A TV T Great HEAVY BANK CLEARINGS. Lars at their is" a guarantee of superior worth. There are many brands of baking powders, but Royal Baking Powder" is recognizedat once as the brand of great name, the powder of highest favor and reputation. Everyone has absolute confi dence in the food where Royal 'is used. Pure and healthful food is a matter of vital importance tc every individual. Royal Baking Powder assures the finest and most wholesome food. There are many imitation baking powders, made from alum, mostly old cheap. Avoid them, as they make the food unwholesome. OVAL BAKING POWDER CO, HEW YORK Kwarly riny rmr Caul Tha m Vaav Ac. R. O. Dun A Company, in weekly review of tiade, aay: liter is certainly room for torn de crease, when the volume of navmenta Ihiongh the clearing-house, In July, it 47. S pet cent latger thin lait year, tha beet of all previous yeatt. 60 great an advance would warrant expectation of tome setback under oidlnaiy cliciim itancea. This year, the nmiaual free dom from labor troubles, about July 1, is followed by tome signs of tendency to strike, because great works are com mitted far ahead and cannot halt with out Ion. But interruption of business by labor troubles of all soita has been leas than In any othtr July for year. Nor it the movement of products hamn- ered. Western receipts of wheat ia July have been 18,868,82 bushels, sgainst 7,309,535 bushels last year to date, and corn. .0,489,451 bushels, against 9,173.835 bushels last year, even tha latest week showing largs gains over last year. Eiporte of wheat, from both coasts, were 8.8SB.- 1880 bualiels, flour included. against 8.833.193 bushels last year. Copper i strong, with spot scaice and lead weak at $4.65, but tin ia quoted at 131.65, Lon. Ion leading as nsnal. Shipments of boots and tboea from the East, in tour weeks, have been 894,874 cases, against 860,633 last year; and in 1895, the nearest previous year, 351,859 cases. Leather continues strong and scarce, with a combination of packets lifting pricet of hides at Chicago, so that many of tha takers art quitting that market. Failures for the week have been 151 in tha United States, against 2S5 last year, and 80 ia Canada, against 86 last ear. "A Good Name At Home h Ton of Stnnoih Abroad. LovxU. &tss.. mfttrt Hood's Srp. B is mdt, tttt has UrytrxMs Man U othtr blood purifier. Its fun, and turts and salts fun 3 prt ad abroad, and tt is imrvtrsatty rrccyroW as th ttst blood mediant money out bay. emtmtr mwi 11 1111 IN AND ABOUT A MINE. PACIFIC COAST TRAOC. NEWS IN BRIEF. Hit Duchess of Fife, accompanied by the duke, is often seen walking in Hyde Park and Kensington Gaiden, Xonuon. v nen a chameleon ia blindfolded it loses all power of changing its color, and its enitre body remains in a uni form tint. "Our Duchess" of Marlborough by her sweet and winning ways it fast be coming one of Uie most popular women in England. A Successful firm of tea merchants in London is composed entirely of wo men. The L senders, tasters and pack ets are also women. The largest number of Chinese wo men in America is found in California. In the various cities of that state there are prehaps 2.500 women. There are three varieties of the dog that never bark the Australian dog, the Egyptian shepherd dog, and the "lion-headed" dug of Thibet. The lantern fly of Surinam, South America, nag two sets of eyes, so as to for 1899 to tha enormous total of 1150, 000,000 or 10 times as moch as all our battleships together cost to build. Tha record of the greatest number of j dairy 16313o ranch, 13315c par lb. Onions, new, 1.15 per sack. Potatoes, new, 1 ditto pet lb. Beets, per sack, $ll 85. Turnips, per sack. 60(9 60c. Carrots, per sack, 81 3 1.85. Parsnips, per tack, 1. Cauliflower, 40ti0c per do. Cabbage, native and California 11.50 par 100 pounds. Cherries, 