VALLEY FARMERS. Mvestoek and Dairying Indaatrloe OSes Ta.m Oraat Oppor tun Hire. State Food and Dairy Commissioner uailnv. after having made a full and Careful inspaotion of the dairying and took Industrie! of the Willamette val ley, ia convinced that no other branches of agriculture offer better opportunities for the farmer to realize, with proper affoit, handsome profit, fioiu hi labors as do these. Willamette valley farm era, Mr. Bailey says possess advantage for the raising of thoroughbred stock, not equaled anywhere in this legion, Not on It are all the conditions for growing this stock ideal, but a market on the ranees ol Eastern Oregon, Wash ington, Idaho and Montana, stands read; to take all that is offered, and at pries that leave no doubt as to the profits. "Within the past week," sava Mr, Bauer, "there have been buyeia a Portland for breeding stock who came piepared to buy an unlimited number, From $10 to (IS each was paid for spring Iambs and at these figures less than 100 could be had and the parties will now be obliged to go East for the balance of their stock. "To show how much it costs to raise these lambs, have only to tell von that on a recent visit to one of the valley farmers, I was Btiown a band of 100 Cotswold lambs that will average in weight M0 pounds each. These lambs were raised on grass on summer fallow land which probably cost SO cents an acre to sow. And as each and everyone of these lambs is good for a 10 bill it will not take much of mathematician to figure out theptorits. "The same proposition holds good in regard to Angora goats. I have on my list many inauiriea for goats and while five cents per pound is freely offered, there are none to be hail. "I want to tell vou light now, continued Mr. Bailey, "that this valley is destined to be the mohair center of the world, for nowhere does tho Angora coat thrive and put on that lustre of mohair as in the hills of the U'illam ette valley, and I am pleased to note that increased interest is being taken in these industrious animals. Within the past 10 days a car load of pure bred goats have been received in the valley. These goats originated in the distiict of Angora and are bred in the purple. The valne of this ship- merit to tin goat breeders of the North, west cannot at this time bo estimated. "If the farmers will only quit this vicious habit of summer fallow and in stead raise clover, rape and vetchis upon which to pasture sheep, goats and hogs, it will be the means ot raising every mortgage on the farms within our borders. "The question of dairying is a ser ious one. The dairymen were anxious to have a law passed protecting theii interests, but aie making no special effoit to supply the demand for butter and cheese that is sure to come this winter. Already there is a shortage of good dairy products, while within 35 miles of Portland, located on the line of a railroad are to be seen two cream eiies with the notice 'for sale or rent' on each of them. These creameries are situated where there is every pos sible advantage for dairying, and upon investigation I find that they were not closed because the patrons did not do well, but because one fellow thought some other fellow was doing better or making more than be should out of the concern. "Yee, there is as jet much to learn but the farmers have learned one lea son and that is that there is no money in laising 15 bushels of wheat to the acre and for which 45 to 60 cents is all that can be had, and they are now giv ing more Uiougbt and study along oth er lines." TRADE GAINS STRENGTH. Heavy Eiparte af W heat Fewer Bull Baas Failure Mvported. Bradstreet'a says: The trade gath sis strength as summer wanes. Reports of expanding full demand arrive, ac companied by very oheeiful advioea as to the outlook in moat pints of the country. In manufacturing lines pro duction appears to lie at a miniinnm, and the price situation retains most of its old strength. iS'otuble in the mat tor of added strength are most of the cereals and iron and steel in many forms. The Impetus jiivoii to wheat prices by the government report last week has been further reinforced by less favorable crop advices from other