The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, April 21, 1899, Image 4

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Itml f Oaaeiml ' Inter-.. Oleaaed
hn tli Thriving raolft
State.. . '
Eicaritoa ta Ala.ka.
Hie New England delegate to the
National Editorial Association will be
Joined in Portland by the New England
iluleeates to tbe National Educational
Association, and together tiip ia con
templated to Skagway and Alaska coast
pointi. The party will number about
100. and it it intended to be absent
from home two rnonthe or wore. U
VV. Robbing. o the Enterprise, Old
Town. Me..: and William V. Jarvis,
editor of the . Journal of Education,
Boston, Mass., are working up the
party. The press committee and the
oitiaens' committee in Portland ate
preparing a programme that will keep
the National Editorial Association del
Mates there two weeks il they choose
to remain that long. Every member
of the Oregon Press Association has
formed committee of one. and no
matter where, located within the state
limits, ia preparing something unique
with which to entertain the delegate
to its national organisation.
4 WMk WhI Mark.
E. Y. ' Judd, of the Pendleton Wool
Scouring A Packing Company, writea
from the East that the recent organiz
tion of the worsted mill trust baa de
moralized the wool market and
largely responsible for the decline i
the price of wool, bnyers are at tea
as to the future action ef the trust and
are unable to determine what their
own action is to be. Mr. J odd aays
that this trust alone will consume
100.000.000 pounds of wool annually,
which iaone-tbird of the total annual
d rod act of the country. The wool
trust has not yet entered the market
and have given no hint of their in ten
tion. As soon as the nnoertainty ol
their action ia rranoved the market may
have a firmer toue and it may not. The
outlook for wool this year ia not the
beat, aa everybody ia timid on de
clining market. , ;
Th FUkt Combln.
: ' The control of the Ash-taking appli
. ancea of lower Pnget sound by the Pa
cifio American fish Company tt an
assured fact. The last dollar of the
' 9100,000 of stock which the vendees
asked the trapmen to subscribe has
' been taken. The capital stock of the
company ia $5,000,000. Of this
$1,000,000 is preferred and 14,000,000
; common. In part payment, which
averages about 7i per cent of the pur-
chaee price, the trapmen are given pre
ferred atork at par. For every dollar
of preferred taken at par they are given
a dollar's worth of common stock. The
preferred stock la guaranteed to pay 8
per cent per annum.
Good Mark for Cattle.
Cattle-bnyers are busy interviewing
the cattlemen of Malheur and Harney
counties, and the outlook for stock
shipments from that point this season
is better than last. Superintendent
(jilorist, of the Pacifio Livestock Com
pany, itatea that all the ahippii.3 ol
' that large cattle company would be
done at Ontario aa heretofore, and that
they would, in all probability, ship
more stock this season than last.
Agents for some of the most extensive
Eastern stockholders are located at On
- tario, and are now busy contracting
stock. '' -' "
la Favor af tha GovarameaS.
Judge Boss, in the district court at
Log . Angelea has handed down a de
cision in the case entitled the United
States against the Southern Pacific
Copmany, which involved title to 1,
' 160,000 acres of land in Southern
California. . The decision ia favorable
to the United States. The' land it
' contained in the overlapping land
grants to the Southern Pacific Com
. pany and other railways.
Ladae'e Carapaay Attaaheel.
v The sheriff's office in New York city
received : an attachment for $10,000
against the Joseph Ladue tiold Min
' ing & Development Company, in favor
ol JUorton C. Nichols, lor money ad-
..vauced for stock in the company. The
company ha a capital stock of $5,000,
000, and was founded to take over the
properties of Joseph Ladue, known ac
' the "founder of Dawson City." '
New Flak Caaaanlseleaor far Oregon.
F. C. Reed, of Astoria, ha been ap
pointed fish eommiasionei by Goveinoi
Ueer, to fill the vacanoy caused by the
- drowning of Ho Ulster D. Mctiuire, ol
.ruruanu. no win receive a salary 01
$2,600 a year and traveling and other
necessary expenses. He will be re
quired to furnish a bond for $25,000.
Sheep Not Doing Well.
' J. H. Jackson, who has returned
from the Antelope country, says sheep
in that section are not doing welL Tiie
young lambs are dying pretty rapidly,
owing to the fact that the ewes are
poor and are not giving sufficient milk
to keep the lambs alive.
Tannery and Glo.e Factory.
1 One of the most important young
manufacturing industries ia that of the
glove leather tannery and factory of
Anderson & Meyers, near Talent, Or.
Improved machinery for making gloves
of every kind baa been installed, and
the factory ia now turning out excel
lent goods.
Bond Bala.
The county commissioners of Jeffer
son county, Mont., recently sold $75.
000 worth of county refunding bonds to
N. W. Harris Sc Co., of Chicago. The
bonds bear! interest at the -rats of 4
per cent, and are subject to recall alter
JO or 30 years. "
Slxty-Foarth Anniversary.
At the Fiist M. E. church of Salem
last week was celebrated the 64th an
niversary of the beginning of the work
of that chorcb in Oregon.
