fs 17 0"Nd" M mrP I elected d re-elected every candidate " it, Vll OL JL KJ X I who ever ran for the nreaidanr-v on that Issue, and tt will again," aaya Editor Hofor, of the Salem Capital Journal, formerly an admirer and supporter of Bryan. One by one the republican prod igals are returning to the fold and ere tlii time next year there promisee to be a great advanet iu the price veal if all the iwnitenta are to receive a share of the fatted calf. llirKD RVBRV FHIIM V mK!MXI -BT- 0910 OHVIS. tdittr and Propmtar. anfeeeriatloai Rates. Ou, opy on yw I. ldTua.RMM. Ouecoiiy ,l niouths....,H....MM......Mi Ingle copy .! SO Advertlsm rat "vnad known upon application I COLOMBIA COUNTY PIRKCTORY. THE BOOUs POtLAH. Some of onr sixteen-to-one friends hereabouts are likely to have a practi , w .,, leal demonstration of the silver question Clerk ..'.','.'.'.'.'.'".'..'.'.'.'.'.... j! , a. wuii, sl Ht.i.ni I if they are not careful in receiving silver Bnerirr. , j. n. rue, uimmim dollars in payment lor what they have Il-r """I-to trtd for money, or in the way of AuMlor , ...Martin White, Quincy Surveyor Geo. Hayes, Uygr Coroner Dr. A. P. McLaren. Rainier n.miu.n i Fraxes, Hcaiipojse Commissioners D Peterson, Mitt July 7, 1899. 1 J .ss jt ft 'f Ck'!TKS3 ll change. There is a very dangerous counterfeit in circulation, and many careful Dosiness men ol fortlaua have been caught with it. It is not a real sib rer dollar. That Is, it has as much sit' ver in it as the one coming from the umieu cwun minis, aim is ia iu am rv specta like the genuine dollar in appear ance and in weight. If there is any I difference at all in weight or amount of pure silver, it ia in favor of the bogus OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. PRESIDENT HAWLEY'S ADDRESS. I dollar. It feels a little heavier than the I good dollar. It probably contains i shade less of alloy. An expert may de tect other differences, and one who is a I close observer, though not an expert, may see a slight difference in the letter ing of the word "Liberty" that appears I on the dollar. The style of tvpe or type I mould used is not exactly the same on the counterfeit aa on the genuine. The I counterfeit ia exactly worth forty-odd cents in good money, because it con tains silver enough to bring fortv-odd cents, weighed out and bought and sold in the market. The dollar of which it is the counterfeit ia worth a hundred At the first eyening session of the in- rents, because it is convertible into a atitnte last amna- IhnaA attemllnir were dollar's worth of anything its possessor -.uk .aa t. ni may wish to buy. It is worth a hun- . "7,;" 1 ; dredcentt in gold, and the gold dollar Hawley.of WUlamette University, at i, WOrth a hundred cents because there Salem, which,,, while being an able ef- is a dollar's worth of gold in it, not be- fort and an instructive discourse in its cause it says so on its lace, it would be own lnu,! it ,rf.i h. n.nai I worm me same ii ll were nieiuxi aown. own element, it portrayed in the meet Tt . .h . . sensible manner, the correctness of the . buckskin nurse. This bonus dollar is idea that too much theory and not the identical one our populistic and enough experience ia had by the average I democratic friends voted for in 1896. jtudent. Every pern wholistened to - wVaVthey hVaeTrf 'TO Mr. Hawley'a address upon the subject, "The Speaker of the National House of Representatives," will now more thor oughly understand newspaper reports of bouse and senate proceedings, which almost daily appear in the newspapers while congress is in session. The idea we wish to convey ia that experience is far better than theory. The average person may have an absolutely thor ough theoretical idea of bow business may be conducted in oar national legis lative hall, but theory does not always maintain its supposed elements when confronted by cold, etern experience. And so may aa much be said of the com