60o?5. Feachea, 75c Apples, ll.00ai.S5 per box. Pears, 1.50 par bos. Pro nee, 1 per bos. Butter Creamery, 83a par pound; notes struck by a musician in 13 hours is said to have been made by Paderew ski, who struck 1,030,200 notes. A large turkey buuanl. with a bell fastened to one of its feet, has made its appearance in Cumberland conuty, N. J., for the tenth successive spring. A custom peculiar to Buddhists is that of wandering about the country wiiu rtammer and ciusel and carvinir holy symbols upon rocks by the way-tide. The Swedish bride fills her pockets with bread, which she dispenses to every one she meets 00 her way to the church, every piece she disposes of averting, as she believes, a misfoitune. A tramp stole a flock of 300 sheep from an English farmer, drove them to a neighboring village, and had dis posed of several of them before he was caught. Five years ago a Chester (Penn.) wo man gave a tramp his breakfast, and catch the light from all directions. It tne otlier week ha called on her and is much more brilliant than out firefly, otiered to pay for it. Bo ia not Eggs, 83c. Cheese Native. 10(3 13c Poultry 18 g 14c; dressed. 16c Fresh meats Choice dressed beef steers, prime, 8c; cows, prime, T5c; mutton, 8c; pork. 7 Wo: trimmed. 8)o; veal, 8(8 lOo. Wheat Feed wheat. 830. Oats Choice, per ton, 838. Hay Puget Bound timothy, $6(3 8 choioe Eastern Washington tim othy, $13.00. Corn Whole. $33.50; cracked, $34; feed meal, $34.00. Barley Rolled or ground, oar ton. $35(330; whole, $33. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.50; blended straights, $3.35; California $3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.50; graham, per barrel, $3.60; whole wheat flour, $3.75; rye flour, $4.60. Milistuffs Bran, per ton, $16; shorts, per ton, $17. Feed Chopped feed. $31.50 ner i ton; middlings, per ton, $23; oil cake meal, per ton, $33. Blind Lode One that thowt no tur- lace Droppings. I'laoer Alluvial deposits; earthcon taining gold doat. foot Wall The lower wall ot tide of a lode or vein. Cap-rook Tha formation overlaying iun iwy uin or ore. Wall Boundary of vein, loda or ledge and Inclosing tha same. Breasting Taking 01a from tha face of a mine or head of a drift. Adit A tunnel or vain or loda a passage for water underground. Shaft A vertical or incline excava tion for prospecting or working mines. Hanging Wall The upper wall: the rock or wall resting on tha lode or vein. Deposit A bottr of ora distinct from a ledge; a pocket of gravel or pay dirt. Croppinga Ledge matter lying upon ma luruw, or me outcropping of a vein. Upraise Running drift upward or vising a Dove a shaft or leva). Instead of sinking. Winao A shaft connecting one drift level with another, but not leaching to the surface. Hoise A man of wall or rock or other barren matter obtruding into au on bearing lode or fissure. Contact Lode A lode lying between two different kinds of rock, as, for ex ample, porphyry and slate. Bed-rock Tha bed ot a metalliferous deposit, commonly applied to tha slate underlying auriferous gravel. Drifts Tunnels leading off from the main shaft, or from other tunnels or levels through and along the vein. Lode A longtittidinal Assure or chasm filled with ora bearing matter ana Having well-denned tide walls; lode, lead, vein and ledge are synony mous. Reserves Ore reserves are the vein material still standing in the mine be tween the shafts and tha levels that have been driven in or through the vein. Cross-cut A draft ron at right angle to the ledge for the purpose of ascer taining its width and to otherwise pros pect it; also an opening or level driven across the ground from one vein to an other. Level Drifts from the main shaft or from one siiaft to another; an exca vation run on the lode or vein, or ore body, at distances of from 50 to 100 feet apart