Soma fara;e Timber.
A Skagit fir scaled 82,444 feet 48
feet long and nine in diameter. An
other scaled 16,000 feet and weighed
68,000 pounds.
A Seeond Dividend.
- A second dividend of 80 per cent is
bow ready for payment on claims
gainst the Bellingham Bay National
Bank.-'.;;. ;' ,. . -. ,.
Keaehed Goldendala.
The preliminary surveying party of
the Lyle ft Uoldendale railway has ar
rived t Uoldeudale from Centeiville,
leeaa Mine Sold.
A Spokane dispatoh says the mining
lensation ol the day is the sale of the
Enterprise, a Slooan silver-lead prop
trty, one of the riuueat lu Uiat uio.tiot,
to the London & British Columbia Quid
Fields. Ltd., of London, for $150,000.
The Enterpi iee ia owned by Fiuoh A
Campbell, of Spokane, and D. M. Hy
men, of Colorado. Extensive develop
taent in the past has been carried on
by these gentlemen, but it is under
tood that the purchasing company it
to take charge of the prooeity at once.
It is generally believed by experienced
mining men that the English corpora
tion has secured a bonania in the En
terprise. It , is the most extensively
developed property on Blocan lake, and
takes) high rank among the mines ol
Slooan, having ore reserves sufficient
o last for years. '
Another Steauuhlp Terminal.
About ten aores ol tide lam)
and water way has been pur.
chased lor $24,000 In Seattle by agent!
of the Eastern Steamship Company,
who will immediately commence im
provements at the Sound. It is under
stood that the property is to be utilised
for ocean and city docks, and coal-
bunkers, or, in other words, for a ter
minal for coastwise and foreign ship
ping. J. lie waterway nas neen areugea,
and has a depth of 80 feet at average
tide, with room enough lor half a doa
en steamers. '
Deeklac Oreaea Cattle.
A. L. Falkner, of Hutchinson,
Minn., is In Portland, in quest of beef
cattle for Eastern shipment. Another
buyer now in the state is C. M. Thomp
son, repieeentative of Allerton & Co.,
of Chicago, who is making purchases
of cattle for his corporation's pastures
near Chinook, Mont., for which be in
tends to purchase about 80,000 head.
".. rortlaad Market. ...
Wheat Walla Walla, 53c; Valley,
69c; Blueetem, 60o per bushel.
Flour Beet grades. $8.20; graham,
$3.65; superfine, $2.15 per barrel.. .
Oats Choice white, 446c; choice
gray, 4143c per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $22.00; , brew
ing, $22.00 per ton
Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16.00
per ton.
Hay Timothy, $8 g 9; clover. .
8; Oregon wild hay, $6 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery,' 60 66c;
seconds, 4560o; dairy, 4045o store,
Cheese Oregon full cream, lifto;
Yonng . -America, 16o; new oheese,
10c per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $34
per down; hens, $4.00(35.00; springs,
$1.8S3; geese, $8.00(7.00 for old,
$4.605 for young; ducks, $5,003
50 per doxen; turkeys, live, 159
16c per pound.
Potatoes $1 110. per sack; sweets,
Sc per pound. "
Vegetables Beets, 90c; turnips, 75c
per sack; garlic, 70 per pound; can
bage, $1(3 1.85 per 100 pounds; cauli
flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, 76c
per aack; beans, 8c per pound; celery,
70 (3 7 5c per dozen; cucumbers, 60c pel
box; peas, 33,c per pound. . '
Onions Oregon, 75c (g $1 per sack.
Hops 814o; 1897 crop, 4o.
Wool Valley, 1012o per pound;
Eastern' Oregon, 8 12c; mohair,
20c per pound.
Mutton Gross, beat sheep, wethers
and ewes, 4c; dressed mutton.
spring lambs, 7e per lb.
Hogs (J roes, clioice heavy, 94. 50;
light and feeders, $2. 50 3.00; dressed,
$5.006.00 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, 4.00 $4.50;
cows, $3.50 g a. 00; dressed beef.
56Xc per pound.
Veal Large, 67c; small, 7X8e
per pound.
Seattle Market.
Onions, 80c1.10 per 100 pounds.
Potatoes, $35(340.
Beets, per sack, $1.
Turnips, per tsck. 60 75c
Carrots, per sack, 40 60a.
Parsnips, per sack, 75 (8 85c ,
Cauliflower, 90c$1.00 per do.
Celery, 85940c.
Cabbage,- native and Californis
$2 per 100 pounds.
Apples, 60c(g$l per box;
Pears, 60c$1.60 per box:
Prunes, 50c per box.
Butter Creamery, 26c per pound;
dairy and ranch, 15 30c per pound.
Eggs, 16017c.
Cheese Native, 18 e.
Poultry Old hens, 16c per pound)
spring chickens, 14c; turkeys, 16c.
Freeh meats Choice) dressed beef
steers, prime, c; cows, prime,
$c; mutton. 9c; pork, 7c; veal, 8 10a.
Wheat Feed wheat, $23.
Oats Choice, per ton, $28.00.
