OREGON MIST. lftVB0 KVKKV I'HIBAT nOHKIKO DAVIO DAVIS. Snbecrlptlosi Mates. One oopy on year in advance............ On copy six mouths....... ... ... Blugl copy .....-... . II 30 Advertising rat "nade xnown upon application COLOMHIA COUNTY DIUKCTORy. CODN TV OrriCEKS. Judge...., , Clerk BherltT ...... Treasurer Supt. of Schools AwMor Surveyor.... ..... Coroner C'oinralaaloners j , Joseph B. Doan, Rainier J. (1. WatU, 8t. Helena ........J. M. Rice, Claukante B. Rose, St. Helena I. H. copaland, v. arreu ...Martin White. Oulnev tfeo. Hevea, Nevjrer ...Dr. A. P. McLaren. Kaluler .......r. A. rraies, ocappo-jee N. I). Peterson. MLat May 12, 1899. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. It is no discredit to a man to have en emies and opposition. Many men hesi tate to take any course that will call forth the opposition of any person be cause they do not care to have enemies. The world is full of envious persons. Some people hate a man because he is successful in business or occupies a prominent position in a community The world has no animosity toward the quiet citizen who offends no one and gets in nobody's way. It is the live man, the man of push and energy who Incurs enmity. Them ean be no doubt that it is a source of great gratification to the citi xens of Oregon of all political faiths, that we have an executive who is not an opinionated fool : bat is a man of extra ordinary good sense, who can rise to the grandeur of an occasion and correctly feel the pulse of the people. Governor Geer's reply to the question whether the people of Oregon demanded the return of its noble regiment now making his tory at Manila, will be historical of it self, and it correctly expresses the sen timent of the people of this great state. The infernal traitors in America who have aided and abetted the Filippinos in their attacks on the American soldiers now battling in a far away country, are dangerous element with which this nation has to deal. Their actions and mouthing are in exact accord With thsir creed anything to oppose the flag and country that gives them protec tion and liberty. Damn them, their identity should be ferretted out and their disloyal carcases stretched up in a public place as a warning to others of their ilk. Their conduct is applauded by many in this country, and those who sanction such acts should be given a gentle bint. Hanging is too good for a traitor. Ali human beings need instruction, guidance, counsel, in a greater or less degree. No one person knows or can know everything. Sjme through age, experience and wisdom are qualified to be counselors and advisors. Others will not do this. They are indifferent to the welfare of those around them, and allow them to go their way and take the con sequences. Others more careful and sympathetic seek to save those from the evils and troubles which their inexpert ence might bring upon them. Often, however, tbey labor in vain ; their ad vice is unwelcome and their words are wasted. It is useless to try to pour water into a corked bottle or to give advice to those who imagine they know it all, and who go headlong regardless of the coun sel of friends. Experience teaches ; but its lessons are expensive. They are taught by blighted hopes and broken hearts, affliction and disappointment. Dtmnro the civil war there were peo ple in the North who slandered the fed eral generals and ridiculed the soldiers as basely as any confederates did. Then those Northerners were "called copper beads, and occasionally a particularly troublesome snake was requested to de sist his disloyal speech and conduct. Our soldiers are again fighting and the successors to the copperheads have ap peared again. They are of the same old stripe. They are just as eager to discredit the quality of American man hood. There are honest and fair men who strenuously oppose the policy of the government, as they have a right to do, and they are entitled to respect. But there can be only contempt for the slanderer the