S: t. Jacobs OU enrol Rheumatism, ft, Jaoobs Oil cures Neuralgia. ki. Jacobs Oil curat Lumbago. St. Jacob! Oil cures gointica. St. Jacob Oil caret 8prin. H, Jacobs Oil cures Brnite. 8. Jnwbll Oil CTiree Fwne?3, St. Jacobs Oil oures Stiffness. Rl Jannha Oil cures Backache. Et. Jacobs Oil cares Muscular tubes. Dlekena Wrote KhI. Among novelists ths palm for tha greatest quantity of writiog, so tar a mors amount is concerned, is generally conceded to Jiarlei Dickens. I i; Labor i Buys the i: Sweetest Sleep t But for insomnia or sleep lessness, and that unnat- I ural weakness and weari ness of mind, body, nerve f and muscle, a reliable tonic I I is needed, like Hood's Sar- X sapanlla, which gives sweet, refreshing sleep and overcomes that tired feel ing. It has the endorse ment of millions as the best medicine money can buy. Take only Hood's. A woman would never think of sing' Ins in a street car, but men apparently have no hesitation in giving vent to their feelings in merry whistling in such public place, - So stont has Senator Lindsay, of Kentucky, grown (be most weigh con' sideralby over 800 pounds) that his step has become slow and awkward. Apparently his tailor has given np all idea of fitting the ponderous Kentnok ian, who looks as though he had been harnessed country fashion, not dressed. CATABBH CAJTNOT BB CUBED With local applications, as they cannot reach the seat ol the disease. Catarrh la a blood or eooeututKmal disease, and In order to cure It yon must take Internal remedies. Hall's Ca tarrh Car is taken internally and actadirectiy on the blood and mucous surface. Hall's Ca tarrh Cor Is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by oua of the best physictaas la this country lor years, and isa regular prescription. It is composed ol ths best tonics known, com bined with the best blood purifiers, acting di rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what pro duces sack, wonderful results in curing catarrh. Band for testimonials, free. F. J. CH KNJ Y CO., Proprs., Toledo, O. Fold by druggists, price 76c Hails Family fills axe the best. Some wonderful stalactite caves havs recently been discovered eight miles from Erogersdorf, in the Transvaal. Fiao's Cure for Consumption Is the best of all cough cures. George W. Lot, Fabucher, La., August 26, 189ft. A West African king is the owner of an ninbrella which measures sis yards in diameter and affords shad for a table with 80 diners. MRS. LUCY GOODWIN 8uffered four years with female trou bles. ' She now writes to Mrs. Pinkham of her complete recovery. Read her letter: " j - Dbab Mas. PufKHAat: I wish yon to publish what Lydia E. Pinkham 's Vegetable Compound, Sanative Wash and Liver Pills have done for me. - I anffered for four years with , vomb trouble. My doctor aaid I had falling of the womb. I also suffered with nrAtia nnntnlinn faint """""- all-gone feelings, palpita tion of the heart, bearing-down sensa tion and painful menstruation. I could not stand but a few minutes at a time. When I commenced taking your med icine I could not ait up half a day, but before I bad used half a bottle I was p and helped about my work. I have taken three bottles of Lydia B. Pinkham 'a Vegetable Compound and used one package of Sanative Wash, and am cured of all my troubles. I feel like a new woman; I can do all kinds of housework and feel stronger than I ever did In my life. 1 now weigh 131 pounds. Before using your medicine 1 weighed only 108 pounds. Surely it is the grandest medicine for weak woman that ever was. and my advice to all who are Buffering from any female trouble la to try It at once and be well. Your medicine has proven a blessing to me. and 1 cannot praise It enough. Mrs. LuctGoodwm, Holly, W. Va, . : V v, J . MACHINERY for Mills, Mines, Shops and Farms; Btcel Log ging and Hoisting Engines; Hoe Chisel Tooth Saw., Albany Oresne, etc. TATULI&BOWEfJ ' 17 to M First Street Portland, Or. -M Fremont etreet. Baa Francisco. Relief at Last Praised by thousands of Sfttl.ned ladles as safe, al ways reliable and without an equal. Ask druggist for pr. Martel's French Female Pills In metal box with ,rHwh Flu ad ton in Bine. Whitw and Red. Insist on having the genuine. "Relief for tkomaa," mailed rBSSlsnlain sealed lener with teatlmonlal. and particular. Address, fasaCM ONUS CO., SSI aailga Fsarl Sl.,.r. CUY THE CEfjUir.S VfiUP OF FIGS ... HAJTOTAOTUBBS BT ... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. fW-JTOTB TUB BAM B II ion utL Cat ' - c - D5 MARTEL'S-7 Female! ANOTHER COAST ROAD It ts Said ths Burlington Wilt Extend! Its Line Westward This , Baaaaaer. . According to the Phillipabarg, Mont., Mail, the Burlington road will be among the first to commence extend' log its line to a Pacifio coast port. The Burlington will extend its line further westward this summer, and report has it that operations will be commenced in the spring by the Burlington Com pany to extend its line from Billings to Butte and Anaoouda by way of Liv ingston, and from Anaconda the pro posed route will touoh Philipsburg and the Bitter Root Valley, and wilt ter minate at Portland. New Granite Discovery. A large quantity of granite excellent for monumental purposes was located recently in the Miles A Vinson marble mines near Joseph, Or. Some three sores are exposed to view, containing One salt and pepper gray color granite. elear from rust and blemishes, and sus ceptible of a high polish. Consider ing high freights and that nearly all the monumental granite is shipped to this coast front Boston and New York, the impotranoe of tiiis discovery means muoh for Oregon, Washington and Idaho. - ;.l:,f Oregon Red wood Forest. A. J. Johnson, the forestry man of Oregon, has recently returned from a month's trip along the Oregon coast, inspecting the forestry conditions of that locality. In addition to other dia covertea, he says he found a number ot fin redwood forests in Oregon, at least 10 miles this aide of the Califor nia line. For a long time it has been olalmed that no redwood could be found in Oregon. Mr. Johnson's dis covery puts an end to all doubt along this line. Dang ere ms Sabetituta for a Knlfa. . Recently a daughter of Thomas Payne, residing across ths Willamette from Albany, Or., went np in he garret of the house with a lamp alter a rope that aha wanted. So having a knife, she horned the rope off with the lamp and took it down stairs, but the end ot the rope left did not stop burning, and spread into the root A neighbor dis covered the fire, and it was extin guished after some work, but not nntil it had burned quite a hole in the roof. Price of Bap. ,. i . Washington hay now brings front 15 to per ton, the low price being dne to the large amount of bay on hand. Last year many commission men specu lated, believing there would be an im mense demand for hay in Alaska dur ing the construction of the Stickeen river railroad, purchased all of this pro duct they could find. The road was not built, and consequently no demand for the hay occurred. Pmnegrewers Consolidate- The proposed Pacific Coast Fruit As sociation was made an actual fact at s recent meeting held at San Jose, when orchard iats representing 8,431 acres of fioit signed the roll and agreed to turn the handling of their crop over 1o the association. Each takes one share in the aassooiation, which is capitalized at $1,000,000, divided into 100,000 shares of the par value of $10 each. ImI Fifty Head of Sheen. The Johnson Bros., of John Day, Or., lost about 60 head of sheep below Day- ville recently. The sheep were on a bar between two channels ot the river, and when the ice broke up, causing the water to rise, the bar was over flowed and 8,300 sheep were in danger of drowning. By beroio efforts ail ot the sheep, with the exception of about 60 bead, were safely piloted across. Mnsi Serve Oat Sentence. A. J. Byrnes, convicted ol men slaughter for the killing of Louis Cou lee, in Adams county. Wash., in 1894, will soon return to the penitentiaiy at Walla Walla, to serve out his sen tence of 18 years, less credits. The remittitur has arrived in Uolfax horn the supreme court, and it directs the carrying out of the sentence ot the su perior COUlL ' rnrchneed a W.reck. The Portland roller mills, represent ed by N. Edward Ayres, has purchased the remainder of the wrecked ship Glenmorag, purposing to ship the gteel and Iron to Portland and work it up into bars of various sixes and shapes. It is estimated that there is from 760 to 1,000 tons of old iron still on the vessel. . Billed a Boar With an Axe. Sol Labrandt, near Mooksaok,Wash. killed a large beat with an ax dm ing the cold weather. The bear was in a hollow stamp, and Mr. Labrtndt took good care to keep it from coming out, hitting the bear on the bead every time it stuck its head out until he killed it Jury Broke thai Record. The record for fast jury work was broken in the superior court, in Colfax, last week, when a jury heard two cases and rendered verdicts in less than 30 minutas. Both were civil esses. Married Sixty Tears. The 60th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham 8. McGrew was celebrated at Weston, Or., with a large public gathering in Masouio ball. . A aw steamboat. - At ths shipbuilding plant ol Hale & Kern, In Portland, the keel of hew steamboat has been laid. Ths new boat will contain the fine engines and ma chinery that were on the