,T .rirnnn fi n i i mr naj .. . -i- VOL. XVI. 8T. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEIJRUARY 24, 1899. NO. 10. EVENTS OF HIE DAY Epitome of the Telegraphic News of the World. TKR8IC TICKS FROM TUB WIRES An InUra.tlug Collantioa of lUmi From th Two Mmtphr rnmM la Condousod Farm. Nearly 8,000 8panish prisoner left Manila for Spain on the 13th and 18th, One man waa killed nl fiv serious- 1.7 injured In a powder esplocon at Along rove, Pa. Four Chines have died from In Juries sustained In lh Ban Francisco Chinatown fir Sunday. Silas Janes and six children were burned to death on th Itiohardson ami May plantation, at Corner ttoue, Ark. II. At. 8, Leander lia been ordered lit proceed with alt (peed to Bolivia to protect the property aud live o( Brit- lab resident during the levolutlou, Fire In Clncinnntl destroyed the cloth Inn houses ot Kahn&Felthmeyer, H. A. Heiushaimer and Sanford, Htern A Sarnor. The lone it noarly $500,000, mere u a rumor in Pari that ne gotiation! are taking place between the Panama canal company and the Warn Ington government, looking to the corn pletlon of tb canal. Thirty-five pereua bavediudof small- pox in the Crook nation within a few week. The vlotltm were negroei and Indiana. All of Wen torn Oklahoma Ime quarantined against the infected ; district. Tbe recently arrived PiHplnes, Gen, , Rlegod Dloa aud M. K I vera, are on their way to Montreal to urge Agon' elllo, the Philippine government repre sentative, to go to Waahingtou and aue for prate. Tbe buildinga of the Geer Ma- chinery Company and the . Whittle Trnnk Company, at Knoxvllla, Tenn., with tlieli contents, wet deatroyed by tire. The loea ia estimated at between 75,000 and (100,000. In (lie United State aenate Tueaday the MoEuery revolution, declaring that the ratification of the peaoa treaty la not a declaration on the part of the United Btatea to permanently hold tbe Philippine talanda, waa pecaed by voteof SO to 83. There waa a celebration In Salem on tbe Uth, the ocoaaion being the Oth anniversary of tbe extension of tbe lawa of tbe United Statea over the Ore' gon country, and tbe 40th anniversary , ol the admittance of Oregon into th Union aa a atate. Gen. Brooke cable from Havana an nounoing the death oi Captain Oliver Puny Smith, oommleeary, from acnte nephritis, Ben Grave, Alexander Clark and Will Johnson. Collin county farmer, were froaen to death Saturday nigbt near Dallas Tex. The aenate haa passed a bill creating the ofhV.e of admiral of the navy, Knar-Admiral Pewey, it la understood, will be named for the position. On Monday an oooan liner In dla treaa wa lighted off Dread ledge, in Bwampseott bay, Mas. The life-aav- lug crew could not reach ber on ao count of the Ice. Th outbreak at Manila hae enliven ed baainea at the United State re cruiting otlice in Portland. Nineteen more men mattered out of the Eighth California were euliated laat week. : The aenate ha aonSrmed the nomi nation of C. J. Bell, aaaiatant secre tary ol the treaanry, and that of Lieutenant-Colonel F. M. Coxa, to be aa ilatant paymaater-general of the army. Otl wire tbe war department a Hit of death In hi command aince Febru ary 4, not lnoluding those of men killed In action. They number nine. Among the name appear thine of 1'ilvate Dan iel Kyger and W. Chopwood. Flrat Washington, and Michael P, Crowley, Second Oregon. Speaker Reed wa not at the capitol Monday, and Sent word lie thought It advisable to adjourn on account of th atorm. Lost than a hundred merobeia were present, and those who braved the atorm refuaed to adjourn, and went on with consideration of the sundry civil appropriation bill. ' , There la reported a serious hitch In the work of the Anglo-Amerloaii com mission. The obstacle ia aald to be a demand made by the Canadian com mission for the cobs Ion of the town of Skagway, Alaska. The American cqm miaaiotiera have definitely of used to cedid that gateway to th Yukon. Tetrible bllr.jsimla swept over the South, East and Middle Weat Bunday aud Monday. The wind went ao high on the Atlantio seaboard that ocean ateamahlpa were atorm-bound in the harbor. Nine big Atlantio liner du at New York Saturday had not put In their appearanoe Monday. Intonae cold accompanied the atorm and much suffering la reported. The cold wave extenda from the Atlantio to Western Tuxa , , Minor H.w