tfOlTT'S icnoon, Menlo Park. San Mateo Co., Cal., arered tied at the Universities. Location, climate, and careful attention to Menial. Moral and I'hysiral training, places Httilt'a among me loremosi Bonoots lor nova on me Coot.-S. F. Ckmniclt. Will re-open in the new building August loth, (9th year.) IraQ. Huitt, l'h. P., Principal. Willesden Pariah In London lithe first to have a "lady" beadle. She U Irs. Kendal, who hai been the lexton of the church lor many Tear. "Waste Not, Want Not" Little teaks bring to wvrf, snd Uttk n parties of the blood, if not attended to, bring a ' Wnt " of hetlth. Hood's Sr sapuHU is tht one And only specific tfut ojiB remove lU blood humors nd impuri ties, thereby putting you into a condition of perfect ke<h nd strength. 3(ccdZ SauataiL The highest mountains of the Phil ippine island are Halcon (Mintlora), 8.868 feet; Apo(Mindanao), 8,804 feet; Mayon. active valcano (Luson), 8.S83 leet, and San Ciistobal (Luson), 1.875 feet. ' At Japanese auction, each bidder writes his name and the amounts of his bid on a slip of paper. The various slips are deposited in box. They are examined wbtm the bidding is over, . and the name of the highest bidder is announced. The most expensive hat on record cost 1,500 in gold, and was presented to General Grant while in Mexico in 1883. It is now on exhibition in the National Mnsenm at Washington per haps the finest Mexican sombrero that was ever made. - A magnificent grove of black walnut trees, most of them with t ranks font feet in diameter, have been discovered in the heart of the Miami Indian re serve, southern part of Wabash county, Indiana. The timber has been sold for 60.000. Editors in Servia have reason to keep mum regarding governmental affairs. One paper there, duiing the pnst two years, has had 16 editors, and 15 of them are in jail for commenting too freely on legislative enactments. The managers of a German railroad which is now being built in Eastern Alrica, where tne climate is most oan gerous to white men, recently offered positions to civil engineers at 11.125 per annum, station masters a 11,000 and locomotive engineers at $900. Sir Arthur Sullivan, the musician, has invented the "Sullivan safety shaft," a device to be attached to car riages to save life in case of runaways or similar accidents, by releasing the horse from the carriage. The inven tion, which is to be put on the market at once, is primarily due to the death of the late Countess of Latlioni, which filled Sir Arthur witW a Ui w pre vent similar catastrophes. "Recently, after the Bock Island wreck at Volland," says the Kansas City Journal, "Dr. G. H. Kittle, of Monndridge, Mo., pnt in a claim against the railroad for $1,920 on ac count of gold lost. The company thought it unreasonable that a country dentist should be getting so much gold at one shipment, and so it combated the claim. Bnt Dr. Kittle proved bii Ices conclusively, and the company paid over the full amount" The gold used in dentistry in the United Statet last year was valued at $600,000. O AO BREATH f hmwm CAMABIH MttM a ml id od ffecu r tt am amply won derful. 11 r daughter aod I wera bothered with let aioniacli and our breath was very bad. After taking a re w aoaea or ascareui we umrm jcnproTec VonderfsUf. They ant a great betp id Ibm ttmilj." 1137 aUUenhoBM St., Cinema U, Ohio. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. De Good, Merer Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. Mte. 2ae.fitie- ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... AterHaf Irirlf Cumpmmf, Cfcicafa. srtrs-fti. low Tare, lit MTA Rlf Sold and rnaranuwd b all drat - I U-DAlf u to CtKE Tobaooo HabtL PORTLAND DIRECTORY DESTISTS. No pain: new proc-ess: fine gold work. IR. LANO WORTHY, N.W. cor. Third and Morrioo Fence and Wire Horki. PORTLAND WIRE tt IRON WORKS; WIRS end iron fencing; office railing, etc. 834 Alder. Machinery Hllil Hup,,l... C'A W8TON & CO.; KNtJINKH, BOH.KRS, MA. chlnery, supplies. H-5u First Nt., Portland, Or. RAKES MOWERS BINDERS Vrite for Catalogue. J, 1. FREEMAN. Ipl, 290 East Water Street, PORTLAND, OR. S?kM-tiZZr? . -a JwCJ MACHINERY, LL KIWDS ...TATUM A BOWEN... 19 Is SS Flrat Street PORTLAND Or). JOHN POOLE. Portland, Obfook, can give you the best bargains in general macliiuery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows belts and windmills. The) new sieel I X L windmill, sold by him, is un equalled. EDWARD HtHiHEH; MACHINKRY AND vehicles; send lor catalogue. 1HK-194 Front Ht. Wlloleeale Druggists and Supplies. 'liotogTaphle BMJMAUKR-FRANK PRL'O CO. lit AND 146 Fourth Street, Portland, Oregon. cunts mm All fLSt FAIL! ILL (1 Tasi i Beit Cough Sjnip. T sales Oood. S!.WVWf.lW .3? 