OREGON MIST. April 14, 1600.' LOCAL AND I'UHUONAL. ; The Cnnby It now on th Balnler-Port- lana run. j ' Mr. and Mr. I. H. Oopeland wera In vrtmuu lnpnaturusy. , ..." Borvic wll! be conducted at th Eul copal cliuroh Sunday venin;. Tax money continue to pour Into the snenn s owe at "Drea neck" rata. AiMMor White spent this week In his nrac correcting mat part ol the asaesa- in.uu airway made. - i ' j Mr. Israel Spencer wa over from Ver- .noma rnonnay attending to business waiter in tne oounty teat. . ' Attorney W. H. Conyer, oi Olats - kanie, wa attending to legal buainem in tne oounty teat last Friday. Rev. O. E. Fhilbrook will preach at Bachelor Flat Sunday at 11 a. m. and in inisciiy in tne evening am o'clock Mr. Jodson Weed wa down from Phil omath tne early part of the week looking iter uumuese interests in tnu vicinity. Dr. Hatfleld, of Vernonla, was In town Monday night, arriving from Portland, where he had attended to builneaa for a low oay. - . A. L. Morgan, of Uudaon, made final roof before the clerk on Monday. Ui witnesee were W. K. Holmes and J. K. Ilvadlee. . " 'a . .,' -', -f , . Grand Chancellor Cake will nav Avon lodge K. of P. an official visit next Tues day evening. All member are requested , to be present,, yK i1y,f,itl, The farmera' favorite black atallion VVnlcan" will viait Columbia county Kail) thin season. , Dates latere , U. L. Liudaley, owner. To Insure publication correspondents hould mail their matter so it will reach this office not Inter than Tuesday night or Wednetday morning, at latest. Mr. Chaa. Mcaerve waa In town last 6unday. Mr. Meaerve expect to again ; engage In the newapaper bunine, but baa nut yet decided upon location, , ' Dr. A. F. Knoder, the Columblaeounty : dentist. Firt)las dental work at low : est - prioea, Located permanently at viawaanie. uati ana m convmoeu. , , " Mtfclii Work Admirably. Mr, Kelley. of Portland, arrived down from that oily the latter part of hint week with a wootl-sawing machine (or the Oregon Wood Company. The ma- ch'no will bo In the UUr, and la said to have a capacity, under or dinary clrcuniatHncas, ol from twenty w tinny conn a uny. xtie mechanism of the machine la not Intricate, and will not oauae much trouble in moving it about in the wood. - In Conversation with rmrttaa Mr. ICel. ley incidentiilly remarked that the nia- cmne oouia tie uvea tor otiier purpoaea than aawing wood, to good advantage. Ila operator state that be haa a manner OI aawtiiir blocks for road building, tha plan of which is simple but probably iwwioie. ine pian is utia not to oe an experiment, aa it ha been successfully tented in other couiitriett. Ilia method l to cut block about eight inchea in lanirth. of whatever diameter of tree happena to be handiest, and by the use of a heavy roller, smoothes and levels tne suriace ol tne roailMH Coon which tne niocaa are stood, to the lull width of the bed, and between them dirt and mud ia thrown, which aervea ai a uro- cess of cementing the blocka in an al- moat solid body after a little time and uae. Mr. , Keller states alao that the eost of a road thua constructed ia not one-half aa great aa one built with plank, ami it durability can easily be imagined. It seems to ui to. be a Pian that would warrant investigation, at leant, because ii tne method can be made a successful a Mr. Kelley I enthusiastic in it advo cacy it certitlnlv il quite meritorious. tur. lie lor naa the contnict lor sawing (or the W(Kxl company thia summer, and i statu that he will build a piece of road while here, just aa a sample of what can u acoompnanea according to m idea. There Ji no questioning the dura bility of a road built in such a manner, and if the plitn and feasibility of snrur Init the bhwkt ia urnoticable and the cost of construction can be reduced to the flenro tated by Mr.,Kellev-li cent per sqimr footIt miglst be well to test it, at least. Am Adjourned Term Held Here) on April 5th, 1&09, Court eame Pursuant ta uHmnimMit riosuut ; Kuii. J , H, Dunn, county juuge ; Hon. P. A. Frakea. county cninniiualnni v. u. watfa, cierlti 4, . Kice, sheriff. um proclamation being made the follow ing proceeding were hadi E. B. Wood, eupervieor road district So, 10, presented to the oonrt munrlmnt covering expenditure in account with aid district for 1898, and a warrant for t9 waa ordered drawn in. hi favor In nnai settlement. A deed of dedication of land for a pub lic highway, leadlne from Willamette street in St. Helen to Houlton, and igned by O. V. Ullson and wife, was presentea to tne court and ordarnd o imH Tax-sale certificates Noa. KM anil ii4 covering lots 