OREGON MIST, J1M t UfcVKHV IBIAV MOItlvINO DAVID DAVIS. KUBicrlptleiis RalUt One ronr on year la advance .8180 so BllIfclK copy advertluiig rat ""d known upon application COLUMBIA 00 (JUT V DIEECTOBY. COUNT Ofl'irEBS Jud ir..,,, Clerk , Sheriff.... Treasurer , .Joseph B. Doan, Rainier ,.J. , Watt, Bt. Holen J, XV. nice, viaisaanie E. Ross. Hi. Helens Sunt, of Schools..., I. H. Copeland, Warren Aiior.., ,..,.,.,run nnite, uumcy Surveyor..,,., ...teo. Hayes, Mayjrer Coroner.,...,., Dr. A. P. McLaren, Kaluier . . I P. A. Frakes, Scappoose uomraiutonsr J.;. t.n. D. Peterson, Mist March 31, 1899. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. Tbb West will scon be teeming with home-seekers ; but, like a stage coach, this country is never fall, and there's room enough for all, if they are made of the right kind of material. It takes grit to get along in the West, and with plenty of that, success is assured. Evisr person in this county who has ny knowledge of the importance of the dairying industry will readily admit that the establishment of creameries at different locations wonld be a thing much to be desired. Let us foster their establishment, by all means. Ths agitation for better roads from the Columbia river into the Nehalem . valley, started by Tus Mist last sum mer, seems to have struck a very popu lar chord. The effort to improve the road from St. Helens to Vernonia is causing the people of other sections of (he county to make an effort to secure the Nehalem trade by improving exist ing roads. Would to the good Lord there were a third of a dozen plank or corduroy roads from the Columbia river into the Nehalem valley. There is more than one possible route for an outlet for the Nehalem people, and the way for them to get a good road is to work for their own best interests with people of other points mutually interested. It is ' quite natural for those living along the several proposed routes to be interested in their especial section, and we hope the interest attains to such proportions that at least three good routes are soon put in passible condition. It is good roads we want, not the upbuilding of any particular section of the county if that means the destruction of interests in some other- portion. We should be mutually interested so far as possible in upbuilding and developing the entire county. We want our population to in crease, and one of the best ways to bring bout the desired result is to have good roads leading throughout the county. We glory in the ambition of the people of any part of the county to build and have good roads. It is a mark of enter prise, and merits commendation. The county, generally, is not so fixed as to aid in this Important work, and inde pendent action anywhere is all the more to be admired. Ths world loves a flash ; its heroes muBt blow trumpets. The pomp and heraldry of war stirs the heart and fires the brain today just as effectively as in olden times when David paralyzed Go liath with the frizzled end of a porphyry dike. Thus history is a record of blood shed midget against midget in the great universe, fighting over cobwebs and the honor of our anthills, until fleet-footed time launches the brief, fidgety lives of all into the capacious vortex of eternity. The pages of history are patented to the heroes of war. He can eternally scatter the internal viscera of the enemy to the four winds with a rapid-fire machine gun, The seeker after bubble reputa tions e'en at the cannon's mouth the political puppy with i pull are remem bered, but what heed is given the heroes of peace? The man who patiently strug gles with adversity who labors day in and day out in dangerous vocations, in a solemn march with death, that his loved ones may live he, too, is a hero. Home heroes find no record in musty tomes; no sounding timbrel notes their advent; no roses are scattered in their paths their deeds are recorded only upon the pages of the white, unsullied register in that "mansion not made with hands; eternal in the heavens." We have Jur full quota of these heroes here. God bless them 