Hay Puget Sound mixed, $8.00
choice Eastern Washington tim
othy, $12.00.
Corn Whole, $28.60; cracked, $24;
feed meal, $24.00.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton.
$26 26; whole, $24.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.86;
straights, $3.10; California brands.
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.50; graham,
per barrel, $3.60; whole wheat flour.
$3.75; rye flour, $4.50.
Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $17;
shorts, per ton, $18. .
Feed Chopped feed, $2123 pet
ton; middlings, per ton, $22; oil cake
meal, per ton, $35.
' San Franeleee Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, 1013o per
pound; Oregon, Eastern, 10 12o; Val
ley, 1617c; -Northern, 810c,
Millstuffs Middlings, . $18333.00;
bran, $16.60 17-60 per ton.
Onions Silverskin,5090cper sack.
Butter Fancy creamery, 17 18o;
do seconds, 16 17c; fancy dairy, 15o;
do seconds, 14 14)40 per pound. . .
EgK Store, 16o; fancy - ranoh
I718c. r
Hops 1898 crop, I60.
"My son is taking an exhaustive
course in political economy." "What's
that for':" "1 had to do something to
keep out of my business."
"Trade," remarked the auctioneer,
as he tacked up bis red emblem to in
dicate a sale of furniture, "always fol
lows the flag."
S Cuutfti terrup. Tftu (,1'Oil. VI
In ttroe. 8M b, drvitft'tpti.
Corner la Baltlnere that Rivals the
Faaioua Veroaa r'quar. ,
There is a curious little old sret
market lu Baltimore that almost vies
In life and color with that famous
square In Verona, said to be the most
nlcturesuue market lu all Europe. The
dlgulfled colored attendants of the Bel-
lair Market, on Gay street, come In
moat part to their booths by virtue of
Inheritance. From father to son Ao-
scend these gayly decked stalls, which
line both sides of the roadways, and
there Is aa air , of aristocracy here
which is quite as exclusive aa that of
any court In Europe.
Threading their way In and out,
among these stalls, screened from the
sun and rain by varl-colored canvas
umbrellas, may be seen priests in cas
socks and caps and sometimes, oddly
enough, with overcoata of modern type
nuns In gowns of lud lee blue, with
blacks stoles tightly drawn across the
shoulders and upon whose head rests
a most curious headgear, a cap of stiffly
starched white muslin, whose wing
like brim extends at least twelve Inch
es, bristling all around. Many are the
pleasant greetings exchanged over
shrimp and white bait, whose virtues
are extolled In softly modulated tones.
From stalls where Early Bose potatoes.
Bermuda onions and Maryland sprouts
are temptingly displayed come shouts
of glee over a sharp bargain, in which
the thumb has played a prominent
part .
The most popular corner of the mar
ket Is the booth whose wares consist of
birds of Impossible plumage, silks of
Indescribable hue and Jewelry of won
derful brilliancy. Its patrons for the
most part dusky maids keep op
swift Are of meaningless chatter while
purchases are being made, retiring
uuder a strong volley of comment from
the surrounding lookers-on, and over It
all the demure, respectful courtesy of
those In charge a lasting bit of the
king ago, and In sharp contrast with
the Independent, curt manner of the
Northern market men, all business, no
sentiment New York Herald.
Marriage on the high seas, where
there Is no law regulating the matter,
entered Into by persons who went there
with the avowed purpose of evading
the laws of their residence. Is held. In
Norman vs. Norman (CaL), 42 L. R. A.
343, to be invalid.
The right to shoot at a person who ia
merely running away from an officer to
escape from arrest for a misdemeanor.
Is denied In Brown vs. Weaver (Miss.),
42 L. R. A. 423, and, If the officer does
shoot wrongfully. It Is held to be an
official act covered by his bond.
. A statute which, although expressed
In general terms, enumerates restric
tions which constitute Indentlflcation,
rather than classification, and Is applic
able only to a single highway Improve
ment, Is held. In re Henneberger (N. Y.),
42 L. R. A. 132, to be In violation of a
constitutional provision against local
laws. . ' -. 1 i .
To picket the premises of a person
boycotted. In order to Intercept bis
teamsters or to prevent persons going
there to trade, is held unlawful In Beck
vs. Railway Teamsters' Protective
Union (Mich.), 42 L. B. A. 407, on the
ground that It Is an act of intimidation
and an unreasonable Interference with
the right of free trade.
Money Earned by Dramatto Writers.
Wonderful stories are told of , the
amounts paid to dramatic authors,
writes W. J. Henderson In Scrlbner's.
If they are true, they would prove that
the quickest way to get rich was to
write a successful play. It takes about
two years, however, for skilled dram
atist, like Bronson Howard, to make
a play, and he cannot guarantee that
it will be liked by the unfathomable
public. I do not know what Mr. How
ard receives, but the typical pay of
dramatic author is 6 per cent of the
gross receipts weekly. But there Is no
fixed standard of payment Some play
wrights get a certain sum down and
the usual royalty of 5 per cent Others
are paid on a sliding scale. One noted
pair of collaborators received for one
of their productions 6 per cent of the
gross receipts up to $0,000 and 1 per
over that figure. As their work drew
$10,000 a week for the first six weeks,
their manager had to pay them $700 a
week for the nse of their work. In the
case of purely theatrical back-work
smaller prices are paid, and the rate Is
often fixed at so much a night, $23
being a good fee. For adaptations roy
alties are seldom paid In this country.
