rrr4VA n pmm yr '"wr IP"' rS1 The dainty cake, The white and flaky tea biscuit, The sweet and tender hot griddle cake, The light and delicate crust, The finely flavored waffle and muffin, The crisp and delicious doughnut, The white, sweet, nutritious bread and roll, Delightful to the taste and always wholesome. Royal Baking Powder is made from PURE GRAPE CREAM OF TARTAR and is absolutely free from lime, alum and ammonia. . ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. WINNING OVER AN AUDIENCE A Story nf tha rmldMllil Campaign in 18B6. A clever bit of campaign repartee is accredited to Lee Fairchild, the Cali fornia orator, who leaped into nation al repnte in 1896. He waa aent into a Southern state to advocate the gold standard. At a certain place be was informed by the committee that the ' rail;" would begin and end about the same time, and that not since 1S83 had any republican speaker been per mitted to finieli a speech there. Upon learning that the speakers, as rule, had been able to get ont of town and fill their neit appointments, Fairchild determined to make the at tempt as billed. He advised the chair man to have no music, and to intro duce him by saying to the audience: "You are the people and here is the speaker." The chairman followed in structions a little too literally. He simply pointed at the audience and then at the speaker, and disappeared behind the scenes. Fairchild began his speech at once with one of his famous stories. The audience was sepaiated, the colored folk all being in the gallery, and only wnite people below. In about five minutes the speaker made a pointed thmst at the opponent party, when an organized body of young men in the center of the theater shouted in con cert, "Ratal Fairchild paused for moment, and then, waving his hand at the gallery, said: "Waiter, come down and take the Chinamen's orders!" The effect was electrical. The speaker, in relat ing the incident to the writer, said: "You should have seen that black bill side of faces sloping heavenward break into ledges of pearls." Denver Times. Stat Tortlaa. Turtles ate very largely lonnd along the coast line of Burma and the impe cunious government has found means to make money out of it The right to collect turtles and eggs is sold by auc tion annually by the deputy commis sioners within whose districts the banks are situated. The revenue from this source in the Irrawaddy division alone was about 28,000 rupees. For some time past a decrease in the num ber of turtles and tortoises has been noticed and the government now pro poses that the islands on which the tor toises lay should be completely pro tected from January 1 to May 15 (the laying and hatching season) once in every five yeais and that a small estab lishment should be maintained for this purpose. Calcutta Amrita Bsiar Fa trika. An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effect of the well known remedy, bTBup or Figs, manufactured by the California Fia Syrup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the tate and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, eleaDsing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Ita perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and subr tance, and ita acting- on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. ' In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California. Fio Syrup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. saw rmAjroisoo. cat 1rtrrsVTjLr.H. it. wmw tobjc, sr. T. for sal bjr all Druggists.