8, 10 and 11, block 19, In toiumuia uiiy, sola wr lMMft taxi's as signed to Eunice B. Little for 12.60. The bond of Israel Bimncsr of John Bncher Post No. 70 O. A. K. ex- aminea ana approved. - i Taxes upon west half of west half of lection 0. tOWnetilo4north.rmnim2wiMt. assessed to E. 0. Leahy, for 181 and 18112, amounting to $24.09, ordered re mitted, and tax-aale certificate No. 12111 covering same land for 1893 to 1897 taxes inclusive, amounting to $113.06, ordered cancelled no title I and the clerk to take credit lor anld amount, i Adjourned. - i Largest Kver Knows. The tax roll of Clateon count has - N. 0 Duto and wife were visitor In liatskanle laat week. r .. a . . u, Durnnam i tne owner oi tne new biuwi-lirod wagon reeeiveu last week. Boy Edgerton ha got himself out from the (tore to the woods, and ia wofkinir in logging: cinp, ' A lie ni . mJ wU-IU . .... - " ivui niuv mo wayuii ww uniusuea wednwway.ior aotne one 01 our luckv Mfivana ' - mi-.. The first installment of high water haa ' Arrived and other shipments will prob ably continue to come In Job lota until ' the stock will compare favorably with : that of 189.v n; ' The new city officer met with the oat , going council Monday evenin. asunmed ' the oath of odlce, and on Wedneaday evening met and . organised uie body IWuy WJ UO DIISIIIUBB. . " . It Is aaid the O. R. A if. will baild another new boat for the Porland and Astoria root ir th iu-r future. The plana are arranged aud uiost of the de tails are w n hand, j ; ;; deorge Mayger aay that Invariably ,1 with the coming of s barge for ooq from . lit wharf comes' severe raid torm. We sincerely hope a barge will cuuia iur wooa aoout August ist. Mr. Francis, who went to California aeveral motith ago, for the benefit of lii health, wa in thl city yeaterday on liia way to (ioble, where lie had pre viously lieen the nightwatchmau at the norinwica mitt. Tlie population of our sister town Rainier, tuuxt lie rapidly increaainir The Review man lay there are 1080 people there, (iood. Bainier ought to be able to maka a pretty strong pull for Hie county seat now. If time continue to get bard ( T) anil logging camp continue to spring Into i.iviiv, mi uvor iiia wuiiiry. wucrv there i a possibility of a chance to log wun prom, operator win nna it ncoe- r ary to import men to do tne work. After 12 o'clock tomorrow nla-ht It will be lawful to tlsh for salmon.. The price paid for fish will be S cent. If the law reirardlng the tomance of llcemte to real- dent only i adhered to, tbo probability utr a pruuutuia season is encouraging. " . 4f tlfl.14. 111 ... . . Hl. .111,1 bill n uiw will DUftrt Monday for Darlington. Wis., where she will visit her parent for a couple of month. Hhe will be aoeompanied by neraunt, Mr, morni, oj wortn. lum hill, and her brother, Mr. K. A. Iillick. Purimt the first quarter of till year, ending March 81st, the total nmnber of document filed for record in the clerk' otHce were 101 deeds, 80 mortgage, 20 niorttraee rrleawa and one court decree. the charge for recording the latter being me.iO, .... ,., ..... The ateamer America wa running conilderanly behind her schedule m lew day laat week on account of an accident to one oiner engine,. wnicn is now m good shape agaiu and the boat making her usual good time, supplying a apien uuiaervice, ......... ,i . ,. ,, .... .. A splendid future is ahead of Colum bia county. Beside It particular adapt ability to dairying, fruit-raising, prodae 'tlon of hay andcattlo-ruiaing, the timber ner i certain to o a ource irom wnioh the people are to reaHzeliaiitiituihaly in tne next rew year,; : JJif Wm. Brlnh ba hwnenod the Star aaloon. Mr. Ilrinn applied for license and filed hi bond at the council meet ing Wednesday everting;' and start out in pnaincp numiiiiig i.iib . puuni; ihui nothing but tne nes brand 01 liquor and eigar win oe anpt pa iianat Last Saturday waa a red letter day in (he tax collector' office in this county. Over MW0 wa received, for taxe In the mull, besides many amount paid in by person visiting the office. . Of thi amount over Mow waa the tax of the Vortbern Pacific railroad company. Mr. J. D, Birdeall, of 5olumbiA City, war Jn town Tuesday, and reportsevory thlng at the little city down the river moving along quietly. Mr. Birtlssll ha been the government light-kcciwr at tliat place lor over eleven yeara, and haa proven hlmaelf an effluent, employe. ,.: The people of the different aeotion of the countv are thoroughly aroused to thtk Imnnrtuncn of belter roads, and are tirring thomselve more than ever be fore to secure mem. in lew innmncM the people have agree to donate more than half the costof permanent (mprove Bient.. h i I X 5 '"ii i Wet believe" the Improvewieni made right along in Tug Miirr ia nch ft to merit commendation, s Khow yont ap tireciatioh by paying your uboription. Every improvement made cost a lew dollars, and it 1 necessary to collect onr account if we continue to Improve the paper.'