"Pride Goeth before a Fall." ' Some proud people think they art strong, ridicule the idea of disease, neglect health, let the blood run down, and stomach, kid neys and liver become deranged. Take Hood's SarsapariHa and you nuill prevent the fall and save your pride. llaated Hope. In moody iilence,with lowering brow and folded rui 8, the young mail stood before her. He was a returned soldier, a volun teer offloer, honorably tlisoliargeJ from the seivio of hie country. Be hid come hack, ai ha proposed, to make the dear giil happy who had hung npon his neck when ne bads her good-bye to go to the wars. But the dear girl had received him ooldly. A bustling commercial traveler had taken advantage of bia absence and supplanted him in her affections. "Sol" he said, at last. "You have no remorse foi your faithlessness I" "None whatever," she replied. "Yon prefer that chap with the ample case to me, ,do your" "Rather." He drew himself up stiffly. "Miss Grenadine Cork in 6," be said, "I leave this bouse forever. I leave It,'' be added, picking up his hat, "drnmmered out; but not drummed outl" And as be marched out of the loom with a military step the heartless girl called out "Left I leftl left!" after him. Chioago Tribune. NERVOUS DEPBESSION. TALK WITH MSS. PtirXKAM. A woman with the bluca Is a very un comfortable person. She is illogical, wnhappy and frequently hysterical. The condition of the mind known as the blues," nearly always, with wo men, results from diseased organ of . generation. It is a source of wonder that in this age of advanced medical science, any person should still believe that mere force of will and determination will overcome depressed spirits and nerv ousness in women. These troubles are indications of disease. Every woman who doesn't under atsnd her condition should write to Lynn, Mass., to Mrs. Pinkham for ber advice. Her advice ia thorough com mon sense, and ia the counsel of a learned woman of great experience. Head the story of Mrs. F. S. Bixsirrr, Westphalia, Kansas, as told in the fol lowing letter: " Deab MRS. Pikkham: I have suf fered for over two years with falling, enlargement and ulceration of the womb, and this spring, being in such a weakened condition, caused me to flow for nearly six months. Some time ago, urged by friends, I wrote to yon for advice. After using the treatment which yon advised for a short time, that terrible flow stopped. "I am now gaining strength and flesh, and have better health than I have bad for the past ten years. I wish to say to all distressed. Buffer ing women, do not suffer longer, when there ia one so kind and willing; to aid yon." Lydia E. Pinltham's Vegetable Com pound ia a woman's remedy for wo man's ilia. Mora than a million wo men have been benefited by it. It's Quit tha Fad Now. They were .discussing the details of a projected county exhibition of fat stock, poultry and orochet work. "I think," said the chairman, "that all the preliminaries have been at tended to." An angular man in the back of the ball stood np. . "Have you . invited Dewey?" be asked. Instantly all was confusion. It was a terrible oversight, but one roan's forethought saved the day. Chicago Post. Among His Impodltnonta "Yonv'egot a lot of baggage," re marked the Washington friend who bad accompanied bim to the railway station. . "Yes," responded the retiring con gressman, "but I cairr something on my mind that weighs me down more than all this staff put together." "What is it?" inquired the other. "It's my 'ex!' said the departing statesman, with a dry sob. Chicago Tribune. . Absolute Proof Your name and Addres, on & postal Card will bring you absolute proof thact Or. William' Pink Pillt for Pale People will cure you if you are afflicted with any dise&se of the blood or nerve. Mention the disorder with which you are suffering and w will send evidence that win convince nd atify you that Dr Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People will cure you These pills contain, in & condensed form, all the elements necessary to dive new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered, nerves. Thcy&re on un failing specific for such disease as locomotor atmi, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, partial paralysis &nd all forms of weakness either in men or women. To a Iwrenco Journal reporter Mr. f). H. Bnyder, a well known eltlsen of Lawrence, Kan., relaud a wonderful story. He said : "lam now seventy years of ago. About three years ago I