EVENTS OF THE DAY LATER NEW3. Epitome of the Telegraphic News of the World. TKIISK TICKS KROMTHR WIBKS An Interesting Oollsotlon of Kama Fran tin Two HoHtlaphares Presented U Condensed Farm. The battleship Iowa has arrlvod at Bun Frnnolsoo. It is expected alia will be teat to ManlU with supplies for uowey. Tlia American losses In killed and wounded In tlia recent battle at Ma n I In, la officially given at ISO, aud tha losses oi the insurgents at 4,000, (Jon. Gomes will arrive In Havana In a tow days, where ha will mm Sen ator Proctor, and aid In carrying out ma promise to disband tha Cuban truiy. In tlia New York alterably a resold tlon urging the Daunting of Congreas- wan-elect lloberts, because of liia idan tilioation with polygamy, waa adopted oy viva voce vote. Representative Btal lings, of Ala bama, baa introduced in the houae a bill to authorise the president to ap point General Wheeler a oiajoi-geueral in tne regular ai my. The government forcea defeated and captured the Oolorados, who recently revolted againat Sonor Ooesta, tha provlalonal president of Uruguay, .Tranquility la now restored. Agono.llo, the representative of the . to-culled Filipino government, and who llt tlilioountry for Canada, upon heat lug of the outbreak at Manila ia being o ooly watohed by aeoiet aervlce de teotives. Agonoillo waa in Montreal at laat reports. Mra. Botkin'a attorneya bare given notloe or an appeal from tbe convlotlon and eentenoe of lite imprisonment re cently passed upon her. Judge Carroll Cook allowed 10 days' atay of exeon lion, aim u aaye in watch to prepare Dill of exceptions. President McKinley ha .pronounced lentence on Gen. Eagan, recently tried by oourt-martial. Tbe aeutonoe waa dismissal from the army, but the presl dent commuted thia to anapenaion for aix years, which oovera the time prior to fcagun'a retirement in 1905. The ateamera Joatin and Celtic, now at Mare lalaml, are being oveihauled. and In a few daya will be ready to aail for tbe Philippines. following1 the inn. ply vessel Centennial, which left on the etli. The Jnatin will cany coal lor the fleet and tbe Celtle frozen meat. Rear Admiral Dewey haa captured another schooner from Hong Kong load' ed with arma and ammunition Intended for the iiiiurgente In the Philippines. It la reported that the German oonaul At Hong Kong waa concerned in the procuring and dlapatob of the arma to the Islands, The peace treaty waa ratified by tha annate by a majority of three votes over the required three-fourtha. The treaty waa ratified without amendment. Isaao Ofner. a gwoetyman, doing business in Portland, Or., waa held up ana, robbed In lite store about 8:80 in the evening by lone highwayman, John M. comstock, or 43 year chief of the enatoma division of tha treasury department, died in Washing, ton after an illness of several weeks. A monster petition to President Mo Kinloy and the members of the joint high commission ia being algned, ask iug Ihelr assistance in soouiing the re peal of the alien exclusion act recently paused by the government of British Colnmbla, In which the Atlin mining district is located. According to recent dispatch, It iron and steel sheet manufactories in Pennsylvania, Ohio,. West Virginia, Kentucky and Indiana, controlling an aggregate annual output of 818,000 tons of steol and Iron sheata, tie pre paring to consolidate. Thia action, it is added, la made necessary by tbe com bination of tin-plate plauts, and it ia believed that the proposed consolida tion will.eventually be absorbed by tha tin-plate trust. Local representatives at Tacoma ad mit that the atreet railway systems of that oity are to be consolidated, with Eastern capitalists In control. A com pany with 3,000,000 capital has been organized to operate all street-oars and furnish power to manufactories, A water-power plant will be constructed, Representatives of J. P. Morgan A Co., the Northern Pacific railway, Union Pacific and the O. R. & N., with' local men, are Interested In the doal, The two highwaymen who for tha past two months have been holding up oltlMtiaj aud itoiea and terrorising all Portland are safely lodged in jail, One of thorn, Harry Tracy, was arroeted by Detective Weiner, after a shooting aiTray that stopped a passenger train and roused awhole