and high enough for men to work in. The old log house near Qateebarg, Mich,, in which General Shatter was born, it to be torn down and the prop erty told. During the fighting before Santiago tha place waa visited by hun dreds of relio hunters, who carried awsy much of tba structure at souvenirs. A Clttit-Lnek Crou Recently discovered in the grave of Queen Uaitmar is supposed to keep awav evil in. nuem-wi. There ia no mora evil 'liirineiii' than ill health, and there is nothing which hat m great a power to keep it awav than Hoatetter'a Sbimai-h ltliiMn. .to..li nvlieia and IlltHireatiiiii. A nrivate Kavenu btaniD coven, tha neck of the hot tie. James Bryce It maklnit a ttudv of uie government ol colonies by republics, which Is to have special application to the United States, Heautjr la Mined Iteep. Vol akin rf,tt. hl.uul riu.ni . blood Mini Dure, heallhv cvtmliiiii. fa. carets make lh blood puts and iieaiiUy. Drug, gists, lUu, ix, 40c The fastest flowini river in tha world is tha Sutlej, in British India, with a descent of 13.000 feet In 180 miles. t believe Tito's Cure Is tha nnlv mailt. cine that will cure consumption. A mm M. Itoaa, illiamsport, la., ho v. 1& lit. In the middle of a trams ot tennis in Central India tha other day a tiger bounded into the midst ot the players. Pw'lnl attention la railed to tha tlianUo advertisement oil this pag of the Dayton -' V. W1H j'U 1 1 J . Until the reign of Henry VIIL, En. glish sovereigns, as well as their tub jecta, ate with the fingers. Mother will Ami Mr Wl... K.w-.v.. ( Svrup the best remedy to ue for their I.IiI.Im.. J..i . .L! ........ , v t, uurtug tiiw leviumg period. In Mexico school children are al lowed to smoke in school hours when their lessons are well prepared. Remember that vnu can hue J Mu.m A. A. VYhLikev fur tha aama nrira thai la paid for ordinary whiskey. For sale by ail nrst-claas dealers and druggists, It has been observed in tha hosnitali that nails on amputated finger con tinue to grow. Too Parannal, Circassian What's th fight Bkfleton Oh, ths Pincushion nometlilna about pig iron in Wondi't piesuiice. Th aboiitf The hinted tha lion-Jawed N. Y. Journal. It It best to beware how you tell your dreamt. The very latett dudsioii of person 'way up In Uontoii and psy chology it tlmt tha true tpliitual con dition of the mind Is reveitlid by the dreamt lather than by waking experi euoes. v.afllea Can Wear Shoes Ons tits smaller after using Allen's Font- Ease, a powder to be shaken into tba shoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy, plves Instant relief to corns and bunions. Ifs ths greatest comfort discovery of ths age. Cures swollen feet, blisters and cal lous sputa. Allen's Foot-Ease is a certain cure for inerowlns; nails, swraiinir, smart ing, hot, aching feet. We Imvu Utl.uuu testi monials. All druggists and kin stores en It. hoc. t rial pm-Kiiire t nr.iv oy nmii noiTra tonoor,, Msnlo Tark, ftnn Matso Co,, Csl aeea lte.1 at the Universities. Uatlunnm,T and careful attention to Mental, Moral. ,!l I'hy.l.al training, places n I t" !? ', 1 the loiemost H.l.ool, for Rovt ,', ' Cast. S. F. ChmuMt. Win V' the now loilldlng Amrust Iftih . inn.' "."! Ira 0, lltiltUrlinjipai.' ' " Lt year tlin toutisla from the United Slatet and tlsHWher Uift . $500,000 In Nova Bootla, an.) a grla, increase it fully expected this year. Far awrty from olvlliiwtlon gesture litnguiige It ttili extant n Aiistisiis Homo of the tribes poasnss suuh an cniiemcoie iiiai it It almost at clent as tun spoken lunguage. PtTi PermanenUr Curwt. Wo Stsornemmnn L an-rSrat aar's u-a or tir, KIUm s umi riarrv n.,!rr. twoa n.r r KMC ei.oo Irlal boll laa.1 treulia. P.t. R. U. LUX. LuL, SJU AKb atraet, fblUwJelpUla, I -a. The Times of Cuba has entered a vigorous protest sgainst the newly psssed municipal ordinance which provides