iR't star ti. AVe tiun't liar to wait, tor cold, sore. fur, ftrtj stiffness will com on from escwsive usurolse, but it will go Immo bility))' after nuing bt. Jacobs Oil to soften and atreu.llien the triuJ A Mara ronmnHty. "Do you know that in Russia a man dtwsn't beoome of age until lis la 88 years old?" "Yea, and as fnr bin citizenship it eoticnrned it doesn't do him much good to bncome of ago even tlieu."- Cleve land Loader. Sailnheum,. I Hands Would . Crack Open "1 cannot say too mneh In Z praise ol Hood'e Sarsaparilla, aa X it haa worked wonder in mr X case. I was afflicted with salt T 1 rheum on my banda for many X years. I tried many remediee 2 but did not obtain roliet My hnnda would crack open and f Meed prolntiely and the pain was terrible to bear. Since taking X Hood 'a Sarsaparilla the flesh has healed and my banda are aa 1 smooth a a farmer 'a bands could be. I have recommended J Hood's Sarsaparilla to my friends. and aa far aa I can learn it has proved satisfactory." LLOYD B. CHASE, Potteraville. Mass. X Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best medicine for salt rheum that X money can bay. All dealers. ' Shoppy. His danghter Yes, the story ends In the same old way; they marry and lire happy ever after. The furnitnte man Aht Antique finish! Indianapolis Journal. CATARRH CANNOT B CtTKEI With local applications, as they cannot reach the aratol the disease. Catarrh, is a blood or constitutional disease and in erdar to core it you most take internal remedies. Hail's Ca tarrh Cure U taken internally, and acuuilwctly on tbe blood and macsiu suriecu. Hall's Ca tarrh Care Is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by on of the best physicians in this country for rears, and Isa regular prescription. It ik composed of lb beat tonics known, com bined with the best blood purifiers, acting di rectly on the mrKxms surfaces. Tbe perfect combination of the two ingredients is what pro duces rach wonderful results ineurinsaatanh. bend for testimonials, free. F J. l.'HKNKV 4 CO., Proprs., Toledo, O. Bold by druKKists, price 76c. Kails Famil) tili are the best The Kile baa a fall of only six inches in 1,000 miles. Schillings Best tea sold only in Botanists say that there are upward of 60,000 varieties of plants. To Core s Col In On Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All drnnrisu refund money if it fails to cure. c A physician declares that people who sleep with their mouths sbnt live longest. ; : riTt Permanently Cured. No fltaornervousoes ril after first day's UM of Dr. Kline's Ores Kerve Restorer. Send for FKk K S'.OO trial bottle and treatise, lift. A. BU WOM. Lid, SOS Areb street, BiUadelpnia, fa. The Mexican dog ha no bair. The hot climate makes auoh a covering su perfluous. - .- ' No household to complete without a bot tle of tbe famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It ia a pure and wholesome stimulant rec ommended by all physicians. - Don't ne glect this uecessitv. Experiments to reproduce dead men's festnres from their sknlls are being made in Oermany. When coming to San Francisco go to Brooklyn Hotel, 2U8-212 Bush street. American or European plan. Boom and . board 1.00 to $1.60 per day ; rooms 60 cents to $1.00 per day; single meals 25 cents. Free coach. Cluu. Montgomery. A Norwegian engineer has invented a process for producing paper glue, dressing gum and soap from seaweed. TEE EXCELLENCE CP SYRUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, bnt also - to the care and skill with which it ia manufactured by scientific processes known to the Califobkia, Fio 6 riser Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. A the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the California Fier Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will . assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the CAM roBNiA Via Svkup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrnp of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken Ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the. Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM VRalfOWCw. OaL Lecisvux. Ky. ' ... saw reus. Y. -.;t tuX Itot 1'fwtS. TllftUM 0(Xt, i.ilil bT (lrii!.'i-ut. ' Best ( i- fh hi Packages ,'f A hr t . i 1 v J JT" 1.9 I IT C: I m I I Bi u! It GEOROK WASHIXOTOX, the hero, has always obscured Ueorge wasmngton ties of the msn made the hero. Whenever the two characters have been distinguished they have e fpara studies, with the result that one class of writers make him s sublime genius and the other great by circumstances. Washington was as great in wisdom and foresight and as nnerring in if" as be waa a. a soldier. His physicsl endowments, his qualities of mind, h.s habits, education and "V'-i round him out and develop him into a perfectly balanced man. No one faculty being developed above j ano 'r "e h' ' a simplicity th.t appeared commonplace, but it was the simplicity of genius. Though a man of great dlgwty J JW spprosched. An aristocrat by lineage he was a man of the people. Kxtremo y modest h - was fond of CJ2 motiy. Though his outdoor life aa a surveyor, a soldier and a farmer gave him a roach "-Jto h robust health it did not quench hi. taste for gay uuiforma or fashionable apparel, at he was not 1 re Jroi vamty apparent in the thirty odd portrait, of himself, a few painted in the eff.t gent regalia of - " SL dT.t tt. a cavalier. He w.a a. straight as an Indian, six feet two inches tall, with large IJ!' f" Sell munm! hips; feet large, requiring a No. 11 shoe, and Lafayette said his hands would hsve been a curiosity for a medical museum. This msy explain why he rarely shook hsnds. He weighed 210 pounds. . , tonrnal . To his clothing Washington devoted much thought and attention, not only as a young man. but jfSJta -written when he was sixteen has several long and elaborate entries about bow "to have my joati .mad. In 1754 he record, h.ving bought a "auperene blue broadcloth coat with silver trimmings," "6 pr. of JV't. f..Wo? During prs. of fashionable mix'd or marble color'd lk hose' It Is evident thst he always strove j to be f the fashion. During Wsshinaton's nresidency a caller describes him as being dressed in purple satin, and at one of his lews, n w ciaa in full dress, powdered snd gathered behind In a large silk bag; yellow glove, on hi. Iab , rueA hat with a cockade in it, the edges' sdorned with a black fealher about an inch deep. He wore xnc ana 'iX .d TL. sword witi a finely wrought and polished steel hilt: the scabbard was whit polished leather." Wherever bapne7to TtoxfitbbSZ w constantly demanding a washerlady. The bill of hi. laundress for the k eaJedln to .uguStion w.a for "6 ruffled shirts. 2 plain shirts, 8 stocky 3 pair silk hose. 2 whi , hand 2 .1k T.nd lwflanl drawers. 1 hair nett." He drove from hi. residence to the Senate In a cream-colored chariot with richly MOnted Panels! Htobotblack once failed to polish the general's huge boots all the way up- task performed every morn in .nd the father of hia country beat the luckless darky over the head with them. . TashinUn was not'tere He wanted John Marshall, afterward the famous Justice to run for Congress snd sent tnr him to exriainhto wishes. Marshall told Washington he was too poor, he could not afford to give up hia business and fmrPense Whitlm. opposing Washington's wishes Marshall say. he never received such a torrent of abuse In nut lift HTreareS I WashingtonNrould jump on him from across the table, but the row ended in Marshall remaining WashlnaW then running for Congress and being elected. Washington was thoroughly upright IIS honest In his deslinw with men. James I'arton said he hsd a genius for rectitude. Jefferson, who did not bk. him. dd hto7sUcJ the mi taflexible he had ever known and that no motive, of friendship or hatred wer. able to bia. "i drisio " Washington was a faithful attendant at church and was a vestryman, but he took no activ. part In church affairs outside its business relations. . WHERE HONOR IS DUE. If yoa please, you may land George BP to As thl man who won battles and never told Too nay tell of hia virtues In story and How neDcarefuUj alfted the right from the Of Wsrwidom In eonnsel, hut bravery In How "drove the grim British 'away from Yon may 'cherish forever Wa hat sad his And to the skies our brav. Washington Long, tong may we hold him an example to For hon'esty, temperance, courage and truta. While we gaze with delight on a structure Ut ns honor the builder who drew out the And added, through years of Infinite care. Small stone opou iui, And Uiodu tnle may be but a girl's point of Let s"glv credit where It la certainly And pluck from hia laurels one leaf for an- So three cheers for our George, and four for nis mntner. -Tooth's Companion. WASHINGTON'S SECRETARY. Tobias Lear. Who Witnessed the First , , President' wsis. When Gen. Washington died on Dec. 14, i-rn t,i. nrivat secretary. Mobias lar, ,mt down and wrote a full account of the melancholy event. Hia account is a most Imnortant document to Diograpnera, uui . . . . 