A manager usually hires a back dram
atist and pays him a lump sum for bit
work. For operetta adaptations very
small prices are paid; that Is why the
adaptations are usually such poof
trash. No man who can do good work
can afford to accept the terms. Orig
inal operettas, if successful, pay both
managers and . authors very well.
D'Oyly Carte offered Gilbert and Sulli
van 10,000 down for tbe exclusive En
glish rights to the "Pirates of Penz
ance." They declined the offer, accept
ed their customary royalty and got
12,000. .-.v.. ,
Illiteracy In Russia.
Tbe only obtainable statistics of the
number of persons In the Russian em
pire who can neither read nor write
are to be found In the reports of tbe
army and navy recruiting departments.
A recruit Is always asked If he can read
and write, and bis answer Is registered.
Tbe latest reports show that 40 per cent
of the youths who are raised by tbe con
scription are totally illiterate. As a vast
number more males tban females are
able to read In Russia, and as It is rare
to find an aged peasant who can read
and write, it may be accepted as a fact
that probably not 20 per cent of the
entire population of tbe empire has ob
tained the first rudiments of this knowl
edge. . Probably tbe central provinces
are the most backward. There are over
ten thousand villages In Russia where
no school exists. It is calculated that
by disbanding 100,000 men of bis huge
army, tbe Czar would have funds at his
disposal for building 10,000 schools and
10,000 village schoolmaster's houses,
and would have a million pounds ster
ling over for paying the teachers' sal
aries. And be would still bare 900,000
soldiers a number greater than the
combined land forces of England, Ger
many and the United Statesv Lolsurs)
Hour, -
"Oat of Sight'
J other months xve forget
icf finrsk winds of Spring
2Jif t they hive their use, &S
some say, to blew out the
bid sir accumulated After
Winter storms and . Spring
thaws. There is far more
important accumulation of
badness in the veins and ar
teries of humanity, which
needs Hood's Sarsaparilla,
This great Spriiia Medlelna clarities the
diouu nowiing . ..
fula. kidney disease, liver , bl( hu;
gives perfect health, strength and appvtita
ior montus o cuino.
stldneva "Mv kidneys troubled me.
and on advice took Hood's 8araaparilla
which rave prom pt relief, batter appetite.
My sleep is refreshing. It cured my wife
aim. ' MiniAtL Boyi,, B473 uenny street,
Pittsburg, Pa.
Dyspepsia "Complicated with liver
and kidney trouble, I suffered for years
with dvaiwpaia, with sever pains. Hoou
Sarsaparilla made me strong and hearty.
iruia mau nie atruite; aim nwmi tv.
KnaaToit, Main stmt, Auburn, Me,
J. h, KnaaToit, Main street, Auoum, M
Hla Disease "Five running sores on
mv hip caused me to use crutches. Was
confined to bed every winter. Hood's Sar-
M!arllla saved my life, as it cured me per-l
rectiy. Am strong ana wen. n
Hubert, 49 Fourth street, Fall Hirer, Mass.
3wC(& SaUapalliSr
Hood-, rule eure liver tile, the nan-irrltailns en4
atiiy calhartle l lake wllh Mixia-e Hareaiianlla.
Maealaerjr aad Rapnlle.
Vritc for Catalogue
U FKEHil, Ipt,
SOS Kait water Street,
Ste . -'"""a.
for MDH, Mines. Shops end Farms; Steel Ley-
t'nssnil Holnttns Knslnes; HoeChlael
Tooth Saws, Albany Oreaee, etc.
31 to S5 Flret Street Portland, Or.
M-M frcmuul Burnt, aaa rranciSQD.
can give you the bast bargains in (aueral
machinery, encines. boilers, tauks. nuniDS.
plows, bolts and windmills. Tbe new
swel III windmill, sold by him, is un
equalled. AOKNTS WAWTSD.
A rent, wanted for a Wholreale gnoslr Hones.
Addreu PaclAe Coaat Novelty Co., Portland, Or.
The Kvelattaa mt tha Sleaneehlp.
When it seemed that tbe limit had
about been reached with wrought iron
as the main reliance of the designer,
mild steel had been to peifected as to
enable progress to be maintained. The
large boilers necessary to withstand the
high pressures and furnish the power
for high speeds would have been Im-
uble but lor mild steel, and the
same thing is true ol the moving parts
of the engine. It may be noted also
that workmanship bad improved, and
the nse of anti-friction metals for bear
ings, combined with this improved
workmanship, enabled tbe high rota
tional speeds to be carried out with
safety and reliability.
