OREGON. MIST 1IIICD KVRBT FHIK t MOKlllll -sr- DUtlD DAVIS, Editor ami Fropnto ftaikscrlptlsia HiMea. fine nnnv Ana vear la advtm-a. ... SI On oni.r sla mouths.-...... -.....- W single copy , .. Adrsrttsing rat "nade known upon application COLOMBIA COUNTV DIRECTORY, COIIK TV OI'tlCEHS. Judge. ........ rk Joseph B. Doan, Ratttter .j. u. rraua, . timeita Cler Sheriff. Treasurer Buol. of School!.. AHaMMMnr Surveyor..,. Ueo. Hayes, Mayirar Coroner Dr. A. P. McLaren, Kainir Commissioners 1 N D Peterson, MUt ...J. N. Rice. Clatukanli E. Rosa, Hi. Helena ..J. H. C'opalaiut, w erren .Martin wtuie, uniucy June 30, 1899. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPCR. Baron Tac Mist will have appeared again to it readers the people of this natian will have celebrated the 123d an niversary of ita birth in a manner not commonplace in the leastwise. Of all occasions when the people of tiiU coun try get together, it is npon the nation's birthday. Political ideas are laid aside and one joins the other in the knowl edge that one proud flag floats bravely over all. The acme of perfection to which this nation has attained is all the proof necessary that oar country's founders builded wiser than they knew And is there not every reason for our haughty ideas and the proud spirit with which Old Glory floats out npon the breexesT Americans scarcely realize what glorious country it is in which it is their privilege to exist nntil the true worth of Yankee blood was demonstrated on the field of battle and aboard the many ironclads which today sail upon the mighty oceans with flying colors of triumph and victory, defying other na tions and defending our own shores. The celebration of the national birthday appeals to the nobler elements of man kind and patriotism bursts forth in boundless demonstrations illustrating the love of home and native land. There is every reason to be proud, every reason to be patriotic, and the American people next Tuesday will illustrate in their conduct that this is one nation with but one flag. HOULTON MOTES. School was out last Friday at this place. Miss Grace Kelley visited out at Val ley last weex. Mrs. W. E. Moffett returned home last Friday morning. Mrs. Eensbaw visited Portland Friday of last week. Miss Ida Rowley visited in Scappoose witn mends last bandar. H. 0. Howard made a business trip to Portland last Wednesday morning. Mrs. Wilds, a sister of Mrs. I. H. Copeland, is visiting here this week. From the looks of thing, Hon! ton is not going to have a celebration this year. Seven new members were taken into the United Artisans last Friday evening. Wm. Mellinger, sr. carried the mail in the absence of Mr. Mills last Monday. Mr. A. M. Jolly moved into the Knighton house, near the railroad track, last week. Esther, the little granddaughter of Mrs. M. r. binith, has been quite HI the past week. Joseph Dupont, of Valley, has pur chased a new wagon. That looks like prosperity. Delos Walker's cousin from Green ville, Washington county, is visiting here this week. Several Artisans, of this place, went 1 Scappoose kat Saturday evening to orti..uia ma assembly there. Mrs. M. P. Smith's son of the S. P. E. E. office in Portland, paid a visit to bis mother on Sunday last. N. A. Perrry, his wife and mother started on a trip to Molalla, Clackamas county, last Sunday morning. James Spence, Delos Walker and John Winters took a spin to Scappoose on their wheels last Saturday evening. The Northern Pacific will sell excur sion tickets to Portland on July 2d, 3d and 4th for one fare for the round trip. Watson Philbrook arrived home from Forest Grove last week. He has been at tending college there during the past year. Saturday night will be the next meet ing night for the Artisans instead of Friday. This assembly