The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, April 07, 1899, Image 3

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April"?, 1890.
m Mr. H. Tingle, of Qulncy, wu In town
The rock cruoher below town ii oper-
The price of potato! has declined to
ffl.aU a MOB,
Bnrlnor li ai hand. and we cannot
forego the deiire to say that oar streets
snu smewaik should be given a good
cleaning, along with the back yards and
other popular ''oathalle" for catoh every
thlMK, The work can be eastiv xwvini-
plinhed If we will le like Jerusalem of
old i Let every citizen clean the street
and sidewalk In front of hit own property.
There eeeraa to be an organized ran 2
of burglar operating in Columbia coun
ty. Ht. Helena la fortunate in havlni
tried and trusty niiihtwatchman who
guards well the property of the citizen.
But notwithstanding thli fact the gang
may nay the town visit, and all who
. r . , u,i . .
Mm jr...... M....1.1. 1 t , nie loriiinate owner 01 a "are ana
lfoYielaskRrfdav, bToM uru'"""'- burglar proof" eafe ehould employ
norma last riday night. competent peraon to watch the sale.
There will be services at th. Rnlannn.1
lA ll..l H .iil t 1 f ' 1
vuwivu ui juuMuay evening.
petant peraon
A considerable portion of the time of
in navft ia.m nf ttia,n1t mnrt wrlll
Bert Weat and Thomas mnnlnm I ha
down from Bcnppoose Monday, the state v. ex-Bherift Massle. The
When von want a W tnnnh ..ti . ' of Men length of time elapsing
nt to bowling alley. S'lTnSTaXZ
Be. O. E. PhllhrO()k will nmuh ! A laumi lnlan.t vul It Ii avlrlant that
sxmpuwm am ounuay morning ana I in circnrastanco will oe tnorouguiy
evening. I canvaeaed by both prosecution and de-
Good mixed and oat Imv at rt M. tn I "" me case la eei lor trial weunes
war isinna station. . The aiirl.ian rWh. which have so m.
The little mn of W H utauana ... centiy occurred with In our midst, all
brouaht down from Lake farm for m.,Il. resulting; from pneumonia, demon'
cal treatment, Monday.
ir. u,. u. woou oi Uiattikame, wae
Im ' 0M wdndy- Pld
vuiw e yiKmmm can.
jiev. . w. Haley win preach next
1 S ' V noolton, at 11.80 a. m. and
, "i. ueien, at a p. m. Kvorybody in.
strata how dreadfully treacherous the
unease I. Mr. W. 8. Martin, 01 Mar
tin'! Bluff, went to Portland Monday.
apparently in good health when he left
borne, bat upon arriving in the city waa
taken sick, and the Telephone took hia
remain nark to Martin' iJiuu Tuewuty
morning. The cauae of hi death in
aid to have been pneumonia. '
H. II. Harvev and ann. C!lanta -II I Ttia olt .lutlm, tial.l n Unnii ma
known here, will soon commence lugging; ' rm number. The caucus nominee,
operation on large scale on the Cow-
Wanted : Immediately, a competent,
elderly lady to take care of young child.
Apply In peraor. or by letter to H. Wet,
The Kalama river country, In Waah-
niKion, ia enjoying nooin time. All the
vaiiaoie umber in that aection of coon-
try 1 in Dig ueuiana.
whose name anwared on the resular
ticket, wero elected. Charles Blakeeley
was re-eloc(ed councilman to supply a
vacancy caused by the failure of (J. II.
John to accent the nomination. The
ofHcera-elect are: W. H. Dolman, pres
ident of the council ; James Dart, U. W.
Blakealey, W. B. Dillard and 8. A. Mile,
councilman; recorder .George U. Mayger;
treasurer, David Davis; marshal, Allan
. Land redemption are proving? a con-
iderable source of revenue at present I
to the county. On Tuesday $200.40 was I
rewivea iron) inat source.
The Hlllaboro Aram last week con
tained an account of the first meetinn
I of the Young Men's debating society in
mat cur, ana among otnera taking part
in the debate we find the name of M. 8.