."; il ''",''.'.' '.C'l" ';':iX " "; ' Will Chandler, of Clatakanle,' wa In the city last Friday evening in qnest of a t..m of lurae horse tor use in a only solution to the question, as it ia feared tne gang 01 iiouo now lingering in that vloinitv. toirether with the re cruits, will cause trouble if their threat are carried into execution, upon tne petition of a large number of the resi dents of that vicinity Mr. Bice appointed Mr, L. Presaev a special deputy to rep rnnt him there in case of trouble, Which ia confidently looked for. There' Dancer Larking;. Th advent of the new moon last Mon- loir- dav brought the moat severe rain storm eing Mam. He also viHlted tne otiier uie thin section oas experienced lor oine of the river with the -same object, but,' time, and upon it cessation theatmos failed and eontiuiied on to Portland, phere assumed a different complexion where' he found wbt, he wanted. Fancy nd the temperature went down to an Tiricw are now asueu ior iuuu nin, anwoiiuriBuiD urprnv, niww,Mn8i ; Are We Doing Oar Duty? Every county In Oregon with the ex ception of Columbia, is bidding for and receiving people who are moving west' ward thia spring. This condition of af fair should not be. Columbia county people seem to be in a rat, from out of which there apparently ia nothing that win remove tnein. individual, towns aud eotions of country are prone to follow a rut until thev are diverted either by accident or a a result of their own oflort, and here tne effort seem aadly misalng. The vital energy and enthusiasm scents dormant. Tne con dition of the few effect the many to the extent that there i very little public epirltor enterprise left. Thia is not a very valuable statement for the connty, but truth i troth, and a well be aaid a thought- -Our condition and ur rounding are what we make them. If a town or county ia not advancing a it atiouia you can trace tne reason , nine time la ten. to- the lack of enterpri and spirit on the part of the people. uei UB get out 01 tne rut, ana mak a move to forge ahead. Let u tnnk onr reaourcf and en Debilities known -bv onie legitimate, honorable means to the vast, throng now moving westward. One nnrson.; nnaided. can accomnlish but little in such an undertaking, hence the whole population should Interest it- mon to tne extent 01 making tne move ment unanimous. . Capital and new blood is wanted, and It can be secured only by concerted action by the neoplo. The resource of the county, the pro ductivenes of the oil, the adaptability of the soil and climate for successfully funning, dairying and fruit, raising can be recommended with a clear conscience and without fear of the crimson blush when we meet our fellow man lured by our enort to secure ni presence. ' "Cltlsen" Disloyal..; Among the bicycle note in laat Satur day' Telegram appeared this bit of "in formation": ., i ' ;.,'.f:. In Columbia countv there are not enough wheelmen to insure a good path train tne county line in the direction of Portland from St, Helen. Fifty or 60 wneoiman down mere are arranging to pay an additional $6 each, thua making It possible to start the path thia way. Aeitlaen dowa tlial way 1 talking of erecting a neat cycler' hotel at Ht. Hel ena, at which wheelmen can find good uvnmmivliillnnf mt nifwtArntjl nrtaM." we have no idea wno "a citizen" is. but it whoever it may be a ill become as loyal to home interests a ue i enthusi astic in spreading the report that no ac commodations for wheelmen are to be had in fit. Helen, the time might sooner arrive when all the conveniences of a modern fnetropoHs could be furnished. Indeed, now ordinary people, whoae idea of ample accommodation are leas extravagant, can find plenty to eat. and the quality ana Quantity 01 liquid re freshment here are exceeded only in the metropolis of the great Northwest. Let the wheelmen : come;' we'll take ohanoe on accommodating them. been returned to the countv nonrt de linquent. Out of a total of $120,794 on the roll there wa $98,671 collected op to inn urni 01 April, mac sum is tim innr- est ever collected on a tax roll in that county before it was returned delinquent. Prosperity seem to bav (truck Clatsop WUHtJ, IOO, - , ' . Building a New Boat. Captain Newaome is entirely rebuild. Ing the Iralda: The hnll ha been made 22 feet longer and the new boat will huv 30 Inches more beam. The model of the bojU haa been improved, which, It i U.t..t.. Ill . 