The machinery of wampanoag, de
signed In 1865, wss so hesvy that only
24 I. h. p. per ton of maohinery was
obtained. The San Francisco, one ol
the earliest ol the modern oruisors of
tbe United States navy in which ad
vsntsge was taken ol all the factors for
reduction of weight, obtained 10.68 I.
h. p. per ton of machinery. Commo
dore G. W. Melville, 0. & M., in En
gineering Magaslne. : '
Tha Halo Traa af Ferra Ielaa.
The island of Ferro is one ol the
largest in the Canary group, and it has
received its nams on account of its iron
bound soil, throngh which no river
nor stream flows. In the midst of Ihe
islsnd there grows a tree known as the
raining tree, the leaves of whieh are
long and narrow. It continues in eon.
stant verdure winter and summer, and
tbe branches are covered with a eloud
which is never dispelled, but, resolving
itself into a moisture, causes to fall
from its leaves a very clear water in
such abnndsnoe that cisterns placed at
Its foot to receive it sre never empty.
Ladies' Home Journal. '
' Tha Larseet Trees la Ihe World.
The largest tree in tbe world is to be
seen at Mascali, near tbe foot of Mount
Etns. and isoatled "The Chestnut Tree
of a Hundred Horses." Its name rose
from the report that Queen Jane, of
Arsgon, with her prlnoipal nobility,
took refuge from a violent storm under
its btancbes. The trunk Is 104 feet in
oircumferenoe. The largest tree in the
United States, it is said, stands nesr
Bear Creek, on tbe north fork of the
Tnle fiver, in California, It measures
140 feet in circumference. . The giant
redwood, tree in Nevada is 119 feet in
eircomferenoe. Ladies' Home Journal.
BaaS Method af Veatltatlag a Roam.
The best mode of keeping a room
constantly ventilated without draught
Is to have the frame of the lower part
of the window supplemented by an ad
ditional piece of wood about fiveinohes
deep.- This admits of the lower sash
being raised without draught from the
bottom of the window. Ail Is admit
ted in the middle, where the lower
ash is raised above the end of tbe top
one. Ladies' Home Journal. r
Alabaiilne, the only durable Wall eoatlnv.
vaaee ine inane Of ecautiff saieomine., wan
paper and paint for wails. It eaa be need on
.str, brick, wood or canvas.
A n . ttioi A'"
4-Jf .. VJ I ...a imJ .N Ul la..,.,... tm4 . ,
, Kwalluwait Hie ratio Teeth,
A rtian recently swallowed bin falas teeth
and it lv lilm nmil. Htnmwlie will
stand a meat ileal, but not everything. If
vnura ia weak t.rv . Huetetter's Stomach
vitters. It cures stoniauh troublet,as well
a m&lurU uiiJ fi wr imd asme. It I
strongly refommeiidHil at this season of
ins year. Ail arugists Keep it.
' Four hundredweight ol sealing wax
per month Is used by the great aeal ol
which the lord chancellor ll the offl-
oial oustodian, ,,:., .,, ., ,(. v.s
I'M Dr. Plunder's Oregon IHoo,l Puriflornow
The average life of ship il about
DO years. . .",
Mothers will find Mrs. WlusloW's Booth-
Ing Nyrup the beet remedy to tine for their
children during the teething period,
. About 8,000,000 tons of coal are an
nually consumed in London
I shall recommend Tito's Cure for Con
stimption fp and wlt.-Mm. Muliiiraii,
i l',;,iead, Kent, England, Nov. 8, W&. ,
Laplanders think nothing of cover
ing 160 miles a day on their skates.
There was a young man from Lenore, '
. Who boldly went off to the wars .
The "beef ' made htm sick, jr.
He recovered quite quick .
" lly the prompt us ol old Jesse Moore. .
The invention of the typewriter has
given employment to 800,000 women.
For tha Whole Family.
A safe, ire, pure, eerfnet mnltelne for all the
family CawaroU Candy Cathartic, brlua
hca ih, prvnerve health la the hoSHbold.
IlruKKiata, luo, at, too.
In Germany a clock has been made
that Is warranted to go (or 9,000 years.
; The clay pipes of England,' France
and Holland are mostly made by the
labor of children, , ,
To Cur m Oold la On Day
Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund mouey If it fails to
cure. HOC. i
The yellow silk spider of Ceylon I
perhaps the largest ol his species. Ills
average weight is nine ounces.
rive rermanetilly Cared.
No Ate or aervoomes
rile aiter Ur,l du's UK of Ir. Kiltie' Ureal
Herv IteMorer. Send r Fit KM
km aa
OO U-lal
bottle and treattee.
IR. K. H. til, U&, K
ArUi atnwl, fbiladeltilila, fa.
There has been an increase of 149,
000,000 in the assessed vsluea of the
pioperty of the olty of Mew Orleans
since 1880. -,: - .
wt The Pleuanteat, Most Pirwerfnt and
f Z. kSWl KerarfalUof Heaiedj Jot
C J La Orippe, Catarrh,
k Rheumatism.
vaaeeaMaa Will ear any aehe or pala known
In the buiau body, ewnd lor trial bottle, Vm.