Hasan, who looke in the affirmative on
I the question : Besolved, that the United
States should annex the Philippine islands-
Th nnnatinn waa rimiriMl in
Dr. A. V. Knoder. the f!nlitmhla.vnn I the fflrmH M S Hiusan la ti tin
dentist. First-clnss dental work at low- of M. K. Ilaien, who formerly resided
twt price. IxKrated permanently at Warren.
viwunra. van anu ue ounvinceu. I i. 1, ft 1 1
for tha t.ranMAtlnn nf hnalnMO. Hamidtm
ia town Tuesday. The major' health is I hearing the report of the city treasurer
not tne neat, tnougu be Is quite active tne following claims were allowed : U,
Assessor White, after finishing the 1
aesament ot the Ruasian Finn settle
ment, near uiatDkanie, spent last 6un-
aay at nis borne in this city.
This I an sen of ln.1a.ta 1 . 1
. ""..v. .iiu iraLemu
f!f,''ld . own fact
" "eieus, is a well represented
with secret orders as anv town nf It.
m on the coast. But notwithstanding
ha been In town thi week endeavoring
to reestablish the Junioc Order of
uniiuu American Murhan 111 ii.-
sUble order here are prosperous, but
the fake proposition the "we want
jruur money ana tnat' all" affair seem
to nave a hard row tn hna ti, T.,ni...
Order, however, ia an exception to thi
mvujr ruie, out as a gnueral thin
nta rmn-
ple who suffer thematilvna tn ha iKa
in" on every fake fraternal, beneficial,
auu maurance layout lustly ue-
um. " tu . - -
Just as the dust was beginning to
whirl in the wake of passing vehicles
and the lover of wheeling were Imbib
Inir the hannv anticinatinna nf ri,in.,ni
uionnuiir; ruaus w tne scenes and
beauties of the outside world, tha anftMt
01 spring rains started to fall again and
pnt to rest all thought of dust or ten
mile scorch Oil "hard, amnnth" rnaH
11. ion wiwi quiet persistence, was
warm and dellnrhtful. and thnnah nra.
vm is a tana wnere rain la well known,
this rain, so springlike in its nature,
served as an excellent substitute for the
raw, cold downooura that hava fawn
given na for several months past. The
grass looks green and invigorating; the
bud seem impatient to buret their win
ter coats, and all indication seem to
point to the glad fact that Spring, in all
her magnificence, is nearly here.
At the recent session of the legislature
many important changes were made in
the game law of the atate, and sports
men will do well to note the changes be
fore going on their pleasure excursions.
Deer are Drotected from November lal tn
July 16th j they are not to be hunted
with dogs ; cannot be killed for market,
and are not to be hunted one hour after
sunset or one hour before sunrise. Spot
ted fawns are not to be killed at all.
while beaver are protected for a neriod
of twenty years. Mongolian or Chinese
pheasants can be bunted only during
th month of October and onlv fifteen in
one day can be killed by one person.
Hunting upon farmsof growing or stand
ing grain without the oerinission of the
owner strictly prohibited. A violation
of these laws is made punishable bv
Henry Larsen has moved hi family
w uia lauuu mt mis place. ,
Miss Birdie Downing waa Portland
visitor on Thursday of last week.
School re-onened here on the flrd with
full attendance. Mis Crosby has been
re-engaged to teach.
Praver-meetina1 was held at Jlmmla
Beegle'S last BundHV. The next maetina
is to be held at Mrs. Hoyt's.
Alfred Pickering and mother, of Port.
land, have been spending a few days
with Mr, and Mr. Frank iioyt.
nines tha school hoard hava refnaod tn
let the minister hold relieious meetinsa
at the schoolhouse on Uundav eveninaa.
some of our young folks will attend relig
ious services at ecappooee.
we nnaerstnnd that there is a move
ment on foot to build hall here. Al
though no canvassing ha been done. 160
ha been promised to go toward building
it. Dince it is iniDosalule to tret tha
schoolhouse for religious services or en
tertainments it would be a good plan to
erect a building which will answer the
purpose for both.