has nearly sixty members in good standing. VKltNONIA VARIETIES. Haying will soon be upon as. Rev. Stroup brought his family in last SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION Proceeding Hail and Resolutions Adopted. aiwk. . li I, u. . bv secretary u. u. uainy, tne president Mr. Dow is making a Hirht wauon for L.i ....... u. .u.t .n,i h , .................. i nramtitKi tnrouenoui me session, Altar Om Everr Battle Of Shiloh'i Consumption Cure la this guarantee : "All we ask of you is to use two-thirds of the contents of tlila Uittln The convention was called to order Jaithfl!y, then, if you say you are not umiviivtro, return me ooiue to your S. B. Rose came home on a visit last Sunday. H. K. Shirk, of Pebble creek, was in town last Friday. Mist Haines went out to attend In stitute last Tuesday. Mrs. Dorr Keasey came in from Houl ion last Monday with Fred Zellar. Children's day was observed last Sun day ing. Mr. A. Soule is laboring from the ef fects of inflammatory rheumatism this week. the devotional" Mrs. J. A. English made us all feel at home in a felicitous address of welcome. In behalf of the delegates, Dr. Whitaker responded. Then fol lowed the opening address by Rev, Rob ert Mc.-I.ean, of Portland. He was a very interesting speaker. The minutes of the last annual meeting were read ana ami roved. Then, as Mr. I. II. Copeland was ab sent. Mr. G. U. Haley was asked to take The exercises were very interest- up the topic, "Jesus, the Ideal Teacher." Following this came a verv fine paper fsmtlii, on me mukibv bv Rev. U. V School as a Soul Saver." Considerable discussion followed this paper. The benediction was then pronounced by Dr. Whitaker. The evening-session was given np to a lecture by Kev. ueo. vvuitaaer, u. v., president of the Portland university. It was a masterpiece, the subject being "The Coining Church." For over an hour the Doctor held the attention of the audience as he traced the growth of the I'acitic states to a place of Hrst rank in the commercial world. This would j j ,i ... r , m . be a result ot territorial expansion, uie Claud and Hattie If wis, of Clats- buildi , the Trans-Siberian railway, Lme. ar viNitma-with IhAir oramlmtp- I . , . x-: i ana in upeiiinu; 01 uie iwwraguai gmim, He then showed the power ot the coming church under the new conditions of thins, if she will onlr exercise it. In conclusion, he declared that those who would wield great influence and power must be the ones who are prepared mor ally and intellectually, incidentally cal ling attention to the advantages of Port land university. Quite a number of our teachers went to St. Helens last Monday to attend the institute. Dr. Hatfield has been called to attend persons near Mist three times in the past two weeks. C. S. McNutt will have a good supply of ice cream and lemonade on hand at the upper N'ehalem celebration. Mauiac, as... ..o.v.u n..u ,,,v, . k .. ents, air. and Airs, fcmmona, this week. The neoDle of noner Nehalem will ob serve the Fourth at Phil Sheeley's grove. Dr. Hatfield will be Uie orator of the day. A large number of people from the up per Nehalem and Rock creek regions were in town Sunday attending chil dren's exercises. F. L. Adams had the misfortune to fall and have his shoulder thrown out of place last Friday. He is able to be around at present. 