1.1 I T. ' m. viiuuhiii. win rvuuer ner iuu er. ifll machinery of the old boat will be uaed, and it is expected that a great (peed will be attained by the new boat, de spite her increased else. Hhe' will ht, outabont the middle of May, and 1 aid will be put on the Aatoria route. Sunday School Superintendents. To the Sunday school sntmrintAnrixnta of Columbia county, Oregon : We are asked to helo oav theexnetuea m 1 um suiie aaauciaiwn, ana we agreed t our uu oouniy association that each Sunday school take np a collection dur ing ins year lor that purpose. Will you kindly look after the matter, and send your collection to Dr. Edwin Bow, St. neipua, uregon, at your earliest conven ience. E. H. Philbbook. President. '! , '' ;, 'v-';:';! He fa Here. . Dr. 8I0CUUI. the renowned head, thronl. lung and worm specialist, of the Slocum Medicine Company, is in the elt. If your borne doctor ha failed to cure yon, don't give np. Dr. tjlocum's remedies can give you health. They have cured others; they will cure you. Catarrh, the lorerunner 01 consumption, can be cured. Also chronio disease of male and fa- males. Call and be convinced. Hour 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Advice and trial treatment free. Oriental hotel, until auu inciuaing Bunaay, April 10. our lucky cltluens. Justice Knowlos waa aver (rum Mist. Monday doing some shoDDina and inter. vivwiiih; some 01 our pitlzea. . , E. 8. Brvant haa moved hla familv in Fllppin' logxing camp to look after the want 01 tne men at meal time. Z. Brvant left town Mnndav Inv Pnrf. ikuu anu a trip up the w lliamette valley, wiinr ue pas some interest to look mile Mis Mary Convers arrived on the steamer Monday morning, and ia visit ing ner parents ana in ends m this local ity. ' ."'.;' '' ;' ;"; near Mayger, wa jn town one day laat wi, a report nnsinea good in bis lilMk .!'-.; ,', i.. n . .;-.., ,i ,. i W. F. Slaushter and George Howifeon are spending some time thi week in looking over the timber along the Clata- kanW.:,;i u,s ! - People were not brawrint much ahont weir weaitn last week, a Martin White. county assessor, - hen .to tuk some now. By the way. the change in train ache). ale mako ua get to the poatotfice three fourths, of an hour earlier with our mail this week ia order, to get it off the same .,, .. . v. .,' ....... Jtne blank roadway about the wars- room and Merrill' building ha been recently repaired,' and add a good deal to the appearance a well as the eafatv ui iiwi meanly, . - - , :. a . ai. ticnenor ana . Merrill were representing oar town In Furtiand laat week. ' ihey both Und no for the town and are not backward in mentioning its ad vantages. 1 ,.;,..' j .,,-,.;..; A substantial plank bridge now lead teams to water street, and the log along . 1. . j 1 ., 1 . . no niw uava rvootmy ,.oeea cut into firewood, giving that ihort street a much improved appearance, ' " ; ' A couple of gentlemen from the East topped over1 night in town, and next morning started for the Nehalern valley under charge of C. H. Wheeler to see what they thought of the timber there. Mia Maud Mills started laatThnraria for her home In Fresno, Cal., after a visit el three ' aaontcul. Hhe claim to hava enjoyed her stay among friend and ex perienced oenent irom our health-giving People wondered what brought such a crowd to Attorney Conyers' office last Monday, but ascertained later he waa getting some papers iu shape for fisher men to procure the necessary licenses to begin work by th 16th, when the fishing aws upejua. . 1; -;p. -.. airs. at. onearer ana son returned on Monday morning, and were met In town by the bosband end father. ' who had driven in the family carriage for their convenience. ' The carriage waa on run ners, nut carried uie party, Home all right, . . , Ed McClure, well known , to our citi- sen, 1 here again from Washington county, where he i farming, and expect to look after a team of horse forFlippin, hauling lumber to town for shipment . L. : . ... . ,T : a n . tuiuuior, jaia imuiiiy IVUIIUUS on Musfrrove Won the Caae. The fury in th caae of N. A. Mns- grove against Samuel Coleon, master of toe steamer K. it. Thompson, returned a verdict for $600 laat Saturday in the circuit court tor muitnoman county, in favor of the plaintiff. Musorore aued for $6700 for damages done to bis farm on Sauvie's island, during the flood of ibv, wnen tne defendant ran hi boat unnecessarily close to the river bank, so a to cause heavy (well to wash away fences and outhonae. Thi caae ha been pending in the court for wreral year. . , . Hade a 8aooert Baa. One of the most successful drive of sawloga had in Milton creek for manv year was made Wednesday afternoon. An excellent head of water, the result of th recent rain, wa in waiting at the large dam.' and aa a force oi men had previously prepared for the occasion by rolling the dorelict logs to the center of the creek-bed, the mn wa a complote success, nearly (,000,000 feet going out. The logs are owned by sveral parties, and their sale mean the distribution of a considerable aum of money in thi community. -' . - .i ,.