5. tl BUSINESS IN ALASKA. Bob.r D.vlopmnt Takes th I'lae. ot th. Mart ttuah New lloo rlee Betas Made. Captain Dwlght Hunt, with two companions, has heen in llaines tills week, outfitting (or a ptospeating tour in the Porcupine mining district, says the Porcupine Quill. Captain Hunt and partv renietunt an oxtonsive com iiany, known as the Jack Crawford (poet nd scout) party that went to the Hootalinqua last season over the Dyea route, equipped with dredgeia, and who have been unsuccessful iu the Yukon and are trying the present sea. son to retrieve their III luck by operat ing in the Atlin and Forty-Mile dig gings in the Yukon. Attiaotod by fa vorable reports from the Porcupine die trict, the mannger of the company, Henry M. Wallace, a prominent" lawyer ol Ann Arbor, Mich., placed a detail of opeiatora under chaige ot Captain Hunt, who is an experienced prospeo tor, and sent them here to prosecute intelligent examination ot the quarts and placer claims in American Alaska in this vicinity. They are also going to give special examination of the hy draulio propositions which are reported favorable. In event they are success' ful in their search they will bring in a large outfit this season of modern by draulio machinety and permanently establish the headquarters of the com pany which have large capital at their control under the Stars ami Stripes, and abandon the Northwest Territory propositions, where they are sorely handicapped by unjust ilisornn inations and exactions. The party will be ready to start early next week, and are now getting their boats anil outtitr over the trail to the Chilcat river. Kxciteruent Runs High. Mr. Cole, the mail agent for Porcu pine City, brought down on his last trip a small pile of gold dust taken from claim No. 1 above Discovery, on Porcupine creek. It was the partia output of the first washout by the use of a sluicebox ou that claim, and was sold to S. Weitsruan for (35. Mr. Cole aavs the miners on Mc Kin ley and For cupine creeks are just beginning to take out gold, and the field soon will astonish the nations. The water u quite high, and only the elevated rim rock can be worked, but as the work progresses the claims are growing rich er, excitement is running high and daily arrivals of prospectors are large. A Stamped. Expected. Since the arrival of samples of coarst gold from the placer mines on the Por cupine and McKiuley diggings, th mists of doubt that have been thrown over that district by the "giubstakers" who have done no active work except to hang around the camp, "waiting for something to turn up," have disap peared, and a feeling ot confidence es tablished. In fact, nothing but tli beat of reports are being brought in daily, and if developments continue at they are now going on there will be a genuine stampede inside of six weeks Lara-. Cannery Deetroyed. D.3." Mnnn's cannery on Bea island. B. C, was completely destroyed by fire. The tannery was one of the largest on the North Arm, and general ly bad the largest pack for that branch ef the river. The cannery was fully equipped with everything necessary for the season's work and all the nets were banging in readiness to be taken out for the sockeye rnn. The loea on the cannery, stock of cans, machinery, etc., is estimated at (65,000, on which there was only (45,000 insurance. Btraek a Quarts Ledge. William Eetinghonsen. of California, who has been prospecting along the Chilcat river tor the past four months, struck a ledge of quartz about four miles fiom Haines. His discovery covers a ledge five feet between walls, and evidently carries a large percent of copper and gold. Mr. Estinghouspn has followed mining for several yean in Alaska and California, and is satis fied that bis discovery possesses great wealth and will take immediate steps to develop it. New Alaika City. Jim McCloekey, of the Arctic, hat returned from the Ketchikan mining district, which he reports as a promis ing district. "Ketchikan," says Jim, "is going to be quite a city, as it al ready baa one large store and about 40 bouses. The townsite is being surveyed and the prospectors are flocking in by the dozens. One noticeable feature ol the district is the copper-stained ore, nearly every sample coming from that district being literally covered with the stain." Great Racing Erent Saturday, July 1, the trotting and running races commence at the Irving ton track, Portland, snd will continue until Juiy 8. Judging by the horse! that have already been entered for the different events, it ought to prove a success in eveiy way. Opening day, ladies will be admitted to thi track and grandstand free of charge. On all other days 25 cents admission will