OR KG ON MIST. -ay- y f DAVIO DAVIS. ' ImkacrlplUl Bl, On copy on year in advance 81 90 , copy six luuuthi 60 single copy .. ... -. ...... Advertising tat "-made kuewn upon application COI.t!Ml!IA COUNTY UIKKCTOUY. I'ttCSl V ttt FICERS. , Judfs, ,..... ... Joseph B. foan. Rainier nk J. U. Watts, St. Helens bherilT J. N. Rice, Clatskatiie Treasurer ,....K. Hons. St Helena Buul. at Schools I. II Copeland, tt arreo AuawkT Mnrtln tt hit. Qutncy hiirvarar....' Ue. Mayes, Mayger t'irtur.. ...'.. .Ir. A, P. MaLaron. Rainlnr i ...,. J Frakes, ScaupoJW Lowmlsslouera ,;,,,N, b, rstersoulMlst March 17, 1809. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. - Tub wnnta nf Admiral Dwpv in twin! " tiveljr refusing to entertain proposition ; to accept a nomination for the presidency ' but retiect the thonshta of a neat tnanv ? other, who, owing to their loyalty to ' the gallant commander, were too modest to so express themselves in the face of popular sentiment ontil Dewey himself had led the way. Dewey may or may " not be fitted to hold the highest execu- ' tive office that the people are able to con 'Jer upon any man, but if he is qualified for the place there is no sense or reason ' in hurrying him into the presidential ' chair because of the heroic manner in i. which he has performed his duty at Manila. There are others who hare per- , formed their sworn duties in an equally ' creditable nianher with Dewey, though the fact .has not been brought ao forcibly ,lo the notice of the public, and who are entitled to places ahead of Dewey, and whom we know to be eminently qaali- -fled. All this can be said without le- ; trctlhg in the least from the honor that belongs to the popular hero. In fact he pjiaar settled the question himself by re fusing to be a candidate for the presi dency v- Even thoflKli' he might have aspirations to the high office it seems ' however that he has not he is too much ' man of honor to infringe upon the claims of those who made it possible for him to attain the high position that he mow holds.' Dewey is a plain, honest ' rJ.ttA.. Sttinrrlw nnliflail an.4 according to his own decision will for " the present remain . a soldier. If, after time has permitted careful sober thought, ill people see fit to lift him to a higher ' seat than the one he now occupies, then the wirole country will join in the popu lar movement. . " - Two-nun of the state since the commencement of the year 1989 have ' been occupied in aelectipg United States senators to succeed those whose terms . expired by limitation on the fourth of March. In the great majority of the states the duty has already been per formed. , The republican incumbents who nave so far been re-elected are Hale - el Maine, Proctor of Vermont, Lodge of .. W 11. A . I .1 T L .1 T .1 I - lluncuBnm, Aiuriuu 01 auwo iniauu, ' Hawley of Connecticut, Burrows of , Michigan, Davis of Minnesota, Clark of Wyoming, and Hanua of Ohio. Demo , era tic senators who have been- returned are Daniel of Virginia, Bate of Tennessee, -" and Cockrell of Missouri. Stewart, the silver republican, has been re-elected from Nevada.' In three states there has been a change of personalty, but not of partisanship. Tnus Unas. A. uuiDerson, (democrat) succeeds Mills (democrat) in Texas; Addison U. Foster (republican) succeed Wilson (republican) in Wash- i . . : .i. sugwn; auu ia icriuuu,viwuiia swan (republican) succeeds to the unexpired ' term of Senator Morrill, deceased. In seven state republicans have been chosen to occupy senatorial seats In the FiftySixth congress which are now filled by democrat. They are Channcey M. . He pew, who succeeds Murphy in New