Delicious Biscuit BOUNDARY FIGHT. GREAT BRITAIN WANTS SLICE OF NEW GOLD FIELDS. are made with Royal Baking Powder, and are the most appe tizing, healthful and nutritious of foods. Hot biscuit made with im pure and adulterated baking powrder are neither appetizing nor wholesome. It all depends upon the bak ing powder. Take every care to have your biscuit made with Royal, which is a pure cream of tartar baking powder, if you would avoid indigestion. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO.. NEW YORK. Contend! that We Moat (live Up Ckmi of Alaska-American Couetrue the Meaning of the Treaty One Way, and the British Bee Another Way. Aside from the Philippine- war, the ubject engrossing most public atten- tlou la the dispute between the United States and England over the lluo which cut Alaska off Canada. The question, officially, Is In the hands of an Anglo American commission, whose report la being withheld by the two govern ments because, as It Is reported, the commission could not agree upon terms. Where the matter will end no body knows now, for both Uncle Sam and John Bull are anxious to get for ineir subjects as much of the irold land of Alaska and British Columbia as they can. This commission was as signed several other matters of arbitra tion or adjustment, but the boundary question Is the one which demands the qulokest settlement for It la liable anv day to create trouble between the two governments. As to the Alaska boundary question, considered American territory. What historical or treaty right bus Crrat Britain or Canada to such un outlet? The questlou Is not an easy one to an swer, oieat Britain's title to British North America from tho 141st degree or west longitude (meridian of Green wien rests, like that of the United States to Alaska, upon her treaty with Russia. Russia's right certainly was a vague one, and amounted at best only to a claim la regnrd to tlio vast Interior of whose extent at the time she had no conception. Great Brltalu's tine to tho Northwest east of 141st de gree of longitude has never been seri ously questioned. It Is only la regard to the southeastern part of the boun dary Hue, which Is formed irregularly by mountains and a line extending thirty miles from the coast, that there has orison a question In recent years which has grown Into great Importance oy tne discovery of a new gold fluid In uie Klondike region. Now la the Time to Act. By the same treaty (1825) the free navigation of the Stiklne river was granted, but this also at the time was regarded as of little Importance. The discovery of gold In the Srlklno chang ed the situation. As early as 1803 the British Colonist an English newsoaner of Victoria, B. C, perceived the desira bility of Great Britain's acquiring In some way a depot on the Pacific for more than thirty miles across. other that t State loti mini' from vcrgeut points of view It Is necessary the nature of the Alaskan const bo un derstood, or at leust that part of It, nenrly noo miles long, extending south by southeast from the body of tho ter ritory, as this 1m tho part with which the boundary dispute concerns Itself. As to this part of tho Alaskau coast U, may be said In general that a lofty mountain' range extends from Observ atory Inlet to Cook's Inlet and then sweeps toward tho Aslntlc side along the peninsula. A group, or several groups, of Islands, many of them of considerable extent, lie off the shore and from Cross sound to Observatory Inlet and tho const below to I'ugol Hound thero is a series of Islands which are so sltunted aa to leavo between them, as one writer upon Alaska litis described It, "aa unbroken line of In land navigation the most extraordi nary lu the world." Won Id Claim Far Inland. The British contend that, under In ternational law, when an Inlet, or arm of the sea, is less than six miles wide It Is to bo considered territorial watei of the country In which It Is situated, FIOITT'R SOROOL, Carinas diatom. I "u lu tn Thins meats at dinners run around Menlo Park, Hnn Mateo Oo.. Pel baud, tho lion. David Mills says, Mwwii the courses, This Is siipposeti to ,ut the Universities. Location . Viill In pursuance of Its method of do-' keep the digestion In good nm " ami cumlul attention to Menial, Moral!.! -rmlnlnc tho boundary tho ItiiKwl the hurtl M .,. a lu many places bus drawn lis. aJ '.Z X 1 1 if a man or r! ,.. 