1 They are delving in the mines 'mid dismal and portentous shadows ; they labor in every walk of life, carrying with heroic smiles the bur dens of the day and making possible the home sunshine that nurtures civilization and builds up the noble, manly instincts of the race. The pioneers of this erst while wilderness, who stake their lives, their fortunes and their hopes in the un folding of a new empire and the creation of a commonwealth, are home heroes. The prospectors who cheerfully faced hardships and privations undreamed of, that others may garner the wealth their indomitable courage compelled nature in her most rugged shape to disclose, are home heroes, The men who throw thejr restjess energies into the development of pur industrial life are home heroes and ehe4 the luster of their efforts over thousands of happy homes, All honor to the horns hero, who makes it possible for man to live, rattier than glorious for j him to die. PLANK HOAP8 THE REMEDY. The Only Solution of Good Koad and How to Qec them. , The construction of tfood road has received considerabla autmtion iu West ern Washington, ami as vet the only practical system that has been devised by which our roads can be improved is Hi plana meiu. una svowmi ih quite ca twnsive. although the timber from which the lumber may be cut is at hand. But bad roads are very expensive. The wear and tear of wagons, harness and horses which they entail amounts to no small sum every year, and the farmer is shut out of the market and from all social intercourse with neighbors frequently for lomr periods. All this is a loss, and a serious one so serious that in many sections where .the conditions are alto gether favorable to road improvements, there should be no negligence in the matter. No one should object to the small out lay necessary to make a good serviceable road when only a small outlay is needed. Every road should be made as good as it is possible to make it at reasonable ex pense,for money thus expended will pay a large dividend. Our county commissioners have been considering the matter of inaugurating the planking system in tnis county, cor dnrov havintr moved unsatisfactory. In fact they have so far considered that they have appropnatea Jiwuior me pur chase of a rjortttble sawmill. Some are inclined to kick against this means of securing plant: tor the roaas. However, it is believed that if care is exercised in the operation of the mill the better grade of lumber cut could be sold for enough to pay the expenses of planking the road with second-class lumber, which will last as long on the roads as the first-class lumber. If this be true there is no reason why the board of commissioners should not proceed with the work of making good roads. CowliU (Wash.) Advocate. THE PEE SYSTEM. Not a Brilliant Success, Says a Oor xvvallts Paper. We never could understand why the taxpayers of the state outside of Alult- noman county should ne soeagertoaooi ish the fee system for county officers and constitute salaries. The result has cer tainly not iustifled their expectations, so they keep cutting away at salaries, until soon it will be a hard matter to get competent men to fill the offices. Under the fee system the county paid its officers in fees less than one-half what it pays them now in salaries, and to some of its officers it paid nothing at all. - The bal ance was paid by litigants or by those needing the services of the county officer. The idea of the salary system is that of ficers must collect fees as usual ana turn them over to the county, and in this way the county hopes to reimburse itself for the officer's salary. In no instance that we ever heard of has this idea been ac complished. The officer has no means of enforcing collection of fees, and if he had he would not do it, for every officer hopes to succeed himself. The net re suit is that the counties pay out every year for salaries of county officers more than twice as mucn as tney ever aiu under tbe old fee system. If the fees were high it was an easy matter to re duce them, and we are of the opinion