OREGON MIST. July 14, 1809. IiOOAIi AND I'fcJKBONAli. Mra. Mayger hut iua eroam on aula everyday. . The exterior of the drug itore hag re ceived a irenti coat 01 paint this week Mr. and Mn. T. J. Oleetoo are now occupying the Scott reaUlunoe, having nioveu muir uuusuiiuiu goous una ween Members tl Avon lodge Knlulita of 1'yliilM ar. ruquuateu w muiuu tne rug' ulur ooiiventlou uoxt Tuuaday evening (jonulne luniumr aeeuit to have ar rived aud a yearning fur a ihady nook In lome quiet retreat li manifeitlug it- 011. Mr. M. S. Huxen. of Warren, will eueak before the people of Peril tomorrow (Haturday) evening on the question of Territorial ueveiopuieut. Mr. and Mn. G. Q. Mayger were nai conger on the Northwest Wednesday night for Lexington. Weill., where they go to vuit relative, lor a any or two, The river continue! to fall alowly. The foot of the water remaining high o long U working aenous naruamp on uie larm era and duirymen of the bottom land, Rev. Mr. McFhoreon will preach In the Methodist jspiaoopal church at lloulton at 11 :30 a. m.. and at Ht. Hl m at 8 p. m. Subject, morning, "Choice of Moei" eveulng, "Llle." Mr. 8. E. Mclntyre ha decided w make Ht. Helena her future home, and ha removed all tier Household enact hero. Bhe will continue to mpply the puullo with cake, oreau ana pie. You need not go to Chicago to have your picture eniargou, Dul can at tne irullnrv in Rainier aud set a fine carbon picture for 11.00. or a doaon photo for fl.UO. licit work and material guars d teed. A number of local iporU went to Bcappooa laat Sunday and Indulged in several oonteata for high apeod on bicy cle. The races were run in Weat'i lane and it i aid that fcugvne Whitney car ried off the laurel. The largest salmon ever caught In the Columbia near ttii place, wai taken laat f riday by Kd ilenriol. it nieaaurea four feet, Ave and one-half inche in length, fifteen Inche deep and aeveu inches mica, ana weiguea yo pouna. Joeeoh Duoont. supervisor of the Dun ker hill road diatrict, inform u that he ha put in over 1000 feet of corduroy road in hi diatrict till year and that the general condition of the road in that locality fa better than it ha been lor teveral yean. Tli Kathbone Slater of thi city held their Mini-annual installation of o Ulcere on Thnraday evening of laat week. After the completion of the buainea. Icecream and cake waa served to the member and few friend, the evening being very pieaaaotiy apenc The president on Tuesday commis sioned Mr. Henry D. Orwig aa a major in the thirty-seventn regiment now belna organised in the Philippine. Major Orwig was once a resident of Clatakanie, having numerous relative and friends redding there. Dr. Edwin Roea atarted from tbl city laat trlday evening lor Lo Angela, G'al., to attend the convention of the National Klucatioual Aaaociation. The doctor expecta to remain in that city about four day, wbeu be will return to thi city about Tuesday of next week. On tbe flrat of the month Mr. W. V. Slaughter, formerly of The Mayger Com- fiany, of Mayger, took charge of the but nes of the Oregon Wood Company, at thi place, Mr. U. U. Mayger retiring from it management. Mr. (Slaughter will make Ht. Helen hi future home, having brought hi household good and family op from Mayger Weduesdsy. HI nee Dr. A. P. McLaren has left thi county permanently, there exists a va cancy in the official rotter of the county, that of coroner. Herein lie an oppor tunity for some hungry office seeker.- If the doctor's successor is to pe appointed it will be well for tbe county court to remember that pood, robust person should be named for tbe place, since early In June of next year there will be an immense funeral of defeated populist condidatea to conduct. Governor Geer has leaned the annual proclamation as regard setting out Area in the forest. Past experience in Col umbia county should stand out as a dan ger lignal to partiua whose careleaa act have caused inch great damage. A vig ilant lookout should be kept for person who seemingly possess no regard for life or property, and their arrest and convic tion should follow. Our timber I our mott valuable resource and ihould be guarded a carefully a any other valua ble property. A meeting of the St. Helena volunteer Are company waa held Wednesday even ing. Tbe naual routine buainea was transacted and the following officer elected for the ensuing year : Foreman, L. L. Decker; 1st assistant foreman, A. J. Doming; 2d assistant foreman, Al Robinson: president, Wash Muckle; vice-president, A. King; secretary, 0. W. Blakealey; treasurer, Jaa. Muckle. Six name were presented for member ship. The mooting adjourned to meet on Monday, July 84th, The contribution to the Oregon sol diers' monument fund by the people of 6t. Helen waa not only an adequate . amount