OIJNYtOY YfTT lfleet- xt ' not iIlthe ntur 't-V W III iV Vi. i'll kj JL I Anirln Dirnn r.A ' n K .II. i I " " v. - - F, " " " ...- iMNi rn KVKit v i'rid it moKNiNa DHYId DHS. tdiHr and froprfttr. Keaaaerlollow Kotea. One copy on year la advance... One copy nix uionUia..... ...... Single copy - $1 00 .. M .. 8 Advertising raf ""nada known upon application OOMWBIA COUNTY IM KKCTORY. CO tTT OITICKKN. Judge Joseph H. Doan, Rainier Vlirk J. U. Willi, St. lirlima Sheriff , 4. tt. Km. ciatakanle Treasurer , ,....K. Rom. St. Helena kliipt. of Schools I. H. Copland, Warren A.mskot..., Martin While Qtilncy Surveyor tieo. Hay, Mnyuer Coroner ,,..Dc. A. V McLaren, Rnlnl'T . . r. a. routes, pwainto.me u. i-eierwm, mibi tory vr became rightful muter of as successor to the Spauish sowrelitrity, AH re wish to point out la that these public men from Mr. Bryan down, vol untarily ana vocnerouaiy demanded a war with Spain under the then existing circumstance, out of the result of which they now aeek to make political capital and reap political advantage. Will they not write themselves down as inconsistent?" Unparalleled Prosperity. This country is enjoying a degree of prosperity now, unparalleled in Its his tory, and there ia no indication any where of the slightest iikii of halting. failure are tlie smallest ever known, and railroad earning the inrgeat. Hoi' A COMMON SILENT IANQUAQE. Durtoa Thing rraetlood oy Poopl Alt Ovr the World. Them is a lojiguage which is not written, spoken, taught or lonmod, ami vat la inrrnn t wham wrrmrla am. vein payment inrougu clearing nouses nuoleM to Convey Intensity of meUV In July have been about 60 per cent i u,.0 ,.,. m, i. greateVthan laet rear and 02 per cent or dolicacy of thought The lan better than any other time sin.-e im, for Buoh it ia, may be found the beet previous year. The otrlclal re- In use in almost every part of the turn of the moat wonderful vear in the world. Its varied alimlftnuww la nation' commerce how decrease of comprehended by the rich, and its 11,500 in value of the great staple e- mnauinir nndarstnnd hw that nnn WARUKN AND 8CA1T008E. Miaa Dessie West U visiting friends at U7dt., W.IU U'.UU V T nitn II Rlltaa MUt increase of about t.S0,000,000 in other export, mostly manufacture. The failure for the week past have been 16 iu the United State against 207 last vear and S3 in Canada airalnst IB nut year as reported by K. G. l)unn A Com- iTbis peculiar medium of oommuni- tttion has no vocabulary, fixed ruing of grammar or logical terms. For brevity it ia unsurpassed. In point of pexHpioulty it stands without an equal. It u the shrug. pany. Money is plenty and cheap, PT er Way I vuiug v unu iur WAyrceruiiK; Commissioners Aug 11,1899. Mr. W. S. (Tutohinaon hua Durohaseti 1 fiinli nao P ti 1 1 ixka ii in ii v iihw ii LnrikriHM Mm h mitir wuv Missel Martha and Mamie Hartman I everywhere and whim are constantly multitude of thinfts. both ohieotivelv m visuuig intiuus m uucuua, iTuau. increaatng. ixiiton is sunt'iiing iu price ana BUOjeottveiy. it is. as olroum- Mr. Churlea Hegele, of Portland, spent JL1,?,'80 !he"h and coru ",d 'o1 Bre tanoos require, a noun, adverb, pro mdav at his creamerv at ScaoDooae. iMJw'ty advancing. . . . I noun. BiilMrivn. raxnwIMnn vn. itken all together we present tOlie 7 7. i I j r r T IT" wnri.1 .r k rtrut ti,., ti, .in..i.r junction, interjection or verb. The cumstanceof a country engtised In war sphere of its usefulness is almost and yet increasing in natural uroHperity limitless. aa is no other country in tho world. A curioua happening oocorred in fhKrirr!i!!; twest end allttle more than a Sunday at his creamery at Scappoose. Walter Collins and Ueorse Ramsey spent