mon school coarse or the the theory taught in institutions of higher learning. The elements of reality are not contained therein. We should insist that public schools and colleges teach more practicability and lees theory. The youth of today is educated too much in theoretical know! all speak at once. Salem Statesman. TIME FOR EXPANSION. Fourteen Tears after the inauguration of the first president of the United States the republic began to expand. We took in Louisiana, much more than doubling our area. Sixteen years after that we annexed Florida. In the meantime we bad per fected our title to the uregon country. Twenty-six years alter the purchase of x lonaa we annexea lexas. Three years after that we added Cali' fornia, Nevada, Utah, most of New ilex ico, Arizona, and part of Colorado. Five years later we bought the south' era parts of New Mexico and Arizona, fourteen years thereafter we secured Alaska. And then we stopped. For 31 veara irom too 10 isya me united states ceased to expand. Then we timidly picked np the microscopic morsels of Hawaii and Porto Rico,and stretched out a tentative hand over the Philipines. Was it not time? Never in our his tory has the march of American expan- UHI I1M IM1 II II I u II. 1 1 1 1 1 IWI.Mn T. FlM edge ana learns too little of practical ap- annexation of Alaska and that of Hawaii, ylkUun, aa President Hawlev'a aridrma Never before have we allowed other demonstrated to as the slight knowledge j J01" to Km ,ach ,tftrt on " in tb n n "iDject tnroagn when Jefferson bourtit Louisiana the uicurr. inn is ion true 01 we 1 aensitv of no.nnla.tinn in Mia ITnitari past and lamentably trne of tha nnwnl I States was between seven and eicht to While systems of imparting knowl- th?. !SnarS mill- It could hardly be edge have improved of late, these have "'wU'fn" EHES by no meant reached a state of perfec- Jefferson bad an eye that could see into tlon. The youth of today, either in the tne luture. public school or the college, haa his . When we Pnrhased Florida we had mAA li f .1.. t.- .-- UCIWBBU auu bib innaoiiania 10 Hie vnusu.u w. wnw uui i u aquare mile, taught little of applying them to prac-1 When we annexed Texas the density tioe. lof our population waa not quite ten. The vonnir man ma h. tn,r.tth .when WB k CalifornU it was theory of surveying, but if he is given when we effected the ftarifon an instrument and sent into the field no I chase it waa a little over eight. PLEA FOR A LIBRARY. Demands for a Heading; Room Are Made by the Pabllo. HouLToa, Or., (To the Editor.) The crying need of St. Helens is a public libracv and reading room. In a city of 400 or 600 inhabitants, where every boat Diving the river stops nearly every day. where county and circuit courts meet every few weeks, where teachers' exanv insttous are held every three months, and institutes every two or three years, whero asaociatioiis. political gatherings. etc., are held oftener than in any other place in the county, and where nearly is it itiuii-r For an editor to Recommend Pat ent Medicines? From Sylvan Valley New, Brevad, N. C. It may be a Question whether the edi tor has the right to publicly recommend any of the various nronriotarv maliina which Hood the market, yet as a preven tative of suffering we feel it a duty to say a good word forChamberlain'sColio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. We have known and used this medicine in our family for twenty years and hsve always found It reliable. In many casca a dose of this remedy would save hours every cithwn ot the county comes at of suffering while a uhvsician ia awaited least once a year, in each a place aa this We do not believe in depending luipllo where there ia no waiting room, there itly on any medicine for a cure, but we 11 a wiue'oit want, a rcHuuig room 00 Deneve mat it a Dottle ot (Jhaniber- womu supuiy mis want 111 tne nest pot- lam's Diarrha Remedy wnrakantnn sihle way, and