that the residents of Havana mast wear some article ot apimrel to cover their nndershiits when in publio places. It suggests that the Cuban Ametican Pa jam a Trust must have been behind the ordinance, and wants to know what is to be dona wi'li the "poor devils who have no undershirts to cover their nakedness." Address, Allen 8. OimcUd, l.a Itoy, N. Y. Leg rt I determination of what consti tutes a spendthrift is likely to come out of a suit over T. W. T. Palmer, coma of $'10,000 mother, Mrs. lienoillo oiiate, vaitieu at some f uihj,uuu; nn the trustees allege that he it a spcii. thrift because be spent $100,000 In two years, and offer to prove thai he lo-t $50,000 in three moot lis nn the New York Btook Exchange. Whether lot ing inouev in this way makes a man 1 spendthrift will then be left (or. the jury to deter mine. "bow'i th is l NO REMEDY EQ'JALS PERUNA, S) THE WOMEN ALL SAY f ' ,r a will in Chicago. tJ . who wti left an in 1 rV) f by tha will of 1,1 &Hf 7 iitHllct, it suing lur the 1 W'S 4 tiiim nnil ....I l'feJ k Ws offer One Ilumlreil Pnllars Reward tor n eaMi ol 1 alar ill llial can nut Im cur4 njr Italia vaiarrn k, uro. v 1 rtpvrv A n. f .1. .. - - We tha umlcr. unci, hava knoan F. J.( Imiu'r n im paai ia vpn, ami ueueve rum perieetiy honoralilv in all busin sa traiiuietlont and fln. atielallr lU 10 carry out ajijr obllxRUuns auule bf Uieir film. warraTartx. t hoU'.alo Hruirlts, TolMi ) Whlbimo, KiNHaa a ManvtM, V nola.ala pru Ists, Tuleito. o. nail's Catarrh Olif la t- kn n'-m.ll. -it..a dlreeilrun th- blood anil m cous aurlacvs ol r Iki tio. ca br tii the srstcnt. I'rt e '.Sa per bo' ttrucrlsla. Tr.llraoul.1i Iree. Uail's taiiuly i'ltl. - n th I thi Lest, The London Dally News says that the Russian man-of-war Union Edin. burakskij. whose o (11 cert and men were recently the recipients of Swediati courtesy at Kariekrona, reciprocated r M las Susan Wjmar. Mist Susan Wymar, teacher In Ilia Rlclinimid school, Chicago, 111,, writes th following letter to Dr. Ilattman re. guiding Pe-iu-na. Hha says: "Only those who have suffered a I have, nan know what a blessing It is to be able to find relief in l'-ru-iia. This hat been my etperietic. A friend In need la a friend indeed, and every bottle, of re nt ua 1 ever bought proved a good Mend to me." riusan Wymar, Airs. Slargsrettia Dauben, 1314 North Sui'riot St., Iiaolna City, Wit , widest "1 lw I so well and good and haimv now that pen cannot describe it. P. ni-na is everything to me. I have taken several bottles of l'e-rn-na lur female complaint. I tin in the chsnge It is estimated that there are 63.050, 000 horses in tha world, 195,150,000 cattle and 434,500,000 sheep. I The gioss vslue of cotton manufac tures in the United States In 1890 wat $367,981,734, or at the rate of $18.88 per spindle. The number of spindles was glyeo by tba onesus of that yeat as 14,188,108. The present value of these products, according to a fair estimate, is $355,439,858, or less than in 1800, notwithstanding the fact that there has been an increase, not only ot 84 per cent in tha number, but of 10 per cent in the productive capacity of the spin dles. oy .ocrewy wmng sonmiings. under of life and It doos ma good." fe-ru-n cover ol darkness, until they were die- has no tonal In all ol tha irregulaiiiiea and emergencies pecnliai to women cmisn.l by pelvic catarih. covered by the governor of the fortress Karinkiona, Is the chief naval station of Sweden; its approaches are well f0f. tided by modern naval defenses, and It has also a ship channel which is dtffl cuit of navigation. A orient Knquefnrt t'h.eae. It Is Said that Roonnfort cheese iti..a back to Pliny's time. Some ot it I smells as though it were a trreat deal older than that, Boston Transcript And prav," asked tha ear coonett "what Is this claim ol yourt to distinc