-t rks Me. per bottle r wtH aid the cook as no other agent will to make '" "here ire many imitation Inking powders, (nide from alum, mostly sold cheap. Avoid them, ai they nuke the food unwholctoroe. PERSONAL AND IMPERSONAL Congressman Tawney, of Minnesota, began life as a blacksmith's helper. When Captain Coghlan was in com mand of the Raleigh he waa the small est man in statnie on that ship. A Fall River (Mass.) lover has se cured a writ from court to compel the parents of his sweetheart to permt the latter to wed him. A Lawrence (Ky.) man fell from a small flight of steps and struck the side of his head on the pavement. The blow deprived him of sight. A Waldoboio (Me.) bachelor, while watching beside the couch of his sick father last winter, made three as fine quilts as were ever produced at an old- fashioned quilting bee. j A St. Louis woman, after searching for six months for her husband, found his body in an embalmei's office, where it was doing service as an exhibit. The man had been accidentally drowned. Perhaps the most extraordinary fam ily in the world is one now living at Arkansas City. The mother has been married five times, and for each hus band she has had a child. The five childien are living with her and each bears the name of his father. Professor G. K. Gilber, who appeals to have been investigating qnietly for several years, says the city of Chicago is sinking into the lake at the rate of nine or ten inches in s centuiy. This is happening because of a gradual tilt ing of the earth's crust in the lake region. The Conclusion. And yon say the idiot of a teacher told you that you bad an extravagant fool of a fathei?" "That's what be meant." "But what did lie say?" "He said it was criminal folly to waste money on the education of such a chump as I am." Indianapolis Jour nal. chillings Best money-back tea and baking powder at lour Grocers Ranorttna; the Wadding. A repoiter on s newspaper waa given the task of writing np a very swell wedding. He composed a fine account of the wedding ceremonies, but like many yonng writers, be tried to use too flow ery language, and, becoming excited he forgot to be accurate in the use of words. The description of the beau ties of nature read something like this: "Tbs silvery moon hovered over the scene and the stats twinkled merrily; tbs soft sighing of the wind in the trees near by came, like a benediction of love to the happy couple entering upon the voyage of life together." The reporter sent in his copy hut Just as the paper was about to be sent to press hs rushed into the editor's room all excitement saying be wished to make a correction in the account of the wedding as according to the alma nac there was no silvery or any other moon on that night. And the reporter also said that be bad blundered in writing of the "con testing" parties instead of "contract ing" parties. After a few more corrections the ac count of the wedding was fonnd avail able for the editor's waste basket. Tit-Bits. K Tobaeco for Norwegian Boy. A law was recently passed in Nor way prohibiting the sale of tobacco to any boy under 16 years of age without a signed Older from an adult relative or employer. Even tourists who offer cigarettes to boys render themselves liable to prosecution. The police Are instructed to confiscate the pipes, cigars and cigarettes of lads who smoke in tbs public streets. A One for the offense it also imposed which may be anywhere between 60 cents and 125. Chicago Inter-Ocean. ALONG THE COAST. Items of Genarnl Intaraat Olaanad From lb i Thriving Pnolfla Hlatas. A family or Miniature, At their home near Portland, Inst week, Kuv. V. B. Lee, D. 1)., and wife, together with their sous and daughter, had a general family reunion. There are several prominent Pieshytetian ministers) in this family, the head of the family himself being a milliliter of much ability. The sons aie: Rev. E. Trumbull Lee, D. IX, now pastor, of the Second Presbyterian church, of Cincinnati; Rev. Ueorita' H. Lee, of Seattle, who has received ar.d nooentod a call to College Hill Presbyterian church, of Cincinnati; Rev. Lewis Karle Lee, pastor of the North Piesby terian church, of Cincinnati; Professor Wallace II. Lee, president of the A I bany college, Or.; William A. Leo. bead accountant of the Amor loan Type Founders' Company, Portland, and Herbert M. Lee, accountant of the Standard Oil Company, Poitland. The daughter is Mrs. William M. Fleming of Spokane, Wash. It has been 1 years since they were all together, the last reunion