neighborhood, The other, Dave Merrill, fell into the hands of Detectives Coidano and Ford Sunday, and gave the information which led to the oaptnre of bis accom plice, Both are ex-conviots aud des perate men. The Spanish government bns deoided not to sell the Carolina islands. The secretary of war has given orders for the muatering out of the Third regl ment of inimnnes, now stationed at oantisgo and vicinity. The fortifications appropriation bill u win oe recommended by the com initiee, can lea 14,744,788, as against muuiuies OI f IX.IOI.IUS. It Is said the administration will uphold uiiief Justice Chambers, at Apia, in his selection of Mnlietoa Tan us as king of the 8a moan Islands. 2 be secretary of war reports that sioknoss in some of the American regi ments in the Philippines is high as 17 per oout, but the average ia about 10 per cent. Tbe report of the war Investigating commission is in the bands of the pres ident, and tbe commission is dissolved. During the Investigation 600 witnesses were examined, Many acoounts of deaths from treat ing are reported from . tbe Bast. At Blooralngton. Ind.. J. W. H Inkle, who Das served several terms as sheriff, was frozen to death while going to bis home. Hear Dayton. O.. Martin Duffln ger suffered like fate while feeding uis nogs, - The Filipino Junta at Hons Rons has issued a statement In which it is claimed that the Ainerioau soldiers precipitated the recent battle at Ma nils, and that the bombardment of the towns of Malate, Paco. Santa Ana and Malabdo caused tbe slaughter of 4,000 women ana children. A contract has been let for two 13. 000-ton steamships for the Paoiflo Mail steamship Co. They will be the laru est so far built at an American ship, yaro, their dimensions being greater man those oi the Amerioan liners St. Louis and Bt Paul. They are to ply osiween Ban j-ianoisco and China. The snpreine military court, of Spain, which has had under considers tlon the loss of the Spanish squadron at Santiago de Cuba on July 8 last, has decided to prosecute, in connection witb the disaster, Admiral Ceiveraand Commandant Eniillo Diaa de Moren, ex-oaptain of the destroved cruiser Cristobal Colon. Chinese rebels are raiding Christian churches and driving out missionaries. At Chang Yang and Lieohnan the Ro man Cntholio chapels have been burned and the houses of the native cburoh members have been destroyed. Several hundred children under tbe care of the Roman Catholics, aia said to have been drowned by the raiders near Kueifti. There seems to be an idea in Paris that Japan will make trouble for the United Btates by surreptitiously aiding tne iriiipinos. Many of the recently disbanded Call fornia volunteers are enlisting in the regular army, being desirous of going to tne rmitpptnee. The controller of the currency has is sued a call for reports of tbe condition of all national banks at tbe close of business February 4. It ia reported that the executive com mittee of the Cuban assembly will! oall Gome to account for accepting the proposition rrom this government rela tive to disbanding the Cuban army. A freight train on the O. R. & N. was wrecked near Corbett, Or., by running Into a landslide. The fire man and a tramp were Injured. in Keen cars were piled op in a heap. Duko d Arcos, formerly Spanish minister to Mexico is likely to be legis lated by the Madrid government as its minister to Washington to exchange tbe ratifications of the treaty of peace. Stanley Brewer, single, aged 80, was thrown under his wagon, loaded with wood, near Eugene, Or., and killed al most Instantly. He was found at mid' night with a wheel on his back between the ahonlders. Wolff & Zwicker, the Portland ship builders, propose to build a floating dry-dock capable of raising 6,000-ton veasel, providing the state of Oregon or the oity of Portland will guarantee bonds to the amount of 1350,000. It ia reported from Washington that the war investigating committee will severely criticise -General Milea on bis conduct daring the late war witb Spain The committee will report that Miles' statement abont chemically prepared beef is not sustained by any evidence before the committee. Four happy Dawsonites passed through Kkngway recently with a can vaa saok of Yukon gold that weighed 100 pounds dead weight, and