The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, June 30, 1899, Image 3

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June 80, 1800.
Mrs. Martin White returned from litir
Eiiatwrn vinlt mat Saturday.
B. 11. Heme and son, of Vernonia wore
In town Wednesday on Dullness.
Mini Mttry Conyuri. of Oregon Oltv.
spout last Sunday tn thii city viuitintf
The regular July term of county com
missioners court will oonvone next Wed
nesday morning.
For Halo a two-seated spring lmck in
good condition. Inquire itf Mrs. i'. K.
Godfrey, Ht. Helens.
The Odd Fullowiot this city will have
work In the second and third degrees
Saturday evening, after which relresh
menu will be served In the hall.
The Astoria und Columbia River rall
roud will ell tickets July 2d, 8d, mid 4th
to nil points at one lure for the round
trip. 1'icketn will be good to return up
to and including July Dili.
Mr. and Mr. M. 0. Gray expect to
leave tomorrow for Hound point, where
they will upend their aummer vacation
of about twenty day. Mr. Darger, of
Yankton, will have charge of the tele
graph and telephone olllue during their
Mr. B. F. Pone, of Bachelor Flat, had
the misfortune . one day hut week to
aever the lirst joint of the Index finger
ol hi left hand while iplittlng wood.
Mr. Pope replaced the detached portion,
wrapped it ecurely and enema to be con
tent in the belief that all will be well.
St. Helen will not celebrate thl year.
In fact there 1 conaiderable lack of en
thusiasm prevalent throughout the
county thl year a regard celebration.
The neonle In thl city will undoubt
edly HM)iid the Fourth in a quiet manner.
Nome, perhaps, will visit the nietroMli
and participate In the elaborate feativi
til there.
The Tilluniook Herald, I ant week aaid :
"The people of the aouth part of the
county evidently want a plank road
pretty bad, having made a proposition
to Commissioner Kay that they will pre
pare the road bed, haul and lay the
plank for a diatance of about 14 mile
if the county will furninli the lumber.
Thoae people deserve good roada, and
if we had our way about it we would
cloae the dual with them tomorrow,"
A meeting of the county judge of all,
or nearly all. the eountie of the atate
will be held at Portland on July 12.
The idea of the meeting was (I ret ad
vanced by Judge Uray. of Glalsop county,
and has met with favor all over the
ataU). The purpoao of the meeting 1 to
aecure an agreement on property valua
tion, to the end that each county may
pay it juit proportion of the atate taxea.
At preaent dome of tiie counties pay
more than their jutt proportion of taxea,
other placing their property valuation at
a very low figure and escape paying
what really 1 due from them.
Mia Leah Wilson, who ha taught the
I Ion I ton et'bool for aevoral months, was
tendered a farewell social by her friends
in this citv last Saturday evening at
Muaonic hull. The occaiiion was a well
planned and carrlud-out surprise for
Mia Wilson, the friends having pre
viously gathered at the hall, when ahe
was invited in. Upon her arrival, Mr.
Uray, in behalf of the members of the
church and choir and numerous Iriends,
presented her with a handsome combi
nation prayer book and hymnal. The
evening was very pleasantly spent, and
friend joined in wishing Miss Wilson
abundant luccosa in life in now field of
labor. j
The town this week ba been overrun
witli school teachers, and besides attend
ing to duties incumbent upon them in
attending the Institute, their presence
haa been quite noticahle upon our street
and in places of amusement aa well aa
instruction. They are a jolly crowd, to
say the least, and upon their departure
the old, commonplace, humdrum of
every day life will regain it hold on our
town, which will be like a calm after a
atorni. The strictest attention luis been
paid to oducational matters, not only en
grossing tho attention of the teovliurs,
but enlisting the attention and assist
ance of many of our citizen. The only
fact to le lamented 1 that the Institute
cannot be held in our city every year.
flneak thieve are operating In St.
Holensagnin, to the discoiuforture of our
citizens. The hen roost and clothesline
In the back yard of Jamea Sheldon's
residence were viaited last Saturday
night, resulting in the loas of aevoral hens
and a blooded rooster, and numerous arti
cles of wearing apparel, which, unfortu
nately, had been left hanging on tho
clothesline. Jamo says he la satisfled
tho thief la not particularly clean about
hi person, however he took numerous
Sain of sox and a couple of an its of un
erwear, there were towel and napkin
in endless quantities, but their taking
would indicate cleanliness. The sox are
electrified and James say the fellow
who stole them will be Inflicted with all
aorta of physical aa well a mental pun
ishment. Mr. Jame Muckle informed a Mist
reporter one day last week that a soon
aa the river fell sufficiently to permit
of starting the work, the sawmill at this
place will be repaired and started in
operation. It haa been about six year
since any business waa done in that es
tablishment, and the people of the town
will hall with no small degree of satis
faction the annoucement that the mill
will again be operated. Mr. Muckle
states that employment will be given to
a crew of thirty or thirty-five men. and
it is confidently expected that business
enough can be secured to keep the plant
running constantly. Tho starting of the
mill mark renewed business activity
for this place, and tho announcement of
Mr. Muckle's intention to resume oper
erations ut the mill will bo hailed with
much satisfaction.