that this is what should have been done. Union-Gazette, Transient Cannot Fish. An examination of the sections of the fish bills of Oregon and Washington rel ative to the issuing of fishing licenses shows that in neither state can the fish ermen, who have been accustomed to come here each season from California, obtain licenses to fish on this river. The laws are very strict on that point, requir ing not onlv that the applicants for li censes must be citizens of the United States, but they roust also be bona fide residents for at least six months of one of the states bordering on the Columbia river. Our local fishermen should see to it that those provisions are strictly en forced on both sides of the river, as it would redound directly to the benefit of the fishermen themselves in keeping out a large number of men who come into competition with them each season. That an attempt will be made by many of these men to fish is certain, as a num ber of them are already here, and claim to have tbe backing of some of the can nery men. It is. proper then that those fishermen whose interests are protected by the law should m every way possible lend their aid to the officers in enforc ing it. Bu-ack by Lightning. The craze over heroic advertising seems to have been run into the ground by some ardent crank in Jasper, Ind. A notice of a religious revival at that place reads as follows : "Struck by lightning I Jasper all on (ire 1 Fire started in tbe 'Amen corner of the Free Methodist church last Sunday, assisted by the Bev. utoerteanx, 01 jasper, assisted Dy tne Ram's Horn band, of Adrian, and others. The devil's fire department from hell, assisted by hook and ladder company, can't stop it. uionous display ol light and heat every night I All are invited to come and have tbe icicles melted from their souls. Mothers have especial in vitation to come and bring their crying babies. No terris trial loafers allowed on the scene." . . ' All After Kasaon Smith. Bev. Kasaon Smith, who spent a few- months in Roeeburg, leaving for Eastern Oregon last summer, has a woman hot on his trial, says the Review. Mrs. Mol lis Smith writes to the sheriff, claiming to be Kasson's wife and wanted to know his present whereabouts. She ssys he left her in 1898 without being divorced, and understands that he has a wife at Milton, Eastern Oregon, who he also de serted. She wrote to the sheriff of Walla Walla county, Wash., and he answered that Kasson had six wives. Mrs. Smith states that part of her husband's religion was that a man should be entitled to all the wives he wanted. Evidently, if her story be true, Kasson is practicing what he preaches. Tell Year Slater. A Beautiful Complexion is an impossi bility without good pure blood, the sort that only exists in connection with eood digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover Hoot Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver and kidneys, keeping them in nerfect health. Price 26 eta. and 60 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggists, St. Helens, and N. A. Perry, nouiton. Uonr 1 Year WlfeT Has she lost her beauty ? If so. Con stipation, Indigestion, S)ck Headache are the principal causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea has cured these ills for half a century. Price 25 cts. and 60 cts. Money retuuaed u results are not satisfactory. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist, St. ueiens, and Pi. A. ferry, lioulton. On Every Battle Of Shiloh'f Consumption Cure is this guarantee i "All we ask of you is to use two-thirds oi the contents ol this bottle faithfully, then, if you say you are not benefited, return the bottle to your druggist and he may refund the price paid." .Price 26 ots,, 60 cts,- and II. IW. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist, St. Helens, and N, A. Perry, Houlton, . . ; HOULTON NOTES. We see the bicycle rage Is on again this summer, N. A. Perry and wife were Portland visitors Wednesday. A number of our people went to the funeral at Scappooee last Monday. A number of our farmers are putting in lueir yaruvna wiriro umumui u J. O. Watts and i'e, of St. Helens, visited Scappoose last Saturday week. John TJhlmon, of Peris, passed through our town on Tuesday last on hia way home. " V Mrs. James Rowley and daughter, Ida, returned from tioble last Tuesday evening. Aaron Kelley and L. Dupont left for Marshland last Monday, whore they will be employed in the logging camps this summer. The United Artisans have reorganised, and have increased in membership con siderable. . . . . The work on the new church is sus pended for awhile. The reason, we do not Know. Potatoes are a good price this year. Our farmer will nave "scuds" of them next year. E. H. Philbrook, of Forest Grove,-vis-ited with his parents here a few days this week. The bridge crew of the Northern Pa cific are putting in iron culverts along their line this week. Mrs. E. Perry came up from Rainier last Monday, where she has been visit ing for a week or. more. Judge Doan and several others were passengers for the Astoria train Thurs day evening of last week. Rev. Phitbrook preached to quite a large audience in Perry's hall on Thurs day evening of last week. Herb Howard, of Yankton, passed through town early Saturday rooming on hia way to Portland by train. Prosperity has come at last. The N. P. B. K. Co. has raised the section men's wages from $1.Z6 to $1.40 per day. The benefit dance given in Perry's hall last Friday evening was a grand success in every respect. There were about twenty numbers sold, and all re port a pleasant time. VERNONIA VARIETIES. ' J. S. Mowe recently purchased a wagon of a citizen residing at Valley. S. B. Rose returned from Pittsburg last week, and reports roads in a terri ble condition, Miss Olson, of Portland, finished a very successful term of school at Pitts burg last Driuay. Mrs. Martha Pearson came in from St. Helsns Monday to stay a few months with her mother, Mrs. P. Peck. Mr! Malmberg. of Mist, attended the dance at Pittsburg Friday night; also passed up the river to visit irieuas. Quite a number of our young people participated in tbe enjoyments at Jus tice Case's residence last Friday evening. We are informed Mr. A. Shannahan and daughter, Merle, are the guests of Mr. and airs, meetos, in Bt. Helens, this week. Israel Spencer went to tbe county seat last Friday to meet his son, Omar, and daughter, Bertha, who have been resid- i t . i s . i : . lag in runuwu vim ffutwi, Mrs. E. S. Wilson and Mrs. Denslow were the guests of Mrs. Phinaa Peck, of Rock creek, Wednesday. Mrs. Peck's health is somewhat improved. , Miss Emma Haines, of West Portland, has been engaged to teach the spring district No. 14. This position was filled last year by her with success. REUBEN NOTES. Ii. fl Janniah was a rjaaaencrer for Portland Monday on the Kellogg. B. B. Foster and S. H. Havard. who have been quite sick, are improving. Joseph Carth and wife went to Scap poose Friday to attend the funeral of Mrs. earth's niece. Mrs. James Rowley and daughter, of Houlton, who have been visiting here, returned home Tuesday. C. H. Hopkins and family, of Moores- ville, went up the river on the Shaver Friday night tor a tew weens visit witn relatives at Newberg. J". H. Peterson and daughter, of Port land, were in town Thursday of last week looking alter tne oarge wasmng ton, recently sunk here. . . H. B. Borthwick is building another large barge for his lumber and wood business. The work is progressing well under the supervision of L. Pressa as builder. Frank Noris and wife and Mrs. Cooper. tbe former lady a sister and the latter the mother of Mrs. 8. C. Hoadley, ar rived here Friday from Kansas to visit the family of 8. C. Hoadley. I have been afflicted with rheumatism for fourteen years and nothing seemed to give any relief. I was able to.be around all the time, but constantly suf fering. I had tried everything I could hear of, and at last was told to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which I did. and was immediately relieved, and in a short time cured. I am happy to say that it has not since returned, josh Edoab, Germantown, Cal. For sale