York; John Keane, who succeeds Smith in Mew Jersey; Louis E. McComaa, who succeeds Gorman in Maryland ; Ma than ' B. Scott, who succeeds Faulkner in West Virginia ; Alfred J. Beveridge, who suc ceed Turpi in Indiana; Joseph V. .Quarels, who succeeds Mitchell iu Wis- cousin; and a republican Johnson - who succeeds Roach in North Dakota. - A' republican senator was elected in Nebraska to succeed a democrat, ' and in Montana,' William A. Clark, a dem ocrat, succeeds to the seat of Mantle, a silver republican. . r liBonber and Shingle Shipments. ' The total rail shipments of lumber and shingle from Washington for 18(18 mounted to 30.123 ears; lumber 10,4(10 . cars, and shingles 19,023 cars. A little peculation as to these figures will prove of passing interest. Taking the com bined shipment of lumber and shingles by rail only, coupled together as one solid train, the cars containing this lum ber and shingle output for the year 1898 would present a train 228 miles long. The shingles alone would make a train 149 miles long.' MUST WRAY ORCHARDS. Good Legislation for Protection of Fruit Tree. " The last legislature psseed a good law intended to protect the fruit and hop in dustry of the stato so far as possible from vermin. . Th law is especially valuable in one respect, as it will rid the country of all the run-down orchards, of which there are many in this section that have been abandoned to the codlin moth, wooly aphis, etc., which have promptly seised on them as their breeding places and mod them a enrae to the oountrv. .Tha law provides among other things: "That it shall hereafter be unlawful for any perron, firm or corporation own ing of operating any nursery, fruit or chard of any kind, hop yards, flower yar dens or ornamental treea, to throw cut tings or primings from any fruit trees, nursery stock, ornamental trees or hop vine into any public roadk highway, Cold or oilier iiic'.uui,vr into any water course of any kind; but shall de stroy such cuttings or pruning with fir within So day from the time such cut tings or prunings are made. "It shall hereafter be the duty of any person, firm or corporation owning or operating any such nursery .frultorehard. hop yard, flower garden or ornamental trees, and knowiug such to be Iniected with any kind of insects, pests ordietue, to immediately spray or destroy theeame in such limn narua the fruitcouinuaniouer of the district may direct." The penalty for a violation of the act is a fine of not more than 125 nor less than $lti. The law la now in effect, hav ing been provided with an emergency clause. , - ' ' He Sees the Mistake. County Judge Sappington, of Tilla mook county, makes the stutumcnt that if the money expended in graveling' roads in his comity nau nee n nBeu in planking instead of graveling the roads, all the main roads in the county would now be nicely planked. He asks this query: "After expendingenough money uu gravel to plank the county roads, what kind of roads have we got today." The judge has been watching quite closely the work put upon a number of roads and how easily they are cut up, and be is perfectly convinced that the most economical solution of the problem of good roads, for his county at least, is to plank them, owing to so much rain fall and lack of foundation. We believe the judge's head is level on the plank road question. Of course there are those who do not coincide with them, but the next few years will demonstrate whether f ravel or plank is th best lor roaua in illamook county. . Big Demand for Good Potatoes. "It pays to raise good potatoes," said a farmer Friday, as he sold a load of choice Burbanka for 90 