If people should put themselves in a
newspapor man' place they would find
out that an attendance upon various
kinds of entertainmont etc., night after
night, Is not by any mean a source of
pleasure, as some, perhaps, might think
it to be. A the constant dropping of
water will wear the stone away, so
does the duty aa a business make itself
burdensome in a greater or loss degree,
when followed tip fc.r the purpose of
makinn ronorts. It i duty undertaken
that the publie may know what la going
on. It 1 not customary for an editor to
accept ticket of any kind a an equiva
lent for advertising, although tickets to
any and all entertainments are paid for
several times over by the notices given
of such In the columns. Tickots to all
entertainments are considered aa marks
ol courtesy, and help toward preparing
a good account of the programme ren
dered. Such courtoHieBare never forgot
ten by those from out of town who give
an entertainmont of any kind. The
public always gets its free ahure of ad
vertising, and tho newspaper man ia
under no obligations (or favors of t h ia
kind, neither ia there a niiHtnko over
made In rnniumtiei'lng that they aro due
him in every case.
Rnv. CI ft iritiM, .ni . u M....I
ton Sunday forenoon and in this city in
the evening.
Mrs. J. M. Ueddlck of Clatskanle and
Miss Mabel Uuasell, of Quincy, are the
guests of Mr. and Mra. J. N. Bice.
Mis. J. Hansen, of Mayger, aged 80
years, wishes a position to do general
housework. Address, Mayger, Oregon.
U. M. liceghley and Charley Melllnger
came over irom Vernonia Monday and
continued on to Portland the next day,
N.J. and Leopold Dupont left this
place Monday morning last for Walla
Wulla, Wash. The boy a expect to spend
grain noma 01 Hint aectlon.
Mr. D. 0. Quick, of Denton county,
accompanied by ma daughter, arrived In
thlacity Monday evening. Mr. Quick
ia the father of our townsman. E. E.
Quick, and spent a few day viaitlng his
sun Rim lauiiiy.
Horace T. Gove, a man 68 year of
age, who ha made hi home with the
faintly of M. Jr. llsieii, of Warren, for
mno, uiu si. air, imiroii 0 resi
dence last Thursday of a complication of
ailment, jieialtvea of Mr. uove took
the body to Portland for burial.
Harrv West waa down from Rcannonse
Tuesday morning. Harry eayi the
cnerry crop in ni part of tlie county la
a decided failure, a i also the nrune
crop. Applea, too, lays Mr. West, will
be a very short crop. There will be an
abundance of hay and vegetables.
Mr. W. F. Blauirhter has mirchascd
the Dronertv owned hv Mr. E. E. Quick
and occupied by Mr. T. J. Cleeton as a
residence and law office. Mr. Slaughter
expect to occupy the building and Mr.
anu airs, uieeton wtlf remove to the
Scott residence about the mindle of next
When you notice a man dlrcinff in
the garden very slowly, stopping often
to rest, and making free use of cuss
words, It' safe to aay hi wife persuaded
him to do the work; but if he is dig
ging like a good fellow, whiatllnir a uoo-
ular air, and never stopping to reat, lie's
after worm for bait. Ex.
Tho steamer Sarah Dixon arrived
down from Portland Tuesday morning
about 10 o'clock, bringing about 800 per
sons, member of Trinity Sunday school
of Portland. The excursionists scat
tered in every direction, enjoying the
beauty of the scenery hereabouts, min-
f ling in the numerous groves, where
lined was eaten and the day, up to 8
o'clock, pleaaautly spent.
St. Melon people are beginning to
talk already of aummer outing in the
mountains and at the beach, but if sum
mer does not come pretty soon it will be
too lata to think of shady groves, ice
cold water and refreshing sea breeses.
The mere mention of a summer outing
at preaent i enough to cause a chill to
creep down one' spinal column. Hut
condition may change there' a possi
bility that such will lie the case when
present dream may ba realized.
Last fall I sprained my loft hip while
handling some heavy boxes. The doctor
I called on said at first it was a slight
atrain and would soon be well, but it
?:rew worse and the doctor then said I
iHii rheumatism. It continued to grow
worse, and 1 could hardly get around to
work. I went to a drug store and the
druggist recommended me to try Cham
herluin's Pain Palm. I fried it, and one
half of a 60-cent Ixittlecured me entirely.
I now recommend It to all my friends.
K. A. Baiiom:;, Erie, Pa. It I for sale
by Dr. Ddwin Ross.