-... u,4. !; Beady o be.sCtr9nlated.;;. The petition for the improvement of the road irom M. tieien to vernonia ara Dro oared and readv to be circulated. There are a great many point of law in volved In them and, the- work of prepar ation was thus trendered. all the ' more particular that no inlustice he done and tliat each iBiportant point be brought out distinctly, s vvmie ttne work naa been necessarily slow- w have theaa- inrance of the correct nes, 01 tne peti tions, and sine this i the sae the time in which to circulate and have them re turned to the court by the 3d of May is reuueed to a nnei period. xno time should be wasted in thi important duty aa the apring is hastening by. hob tiers should enter the field at once with them. and the neon a should not halt between two opinion, but if a road i wanted the petition snouiu oe signea. it snouiu pe understood that but one way exist in which to acquire good roads, and that by tl use or money, .tet. tne (worx Drocrreea now with all possible haste ind co-operation of all good oilmen. " Want Polloe Protection. r- Jar; V. JO.. JUUlilcr. VI uvun,; umih Bt. Helen Tuesday in consultation with Khrilf ll!c In ramird to securing the appointment of a special deputy sheriff to be stationed at uome, tnat tne people School Baparloteaident Bopor. School Superintendent Conela'nd' haa . maue up ana lorwaraea to the state su perintendent of - public Instruction his annual report, from which we glean the following Information Bovs enumar- auM in our eounty, itoa; girts, 1081 ; of which number 799 bovs and 809 girl are enrolled. JJinety-nlne of these in the schools were under year of age, and the average daily attendance waa 909. In the county were' 24 male and 67 fe male teaohers, at monthly salaries aver aging $1)6.40 for the male and $81.(52 for tne loniaie teachers, while tbeanperin- tendent's salarv for thi vnr waa tlRh. In the county there are 57 diatriot and 1309 voter for, school purposes. '"The choolhouse property in the county is valued at $22,698.60, and the furniture, nxturea ana apparatus at $8,607 .TU. The amount of funds received for all school purpose wa $16,287.69 and the expend' iture were $14,602.86. X 5 i y, . i 1 BVnMhts Ma Done. , Stwing is at band and anmroa is buti a mort aiaunce in tne roture, and with it coming wo must certainly make some arrangement to ecura better roads. There is no reasonable excuse for the condition -of our road.. They are: a downright disgace, and until it become better understood that it-is impossible to improve the roads to a satisfactory degree without some 'mean of raising money for the pnrpnae taxation, of course the roads will remain poor had. in oost men, most nuiuwtrious and in tensely Interested barties mav be an- pointed supervisor of the road districts and the result will be-the same a in the there' may have protection from the past. There I nothing- that will help horde of tramps who congregate at that the dountv to: prosper like good Wagon nlace and peruetrate all sorts of abuses roads, and good roads must be had; that. upon th residents there. Mr. Hunter J too, by paying for them. ' The expense state that having an officer there i the I incurred each year would be practically nothing, and in a few year our high way would be so we could use them, and that' wore than can be said of them at presents . 