OREGON MIST. Mftl KD EVI.HV FRIDAY M O It N I !. - IIY- Dt HO DA VIS, Editor and Propnttor. Hubarrlplloii Hale. One copy otie year In advam-a . ... II 00 On copy six nioiilha.... ........... AO Single copy ............... ................. i Advertlnng rat "nade known upon application l'l s.. COLUMBIA OOONTY DfRKCTORY. Judfrt Clerk Bhorlff Treasurer Sunt, of School! Aaatnr. ........ Surveyor... Coroner. i'ot vrv otntKHs. Joeeph B. Poan, Rainier ...J. O. Watlt, St. H.lcm ...J. N. Blco, Clatkanle K. kom, St. Helena ..I. H. rojwland, w arreu .Martin White. Qulnc? ...Geo. llavet. Mavtrer .Ir. A. P. Melaren. Katllter . . i p. A. Fraket. sear-po xe Oomralialonera J ; K D Peterson, Mlrt June 23, 1899. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. CoHMENctNa Monday next and contin uing througrhont the week St. Helens will have in her midst a mighty throng of educators, who meet in our city with the object in view of assisting each other ml being assisted in their endeavors by educators higher in the profession than themselves, in the great work which is pushing onward and upward, from mo tives honest and earnest, and for that reason Th Mist, speaking not only for itself, but for every citizen of our town, says welcome, thrice welcome to our midst, and may their visit and parti cipation in the noble work to be under taken be fronght with every success. It is but occasionally that fortune favors oar village in the respect of entertaining the teachers of this county, gathered in annual institute, so it is but fitting that their presence should be heartily wel comed and their purpose loudly ap plauded. The most prominent and in' flnential educators in the state will be in attendance, and we should all be mindful of the value of their presence, and willing and ready to extend every courtesy. It too often happens that lit tie or no attention is paid the important matter of the convening of the annual meeting of the teachers, which is a very serious and inexcusable oversight on the part of the average citizen. We do not owe homage to any one, neither is such demonstration demanded or even ex pec ted, but the great principle of educ tion should be upheld and encouraged even though indifference tie manifested as regards indviduals. Our county su perintendent cannot possibly supervise the many minor details of providing suitable entertainment for the visitors from the fact that his time and mind is engrossed with the task of arranging and providing for the successful carry ing out of programme pertaining en tirely to the educational features of the occasion, hence it becomes doubly im portant that our people be alert to the observance of every social obligation, and extend to the teachers and visitors very courtesy within our power to make them feel their presence is appreciated nd welcomed. The duty is obvious and demands the strictest observance of every social and moral obligation. districts few prunes remain on the trees. lwriiett pear trees are nearly bare, Peaches are scarce. Cherries continue to dmp. Some varieties of apples will lie a full crop, others a poor one. l'eaoh trees in Jackson and Josephine counties are so full of fruit that hand pruning will lie necesKary to prevent trees from breaking. Strawberries have ripened rapidly. Cherries are ripening. West ern Oregon now promises excellent crops, except in fruit, Stock is in good condi tion and the present prospects are for a sucwssiui vear. A few showers within the next week will be of benefit, for the soil on the higher places is drying out. NO FLOOD THIS YEAR. Bach Now Is the Generally Accept ed Opinion. The prevailing opinion now is that danger of a flood this year is past. In the prevailing cool weather has come the salvation of this part of the country, All depended on the weather this week. Had it been hot day and night there is no telling how high the water would have come, but danger from a flood