having been held in New Yotk. There is also quite a long list of grandchildren, who helped to make the reunion all the more inteiesluig. Will Build n Cold Moras. The Paoific American Fisheries Com pany at Fairhaven, Wash., will build a cold storage plant in connection with their cannery and work will be gin shortly. This department was contemplated when Manager Onftioy first undertook to organise the big syu dicate, but the season was so fat ad vanced that all enorgy was directed to ward the building of the canneiy, but now that the cannery building is fin ished the next woik will be done on the cold stoiage and ice plant. It is the intention to employ a large force of men all fall and winter in tiie fresh fish department, and the business of shipping fresh and frozen fish to the Eastern states will be engaged in on an extensive scale. May K.tabllah a Km Factory. H. O. Maxon and family recently arrived at Salem from South Bond, Ind. It is reported that Mr. Maxon in company with others will launch a box factory in that city, but Mr. Max on, when inteiviewed, discredited this report, but said he would be a close ob seiver and watch for a favorable open ing for the location of such a factory. He is prepared to establish a factory of the capcity that the business oi Salem or any other locality may re quire. Should ne estaDluh the indus try in Salem it would prove a splendid acquisition to that city's manufactur ing interests. Potato Murkft Farmers in the vicinity of Corvallis have been receiving 75 cents per sack for new potatoes of late, but tiiey have crowded them into the market till they have overdone the business and the pi ice has gone down to CO cents per sack. The potatoes are not in condi tion to keep for any length of time or to ship to any distance, so no one cap -to keep a stock on hand. If potati. were fit to ship, dealers say they coul afford to pay 90 cents a sack for them. Farmers and dealers both are anxious ly figuring on the prospect for potatoes bringing a good price this (all and win ter. Thn Jollaattn Tramway. The Jnliaetta Tramway, incorporated as the Iuland Grain Company, is get ting ready for the new season and will be under active direction ot George Liebes, as president, and A. L. Macleod as manager. The company is now installing at the upper station the largest grain cleaner ever brought to Idaho. It is a Monitor, with a ca pacity of from 900 to 1,400 bushels per hour and is the same as is used at the Portland wharves. The company will also transact a banking business. Sng-ar Factory Will Moon Open. The Alamitos sugar factory at Ana heim, Cat., will open September 1. It is stated that the factory will !" operated 80 days. Beets sufficient f a run of that length will not be harvet ed in Los Alamitos territory, bnt im portations will be made to fill the shortage. No pulp will be sold to ranchers this year. A large band of cat tle is to be brought to the factory corral to fatten on this product. Floor Mllli Shut Down. The North Paoific Flour Mills at Wasco, have shut down until harvest is over. The reason for shutting down is that sll the wheat has been ground, and they have been unable to get more. They will use np the time in putting in a new engine and other improvements that will greatly increase the output for the coming year. The output since the mill has been running is over 6,000,000 pounds. Short Llna'o Now riee. The new car service of the Oregon Short Line Iras been inaugurated be tween Granger and Portland. The service includes three buffet cars, three diners, eight-chair cars and three coaches. These cars are of the finest kind of their class and greatly add to the efficiency of the service, and to the already excellent reputation the Short Line has for its passenger management. Honda Carry. Last week the property owners of Dillon, Mont., by a considerable ma jority of their votes, authorized the issue of bonds to the amount of $75, 000 for the building of a water works system and the purchase of the electric light