1 . -. Rheumatism CfMOV ti f ' EM wife ha used Chamberlain Pain Balm for rheumatism with great relief, and I can recommend It a a splendid liniment for rheumatism and other house hold use for which we have found it val auble. W. J. Ouvxau, Bed Creek, N. Y. Mr. Cuyler ia one of the leading mer chant of this village aud one' of the most prominent men In thi vicinity. -W. O. Phipfin. Editor fled Creek Herald. For ale by Dr. Edwin Boss, druggist. Good mixed and oat hay at $0 per ton. horses and the perron who ha them lor may result to irutt irom mis miaaen loose in tne onrn. ..u i.'iWiHndlv in luck. .. -1 . ' and unwelcome change. Doer Island station. .a v . the farm A magnlflcient pair of ere v horses were in town Wednesday of last week driven to a wagon by H.' Stubbs, who held the spirited team 10 check with all tba dig nity and oride of the driver of a coach. and-four. The team attracted consider- abl attention. ; ' Arthur Qulgley, of Quincy, waa over on baturday on bis cratches, owing to an injury received six week ago while working with the construction train and steam shovel. He reports hlmaelf Im proving sad hope to be at work again before very long. ,. .ii- 1 , i !-. -j j There l( a demand about her that ia being gradually aanolied for, larm and durable draught horses to naa. in logging operation to take the place f cattte. The horned creatures are being gradually dispensed with in favor, of their more active competitors to the satisfaction of loggers.-'.' - . The city election passed off with a quiet but not very vigorous contest, th ,, . 1 . . , . 1 , . . uaxniui ucm geiung aoout viree fourth of the vote cast. Result! Presi dent of the eonncil, A. M. Tichenor council men, V F. Myers. H. Krata. N werrui, w. Hi. (Jonyers; recorder, J. E, iiau; treasurert J, r. My ere; marshal a. h. t-ininm.. The Tichenor Mill Company t, having transferred their business office from tbe postofiice room, are erecting a building near their wharf for an oiiice and stor age room. Tliey are about ready to be gin operations at tn sawmill ami ex pect to manufacture a considerable amount of lumber the coming season, ' The piece of railroad track over the Fisk place that has given so much trouble on account of ita sinking, seems to have not louna Bottom yet; and in requiring' a good deal of attention. No danger is ap prehended, but a gradnal sinking re quires a great deal of filling to keep th traca up to me grime, uie wonder. IS where all the rock and dirt goes that is pnea mere. " Last Friday the -postofHo changed hand, and H. L.. Warren, the,, new of ficii!, i now in charge, , ; He baa been studying the- working of the office a few dav, and seems to act wittl a sort of naturalness in hi new ' oosition. No change is noted in business Circles or in the general prosperity of the conntry on account of the transfer of tha office, and no increase in trie price 01 stamps ta an ticipated. ,!.,tw;,, -4 ..t h'HH-A, at- A team of large bay horses was on- loaded from the steamer Shaver Monday morning, and later in the day Will Chandler was holding the reins while they-were drawing a wagon through town. The horses presented a fine ap ...... 1 ,1.. A ii 1 l . 1 pwmiiw3, iiu liiio uumi wuu 110 iiau a satialled look, as though he had se cured just what he. had been., wanting. That look and manner convinced us that he waa the owner of the team.r They will be nsed in logging this summer probably for the Tichenor Mill Company. aging partner, Is an industrious, enter prising ana sober young man, while the other partner is able to furnish the "ducats' necessary, and there seem no I reason wny they mould not ao a very uvueiaiul InuMutw ii tiie price oi lug remain s at present. . . -On Monday of last week Brit's team brought some baled bay to the ware- room lot shipment. On being asked by the agent to take the bay to the new i warehouse, which involved hauling itj part way np hilt, the driver replied that ne aia not mink the team could haul the load up the hill. Shortly after some thing started the team, and astonished driver and spectator by going lip the grade at a lively rate, lightening the load- as they went by shedding a bale here and there along the road.. Tbey were stopped in front of tbe blacksmith shop witnont any narm neuig done. rli K VARBKN DOINGS. Ed McFarland Waa in St. Helen Sat urday. .' " . 1- Mr. Hart, of Eslso, I visiting reU- 'H I tlve here. Mrs, Knnte Sundbr ia viaiting her parent here. Frank Hovt was in Portland on bnal- ness Wednesday. ( . , P. A. Marqnam, Jr., of Portland, spent Sunday with Ole Bohmnn., , . , : Louis Pnsev and Ernest Kills am spending a few days at Portland. "' Ed McFarland and Frank Khefftnld were in Portland on Thursday of last week,..,,; .1;.fi ... -.,, , Brother Benshaw- preached at - the achoolhoua Sunday evening to a large auuicuce, . ..; , ,( . , ..... . , Mrs. Ruth Sheffield and Miaa Minnie Beegle were bantked in Bcapnaoae creek Sunday last, j,, . A promise of $16 mdre baa been made toward erecting a ball here, making a total of $76.00, . 