Tender Clean. Tii mora , tender the flesh, . tne (..'!. iar the bruiia. ; 5ii Moaer yoa na Kt. Jacob Oil, th quicker will b 11,0 our of nv bruise, and any bruise will disappear promptly under Uia treatment o( tlia great remedy. - . . - rixad a to Bin. . Angry ' Father Bow fef you show rour fac beta again? Persistent Suitor Because 1 'could Cut Jeav it at homa.--Hlaatrated American. - - ' ' -' - f tt n it r . rrr. Wise people are also rich lifen -the know xrrrfri-t - j - ; remedy for alt annoying dis eases of the blood, ' kidneys, live? and bowels. It h Hood s Sarsaparilla, which is perfect fa its action. It so rcguiatcs me ; enure, sys- ten as . to bring vigorous health, . It never disappoints. Coltre "For 43 year I had mltr. oi welling on my neck, -which was discour lg ing and troublesome. Rheumatism aloe annoyed me. Hood' Saraaperilla cured me eonrpletely end- the swelling; hat en tirely disappeared. VA lady in Michigan taw my previous testimonial . and used Hood's and waa entirely cored of the same troublei ha thanked me for recommend ing It." aim. Aw.' tsiiTHUftiABD. 408 Level street, Kalamazoo, Mich.. . Poor HealtH "Had poor health for years, pains In shoulders, back and hips, . with constant headache, nervousness and no appetite;.. Used Hood's Sarsaparillit, yarned strengtb and can work Hard all day ; eat heartily and sleep well. I took it be cause it helped my -hushand,"-Maa. Elizabeth J. Girnia, Moose Lake, Minn. Makes Weak Strong "I would give 15 a bottle for Hood's Sarsaparilla if I could not get it for less. It is tha best spring medicine. It makes the weak strong." Auttr A. Jaohow, Douglas. Bey Hoan Pllll ma Brer III, the Bon-lrritllns and - only cathartic to take wllh Hood'a Baraaparilla. It is believed that the carrier pigeon was imported to Europe from Persia, and it became an institution on the Uontinent long before it wa brought : to England. ' "" : '. The man who first printed the Im mortal Declaration , of Independence - waa John Duulap, an Irishmaa from Btrabane, County Tyrone, in which place be wa bora in 1717. .. :. '....There was a yonng man from Lenore, " - Who bolillv went off to the war; The "beer1 made him sick, . He recovered quite quick , i - . ; By the prompt use of old Jesse Moore. '- Somehow we always expect the fel- ,Iow wbo get mad, first tq oome.out of ; the argument second .beet. J . Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth : k)g Byrup the best remedy to us for their ; Hiuuna u uruig laa leniuDg penoa. - Naming a battleship Oeorge Wash ington is all tight, but could a ship with tltat name lie at anchor? PIT PermaneatlT Corad. Wa StaorBervoosnee f 1 1 S after Im day'a DM ot Or. Vlloa'a urrat -Kervelteatorar. Brad foe PatKB . trial bMtleand traatlaa. DB. EL H. KLZ&Ji, UA, W Ajva naui, f millennia,, n. ... People 'who talk moat ''about otliera' fTawawewT V selfishness are frequently the worst . f" .... , M , ' In the aprlnf cleanse your system by using r vs. rmDttvr a vivguu niuuu roriiwr, . ., ' He who neglect present duties, may . sever overtake future opportunities. .! rl DO MY OWN W0EK." ' Co Bay Mtb. Mary Bochlette ot t i linden. How Jersey, la thla Letter to Mrs. Flnkham. . " I waa bothered with a flow which , -would be quite annoying at times, and at other would almoet atop.; " "I need prescriptions given me by my physician, but tne 'tamer ttete ot 1 affaire eomlnuad. 4 "After . time 1 . wi taken with ;.- a flooding, . that I w v; obliged to -. keep my bed. Finally,' in x despair. I v; gave op my do . , tor. and tegatt . f , s taking your medl- cine, and have certainly beea 'greatly v benefited by Ita use. "LydiaG. Pinkham'a VegeUhle Com pound ha Indeed been a friend to me. I am now able to do iny own work, thank to your wonderful medicine.'" I '' wa aa near death I believe aa I could i be, so weak that my pulse scarcely beat and my heart had almoet given out. - I could not have stood it one week more. '- I am sure. I never thought I would be ao grateful to any medicine. - " I shall use my influence with any one suffering aa I did,- to hav them - viae Lydla E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. Every woman that la poxzled about v bar condition should secure the sympa J thetle advice of a woman who under- atanda. Writ , to, Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Maes., and tell her your Ula af aehlnary and. Snppllae. MACHINERY .lstHIi Mlneshops naFarm; Steal Log- . ging anq Mtitting Engines; Hoa Chisel Tooth Hews, Albany Crease, etc., j TATUr.l&BOWEN 97 to First reae Partland, Or. ' M-SSfreaieBttlMaet.Baa Iranolsnn. - JOTTV POOLE, POETTAKD, OttlODM, can pve you tlio beat bargains in general iailiiuery, anRlnes, boilers, taukw, pumps, Jmowis, K.lts and windinlila. The tie I X L