which came Irom f renon gulch diggings oc Eldorado creek. They are all Canadian citizens and first ceme to Alaska dur ing the popular Klondike rush of De cember, 1897. The steamer Moana Lon, which hat arrived at Ban Francisco, brings infor mation from Honolulu that it has been definitely determined that the wreck on the Kahala ooast was the four-masted steamer Nomad, Captain McAllop, whlah sailed from Shanghai for Puget sound In ballast 10 months ago. Tbe vessel was a new one, and belonged to Hall Bros., of San Francisco. Captain MoAllep was accompanied on the trip by his wifo, daughter and turee sons. All are undoubtedly lost. SALEM LEGISLATURE, district attorney bill. Mi Bill to Tin Intents en Loans tram School fund Recommitted Tbe tat Fair Appropriation. In the Oregon senste Wednesday the rote was reconsidered by which the bill to leduoe interest on loans fiom the state school fund was passed Tuesday in order that the rate might be fixed absolutely at fl per cent, the bill passed authorizing 8 per cent if It could tie obtained. It was deemed an objec tion to leave the matter open to pos sible brokerage arrangenjenta, The bill was recommitted for amendment Dnfui 's bill to extend the nrivihwM oi tne Boiueira' Home to the wives and Widows of old soldiers waa lost, recelv. nig oniy six votes. The following bills were nassed: To reduce tbe salary of tbe Wasco oountv judge to 8800 and that of the treasurer to $800; to do away witb the necessity a - oi personal aervlce or posting notice in case of attachment of real property: to create tne omce oi recorder of convey' ances for Polk county at salary of si, two per year; to provide the man ner of releasing sureties who may be come dissatisfied with tbeir risk; to provide that surety companies may sign nonas; to cure doleots in certain deeds and judicial sales; to amend the law in as to retsrict credits to tbe sheriff in the tax list charged against him. tat Fair Appropriation Knocked Oat. The Wednesday forenoon aession of the house was devoted largely to reporta oi committees and first reading of bills. Twenty-seven committees made reports and 6a bills were reported on. Tbe principal bnaineBS to occonv the time of the house in the afternoon was the consideration of tbe general appro priation bill. The house went into committee of the whole and the various items were taken op one at a time. The most Important item knocked ont was the state fair appropriation, by a vote oi xw to sio. winer puis passed were! To nro- hibit the manufacture and sale of adul terated commercial fertilizer s; to authorize county oonits to levy spe cial tax of 10 mills and a road poll tax of $3 for the road fund; to prohibit tbe sale oi deer and deer bides from Angnst 1 to .December 1; to give laborers In mines and supply agents furnishing supplies a lien on mining property for claims; to change the time of oourt terms in the second district: to fix sal arlea of county judges and to fflace the ciers of the supreme court upon a sal ary of 83,000 and give him two depu ties at $75 and 8 50 per month respec tively. - In the Oregon senate Thursday. Harmon's registration bill waa passed by unanimous vote. The merits of the bill were discussed at length on Mitchell's motion to 'recommit which finally received only his own vote. In debate the expressions were generally unfavorable to the Hill bill, which passed the house a few days ago by a ueisi ve vote. The oure food bill nasaad tha annate ny a unanimous vote. There waa no objection to the main feature of the bill, bnt a slight amendment was made so as to exempt from making an nual reports persons selling less than 85 ponnds of butter weekly; specifying the number and the pay of employes of the legislature, inolnding committee olerfcs, was passed Withont discussion, only six voting against it. Other bills passed were to incor porate Eogene, Carleton, Burns, Prine- ville and Canby, the two last named. being house bills. v. - Daly School Law. Two important measures came before the Oregon senate Friday, and neither reached a vote. Amendments to tbe Daly school law were discussed for half an bonr, and tbe matter being difficult to understand, in its present form, the entire bill was oideted printed again with amendments. The bill to encourage