small-fry newspapers. Governor Geer cannot speak of the achievements of Admiral Dewey and the gallant soldiers without being hissed at by the modern copperhesds. A rasas dispatch says the first cloud to appear upon the Bryan sky from the South comes in the shape of an inter view with Senator Clay, of Georgia. It serves to show that Bryan is steadily Josing his following, and that the more intelligent leaders of the free silver movement realize the fact that they must look elsewhere for a leader if they expect to hold the party together and ever again meet with success. Senator Clay says it is impossible yet to say whom Georgia will support for presi dent. Clay has been chairman of the State cominitte in Georgia, and his ut terances have some significance on that account. He says that sijver may not he the paramount issue next year, and onsequentfy it is too early to commit the party to .that doctrine, In fact, the party now is hopelessly resting in the lap of time, waiting for something to oc cur out of which politii! capital can be made, The case is a hopeless one. i ft"' 1 mrfi DO YOU KNOW? That from all appearances we are hav ing an unusually early laur That a bank failure may not upset the depositor, but it may cause him to lose bis Daiancer That the oldest inhabitant in this part of the country agrees that this spring is one on nniil That your personal history docs not will attend to that. That we would get more enjoyment out of a dollar if it took us as long to spend It as II noes to earn it i That we are always in sympathy with a man who is hungry, but we have a sort of a constitutional contempt for a hog? That one of the greatest needs of this part of the county is an asylum for the blind persons blind to their own inter- estsT That the golden role should work both eravs? But those who would do as thev are done by generally want to be done by nrst. That turning a criminal loose because he pleaded hunger is a pretext as thin as a cambric well, as thin as a cambric necktie r That the law abolishing grand juries will go into effect in a few dayaT If we are to juage irom experience, we u an day an revoir. That Harry Meserve has resigned as postmaster at Delena, and Mrs. O. . Wonderly has been appointed to take charge ol tbeomce. That Columbia county is offering a premium on crime 7 Come along, you 'Weary Willies;' you are in no danger of prosecution nere. That good luck has helped many a man to be honest, ana many a man ap pears dishonest to his fellowman when his intentions are of the highest order? That the foremost questions in the minds of St. Helens people this week are: What will be the verdict of the jury in the Massie case, and when will That E. M. Wharton and family re turned about two weeks ago from Los Gatos, Cal., and Mr. Wharton is now at Hood Kiver. this state, in tne employ ot a merchandise firm? That the erand fury did not find a true bill against Frank Welch, held by the justice of this precinct for housebreak ing and burglary on the premises of W. E. Stevens, at Warren? That. mnat. rt thn anliTnflnm'nn writ ers have lost temper and are tearing ! . oil:- . 1 I pens under disappointment and a grow ing sense of being in the wrong. That 8. D. Dennis, once a law prac titioner of this place, and later editor of the Rainier Review, has laid aside the quill and the practice of law, and is now traveling in Washington tor a large boos firm? That J. N. Pearcv. once a resident of St. Helens, but who for a number of vears has resided at Kelso, Wash., will leave that place in a few days with the intention of permanently locating in the mining regions of Idaho? That a close political friend of Mr. Bryan says the democratic platform of 1900 will contain "all the platform of 1890, whatever may be the additions 7" The largest addition in this case will be to toe majority against it. That eight or ten members of the Knights of Pythias lodge of this city will go to Kelso tonight (Friday) to be spec tators at the institution ot a lodge