expert en ?ed a eoldness or numbness In the feet, then creeping up my legs, until It reached my body. I grew thin, appetite poor and old not relish my food. 1 became uoable to move about. Consulted sevoral dis tinguished physicians, one telling me I hzi locomotor ataxia, another, creeping paralysis, i took their i&tdlclnes but continued to grow worse. A frlsnd advised roe to try Dr. Williams' Fink fills for Pale People. Before I had flDlshei my tint box I found that they were berisnilng me. I used twelve boxes and was perfectly ours. Although oer six months since I ased my last pill there has be4 ao return of the disease. My appetite la good and general health bettor than tor many years." ; -gU, Look for lbs full oarrs on the package. At druggists or direct from tKst Dr. 'Williams Medians Co., Schenectady, N.Y. 50c per box. bows Too Ml a Risk. "Yes, I've made up my mind tohav my life insured." "Any particular reason for it?" "Going to be married next week." "Lei's aee, you're one of these popu lar follows, aren't you?" "Why. I fancy I'm pretty well known." "Well, we can't insure you until after the wedding is over." "Why not?" "Because there's no tellitig what vour fool friends will do to vou before you get out ol town." Olevolnud i'lain Dealer. A Matrimonial Musing. The average young man thinks he ia in a position to niairy if lie has $380 in the bank and a Bteady. job. Hope is a great factor in a love affair. At ter the man is 40 he wonders bow be ever did it, and when he eats pie at night and has the nightmare he al ways Imagines that he is mairyiug again on fj50. Atchison Globe. The Towor of fltortu. The Cayman Islands were nearly over whelmed by the recent storm. Apparently secure thinira are not cafe. Kven if you hare health be on your guard. Disease works stealthilv. An occasional dose of Hostrtter's Stomach Bitters will keep the bowels regular ami disease at tav, li you have indigestion and constipation try it. "So your poodle ran away, Mist Chic?" "Yea. I'm very sorry now 1 didn't have a muff made out of bun as Jack wanted me to." Puck. There was a young man from I.enore, Who boldly went off to the war; The "beer1 made him sick, He recovered quite quick By the prompt use of old Jesse Moors. Use of sense makes no one pooler. Barn's Horn. To yourself you owe the duty, jtarlfy your system by rtunuers uregon utoou runner. There's no denying the fact that Bos ton ia one of the has-beans. "We will forfeit 11.000 if any of our pub lished testimonials are proven to be not genuine, xus 1 iso to., narreii, I a. Life is a biz poker game in which everybody is bluffing the loser. riTC Permanently Cured. No fltsornervousnes llltS after rJrtu day's ut of Dr. Kline's Oral Nerve IteMorer. Bend lor rsst as-OO trial bottle and treatise. DR. B. H. alLLM IML, tUU Aiva street, rbiladeipnia. fa. Slander is like mud; it only sticks where it finds affinity. A Guaranteed Vore. Most difficult to cure Thronlo Constipation. Yet t'ascarett Tandy Cathartic are guaranteed to cure any case or money refunded. irug gists, loc, 25c, ooo. If delays are dangerous lawyers must be a brave lot. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES. Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet It cures painful, swollen smarting feet and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the irreaiest comfort discov ery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease make! tight-fitting or new shoes feel easy. It is s certain cure forchilblains, sweating, dam p, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Vt e have over 10.000 testimonials or cures. Try it todsy. Bold by all druggists and "line stores. Bv mail for 25c iu stamps. Trial parka?e FREK. Address Alien 8. Olm sted, Le Koy. N. Y. The best is the cheapest, but the cheapest isn't always the best. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their emiurcu uunag lae teeming periou. On account of some scit of a jar in the plan of organization the pottery trust baa collapsed. 100 REWARD a 100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all lis stages, and that is catarrh. HaU'sCatarrhCure is the only positive cure known to the medical iraierauy. tiivro ueiux a njuiinuuuuai un ease, reautres a constitutional treatment. Hall's Caiarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the founda tion of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing Its work. The pro prietors have so much faith la its curative powers, that they offer ne Hundred Dollars lor any case thai It tails to cure, bend lot list oi testimonials. Aaaress P. 3. CHENEY As CO., Toledo, O. rsota rry araggiEis. 