Judge Gray goes to Seaaide today to
take the alfidiivita for a number of In
dians who are claimants, aa members
of the Clatsop tribe, to an annuity that
the United States was to pay these In
dians In return for the cession of their
lands to the whites, but which haa never I
been paid. There are only about a
score of the Clatsop left and they have
retained Harrison Allen and Silas It.
Smith aa attorney to handle their claim
against the government. Astorian. It
is said that the annuity amount to
200,000, with interest for about twenty
years. The attorneys, so it is reported,
are to receive one-third of the amount
in case they are successful in its collec
tion. Internet and all will amount to
about tt)2,000 for the attorney.
Thursday evening of lost week a num
ber of tho Knights of Pythias of this city
chartered the steamer America and
went to Kalama to pay a fraternal visit
to the Pythiana of that place and assist
thorn in conferring the work of two;
ranks upon two first-class candidates.
Tho ladies of the city organized an ex
cursion of their own, "joined the
Knights" on the trip to Kalama took
along their own lunch, and had a thor
oughly enjoyable timo. Tho Kalama
Knights, as ia their custom, "put the
work on" In a very creditable manner,
after which the visitors from Ht. Helena.
Kelso, Castle Kork and Rainier joined
in the refreshment feature of the enter
tainment at the Kalama hotel, where
an excellent supper waa disposed of.
At a little after 8 o'clock Friday morning
the excursionists arrived home, satisfied
with their visit and outing.
The successful operation of creameries
or skimming station at different point
throughout our county offer to the
people an important object lesion, and
one they should profit by and encourage.
Thia county is acknowledged to be un
surpassed in adaptability to dairying
and capacity to support livestock. In
nearly every quarter of the United
Slates farmer are becoming more favor
ably impressed with the operation of the
creamery as a mean to promote the
dairy industry. It I estimated that
milk can be hauled a long diatance to
creamerte at better profit tnan it can
lie manufactured into butter and cheese
at home, and at a great saving of time
aim moor, inn inuusiry can ue just us
successfully ODerated in (Jolumbla county
aa elsewhere on the globe, as it it the
county' most natural and largest possi
ble so'ureo of income. Delay to improve
opportunities will divert a large amount
of business from the county annually.
M. C. Gray, of St. Helens, waa in town
Mr. E. Foster waa a passenger for
Portland Tuesday.
O. C. Jscquish returned from Port
land Monday evening.
R. R. Foster, who Is In the Good Sam
aritan hospital in Portland, ia improv
ing. Jamea Cary and wife, of Hillaboro,
visited with Mr. and Mr. Joseph Carth
last weok.
Mrs. E.G. Miller, of Morri, 111., ar
rived at this place Sunday on a visit to
her mother, Mra. R. R. Foster.
A social picnic party was given by a
i .,.,,. nt il. ia nlace and Goble
last Sunday in West Reulwn. Those
present were.Misses Myrtle Powell, Roy
liinglmm, LMe Wetle, Minnio Buck
bee and Mpbs.s. George toater, jr., D.
Delano and Martinns Hazen.
LargOBt stock and lowest pricca at W.
H. Dillinan's.
Childrons' all wool suits 1.76 each, at
the New York store.
Large Attendance and Intense Inter
est Manifested.
The twelfth annual and mostlntonsely
Interesting meeting of teachers ever held
in uoiumma county on an occasion of an
institute waa convened In thi city Mon
day morning of thl week by Superin
tendent Conoland, at the schoolhouse.
For the first time in the history of
county institutes in this county there
were enough teacher present upon the
opening to enaoie tne ciaaa to tie organ
ized and the work proceeded with from
the first. The attendance increased
daily until nearly sixty teacher were
enrolled, and from the first the greatest
interest waa manifested.
It is matter for hourly comment that
never before waa there such an intel
lectual body of educator congregated at
one time and place within the county's
ooruers aa mat meeting Here tms week
Prof. W. A. Wetzel 1, of Portland, who
has charge of the class work, stated to
a Mist reporter that the responses to
question were surprising in their cor
rectness and the number of voice re
sponding. The work Is just now at it highest
point of interest, being participated in
by nearly every active teacher in the
county. Prof. Whitten, of Olatskanie,
stated that the high character of the
teachers in attendance this year was re
markable. The old log-cabin, slab-bench
element of teachers seemed to have
fallen by the wayside in the race for
supremacy , indicating the degree of per
fection to which our schools have at
tained. Better teachers, meaning a a
matter of fact, a higher degree of edu
cation. The management of the insti
tute has been very fortunate in securing
peaker of renown for evening occaiiona.
consisting of President Hawley, of
Salem, for Monday evening, who spoke
at length upon the highly interesting
subject of "The Speaker of the National
House of Representatives." It 1 need
les to say that President Hawley han
dled the subject in a manner which
could not be equaled Tuesday even
ing' feature of the institute was an ad
dress by Rev. Dr. Kellogg, of the Taylor
ITOl .UUlflUUIMb cuurcii Ol lortianu,
upon the subject: "Man i the Great
est Thing on Earth." The Congrega
tional church was crowded with eager
listeners to the discourse, which waa
highly entertaining.