1 in it has rarely, it ever, to Kuu..... -full and the manuscript has been supposed lost. . :. Tobias tesr wss born at Fortsmoutn, N. H- Sept 10, 1702, and died at W asn- ington. D. C Oct 11, 1S10. ue was graduated from Harvard In 1(83, and in 1785 became private secretary w nr..i.t. In 1S02 he was appointed consul general at Santo Domingo, und In 1804 consul general at Aigiera. u he negotiated a treaty of peace with Trip oli. Col. tear's manuscript, above re ferred to, ha been supposed to b lost, but the editor of McClure' Magazine bus discovered it In the possession of a de scendant of trie writer, ano pnnta ti en tirely. Col. Lear describes Washington s last moments as iouowss in nVlnrlt ha made severs! at tempts to speak before he could effect it At length he sam: i sm jnsi going; un me decently buried, and do not let my Krxlr he nut into the vault in less tbsn three days sfter I am dead.' . "I bowed assent, for l coma not speaa. He then looked at me again and said: 'Do you understand me?" : : "I replied, 'Yea.' " "Tis well,' "Old he. "lUi.t m minutix hefore he exnlred (which wss between 10 and 11 o'clock) his breathing became easier; he lay quietly; he withdrew his band from mine, and felt his own pulse. I saw his countenance chsnge. I spoke to Dr. Craik, who aat by the fire. He came to the bedside. The general's hand fell from the wrist I took it in mine snd put it into my bosom. Dr. Cralk DUt his hands over bis eyes. . And t.A nlM,d withmit a strnirirle or a atah "whit wa were fixed In silent grief. Mrs. Washington (who wa. sitting at the foot of the bed) asked with a firm and col lected voice: is he gone f "I could not speak, but held op my band mm m ntrnAl that he was no more. " 'Tis well,' said she in the same voice; all la over, ana l snail soon ioiiow mm I have no more trials to pass through.' " Simple in HI Tastes. George Washington was simple In bis tastes, and during his youth be was hearty eater, but was not particular aa to what be had. He wanted plain food and plenty of it, Puring hi later year be J 4 i ate very little. Hia breakfast at Mount Vernon was of corn cakes, honey and tea, with possibly sn egg, and after that he ate no more till dinner. He kept, how ever, a good table, and usually had friends with him. A book written by Maclay gives his experiences when he wss in the I'nited States Senate at the time Wash ington was President. Maclay dined with Washington a number of times, and scat tered through his diary are bits of gossip about Washington. WASHINGTON A3 AN OLD MAN A are Found Him Nobly Generous-Dignified at All Time. "Ton will meet, sir, an old gentleman riding alone, in plain drab clothes, a broad-brimmed white hat, a hickory switch in his hand, and carrying an um brella with a long staff, which is attached to the saddle-bow. That person, sir, is Gen. Washington." This delightful por traiture of Washington in his old age, when the storms had passed snd life ran In quiet groves by the side of his beloved Potomac, was drawn by young (Justis, adnnted son of the patriarch, and Intend e,l to assist the recognition of Washing ton by a gentleman who bad asked to be directed to him. The wish of Washington when old "to more gently down tne stream or lire unui I sleep wltn my tamers, was grantea. And vet. his latter days at Mount Ver non were busy days; for, every morning, rain or shine, he would mount bis horse and make the circuit of his farms, a dis tance of between twelve snd fifteen miles. Not a field or orchard, barn or cabin, wood or clearing, but what passed dally beneath his watchful eyes. His Journal tells of a morning spent in teaching a rebellious coral honeysuckle vine to entwine the trunk of some stately forest tree; of the clearing away of the underbrush from a