countries, notably India, and export business ii repoited as somewhat improved. Wheat (inoluding flour) shipments for the week aggregate 4,040,009 bush els, against 8,616,154 huahels lust week, 8,988,348 bushels in the corre sponding week of 1893, 6,316,803 bush els in 1S;I7, 8,991,093 bushels in ISSN), and 2,389,140 bushels in 1895. Since July I this season, the exports of wheat aggregate 26,165,065 bushels against 22,3411.07(5 bushels last year, and 31,43,344 busluls in 1897-98. Business failures for the week num ber 173, as compared with 160 last wesk, 195 in this week a year ago. 231 in 1897, SC4 iu 18DG, ami 193 in 1S95. Bonding; at a Lnw Kara of tbterest. Some of the counties of Montana ars) reducing expenses by bonding their in debtednesg at a low rate of interest. lieaveihead is about to issue 4 pet cent bonds to the amount of (40,000. and Uallatin county offeis (137,000 in bonds bearing interest at the late of J,' per cent. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Sugar Factory Will Start. Joseph Barton, manager of the Ore gon Sugar Company, is making prelim inary arrangements for starting a fac tory for the seasons'a run. The factory will start about the 15th of September. About 100 men will be employed at the factory, as the factory will have a much larger run this season than last. in fact tlieie is a certainty of having mora than twice the amount of beets to work. A great deal of labor will be required in harvesting the beet crop, which will commence within a very short time. There will consequently be a strong demand for labor in that icinity during all tbe fall season. Successful Biddars. Koberts Bros., capitalists of Spokane, ware successful bidders for tbe Daven port water woiks bonds, tho firm offer ing a premium of (1,000 for the issue of (14,450. There were several other bidders represented at the .council meeting when the bids wore opened, The first offers were all rejected as be ing too low. New bids weie callod for and Roberta Bros, secured the bonds. Call for Bond Bids. The treasurer of Baker connty has issued a call for bids for the (15,000 bond issue to build a schoolhouse, These bonds are to draw interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, inter est payable semi-annually, and the bonds will be issued in denominations of (1,000 each. They are payable in 30 years, or payable at pleasure of dis trict In 10 years. All the bonds will be sold together. Vbtm Will Ba Paid. The troubles of the Montana Power Company of Butte are to be adjusted at once and the woik of installing the machinery at the big dam on the Big Hole river will be pushed to comple tion at an eaily date. A capitalist of Butte has assumed tho indebtedness of the concern, which amounted to (210, 000. Of this amount (185,000 repre sented liens on tbe property and ma chinery, and (85,000 of receiver's cer tificates for repairs to the dam lust spring and fall. Hons Not Damaged. The hops in yards adjacent to Salem wsie in no manner rlamaged by the looent copious rain fall. All the grow ers agiee that the rain has proved of great benefit to the hops, comina at quite the proper time. The success of the year's crop is of great concern financially to those engaged in the cul ture thereof. Ths first carload of Idaho green fruit to be shipped this season left Boise Baturday for Chioago. Other cars will follow in a few days and the great sea "pu for Southern Idaho will begin, Partland Mark at. Wheat Walla Walla, B753ci Valley, 6959c; Bluestem, 6081o per bushel. Flour Best grades, (3.35; graham. (3.05; superfine, (3.15 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 4043c; choice gray, 38 42c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, (17; brew ing, (18.50 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, (17 per ton; mid dlings, (33; shorts, (18; chop, (16.00 per ton. Hay Timothy, (309; clover, (7 8; Oregon wild hay, (6 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 4550o; seconds, 85 (i 40c; dairy, 80g35o; store, 33 lf 27f,o. Eggs 18(18sc per dozen. Cheese Oregou full cream, 13o; Young America, 13o; new cheese, 10c per pound. Poultrv Chickens, mixed, (4.60(35 per dozen; hens, (5. 00 5. 