b charged. This includes a seat in the grandstand. The admission fee for gentlemen on all racing days, includ ing grandstand, will be 60 cents. Good racing and popular prices will nndoubtedly prove great drawing cards Peacock Copper Proepeet. Mr. Sheldon brought to Haines' Mis sion several fine specimens of quart2 taken fiom a ledge near town. The specimens were highly crystallized with peacock copper and other mineral whichr resembled gold. The specimens attracted a great deal of attention and favorable comment from experts. The vein his samples were taken from is about eight inches in width, with good prospects of growing wider as be pro ceeds with development work. Death In th. Ilaplria. The Klondike rush of 1809 lias al ready had its list of dead to be record ed. Frank Kane, hotel man, of Doug las island, and Charles Monlt, of the Hotel Lindemann, Dyea trail, while trvmg to cross Bennett in a Peterboro canoe, wera capsized and drowned. Freah Meat Famine. A fresh meat famine existed at Haines the front end of last week. A like condition of affairs in the market is reported as existing at kagway by reason of the nonarrival of expected beef oattle. Buinner lrW Works. The Fugot Sound Wit Nail A Steel Company, now the property ot the American Steel Iron Trust, baa closed down and the nail and wire ma chines will be shipped to the Waali buin & Jioii Company, at Ban Fran cisco. F. W. Mitchell, ot Mitchell. Lewis & Stuver Company, ol Seattle, is inspecting the buildings, machinery and site ot the nail works with a view to purchasing them and moving the iron works theieto. It the deal ia made It is the intention of the Sumner iron works to at once go into the looo omtive building on a .large scale. Mill Oeetrojed by Fir.. The Kromm chopmill, at Genesee, Idaho, hits been destoyed by tire, which is supposed to have been started in the engine-room. At the time of the fire some tour or five tons of chopped feed was on hand. The 14 horsepower gas oline engine, valued at (1,100, will not lie a total loss, as it is believed with a fow extras it oan be placed in running order again. The insurance was (1,000, which will nowhere near cover the loss. Cannery to He Erected. George W. Sanborn has purchased S0O feet of water front property on the KHt aide of th Seaside cannery, and expects to have a cannery built and ready for operation next season, ine plant will be up-to-date and equipped with the latest machinery. Thecal! iiMrv will have nn connection with any other cannery or combination. Bank Incorporat.4. The Med ford bank has filed articles ot incorporation, at Medford, Jackson county. The capital sttock is fixed at (50,000. The incorporators are K. U. Whitehead. J. E. Kngurt, J. Stewart, W. 13. Roberts and 11. . Ankuey. The company will conduct a bauk. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Reattl. Markets. Onions, 90o per 100 pounds, Potatoes, (35(340. Beets, per sack, (101 25. Turnips, per sack, 60 75c Carrots, per sack, (1. Parsnips, per sack, (1.75. Cauliflower, (1.00 per do. Cdery. 85(3400. nariwai sanst sHa 1 i btr i a 2.60 per 100 pounds. 1 Pears, 60c(l.f0 per box. Prunes, 60c per box. Butter Creamery, 18o per pound; dairy and ranch, 13($18c per pound. Eggs, 21c. Cheese Native, 14c. Poultry Old hens, 16c per pound; spring chickens, 14c; turkeys, 16c Fresh meats Choice dressed bee I steers, prime, 9c; cows, prime. 9c; mutton. 9c; pork, To; veal, 8(10o. Wheat Feed wheat. (20. Oats Choice, per ton, (2738. Hay Fillet Sound mixed, (0.00(3 8; choice Eastern Washington tim othy, (la.oo. Com whole, (23.50; cracked, (34; feed meal. (34.00. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, (352G; whole, (33. Flour Patent, per barrel, (3.85; straights, (3.10: California brands, (3.25; buckwheat flour, (3.50; graham, per barrel, (3.60; whole wheat floor, (3.75; rye flour, (4.60. MtllsttirTs bran, per ton, $16; shorts, per ton, (16. Feed Chopped feed, 121(323 per ton; middlings, per ton, (32; oil cake meal, per ton, (33. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla, 68c; Valley, 59c; Blue-stem, 61o per bushel." Flour best graiies, (3.20; graham. (2.65; superfine, (2.15 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 46c; choice gray, 43 44c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, (19Q30; brew ing, (21.00 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, (17 per ton; mid dlings, (22; shorts, (18; chop, (16.00 per ton. Hay Timothy, (89; clover. (7 8; Oregon wild hay, (6 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 80 85c; seconds, 27 30c; dairy, 3627o store, 2022o. Cheese Oregon full cream, 13 o; Young America, 15o; new cheeae, 10c per pound. Poultrv Chickens, mixed, (SO 4 per dozen; hens, (4. 