The Methodist and Union fiundav
schools at thia place have consolidated
with the following officers: Miss Crosby
superintendent; John Downing, assis
tant superintendent; laura ruzey, sec
retary ; Niin Baker, treasurer ; Mr.
1 .t.,..;.n. i) ; ...1 : t v.. t
tent chorister; Edyth Uazen and Mae
tiarm, librarian.
The benefit tendered Rev. J. A. Ren-
haw last Friday evening was s great
success, ine programme, wnicn was
quite long, was not tiring: neither were
there any long waits. Evervone was
easy In their different parts, which was
surprising, as the entertainment was got
up In less than a week. The solos by
wins, cneineiu, mrs. noyt, mauue Blav-
ens, Mr. Kenthaw. Mae Hlavens and
Frank Sheffield were well rendered, also
the recitations by Laura Puzey, Edythe
nazen, aiinnie ueegie, iena ana Maude
Wilson. The duets by Birdie Downina
and Mae Harms and Mae and Maude
Hlavens were heartily received. The
violin solo by Alfred Pickering was some
thing grand. Mr. Pickering is truly an
artist of great ability, and received
rounds of applause. The instrumental
medley by the Messrs. Grewell was good
fine. nginS .1 the waf ftim" $ 'to j lbeJnt,?P en" Wife''
.T." ' Mother." with Frank RhefneLl aa tha
lor one whose age la so far advanced.
Mrs. 0. R. Hart, of Kelso Wash., was
vwmog ner aunt. airs. Jos. Dart, in this
city tne uret 01 tne week, and continued
on to Warren to visit her father, Mr. J,
ci. Bacon.
Hot lunch wired at any hour at Mr.
Mcintyre'. Coffee and pie or 00 (Tee
no case, tu cents. Home-made bread
three loavea for 10 cents. Next to the
Downng alley.
The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. II. M.
Knighton died at Portland last Kunday
01 pneumonia, ine remains were laid
to rest in the Scappoose cemetery Tues-
aay aiiernoon.
ine steamer America 1 enjoying a
splendid patronage at present, fit, Hel
ens and lionlton people appreciate a
good thing, benoe they stand by the
ooatwniun strives to accommodate them.
Davis, treasurer. 120.00: O. G. Ma
recorder. 18.20: iudires and clerk of city
election, $10.00; A. King, blacksmith
work. 13.(16: J. K. Blakesley. making
preparations for holding election, ii.uu
John O'Nlel. nse of horse and dumpcart,
4.76 ; A. Robinson, II7.W, K. Blakes
ley, $10,40. John Dart, 12.40. M. Ray,
su.w, an for street work
Interest on the part of the citizen of
m. Helens in tne construction 01 a bet
ter road to Nehalem seems decidedly on
the wane just at present. If anything
1 to be accomplished it is time our peo
ple were up and doing. The Nehalem
neonle are verv much in earnest in re
gard to this matter, and are decidedly
willing to do alL in their power to ac
complish the undertaking, yet unaided
little can be done, ine petitions asking
the court to act in the matter should be
in circulation. Our citizens mast do
their part.
' Rev. A. E. Myers will preach at Bea- F"ln P"""1 Indications there will be
er, above Vernonia, at 11 a. m., at r?och m,ore ,0in ,n Clatsop county
KeaeeyatSp. in., at Vernonia at i :80 the coming ummer Uian for some years
n. m, i nril oth mt.A iu. .. ii . past. Recently a company was organ-
m.and tloulton at 7:30 p. to. April w! Hn J rancisco with Plenty of
r r capital, to purchase timber land in the
Have you farm for sale or for rent or vicinity of Astoria. Many timber claims
do yon know of any person holding farm- were bought up. It ia the intention of
ing lands that they wish to dispose oft this company to place its mill in ope ra
il so, please write to any agent of the O. tion immediately. The land owned by
R. 4 It. Co. and be will send you a cir- the company is situated along Young's
cuiar wnicn will interest you. i nver. iHnimimia hjcmvu in me
. . timber, and the lumber will be flamed
superintendent uopeland has our down to deep water.
ei.aiiaa iu, a lu, v. ivuwi uireodura BIKl
clerks furnished and which we print in
tabulated form tills week. It will prove
of value to school patrons, and should
be preserved for future reference.