Monday evening's session opened at
the church by an address of welcome by
Rev. Mr. Huley, who spoke kindly and
pleasantly to the teacher and visitor
and assured them their presence waa ap-
&reciateu ana tnetr purpose applauded,
r. Alfred Cleveland, of Astoria, a grad
uate of the State University, responded
to the word of welcome in a few well
chosen, appropriate remarks, followed
by a vocal solo by Mr. F. H. Gray, of
Besides the address by Rev. Mr. Kel
logg Tuesday evening, other features of
the entertainment was a recitation by
Mi.. M.w.k n( Un.ll.nJ a ..I, k. Ml..
Jones, of Clatskanie, and a recitation by
Miss nil), of Rainier. Each ol tlie three
numbers were ably rendered and well
Professor Wetzell, aa a class leader, is
proving a grand success, and a favorite
among the teachers. His methods of
instruction are simplified though perfect
in everv detail. Prof. Wetzell ha con
ducted the class work of the institutes
of this county for four years and has be
come a fixture.
Wednesday eveninz's session of the
instituto was a decidedly entertaining
as well as instructive one. A number
of songs by the congregation were ren
dered, a recitation by Miss Wetle, fol
lowed by a solo by Miss Jones. Miss
Monk tlien favored tlie audience witli
another of her choice recitations. The
speaker of the evening, Prof. Wetzell,
laiing then introduced, delivered a moat
highly entertaining and instructive lec
ture to teachers and parents. The pro
fessor's experience in school work en
ables him at all times and upon all oc
casions to impart information and
advice which all parents and school pa
trons should hear, it la a fact to tie
deplored that more parents were not
out to hear Prof. Wetxell's remark.
The teacher will be given a moon
light ride on the river by tlie citizens
this (Friday) evening. The steamer
America ha been chartered lor the pur
pose, and a delightful time will un
doubtedly be had.
i r . ... n. i i
leiuw is giveu m list 01 lue leaciivrs
in attendance, together with the loca
tion of their school :
Myrtle F. Jones. Hazel Grove: Mary
deL. Vincent, Scappooae ; Catherine J.
Tracy 1 Nettie M. Charlton, Bachelor
Flat; V. Zella Lewis, Mist; Leona Hard
ison, Deer Island ; J. K. Smith, 8cap
poose; Ella Dunn, Mist; Robert Boais,
Mayger; Alfred A. Cleveland, Mayger;
Lillian E. Donaldson; Mrs. Beatrice
Merrill, Deer Island ; Grace A. Moeck,
Rainier; Leah Wilson, Houlton ; Retta
Lr .n,l.. 01.,m. T ..I.. IK.luwi
biaCity : Myrtle rowell. Goble; La Versa
Keen, Weatport; Rebecca Bingham,
Uoble ; Oliver Rice, Pittsburg ; L. May
Keid, district 4; Mr, a. K. Way, Ht.
Nettie King, Fishhawk ; Alice D. Soule,
Brauntport : J . K. Dow, Vernonia; (Jlar-
ence Adams; Tillie Olsen, district 26;
Anna Ulsen, district 40 ; Marguerite Hill ;
Retta Dawson. Valley; Sarah E. Smal-
ley ; L. W. Van Dyke, Vernonia; Leota
Merrill ; Beatrice Burkhead, Fishhawk ;
F. CJ. Whitten, uiatskanie; f rank Stew
art; II. K. Shirk, district 63; R. H.
Mitchell; E. S. Faxon, Yankton: Cbaa.
Hansen ; Sadie Monk ; Flora L. Vincent ;
W. A. Wood, Rainier; L. Mae Slaven;
Lizzie Wettle, Goble ; Harriet Thayer ;
Huba ShattojEiuma Haines, Vernonia;
Ida Morgan, Helena ; Lillian Will, Deer
Island ; Maude Bryant, Marshland ; Mra.
F. C. Whitten, Clatskanie; Mae Burlin
game, Peris.
School Reports.
Following is the report of the Houl
ton school for the school year beginning
October 3, 1898, and ending June 23, '00 :
Number ol day taught 14
Number ot days attendance. .... .4tHusj
Number of days absence 678j
Number of times tardy 60
Whole number ot nova enrolled. . ai
Whole number of girls enrolled.. 27
Total number enrolled 68
Average number belonging 30
A vera go daily attendance 26
Numlier of vititor 64
First term roll of honor: Grace Kel
ley, Jennie Spence, Eona Perry, Walpha
irll.ui. U t . Tl. ...Irl.u.k
(VUllKlt,. mIIU KTI1U. jjuii. Jjimmin..