windmill, sold by bliu, is uu eaualled. i 1 a-m r v. J THE FAR NORTHLAND forenptne Crek tilt - CwoUaue Draw .the Qoldeeakern- 'Along tko Gobs. " Colonel Frank Gyrgla, special agewt o( tha land department, r ha taturned to Jnneatt Troio an eitensive trip into tlia PorcOpiattOreek, oomitry. , -Ha in veetigatet . reports that the . Paltoa Trail Company had appropriated to ita own 08 the old - India trail upa tha Chiloat river, and foand them to ba unfounded in fact Ha had a pow-wow With quite k number jf tha leading men of the Chiloat tribe. . , Colonel Orygta took a sold pan and get( ,d thrashed out nearly handful of Dug coarse gold on Discovery and other claim on Foroupiit creek, and If ll hillinlan think. SI,, are oodlee of the golden Seed ' where the sample ha .cart ia .' were .washed dom the native earth. - - .-. ,. . The. town otHainei Mission U hav ing ateady, solid growth; tt A sign ot "keep off th grass" could not thrive there." Lot-Jumping ia tha piinoipal paetiaie and it.ia going on all over town. . There, aia tome people at Hal nee who would jump oook Itove 4 1" . and run off with it, provided it wasn't too hot. forcopme uuyt be tna an- vantage of a level site at the month of one ot the beat gold-bearing oreeks In the district, and the outlook i that it will became quite a camp..; It is grow ing. Travel between Hainee and Por cupine ia stead r and on the increase. The trail on the snow i bard and in fine condition. ' A large number ot prospector are stopping either tempor arily or permanently at Walkeiville, on Balmon, . Colonel Grygla'a party oounted about 80 tuen on. the tiail to Porcupine la nine bonis, r The Dalton trail will be in good condition for summer travel. Jack Dalton' team are taking im large , quantities . oi supplies ' over tb enow trail, , . . .,, The "diggings" already located ia the Cbilcat and Kloiuena river country fere ground for -eobfldehrje, and "the fu ture ot that section ot Alaska, and its growing town ' may be considered ' Only Few Days 6vaeaC r liKorman Bant, who was formerly recorder for the Atlin district, and son of the present recorder, ba made tb statement to reliable parties that all the locator who have not got a leave ot absence, wbicb mnat be filed ia tha recorder' books, bad to be oa their claim in Atlin on. the let of April. This order also applies to par ties awning interests ia claim, which, nnder the , British Columbia mining laws, makes them either be preeent 01 represent their claim. ... . , , la tha Kloadlk. . Fred Trumbull, of Dawson , says th richest bench claims are on Gold Bill, opposite 1 and 8, Eldorado. Dominion oreek also wilt give a good account of Itself at 'next spring' wash up, and there are already big dumps out from 10 above upper discovery down to 88 below, and as low down aa 180 below. Honker ia turning out fine dumps, starting in at 40 below and running to 25 above. Good-aised nugget, averag ing $25, are plenty. Gold Run will also turn out well. Kaowa la tha North waa t. Captain Harry L. Bailey, command' ing company F, Tweuty-fi rat Pflited State infantiy, now on hi way to Manila, i well known among the old- timer in Oregon, 'fie is a graduate of West Point, and came as second lieu tenant to the Northwest in time to take part in the Nes Perce war of 7T and the Bannock war of '78. He Went with the Twenty-first to Colorado and took part in the campaign against tb Ostrleh-Ralalac la Britlah Cat a nb la. Ostrich may yet be raised in Brit ish Columbia. J. M. Robinson, who ha founded a little colony of Manito- bans at Peach land,, in the Okanogaa valley, eays: "We are going to get couple of egg up from San Franoiacc and try to hatch them nnder Turkey. It is believed that th bird can be suc cessfully hatched.'' v -v wl 1 . . Aanthar Atll Ramk. Xt. Simpson, J. "Anderson, vf. E. B. Betl, ft. C. Trime and' P, Finder ar going Into Atlin to' open a branch of the Bank ot Biitish North America there. Tb bank building is already completed, and it I believed that in two week tb bank will be in active operation. . r, v ': ' Ramaawt mt taaaV Oalsw. . ' Commissioner Hermann, of the gen eral land omce has reoom mended to the scretary of the interior tb removal of the local land office new at Wear, Alaska, to Sampart City, 60 miles far ther op the Yukon. - j rvtvi-io. inr ratruuai, , Coivilje people ar asking for tb pardon of , McOermick, convicted re cently of an aeaualt with Intent to kill. previous good character and promise for the better are the reason given toi i pardon. ,i, Mi .'.