is nracticallv (rone. There is still snow enough in the mountains to cause a flood, but news from all over the Columbia basin indi cates that the present cool weather will prevail until the lost ol this week, uy that time it is more than likely that the river will begin to fall and will lose the trronnd gained bv the rise that has been coming most of this week. A hot wave next week might bring the water up to the So-foot murk. Indeed, the prospects about June 1st were excellent for a verv high water, The mountains were full of snow and the river was swelling very rapidly. The weather had been cold so long everyone naturally expected it to drop otl hot in June. This condition would have meant certain floods along the Columbia, but the weather has behaved beautifully. There is only one possibility of a flood here now, and that is a change to hot weather all over the Columbia basin at once, which is hardly probable. The river raised about two feet in the forty-eight hours prior to noon Thurs day, and will probably continue to rise until Iriday noon, when, it is predicted, the rapid rise will cense, and the water slowly recede. The Snake is falling at Lewiston, Idaho. Public opirjon in this country has long since taken the acquisition of the Philippines as a settled thing, and is en gaged in discussing future accessions, says the Baker City Republican. Of course there is an anti-expansion party, headed by Bryan and Cleveland. The "imperial" policy is denounced by these worthies "as being a departure from American traditions of the past." We were accused by politicians of the same ilk as Cleveland and Bryan, that freeing this country from human slavery was a departure from the ''traditions of the past" but we freed the slaves and the "traditionista" took a long rest until they made their appearance in the toy pistol soldier and the big necked statesman. Till signs of the times indicate that the Bryan democratic party is search ing for an issue. This is not the first time that it has found itself issue less and honorless. The democratic bird is a bird of ill omen. It never soars to lofty heights and never seeks any prey of its own, but relies upon the carcasses of what better birds have left. At the present time the party is evidently hop ing against time. There is every reason to believe that it is awaiting the hour when it can swoop down upon the bi metallic plank of the St. Louis republi can platform aud enter the campaign of 1900 with that as a financial plank and anti-expansion as a dominant issue. Notice to Teachers and School Officers. The annual teachers institute for Co lumbia conntv will be held at St. Helens commencing Monday, June 26, and clos ing June SO, 1SV9. Your attention is called to the following rule prescribed by the state board of education: BULK LV1I. "Teachers in the public schools in this state are required to attend all teachers' institutes held under autonty of law lu thecounties where they re.-ide; provided that they shall be required to attend the annual institute in their county each year. For non-attendance of any teacher at the institute without a good'and suf ficient reason, the county superintend ent is hereby authorized to lower the grade of his or her certificate, or revoke the same, in his discretion, school di rectors are required to allow their teach era three days of actual school service for such attendance, without any deduc tion from their wages and without re quiring them afterwards to make up the nine so speni. Prof. Wetzell will organize his nor mal class Monday forenoon, and teachers who are not present at the beginning will lose valuable instruction that will place them at a disadvantage the rest of the session. Monday evening President W. C. Hawley, of Willamette University, will give one of his highly instructive lec- tares. Other evening sneakers are Dr. H. W. Kellogg, of Portland. State Superin tendent Ackerman and Prof. W. A. Wetzell. All district officers and friends of our public schools are given an earnest in vitation to be present. 