The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, June 02, 1899, Image 4

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    "44EvU Dispositions
A E-f.. OL "
jnrc iany antrum.
Just fo roi in the Mood comes out in
ship of scrofuU. pimples, etc., in
children nd young people, , Tken in
time Ban be etidk&ltd tj msmg Hocxf
SrspAr&A, cAmtrice's Greatest fkxfi
tine, i vitalises end enriches the blood,
3 fccdA SaUafmi
Of the Making or Bosks. '
Som 4.88 book were published in
the United State last year. The brim!
edition of any book published 1 1,000
oopies, and . the general avatage may
reach 1,000, Time mot thao lO.OOO.
OOO volume were pot on sale lnet
year. During the- past ten years the
product bas , been about 100.000,000
volumes. There would be enough
books to stock 10,000 libraries with
10,000 books eaoh. Jt has been found,
however, that the wood paper now used
quickly yellows and crumbles, so that
In 60 years many of the cheaper books
will hare turned into dust. N. Y.
World, , . . ,
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
Ins; Syrup the best remedy to am for their
uuuug ui u wing pvriuu.
teens af General ' Interest rHeaae
, from till Thriving reel Bo
-.. . te.
V Kielede fvavlet-Made Cleode,
The Msnufaotuiers' and Producers'
Association, of San Francisco, Cal.,'
has entered upon a rigorous., carnivniga
against convict-madj) goods , beinsj
plsoed upon the tree market. Circui
lars are being stnt "Ihroughont the
state, accompanied by a postal card,
which is to be Oiled out and returned
to the association by the receiver of the
letter. By filling out this - card an
agreement is made to , exclude from
business establishments and homes all
stoves known to hare been made by
convlot labor. Recent Investigations
made by the association disclosed the
fact that among other things large
quantities ol atoves ruadVbf convict la
bor in Oregon were being sold not only
in San Francisco, but- throughout the
state of California, and it is principally
against this trade that the circular
letter is directed.
Sharp Advsaee la Oatmeal.
Flour and leed merchants ol Van-
sonver, B. U., last week announced an
advance of SO cents per barrel in all
grades of oatmeal. Heavy orders will
have to be filled from the - north short
ly, and American dealers have been
Man Mteetloae.
A notation was recently held at Red
Lodge, Mont., at which a proposition
carried to bond the city in the stun of
I'iS.OOO for the purpose of constructing
watir works in that city. Another
proposition to bond that district for
10,000 for the purpose of erecting a
briok high school building will aoon be
submitted to the qualified voters of
Red Lodge. These latter bonds aro to
be redeemable in 10 years, and imva
ble in 30 years, and are to bear Inter
est at a rate of B per cent
Tekluia naps. .' '
There is a full acreage of nope in
this vicinity this year. The Yakima
hop orop will probably amount. to 18.
000 or 80,000 bales. - About 4,000
have been contracted' for the season.
Arthur Poole made contracts at ,11
cents last week as follows! Captain
Dunn, 80 bales; Frank Marble, TO
bales; E. 8. Hill. ISO bales;' A. W.
Morrison, 60 bales; Ooorge Stverly,
30 bales. He reports negotiation pro
gressing favorably lot several hundred
bales more.
Haw Mining Comr-aay.
Articles of incorporation have been
filed by the Empire Mining Company,
ith a capital stock of SI, 600,000,
divided into 1,600,000 shares of the
par value of $1 eaoh. The company
proposes to operate placer gold mines
and lodes of gold-bearing oia in Baker
and Urant counties. The principal
,- 1 - ; ' . e , i " -- ' """ ana urant counties, me principal
Tha-mootj, aaoortling to iho theories j asking tor quotations iroin Biitiih Co- offioa 0j ,n, company will be situated
of astronomers, is not inhabited by
living organisms similar to those on
the earthy
There was a vouug man from Lenore,
iv no ooiciiv arm on u in war;
The "beer' made him sick,
lie recovered nuite Quick
By the prompt use of old Jesas Moore.:'
The highest point to which man can
ascend without his health being very
seriously aneoted is 19,600 leeL
royouraeii you owe tne duty, Parify your
j iieui oy riunaec uregon niooa runaec
The white freestones of. France will
only stand a compression strain ol
1,433 pounds to the square inch.
FIT anaally Cure. If e atser m
Ilia after fires day'e use or Dr. Klioe'a O el
Nerve Rwtorer. Snd tor fans s.oO trial
Bottle and treatise. DR. B. U. skLDia lad, sat
' Faseeel la men.
Papa So Emily stands at the bead
of her elass in French?
v Mamma Yea. She and another girl
were exactly even in the written ex
amination, bat it Was decided that
gunny aoruggea ner snouiders more
correctly like the French. London
The prizefighters of Chicago have
organised a boxing trust not to limit
production,. Dui to raise price.
lu members nave agreed not to fight
hereafter for purees of leas than f 78
" It takes a crocodile 80 seconds t
turn completely round.