-.; ; ; , laaportaBt Caal Dlaeavary. Bucoda ba made another import ant coal discovery, and thi time it is saici to be a first-class quality ill antbra- oita The (haft ia 800 feet down and a considerable vein ha been (truck. ' Lake Coaaty School flaport. The annual report of the school su perintendent el Lake , county, Oregon, ba been received at Salem. It show the number of children ot school Sge in the county to be 889. a. Walla Walls to Rave a Maw Theater. Walla. Walla i to have a new the. ter, to cost 140.000. The company has been incorporated, and Agent Van Ide Water of the O. K. at N. will take the management. A Mew PoatoSiea. , .' . . A postoffle ba been established at Casoo, King:" county, Washington, .on the route from Sky komish to Index. Oliver P. Grimes has been, appointed potmter,'jf. ,;-' - ; Aa OrdaV Cram Cblaa. Orders have been received at North Yakima for five sample bale of bops for China. If satisfactory, large or ders are expected. .- ' A Oira rrnna Jim Hill. Bpoakne'sT. M. O. A. ba received a present of tl00 from President Hill of the Great Northern. l.tfasavlng S.vvloo. , Considerable Interest has been roani feited in : Oregon and Washington as regard the latara operation of the llfesavfng Service, -saya 'Washington diepatoh.i ' MaitT' resident 1 of both atates, learning that a new lighthonae district on the North t Facifio Waa eon tent plated, have written to the treas ury department,' seeking appointments under the new district. As a '- mat tor of (act, such a district is as yet merely matter of oonjectoie, having, been uggested several times and reoom mended to congress. , If new disuict la eraated. it Is the .opinion the lighthonae board that it will be by a provision of the neit sundiy civil bill, which, at the earliest cannot pas ! tore June ot July, 1900. Powder Car Blows Vw A powder car, belonging to a Great Northern freight train, blew up at Ev erett, Wash., killing' ene tramp and wounding two other; who, were riding u u uiumiu, ui. u ""ii tnopowaor car, two care, containing mixed freight, were burned. The In jured men gave their narpes as Sylves ter Fagan and Charle Flebotte. The name ot the dead man waa unknown to them. It ia thought that the cars ii which the tramps were id 1 11 it - was set . .. , , " Br" by them and the heat exploded iwuoi r. ".!' St . aartaaB OttlaalaM. Henry O. Nioholi, ot Hamburg, Ger many, ha arrived in Portland." He has come to Oregon as a lepresentative of a colony of 300 or 800 person who Want to come to America. He says it will take a tract Of land containing at least 10.00J acres... The colony will ilsk Mr. Niclioli's judgment, and come as aoon aa he notifiee the member ot having what ha want in the way of lands, : ,! ''., ,; , PACIFIC COAST' TRAOK. aattla atarkata. Onions, 80ol. 10 per 100 pouad. Potatoes, S3&(40. . Beet, per sack, fl. , Turnips, per sack, 60 (9 7 So. Carrots, per sack, 40 00c Parsnips, per sack, 75 86c Cauliflower. 80c(a$l. 00 per doa. Celery, 85 (S too. Cabbage, native and n.,,...,. vaumiuia fl per 100 pounds.'' Apples. tSOcQSl par box. Pears, 60c $ 1.150 par box. Prunes, 6O0 per box. . Butter Creamery, 880 , par pound: dairy and ranch, 16 20c per pound.. Eggs,,.iSo,.,,; .. Cheese Native. ISJc Poultry Old ben,: 14c per pound; spring chickens, lc turkeys, 16c Fresh ' meats Choic dressed beef steers, prime, 8c; cows, prime, 8c; mutton, 8c; pork, 7o; veal, 81380. Wheat Feed wheat. 130. Oats Choice, per ton, 828.60. ". Hay Puget eoand mixed, f 7.009 8; choie Eastern Washington . tim othy, tU.00. tu.i- hit it .'.!, Corn Whole. 823.60; cracked. 34 feed meal, $23.60. Barley Hoi led or ground, per ton, 2528; whole, 24. Flour Patent, per barret,- $3.80; straights, $3.85: California brands, $8.25; buckwheat flour, $3.60; graham, per barrel, $3.60; whole 'Wheat floor. $3.76; rye flour, $4.50. iiillstuffs Bran, per ton, $18; shorts, per ton, $16. .v. '...- :.;:!. ;vt Peed rjliopped ' feed, sal (gTi per ton; middlings, per ton, $17; oil cak meal, per ton, $35. '. '1 Partland Markat. Wheat Walla Walla, 68c; Valley; 69c; Blueetem. 61o per busbel. Flour Best grades, $8.30; graham, 83.65; superfine, 2.16 per barrel.' Oats Choice white, 44 45c: choice gray, 4 1 43c per bushel. , : Barleys-Peed barley. t 00; brew ing, 823.00 per ton. 1 1 i . i Milliitnffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid. dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $18.00 per ton.' ' '; 1 Hay Timothy, $8 a; clover. $T 08; Oregon wild bay, $8 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 6055o; seconds, 45 50o;. dairy, 40 a 46o store. 250300..,,,......,., .,..,.. ... ,,.,, Cheese Oregon full cream, 13)4o; Young America, 15a; new cheese, 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $804 per dozen; bens, $4. 00 5. 00; spring, $1.85 3; geese. $8.0007.00 for old, $4. 60 ip) 5 for young; docks, . $5,000 (.80 per doxen; tnrkeys, ' live. 18 i8c per pound. r.ii..,.'