Saturday ana Sunday at ror timid. Clifford Ellis, of Portland, snent Sun' day at this place with his mother, Mrs, tlawkms. The Station asent. Mr. J. Leonard, ia I manufantnriHa and hut a limited market I SgO. A OeTtaUk man Came sporting a horse and buggy, a recent and prices for farm product, which are home quite late one dark night with- -THI- N ' 14 CL0NIH0SH a WHITNEY, Propt. -TM rtMons CYRUS NOBLE WHISKEY Heatdes other atanilant brandaof llmmr, la kept alwaya on hand. . Curd talilei, ool Uble, and billiard Moie ror in a oi patrons. Bt. flelenai, Oreitoa, purchase, Mr. and Mr. Frank Hovt returned laet Sunday from a two week outing OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. 1 few week at Seaside. Harry West, Mr. Ramsey, Frank Payne and Miss Uraee Pavne were Port- Tut taking oi the national census oi I iana visitors last week, this state will require the service of j. Leonard ani (ami)y ,nd h. C. Lam- tnree bundred clerks, to say notning ot I oerson ana wite are preparing to apend other official. Thi i a email army of "w weeks at me coast. The Forbes. Davis Fuel Co.. of Port- ! land, had their agent among us last week contracting for wood. The N. P. Co. has a crew of sixteen j men near Warren assisting the regular section lorce to retie me section. J. S. Bacon, H. U. Clark, Marion Cooper and Mrs. M. Slavens were pas sengers for Portland on. Monday's boat. Archie Collins, Tom Callahan and L. uuncan spent a day at Seaside, return ing Sunday evening, iney report a pleasant day. The Congregational church at Scap pooee is receiving a coat of paint on the interior. The work is being done by unaries iiowcamp. The Misses Mae and Maude Slavens were tendered a surprise party the first part of last week. Everyone present reports a good tune. urant vt atts, our county clerk, was here Sunday evening on his way to Eastern Oregon, where he hoped to find I our chief industry, are low. Thi will I all change in a few year when trade conditions with our island possessions at Bunker hill. I ln. "'8 re. settled, and when the i niuinixui uanm ia unuer orvaiiis f. tv . i rice ana lamny ana tne Misses uaxette. Marie ana Mamie watts are spending a men in itself and give some faint idea of the magnitude of a job which takes in the whole of the TTnited States and must be completed before it is time under the laws to take another second record. Alaska is, of coarse, included, and this time Hawaii also must be covered. In the next census Porto Rico and the Philippines, to say nothing of Guam, must stand np and be counted as well. Oaea Thla Strike Muddy Complexions and Nauseating ; Hreath from eti ron ic constipation. Karl's t lover iioot tea is an atxsoiute cure and baa been sold for fifty years on an abso lute guarantee, rnce a cts. and oo cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Roes, druggist, St. Helens, and P. A. ferry, rloulton. HOULTON NOTES. Jep. Walker left last Monday mornina trom Maimer. Captain Henderson night for Astoria. left last Monday Thus seems to be less trouble in en listing men for service in oar army than in the navy in spite of the contrast be tween the two departments during the late war. The average young man seem to feel that he would prefer to do his fighting as much as possible on land where there is a chance to escape bullets and no danger of going to the bottom in a collective iron coffin. Adventure on land also promises more excitement than on sea. especially in the new colo- a climate beneficial to his health. niea where nearly every recruit hopes to see service. They feel that at present it is an even chance in the navy to remain on coast guard or harbor duty in this country for an indefinite period, bat