Walpha Konkle, Manly Copeland. Third
term: ixia israaaocx, imarie praa
dock and Walpha Konkle.
Miss Lkah Wilsox, Teacher.
Willnmtnn, la tliA rAnnrr. of tho. Mavffar
u,nnl fn 1.A mrillfh AnHinff .1 11 HA 9!
Number ol days taugiu
l . . . x I JEn
INumueroi uays Ruenuwice wv
VnmruHi rtovi nhaAnOA 171
A.' UHI UVS WB WJ a sp
Nninlier nf times tartly 7
Nnrnhnr (,f hnvu Anrnllttd 15
it i :.i. .,...nll.,. lal
UUIIWrui K1IID vmuuuu w
Notal number enrolled 83
Average daily attendance 23
Those neither absent nor tardy were :
Boy Mttrcott and Eddie Btichols.
The following were visitors during the
month: Miss llenrici, Mra. King, Mrs.
McOollatn, Mr. King and Mr. McOollam.
Koiikkt Uoals, Teacher.
For a complete stock of merchan
dise call at Wru. II. Dolman's.
Mr. W. F. Slaughter, of Mayger, wa
in town xuursuay morning.
Rev. C. E. Phllbrook will preach at
Bachelor Flat at 11 a. m. and at Heap-
poose at 8 p. m., Sunday.
Prof. A. W. Ackerman, state superin
tendent of publie instruction, arrived
down on the Telephone Thnraday morn
ing to deliver a lecture before the
teacher in the evening.
Dr. Garrett' on, while here on an ex
cursion last Tuesday, lost a valuable book
at the grove. The book belong to the
Portland Public Library. Finder please
leave with James Sheldon.
Call and see sample of job printing at
thl ollloe. We make a specialty of pro
gramme for entertainments, concerts,
etc. All kinds of printing strictly up to
mi'lonilKuiHl bus Men liy ths Huiiorable
County Uou lily Court uf Columbia County, Btata
of Oremin, appointed admliilmrauw of the iMmi
of Klmor K. Whitney, deceawl, snd that I have
claims Kuiul the aaid euta are hereby re
quired to preaent ths , Mcoroiwnled br
roiwr vouchera, at the law orllve of Cole it
ulck, In ut. Helena, In said County and UlMlt,
wiiDio iix momim irom me uaw uaraoi.
Dated June 2nl. ltwv.
Administrator of the Estate of Klmor E. Whit
ney, deceued. O. W. COLE.
Attorney for AdmlnUtrator.
ed administrator of the enlate of Murdo
M-Ky, deoeaeed, by the County Court of the
Bute of Orrxon, for Columbia County, and haa
qualified. All persona havlne; claims against
BMia aeiAte are nereoy doui a in preiwiii wiem
to me, with proper vouohera, within aix montha
trnm Oila riiLtn. ill mv oUlce. room 727. Chamber
of Couiinenw, Portland, Oregon, or to J. O.
Wattt, at hla olBoe at the court house, In Ht. Hel
ena. Dated June 21, law.
(Hlnel) J. u. MUKEumv,
Administrator ol the estate of Murdo Mc Kay,
deceased. 123)21
Land Ornca at Obsoom City. Ob.,
Juno 12th, ia9.
followlnx-nained settler baa filed notice of
his Intention to make Dual proof In support of
his clAitn. ihut fluid Droof will be made before
the County Clerk ol Columbia county, at St. Hel
ens, Oregon, on July 22, im), viz:
HnntMU-iut cntrr No. MSI. for the rjU of nwU of
section 82, '4 of iw'i of section 211, township s
norm, range o want.
He nsmvH tho following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: Martin Qutrental, Louts Boeck,
Carl Klckman and Lee Handera, all of Keasey,
Oregon. J16J21 CHA8. B. HOORKS, Register.
Laud Ornca at Obeoob City, Ob.,
June 12th. 1809.
followlna-naiued settler has tiled notice of
hla Intention to make final proof In support of
bis claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk of Columbia County, at
St. Helens, Oregon, on July 22, 1H, Tig:
Homestead entnf 99"2, for the southeast H of
section 3u, township ft north, range 6 west. He
names the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous rosi'lf nee upon and cultivation of said
hind, vis: Thomas Fettijohn, of Vernonia, Or
egon, W.C. KlrkMiBii, August Hchlllupert and
Fred Kalllnat, of Kensey, Orcunn.
J16J21 CM AS. B. MOOKK8, Register,
Lakd Ornca at Obioon Citt, Ob.,
r..n i.t.i. tenn
followiiie-nained settler Iihs tiled notice of
his Intention to muko final proof in support of
nis Claim, ana tout sain prooi win oe maoe oe
forc the RcL'Utcr and Receiver, at Oregon Citv.