- Potatoes $1 1.35 per sack; sweet, Ic per pound. Vegetables Beets, 90c; turnip. ?M per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab. bage. $101.35 per 100 pounds; cauli flower, 75o per dozen; parsnip. 76c per sack; beans, 80 per pound celery. 700 75c per dosen; cucumber, 80c per box; peas, 308ie per pound. " Onions Oregon. 75cO$I per sack. Hops 8014c; 1897 crop, so. . : Wool Valley, ,100 13o per pound; Eastern Oregon, . 8013c; mohair, SOe per pound.: :. -ii .-,5-1-11 . Ar v Mutton Gross, best heep, wether and 'ewes, 4c; dressed mutton, 7 He; spring lambs, 7)e Per lb. ; ' ' Hs Oroes, choice hesvy, $4.80; light snd feeders, $3,800 8.00; dressed, $6.0006.00 pet 100 pounds, - Beef Gross, top steers. 4.000 $4.60; cows. (2.&O08.OO; dressed , beef, 80Rc per pound. Veal Large, 80 7c: small, ?K08o per pound. , , . , Saa Praaeteew Starka. ' ' Wool Spring Nevada,' 100 13o per pound; Oregon, Eastern, 100 13o; Val ley, 16017c; Noithern, 8010c. MilUturTsMiildlinKS, $18023.00; bran, $10.600 17.80 per ton. . , ' Onions 8ilverskin,6O09Ocper sack. Butter Fancy creamery, 170 18c; do second. 160 17c; fancy dairy, 16o; stoaeconds,. 14014e per poand. .. ' Eggs Store, - 18c; fancy ranch. 170 18 '" ' .. '" "; Hops 1898 crop, 16a ;, r Citrus Fruit Orange. Valencia. $3 03.80; Mexican limes, $1.60 6; Cali fornia lemons, 75c0$1.85; do choice, $3.60 per box.'",; ;' Hay-Wheat, $180 (8.60; wheat an.1 oat, $18018; oat. $14018; best bar ley. $13018; alfalfa, $11013 per toa; straw, 40070c per bale. :,:. Potatoes Early Rose, $1.6001.76; Oregon Buikanks. $I.65$1.88; river Burbanks, 75c0$l; Salinas Burbanks, $101.10 per ack. Tropical fruits Bananas, . $1,503 8.80 per bunch; : pineapples, $3,600 4.80; Peteiau ' dates, 800 par pound. 'Wtj.JiJ-.U ,l.i1!-i....'allil. 'I,(J 1)1 1,1, - .f "U, , " th Crystal Butte. ' ,-1 .-! t. " ,'' ) ' i i ' ESTIMATED At NEARLY 85OO.00O I Muah of It Beady for Stoplnc-Avarac 0r aiOO Vr Ton-Watnnlaa a Hlgli aa )SOO far Ton. Spokane! Wash;,' April t Managei Thomas, of the Crystal Butte mine, on Myet oroek, Colvill reservation, says: we have at leaat 1 5,000 ton 01 ore blocked out in the mine, and between 8,000 and 8.000 ton of till ia ready fot doping. , JEslimating the .value of u,t IB H1Q turn at ISfi nr ton sivea na .475.000 worth ot ore in .inht. Thi in conservative.; (iTb 01 ia tlwe wins at this time average at least 1100 pet ton In gold. ' Fair general aample run over 1300 per ton. Hut, taking a the or in tb mine, good, bad and in ,U,U0,V,1, III, " Wnero betwftan 35 lnd 50.M different, the average will be tome. VIEWS OF EX-PRESIDENTS. Barrlsoa SB Ctarataod na Dlaarma, ' aaaat aa ArbltratloB. Boston. April 7. Among the com' municatlon received by the Dnited So. oietiea of Christian Endeavor recently in connection with it proposition for a "war against war and peaoa by arbitra tion." ar two1 from ex-presidents, Grow Cleveland and Benjamin Har lisoa. Ex-Prasldent Cleveland wrote! ;The members and the fr iend ot th Sooiety of Christian Endeavor hav never entered apoa an undei taking so practical and so noble a the effort they are now ' making to secure an abandonment of war a A mean for the settlement of international differences; and if there 1 any. substance to' the Claim that our institution .and th trait that characterise u a a peopl tend to national elevation and Chria- tianiaation. it 1 eminently proper that our country should be in tb lead in - . . .u , -I au v Donmuit in tin ' uiiviww wi peaoa." ' vti-f" '-. Ex-Prsidnt Harrison's letter ssyai "Fof myself, and much mora for th great body of its eitisensblp, I express the desire of Ameno for peso with the whole world. It would have been vain to suggest the pulling down ot blockhouse or family disarmament to th settlers on a hostile India iron' tie. , They would have told you right ly that the conditions, were not ripe; and so it may be and is probably true that a full application of th principle is not presently possible, the devil still being unchained. It i by a spirit ot love and forbearance mastering the civil institution and government of the world that we sbtll apprpacb nnl tarsal, peace and adopt . arbitration method of settling dispu ',"-. ,t , EXCHANGE OF ISLANDS Praroaal 10 . Trade tb', Thlllprluaa fat : ,; tha British We lad lea. ... , . New Vork, April 7. A special to the - Herald from Washington says: Much interest is felt here in the prop osition originating with the Inhabi tant of St. Kitt. in the Leeward Isl ands, for an exchange of the . Philip pine for the British West ..Indies. There are strong argument in favor ol sacb an exchange, if. Ureal Britain can be induced to part with ber West - In dian possessions, and .there ia little doubt that if the people Ol th United Htatea bad an Opportunity to choose be. tween the Philippines and the English possessions in the Csrribean; sea they wonld prefer the latter. 