Mr. P. O. Marks, of Uoble, waa In the
county seat Monday. Ue made Inquiry
while here a to where he could procure
White Wyandotte chicken. Mr. Murk
i extensively engaged in the poultry
business, and is making a decided suc
cess of it. :
The fact of the spring being so cold
and backward, coupled with the fact
that an immense quantity of snow re
mains In the mountains at the head
waters of the Columbia, is accepted as
a good indication for very high water
this spring.
With the coming of spring there is
considerable discussion as to what the
coming season's fashion may bring about
in the way of hats, 'ine Drain watch'
man, edited by a woman, has the follow'
ing to aav In reoard to the matter
"Tne new anrina hat will be a stunner.
It will hav a cow-catcher in front and a
tailboard behind ; a flower garden on top
with a hunch of grass on one side and a
bird's carcass on the other. The whole
will be elaborately banded together with
crushed ribbon and topped off with a
very abundant millinery bill." We hope
tney prove a success.
Friend C. S. McNutt. the postmaster
at Vernonia. has a neat and well se
lected stock of groceries and staple ar
ticles which he kindly invites the peo-
le or Vernonia and vicinity to inspect,
r. MoNutt's many year's residence tn
the Nehalem valley and his experience
in the general merchandise business
there qualifies him to correctly Judge
the class of goods that best suit the
trade, and he aim to carry such good
in stock. Carrol does not claim to be
Burglar, no doubt the ones who have the only merchant in Nehalem valley.
It I thought the number of fishing
boats on the Columbia river this year
will be greatly reduced. There has been
an entire lack of boatbuilding on the
river since the strike of '05, and very
few, if any, have been added or have re
placed the old one.
been operating in the county of late, en
tered the raloon of Joseph Silver, at
Rainier, and tapped the till for about
$8 last week. Entrance was affected by
sawing a hole in the back door, through
which the night latch was sprung. -
John II. El well and wife sold to John
W. Rice last week the seV of neU and
He claims onlv to be in buslhess there.
and solicits a part of the people's pat
Present action of the officials point
quite strongly to the supposition that
the Astoria railroad company is soon to
extend its line to the Nehalem river.
Mr. Finley, the well-known timber
the net of the se of sec 13, township cruiser, is reported to have cru sed fully
7 north, range s weat. ine land is near
Hudson, in Beaver valley. It is said
that Mr. Rica has purchased a neat
home. The consideration was 12000.
It seem from recent occurrence that
the hen in the vicinity of St. Helen be
lieve in eggspansion. It i not an un
common occurrence to see very large
double-yolk eggs thi year. It seems
that the hens have been "laying" for an
opportunity to give a practical demon
stration of their belief on the question of
expansion. The idea iscertainly popular.
I was reading an advertisement of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy in the Worcester Enter
prise recently, which lead 8 me to write
this. I can truthfully say I never used
any remedy equal to it for colic and
diarrhoea. I have never had touae more
than one or two does to care the worst
case with myself or children. W, A.
Stboud, Popomoke City, Md.. For sale
by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist.