grove of favorite pines; of making drills for the sowing of holly-berries, etc Each day he gave personal directions to his overseers, regulating almost with the care of a father the busy life of the negro world, and sometimes even attending di rectly to their needs and complaints. In a field of tbe richest grass and clover Mount Vernon could afford, a tali old sor rel horse, with white face and legs, crop ped, in it season, Inxurlant herbax THB WASHINGTON COAT. f 9A or stood meditatively. In tbe shade, doubt less dreaming of passed glories. Kvery day while making hia round of the farms, Washington never fsiled to stop before this field, lean over tbe fence and call, Nelson." At the sound of his voice the old steed would prick up his ears and run neighing a greeting, to curve bis neck under the caressing touch of his master's hand. This was the war horse. Nelson, whose strong limbs had borne bis master safely through the carnage and tumult of many a bloody battle to the crowning honor at Yorktown, where, sitting on his bsck, tbe commander-in-chief of the American ar mies had received the surrender of Lord Cornwsllis. In this active, unostentatious way passed tbe last years of the noblest man of his age perhaps of any ag. KNOCKED WASHINGTON DOWN. Father of His Conntry Olvea a Black Eye by a Virginia Politician. Washington was an eminently fair man. He had a quick temper, but as a rule he kept it under control. Sometimes, how ever, it got the best of him. This was the case once in Alexandria, Vs., when Washington waa knocked down by Lieut. t'ayne. I'.yne was a candidate for tbe legislature against Fairfax of Alexan dria. Washington supported Fairfax, and wnen ne met x'ayne Be made a remark that Payne considered . an Insult, and rayne knocked him down. The atorv went like lightning through tbe town that Col. Washington was killed, and some of his troops who were stationed at Alexan dria rushed la and would have made short work of I'ayne had Washington not ore. rented them. He pointed to bis black eye and told them that this was a personal matter and tbat tie knew how to handle it, -Every one thought that this meant a duel. The neit day Payne got a note from Washington asking him to come to the hotel. He expected a duel, but went Washington, however, was in an amiable mood. He felt tbnt he had been in the wrong, and said: "Mr. Tayne, I waa wrong yesterday, but if you bare had suf ficient satisfaction,- let us be friends." There was a decanter of wine and two glasses on the table which Washington had ordered to smooth over the quarrel, The two drniik together and became inch strong friends after that that Payne was one of the pall-bearurs at Washington's funeral. Gen. Washington's Conrtesy. In the Century there 1 an article by Martha Llttleficld runups, giving "Recol lection of Washington and ills Friends The author Is a granddaughter of the youngest dangbter of tlen. Nathaniel Greene, and she tells the following story In the words of ber grandmother, concern ing a visit of tbe latter to Washington at 1'hiladelphlai "One incident which occurred during tbat visit was so comical in Itself, and so characteristic of Washington, that I re call it for your entertainment. Early in a bright December morning, a droll-looking old countryman called to see tne rresl- dent. In the midst of their Interview breakfast wss announced; and the Presi dent invited the visitor, as was his hos pitable wont on such occasions, to a seat beside him at the table. The visitor drank his coffee from bis saucer; but lest any criof should come to the snowy damask, he laboriously scraped the bottom of bis cup on the saucer'a edge before setting it down on the tablecloth. He did it with such audible vigor tbat it attracted my at tention, and that of seversl young people present, always on the alert for occasion of laughter. We were so Indiscreet as to allow our amusement to become obvious. Gen. Washington took In the situation. and immediately adopted bis visitor' method of drinking his coffee, making th crape even more pronounced than th one he reproduced. Our disposition te laugh was quenched at once," flR. JOHNSON 5 GREAT STRENGTH And Bow lis Developed tne Fewer Handle thirty Ions Weight f !. bar Aero., a .w Will rio Dally. iiiuiuvvittv r iw Tie. ftari'lh! ,,... ....i I.,.,,,,. trMtiiitit for the past tow months l wrought almost a miracle on m. When 1 fust cam to vou I was snout crasy imm : t ... ,..,)! u, ml, la in work. Now 1 am strong and hearty, and abls tt the w mill ftwr every dtiv. H U ft won- a r.t 1 I fit is till mn with U my bt'ttrt, I will eUiul by you d a... ai.... r A l.ltitMttit M'hO formerly Uvtd In Hftlem, Or. .now here. h never lmd a return of her tlvHfiitfM of U ycftr' Kinmthig, cured by yow two yearn ago, UnMuUv youw. u t TrttIvuAW ViiAnuua j. ivAA''a.