a library is as badly tmnd and administered at the inception needed, we have heard men and boyt of an attack much suffering might be from the country around St. Helens de- avoided and In very many eases the proa- piuiv 1,110 im- wint iu-rw 10 iiu www - I euro u unvsician wollltl not IWk ra cept me saioons wnere tney can com- quired. At least this has been our ex ioroiy spenu an uour or iwooi eniorced perienr during the pat twenty years, miviicw -uim in iimiii nu mmii rur m ur iir. AUW11I Krui, pnr- When we bought Alaska it waa about twelve. It is now in the neighborhood of SO including Alaska; and excluding Alaska, most of whose area is unavailable for settlement, it is 28. Evidently the pressure of nonulation I is greater now than it was at any of oar i",,vi,u (niiwugui UftllUJM pllfltUll, the safety actual work could be executed. The same may be raid of every other branch of learning or study. What is needed to fit the youth for walks of life is more experience and contact with persons such aa President Hawley, who hat both theory and experience. Where it ia im possible to instruct by practical demon- If we felt the need for more room then trations. tha imnartins nf anoK annwl. I we feel it more intensely now. edge as possessed by Mr. Hawley, in a 9?l PP?Ution " denser at this time in clear, concise manner, ia worth many I wa in the Old TTniied state. Lhn - umea more man tne mere theory or the annexed Louisiana. commonplace accounts in the news-1 The time for a new expansion is long papera of such deliberations. When Pf"' ?nd ",eJrow.int Psure will not tanght that two times two are four, the yalve. New York Journal yoaw tnouid learn why. This is a sim pie illuttration, bat let it suffice to show Stone for Expansion. the Intent of tha rmtvit inn Chicano Trlbone Pnni a ahnnM !,. t!. -vruciuur .iiiiiaiii J. n to lie, OI ".'V WIUUILUIIJL M I UiaAHl ... . I . i I 1 tisten to lectures outside of school work cratic nationalcommittee, took sharp to demonstrate the practical application Hue with William J. Brvan and other of the rules given in the books. Public ?P.PP8ed leaders of the party yesterday. aohnnla mH ... . . i n uiio not commuting nimseil as to TV " whether this country should own and isiactory results it nan the amount of govern the PhilHpine islands, he de theory was taught and double the dared strongly againt the anti-expan- amount of practice. Perfect education , wn'?" Mr- ryan ana tus nftB-u. i . . ; , , , , uicuvia wiiu wiou w quh a part 01 tne consista m practical knowledge, inch as next democratic national platform. He imparted by Monday evening't speaker, asserted that after Dewey hauled down the Spanish colors at Manila there was Th Fourth of July this year was a ""thing left for patriotic Americans to big day throughout the country. Last ?. JSV Vi6 awvernment . in its at- year the Fourth brought a glorious sar- Mr. Peffer'e Circumlocution. tempt to settle the questions there aris- 1 ide witnont nnauiv critinainir ira ivmrM knl ... 1.1 .I . , 1 . 1 1 1 . I . 1 . . ' v 10c, uui iu wicurnviua naa to oe lm- "u cunciuueu. vim an argument m promote. Mnch had hannennd hotoHxn favor of doing everything possible toward July 4th. 18M and Jnl. a.K moo pcreasing me Amencan mercnant mar- make an American feel proudly patn- the eovernment where neer At. otic at well aa expansive. The heroism together, Mr. Stone's views are so widely 01 the arm and navy was simply unsur- "'vergence wun tnose or nr. ryan patsable. Cub. had been freed and the lt'he.i.P?e,htL0Oi.h.e .iSTS .th! . , m . . J .1 1 a muwi nun aa VQUUIUBMI 1UI lilt? '"""""; carnea mrougnout democratic nomination for the nresi its borders. Our flag it an over new dency next year, and is laving down the possessions that broaden the destiny of DJatiorin on whlch he expects to make tha nol nn A wtaam - ..11 -I uin: a I ...w jwm uv lull VI uniliaui, national achievement naturally sug- peiea a