"A word to the wise Is sufficient" and
word from the wise should be sufficient,
but you ask, who are the wiseT Those
who know. The oft-repeated experience
of trustworthy persons may be taken for
knowledge. Mr. W. M. Terry say
Chamberlain' Cough Remedy gives bet
ter satisfaction than any other in the
market. He has been in the drug busi
ness at Elkton, Ky., for twelve years;
has sold hundreds of bottles of thin rem'
6000 acres on the line of the old Lognn
survev. between Seaside and Nehalem
Thia fa taken as an indication of the early
extension of the A. k C. R. road, as It is
understood Mr. Hammond has become
the purchaser of all the timber cruised
by Mr. Finley. The possible extension
of the A. 4 C. R. will be good news to
the people of the Nohalera section,
There is, unquestionably, no better open
ing for the construction of so short a
niece of railroad as that of the extension
of the A. A C. R. to Nehalem. Cottage
owners along the beach will also welcome
the extension, and it will open up the
finest summer retort along the Pacific
Not all the rotor of this county, per
haps, are aware of the fact that before
you go to the polls again to cast, your
ballot it win be necessary tor yon to be
registered in order to be a qualified
elector. The Harmon reglstrnton bill
introduced at the regular session of the
late legislature became a law, and it is
now in full force and effect. As we in
ternrete the law a registering official
will be in each precinct at a specified
time to receive your name, age, occupa
tion, height, weight, color of hair and
eyes, previous occupation, place of birth,
whether a naturalized citizen or not,
and a few other little points concerning
appearance and character, Just to make
sure vou are entitled to the right of suf
frage in thi big country of ours, said
official to be a person authorized to ad-
d and nearly all other cough medicines 1 minister an onth, and if you fail to pre-
manufactured. which showsconclusiveiy sent yourself for register you will prot
that Chamberlain's is the most satisfac-1 ably not be permitted to exercise your
tory to the people, and is the best. For , cherished prerogative at the next gen
ale by Dr. Edwin Rosb, druggist. erol election.
$600. or imprisonment of from 10 to 300
days. Gams wardens are appointed in
every section whose duty it is to see
tnat tnese law are not violated.
From a source of thorough reliability
we learn that Frank Dow. of Oak island.
has purchased a bicycle for his own use.
It is scarcely necessary to state here that
the wheel wa built to order. Frank is
too fastidious, because he culms that
the machine, after all, Is not according
to specincanons, as ne ordered lour pat
ent flange attachments, two on either
side, to be operated from tlie handle bar,
whereby, touching a spring the attach
ments immediately fly into a position
similar to the lower portion of a well-developed
sswbnck. Of coarse, Frank
would not like it to be inferred that this
attachment waa intended in the least,
however, to assist him in maintaining
his equilibrium. We know that with a
little practice Frank will become an ex
pert scorcher, because be can already
make tbe trip from the house to tlie
boat landing, a distance of two miles, in
a little less than eight boars, by Water-
bury time, and ne hopes to soon be able
to reach the landing in time for the
America by leaving home after 12 o'clock
lunch, bnt nntll he has overcome tbe de
sire of fhe bicycle to revolve itself in
the bock yard, crippling the chldren.
enlng the horses and stamnedin the
cattle, before it makes up its mind to
depart from the premises, and after
reaching the dairy, makes a few rapid
circuits and revolutions which are yet
misunderstood by Frank, he has but
little hope of improvement. We had in
tended to some time in the near future
pay a short visit of couple or three
weeks duration to the Dow home, bnt
aa it is easier to chase a cammel through
the eye of a cambric needle than it is to
pass an amateur wheelman who has Just
arrived at the wobbling stage, we have
decided to remain away from Oak island
until Urother l)ow either learns to man
sge the wheel or ship it to the factory
for recuperation. .
Mother," with Frank Sheffield a the
husband wbo has no nse for mother-in-laws,
Laura Puzey as the wife who takes
her mother's part, and Edvthe Hazen
aa that mother-in-law, went with a dash
and kept the large audience in gwd
hanior. Special credit should be given
to Ethel Bacon. Mae Harms. Walter
Bacon and Frankie Hoyt. With three
rehearsals they mastered their parts in
such a manner that not a single mistake
was maoe. in tne last dialogue, entitled
"A Reformed Mormon Tippler," with
Dale Semple as the Mormon, and tbe
Misses Bacon, Downing and Pazey as
his three wives, was very fanny in the
first scene. Mr. Semple took tbe part of
a drunken man, which he carried out to
periection in the second scene when he
realises that hia three wives are drunk.
The situation is very amusing. Taking
tbe entertainment altogether it was one
of the best ever given here. The baskets
went fast and at a good price, Frank
Sheffield being auctioneer. The sum
realized wa between $23 and $24.
Buhool Report.