1 This I prac tical ly true of the residents' in the Eastern its tee. . The possession of the British West Indies would be of great importance to the Doited State from a military point of view, as it would make the Cairibsan sea practically aa American lake, and would enable this country to domlnsta completely all approaches to any tutors isthmian . canal ' from th Atlantic1 side. It would also bring ths United State Into closer relations with Central and South America, arid would tend to develoD.commeica with all the nation south of Me xloo. Chsrlawtoa Skelled nagnspBB Manila, April 7. The United States crnisar Charleston, wincrj na Deen cruising along the west coast of Luzon to the north, sent a boat in shore neat Dagnpan, last - Saturday, to make soundings. ' The tebels opened Ore, wounding a United States officer. The cruiser thereupon bombarded the town, the insurgents evacuating it. , ,,t :l Busbaad Legally D.ad. h.' St. Louis. April 7. The court of ap peals ha affirmed the decision of tha lower court that John' E. Carpenter, who disappeared from bi home in this city two year age.'.i legally ..dead. the case was the suit of, Miy E. Car penter against tb( supreme , council, Legion of Honor, for $3,000 on a civil writ issued to ber bnsband, who disap peared, from homer January 80, 1897, and baa not since been heard Irons.: At the time of hi disappearance be had made- several remarks tending to sui cide. ' Judgment ' was swarded ' tb plaintiff." ; ' Mot In Klearagaa Jail, :, Eausa City,' April 6. A New Oi lcan special says: Cbarcbill Guthrey and Augustus S. Flournoy, of Kansas ; City, who were reported captured ' and shot a filibusters in Nicaragua, ' ar- -rived ber today from Bluefield on the steamer Breakwater. - Tbey are said to i have departed quietly fdi Kansas City. " it Will elnat Oouaaa. - Havana,' April 7. General Gomes Is to be reinstated 'commander-ln-chiel of the Cuban army until It I disbanded. The Cuban assembly loaders are to take that action to make op for. the indig nity tbey heaped on him before. ;v:t"- ,ii i I " 'i' 'i '- Toong Wsmsa't Suicide, f Dallas, Or.. April 7. This morning, at 7 o'clock,,: Effle, th 33-year old 1 danuhter of Locien Fraxer, of Bethel, Polk coimty, committed -suicide' by shooting herself with a ' shotgun. ' Bbe placed tha muzzle over ber. heart ' and shoved the trigger with stick, ' No cause Is given for tb suicide, xdept that Mis Fraxer bad, been , in poor health for torn time, but was cheerful this morning. , lm Maatlrn) Woman, fi (an old band) -They have dropped (belt anchor. -tv,r i f, if. . Bbe (a beginnef)-SrvJ them right. It ha been, , hanging, oyer the. aide all day long..'- ; , mi ' '""""'"'"AWiarlea anal tlarniany, " So soon as America showed her flrnmsns tha German cruiner left Manila Bav, and wa now proteot their Interests. In a like manner all stomach lira Hv ht'fctra tha Wfin- derful (ower of Huii;itir's Mtomncli Hit twin, ft strikes at tue root of all itiwaaas, sua cures tnuifreailon, conntipallon, bil iousness, liver and kidney troubles, . Mi. Dollarwortb "Place ' am dames.': I wonder what .that means? Mt. DolUrwortii That oh. that's Fieuob for Intelligence office. , - ' . ' ' Haallh and Beauty. . Mobeantr with Dimnlv akin, dull evee. bad breath. Clean Ttiur HVNtera aiui ktp ft clean with Iraarant Caatarta Candv taih&rtlel AU "", w, , ouo. Cholly "Why do they ay a Utile learning 1 a dangerous thing?" Dolly -"It you evei get any jou Will find pxorta WANT SOMBTHISQ BCT- How many women are savins lust now: "Oh, I want a change in my wall decora tions; I am tired of wall paper." now many araiers are savins: "im, what a nuiaanee the wall papeT hnsliiess has beconis: bow inuoh time and Invest ment It takes and bow little 1 lie proiitT" How many palmare and decorators who have lent their iulUieiic to tmsli forward the wall paper eras now tlud their uct u patton gone. . ' 1 . . ; ' , To all such we would say : "Use. sell and advocate th durable cold water AUtbaa tino." , , . '-. Alabastlnecan be used on either Dlaa tered walls, wood ceilings, brick or canvas. it la absolutely nrenroot in ita nature, is durable, and any one can brush it on. Alabastiue ia eold by paint dealers every where. Ask yourdealera for card of tints. 8ome.actlons, lik fresoo work, only reveal their color after they have been done awbii. ; Piso's Cure for Consuniption has saved m large doctor bills. U. I Iaker, Regent Sq., Philadelphia, TV, Dec , W. The bell may be very musical, but it doe not make the engine go. ! : . To Onra a Cold la Oa Day Take Laxative Bmmo Quinine Tablets, AU druKitste refund luouey if It fails to cur, liac, , 'Putting a watch nnder one'l pillow will not make a bed tick. : . .. . t ...Staada ky la Ma... . .. Every living thing ba pain and aohes sometimes, and ' th aohe and pain of humas kind have a friend In 9t. Jacobs Oil, whiob stand by In neeJ to cur and restore. 