100. Hall's family Pins are the best. Few men can keep their good reso lutions and a diary at the same time. Tested and true. Oregon Blood Purifier. The Dark Secret. "It's not dark enough yet," she whispered, as she peered eagerly up and down the street. "There's do one in sight," be re plied, after a careful survey. "But some one may come round that corner at any minute and recognise us, and then I should want to die." "Well, then, we'll wait a bit." What dreadful deed did those two contemplate doing? He was about to give her her first lesson in riding a bicycle. Cincinnati Enquirer. r liABASTINB la the, original and only durable wall coaling, ft entirely different from alt kal- ' somlnea. Ready for use In ftm-. white or twelve beautiful tints ml feA by adding cold water. ADIES naturally prefer AtiA HASTINH for walla and cell- Inge, because It ts pure, clean, durable, rut np in dry pow dered form, In five-pound pack' agea, with full directions. I.T. kalaomlnea are- eheen. tenv porary preparations made rrom whltlnsr. chalks, clave, etc. and stuck on walla with de- cnylnir animal glue. ALAUAb TINE la not a kalaorulne. E WAR 10 of the dealer Who says he can sell you the "same thine" aa AUAbASTlNE or "something Just as food." He la either not posted or la try Ins to deceive you. NO IN OFFEMNa somsthln he has bougnt cheap and tries to sell on ALABASTINK'S de mands, he may not realise the damage you will suffer by a kalsomlne on your walls. ENSIFI.B dealers will not buy a lawsuit. Dealers risk one by elllnir and consumers by using" Infringement Alabastlne Co, own right to make wall coat ing to mix with cold water, HK INTERIOR WALLS 0t every achoolhouee should be coated only with puro, durable ALABABTINB. ft safeguarda health. Hundreds of tons are used annually for this work. N BUYING ALABASTtNE, see that packages are properly la beled. Beware of large roor sosad package light kalso mlne. offered to customers aa a ave-pouad package. TJI8ANCE of wall prter Is ob viated by ALABASTINE. It can be used on plaatered walla, wood celling, brick or can vas. A child can brush It on. It does not rub or scale off. ST.ATILISHDD In favor. Shun an Imitations. Ask nalnt dealer or druggist for tint card. Write for Alabastlne Era," free, to ALABASTINB CO., Grand Rapids, Michigan. Pay of Lawmakers. The lawmakers in Austria and France are paid $5 a day; in Greece the senatois get flOO a month and the depnties 150; in Germany members of both houses receive about I3.&0 a day; In Dentuatk the merubets of the "lamlsthing" each receive about f 3 a day; In Belgium, each member of the chamber of lepresentativea gets 8S a month; in Portugal the peers and com mons are paid the same sum, which is bout f 355 a year; in Spain the mem bers of the cortes are not paid for their sot vices, but enjoy many advantages and immunities; in Switzerland the members of the national council get $3.50 a day, and the council of states, the lower bouse, f 1.60; in Italy the senators and deputies are not paid at all, bnt ate allowed traveling expenses. England is the only country where members of parliament are not only unpaid, but have no special rights or privileges. Chicago Chronicle. A Man or a Minister. A distinguished Massachusetts cler gyman tells a good stoiy at his own expense. He was on a tramp through the White mountains with another cle'gyinan fur a companion. One day they mounted the dtiver's seat of a stHge coach. As is often the case, the stage driver was an interesting char acter whose conversation abounded in good stories. The three sneedily be- uaine friendly and it was with reluct ance that they parted at the end of the journey. "I'm glad ter liev met yet fellers," said the driver, on leaving them. "Yer see, 1 haven't seen a man this summer exceptin' ministers." Does anyboxly donbt that these two men had more influence for good on this driver than all the duly uniformed ministers be had met that summer? Anecdotes and Morals. Keprovlny aa Arehblshop. An English paper tells how the archbishop of Canterbury, some time ago entered an East End (London) church during a week-night service, and, taking a back seat, joined in sing ing one of Moody and Sankey's hymns. Next to him was a workingman who was singing lustily in tune. The piimate was wretchedly out of tune, and his singing evidently upset