plant of the Orr Company. , The total vote was 68 for and 16 against the bonding proposition. The council will proceed to sell the bonds at once and begin operations on the water works system as soon as practicable. Progreo.lva I,tttla Town. The town of Etna, in Lake county, a place less than half the size of Lake view, has just voted $5,000 for a nev school house, with three diesentiii). votes. The people are now agitating the question of a sewerage system. The town already has a fine water sys tem and electric light plant. A Vv Branch Bank. A branch of the Imperial bank of Can ada will shortly be opened at Golden, B. C, in East Kootenay, and a branch of the bank of Hamilton will likely be opened at Nelson, B. C, A Ooad Ward ro Jeha, "What did that man want?" "Hs wanted a correction made." "Did hs leave his address?" 'No; he didn't want to." : "All light; make the correction, Correction -"John Smith wishes it stated that he is not the John Smith who waa sued for board by his , land lady, "-Puck m Look the Rama. Yeast Did you ever take any ot those mud baths? Ciimsonbeak Well, I lan for office once Yonkers Statesman. Still Mora roimtarfoltlaR. The Secret Service has Just unearthed another baud of counterfeiters and secured a quantity of bogus bills, which ar very cleverly executed. Things of great value are always selected for imitation, notably Huntetter's Stomach Hitters, whioh has manv imitators, nut no euunla fbrdisonl- era like indigestion, dyspepsia and consti pation, Pennsylvania oor.1 mines are prepar ing to substitute compressed air for mules as the motive power for the oars in the underground workings. PORTLAND-CHICAGO SPECIAL. A GIU-Kdf ad Train Put on by O. It. A N. -All Modarn Equipments, and Kun Through. Without Change, Buffet-library cars of the latest build have been placed In service on the O. R. & N. fast mail trains. The library oar embraces a spacious smok ing saloon, furnished with easy chain, wiiting desks, a well-aeleoted library ot standard and popular books, guide books and cuiront periodicals, a well stocked buffet, a barbel shop aud an apartment foi baggage. The Oregon Short Line have also in augurated a modern dining-car service, giving uninterrupted dining-car soiv- ice via the O. R. SSs N. and it) connec tions to and from the East. New chair cars of the latest pattern and new bag gage and mall cars are to be added to the present through service of new Pullman palace and Pullman tourist sleepers, which have reoently been placed In service and just out of the buildeis' bauds. The entire train will be veati billed, making East and West bound traius equal if not superior to many of the widuly advertised limited tiaina in the East. For about 10 years the Carnegie Company at Pittsburg has maintained a siviugs (mid for the benefit of its em ployes. This fund now amounts to over 11,000,000. The savings fund is the creation of Andrew Carnegie, who, in order to induce the workmen to save their earnings, obliged the Car negie Steel Company, Limited, to pay the depositors a higher rate of interest on their savings than could bs obtained from any bank, building association or other savings institution. The com pany has met this obligation at all times, regardless of adverse business conditions, ot fluctuations in inerest rates, paying every one ot its workmen who deposited his earnings with the company 6 per cent per annum. The Amerioan locomotive manufac turers from 1890 to 1898 inclusive ex ported 2,289 locomotives, of a value of more than f 20,000,000. All ages nail with delight the coming of the most wonderful, meritorious preparation that will lighten the Ills of humanity and will do away with the taking of obnoxious, violent purges, Inconvenient liquids, and pills that tear your life out Simply because in CASCARETS Candy Cathartic you will find Just what you want, convenient In form, pleasant of taste (just like candy) and of never-failing remedial action. They have found a place In every well-regulated household, and are the favorite medicine of the whole family, 'from baby to good old grandpa. Don't to fooled with substitutes for CASCARETS I -wea5"5r,jv. ent respite. C in cm ti Enquirer, at f' "". . 