1 ; . . ;; : ; ' ' W wish to call vnr attention tv th advar. tlseneBl ef the Pacitle Cnaat Novelty Cu.,( Portland. Or. Thev ara raliabla emmhiIh and wa assure eur readers that any orders seut Ifeeaa wui receive prompt aua careiui aitauUon. . He double his ti lala who oomp lain ot thm. Cse Dr. Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier now. Is ha been laid that apeeoh wa given man to conceal hi thoughts. This ts not the true answer. Speech wa given to man to prevent other peo ple liotn talking. " ... .-t ;-,: HAKK IilTO TOUR SnoCS. Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet vuit, pamiui, awoiien smaniiig leet anc rollei instantly takes tb sting out of corns and bunions. 1 t's the greatest comfort dieemtv cry of th age. . Allen' Foot-Ease jtiakrt tight-fitting or new slums feel eaav. It la a ' certain cure forchllblains. Sweating, damp, u n..,,. k... i i i.i ?'. ,.( ' have over 10,000 testimonials of cures. Try it today. Bold by all druggists and shoe stores. jRy mail for 25e ia atampa.- Trial package PREK. Address Alien 0. Oim sted, e Koy, N. Y. . ! fti woith nearly all It cost for th fun ot seeing a deadbeat who owe yon money, dodge you. v, - ,! JBOW'S TBISt .,i We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward fnr'any saeof Catarrh tkatcaa not fee cured by Hall's WS the undersigned, hav known r. i. Cheney for tb peat 1 years, and bet leva htm sertectly bonorsblo in alt business transactions and fin ancially able to carry out any obligation mad by toeir flruv, . - . .u,i.,-j..'j -. wstrTmiM,ii v - ', ,. , , w noiesai iiruagista, Toledo, . ' WlLDINU . KlNHAH A UtSVIK. :t. - .i v 1 Wbolasal lugiriata. Toteilo, O. tfan'sCaku-rhCura lstr.keoinreruaHv.anHnt dlraotly on Uia blood and raucous surlaoa of the system. Prlj ?6c per botUa. Bold by ail Orugg'sts. Teatlmonlal free, - ' .- ' '- " Mail's yamiiy jruis-.ro tae pass, in, ,,-, j i A newspaper: printed partly in Eng lish and partly in th Cherokee lan guage, named tue jflioenir, was pub lished at Eahota, in 1838. The type Died were furniihed by the United Btate government. , ,-- i - :B'KGAC3 " I have Beta CABCAVSgT wad aa) a WM4 aeit efeouve laaatlva tbey are slmelr won Srrol. air Saegbler aad I were botnere witk Sick tomauh aad our breath waa very bad. After taking a few donee of ;eert w bare isspvoved stwaarfaily. '1 r are a araatjiele la tea tally." :r wn.Bsi.MfKa ltaat I '' - nw Bittaaaoaaa aw, maansaait, Vk. , f(2j) cattic ' ljr. Otwa, kever lon. Weaken, or Orl. KM. urn, Wa. ... CUetst CONSTIPATION. ... 1 sHwWM say4f; CMrpMA. HUt$WQ, stosMlli US USKITI WI CAN'T GARTER'S INK MAKE I any better ink then wa dawe don't rto. We f th bat that can be made.- It cost you no .can mxk yoarer land chesner iob.i rmiwewon'ri more than the poorest. Funnv booklet "How to Mak Ink Plctares "Ire. CARTER'S INK CO.. Boston, Mass. YOUNG MEN! tow (hmorrivtm arvr Olwt ffwt PtOi-'i Okay ipfMrlflet II r. indUHme which wlfi ur tu;b fttid vsjrjr 9Q uAHK tt Jmni avfir ird to cur, n fiotr lone glAUiUliff. Jl4yCU)U f(Ml. It lC tait"JW)f aMtfrkg INTsTnta MrltSor. una twi utkajn vitlktMil Innouo MJ"W Iff itM una atri.ion rroto DiiKinosa. ritn s, ys w, aim ir mil fliiavl (BrtisTwiatat. or fnt iiraMisl br sue feaaw7 WlTgVSSa., IT rev- T itn .11 llfM B, ' . Vm IMtVsWAasW4J ijb gpVHkj. tl' ki. 4, i t Liiwti iHf run, "iuiu- U tn u H p - n i Wlaaaant. FalatMbie M, Tmmtm anrtA na 1 1 tt 0: WJVK, r eiri the X 4 Frank 1, Trout,ef loj Orlswold Ave., Datrslt, Mlch.,ssysi "At th ' age nf fourteea w had to lakt our daughter from achoot oa account of lit . kvalth. She welfhed only 90 pounds, waa pale and sallow sad the doctors '. said ah had aostmla. Vlnatly we gave kar Dr. Williams' rtnk rill for ; , , ' ' 1 , Pal People. Wbea ah bad takes two boxes she waa strong (Bough to leave her bed, and la leas than sta months was something tike herself. To-day ah Is entirely cured, and is a big, strong, healthy girl, weighing ' 130 pound, sad has Bern badakkoyaiac."WVrfVla,'-AVi, ; ! Tt genuine DtWilllAmV Pink Piilt fat Pi Ptoplt t Sold only In ptkp;t, thvtppt lwyt by,Bj ' tha (till nam. At All dTvu, t 4rttt frem the Of VtillTkms Mediting Co. Sthcntcte.y.N.X 30'ptr boi. The longest word In th English lan guage is "proantitransnbslantlation ableness," a jointed word of 88 letter. "Transubstantiatlonablouesa" I tb next longest,' ' 1 -; . Tkara Is Na TalllBg. Ba sure not to let rheumatism itay ia ths system longer than you can get a Dottle ot 8t. Jacobs Oil to enr It. There I no telling what part it may strlks or how much misery it may glv. An