tion?" "Why." replied the lUvle caller, "I am the man ot tha hour!" Brooklyn Citisen. Southey: A good man and a wise man may, at times, be angry with the woild and at time grieved for it. but no man was ever discontented with the worm It tie did his duty in it. Address Dr. Haitman, Columbus. O.. for a lie book for women onlv. Itnmemher that cholera morbus, cholera Infantum, summer com plaint, bilious colic, diarrhoea and dysentery are each and all catarrh of the bowels. Calairh Is ths only correct name fur these nffecllont. Pe-lil-ns is an absolute specific for these ailments, which are so com mon in summer. Dr. llartmsn, in a practice of over forty years, never lost a single case of cholera infan tum, dysciitary, diarrhoea, or chol era morbus, and his only temedy was Pe-ru-na. Those desiring further paitlculnrs should tend for a free copy of "Summer Cataiib." Address Dr. Haitman, Columbus, O. The world oldest living creature in the belongs to Walter Rothschild, tramp now. In every otty or town In the Nether- It is a giant tortoise, weighing a quar- ! '"ml you will find a Rosemary street ter 01 a ton, and it has a known life of 150 years. : Oichids at $30,000 each ought to en courage floriculture. An offer of tliis amount was made and refused for tha ,three recently exhibited at the Ant werp horticultural show. Empress Charlotte, of Mexico, re cently celebrate her 60th birthday at the Chateau da Bonchoto. where she is confined. Although site does not look ber age, her mental condtion is hope less as ever. The Pr in oesi of Naples is an enthns- lastie sportswoman and an excellent ahot She often takes part in shooting pariies arranges oy Hing Humbert, auu recently anieu several boars at Cautelporziano. ' mi ... . . xue lueses oy nre in this country during the first four months of this year amounted in round numbers to $50,000,000, against about $38,000,000 lor me corespomiing period of 1898. A like rate of destruction continued during the year will bring the figures ga. In olden days only under takers lived in them, the rosemary being, in the language of flowers, specially dedicated to the dead. There are approximately. 35.000 In- ! diana in the United States, and thA larger number of them maintain such tribal organizations as exempt tbem from the operation of the ordinary laws of the country. chilling's Best tea sold only af ia An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effect of the well known remedy, Svkup or Figb, manufactured by the Caufoksia f'i Sybup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It Is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fever gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and it acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakeninfr or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the proceas of manufacturing fitrs are used as they are pleasant to the taate, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aroinatio plants, by a method known to the California Fio Stbup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAW FRAWOISCO. CAL. i toorevTLLsi. it. srw tosk, h t. JTot sals tjr Bnurjffsta.-l'rica ac par boUl. 1 Packages A yaung lady in Philadelphia had her band permanently injured by the squeeze a gentleman gave it wh,n shak ing handt with her. She sued him for damages, and was awarded $10,000. VPben Admiral (then lientnnanH Kautx was exchanged and tbna liber. ated from hit confederate orison in Richmond, his was the first case of ax. change of prisoners sanctioned bv President Lincoln. The prince of Wale is said to hsv. dstermined to give up yachting. Hit ventures in the sport have never resnlt. ed well and be has already withdrawn irom two yacht clubs with which be iiau been long identified. The oity of Ida Grove. Ia., is having a well dug at the pumping station 30 feet in diameter