H Assortment of..... H M Harris' Old Stand n V1 hp- v vvv-vv-ht fTTT70 a We have a choice lot of one and two-year-old trees, snch as Ben Davis, Northern Spy, Bald win, Spitzenberg and Gravenstein, AND PEAR TREES. SCAPPOOSE, OREGON V M L J FOB POBTLAND, DAILY. M M H -STEAMER "America" ii Willamett Slough Route M M H M M M M H M y Leave St. Helens..... 7:00 A M Arrive at Portland... 10:80 A M Leave Portland 2:30 P M Arrive at St. Helens... 6:00 P M FARE SO CENTS. Will Carry Nothing but Pause n gers and Fast Freight. JAMBH CiOOD, Master. aLBi aut uuuuiasa VVslkv m LUNCH BOOM ! State Normal School MONMOUTH, OR., Training School for Teachers. New Build- luga. Now Department, ungraded Conntry School Work, ....Graduate) Secure Good Potitiena... Strong Courses, well Equipped Training AJetuirlinem. normal course quioaeal and beat way to State Certificate. Kxpensea for year from 1120 to ItflO, or Doarn ..ou to ...w per weea inn. ion SiiJ6 for term of ten week, Fall term btgiat Snot 19th. Summit fsrm Junt 27 to Stpt. t. county businesi.