00 5. 00; springs, (I.253; geese, (6.00 7.00 for old, (4.50g5 for young; docks, (5.000 6.60 per dozen; turkeys, live, ISO 16c per pound. Potatoes (1 1. 10 per sack; sweets, Sc per pound. Vegetables Beets, (1; turnips, 90 per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab bage, (1(3 1.25 per 100 ponnds; cauli flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, (1 per sack; beans, 8c per pound; celery, 70 76c per dosen; cucumbers, 60c per box; peas, 83c per pound. Onions Oregon, 60(3 75o per sack. ' Hops ll13o; 1897 crop, 46o. Wool Valley, 1213o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 610c; mohair, 7c per pound. Mutton (irons, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 4o; dressed mutton, 74c; spring lambs, 7!k'c per lb. Hogs Urnus, choice heavy, (4.60; light and feeders, (3.60 3. 00; dressed, (5.006.00 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, 4.00(4.60; cows, (2. 60 g 3. 00; dressed beef, 66',c per pound. Veal Large, 607c; small, 78c per pound. San Franelaeo Market. Wool Spring Nevada, 10012c per pound; Oregon, Eastern, 813o; Val ley, 1517c; Northern, 8I0c. MillsturTsa-Middlings, (17.60020; bran, (15.608 16.50 per ton. Onions Silverskin, 60 90c per sack. Butter Fancy creamery, 17 18o; do seconds, 1 Or 17c; fancy dairy, 16o; do seconds, 14(314Jc per pound. Eggs Store, 16017c; fancy ranch, 180190. Hops 1898 crop, 15o. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, (3 2.60; Mexican limes, (4.60&6; Cali fornia lemons, 75c1.25; do ohoioe, (2.60 per box. Hay Wheat, $18016.60; wheat and oat, (18016; oat, (14016; best bar. ley, (12013: alfalfa, (11013 per ton; straw, 40O?0c per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, (1.60(31.75; Oregon Burkanks, (1.65(1.86; rivet Burbanks, 75o(l; Salinas Burbanka, (10 1-10 per sack. Tropical fruits Bananas, (I.60O 9.60 per bunch; pineapples, (3. 60O 4.50; Persian dates, 66Xc per aound. THIS LITTLE "WOMAN "tT MINE. She ain't any bit of n angel 'i bis sweet little woman o' wlntj She's jest a plnlu woman. An 'purty nuieh human This sweet little wnuian o' mine. For what I would do with an angel When I looked fur tho firelight's ahlnoJ When six little sinners Are waiitln' their dinners? Not Ulve me this little woman o' mine) I've hearn lots of women called "angola," An' lots o' 'em thought it wus Due; But give 'em th feathers, An' mc, In all weathers. This sweet little womuu o' mine! I Jest alu't got nuthln' ag'ln 'era These ninrels they're good in their line But they're sorter above me! Thank Cod, that she'll love me This dear little woman o uilno. 1 L. Stanton. ItS. CARRUTIIKRS flushad slightly ns she rend the name ou thu pasteboard, "I will see him hero. Jane," she said, with studied raininess, "und remember, please, that I am not at home to any ono for the next hour." She nestled down on her aottce. pil lowing tho Bhlnimerlug gold of her head acalnst Its cushions, aud waitea She was irlnd ho had come. Her thoughts traveled back to their first ineetlnir that day on the front at Brlirhton. and bIio smiled as she re called the gust of wind that caught her handkerchief, n seen tod scrap of hioo and cambric, aud carried It flutterlug to his feet Ho was young, a mere boy In fact, nnd singularly handaoiue, aud he actually blushed as he restored the trlilo. There was something frank and fresh about him few of her men frleuds ever Mushed and hor tenden cies were suflicleutly Bohemian to ren der more formnl Introduction unneces sary; before the week was out he had lunched aud dined at her hotel. Time had flown for her sluce then; bright summer days spent drifting among the tipper reaches of tho Thames, with the heat of the afternoon lazed away In somo shady backwater: morning drives to some old-world retreat among the Surrey hills; afternoons on the lawns at Hurliugbaui, strolling, talking, tea drinking among the smartest In the land, with the band of the Guards crashing out the masterpieces of great German composers. Interspersed with melodies from the Casino. They had been friends, nothing more, but eneh day bad brought n fresh delight, and Bhe had been happy. Now It was to end; he had come to say, "Good-by." "It seems almost like a dream," she murmured; "I wonder what I shall do without hlmr The hangings Bwayed aside, and the boy advanced with outstretched hand. She smiled aud gave him hers without rising. "Sit down," she said, "and have some coffee, unless you prefer something atronger." , "Coffee, thanks." he answered, drop ping Into a chair beside her. She poured some, out and handed it to him, together with a tiny box of tortoise-shell and silver. lie laughed softly as be opened it and saw