and about 35 feet deep. It is only about 13 feeet to the water level, so it is expected that the new well will have about 13 feet of water constantly. PortlaeS Market. Wheat Walla Walla, 55Jc; Valley,57Kc; Bloeetem, 680 per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.35; graham, $3.65; superfine, $3.15 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 43 45c; choice gray, 43 43c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $19(130; brew ing, $21.00 per ton. Milistuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid dlings, $33; thorta, $18; chop, $16.00 per ton. Hay Timothy, $8 9; clover. $7 8; Oregon wild hay, $6 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 85Q40o; second., 83 35r, dairy, 87),830o; atore, 33X0350. Cheese Oregon full cream. 13o: Young America, 18o; new cheese, 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $8(34.60 per doxen; hens, $4.6035.00; springs, $23.60; geese, $4.00(15.00 for old, $45.60 for young; duck. $5,009 6.50 per dozen; torkeyt, live, 129 13c per pound. Potatoes $11.35 per tack; eweeta, 3c per pound. Vegetables Beet, $1; turnips, BOc per tack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab bage, lK3c per pound; cauli flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, $1 beans, 6(&9c per pound; celery, 70(3 75c per dozen; cucumber, SOc per box; peat, 8 4c per pound. Hop ll13o; 1897 crop, 6o. Wool Valley. 12913c per pound; Eattern Oregon. 8013c: mohair. 37 (g SOc per pound. Mutton Gross, best Sheep, wethers and ewes, 8 o; dressed mutton, 58c; lamb, 8c per lb. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.50; ngiil anu leeueri, ,3.50(34.00; d reused, $5. 0088.00 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, 4.009 $4.35; cows, $3.00 8. 60; dressed beef, 66c per pound. Veal Large, 6 7c; small, 7i8c per pound. mil 3 OH (322 a no m You're bilious, you have a throbbing sensation In your head, a bad taste In your mouth, your eves burn, your skin Is yellow with dark rings under your eyes, your lips are parched and you feel ugly and mean, as if you wanted to kick a lame infant or kill a canary bird. Your system Is full of bile not properly passed off. and what you need Is a cleaning up Inside. Don't continue being a bilious nuisance to yourself and those who love you, but send out at once for a box of Cascarets and feel bright and cheerful all the time. Be sure you get CASCARETS I Don't let them sell you a fake substitute 1 aj.. . rests .. wuitioa w Jurry.. a. coiaos Glob. TmT walaable CA- ratiivra ana tna than parfMt, Oeutio i o aithout thm. 1 hava ommI them t. snan Ubm tor ladlraMon sod btlinuanau and am aowoomplatelroumt. Recommend tfcm. to sverr oaa. One irled. yo will oavar be wllaout loam la tba laaillr " Bow. A. aiaax. Albany. N. V. baa Jew th lnt WW oth pie. pas' a a a.. -ar' ...r mu I I a-". . . I B..t a SUrf t: a . . . . I I aSiaaaS- ""U'las.. u,,7iT f,DO P.f7' . ."'JIP' I I NsS. ANNUAL SALES 6.000.000 BOXES. "V 'Vra... 1 " .mmwmmmwmm .p.. MZ m wiiiiur N-iiin mj THIS IS o THE TABLET I0.c 25c 50c DRUGGISTS 7Z!mu, Z A Si!? T" T '-" " "" "r " ".T term ot lrruUrttT f tk. b.w.1. , i Jlsdisg Harrhors 7trurJ 7 t I svwy raspact, (t year moaey tack I Writ as tor bookkt aad trs saaipl I Address tTBBLIBO RKM8DT C0MPAIIT, CH1CA00 or RKW T0KK. isijpljuuui mm mm mm mm mm n ww arts sarwn -. n n . aa FraaelsM Market. Wool Spt ing Nevada, 10013c per pound; Oregon, Eastern, 10 Uo; Val ley,1719c; Neithero, 810c. Milistuffs Middlings, $17(319.60: bran, 1B(4 16.50 per ton. Onions 9ilverskin,85c(8$lper tack. Butter Fancy creamery, 19 (8 20c; do seconds, 16 17c; fancy dairy, 17o; aoseconas, 14 l,c per pound. Egg Store, 16318c; fancy ranch, 31(3230. Hope 1898 crop, 17)a Citrnt Fruit Orange. Valencia, $3.75(38.36; Mexican limes, $44.60; California lemont, 75c $1.60; do choice, $2. 