by Dr. Edwin Boss, druggist. Da Yaa Knaw Consumption is preventable T Science has proven that, and also that neglect is suicidal. The worst cold or cough can be cured with Shiloh's Cough and Con sumption Cure. Sold on a positive guarantee for over fifty years. Sold by Dr. Edwin Boss, druggist St. Helens, and N. A. Perry, Houlton. Dm This Striae fuf Muddv Complexions and Nauseating Breath fromchronicconstipation. Karl's Clover Boot Tea is an absolute cure and has been sold for fifty years on an abso lute guarantee. Price 26 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Boss, druggist, St. Helens, and pi. a. ferry, nouiton. HbftTrieRNjt ILLUSTRATED. ', ,aQ' ' CATALOGS l isi - . rnec W r.nniM V si LEGAL NOTICES. Notice of Final Settlement. THE tjNDKKSIllNKD, ADMINISTRATOR OF the esu'.i ol Charles Awtln, di-eeawd. hat Mod hi Anal anomnt an null attmlniatrator, lu the Oouuty Court of the Slalo of Uroxxn, for Co ram),! County, and said Court haa iltd Tuewluy, Mav '2nd. M at Ilia hour of 10 o'clock a. in. lor hearing Mid aocount and oHtoUom whluli way be mada ihaito. Administrator of Iht aatata ul Cuarlea Auittu, dweamd. miutil Notice of Final Settlement. THK tlrinKRHIONEb, ADMINISTRATOR OF the okikIk ol Matthew Road, dem-awd, ban tiled hia fliml aoeomit aa stieh ailuilnlMmior In the Ciinntv Court of the Blale of Oreson, for Co Imnhla County, and Bald Court han appolnlw Tueadav. May3tid, 1W9, at the hoar of ill o'clock a. in., for hvarlnit laid account and oujootiou. which may be mad. theyoo. Admtniatrator of ths aetata of Matthew Heed, deceased. mt21 Administrator's Notice. N0T1CR 18 HKRKBY OIVKN THAT THE undersigned haa been duly a)Kinled by the County Court of Columbia Comity, Orcirou, administrator of the estuta of Charlea J. Farr, deceased, and has qnallHcd at such. All per m havlna clalioe axatnet aald (state are here by WKiulred o preaent the aauie, with proper voucher., to me, at the oltlee of Cole A Quick, In 8t Helena, Oregon, within lis mouth, from the date hereof. Bated at St. Helena, Oregon, March 81t, 1KU9. GEO. W. FARR. Administrator of ths satato of Charlen J. Farr, deeeaaed. , .. n31a Notice for Publication. Land Orrica At OasuoM CiTy, Oa.. 1ST OTICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THB luliiuvliiir-named settler has Died notice of hia intention to make Itual proof In aupport of hl claim, and that aald proof will be made be fan. the Cnuiitv Clerk of Columbia County, at St. Helena, Oregon, ou May l.Hth, law, via: ANDREW KEMOWSKI, Homeetead entry W. for the aoutheaat Vol section SI, towiuhlp 6 north, rang Sweet. He namea the following wltueMea to prove hie con tinuum rodilenoe upon, and cultivation of aald laud, Yin: William C. Adam, (ierhart Morback, Julia. Fluetaraud Valeutl (lllniecki, all of Val ley. OremT CHAS. B. MOORKS, m31iul2 Megleter. Notice for Publication. Laud Orrics at Oaaooa City, Oa., March 27th. 1899. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THK fallowing-named settler has filed untie of hia Intention to make Dual proof In support of hia claim, and that aald proof will be minis be fore the County Clerk nf Columbia County, at SU Helena, Oregon, on May lath, 1SD9, via: OERHART MORBACK, Homestead entry Mdtl, for the northeast ii of section sa, township north, range S west. He names the following witnesses to prove hia con tinuous resilience upon and cultivation of aald land, via: Andrew kenowskl. William C. Adam, John Hlldebrand and Frank Gllnieckl, all of Valley, Oregon. CHAH. B. MOOKKH, maim'12 . Keglster, Notice for Publication. Laud OrriCS AT Ossooh City. Oa.. February tb, 1899. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THK following aamed settler hss tiled uotlee nf his iutcntion to make rlual proof in support of hia claim, and that said proof will be made ba fore the County Clerk of Columbia county, at St. Helena, Oregou, on April 1Mb, 1899, via: FRANK 80BIE8KI, Homestead entry 89. for the wij of the ne'i, and eU of nwW of section 27. township & north, range B west. He namea the following witnesses to prove hie continuous residence upon aud cul tivation of said land, via: Itfliati Slntck, T. A. Sireda, Htepben Lam pa and William Karth, all of Vallev, Oregon. Chas. B. Uooaan, mSaU Register. Summons by Publication. In the Circuit Coart of ths State oi Oregon, for Columbia County. CHAataa 8. CBATka, plaintiff, vs Lkna Caana, defendant. t To Lena Crater, the above-named defendant: IK THE K AM E OF THB STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint filed against yoa In the above-entitled suit on or before the 11th day of May, 1899, and if you fail to to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Conrt for the relief demanded In the complaint, which is for a degree of divorce againat you upon the ground of desertion aud that his property con siaMna nf lots fifteen and sixteen, block one hundred aud twenty-five, and lots twenty-two and twenty-three, block one hundred and twenty-three, all In Chaplin's Addition to the City of La Grande, Union County, Oregon, be freed from any claim of delendant. This summon! is published by order of T. A. .Tl I 1)1 I llr , JUUn Ul IUO .HlltlVU , duly made and entered In tbe above-entitled eanss. dated March 20th. 1HV9. and said order re quires this summons to be published ones a week lor six suocewuve weeas, in i ki usiuvs Mist once each week, the first publication being Marco 24th, 1839. aii-iw at auabi,Anu. Attorneys lor Plaintiff. Summons by Publication. In the Circuit Court of tbe Stats of Oregon, for Columbia County. . i Coaa B. Gorr, plaintiff, ) . vs. Lasut Oorr, defendant, To Leslie OofT, the aald defendant: f H THE NAME OF THB STATE OF OREGON 1 voh an harebv notified that tha plaintiff herein has tiled a complaint against you in the above-entitled Court, and you are hereby re quired to appear and answer said complaint on or before the last day of the time prescribed by the order of publication hereof, to-wlt: On or before the 12th day of May, 1899. You are further nmiHed that Ifvou fail to appear and answer the complaint, or plead thereto, the plaintiff Will causa your aeiaim to uw eniervu, sua win apply to said conrt for the relief prayed for In the complaint, that is to aay, for a deoree dis solving forever the bonds of matrimony eilnt- i ing between piaintin anu ueienuaui nereiu, ana I for such other and further relief as to the Court The date of the first publication of this Sum mons is Frl.lav, the Slut day of March, 199, and the laat publication thereof Friday, the Utb day of May, M99, and said Summons shall be pub lished on Friday of each week for the perold of six weeks between said datea. Thla (Summons Is published by order of Hon. T. A. McBrtde, Judge of said Court, made at Chambers, dated March 2Hthy 1899. THAYER, ST. JtAYNKR A SCHNABEL, Attorneys for Plaintiff. nsy-QSTTiji ayt ay asanajratai ayi jai ntgn ran pohtlamd. daily. -BTIAMeR M M H H H H H n America". 4 M N Willamett Slough RoEte M H H i H i Leave 81. Helens.,... 7:00 A M Arrive at Portland. ...10:30 A M Leave Fortlsnd. ... 2:30 P M Arrive at fit. Helens... 6:00 P M FARE bO CENT. Will Carry Nothing but Passen gers and fast Freight. gJaWEa BOOD, master. hi afsi sfmiffrT"1' " - ii iHornoni si u vi mm s Portland. Or; II MtOFESSIONAL. D R. J. I. BALL, PHYSICIUN ANU SURGEON. Olatskanle, Cpluuihle county Or. pR. EDWIN ROSH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bt. Helons, Oregon jyt. H. B, cuff, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 8L Helena, Oregon. Q. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND COUNBELOH AT-LAW, ST. HELENS, OREGON. WUAl tt..li.. Diuba J tKakltM . lUie Ju"trrH'V ". iw .Mr ruuiiv, vimiiiui. lonvr ol ImU fr Washington, mid untjxpei- 1 1 ...til....!.-. 