Item. A barge loaded with a large quantity of cordwood, consigned to a Portland denier was lost during tha recent freshet in the east fork of the Lewi river. ' ': , "., A cat load of green onyx marble, th first shipment of dimension stone from th quarries of th United State Mar ble Company, near Valley, in Stevens county, Wash., was on the track in Spokane recently for a few houra, eu route to Chicago, IT DIED HARD. Oregon f.lslmnr Adjourn Nine Die I ,( O'.lo.H Saturday. Although the hour act for the final adjournment of tbe Oreuon leuisbitu waa IS o'clock noon Saturday, the sus- aion waa prolonged till 7 o'clock. Aside from the formalities of finish Ing up neceaaary matteia in hand, th passage of the pecial appropriation uiti wa me mature ol tbe day. Tiie bouse refused to concur In some of the senate's reductions of items me diii, ana it was : necemary to p point oonfeience oommittee before agreement could be reached. This prolonged the session till J o'clock I tbe evening, when tbe session was de clared ended, Rioting Is occurring In different parts of Parla, tlie result of the election Of LoubcL j ne ,iomnia river nsii cannery com bine will close half of tbecannerlc the coining season. . M. Loubet was eteoted nreaident France on the 2 1st The assembly cast sm votes, ol which Lou out re celved 483 to 879 cast for M. Meliue, and 50 scattering. . A battle has occurred at Talien-Wan between Russian soldier and Chinese, In which 800 of the latter were' slain, The trouble Is said to have oilglnated over the question or taxes. Grading has begun on the Rnske Jliver Valley railroad, between Union flat and the head of tbe sooth fork tlie Pertewawa creek. A large force of men anil teams is working on the big cut between those two point. A dispatch from Cape Charles, Va. say Bo oyster sloop and schooners have been carried out to sea by drift ing ice from Magothys bay. It 1 be' lieved many are manned, and th crews may suffer from exposure and hunger Tugs will be sent to overhaul tbe ve sell. , .' . It is expected that General Otis will shortly begin an aggressive campaign lu th Phihppines.aa the recent battles nave not sntxlmvl tlie Insurgents, a wa expected. The rainy season will soon set in, when military operations can not be well oariied on, ami a dec) sire blow must be given be lore that time. Th torpedo-boat Fox, built by th Wolff 6s Zwicker iron works, at Port land, Or., ia th first torpedo-boat in th world to come up to the require ment specified in the contract upon hor first official trial. For two con see utive hour In ber first trial she main tained an average speed of 99 li knots. her engine turning at a rate of 881.4 revolution per minute, whioh exceed th requirement by 11.4 turn. A fir at the Brooklyn navy-yard on th 15th destroyed $1,000,000 worth of property. The graven of the Maine victims at Havana were decorated with Sowers on the lStlt, tbe anniversary of the ex plosion. A British syndicate has obtained a concession from China to boild a rail road front llaukau to Canton, along the coast. Col. Miller, who captured Ilo Ilo without the loss of a man In his com mand, has been promotod to be briga dim-general by the president. Tlie Cunard liner Etruria and the cruiser Marblehead narrowly averted a collision doting a blinding sleet and snow storm about 70 mile off randy Hook Monday morning. Representative Stalling, of Al' baraa, has introduoed In the house a bill to authorise the president to ap point General Wheeler a major-general in the regular aimy. Terr I Mo ' weather la prevailing on th coast of Jamaica. The wind are high and the sea is encroaching on the laud. : Coaating vessels have been wrecked, and teveral hundred acre of bananas iwept away. $ ,.? Naval ordnance officer In Washing ton are elated over the remarkable re sult secured with the new suiokoleas navy powder for large caliber gnns In a teat at tho Indian Head proving grounds on tbe Potomac. " State Entomologist Scott, of Georgia, says the peach crop has been utterly destroyed, and in all probability the gorwers will be so clisoouraged that they will abandon the business. Last year' crop wa valued at 11,000,000. A battle took place near Ho Ilo on Sunday, when a battalion of the Eighteenth Infantry met a large force of insurgent and put it to flight. Lieutenant Bowles was shot in the leg, one private