'T Y- .. w P " " .' y Hue "more than 100 miles emmim IssuD'eriu with constipation, In. I Hiu now tiulldlng Auuuxt Inth. IHtl. ..'..! the coaBt." To expluln these ill- digestion or any aiomsch trouble, it siiieir Imu. 'lolu- 1'"' Priuolpal,. ' ' fmiltiftheydoii't get well. - laooni will probably iats nearly a The coal production ol the United mm Hm , ,j. o itr,ol, ttla ' sts Is at present nearly five times as lugr w,h ,r blocks. fitatss Is at preson grant as In 1870. "A Gentle Wind of Western Birth Tttts no nxxtttt story to hvmtnlty Man iht tnnmnctmtni Maf th httlth-grvt And heAtih-brtngtr, Hood's SrsffM. Utb of th birth of an m of good httlth. It Is th on rtlUbl sptctfk for th curs of iR blood, stonuch nd Uvtr troubles. sl ' '.a. ... ' Clerks in Havana receive (rom 198 tofflS per month, according to their value, those speaking Kngllih com- tustid the best wages. A suit of clothes costs from 1.5 to f AO; a dress tult anywhere from ItiO to (100. At a spin led loot ball match near Glasgow the game became en exciting thst several spectators leaped into the arena to take part. The police tried to restore peaoe, but were so determined ly opposed that 19 policemen were severly maimed and bad to be sent to the hospital. The smallest salary received by the head of a civilized government is that of the president of the Republic of An - dorrs, in the Pyrenees. His pay amounts to only (15 a year, ile is the cbiel magistrate of 13,000 people, and the territory he rules comprises an area of ISO square miles. The little state lias been independent since the year 790. A fondness for animals led Charles Wagner, of Frackville, Pa., to caress a pet goat and tickle the animal's nose with a (10 bill. The goatsnapped the j bill from toe man s hand and swal lowed it. The money-eater was promptly cnt open, and the pieces were found in his stomach. They wiil be sent to Washington for redemption Frank V. Balling, of Bine Island III., was troubled with a stiffening of the ankle joint, and bis physicians tried to ascertain the cause by subject ing the limb to the X-rays. The in tense light caused the flesh to decom pose, and three amputations of the leg were necessary. He sued his doc tors, and the jury awarded him (10,- 000. Qelototberapentists," says the New xoik Iribune, "is a name given to physicians who treat patients suffering from various diseases ranging from bronchitis to anaemia, by prescribing hearty laughter. A medical journal suggests that there is a great opening for physicians in studying various ways of exciting laughter, such as tickling, larcial comedies, puns, etc. A correspondent of the Frankfurter Zeitung says that Madrid is becoming more and more demoralized every day. The present population, he says, in ciuues su.uuu proiessionai beggars, an equal number of abandoned women and 6,000 thieves; and there are hundreds of gambling houses. The total popula tion Of Madrid is but 472,000. Hawks have been seen to follow In the wake of moving railroad trains, to swoop down on small birds that were suddenly disturbed and frightened by the noise, and therefore for the moment were off their guard. I Ha An-Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Strup of Flos, manufactured bv the California Fio Bvkup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fio Svrit Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AM rtLAWOIBCO, CAZ ' lOUiavtLIiB. XT. KIW TOEX K. T. for sale by all pruggletg, Price SOc per bottle. The consumption of coffee the world over is growing rapidly. The average annual consupmtion lu the decade 1870 and 1880 was 793,000,000 pounds, in the next decade it was 1.330,000, 000. Last 5 ear it was 1,580,000,000. Russia has four universities at Khar- kof, Juryeff, Warsaw and Helaingfoers, each attended by more than 1,000 sin dents. The uuiveristy at -Kief has 2,200 students, that at St. Petersburg il,00 and that at Moscow 3,400. EInce 1883 military operations In the Rmdan have oost the British govern ment nearly The exaot figures are as follows: For 1888 and 1884, 360,697; lor 1884 and 188S, 3,383,669; for 1885 and 1886, 4, 348,044; for 1896 and 1897, 798,803, A - correspondent of the London Academy writes that a bookseller in s large provincial oity recently discov ered an assistant arranging four new copies of Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass" on the shelves devoted to books on gardening. A New Brunswick, N. J., bnrglar, being unable to semu any money In i house he broke Into one night leosnlly, accepted a small oheck in lieu tbeieof fiom the owner of the promises.. Th Lancet report the case of a man who, wbilo sharpening a knife, cot off a portion of hi nose. The piece was found and sewed on, and the operation was crowned with perfect anocoM. "Topek Is ready to greet the Twen tieth Kansas with boundless hospital ity," remarks newspaper of that city. This announcement might be enthil. lastlually leoeived by the volunteeis but for th faot that on the preceding day the same paper had said; "Uur dream of luxury Is of drink of puro, told water and a breath of frosh air. The largest loaves of bread buk,i i. the world are those of Franc and Ii.ii. The "pip" btaad of Italy Is baked i- loave two or three feet long; while In Franc th loaves ire made In shape ol very long lolls, four or fir Bt length, and In many esse even ,, (net. In Sydney, New South Wales, ii.. treat ni linn are owned by the m. iiluipiillty, and no fan are charged, lloinelnss folk, It I said, us them .t night Instead of going to aheap lodging houses, Far away from civilisation ae.t,,,. language la (till extant In Austiall. Home of th tribe posses suoh an ex. Icellenl colo that It I almost a efll. lolunt th spoken language. Schillings Best Jppn Ctyloa Engliah Breakfast Oolong , Ideal E!en4 .JlvuL PORTLAND DIRECTORY. DENTISTS. ha naln: new timenMst flu. .,ll M.,.b i.u" t.AN(JMUKTItV. N.W.eor. Third and Murrlu.n Panes and Wire Werka. Irl.l He TIT rrmanillir Curm, No Slaur nerTsuaaea rll artwr nm iiay'a u.a of In, kuitw'i urrt parr neaioraff. nal fur raas ae.QO I eollla and Imllw lift. II. U. KHXti, Lid, w auaei, 1 nuauvipuia, n. More newspaper are printed In th United States than In England, Fisnn and (leiuiany couiblued. U others will And Mra. Wlnalnw'a R,ih. Ing rrrup the best remedy to nae for Ibelr omiuren uuring tn teething period. The soil of Haiti Is so rich that tiro or ops of coffee, cocoa, ginger and ben- plu are raised yearly. BAKI l!To"Otia"MO PIUTI.NI WIRN A end Irim iimita; nrni- HUM WOHKHi WIliK rsllliit.ele, a-MAIdrr. MAP OP IMSiri Blinirtvn n-c-.....m.. ... bom-d ,r. ?. ! ndtood to want an outlet on Lynn canal at or near place marked or further down the coa.t Th. MeoblnarF "! eupi.lU.. CAWNTON I.O.I KNKINKM, HUII.KNN. it IT. cuinrrj, aucpiuia. t nu Mm St., Finland. Or. RAKES MOWERS BINDERS Vrite for dialogue. J. I. lp 90 Kaai Walar Slreal, l-OKTl.ASI), OIL . .-S. .a MACHINERY. ""M It Is unfortunate that the commission failed to agree. As to which party is to blame for this non-agreement, there seems to be a general agreement Scarcely had the commission been ap pointed before Ontario passed a decree practically prohibiting the export of logs. Aot to he behind In International amity, British Columbia passed a law confining all mining privileges In that province to British subjects. The mem bers had worked together In greatest harmony for the accomplishment of the great purpose of the commission. but since It was seen that provinces tins part of the British possessions. It affirmed that the strip of land stretch lug along from Portland Canal to Mount St Kllas, with a breadth of ten marine leagues, "must eventually be coruo the property of Great Britain, either as the direct result of the devel- opnient of gold, or for reasons which are now yet In the beginning, but whose results are certain." At that time the British Colonist looked for ward to obtaining this strip from Rus sia either peaceably or forcibly, and conjured up a vision of the British lion and the Russian bear looking at each Dixie Thompson, the "bean king" ol Ventura county, California, planted 20,000 aores of beans last year. Tin crop was 1,800 carloads, embracing more than 100 varieties. The beans were sown and cultivated in the same 8uen 88 Ontario and British Columbia other from the opposite sides of Bering manner as corn, and were bavested by nad " In their power to enact laws straits. Fosslbly Russia also may have special machinery. wnieo mignt mane or no effect a gen- felt that such a contest wa coming - - i erai t-uituii-ui as proposed me uimcui- ana wisely saw mat for her, situated " ouuiiioi ties have ereatlv Incrpnuer! Inn she vm It wmili lie nn.nn,i,i. r - , r- ... ., i o i - . -- - .