in the army it is ten to one that they will travel and possibly find the road to for tune in a distant land. Word has reached us that Mr. A. T. out his key. He accordingly had to ring the boll to summon his wife to open the door. As the hour late his wife wished to know who the individual was before she un locked the door, bo called out from the window: "Who's there!" The man, not thinking of the dark ness, gave an offhand shrug, which ordinarily would be interpreted as meaning. "Your husband, of course! Hot receiving an answer to her in quiry, she became somewhat suspi cious and asked again in aooents not mud: "Who's at the doorf" The Idoa of his wife asking who he was so disturbed his even temper of mind that he again failed to "grasp the situation," and from mere force of habit he stood there with outstretched arms, raised shoulders and mutlnir linn -Ha ImnrltnaHir nf r..v. n :, a l. .: r" ' uu7" 'UUUUJ dismay, ms thoughts and feelings. as expressed by his gesture, mhrht be transcribed in the vernacular She talks! She talks r An interregnum of aQenoa fol lowed, end the window was closed. In a moment the man realised the situation. He was locked out of his own house, looked upon as a suspi cious character and liable to arrest- all on account of a shrug. The study of the shrug will be round of intense Interest and pecu liar ry rascinaung. u em oodles so E.E. QUICK Commlaalnner ot Duetli for Waah-' luiloo. ...... G. W.COLE! . Notary Public , PROl'RUTOKS OF THORNE'S Numerical SystemJPiUe Abstracts, i Tltlea Examined and Parleotad. Ahatraela 1 riimuiieci. Aawaaiuenla KxanilneO. In- iu raiwe nruien. laxea rani ami Convey. auuiiia. ST, IIRLE1S, IIKEUOK. ....Driigs and M edicmes.... Should lie bought only at a Drug Store, where doubt I never allowed to enter the mind as to quality of the artlolo sold. We furnish drug of the reitilrod stnmfiird ol strength drug that are right. What you buy at a Drug Storo you may depend upon it being what you ask for. ....OUR STOCK OF.... Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles .IS COMPLETE. School Books and School Siipiille. Prescription Carefully Compounded Day or Night. ...ST. HELENS PHARMACY... ' Dr. Edwin Uoss, Proprietor. ST. HELENS. - - OREGON H H H H H H H n A1WAMIP nPTTP QTHDi: I PROFESSIONAL. We are glad to see Rev, again after his accident. Haley around Miss Beulah Walker is working- in St. neiens at snenn Mice's. having some repair made to hi wagon. N. A. Perry returned from the beach Tuesday to attend to business matters. Chnrchley Bros., of Portland, have seven teams at work hauling wood to tne aepok Last Tueadav eveninur a lanra onantitv of rain fell at this place, that's what the farmers like. A social hoi house last rriday evening, p was given at r ranu's iuay evenins. ah report a gooa ana enjoys me time. Bert Mills came out from Vernonia e ickuw ud ujn. air. a. x. i , . , , , . o' Workman, who is engaged at hauling .J' 7th J8 emP,oyeu Uiuch in a Uttle. It la gesture full cky point, nad tne muuortune l r of as much meaning wood at Rocky to break his leg, by getting it caught in I Our worthy Brother Mt-Kenna, of the wheel of bis moving wagon. I the United Artisans, of Portland, passed The Misses Ella and Hattie Tompkins n Monaay even,ne lordown entertained a few friends at their home " t"" The blight of populism appears to i have passed away from over the nation forever. Oregon escaped serious con tamination. No populist ever was elected as a populist to a state or con gressional office in the state, and in no legislature did the forces of fiat money have the controlling influence. Oregon has often been credited with having elected a populist governor. This is not so. Pennoyer