seriously and two slightly woumiud. Ex-Consul Duckert, of Beligum, has been commissioned to make a tour of China in tbe Interest of Belgian manu facturers at a salary of $29,000 a year. Th Idea of the tour emanated from King Leopold, who will contribute 8, 000 to the salary. President Zelaya has Issued a decree declaring the republic of Nicaragua to be In a state or seige. A oatue is expected to take place at any time west of Chile mountain, th dividing line of the Coidiileras. Tbe president is sendii.g troops to tha front as rapid ly as collected.' The United States gunboat Marietta, wlhcb arrived at Greytown February 8, has s.tilcd for Bluefileda, th headquaueie of tbe revolution beaded by Uemral Reyes. A deposit of earth stioutian has been lound on Pat-In-Bay island in Lake Erie. It is many acres in extent. Th nitrate of s trout la Is of pur whit i color. Th Hamburg-American tin steamer Adria arrived at New York Bunday from Hamburg after a most tempestous passage. During tna niiini oi junuurj 80. Captain Levelzow. while tiying to go from the bridge to the oabin, was thrown down Into uiecaum pasaugewaj and killed, LEGISLATURE ENDS, Milan Work Crowri.il In th Cloalnf Hours of th RoMlan-T Lm Wurklug Djr. The Inst worklna dar of the Ore legislature was full of business, mostly devoted to the routine of passing bills, me general appropriation bill . was passed by both bouses. In the aenate the bill to provide for executions ol murderer at th pen lentiary wa indefinitely postponed, because it carried objectionable matter relating to appeals. Three bills touching military affair were passed, as follows: To cover Into the military fund nil money received from tbe United State on account transportation, eto.f to restore to the military fund some f3,600 expended In suppressing fishermen's riots in 1896 to leorganlze the official staff of the Oregon National Guard. Tlie following bills were passed: To regulate license Mr Insurance com panles; to protect the fruit and bop Industry by requiring the destruction of peats; to enre certain defect in Ju dicial sales and deeds; to prevent tbe maintenance of armed bod lea of men other than the duly constituted author Ities; to amend the charter of Newberg to provdie tor criminal prosecutions ou information; to protect trout and cer tain other food fishes; to relieve the state of tbe necessity of advancing th costs of giving a bond In a proceeding to which the atate la a party; amend the law relating to irrigation rights and ditches; to amend tha law relative to lien against mine for la bor or supplies; to amend tbe obaitor of Arlington; to fix the annual aaiary ol th supreme eourt clerk at 1 3,000, with on deputy in Salem at $78 per month and on at Pendleton at $50, and providing that the fees be paid into tlie state treasury; to fix the sal arie of Columbia county officers; to regulate the manner of sturgeon fishing and making a close season on th Co lumbia liver from March 1 to Novem ber I; to provide for inspecting sheep brought in bands into Oregon from an other stat (same a th Washington law); to amend tlie law relative to the duties of publio road viewers; to fix tbe annuoal salary of the Linn county assessor at $3,400, lnoluding the pay of deputies; to regulate the practice of th vocation of barbers; to provide for tbe appropriation of water to be used for mining purpose. Ia th Hum. In th house a long discussion ooonr red on th bill to adopt th Torrens system of land title. The bill, when put upon it passage, was defeated. Bill passed were: To authorise construction of sk.ds across county roads for logging pot poses; to provide for submission to the vote of the peo ple th proposed constitutional amend ments; to authorise th sale of agri cultural school land on th market for 85 years at lea than tbe price fixed by statute; to provide for payment of taxes in coin, instead of county war rants; to provide for the manner of se curing th release as surety upon bonds; to reduce fee to be charged by county olerks in probate oasea; to make the law prohibiting the frandu lent use of labels or trademark more effective; to fix the salaries of county clerk, sheriff and recorder in wash ington county; to amend tha code so a to give parties tbe right to give notice of appeal without assignment of error; to authorize the printing of 800 