wreaked Stag- hound, which was purchased by Bale & Kein, some time ago. Cut On Bis Bight Hand. Freddie Libbe, 8 years old, acci dentally cut off bis right hsnd while playing with an ax at his father's home, near Astoria, recently. Velrbavea Has Second Flaeo. The earnings of the Great Northern depot at Fairhaven, Wash., show that it is the second station in importance now on that road weat of Spokane. The earnings showed an increase in the last nine months over the same period last year of 8110,000. A Train With S) 30,000 Aboard. It is estimated that the special train which leit Salem after the adjourn nient of the legislature had from 125, 000 to 830,000 aboard, scattered among members and employes of that recent lav-making body. The Indians Spring; ItarveafV The Indians have begun biinging into Antelope, Or,, wool and pelts, ol which they sell tons every spring. They gather them from sheen that die on the ranges during the winter. It is not an uncommon s'.;!;t to SO or 80 horses packed with wool and pelts in oharge ot. two or three old squaws, upon the streets in Alrlngton in spring time. Ts Build Kraperatlna riaas. N. A. Waldahl, ot Albany, is mak Ing inquiries ot the number ot aore of Italian prunes, the age of the trees, and the number of driera in the vioiu ity ot Bheridan, Or., with view to erecting a large evapoiating plant in the viomity of Sheridan this summer. Bar a Ropgrawen Ualoa. A movement is on foot to organise i hAiwrnvsn' union " In Polk ' ooiintv The object of the nnion will be the protection of the growera and the es tablishing of agencies in the central markets ot the united States. Will Maintain Its Hospital. Acting on advices received from Ma nila by cable, the California Red Cross Society has decided to continue the maintenance of its hospital station in that oily as long as the California vol nnteers remain in the Orient Point Wilson Portia cations. About ISO men are at work on the government fortifications at Point Wil son, at the noithern city limits ol Port Townsend. The force ia to ha increased as the work proceeds. . Bruit Tree KlUeeU W. H. H. Miller, who baa 80 acres ot 8-year-old prune trees three miles north of Eugene, Or., has had them ex amined by experts.who report them all killed by the recent cold weather. PACIFIC COAST TRAOK. Seattle Market. Onions, 80otl.10 per 100 pounds. Potatoes, $18(380. Beets, per saok, 75o. Turnips, per sack, 60(176e. Carrots, per sack, 46 660. Parsnips, per sack, $1. Cauliflower, 76$1.00e per doa. Celery, 86 400. Cabbage, native and California $1.86 per 100 pounds. Apples. 85 60c per box. Pears, 60c$1.50 per box. Prunes, 60c per box. Butter Creameiy, 86e per pound; dairy and ranch, IS (930c per pound. Eggs, 183100. Cheese Native. 180180. Poultry Old hens, 14c per pound; spring chickens, 14c; turkeys, 16a. Freeh meats Choice dressed beel steers, prime, 8c; cows, prime, 7c; mutton. Hc; pork, To; veal, 68o- Wheat Feed wheat, $30. Oats Choice, per ton, $33. Hay Piijet Sound mixed, $7.60(1 9; choice Eastern Washington tim othy, $13.601S. Corn Whole, $33.60; cracked, $34; feed meal, $33.80. Barley Roiled or ground, per ton, $35g36; whole, $23. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.60; strsightc, $3.36; California brrada, $3.86; buckwheat flour, $3.60; graham, per barrel, $3.60; whole wheat flour, $3.76; rye flour, $4.60. Millstnffs Bran, per ton, $14; shorts, per ton, $16. Feed Chopped feed, $30938 per ton; middlings, per ton, $17; oil cake meal, per ton, $36. Portland Marfeaa. Wheat Walla Walla, 67c; Valley, 69c; Bluestem, 61o per bushel. Floor Best grades, $3.80; graham, $3.66; snperfine, $2.16 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 41 43c; choice gray, 89 (J 40c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $23933; brew ing, $33.00 per ton. MiUstufts Bran, $17 per ton; mid diings, $23; shorts, $18; chop, $16.00 per ton. Bay Timothy, $899; clover. $7 98; Oregon wild hay, $6 per ton. 1 Butter Fancy, creamery, 60 3 660; seconds, 463 60a; dairy, 409460 store, 169300. . Cheese Oregon full cream, 11 Xo; Young America, ., 16o; new eheese, 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $394 per dozen; hens, $4.00 9 6.00; springs, $1.3633; geese, $6.003 7:00 tor old. $4. 50 5 for young; ducks, '$6,003 6.60 per dozen; turkeys, live, 169 16c per pound Potatoes 66 9 76c per sack; sweets, 8c per pound. ' Vegetables Beets, 90c; turnips, 76c per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab bage, $191,26 por 100 pounds; caoli flower, 760 per dozen; parsnips, 76e per saok; beans, 8c per pound; celery 7076c per doseiii. cucumbers, 60c per box; peas, $380 per pound. : Onions Oregon, 75o$l per sack. Hops 15 18c; 1897 crop, 4300. Wool Valley, 109 12o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 8912c; mohair, 38c per pound, ' Muttoj Qross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 4o; dressed mutton, 7Mc; spring lambs, 7c per lb. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.38; light and feeders, $8.00(94.00; dressed, $6.0036.60 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, 8.80$8.76; cows, $3.603 8.00; dressed beef, 66)c per pound. Veal Large, 6W37c; small, 8 9 9c per pound. an Francisco Market. Wool Spring Nevada, 109130 per pound; Oregon, Eastern, 1013o; Val, ley, 16317c; Northern, 99110. - Millstuffs Middlings. , $20 333.00; bran, $18.00310-00 per ton. Onions--Silverskiq,609 90cper sack. Butter Fancy. creamery, ' 37o; do seconds, 349 26c; fancy dairy, 2 80; do seconds, 30921c per pound. Eggs Store, 1 60; fancy ranch, 10922O." :':' 5' :- Hops 1898 crop, 18'91 60. Citrus Fruit- 'Oranges. Valencia, $3 33.60; Mexican limes, $5.60 8; Cali fornia Jemoas, 76c3$l,tS; do choioe, 13.60 per bjx. Hay Wheat, tl817.60; wheat enJ oat, $13916; oat, $14916; best bar ley, $13918; alfelfa, $13 14 per ton; straw, 40 9 70s per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, $1.009 1.10; Oregon Burkanks. $13$1.86; fiver Borbanks, 76o$l; Salinas Burbanks, $191.10 per saok. Tropical 'fruits Bananas, $1,969 9.60 per bunch; pineapples, $3,609 4.60; Petsian dates, 9(880 per pound, BT ItLtFI BOOT-BASB, A powder to be shaken Into ths shoes. At this aoason your feet feel swollen, ner vous and unoOuifortable. If you have amarttug fact or tight ahota, try Allen's Foot-Ease, It rests and 00m forts; makes walking easy. Cures swollen and sweating tVt, bi'a grid w'.ics spots, relieve corns and bunions of all pain and Is a cer tain our far Chilblains, Sweating, damp or frosted feet. We have over thirty thou sand testimonials. Try It tsday. Sold by alldruirgliifa and shoo atorec for 25c Trial rae JTita Address, Allen S. 01m- . 0 To Have Measure. Ot conrse we live to have ploasure and to avoid pain, and that is why so many use St. Jacobs Oil to ouis Rheu matism, quickly and suiely to get rid of it. It is the best cure. When coming to San Fmnolaoo go to Brooklyn Hotel, 2HH-212 Bush street, American or European plan. Boom and board 11.00 to f 1.60 per day ; rooms 80 cents to fl.W per iay; aiugio meais si veuts. Free coach. Chas. Montgomery. There are certain times in our life when everv lot seems preferable to our own, yet ws wouldn't change places it the opportunity weie really given us.- Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ing Bvrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. Queen Victoria has teen every throne in the world vacated at least once, some of them several times. JOHN POOLE. Postlsbd. Osteon. can give you the best baixnltia In general machinery. eiiKlnea. Doners, tanks, pumps. plows, belts and windmills. The new steel 1 XL windmill, sold by him, Is tin squalled. , Fresh blood is one of the ingredients of a new food for stock which is being manufactured in German faotories. " FOR MEN ONLY. DR. FOOTE & STAFF ISl ADAMS ST., CMC AGO. Mea reonlrtiur nnsornassed treatment should eoneali personally or by letter "Froe" with the pioneer and only exclusive men's specialists in Ihe untied Slates. PI senses of men snails the study of a lire-time, uiiftmunat.9 srerywrtere shouia Immediately oommonlcta with Dr. Foote, ol Chlcaro. Even-thina conrtdential. Kemedles Sent everywhere In sealed packages and teller. In ftaio euvetols. Correspondence aollclted. laical o rg I oal Medical and Blectrloal methods adopted, rtelustngthe stumach wilh drugs eban- aoned. Avotdaruge recommended by theuitau.1 thorlsad and aeli-etyled epeclaliAta In Western towns. Few genuine specialists lorate outside ol i Kew York or chlcaao. In these olliee vuur nrl. vale aSaira are safe. tTneauaird treatment Sir all dteeaaeeaad weakneesee of tbs Uetilto-Urtuary, Sesual, Reproductive and Nervous SyHtenuv 1 (il nedlments to ntarrhure removed. "Hvnhaln" paeluvely puriftea the blood, cures syphilis and M, MjnMd Mnu an hrwlv .mi ,runllna nn ehtn. ! also catarrh and rtaeomatlam. "VlKorala." ths' only permanent restorer and Invlgorator, gives . euree grip, si per bottls, S for Sk Trial bottles, titkar remedy, half price. visor 10 vital nrsana ano nerves, nrevents ana Tame snakes are used in Morocco to clear houses of rats and mice. Bare Car far Plies. Itehlnn Piles a known by moisture like per. sptrauon, canning mien., ucmns wnvn wariu. This form as well as Blind, Bleedtug or Protrudlne, yield at once to Ir. Boeanko's rile Itemedy, which acts directly on parts effected, absorbs tumors, al lays Itching and eflkcts a permanent cure. 60 