national nouoay ot Doth an old- Ex-Senator Peffer denies now that he fashioned and a new-fashioned kind, said he had turned from the populist to xne ceiepration of the Fourth just now 1,18 repupncan party, tie affirms that passing into history fit the circum- K"1 ne dl! M)r' a.nd n?" W' '? that mtTJ. a . ; , " , the populist party is a cipher as a factor stances very nicely and waa a day that in national pblitibs, for afl practical pur WiU be memorable. The people of the noses havinz been swallowed bv the western part of Oregon, generally, cele- democratic party ; that, as between the brated the day in Portland, making one el?ocrafic an? the publican parties I HH 1 1 11 M I WKVR IKWn II IT M I 1 1 H I rnp inMIMf that, believing that the contests of the future will be virtually between these two parties, he expects to do all he hon orably can to keep the democratic party oat of power, and that he is in favor oi national expansion. This is merely a longer way of saying that the populist purvy ib ueau ana jtnat nr. reuer will strive, as would any other republican, to defeat the democracy. He insists that he did not say that he had left the pop nlist party. Perhaps that is strictly true. Rather has the populist party left him in its recession. It has left a good many other men high and dry on the solid banks of their old political al legiances, j worse, then, when their wives and staters must wait for a boat or for some other reason spend unixn-upied time in the city. That St. Helens needs a public library is an assertion which needs no proof. Of all the homes in and around the city, how many are supplied with a suitable amount of the right kind of reading matter? Local and other news papers, religious and educational jour nals and mainlines, to ssv nothing of the many books of science, poetry, fic tion and travel, should be read by every one who wishea to keep up with the times, but not many are able to have them all. How often one wants to con suit an international dictionary or a reliable, np-to-date encyclopedia? Yet few us of have them. Probably two or tnree thousand people would De bene fitted by a public library, reading and waiting room combined in St. Helens in the course of a year. There is not a teacher in the county, not a county otU cer, not one who must attend the sessions of court at some time or other, nor not a citiien in the country immediately tributary to St. Helena, who is not inter ested in this matter, for they each have unoccupied time to spend there. Of what value then to each one if that time could bo spent pleasantly and profitably instead of sitting uneasily in a hotel parlor, store or saloon?. 'Why not or ganize a library association and have a library, charging a certain amount for membership and allowing the members to take books homer Also have a com' fortable reading room connected with it where it will command a view of the boat landing, and in the main part of the city? It would add much to the comfort and moral and intellectual well- being of hundreds of people each year. JUiy ISt, 1!KW. IBIS W. T. ULIVKR. TOWNSHIP PLAT FILED. Lands In Township a. Range 0, 8 ab ject to Kntry. Umitkd Statxs Land Ornci, Ohxoom City, Or., June 17, 181)9. notice is nereoy given that the ap proved fractional plat of township 2 north, range tt west, has been received from the eurvevr general of Oregon, and on August 1st, 18i9, at 9 o'clock A. M. of said date, said plat will be fild in this omce and tne lands therein embraced will be subiect to entry on and after said . ' - date. L HA8. a. Mookks, Kegiater. Wm. Galloway, Receiver. PROFESSIONAL. QR. J. X. BALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatakauie, Columbia county, Or, JJR. KDWIN KOSW, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon JB. H, K, CMfr, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 81. Helens, Oregon. ..BRINN'S SALOON.. Win. nrnti Vvop. It you want