1M aAauanlUa Willi, .iffllta IVU UVvl VUIIWMII I U UVtl UWtl V null wtaawa I. W. PAY W. B. DILLABD ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office next door to Courthouse, ST. UELKNB, OttKUON. General practice In courts of Oregon or Wash ington. Abstracts made directly tram county records. T TTHTrH sT T UnlmuAL HOTEL Hrs. M. J. Scott, Proprietress ST. HELENS, OREUON, A Strictly Fint-Olam Hons. A Home for Oonimeroiel Travelers and ths Publlo. Board and LodK ius at Host Reasonable Rates. i A WELL KEPT STABLE For Cars ol Patron's Horses. ST. HELENS HOTEL BT. HELENS, OR BOON. T. 1 BESET!, Proprietor r i Good Accommodations for Tran sient Custom. Regular . Boarders at Reas onable Prices. Well Kept Liierj Barn For Care of Horses. -THK- CLOHINOM WHITNEY, ?np: THS FAMOUS GYRUS - NOBLE - WHISKEY Besides other standard brands o liquor, la kept always on hand, 3ittjariV &etr. Card tables, pool table, and billiard table for the use of patrons. St. ITelans. Orsioa. ST. CHARLES HOTEL Front & Morrison Sts., Portland Under New Management 150 Booms at 29 Cents to SO Cents, Suites 76 CenU to 11.00. Elevator. Elsctrle Lights and Bella, ' and ail Modem Conveniences. Free Bus Meets all Boats and Trains. ' Restaurant Connected witn Hotel O'cgnn Telephone 200. Columbia 'telephone 27. - E.E. QUICK Commissioner of Deeds for Wash, lngton. ...... 6. WCOLE . Notary Public . PROPRIETORS OF THORNE'S Kflierical System JFitle Attracts. Titles Examined and Perfected. Abstracts Furnished. Assessments Kxamlned. In surance Written. Taxes Paid and Convey. amsiiiK. , ST.HELEKS, OBEGOR, Ho Ladies Farnitare is Complete Without a LIGHT - RUNNING SEWING MACHINE, Bold ton Easy Terms without Interest, C. P. Loon kit." agent. Aatoria - Oregon, ! clatsranie DR. J. E. HALLa Proprietor, Has lust received ol fresh BEU60 OHHSRIICJillLAO usually kept at a Brsl-olas" dnnj ttora. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded " - AT CLATSK ANIE A CAMC unAAn DITVCM i i i i i i i i i i i 4 i i 4 i i i i i i i i i For Sale by COLE & QUICK, lAOaores, with good hewed luahnnse lfii.M. t rooms: ham and out houses: small nroh.nl: school tj nit inllei Mt-otlli-eH mile;SterM elnared andoulll rated ; WO.IHH foot of kik.iI yellow Itr tim ber. Prke tiotw, down, halanca, time. to aores near Deer Island, all fenced: 8 aerea rleared and oulttvated: thh1 oralianl, house, barn and outhouses. Ptioe 11000, H oowu. SO sires, 4 miles from Bt. Helena, with building, small fruits and snuie cleared land. Milton creek ruut through the premise. PrlretoSO. SO anres la township S north, ranire 1 weal; ajuod biilldlnssaud linprovementa, near aohoolhouat and poslotBot, I'riue IfUi. . . lno aara i ol a mil from IVer Island station, on the Northern 1'scllia.rallniul, frtiu.ouo feel of saw Umber. Llara amount of cordwood can be cut. Only k ol a mil haul. , S40 seres of ttmbw land In township 4 north, ranfe 9 wast. Price A!t.0u pur acre. For farther information call on or address: Main Street, - GOOD TOOLS! .FOB NET Zen n lug's Patent Bit.... , Clark's Expansion lilts.. ('ommon II race Ratchet Braes Orawlnsf-kntve Folding Irawlii(t-knive. CJomnion Haw-eta ...... Morrell's 8w ihUi ....... Carpenter' baniniers.... Carpenters' batrhet. ... Carpciilors' handaxea. . , . Jack plane. Disalon handsaws ........ Uood steel handsaws . . .. firmer cbiaal .....12 to Stic ,.T0oto1.10 aAtoAOo ..eOo 10 2.00 , 4M i ao , ...IRe ..i (KK) 25to4Ao DA to IK .... 6010 71 65c. Ul 80 to 780 17 to SAC tea oaiAM rassiists. 1-qt. Artie - AS 8-ot. Arllo 1 18 3-qt. Artie 1 SO Black Diamond Files. OU Stov, I'innliers, Wrench, and many other Rood things used by all kind of people, at low orlces (or ths next 80 days. Open venitit. HUNT HARDWARE CO. Mamrlaaai at STEAMER G. DELL SHAVER, Maeter. 1 T Aavne Portland, toot of w.ahlngtne itreet. Tuesday, Thursday, and tunday .vsnlng si JieaVeS o'clock. Kturnlui!-Iavsf!lUkanle, thl perniltl ng, Monday, Wsdneadey. and rriday evenings at 4 o'clook. Will paw Ouk Point about 7; Btella 7:16; Mayser 7;2&i Kalnler n:VU; Kalant:lA: St. Helens :. Arrlv in Portland 1:0 a. m. Tb company reserve, the rlgh lo an.nua ( (AvUhollI (Kit la. J Shaver White Collar Line TUB COLUMBIA HIVKU AMU PUUK1' BOUND MAVI0ATIOH CO, , ' FOITUKD-lSTOeU EODTE. ...TELEPHONE... Landing Foot of Alder street, Portland. Leaves Portland dally (except Sunday) at 7 A, U. Landing Telephone dock. Astoria. Leave Astoria dally (except Sunday) 7 r. K. Telephone Tickets Good on Steamer Potter. . Steamer Potter Tickets Good on Telephone. V. B. SCOTT, Pre. MUCKLE BROS. MANUFACTURERS OF- , Rough and Dressed Lumber Dimension Lumber, Flooring:. Bustle, Bhealh lns, Caslnn, and a complota stock ol every variety ol lumber kept on band. AT THK OLD STAND, ST. HELENS, OR JSTQRIM COLUMBIA RIYER all RAILROAD COMPANY. W1NTKR HVHKUVl.K. East bound Dally West bound 23 21 Trains 22 I 24 p. m. :M :2S :07 M :W 7:48 7:118 7:00 a. m. 11 20 11 00 10 48 10 18 i. m. 8 no 18 B0 p. m. 7 60 8 10 8 28 8 U 60 arrlv Houlton. leave , uonia , . Rainier Mavuers 10 00 os 0 23 9 00 8 M on C 71atHkanle...,, Westport Clifton , Knappa 10 2A 10 M 11 18 11 4'i Ii. tn. 