60; springs, (2 3.25; geese, (4.00(35.00 for old, (4.506.50 for young; ducks, $5.00(9 50 per dozen; turkeys, live. 13a & 13 He per pound. Potatoes "5c(3(l per sack; sweets, 8c per pound. Vegetables Beets, (1; turnips, 90o per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab bage, 1 ,''(($ 3 o per pound; cauli flower, 76o per dozen; parsnips, (1 beans, 66c per pound; celerv. 0(3 75c per dozen; cucumbers, 50c per box; peas, 34c per pound; tomatoes, jc per box; green corn, 12a 15c per ozen. Hops ll13c; 1897 crop, 46o. Wool Valley, 1213o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 8(4 13c; mohair. 87 30c per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 8c; dressed mutton, 6)j 7c; lambs, 8 1 4c per lb. Hogs (irons, choice heavy, (5.00; light and feeders, (4.50; dressed, (0.00 8.50 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, 8. 60 (4.00; cows, (3.008.60; dressed beef, 67c per pound. Veal Large, 6i7c; small, 8 8g'c per pound. A STARTLING OBJECT LESSON. How a Mexican Alcalde Learned Pom of ttaa Illflicultlea of Kallroadln. Tlie old soutnwestrn engineer wm telling tales of by-goue days down In Mexico and dwvlllug upou the Mexi can's Ignorauce of railroading. "Once, near Victoria," Bit Ut he, "we iwere loaded heavily with Iron, and we tilt the usual drunken Mexican asleep on the track. Thorn folk used to tbluls a roadbed better'n a wool mattress, it was down grade and around a curve, and we wore going at a fair clip, and, though we had air brakes, we couldn't bold up In time. Wo ground blm up, aud at Victoria, ten miles further ou, we didr.'t have any better souse thau to rvport It. Of course, the tralu was side tracked aud we were put In Jail. Next day we were hauled up beforo the alcal de. He was a little, dried up mau, with manognuy skin aud snow-white mus tache. It bristled fiercely, but 1 noticed that' his eye twinkled a good deal and I sorter cot timed to blm right away, We told him that we couldu't stop the train In the time allowed us, and It was the truth. He said, through au Inter preter, of course: "I've heard all this before. Five of my people have been killed by trains la six mouths aud I have let tho tralu crows go. They said they couldu't stop, I in going to see about this. Your tralu is on the sidetrack, coupled aud loaded. We'll fire up and go buck to the place whore you killed Vicente. We'll run down at the same spred. When you come near to the curve you must try hard to stop. 1 will go Iu the cab with you. "Well, we fired up and went back three miles beyond the death spot Then we started forward again. Of course It was not my busluess to run too slowly. I wanted to show the alcalde that stopping Iu the space de scribed was au Impossibility. Old 03 was a quick englue. aud Inside of two miles. It being a down grade, we were doing a two-minute clip. We struck the curve at forty miles an hour. The alcalde bad never in his life been on a ,tralu, aud he was leaning out of the cab winuow, waving uis Dig straw uat ami shouting 'Viva! Viva!" As we sighted the spot where Vicente had been pul verized the airbrakes went on like the clamp of death. 1 was thrown to the floor of the cab myself. As for the alcalde, he shot through the window like a rocket, turned six somersaults and lit on his back In the sand thirty feet away. The train ground to a standstill, yards beyond tbe blood stained ties. He came limping up. brushing the sand out of his white hair. I remember that his mustache was all bent down on one side. He looked up at me and said simply, 'Valga me Dios!' which is about equivalent to 'Dern my buttons!" We went back to town; be discharged us all and Invited us to din ner with blm. We stayed and pulled out that evening. Everybody ran pret ty much on bis own schedule In them times." Seattle Market. Onions, new, (1.25g)1.50 per sack. Potatoes, new, lQlcperlb. Beets, per sack, (1 10. Turnips, per sack. 50 65c Carrots, per sack, 00c. Farsnips, per sack, $1(31.75. Cauliflower, 40i UOc per doz. Cabbage, native and Califoinl $1 1.25 per 100 pounds. Cherries, 75c(3(l. Peaches, 75'J0c. Apples, (1.26 1.75 per box. Pears, (1.75 per box.. Prunes, (1 per box. Watermelons, $3(33. Cantaloupes, (22.50. Blackberries, $1.55(3 3. Butter Creamery, 25o per pound; dairy 1720o ranch, 12'17o per lb. Eggs, 24c. Cheese Native, 10 12c. Poultry 1314c; dressed, 16)e. Hay Puget Bound timothy, (79; choice Eastern Washington tim othy, (14.00. Corn Whole, (23.60; cracked, (23; feed meal, (23.00. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton. (21; whole, (23. Flour Patent, per barrel, (3.60; blended straights, (3.26; California (3.25; buckwheat flour, (3.50; graham, per barrel, (u.50; whole wheat floor. (3; rye flour, (4.60. Millstuffs Bran, pel ton. (16: horts, per ton, (16. teed Chopped feed, (20.60 per ton; middlings, per ton, (23; oil cake meal, per ton, (35. San Franeleco Market. Wool Spring Nevada, 13 14c per pound; Oregon, Eastern, 10(3 14c; Val ley, 1719c; Northern, 8310c. Onions Silverskin, 86c(l per sack. Butter Fancy creamery, 24o: do seconds, 22(J23ac; fancy dairy, 2021o do seconds, 1618o per pound. Eggs Store, 1720o; fancy ranoh. 2226o. Hops 1898 crop, Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, (2.75($8.25; Mexican limes, $4(34.60; California lemons, 75cg(1.60i do lioioe, (1.75(82.00 per box. Hay Wheat, (7.09; wheat and oat, $7(38; oat, (80; best bar ley, (4.60(87: alfalfa, f 5.60S7 per ton; straw, o(go7feC per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, 75 90c; Oregon Burkanks. (1.65(2(1.85; river Bnrbanks, 78S90o; Salinas Burbankf, (1.35 1.40 per saok. Tropical fruits Bananas, (1.50(3 3.60 pr bunch; pinsapplas, (2(3 4.00; Psislaa dates, ao par pound. Whence Gutta Peroha Cornea. The tree from which gutta percha Is obtained grows In Borneo, and In oth- pr Islands of the Indian Archipelago, says the Philadelphia Times. It Is very large, but the wood Is spongy, and of ittle use as timber. The leaves grow on long stalks, and are green above and of a bright yellow beneath. Tbe flowers are small and grow In pretty tufts In the axils of the leaves, each on a separate stalk or stem. To obtain tbe gutta percha of com merce, the finest trees are cut down. and Incisions are made in the bark; milky Juice exudes from the Incis ions, and U reserved "by little troughs made for that purpose. When the Juice has hardened to a certain extent It Is kneaded into cakes and exported. The cakes are of a reddish brown col or and are full of Irregular pores. Before, however, the cakes are ready for use they have to undergo some preparation. They are first sliced into very thin shavings and then placed Iu a "tearing" machine, which re volves in a trough of hot water. The machines tears the shavings into small pieces, and tbe hot water washes them thoroughly. These pieces are then made Into cakes and tbe cakes are rolled several times between heat ed cylinders to free them from any air or water that they may contain, and to make them uniform In texture. Again they are rolled between heated rollers and thus made Into sheets of various thicknesses for use, or formed into rods, water pipes or any other shapes which may be desired. Whale In Shrimp Net. A small bottle-nosed whale 11 feet long aud 0 feet In circumference has been captured off the Essex coast, and Is now to be seen on tbe beach at Southend. It was surprised near the shore by some local fishermen, who managed to take It by tangling It up In an old shrimp net Its vitality was so great that It lived for fifty hours after capture. The Idea of tackling a ton of lively whale with a shrimp net does not In the least Im press Its captors, who, says our corre spondent, "would go for a sea serpent with a half Inch rope." K Contributory Cane. Sagebrush Stun Yer say Bill died of a lame arm. How could that bo? Cactus Charlie Why, yoi see, bis arm wu so stiff that ha could'nl draw his gun quick, au' the other feller got tho drop on him. N. Y. Journal. Tim New Tornaila. A Pwetl tins Invented one operated bv Invisible ray ot liplit, which enables it lb rxnloile at will. In like manner Hostel' tor a iStomiti'h Hitters compters all stomach troubles. When a sutlerer from vouatiorv- thin, dyspepsia or liver complaint ink the imirrs or ia aureoi u cure, a private ttrv enue Stamp covers the neck of the bottle. At Washington, R. I., the Living tone, woolen