0. C. Spencer and Chas. Malmsten re turned from Clatskanie last Friday. where they had been attending the Sun day school convention. They report a pleasant time. 0. C. Spencer went over the mountain to 1st. Helens last luesday, taking Mr. Anderson and Miss Eva Malmsteu. Mr. Anderson goes to California and Miss Eva to Portland. Mrs. Oliver Burris died at 7 p. m. last Friday, near Mist. Deceased had con tracted the typhoid form of pneumonia. The remaining members of the family are quite low ; also the tamiiy ol Mr. momas. It seems that Dr. Hatfield's address THCBSDAY MOBNIMQ SESSION After the usual opening exercises, the reports of the Sundav schools were called lor. These were very encouraging, in deed. Bible Knowledge Among Sunday School Scholars," was very ably bandied by Mrs. E. JS. Mover. ne urged that bible knowledge should begin in the homes. Mrs. Keasey could not at tend the convention, but sent her paper, which was read by Mr. Omar Spencer. Subject, "is it wise to Have a vaca tion." It was very good. The report of the comity secretary, G. G. Haley was read and it was very in teresting. It showed a loss of three schools, but a gain of over 130 pupils. arTXRKOOM SESSION. After the opening exercises a paper entitled "Sunday school Literature in Country Schools," was read bv Mrs. J. has stirred up in the News all the little I J. Tingle. It was interesting. A lengthy paper on "leaching oy dogs of the country around. The latest whining yap comes from upper Pebble creek correspondent, criticizing upon a subject not even touched, which shows that he (as the others) was not present. The trouble with this whole growling. snapping brood, from the lank one who pared paper entitled "Smile or Frown. tries to occupy the editorial chair on It proved a verv helpful topic down to the least, is that their already I Then followed miscellaneous business, contracted brains are so saturated with I under which the following officers were Being." was read bv G. G. Haley. A beautiful duet, entitled "Looking This Way," was sung by Miss Popham and Mr. Spencer. Mrs. M. V. uray read a careiuuy p re- party prejudice that they cannot grasp the thought that a question being in pol itics does not prevent its Deingdiscuesed from an independent and patriotic point of view. All the burning issues of the day are in politics, and in to Btay until settled oy the independent-thinking voter and not by the partisan. Since the doctor is to deliver the Fourth of July address at the upper Kehaleiu cele bration and may again turn over a live coal, we would advise these diminutive snarlers to attend before barking. "WARREN DOI-NGS. elected: President, Dr. J. E. Hall; vice presidents, Mrs. Gray, A. N. Clark and 1. H. Copeland ; secretary, Rev. G. G.Haley; treasurer, Rev. C. E.Phil brook. Program committee for 1901, Rev. Philbrook, Rev. Haley, Mr. Copeland, Mrs. Gray and Mrs. W. T. Watts. Mr. O. Spencer and Mrs. Gray were chosen delegates to the state convention. Alter toe report ot the committee on resolutions, the convention adjourned to meet at Houlton M. E. chnri-h on call of the chair. Ciias. A. Malmhtkn, Secretary pro tern. KESOLCTIONS. To the delegates to the Columbia County Sunday School Association in convention at Clatskanie, June 21, 22 and 23, 1899: Whereas, Toe good people ot Clatska nie have so royally entertained us and made us feel at borne among them, and Whereas. The young ladies especially have assisted us so beautifully bv dis- Clarence Garrison and wife spent 8un- coursing such sweet music, and day with Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt. " hereas, Brother Smith, working , . . , ,. inomewnai unuer a uuauivauuigv, uiu so " " F"""g much to make this convention a success. therefore be it RxsoLVko, That we extend to the pas- druggist and he may refund the price paid.11 Price 26 ota., 60 eta. and $1.00. poiu Dy dt. fidwin nose, druggist, St, iieieiia, anu o, a. rerry, tiouiton. ..BRINN'S SALOON. A Card of Thanks. I wish to sav that I feel under lasting obligations for what Chamberlain's cough Kemedy has done for our family. We nave used it in so many cases of coughs, lung troubles and whooping cougn, ano it nas always given the most Seriuct satisfaction, we leel