was elected in 1886 as s straight democrat, and on a platform which "pointed with pride" to the wise and patriotic administration of Grover Cleveland and "viewed with alarm" re st Scappoose one evening of last week. The young folks had a merry time. Light refreshments were served on the lawn. Mr. H. H. Clark believes in improv ing his ranch in every possible manner. lie now has a force of men engaged at I tearing down his large barn to make room to erect a much larger one, which. when completed, will be a big improve-1 mem to tne piace. Ice cream was served at the Houlton house last Sunday and can also be had this rrnlay evening at Perry's hall. .Everybody invited. meaning as a page of oratory, as precise as a geometrical conclusion and aa diverse of usage as philosophical argument Iiostoii Courier. QR. . . HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ClaUkaule, Columbia county, Or. J-JR. KDWIN ROtMJ, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St.' Helens, Oregon R. H. R. CUFF, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helena, Oregon. G. W. COLE, ATTOBNEY AMD COUNSELOR ATLAW, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Title Abatraot Book.. Nm.ry Pnhlln Commit inner oi iwxia lor waaliliixton, and auuuer- cvvu vuunw, u WUIIWUVII WHO OUIOV. 4 !3 4 4 3 tr DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Has kwt raeelve4 a large aeaw taieat 4 Fraab aaS Para DRUGS 25 Gm&lXGJLTj!& Alio a new atxl telvM uik of Shiri ana patent medlHnae, fanry atatlonery, aehool bo.ian mi i, mi. pu'iiiop, wrii uaually kc't at a dril cla erlumery aul toilet arUelea, aud Iu It i anig .lore. tal raryUitu wUltU u Rusoiiptions Curefrilly Compounded AT THK CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE SSAVTTIVT n TVTVTV in lr A.fnir n n - is ...MVMl bAV.U IS MUWKY KAKNK ... ..Continue to Earn Money by.. Subscribing for the J. W. DAY W. B. D1LLASD "Homk" Is aa Ajaelaa Ward. It is not generally known that few words can boast of so remote and widely extended prevalence as "hur rah. In India and Ceylon "ur-re-ret" which seems to be a form of "hur rah." is used by the mahouts and at tendants on the baggage elephants. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offlre next door to Conrthonas, ST. HSI.SN8.0KKOON; Tell Yewr Slater. A Beautiful Comolexion is an Imooasi- bility without good pure blood, the sort tnat only exists In connection with rood digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. 5T ITieAittbsandcameldriversolimrt. One of the most obliaine fellow in them in nerfect health pViivi 9k rt I PaleBune and Turkey encx)uratre thdr I and around Scappoose is Geortre Fox. and 50 cts. Sold bv Dr. Edwin Ross, animals to renewed effort bv cries A TTflRNPV . AT.I AW uruiowj, dl. aciom, auu r.. a. rviry, ox AT-re, ar-rei ine Bpanisa HOOTS Houlton. I nnn nnmntrilnoi nftha coma I Weekly Oregonian AND The Oregon Mist Ocserml Dmttttra ln enurta ol OrMmn nr Wuh. Inrtou. AUtnuita muisi dlrociljr from count GEO. A. HALL, wno is employed Dy vv atts frice, in their store. It is a pleasure to do busi ness with Mr. Fox, and by his gentle manly manner and willingness to please naa wou lor mm a nost OI irienas. ..Our Clubbing Rate Enables Us to.. Furnish Both Papers for only i TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR .mJUMJM4U..i,m.U.UiM The paint mine and mill, owned and operated by Mr. Frank Payne, which ia I irkfarVI no a t Ma nruviaa nnnmiauu n lu puuucan pretension, in low rennoyer one of the leading enterprises of this was re-nominated and re-elected as a county. Mr. Payne and son have been democrat, though he received support engaged for several days past in trans- fmm rnl,lmn. Tt ... .ft, pn. porting a large numDer ol paint boxes er's second inauguration that he went over to the populists and brought upon Oregon the odium of a populist executive. to the mill, which looks like business. Cordwood haulinir in this section is being pushed with great energy. Them is a number of people ln St. Helens, all of them good citizens, who take life altogether too serious. They become incensed at nothing and storm around with all the energy of a trag edian. Let the council or school board sit around and do nothing and these people are mad, and if these as tute bodies afore-mentioned try to do something to better the condition of things these persons are madder still, and threaten them with all the ven geance of the law. This place wonld be a great place for lawyers if the law were invoked as many times as it is threatened. There are rumors here of with great enenrv. Eli i.yncn and jonn morgan nave a con tract to haul and ship to Churchley A Sons, of Portland, 1700 cords. George Ramsey ha about 400 cords, and others with like amounts will bring the total up to about 3000 cords, all of which will be ranked at the tloneyman siding. VALLEY ITEMS. Mr. W. D. Miller went to St. Helens on Tuesday. Haying ia now over and harvest will be on hand in a few days. Mr. J. Dupont went to Walla Walla the early part of last week on business matters. Mrs. J. W. Bonnell and Mr. Obers and family came down from Portland on tne otn to spend a lew days at this place. The St. Joseph church was destroyed by fire on Friday at about 8 o'clock in the evening. It ia said to have caueht nre irom a siasning. The Artisans now have an organiza-1 sion. In France the SDartsman ex cites the hounds by bis shoutB of 'Hare, barer and wagoners turn their horses by crying ''IJarbauhr Irish and Scottish herdsmen shout 'Hnrrish, hurriahr to their cattle. The exclamation is thought to be a corruption of tho old Norsemen bat tlecry "Tur-ale" (Thor aid). Pitts burg Dispatch. Points op Cow poeidaaea. white on the subiect of corre- Bpondenoa, cream laid paper Is al ways good form. .Naturally the size depends upon the subject al though the ordinary note is always in vogue. Fold it once and place in a square envelope to match. It is ST. HELENS, OREGON. Office next door to Cola A Quick's law and abstract ollice. Collections a specialty. Foreclosures. mechanic's liens, promptly attended to. A STOMA & COLUMBIA RIYER XI RAILROAD COMPANY. MUCKLE BROS. ai.DDOW DAILY. MANUFAOTUBEBS Ot Rough and Dressed Lumber Dlmenaton Lumber. Flooring. Bn.tle. HheaUY ma. will.., ana a complete atoca oi every i.iw ut luiHwr aepi ud nana- AT THK OLD STAND, BT. HELENS, OR 24 .BTBAMKB, Erory Bottle Of Shiloh' Consumption Cure is this raaranlM ! "All arc ajak nf vnn ia tn noa tion at Scappoose and the people of that two-thirds of the contents of this bottle the lad to begin your letter on the section are proud of the lodge. The in- faithfully, then, if you say you are not fourth wura jen turn it ormnlotelv stitution of the aaaemh v wu rwrf-toH l. .; ..' Cf.i. . lounn page, men t,uru II completely only two weeks ao aiuf it already has Z7r-t Zl finish across the center nearly lorty-tive names on lit roster, I paid." Price 26 cts., 60 cts. and SI 00 P888- inissounos use a Qirecuon which number is sure to be increased in Sold by Dr. Edwin Koss. druerist. St. given to find a locality on Long Is- the near future. Oreat interest is man- Helens, and N. A. Perry, Houlton. land. Also, I wish to repeat, never J V uawauuwaa. v USVU IUBUICB I SSI I M nb Aoa. M.eaalA A 1 IA ...kltiir Tt . iKalnlM. . . UM Ul OlITMUKI, aiWUVB HOI H, tion ot the members to give an enter- L , , I ""s wj nM u. ui u ,.;... ..4 ... . t r. - , I UOBLB. Ur.. AUffUSt o. r OllOWinir t I mnal-rnlner Thau.1 alimlil w. vmm hall next Saturday evening, which will .thf Ptr hf. .J,eer Clt7 Kbooi ,or crest, or, if you are the head of the Returning, leave. Astoria at 6: I-i T-J IR Ij 1 3ST E3 POWTLAN0 AND ASTORIA t Leaves Portland every night at g o'clock ior Asiona, (except Sunday.) balurday r. M. 7 00 US s a) S Sn S 44 S AH ON 1 7 10 00 10 OS 10 20 10 SO A.M. STATIONS. 