a row of miniature cigarettes. "Ah I so you indulge, it appears. How often r "Oh. somctlmesr "And 1 haven't known It nntll this momenta Will ygu Join me nowJ" offering the case. "No, thank you; I prefer to see yon smoke. There Is a match beside you." He lit one of the cigarettes and puffed away In alienee, until a blue naze had gathered about bis head. Then he look ed across at her. "I am going abroad," be said, abruptly. , 'Are you sur prised?" "Assuming that yon mean some hor rible tropic" be nodded "yes, I am. I suppose it means the loss of every thing that has made your life pleasant In the past yes? aud the gain of whatr . "Nothing." "Then why go?" She leaned back, clasping her bands behind her head, and her sleeves, fall ing, disclosed arms as smooth and white as Ivory. Their glances met and she asked again, "Why go?" . "Because I have no choice," he an swered. "Look hero, Madge, we've been friends, jolly, good friends, and God only knows bow I shall get on without you; I will be perfectly frank, and tell you Just how It stands. My father, as you ' know, was a country parson. He ought never to have put me through Sandhurst; It was beyond bis means I often wondered bow he managed to do all bo (lid, but I really knew nothing of list affairs until his death last year. I found out then that he never did have much beyond bis pride, and It appeared that towards the end be had dabbled in stocks and shares. Well, you know what happens when parsons walk Into bucket-shops; there was barely enough loft to keep the young one at Sandhurst. That Is why I am exchanging for the West Indies." lie looked up thoughtfully at the smoke cloud wreathing from his cigarette. "Of conrse I shall see some thing of life. I have seen little so far; school, Sandhurst, nrr outlandish depot in the west of Ireland, and town." "Do you want to go?" . "One cannot always do what one wants," She shrugged her shoulders beneath the billowy lace and muslin of ber deml- toilette, and there was another pause. "How strange It will seem when you have gone I shall feel quite lost by myself.". She spoke softly, In a tone almost Of soliloquy, watching hlin closely to see tho effect of her words. He made no reply, and she went on, "When one has so few friends, It Is bard to lose them the places are so bard to fill." He winced at that, and a memeutary gleam flashed in her eyes. It will seem strange," she repented; "l wonder If you will ever think of me often, I mean?" "I hope not," he replied; "I want to forget you." That was all she wanted; the simple directness of the answer conveyed more to her than any outburst of pas sion could have done. The rest was jr. - A Boy's Love. - After awhile he rose to hl fH't. Rue rose, too, aud stood before hl'U. looking Into his eyes as though she would read his soul. A wild desire to cruU her In his arms took possession of him. mid the fliiBor-uallH bit luto the palms of his clenched bands. "Must you go?" she whispered, draw ing nearer to him. "I have no choice." he said, again. 'You want mouey," she continued; "well, I am rich." He did uot reply. "Would you do something for me?" "Yes," ho aiild, simply; "I would glvo my llfo for you," Her eyes dropped, and a delicious color crept into her cheeks. "Well, beforo you go, do me a favor. Marry me." He dld.-St. ruul s. TRACING SUIOIO& that Uuaultubl. Diet Uoa an Injurious Kffoct. Dr. Hulg Is ot the opinion that sui cide may bo traced to error In diet, tho error being the eating ot meat, the drinking of beer aud of tea and thu smoking ot tobacco. Ills facts all full comforlubly luto their places In sup jHirt of bis hypothesis. Are there not more suicides among men than among women, aud do uot men consume more meat, more beer aud more totMicco than the women? Again, suicide Is more common Iu Kngluud than In Scotluiid, not apparently becuuse the Scotch are a more canny race, but because the English eat more ment aud drink moro beer, while the Scotch eat less meat aud drink whisky distend of beer. Af ter ntalutiiliitng that sutcldu wus less common among the Scotch, It was per haps hardly polite, when addressing a Scotch audience, to go on to say that suicide increased with civilization. But tho fact was explained on tho ground of more Injurious diet, that of clvlllxed man being more productive of uric acid aud thus of suicide than that which prevails where civilisation is less advauccd. Uric acid Is, In fact, at the bottom of all this, nnd, according to Dr. Halg, the Incidence of suicide tallies with the dally, auuunl and life fluctuations of uric mid In the blond, being coiiimouest when uric add Is most abundant, namely, In the morn ings. In spring and summer and iu childhood