greatly In ebted to the manufacturers of this rem edy, and wish them to please accept our nearly msnKs. nespeciiuiiy, Mas, ts. Doty, Des Moines, Iowa. For sale by rw ..j...i. ii A - it. cuwiu xwwh, uruggisi. Ladles' mens' and childrens' straw hats, 10 cents each, at the New York store. rKOFESSIONAL, R. i, 8. HALL, PHY8ICIAN AND 8URGEON, Clatakauie, Columbia county, Or, jQK. KDWIK K08S, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon qr. a. R. curv, PHY8ICIAN AND SURGEON. Bt, Helens, Oregon. G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND COUN8KLOR-AT-LAW, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Title Alutract Books. Notary Public. Commli- sloner ot ltotMn lor Washington, and anexpr- wiicvuir iu cuuuovnun wun ouicv. J. W. DAY W. B. DILLAKD gtUarl & I?U. ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW Office next door to Conrthouae, HT. HEI.KNrt, OKKl.ON. General oraotiee in court of Oron or Wutk ItiKtou. Abatracli mailt directly frota county rcvuru. 8TKAMKR. Ij TLJ" IR. Ii 1 1ST HI PORTLAND AND ASTORIA Leaves Portland everr night at 8 o'clock lor Astoria, (except buuuay.) Haturuay nigni at iu. Heturnlng, leaves Astoria at 6:30 o'clock rrrrv niurnifj muuuay. OU11- day at U: IX) o'clock p. ui. Mrs. Hart, of Kelso. relatives. is here visiting Jack Cooper intends to leave for the Palouse country soon. J. 8. Bacon is agent for the Golden Eagle and Phoenix bicycles. Miss OIlie Ellis is here on a visit to her mother, Mrs. Hawkins. tor and members of the M. E. church and the good people of Clatskanie, our nanus, ana nereoy express our appreci ation of their efforts, and be it further Resolved. That we wish them god speed and eminent success. Whereas, We learned at the opening of this convention of the unavoidable absence of Rev. C. E. Philbrook, our ef ficient and able president for two terms past, and Whereas, He has tendered his resig nation, therefore be it Resolved, That we, the members of the Columbia County Sunday School As sociation, hereby express our apprecia tion of bis efficient services, and be it further Resolvko. That we regret that he could not be with ns, having greatly missed his genial leadership, and be it further Rksolved. That a copy of these reso lutions be sent to Brother Philbrook by the secretary, and also that a copy be entered on our minutes. G. G. Halbt, Mas. J. E. Bbods, Mas. J. J. Tihole, Committee on Resolutions. VALLEY ITEMS. W. D. Miller took a trip to Portland last week. J. Dupont went to Portland on Mon day to buy a new wagon. We had a nice shower of rain on Sun day which freshened up growing crops. Mrs. Kelly, from Houlton, paid a short visit to Mrs. Dupont on the 26th. Hav is considered a good average crop here this year. The fruit crop is likely to be scarce. A. Shive has returned home from Cal ifornia where he has been working the past five months. He reports crops very good there this year. A social party was given by Mr. Du pont on the 23d,. Friends from Peris and vicinity were present, numbering twenty-two all told. The evening was spent by amusing exercises, dancing, etc. Lunch was furnished at midnight by Mrs. Dupont. All seemed to enjoy themselves. The party was given on the strength of a new organ, which by mistake, did not arrive until the next day. When I came down to work this morning I felt so weak I could hardly work. I went to Miller A McCurdy's drug store and they recommended Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It worked like magic, and one dose fixed me all right. It certainly is the finest thing I ever used for stomach trouble. I shall not 1 without it in my home hereafter, for I should not care to endure the sufferings of last night for fiftv times its nrice. G. H. Wilbom. Bummer goods in endless variety at ' Livervruan. Bureettstown. Washington the New York store. Get your Fourth -ounty, Pa. This remedy is for sale by of July suits at once. Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist. few days here with relatives. Emmet Stevens has sold his bicvcle. jonn uawkins Deing tne purchaser, Dave Williams, of Portland, spent fcunday with 11. 11. Clark and family The gold watch which was raffled off here last week was won by Mr. L. Wilson. Cliff Ellis, of Portland. Brent a few days of last week with his mother, at una piace. Messrs. Will and Gug Marquam. of roruana, were here attending to Duel ness one day last week. Mr. Shroder, proprietor of the skim ming station located at this place, is nere attending to Dusiness. Mr. H. H. Clark has purchased ten head of milch cows from Ole Bohman, we purcnasiog price Deing I3uu. Mr. R. O. Hazen and wife and Miae Edythe Hazen, Will Cooper and wife, were roruana visitors last week, Warren Dobbins, who has been visit ing relatives here for the last month, returned to vt ana walla last week, M. David, and Will and Charles Pattullo. spent Saturday and Sunday on Mr Pat- tuno's ranch near here, A spark from a defective flue set fire to the roof ol Marion Bender's bouse on Friday last, but was discovered be fore any serious damage was done, Mr. Gove, who was here on a visit to Mr. Met Hazen, died very suddenly on Thursday of last week. The remains were shipped to Portland for burial on baturuay. A double team attached to a light Duggy, driven by Mart Hazen, took fright at something in the road on Tues day last and ran away, but caused no serious damage. Rev. Renshaw, who intended to hold revival meetings here at the close of school, informs us that he cannot secure the seboolhouse for that purpose, but will try to secure the tent which he had before. Mr. Rensbaw will fulfil his ap pointment here next Sunday. Miss Crosby, who has just finished a very successful term of school here, ten dered to her pupils a picnic on last Fri day at Scappoose falls. Early in the morning several wagons were loaded with lunch baskets, youngsters, Mrs. Baker's Snnday school class, and a few older people, who enjoyed the trip as much as the younger ones. Would Not Buffer So Ag-aln tor Fifty Times Ita Price. I awoke last night with severe pains I 01-. Tfi in my stomach. I never felt so badly in O Kill XlSCclS6Se nil AAJ T IJIfJ, ST. CHARLES HOTEL Front & Morrison Sts., Portlani Under New Management 150 Booms at 23 Tents to 60 Cents. Suites 75 Cents to 11.00. Elevator. Electric Lights and and all Modern Conveniences. Bells, TOWNSHIP PLAT FILED. Lands in Township 2, Range O, Sub ject to Entry. Uhitkd States Land Orrica, Uksoom city, Or., June 17, lsw. Notice is hereby given that the ap proved fractional plat of township 2 north, range 6 west, has been received from the survevr general of Oreeon. and on August 1st, 18U9, at 9 o'clock A. M. of enid date, said plat will be tiki in this office and the lands therein embraced will be subject to entry on and after said date. Uhab. 15. MooKiis, uegister. Wm. Galloway, Receiver. Free Bus Meets all Boats and Trains. Restanrant Connected with Hotel Oregon Telephone 2)9. Columbia Telephone '7. White Collar Line Wm. tfvtnn, fcvp. If you want aomaihlng good In the una ui wnuay try SHAW'S MALT Onlr tha beat of Llwrs and Ciiars Kept In Stock Pool and Card TablM fur tha naa of r-atnim. Cuurtooua trvatuiaut. (Batwaan tha twa Hotali.) ST.HUSNS, . . OREGON. OPEN FROM 6 A. M. TO II O'OLOOK MIDNIOHT. a) MfflwnifflmffimwfffflfflffliiininmifffflntfflWfflWffli I ....MONEY SAVED IS MONEY EARNED.,.. THE CL0HW0CH m WHITHtr, THS rMOUS GYRUS NOBLE WHISKEY Bealilea otbar standard braada ot liquor, la kept alwajra on band. gJeittljrtrlV er. rani tablua, pool labia, aud billiard labia lor the ao of patroua. St. IIlna, Oregosw A STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER il RAILROAD COMPANY. RKADIIOWN DAILY. 