copies of supreme oouit reports at $9.60 per copy, to prohibit the running of push oar upon tailroad tracks; to create state board of equalisation, consisting of th governoi, secretary of state and state tieasurer; to authorise th work' ng of oounty prisoners on county toads; to nx th salaries of county treasurer, after amendment Increasing the aaiary of the treasurer of Lane county from $500 to $800, and the salary of the treasurer of Wallowa oounty from $350 to $350; to amend node relative to at tachments making tha filing of a writ with the comity clerk answer tbe pur pose of posting a notice on property; to amend the code relative to action for adverse possession; to fix the com pen sation of oounty commissioner after amending the bill by increasing tbe per diem in Union oounty from $4 to $5; to reduce the mileage of juror and witnesses in cities of 50,000 population or over, from 10 to 6 cents; to give preference in the employment in pnb- io servioe to honorably discharged sol iers and sailors; to appropriate $3,000, in aid of the Oregon Historical Society, and to authorise printing at tbe state's expense to the same amount; to provide for the payment ol certain fees to recorders of conveyances; to constitute six days' publication of a notice a weeks notloe; amending the law relative to the appointment of offl cial stenographers; to abolish the offloe of recorder of Clateop county, and re quire that the duties of that offloe be performed by the county clerk; to leg- lute the purahase, sale and transfer oi stocks of goods, by requiring the pur chaser to exact from the vendor a list of creditor and the extent of liabil ities; to piohlbit tha running at large of stallions. . - Btat Flr Approprlatlo. In the Oregon senate Wednesday the II to repeal the annual appropria tion of money to the state fair waa de feated by a vote of 13 to 18. Th Daly Soliool Bill. After the most exciting and dramatic half-day of the session, th Oregon house shortly before 1 o'clock Wednea- ay noon passed the Daly text-book bill by a vote of 83 to 80, only one member being absent. The Dili, wbiob had been made a special order of business for 10 A. M., did not oom to a vote thout sensational inoidents. The debate wa participated in by 11 th orators of tha bouae, and the lobby and gallery were filled with In terested spectators. THE NEW LAWS. Bills Tt Bt PumwI awwlea. Darin th. Bill passed by both houses previous to th last day are as follows: To authorise the town of Antelope to borrow $5,000 to build water works. To incorporate the city of Pendleton, To amend charter of town of Adams, To regulate pilotage on Columbia and Willamette rivers. To create offloe of state biologist, without salaiy. To reduo salaries of Douglas oounty officers. .;. ; To incorporate Nehalem. ' To provide that summaries only of oounty assessment lolls be transmitted to secretary of state. ; To amend charter of Hillsboro. ,, To amend tbe ohartei of Albany. , To Incorporate town of Tillamook. To incorporate the town of Canyon City. To constitute beach of Clatsop eoun ty a publio highway. To amend the charter of Grants Pass, . To anthorize Jefferson Institute to ell out to the school district. To amend charter of Oregorl City. To Incorporate Port of Tillamook and provide for the improvement of Ho- qniara aiouicb. To incorporate the town of Lakeview, To inooporrate Cottage Grove. To amend charter of town of Tangent. To provide clerical aid for judgea of the supreme court To incorporate Drain. To incorporate New Astoria, adjoin' Ing Fort Stevens. To amend charter of Monmouth. To incoportate the city of Ontario, To incorporate tbe town of Bay City, To incorporate th olty of Heppner. To incorporate the city Warrenton. To incorporate the city of Walloa To amend chaiter of Gold Hill. To regulate and fix tbe salary of th assessor of Jackson county. To incorporate the town of Marsh- fleld. -., To amend ohartei of Wood burn. To redistrict th state for senator and representativea. To create the offloe of tax collector in Multnomah county. , To amend th charter of Coivallia. To prevent production and sale of an wholesome foods- and medicine, (Looney pure food bill.) , To Incorporate tbe town of Seaside, To raise the salary of sheriff of Ma rion county. To regulate and to fix salaries of Til lamook oounty officer. To fix salaiies