Following i a report of the Honlton
school (or the month ending March 24th :
Number of days taught 20
Number of days attendance 697
Number of daya absence 854
Number of times tardy , 6
Boys enrolled 19
Girls enrolled 21
Total number enrolled 40
Average number belonging 84
Average daily attendance 30
Those neither absent nor tardy were
Lulu and Charlie Braddock, Walpha
Konkle, Jennie Spence, Eona Perry,
Earl Perry, Manly Copeland, CoraBrous,
May Jolly and Bessie Jolly.
Visitors daring the month were : Mrs. '
White. Mrs. Day and Dr. Ross, of St.
Helens ; Estella Holsapple, of Delena,
Mies Ansorge, of Washington, Clarence
Adams, Mr. Gray, of Portland; Mrs.
Henshaw, Mrs. L. J. Perry. Mrs. E. P.
Perry, Mrs. Braddock, Mrs. Walker and
Mrs. capetand. j
. Miss La ah Wilson, Teacher, j
Ht. Helens Churches Were Veritable
"'.'.,, Flowr Palsoes. '
8nnJy last Was Easter, and tha d.iy
was nttingiy observed In this city. Ap
propriate services were conducted by
toe eunaay school at the (Jomrreiratlonai
church in the forenoon, ssd in the even
ing by sermon and praise service. The
decorations were beautiful, and tbe spirit
in wnicn tne entire ceremonies as well
as that in which tbe work of beautify
ing the interior of tha hmkiiutr waa en
tered Into by old and young waa subject
matter for reflective minds to ponder
o'er. At the Episcopal church In the
evening the regular choral services were
had. The decorations were such a to
call forth the admiration of all who at
tended, Tbe plan of decoration was a
gothlc effect, and the manner in which
the design was executed wae simply per
fection. The praise portion of the exer
cises were well rendered, especially the
soios oy miss Miles and Mr. uray. The
discourse was of a high order and deeply
interesting, and the occasion is one long
to be remembered by St. Helens people
who attended either or both churches.
It Is s glorious mark of Christian pro
gression in this busy world to see and
know of the interest manifested in tbe
observance of Easter Sunday by the pop
nlation, social and religions, and the fes
tival gladdened by the celestial bright
ness of the hope of immortality. It Is
not only in its reliirious asrject that the
day influences thought and life, bat it
aieo oears a profound moral and ethical
significance to those who are not at all
believer in it uoernatural measfuKi.
The annual recurrence of a festival
which bears so tremendous a meaning
on iu iace nas oeen a constant inspira
tion to the world, and possesses a very
important educational vaine. and we
chronicle with great pleasure the fact
that the day was so fittingly observed in
our town. Easter has enriched life be
yond expression. It has created noble
ideals and revealed the possible splendor
of even the commonest life. The world
would be poor, indeed, were it bereft of
mis most potent occurrence and its due
Tbe people of the city were invited to
meet Mr. Gray at the residence of Dr.
H. R. and Mrs. Cliff on Monday even
ing, when all who availed themselves of
tbe opportunity spent a most delightful
evening. It was a reception to Mr. F.
S. Gray in an informal manner, and the
degree of success attending the occasion
was such as to cause it to be pronounced
a decided social success in every detail.
Many were present, and. the time hast
ened by so pleasantly that tbe occasion
will long be remembered as a most pleas
ing anair.
f-,mmimrM!m i r ... , ,
la..-.,A,f..i.',. ''VrWih'ffl, V-i,'nrfn..fc.fti---':- ( t t .,aj
The Kind Yoa Hare Always Boaght, and which has been
in tue for over 80 yearn, baa borne the signature of
yrjjf ,rT7. and has been made nnJer his per
Cj&jCvtffijr&M onat supervision afnee Ha Infancy.
or7jr. ',CuM ajiott no one deceive yon In thia.
AH Counterfeits, Imitation and Substitutes are bat Ex
periments) that trifle w it h and endanger the health of
Infants and ChildrenExperience against Experimental
Castorla Is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing- gyrops. It Is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotlo
substance. Its sge Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fererishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind'
Colle. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend,
cunoins CASTORIA alway
Dean the Signature of
The Kind You Haye Always BougM
In Use For Over 30 Years.
....St. Helens Popular Store.... if.