-. ui.j.i uijto inr. tounij, aansas, nave niea witn the A vear aero a nrnvlnlnnnl hAiindnrv I Not pnrlnir tn ilnnd nt lha .inn. iw nn.l. !.. I " - ' I 7. . " """" ."IV y-..., . BaUIM wag agreed upon with the exceotlon of Uh America on the Pacltie. h T-hn. the continuance of the bounty on well scalps. They claim that the wolves are of great benefit to the country aa rab bit exterminators, and that they do little, if any, harm. In the north of Brazil, in the dis tricts in the vicinity of the Amazon are the forests containing the rubber trees, the amount of this product ex ported last year being valued at $50,- torlcal and geographical review Is nec- 000,000. and the supply as vet showina essary. and that what Is known as the three- uiH limit would apply. The British and Canadian assort that the terri torial water of the United States coin mmiee at Point Bridget at the mouth of Berner's bay, where the Lynn canal Is less than six mile wide, nod that consequently ten ninrlno leagues from Point Bridget would make tho bound ary une at Point Seduction. This would place Dyea twenty-two mile within British territory and Sknguny Ixteen. The United State, however, (n Its map ha followed tho const of Inlet, especially of uch great Inluta aa those along the Alaskan coast, where the water Is salt and of great depth, and nlnlnlw ...... . .1 - ,,, i , lllB ocenn. Even granting the British contention that In the case of the Lynn canal th wn. torinl water Begin at Point Bridget. Allen's Fool -Ease, a powder for th feet. It cum painful, swoll.n, smarting, ner vous feet and Inatantly la Ilea thastlugoul of corns and bunions, li s the greeleat comfort discovery of the age. Alloi's Knot- r.iwe manes uatu or new ehoes (eel eey. ...TATUM A BOWflN. . lonaui rure tor ingrowing rlalla, 1 1 """J. iioue ana mil, tired, awning H j , . v weuinoniaia. Try it lfoy. Hold by all drugxiaU and sIhmb store. Ily mall for 'iVt. In stamp. Trial package VRKK. Addreas, Alleu U. Wliuaieu, Ij Hoy, Cl. X, I le II rirsl llreel roSILSS 0. A ton ol oil ha been obtaiued bom the tongn of a single whale. Remember that you can buy Jesse Moore A. A. VVId.key for the same price that Is pitm lor oniiuary wnlakry. For sale by all iua.-viu.a urnivra Sfltl uruCfllaia. In ten year the prod out Ion bf steam ngines in uermany lias beoo more than doubled. JOHN POOLK. romuss. Osiuios. can give you the best beraliis In general machinery, engines, boiler, tank., pumps, pioaa. twite and ,. windmills. The new sleel I X L wuidinlll.sold bv him. Is un equalled. KDWAHP IIIHIHK.! U ACH1NKHY AND feblclei; Mini lor catalogue, laa-im froui Hi. Wltolvaele UrueeUta and l'htflugrahte nueiiaa PM'MAPKR FRANK Ptll'l) CO. 14 AMU II Fourth Siraft, 1'iiland, On-gon. Rupture rrrhr la dla InbillfMimi.l ami a1vrOa t'aiir'iritia Oransa wiM-k; iwrllculani lor evtil iiamik fAl.lKoll- hi I iAMifcBV..PFi:o.,H.ii rrauviK-a, Cel. ap a,. j lis II ' Jr l eonhtUnilal- Jj' f""'"na C. I, WOOOaatf CO.. 101 Teceas l . fe Ilia. Berlin ha followed th example of London In forbidding cabmen to us cetaia streets unless they bar a pas- engor. Plao's Cure for Cnnaumptlon has been a lamuy nienii-ine wun us since Ma.l. 11. Msuieon, Z4uu .'