and the full prime of life. We have no doubt that errors of diet aro resiKHislble for much, and, among other things, for a certain uumlier of suicides; nay, we could go further nnd admit that tiusuJIuble diet, derange ment of the proper relation between nutrition and wasto and tho conse quent loading of the tlsHUes and the blood with abnormal products of meta bolism have much to do with that lu teinper and discontent which lend men to lay their bauds violently upon their neighbors aud sometime on them selves. All this may be taken for granted, but It is at present far from proved that tho peccant material Is in all cases the same, and still further are we from being agreed that uric acid Is the origin of the evil. Hospital. Giants ot Patagonia. The tribes to tho cast ot the Cordil leras, Iu southern Patagonia, belong; to Araucaulan stock, and are a superior race. Tho Tchuclches as they cull themselves ot southern and eastern Patagonia ore the people whose tin usual stature gave rise to the fables of the early days to tho effect that tho natives of this region wero glnnts aver aging nine to ten feet In height. It Is a fact that they are the tallest human being In the world, the men averaging but slightly less than six feet, while Individuals of four to six Inches above that mark are not uncommon. They are In reality by no means savages, but somewhat civilized barbarians, They are almost unacquainted with the nse of firearms, notwithstanding some contact with the whites, but they have plenty of horses and dogs. Unsurpassed hunters, they capture the guanaco nnd the rhen, or South American ostrich, and from the skins of theso and other animals they make clothes and coverings for their tents. They make beautiful "capos," or man tles, of furs aud feathers which are highly prized by Europeans, and find n ready market, most of the proceeds being spent for bad whisky, which Is brought Into the country In quantities, Boston Evening Transcript Tho Garden of f-'den. "I know you will like the house," re marked the real estate agent; "the country Is perfectly healthy." "Indeed!" replied the prospective pur chaser. "Oh, yes; and no files." "So?" "Good water." "Ah!" "Gns. "Oh!" "No electric lights." "Um-m!" 'Trains every twenty minutes, and always on time." "Ha!" "Low taxes." "Hoi" "No unpleasant neighbors." "Humph!" "No mosquitoes. But why ao you weep 7" "Be-bocause," sobbed the man, "I-I didn't know I was deadand I sudden ly f-fiud I've got to h-heaveu." Queen's Bplendlil Memory. A remarkable instance of the excel lence of ber majesty's memory was given a few days ago. A copy of tho memoir of the Into Thomas Best Jervis of the Bombay engineers was present ed to the Queen at Clinics by the author, who Is conservator of the museum at Turin. Her majesty vx pressed her plwisiire at tho presenta tion, and mentioned having seen tho model of Scbastopol made by Colonel Jervis, and exhibited by hi in at the war ofllce as far back as J835. London Telegraph. Clock Made of Bread. Milan has a curiosity In a clock which Is made entirely of bread. Tho maker Is a native of India, nnd ho has devoted three years of bis time to the construc tion of this curiosity. The clock Is of respectable size, and goes well. A Small Family, "Bobble," asked tho visitor, "have you any brothers and sisters?" "No," replied Robbie, "I'm all the children we've got." . ..-A Hie rather. Pllllllfw-- ' A Bfliitloinan roimnllv vlsile.1 new dlstrlut police -sUllon '"' was shown Si? ' thi l 1,19 MT J" charge. Hi. related the oirouu.s aiinis of his visit at home In U hearing of a youngest son, a little fellow our vears oliign. A few week, a .r to Ibar ;,,! sou were traveling br rail to a town soma miles ill-'"''- '',n l""? "!,f",r rcniliinil their destination the train pulled up within slKh. ' iloomy-looklug building. The son In liuiiod what place it was, and on being In tunned that it was the county Jail ha embaiiassed the father and md the other oouupsnt. of tho ''" suspicious by asking! "Was hat the jail you wa. in, futhoir-Chluago Chronicle. 0lulna ef I'.aalmlst. Evory man thinks all men except one are oonuiiled. It Is easier for a camel to pass tliiougb the eye of a needle than it I. for a man to mis. his train and think things that are lit for publication. Martyrdom would cuhio to be glor ious if the martyr could live to enjoy it, therefore maityr. are snores. When a woman sav "ho doe.n't care what her neighbors think it I. a sign that her doctor I. going to recommend a change of air. Chicago Timor Herald. l. I .