the workingman, who patiently endured the discord as long aa he could, and then, nndging the atchbishop.whisper ed in bis ear: " 'Ere, dry up, misterl You're sp iling the showl 'Chicago Chronicle. Only One. Nice Young Man (lecturing In a Sunday school) Now, ia there any little boy or girl who would like to ask any questions? Well, little boy, I see your hand; would yon like to ask? Small Boy How much longer is this talkin' going to last? Collapse of lecturer. Tit-Bits. Proper Training. A business man is training bis two little sons to repeat invaiiably, in con versation, the name of the person to whom they are speaking, as: Yes, Mr, Browne;" "Good afternoon. Mis. Greene;" "No, Miss Mary," etc. He insists on this form of courtesy, be cause of, the special value it may be to the hoys in business life. To call a tiersnn promptly by name is a subtle compliment, which many times may have a commercial value. Housewife. A ptoverb found in one form or an other in every European or Asiatic language having a literature is "Fa miliarity breeds contempt." Its earl iest form is believed to be of the Sans krit. A lawyer in Danville, III., gave a spurious decree of divorce to a female client, and she, believing it genuine, married again. 8he has sued the law yer and recovered 5,000 damages. Chronic topers in New Zealand are compelled to have their photographs taken. These are distributed among the saloonkeepers and they are heavily fined if they sell lignor to them. A new adulterant of ooffee is dough, moulded in the shape of coffee beans. In a Baleony. She If capital punishment must be,' I certainly lavor electricity. He Ohl That is to say, you prefer currents to raisin's. Harlem Life, JTor s C'hVlil. The choice of a birthplace is of less mportance than the choice of parents. -Chicago Daily News. In No Danger. McGonigle The candidate's voioe has played outl Heeler Well, be can still sign ohecks, can't he? Philadelphia North American fa) IP) NEWS OF NORTHWEST A Badge of General News Gathered la Several 1'aolflo Coast tales. ' Chrlstlaa Kndeavor. The Influences which dominate the ally history of a state are fui-reauh-lug. Oregon has many blessings and one of them it that thousands of Its young people are enrolled under the banner of Christian Kndeavor. The societies have beeu the means of kind ling noble purpose and arousing enthu siasm for the work of Christian men L ami women. The Oregon Christian Endeavor Un ion is to hold Its lath annual conven tion at Portland, May 85-88. and hun dreds of young people aie planning to enjoy it. It is exceptional good for tune that Dr. Clark, the president of the United Society of Christian En deavor, wliioh now has a membership of over 8,000,000, will be present. He left Huston May 1st, having just shaken the dust of Cuba from his feet, and will address conventions in Manitoba, Utah and California, before coming to Oregon. , Tiie prgoraminsj ts pronounood "splendid," but is not yet quite ready for publication. It la to be mass convention, that is, all members of Christian Endeavor societies ate free to attend. The Port land '99 Committee are making carefull arrangements, and they offer free lodg ing to societies with a membership of 40 or less for four of their number, pro viding each has a delegate a certificate. In societies numbering over 40, one out of 10 may be given a delegate's oertitl cata entitling to free lodging when presented. The ruilioads have given special rates, the O. R. & N. Co., full fare going, one-fifth fate returning. All puichns- ing tickets should gut a receipt from the agent showing that they have paid full fare, and this receipt will be coun tersigned by the secretary of the Ore gon Chtistian Endeavor Union. On presentation of the receipts thus coun tersigned the holders will be entitled to the reduced return rates. The Southern Pacific offers such ex ceptionally low ratea that this will aSord a splendid opportunity to visit Portland. At that time the oity will be at its beet, and the people will be prepated to give the visitois a royal welcome. A steamboat excursion up the Columbia has been planned at a low rate for the round trip. This is an opportunity not to be missed. ROBERT M'LKAN, Chaiiman of Ptesa Committee. alto for a Smelter. Advices fiotn Grsnd Forks, B. C. announces that Jay P. Graves, who is opersting in the Boundary oountiy on behalf of a big Montreal syndicate, bioh is about to erect a smelter there, has finally selected a site on the