00 Of. 20 V 40 45 IU 10 00 10 10 AM 10 21 71.2i 10 S 7H.7I 11 Oi MI.S it lo ni.a It 22 Uft.4 11 30 W H Lv Portland.. Ar) ... itotiie ...Rainier .. Pyramid . Mavxer ..Qulnir. ...... . t.'laukaule.... ,. Marahland.... .. WeatlKilt ... CIlKon ...Knappa...... ., Hvenaon .obn Pay.,.., .. A.torla ...Lv DAILV. at II 1,1 10 10 S 67 S 40 81 as la OH S OS S 40 S 17 S 07 7 M 2J-1 r. m, 9 40 S M 20 00 7 &4 7 4S 7 as 7 31 7 17 M Ht 24 10 e oo BEABIDB DIVISION out rival anything ever given at Scap poose. we understand that no admis- tbe month of July : Number of days taught, 20 Number of days attendance, 656 mandamus; injunction, habess corpus, tJg?5fiSl divorce and numerous other kinds of pitality of the assembly. 2amu r J mM t?- Our bachelor friend, John Downing, went to bed the other night with the blissful tboueht that to be a bachelor I was equal to being a king. John thought ot ma 11-88 lortunate brothers who had Hot What He XzpoeSed. A well known man about town went Into a Chestnut street haber- proceedings, but it never gets further than a rumor. The people worry them selves up to a fever heat for the pleas ure of cooling off. It all does no good, 1 1 At J . . , ,1, ,, out uieyuo it, just me same, aii .ma . to walk the floor half of the night with William Bradley, Hattie and Chesley dashery the other day and astodof towns, we presume, are alike in this a young hopeful and of the cold winter Makinster. lev Link. Geonrie and Adeen STSf . J186? 01 . h.v. r,r..ill mnrninira hn hi. wifo .nM nl.nt har ITI. u ...... C I... I Vrewy BtUWWOmaa lot S pair suspenders. "Suspenders or M the cheerful words, "John get up and Neer. Kay V. Bingham. Teacher. braces r she asked, with a bewitch- light the fires." John thought of the ing smile. The man thought there Number of boys enrolled, 17 umberoi eirls enrolled 21 Total number enrolled, 38 Average daily attendance,... 27 Those who were neither absent nor tardy during the month were, Earl and family, your coat of arms. If you ao not possess a coat ot arms by In heritance, use a simple monocrram. Ho seal should be larger than neces sary. Vogue. Si) o'clock very mornina- leiceni Monday Hun. aay at o: w o'clock p. m. 0. 8. & N. CO. M. 6 00 6 2 ft AO SO 22 A. V. u sa u 6ft 12 IS 1 00 Dally A.M. r. M. .Aril 7 40 4 00 Lt 7 20 S Kit Aril S 62 1 in Lv.. Astoria , ?1 Warrantor! 21 White Collar Line THKCOLI'MIIIA RIVKR AND HI.OKT HOUND NAVIGATION CO. POETLiHU-iSIOEIi EDDIE. ...TELEPHONE... Lanrtlnt rootol Alder Street, Portland. Leave 1'ortland dally (exiiepl Sunday) at 7 A. M. Landllia Telenhnne diiek. Aalnpl. Laay A.uirla dally (eaeeut Sunday)? P. If. Telephone Tlokete Uood on Steamer Putter. Steamer fotter Ticket Uood on Telephone. U. B. SCOTT. Pre. All Traina to and from HmiM. mn in n..l and New Aatorla via Warrenton. mattpr. Thnv h.va nrai.tii.a1lv nntriinir I mnrninTH when hi wife wonld nlanr. hpr I li-nwlur .!.;. UniiMn. M.....IC G-.l... to build on. but proceed at once to make e?ld feet in the small of his back with Harry Olsen, Mary, Bella and Hazel a mountain out of a mole-hill. In other words, the small affairs of life that would not be noticed in a larger place, are taken up and magnified a thousand poor, shivering fellow as he rolled out on the cold floor and pitied him as only I a bachelor