cents per sack. There are only a few places about town where a sack of good potatoes' can be se cured, as the generality of dealer will not pay uu cents or ii a saca tor mem to aell a train, and vet there was no iesa than 6000 sacks of choice potatoes shipped to Uaiitornia on tne steamer liiurauay night. Just what they will bring there remains to be seen; but the shippers paid from 80 to w cents a sack tor tnem here. So it will be seen that there are Dlentv of choice potatoes here, and it is only a queatiou of paying -the price to secure them. If everybody would or could raise choice potatoes, the price might not go so high, but it is cheaper to pay $1 25 for a sack of good potatoes than 75 cents for a sack that ia no good. Oregonian. ; Baling Oregon Cattle. C. N. Thompson, representing the cat tle-dealing firm of 8. W. Alierton, -Chi cago, was In rortland last week, tie has been Paying large numbers oi cattle from Oregon stockmen during the past three years, and is now in the market for 20,000 head, which he desires to ship to the company's pastures, near Chinook, Mont, tie has already mane some pur chase in Baker county. A. L. Falconer, j a cattlebuyer of Hutchinson, Minn., ia in rortland meeting Oregon stockmen, i who have cattle to sell. Mr. Falconer bought several thousand sheep in the vicinity of Walla Walla and Dayton last year, which be shipped to his Minnesota feeding grounds. This season he de sire to purchase 2000 head of youngcat- tle out here. - " , , . Mills are Hamulus;. Activity in the lumber business has opened with a vim with the advent of spring. The Metcalf A Wade and Cow eeman shingle mills are now running with full crews. Metcalf oc Wade have more orders for shingles than they can fill for the next sixty days, with their mill running at full capacity. This means a big business, as the output is about 500,000 shingle per day. J. F. Hart, of the Coweeinan Company, in form us he has a ready sale for the en tire output of his plant. The prices are not so high as the mill would like, but some better than last year, with a strong demand. Kelso Journal. One Oa Tongae. ' A good story is told on Represents tive Tongue. Wu Tingfang, the Chinese minister, is a great society man, and he has a keen eve for pretty women. He saw and admired Mis Tongue very much, and some time later, when he saw the representative from Oregon, spoke in high praise of the congressman's daughter. "Have you any more children, Mr. Tomroe?" asked Mr. Wn. "Yes," responded the Oregon man, "1 have six. Mr. Wu leaned over toward. Mr. Tongue, and said, qaestionally, in a con fidential tone, "One wife?" Microbes and Death. If dirt makes microbe and microbes make death, then cleanliness is heaith- luiness as well as godliness, ine man who throws dead cats, defunct old hens. offal and tin can half full of rotten fruit into back yards and permits all this to remain the year round hankers for death and has contempt for godliness. The log ical conclusion is that he has no chance here below, and if orthodox view be cor rect none hereafter, lie is, in fact, ac cording to the scientists, murdering not only hinfself but his neighbor and his neighbor' wife and children, but he is in addition defying the laws that make saints. Tell Yaar ainter. A Beautiful Complexion is an impossi bility without good pure blood, the sort that only exist in connection with good digestion, s healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover Root Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver and kidneys, keeping them in perfect health. Price 25 cts. and 60 eta. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, drnggists, St. Helens, and N. A. perry, llouiton. ' Oa Kstw Consumption is preventable? Science has proven that, and also that neglect is suicidal. The worst cold or cough can be cured with Shiloh's Cough and Con sumption Cure. Sold on a positive guarantee for over fifty years. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druvtgist St. Helens, aud N. A, Perry, Houlton. Haw Is Tssr WlfeT ' Has she lost her beauty T If so, Con stipation, Indigestion, Sick Headache are the principal causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea has cured these ills for half a century. Price 25 cts. and 60 cts. Money refunded if results are not satisfactory. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist, St. Helens, and N. A. Perry, Houlton. Evnry Battle Of Shiloh's Consumption Cur is this guarantee : "All we ask of you is to use two-thirds of the content of tbin bottle faithfully, then, if you say you are not benefited, return the bottle to your druggist and he may refund the price paid." Price 28 cts.. 60 cts. snd 11.00. jSold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist, St. Helens, snd N. A, Perry, Houlton. COUNTY B0S11ESS AFFAIRS TRANSACTIONS BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Road and Liquor Petitions Granted Tax Remissions Made and banda Ordered Hold. lie it remembered that at a regular term of the county court of Columbia count, state of Oreuon. beuun and held at the" courthouse in the city of Ht. Hel ens, In saiu county and slate, on weduns dav. tha 8th day of March, A. D. 18D, and from day to day thereafter during the continuance ot said term, t 'resent, Hon. J. B. Doan, judge; N. I), reterson and 1. A. F rakes, coinuiiasionerx; J. O. Watts, clerk: J. N. Rice, sheriff. The proclamation being made the following proceedings were nan : Matter of annlication of I. O. Wik strum for assignment of tax sale certifi cate No. 170. Now, on 'this day this matter coming on to be heard, and the court being fully advised in the prem ises, it is ordered that raid application be auoweu, and tax saie ceruncaie jxo. 170 be. ami the same is hereby assigned to I. U. Wikstroin upon the payment of 140.74, which was deposited by said I tl. Wikstroin. Application of John Oreenhatren for the purchase of lots 1, 2 and 3, block 2, and lots 4, Sand 0, block 3, Columbia Uity ; allowed. Petition of T. J. Thorp for remission of coat and penalty: allowed. Petition of W. K. Ticiienor for remis sion of tax and cost ; allowed. Petition of A. Feldeiiheimer for rebate of tax for year 1889 upon land on which he had not made proof; allowed in the sum of (10. Petition of W. J. Bos to nse s por tion of road No. 21 for logging road ; pe tition granted. Petition of Fred Henderson for a county road ; petition granted, and Isaac Bumgardner, James Gaittens and H. A. Oberg appointed viewers, and George Hayes, surveyor, to meet at beginning of rood March 28, 1899. Petition of James S pence for a county road ; petition granted, and E. Meeker. Ed Potter and C. Garrison, appointed viewers, and George Hayes, surveyor, to meet April 4th at John Gilmore's place. Petition of Joel Hate for a liquor li cence for Deer Island precinct; petition granted. : Keaianatton oi J. li. Am noire as su pervisor of road district No. 13 accepted and John F. Peterson appointed ii fill vacancy. , Resignation of L. Meeker a super visor of road district No. 4 accepted, and COLUMBIA CODNTY ROAD SUPERVISORS': ANNUAL EXHIBIT Yearly Reports of Thoae Official a Presented and Passed Upon by the County Court at Its Regular March Session Result of Road Work for Year 1898. f ! i c. n i i n SUPERVISOR. a $ ? H g I lg -g.8 : f I i r :3i 1 ! P? i W. G. Pomeroy....... 