of county officer in Clackamas, Morrow, Wasco and Yarn' bill counties. To amend the charter of Eugene. To amend the charter of Astoria. To incorporate the town of Can by, To create a separate commission for transaction of county buainesa in Clackamas county. To amend tbe charter of Arlington Incorporating Weston. Incorporating Dufur. Incorporating Enterprise. Withdrawing school lands from sale and placing interest on school fund loans at 6 per oent. Incorporating Dallea City. Incorporating Moro, Incorporating Brownsville. Incorporating Lebanon. Incorporating Barns, Incorporating Carlton, To protect salmon in Alaea bay and tributaries. .. To create a trust fund in Multnomah county. To provide for th election of toad supervisors. , , To create th office of clerk of th justice court in cities of 60,000 popu lation or over. To authorise Multnomah county to lease tne upper deck of the steel bridge. To provide for tbe sale of tide lands. Protecting salmon in the Rogne river and Curry county. :: i ? To reorganise the state board of hor ticulture. Creating park commission in citie of 8,000 population or over. To amend section 6 of the mining laws..'''-'" Amending the code relative to sher iff's deeds. Requiring county clerks to adminis ter oath without charge, in pension matters. - - . v ;. Appropriating $16,000 a year for fish hatcheries. .'.'.. 1 To amend the charter of Salem. To regulate horse shoeing in Portland. Providing for normal schools at Ash land and Drain. To provide for the registration of voter. To provide fora taxcolleotoi of Mult nomah county. To change the manner of governing the Soldiers' Home, To oodify tha law relative to state school lands. - , Partial codification Of tha school laws. To encourage th use of wide-tire wagons. To amend the act Incorporating th Port of Portland. To change the time of holding court in the second judicial district To cure certain defects in deeds. To permit surety companies to qalify as sureties on bonds. To ohange the time of holding court In the ninth judicial district. To prevent the adulteration of candy. To provide for boarding the prisoners of Clatsop, Washington and Clackamas counties by oon tract. To 'provide for tha reconveyance of land to J. E. Sating. To fix the salaries of tlie sheriff and clerk In Lincoln oounty. To create the county of Wheeler. To regulate the practice of dentistry. To regulate mutual Insurance com panies. To provide for a scalp bounty fund. To amend the law relating to th duties of the state land agent. ' To constitute Willamette and Port land boulevards Multnomnh county road. 1 PRESIDENT OF FRANCE Now Lies Dead From Attack of Apoplexy. an HE SURVIVED BUT A FEW HOURS Vmmn f Disturbances la PU rM Tka to FrTat- ' Dlsordvrs. ' Paris, Fen, 18. President Faure died from apoplexy tonight. It haa beea known for some time that bis health waa weak, bnt th first intimation that he waa sick wa given at half past 0 this afternoon, when message was dispatched to the pre mier, M. Dupny, annonnoing that Hi president was ill. M. Dupuy immedi ately lepaired to tha Klysae. All medical efforts proved futile aud the president died on the stroke of 10. it was not until 13 o'clock that th new began to become known to the general public In Paris. From this time began a continuous arrival of pub lio men. Strict orders, however, wer issued, and only members of the cabl net wei admitted to tbe Elysee. Tbe report spread rapidly throughout th city, and large crowd soon assem bled in the vicinity of tbe palace. It Is reported that tbe recently formed league, known a La Patrle Francaise, will actively push M. d Beaurepaire's candidature. Under tbe present exceptionally ex- eiting conditions, anything may be ex, peeled to happen. Much depends upon what General Zurlinden, military governor of Paris, a th head of th military element, may decide to do. At. de Freycinet has ordered the troops confined to barrack today. THE TREATY APPROPRIATION 1 Caawd Lea Dabat la th Xs tlonal Boas. Washington, Feb. 18. In the house today the senate amendment to the agrioultural bill were nonoonourred in. and tbe bill wa sent to conference. Without further preliminary business. tbe house went into committee of tbe whole, and resumed consideration of tha sundry civil bill. when the paragraph appropriating $20,000,000 for the payment to Spain under