24 M. 7 00 8 06 S 'X t 8 S 44 a iw ( M 9 OH 11 9 S7 10 00 10 OH 10 'JO 10 .10 22 A. M. 8 00 9 06 t 10 t 4A !. M M.S 10 00 !U.8 10 lO M II 10 21 l71.il 10 S TS 7 u ai ,k 11 10 iU0.3 II n ;W.4l u ao 'at tv kTATiona. L, Ar . Portland.. Ar .. (lohlu .... ..Km nler ... . Pyramid... ., vor..., ..Quincy Clamkanla.. Marabtand.. . WMtport... .. Clifton.... ..Knappa,.., . Hveoaon..,. .John Pay... .. Ailnrla ... I,r MAD ur DAILY. at 2 a. m. r. M. 11 14 t 40 10 10 S 86 i 67 S 20 40 n 00 l 7 64 IS IS TJD OS 7 IK 7 17 S 40 it) S 17 ( (07 fit 7 M S 10 I 7 46 S 00 BEABIDK DIVISION r. a. 6 00 s a 6 60 t 30 21 H. II S6 11 66 12 IS 1 00 Dally .0 Lv. 6.i Ar . J Lv . Aitorta , W amnion Ar! i.; Art HKj,l,le....I, a as iTi." "fTV. 7 40 4 00 7 JO K t W S 10 16 i m AIITralm to and from hvMi run to Plnvnl anu new Anuria via narreuloo. SPECIAL SUNDAY 8EAR1D8 TRAIN Loavoa Aatorla at ::) a, m. and arrtvea tk-aalde iMli.m. Paiweniroi-a may return on any train shown In schedule oo name date. Pameniicni for Aaiorla or way points mut fta Mrm at Houlton. iTaiiii will Ntou t let i.mm. aenirelN ofl'at lloultou when com Inn from oolnta west of tioble. J. V, (ten. rag. mar. Ant.. AMorta, Or. MUCKLE BROS. MANUFACTURERS OP Rough and Dressed Lumber Dimension Lumber, Flooring, Buttle, Hheath- ma. uaainn, ana a complete aloes ol eranr variety of lumber kept ou band. AT THE OLD STAND, ST. HKLENS. OB H H H H H THE COLUMBIA BIVXB AND PU0ET BOUND NAVIGATION CO. FOETUID-AiTORIt EOOTE. ...TELEPHONE... Landlna Foot of Alder Street, Portland. Learea Portland dally (except Bunday)ai 7 A. M. Landins Telephone dock, Aatorla. Learea Aitoria dally (except Sunday) 7 P. M. Telepbone Tickets Good on Steamer Potter. Steamer Potter Tickets Good on Telephone. U. B. SCOTT, Pres. Season of 1 800. The black Percheon-CIvde stallion. Roe, owned by Mr. II. O. Howard, of Yankton, will make this season at Mr. Howard's place. Tne Qualities ol tne horse are well known to the breeders of this county. Call at the Columbia irallerv. at Ealn- ier, for the best pictures of the mount ains, timber, Columbia river, ocean and fishing scenes ; also a fine photo of your self, sweetheart, family, ranch, house, stock, etc., by J. F. Ford. . For the rmeed v and tiermanent enrn of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham berlain's Eye and 8kin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued nse effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch, scald bead, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granuiatea nag. Dr. faaVg Condition Powders for horsfcs are the best totifc, blood purifier and vermifuge. Price, 23cento. Soldby Ho Ladies Fnrnitnrs is Complete Without a New LIGHT -RUNNING BINGER SEWING MACHINE. Sold on Eaay Terms without Interest. CP. LOONEY, Agent. Astoria - Oregon. OB POBTLAHD, DAILY. 8TBAMBR it America Willamett Slongh Route Leave St. Helens 7:00 A M Arrive at Portland .. 10:30 A M Leave Portland. ... 2:80 P M Arrive at fctt. Helens... 6:00 P M FA BE 60 CENTS. Will Carry Nothing but Paason gers and Fast Freight. JAITIKS COOD, ITlavater. M li i H M i M M M M M M M M ..Continue to Earn Money by.. Subscribing for the Weekly Oregonian AND The Oregon Mist ' . .Our Clubbing Rate linables Us to.. E Furnish Both Papers for only : TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR ! r lout VVVVaVVVVAVVAV JOHNSON & DURGDORFER BROS 0 Manufaolnrvrs ot and Uoalen In-o ...All Kinds of Rough and Oressed Lumber. i'lee)rlag... Huatlo ...Celling .Dlssieaials Lwaakair OOOO R0AO TO THI MILL.' Mill on south fork of H4imhm creek, four Uillia from H'Mi'HHiaeslalloii. Lumbar delivered l w.i''e slatlnn or Job neon's lamll neal ll.U) lier M, aatra. At Warren station. tl.DO. BOAPPOOSK OKKOON Ft? H H asaTajsnajansjr sragrajsnep sr ay M ....Drugs and Medicines.... Should be bouiilit only at a Drug More, where doubt Is never allowed to enter the mind as to quality of the article sold. We furnish drugs of the required standard of strength tlrtiKs that are right. What you buy at a Drug tftore yoa may depend upon it being what you ask for. ....OUR STOCK OF.... Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles lc rriMPi ctc School llooks and flchool Hupiille. Prearrijitiun Carefully Compounded flay or Night. ...ST. HELENS PHARMACY... Dr. Edwin Koes, Proprlutor. ST. HELENS. - - OREGON H H HOME BAKERY sw LUNCH ROOM MRS- . I.'M'INTVRC. RROPRIETRCSa. Eome-Maile Bread, Pics Caies, Donghnnts Lunclies, 10 cents Dp. Also a 8tock of Notions and Confectionery 1 1 ar tHKXT TO HOWLINd AL.IH1Y, ST. lIICIfC.VH. S aatj CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Ha fast received a large aseortaieat el Freak aad Pare DRUGS 39 ORESnOilLS Also a new and select atoek of druira and patent medicines anu w-nooi suppiie., 1 usually kept at a nrsl fannv statlnnarv. wrhnnl hnn.. , perfumery and toilet articles, aud In fact everything which Is t-claa. drug store. 0. R. & N. CO. ATTT11TmiT V UK1JSWTAL HOTEL Mrs, M. J, Scott Proprietress BT. HELENS, OREGON. A Htrfctly Frst-Class House. A Home for Commercial Travelers and the Public. Hoard ami Lodg ing at Moat Reasonable Kates. A WELL KEPT STABLE Diner Time SCHEDULES r from Portland. Fast Bait Lake, Denver. Ft. Hall Worth, Omaha.Kan- 8 p.m. saa City, Ht, Ixiuls, Chicago and East. Bpokane Walla Walla, Spokane, Flyer, Mln neapol la, Ht. 2:10 p.m. Paul. Dululh, Mil waukee, Chicago A East. - Ocean Steamahlps. p ' All salllnir dates aub je!t U chariKe. For Han Francisco Ball every live days. S p. m. Oolumbla River Kx.minda Steamers. Baturdax To Aatorla and Way 10 p. m. landings. s t m Wlllam.tU Rhrer. Ex.ttuuday Oregon City, Newherg, Salem A Way-land gs 7am Willamette and Yam- Tues.Th'nr. nl" " and Hat. Oregon City, Dayton, and Way-landings. Sa. m. Willamette River. Tues.Thur. Portland to Corvallls and Bat. and Way-landings. Lv. Riuarla Snake River, l l'n. m. dally ex- Blparla to Lewlslon. cept Hut. For Care of Patron's Horses. Aaaivs rsoM Fast Mall o:tp. m. Bpokane Flyer 8:80 a.m. i p. m. 4 D. Ex.Bunday 4:80 p. m. Ex.Bunday 8:80p.ra. Hon. Wed. aud Frl. Prescriptions Carefully (kimpounded -AT THE- CLATSKANIE WW WWW ; DRUG STORE ? ED HILLSBERRY, Expert :-: Barber SHARP RAZORS AND CLEAN TOWELS. None bat porest chemicals used in wash ing and cleansing the face, i Get a Hot Towel on Your Face Usnal prices for work. DECKER'S OLD STAND, ST. HELENS 0. WCOLE . Notary Public , E. E. QUICK Commissioner of Deeds for W sah Ington. ...... PHOPKIKTOHS OF THORNE'S Nomerical Syjtemjtle Abstracts. Titles Examined and Perfected. Abstracts rurniihed. Asseasmenis Examined. In auranoe Written. Taxes Paid and Convey anelns. ' RT. HULEPIM, OMEOON. STEAMER G. W. SHAVER DELL SHAVER, Master. Leaves Po'.1nA ,0C'.' ahlnstnn street, Tiiomloy. Thnrfday, and Bun .ijyu.TC0 o'clock. Return Inn u.v (1 nttkatii. 11,1;. m....... Hi.JJVJ.nB'ii.?Lc!r!L WJ". Pa.0..k pi.lntalH.iit 7; rfiella 7:16: Mayaei rV . "'Bin uiunim a.ov a. III. J 110 COOl change time without notice The Only Direct Route ...FROM... Portland to Clatskanie day evenings at " ptiirMinf, ii H; llnliil.-r S:ii0 pany reseives the rlsh to Shaver Transportation Company. ....STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG. W. H. HURLBERT, General i'aasenxer Agent, PORTLAND 4:80 p.m. O Tues.Thur. . r i... and Bat. . jtfZZfZ:aa' ceplKri. 6o'cl.ka.m. ft ffahf' Irftriven Port ltiml TuiiN(Uy TliurMlny, hikI Hntuninyn, at 6 o'clock it. m. OREGON Portland and Kelso Route via Willamette slough