Austrian chemist who ba been making researches Into the subject, de clare that out of th 4,110 varieties of floweis known and cultivated in Europ scarcely 400 hav any odor,, and ot these nearly 50 hav an ordor which i If anything disagreeable. ' i n ' - For 30 Daya More You niihni ckxit f3 tTRAttC atANK.I ; swanaea rthesmatle Tora ra., Chleaxo, Oatloient! thmwM that t wonld write yoa a ataiemenl and tell you how I aave l nlnlia SI no I have nsad yoar "I DltOI'H." I mum aav trial I am entirely well once more, thank to yonr wonderful ramedr. It has aecoiuflMied mure s-ioil rr,,m ilia sample noitieanu Mie oiiiukr miiu, nan ue Miir,j ouusrr worm ni meainma I aave aetMl ar uther Biauuiaeiurfa. ,ra, 1 tried all klmls of me-llelne I saw rvoin tha dread rtit enfTorlns till Cltta Lit same fcr aa-w Oaya 1 began to any relief f anil after taKlaa t Body. After t got th aaaiul Outll most nsad p eeum sieeaaeain at atant witnowt anr aaore aunurtrM. t ant so ttianwiu ta you ana rour uitui-H'' mat I eennot nud )wt,i enuiiali la Brats or your l ms aarelf reaomiiienu it to an auneriiiy iinmanitr ann sav tnas in-y eatinut nirciiw any better aieohlne than " Ii no fa" tor aU Uwlf lua. Tiianklna r". aaailenien, Ait all ym klniliiess, I mnala, fcrcver, your rrlend, -,, '. It, U.Utt, forterdelil. Wis., feu. 10, Isas,., Suffrd the Tortur of th Damned. ' I Prasldeat Swanaon Hkanmatle Cur Co , t niraao. My Pear etnAfUr eunVrlng tha toniiresot the itanind for a lona Urn front anaueon of Ktteomatlsrn, I wish 10 aay that your Hhennuuli t'ora ' liHolU" kaa enred ma of all my troul.le. wblrk were all sensed by an eoainlalirt-. heu. mall.iu. I had Heart Trouhl. Pile, Hlatlder Troubl and Uon.llpatlun. 1 wol nut tali ami do wllhout tha reMertlee even If it only cared tne Catarrh Air me, whwh it haadone. Thererere, I willingly take the ageuoy for the sal of yvor me.ll, inn,. (,,, they ar a boon to mankind. Orainruliy your, , J. W. Ultsnia, l) Normal Ave.. Bumao, N. V., , a, ims. "I DROPS" cores Rheamatlvm. SelMleB. Hanralcla, IsyapotHilit, ttBekseko, Asthma, War Fever, Catarrh, Hteeilenee. eiervowaBese, Narvoua and Nauralgle Head ai lies. Karaeha, Toolhaaka, MarS wetshnaaa, Cronp, Swalllug. LaUrlviia, Malaria, Creeping JNumh-neee. ..'''' rn TUlST nttt Iflf tB lnhl"n,Tkrrsoflve',IiriOP'' at ltatrlsl,wwlllsnila tti I Bill 1 1 liil LUiSf-fl aamyle kotile, nretoid by mall. froenis. A semiite bottle will ooevlncs roo. aim. large bottleawaoea)(i.aa, i bottle Itir .u, yiwt sold by drussisia, only by ua and ou aaenta, Agents wanted In Beer territory. Writ as today. , SWANSON KllgtlMATIO Vtlttal Co., lT-t Dssrssn St., CHICAGO, IIX. This small amount Invested la a postal sent Ofer.ky which yoa may earn a good living and II you are an agent anu want goon seuer II you are not an agent and would Ilk to Mnnne lhas em era earnlna at ttrasant. wrlla Wear tba LKAiilNd siiDiily house on tlx I'aeiMs Coast and want trustworthy and reliable people to represent ua. NO KXPKRIKNOK Is necessary to salt OUB goods. They are all high elaas. regiilr KO TAt-KINO and sell at sight.- . .. - I . , . - The lollowluc is a partial Itta ol oar best aellsrai ' 1-tAltlKS' HAT 1TATSIN'KR We hat pins needed.' Every lady wants one " ' "UON'T Ur"-Theottly perfect device lor holdln lbs skirt and waist together,,' S-Cr MAY CIBMtlt-A strong, neat, woll-mad. and durable cutlllig Iron. ,, -CliKI.INi IRON HBATICB-Save alcolio). , ,, n .'t-KOS crbam An eieelleiit complexion praparatlnit. ' . . . i 1 n. ,-HINKI LMr Cul.l.ABS8avlha nasty Job ol taking off tb kurner to all lb lamp: simply tarn th burner batk on Us binge and fill the lamp, T-n 4NUT K NOB Every home wife waul one lor leanot, teakettle and itowpsn lids, i i-tvoNliIKrtl, a A I, I,- A lung tester; everyone want one as soon a ibey sve It. ; MAOIO aw A N -Makes you laugh tiU your sides aoba. 10-HI'KLat KMtWsttt A bubble whhlna babble. It photo MIHKOKaA vlaw hidden Irom everybody bat you, i , ' IS-JUMHIMW giMlOKBTS A great tnn-maklng artlol. IS ri.VINIt TOf-Wonderful ; flies M to ' feet In the air and always spins after alighting, 14t. ll r F-HIItKKA new Invention; holds null loorrnl aieav instead of shirt sleeve. ISCIXIS WATKH Vl-TltU Tbls Is a (arm Slier and tk beat in th United BtaUas. . ', ; PAOHC COAST NOVELTY CO," McKay BuOdimr, Portland, Or, This ad. will not appear again, cut It out and savs It, unless you writ at once. DR. LAN6W0RTHY DENTIST ! ;..HA8 REMOVED... Tb Increasing demand for palnlessdenllstry Introduced br us has been ao great that we have been obliged to seen re more commmllmis quar iter. Oar new amas lu the Allsky BiiUillug era a..,.I....H ,lfl tltm m...l uiulurn l.ll,.. toe painless and niecheuleel dentistry. All Aur Work la warranted to be nret-elaa In every detail and our popular price will oontln to prevail as formerly. OfHco: N, W. or. Third and Morrison. , Tak elevator on Morrison street. , - , - - ! "-- ' :: THREE HEW SONGS (OOPYRICHTIO.) Sent you (postpaid)' on rmrnipt ef 10 eta. In postage, tl ordered, st onus, , Address Occidental Publishing Co., O tR.t.AMI, GAL. ' ' Your, Strength; Depends on " tb condition of your blood. If It I I ;i , !'; i In potif oonditlon In spring, your ,. r , ., health It In great danger. Th best ' ; ' . known blood sireiigtbuiier Ic Moore's Revealed Remedy . A dollar bottle at yonr druggist' . will improve your hoalth wait yo ' ' stronger. RICH Government .... - . . ,-; ,-.', !.