the treaty of Paria was resohed. Wheeler made a point of order against it. His point of order was that the paragraph was obnoxious to rule 31, invoked yesterday against the Nicaragua canal amendment. If tha treaty of Paria was completed, if it was vital ised by tbe ratification of the Spanish cortea and the exchange of ratifications had taken place, he confessed that th treaty would be the law of the land and tha amendment would be id order, He cited numerous decisions of the su preme court in support of his position. Then followed a long debate on that portion of tbe bill, and without get ting beyond that point the bouse ad journed. L. Ia th aaat. Soon aftet the senate convened today the house joint resolution authorising the secretary of the navy to pay certain laborers, workmen and mechanic at the United Slates navy-yards and naval stations 50 per cent additional for work performed in excess of eight hours per day was called up and adopted The military academy appropriation bill was passed without debate, and consideration of the naval -yerwnnel bin oegun. Morgan offered the Nicaragua canal bill as an amendment to the river and harbor bill, and had it referred to tha oommittee on commoroe now consider ing that measure. The military affairs oommittee re ported the army reorganization bill, which brought out an extended diBous- sion... - A bouse bill setting apart a oertain tract ol land, containing 10 aores, in Oklahoma to the Stella Friends Acad emy and Church ' Association was passed Consideration was ther begun of the postoffloe appropriation bill. Praotic ally the only obstacle encountered by the bill was the oommittee amendment providing for special mail facilities on the trunk lines from New York and Washington to Atlanta and New Or leans, and from Kansas City, Mo., to Newton, Kan. The amendment which appropriates $171,338 special mail facilities from New York and Washington to Atlanta and New Orleans, was then agreed to, 43 to 10. The amendment appropri ating $35,000 fur special mail tacilities between Kansas City, Mo., and New ton, Kan., was also agreed to. Mantle of Montana, presented the credential of Wil'iam A. Clark, and Turley of Tennessee, presented the credentials of Hon. William B. Bate, each eleoted as senator from his state for the term of aix year from March 4, 1899, At the conclusion of tlie reading of th postotnee appropriation bill, it was allowed to go over. A bill providing for an additional circuit judge in the third judicial oir- coit wa passed. Washington, Feb. 18. General Brooke today cabled from Havana, re porting three deaths among the Ameri can soldiers in Cuba since February 14. Th Behl Ktratd. Manila, Feb. 18. A large body of the enemy, presumably reconnoitering, was discovered on the right of Briga dier-General King's position, near San Pedro Macati. this morning. The en tire bigade turned out, and after an ex change of volleys, the rebels retreated into the jungle and disappeared. Washington, Feb. 18. The depart ment of state has been -officially ad- ised of the settlement of the great Itrike at Colon, CANAL. PROVIDED FOR. Snt Cemmltta adds It ta th RIt and Harbor Bill, Washington, Feb. 30. Tha senate committee on commerce decided today to pat tbe Morgan Nicaragua canal hill on tb river and harbor bill. Tho ao lion of the committee was preceded by a brief argument by Senator Morgan in which he went over the general grounds favorable to the construction of the canal. Aside from tbe Nicaragua canal, the committee increased cash appropria tiona to the extent of about $3,000,000 over tbe hour cash appropriations. wbile the amount of continuing con tracts is Increased to th extent of about $10,000,000. In th senate tbe only business importance waa the consideration bills on tbe pension calendar, which was begun under a special order, Among the bills passed was oneprovid ing procedure in oertain pension cases. It provide that no pension shall withheld, modified or cancelled except for frand, or mistake in facts, and prov'des a scheme of procedure. The pi ivate pension calendar wa complet ed, 74 bills being passed. In th Boas. ' . Washington, Feb. 30. In the house today several railroad right-of-way bills were passed. Among tha bills was one to authorise the construction of the Clearwater Valley load through the Nes Peices reservation. The