lonipihiii aood In ths Una of whtnay try SHAW'S MALT -Ouly ths bast of Liprniii Cicars Kept in Stock Pool and Card Tablra tor Hit un of falroiw. Courteous Iroaiinout. (Oatwaan lb two Holala.) ST. HUMS, . . . ORSGON. immwwwmnrmmwrtwmmiifwmwTirtvrtfwnTTTTrirt ...MONEY SAVED IS MONEY EARNED.... OPEN MOM B A. M. TO IS O'OLOOK MIONIOHT. G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND COL'NSELOR AT LAW, 8T. HELENS, OREGON. Title Abstract Books. Kotarv Piiblto. Commit. Inner ol Peeilsfor WanhhiKton, aud anupvr- iviivau cuiiei'iur in auuueviioa wun omce. J. W. DAY W. B. DILLARD ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Office next door lo Courthouse, BT. HELKN8, OKEUON. General practice in courts of Orwon nr w..h Idkiou. Abstrauls mada direotlr from county .8TKAMEH. L. U" Pi 1 1 1ST El PORTLAND AND A8TORI A i Leaves Portland eyery nhrht at 8 o'clock ior Asuina, (except Sunday.) Saturday mgui uv IV. Returning, leaves Astoria at 6: Si) o'clock every morning (except Monday.) Hun- day at o: 00 o'clock p. ni. ST. CHARLES HOTEL Front & Morrison Sts., Fortlani Under New Management 150 Booms at 2.1 Cents to SO Cents. Suites 75 Cents to 11.00. Slek Headaiclaea, The enrse of overworked womanhood. are quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great blood purifier ana tissue nuiiaer. Money refunded if not satisfactory. Price 26 eta. and 60 eta. Hold by Ur. Edwin Ross, drureiat. C . . T I 1 it . n . . . ' ok xxeiens, aiiu a. A. rerry, tlouiton. Season of 1899. Tha hlak Pn.KannU!l .tltnn Roe, owned by Mr. H. O. Howard, of ianaton, win make tins season at Mr. Howard's place. The Qualities of the horse are well known to the breeders of tnis county. An Epidemic of Ularroea. Mr. A. Sanders, writing from Cocoa- nut urove, ia., says there has been quite an epidemic of diarrhoea there. He had a severe attack and waa cured by lour doses of Chamtrlain'a fVili Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He I says he also recommended it to others and ttiey say it is the best medicine they ever osea. j- or saie oy ur. t-awin flaw. - i Call at .the Columbia gallery, at Rain- TU if c, Prvlloi- 1 ler. for the best pictures of the mount- VV Mill. I ,111 11 I I llir" .In. l. v.; t I ' ---- vvimi vviuiuuii I1TCI, mxmi SUII Elevator, Electric Lights and and all Modern Convenience. Belli, Free Bus Meet all Boats and Trains. Restaurant Connected witii Hotel Oregon Telephone 299. Columbia Telephone 27. grand eventt The presence of the 400 or 600 members of the National Editor ial Association was an important factor in the celebration in this state. Such n opportunity of having that body within oar state on the nation's birth day may never happen again ; and Ore gon did herself proud. "To attempt to make political capital against a popular foreign war is suicidal to the party that undertakes it. Noth ing is so popular with the American peo ple a a successful foreign war. It baa hulling scenes; also a fine photo of your- sen, sweetneart, family, rancti, house, BimvK, etc., Dy j. r. i ora. VEKNONIA VARIETIES. Hurrah for the Fourth ! G. W. Rice made a trin to St. Helena I8st week. Win. Allen has relocated his marrv. go-fly-around. A larffe number of the hova nra hnmA irom lureing camps, WOOQ cropping, etc., to spend the Fourth. Miss Allie Sonle closed her anhnnl at uraunsport last Friday for a month's vacation. Dr. Hatfield made a trio down the river last Sunday evening to visit his patients. A number of workers orathered at the camp ground last Monday to put things in order for camp meeting. Fosters are out announcing an exhibi tion of fifty views of Cuba for the even ing of the Fonrtb. S. B. Rose seems to be the manager. O. Malinsten seems tn tie the nonnlar blacksmith around Vernonia. The old gentlemen is certainly a very fine work man as bis work will show. Rev. Stronn preaches at Vernonia in the mornins and evening three Him. day's in the month. This gives