1. 11. COPELaND, County School Superintendent. Season of 1800. The black Percheon-Clvde stallion. Roe, owned by Mr. H. O. Howard, of Yankton, will make this season at Mr. Howard s place, the qualities of the horse are well known to the breeders of this county. What i ShllanY A grand old remedy for Coughs. Colds and Consumption; used through the world for half a century ; has cured in numerable cases ot incipient consump tion and relieved many in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied with the results we will refund your inonev. Price 25 cis. and 50 cts. Sold bv Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist, tit. Helens, and N. A. Perry, HouiUin. CROP CONDITIONS. Bulletin Issued Regarding Western Portion of State. The change to warm, dry weather has been of great benefit to all vegetation. The soil is in prime condition and rapid growth in all crops prevails. Fail-sown wheat is heading and spring-sown grain is growing rapidly. Clover is ready to cut and haying is general. The reports indicate that the hay crop will be the best that has been cut for many years. Hops are making rapid growth. Spray ing has commenced in yards of the bet ter class. Garden produce is making rapid growth. Early potatoes are in bloom and late planted potatoes have tops above the ground. Corn is making good growth. Seeding on the low, wet land has been completed. The grain crop is reported to be in first-class con dition everywhere, and unless adverse conditions prevail, the yield will be heavy. The fruit prospects are good in Jack son, Josephine and Curry counties, fair in Douglas and Coos, and poor in the Willamette valley and in Lincoln, Tilla niook and Clatsop counties, State Normal School. The State Normal school at Mon mouth announces a new department. that of manual training, in addition to the departments of last year. It has also added to its training department an ungraded school, to give practice in the work of the country schools. the training department is now per haps the most complete in the United States. A new building offers increased facili ties for work, and the next year prom ises to be the best the school has known. The catalogue shows a marked gain in attendance for the present year. The advertisement appears in this issue. FKOM KKASKY. Yen Try I ' 1 . ' . ' If Shiloh's Cough Mid Consumption I v nunc mcvKuitiy n iniu uuura, unre, winch is sold lor me small price of J!i cts., 60 eta. and f 1, does not cure, take the bottle hank and we will rotund your money. Bold for over tlfty years on this guarantee. Price 2d cts. and 60 cts. Sold by 1'r. Edwin Ross, druggist, St. Helens, and N. A. Perry, Itoulton. having chosen rather the life of a farmer than fisherman. Mrs. Maggie Webster is spending a few weeks with her mother in the ab sence of Ed, at the fishing grounds, strange things happen In Oregon and this is the oil' year, but tho strangest of all yet to chronicle is the turning of three bushels of barley to white oats on the road Ian ween Vemonia and Keasey We have often heard it contended that wheat and oats will turn to cheat alter being sowed, but certainly this is new under the sun that barley, in the sack, would turn to oats, and the merchant said he could not have made a mistake. Perhaps it would be wise to examine your packages before Waving the store. With llama vnn will find enclosed a letter from W. "Alice Uurpee, one of the most successful farmers and gardeners. U is a reply to an inquiry as to w hat ef fect the moou has or lias not upon veg etation according to his observation. Please publish for the benefit of the doubtful ones. Piiil aiiki i hia, June 2, 1809. Mas. N. S. Kkaskv, Keayey, Oregon. Replying to your favor of the 2tHh ultimo, would state that the different phases ot the moon exercise