1 . ;. Will Pattulla.' M. Stater. M. Bera and H,. ,u,.,i.m. W. &u,uIIU, BAlllb a IOW day with Ed McFarland, . , , Three more new wheel In the coun try. Jack Cooper. Dale Semnle and Jesse Bacon are the owners. Mr; McQueen, whi haa been 'spend ing a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Nina Baker, returned to Vancouver last Thursday..'.',--. -,- ..--.-'i.-i. Pardee Howe: son of Manager Howe. of the Seattle theater, who has been visiting bis grandfather, Mr. A. H. Shef field, returned home on , the noon train Monday, ,- ,. . , ; The large, handsome flag that waa purchased for the school house last sum mer, waa raised . for the first time on Friday last with . appropriate exercises, the honor being 'conferred upon Misse Ella ' Bacon, Laura Puaey and - Mae Harms.! "- '.- - ' . -. , Quite an enjoyable time was bad bv our young people last Friday evening, the occasion being a party given at the horn of Henry: La men. Every known game, from "drop the handkerchief" to ' Johnny fell out ot tbe hay mow", waa indulged in. Quite noticeable among other entertaining features . waa . the singing by onr friend, Dale Semple, who sang so long and loud that the neraoirar tion stood upon hi forehead in great beads, - The young ladies furnished the retreahments, and from the rapidity of their . disappearance one would, eaailv come to the conclusion they were good. Each of the boys did their liveliest to outdo the other In eating the greatest I ........!..- - l . I ' . 1 . sfii! . i I T ouauiibjr ui uaacp vr mirr wi'lllB ta.aing I jTT ASM OFEM LEH To MOTHERS. WE ARB ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OJR rrr.HT m - ' THE EXCLUSIVE USE OK THE WORD "CASTORLV'' AND ' . "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," A3 OUR TRADEMARK. ' t ' ' r I, DR. SAMUEL- PlTCHEXl,, of Hyannis, Massachusetts', ; ' Was the , originator of "CAST0RI A," the same that has borne and does now bear ' - on every the , fac simile signature of OutgffM&Sat ' wrapper. This is the original "CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. ' ' LOOK CAREFULLY cf , the wrapper and see that a is the kind you have always bought on the and has the signature of 6t&ffiA&tf v wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company, of which Chas. ILIktcher is President. ' ." Bo Hot Be Deceived - ' - Do not endangerr the ' life of your child by accepting ; a cheap substitute which some druggist may. 'offer.' you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the itv . gredients of which evert fie does not know. , . Tho ' Kind ; You Have ilmy3 Booglii " ' DLMno inc oiurutiuni: ur ' '-"i V ; 1 Insist on Having - ' . , The Kind That ' Kever Failed Ycru -T mm Mfwravi t NV. TT MfatKUMV TOCXT. 11 ft w i "St. Helens Popular Store.... 2 We Have Everything You Want in the Line of ..GENERAL.. 5 iviMerchandis Onr Prices are Right! ?ome and feee us, whether - yon bny or not. We are pleased to ' ! ,' ;., show goods and give prices. 4 1 1 Loggers' Outfits., Legging Cinps SapplicI H -sV "- '..".; --.'..'.!-;'. . ,'''"' , -- the Brst prise, with Dad Downing a hot I - A M-i w Vi-AJUki-Af) j second. ' "; - - , - - .'i Easter was obserred br the Sabbath school ia the morning and at tha preach ing service in tha- evening. - Tha church was handsomely decorated with ferna and flowers, and th inscription "Christ is Kiaen' urmounted by a croe covered with silver paper, were prominently dis played above and back o the pulpit, all producing a pretty effect in harmony with the occasion and exercises.' The evening sermon by the ' pastor, Ttev, Smith, was an excellent dieuouree on the topic ot the day, "The Reeorrwtlon of Christ and lis 1'roiuise to His Followers." . , Tha new fogging firm of Nordby A Lovagren are making headway toward the coiiipletlouof a road and the begin ning of what promises to be a successful logging entnrnrisA.over on lower Beaver. Their new skid road i nearly completed, a.k.. I H. . n ... Notice is herebv given that, nixin nra. entation to me, I will pay the folljwing numbered outstanding warranta of school district No. 2, Colombia connty, Oregon : Noe. 1H6, 166, 167, 168, 168, 170, 171. 172 and 173. Interest will cease on said warrants on April 14th; 1899. JS. JB. mjicx, UiBtriot Clerk. , Tbelr Deception la Known. Coantrr - newstaner snbacribers . who fail to pay their subscriptions and other accounts at tbe office bav certainly "sot . A ' . 1 . I , , . . . " ou w uie acuenie oi tie conntry editor. But they are not to blame. The world ia advancing. Deception haa been prac ticed for all time b? newsnarjer man in spreading the impression -that tamo a newspaper requires - money. It a all a mistake. JSewapapere can be ran for I glory. Mnnslnne and shadow soqd is excellent diet, with a little "I'll, pay you some tunc ana winn puaaing lor Heavy Demand ftjr Timber. ', , .f'There is a good price and a good de mand for timber," said W, F. Elwell. ol Montborne. Wash., to a P.