an ample opportunity for all to attend. As ye correspondent sends the items on Tuesday, an account of the celebra tion cannot be given this week. Every thing is in preparation, however, for a good time. Will and Georze Smith came horns tn pend the Fourth. Geortre is at present firms' an emrine at Weatnnrt wMl. Will is runnine a wood saw between Yanktsin and uoulton. J. S. Mowe has been working for J. E. Dow the past week. Mr. Mowe is fram ing the timbers for a lanre barn, sr.nn tn I be erected by Mr. Dow. J. E. has also been doing a lot of slashing this spring. THE COLUMBIA RIVER AND PTJOET BOUND NAVIGATION CO. FOSTLAND-ASTOEIA EOUTE. ..TELEPHONE... tandlna Foot of Alder Street. Portland. Learea Portland daily (except otinday) at 7 A. M. Landing Telephone dock, Astoria. Leaves Astoria dully (except Bunday)7 P. If, Telephone Tickets Oood on Bteamer Potter. Steamer f otter Tickets Oood on Telephone. U. B. SCOTT, Pres. No Ladles Furniture is Complete Without a Nsw LIGHT - RUNNING 8INGEK SEWING MACHINE. Sold on Easy Tarma without Interest. c. p. loohey, Agtmu -Astoria ... Oregon. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent cure of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment ia without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost Instantly and its continued nne effect a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's Itch, cald head, aore nipples, Itching piles, chapped hands, chronic aore eye and granulated lids. Dr. CadVi Condition Powder for horses are the best tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Price, 29 cento. Sold by w AiTniTm i t v UnlMlAL HOTEL Mrs. M. J. Scott Proprietress ST. HELENS, OREGON. A Strictly Prat-Class House. A Home for Commercial Travelers and the Public. Board and Lodg ing at Most Reasonable Rates. i A WELL KEPT STABLE f For Care of Patron's Horses. THE CLOMIKOCH 4 WHITNEY, Prpt. TH FAUODa CYRUS - NOBLE - WHISKEY Belta other standard brands of liquor, Is kept always on hand. Card tablM, pool table, aud billiard tabls for the us of patrous. St. Helen, Oregtoat. A STORIA & COLOMBIA RIVER II RAILROAD COMPANY. aiADDOWM DAILY. 34 r. a. T w t 06 s a 8 stt S 50 a An OH l! 111 10 00 10 OH I'l 20 10 .K) 22 A.M. 01) S 06 30 0 9 46 U 10 00 'U.t 10 10 M.I 10 -'I 71.11 10 .19 l 7 11 0!2 IWI 6 11 10 90 S II tt ;m 11 .10 119 8 TATiona. Lv.. Portland. A rl Motile Rainier .... Pyramid...., tfaycer yvilncT ... Claukaule.... ... Marshland.... .... WmiHirt t'lilKIII Knappa . ... Hventon ....John Day Ar ... Amorla ...l,r DAILY. 4. M. II 1& 10 10 a so 14 36 18 OH m 40 IT B 07 7 6 7 4.1 r. a 40 S SA W S 00 7 M 7 4 7 8H 7 7 17 S ,VI M M 10 S W SEASIDE DIVISION r. a. oo 6 t AO 6 30 A. M. ll as 11 ISA 11 13 1 00 Pally Lv.. Astoria . lJ Warrenton Ar....r!eatlde... 8 J aT. r. m. 7 40 4 00 7 20 I HA HI 10 s is a so All Trains to anil Irom 8.,i.H. ril II tn Vtataa.l vw Aanurin ti tv svrrouiua. SPECIAL SUNDAY SEASIDE TRAIN '-' Astoria at 180 a, m. and arrives Beaslds v.o a. iu. Passenirers nay return on any train shown In Passeniters for Astoria or war point must flaa alns at Houltiin. Trains will aturj m ui na.. senners off at Houlton hn coming Irom pouita west of Uobla. SJ- nava. Gen. Pass. Art., Astoria, Or. MUCKLE BROS. -MANUFACTURERS Of Rough and Dressed Lumber Dimension Lumbar, Flooring Bustle, Sheath- iiik. vasuias, situ a complete stock of ovary vsrietj of lumber kept on hand. AT THE OLD STAND, ST. HELENS, OR jt Aaai a aaraiwyA wVeJ M H M rOfst rOBTLAMO, DAILY. T1AMER "America,, Willamett Slongb Route i Leave 81. Helens 7:00 A M Arrive at Portland... 10:30 A M Leave Portland 2:30 P M Arrive at Ht. Helens... 