'ng "I takaalaa.a.atapral.la yaor vain- hr jr J? JT--' X V - I nala rarnadr CASCaHICTS. I aiif ur ahnl m' t W JF ' " " 1 faanty rcaelnMl rallel Iron Ike Sri .aiall Hat jT f 1 I xtl a triad. I wrtalnly raanaunan tilH'lStll tino. Jr f y"v J 1 1 for taa nm Utr an tru.i ur ill u . I i I Ur SaS a alaoa la ararr home, Vnurfrortacoaa. pno" I ' faba Orvra Art. MeKaatport, fa. olc - I f J I ent! It I I .Dt Cnnfll Kasolloa. m0- n S ANNUAL SALES. 6.OO0.0OO BOXES THIS IS THE TABLET CASCARETS ar abolat!y sural, s sorely veretaal oompiMsl. X surcartal r tttutr mistral sin-pelto! Is Csieant. Cswartts promptly, efftctlvely sn sernMssntla car arery dltordtr l th Btaauok, tivar and Istaitintt . They sat onlr car eeattlpatlaa, bit eorrtct air mry farm at lrrt(ulrlty of th bowell , Incladlni dlirron sod dyunttry. Pleutat, saUtaMt, petaat. Ttt rood, do rood. Hern slekea, wtikia or trip. B avr yos get tk f eaatn I Bcwar of Imitations sad snbitltute t Buy a koi ol CASCAHSTS to-day, aad if sot tlaaaod la ovary rooaaet, (t yoor aumoy sack I Writ as lor tooklot aai fro aaapl I Mdrm TRRUBQ BBtUOT COMPAHT, CHICAGO or RBW YORK. a LATEST f f anil BEST W mt DRILLING I M2oooft. r.lAGII!riESU UsU lookis k btmax. Turrur. oxio. LJU D8. ABTCT.' BOOK. lief for Women" t tWnt frtt,lu ptiin.MMiJsKl enla Writ to-umj iur inn mr b , c) n ut i in nr rrtiB tavni AAA TMUsnnnlaLLs i,t M A hTk 1 'tt P SM ant Safe AB, In P WUi rrvnen remain riiiSi PmlMd by tatoqemnd of wtlirfled UdiM m Ml,lwayi-tillivod witboataasusnl. Sold lit sllf druiATialaliii mrlat.1 lutt "raiixisa OH too ! Blast. White iiif Ifwl. ?m.k an nthnr. jrncJ tOrujf Co.,l ft im tmrl 8(.t w Xotk. OU. MACHINERY. kiwds ...TATUM A BOWEM... tt I 35 First Srroot PORTLAND. OR. ELLA a.W Baa i Bast Couh Srrup. Tulat Ooud. Un 9 1 I J In time. Sold by dmgtlMt. n "Actions of the Jttst Smell Sweet" The fraoranct of life is vigor and strength, neither of which can be found in a ptrson whose blood is impure, and nvho.it every brtAth speaks of infernal troubles. Hood's Sarsaparttt purifies the blood and makes the weak strong. All people make a prtittinso that they do not cure for a fortune, but want Just enough to make them comfortable, Washington (la.) Democrat. The two oldest maids In this country live in Indiana. One Is 114 years old, the other 10!i, and both claim never to have been kissed. Iltli Xatura Help 1'out Vlttltiv cannot cure dlamae. uutet mnr body's kt'pt eU'an Inidde ntil out. iaaoartti Caiuiy uamarua Kwp it clean inline, ah Ut'UgSHUl, WU KM, ow. Duiing tlio first week in May 9Btt 000 pounds ot ciiiar wood were shipped from Navarro county, Texas, to ptmoll factories in Cincinnati and New Vork. - - ."' riso'a Curs for Consumption is our only medicine for cough and colds. Mrs. 0. lietts, i,tj Stli ave., I leaver, Col., Nov. 8, IKS. Southey: A good man and a wise man may, at. times, be angry with the world ami at times grieved for it, but no man was evor discontented with the world if he did his duty in it. T.adlaa Can Waar Shoes One sire smaller after using Allen's Foot Ease, a powder to be shakeu Into t lie shoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Cures swollen feet, blisters and cal lous spots. Allen's Foot-East Is a oertaln euro for ingrowing nails, sweating, smart ing, hot, aching feet. We hava Sl.000 teatL numlal. Ail druggists ami shoe atoms sell It, 25c Trial iMti'ltiige FKEK by mall. Address, Allen a. Olmsted,, l.e Roy, N. Y. English speaking people are said to have the best forehead and eyebrow. five Permanently Ciirrit KoSiarnrvoun ills en-rttrat lv m of lr. Knot. ilrl Kcrv Hiorr. Bond r.