Oregon, ou August 2nd, IK!!, viz:
Homestead entr; XVI0, for the s1' of swVi, and
nw of sw1 of section 27, and neH of se of
sectuin 28, township 4 north, range 4 west.
He iiaiuea the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of
said land, vis: Win. in D. Voder, Jonaa Y. KaufT
man, JohnC. Mulllus and Anthony Marculon,
all of Vernonia, Oregon.
28j28 CHA8. B. MOORES, Register.
Land Ornca at Obiooii City. Ob ,
June 16th, 1U9D.
following-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the Register and Receiver, at Oregou City,
Oregon, on August 2nd, 18D9, vis:
Homestead entrv No. 9772. for the nwW of sec
tion 15, township 4 north, range 4 west.
Ha names the following wituesses to nrove his
continuous resilience span, and cultivation ot
said land,- viz: jonn muiiins, eimon u.
Voder, J. A. McDonald and Philip Olahn, allot
Vernonia. Oregon.
yajJS CHAS. B. MOORE8, Register.
Land Ornca at Okioon City, Ob..
June loth. 1899.
following-named settler haa filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the Register aud Receiver, at Oregou City,
Oregon, ou August 2nd, loan, via:
Homestead entrv No. 9N92. for the nt&4 of aectlon
16. township 4 north, range 4 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
hts continuous reaidenoe upon, and cultivation
of said land, via: John A. McDonald, John C.
Mullins, Jonaa Y. Kaufman and Anthony llar
chlou, all of Vernonia, Oregon. -J23J28
CHAS. B. MOORES, Register.
Lakd Ornca at Obsosm City, Ob.,
June IB. ISM.
1 following-named settler haa tiled notice of
his intention to make final proof tu support of
hts claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the Register and Receiver, at Oregon City,
Oregon, on August 2nd, law, via:
Homestead entry No. 906!), for the nV of the nrt
and -wS of aX of section 22, township 4 north,
range 4 west.
He names the following witnesses to Drove hts
continuous residence upon aud cultivation of
said land, via: jonn a. AtoDonaiu, eimon v.
Yoder, Jonas Y. Kauflmau and PhlllpOlahn, all
of Veruunia, Oregon.
J23J2U CHAS. B. MOORES, Register.
Land Ornca at Obsoom City, Or.,
June iff. 1899.
following-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the Register aud Receiver, at Oregon City,
Oregou, on August 2nd, 1899, vis:
Homestead entry 9920, for the H of the ne1,
and eU of S0A4 of section 21, township 4 north,
range 4 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vis: Simon D. Yoder, Jouaa Y.
Kautllnaii, John C. Mullins and Philip Olahn,
all of Voruonia, Oregon.
J28J28 CHAS. B. MOORES, Register. .
For Catalogue addresa
Or W. A. WANN, Secretary ol Faculty.
How Is Your WlteT
Has she lost her beauty T If so, Con
stipation, Indigestion, Sick Headache
are tlie principal causes. Karl's uiover
Boot Tea ha cared these ills for half a
century. Price 25 ctt. and 50 ct. Money
refunded if results are not satisfactory.
Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist, Ht.
Helens, and N. A. Perry, Houlton.
Vatea Tkia strike YmT
Mnddy Complexion and Nauseating
Breath fromchronicconatipation. Karl'
Clover Boot Tea ia an aosolote cure and
ha been sold for fifty year on an abso
lute guarantee. Price 26 ct). and 50 cts.
Bold by Dr. Kdwin Boss, druggist, tit,
Helen, and N. A. Perry, Hon! top.
Tell Your Slater.
A Beautiful Complexion ia an impossi
bility without gotal pure blood, the ort
tnat only exists in connection wnn gooa
digestion, m healthy liver and bowel.
Karl' Clover Boot Tea acta directly on
the bowels, liver and kidneys, keeping
them in perfect health. Price 25 cts.
and 60 cts. gold by Dr. Edwin Rosa,
druggists, Bt. Helens, and W. A. Perry,
D Yea Ksiow
Consumption is preventable? Science
lias proven tnat, ana atso tnat neglect is
nicidal. The worst cold or cough can
be cured with Shiloh' Cough and Con
umption Cure. Bold on a positive
guarantee for over fifty years. Bold by
Dr. Edwin Rosa, drugtfist Bt. Helens,
and N. A. Perry, Honlton.
County Treasurer's Notice.
Coubtt Tbbasubbb's Ornca,
i.1 unpaid county warrants Ol t;oiiinuie
County, Oregon, which have been presented
and endorsed- "Not Paid for Want of funds,"
prior to July 1st, Imus, will be paid upon pre
sentation at thl olhce. Interest will not be al
lowed after this date. EDWIN ROriS,
j2XJ21 Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon.
Notice of Final Settlement.