1 130 4!$12 00 f30 45 42 48 (45 00 110 50 46 00 G. W. Ramsey 2 136 121 47 83 HO tW 13 5 2o 24 90 44 00 Wm. Cooper 8 137 23! 1 10)38753986 16 50 19 55 6000 J. B. Godfrey 4 148 1 8 80. 16 OH, 35 93 29 80 6 13 48 00 James Gaittens....... 6 137 2 58 86 43 89 46 89 25 20 42 00 Fred Henderson.. 6 208 7s 75 95 143 41 249 86 190 BOi 43 81 68 00 W. M. Perry......... 7 1384 1i 72 1 8 24 80 30 82 75 12 86 84 00 R. N. Lovelace. 8 218 2J, 26 o9 22 88 48 47 48 47 70 00 R.H.King...... 9 270$ 31 60 31 60 42 45 . . . . 70 00 E. B. Wood 10 2o5 28 12 85 82 66 66 41 03 41 S 00 76 00 jE. B. Elliott.. 11 131 63 24 25 78l 80 04 65 2i 23 76 81 00 ljohn Roxler..... 12 116 ..... 6 40 20 72127 12 27 00 80 00 Frank E. Mahnberg... '13 215 7 6 uO SO 30t 42 00 43 46 72 00 Wm. Pringle. .'. 14 20 19 04 24 73 16 80. 10 00 John K. Broua 16 96) 4), 23 49 31 39 81 36 40 00 J. 8. Mow 16 13 62 13 6 13 M) 24 01 John W. Boats 17 VX 1 28 17 28 18 66 4 60 32 60 00 Chas. W. Mellinger... 18 48 19 80 826 906 906...... 24 00 8. G. Schoonover 19 229.... . .... 40 11 40 11 89 66 45 36 00 C. C. Mover 20 27 8 67 20 60 24 26 24 23 ... . . 20 50 W.G. Ross 21 . 6 ..... 12 00 19 40 31 40 32 26 16 00 R. H. Bailey 22 193 .... 14 3 41 68 6 2 76 67 74 ..... 70 00 Win. Miller 23 38 119 12 11 23 30 23 30...... 14 00 J. C. McGrath 24 30 28 60 88 60 88 60...... 8 00 B.P.Morton 26 198! 70 9 20 37 45 28 90 4 95 64 00 F. O.Johnson......... 26 73 8 6 17 30 70 36 87 86 00 87 80 00 Olaye Johnson... ..... 27 94 SJ4 2 00 4 20 6 20 4 80 80 00 Win. Resimens . .... 28 48X 1 86 14 86 16 72 16 72 ...... 16 00 Amos Scbmidlin... ... 29 29 3 4 69 4 m 4 6!)' 1 12 00 Thos. Anderson ... ..... 80 44 8 ...... 12 60 12 50 12 50 j 24 00 John G. Pringle. ...... 81 17 2...... 10 15, 10 15 10 15 ...... 15 00 Oliver Burns j 32 48 H 25 24 20 24 89 24 89j ! 16 00 J. G. Plank appointed to fill the vacancy. Petition for appointment of George A. Lanes constable of Rainier precinct; petition grauted. Books of sheriff, treasurer snd clerk checked up, examined and approved. Ordered that the clerk give the treas urer credit for $1 for interest paid on warrants that had been paid at 6 per cent and afterwards the 2 per cent nati been naid. amounting to tl. Ordered that the comity would sell lands wnicn it nad bought at tax saie, and redemption not having been made, for the tax, eost and penalty on one sale and the tax aud cost on other sales, snd all accrued taxes. List of taxes to be remitted filed by the sheriff was examined by the court, aoDroved and ordered remitted. - Ordered that a warrant be issued upon the treasurer monthly in favor of the sheriff and the clerk in the sum of 40 each ontil otherwise ordered by the court. Matter of bills allowed to road super visors for year 1898 5 Sl'PKBVIHOB. DIST. mo. ... i.:.. AMOUNT W G Pomeroy ..(46 00 .. 44 00 .. 60 00 .. 48 00 .. 42 00 .. 68 00 .. 84 00 .. 70 00 .. 70 00 ,. 76 00 . . 81 00 .. 30 00 . , 72 00 ,. 10 00 .. 40 00 . . 24 00 .. 60 00 .. 24 00 .T36 00 .. 20 60 .. 16 00 Geo Ramsey. ... . . . 2. .. . 8... . 4... . 6... .6... . 7... . 8... . 8. . . .10... .11... Win Uooper...... J B Godfrey James Gaittens. .'. Fred Henderson.. W MPerry....... R N Lovelace R H King E B Wood E B Elloitt John Boxler .12.. Frank E Malmberg.,13. . Wm Pringle .14.. John KBrous... .. 16.. JSMow 16.. JohnWBoal 17.. CW Mellinger...... 18. . 8 G Schoonover 19. . CC Mover... 