ot Pythians? Kelso people will do well to "roost" in their henhouses. That the first real, genuine spring day was last Sunday? It had the manufac turer's name blown on the bottle. The astonishment of some of the natives as they emerged from their winter habita tions.clothed in makinawsand Artie over shoes,was amusing. That J. H. Peterson, of the Star Log ging Co., operating back of Rainier, will soon embark in the sawmill business at Portland? Peterson says there is not much money in the lumber and logging business, but his methods bear evidence against bis statements. That Judge George excused six lurv- men from duty at the commencement of court Tuesday? Business matters else where required their attention. Three or four years ago excuses from jury duty were few and far between, 'tis differ ent now ; there's business to be done. That the best curfew ordinance is the one that is adopted at each fireside where the old man acta as mayor and council, nightwatch and calaboose keep er, and where fine and punishment go together, and where a good hickory is more to be feared than so much lolly pop? That the weather has not been favor able for fruit during the past three weeks? It has been too cold. Some damage has been done by frost and more by continued cold weather with too much rain. The extent of the damage can be better told a month from now than at the present time. That the O. B. & N. Co.'s new steamer Hassalo is a "cracker-jack?" She made a little dash from Portland down to the mcuth of the Willamette in 38 minutes last Saturday. She is a aternwherler, and promises to outfleet the fleetest. She will be in commission as a seaside excursion boat this summer. That H. B. Borthwick, of Mooresville, is exnerieneinir much trouble lately with a disease which has taken hold of his horses? The disease is known as ean- Mr. Borthwick has lost a number of val uable horses. It is claimed that the disesse is not contagious, but Mr. Borth wick thinks dinerently. That a great rate-war is almost un avoidable on the Columbia river this summer? The steamers combatting the railroad promises some excitement in itself, but the fact that four steamboat companies will be out looking for busi ness will add fuel to the fire. But peo ple won't object if the fare for the round trip from Portland to the coast goes down to $1.00. That may be the price before the summer ends. A Btc Yield or Bops. Hopgrowers all over Washington coun ty are showing increased activity, not alone in me care Ol roeJ" minm vn i -. .I.... I..., iailil SViirviL'hAHt being enlarged. The Wm. Bagley yard Will uw euirgvi v wivo ...... j . , famous Buchanan yard at Cornelius will ha mi uri atrnrnmr iii its nick next vear. ndnenrlv all growers are nutting in more of the crop. All told, the 1900 crop in thin rwAll tl t o will )m aAVAral hundred acres larger than this' year. The pres ent profitable price is the cause oi mis, 1 ...l. ; 1.. , t- .1. .... Imm what It WMJI still growers generally are looking for a level oi values wmt.ii euiui winv w The Corvallia Union-Gaiette last week said : "A prominent hop man was in the city during the week and in con versing on the subject ot hops stated -ii., Ka nntlfwkk tr a nrnrj of that Drod- uct this year was very promising. He states that the vines are coming on more evenly than he has known them to do for the past seven years. If all signs prove true that department of Orefion'a agricultural industry will this year be unusually large." It Means Bare Death. A correspondent desired to know a good recipe for making gupner ana squir rel poison. The following is not only cheap, but is very effective, and proved valuable in many cases: In a five-gallon ran nut a little cold water; insert a slick of phosphorus, gradually add hot water and stir with a slick till the can is nearly full. As the phtwphorus melts, two pounds of sugar should be added. Corn meal and flour are then added, half and half, until a thick batter is maae. Stirring ia continued while wheat