for a little place, but a pretty tribute and a highly commendable act of patriotism and loyalty. The individ ual amount, a a general rum, won mall, but the aggregate waa sufficient. If every town In Oregon will contribute proportionately, the fund will be suffi cient to erect a moat beautiful monu ment to the memory and heroism of Oregon' regiment of volunteer soldier. The delinquent tax roll a returned by the sherilf last Saturday contained $8,802.66. Thi roll is being copied this week by the clerk, who will attach the warrant for collection, ten days time having been given that officer to accom plish the work. Taxes are still being received at a rapid rate by the sheriff, who is receipting for the same, and due credit will be given on the delinquent roll aa aoon aa it 1 returned to him. Over 2000 ha been collected on the de linquent roll, and Deputy Hattan inti mate that the amount to be advertised will not exceed 11500. Assenor White did not attend the meeting of the asaesaora of the state hold in Portland thia week, falling to see wherein any good could come from such a meeting, a the assessment for 1800 is praotically finished. Mr. White says that had such a meeting been held before the aiserament was made for thi year, there might have been some bene fit from it, but it would take him at least two month to revise his work in case any change were made. Mr. White made the aaaeaament thia year long the same line of valuation as he did when a etate board of equaHxa tlon was in existence, and considers the work to be sufficiently thorough to be atlafaotory to the county court. THM SOIiDIBHH ABB COMING. reparation for a Bis; Celebratloa by Ht. Helen People. A meeting of the citizen of Ht. Hel en waa held in tha iftnfnnnn win... day to take steps for celebrating the ar- TMui urn ureguur volunteers at this place, while en route from Aatorla to Portland. The meeting was presided over by Mayor Dolman, and the coun cil took an active interest in the mattor. 1 lie foremost deatre seemed to bs that of securing one or more cannon, to be mounted on the bluff at this city, to be used to (J re the national anlute aa the troops approach this city. To thi end it wag agreed to appeal to Mujor llrooka. oi Vancouver, anu to tne governor o; thi atute at once. There will be a ronaing celebration urro ni mi event, me oliain oi cir cumstances following through tha rout ine of preparation for thia great occasion uas nuen aucn aa to place Ht. Helena In a most conapicuou position, and audi an opportunity to display our metal may never aaam nreaent ilnnlf. Thnra will undoubtedly lie thousand of people uiwirous oi accompanying tne vast num ber of steamboat as far as Ht. Helena who cannot be accommodated, and the proper demonstration here will afford means for many spectators to witness the event. Mayor Dolman, Councilman Dillard and Hecordur Mayger were chosen by the meeting aa a committee on general arranireiuents. wKo will use their lust endeavors to secure the presence of some artillery and the men to operate the guns. Mr. Dillard left for Vancouver Thursday morning to arrange with Com mander llrooka, and other preparations are lielng made. The occasion will be made one for general celebration, every uitiEtia in me county oeing coruiany in vited to embrace the opmirtunity and join the people of St. Helena in thia grand event. The city council appro priated funda for the occasion and tha citizena are contributing liberally to a iuiiu vo ueiray me expense oi una ceie- urauon. Want No Iteoeptlon. The transports arrived In Ban Fran cisco late Wednesday afternoon carrying me uregon soldiers. When the tugs met the transport and tbe volunteers were Informed that they were to be mustered out at Vancouver they were highly Indignant and demand being mustered at Han Francisco. While such a termination of affairs will be a sore disappointment to the people of Oregon, no particular blame can attach to the action. The soldiers have been under constant orders for a long time and on the journey over from the Philippines thev have Deen nocked on tha shins like sardines in a box. Although a compro mise may be effected and the soldiers oo me to Oregon by water, at present wore seems little nope lor such a course. Present Ownership Books. If It Is possible to accomnlish such a thing, and we presume a better decree of perfection and relibilily can DC attain ed in all undertakings, the manner of making and completing the assessment of lands in Columbia county is to be im proved upon, rendering far better results at a somewbal'decreaiied cost of labor. There arrived here last Haturday a set oi present ownership books lor use by Dotti tne ciork and assessor, escn book so arranged as to contain all lands in each range within the county, except