-v.v lr. Parrlu'e Hytm of Trewmen. vi..i.:iu i.a (.ua.ttf t.ut iif thii ll.ih rl. tury, i well worth the patient yearn uf i.1 .. ..I ... -...1 .l.a..Hi...Ul. ItskVa. IIlTUHllUI Kill Him CAreninoii ...m. 1,1 beu tfivim to it by aome of the ablet ,m A a yl.,.o.l v,.liina ..f HrtniltM. flail- Bim IlltirtK IIPIIIH'U v WHS. . va - ana, Volt. Humboldt, andothera equally .......a In ati4vilts till i ..f Sr.iai atflnnil tratt. IM11I iMiuitiniiriia " -o- --- : then Mors gave It a physical value in i. i :...r ..f .U. ,alu,,n.,vh Aliri nrtW. as w have become tiinilllar with the .. lt..l,,i,l,iff himtlhiir auniati fi... , obedient to the .lightest touch of man, we see a new wmiusr i v" , i .tinrr (iiMt-hikittNtii. directs tbi. subtle force to the destruction of oiseus ana me ouiiunia up ui mi vitality. Dr. Parrln treats with electricity and medicines an curaoie wn,i and private diseases, blood taints, lost or .-,' . , i . ..... .t.l.iti,. sftnjta inning maiinuwi, iwhump Hruuiv,,.-. ot errors, or excesses, in old or young; loss of roemorv, diseases caused by mer cury in the Improper treatment of private J;.' .bis &l..n,a..t. . t Ninl Puff. tr.,r. iiunll.liillv- aveiilmrs. 7 to a- Kiiixlava. 10 to 13. Conciliation free and conntieuitai; question uiunaa an" vir eulars sent grati. to any address; pal lent, cured at home. Batteries and belts fur nished. TI,a ara in find native mi till. In the Sunday ichoola ot the Fiji islands. JOHN riHlS. ron.AHD, URTOOB, can give you the best bargains In general plows, belt, and windmills. Th new steel I X 1 windmill, sold by him, i. uu- etuaiittu. Tha nn littla lalamla of Zansibar and Pom pa furnish four-fifth, of tbe olove. consumed by the world. , - Bvary One Kaows. Whv trifle with a .Drain when every ona Icnnwa that St. Jacob Oil used ia tbe worst case will so strengthen the Injuied muscln aa to make it in neii remedy for thl. dreaded pcln. Malleable glass, a patented artiole, it now used to fill decayed teeth. FOR MEN ONLY. DR. FOOTE & 8TAFF let ADAMS IT., IHItlAUU, Wan rnnlrtn nnruasi a treatmtnil .honM niuult n.rMn.iIv or bv letu-p -It'ra' Wllh tlia piuawar aal only .Eoluslva men's itpt!iail.t. la the lloltad Htatta. Illsaasea of men mails the stody or a unvtlina. u nfnriunat.n ST.rywn.ra shoam iniiultlyoonaiuni'tt. wllh lir. foot, of Vhtcairo. KTerythin. uontl(lntlal. Hemilns ml in 1mI packases and Utt.r. In Slain imvelopes. Corrmpoud.nca lollcilao. latitl araloal. Medical and Kleetrlaal metbotls a4optML Delusms Ui. .tomath wltto Urusa ahaa eon.0. AvoiUUruss by lli. unau Uioriud and arll-.lyied iwrlallsu In Wrnxra lowna Fw geniilna snMiallMa lucata oui.tih ol W.w Vork or t lilio. la thra dim yourprl'. Vnaqualr4 ftr all aiMtaiuaand HMtHafl or Ilia tlxtilto-Urtuary, (totual, H.productiT. and N.rvnusB)"iuna im piMllni.nta to niarrlim r.niov.d. 'Srphal" puallimy uurlSxa th. blood, cures ayphUM and renwvas all whit, nloers In Ihroai or moaUi, oi BHminMdiiiMi on bodv and eruntiooaon skin. also catarrh and rh.onwtlain, ' Vlaorala," ha only potniMwot wmmi and lnvi.uraur, flvs vl.or to vital orsans and n.rviM. nrsvanta and enrnarlp. SI pr bui., nf ts, Tnal tutua. ctuier ranaoy, uaii vtkw. Female Sab of all species aie con siderably more numerous than male, with two - exception the angle! and the catfish. Enlarged Prostata Cored. The Bane of Old Age No Losger To Be Dreaded. Jl Kan Eighty-two Tear of Ag Oared In Dixie, Ark. One of the oldest ami bast known men la Perry Coauty has tbe utlifaetlon of enjoylne- perfect health afMr sutlertug for mora tliao Ifteea yeare witn enrouin promaiio eniarao. pent anil Inflammation, antl will cheerfully lau anyone uuw 11a aaa curvu. Ms. II. f W want this to reach the eyes of every reader f this paiier. sir. it. i. Trunuic, inxtu, r