is added sufficient to make the batter quite stiff. Fifteen to twenty drops oi rottium la nut in at the same time as the wheat. The water will be absorbed bythewheat and the mass will become quite nam. It can then be chipped off, and small portions put in runs of gophers and sqtrrels. The odor will attract them and the least nibble will mean sure death. Spraying Is Necessary. Aha nf An, avi.liatimu VftrV tmthfullv .... . V. .. i . V. . .... a i .i nau t It a ilf) tvhA SI ) O I 1Mb MID HUW 'J" """" . every orcbardist will uot think anything of spraying nis irees reguiany. i wm do so as a matter of course. He will con aider that operation as important to !e attended to as the cultivation of the trees. This Oregon fruitgrower says he remembers very well the time when the fanners objected tosoaking their grain in nihl haf.irA artwina tiniA MunVof them considered the expense and the labor as quite burdensome. But there is no com plaint now about this nor thought in any case of not attending to the very neces sary preliminary for the prevention of Biuut. .m.- --- be grown as healthy grain. Wormy fruit can not be sold for shipment nor in the . ... . irk. i : Dome markets ai lop prices, iw uui ill mm ha km whon thArA will ha nn sale for it at all. With the most pro gressive of the fruitgrowers, and the most successful, spraying regularly is now a mailer oi course. The Tramp Still With Vs. f Notwithstanding the fact that iron and steel factories, our cotton fabric manufacturies and various other large industries of the country have recently raised the price of their employes' wages and the big daily papers of the country are continually telling us about the re newed prosperity of the nation, the "Wearv Willies" and "Dusty Wragglea" are still with us inalmost countless num bers. During the years of '93 and '94 there is no question but what many law abiding, industrious citizens were forced into tramning over the country in search of honest occupations, but under the changed conditions there can be only one deduction drawn and that is the tramp has become one of the permanent fixtures of the country. Utilising Defective Fruit. A new industry in Oregon ia the utili zation of the unmarketable fruit by con verting it into brandy. In Lane and Clackamas counties stills were operated last year. The total output of a still at Junction City was 132 gallons of liquor, which tested 168 proof, and on which the government received 225 in revenue. The brandy was made from over-ripe fruit discarded at the dner ot tsuennen A Mahon, at Junction City, and after being made into brandy was sold at $2.60 a gallon. At Eugene last fall a still pro duced brandy of 104 to 130 proof, which was sold at tbe same price, ine iraue ia beoinniiig to demand this pruduct. and next season it will become consider able of an industry in this state. Enjoy Being Swindled. The American people like to be bam- kniwuil .wl i , mttnM tltllllh thi Airrl- cultural class of our country suffer the greatest in this respect. Down in tbe southern part oi toe state a numoer oi fakirs have been working the more ig norant class of country people by what they call a "war tax." The swindlers travel singly, and when they have se lected their victim they present their authority, consisting of printed blanks, receipts and printed copy of purported revenue law, reqiring the farmer to pay certain per cent on the value of his property for war tax purposes, after which the fakirs proceed to collect what ever they can from the farmer. Tmmmg Mathers. Croup is the terror of thousands of young mothers because its outbreak is so agonizing and frequently fatal. Sbi loh's Cough and Consumption Cure acts ike magic in cases of Croup. It has never been known to fail. Tbe worst cases relieved immediately. Price 26 cts., 60 cts. and $1. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist, St, Helens, and 5. A. Perry, Houlton. . Tew Try If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the small price of 25 cts., 60 cts. and $1, does not cure, take the bottle hack and we will refund your money. Sold for oyer fifty years on this guarantee. Price 23 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Roes, druggist, St. Helens, and N. A. Perry, Houlton. Haaty a l.vr Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the breath by its action on the bowels, etc., as nothing else will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. . Price 26 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, drug gist, St. Helens, and N.A.Perry, Houlton. Sick Heaaaefcea, The curse of overworked womanhood, are quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea. the great blood purifier and tisane builder. Money refunded if not satisfactory. Price 26 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist, St. Helens, and N. A. Perry, Houlton. Wkal is ullaaV A grand old remedy for Coughs, Colds and Consumption; used through the world for halt a century; has cured in numerable cases of incipient consump tion and relieved many in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied with the results we will refund your money. Price 25 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist, St. Helens, and i N, A. Perry, Houlton. An Kptdemlo ot Whooping Cough. T.aat wlnta fliiatnf an Anlilnmln nf ! whooping cough my children contracted j the disease, having severe coughing spells, we had used -namwriain-s Cough Remedy very successfully tor croup and naturally turned to it at that time and found it relieved theconghand effected a complete cure. Johh E. Cur roan, Proprietor Norwood House, Nor wood, N. Y. This remedy is for sale by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist. School Warrant Payable. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing warranto of school district No. 2, of Columbia county, Oregon, will be paid upon presentation to mei Warrants Nos. 174, 176, 178, 177, 178. 17, 180. 181 and 182. Interest ceases after this date, April 28, 1819. E. E. Quick, Clerk. School Warrants Payable. Notice is hereby given that, upon pre sentation to me, 1 will pay the following numbered outstanding warrants of school district No. 41, Columbia county, Ore gon: Nos. 45, 48, 40, 60, 61, 62, 65, 67 and 68. Interest will cease on said war rants on May 8, 1809. . Wm. II. Miller, District Clerk. LEGAL. NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR BIDS. Paormat roa Bdildimo BmooLHOUsi. JBKUvilL BK RKIIBIVKD UNTIL O Jimo l'. lor buiklln a achoolhouae lu School Ulrtrlot No. Ou. Columbia County. Oro (on. I'lnniaiidaPM'lilcatiPiia may bo awn at the reiklem ol air. H. Wert, aillraolor 'luaaid dinrlct, contractor to lurntah all malarial. Tha rif ht t reaervnt to njtvt any or all blrta. By onlar of tha boanl. 1. USONAUD, Clerk. Bcappooat, Or., May tab, 1MN. County Treasurer's Notice. County TaiAauaaa'aiJrrics, ST. Hn ini. Ob .April 14, MS. NOTICB 18 IIKRKBY GIVEN THAT ALL unpaid County Warranta of Columbia County, Oregon. T. htch have bcon im-it-nted and endoraed: "Not Paid lor Want ol Puuda," prior to January 1st, WW, will be paid upon pre aentatton at this oince. Intercut wtll not be al lowed after tola date. KDW1N KOi, eltmU Treaauref of Columbia County, Oregon. City Treasurer's Notice. OrricsorCtty Tas.aossa. 9t. h exiNi, Orcon. May 13, ISO. THK CITY TKKaSUKKK OP tST. HKLKNS, Oregon hereby slvee notice that all war ranta ol thla eliy which have been presented and endorwd "Not Paid for Want ol Funda." prior to March 2D, 198, will be paid upon pre sentation to me. Interest will not be allowed alter tots date. DAVID DAVIS, City Treasurer. Notice for Publication. Land Orrics at Oasaoa Citv, Oa.. April 26, 18M. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THK following-named settler has Sled notice of til. Inlxntittti ut make tiual Droof ill auooort of his claim, and that ald proof will be made be fore Kexioer and Receiver at Or agon City, Or ton, on Jane Aiih, 19, vis: ALBERT L. MILLER, RnmaaMiul Kninr 10.1110. for the northeast la of aeetion 14, township 4 uorth, range S wat. He names tne following wuneasee to prove nia con linnous residence upon and cultivation of atu land viz' Paul J. Hcholx. of Holt.iQ. Oregon. Otto Williams, of Ht. Helens, Oregon, William Guild, of gauvle Island, Oregon, I'crelval Bu chanan, of Portland, Oregon. aJK CHAb. B. M CORKS, Register. Notice for Publication. Laso Orrics at Obcoon Citv. Ot., April 10th, 119. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT THE fnllnu-tnir.nameri nattier has filed notice of his Intontion to make Bnol proof In support of bis claim, under section 6 Act March 2, W. and that said proof will be wade before the County Clerk ol Columbia county at St. Helen, Oregon, on May 20, IMM. vis: PH1NEAS PECK, Homestead entry No. 791 for the eU of the sw of section 28, township ft north, range 4 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vli: John Campbell and Albert wood, ot vernonia, ureKon, ana tuarence noea nd Milium C. Elchman, of Kraaey, Oregon. 14ml CHAB. B. MOOKKH, BeglsWr. Notice for Publication. Laud Orrics at ossooh Citt, 0.. March Z7lh. WW. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE follnwine-named settler has filed notice of hi. lutontlon to make flual proof In support of his claim, and Uiatsald proot will oa maae De fore the Count Clerk of Columbia County, at 8t Helens, Oregon, nn May 13th, UW9, vis: OERUART MORBACK. UnmMiMul imtrv S18A. for the northeast A. of aecuonm, township 6 north, range Sweet, lie names tne following witnesses to prove nis con tinuous residence upon and cultivation of aald land, vis: Andrew Kenow.kl. William C. Adam, John Hlldebraud and Prank Ollnleckl, all ot Valley, Oregon. CUAS. B. MOOKK8, m3lml2 Register. Notice for Publication. Lard Orrics at Obsuon Ciry, Ob., March 27th, 189. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has tiled notice of bi Intention to make Anal proof In support of his claim, and that aald proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Columbia County, at 6u Helena, Oregon, on May ltb, ltwo, rls: ANDREW KENOWSK1, Hnmaatead antn 91BI. for the southeast W of section 82, township 6 north, range I weaL He names tne following witneasee to prove oi. wu tiuuoos residence upon, and cultivation of aald land, vli: William C. Adam, Oerbart Morback, Julias Ploeter and Valentl Ollnieckl, all of Val ley, Oregon. CUAS. B. MOORED, maimlil beglator. Summons by Publication. In tbe Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon, for Columbia County. Cosa E. Gorr, plaintiff, i vs. Lsaug Oorr, defendant, I To Leslie Ooff, the said defendant: III THE NAME OF THE STATE OPOBEOON yoa are hereby notified that tbe plaintiff nereib haa Hied complaint agaltiet yoa In the quired to appear and answer aald complaint on or tieiore me last aey ui ww iw.muw. the order of publication hereof, to-wit: On or before the 12th day of May, Ut3. Yoa are further wni.ii kt if vii fail til annear and answer the complaint, or plead thereto, the plainti ff will cause your aeiami w urn wm, w,. apply to said court for the relief prayed for In the complaint, that la to say, for a decree dis solving forever the bonds of matrimony exist ing between plaintiff and defendant herein, and for such other and farther relief as to the Court may aeem proper. The date of the flrat publication of this gam mons la Friday, the 81st day of March, 1890, and tbe last publication thereof Friday, the Mtb day of May, lim, and said gummoiik ihall be pub lished on Priday of each week (or the perold of Ii weeks between said dates. This summons Is published by order of Hon. T. A. McBride, Judge of said Court, made at Chambers, dated March 2th, 18W. , THAYKR, BT. RA VNER A 8CHNABEL. Attorneys for Plaintiff. PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE TO THB HOKOSABLS COOSTY COOBT OP COLOM BIA COUBTT, STATS Of OBBOOM. WE. THE UNDERHIONED LEGAL VOTER8 residing In Oak Point Precinct, Columbia County, Htate of Oregon, would renpectf ully pe tition your honorable body at lie next regular term, which will be held on theftth day of July WM, in the Courthouse In St. Helens, Colombia County, Htate of Oregon, that a license be gran ted to W. L. Pulliam to sell spirltuong, vinous and malt liquors in quantities less than one gallon In Oak Point Preclnot, at Mayger, Cqjumbl County, Oregon, and that said license be granted for a period of tlx months, for which we will TSrJtW .