no control whatever on the germination or growth of seeds. The condition of the weather and soil at the time of planting are the important factors in securing a good vtand. We know that this is true, not only for sci entific reasons, but also by experiments in planting in Mint-rent phases of the moon in our trial grounds at Fordhook farms, as we plant seeds nearly every working day from earliest spring until Late iii the full. Verv truly yours, W. Atlk Ki-rikk ot Co. HOCliTON NOTKS. Young jllsiken, Croup is the terror of thousands o young mothers because its outbreak is so agonizing and frequently fatal. Shi loh's Cough and Consumption Cure acts ike magic in cuses of Croup. It has never been known to fail. The worst cases relieved immediately. Price 25 cts., 60 cts. and $1. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist, St. Helens, and N. A. Perry, Houiton. Largest stock and lowest prices at W. 11. Dolman's. Childrens' all wool suits (1.75 each, at the New York store. For a complete stock of merchan dine call at Win. U. Dolman's. Ladies' mens' and childrens' straw bats, 10 cents each, at the New York store. Summer goods in endless variety at the New York store. Get your Fourth of July suits at once. Call and see samples of job printing at this office. We make a specialty of pro grammes for entertainments, concerts, etc. AH kinds of printing strictly up to date. many m Lover Has turned with diagust from an other wise lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the breath by its action on the bowels, etc., as nothing elae will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold bv Dr. Edwin Ross, druir- In the poor gist, St. Helens, and N.A.Perry, Houiton. Houiton was well represented at the circus. Delos Walker has purchased a new bicycle. Mr. Gilson is having his hotel roof painted this week. Miss Maude Watts was down from S.ppoose Tuesday last. Hod. T. J. Clceton was a passenger on the A. & C. Tuesday morning. J. 11. Sheldon was a passenger on the A. A C. for Clifton Tuesday morning. The wrecked engine and cars passed down Tuesday on their way to the re pair shop. Thomas Henderson, of Astoria, brother of Captain Henderson, called to see the Captain Monday. Miss Grace Kellev returned from Port' land Tuesdav evening, where she has been staying for the past week. A number of our Artisan members are going to fceappooso next Saturday evening to attend the organizing of an assembly at that place. Miss Katherine Johnson, of Portland, visited with her sisters, Mrs. Matfett and Mrs. Henshaw, Friday, Saturday and Sunday of last week. PEEP CREEK DOINGS. Dear Cbjcik, June 16, 181)9. Mr. Martin White has lately been in terrogating our citizens in regard to their financial anairs. Mr. George Carl is also building a large barn, being 30x60 feet, with a basement under the entire building and sheded one side of the whole length. The present warm and very pleasant weather has had the desired effect in many ways. All nature seems to re joice while the hopeful farmer wears au ample Binile. Mr. Tony Peterson is building a good, commodious barn on his ranch. He ex pects to have it ready to receive the present growing crop. Frank Van is the boss carpenter. Preparations are being made to re build the Deep Creek mill. Itis thought that it will be ready for the present crop. The entire grist department will nave to oe replaced witn new machinery, which means s big cash outlay to the proprietor. Fishhawk boasts of having the cham pion pedestrian. Two weeks ago Mr. :serg made the trip irom forest u rove. a distance of 56 miles, inside of 24 hours, over a fearfully muddy and rough road. This, we think, establishes an unprec edented record. Next. Mr. A. Van is getting out timbers. roofing material and lumber of various kinds, for a large barn. The dimensions are unknown to the writer, but it is sale to say that it will be of ample propor tions. Lon, as he is