ThUoffei laeta SUdaysonlr. Lars' bottle cm
dMOorJKUMeMh)J.0t AT
- 17 and l Doarsere St, CWats.
; There are more wrecks in the Baltic
sea than in any other place in the
world. . The average is one wreck a
day throughout the year.
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet
It cures painful, swollen smarting feet and
instantly takes the sting out of corns and
bunions. It's Ihe crrateM comfort discov
ery of tbe age. Allen's Foot-Kate makes
tight-fitting or new shoes feel easy. It Is s
certain eure furchilblains, sweating, damp,
callous and hot, tired, aching feet. W
have over 10,000 testimonials of eure. Try
it today. Bold by all druggists and shot
stores. Bv mail for 2fio In stamp. Trial
package FRKK. Address Allen & Olm
Bled, L Roy, K. V.
Aathoay Heae' Now Roaiaaea. '
' The Ladies' Home Journal has se
cured the American rights of Anthony
Hope's new romance The Countess
Emilia" and will begin its publication
In the May issue. It ia the best to-
mantlo story that the famons novelist
bat written since "The Prisoner of
Zends." "The Countess Emilia" Is
not unlike its predecessor In style and
treatment and In its action. Its motif
it that of the marriage relation. It
ill be illustrated by Alice Barber
Stephens and will ran in the Journsl
throughout the inmtnei.
Famoae Artleta la Thslr Stadia.
The April Ladies' Home Journsl in
troduces its readers to Its favorite illus
trators, who are shown, in a page of
photographic reproductions, at work in
thslr studios. The little group of ar
tists includes those whose work is most
popular with the Journal's readers,
who will be pleased to be brought face
to face with their favorites.
)'.., -. Blood.
The'duke was beside himself with
rage. '
"Tour family have only pleblan
blood in their veins I" hissed hit grace.
"Well, yon ought to know; you've
bled tbem enough," replied tbe duoh-
ess, the fair American net mien quite
in keeping with the haughty legend,
"Non Cura, Non Mercet" upon the
trade-mark of her father's justly cele
brated Combined Hair Vigor and Stove
Polish. Detroit Journal.
A Seamless Flower.
She loves Chris, yet ber love for him is
" -dumb! : '
She can't afford to marry and repent.
She says he should be called Chris-
anthe-mnmt p
He's splendid but hasn't got a cent :
Perils of the Arotle. 'J-'J ' '
' The Sweet Young Thing I love to
read of those dear daring explorers in
ths Arctic bnt I should think scaling
icebergs all the time would become
Tbe Savage Bachelor Part of tbe
time they were scaling fish. Indian
spoils Journal.
' . A Kartyr to Seleaee.
"Why, doctor, yen'vs just been read
ing a paper before the medical society
claiming thst kissing is dangerous to
health, and now yon want a kiss from
"For you, my desr, I would, gladly
face any danger," Chicago Journal.
,; Kot Bar Owa. ,, . , .
Mollis Ever notice how Dollie can
Shake her curls? :
Pollie Yetr the hasn't had 'em on
for'a week.,;' .- ' ' "' " '
We sre forming a new coal and coke
trust, and Intend calling It "The Coal
Trntt and Coke Doit Clnderoate."
Alley Sloper. .' -
Alabaetlne can be used over paint or paperf
patut or paper can be need ver Alabaetln.
Buy only In five pound packages, properly
labeled; lake no tuballtul.
uv o ym
- - r : .!,', ' 1
,, "Oh, I know!! I would get It" laid
tbe mart who had been fined lot telling
tinted butter "and 1 guess 1 can stand
It. But it duet teem kinder hard to
have been fined by a j'i:" with
whiskers," Indlanwpolli Journal, !
The lotal value of Huh landed on the
English and Welsh coasta diulrif 188
amounted to 0,128,744, an incicas of
nearly a quarter of a million over the
total for the preceding year.
Althotmb tli brain it perpetually
active, yet the whole o( It ia never at
work at one time. The two nam it
nheret. or halves, do not operate simul
taneously, but alternate in aotlon.
The first mode of public punishment
In Mew Yoik olty wet the whipping
nost. set uu In 1088. upon this otiend-
era were hoisted up by the waist, and
suspended for tuoh length ol time at
their offense called for.
There are more medical men in Lon
don than in all Scotland and Ireland
together, and in those two countries
the number has actually decree ed dur
ing the past year, , (
"I." tald the orator, "am an Amerl-
can of the good old stock, rooted deep
In the toll" "The only ttock I ever
heard of that rooted deep In the toll,"
tald the farmer In the audience, "wat
hogs." 1 '-...,. '
A well-known tpeolnlltt on ear dis
eases hut made the announcement
that half the deafness prevalent at th
present time can bo traced to the prac
tice of boilng the eait of childien.
In the iinrlnr eleante vour iv-tnia bv mine
Dr. ffunder's Oregon Blood runner.
The insurance upon St. Paul's cathe
dral it about 495,000.