A Ijovins; Bacrtflce.
It is with sincere reeret that we an.
nonnce the death of Mrs. Uarrv West.
April 2. at 6 D. m.. of snmmonia. asad
w ytwra iiiu 2 aays.
Her illness set in on the 28th of March
and she ateadiiv stow wnraa nntil ah
passed peacefully into a sleep that knows
no waking. Mrs. West was a lovable
woman. Find her where yon might she
wuuiu aiways greet you witn a smile.
Her friends were innumerahle. and hr
death has cost a gloom over the com
munity, tier lite was full of promise,
yet God, in his goodness, baa seen fit to I
take her away. Mrs. West leaves a bus-1
hand and three children, tbe youngest
but ten weeks of age, a father and
brother to mourn her death. In this
death one of earth's most beautiful
flowers is transplanted from this wicked
woria to a clime where it is iov and ann-
uim lorever.
Oh, not in eraaltr, not In wrath,
Did the reaper corns that day;
Twaa an angel Halted the green earth,
And took the flower awv.'T
The interment took place at Rivervieir
cemetery, Scappooee, on Tuesday at 2 p. I
iu. a targe concourse ox mends lonowed
tbe remains to the vnva. wliAMininvi
ueautuui nonii aesigns were tenaered.
We Have Everything You Want
in the Line of
I ..Merchandise..' 1
' """Jrl
Onr Prices ore Bight 1 Come and See as, whether
yoa buy or not. We are pleased to
show goods and give prices.
1 Loggers' Outfits. Logging Camps Supplied 11
Attention, Knights of Pythias.
The Grand Chancellor. Ttrothr W. M
Uum. of Portland, has served notice
that he will pay Avon lodge of St, Hel
ens an official visit on Tuesday evening,
April 18th, and requests a large attend
ance of the membership. Members will
therefore govern themselves accordingly.
K.ofB.8. C.6.
a Tl li PTAn " r rT nni mini . nMmmT. T
Complete List of Directors and Clerks of the School Districts of Columbia County as
Elected on the i st of March of this Year Compiled by
Superintendent Copeland.
1 James Leonard.,.,
2E E Quick
40 B Anstine
580 Ticbenor. . . . . .
6 0 B Harris
7 Wm Holt ,
8 D W Freeman
DAD Holsday
10 Jan F Graham
11 John Harris..
12 0 W Mellinger....,
13 W A Wood
14 E Shannahan
16 MrsSEBtehinan.,
17 Albert Wood
18 ARMellis.. ......
19 J R Headlee
20TC Watts.........
21 W D Case
22 N D Peterson
23 H Henderson
24 FJ Peterson.......
25 OW Barnes
20 Mrs W JZillman..
27 E R Throop
28TW Grant
29 8 M Boals
80 Fred C Briggs . . . . ;
81 Wm Mark well. ...
82 Ellen Wonderly . . .
S3 Ella M Kvser
84 FO Johnson.......
. Oscar Waisanen . . .
86 F W Makinster....
87 F ABucher
88Jas LUallien....;.
39 ChHB Hiilbrook. . . .
, 40 W HKing. ........
41 Wm H Miller
42 Mourits Carr
48 0 0Moyer...
44 MP Young........
. 45 John Mullins
46 R G Davey
47 John Pringle
48 Mrs 8 J Timoney , .
49 GM Holt.
60 John W Foster
61 JnoG Pringle. ...
52 F E Mulmberg
53 Wm G Wood
64 GnsHegele....
65 Thos Anderson
66 Jss Bovle
7 John Vest. .
Harry West
James Dart
Erwin Beffert
Frank Merrill
W Blair
WJ Fullerton....,
WE Van
B VanCleve
W L Graham ,
W P Maclay
Phineas Peck
J E Broiis
T B Denslow
C H Boisvert
W H Hankins
A H Mathews....
Walter Turner....
Jared Wilson.
GC JaqnlBh
0 L Parker
J W Holatrom. ..
Fred Fluhrer ,
Andrew Elliott
N B Hendrickson. ,
0 Harms
Mrs M McCauley. ,
Wm Tates..