eta. prusglMs or mail. Clrculare-trae. fir. Bosanko, inuiadelpaia, Pa. A Sicilian tribunal sentenced a noted forger to imprisonment for 189 years. Precious manhood Chronic, special and nrivate diseases ncieiitiHcallv treated and CURED by Or. K. M. RatclifTe, the cham rjion SDeriitllst of the Pacific coast. Urin ary and Kidney Troubles. Loat Manhood, Varicocele. Kupture, treated accorauig to latest and best methods known to medical science. Dr. E. M. Batcliile, 203 Morrison St., Portland, Or. Ssrs His Ccsiest The city clerk at Lewlston, Me., who always demands the written con sent ot parents before marrying minors, recently received the following nnique letter: "Mr. Clek, that girl of min she want to be mary and I done care a darn.' She got teller and they earn ten dollars a week 'tween 'em. He good feller. She all right. Von will mary them for me, and be much obliged." :' ''' ; la Old Mlseonrl. Mrs. Olive It is rumored among the neighbors that your husband beat yon last night Is it trne? Mrs. Poplar There isn't a word of tiuth in the report. He struck at me several times, bnt failed to hit me. Ton know, be played with the St. Louis nine last season. Chicago Evening News. The Last Resort. "Alter all, a mother-in-law is a prstty good thing to have sometimes." " What wonderinl experience have you been having lately?" "My wife was afraid to discharge onr cook, and she wouldn't go for me, so we sent for Birdie's mother and turned her loose in the kitohen. They smashed some ot the furniture, bnt the cook s gone." Chiosgo News. : : : ; ; '"V ' '", Wild Jastlea. - First and last the words "Revenge Is a kind of wild Justioe" have been quoted hundreds of times probably hi extennation of the lynching ; habit. The context ia never quoted. What Lord Bacon wrote-was "Revenge is a kind of wild justice which the more a man's nature runs to the more ought law to weed it out." Belentlfleallv Correct. "And when I proposed to hei she turned all the colors of the rainbow st once.' "How can yon make such a ridicnlons assertion?" "All the colors at once, if you have not forgotten your high-scbool lessons, yon ought to know make white.' Indianapolis Journal. . Luck. Policeman Mr. Rmartie, I have some bad news tor you. Your shop was burglarized last night, and thieves carried off everytting. Smartie Is that so? How luoky 1 am. It was only yesterday that 1 marked down my goods 26 per cent. Beet la Art. "She sent mea Catholio picture," said a woman whose friend bad sent ber a photograph of a Baphael "Ma donna and Child" or Christmas. New York Commercial Advertiser. An English syndicate lj negotiating for the purchase of all Mexican brew eries. .. ... WHAT ALAHASTina It. Alsbestlne la the original and oiy durable wall sea tin on the market, it la entirely different from all kaliomine preparations Alabastlne is made ready for use la white or twelve beautiful tints by the addition of eold water. It la pot np la dry powdered form, In Ave-pound packages, with full directions on every peokat-e. n takes the place of sealing tsleomlnea, wall paper and paint for walls. Alabaeilne can be nerd on plaster, brick, wood fr sanvaas , aad a child can brush It eu. ITIMS. OF INTEREST. A bill-board befoit a ohuroh In Pais ley, Scotland, contains this announce n.eii "nniv ahnrt Mtmnna delivered hara. Kiuullent uiuaiO. Tills ia the place to save your soul and be happy Walk In." London is very much stirred up ai In what it terma the "teleDhons mon opoly," and a recent resolution ot the hlghwnys committee asks or. tne postmaster-general categorically whether he docs or does not Intend to start "a really efficlont telephone servioe in op position to the monopoly." English railway people have finally outgrown their prejudice and are adopt ing the American "cowcatohei" la the front of their engines. A recent nooi .i . ..... k - falllnir In front Miaul, wmnu vj e ' . 'of an engine, and whioh a cowoatoher would have swept away, aoceieraieu the adoption of the American Idea. Not long ago a Frenchman and a clause in his will set forth his desire to bs conveyed to his last resting piece in a motor onr arranged as a hoarse. Also near Marseilles there was held an "electric christening," wherein the party consisted of nine -persons, who were conveyed to the ohurch in an alec trio carriage, A device designed for the greater comfoit of wheelmen ia a spring bat pin, shape.! similar to a hairpin and permanently atUohed to the rim ot the hat, the points projecting inward. They are self-acting and adjust them selves to the contour ot the head. They are hailed with delight by the male esootts, who have heretofore gal lantly playod the role of "hat chasers." Wild Buah of Diamond