! Ave., Ulilcago, III, ...GO EAST... -VIA- no signs of exhaustion. Dnring the past year the exports of watohes from Switzerland amounted to over $13,000,000. The watches went to almost all parts of the civilized world. An artificial sandstone ii now made in Belgium which has many advan tages over the natural stone, being bet ter able to resist climatic influences and susceptible of mannfactnre at small expense. a few miles of the Dalton trail at the bly counted upon making the United 1,18 AmenCBn settlements at Dyea and end of Chllkoot pass from Pyramid mates doorkeeper. And thi 1 a rolo D"uay, narsintn and Pyramid bar- harbor. At the same time the growing that until recently, would have been T' were mB,,e ,n k"i fn'tb and at a Importance of the Alaska terrltorv In pleasant enough to the Unlred State. tlmo "ben there was no ouesthm tn dispute as furnishing the gateway to phe event of the last year have, bow. wnctuer tney were In American terri- the El Dorado of the North Impresses ever, greauy,mo(iined tho traditional ,rJ- I'ouowing tne precedent estnb- Tbe ,uo " diamond mined la the necessity for the prompt settlement leenng ueiwecn tne two countries, and "nou oy urcat wrltnln herself In the Cape Colony In 1898 wc il7.751 of the boundary dispute. To under- ttle Prpent Is, therefore, a most oppor- Venezuelan case, these places, In case 940.84, and the net profit thereon was siana me aimcuuics or the ease a hla-1 "" L""D KV arrive ai a sausiaciory i "o wramiary une being submitted o.U01, 009.1)7, Beiueuieni or an territorial or other w armtration, should bo excontorf M' question at Issue between the two regard the coast line as running across iuuuuii-b. i me neans or inlets, wben time n. n,.,-.. Pome of the Difflcultlea. I than thirty-throo miles long, aa tho But to arrlva nt nnh a iniin. i, i. "nusn contend It should. Wouhl nfwi necessary to know where the eaultlcs 1,18 ,orr,tory bordering upon tho Lynn lie. loose being determined, it is next v " '"o une ana chll rerjuislte to ascertain what If any- "m,v ?"""" wuien, according tu thing, the other party has to offer In Amorlcn contention, are within ten return for waiving or yielding any of manno iR"ffues of tho const but nol tnese equities. This Is the difficult " ,u "" ''" contention. II part of the subject By the term of ' now Priu''tty or provisionally tho treaty of 1828 between Great Brit- RKre that tho bonndnry lino crosses aln and Russia, the provisions of which tlie wl,lt0 aml t-hllkoot pnssee, as Hiatory of Queatlon In Dlanate. By the Webster-Ashburton treaty of 1842 between the United State and Great Britain the northern and east ern boundaries were accurately defined from tbe Bocky Mountains to Mars Hill, at the eastern end of Maine. In regard to the northern and western boundary, after considerable discussion and diplomatic fencing, the question was left unsettled. Out of this boun dary question grew the excitement ltd ur eta Yonr Mewela. Your bowitla can be trained aa wi.ll aa diiiwleaor brain, tai-rareta Candy :a- ..... . ..., ,.., uuarsia 10 mi rigui. All arua alala. lik-. 'If, titn. m , , Japan has considerably more than half as many Inhabitant a th United States, though our oountiy is 23 time it area. Beware of Ointments tor Catarrh Thai lontaln Mercury, Aa mercury will surely destroy the eenae of Through I'alaea and Taiirlat Nleeperg. Llbrarr Cera. ....FAST TIME Rerrlra and Ocanery Un-.ull,.(.. Kor Tlcki'U and all liilnriiiatlon annl tn your ueervii annul, or adilrraa a. n. i,;. uRnntifrrim, C! 1" and T. A . Viiiilanrf R. C. 8TEVKHg, 0. W. P. A., Seattle. CtslMaNTIFOff I WrllaleNAINAal IICNFURO. Waskleataa. I reltra nnlnk renlini. II. (Uh N. II. v,,i. BtaB 2um Cor., rroieciitlng claims since U7S. IF PENSION Maeiea. U, 0., limy will te- Tbe pincer claws of the female of th blue crab, in both the hard-sliell and the soft shell state, are tipped with red, while those of the male crab are blue to the ends. In a criminal prosecution recently tried In York, Iteb., the Jury after a brief deliberation, returned the follow- ng verdict: "We, tbe jnry in the nbove named case, do not believe one woid that tbe witnesses have sworn to; neither do we believe that any of the attorneys have spoken the truth, nor that either of them could do so even if he should care to take the trouble to try." in 1BU8 xennnssoe coal mine pro- Iticed 8,084,748 tons of ooal. Th maximum number of men employed during the year was 7,820. The amount of coal converted into coke was 736,280 tons. The production of other materials was as follows: Iron ore, 5D7.777 tons; pig iron, 283,439 tons; ooppei, 89,712 tons; zino. 454 tons; manganese, 1,250 tons, and phosphate, 273.191 tons. All minerals have