not tli bank of the north fork of the Kettle river, one mile and a half from Grand Forks. The smeller will have a capacity of 60 tons per day, with provisions for an increase to 8,000 tons Mr. Grsves has gone East to purchase a plant. This is the smelter which to handle the output of the Knob Hill and Old Ironsides mines, and possibly tiiat of the City of Paris, and others, in which Mr. Graves and hia associates are interested. Slaughtering Itoer to Bo Stopped. L. P. W. Quiinby, Oregon state game warden, was in Jackson county recent ly investigating the wholesale slaugh ter of deer by the Elk-creek huuteis with a view of putting a stop to the same by enforcement of the state game law. He will spend f 100 of the f5()0 allowed his office for deputy hire in bringing the guilty parties to account, and arrests may be expected at any time. Some time ago 1,400 deer bides were shipped from Central Point. Northwest News Notes. An Everett paper mill has received an order from Manila foi paper. Several hundred acres are sown to flax in the Walla Walla country. L. C, Smith, of Syracuse, N. Y., has purchased the Seattle National Bank building for $162,000. Claude Branton, who was hanged at Eugene, used neither tobacco, liquor nor profane language. Capitalists are looking for locations at t-i'okane for a woolen mill and a mining drill factory. Trout and salmon are being caught in large numliers in the irrigating ditches of Kittitas county. At least 20 pei cent of the farming land in the Palonse country Will be aammer fallowed this year. Treasurer Buchanan, of Benton comi ty, has $4,000 on hand to redeem war rants on which intetest has stopped. It Is estimated that 8,000 new set tlers have established themselves in the state of Washington since last Sep tember. The work of clearing 84 actea of land at Mariowstone point, where the gov ernment fortifications are being built, ia under rapid headway, and will soon be completed. The people of Ashland have pledged a sum sufficient to pay the debts of the normal school, so that the property may be transferred to the state. The debts amount to about $3,026. At a sheriff's sale of 180 head of horses in Franklin county, the other day, the animals brought piioea rang ing from $1.60 to $22 per head. There are two copies In Asotin of the book of Matthew translated into the Nez Perce's language by Rev. II. H. Spalding, the early missionary. Gus Harding, farmer, near Cor vallis, is experimenting with red olover. He was so successful with eight acres last year that this spring be planted 40 acres with the clovor. The Puyallup Indian commissioner has forwarded new schedule to the department which, as soon as it is ap proved, will add a little over 683 acres to the lands already in the market. F. W. Morgan, of the Edgewood ranoh, Klamath county, is missing. Five weeks ago he drove a band of horses Into Northern California. Since then nothing has been heard of him. The Walla Walla penitentiary hat manufactured 700,000 grain sacks thli year, but Is unable to supply the de mand. Tha prloe of sacks has been reduced fiom $54 to $52.60 per 1.000, Consolidation of street Railways The oonatilldatlun of the street tall toads of Seattle Is an accomplished fact. Gil of the principal lines in tl oltv. cable and electric, have been brought togothor under on ownership and are soon to be controlled bv one executive head. Thursday the deal whlob lias been pending for weeks, an which has been talked ol for four or five years, was closed by an agreement between the owners or the rvpiesouU tivea of the railway lines involved. new company will be organlxed ImniO' dlntoly, with an authoiiaed capital stock of 86,000.000. Oregon Normal Schools At the meeting of not mill school presidents held at fttlera, there were present, Presidents Campbell of Mon mouth, Anderson of Drain, Vim Hcoy of Ashland and Held of Weston. Ih representatives of tho different school agreed upon a pliiu for hurinonlsi the courses of study and the require' ments of graduation. They will loonm mend to their several hoards a four years' coarse, to begin as soon as poS' slble after next year; a list of accredit ed high schools; a uniform requirement for admission, and at least 800 houts praotioe teaching before graduation Wsotgrowsrs Will Sell, It is the belief at Pendleton that the wool market will open op In a couple of weeks, and that the clip of this year will move oft at the prevailing prices. The growers are not Inclined to repeat their error of last year and hold their wool tor higher tlguiea. Wuol Arriving. Wool continues to arrive at Tin Dalles at the rata of about a doaeu loads a dsy. Home of the last year's crop Is being shipped out on consign ment, so the warehouses are able to find pleuty of storage room for tha new ciop. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Seattle Markets. Onions, 80c!1.10 pur 100 pounds. Potatoes, 135 (3 40. Beets, per sack, 11(31 26. Turnips, per sack, 6OI075O. Carrots, per sack, 7So. Parsnips, per suck, 85ojt$l. Cauliflower, $1.00 per doa. Celery, 86 (400. Cabbage, native and California $2.60 per 100 pounds. Apples, f2.008 per bos. Pears, 60c $1.60 per box. Prunes, 60o per bos. Butter Creamery, 80o per pound; dairy and ranch, 12 0 18c per pound. Eggs, 18c Cheese Native, 18c. Poultry Old hens, 10c per pound; spring chickens, 14c; turkeys, 16c Fresh meats Choice dtessed beef steers, prune, 0c; oows, prime, 9c; mutton. Do; pork, 7o; veal, SfJlOo. Wheat Feed wheat, $80. Oats Choice, per ton, $30.60. liny Puget Bound mixed, $7.00(3 Si choice Eastern Washington tim othy, $12.00. Corn Whole. $38.60; cracked, $34; teed meal, $84.00. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $25(320; whole, $24. Flout Patent, per barrel, $8.85; straiabts, $3.10; California brands, $3.26; buckwheat flour, $3.60; graham, per barrel, $3.60; whole wheat flour, $3.76; rye flour, $4.60. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $15; shorts, per ton, $10. Feed Chopped feed, 131 33 per ton; middlings, per ton, $33; oil cake meal, per ton, $33. Portland Market. Wheat Walla Walla. 67c; Valley, 68c; Bluestom, OOo per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.30; graham, $2.65; superfine, $2.16 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 43 (3 Ho; choice gray, 4143u per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $23.00; brew ing, $83.00 per ton. Millstiiffs Bran, $17 per ton; rcld dlings, $23; shorts, $18; chop, $16.00 per ton. Hay Timothy, $8(39; clover. $7 8; Oregon wild hay, $6 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 8285o; seconds, 2730o; dairy, 25(3370 store, 1720o. Cheese Oregon lull cream, lSo; Young America, 15o; new cheese, 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $8(34 per dozen; hens, $4.00(36.00; springs, $1.253; geese, $6.00(37.00 for old. $4.606 fur young; ducks, $5.00(9 6.60 per dozen; turkeys, live, 16(3 16c per pound. Potatoes $1 (J 1. 10 per sack; sweets, So per pound. Vegetables Beets, 90c; turnips, 75c per suck; garlic, 7o per pound; cab bage, $1 (3 1.26 per 100 pounds; cauli flower, 76o per dozen; parsnips, 76o per sack; beans, 8c per pound; celery, 70(8 75o per dozen; cucumbers, 60c per box; peas, 8($3to per pound. Onions Oregon, 60375o per sack. Hops ll18c; 1897 crop, 46o. Wool Valley, ll13o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 6 (3 10c; mohair, 27c per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 4o; dressed mutton, 7c; spring lambs, 74c per lb. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.60; light and feeders, $3.60(38.00; dressed, $6.006.00 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, 4.004.60; cows, 13.00(4 . uo; dressed peel, 66,'c per pound. Veal Large. 6 (8 7c; small, 7K08o per pound. San Franolaoo Market. Wool Spilng Nevada, 913opet pound; Oregon, Eastern, 10(3 13o; Val ley, 16rJ17c; Northern, 810c. Millstuffs Middlings, $16020.60; bran, $15. 60 16.50 per ton. Onions Silverskhi, 60090c per sack. Butter Fancy creamery, 17 18oi do seconds, 16 17c; fanoy dairy, 16o; do seconds, 14 (rj 140 per pound. Eggs Store, 16o; fancy ranob, I617c. Hops 1898 crop, 18o. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $3 2.60; Mexican limes, $4.606; Cali fornia lemons, 76o$1.36; do choice, $3.60 per bos. Hay Wheat, $18016.60; wheat and oat, $18016; oat, $1416; best bar- ley, $13018; alfalfa, $1113 per ton: straw, 40070a per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, $1. 