Minora. A wtld rush ol excited miners ts reported at Nallagtne, Western Australia, where diamonds k... rii.fnv.reit In larae Quantities, and It Is feaml that many will lose their lives In Ihe mad struggle lor riches. In this country ths rash for gain Is causing many other men to break down in health and strength. Ner. vouaneae, sleepleesnesi, loss of Sash and appe tite and general debility are the common evmptoms. HusMttsr'a stomach Bitters will ears thorn all. ' A law suit generally wears out at the pockets. , y' Wilt Get There, v. i- J ,).. a tk. HlattA nans. but St. Jacobs Oil will get there by vigorous rubbing, and will soothe the affected nerve and drive out the tor menting pains. The worst cases have been promptly cured. Some women weary themselves gray trying to look young. To Cure Gold la One Day Take Laxative Bromo Qtduine Tablets. All druggists refund money If it fails to cure, ifio, An ounoe ot flattery goes further with some women than pound of ad vice. riTa Permanently Cured. IfoStsornsrvoosaes Ml after flrst day's oso of Dr. Kline's Ureal B.rve Hcmorer. Bead for VKf- S.OO trial bottle and treaties. Hit. Jt. ItVUKJa, Ud. , M) Ar street, fhi delphla, fa. .. Kvnn a nnor writer can not little style into his oblrography by using a stub pen. V I. .... I. Mmnldta erithnnt A bot tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It ia a pure and wholesome stimulant rec ommended by all physicians. Don't ne glect this necesity. Whv does a woman always try to make yon believe that her last season's bat ia a new oneT tors' Told oa Lleet, There isa story told ot Llsct to tba effect that be was one day very bard on a pupil whose playing be condemned rathei severely. The pupil said she bad studied the piece under Mme. Schumann. To which Lisst replied: "Mme Schumann, Mme. Schumann! Yes, you have learned from her how one plays the piano when one has six childien poor woman, six children! In such burgeois life any great Inter pretation is impossible. You most play this piece differently when I am your master. Thank God, 1 have not six childien." A Right of Burial. Despite the giowing difficulty of finding space for the interment ol puc lio men witlhn the walls of Westmin ster, at least one noble lamily still en joys a prescriptive right of burial there. These aie the Dukes of Northumber land, who havs the exclusive nee of a paoiona vault in the Chapel of St. Nicholas. This vault, which was the last resting place of the Seymours, was opened as recently as 1888 to receive the remains ot Lady Percy, the elder sister of the present dnke. Vashoda'a Big Curat. Big game is said to be extraordinarily plentiful in the legion ot Fasboda. The liver swarms with crocodiles and hippopotami, while great herds ot ante lopes of various kinds and giraffes are frequently met with. The latter fact ia particularly interesting, as most of the geological gardens in the world are In want ot a specimen of the North African giraffe, which they have been nnabte to obtain, owing to the closing of the Cental Soudan for so many years.-:' ' ' . Chinese Commercial Methods. It is often said no Enropean can un derstand Chinese commercial methods. Here is a curious instance of the celes tial's inversion. A Chinese hotel keeper had contracted to board and lodge a visitor lor a dollar day. As time went on he found it impossible to get his weekly account settled. Bo he offered to maintain the guest for half a dollar a week. He said ha would lose less. London Chronicle. History. Teacher of the Future Who oan tell me who was Hobson? One of the Conntless Generation as Yet Unborn Please, he was the heio of the nieriy smack. Indianapolis Journal, . WHAT "KAI.OMtMXBn AAB Kalsomlnes are cheap and temporary pre par atlona, manufactured from whiting, chalks, clan, etc. They are stack on the walla with deeaylng Animal glue. Alabastlne la Dot a kaliomine. It Is a rock-base ewnent, which sets, and it hardsna with age. It can be re coated and re-decorated without having to wash and scrape off Its old eoats. Beware of a large four-pound package of light kslimmlne, sold to dealers for four pounds and offered te customers as a are-pound package. Locomotor AtcociaS Paralysis t v hA'TiirAaJ C (AM a tsars m Time extreme nervoui disoVder were treMed with vvonderM success by the dls coverer of Dr. Williams' PinK Pills for PU People, previous to his discovery beind oHet ed to the public generally. This remeQy i the only Known specific in many diseases th&t, until recent yem, were pronounced tur&ble, rtere ia the proof rwket a sturdy old Scotchmen living In Detroit, Mlrh, at W I..' crrd of Locomolor A K.I. by" these pills. l..r n.sny w. h. h.s been s chief eitsinrer of