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
enects oi tne well known remedy,
firsrp or Figs, manufactured by the
Califokkia Fie Svbcp Co., illustrate
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in the form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
is the one perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing the system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome naoitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make it the ideal
laxative. .- ; . . .
- In the process of manufacturing figs
axe. used, aa they are pleasant to the
taste, dui tne medicinal qualities of trie
remedy are obtained from aeons and
other aromatic olanta. br a method
known to the Calivorhia Fro Stbcp
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, pleas
rememr rtne roll name or tne Company
pruuea on roe iron i oi every package.
, Air pbastcxsco, cal.
XrOUlsVILL. XT. war rou. w. w '.
Sorial r- all Druggists, Price 50c. per bottle.
lumbia merchants with view to hav
ing the order filled in Vancouver. ,
The supply of oats held on the coast Is
not large, and higher prices followed
the inquiries from Seattle' and Facifio
coast points. As nianv ton! will be
required in the north .before the new!
crop is ready, another advance in both
oats and oatmeal ta looked for. . fio at
tempt has been made to corner the
Mill Will Net Cleee Dow a.
D. A. Merriman, president and gen
eral manager of the nail mill at Ever
ett, Wash., received word from the
headquarters of the American Steel
Wire Company, in Chicago, that 1,600
tons Of wire rods were about to be
shipped to Everett foi the mill at that
point. This mill has been running
night and day for the past two weeks,
and there is not enough wire rod on
hand to keep it running more than a
month longer, so it was feared that
the mill would have to shnt down, but
this shipment of rods, however, will
be sufficient to keep the mill running
continuously for at least three months.
1 goataeaetera Oregon Wool,
The wool market has opened op In
Red Bluff, and the prevailing prices
range fiom 6 W to 7 cents for fall olipa.
and. II to II cent for the spring clips,
only a small quantity selling at the
top price. It is expected that by the
end of the week the whole spring clip
of Tehama county will be in. It is
evident that the Lake county market
ill not be as lively aa that of the
spring oi '93, owing to the fact that
there still remains so mnch unsold
wool. Figures gathered from the vari
ous wool centers of Oregon give a total
of 6,000,000 pounds remaining unsold
from the olip of 1898. '
Cold Storage Plant.
' Oloott Payne, the Northwest agent
of the Frick Ioe Machine Company, of
Waynesboro, Fa., is at present in Lew
is ton, Idaho, preparing plans and speci
fications for the cold storage plant to
be established at Vineland bv the
Lew is ton Ice & Cold Storage Copmany.
The company will pot in an - ice ma
chine plant having a capacity of ten
tons, with a cold storage warehouse at
tached, and provided with ample fa
cilities lor Iiandling the irnit crop
! along the rivers and other cold storage
business. The plant will be installed
and ready for business early in July.
Kleetrle Light for Repobllo.
The San Poil Mining fe Water Com
pany has secured a franchise and light
of way from the commissioners of
Ferry county to string wires, set poles
and introduce electric lights through
out the town and suburbs of Republic.
The company is composed of Spokane
men and a few Republic men. The
works are to be placed at or near San
Poil lake. Contracts are being made
with private people for placing lights
tn their buildings and place of busi
ness. The capacity will b 1,200 16
candle-power, and most be in opera
tion br August 1, 1899.
The JliioiiymodJ fetter.
at Baker. City, with a
Montreal, Canada.
branoh office in
Baak Incorporate.
The Kendrick State bank, of Ken-
drick, Idaho, filed articles of iucorpora
tion with a capital stock of $25,000.
The direetois are M. C. Noiruoyle, D.
C. McCrea, Math Jacobs, A. W. Uoi
don and F. N. Gilbert
Pert I and Market.'
Wheat Walla Walla. 67c;
68c; Bluestem, 69o per bushel
Flour Beat grades, 13.30; graham,
S. 65; superfine, J. 15 per barret.
Oata Choice white. 44 9 15c; choice
gray, 42($ 43c per bushel.
Barter Feed barley, $32.00; brew
ing, $28.00 per ton.
Miilstuffa Bran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16.00
per ton.
Hay Timothy, $3(89; clover. $7
Si Oregon wild bay, $6 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 8235o;
seconds, 2J30o; dairy, 25(3270 store.
Cheese Oregon full cream, IS Wo;
Young America, 16o; new ohees,
10c per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $S4
per doaen; hen, $4.00(35.00; spring.
$1.Z53; geeee. 8.00$7.00 for old
$4. 50 & 5. for young; ducks, $5,009
6.50 per doaen; turkeys, live, 150
16c per pound.
Potatoes $1(31.10 per sack; sweets,
2c per pound.