will ia running night aud day. Teniae Van Waar Shoes One sle smaller after using Allen's Foot Ease, a powder to beahnken into theshoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy; gives Instant relief to corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the src. Cures swollen feet, blisters and eal lotis spots. Allen's Foot-Knse is a certain cti for ItigM ing nails, sweating, smart ing. hot, aching feet. We have 30,000 teli rtiouials. All (Iruirirtsta ami shoe stoma sW it. 5o. Trial package r'UKIO by mail. 7klrt)S3, AUcu fc. Olmsted. Le Koy. N. Y. In the South within the past five months (17,000,000 in new capital bus been invested in cotton nnlis. M v doctor said 1 would die. hut Plso's Cum for Consumption cured me. Amos Keluer, Cherry Valley. Ilia., Nov. 23, 'tto. Tho Dougherty County Mnmilaotm. inu Company may soon be incorporated to build a cotton mill at Albany, Ga. Ticmcmber that you can buv Jesse Moors A. A. Whiskov for the same uric that is paid for ordinary whiskey. For aaJebyaU first-class dealers and druggists. Philadelphia collected (103.000 as taxes on trolley company dividends last year. fT rVrroantMiuy Ctirl. !Co ntaornrrouna alia) atl,-r Sntt oav's ue vt Ir. Klhie'a OriMit Krrve ltitiir.T. tkind fv.r HtKK 4.00 triol buttleati'l tniolse. I) I. It. Ji. KUSt, 1L,MU area street, I'ulhulelpbl. Jftk I'ulU With Ilia Mlarht. A horse may pull witli all his might, hut never with his mane. Chicago Daily News. In 1850 it was estimated that the consumption of pure alcohol in Franca equaled 1 ' liters per head of the pop ulation. In 1806 it had increased to 4.10 liteis, apart from the use of wines, beers and ciders. 'Honor is Pure ftased by Deeds We Do. " Dttds, ml xvemis, count In Mtlts of ptict As nutU 43 in iiMr. It is not txtftAt w 3, Anf rtM Hood's SrsfUirilU does, thjtt tells the story of its merit. A fits Kuon nuny rmrkjible victories over the arch enemy of mankind Impure ttood. Be sure to gel only Hood's, because 222223 "7iiii" Waff. In a II nil H ay. The Approached Why don't yon go to wotkf The Tramp Alas I kind sir, 1 never learned anything but a trudu. 1'hlln- dolplm North American. UlsrNIM CINSUIt Ha OUKED Ut local sppltratlona, as thy cannot reach tlis tiu,'axe(t portion ol the ar. There laoaly ons way totitire tlcsineiet, atul that la hy coiiittlttt- tioitai remeoie. vauineaa la eauaeti ty an in- flamed condition ot the uincuua llnltiir of tlio Kuxtai'lilait Tube. When thla tali uta In- llainftl ou have a ruiiibltnu aontnl or tinner led hearing, ami tvlictt H ia entirely uloe, uatne-a ia the result, atul uuleai lite lultamina. tloa can he taken out am) loU lube reit'wed to Hit normal condition, hearing wttlbetlfHiroyed torever: iilnecaaes out ol tea arecaueedhv catarrh, ahlrh la nothing hut an litilatued cundltiouol the tnueouaaiirfacca. Wewllleiva One Hundred Ihtllara for anv eae ol Pcaiticsafeauaed by catarrh) Unci can not t curd uy lieu t aiarru uure. sella lor etrculara, tree. . r. J. ciinnni OK w., ivteuatv fold bv PrtiKSlKta. 7Ao Halt's family t'llla ars lha beat Improved Train Kqutpment. The O. U. & N. and Oregon Short Line have added a htiflet, smoking mid library car to their Portlutid-Cliiuago through train, and a dining car scrviue has been iiiaugtinrated. The train is equipped with the latest chair cars, day conches and luxurious flrat-oluas and ordinary sleppms. Diiect eonneo- ion made) at Granger with Union 1'a- citio, and at Ogden with Itlo Uramle, ine, from all points in Oregon, Waah ngton and Idaho to all Eastern cities. For Information, rates, etc., call on any O. K. & N. agent, or address VV. II. Ilurlburt, General Passenger Agent, oitlaud. The Westminster Presbyteiian church of Jersey City closes its doois at the beginning of tbe sen ice, and they are 0e:ied but once again during the set vice to admit late coiners. It is stated that this is done to coriect the habit of tardiness. A fiiendly wiestling match between brothers, John and Frederick Singer, in Webster City, Ia., resulted in the death of tl e former. The twelfth annual census will bo taken next yeai, and it is estimated that it will show a population of over 77,000.000 in the United States. A novel way of