sirsmere nlv n upon I ie snrat isaes, . me - -i --- aihliUv I the anilrlv canars a treat nervous strain, lr. f rocket says I i "lmlbftivf4 hollers , w lihont a .In.le ac".ienl'sndonly noticed that 1 wss amine pervous. wtOriily wlihool war ih i lwssuicnslck.ana was prostrated, I had Ihe best of .nhy.l .Zl'l '.?, . J,.,t..nii. Unrae. At a council of doctors, they suhU hd ierw s prostration, and had destroyed my whole nervous system snd would neverTecow, For three veers was unable to mow frmn my bed. The doctor said I had locomotor stasia, and would never be able to walk """'The ps'ns and tirjerlnt I experienced during those years are almost lnderlbable. The friends that cams to see tne bid me aood bya when theylen me and I wss liven up. The doctors said aolhlna more could be aVne.M? wife kept resdlt.s to ... articles about Pr.WlllT.rns' I'lnk fills for Pale people. We Snally decided to try theta. Ths first boa ' me relief. I continued lo use them for about two years before I could atrcuirth enoush to walk. I ant nearly seventy-n vs years old and there Is not a man In this Tclty that cun kick hleher or wdlk further titan lean end today I owemr preentge4 health to Dr. Williams' fiuk .'ilia for Pale People for they saved toy rue." rM aeeai v yinn i j ,i m t fyrmym m tBf'Mf s a-.i V , The Genuine mc sold only in PoAkades Like This AddrcM th Oft.VauAM MtoiciHi Company, Schmectady, HJiM Where Kubber Comes from. Tha mlnolnal ruhliei-nrodnotns reoinn la the val lev of the Auiasou, the greater portion ol the rubber of com merce com inn from Braall, Venezuela and the the United States of Colombia. Much, however, is contributed by Central America and Mexico. The product ot Africa is steadily Increas ing, and the planting of many tnou snnda of rubber tiees in India under government supeivision will soon place that country prominently in the list ol rubber-growing; lanus. A ainspla Kennedy. Pour the white ot an egg over burn or a scald, tor nothing is mote sooth ing. It makes the softest varnish, and being always at hand, can be applied immediately. Anything which ex cludes air from a burn, and prevents inflammation, Is tha beat thing to ap ply at once. The aeRteaate military eipsnditnre of the British empire has advanced during the last DO years from about 3S,J5O.O0O to close upon 60,000,000. For 30 Day You Can Try It for SO Cents. DBEUQATISD 4g IIS ! CURED BT Spent Hundreds of Dollars Trying to Cet ..... .... ,a ia w t a ..... .J 'In skavntee i TV 4311, uui aiii in J ""V-1! Two Montn IT 101 0 Thousands lrff l" al S. VI nillVII as.w T nWiKHni frnaua asaliaJ u.w T wtu ..t. that I IrtKMlo In trytna to set well, but all In vain, until my brother-in-law save me one bottle nf " DKOltP'on trial last June, I urd it for two months, and lata nowawvll man. I curtalnly believe It Is all yon claim lor It, and fully worth the money to anyone. I hot the publle will benelit by my statement ol my own ease, and anyone wishing to wrilo me will remh-e an antwor. CRUTCHI8 OESTROYtO AfTIR jKST.'Tfc'riov. 1J, vm. IWAKBON RHEUMATIC CtJBIt CO., l7Pearrrt., Ohleago, Ill.i SiKs-My wife has beon nlfcrlna two yeara wilh Kheumatlsm. Hhe could not net alwut at all. Bhe has need about one bottle of "A IiKOI'H," aud can now so alx-ut without crutches. 1 never have ftmntl anythlns that did bar so much food, and I bona to be able to continue the treatment until she Is entirely well. JAMKH Wll.UAMH. As a positive enre for Rheumatism, Helatlea, Nenralala, Dyapepala. ttaehaeha, Aath ma. Hay Vevor, Catarrh, Mleeploasnaaa, Nervouaneaa, Nnrvousaud Neiiralale Mead aohas. Heart Weaknesa, Toothaoha, faaraohe, Croup, a wall Ills', La Urlppe. Malaria, Creepluar fiutnbnoas, eto., oto. "PlVg OROrvS" hsi nsvsr keen asualsd. "R DBflfft" taken bnt once ailey la d. of thu great rainwly and to enable all sufHsrers I 9 e)S tlf make a trial of Ita wonderful evrativepropertlta, we will semi out duriiis the neat thirty day., luMOO sample bottles, tto each, prepaid by mall. Even a sample buttle will convince you of ita merits. Meat anil oiieapeal mwllclne on earth. large buttles (Sun dim) f t.W for SO days buttles for S2.4U. Sold only by us and our agenis. Asants wanted In new territory. Wrlta us today. SWaNSOH HHKUWATIO fCRSl CO., 107-1 AH Dearborn St., (IIIUU(ll), ILL. TEETH WITHOUT PLATES Kootct Orownetl. Brlilaraf Miiw. Dr. T. H. White, CUTIFR'SCIHHnLlTFGFI0O!aF 0nrantd cur for Urp, Catnrrh and Con- .. in nm..,i.. r'ii isi tv ti e.ii i. UlllV'wlVISe AU UBJKiniSIt fl.VU, W 11, BWIU Buffalo, N. Y. aola woprtotur. 7 f tsaTMncet" wtniaiMeHs w""" or cultivation wnmma om iniwiin .l-.H a.ai thm orilBi exiftt of the beet ssmds beb.d. The twt t .lw)fi lha aeatfli, Pe tfifle inufs fuf onn, r ;e otmus i Tstrywhtfre. Alwsvys ta feinAiiou . tv aVlAlf. 