welxhty two years of aire, as hale and. Iiearty a nan of his age as can lis found In the Htatc ot Arkansas; In fact, lis looks as yount aaaman f sixty years, for more than fifteen year Mr. Truuille was a slave lo nrosuiiln lilftesse. you men who are fflli lcd know whnt It mean the dars or unrest, we mama oi tortura ana uneasiness, the tialu, the frequent cails to pnss nur and the liinlillitv to do so. II could icarcelygetaliout the house, feeble, trembling Ind raised witn psin rrom ucao to root. In this condition ho read the startllne sn. soiinceincntla his paper thst a marvelous new method for curing prostatic disease hsd lieen llri-overed. Ho wrote to tbe address alven for full particulars, snd at onee olttnlncd ths rmlv! In lo.s thsn ton davs more he had the Mtlsfsctlon of exixinenciiig rener. ins etw was chronic, deoi seated, ani the chances of recovery on si-cnunt of his sue were sgstnst htm. Yet sixty dsys of continuous use of th famous flolvent-Altersns method cured him. t oil men who are aAlti'ted can hare the ssme ixmrlence t( you do what Mr. Trundle did ; he 0Hd Molveiit.Altersn,a new-method treatment, (tlsdescrlueri In two nicoly wrIUen books which rou enn get free of charao, by mall, by sending roiir nsme and addrcxs to the Kmiitre Medical tomiiany, IIS M, 8niltn ilntlillna-, Boston, Mas. It won't cost you s rent lo act the Infornistlon, tnd It msy bo worth hundreds Is you. Write to-day, and refer lo tins article. Oar New Calendar Watch FOR ; 1899. Olres th time, dsy, date, month and chanties of the moon, iisiidnome, accurate, durable. If yon ars a nooo sucnt wnw ua imniauiawiy I(r nartlciliarB ami onr i-"-i i. p offer. FACIKIC COA8T IIKMB HUFFLY CO Tempi Umirt, Hkau , rvasn. i MACHINERY For Mills, Mlns, Shops and r"arrns,8tel Jxig. gins snd Hointlng Engines; HoeChlwl Tofth flaws, Albany Oresie. etc TATUr.l&DOYVEf. 27 to SA First Rtrset Portland, Or. at-iisiiriiuivuisirviit ban irraucltoa. fl t. - ; I I 1? . , . . fM.MlaSi vrwmi - - - - niannWhoi pooketbook li that yon ar advertising forT jiuinon- mine, 01 - ,i unxirxthnnk containing - we wsiii v.,-. a roll of notes and a large nnmbotel check and soouritlot. Huder can kwr the money if be will leturn paper.' Get out I Xu "" i -" ul " or a ohook once a yesr." . ... ... .1 . 1 1 I Im ft.htll "No-o, but Bfrtiia ajuiiiuii a takei tbe patter I advertised the lo . ... .1.... M.I ,ia,l lM.l,l,llfc. in, and lie 11 see mm ''"" Sue?" Hompul Where did you got the money to pay for that big ad' "Bertha lent It lo me, bias her. Tit-llita. '. . .; t ....... UH la a recent Invention ' 1 UIVHB fa, .-. and Is aald to promise much In tne way oi inferior venuianuu. Our Poller of Tarrltorlal K.pansloa. . Au.i...i.,a m ivMiatlna the a.xrnina aiuir-..iv- - -- - V 7: r adultloa of Canada lo this country, end think .. .. - ....,..,..1 ntMltllHF It can OS eceumpHsnsu m .f'.".;; mi.rm wllh Knslatirt. Itoanbssi-cumpltsliCa m a peacai V , Hrn-h (tm UMtls cat for th " siaies manshlp, Just ai, eoitsllpatlon. liver , 1 li 1...... 1 . ,, tiiuluriai uatlt Itlf m ' ttioroushly rallattls rameily Ilk M',',1,,"t; """"''"" "'r"!. "'"" .. .uTaa. Qlttlt WHO HHirim wmuniHt" tablUi.tJ.1 prjmrUon U to im htvl. mi.. WnA. Mn.1 mnafliUi Itf thfl h II lit a I. Jllltjl VUllil" vs Hiuewtvw a body are capable of over 1,-00 move. menu. , Go to Werk. tin in work on Liiinbauo a it yon In- tended to oure It, and with the use of St. Jaooba Oil it can be oured very j promptly and uiely. Rub hard for, porta t ration. . . Ti.a dantin of the teeth it permeated by tiny canal 1-ia.OOOth of an Inch in diameter, i L.I1... ... .. M.,I itMM nt Pinn'a r?Ufw t UVIIT HIT ,l,..'. - - prevented quick consumption.--Mrs. I,uv Wallace, Marquette, Kaunas, nee , wim. The Cvlon vellow (ilk Sliiilot ha body that weigh nine ounce. TBT ALLBtfa FOOT-MASB. A nnwdar tn hs shaken into th shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen, ner vous and uncomfortable. If you have smarting feet or tight shoes, try Alien fwt-Kase. It rests and comforts; makes walking easy, (Jure, .wolien ana sweating feels, blisters and callous spots, llelleve. corns ana btuilnn. oi an pain ana is a cer tain cur for thliniaina, eweating, oainp or frosted feet. W have over thirty thou sand testimonials. Try it lerfny. Sold by all druggist, and .boo uteres for SBo. Trial ns-lMi fllKK, Address, Allan 8. Olm iid,oBoy,N.Y. Amona the Kol ot Central India a hum fight always aoconipanie the wedding ceremony. Tt.. OIa.U., Una DM-.lint.R1 Kfleullm N.vori.lllnc Memvtly lot Ls Qrlppe, Catarrh, Rheumatism. nanuM Will cure any achs or pain knows In tiis human body. Bund lor trial bottle, ''. rhisonoi laata suuaysoniy. Mtrita imiiii (w d.nH-.oli DiiOPH eaoh) L00 or lor tlMk 8WANSON RHEUMATIO CUftSCO. 