- -i 1 1 !!. tr i Lands. A loll of very deep dark loam; wilt grow all kinds of vegetables, grain, hay In great abnn danoe. Cliinata aiileiidid. Crop failures Im. possible. Adapted" ta tb raining of cattle, Sheep, hogs; dairy arid poultry luunstiies. In mining district, providing an eiimlleul market for all product. Also thh cranberry lands, MaKnlnoent ohsnca If taken at once, Writ for duitcrlptlve book giving lull particular. Ad dress today. C. K. ritWI'rr, Secretary, it Tbarlow Block, bail Francisco, Cel. Any Girl GanTcllb im &na U honest fcbeut it can ; tell you that, In m&ny cwes,the L numDCT of red corpuscle. In thg V? blood Is doubted &Uct & cout& j or treMment with Dr. Wiiiiim. Pink P1II1 for Pale People., ; Th&t this me&ns good blood ' m&y not be entiTeiy ci6t tTom the doctor's statement., but &nv who h&s tried the pills can tell V you inot it, nicon "h. uiiih 1 vi. fined ADDCtlte. abvence at i neodAche. &hd th&t It uans- 5 frms the pAie ,na Siuov oiri Wo a m&lden who Clows v7ith beauty which perfect health U Atone can give. f. Mothets whose duohtTi K grow debilitated oi they p.ss from oitlhood into womanhood should not neglect the pill bestO Adapted TOT tnil poTtlCUlaT ill. A largs toot oat for 18 ynai mad voyage on a oiall steamer between Sydney and San Francisco. Th animal died, and was burled at sea, having almost completed 1,000,000 mile of travel. 8om tim age th water ot a wall not many mile from Berlin, Germany, began to test of petroleum. Though eleanod repeatedly It got worse, sod st last account 75 per cent of the liquid Wa ptrolum. ' Church attendance In England, eaily In th seventeenth oentury, wa en forced by law. An act ot parliament Imposed a fin of on shilling upon very adult who missed church sorvio on 8uudy, :.-;,-:: Can Try It for 29 Cents. ouniatism. wnfjs mm t. fhiise un ! m m n i y ui itit WONDERFUL REMEDY "5 DROPS." 1 thmnrht that t wmild write yoa a "I Ulllll'H." I mum aav ttial I an y. It has eecotu pi tailed moreanuit .rV worth ,,( nnt ,,,, t UMVm - arivartlaed Sir ftaeumatlBM) kukaonld nut aeS I t sample bsttla of four " lilloi'S,'' have less or thoaa saver oaln raHitaK thronea inr I emilil tiesta to reat aome every niatitl after I had J r, won lerrul reiueily ar tlia core or Hbeuinatlstn, and OIlE v.CENT.- will enable you to iDfestlrate our lemarkabla sav money beside. mat win rieiu a oig prom, wnie ns iot panii-iiiani. g profit, write n start out to sell goods and make a great deal more ua and wa wlllaanlaln how to do It. Relief at last F, i nwiit , aeti.n-l l,iw a ear., al wsys reliable and without an equal. A.k drutffl.t roe br. Marie graai k k.nla fills la metal boa wilk frannh fl.w AM toil In NlUSL WM aa Wd. Insist i,n he.n.ir tb genuin. "Mtllaf tr Weawa," mailed VK la glala eealed lener with tefttlmoalalt and narilout.rs, Aililreiia, FSkMvM Oaua CO., l tn S Psari N.X. 01 f ! laOVg0p I slelaka... U LIVER ' If leleM ONE BOPf A DOSE. Oar glek Hesdsoh and Dyspopala, nemo's Tlmples snd Purify tb Blend, Aid ingestion andFrevent Bvlleusnees. Ie aot llrlpe ar Slekea. Toeenvlne yoa , w wl If mall samp' free, ar fell boa for afto, 1)11. ItOKANekt CO., aTklUdB., aVauuaa. Bold by Iruggiita. HKHtMII Aft4, JUlllettfel, Hi1 btl Mil lib ifHttHmOHIIrSlflfitflr). I or W"WOU. ' "apits, rrwpii, l.VsT II W, or 8 WtliHn, fj.m. Circular tmt un naqusMto TEETH WITHOUT PLATES j, Moots Crowned. Bridge Mads. , ralnloea tilling nd sxTraetloa, Dr. T. H. .White. fST CUY TliS -.CENUIKS. syoup f" f"in if. nil ... XArtrAOTOBS)0 Y ... - CALIFORNIA FIO 5VRUP CO, irneTiTHi Mm, "' '. nuPTunc curcd. W (itarante to Bt vry oaua w undertak our put It offi write for particulars at enna, C). H. WOOOARI1 CO.. Ki-ert True kitten, lu Second street, fortuuui. Or. fa . " S FC1 J,i, tu'ftlM t(lruI.Ureilt.fj?,u. I'f-Aim.iri,.. nm, .boat Jio ease. 1. ku8AM KO, pbllsda., re. . r. X. ti. HO, IB '. WHEN wrltlaw to advertiser fleas tnentioB thi paper. Trtf CDKE YCuSSCin j i I'UKt 1 V for unrmtMral Ik 1 f 1 4mf. X I fli'hftri, likiiiiitijitiiii F UutrftM4 W lrrUs.t(t)u or U)r.erteloti4 r. 7 sui ass amsiMir. of niioiii ttieie (jrartkai.