pairing guests at sty lish dinners has come in vogue in New York. The guests are masked, and each gentleman chooses a lady and es corts ber to the dining loom. When the soup is served the guests unmask. Farm hands In Yucatan wear linen garments of spotless white. When they become even slightly soiled they hast en to ohange them. Work is plentiful there, farm IaUreis ate well paid, and they can afford to be tidy. A German railroad now building in Eastern Africa, where the climate is moat dangerous to the while mun, re cently offered positions to cilvl en gineers at (1,135 per annum, station masters at (1,000 and locomotive diiv eia (000. Iks Cllffd wallers and How Haeoh Tliaill. The Denver A Klo 0 ramie railroad has recognised the groat Intoreat which has latiiir btii aioiisod in those won. durfnl mini, and will furnish on appll' cation to K. tl. Niohol, Umieial Agent, DM Wnahlncton struct. Portland. Ur a pamphlet dt.aoiiblng the lulus, and the best 'way to remcii tnem. Theao historical ruins are loontml on tho lino of the Denver A Itio U ramie rallioad. Paities going East should avail them solves ut the oimortuuity of purchasing tickets via this lino, the sceuio line of the world. Mothers will find Mra. Wlnslow'a Booth Ing Hyrup the best reniedv to use for their oiuiiiieil utiring mo teeming pvnuu. A I'alava of Natl. Club's glittering suit pillion, with its midway pliiiHiinve mid other attratt tions, opened at Stilt l.nke City An gust 31. The Klo Uiiuula Western, the only linn running through the Mor mon capital, has arranged to give hold em of all clauses ot tickets a day stop over at Salt Lake in order that they may have an opportunity of visiting this wonderful structure, built of suit crystals taken from the biine of the Great Salt Lake itself. The Inauguration of the Itio Grande Western's tlliiliig ear soivice, iloing away with the neciwsily of stopping trains at eating stations, leaves noth lug to b desired fur mi Ideal trip across tho continent; for the equipmuiit and train service ate equal, if not superior, to those of any of tho transcontinental lines. Furtlittimore, no Una traverses any section of the Aiiieiioiin continent where thero Is so much grandoui of scenery. A daylight title thioogh the heart of the liockiea leaves nothing to be desired. For information ai In rates and foi dusciiptive pampliluU, address J. D. Mannlleld. General Agent, 353 Wash ington street, I'oitland, Or, llnehl lloirt You Hear lha llaby Cry The only safe niedhdne for curd eote In nursing babies In t'tueareU l atidv ratliarlln, Maaa mothcr'a milk mildly tmrgetlv. lirug- iu. lou, too, (mo. The coarsest human hair ia the led, and blonde hair is the finest. The thickness ol human hair varies from the 360th to the 600th pait of an inch. The longest tunnel in the-wot Id Is that of St. (iothanl, on the line of the railroad between Lucerne and Milan. Its length is nine and one-naif miles. Kadiatlon takes place more rapidly from the surface of plants than from the air about them, so that on vety till nights the plants are soniotinies leveial dogieus colder than the sur rounding air. A family comprising seven persons left Hcianton, N. Y the otliei dav, the whole patty traveling on one full fare railroad ticket. There were the mother aud her three pairs ot twins, none of the children being up to the balt-fure age ot five years. Up-to-date suits for divers have tele phone attachment so that the sub. merged peiaon can oonvoise with bis aids at the surface. An mioomuion disease caused the death of Mrs. Koae Funk, a resident of HliHitniiigton, HI.. Portions ot lior flesh had become as diy aud bard as bone. The highest active volcano In the world is that of the smoking monn- In Ilockford, III., recently, a gust ot tain, ropocatupeti, in Aiuxico. it la wind blew a baby carriage on to a rail 17,784 feet above the sei. Its crater is ' road track in front ot a train, and the three miles in circumference, and it is : tieV childien in the carlisgo were 1.000 feet deep. I killed. tJUSI i a . tan's Story I'' ssusa .MM,, nsv s m luuva-a. .a.e.,1 Borah K, llniretl.ori'eru.Iml., " KorelgUleeii years I sunersd waukueae peculiar to tuy sex, X could neither