the nae of wide- tire wagons on public roads was passed. The bill to repeal the section appropri ating f 5.000 ior the state fair was dis- onssed half an hour and then made a special order for Wednesday morning. The pure linseed-oil bill was lost, 18 to 11; the bill providing for the Torrens system of registering land titles passed with only three negative votes; the bill for an irreducible school fund iq Dong- las county passed without question; the bill to reduce the salaries of the county clerk, olerk of the circuit court and reooiderln Multnomah county from 3,500 to 83.600 each was passed. New bills were introduced as fol lows: To authorise the state school land board to eon tract loans now out at 8 per oent interest for the future; to provide for the appointment of three snpremo court commissioners. IS Pasted tha Oregon Ifoaea A Unanimously. In the Oregon bouse Monday the dis trict attorney salary bill was passed. after amendment by tbe Judiciary com mittee, by almost a nnanimons vote, Tbe bill as passed fixes salaries as fol lows: first district, 83,000; second district, 84,000; third district, 85.500; fouith district, 87.600; fifth district, 84,000; sixth district. 83.000: seventh district, 83,000; eighth district, f3,600; ninth district, 83.000. ' Flagg's bill to require all executions to be held at the state prison and ooti ducted by the superintendent of the penitentiary was the first defeated, re ceiving only 39 votes, but upon recon sideration of the vote and a speech by tne author later in the day it was passed by a vote of 36. Blackaby's bill to empower county courts and elerks of school districts to sell property and bid in for taxes was passed by 48 votes. Other bills passed were: To limit appeals to the supreme court in money actions to amounts involving 8300 or more, and to give street railway com panies the right of eminent domain; to amend tbe code relative to new trials so as to nullify the plea of former jeop ardyand to require street railway com paniea to provide cars with vestibules from Ootobei 1 to April 1; to prohibit the adulteration of candy; to require tne Oregon Railroad Sc Navigation Company to fence ita traoka between Portland and Huntington; to prohibit persons from running push cars or band cars on railroad traoka withont the consent of the railway officials; to appropriate 815,000 for bridging the south fork of tbe JSehalem river. This bill oame up on a reconsideration of tbe vote by which it was defeated Feb ruary S. when it received only 80 rotes. The motion to reconsider carried by S3 votes ana then the bill was passed by vote oi oo. Grace's bill to extend the time in wbloh a lahorer'a lien may be fKsd from 80 to 60 daya and contractors' from 80 to 90 days was defeated, as was also Btillman't bill to repeal sec tion 1800 of tbe code, providing for the observance of Sunday. At the night session the following bills were passed: To regulate travel over county bridges; to repeal the act of 1891 prohibiting driving or herding livestock along public highways; to fix the salaries of county treasurers so to increase the salary of the Tillamook county treasurer from f 2fi0 to 8550; to fix the salary of tbe sberi'tl of Lincoln county at 81.800 and salary of clerk of county court at 11,350; to require tbe signatures of householders to petitions lor saloon licenses Instead Of the sig natures of legal votes as under the present law; to prohibit tbe sale of li quor in private boxes or booths of res taurants; to amend tbe liquor laws so as to require a license foi tbe sale of any quantity, whether more than a gallon or less. Moody's bill to regulate the practice of horseshoeing in counties of 50,000 population and over and creating a board of examiners to be appointed by the governor waa snowed nnder by 80 negative votes as against only 83 affirmative. DAKOTA ASYLUM FIRE ATTACK CALOCAN. Sixteen Women Patients Burned to Death. ONE OF THE COTTAGES GUTTED Z.lka Institution Was Vaatrovad last, Caiulns; art Xta af ' SI Faroon. Yankton, 8. D., Feb. 14. A most horrifying fire occurred this morning at 3 o'clock at the state insane asv lum, when oneoi the cottages was com pletely gutted and caused tbe loss of tbe lives of 17 women inmates. The cottage had stone and granite wans witb