familiarly called, is one of our most prosperous farmers. A. M. Berg has the name of being the most fastidious citizen in all our coun try. After completing a handsome res idence within the lost year or so, he is now enclosing the same with a fancy picket fence, the whole of which is clear cedar planed all round, and is to lie nicely painted. The enterprising tatrons of school district number 8 have lately built a new schoolhouBe which is a credit to the neighborhood. The school was trans ferred from the old to the new site June 6, and are now progressing nicely in their new quarters, while Mrs. Nettie King wields the birch. Everyone who is inclined to business pursuits, is busy. All the surplus men and boys are outside, either in the log ging camps or Qsliingj while the home people are building roads, erecting barns, nouses and other improvements which tend toward the development of their homes and the country. It is understood that the Fourth of July will be celebrated with appropriate exercises at the cedar grove, half way between Mist and Deep creek, on Shpriff Rice's ranch. In the evening there will lie a ball given at the new schoolhouse, near Deep creek mills, the proceeds to lie for the benefit of the school district. With first-class music, refreshment!, and a new floor, we can safely predict flu en joyable time for all who see tit to attend. Come and bring your babies and best girls. Card or Thank. We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our neighbors and friends in St. Helens and vicinity for their assist ance so kindly tendered in our late be reavement. MttS. F. E. GODFKKV AMD FAMILY. On Krerr Hotlle Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure Is this guarantee : "All we axk of you is to use two-thirds of the contents of this bottle faithfully, then, if you say you are not benefited, return the bottle to your druggist and he mav refund the price paid.'' Price 25 cts., 50 cts. and fl.UO. Sold by Dr. Edwin Koss, druggist, St. Helena, and N. A. Perry, Houiton. Do You Know Consumption is preventable? Science has proven that, and also that neglect is Miicidal. The woi at cold or cough can he cured with Shiloh's Cough mid Con sumption Cure. Sold on a positive guarantee for over fifty years. Bold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist St. Helens, and N. A. Perry, Houiton. PROFESSIONAL. JR. 3. K. I1ALI, PHYSICIAN AND 8UROEON. Clatakauie. Columbia county, Or, J-JR. KPW IN KOS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon JR. H. u. CLOT, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 8 k Helena, Oregon. ..BRINK'S SALOON.. Wm. tfctntt, tiri If you want oniethlng grind In til Hue n( v. huky try SHAW'S MALT Only the beat of Lipn and Cigars Kept in Stock: Puot ami Card Tablet for ihs mo vf 1'atrone. Oourtuoua tieaiiueut. (Between lha two Hotelt.) ST.HUSNS, - OR KG ON. i & t m - I i St: MA1T17V OIUDn TO MAMDV flUDWUn 3 E ....UiVilDI OHinu 10 itivuui uniuuu..., 3 i OPIN FROM 5 A. M. TO Ull O'OLOOK MIDNIGHT. d G. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND COl'NSELOB-AT LAW, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Title AtwtTurt Book, Notary Public, Commit- tlonaruf lit-eda fur w axmimtoii, ana aiiex)r' lenceti auiiveior lu conuwiuon wun omc. J. W. DAY W. B. DILLAKD ATTORN EYS - AT-LAW OfBee uxt door lo Coiirthoaas, ST. HELENS. OKEGON. General practice lu eourta of Oroiron nr Wanh Inittuu. Abatraeta uiaile directly Irani ruuuty records. HTKAMKR. LjURLjIMEI fpQBTLANO AND ASTORIA lavea Portland rvrry night at 8 o'clock for Asioria, (exeeit Sunday.) Saturday night at 10. Returning, leaves Astoria at 6:30 o'clock erery morning teaceni rnomiay.; ouh Uav at 0: 00 o'clock p. m. CHARLES HOTEL Front & Morrison 'Sis., Portland Under New Management 150 Rooina at 2'. Tenia to 60 Cents. Huitca 75 Cents to $1.00. Elevator, Electric LIkIiU and Rells, and all Modern Conveniences. Free Bn Meets alt Hoais and Traim. Restaurant Canuected with Hotel O-CRon Telephone 2!9. Columbia Telephone 27. THE CLOMIMGCH i WHTMCf, fnp$. ins raMoue CYRUS NOBLE WHISKEY KkIOi'I otliar atandant liramla of llijiiur, ta kept alwaaon liainl. Card table, pool table, aud billiard table for the tue of patroiia. 