sleep nor sat wall, and wsa reduced to a ntst eakaletnn. My kin was muddy, my eyes heavy and 1 was illisy much of the lime. loo tors prescribed for uis without avail; luedlolue eeotuarl to do ma no good. I was at tbe brink of despair whan friend told me what lr. Williams' I i nk I'll la lor I'ale I'aopls had eooont pushed In a case similar to nilua, I bought a box and took them. I bought mora and took them until 1 was wall aud alroug. Dr. Williams 1'luk l'llle for I'aio People brouht ma new lira and I recommend thetn lo ovary atiiterln wornau." from lAa UrpuhlwHin, Vm, Inti, Plain Talks a Womea, a Daw took, aau! sealed en rwiueat. f"!!!Xlniiii'fl',''?i Or. Wllllsmi' fink pills lor Salt Stasia era aever seia sv ine aeiaa er neasree, but alasrt la esckaasa, SI all Sruaaitla. r Sheet Irsm the Or, Williams Medklns Co.. SchsnsrUSjr, N. V J stats ear ksa. ssaoe Irish railways liavo been moving to ward consolidation. Twonljr-flve yean ago the Unltsfl Status supplied 15 per cent of the wot ld'e coal consumption; cow thuv supply 80 par cent. The dogs in Barnwell county, 8. C are returned at a valuation of (13,8110, while the assessed valuation of the en tire property of the county in sheep and goats is (201. A lady at Green Haven, N Y.. so. cured a separation from her husband on ground of extreme cruoltv. Among other brutal acts ba was In the habit of sleeping with a hammer under his pillow, and with this be frequent, ly threatened, during the night, to pound ber into insensibility. To clean asphalt pavements Id Ulica last year cost about two cents a running foot. Theie are 143 Herman Baptist churches In the United States, with 33,000 marabou. An Immense tarpon was caught by A. O. Mygott, at Uoca Grande pass, Florida, and be was trying to haul it into his boat. In its vigorous efforts to escape It made a high leap, and as it fell into the boat its tail atiuck Mr, Mygott, knocking liiui unoousulous (or three bouts. Hon tl B n a -ons?! id y Caused by over-work ! Over-eating ! Over-drinking! No part of the human body receives more HI treatment than the bowels. " Load after load is imposed until the Intestines become clogged, refuse to act, worn out. Then you must assist nature. Do it, and see how easily you will be cured by CASCARETS Candy Cathartic. Not a mass of violent mercurial and mineral poison, but a pure vegetable compound that acts directly upon the diseased and worn out Intestinal canal, making it strong, and gently stimulating the liver and kidneys ; a candy tablet, pleasant to eat, easy and delightful in action. Don't accept a substitute for CASCARETS I To bring s surgeon. wewclcr's Weekly." "I bare anne 14 Says at a lima wltfcew aaeeeeseMt ef the boeyeta, Cbroule e.uiBUue Hun htt auvrn years iiieuad me in tola lerilbla ooodltiont I ilia overyuuiiff 1 heard of but never HT reiifi until I found anv rwltf unit! I h.j... .iin.r.ui'tR Br I now have front one ut tare nasnaaes a day, an , wBa r,cn , wiMiiti aire aiwv inr eaon njori aiaaii Itlssucha relief.', ailsis U IIiikt, luav Uusaeli St.. Detroit, Hlek. hav n aa chaa cap The Ita fa cbr m M A W I laUaMSWU Bl.. Lm VTU k, at IQlaW I ft i V J? Mos- Ior.ll.. I'-". S I SSSmL- I Teawny-P uit don--out 'e, j elr I I ANNUAL SALES 6,000.000 BOXES mm ivt- rz (uiBur Tins THE TABLET 25c 50c DRUGGISTS Fireworks Kvery Sunday. In the old Brazilian town of liabla fireworks form a part of the regular Holiday ceremonies. The town baa n numbcr of churches, and they fiercely compete for patronage. First the great deep-toned bells remind the townspeople that Sunday is come. Then the crash of fireworks reminds them that their attendance at service Is earnestly desired. So every Sunday morning and evening witnesses a small 'Fourth of July celebration from an American standpoint In the queer old town of Bahla. CASCARBTS ars absolutely harmless, s surety vsgsUVs compouna. Wo mercurial or other mineral plU-poUoa fa Casearsts. Catearsts aremptly, aftectlvsly 14 aermaaently eoro arery disorder of too Stomach, tlvor and htteatlnes. Thsy not only ear eoattlpatlos, hat correct any and every form of irrti alarlty of the bowels, Includlof dlanhtaaand dysentery. Pleasant, paUUMe, potent. Taste