June 7tb, 1899, the undersigned filed hla
Anal account aa administrator In the Countr
Court of the atate of Oregon, for Columbia
County, and that by order of aald Court, duly
made and entered, the 8th day of July, 1WJ9, at
the Court room of said Court, In said counly. at
ten o'clock A. M. was designated aa the time
and place for bearing objections to the allow
ance of said final account and tho settlement
thereof. 0. D. DUNNINO,
Administrator of the Estate ol Mlcbael Flutrer-
ald, deceased. J9J7
residing In Oak Point Precinct. Columbia
County, atate of Oregon, would respectfully pe
tition your honorable body at Its neat regular
term, whleh will be held on I he Mb day of July
199. in the Courthouse In St. Helens. Colombia
County, Htate of Oregon.tbat a license be granted
to w. Jb. ruLLiABi to sen spirituous, vinous ana
malt liquors In quantities leas than one gallon
in Oak Point Precinct, at Mayger, Columbia
County, Oregon, and that said license be granted
for a period of six mouths, for whkh we will
ever pray:
w r Hiangnier, unas bibck, jonn uejarnati,
Henry Henderson. Wm McCallam.R H King. A P
McUraw.LBtockenberg, Jas Htockeuberg.Charlaa
Churchill, Leonard S Mason. A Stockeuberg, Jaa
Coouer.Wm Ternahan. ChasErickson.J E Kiack.
C A Ternahan, Robert Teruahan,Charles Bundin,
Lotus riunrer, v w awing, uuver Kanger. u b
Pulllam, N C Ewlng, Jno Brayant, F D Crandall
W M Lusk, W M Roberts, C N Davidson, J W
Huffman, Fred Fluhrer, Frank E Barnes, Q W
Barnes, G E Barnes, W A Winter. F Ford, Charley
Mayger, Wm Fluhrer, C R Dilley, John Dooley,
Ambros Madden, 8 R Norgren, A M Anderson,
M C McDonald, Stephen McBarnes, J W Turner,
OHITOlsen. T Taylor, P C Uallahex, Carl stock
euberg, John Wilson, Simon Kaspar.
BIA County, obboon:
II residing in Deer Island precinct, Colum
bia County, ftt-ate of Oregon, would respectfully
petition your honorable body at its next regular
term, which will be held on the 5th day of July,
1h9. In the Courthouse in the Citv of St. Helens.
Columbia County. Htate of Oregon, that a license
be granted to O.E. HuNTxa, to sell spirituous,
vinous and malt liquors in quantities less than
oue gallon in Deer Island precinct. In said
County and State, and that said license be
granted for a period of one year, for which we
win ever pray:
(Dated at Goble this 29th day of April. 1899.)
W E Hunter, H H Fowler, Curtis Batnt, Wm
ter, FC Cleaver, CE Leavens, I C Monroe, L
rreaaey, Victor rurer, A r Baton, Thomas Peo
ples, Frank Webber, J W Ball, J Burbee. G L
Vivian, Wm Hartley. F L Sweet, G C Jaqufsn , C
Aklers, G Genber, Cbaa Anderson, W M Vraine,
F 8 Webber, J E Voncarnap, George Foster jr.,
A Emmons, W Delano, B H Neer, Jay Archibald,
M McKay, G W Pltzenberg, O A Spinneys, B
Uavard. J A Anderson. C VonBercen. E Wasser.
Ch Morel, T Waaser, L Btehman, M Link, H
Mtenman, 1 uonuen, is w rarr, uno i.rax,
Gabriel Graiahal. B McCorailck. B Jenne. I M
Spencer, Jack Despain, J E Conboy, C Kratzke,
John Dunne, Will Bishop, James Holden, Henry
Blake, Jas A Kul, H Blake, P Drumm, C E
Sprague, C L Wilcox, Geo W Iman, John Black-
eter, ml9l2S
In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
Columbia County.