8U Holorin, Ortgoa, A STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER Jtl RAILROAD COMPANY. RKADIIOWS DAILY. r. . 7 no S On M M S as S H s so M 0 0 in .17 lo oo IU OK III JO 10 .HI NTATION. II HID .0; I.V. 03 'XM; I0IM.S1! 9 S Ida.;. M 10 00 !.$ 10 10 ll.4l! 10 '.'1 i71.il 10 JW 7a 71 11 wi.ti; r. io wi .i II 1 UMi 11 si wajAr . Portland. .Ar .. Ooble ..Haluier .... . P ram Id.... ,. Nluwor ..Quiliev.,,... Vlai-aaula... Maratlland... . We.tHirt.... ... IMlHmi . .Kliappa . ItVMnuin . . . John flay. .. Attorla .. f.v rd vr DAILV. Ill "ST T. m. ?7ff It la 9 m 10 io ha M : s Jtl ) 0 1 III si ,1U ! ) la 7 s OS 7 s as 7 17 8 4(1 : 8M a 17 S 34 S 07 i 8 M 7 S I 8 10 7 4 : 00 BKA81DK DIVISION ti Jo r. . I a. m. oo ii as 5 III 6ft 6 50 I2 IS 6 .10 I 00 ' IS.H Daily I .0 I.T.. Aitorla ..Art o. a r it Warreulon a a k7u 'rTu. Art 7 40 4 (a) I. J 'JO a aa Ar XI I 10 .l.lj It t so All Tralnt to and (mm Seaside run lo rtavl aud Near Aatorla via Vi arraumn. 81'KCIAL SUNDAY HEAHIDR TRAIN Lces Attorla at 8 30 a, m. and ar rivet Heaxtda V ita. m. HanaenKera may relurn on any train thown In M hedulc on aaiue date. t'aanemtera for Aatorla or war mint mtiml fla tralna at Houiton. Traint will mop to lot baa. enuera oft" at Houllon when coming from poiula Mmuiuuuw. . :ti M T a, Oen. I'aaa. Ast., Aatorla, Or. MUCKLE BROS. MANUFACTURERS )r- Rough and Dressed Lumber 111 men ilon Lumber, Plnorlns. Kindle, Hbeath on. .aama, and a complete aloes ol even variety of lumber kept on ttand. AT TUB OLD STAND, ST. HELENS, OR White Collar Line THE COLUMBIA RIVER AND P0OET BOUND NAVIGATION CO. FOETUP-iSTOEIA BODTE. ...TELEPHONE... Landing Font of Alder Htreot, Portland. Leaven I'ortlaud dally (exceptHiiuday)at7 A. U. Lauillne Telephone dock, Attorla. Leavea Aatorla dally (except Sunday) 7 P. II. Telephone Tlckett Uood on Steamer Potter. Steamer Potter Tlcketa Wood on Telephone. U. B. SCOTT, Pres. Skin Diseases. For the snoodr and permanent enra of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham berlain's Eye and Hkin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the Itch ing and smarting almost Instantly and its continued nue effects a permanent cure. It also cures Itch, barber's Itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and (truuiuaieu lias. Dp. fady'i Condition Powders for horses are the beft tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Price, 23 cents. Boldby No Ladies Fariiitiire is Complete Without a Haw LIGHT - RUNNING SEWING MACHINE. Sold on Eaay Term a without Intorett. C. P. LOONEY. Ageat. Anturia Oregon. lafhafaiAiwVrfliJWAanVafhanaayj H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H ton POHIXAND, DAILY. -0TEAMEH "America" Willamett Slough Route f Leave St. Helens 7:0 A M Arrive at Portland... 10 M A M Leave Portland ... 2:30 P M Arrive at Bt. Helens... 6:00 P M f ABE SO CENT. Will Carry Nothing but Passen gers and Fast Freight. JA.HKM (IOO, Natter. It H H H y4 ..Continue to Earn Money by.. Subscribing for the Weekly Oregonian Thelregon Mist ..Our Clubbing Kate Enables Us to.. Furnish Both Tapers for only 3 3 TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR ...JOHNSON & DURCDORFER BROS o Manufacturer of aud Dealer In o ...All Kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber... I'learlnf-.. HnsiIc ...Oiling AMI s ...UluieitalaH Lumber... OOOO ROAD TO ThI MILL. Mill nn unulh fi'ia nf 'aiie ereek.fnur mllet fruui Men i4titv ttaiu.n. I unilM-riU-ltvervd at H-a pome alaltun or Juliii.iif landing nl II. IU vr M, eilra. At Viarrvn alalliin, ll.Mi. SOAPl'OOBfn, OHltaON 4 j&l A i&A rfV ..iaV jfla AAA A AA A. A A A aVAaim r li H I M He ....Drugs and Medicines.... rilionld bo bonitlit only at DttiR Htor, li-ri donlit Is never allowed to enter tli mind as to quality nf I lie arlirlv old. We furnish drugs of tlio required taudsnl uf strviiKlli druirs that are ritcl.C. What ymi buy at a lrug Hture you may dvpend tiHn it blng wliat you aalt fur. ....OUR STOCK OF.... Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles .IS COMPLETE. School Books and rU-hool 8uipllo. PrpM-rlptlons Carvluliy Coniauiiuli'd t)ay or Night. ...ST. HELUNS PHARMACY... lr. Kdwin Hosh, rroriitor. ST. HELENS. - - OREGON AA AAtVAAA A &AAAAAA A HOME BAKERY Mi LUNCH ROOM MRS- a. I. M'INTVRf, fROPRICTRISa. Hoie-Maie Bread, Pies Cakes, Donebnats Lancbes, 10 cents Dp. Alan a Slock of Nailmi. anil I'onfwlluiicry . S NKIT TO HUWUNO a. 1. 1 in v, HT. It rCrtON H. ft X CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Has utt rtwlved a largt aaaorlaMat I Frean and Purs DRUGS OHEMICillaB Alto a new and aelaot .Uwk of rirua and patnnt madlclnaa, ann M-nnoi huiiin, H-nuniprT ana in utuall) kept at a Itrtt vlata drug ttoru, fanrv ttallnnrY. u,hA.,l hnnic. and Mhniil uilln, ivrlunirry and Killct atllclea, and In fact vertliln( which I Prescriptions Carefully Compounded -AT THE- 4 CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE 0. R. & N. CO. tlirtaT roa Faat Mall p. nn Bpoknna Flytir 2:10 p.m. I p. m. O it m w y V UnlJciWTAL HOTEL Mrs. M. J. Scott Proprietress HT. HELENA, ORKOON. A Htrii-tly Krst-Clnaa Houae. A Ho, lie fur ('oiiinierlal Travclera anil the Public. Hoard and Lodg ing at Moat Keaaonable Hntoa. IxllJii rn. undar Saturday 10 p. m. 6 a. m. Ex.Hunday Tuet.Thur. and Bat, Da. m. Twin. Tli nr. and Hat, A WELL KEPT STABLE For Care of Patron'a Horaea. ij Lv. Riparlk 1:4b n. in. dwily ex cept Hat. Tile SCHEDULES From Portland. Bait Lake, Penvor, ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan aaa City, Ht. Imla, Chicago and Eaat. i, Hnokii Mln lie a n ol 1 1. Ht. Paul. Hulnth, Mil waukee, Chicago dt Kaat. Ocean Bteamahlpa. All tailing datet nub- )i'.t to clianiia. For Hail FranclMO Hall every live dayt. Oolumbla River St.amera. To Atlnrla and Way-laudliiKt. Wlllamatt River. Oregon City. Newberg, Halem A Way land g Willamette and Yam hill Rivera. Oreitnn Oily, DayUin, and Way-Iandiuge. Wlllamatte River. Portland to Corvallfa and Way-landlnija, Snake River, Klparla to Lewltton. Aaaiva raoH Faat Mali B;4op. in. HHikan flyer 8.80 a.m. 4 P- m. Kx.Huuday 4:30 p, m. Kx.Hunday 4:80 p.m. Tnet Thur. and Hat, Lv.f-ow'ton 6:40 a. m. dally nx cuit Prl. W. H. HURLBERT, Ooncral I'aaaenKer Agent, PORTLAND OHKOON ED HILLSBERRY, Expert :-: Barber BIIARP RAZORS AND CLEAN TOWELS. None but pureit chemical naad In waah ing and cloanalng tlie lace. r i Get a Hot Towel on Your Face Usual prices for work. I)KCKER'8 OLD STAND, ST. HELENS E. I). QUICK CmnmiMtomtr of Ivm1 fur WmIi liiKtun. ...... 0. W. COLE . Notary Puullo . I'ROPKIKTOKS OF THORNFS NDEicrical Systeinjtlc Abstracts. Tltlet Bnamlned and Perfmled. Abtlracta rnriilthod. Awhi enla Kiainlneil. In- tiiranue Wrltteu. Taaea Paid aud Convey anulng. RT. hklkmi, oiiEunn. STEAMER G. W. SHAVER DELL SHAVER, Master, The Only Direct Itoute ... ROM... Portland to Clatskanie .a to2Mmi&ipfaK1mJim r ittivoa Portland, foot of Waahlngtnn alroet, Tiiatdny. Thiiraday, and Holiday nvcnlngt at JMlycrj o'clock. Kntnrnlini 1.1'avut Cliilkkaiila, lliln imnnlllliiK, Monday, VVcilnwdny, an rnnay eveninat ai a n-eioea win pam una roiiiiniii.iii 7; Hlelln 7:Ki; Mayaer 7iafii lialnlcr H:20 Arrive in forilaiiil l:iw a. in. Tlio company reneivet Hie rlgh to Shaver Transportation Company. KalauiaO:!,: Ht. Helena :H0. chaiiKe lime without notice. ..STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... lavaa Kelto nn Monday a, wen npta a y a tad Friday at 6 O'clock a. m. h I" .? iyni "f iP"t Leavea Port land Tued.iy TInirKday, aud Hunirlnya, at o'clmik a. .....Portland and Kelso Route via Willamette slough