60 01.76; Oregon Burkanks. $1.05(311.85; ilver Burhanks, 75olj Salinas Burbanks, $101-10 per saok. Tropical fruits Bananas, $1.50O S.60 per bunch; pineapples, $3,600 4.60; Persian dates, OGeVio per pound CATARRH OF THE i The Reason Why So Jfrs. Kltei Wilt, ItO Jron SI., Akron, 0. Mrs. Eliza Wike says: "I would he in my gravo now If it had not been for your God-sent remedy, Po-ru-na. Everybody says 1 am looking so much hettui. No doctor could help his as 1'o-ru ua did. 1 was a broken-down woman. It is now seven years past that 1 was ouied," Mrs. Harab Gnllill, of Luton, Ia., also writes: "I was suffering with tha change of life. I had spells of flowing every two or three weeks, which would leave me nearly dead. I had given np hope of being cuted, when I heard ol Ui. Hartmau'a reme dies and begun to use them. I am en tirely cured, and give all the ctmlit to IVru-na and Mitii a lln." A heal thy woman Is becoming more and mora tare. But comparatively fow women who are suffering with ciilnirh know that this Is tha case. Their trouble is called dyaiHtpesia, heart trouble, female weakness, weak lungs, nervous debility; indeed, almost the whole category of medical terms b'ts been applied to catarth of some OUT or TIIK OltlttNAHT. The highest house In Paris has eight stories. An Irishman Is manager of a Chi cago Chinese restaurant. A Maine woman living near Belfast is the happy ptissessor of 16 coon cats. Mince 1841 the cultivated area of lie. land has dwindled from 4,000,000 autea to 3,030,000. The expense of running an Atlantlo steamer for three years exceeds the auit of its construction. On German railways freight brings in 68 per cent of all reooipte and ousts only 83 per cent of all expenses. A New York criminal, 68 years ot age, was brought Into oourt on a lettei to receive his 18-uiuntbs' sentence fur manslaughter. A full-grown hog owned by a farmet near Yimngsville, N. Y., was attacked in its pen by rats during the night and killed. The farmer discovered it half devoured in the morning. A Newfoundland dog was killed by lightning in Paasiac, N. J., last week. The holt came down the chimney, set tho house on lire, paused on to the back vard, wlieie it melted the steel chain by which the dog was fastened, aud killed him. It is estimated that England's stock of coal will last 200 years longer and North America s 600 years. It is not likely, however, that these supplies will ever he needed, ss it is probable that before many decades have passed power will be gained in other ways. The whale's nose is on the top of too head, at least his nostrils arc sild ated there, through which ho expels the columns of water known as "spout ing." Whales only spout when they are feeding. For 25 years Henry Zelglnr hss owned a farm of 300 acres in Pitlston, Pa. He has always been a poor man. It has just been discovered that the land contains a rich deposit of coal, and is worth about $1,600,000. An old clock three feet high is one of the ornaments of a schoolroom In Wairen, III. It lately stopped, and Miss Mary K. (J loss, one of the in structors, tried to set it going. In the works she found a wad of greenbacks amounting to $342. A purse containing $710 was lost by M. Griffith, In Kansas City. Mo. Ho advertised it and promised to tha tinder a rewnrd of half ot the contents. Tho purse was found by Miss Emma L. Elkinglon, and on returning it she received $3u6. Venom. ... ..... i . -""Jiflvii'i ,v a w , v, . i. I.. poor fellow's ringVI Florence (who has just broken ber engagement) I haven't decided. I suppose he'll prop:se to you now, and I thought I d Just hand It over to you to save bother. Philadelphia North American. . biliousness I have need voar ealnanle la A lltrt'a) and Sn them perleot. Couldn't do without, them. I nave used Ihem forsoine time or indigestion sndrjiiiotisrinsssndam nowenm rietely cured, keeonirnc nd them, to every oih hiue tried, you will never be without them it ne family. Euw. A. sUs, Albaujr, K. Y. Plaaaant. T1. 1 t h i - ,n..ni nM k. Guuo fcever Sluaan. Weakeu. or' Gripe. lOe, fee, tttc. . OURI CONSTIPATION. ... T" -i"r. anuni, rt. set NflaTO-Blfi rVIS ane sjiaranteeil Sy all drug. SII'IV'BSli siaiato OHUC'fuuauio liatili. F YOU ARE SICK II you have a continuous tired fueling! Hevery part ol your liwly suems tired out, oaneclally Moore's Revealed Remedy tine iM.tlle makes the blood purer brlngi lief. Tlioiiitml have been mired. II. ou buttle at your drusKist's. KS re- pur (f 1 B l ' " Jc ft T"0 " assrersasa as Li Bart Coutrb Bjrup. Tatitaa Uoud. Cm f 1 jI71TOla PELVIC ORGANS. i, Many Women Are Sick. organ of the fomale anatomy, If these women would only realised that theii tioubla Is probably oatarrh of the organs pecullai to Women of pelvic or gans, and our themselves with l'e-rti. na, liow much unnecessary suffering would be saved. Mia G. C. Woistell, Clarksburg, W. V., writes the following to Dr. Hart, man. This is only on of hundreds of similar letters wliioh the doctor receives from thankful women. Mrs. Worsted says: "I trust that no ons will thing from this that I want my name In pub lic lor any cause only to let sufferers know where they may find relief hunt many ailments. 