the lands In township 8 north, range 1.2 and 8 west, and in township 8 north, range 8, 4 and 6 west are contained in one volume. The left hand page in each book ii o arranged that when a deed I re corded a complete description can be entered op, and on the right hand page there Is a plat on which. can be platted the exact parcel of land transferred, the record of which will be kept by numbers. The books, when placed in use will be a complete abstract of every piece of land in tno county, me cnain oi line continu ing throughout the book. Tbe adoption of the method will undoubtedly prove of Incalculable benefit in conducting the affairs of the recorder' and assessor' office. Hop Crop of 18O0. That the hop crop will be unusually large this year become more and more a certainty as each day advance. Most Jarda have been pruned that ii, the eavea have been removed to a distance of from three to five feet above the ground. In some yards thi is done by turning in aneep, wnicn eat on tne leavea aa high up aa they can reach, but In most vardi men wearing stout glove go through and atrip the leave off and pull up the auckera which spring up around the base of the vines. The clear, warm, "blowy" weather is not favorable for the Increase of lice in the hopyards, and if it were certain to- continue, there would be no necessity for spaying. There are very few lice on the vines, but r i .i . in many yaras spraying is oeing uuue to kill what few vermin are on the vines and so prevent them from getting a good start should there come a spell of warm, moist, muggy weather, which la favora ble for. their development. Tboae who are apraving their yards are well aware that if the present weather should con tinue, tbe work will be so much labor lost, but they are also aware that the few lice now on the vines would be able, if the weather condition favor their In crease, to fill their yard as full of lice in a week a aneol l tun oi nuaier. Inspecting State Land. State Land Agent L. B. Geer, of Salem. went to Oregon City Tuesday and will spend the next ten days looking after the state's interests in Clackamas county. Ha msv alao go into Multnomah. Col umbia and Clatsop counties before re turning. Ilia object is to examine lanua upon which the state has mortgages, or which tiie state ha acquired loans. He will collect delinquent interest and eee that tenants are taking proper care of atate land. A Big Logging Deal. The Tillamook Logging Company closed a contract last week for furnish ing the Truckee Lumber Company, of that place, with 24,000,000 feet of logs. The prioe is not made public, but the deal involve more than $100,000. Per formance of the contract will moan con siderable work for the loggers of that county. The Tillamook Logging Com pany recently put in two donkey en gines, o it 1 well equipped to do the work. Senator McBrlde Recovering. Senator MoBrlde last Monday left the post graduate hospital, New York, where he had been for weeks, recovering from the effects of a painful and delicate op eration. The senator expects to leave for Oregon is a few daya. Largest stock and lowest price at W. II . Dolman's. An Epldemlo of Dlarroea. Mr. A. Sanders, writing from Cocoa nut Grove,. Fla., says there has been quite an epldemlo of diarrhoea there. He had a severe attack and waa cured by four doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Obolera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He says he also recommended it toother and they say It Is the best medicine they ever used. For sale by Dr. Edwin Ross. TO WELCOME THE BOYS. Flan for Their Reception by the Home People, Ths Mist believe that it would be a commendable act of courteou recogni tion of the good service of the boy if the citizen oi Columbia county, and e peclally those of St. Helena, would ar range for a reception for the volunteer about to return from Manila, belonging In thi county. There are (even mem bers, we believe, of the Oregon regiment from thi county, and while they will doubtless be publicly received by the citisen of tbe various localities, It be hoove us, a resident! of the county seat, to extend a hearty welcome to every gallant young soldier whose residence fa within our county' borders. It might be wen to call a meeting oi our people at once that committees might be ap pointed and other necessary steps taken to give the boys a reception be fitting the occasion. When it is definitely known on what day the regiment will return, an evening should lie net apart for the reception. We might have ex ercises consisting of addresses by promi nent cltizmis of the county, responses by the soldier boys, patriotic songs, the display of Old Glory, and, perhaps, in dulge in a little dancing. These exer cise could be held in the big hall, which