Vegetable Beets, 90c; turnip, T6
per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab'
bage, $1 1.25 per 100 pounds; cauli
flower, 76o per doien; parsnips, 76c
per sack; beans, 3c per pound; celery,
70(1 75c per dozen; cucumbers, 60c per
box; peas, J3c per pound.
Onions Oregon, 6075o per sack.
Hops 11(3 13o; 1897 crop, 46o,
Wool Valley, ll12o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 6 (3 10c; mohair,
17c per pound.
Mutton Gross, beet sheep, wethers
and ewes, 4c; dressed mutton, 7,Wc;
spring lambs, lyie per lb.
Bogs Uroea, choice heavy, $4.60;
light and feeders, $2.60(33.00; dressed.
$5.00C46-00 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, 4.00 (3 $1.60;
cows, 13.60(33.00; dressed beef,
66J4e per pound.
Veal Large, 637c; small, 7K8c
per pound.
yoRTLAND directory;
i No Pln: nevpmee-: fine roU work. PR.
AU(JBTHY, N.W. eor. Talrd tad Morrtoon
S f Fence and Wire Works. - -
u ira ren-ns; omcersiiing, ett. S34 A ider.
- 'Machinery- an Ruppllae.
chiaery, uppliei. Vint Bt., Portland, Or.
TriU for Catalogue,
1 1 mim Agent,
am Eut Water Street,
" (3!
., Big Order Placed.
The Pacific American Fisheries Com
pany, of Itew Whatoom. has placed an
order for 7,200,000 cans with the Pa
cific Sheet Metal Works. They will
also soon be manufacturing 60,000 par
day at the Franco-American cannery,
and 50,000 per day at the Friday Har
bor plant One hundred' and fifty
thonsand boxes will be manufactured
by the Puget Sound Sawmill & Shingle
Company, and Morrison Bros., of Fern-
dale, will make 60,000 for the fish
To Bond the City.
The city council of Edmunds, Wash..
has introduced an ordinance for the
issuance of $6,200 coupon bonds to
raise mony to construct a system of
waterworks. The bonds are to be issued
in denominations of not less than $100
nor more than $1,000, and made pay
able in not more than 20 years from
date. They are to bear interest at a
rate not to exceed 6 per cent per au
num, payable semi-annually.
MACHINERY, all kiwds
19 te 3 First Street
rosTLAso on
JOHN POOLE, Powtlaiid, OatooB.
m Kiv you the best banalne In eeiienJ
uiuery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps.
r"v i no ana winamuis. -Tn new
n-i a. winamiii, sold by him, Is un
vehicles; nend lor catalogue. isH-iim Front 8t.
Tr. Ernnt Barton, specUlty, dleeaseeof the
Skin sud Rectal Surgery. 181 Ird St., Portland.
' I Beet Cou Srrlip a aiot Eat I j
! ( In . H'.ld M Mnm f f
Kew Bettllag Works. ,
L. L. Dau will establish branch
of the famous Daus bottling works, of
Boise, Idaho, at Weiser, and will open
at that point in the manufacture of all
kinds of carbon I te drinks. He has
with him s complete soda plant and
bottling ontfit, and will be prepared to I
do a large wholesale business. It is
thought that tins branch establish
ment will soon exceei the mother es
tablishment, owing to the ideal loca
tion at Weiser.
The Star Cheeaa factory at Browns
ville, Or., manufactured 8,000 pounds of
iieeae during the month of April, and
id out some good sums to number
farmers. ! U." Weber and W. T.
rchran cleared an average of $6.20
per head for their cows, which shows
the paying advantages of a first-class
cheese factory. Many farmer are for
nishing milk regularly to the factory
ana are realising good profits.
eattla Market.
Onions, 80c$1.10 per 100 pounds
Potatoes, $35(340.
Beets, per sack, $1(31 25. .
Turnips, per sack, 60(376.
Carrots, per sack, 75c.
Parsnips, per sack, 85c (3 $1.
Cauliflower, $1.00 per do.
Celery, 85(3 40c.
Cabbage, native and California
$2.60 per 100 pounds.
Apples. $2.50(33.60 per box.
Pears, 50c (3 $1.60 per box.
Prunes, 60c per box.
Batter Creamery, 20o per pound;
dairy and ranch, 12 18c per pound.
feggs, 18c ,
Cheese Native, 18c
Poultry Old hens, 16c per pound;
spring chickens, 14c; turkeys, 16c.
reli meats Choice dressed beef
steers, prime, 9c; cows, prime,
e; mutton. 0c; pork, 7o; veal, 8O10o.
Wheat Feed wheat, $20.
Oats Choice, per ton, $26.60.
Hay Puget Bound mixed, $7,009
8; choice Eastern Washington tim
othy, $12.00.
Corn Whole. $28.60; cracked, $24;
feed meal, 121.00.