shown increases over the previous year, those most marked being coal and iron or. The increase in coal waa 203,764 ton. and in iron ore, 69,013 ton. In Great Britain during March changes in the rate of wage affected 831,400 work people. Of these, 829,- the United States are always to remain 900 received advances in wages, aver- separate countries, It Is but reasonable aging 9d. per head, while 1,500 per- the former should have it outlet on son suffered a decrease averaging 3d. tho Pacific iu British Columbia. By per head. The net result was an In- acquiring Alaska, however. In 1807, tbe oresse of about 9)d. per person in th British outlet In the Pacific now Inter- weekly wage of all affected. Th in. venes between part of the United crease was mainly in the mining Indus-1 states. Curiously but naturally enough, try, where 204,808 persons partici- Great Britain, or rather Canada, Is now which led to the adoption of the cam paign cry, "Fifty-four forty or light1 How this old boundary question has been at least partially revived Involves an Interesting play of treaty against treaty and rights against rights. To understand It, It Is necessary to go back to the ukase of the Emperor Alexander I. In 1822, by which be declared all the territory of the Pacific coast north of the fifty-first parallel of north latitude Russian territory, and by the same ukase made that part of the Pacific Ocean lying north of the fifty-first par allel of latitude In America to 40 de grees north latitude on the Asiatic coast a closed sea. The effect of this ukase was to exclude United States whalers from the Northern Pacific, an exclusion which the Government of the United States vigorously protested, and as a result, In 1824, by treaty be tween the two governments, the North era Pacific was made an open sea. Evaded War with Knaland. By the Oregon settlement of 1848 Great Britain got to the Pacific, that solution at tbe time being regarded as preferable to fighting or to a probable contest all along the Pacific coast with England for supremacy. The United States sacrificed the great Northwest in order to acquire New Mexico and California. Everything considered, that probably was the best solution. It gave the United State a compact ter ritory, and, admitting that Canada and pated; in the iron and steel manufac tures, where 43,025 participated, and in the textile trade, la which 75.164 person participated. (eeklng another outlet to the coast, and this time through what, since tbe ces sion of Alaska to the United State tlrry-two year ago, has alwaya beenj were adopted at tbe treaty of cession between Russia and the United States In 1807, tbe Hue of demarcation be tween Russian America, as It wag then called, and Great Britain's North American possessions, was defined. When thi treaty was made It was supposed there was a rango of moun tains running down the entire coast practically, thus forming a natural watershed and line of demarcation. Tbe Rnsslans cared only for a foothold along the coast, as It wa with the fisheries they were concerned. The treaty, however, made provision as to how the boundary should be deter mined should It be found that at any place there Is no &uch natural bound ary by limiting the Russian (now Uni ted States) territory to a distance of ten marine league, or thirty mile, from the coast The Canadian and British contention, as now made, turns upon the Portland canal. The British. at least until recently, have claimed that the words Portland canal or chan nel In the convention were a mistake for Bchm canal, or Clarence Inlet or else that what Is now called Portland canal was not then so called. Cooatrno Treaty TXrTeraetW. Thi difference In tho respective American and Canadian boundary une of tbe Alaska pan-handle strip arise rrotn wholly different method of construing tbe treaty. There aro many intricate questions Involved In the method of construction. For In stance, in determining the ten marine league from tbe coast to which, In the absence of a mountain chain, the American territory extends, shall sin uosities of tbe shore of the mainland be followed or should the line be run from headland to headland? Again. shall tbe line be