census bill was sent to confer ence. A bill was passed authorising the president to appoint five addition al cadets-at-large to the naval academy. The sundry oivil bill was then passed The naval appropriation bill was for mally reported. The house went into eommitte of the whole and took op tb bill. No general debate was demanded on the bill, and its reading for amend ment under th five minute lule wa immediately commenced. TAKES NEWS CALMLY. X DlMrdor la Pari Followed Drath af Paara. Paris, Feb. 30. Everything ia quiet in Paris tonight. There is no dancer of a coup d'etat. Tlie favorite candi date for the presidency is M. Em lie Loubet, now president of tbe senate. Still tbe ministers think Faure's death is a misfortune at tbe present juncture, and this is the conventional talk. They bad all looked forward to his re signing, and tbey spoke today of the possible effect of bis death on the courts of Europe. If M. Loubet be elected, European sovereigns would soon transfer to him their friendly regards. He is a good, unaffected, level-headed man of hon est, open life, and of far more inter lectual culture than poor Faure. He is an advocate and practioed at the Montilemar bar, in the department of the Drone. Montilemar is hi native town. OVER ENTIRE GROUP. Th Attiarlcaa Tins; Com tit Fall- . Ippino lalaad. Washington, Feb. 30. The adminis tration haa determined to extend rap idly the jurisdiction of the United States over tbe Philippine group in Its entirety, acting on th theory that de lay in this crisis ia dangerous, and that anarchy and general paralysis of such interest as tha islands support would be brought about through failure to replace promptly Spanisu sover eignty over the islands witii that of the Unnited State. Low Bates for Boamakr. St. Paul, Feb. 80. The Northern Pacific and Great Nothern have decided to sell half-fare homoaeekers' tickets February 31, March 1 and ?, on simi lai rates as made by the more southerly lines to the Pacific coast: Heretofore the rate have applied only to near-by states, and it ia now intended that they shall apply to th entire length of the roads named. Gomoi Goo to Cardwaa. Havana, Feb. 30. A dispatch from Clenfuegos says that Major-Genera! John C. Bates, military governor of the department of Santa Clara, and In epector-General Breckinridge, yester day paid a visit to General Gomes, who was expecting to leave today for Cardenas. Kttlmatoa Output at la.OOO.OOO. Vancouver. B. C, Feb. 80. M. Marks, an Australian exrert direct from Dawson, places tbe output of the Klondike at $19,000,000 this year. His estimate ia aa follows: Eldorado and Bonanza creeks, $5,000,000; Big and Little Bonanza, Gold and French ureeks, $5,000,000; Hunker and Quarts oreeks, $5,000,000. Btoamora to Maalla. Tacoma, Feb, 80. James Ward, ot the shipping firm of Saunders S Ward, haa returned from a visit to England, and announces the establishment by himself ajid others of a steamer line between this port and the Hawaiian islands. , The British steamer Manan- ense will be the first vessel out, and will sail next week. , Mrarly Froioa to loth. Seattle, Wash., Feb. 20. A special to the Post-Intelligencer from Forty- Mile river, Alaska, aays that William Alatheson, formerly of Loa Angeles, Cal., narrowly escaped being frozen to death recently. It was necessary tf amputate both bis bands and feet. - Watorworhs for Iim. Loa Angeles, Feb. 20. J. A. Acklen of this city, has been granted tbe privi lege of maintaining a water works at Dawson City by the Canadian govern ment. He will tap the Klondike river four miles above Dawson. ' Four Manila Transport. San Francisco, Feb. 30. A fleet of four vessels will leave San Fiancisoo for Manila within two weeks. No less than 8,60ft tons of freight of all de scriptions will be taken. AFFAIRS AT MANILA Oregon Soldiers Sent to the Fighting Line. REBELS NOW CONCENTRATING CraUo Buffalo Bombard th lo.ur (rat. Driving Thorn Inland Bent latoas and Increasing. Manila, Feb. 31. Tbe California volunteers abandoned Guadaloupe church at 6 o'clock this morn ing, which has since been set on fire, and retired to San Pedro Macati. The rebels still bold the countiy in the vicinity of Guadaloupe, Pasig and Patero, despite the efforts of the gunboats to dislodge them from the jungles on both sides of tbe liver."