Barley Boiled or ground, par ton.
$26(326; whole, $24.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $8.86;
straiebts, $3.10; California brands,
$8.25; buckwheat flour, $3.60; graham,
per barrel, 13.60; whole wheat flour.
$3.75; rye flour, $4.60.
Millatnffs Bran, per ton. $16;
shorts, per ton, $16.
reed unopped leed, 921(322 pet
ton; middlings, per ton, $22; oil cak
meal, per ton, $38.
aa Franeleea Market,
Wool Bpring Nevada, 1012c per
pound; Oregon, Eastern, 8312o; Val
ley, 16(3 17c; Northern, 8010c.
Millstuffs Middlings, $18(320.60;
bran, $16.60(3 16.60 per ton.
Onions Kilverekin, 50(3 80c per sack.
Butter Fancy creamery, 17(3 18o;
do seconds, 16 17c; fancy dairy, 15o;
do seconds, 14144c per pound.
Eggs Store, I60; fancy ranch.
Hops 1898 crop, 15o.
Citrns Fruit Orange. Valencia, $2
2.60; Mexican limes, $1.6006; Call-
fornia lemons, 76c(g$l,25; do ohoioe.
$2.60 per box. ;
Hay-Wheat, $1815.80; wheat and
oat, $18016; oat, $14 16; best bar
ley. $12(318: alfalfa, $11(313 per ton;
Straw, lOfJi'Qc per bale.
Potatoes Early Rose, $1.6001.78:
Oregon Burkanks. $1.653$l-85; rivsr
T Jovel What a beauty!
Who I this, old manr The
speaker stood tn an admiring
attitude before the picture of a young
girl, while the one questioned auswer-
ed briefly: "My sister."
O, I suy, Paul, that won't do. VVe
don't put our slaters' picture In
frames like that" '
Don't we? Well, I do. O, hang It,
Burt, dou't you see that I'm bimy. I
can't work while your tongue Is wag
ging. Get out of here now, and If yon
won't show your face here again to
day you shall spend the month of July
with ni at my borne, and then you
shall judge for yourself whether that
frame Is too good for my sister's pic
ture," and Paul Reynolds gave bis
chum a good-natured push toward the
Do you mean thntT Hurrah! Why,
that would be worth a lifetime banltsh
nient no offense to you, old fellow,'
and Burton Smith mildly expressed his
delight by turning somersaults across
the room, walking back on bis hands.
then, bringing his feet to the floor, he
shot upwards and, catching hold of
bar above his head, he drew himself
up and whirled around the bar with
the proficiency of an acrobat, dropping
to the floor with a shout of overflowing
ndrth. ,
"Get out of this, yon rattleheadr
And, having him outside, Paul shut the
door in bis face, and beard him go
dowustalrs at a breakneck pace which
brought the good old landlady to the
door in alarm, expectlug to find some
body at the bottom with a broken neck.
"Sake alive! That Mr. Smith again!
she exclaimed.
Burton's walk home bad a tendency
to quiet bis hilarity, but that face was
still before him, and after sitting In
deep thought for an hour be sprang up
with alacrity.
"I'll do It, by Jovel She can't feel
deeply offended, anyway, and I'll sign
only a part of my name. Better for the
future's sake to be on the sate side.
There, that'll do, I thluk."
Belle Reynolds stood with an open
letter In her band, and ber eyes flash'
ed angrily as she spoke her thoughts
aloud. "Soft-beaded tdlotl Heard of
me through a friend. Indeed! This
Then something like the truth swept
through her mind and ber fun-loving
mind reasserted Itself, and, going to
ber desk, she wrote:
Mr. Charles Burt Tour most extra
ordinary letter savors strongly of the
Wedding Bells claaa, but you forgot to
state whether your 'motive was for
'pleasure, pastime, or with a view to
matrimony.' Whatever your object
may be, permit me to say that you are
guilty of gross impertinence. My friend.
Matilda Brlndle, would call you 'sassy.'
'Are you aware, sir, of the risk you
Incur by asking to correspond with a
spinster of the tender age of 37? Let
me enlighten you. I will honestly de
scribe the picture which my mirror re
flects, and then, perhaps, you will con
gratulate yourseir ou liavtng round a
person so frank aa myself. My red
dieU -yellow hair, already thin on top.
hangs In ringlet about my fnll-sised
ears, my freckled nose is elevated by
nature to a blgb degree, my teeth are
conspicuous by the absence of not a
few, and my greenish-gray eyes would
be my one redeeming feature If I were
not cross-eyed. I am tall and command
lug most emphatically commanding.
My joints are too large to allow my
wearing rings, so don't send any. I
am a strong-minded woman, sir, so
think well before yon further commit
yourself. B. tt.
When Burton Smith received this
mocking eplstlo be dove both hands
Into bis trousers pockets and stood gaz
ing at bis feet with a most dejected air.