considered to run ten marine league east of the outer shore of the Islands? In that case in many Instances the line would not reach the luaimana. a some ol the Island are wunu ineae uo noi constitute a moun tain chain, they may lie said to serve the purpose of a mountain barrier and thus come within the meaning of the treaty or isas. PROTECTS THE HORSE. Now Banbonnet Keeps the Animal' Head tool. An exceedingly unobtrusive storm or sun shade for horses has been designed by Schooler C. Ilarn, of BladeiiHburg, Ohio. It 1 a cup of a general Hal shape, and designed to fit closely to the pJwhe'n Snlermi It fbrough ibVinueoua s'u HORRIBLE BODILY PAINS facea. Huch arilcire should be ... . .. . . "v"- irtnivj - . imiiiiiniiuii in me mowi 11 It IS pure, haalthv and notirltlilinf thn miiim Lvi. will Im artl. Th.oi.Mn.l. nl mM. o... ....i- liare been eureil by a r r Moore's Revealed Remedy A rvmedr that glrea health ami Ii.iii,,u, qakklgr and .laaanliy-eiie dollar tier bottle at your drugijUt s. Rca. Mmi nooe. elief for Women" W-TS. t"1, . '" Idele.aaalpirae.alnes. Wrias lai aad Toaoiela at Pit. Si Mux" French Femib Pills. by IhrniMnri, .rf tuem uulia, m ',iulMIiM,l. r aa toFin iu;:Whiw a,7,rWM",.T,.T.o;.r", Drug Uu,tsi sea faarlSk. Kan luk cub oPi on prescriptions from reputable phj.l elant,a Ihedamaga they will do la leu fold to the aiiod Jott can poMlhly derive from thorn. Hall a Catarrh Cure, manufactured by K. J, Clieney A Co., Toledo, O., Domains no mercury, eiid ia taken Internally, e.-tlnf directly upon the i blow! and tnncoui Barlaeaa ol the system. In burins Hall's Catarrh Cure be aura you gel nia'te Teali. tne geituiiie. It Ii taken Internally, anil nja.e ,.i mhcmw, town, or a. j. unanAv a i n Tu.ii. BOO I aln Irw, ' u"Yx,V"'lfl '.' P" ,v- bow. Hail's Family 1'llla are the besb A gigantic scheme Is on foot to buy up the vast timber and mineral land throughout WeBt Virginia ami Eastern Tennessee, snd build railroads to all the principal point to open them to trade. "l have been nalng CtSMnKTI for Inaoinnla, with which I ha.a ). .,.,. o?er twenty yeara, and I can aay that Caecaretg 5!', , I!".m" ""Ci ,n" " reme dy I hate ever tried. I ahall eerialnlv .Y" m "" aa twins ell they i reproaented. Taos, Uiixaau, Kigla, Li CANOV (laaa rreael CURE FOR PILES lTfllif NliTMl., Triti tn mi, Tl but. lillutl, iintMllntT 'r iriouMl t-r Or. 0oaiinko'fM ftmcy sr nigra ItaiaiirMBt ! mall . w in aLfoul funr ., l! lta iSaNKO,PhU.da.,fa, sua oa storm an Ana. head of the animal. Insldo of thla a damp sponge may be placed In warm weatner, and In cold weather it n ta alone as a protection from the wet and CATHARTIC OR. GUNN'S ' uvm 0 PILLS Hlmid, Aid ' ir.ll.,n..,.l...I.., ,,,.."!' V .,'am.,.1.0.,HI"f 'ii'. Teeon.lace ye, w. .Ml mall t)0.,-l,iad.,?ouaa. Held by ptmgl.u.. Oood, ZH"-1H"!S- -T"e Oend. Da cold. One of the feature of thi. n,.f. ... CURE iaumtilSi'S-' m- ent Is the arrangement of slotted I "-"' a, .,..M... on the Ijottom, which permit of It In- KO-TO-BAC KSTk.B!IPni y an a';n". . x".a. luuaooo Habit tant adjustment to any burnes with out strop or buckle. An Awful Fling?. Mr. Style I'd have you understand that I know a good many worse men than my husband. Mr. Myle My dear, you must tu more particular about D ck no- vaur .-v. qualntance. "THE LIFE OF i. no. DEKEH"; WArirl'l ayc.gitii. I hero, bv Mural II at I. m1nA .J. a.... j A . VIM f. a m, ,V "IUII, t Win. ftiM T aaU ... saw CURE VOURtELFI Ua Slg 41 rr uunmiral Sl.uliarg.i, lull. mm. Hum, irrltalluii. u. Hi...,.!..! O I. II a ....... I . - r,.,..u ,.,,i, I',IiiI.m, and not aittla. irHttHai Ohiutii IW ("" aolKiuuua. aTj "SrsrleSe, J t?' I" 'alli wraaear. Wm t.',J?""V- er.aalil.Tof if JV. " uoiiii .r I hniil.. a, V. lar mil un raqoaet. rpUNG MEN! ll ttia OHI.y n if.ln whirl wlU rur. A LjVA ntr UainH known ft bu vr fUA to trura. no 111 mir) aaA auie akI-V known H Iim avr fallfil it vura. no ""7, now awnmi or of how Juiiif muidlnf. Hatii 14 !! 1 '"-", will ma tr taka wiUioui lnnoxT lortna ariit roitiitl Mlw.irtll rrllaljla t lainl wratipatl, on r Otrcoiaj1 KuUltd on ruatt, n I lit or tirl(M) h i list tiitxiuit oa. Ohbage. I1L m. r. N. ii. NO. -'. W".I.,..!rU!,., dverUgare pleas snsatlua this paper.