20.. W J K08S..... 21.. JLwirrHERNjL gj I 0 pj WJ f. j J M' ILLUSTRATED CATAIC3S ' rsttc Bucll Lambcrson ' . ISO FRONT 5T Portland. Or. GROWN Y VVVVffVHr'yVVVVVVtVVD'VVVVVVV'M .23... .23... .24... .25... .20... .27... ,28... .itt... .80... .81.., JU... 70 00 14 00 8 00 04 00 30 00 30 00 10 00 12 00 24 00 15 00 10 00 JO VuGrath. BPMorton.. FOJohnaon., Ola ve Johnson.... Wtu Resimius..... A Sultilaidtill., , . . . . Thos Anderson.. . . . J U I'ringle Oliver liurria MISCKLI..VNEOUS BILLS. RCox.J I' fees insane examination a 05 4 15 A Robinson T It Woodruff. I P fees State V ISonrue 8 50 C I. Claik, constable, i 6 60 ft M Rice, witness IW Robert Maclnaw..,. 190 BO Thorn....'.. 1 90 Ueo Carriuan. 1 70 FM Fowler , 1 70 M White, assessor 75 00 0 W Klakealey, aaistant assessor 11 25 K B Elliott, work on R D 11 20 00 C 3 Lindgren, work U D 13 . 1 60 OBLvon. 600 F E Mahnberg . . 8 00 vv tt rotnerov, lumber it u l. . . . u : B C MuKee. Ul)8 1 50 RN Lovelace 2 2. J B Godirey, work R D 4. ...... . 7 50 Swan Nordgren, powder R D 17. . 3 75 Dart A Mm"kle, nails R D 23 45 11 L Colvin, powder R D 8. 5 00 Henrv Krata, nails R D II 4 65 K B Elliott, work R D II......... 20 U: Bryant A Son, nails for R I) 11 . . . 90 H Olson, work on Tinkhum road. 10 00 L Ellison 10 00 R Hasen 10 00 Lara Rnxmeeaen.' 10 00 Kdwin Ross, supplies ai d postage 3 25 Edwin Ross, insane exiiniinatiun 10 00 Kdwin Koi-a, medicine fr pauper 2 60 If R Cliff, examination of Insane. . 10 00 N A Perry, supplies for Mrs. Davis 10 00 Airs M J Mcott, board oi prisoner 10 ZD Woodard, Clark A Co., medicine for prisoner 1 60 A 11 Sheffield, board of Deadly . . . 30 00 T A Bennett, board cf prisoner. , . 75 Wm Frasier, board of prisoner. . . 28 76 8t Vincent hospital, board of Peter Roeser 68 26 John Pringle, supplies for Eastlick 1 80 hthe Van blaricom, support ot chil dren 10 00 Bertha llansen,snpportof children 10 00 WT Gardner, Boys and Girls Aid Society 10 00 W A Harris, supplies for court house. 1 10 Postal Teleirraph Co.. telegram. 85 G W Cole, leaal seiv cos 20 00 John Dart, guarding prisoner. . .-. 6 00 a o names, guaruing japs...... a uu Geo Sutherland, same.... 10 00 W S Chandler, same 5 00 J N Rice, sheriff. 80 00 J N Rice, postal cards ........ 25 00 J N Bice, postage. .. ... . 26 00 Colum bia County News, stationery 1 75 Rainier Review, same 2 50 Glsss A Prudhomme, same 4 18 Glass A Prudhomme, deed record 18 50 uiass A rrudhomnie, tax receipts, etc. . . 44 00 C M Crocker, hooks. 14 00 David Davis, stationery and print ing...... 122 25 J G Watts, clerk... 80 00 PA Frakes, commissioner.. ..... . 1400 N D Peterson, sime 20 40 I H Copelnnd. examining teachers. etc........ 14 46 Mrs S 8 Way, same 9 00 G G Haley, same . 9 00 I Bumgardner, bounty on scalps. . 6 00 E E Quick, insurance courthouse. etc 86 00 W 0 Cole, witness, state vsBonrne 170 Court adjourned until April 6th, 1899. That Bowline Contest. The bowling contest which was ended two weeks ago was "a battle royal," though a victory easily achieved. The individual scores are given below : SHELDON'S TKAM. Sheldon 537 Mavrar. : BS Cliff 697 . (3 Rice..,. 683 Watts...... 65 Quick.... 619 Hosford........... 608 Total.. 3913 694 ...... 637 479 ...... 631 897 447 652 ......3637 OKAY'S TBAIf. Gray. . . . King..., Davis. . . Hall Harris. . Johns. . . Gable... Total.. E : B sfre ase aa asa; asrla- sarf sa : R II Bailey. Win Miller. em inj yvvVVVVs r w. war. "BTITI 'T . 