No acrobatic performances now. O, no.
No occasion for them. But as the humor
of the whole affair struck him, be
threw back his bead and laughed b
"The little mlnxt Serve me right,
though. But how foolish she could
make a fellow feeL Smith, you're an
met your friend, Matilda Brlndle, Doe;
she not live lu Caatoue?"
Hell stopped short In lier walk ami
looked mt hltn Thnn VAii am " 1
"Charles Burton Smith, at your ser
vice." And he made a profound bow
Just in time to receive a sound box on
the ear, admlulstcred by the little beau
ty beside hi m. Then she fled precipi
tately. Soon after their return to the city
Paul went to Burton's room, and see
ing one of Belle's lateat picture in a
costly frame, ke slyly remarked: .
"Kb, old fellow, changed your mind?"
"O. well, you know, she Is not my
sister." But the look which be gave
the sweet face spoke volumes. Boston
The most wonderful astronomical
photograph In the world Is that which
ha recently been prepared by London,
Berlin and Parisian astronomers. It
shows at least sixty -eight million stars.
When a Philippine woman of bettc
class get married, she sometimes
wear as ber wedding dress a costume
of native manufacture that reaches In
value up Into four figures. It takes
mouths to make a handkerchief or
sleeve, so microscopic and delicate
the fabric.
Travelers In Australia complain that
almost the only trees In the confluent
are eucalyptus, and they afford little
shade, as they have learned to turn
their leave edgewise to the sun. The
botanical gardens tn the cities are,
however, declared to be dreams
Recent Investigations bav shown
that the principal source of the Gulf
stream ta not the Florida channel, but
the region between and beside the Isl
ands of the West Indie. At Btulonl tb
volume of this warm water 1 sixty
time as great as the combined volume
of all the riven tn tbo world at their
Of the 10.410,654 cotton spindle in
the country, Massachusetts has 7,007,'
383. Rhode Island follows with 2,132,
250, while New England as a whole has
13,431,lffil. Of cotton looms the Stat
bos 182,183; wool cards, 1,808 sets
worsted combs 412, woolen looms.
20,518, and silk looms 843. It will be
soon that Massachusetts has over 40
per cent of the entire cotton splmtle
age of the country. It has 22 per cent.
of all the wool cards, and shows an In
crease of sixty-one sets within two
years. Of the 1,373 worsted comb In
the country, Massachusetts has 412, or
about 83 per cent, while New Englam!
has nearly 00 per cent of the total.
The number of silk looms In MaaaachU'
sods bss Increased about two hundred
within the last two years, but the In
crease In the number of looms which
are working on cotton snd silk or wool
and silk must be much larger.
75o$l; Salinas Bnrbsnka.
11 fflll 10 ,u a.nlr
The new briok plant to b installed Tnin.i .;.. 'n- a,.-,-.
by Messrs. Linn snd Trneswell. attain ner bunch: ninaennl.. Muia
M n . I... ...I A 1 11.. I ' . ' 1 r o
. "-,PUiin.iiWi Persian data. nradUa
I er and engine being plsoed In position. 1 xund
The June days passed, the eagerly
sntictpated vacation drew near, and at
last Paul Reynolds and Burton Smith
found themselves tn the quaint old
town Of Castone, where they were hap
pily welcomed.
At first Burton rather stood in awe
of beautiful Belle Reynolds. Her love
ly face and graceful figure won univer
sal admiration, and her sweet disposi
tion endeared ber to alL Burton Smith
proved to be no exception. Their mu
tual love for all kinds of outdoor
snorts threw them together constantly,
and they became firm friends. Then as
the time for his departure drew near
be began to realize that in leaving
Belle Reynold behind he was leaving
all that had made Ufa so bright for
him during the last few weeks. Yet be
felt that there was no reason why be,
a comparative stranger, should claim
more than the friendship accorded him.
lie woum unuouuteaiy nave gone
back to business with hi love untold
bad be not unexpectedly com upon
Belle In the little vine-covered summer-
bouse one morning with a woe-begone
expression and traces of tears upon ber
fair face. She hastily explained that
she bad been indulging In a fit of lone
liness at the thought of her brother'
return, but the look snd blush which
accompanied her words gave him new
couarge, and, taking both her bands
In bis, be asked;
"May I hope, Belle, that yon will
miss me a little, too, when I am gone?
Forgive me for speaking so soon, but
you have become dear to me, and I am
conceited enough to believe that you
like me. Tell me, darling, that you can,
In time, care for me, and I will try to
be worthy of your dear love."
Whatever ber answer may have been,
suffice it to say that when tbey emerg
ed from their secluded nook an hour
later tbelr faces bore evidences of their
new-found happiness.
"iif the way, Belle, I bav not yet
Itldtonled (X h. Davl.