-v r.., .. Wrmeugnier, unae snaua. uu u wn.ni,i, Henry Henderson, Wm McCaliam.R H King, A P McOraw.LHtoekenberg, Jaa Btockentnr,Cliarles Cooper.Wm Ternah an, ChaaErlckaoii.JE Black, C A Teniahan, Robert Teruahan.Charles Sundln, Louis Plwbrer, D W Ewlng, Oliver Ranger, C S Pulliam, N C Ewlng, Jno urayeni. w u anaaii W M Lusk, W M Roberta, C N Davidson, J W Huffman, Fred Pluhrer, Prank E Barnes, O W Barnes. O E Barnes, W A Winter. F Ford, Cbrley Mayger, Win Fltihrer.C R Dllley, John Dooley, Ainbros Madden, UENorgren, A M Anderson, M o M4 uouaJrt. Btepneu Bcnarnea, " Olliroiaan. T Tavlor. P C Oallaher, Carl Stock- nberg, John Wilson, Kimon Kaspar. MwwwwwAwt nmiTlT'P OITAAr.T i ..DAimi 0 0ALUU11 IVnt. tfvinn, ivs. It you want tomethtrit rood In the liueol wulnsy try SHAW'S MALT Only tilt baat ol Liprs and Cinars Kept In Stoct Pool and Card Tal.laa for tha uas ol ftilrfliia, Courteous traaiuaut. , (Batwaan tha two Hotala.) ST.HSLSNS, OSXGOll. OPtH ROM 6 A. M. TO 12 O OLOOK MIDNIGHT. THE CLOKIMOER i WHITHtr, Prep. TMI PAMODS GYRUS NOBLE WHISKEY Beside other standard brands ot lluuor, la kept always ou hand. Card tables, pool table, Bad billiard table for the as of patrons. St. Holania, Oregon, X STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER ii RAILROAD COMPANY. BBADDOWK g DAILY. g 24 22 a j r. m. a.m. ( 7 00 S 00 .0 S OA 06 38.41 S 30 4ftA S an 40 OU 8 44 t 4ft &9. S 60 68 M.8. t 68 10 00 024 OS 10 10 68.4 10 10 21 71.2 87 10 m 78 7 10 00 It 02 10 OH 11 10 W.8 10 20 II 22 On I 10 It) 11 80 09 8 STATIONS. DAILY. 21 Lr.. Portland. .Arl l. r. a. 40 (86 20 8 00 7 64 7 4 7 88 728 T 17 60 84 24 II 16 10 10 uome ...... .....Rainier ..... .... Pyramid..,.. S 67 9 40 114 t 2 18 08 68 S 40 17 S 07 1 M 7 48 Qufucy .... Clal.kanl.... ... ssareniana.... .... Weetport Clifton...... .....Knappe Kvanwfl ...John Day..,.. tr... Atoria..,Lv S 10 8 DO SEASIDE DIVISIONT Dally n A.M. iTu. 7 40 4 00 7 20 ( 16 62 t 10 18 I SO r. ft. 6 00 2ft 6 ISO SO M. 11 85 It 66 12 18 !Lv.. Astoria ..Arj ft Warrenton W 1 00 118-81 Ar....tjeaAlde....L All Trains to and from Beuld) run to navel and New Astoria via Warrenton. SPECIAL SUNDAY SEASIDE TRAIN Leave Astoria at : , m. and arrives Seaside :46 a. m. Passengers may return on any train shown to schedule oa same dale. Puaengere for Astoria or way point must flag trains at Houlton. Treina will stop to let pee- aengers off at Houlton when coming from point wexoiuooie. . v, kibts, Geo. rasa. Agt,. Astoria, Or. ' MUCKLE BROS. MANUFACTCREEB OF Rough and Dressed Lumber Dimension Lumber, Flooring, Riutle, Sheath ing, Casings, and a com plots stock of every variety of lumber kept on hand. AT THE OLD STAND, ST. HELENS, OB White Collar Line TUX COLUMBIA RIVER AND PC0KT BOUND NAVIGATION CO. POETLlSD-ASTOEIi EODTE. ...TELEPHONE... Landing Foot of Alder Street, Portland. Leave Portland dally (except eundaylat J A.M. Landing Telephone dock, Astoria. Leaves Astoria dally (except Sunday) 1 P. M. Telephone Tickets Good on Steamer Potter. Steamer Potter Ticket Good on Telephone. V. B. SCOTT, Pres. 0. R. & N. CO. Time SCHEDULES From Portland. DXTABT roa Abbivb raoK Fast Mall p.m. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft Worth, Omahe.Kan aas City, St. Louis, Chicago and last. Fast Mail t:46p.m Spokane FlyerJ 2:10 p. m. Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, Ht. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, Chicago A Spokane Flyer ;&0a.m. Ocean Steamship. All sailing date sub ject to change. For San Francisco Sail every flvertay. p.m. 4 p. m. p.m. Kx.Sundey Saturday 10 p. m, , Columbia River Steamer. To Astoria and Way landings. 