- .... . . ' Tbe heat is intense, end Is increasing perceptibly daily. Under present con ditions, it is impossible to provide shade for the stroops in different parts of th line, particularly MoArthur's division. King's brigade is also ex posed from San Pedro Macati to Culi coli, where it joins Ovenshine's brig ade.''', "''?" ; - In view of tbe fact that the enemy were concentrating on the American . right preparations were made last nigbt to give them a warm receptiou in tha event of attack. General Ovenshine's line, consisting originally of the North Dakota volun teers, tbe Fourteenth infantry, and two troops of the Fourth cavalry, stretching fiom the beach at Camp Dewey to Gen eral King's right, waa reinforced by two battalions of Oregon volunteer e.id three troop of the Fourth cavalry, aa Infantry. "-'.:--''-.--;'r-1' ': The Buffalo's searchlight discovering the rebels unusually active about 10 o'clock in tbe evening, signaled the flagship for permission to fire upon them, and, this being granted, bom barded the enemy' trenches for 20 minutes. The only effect of the fire was apparently to drive the rebels fur ther inland. Beyond a few ineffectual volleys from the trenches, whioh were returned with interest, tbe enemy made no dem onstration, and all 1 quiet along . the rest of the line. - Scout claim to have seen General Pio del Pilar, who commanded tbe reb els at Paco, with his arm in a sling, directing the troop. General Monten egro, tha insurgent commander-in-chief, ia reported to be personally con ducting the movements in front of General King'a line at San Pedro Ma- - cati. .. . Oaorrllla Tnetles- Manila, Feb. 31. Tbe enemy have apparently realized the hopelessness of attacking the American position, and are occupied chiefly by occasional sharpshooting from tbe jungle, when ever feasible. Fortunately, theii ig norance of the use of sights minimises the effect of their guerilla tactics. The retiiement ot General King'a advance) posts upon San Pedro Macati has evidently been construed by th rebels aa a sign of weakness, as they pressed forward along both aides of tho river, persistently harrassing tbe occu pants of tbe town. Last night the rebels poured volley after volley into San Pedro Macati from the brnsb on the adjacent ridge; but fortunately without effc;'.. Gen eral King' headquarters in the center of the town was the target for scores of Remington and Mauser bullets. Tbe rebls are using smokeless pow der, and it is extremely difficult to lo cate individual marksmen. RUSSIA AND CHINA. First Bnptar Occurred at Taller-- Won 30U Chlnoa SLIIlod. Peking, Feb. 31. A serio.-s conflict haa taken place between the Russians and Chinese at Talien-Wan, 800 ot tha latter being killed. " The trouble is said to have originat ed in a question of taxes. Kxpactod by Lard Brsford. Detroit, Mich., Feb. 81. Admiral Charles Beresford wa seen while pass- ng through Detroit tonight in refer ence to the battle reported at Talien- Wan between Russians and Chinese. Lord Charles said that such a battle was only what he had been expecting for some time. Its effect, be believed, would be to shake the Chinese govern ment more than anything that occur red, and he asserted that trade would also suffer a a result of it.' : RIOTING IN PARIS. Organised Domoastratloa Against th now Froaldent, Paris, Feb. 31, Police measure for the maintenance of order have been taken on an extensive soale. - M. Loubet did not quit hi residence at the Luxembourg until S o'clock this evening. , Toward T o'clock demonstrations oc curred in front of the office of Zehas- tian Faure's anarchist paper, the Jour nal du Peuple, on the Boulevard Mont- martre, for and against Loubet, There waa a collision between rival fuo- tiona and several persons were injured. Altogether, 100 arrests have been made in connection with today's dis turbances. - . ' Spain One Owned It. Seattle, Wash., Feb. 31. The Post- Intelligencer today publishes the fac simile of . a, Spanish document which shows that the Spanish were in actual military possession of Vancouver Island between 1790 and January J. 1703. It Is stated that the document, if it had been ia. tbe possession of Emperor William of Germany when he arbi trated the Canadian boundary between England and the United btaua, would ave inoonteatably proven tha r Jit of the United States to Vancouver iiiiiu-J.