About the best true story I suppose
the stories are true, as be swore tbey
all were told me by my friend the
clerk wa about Charles U Davis, the
actor, otherwise known as "Alrln Jos-
lln." He was In the lobby of the St
ijoanes in new uneans when a man
from Chicago stepped In front of him
and looked over bis bead In search of
an acquaintance who be supposed was
In the hotel lobby. Davis, mistaking
the Chicago man's purpose, remarked:
Ah, I see you admire my diamonds,
This one" Indicating the stone on bis
shirt bosom "cost me $3,000. These'
snowing nis curx nut tons "cost me
$2,600 each, and my wife bas a trunk
f ul up In onr room."
The Chicago nian did not say much.
but that evening, by arrangement with
the head waiter, Davis was placed at
supper alone at a table where were
several vacant chairs. Presently seven
men, all commercial travelers, entered
the dining-room, and each one had a
large cut-glass fruit dish fastened on
bis breast while glass prism bung
pendant from each coat and vest but
Soberly marching to Davis table, the
seven men took the vacant seats and
the Chicago man entertained the actor
with: "Ah, I see yon admire our dia
monds. This one" pointing to the
fruit dish "cost me $3,000,000. These"
Indicating the prisms "cost $250,000
each, and we bar three carloads like
them at the depot waiting to be side
tracked." Davis not only changed bis
table, but went to another hotcL
Courier-Journal, . ,
Death for Cora Mtorobe.
That little bit of tough skin on the:
business side of the little toe, that un
failing barometer and Inducer of pedal
agony, the corn, is not simply the re
sult of wearing boot too tight or too
loose, as we have been taught to be
lieve. It has a far more Important
pedigree than that and actually boast
bacillus the corn bacillus. Ills Iden
tity has long been bidden, but a Trnp
plst monk discovered tbe rascal and his
complete destruction may be looked for
In the near future.
Tbe pesky organism has been digni
fied with a name. Bacillus dlabollcu
it Is called. Physicians will abbreviate
that to Dl. Tbe monk of La Tranoe
who found him out give detailed In
structions for the capture and punish
ment of the vicious mite for the benefit
of suffering humanity. The prescrip
tion is composed of thirty grains of
percblorlde of mercury In solution and
thirty drops laudanum do Sydenham.
Pisco this on tbe affected spot and the
career of the bacillus dlabollcus comes
to an Ignoble end. Now York Press.
Ktpllng'a Clever Sister.
Rudyard Kipling has but one sister.
now married to an English army offi
cer In the staff corps stationed some
where In India. She Is a great beauty
and familiarly known as "Trleksey."
She Is a very accomplished woman and
bas written several clever stories.
About the only difference between
marble and billiard is In tbe age of
the player.
rauhi H Ra'
At a military basaar an officer
fhnught hs fancied osrtaln artlcl ex
pound for sale at on of the stalls, and
he was ceitain he fancied the lady who
pr.wl.lnd al lha stall, lis remarked,
thoieforo, that tin thought that partiou
lar article very pretty. The lady
said: y. U I ""7 P'otU- My
mother sent It." "Ah, really.1' pur
sued the officer, determined to discover
the name of th ownor of Hie eyes that
had bewitched him "really, lot me
see I think I he mot your mother.
Her name I" "The queen of Kug
hind," nwered th lady. The oftloor
did uot wait foi th funded attiolu.
Kpiti Moment.
Bin Miles aa Hour.
A steam motor car, for us ,on th rail
roada, rweutly made a trial trip, going at
the rate of sixty miles an hour. This will
nrobnblv he as much of a record twitter as
lloalrtter's Ktoniach llltiera. It lira In
digentiou, const inntiou, nervousness, liver
auu suliiey iruuuio.
A good Arabian horse will canter In
the desert for 24 hours in summer and
48 hours In winter without drinking.
I'ino's Ours for Consumption Is th only
coiiirn metiicine umhi in- my House 1. u
Albright, Mulliuuurg, Vs., Uec It, lRltt,
Bright red spectacles , aooomunnled
by internal doses of calomel, form a
new Ueruiun speoiflo against seasick'
nesa. '
A fare Vegetable tlamnaund.
Nn mnreurla. or othr mineral notaoni In
CawareU Canity t'atliartlt', only vegeieble ant
iiuc. laie meUlval duvvverle. Ail druo
KL Petersburg has tha largest broil
statu In existencethat of Peter the
Ureal, which weighs 1,000 ton.
Allen's Foot-Easo, a powder for th fret
H cures painful, swollen smarting feet and
instantly takes Ilia sting out of corns ant)
bunions. It's tbo sreatext comfort disrav.
aryefthag. Alien Foot-Kas makes
tight-lilting or new shoe leel cany, it is
mam cure lorouuniauis, sweating, dump,
rniious ami hot. tired, arhing feet W
have over lO.noo testimonials of cures. Try
It today. Hold bv all druggists aud shoe
store. Fv mail for 2fto In siainps. Trial
wsaea rniLN. Aaursss AUvIl B. Olm-
iu, ue itoy, . f ,
There I it Werda
temple In whioh 1,000
by the piiesls.