W offer On Hundred Dollars Reward lor any
eaea ol Catarrh that caa aut be cured by Heirs
Catarrh Cure,
F. J. criKNKY CO., Props;. Toledo, O.
We th underelsned, have known F.J.Cueoey
for Ihe put 14 -nr.. and ballet hint perfeotlf
honorable In all bualnraa traniaettone and fin
anolally able to carry eut auy obi IgaUont Biatet
by their Sria.
Wist A TattAZ,
Wholeeale ltui(laU, Toledo, O.
' - Wiuiw, KiNKeM A MaaviK,
W ooltMate Drumrleta, Toledo, O,
Uall't Catarrh Cure lt.-.kulutcmall-,eolln
fltreoily en Oie blood and Biueoo eurfamM of
Uie ey-ton. r'.i.ia 7e per boiU. Mold by all
OruKrlit. TeattinonliiUfre,
, Mall's eaUy rill the Tbest.
- Some of the machines for making
match ei make 800 revolutions minute
each, and tain out about 1,600,000
matches daily, or about 900.000,000
sold only in
Artificial legt and arms ware in nte
In Egypt ss early as B. 0. 700. They
were made by priests, who were the
physicians of that early time.
Mn rMiulrlnkT unamtomimA trmimwt f-honM
na, per.riuiy or bf iMl4r 'Fr" mutt th
pi ! r ana ouij meoiumt mmn-9 mpmcwumim m vow
VnltMl MtdUfst JMnwsMcn of tn
Mudf of m lllV-ltint. UnfortuiMUiKi vrywhr
bui4 lmniliMlycmiamanti wlifc Dr. Vool,
of Cblcmafo. .ve-vriliiiiat cinrlUtulivl. Jlroifilie,
tit v-xwhr io 4nl rMK.-ksvg And touti-iln
tialii nviuti. CorrmpobOciic ottcliwd. i-tw4
urs torn I, M1leil mnd tAtrttml mbcNi
sVtovttHi, itlu(in in imcb wltb druarafi-n
tjtinvd. Avoid a ruga rinturnfixj by ti. un
thortkwtf m4 rll-trW4 iurlHiiM In WM(rn
town. Fw gtnuln pciMiu t(Ml OOiitl of
N-w Yflrkof 1 blrto. in Mmm cntlM yourpti
wt fttTftin r mi. Unqtt-li-d trimiit for vll
diftem- ami whnMi of Ui ttmlto-UrtMry,
miium, Kvnroaiioiivaanq nrvnn uymimm, im
ptKllmnt to mrrti- Temuvd. "HyntiftlsV
iMwltlVfir Iran flu thm ool,
iwmovM lf whit alcr In tttrotr mouth, tft
Mr txilorfM. mmiU on bo4r mnA rtitHion on tin,
lu wtrrh nd rbomiUtn. ' Vlgfrl" Ut
only ptrm.ual twrtoror ftud Inrlgormtor, fir
Vlcor lu vtil omiwi n4 MnrML prvnt nd
tirMKrfp. IIpf iM.Ui, fat (-W Triai iKitUM,
lliiM rwMjr, tot-lf prioo.
In Buffalo a planer U In operation
which t oh out rxuo?ef ft ibavlng
full 19 inches wide from eolul out
Iron. Tiie knife U between 12 end IS
Inchon witle
Daughters Should be Carefully
Outdad la Early Womanhood.
What suffering frequently reiulta
from a mother's Ignorancei or mora
frequently from a mother's neglect to
properly Inatruct her daughter I
Tradition tayl "woman muatsuffer,"
and young women are ao taught
There Is a little truth and a great deal
of exaggeration In this. If a young
woman suffer severely she needs
treatment and her mother should see
that she gets It
Many mothers hesitate to take their
daughters to a physician for examina
tion! but no mother need hesitate to
write freely about her daughter or
herself to Mrs. Pinkham and secure
the most efficient advice without
charge. Mrs. Flnkham's address Is
Lynn, Mass.
The following letterfrom Miss Mliun
F. JoHMtorr, Centralla, Pa , shows what
neglect will do, and telle bow Mrs.
Pinkham helped hen
"My health became so poor that I
bad to leave school. I was tired all the
time, and bad dreadful pains In my
side and back. I was also troubled
with Irregularity of menses. I waa
very weak, and lost so much flesh that
my frlenda became alarmed.;, My
mother, who Is a firm believer In your
remedies from experience, thought per
haps they might benefit me, and wrote
you for advice. I followed the advice
yon gave, and used Lydia E- Pinkham'
Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills as
you directed, and am now as well as I
ever waa. I have gained flesh and have
good color. I am completely cured of
Every churoh and schoolhou Stienld be
coated only with Alabantln. Hundreds of
tone Died yearly for this Work. Genutn Ala
baetln does not rub and seal off.
l'.M.e tw.i i.U.e7 i. ior
Inmminhi, with wlimti 1 Imre bn anitiited fur
over twenty year, arid I eea ea- vhat t-aarareui
bf lven oieumr radar Mn any other Mine,
ay I ever trloil. 1 -hull certainly reoum.
mend them to oiy frlenda aa beins all they era
rep-seen ted." '.uu, UiLbauu, login, llE
tbi Majts sieitrna-s
' Pteaiiaitl, fntntatiie, Potenl Tama am, m
SouO, Ke-er ei.eo. Weaken, or Griri.rM.I'lEi JJf
eVaSy Owea.-, enwee, Sertwei, . Veie.'lK
Mf O-BAS ffg
The habit ol reading at the dining,
table it oouduraned by L'Hv.
f lene Moderne, though it thinks louk
ng over the paper at breakfast It cum.
paratively harmless.