4 p. m. Kx.Sundey Willamette River. Oregon City, Newberg, Salem A Way-land gs a. m. Ex.ttunday 4:80 p. m. Ex.Sunday 7 a.m. Tues.Tliur. sad Sat. Willamette and Yam hill River. Oregon City, Dayton, and Way-landing. 8:80 p.m. Mon. Wed. and Frl. a. m. Tne. Thar, and Bat. Willamette River. Portland to Corvallia and Way-landing. ' 4:80 p. m, Tues.Thur. and Hat, Lv. Mparts 1:46 a. m. dally ex cept Sat, Snake River. Blperla to Lewiston. Lv.I,ew'ton 6:46 a.m. B.lly ex. cept Frl. W, H. HURLBEBT, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND 0BEG0N 4111 III III III 111 III III III Ml 111 1,1 "i i in ill III j.jpEY SAVED IS MONEY EARNED.... I ..Continue to Earn Money by.. . . Subscribing fur the Weekly Oregonian SsglaSBS 11X11 p ..Our Clubbing Rate Enables Us to.. 3 H Furnish Both Papers for only f TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR tfiUJUsUiMM V4kv4jysv, JOHNSON & DURCDORFER BROS.... A - - o-rMauufftOlurr ...All Kinds of Rough j I'la.i tJv4VV rierln(... Maisllo ...Collins; DIsBSHBlaBi (.fstsiksr... BOAPPOOBK. .... . OBBOON if ....Drugs and Bhotild b bouirht only at Drug- Htoro, wliera doubt is never allowed to enter the mind as to quality ot the article sold. We iuniisli drntr of the required standard of strongth drugs that are riirht. What you buy at a Drug Store you may duyend upon it being what you ak for. ....OUR STOCK OF Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles .13 COMPLETE. School Books and School 8umUe. Prearrlptlone Carefully Compounded liay or Night, ...ST. HELENS PHARMACY... Dr. Edwin Ross, rroprictoi1. ST. HELENS. - - OREGON HOME BAKERY Mfia. . I. M'INTVRK, MOPRICTRCaa. Wm-Mt Ersafl, Pies Cates, Danglmuts Lniiclic s, 10 cents Ud. Alio s Stock of Notion and Confecliouerr - KEXT TO IIO WLIKO A.X.L.H1 Y. -t- ST. HBLRNB. 4 n ATCTA XTTD DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Ha Juat received a large aaeortosefit ei rresn ana t-sir DIZUGO CIIElMIGilliB Also a new and select utoek of drag and patent medlelnea, fancy stationery, sohool bona and school supplies, perlumerv and toilet articles, and In fact everj thing wlilcli I uauallv kept at a ft rat-class drug store. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded AT CLATSKANIE ED HILLSBERRY, Expert :-: Barber BHABP RAZORS AND CLEAN TOWELS. None bnt purest chemicals used In wash ing and cleansing the face. ,:.; f i' Get a Hot Towel on Your Face Usual prices for work. DECKER'S OLD STAND, ST. HELENS STEAM ER G. DELL SHAVER, Master. lr'-iMiiiiill.t-liiiiwnui.iiil--V'r-ifll- -'-y J T nntrna Portland, foot of Washington treet, Tuesday. Tnurxiey, and Sunday evenings at a JLicilVcB o'clock. Ketnmlng Leave Glauksnla, tide permitting, Monday, Wednerilay, and Friday evenings at 4 o'clock. Will pass Oak Point about 7; Htflla 7:11V, Hayger 7:3ft; Halnler ;I101 KalamBtt:lAi Bl. Helena 4:80. Arrive In Portland 1:80 a. m. . The company reset ves the rtgh to obange time witnout notice. Shaver ....STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... Leave Kelso on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at o O'clock a. m. m n " ' w sv Tr w Portland and Kelso Route via Willamette slough.. AND Oregon Mist Sv - 4 of and Dsaleni In o and Dressed Lumber., OOCD ROAD TO THI MILL. Mill on south fork of Hcappoos creek, four miles from Kcappmiee station, l.umlwr delivered at Hrappooas etatloa or Johnson's landing at $1.00 per at, sxtn. At Warren 111100,11.60. M Medicines. LUNCH ROOM . sv T.DTTP CTHDi: THK DRUG STORE E.E. QUICK 0. WCOLE Commissioner of . Notary Publio . IkxhIs lor Wash ington. PR0PH1ET0BS Or THORNE'S Knmerical Syjtemjitle Abstracts. Titles Bxamlned and Perfected. Abstract Furnished. Assessment Kxamlned. In surance Written, Tuxes Paid and Convey ancing. NT. IIKLKM, ORBSOIB. sea s s .aay.aayaaa saa.iSias s tm m aa. i W. SHAVER The Only Direct Eoute ...ROM.,. utlend to Clatskanie iransportation uompany. tave Port land Tueaday. ' Thursday, and saturaays, at e o'clock a, m.