In Dahomey a
snake are fed
Sim. Hoffman Doooribea Bow 8b
wroto to Mr. Plckham for
Advloo, and Li Now WU.
.1 Jrea.
nf -i ST -a.
w a
Dia Mas. Pixxram: Befor nstnf
your vegetaoia compound I waa
great sufferer. I bav been sick for
month, wa troubled with sevtr pain
In both side of abdomen, sore feeling
tn lower partof bow
ela, also suffered
with dlxalaeaa,
headache, and
could not afcep.
I wrote you a
letter describ
ing my case and
aaking your
advice. Yon
O replied: tell
9 i
jug ma juae
what to do. I
followed your dlrec
tlona, and cannot prais your medlcin
nougb for what it baa don for tn.
Many thank to yon for your advice.
Lydla a Pinkham's VegeUble Com
pound ha cured mo, and I will recom
mend it to my friends- Mr. Ploskncs
a llorr.AM.5l Roland 8t, Canton, a
The condition described by Mr Hoff
man will appeal to many women, yet
lota of alck women struggle on with
tbelr daily task disregarding th
argent warning until overtaken by
actual collapse.
The present Mr. Pinkham's experi
ence In treating female 111 1 unparal
leled, for year she worked aid by aid
with Mr. Lydla E, Plnkham. and for
n me time past has bad aolr charg
of the correspondence department of
her great business, treating by letter
a many aa a hundred thousand ailing
women during a alngle year,
Kalher tb Onpaalt.
Indignant Mother How dsre you
suffer him to kiss you, Msrgueritef
Sweet Seventeen Oil I there wasn't
any suffering about it, ma, dear.
Tit-Bits. '
Stats or Onto, rrrv or tolsdo, I
Lcvas Corsrv. ' I"-,
Flux. 1. CasNSV makes nsth that he Is tb
senior parter of tlie Arm ol T. ). Chsmbv A Co.,
doln busmen In the Cltr ol Toletto, I'onnir
snd Htate eforraald, snd that said arm will per
the sum ol ONK IIUNliRKl) lxd.l.AHU for ear
snd erery eaae of Csiarrh that esnnot be cured
by th use oi LULL'S Catibsh Cess.
rHAftH. jt. ciianaY.
Sworn to before me and subaerlbed In nf
presence, tbislin say of iiecember, A, D. 1M.
I IVatory iNMIa,
Ball's Catarrh Cnre li taken Internally snd sets
directly on the Mood and miiiwas aurleeas ol
the lyitem. nend lor te-ittmoiilals, free.
Hold ny druggists, 75a.
Halfs Family fills are th bast, .
SquatUr who have recently pene
trated tb interior of New Zealand re
port the discovery of a tribe of bo-
iginal dwarfs.
Tested snd true. Oregon Blood Part tier.
Gray horse are usually tha longest
lived. ; Cream are decidedly delicate,
and are seriously affected by very warm
The blonde type wilt have disap
peared from Europe In two oenturiea,
according to an English physician, who
declare that of 100 blondes only 65
msrry, while of 100 brunettes 75
marry. In Garrnsny and Scandinavia
also th blond type is much less pre
domnlnant than It used to be.
Thtra Is Mo Ramedy tha Equal ot
Pt-ru-na In All Their Pe
culiar III.
0 '
Miss Susan Wymar, tescher In tin
Richmond school, Chicago, HI,, writes
th following letter to Dr. llsitman
regarding Pa-tn-n. Shasayst "Only
thus who hav suffered with sleeplnsi.
ness from ovi-work In the sahool.
loom, suuh as I have, can know what
a blessing It Is to be alilu to find relief
by spending a couple ot dulling for
torn Pe-ru-na. This has hetin my
peiience. A friend In need la a friend
indeed, and every bottle of I'e-ru-na I
ever bought proved a good friend to
ma-"Susan Wrmar.
Mr. Margaretha Datiben, 1S14 North
Superior street, Itatin City, Wis.,
wiites: "I fuel o wall and good and
happy now that pen cannot describe
It. Pe-ru-na I everything to mo. I
fuel healthy and well, but it I should
be l:k I will know what to take J
hav taken several bottles of Pe-ru-na
fur female complaint. I am In th
change of life and It doe mo good."
Heud for a free book written by Or.
Ilartman, entitled "Health and
Beauty." Address Dr. IUitman, Co
lumbus, 0. '
There ate an Id to lie 930 glaciers In
tbe Alps over Av miles In length.