Important deposits of tnlplmr have
lately been discovered In Asiatic Bui.
tla. In the Ferghana district there it
one which will yield about 10,000
pounds of pure ttilphur yearly.
In this country placing the thumb to
th nose and attending th fingers it a
sign of derision. Among certain hill
tiibes In India it I the moat expressly
manner of showing respect.
Only ;0 yeart have stapled sine the
(list tailway In the world wat finished.
Duiing that comparatively brief period
400,000 utile have been constructed.
A muddy ttreet tuny look Ilk
"hasty pudding" but it' hard to ttlr
about in. 1
u & fci
Ait Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effect of tha well known remedy,
Stmup or Fiat, manufactured by the
Cauvommia, Fio Kruur Co., Illuttrate
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principle of plant known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in the form moat refreshing to tha
taste and acceptable to the ayatem. - It
is the one perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing tha aystetn effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fever
gently yet promptly and enabling one
) overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Ita perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, and Its acting on th kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, uak It th Ideal
In the proceH of manufacturing Sirs
are used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but th medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatlo plants, by a method
known to the Caufonmia Fio Knurr
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid Imitations, please
romerober the full name of the Com pany
printed on the front of every package.
MOTa-rtixa. IT. W TOUT, . Y.
for Ml by all Oratffleta. Pries 0c. per bottle.
SpSPfuncfery-' ;
11 ft II I
with back sehe, eonatlrmtloD, indl
eatlon, malaria, wakvftiloei aud
hundred- of other ailment eaueed i
by Impure blood should try
Moore's Revealed Remedy
It's smv anfi nleaaant to take ban-
dreds bay tx-en sured It will not
fall to brlnt relief.
I,IM pr bottle
at your dru.jut.
Partlmilara aad teetl
moiilAJ. In plain eeaied
letter SUltJia Faaa.
FRENCH MU00.,ttt SSI Peari $t, Yrk
W suarant to fit veryM w umlertak.
boit put It off; write for jHu-tloiilars at one.
O. H. WOOUARW CO., Kaper Trtte
Fitters, US Heoood Street, Portland, Or.
od Cyippil, lUmoT Timpttt bd purity tha
Biooi, Aid lMvrtloDBndlhrafnl BiltauMabH Iw
not GrlporBikn, To con 1 oca tow, w will mill
Mrnpl rr, orfult hat torVki, 1H. llOHANRa
CU.tthllm4m.,VaHuu Hold by UruMUw,
llM prottdi- tmelAtir) an
?hii form. f
lif Dr. loMrtki
tl MUlttfi,BlM(1li
tr .t druaii
iff d BlMtfiDf. Awj
& ftbotU jour
HO, PbtUd.,
For AnriArrtirMt tuvd (iUut mH 'HbaV Ok
9 tpmAH. It
fh uid OTttf
fe Ui ONI.V niotllt-in) wiitch will uui
,1 BitMticin) wnicb will uura txri
flAM. HO CJ.HK krutwn K bu t
wr fAiitxl to our, no
matimr how twrlotut or of boir wag Mua41nir.
MUtn 1HS UBafl Will J-I4I1IHI J
wmMM ttrirtur. and e.n
you. Il to aimoUMly mf.
nn"iui tsrirtuiw. eutu taw witiiuut tinwlTio
Irmw and dr-umtioii from aMistiwiw, PHU 9 W.
sjniw nj mil ynnaiiHi uniRirinue. or ranue
puOltlf wnpjwdi M rnt'olnt of printi,
or twu6 pruud tur aximtat
M rrtt'i'lpt or prin-, by
rlt CliiuiUAl Oa.ObkatillU
lie. His i for annainr-l
dlnl.rM, lr,n.nim.iliT
trrllalluiil or ulv.r.llune
rirlciar,. et IhUeslI BlanilirAt.L
Fnfi.ll MBM.IM. - i. I n L.i mA .. ...
iriEiMti Ohisito llo. 'ut r rwliooeue.
oiHMun,l. I naM fcy tiaaa,
V 0.1.. i P' ant In sIiId wreemr.
Iroular -em oa reauett.
N. P. N, 11.
MO. -8 '99.
WHM wrltln. to advertlssr
mention this paper.
Alabastln packages hay full direction.
Aii-one can bruib It en. Auk paint dxaler fur
tint oard. Alabastln Era" free. AlabuUKt
e Urand Baolui, Mivb,
J . V
fo mm,
am or I'rotruajntf
f Ptlsma;
rtMl turnnrm. fckt fc
vHWIIM. 11
X af
kl v- ' - ''