't 16 10 12 10 28 11 10 leave,. Astoria, .arrive Trains leav Astoria for Seaside at 12 20 p, m. and 8 p, m. Boat connections at Astoria for llwami, Chinook. Fort Canby, Nshaiem, Till amook, and Oarrlbaldl. Passenger for Astoria or way points must flat trains at Houlton. Trains will stop tn let nas senxers off at Houlton when coming from points west of Goble. J. C. ftlnyo, den. Pass. Ant., Astoria, Or. drug store a lartr assort mt and Pars THE , .V. ' gr DRUG STORE l 110 sores In Carloo valley t township t north, rauao t west; good homo, hern and orehardi A aorea eleared aud eiilll vatvdiirnml yellnw Mr llu.liar tint run he loKUfd Into Mllluu Crack. I'rlie llOuu, on. bull duwn. imartreatn town.hlp4 north, ranee 1. Wi'.t: all fenced, 10 acres In cultivation, DUO friitl trees In hesrluit, 11W avres are slushed and seeded to pasture, school hous within H mile, oouuty read on three aides, good bullUlnaa, barn, nut house, dryer, chicken yard, all tannine. Impleruvuu, IneluUinf mower, hay rake, plowa cultivator., hay baler, slump ma chine, only H anile (mm county seat, It miles (rora two railroad statloiis. Price to per avre lor all. or will divide plait In 10 tir'JU acre tracts, but II divided will still uttly unimproved uortioo. ISA aerea of timber land In townships north, raue 0 west. Ptloafliu. IAS aores ol timber land In township north, rails wast. Price mu. - ' Timber land Intownshlntnorth.renit 1 went, suitable lor lofalnf . Price Sio iwraot, , . 5t. Helens, Oregon LOW PRICES! 8 POT CASH., 4- Qttart Artie. 1-qt. Whits Mountain... 2-o.t. WliitaMounUin... 5-qt. White Mountain... 4-qt. Whit Mountain ,, ft-qt. While Mountain. .. ....! 8ft .... 1 00 I 4ft .... 1 7fi .... a on .... J 48 LAW Howaaa. 13- Inch Philadelphia ., 14- lnth Philadelphia 10-inch Philadelphia.. ..... IK-lni li Philadelphia 20-inch Philadelphia Vawp Colfe Pots............'..... aaaarrs oaar kittlss. 8-qt. with cover , . 4-t, with cover tt-qt. with covr. . 8-qt. with cover.... .... 4 80 .... 8 18 fl 00 fl 80 7 00 .MtoStKJ .... J ,if we . ... Ko .... 4llo rtlaaal OregaM W. SHAVER The Only Direct Route ...rftOM.M Portland to Clatskanie Transportation Company. STEAMER LURLINE PORTLAND AND ASTORIA I Leaves Portland every night at 8 o'clock .for Astoria, (except Sunday.) Saturday night at 10. Keturnlnir, leaves Astoria at 8:80 o'clock every mornlne (except Monday.) Bun day at 8:00 o'clock p. m. 0. R. & I CO. Time SCHEDULES From Portland. DS'ABT roa Aaatvs ranM Fast Mail t p. m. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha.Kan aa City, Ht. Louis, Chicago and East. Fast Mali 8:46 p. Spokane Flyer 2:10 p. m. Walla Walla, Spokane, Mln Despoils, Ht. Paul, Dulitth, Mil waukee, Chicago a East. Spokane Flyer 8:80 a. m. Ocean Steamships. All sailing datea sub ject to change. For Han Francisco- Wall every Hvo dafs. 8 p.m. 4 p. m. 8 p. m. Kx, Sunday Saturday 10 p. in. Columbia Rivr Steamers. To Astoria and Way landing. 4 p. m. Ex.rJunday Wlllamatte River. Oregon City, Newberg, Halem A VVay-lasd'gs 8 a. m. Ex. Sunday 4:30 p.m. Ex. Sunday Wlllamstle and Yam hill Rivera. Oregon City, Dayton, and Way-landings. 7 a. nt. Ttiea.Thur. sod Sat. 8:H0p.m. Mnn. Wed. and Frl. Willamett River. Portland to Corvallli and Way-landings. 8a. m. Tue.Thur. and Sat. 4:80 p.m. TuesThur. and Hat. Lv. fllpsrla 1:18a. m. daily ex oept Sat. Bnak fvr. Rlparla to Lewiston. Lv.Ijew'los Stn a. m. dally ex cept Frl. . W. II. HURLBERT, .... Qnral Passngr Agnt, PORTLAND - 0KE00N .M . -