can. When John stepped upon the porch the next morning be WI'T tnahnl nr.. Mnl. nnraUdi. t . Ha ah. W ho, .., If m rv... " " " J" " a.m "J ' nu. Vv.j ArioArHm and SkVk ynllAnlr mrw.llu atirofir.r Ttirl.rro.rvr.ri HiV UaaAaVx I H'ODWA't w awjr L1X7U, . j i ,t a a umuij mo uwruu vuo uiurmnir ne are uiw urnitiuai cmuitts. jvari n Clover . ' . . " told, for no other reason than that peo- waB thunderstruck to find a ladies wrap- Boot Tea has cured these ills for half a the girl took from a box a pair of pie have nothing better to occupy their per lying there. He took the wrapper century. Price 26 cts. and 60 cts. Money braces, in form resembling the letter minds. But it was ever thus. Is commenting on Bryan's new book the Daily Capital Journal, a former Bryan organ, says : "On the whole, the book may be looked upon as a campaign document for the presidential contest of 1900. Nearly all the contributors are propagandists. Nearly all of them were in favor of going to war with Spain. All of them, in one way or another, criti cised the adtnistration for not taking np the sword for the liberation of Cuba months before it did. So far as the Journal is concerned it was always in favor of the acquisition of Cuba and the Hawaiian islands. around to his neighbors, but could find refunded if results are not satisfactory. no owner, so he ha concluded to keep Sold by Dr. Edwin Boss, druggist, St. it and advertise for the lady. A mother Tell How Nbe Saved Her Little Daws-liter's Life. I am the mother of eight children and have had a great deal of experience with medicine. Last summer my little daughter had the dysentery in its worst form. We thought she would die. I tried everything I could think of, but nothing seemed to do her any good. I saw by an advertisement in our paper that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedy was highly recom mended and sent and got a bottle at once. It proved to be one of the very best medicines we ever had in the house. Tn fnvu-ino tt.oir It saved my little daughter's life. I am ouisition we did not favor a war until a nxious ,or evry mother to know what quisiuon, we urn not iavor a war until a . ,iint mrt;inn s. i,a,i T war waa practically forced Helens, and N. A. Perry, Houlton. Do Yost Kaew Consumption is preventable? Science nas proven tnat. ana also that neelect is : - - i i mi a , i , Buiciuui. a ne worst coiu or cougn can be cured with Bhiloh's Cough and Con sumption Care. Sold on s positive guarantee for over fifty years. Sold by ur. jMiwin koss, aruggist Bt. Helens, and JN. a. ferry, Houlton. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Qrrict or Citt Taa.ncaaa, St. Hklbmi. Oregon. Ana. 11, 1B99. THE CITY TkEAHUKKR OF HT. HKLKNS, Oregon hereby tlvea notice that all war rants of thi. citr whlih have been presented . ., .... A ... i.Cf... b.M .... IIT... .1 .... .1 i, upon our country by the events in Cuba and the humane sentiment at home. Congress unanimously ordered the president to declare war, with no thought of acquir ing the Philippines. But of all events of the war, the one most lionized by the an excellent medicine it is. Had I known it at first it would have saved me a great deal of anxiety and my daughter much suffering. Yours truly, Mrs. Geo. F. Buboick, Liberty, B. I. For sale by Dr. Edwin Boss. When your supply of printed station ery becomes exhausted, Bend in an order . , ' ., I to this ofhee, whore best quality of stock American people is the taking of Manila and workmanship are furnished at bay where Dewey sank the Spaniel) j prices consistent with such qualities. prior to July let, 1M, will be paid npon pre sentation to me. Interest win not be allowed alter thla date. DAVID DAVIS, Oily Treasurer. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Coukty TncAiiTBBB'a Ornc, Bt. Hsi.Kxa, Oa., Aua-urt 4, ISM. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL unpaid County Warrauta of Columbia County, Oregon, which have been preeented and endorsed- "Not Paid lor Want of Fund.," prior to AuirtiHt Int. Vm. will be paid upon pre- I eenutuon ai inia omce. interem win not ne ai I lowed after thla date. KbWIN ROW, a4al Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon. "M. and said laconicallv. "Fiftv I cents, please." PhihulelphJa Record. Afahma Hospitality. An Afghan is bound by custom to grant a stranger who crosses bis threshold and claims protection any favor he may ask, even at the risk of bis own lire. Yet, apart from this. be is cruel and revengeful never for giving a wrong and retaliating at the nrst opportunity. JT. Jti. Btauffer ln Kate Field's Washington. NOTICE E0R PUBLICATION. Laud Orrici at Oaiooa Citt, Ob., Jul v 21. iaaa XTOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN THAT THE ll following-named settler haa Sled notice of I hla Intention to make final proof ln anpport of I m. uiaiin, aim low nam prooi will De maoe ne- 1 fore Heglater and Receiver at Oregon City, Ore-1 guu, uu oepHjoiiier ia, iwi, via: FBA.VK I. BALL, Homeatead entry No. 11,1119, for the northeast i of unction U, biwnHhlp 6 north, range 6 went. He name, me luiiowiug wimeaaea 10 prove nisi eontinnous resldenoe pon and cultivation of aid land. Tin Martin llarvev, W. F. Hlatt and kj. u. i. nnirren.nr mi.t. orpirmi. ann a. j i i.wiu i ui vi.Minuit;, v.rvKiii. jai cn AS. B. M00BE8, Register. Subscribe now for Tub Orioom Mist. Dbtabt I Time SCHEDULES I Aaaiva From Portland. " Fast Halt Lake, Denver, Ft. Fast Mail Worth, Omaha.Kan- Mall 8 p. m. aas city, Ht. Louis, t:ib p. m. Chicago and East. Spokane Walla Walla, Spokane, BKkane Flyer Min ne a polls, Ht. Klycr 2:10 p.m. Paul, Diilnlh, Mil- 8:!Wa.m. waukee, Chicago East. So m. Ocean Steamships. p" All aalllng dates sub- P- m )e.;t to chanite. For Han Francisco Sail every Svedaya. t p. m. Oolumbla River 4 p. m Ex.Sunday Steamer. Ex.sunday Saturday To Astoria and Way W p. m. landings, a.m. WlllametUBIver. 4 . El. Sunday Oregon City, Newberg, tl Sundav Salem A Way land gs ' ... yVlllamatl and Yam- . .. TejThar. "' M?,IWed and Sat. Oregon City, Dayton, and Frl and Way-landings. 8a.m. Willamette River. 4 m Tnes.Thur. Portland to Corv.llls TuesThur and Bat. and Way-landings. and Hat. Lv. Rlparla Snak River. Lr.Lew'ton 1:46a. m. 6:4ria.m. daily ex- Rlparia to Ltwlston. daily ex cept Sat, cepl Frl. VT. H. HURLBERT, Oeneral Passenger Agent, PORTLAND - - - - . OREGON SPECIAL SUNDAY SEASIDE TRAIN Leaves Astoria at 8:80 a, m. and arrives Seaside ... a. m. PaMUMigcr may return on aay train shown Id schedule on same date. Paasenirers for Astoria or way nnlnt. mh fl -. trains at Houlnm, Trains will stop to let pa7 I sengers ofC at Houlton when coming from poluts i Oen. Pass. A at., Astoria. Or. No Laflicx Famitnre is Complete Without a New LIGHT -RUNNING SINGEE SEWING MACHINE. Sold on Easy Terms without Interest. C. P. LOONEY, Agent, tori. . . Oregon. STEAMER G. .VV. SHAVER DELL SHAVER, Master. -llrf ifiirii.pT I W. r 111 BBNSSIl ' Tlio Only Direct Route ...FROM... Portland to Clatskanie ohange time without notice. ' arrive In Portlaud 1:80 a. m. The company rvse'ivea th rlgh to Shaver Transportation Company. ....STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG. Leaves Kelso on Monday a, rfennesaaya and Fridays at 6 o'clock a. m. 6 XIW.iKiimiii .i. ,,. i MMM,ill,aw Iaves Port land Tuesday, Thursday, and Batunlaya, at 8 o'clock a. m. Portland and Kelso Route via Willamette slough