25 3. 7 6 per box. Hay Wheat, $8 9; wheat and oat, $8.50(38; oat. $8(3 9; bait bar. ley, $6 7. 50; alfalfa, $5(3 8 per ton; ttraw, 80 40c per bale. The Mexicant have a verv nnner wav Potatoes Early Rose. 76(5590 of burring the dead. Tha mna. i. , Oregon Burkanks. $1.65(411.85: river tightly wrapped in matting and placed , Burbanks, 75c$l; Salinas Burbankt, in a coffin hired for about a nnart.r. .tKgl.Se per sack. One or two natives, as the case may be, Trpioal fruit Bananat, $1,609 place the coffin on their head and en at 3 o0 P1 bnnoii; pineapple. 83(3 a trot to i he grave, where tba body it 00: Pnian date, 9t)io per interred and the coffin it tbeu returned ponnd. The oldett nniversity in the world is at Fekin, China. It is called the "School for the Sons of the Epmire." Its antiquity is very great, and a gran ite register, consisting of stone col umns, 820 in number, contains the names of 60,000 graduates. PORTLAND DIRECTORY. lhe Ohio law which permits the publication or official notices in Polish as well as German, in addition to En. glish, on motion of council, authorize aiso tne publication of such official no tices in Hohemian. There are many nonemiana in Cleveland and Toledo. Canada it ttrictly In-it touching merchantable timber. Her forest area is estimated at 1.350,000 square miles or 800,000,000 acret. the largeat forett area, so far as the woods of commerce are concerned, ot any country in the world. Her lorest production is $85, 000,000 annually. t people suppose. It bluod receives it's A TRUE BLOOD-HAKER inere'i more in keppfntf the ttomach In i in inc atom ten lami lam nea.no or aicJtneHS. floore's Revealed Remedy Aids the stomach In making rich, healthy blood. It aids digestion and builds ap the ner vous system. 1 per buttle at your drusnUi's. raura and Wlr Works. PORTLAND WIRK h IRON WORKS; WIRK and Iron (nclu; office rallinf, ie. SM Alder. mm Maehlnary and Miippli. CAWSTON CO.! ENOINK8, BOILERS, MA Clilacry. supplies, it.-Hi Klrst St., Portland, Or. ALL KINDS wd- m7Trm4rml. '- f1 rilRTEFt5lrJK Is what Uncle Sam uses. MACHINERY, Illleal Iv anil coiillilintl a i. IV CtmiaMainu C. H. WOOOaau a CO.. 10 t...il2 mi te'-GO EAST, las aboulyour naaa. on aoaAWito.rkn.dfc.iiy ...TATUM 29 ts 36 First ttrstt BO WEN... PORTLAND, OR. TEETH WITHOUT PLATES ICaota Crowned. Brldrea Made. I'ainless filliaa; and extraction. Dr. T. H. White, VMXr- JOHN POOLE, PosTtAiro, Onr.ooir, can give you the best bargains In general niaciiinery engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, El'JTr v r' V" bidmills. The new sieel I X L windmill, sold by him, Is uii- O TO FLIES MoaguiTOE f V7 nH""' '""r1 KHIer will slear W M Jhs house nl ttiein, prlne m cents. Write for bmiklet. Agents wanted, V a LOMPANl, Portland Oiannii -VIA- 1 1 Bast Cout Srrap. Tastes OoodV Cas f 1 a ... .'!-"'- l1 r ""'s'"- Fs tVholasala Iruclsta and I'h vtoraphlo fltippllas. M.I'MAtTKR-FRANK Illtrr CO. lit AND lis rourth Sircei, Portland, Oregon. Writs 10 NATHAN P E fj S I O N IICKf uHn. Washington. 0. C., they will r. ee va otllek rmtAl. U A,k M fi Slag 20ta Corps. Prosaeutlng claims slue 17,' IF U. bUJiri'S LIVER 0 pills "otlrlp.orMr.)kn r..:.:" ""."""""".' I" "rP't'r-a. "ull ho, f,2 i,Vw," 'i'L 1 Through I'alaen anil Tourist Nleen.r Ulnlng nnl llufl-et Nmokluar Library Cnra. ....FAST TIME.... Pervloa and Hronery tJneniislli'd. tnt Tli'kMts ami all luloniiailon apply t your uvareal aguut, or a.Mress pp 7 W A. 11. V DKNNIftTON, n. c.btvens,o. tv.'p;1:! 2;;ttAllu!,ori""14- Unaruii,s4 RWt If ARTKI.t BOOg, elief for Women French Femili P s Xl CURE YOURSELF ma m rnr uunaiiiral ?'! hill.i.,i.,. L.t t .1 1"a,lfl """'.'.a. PaliilV... .:l HlEMSaOMMfltCO. or (mlannuils. : scssit.'.o fT"1 "ol fcy X,2$JT C"" '" "l,, rPP'r, ' 'Irciilar n.iil on r,IHVi. N. a- '(litfat. a. " raw VV .-t7.rJt rf " "'tls.rs le