John MoAdam
JN Brinn
M M Harvey.
u IS wonderly
GW Richardson...
N Pinckney
Jacob Honsa
G W Makinster. . .
PA Buck ,
uanies Spence
.1 ttricKson. . ,
F Gliniecki
A MBersr
IJ Hendricks
r Lindahl
8 G Bchoonover
H Luukkanen. . . ..
SB Rose..........
WL Graham
Frank Lonkey.....
G W Rice
J F Peterson
A M Rnhndolf
H T Bennett
John Dallas
NB Olson.
H W White
II R Cliff
U M Payne
K G Johnson
IJ A English
RO Hazen
A E Harvey
P Ixwsignont. .......
H L Uolvln
Geo Graham.. . ......
T M Tucker
C C Prichard
John Ed holm
Chaa E Rice
J K Stewart
Wm Wood
John Jones
Jos Hnckenberg
UK Hunter.
AH Powell
Gus Peterson.
John Hoffman .
Wm Haslett
J W Lumijarvie
w j zillman
M M Johnson
0 Rabinaky
Uharles lice.,,,
8 Markweil
G W Kyser
Li v uusan
N A Andreas........
AniniBt Larson
J Despain
E G Jones
WLBrown..., .....
Ed Potter
Lewis Johnson ......
W D Miller
Dan Bars:
J Wilvenling
G W Cross
C 8 Bchoonover
W A Medcalf...
t MmiDiom
0 Biedelman.. . , , ....
H Uirkentleld. . . .
Frank Tracy..,
0 8 Lyon
A G Hotohkiss
Wm ReBimius
Henry Doiuier
August Anderson. . . .
It West.
Mrs E M West;...
Edwin Ross
GeoGragg ,
U L Richards
J E Hall
R I Harris.
F M Bendure
Mrs. M. McSweenev,
O Bonser
Geo Morrison ...... ,
M R Emmons
M Both
J P Sheeley
M M Frankl in
R N Lovelace.
Mrs K Matthews . . .
J H Aldridge..
Jennie Morris ......
L Archibald ,
Mrs DF Welch
Oliver Burris
R H King
Wm Pringle..
N Tins-le
C F Langfeldt
W B Dereberry.....
J Skusa
W J Sanborn .
Frank Brown
W S Harvey.. .....
J W Meserve
WHKvser.. .......
Mrs N Gore.
Isaac Ollila
0 0 Fowler
O Anliker.:
D Stehman
0 W Garrison.......
S Holter
Joe Dupont
T Wonstrom
DR Fowler.
H Soderstrom
John Jolma
A Bword
fr 0 Timoney .......
u i.ioung...,. ..
IJ Lane
L W VanDvke
ChasF Knowles....
J A McDonald
Eli Luman ,
A Thomas . .
Andrew Kantola. . , .
J A Mclntofh. , . . . . .
rosTorrica address.
.... Scappooee
....St. Helens
. . .Deer Island
.... . ..Sauviee
...... .Warren
.... Fishbawk
.... Scappooee
. . ..Marshland
Columbia City
. . ..Clatskanie
. . . . . Pittsburg
. . ..Clatskanie
. . .. Scappoose
....... Mayger
Deer Island
. . . . . ..... Apiary
....... ..Vernonia
. Buxton
...... . .Vernonia
. . . . . . ..Vernonia
....... .Vernonia
..Continue to Earn Money by..
Subscribing for the
Weekly Oregonian
The Oregon Hist 1
,.0ur Clubbing Rate Enables Us to..
Furnish Both Papers for only
We hava a choice lot of one and two-year-old
trees, such as Ben Davis, Northern Spy, Bald
win, Spitzenberg and Gravenstein,
Vl'HIomaffa Druna 0n nd two-yeaMld trees. (,1oiw were obtained from a
IlllialitSUo IIUIIC. prominent trult groser. end ere cut from bearing Urea.
Joint districts. , d
Dr. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor.
Patent Medicines, Fancy Toilet Articles.
Carefully and Accu
rately Oompounded,
I - -
l ....Cigars....
Complete Line of