Is amply large enough to accommodate hii who coum conveniently nitena. ihi Mist merely offers this outline as a suit gestion, and we are sure if a meeting is held ,this programme would be Improved upon. Borne recognition of the boys' gallantry and loyalty ihould be made by tne nome people, and at present nothing better than this plan suggests itself to us. we are satisfied our endeavor would bo duly appreciated. WAilHEN DOINQS. Mr. Ole Bohman ha purchased a new wagon. Magnus Bohman spent a few davs at rortianu last weex. Pecgy Sundbv wa a vliltor at this place on the fourth. Mn. Baker is (pending few day witn menus at Astoria. Miss F.dythe Hazen spent the Fourth with friends at Kalama. Ed McFarland took the morning train for Portland last Monday. Will Sheffield is suffering from a se vere attack of neuralgia. Henry Larsen. jr., and Carl Carlson are slashing on tne Larsen place. John Hawkins is Just now carrying bis hand in a sling, the result of a burn. Mrs. McFarland. of Portland, is on a visit to her son at the Pattullo ranch. Jesse Bacon is employed on the new school house being built at Scappoose. Roy Grewell. a late arrival at this place, is employed at the Honey man ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Miller, of Portland, spent the f ourth with Mrs. miller lather, Mr. J. 8. Bacon. Mr. Abrnhma. who reside on the Isl and, ha been spending a few day with iur. i iiinicx at tni place. Ralph Thomas and Mr. Chamber, of Scappoose. spent tbe Fourth at Roy, vt asb. The boys report a good time. The picnic held at Scappoose on the Fourth was largely attended, everyone having a regulation Fourth-of-July time. Miss Ella Bacon, Mis Laura Puzey, Mr. Hart and Mr. Bacon were passen gers for Portland on the America last Saturday. Tom Gosa. who has been employed on a dairy ranch near Vancouver, passed through Warren Monday for his home near St. Helena. The Missea Mae and Maude Slavens, who have been spending some timo with relatives in Portland, returned home the latter part of 'laat week. Notices are posted at the store request ing the scalp hunters to meet at the above place with the required number of squirrel scalp or the agreed-upon dollar. Tuck Slavena. while working on the school house at Scappoose, missed bis footing and fell a distance of 25 or 80 feet. Besides a very severe shaking up no other damage wa done. Mr. Nim Baker waa elected superin tendent of our Sunday school, Miss Crosby having resigned. In the future Sunday school will commence at 11 o'clock, except 8undaya on which there is to bo preaching, when tne hour win be 10 o'clock. Rev. Renshnw will fill his appointment here next Sunday. A surprise party was tendered Miss Lydis Collins on last Friday evening, the occasion being her birthday. The young folks, who were chaperoned by Mrs. R. A. Hoyt and Mr. P. A. Frakes, met at a named place and marched to Mis Collins' home in a body. The young lady was taken quite unawares, but proved herself equal to the occasion and entertained the guest in a royal manner. HOULTON MOTES. Hay making is in full blast this week. Mrs. Henshaw visited Portland Tues day morning laat. Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Daggett were Port land visitor Monday. Mr. Gilaon ha a large force of men working at haying till week. John Frantz was seen walking around town last Friday morning and afternoon. The A. & C. R. R. have a new Satur day schedule. Trains pass this place at 8:16 p.m. A number of our people went to Port land, Vernonia and Kalama to celebrate the Fourth. Cbas. Little and brother, Morris, re turned from South Bend, Washington, Monday last. Mr. W. F. Slaughter, of St. Helena, waa a passenger down to Mayger on the . et U. Tuesday last. The section crew at thia place is con structing a barbed wire fence along the railroad above tne depot. Jacob Brous and family, of Rainier, nassed through our town last Monday on their way to Vernonia. Rev. Stevens, of Portland, preached in the church at this place last Sunday evening to a large audience. James Cox. ir.. returned home from Alask last Saturday morning. He re turned to that country last Tuesday. Clay Clark, John Lamberson, Aaron and George Kelly returned to Marshland Sunday last to again commence tneir work. fl. T,. McKenna. supreme master Arti san, of Portland, came down last Friday evening to install the officer of lloul ton assembly No. 80. N. A. Perrv and wife and Chas. Perry and wife took a trip over the mountain to the beautiful Nohalem valley last Saturday. They returned Tuesday even ing by way of Washington county. What ii akllhT A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and Consumption ; used through the world for half a century; ha cured in numerable case of incipient consump tion and relieved many in advanced