-r Htl:K ST4.QO IrM bolllasnd UrtlM. Dit. K. U. aVUMV, lid., NO Area w lhitadaltibl, fa. The magnitude ot the Carnegie Steel Compnuy's operations may be onder stood from the etntemant that in 1898 the company made 17 per cent of the pig iron produced in the United States, 30 per cent ot the product of Pennsyl vania and 60 per cent of the product at Allegheny county. They manufac tured 2i per cent of the Bessemer steel production of the United States and 43 per cent of the tike product of Penn sylvania. A new industry is springing tip in Northern Mexico the sinking of wells for salt water, from which salt is man ufactured foi mining and domestic pur poses. One company has secured 1 '40, 000 acres of suit water territory at Ciuuaron, HO miles south of Laredo, and has struck water containing 19 per cent of salt, worth from 1 to 3 cunts pound. PORTLAND DIRECTORY. Kanaa mid H'lra Wnrks. PORTLAND WIRE A IKOS WORKS; WIRg . and Iron fencing: olllco ruilinn, eio. 8M Alitor Maohlnary and Nii,illao. CAWRTON A CO. KNHINK8, HOII.KRH, MA. chlocrjr. supplies. -&0 riral 8l I'ortland, Ur. JOHN POOI.F. Pmn.v. n..... can ifiv yon the best bariraln In general machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plnws, belts and windmills. Th new steel I X L windmill, sold by him, is un equalled. Wholetal lrul.l. and fnutugraphla Siipllt. BLUMACER-FRASK DRCO CO 104 AND lid Kuurtli Htreet, I'ortlniHl. Ori'K'in. AWTEtiSllUl Is what the largest and best scliuul systems use. THE SECRET OF STRENGTH Of moat strong, healthy people In their perfect dlireutlon. Dy.peptlc and impure blooded peo ple will And permanent and quick reliel lu Moore's Revealed Remedy. It builds np th syttem. It's a wonderful otroatlb giver II per bottl at your druggist. -sw YAl NUT Wl" . m . .M II I. WvlnalnteS I Ths fihatnted travelor, fainting nd half dead from thirst, and all unused tu the ollnuts of the tioplo. ly gsnp- '"They brought, him a'cocoBimt. "W will eriu this," they isld. "The contents will revive you." "What Is Inside of it?" he askod. "Milk." "I won't touch itt" he said, hoarso ly. "I'm vegetarian I" Chicago Ti Inline If other will Hud Mrs. Wlnslow's Sooth, lug Bvrun Mi best remedy to ue for their children during th teething period. -. - - Of 64,000 adult Immigrants admit ted to the country In the hist three month of 1808, 41,000 had money Less than 0.000, though, had Uiur than ao. ... ...... k,,w TiaA Xfttora A. A. Whiskey for th aiii price that Is paid for ordinary whlnkey. For sale by all hrst-clas dealer and drunglsts. UnaTlaTlutii Meat. The best laid sJieine of mice or men generally natch woman. Borne fellows aim high enough, bnt they havou't the energy to pull the tilggef, A sensible fellow isn't afraid anoth er will win his best girl because hs' used to holding hi own. It is alwuvs dangerous to leave your frontdoor unlocked all night; you may find the cook gone in the morning. Cleveland Leader. "nows tui We offer On ftnnclrrfl Dollsmftaward fonny eaae of (.'mirth thai i nn uot tie cured by lull s CtarrhCur.(i fsnxACQ T To,mlni 0, W the um!iniiit"l, huvv known K.J. (.'honey (or th put 14 v,,r. autl believe him pnrMHy honorable In all bmlu trncliont and till-am-lallf able to carry out aujf obllf nUous ItlaU bj tUalr Arm, . WsktATmui, WlioleMls lrurltt,TOItto,', WaIOINII, KISN4N A ManviH, W nolaial Dru lilt, T"l"l, riall'iClUrrh t'ura 1. 1 ten .n! rnnlly . aetlnS directly oa the blood and in eoua url. ot lha r"ai. I'n a ;Se per bo-tic atud br all druri. lit.. Tentlmonl..la tree, Unit's family 1'ula r lb but, A Hafa Hafuge "Tom," ald Jimmy, "do you know that soma day the world will be burned up with flie?" "So 1 have heart!, " replied Tom. "Hut, Tom," went on Jimmy, who was deeply concerned about the ap proaching catastrophe, "what will you do when the world I burned np?" "Oh," replied Tom with an air ot one who hit provided Cor all the con tingencies, "1 shall go oat to Uncle IJilly's and tay." Detroit Journal. Navar NatlaAad. Fudily Joggles ha moved ou' to the suburb." lie lay he does It for the exeicise that working about the place will give hiiu. fie bought Shandy's place. Shandy has moved into town. Doddy What Induced him to sell? "To get lid of the woik about the place." Boston Transcript. Nothing, perhaps, is so bitte a