- . . U M " . ....... A millionaire eonfrswd the neeret of hl success til two worus- imru wr. ii y ill .he !i?t pnrt ot III" life gaining dolfun and losing health, and now lie pulling In the other half spending dollar to get il K-iek. Nothing eoiials Modeller's Nioinnctt pepsin ami liidigealiou. Women Journalists In the United States number 8H8, with 2.725 author, and literary persons. 1IAKH INTO XOVH SHOES Allen's Koot-Knxe. a powder lor tho feet. It rums mliiful, awolii'ti, smarting, Iter Vou feet and Instantly taken I hasting mil of corns and bullions, ll'a the grenteal comfort dlneovery of tlieage, Allen ar'oot- juie makes iignt or new snoea rvci raay. It Ir a certain run) for Ingrowing Nail, sweatinir, callous and Iml, tired, aching feet. We have over 50,nu0 testimonials. Try it iW'iy. Hold by all druiorUii and shoe storvs. Hy mall for 'io. in stamps. Trial package FRKK. Address, Allen ti. Olmsted, l.e Roy, N. Y. In several European countries, In. eluding Fiance and Belgium, elections are always held on Sundays. Bawara of Ointments fur Calnrrh Thai Contain Mercury, . A mereiirjr will surely destroy tka sense nt ainelt and com .le.ttl r drana Ih. whule sva. tfiu wilt-neutering II through the mumus sur faces. Miu-h ai-ueli should never nue4et. cepl on irei'H.iin (rum reeulauie phv.l clufia. as thetlamagi thev will ilo Is tin tola Ut the kuo.1 int. ran pusslhlr derive from them. Unit's caiarrh Cure, manufactured he V. J. t'hi-nejr A Co., Toled-t, O., eumatus no tnercurv, aii'l is taseu ititertiellr. artlng ilirevtty uion the blood and inucoua surfates ot the system. In Inlying Hall's felerrh Cure be sure uu get the genuine. II Is taken Internally, and mails In Toledo. Ohio, by K. J, Cheney A Co. losu mutual frre. Hold by Druggists, price 7Sn, ner bottle, Haifa family I'llls are the beat. Corsets made of aluminium are now used by medical men for treatment of certain spinal disorders. There was, a voting man from l-enore, Who boldly went oil to tl.e war; Th. "twi-r made him sick, lie recovered quite quick Hy Mi. prompt us. of old Jesse Moors. Miss Charlotte Kinney, ol Kyrauico, K. Y.. la anid to bathe onlv woman drummer iu the world who sells wagons. rive Permanently Cured. No suer nervousues ills) enrr lirsl day's ue or lir. Kline's ureal Kerre llestorer. Kvnct lor Kara t.uo nisi bottlrandUestWe. ln. It. It. iUX ! , Ltd., SJU Aruli street, J'liU drlidila, I'a. The ordinary beer glass Is regulated by law in Bavaria and must hold ex actly half a litre, or marly nine-tenths of a pint. Mothers will find Mr. Winalow's Booth, lug Hvmp th. best remedy to use fur their children during th. teething period. Queen Victoria's annual trip to and fiom Scotland alone costs her close ou $33,350 a year. lo Not Surrarl Suffering Is nuni'reasary. Caararelg Candy Caiherlie kill dlsca. gt-rms, clran out the body, remove the Aral cauaag of suffering,. All druKgiata, luc. Vie, MM. Two streets In Finsr del Itio, Cuba, which have heretofore borne the names of two saints, will horoafter be called Gomes and McKiuley. I know that my life was saved by Plan's Cure for Consumption. Join. A. Miller, Au Sable, Michigan, April 21, 1HU4. Four million women in the United States earn their own bread. They have invaded all occupations, and ana third of all person, engaged in profes sional services ate women. WANTF.O-Msn and women everywhere to dfs Irilmte KKnl-a and advirl!se CMhrorma Orange Hyrup; f i Wr tlnr anil naldi eanh evry w-s: liartlfiilnrs rnr I-et-nl st uui. CAI.Ir'Olt NIA OKA.MIK MY.. HI1 CO., ban Vranelseo, l el. Keforma in the electoral system nt Japan fix the property qualification at a very small sum, and the minimum age (or candidates at SO years. There is some discussion as to the methods of voting. In one bill it is provided that each voter may hand In a signed ballot for each candidate. In Tokyo, which would have 18 representatives under the new system, and would nt the same time be one electoral district, evory franchise holder would cast 16 ballots. There is no provision (or minority representations. Epileptic CAN BE CURED. If VOIt anfTne fri.n tVr,lln..... Ut:. -- VMiaj, ,1-llB, fipasms, Spoils, Falling Hiolc.iess, Ht. Vitus' Dunce, &c, hnve children, lula- tlvrta. frlntwl. n. i,.f,.l. !,.. .1 - , ,.. v. ,,,HMw,n ,u BO, or know poopls that are afflicted, mv vmtuiorj, npiiepiicion, win give Immediate relief am! 1'HHMANKNTL.Y CUKK thorn, and all yon are asked to do Is to gniifl for a FrK. ItMWi'r 1 .... i - -- - - - - - vi xun HUH try it. It has cured thousands whore evnrytlii.iB lo failed. My 90-pnae llliiHtrated Kook, "Kpilepsy Psunaiient. let 'v.. . ,1 tl tflrn;iil When Writing nlnnaA mniiiln.. --m t ."