toot, to food. Hover sicken, weaken or trips. Be snr yon ret tho genelu I Bewar of Imitations and substitutes I Boy s bos of CABOABJSTfl to-day, and if not pleased la every respect, get your money hack I Writ tie for booklet and tree aampla I Address ITBHXIBO RZMKDT COatPAaT, CHICAGO or HI W TOBX. are YOUR NERVES NEED I buy the GENUINE I Portland directory. Bomft kfn1 of iiphnlMinK the hurry flnd worry of (he riti fwuitiry life irtitU down tbe bcUij, m&ts m nerve ummj iitecr-Hary. Moore's Revealed Remedy Will put your nerves in a hea.thy contlltlon It wf.II improve your aptKttite aud digestion. ll.OU per 00 tit at your iintKKista. Crowded Ixindon. At this time In London there are liv ing 400,000 people In one-roomed homes. Of that number 3,000 are living eight or more in one room, 0,000 are living seven or more in one room, and 20,000 six or more In one room. In Scotland one-third of the entire population live In one-room homes. Seventy nabobs own one-nair or tne wnoie inna or Scotland and obtained It by fraud. "No Kooui to Live" is the title of a book on tbe subject ALL KINDS MACHINERY, .TATUM oV BOWEN... 29 lo 35 first Street PORTLAND. OR. W PB. If ABTKT.V BOOK, ' Kelief for Women' French Femafa P?;'s. M. awr), ftlwaTrtUiililean4 without au iu&L a aati Riiri h W a ifrf ru jit laslAS In ttw-tjnl tatx. IVrailuJl on too In Bin. Wli vnis Vu.,m n l'eu1 Be, Hear Kora. City, lilte and lle'l. takn no oltinr. World's Coal Fields. The total area of the coal fields In the world la estimated at 471,800 square miles. 11 lJliMiK WHlhC 111 list IAIIS. I Beat Cumin Syrup. Tastes Uoo4. Cs in tone. l',lo uy nrnirRliits. !aa ' SYRUP OF FIGS ... MANVPAOTUBBD BT ... CALIFORNIA FIO 5VRUP a). Pr-KOTB TBI MAMS. lFi rJPENSION ICXFuNO. Washlnaten. U. C. llier will ,. clve niilck rcolitts. II. 11I1 N. II. v,,i. rltall SUth Corps, rroseciitlns claims since 187S. ilRTERSEfJSl None so gottd, but It costs 110 more tlian the poorest. YOUNG MEN! Frtf art A fllfurf ir..l n.rurt. fil,-- u... a. b tli ONLY itiu)l:li)0 wlilc'i will .ur wh au.J rry oo4A. NO CAHK known It b vir milod Ut otirn, no nmittr hw m-Hom or itt mw lovu irtmillr,ir, HVtilu from it iiH 1 prr-retitm AhfUtn. nn run tm Irskird witfirytil Inrouvo. mirnro and dt-UfiUnn fmrn MimIih, J'HK.'K, tSIW. Vnt Vili or ! rullable dnitrirlrtbi, or W'lit prnuU4 bl xottmrn. lAlnly wrapped, oil mwiutrtr prtvm. hf , ,. I'AHHt CUBICAL CO., Chloro.IU. Thiifi ''trm m wsl CURE FOR PIUS Vnr I'mtriidtn ileRemnor liro(lm;a molgtiirsandeannfl it:lnnc 11 aa Blinfl. Ulandln op l'.,.t....l(. ... ...... -I Ii, Or .. . 1 1 n ' . ktopalMblnaandElee.lii.. AhsorTm tumoS SSI Jar t ilruaamU orseot l.j mall. Trtla froa. Write aaeakeMuiiraaae. lU.UOSANa.U,fltUaila.s'aT Fanee anrl Wire Worka. I'OKTLANn WIKB A IRON WORKR; WIRK and lrou lenciiit:oinBrallltir,eta. SMAliler. Slaeliliiery nitrl Supiillae CAWBTOH CO.! KNOINKH, tlOlt.KKH, MA. climcry, supplies, aa-su FlrstBl., Cortland, Or. JOHN POOLE, ronTLAKD, Oasooa, con pive you the best hnrxiUns in Raiiemi imichlnery, eiiKines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and windmills. The new sieel I X L windmill, sold by blm, is uu. squalled. ' Wholesale lrrurg-lsta and I'botofraphlo toiilipllaa. DM1MAUKIUKRANK DltUO CO, 144 AND 110 Fourth Htroet, I'urtlnnd, Oroiton, ...GO EAST, -VIA- Rupture treated snlan 1 y and contltlrntl n. ly. Ctrriiptiiinti 0. H. W0ODAHO 1 CO., I0B f-soond l , P Hand. DR. GUNN'S 1 Tl vm PILLS Slf PORA DOSE, Ctr. 8lck Headach. . uiitiios- you. WA will mn "7Pih1.lHnr'Uai'h"'0,!i5"- ''"."HANKt,' I WHIN , Thronch Palnca and Tourist Blaapars Alining: Hurt ltii(r..t HiuofciUaT Library Car. ....FAST TIME.... Fervlea anrl nVenery Vneouallerl. For Tickets anil all Inlorniation annl ia your nearest a,sut, or address ' A. U. 0. DENNiBTO!, K. 0. BTKVKN8, 0. Vp.'JKJ l.U' CURE YOURSELF! I'm, Hi. at r. 1 I ll"rl.nriii,., hiilaliiiiiatiniK, I IjHtellona or lilt.iralloiis '"" sim. I'alnlM.. and not ajitrlu Ensiniifsicii Do, s.ut or noiaouous. r"' "olrt be Draarlaia. . bt... F,.,n wrapprr, I""""" 'Paid, tot .no, or 4 notti.a, ay.7S. f.alrHt V OINOIMHAn.O .1 V "k .... - "k. p. n. V. roqiMfSt. NO, B-'e. 1 but wrlthin. to adrertlaera pleas uaatlua thla uapar.