rants which were issued more than seven
years prior to the first day of July, 1899, which
have not been Dald. to whom issued, amount of
each warrant and the date of issuance, and the
number and class of warrant, and if said war
rants are not presented for payment within slxtv
(60) days from the first day of July, 1K99, they
will be cancelled by order of the County Court,
and payment thereof will be refused:
76 ....July, 18M....L Elliott f 100
711 ....July, lam. ...Fred Weed 150
324 ....Jan., 1885... .Wm Symons 2 00
3.12 ....Jan., ls5.... James Hamilton .... 2 00
828 ....July, 1886....JohnMCrook 170
27 ....July, lK8....John Link 1 70
829 ....Jlllv, 1886.... R Hudson 170
It ....July, lns6....Ja Dobbins 3 00
879 ....July, 1886.. ..John Nelson 100
8H4 ....July, 1886.... Earnea Ferine 2 10
890 ... July, 18o.... Susan Bumdstedt.... 8 90
127 ....Jan., 1887.... McKercherA Thomp
son 1 40
tng ....July, 1887.... Charles Olson 2 00
506 ....Sept. 1887.. ..Ira Epperson 2 10
740 ....Jan., 1888. ...Mary Benham 1 90
741 ....Jan., 1888....W R Bates 170
830 ....Apr.,1888....Mrs DeJouruette 2 10
831 ....Apr., 18S8....H Bradley 2 40
832 ....Apr.,1888....Goo D Barhard 75
918 ....July, lx8....JRMcUraw S 00
978 ....July, 1888.. ..Wm Amea. 10 50
nbw assise
401 ....Jan.. 1889. ...At James 1 Of)
184 ....Sept.lW9....Chaa Meaerva 8 76
512 ....Oct., 1889....J H Bonser 2 20
695 ....Jan. 1890.... James Wallace W
L Graham 17 46
70S ..Apr..l890.. ..Levi Somen 2 90
707 ....Apr.,1890....J JVenetta 150
987 ....July, 1890.... James Kelley 1 00
1011. ...July, 18H0....A B Lewis 8 00
1104.... Aug. 1890.... W S Miller 1 70
1406. ...Men. 1891.... Jesse Burnett 2 50
1419.. ..Mch. 1891. ...Nat McGraw 1 00
1421. ...Mch. 1891.... George Morton. 1 00
Kill. ...July. 1891. ...Charles Hart S 00
1638.... July, 1891. ...Margaret McAyeal... 1100
1637.. ..July, 1891.... Martin Burna 4 20
1650.... July, 1891.... M Burns 4 20
1779. ...Nov. 18l....John Stitt 1 50
1784. ...Nov. 1891....MreFennlsDeRock.. 2 00
1816.... Nov. 1891.... Jno Watson 4 40
l!0....Mch. 18H2.. ..Henry Nelson 3 10
l'.U.,..Mi h. 1892.... Martha E Stratum... 2 70
2060. ...May, 1892.... ChaaGomme... 2 76
Total., 131 70
J. G. WATTS, County Clerk,
State Normal School
Training School for Teachers. New Build
ings, new uepartments, ungraded
CoHutry School Work.
....Graduate! Stcun Good Position)...
strong Courses, Well Equipped Training
department, normal course quieaeBl
aua nest way to state i. ertuicate.
Expenses for year from 1120 to 1160, or
ooara vz.w to is.wi per wee, rwu
lon 96.25 for term of ten weeks.
Fall form begins Sept. 19th. Summer
term June xi ro oepr. i.
;vivMs'tsv's''t vv-s v a va, mnui'.mst wmm-.Wira
The Kind Too Have Always Boaght, and which haa been
la use for over 30 years, baa borne the aijjrnatnre of
-ytf and has been made nnder hla per
C.jC(?'f&ir aonal anpervlslon since Its Infancy.
V 4c4U AHow no one to deceive yon in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are bnt Ex
periment that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infanta and Children experience against Experiment.'
Castorla is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation,
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend
' Bears the
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
tmc rnxmugm omm, tt mnmv tumt. mrwmi etrr.
....St. Helens' Popular Store....
We Have Everything You Want
in the Line of
..Merchandise.. 1
fc: Our Prices are Right! Come and Bee as, whether
yon bay or not. We are pleased to
show goods and give prices. ?3
z 3
Loggers' Outfits. Logging Camps Supplied
"St. Helens
....J. H. SHELDON, Prop g
Fresh Meats, Sausage, Hams, Bacon, Lard I
Bacon, Lard and Hams Sold way Down. Special Bates
Given on Orders ior Large Quantities of Meat.
Main Street,
m ay ayi mj y sy mj ajs ay y V
....Carries a Large Assortment of..
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats Gaps Dresses, Etc
Onr line of groceries, tobacco, cigars, candies, nuts, fruits, etc., ia
new and clean, in fact, oar entire stock consists of strictly up-to-date
goods, which we Invite the public to inspect. Portland prices for goods.
H. MOROUS, Proprietor,
St Helens, Oregon
"j r '": 'r
1 fTJT TJ rpDUDO e '1Rve c"0'0 'ot of one and two-year-old
At ILL ItxLLd. Til-li-3ftTi:l2L0JS.,, Spy' Bld"
fin, i;jiij.ui ktvi iuu vjiat cuatuui f
WiUqmntto Druno 0ne ,ml two-year-old trees, (jlona were obtained from a
nilldlllCllC rlUIIC. - prominent fruit grower, and were out from bearing trees.
Including a 1:1.90 Shoe
lor Ladles or Meu
0 Kelt Door
253 Morrison Street, Near Third, - Portland, Oregon g,
Signature of
Meat Market.... g
St. Helens.
V "V V V V V V V -V 'yflF
T 1
Harris' Old Stand
t Jl " llt f bbWsW
101 00MPAIY
-:- SALE
All Stylos. Black or Tan w
All Warranted. 4
A Pair
to N. P. R. Office o