There r 600,000 persons In Wales
who cannot spesk English. In Soot
land there are 43,000 who only sneak
Gaelic, and In Ireland 8,000 who
speak only Irish.
Recent oliemloal experiment prove
that all water Lv action on copper)
that "beid" water take np little lead
from lead pipe, but that "soft" water
and carbonated water dissolv consider
able quantities.
Tber hav been fresh terrible ex-
smples of the sptoaivnof flour dust
In tnor than on accident that has oc
curred lately in Ameika. A (lusty
mill is In teality a dangerous a any
gunpowder faotory. , .
The latest quotation for breach of
promts of ninrrlagu i lia.oOO. That.
is cheap enough for trilling with one's
affoctlons. but so long as th tyrant
man monopolises th jury boa it Isn't
likely to average much higher.
The Tyrol had an extiaordinary mild
autumn. Ou November 15 flowers
wer blooming, and lip atawberrie
were picked, some al an elevation ol
8,000 feet There were alpine rose
In bloom and plenty of June bags I
Best v
money-back tea and
baking powder at
Your Grocers
Thousands of people are aur?erlni sulold
miseries t reuse of the poor condition of tholr
blood are In almost comlnnoua agony.
Moore's Revealed Remedy
will ear them will do It ntilc-kle and nlras.
enlly as It has onred thousands ot others. I1.C0
por uome ai yuuraruggigi s.
ok. ManTEia
PertlMnaMi sad ttl
monlelaln plelnseaUMl
Ulta, Siluu Vaaa.
raENCHDRuaC0.,Ssl 3B1 Pearl St., Ne Tart
We guarantoe to fit every ease we uu.leruke.
Po..t put It ottj writ lor particulars at nnoa.
V, H. WOOD A HI) CO., stsper True
Jr It tars, us Hsoend Direst, ftntlsuad, Or.
I Ism Hi-aU lm ....... .ut
ttt Nrwj( Ittrlenntnailona.
! IrrltMLiunsi air ni. .r.!!,..!!
rwHisr.. vi m h c o a niiiitraii,
ifMU MisiMi, Pft.nloiM. ftorl bnl avetrla.
"I bsr gone 14 dare si Hat wltkeat a
aaeeaaseal mt Ike aaar ele, net being able to
atete weas eseeot br earns has water lulaeiiena
Chronle eonstieaiton for aaraa years elseed na la
this terrible coneltloni Surlns that Hue I did er
errtala I keard of lufsrfooma rallerianek
was air ease aaUl t besaa aslns C'SSCAUS'l'S. 1
pow have from one to three nessa aa a dar. sud If I
waa rick I would glfs liuuoo for saok eioTanienti It
Is aeck a relief." siiiibkI,, iiumt.
MSI UssaeU St.. Wlrell, Mick.
"j Uol by ttt-alafa,
for Hnt Is glaln wrapaer,
W I',f UrpalJ. lii
B II ", or 1 holllna, j.n.
as Circular saut an rasaass.
riTJiriNti IPIlsa praUuoa
this Wm, as ss Blind, H
iiirn fttiu .) ittijiiitfk
Iwfdmt or 1'ruirufltti,
." Mrcj t.f pr. tfOMrtko'i Pile ttmdy
Btupf U,;tiiu utl il-Min.. Al.(ri)siit.rft'r. (Vt,-!
.laj at rirnaraflaLsi n avattit ...all 1'..a.--f. ttr.ia-
aMta.fuUCaVs. iJlt flUrtANkO, Jtlli4k.,Ja
Ir tl ONLY llltrtnti h,l will cun Mh-h imi
saM. HO CAHK ttiKtwn ft hit vr tlU iu am
pitiw now kWrioiM op or huw Joni
fmm Ita aw lll mMnnith yon. It
Ifto. II
urtv no
iwiiiivrir rwrss.
Pleasant, ralatable.
flood. Merer Siokea, Weaken, or Qrlne. KM. aue. alia.
Hwa- aaart, r.,..., anag. aa J, fm la, as)
Kro.rntm mnnurm. and ran l taban wltliout liiawira.
I.nca and dMjtntlon frrmi iHi.ln. l.i.i, -if am
amta lr af re lUhla dniinrlM, ur a-tit pr uaul lur aase a,
plainly wiappvl, on nIM of prt-o. Uy
. . . fa iwf uuiaiuaC oa, rhisags, nv
Ct (uar smIIm oe riu i,
or. cuf.rrs 'u'vir" pills
Sf r? FO? . DOSE. Cnre Sick
t?!'!' uios Tlmpleeand "
Blood, Aid Dlf.jtlonand lllllou
aotHrlpeerS nkan t.
WiUlla., i'ouaa. Hold by Druggists,
rurKy Hie
istieni. !e
oooiiTtnee you.wewlll mstl
K. P. N. V.
NO. -.
avrs wrltlna
mentlea tliis i