6:00 P M FARE AO CENTS. Will Carry Nothing hnl P.... 9 4 Be" nd Fst Freight. WM JA.nea GOOD, naaier. It H H H ..Continue to Earn Money by.. Subscribing for the Weekly Oregonian AND ' The Oregon Mist ;..0ur Clubbing Rate Enables Us to.. " " Furnish Both Papers for only t TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR r inUNOAM s. niiDtntdi'rri nnno assssiawsasawwsa u uunuuunrbii unvgum o Uaniifaeturera of aud Dealers In o ...All Kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber.. riearlBaj... Rasile ...Calling AMD ...DlmeMalaa l.sisaiker... SOAPI'OOBB. QOOO ROAD TO THE MILL. Mill on south lurk of McsppooM erek,four miles from H?poo ststluii. Lunilwr ilellvrrvil at Hri HM station or Johnson's UikIIiis at 11.00 par M, aitra. At n arrvu siaiion, st.w. - - - U1IKQON laiafkalk. lAAAAAAAAAAAAA afsaatai.afat.atat a 253 M ....Drugs and Medicines..,. 8honld be bought only at a Dtug Btore, where doubt Is never allowed to enter the mind as to quality of the article old. We furnish drugs ol tlie required standard ol strength druirs that are rirht. What you buy at a Lrug Store you may depend upon it being what yon ask lor. ....OUR STOCK OF.... Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles .IS COMPLETE. School Books and Sihool Kuptilles. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Day or Night. ...ST. HELENS PHARMACY... Dr. Edwin Ross, Proprietor. ST. HELENS, - - OREGON M : : raQrTrar'' W 1PW W V V V V1 V ajai aisi sm anrans Mar sA B HOME BAKERY m. LUNCH ROOM MR- . . M INTYRI, rROPRIiTRtSa. Home-Maie Bread, Pies Cakes, Donellnnts Lniicl.es. 10 cents Dp. Also a 8tofk of NoUons and ConfarHlonery NEXT TO HOWI-INO ALLBY, -1- ST. II KI.KV saaksCf 0. R. N. CO. DSPAHT roa Fast Msll 8 p.m. ipokane Flyer .10 p. m. 8 p.m. F.z. d. m. Sunday Saturday 10 p. m. da. m. Kx. Sunday 7 a m. Toes.Thur. and Bat. Sa. m. Tues. Thur. and Bat. Lv. Ptliiaria l:4Sa. m. dally ex cept Bat. Time SCHEDULES From Portland. Bait Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha.Kiin sas City, ttt, Louis, Chicago and East. Walla Walla. Spokane, Minneapolis, Bt. Paul, bultith, Mil waukee, Chicago A Kast. Oeaan Staamshlps. All sailing dates sub ject to changa. For Ss n Francisco Ball every Hvedsys. Columbia Rlvar Btaamsrs. To Astoria and Way- analogs. Wlllsmstts Rlvar. Oregon City, Newbcrg, naiem a vvsy iana gs Abbits raoa Fsst Msll 0:46 p. in. CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Has ust rscatvad a lam f rrasa aa4 para A1 '.l!!!!"'lil'l,,l,!',k of drugs and petsnt tnedldnes, fancy stationary, school bona. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded AT TUB- 4 4 W"JM CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE -1 Bpnkans Flyer 8:80 a.m. ED HILLSBERRY, Expert :-: Barber SHARP RAZORS AND CLEAN TOWELS. None but purest chemicals used In wash ing and cleansing the face. Get a Hot Towel on Your Face Usual prices for work. DECKER'S OLD STAND, ST. HELENS E.E. QUICK Commissioner of Deeds lor Wash-tiiglou. 0. WCOLE . NoUry Publle . PROPKIKT0K8 OF THORNE'S Nnmerical Sys!siTitle Abstracts. Titles Eiamlned and Ferfeetml, Abstracts Furnished. Assesmnenls Kxnmlneil. In. aulihig Wrll,8u' T""MI I'lu anU Convey. RT. llCLEMR, OREOON, SIEAMERa W.SHAVER DELL SHAVER, Master. The Only Direct Route FROM,.. Willamette and Yam. hill Rivers. Oregon City. Dayton, ana way-landings. Willamette Rlvar. Portland to Corvsllls and way-landings. nake Rlvar. Riparla to Lewlston, 4 d. m. tJ ! ii-n. Kx.Uunday 5 '17 V ITiOnViOfl Portlaml. foot of WaRl.liiKtnn itreet. TiiMrin. Th t. I shsn ii. "'" 'uruaua i:w a. in. me com . ni.uuH, llw.lw. 4:80 n.m. Kx.Bundny :M p.m. Mon. Wed. and Frl. 4:90 p. m. TiiesThur. aud Bat. Lr.Lew'ton o:46 a. m. dslly ei cept Frl. Portland to Clatskanie Shaver Transportation Company. nd Bunday evenlna at omlay, Wednrwlay, an ivner 7:Jti: Hiilnli r H:M puny nisetves Ui rlgli lo ....STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... W. H. HUBLBERT, Oeneral Passenger Agent, PORTLAND - - . ' OHEOON leaves Kelso 11 Mondays. Wednesdays snd Frldsys at 6 o'clock a. m. leaves Pert land TuesiUy, Tliursilay, slid Bsturdays, at 11 O'l'lock H. 111. .- , . T7- i s,c -'. una a Tm it .Portland and Kelso Route via Willamette slough 3 3