1 can truly any I have been much benefitted by the use of Pe ru-na. I feel better than I hare for two years. It Is tha best modi olus that I know for female troub les. 1 have taken medicine from the doctors ami found no r 1 1 f 1 but when I began taking IVru-na I could see that before I hail taken the first battle that It was doing me good, I recommend It to all suffering women. I think that it is the best medicine In the world. I can't say enough in Its favor. You can publish this it yon like" Dr. Hartman has written a book en titled "Health and Beauty" especially fur women. It treats of female catarrh in all its different phases and etnget. It is profusely illustrated and contains common sense talks on subjects which should Interest awry woman. This hook will be sent free to any woman who addressee Dr. llartu.an, Columbus, Ohio. PORTLAND DIRECTORY. DENTISTS. No paint tifw imifMg, fltm n!4 work, UK, I.ANt.WoKTHY. N.W. rat. Ttifnl ami Murrliuti Pen til Wlr Wttr ft PokfTsAN o w i h kH Rt in" mm h iTw i ni im Iron (iiinhiiini1.trt)r$.illiii(,vtp. &H AMor, Maelilntirj mut Kiipi-lic.. RAKES MOWERS BINDERS rile tor dialogue. U fBUsUUpjl, ft Cast Water Street. roni'LANI), Oil. i l-TTTHiifST- r'TllllllHlllll "T MACHINERY. tt . .TATUM A BO WIN... IS le II first Street f 0RILAN0 OH. JOHN roOt.E, rosTMao, Ossoow, can give you the best bargains In general iiarhtnery, engines, hollers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and windmills. The new steel 1 X L windmill, sold by him. Is un equalled. KIIWAHD II t'OIIKXj MACIIINKIIY AMI vehicles; ssml lor eatafogue. Iss-m front m. PHYSICIANS. It, Krn"t Barton, steelsllv, difaies al ihn 8k hi ami Kwlal Surgery. Isl Srd Ml., I'.inUml. I I'funder'jT vfcflnr1 BOOKI.KT HOU TO MAKIS INKPICTURE8 yrttrmsiM If jnxt writ wUttCfir'a Ink to CARTER'S INK CO., BOSTON, Ha S3 DR. GUiJiTS 1 uver" 0 PILLS ONE FOR A DOSE, Cure Slot llMnlafhe ad DfipriMla, Itoiiiui. Tlai alas earl I'urllv Ih. lllond. Aid lilsiMlvoandTret.nl llllliiuanlu. Ihi sot (Iris. erBlrk.a. Tooontlnc. nu.w will mall ample lr., or lull hni lor ark.. !. IIONANKU ;o., Fhlla.l.,'nin. Bold bi Drusgl.u, Relief at Last D9 Mufir jnttMCH rr,rit by tboUsMtndB or tUt I aflsj.1 laVla M'. est r EM ALE 3 way sstid without an rquftt. Auk druHKUi tar lr. -.rtlw ITrssBrh Fml PHI. In meml bi with IT rat sink aT lavas ran tm In Hlus. Whit and ftssfj, Inflat on ha in Un fntilii. "Rttlaf for Wa-ait," mft-ltvl km R Kin .i(n stffr wits, tratii-tmlal mhI part I out or. Adair, FRENCH DRUfl CO.. Sftl ftnl 983 fur. II., M. rr;:PENsiON I r SICKS us J. WaaHlngt.n. 0. 0 they will m I I reive quick replies, B. Ath N. tl, Vols, Htaff 2uth Cor.s. froseuutlng claim, slune IS7S, BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS ... MAW nTAOTUP.D BY ... CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. IW- SJOTB TBB HAaf B. CURE FOR PILES TTli1N(M1n tfu(tie moUturndaun Itiliiiis, I'M form, a II a blind, Itl)r.ltiC or t'rotrutiinfj t'UM rat uurt-i ti Dr. ttaaanka'a ttl mrii Mt'ipt, Huh In ftnd T.lsjgTlr. AltrT tumor. U)a a Jtvat dmiibWurHitl hr mU. Trststtlsw frn. Wrlta Bi- abuat our . UU. HiMAN ko, l'bilada.,l'a CURE YOURSELF! V Hlgl for unnatural km, luDaniiiiatlona, on. or tllrnratlous ..US ruasibran. of a, u fnr,aH Mawctca, Palnlaav, and not aalriS' ITSttHHSJI 0HImt (lo, Snl or frtilaounu., .siseisssn.s.r"! " r airoggiaia. seM ky aranha .5 ff ! I" Plain r.p. jAy& by axprM., pr.palil, I LiH SI M. or S bolllaa. ki rA. '.' at Circular aanl oa rauuaat. YOUNG MEN! I tha ON1.V mfitlltilna wliioh wlU mirt sach and averf aiurn. No OAHB if now a it hui vr flld to otrt, tin niaitar how avrlum or of bow leit MMtdlnr, RumM fruta Ita oaa will atsUMiUh fon. H la alwoliiirflr mf prtomt ptrlftura. (tad tmn h takaa withixi lii(Mii. Blrnca and defntion tram bUNtneaw. F UK 'K. tl M. f'sT Ali iir all ra.ts.bl di iiiraUUi, or mmt prapaid a MPwj blaial wraupad, on iTW't-lpt ot prim, hf . Osjvular aa llad aa rvquwii 17 IJ PTIIDP RUI7ED. Wa guarantee to at svory osse w niulorislre. VoJl put It off ; writs for oartlnnlars at onr O. II. WOOIItKII CO,, Km pert Trass 1 liters, 10S Seoona Utraal. Portland, Or. N. P. N. V. NO. I-'S. mm I j Ret l if t 'W a, jt,l i nn a r ar f g l l il.dBr.J Jf DltrillStr) IB M Mt ts tirlatarw. a ' 1 w II KM writing to advertisers pleasa