-I. reporter one day last week: Mr. El we! I ia of the logging firm of BIwell A Kahaley, one of the largest In the northern part, of the state. It operates- betwaen Lake Mc Murray and Sedro-Wooley, on the south aide of the Skagit river. ''The , price .ia $7 pet thousand for No. 1 fir, whereas laat year it waa about fi.50. We got as high a price a year ago as now, however, for we furnished a superior ' log. Cedar brings about the same price, ' ; - - ' "We are keot verv busv. and slitl tha demand increases It aeems to me -that this ia going to be a splendid season for the loggers, , and all of them should mak money. I believe the price of logs will continue to advance until it ia much iiiKiitti Mum nv luifl illun., . ... ''Of course, the increased demand U dse te the large amount of building that ia going on, and the large shipments East. Then there ia the Chineie trade Just .peniug npi- which alone should maintain, the price of log at, a, higher figure than at present. v ,.t.,f , , ,,, , '. ' ' r-.',,; j When you want a hot lunch call at Mr. Mclntyre', next to bowling alley. Wanted Immediately, a com Detent. I elderly lady to take care of yonng child. Apply in person or by letter to 11. West, I ouappoose, uregon. - Hot lunch served at anv hour ti Mrs. Mc-Intyre's. Coffee and pie or coffee I and cake,, 10 cunts, Home-made bread tnree loaves lor iu cents. Next to the bowling alley. .Jthe popular grocers. rr? MAIN STREET, ST. HELENS, OREGOaN, 7iiumiUiUiUiUiaU4iUiuuiiUiUiiai:iiUii4i:ii:H:iiiu ....St. Helens Meat Market.... ' . J. 3. SHELDON, Prop Fresli Keats, Sansage, Hans, Bacon, lard i q :Main Street, Bacon, ijtrd an ! Hams Sold way Down Special Rates" ' ' (riven on Orders for Large Quantities of Went. " -'-. -II 0 O 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 l-.i St, Helens! H SiflH-fi ift A ft .f.S. ftft r tA-. rft -0 -At tI X i) h- I ppT D TPCUQ " W boha-lot of one ami two-year-old , yvin,pitzenberg and Gravenetein, OH WHICH Wt WOTS MiT SEASONABLE PRICES. . ..t WilliWiotta Prtinn " two-yenr-old tmi. Hons man obtal IllllullluUa I iiiliu. iuuminsntn-uittiuw aua wof cui tram bmui -fi" IKftPHCPW PIIIM Hld'H'lP TDPtf, ( iil,uu i luiu nut L.nrt iruuo. ru nwuiwai, rnur., ,:;) 5 . f OUArrUUJst. Ufit-UUIH a ViaVilkiaVAyKAl,.lA CLA'l'SKANIE -DRUG STORE DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, . . .- Ha Jwt neelva a lr aaaartmeat' i';.,'.: -f.,i h.. at Frefh and Para ,'"' I waa, reading an advrtiaeinint. nf Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Kemedy in the Worcester Enter prise recontlv.' which leads me to write this. I can truthfully say I never hsed anv remedy equal to it for colic and diarrhoea.' I have never had to use more than one or two does to cure the-.woret case with myselt or children.. W.-A. STaoun, Popomoke Clty- Md. Forisale oy Lir. cuwin nosa, aruggist. N . -I-,, . . ... , . J. -.. ' - ,, -. ..!..., ,"A word to the wise is sutneient" sn, a word from the wlaeshould be anftlclent, bnt you aak, who are the wiaeT, Thoe who know. The of t-reneated exnerienca of trustworthy persons may be taken for gnowteage. Mrt w. M. Terry say Chamberlain1 Coflgh Remedy gives bet ter satisfaction-than any other in the market.' He has been In the drug busi ness at Elkton,. Ky.. for twelve veare: has sold hundreds of bottle of this rem- t " i i 1 x ' ' ' .1 ' Also a new and Mlec atook of drum and patent medicines, fancy Utkinorr, whonl bnoKs1 and i-honl BUi4-lt-8, perfumery aud toilet arllclen, aud in fact evervihiua whit-a 1 ' usually kept at a arnt-claeu dm tor. . '.'.V , , Prficriptiong Caxefullj Compounded -l CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE iVgayayayayayrsargjvi V1 Nfay ay jay ay jay ay jy ay a 1,1 til I, h! llik . and takes them Into aom splendid tim etly and nearly all other cpugh medicine her on th land of Joe Eriekson. Andor-1 manufactured, which shows conclusively son. Dobbin and others, where thev will that Chamberlain's Is tha moat aatirnVn. vHAHi.se m.KKiui.1,, i nna am pie material tor tnree or ton tory to tne people, ana is tne nest. 6r ;. .. ."' eaons' work, lien Lovegren, the man- sale by lr. Edwin Koss, druggist. X" u f V f o. rl' i If . r - - - ' . k , f, ... y HARKS High Grade Pootwc-r. Lowest Prices. 253 Moirison St..' Near lliird, KfXt door to X. P. R. R. offlcc. r I Pert!;: j i ii'imimiuu iujiiih in im mi C. iH V !M !l()!l HI Ml !'!