5 UIUlffllL HOTEL Mrs. H J. Wt, Projrittesi . it. 1IKI.KN8, OKKOON. A Hlrli lly Frat-Ohiss Hmis. A Hum for Commercial i'ravelar and the Public Board anil L uig ing at Moat lteusouuulv Union. . A WELL KEPT STABLE i For Care ut Patron's Home. ids jtVA sA laWkjsViAi a A J ST. HELENS HOTEL ' 8T. HELENS, OREGON. T. A. BENNETT, Proprietor ; : . ,V Good Accommodations for Trnn- Blent Cu-tniu. Brgulur Boarders at Rt ai onaule l'rlues. Well Kept Lifer Barn For Cars of Horses. -THE- GYRUS NOBLE - WHISKEY BnlilsnlharaUn1ant brands ol hijiiur, U kt alw uu haud, IJtJelttljarfcV r. Card table, pool (able, and billiard tabl iur the ut of psuous. St. Hnlann, Orajzoa. MUCKLE BROS. -MANUFACTURERS OF- - Rough and Dressed Lumber Dimension Lumber, Ftnnrlnar, Rustle, Sheath ins, Caslnxs, and a emiiplote slurk of aurj vaifely oi lumbar k4 n hand. AT TUB OLD STAND, ST. HELENS, OR ST.CHARLES HOTEL Front & Morrison Sis., Portland Under New Management ISO Boom at 23 Cents to GO Cents. Unites 75 Cents to tl.00. Klfvator. Elertrlc Llirhts an.l Hells, and alt Moileru Convenivneea. Free Bus Meets all Uoais andl'raii.a. Bestanrant Connected wit. Hotel O-esmi Teleplions SOB. Columbia Telephone 27. STEAMER LORLINE POWTLANO AND ASTORIA ( Leaves PoHIanrt ryry nlatit at H o'clock for Astoria, (exciiit Bunday.) Saturday nignt at 10. i . Retnrnlne. lenrm Astoria flVHO o'clock every nioniiiit (exct-pt Monday ) Sun- aay atu:wo ciica p, m, 0. MN. CO. ITirae SCHEDULES Arrivs W from Portland. "oa. Fast Bait Uks, Deuvar. Ft. Fast Mail Worth, Omahs.Kan- Mail S pi m. sas City, Ht. louls, 6:46 p. m. Chicago and East, Spokane Walla Walla. Spokane, Hpoknne Flyer Minasapotls, Bt. Fiver 3:10 p.m. Paul. Duliith, Mil- ;30a.m. waukec, Chicago 4 East. r All sailing dataa sub- F e.'t to phanaa. For Han Kranolsuo 1 Ball every rive days. 1 Hp. m. Oolumbla River 4 p, m. Ki.BiiDdajr Staamers. Kk.Suudar Saturday To Astoria and Way 10 p. m. laodlugs. t,m. Willamette River. 4;80p.m. Ei. Sunday OronCltT,Newbers, Ex.suadav Salem A Way lsnil js 7 a.m. W"Uh,m mJSj V""' : P- Tus.Thar. hill Rivera. M(n and Sat. Oregon City. Dayton, aud Frl. ' and Way-landluga. a.m. Willamette River. 4 80p.m. Toes.Thnr. Portland to Corvallis TiieiThur. aud Sat. and Way-landings. and Sat, Lv. mparts Snake River, Lv fsw'ton .1:46a. m. :46a.m. dally ex- Klparls to Lowiston. dsily ex cept Sat. eeplFri. VT, H. HURLBEBT, General Paaaenger Agent, PORTLAND OKEOON fA A 4 Odd Freeh Meat; llartis, . ' saw lit. " " Alwavs krpfni'riirhn'. Mf. (Sliflilon sella hania. liarnn, and Inn! way 3' W di wn. HiMClal rulBSglrin llioie vrtio wish louurvlms im-ta in lui-aa ".' h qiiaulltlM. ; :' . ' ''.':'. - J 01-;: C 4 Main tret, . . kJUAuAuA- AAAAAAI n a rev a mid DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor. ' Has laat reretved a larae iassottawal el freeh Also a new and seleot utoek of drnea and patent medicines, fancy statlonerr, selionl Wmi ami w-iioni supplies, pernirnvry sun usual!)' keptala llm-i'lassdriigsloie, Prescriptions CarcftiHy Compounded , ' ; l AT CLATSK ANIE DRUG STORE -1 yvvvvvTvvvvivvvvvvvv'-yva'ysy'fl aa aflb aljsfcatk.sfa arM afbi afa aft jfk i i i i i i i i i i i SOME "GOOD BUYS" For Sal by lmaitres.wtth ml hewed Ins house 15x34, ft nmmai barn and onl houses; sinsll nrehard: erhnul; of a mile: post office, W mile:6i.crai eleared anO culti vated: o.m feet of amid yriiow Ar lim ber. I'rue liuue, .4 down, balanra, time. 40oresner Deer Island, all feneed: acres 1 teared and rullivated: smxi orehanl, houve, Iwra aud oulhousas. Ptlw 100, H duwn. uvn.,,v, V K"l V. iij.w .... ,,v,wr-. WHO bnildltuts, '! I fruits and snmeeieaml 1bd1. . Milton rreek runs ihmiiah the premltea. frii.fi'iO. . SOar res In tnwnahin S north, ranaat aeai; anod hiilldlnr-snd Imprnvemeflts. near arbunlbousa sad buauislce. Prltw S09. . 