olives fieshly picked, yat after they turn purple and black, hog soon learn to devour them. An analyit ha made the discovery that California rose contain 90 per cent more peiiutuo than those grown elsewhere rJirrwv'wv'wvwvtinmvvvxi Family Rupture Irenlr-d telon- I lllli-allr and confident! tl. IV ttrniHnlMN Idinl.l H. WOOOanu CO., I0S fteond SI , Co II in. CURE FOR PILES tikrst arui(i(tr.ui. i mhii. Trftiw tmm. Writ OR. GUNSfS ' "I v!r PILLS tlubitli "r:l"",5n,il'r""" B"i"n.. ..mJi.?!.. Tf""'M ron.w, .in m,n ' fhllada,, gonna. Bold by I)r.il.u. YOUNG MEN! Yetf lrilirrrinn nnrt flloaf .i ni.ai m - "Ji" SHvi"" w!,',;!, "' out. HO CBB kno.n II tu t.ar r.ll.il t ourt. no T f. " ".fl0"' ,r ?' "" "" naodln. Riwilll w,m Humw n u tl,altitlr Mrt. pi-n.nu """", tnd on ha Ult.n wllhoul l.n-on.a-al.nrt and rlruntl'in rrom bulii.a. I'aic. II go. r la b all rell.1,1. dniruii., or trot nrtiii.il hi (Praia, piajai arappiHl, on r,mm or arira. fir v -...- o"tuivAC oo, omoa., m. irKKsPErjsiori If BICKPuRii. Waihlngton. B. S..Xy Mil . m i-ohb quica repuei, n. ota N. H. Voli HISS 20lli Corot. rroutlO( oUlmt slue U7li R-.a. an Tt ill INI Kl a. 'hit (urm, w. II It I in J, Klojr.liiic or I'mtrtittiiiii 'llM Arsi otirai liw Or. nt.noiru'a BBii(s .7. ! lichinc And blJiR. Al;rh tttrniiM. hick (IttlTT'S noilOIIV.. .Men." i rm i'.i.. ,.ai,, aecra Itatl at Lltn llillvarn flea. l.nt'aH.Ki nli...-.- and enraful attention to Meimil, Monti m,J I'liyslenl trniutitur, plains Hutu's suinni tha foremoKi Hchoul for Hurt on tl" ("oast. A' f. tViiimiW. Will re-opsu j the new building August lAlli, (IHh year i IraU, llolll, I'll. U rrtlielpal, . The two puddling fiminomi ol the Mahoning rolling mill nt Diinvlllr, which luivit been iiinlmgolng repairs, aie reedy for work nun In, and lot) ad ditional men will be employed. ROBERTJDOWNING Tells the Secret of Ills Great Endurance, V". I'M it kiln "l . .... t?;i: .11 if Hi. V Si 1: t:u III v.- " Itotwrl lluwnln. the Trailed Ian. Robert Downing win rwently Inter viewed by the press on the nihject ot hi splendid health. Mr. Downing promptly and emphatically gave the whole credit ot his splendid physical condition to IVtn-iia, aylng; "I find it a preventive against sll Hidden summer ills that swoop uxirt one in changing climate and water. "It Is the finest traveling uiinpanlon and satcgtmid against malarial influ ence. "To sum It np, Parun ha dnna me more good than any Ionic 1 have ever taken." Healthy mucous membrane protect the body aunliist the heut of summer and the cold of winter. I'e-iii-im i tire to bring health to the mucous memhiatie of the whole body. Write for a copy ol Dr. Ilmtman' latest hook entitled "Summer Ca tarrh." Address Dr. Ilartiuaii, Coltitn lu, O. Reinenilier that cholera mnrbiit, cholera Infantum, summer com plaint, bilious colic, diarrhoea and dysentery are each and all calnrrb ; of the bowels. Catarrh Is the only correct name for these affection. Pe-tn-na I an absolute specific foi theso ailment, which are so com mon in summer, Dr. liartman, a practice o over forty year, never lost a single case of cholera iuliin turn, dynentury, diarrhoea, or chol era morbus, and hi only remedy was IVrn-nti. Those desiring further paiticulars should send fur a tree copy of "Hummer Catarrh." Address Dr, llartman, Columbu. O, 10c. 25c. 50c DRUGGISTS ,QO EAST -VIA- Thronrrh l'nliipa and Tonrlrt Nlnepnr .,,.. ..,1,,, niiiu.uiu Lllirurr Cars, a.. FAST TIME.... fervtee and Hcenorr tlnoqiinllcd For Tlekeis and sll Information npnlv M) your nuarcal sgoiit, or ddress A. II. I). IIUNNIHTOM, . r, o.. ...... f- i. ami T, A., I'ortland. It. C. BTKVENB, 0. W p. A.. H. aulo. CURE YOURSELF. I, "'Bl IWI M II Mil 1 II T 1B (lUi tittrtiiiH, liii1iiiiuii)(i.i)ii. tl f lUti!.!,. ,1, ......I I tax ItlnaU .......... I ITMIIHSI QhimiOAI Oil, " or pulaKliiiMi. ny Krniralala, ftr aant In plain wrappar, br tipraw, prtpaid, fu iw, nr a liotil.-., W.V. UlrctiUr af-ril mi r'iilaat, NO.'adl'BS.l K. P. W. V. w ilk r Hi lii!i!!tl ft -.. - .I ..-iOJ Taki.. . , -wtsi,a ymymrt