-I1..WII IUIIU- ing tills In tins paper, nnd give naintt AUK nnd full ait. I nil, A 1 1 . . . , ence professionally confidential. Wm. MAY, M. D., Mai LiBorstory, fM Pins St., N. York city. CRITICAL PERIODS la Woman's Llfo Kit Made Diingoroui by Pelvlo Catarrh. nun. MA4i.ii.ns Kit'iiTr-a. Mr.. Mathilda liliililur, Doniphan, Noli., say.t "I suffered fiom catarrh for many yeaf a, hut since I have been taking I'n. tii-na I feel stiong and well, 1 would advise all eopla to try l'e-ru-iia. A. I used I'e-ru-na and Mim-a-lin while I was passing through Ihnchaiiuo of life, 1 am positively convinced your luiue. Itclul reint'illca have relieved me from all my III.." I'o lu-tui has raised more women from beds uf siuki.ess and set them to work again than any other remedy. I'elvlo catairh Is Urn tmlie ol womankind. 1. rti-ua Is thu bane ot catarrh In all forms Mild stages. Mrs. Col. Hamilton, Co. Itiiiibus, 0 suys "1 recommend IV. ni-na to women, believing It to Is esiH-olitltv benelli'iiil to them." tjond for a free book written by Dr. Hartman, entitled "Health and Beauty." Address Dr. Hartman, Columbus, O, Ilntnenihtir that cholera morbus, cholera infantum, siimmor com plaint, bilious colic, diarrhoea and dysentery are each ami nil catarrh o( the bowels. Catarrh la the only rot reel name tor these affections. I'e-in-na Is an absolute specitio tor these ailments, which are so com mon In suuim.r. Dr. Hartman, in a practice ol over forty years, never lost a single case ot cholera Infan tum, dysentary, diarrhoea, or chol era tunibiia, and his only remedy was 1'e-ru-ns. Those desiring further particulars should send for a free copv of "Summer Ctnnh." Address Dr. Hattoian, Columbus, U. HORRIBLE BODILY PAINS It live ift fuunrtatfrin In th M.ukI If tl t purr, lns!tlijf li.Jurlhlim IM riil-fr f Mill tw wrtl. 'I .hmi.iUlI ul itffirln p"4'!'1 hre trtwl. rtirrtl l Moore's Revealed Remedy A remedy llist gltea hvallh ami haiplui-.g quickly aud tiu-aautly- uutt dollar r bo. tie ai your druggist's. u,?S,DEEr.: world's gn aunt by Mural Hal. iMrit S-,U llultf I . no, Csjtd ina. I f. MUIL I Mm. It. tuue). Wd yno ever run arroas an nld teller t luk all faded out. Couldn't hava been CARTER'S INK IT DOESN'T FAOI. Costs rou ntt more Ihsn poor Ink. Might as well have the tieal. tttfTtftsi TEETH WITHOUT PLATES Ititi.tft trownftt. Ilrlitir Mti. 1'MlnlsvMH ItlilnsT M"l wiricMon. Dr. T. II. White, OsM?"' .OOEAST..; TbrotiKh Vnlnrv nl TitnrNt Nlrtarsk JHiiliitf Hitil IftilTft Nuiukiiitf Llbmry 4 r. ....FAST TIME.... Service and SMtucry riu-uallr'l. Por TH'si'is ami all tnlfiritiatlon apply to your nearest aguut, or aihlremi ' A. Il.c. IiKNKIHTON, C. V. ami T. A., Portland. R. C. RTBVKNH, fl. W. I'. A., Hcaltlu. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... MAKWaOTURED BY ... CALIFORNIA Fid SYRUP CO. If NOTE THE MANIC Da. SitcnrT.-s book. Annt-rM.ln sUn.MaKlM.niiTMjoim Writs) K .iyr.,r inia iiiHik.o.nUiiitlii.r rrilr n auul Tv-mn.,t,iIa u liu 1KI hX' French Fenala Piils. W Pralsral hy Ihnnainil, uti.Aw. null., u af.,,ulaiiC Hol'IfrslfilriiignislB ien.1 fruwk lag e U.i. la Bin.. While si, a Tttit. Tui nu oili.r. vru tu.,ooi a ana rsarist., Hew lurk City. GUKt t-'QR PILES Tf i 111 n iPII proti'it ntr,fttur.nleMtinsi il.Tintft Tlii (jrm. wsill hllnit, Hinistling ur frotrudinc riiMr . ur w.jur. BnHnHo'f Pile ftmdif Kt..t It' ntnf tiMl blrt.'ihiin, Aixi'-rliH liiiMirt. fnm Jmr ftt driiiriitiinrMtil ,j imhiI. Tr"tl lm. Wril MAtoouifMurcM. UK. HoANKu, I'litUtlsv., RUPTURE CURED. We guarantee to fit every onse we miitertaga, Iio-I put It off; write lor partlrularg si mice. (1. II. UflOllsKII CO., Kspert 'truss JTHters, 1U8 rMvond Struct. Portland, Or. CURE YOURSELF! lieu. Ul. au r... ....... I illstchnrji., ,nnimrimliiiia i.Tilfttk.iit or iilrtHfttlltMit if nit) c u n i ntdnibriinni. "or .vnt In pin ir. wr..rvt.r. IT lfftMr), iwfimhl, (ur Llrfiulftf Mnt ou'rwiuoiis YOUNG MEN! Vor Wuinrrhtn nti fUt wHVfiWB i!f twin, II M thu NI.V Mitlit'in wliliTi will cur wh i vrf earn, WO OAHK knt-wn It hat of tmtM to our, no rti.ur how m rUm or of how kmr unnliritf. It-nlt tram iUt UN will suaUitilnh J-ou. Il Ut alitwIiittM lffi, Si-Mvnui at He turn, ami mn Imi tnitu willtoiH litnun lenra ntl dr-Oittlioi ftfim ImaitiffM, J'MH K, il liO. Vt hy all rxllatila ilniritlNU, or x-iit ritriMitl Ur ipraMr, lsUuly WrapHs, Oil iwiih, .f nrtcn. Ii a . ,. j l'AMHtciiMiUAi;oo,(Cbtoa,lU. Uratlar BuUlvd on riuon, ' LGUNN PILLS N, I', N. If WO. -'. mm I I'Ylh lll I". S : Jr riM,asi..l in a SM U irM,.n. KealPfafaBIl AdaiLaa'laa SS'r? FOf A DOSE. Cure fllnlr H.ailadlia mil rIl,,l;,'."',' I'lmiilss snd I'urlfr the lilond Aid HKisllonsndPrarsnlllllio ess. 1 net tlrlpe orHli hnn. Torot.vtnee roil, ws will msll "smple free, or full l., fur jn,, iH, lldsANHU f lill.iln., A'nnua. H..U1 l,r Driiggl.ts, w IIKN wrltlna; to d vrtlirg vyl0 wwutjva tun ar