100 acres V of a mil from Dm- Island station, on the Northern raclltc railroad. IU0,Ufvsot saw timber. U ante amount of cvnlwiKMt ran be cut uniy ni a mile bauL M0 acres ot timber land In townshln 4 north, range S wast. Price ts.50 per acre. j vr mi uier liuurmauou can on or auurcsa: CJOIatlS Main Street,' 'VVVVVVVVVVCV'V'VVVVVVV'VVVvC h mi I-' """S BOTfl F1PEES I SBfl I sUaSafM mm STEAMER G. DELL SHAVER, Master. Icavaa Portland, foot of Washington street, Tueaday. Thursday, and Sunday evenfnse at i Jt ttVCrS o'clock, ftcturnlim leaves CliiUkatile. tide pnrniitlitig, Monriav, W edtiexlav, snd Friday eventnira at 4 o'clock Will pass Osk Point about 7; stella7:16; Mayger 1 aft; Ksinler 1:0: Kalama 0: 15: HI. Helens 9:80. Arrive iu Portland 1:W a. m. The company resetves the flcH la enuuga lime wnnoui nonce. ..STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOG&,.; daeajfaawM.. Leaven Kelso on Mondays, Wednesdava and Fridays at 6 o'clock a. fa. l.--.r..l I...-. Portland and Kelso Route via Willamette slough Jl STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER ii RAILROAD COM PAN Y, wi -ft: it vii.oiii. Kaat boiiDd . Dally West bound 21 Trains a 24 pi m, 7 00 8 10 8 W 8 M JO M p. m. W:A6 9:V :0T 8: S:l 7:48 7:28 7:00 a. m. 11 30 11 00 10 4ft 10 18 M ( 28 00 tat 800 a. m. arrive. Houlton. leave 8 m It 0 m Uobla , ... Rainier.,..,., . ...Mayaem ...... . ..Clatekaiite...... ,,. Westporl...,.,. .... fliffon....'.., . ... Knappa 10 00 10 2 10 66 11 18 11 42 p. m. 12 is 10 12 10 W leave. .Astoria, .arrive II 10 Trains leave Astoria for Seaside at 12 20 p. m. and 8 p. m. Boat connections at Astoria for Ilwaeo, Chinook. Fort Canby, Jiehaiein, Till amook, and Uarrlbnldl. ; , Passengers for Astoria or way points must flat trains at llouiton. Trains will stop to' let pas sengers off at Houlton bro coming from point.' westofOvble. S. V, may. Gen. Pans. AkI., Astoria, Or. a.fi A-fi f "'iiJ,rji ST liIItnCf3 T" "t . Dacon, and Lard, etc. i1".'.''"ivv.' '." "'"' ''Vi'.1 ..,..- s- ,,, - . t.'lIlrMiCran.. '!',s"'lff AAAJk nisi afeuaauAi alb; aftk A AJi nPTir qthdi: f and Pare toiivi arutirn.saii iu lait ev rtlii.. wlift-a la- .. THK ,-. , . tt jsVefJsusakd C0IJ3 QUICK. : tiiti .lav. 1TO acres In rarleo valley, townships " north, tallica 1 weal; good house, burn' and orchard; S acrea cleared adrHKt-i,1 vatcd:i ud allow fir llu.Lrr thai ran be kwacd Into Mlllua vievk. I'tli-e l(,r on half down. " . 'w'.',l IVJ MOacresiB tonshlp4 unnh, renin V Weal; all fenced, 40 aores In ciiltlvailon,' MN) fruit trees In beorins, lmi acres err '' lushed and , seeded tv iwslrec echeat.-. , huuse within iiillr. county ruad na Ihree sldee, ixl hiilldliir.. barn,' out-, house, dryer, chicken yarn, all laeffllnaj-- iniptements, lueludlns mower, hav rake, plows eullli-Biors. hay blf,Hiinip.-. chine, only IS milaa from iouniyea(.. 1H miles ftom two railread STailuna? ' Price l& per acre Jor all, air Will atvtilec .:: plavelnUortauietracts.biittf tUtlltd ". alll sell only iiaiiupruved portloa. t - u: 1 -j.1 i .... -..' 14 Gl ,U' I. ISO acres of ttmber land In townshrpi" mirth, rauga weal, riiealxs ;i" 10 acres of ttmlier land In township , norih. riiit A wni, l'riu lAm. Timber land In lnwashln4Birrth'. ramra 1 west, luliuble fur lugging. I'rtie tit perawa. . QUICK; Jr.v ! St. Helens, Oregon ""SI " - ,'T .' " mm kss ' ) T"' ' -i '..' :i'S - ffl ..PER YEAR.." 5se W. SHAVER The Only Direct Route ' J,.FBOa4. Portland to Clatskanie ... Shaver Transportation company. : Leaves Port land Tuesday. Thursday, .and l Saliirrlsyi, at o'clock a. ni 7 ru,, White CoIIar.Line THK COLUMBIA RIVIII.ANJ) PVOET HOI KB KAV10ATIpN,90. . . i-;. rOEtUSWSIOEli'EODIE,- ...TELEPH0NE. ' Landing Foot of Aider Street, Portland. Leaves Portland dally (exceptBiinday)at 7 A. Landing Telephone dock, Astoria, faves Astoria daily (except Sunday) 7 F. M. Telephone Tickets flood on Steamer Potter. Steamer Potter Tlcketa Oood on Telephone. V. B. SCOTt'rei. I