1 'IhJ.fllift-! Oaf ; Keta Calendar Watch FOII 1809. Olves the time, day, date, month and ohanres of the moon. Hanrtnoma, aoottrate, durable. If jrou are a good sucnt write ns Immediately for uartiotilarit and our nneilal bicvcla oremlnra offer, PACIFIC COAST HOMB iWVlX CO., Temple Court, Spokane, Wash. JPE GU3E K FILES , as wen 1 as liliad. Blend in or Prritriidlnar fUss are tarc4 bf Dr. Boianko'j Rammdf tups ItRhlna: and bteetltnff. Atarbs tnrsora, bttc laratriruffsriteorMut by mall. Trnstlsa free. rVriw MaKratuurMe 1H. BOB AM JtO Ptiiuaa fav THR TKESTLB BOARD." ft PER year: weekly, ft cental monthly, it) cents. Bold by all newsdealers. Olllce, eUB Cali fornia Hi., San IrancUuo, CaL CHUKCHK8 AMD SCHOOLHOUgftS. The Interior walla of churches, ichoolhonses and all public halls should never be coated with anything bnt the durable and pure Ala bastlne. Bo evident has this fact become, that hundreds of tons are twed annually for this work. The genuine Alabaatlne does not rub or scale off. It Is cleanly during the long period of Its ncf illness. Every owner of a building shonld e it. Ask your paint denier or druytfc-lut for card of tints, and write for free copy of our paner, Alaluuiiliia Xra, to Alabaitius Co., Urend, aajiids, Ulvh. pw paper f are the r ,-. 5 V tltur A t'V- r one of those big peswner Piw 60 cents per box at Ml druggists or ,ent direct by rno.il.-' roland's Oldest Choreh. The oldest Christian structure In Ire land is a remarkable building, evi dently very ancient, bnt wonderfully well praeorovd, at Dingle, In oouuty Kerry. It Is popularly known as tha "Oratory ot Oalloiua." Who Uallertis was history does not say, but as the oratory baa stood praotloally uninjured for more than 1.000 years, he was probably one of the converts of Bt, Patrick. . : ' Lege as Digestive Or (a as. Chomel knew what be wss talking about, says the Journal of Medioine, when he said that a man digests ss muoh with his legs as with his sloin aub. (or we know that exercise tanill- tales nutrition, inoieascs the elimina tion of waste products, promotes appe tite, and, nnder proper conditions, is an aid to digestion, The house of Capet has the longest unbroken succession in the mala Hue- from Hugh Capet, king ot France in 887, to Louis Philippe's abdication In 1848. " , - . wands vaou w vravrs iw. ' Now Completely cured. of Cratef ul Letters Received CAlliuInn mesa Samnlaa! w.w wi,,ee.ww OK1NNKI.L, IOWA, KOV. 17, WW. RllKfTMATirj Clllta CO.. (-hln.en III. I OaHTt.S. had tha Hhenmall.m over S'i veara. nnent over CURE YOURSEin fV- w-f !. Ul. aia t... ..e..-l rJal tHavharvmi, .titlamttiaduBa, Irriuiitma or ukerstitxia Prensts eeatetM. PaiulfMMy, en. uol Mlrift irH(EMMCl,lf!Mfl0e or POtst-noiU. UwomMTl.O.f """1 MI fcy iMtWbnt, . I te Mriuuir, ; lr e.prsma, srepaid. lot Ciruulsr asm a iia ofisGonri'S'TErnLLs ONS FOR A DOSE. Core Sh Headsche snd Irpej.i, Heinove llmplDiand Purify tha Bl;d, Aid KigoiitiansndPreveiitMlllou.ness. Its not Ortpe ornlcken. To convince you, we will mail ample free, or full bus for Me. Pit. 1IOMAMKW CO., Philada., fauna. Hold by IMuggtaije. YOUNG MEN! Kof (tViiiritTbt.aMt and OlmH BTwt Plitti OksT BteI(lSi It m ths ONLY mfKllmne wlii ti wiii curs u t and everf vum. NO OARM known It hns ever fallen. Co oure, no lnattr how m-riuu or at bow Jung stendlnir. Slesitltal from u ua wtil mUmlMh y;i It 1 afi-iut5y rvs.fr, prfmit ftiiii'ttire, and ma Im mkaa wtt,l4. ItHiOiJ' iiifntT) and i U ntitm front bti4nt. fKlcB, S Oft. Jr" sale bjr nil iwllAblo dntKirlirts, or mnt ptuuOd bgr nprw, . .77 , A OH&kniAL CO., ilttA VJL DRIVE IT OUT. Take the impurity out of yonr blood. Ifakt new, rich blood with KOOHE'S FIVFiLtO REf'ECY Contains no alcohol ot spirits of any kind; ns I ....... 1 t , '. ...... . ...I .,1 . . .' .!,. , per bottle at your druggist's. RUPTURE CURED. We guarantee to flt every ease wa undertake. Doul put It off; write for particulars at onoe. !. H. WOOIIAKII Co., Kxper Truss fritters, lot Beoond Street, Portland, Or. M. r. N. V. MO, -'. w BKN wrltlnw to advertlaars please B EJECT THM "JCH A OOOV." The dealer who tells yo that ha can sell you the "same thing" as Alabastlne or "something Jutt as good," either Is not posted or Is trying to deceive yoit. In offering something he has bought choap and Is trying to sell on Alabaa. tine's demands, hs may not rcHlUe the'ls"f"r to himself as well at to you. Beware of all new aulwtitiiMis. Dealers rik a anil for dni!e "T soiling and consumers by tmlng an Infringe ment. Alabastlne Co. own the rlut to m and sell wall coatings adaptsd to uiia with of Water, SaS assa (' "linaajBsaHBipain asswa -nrzz -.HiiliaiiSnaf