stages. It you are not satisfied with the results we will refund your money. Prioe 26 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist, St. Helens, and N. A. Perry, Houlton. TIMBER HARD TO GET. L. J Raldern Say tioggng la Ex- pensive Business. L. J. Saldern, a pioneer logger, re turned to Portland a few day ago from Gray' river, where be la fitting up a new logging camp, to which place he 1 removing hi Clatakanie plant, say the Oregon lun of Saturday, lie is building four mile of railroad to tap an almost Inexhaustible belt of yellow fir, and he expects to begin rafting early tliis win ter. By the time he gets all ready to send bis first raft to the Lower Columbia mills, be thinks he will have spent 0",UVU. Mr. Saldern say logging is not nearly so profitable as it was seven years ago, as the timber is getting further away and more expensive to reach, while logs are only bringing 84.60 to S.60 per 1000 leet, at tne hums. Although logs are bringing more now than they did four years ago, the figures am not yet reach the 7 paid in itmz, while stumnage costs a good deal more. and other expenses are heavier than at any time in the pant. He paid as high as $50 dollars an acre for lands along Gray' river, which he will be glad to sell for i2 an acre when he get the timber cut off. All of these lands will make good farms or pastures when once cleared of stumps, but these will require time and labor to remove. He looks for an im mediate advance in the price of lumber, owing to the general demand that ha recently aprung up, coupled with the fact that nearly all the timber land of tbe coast have now been bought up by sawmill companies and speculator. "When lumber goes uo." he aaid. "the price of logs will take a rise, and I never expect to see price of either come down gam." . Fined For Cruelty. In the police court at Astoria. Tues day, Cyrus O. Taylor, the mail-carrier between that city and upper jNenaiem, pleaded guilty to the charge of cruelty to animal, and wa fined S40. Taylor carries the mail on horseback, and bad so neglected his animals that their backs under the saddles were raw. The case was a particularly flagrant one, as Tay lor had been warned by the officers, but paid no attention to them. The fine was suspended on condition that the horses be not used again until they get well. THE COUNTY FINANCES. The regular term of month of July has been ming up of the financial shows the following existing facts: JCliY Outstanding warrants. Warrants issued for the Total, July ist,i8o9.... $59i774-8i JTJIT 1st, 1899. Warrants paid during year $3383I-32 Cash in treasury applicable to payment of warrants advertised and not paid ... 3,935.32 Cash in treasury applicable to payment of warrants not advertised 336.43 Total $38,103.07 Outstanding warrants July 1st, 1899 $21,671.74 Upon the $33,831.32 of warrants paid during the year there was paid in interest $5,369.92, mak ing a total of $43,473.99 coming into the hands of the county treasurer during the year for the liquidation of the public debt SO TICS FOR PUBLICATION. LiHD Ornc At Obiook CiTy, Ob., Jane 16th, 1899. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of hli Intention to make Anal proof In iiipportof hit claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver, at Oregon City, Oregon, on Annual 2nd, lt&9, via: john a. Mcdonald,' Homestead entrj 9640, for the t of wK. and mW f ivU of lection 27. and ne of eW of ecUon 28, township 4 north, range west. He name the following witnesses to provs his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, via: Simon D. Voder, Jonas Y. Kauff- man, Joun u. Muiuns ana Alimony siarcuion, all of Vernonia. Oregon. J23J28 CHAg. B. MOORES, Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF AP P01NTHSNT. THS UNDERSIGNED HAS BEEN APPOINT ed administrator of the estate of liurdo McKay, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Orison, for Columbia County, and has qualified. All persons having olalma against aaid estate are hereby notil ed to prexent them to me, with proper vouchers, within six mouths from this date, at my othoe, room 727, Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon, or to J. G. Wsttt, at hts office at the court house, In St. Hal ens. Dated June 21, 1899. (Signed) i. O. MORELAND, Administrator of tha estate of Murdo McKay, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has beeu by the Honorable County County Court of Columbia County, State of Oregon, appointed administrator of the estate of Elmer E. Whitney, deceased, and that I have duly qualified as suoh; that all persons having olalms against the said estate are hereby re quired to present the same, accompanied by 5 roper voucbere, at the law office of Cole a utck, In St. Helens, In said County and State, within six months from the date hereof. Dated June 2rd. im. CLARENCE E. WHITNEY. Administrator of the Estate of Elmer K. Whit ney, deceased. G. w. COI.E. Attorney for Administrator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orrici at Obeoom City, Ob., June 12th. 1899. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed uotioe of his Intention to make final proof In support of hlsolnlm, and that aaid proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Columbia County, at St, Helens, Oregon, on July 'A im, vis: LOUIS BOKCK. Homestead entry 9982, for the southeast H of section 80, township 6 north, range 6 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his eon timiDus residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Thomas Fettljohn, of Vernonia, Or egon, W. C. Eicktnan, August Sohlllupert and Fred Faltluat, of Keasey, Oregon. J16J21 CHAS. B. MOORES, Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ornc at Obiook Citt, Ob., June 1 2th , 1S99. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler baa filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his olalm, that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Columbia oounty.at St. Hel ens, Oregon, on Jnly 22, im, via: F. FALTINAT, Homestead entry No. 9981, for the nU of nwU of section U, t' of swX ol section 29, township o north, ranges west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Martin Gutrental, Louis Boeok, carl Kioaman ana iee Banners, ail or Keasey. Oregon. Jlujl CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. IE. Eholish. At Deer Island, Oregon, Fri day, July 7, 1899. of heart trouble, Mrs. Charle English, aged 74 years. Deceased wa born in Illinois July 17, 1826. She was a pioneer, having come to California in 1&0, thence to Oregon in 1868, and has since resided at her home at Deer Island. She ha been a faithful member of the Christian church forty-one year and has been a living example oi piety lor uer lamuy ana mr friends. The funeral exercises were conducted at the home by Rev. Phil brook, at 1 :30 laat Sunday. His appro priate text, "A good name 1 rather to be chosen than great rich," beauti fully illurtrated tbe life of the dear wife and mother, then being o tenderly laid to rest. Grandma English, a she was lovingly called by many, ha been an invalid Inr vonrii. vet alwavs cheerful and helpful to her family and friend. Bhe knew tne end wa near, anu w" mhn rmt, a t ra her during the last few day of her life, she would bid them good bye and ask them to meet her where auuerings were noi Known She leave to mourn her absence, a hus band and eight children, all grown to manhood and womanhood, and residing in this state and California. These na.rt.imni with our loved ones are hard. yet how much consolation it should be to those who are left, to know that our loved one is free from the care and suf ferings of this life and that she has en tered a life where there 1 no more pain and tear and where he will be found waiting for the dear one she has so lovingly guided here. The burial occurred at 2:30 Sunday at the Kinder graveyard, a large number of friends following the remain to their last rest ing place. How Joyful U the hope that hnsem whn lovsd inM rtsviam fh .. That we, when all earth's tolls ars coded, with No parthia worda shall e ar be spoken In yonder noma, so lair, ... .,, But hooks ol )oy and pac and 'gladness we sing lorever more. FmtiMAM. At Salem. Monday. July 10, 1809, James D. Freeman, oi exhaust ion, aged n years. Deceased formerly lived at Scappoose. where the burial took place on Wednes day, conducted by Kev. u. u. tiaiey. For a complete stock of mercban dlae call at Win. H. Dolman's. the County Court for the held. The unnual sum condition of the county 1, t898. $38,93 2 -7 1 twelve months. .. 20,842.10 County Treasurer's Notice. COCMTT TBttSUBBB'S OPTICS, St. Hblihs, Ob., June 29, 1999. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL unpaid County Warrants of Columbia Comity, Oregon, which have been presented and endorsed' "Not Paid lor Want oi Funds," prior to July 1st, 1898, will be paid upon pre sentation at this othce. Interest will not be al lowed after this date. EDWIN ROSS. J23J21 Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ornc at Obioom City, Ob , Jane 16th, 1899. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of hla Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver, at Oregon City. Oregon, on August 2nd, 1899, vis: JONAS Y. KAUFFMAN. Homestead entry No. 9772. for tbe sw of sec tion 15, township 4 north, range west. He names the following witnesses to nrove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of saaa lana, vis: jonn j. nulling, nimon v. Yoder, J. A. McDonald and Philip Glahn, all of Vernonia. Oregon. J2j28 CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ornca at Obboom Citt, Ob June 16th, 1899. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver, at Oregon City, Oregon, on August 2nd, 1899, vis: SIMON D. YODER, Homestead entry No. 9892, for the neC of section 15, township 4 north, range 4 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resldenee upon, and cultivation of satd land, vis: John A. McDonald, John C. Mulllns, Jonas Y. K Hoffman and Anthony Mar chion, till ot Vernonia, Oregon. )28j28 CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. " NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Ornc at OaaaeM Citt, Ob., June 16, 1899. NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of hla Intention to make final proof In support of his olalm, and that said proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver, at Oregou City, Oregon, on August 2nd, 1899, vis: JOHN C. MULUNS. Homestead entry No. 996S, tor the nt of the nwU and wV of ne of section 22, township 4 north, range 4 west. He names the following witnesses to prove hla continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said land, vis; John A. McDonald, Simon D. Yoder. Jonas Y. KauHraanand Philip Glahn, all or Vernonia, Oregon. J2Sj28 CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ornc at Obiook Citt, Or., June 18. 1899. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, aud that said proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver, at Oregon City, Oregon, on Augtiat 2nd, 1899, vis: ANTHONY MARCHION, Homestead entry 9920. for the H of the ne, and eH ot ee of seetlon 21, township 4 north, range i west. He name the following wltneaaea to prove Ma continuous residence appn and cultivation of said land, via: Simon D. Yoder, Jonas Y. Kauffman, John C. Mulllns and Philip ulahn, all of Vernonia, Oregon. 28j2S CHAS. B. MOORES, Regliter. rxttttwmvwmwwivm t wti .s wmt iiinmj si,iw.mnWm Tbe Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made nnder his per jCW?t7 nal supervision since its infancy. vtsv7 '-OXcJUlC Anow no one to deceive you In this. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants) and Children Experience against Experimented What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. Ii contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Ifarcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms ' and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. . GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the uz -cue The Kind You Ha?e Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMt HTAUn MMMRTi TT WUfltMV ITIWT, HKW VO CITT. ....St. Helens' We Have Everything Yon Want in the Line of Si . " m E ..GENERAL.. I ..Merchandise., i S Oar Prices are Right! Come and 8ee us, whether iZ yon bay or not. We are pleased to K ahow goods and give prices. Loggers' Outfits. Logging Camps Supplied ...THE POPULAR GROCERS... ' ' MAIN STREET, ST. HELENS, OREGON g s73a.iiiiiUUiUlUiUiUiiUUiUa.iiiiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiU ....St. Helens J. H. SHELDON, Prop.. Fresh Meats, Sansage, Hams, Bacon, Lard Bacon. Lard and Hama Sold way Down. Special Rates O ttiven on Orders lor Large Quantities of Meat. tfVVVVVVVVVFVVVVVVVVVVVVVAt OHE NEW M H H Carries a Large Assortment of..... Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats Caps Dresses, Etc GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Our line of groceries, tobacco, cigars, candies, nuts, fruits, etc., ia new and clean, in fact, oar entire stock consists ol strictly up-to-date goods, which we invite the public to inspect. Portland prices for goods. M M H. MORQUS, Proprietor, St Helens, Oregon Miyy-V'Tsgr-si sy w V ay T MONTE VISTA NURSERIES APPLE TREES. OH WHICH WE QUOTE Ui:ilMAn n.,IM. On. and two Tear-old trees, dona were obtained from a VVIIIalTlBXXB rilinC. prominent fruit grower, and war out from bearing tr.es. ALSO CHERRY, PLUM AND PEAR TREES. A. HOLADAY, PROP., r Catalogue, address v. u. UAMrHBUi., Tree. W. A. WANK, Secretary of Faculty. tj-t Signature of Popular Store.... 3 3 si si Meat Market.... ? YORK STORE J M H H H H H Harris' Old Stand 4 s ay W V If Is IF -"- -"- 4kU SRIES S We have a choice lot of one and two-year-old trees, each as Ben Davis, Northern Spy, Bald win, Spitzenberg and Qravenstein, VERT BEAS0HA8LE PRICES. SCAPPOOSE, OREGON State Normal School MONMOUTH, OR., Training School for Teacbora. New Build ings, new uapartraenis, ungraded Country School Work. ....Craduattl Start Bovd rtiiien... Strong Courses. Well Equipped Training uauaruneni. soinmi wurw quwrwi aud beat war to tuatt certificate. Expenses for year from 1129 to 1160, or board r-i. to ss.w per weea. init ion 16.26 for term 1 ten weeks. Full Hrm ktgin Stnt IBtk. Summr nrm Junt xi ro sopr. i. 4