1ST an IBB Daarba-a tL. Cklea. An employe! of German cluik. say that they work 30 jier cent slower than 1? n.Km ciinnaii OS o C) Ci a ci ci o o ci o c o CI CI o o CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI CI ( CI CI o CI CI CI o ci( h .twns jm, rf-. 0 0. j rf p -jtar Itffli t$jt0 -Hyp sgkT jggi ipy 'ajgjjj' 0 0 0 'kjr' '4XV 4J AQ(( everybody you know to nu I save their tin tags for you The Tin Tags taken from Horseshoe, " J. T.," Cross Bow, Good Luck -and Drummond Natural Leaf -will pay for anv one or all of this list of desirable and useful things -and you have your good chewing tobacco besides. Every man, woman and child in America can find something on this list tbat they would like to have and tan have FK EE I Write your name and address plainly and tend every tag you can get to ut -mentioning the number of the present you want. Anv assortment of the different kind of tags mentioned above will be accepted a follows: 1 Mate Bos, quaint dml, b. watwJ host lama. t KnlHi mm blade, .twd weal. a Mel..... 4 ChilJV I, KnSe, I orii and Spoon t bait sod Pepper, out aco, ouad-i-uul alata oa whitt facial Rasor, hollow frouad,aa lui.iUh steal , SO 1 Butur Knife, tripb nUta, bsal atut SO Stigmr Sh!l(tiipW)l(e. bMquniuy SO Stamp Bos, steilin. talvar to 10 Kaita, "Keea aiiNet,"to Made. 10 U Butchar Knits, "Ksaa Kutlsr," a-iach bUilt 71 It Sheax, " Ka Kutirr," aiach, aiclial 1 IS NulSi,,ltT 80 U Nail Kilt?, Marling stivsr, saurthyit at, S-iacN 100 19 Tooth Biuth, aniling siUat, ams. thyst tat, -inch 100 M Paper t utter, tier I in. altar, 4ft, 4- thytt 4el, T-inct 100 11 B4. Ball, "Amx-mlitm." battqual. 100 1 Watch, etna wind and sat, f usrerv , lxl (.tod HUM keejir 900 This offir txpirit Kovimbir 30, ISS3. ' AdUrejj all your Tagt and the correspondence about them to DRUMMONO BRANCH, St, Louis, Mo. a, jsWIsi J0 Jfi 0 tr"! ifi ' Lwf'fc jsW-M jfi. (PJlj aff" j PUIS T&s lattoul toiBntors' Issoclatlou. (iMcoaroaaTED.) .... . i ivaavurMsell V, secure, Introducs and sail patents. OnrreKte tered attorney can sat yon patents dlreut Irom thegovornroant witiiouidolsy. Assntswsnlsd in svery town to ecu peieiiieu aniuiua, r uiuin Information Jurnlahcd on request, Rima 1 ( Hiasas or CoHHsaca Bviuiisa, FuaTLASD, OaauoN. CUTLER'S G1HB0LATE OF I001HE Gni.rftf.tewl cur for Cuturrh nd Con- .1... ail It I-.- M it.. 17 U Utaillh nminiun. n ii triiUKifiSi sje.w. v , , puittwi buHulo, H, yiote proprloutr. V r A big yield of both profit and satisfaction will result If you plant Jf3 Jfl sf Thav are atwars the beat. Do not acuept any substi tute buy none but Parrr'a. ftolil by all dealers. Writ kjf the N lsed Ajinusl-lrsa, D.H.FERRT a C0.,0streH.Micli. V ogi;i'st;"v0evr,0rlls ONE rOR A DOSE. Cur. Sick Rsadach. snd Bysnela, Memoes rimplstsnil Purity th Blood, Aid llltjMitlofi andPrseent Biliousness, llo not drips or rJIck.n. Tomnvlaos you, ws will mall smplsfrsa.orlull box for too. IK. lMtrlANKty CO., ayhllada., fauaa. Bold b; brunfisia. Danger in Delay! Krery man or woman whone blood Id otitof orir ihonltl b3orful; nhonld takanometbUif to bring back nttfnmh ftntt health. f.;::r.E'8 eevealed remedy Will do It. Contains no alcohol or spirits of any kind. Tlirue rlosi-s mske you ftwl tilt a asw parson. II pr boltle at your druggist's. YOUNG AT SIXTY. Cerent eotnturt and bappioes In ad' vanned year ar realised by aomptra ttveiy fdvv women, Their bard live, their liability toss rioua trouble on account of their pecu liar organism and their profound Igno rance concerning" the disc Ives, all cam bin to shorten the period of usefulness and All their Inter yeara with sulTurlna;. Mr, riulthatu husdoue much to make women strong-. yh ba grlvcn ad vice to many that ha shown them how to guard against disease and retain vigor ous health in old age. From every cor ner of the earth the re Ueonslautly com ing the most convincing statement from women, howlng; the eillcacy ot Lydla B, 1'inkhem Vegetable Com pound In overcoming1 female ills. Hera is a letter from Mr. J. C. Orm, of 220 Horner St., Johnstown, Fa which la earnest and (tralght to th point i riaaa Mn.' Pi.taiiAM. I feel It m duty to tell all suffering women that I think your ramedie are wonderful, I bad trouble with my head, dlny tpella and hot flashea, lt and hand war cold, waa very nervous, could not sleep well, bad kidney trouble, pain In cvarlc and congestion of the womb. Since taking your remedies 1 am better .very way My head trouble 1 all gone, hare no pain In ovaries, and aut cured of womb trouble. I can eat and aleep well and am gaining In flesh. I consider your mediclue th best to be had for female troublea." Th present Mrs. I'lnkhara'a experi ence In treating female 111 la unparal leled, for year b worked aide by aide witn nira. iya c- uu for sometime past has had aula cbarg ot the correspondence department of her great business, treating by letter as many aa a hundred thousand ailing women during aingle year. Real r the niatnrhsuae. Take np the White Man' Burden. U surs yon don't forget, For Aggy' Filipino Must have tlioir spanking yet. Then get yonr breakfast, Dewey, While Oil take whack At th seat ot the disturbance Where the native pants bang ilaok, THEY ALL WAOT TUX ta AGENCY FOR and IDEAL BICYCLES 40, 30, tas, saa.oo, tao. II you want a parlns asanry writ at one be j lots ail liarl lory is lakeu. 'BSD X. MIRRILI) OTCLsl CO., POKTtAUD, OB. EPOKANB. TACOMA. URATTLR. ( ) ( ) o ) C) o C) () 1 1 () ) C) (i () o o Ci o (1 C) o () t) o () o o f ) ( i () () van. It Alarm Oats, aiekat, wejrrarrted .. au M Carvwa, rMM.kKw- haadls, good Mai n tt Sla koiara TsatfMMme, baet oaal t'it ti and Foeae, wa sach, buck. hwa handles ISO M Clocll, S-day, Calwate.ThaTmeaa. star. Barometar SO M Stove, Wilaan H 4a tar, turn No. SO or Ha, 40 M0 tS Taut Sat, not playthinK, but real tool. age M Toilet Set, decorated porcslain, vary tugnrivime. ............. M10 T Watch, eld uletr, full Jeweled . 1000 SM Bswin. Mauhina, (nu clan, with all attachments ....IMA W Revolver, Colt's, heat quality 1MI0 SO Rise, Wiachmler, IS-shot, St ahot Ova, double barrel, aaauaer- leas, sluh lit MOO 9 Outtav (Wa,hbuml, rosewood, la bud with motlier-of-pearl tOM St Bieyde, atatidsrd make, led lea1 ar eenu'., 1A00 BOOKS SO choke Mtlactions asms , aa last year's list, 40 tags each. ( TEETH WITHOUT PLATES . Itontfl 4?rornHle Brltlit Mm- i'nini nuinir ana i.i-4)tiwn . Dr. T. H. White, 01.Kn' Relief Ci) list' KEEP; Ank ArnmaltltM for Dr. KftrtIV Vrortoh Kniftla 1IH In inll ImS with Krttwih t iMtrtn lop In l(iue,Wlni E, ftftdltwl. tru.T or having Iho RHnmnti. a K ""r, '"' '"" ma""' ' .--ia st " Masflsrslnrt LatUir With tsMmolklHllsintllMrMOU.ai9-& FRENCH DKUe CO.. M I k 3ti3 Parl ... NN V f lu CURE YOURSELF! r I HKKV i -Vm Hlff for aiiiiMuml 'la I tl Amf. I illwthartr, InlliiniiiiAtliiMi, UuMMtMri vm irnitiiiuiii ur m m Mtiityrt, el iuuooui niniltriMM. jfrr.rLW tiMt.a. J'MllilniHI, itft Hot MtriU lrHcEvMlQHtifinjiin. ,tl " poiwnou. kOtiOiJiMTi.O.r'"' I WH rlftttk. . or 1 tiolLstMi. sU.Tft. iireulr Mill on rt,uMl. YOUNG MEN! Fn nomirrtiiM and llH if Pit- Okay rlrHidflo, I. fa tlwi ONl.V nirdlflnsj wlil-'li wilf vum tHW'h nntl vtry omki, MO OAHK known It hu mrnr fIliil to ouro, tttt SiiaUor how ntrloui or of liW klg tOMiuMnfg. Hotuttal rora lu i law wilt 4Vaionlr.ti yuu. U l 4.l wihit)r avtf, pnivtritta itrlfHira), and ran bo lkm vtlliotil tii')oiiv AirriR mud f).' friin tiiiiirMs, I'hK'K, H A twit Mlit all rulUbla dritKtfitf-fi, or mm. prvfutMl b Clrwiilar tstaiUsil am nmna. RUPTUS.E CUHtCD. W ausvantne to fit every onus w umlurtak. lioul put It oft; write for parilmilars at onus. V. H. WOOliAKil ., Kxport Truss Vlttwss, log Maooiid Btrest, tortlaud. Or. SUE CSHE FC3, HIES ruiriNtiPHeaproflnti inoletttrnaiidosueeiU'li'".. ThU form, as eell 44 illlnil. lllawtlna or l'rtnlll)S rr I Nimnu f'llea are rrnred br Dr. SlosanltO'aPlleleamaily Unbind and bleailina. Alirt tum.irs. fc'f S jaratdrua-aVesaorssnt lir inell. 'i'mnl-lye tree. Writ Bis about our caee. UK. BOBANK.O, I'biladfc.ra, N. P. N. 17. HO. -. w BIN wrltlnw to artvartisers picas lusouva tats iietpar.