wooden Interiors, and in tended for laundry purposes. Owing to the crowded condition of the main bnilding, 40 of the female patients were placed here with the lanndry in tiie basement. The fire originated in tbe diyrooin of the laundry. Here there was a coil of steam pipes, and the theory is that either fine particles slmi lar to lint settled on the pipes and ia nuea, or that clothes which were Ihiokly hung close by dropped on to tne pipes and were fired. Tiie fighting or the fire was sreatly hindered by tbe loss of power. The only source of water was an artesian well, 400 feet distant, the pipes for pumping which ran through tbe ont- tage. The intense beat soon cause! tbe pipes to burst, thus leaving the fire men without power, and dependent en tirely upon, the direct pressure from tbe tank. But two streams of water could be thrown on the bnilding. and these did bnt little good. Fifty-two persona were in tbe build ing, 40 patients and 13 attendants. The structure waa three stories and an attio high, and bad two entrances. There was one stairway from tbe sec ond and third floors, which led into the main ball, tbna giving but one egress for those above the first floor. Patients and attendants fled witb ter ror, great confusion resulting, especially among tbose on the upper floors, Many heartrending scenes were enacted as tbe inmates, clad only in their night clothes and barefooted, rushed down tbe narrow flight of stairs, and finally ont into the snow. Tbe temperature was 29 degrees below sera, and further (pas of life from freeaing was prevented sIonffy prompt work of the attend ants from the main buildings. The at tendanta escaped, as did the others. bo were saved, witb none of their personal effects, many losing all they possessed. Portions of charred re mains can be seen in tbe debris at the bottom of tbe basement. Tbe four walla of stone still stand, block and grim, and will make the vroik of re moval dangerous, as a total collapse is liable to occur without a moment a warning. The institution was deetroyed by fire in 1883, when six lives were lost. The pecuniary lose at today's fire is $18,000, uninsured. Town Radaead by Combined Assault af Amorleaa roroaa. Manila, Feb. 18. -The American forces at 8:' 0 this afternoon made combined attack upon Colocan and r duced it in short order. At a signs! from the tower of the de la Lome church (United States signal station). the double-tnrreted monitor Monad nock opened fire from the bay with the big gunsol ner fore turret on the earth works, with great effect. Soon after ward the battery bombarded the place from another position. The rebels reserved their fire until the bombardment ceased, when thev nrea volleys of musketry as the Mon tana regiment advanced 09 the jungle. ihe Kansas regiment, on the ex treme left, with the artillery deploying to the right, charged across tbe open and carried the earthwerks, cheering under a heavy fire. Supported by tbe artillery at tbe church, tbe troops wi ther advanced, driving tbe enemy, fighting every foot, right into tbe town line, and penetrated to the presidency and lowered the Filipino flag at 5:80 P.M. - . ' The enemy's sharpshooters in tbe jungle on tbe right fired at long range on the Pennsylvania legiment, bnt tbe rebela were soon silenced by sbarpnel shells and the Pennsylvania remained in tbe trenches. As the Ameriosns advanced they burned the native houses. The rebels were mowed down like grass, but tbe American losses were slight Frlchtanod Filipino BnTays. Sen Francisco, Feb. 18. On tbe steamer from Yokohama today came "General" E. Riego de Dioe and 8enor M. Rivera, who are Agnlaaldo'a special eommissoners to Washington. They were very much disturbed when told of the latest developments in the Philip pines. England Want Wcrahlpa. Lima. Peru, via Galveston. Tex. Feb. 18. Great Britain, it is reported here today, has offered to purchase the Chilian and Argentine warships. Benor Carlos Walker Martinez, minister of the interior, bos demanded of tbe Bo livian minister, Dr. Emeterie Cano, guarantee of the immunity of the lives and property of the Chilians in Bolivia during the hostilities between Presi dent Alonzo of Bolivia and the federal ista, or insurgents. MUST HAVE A CABLE;. REVENUE DEFICIENCY It Will Be Larger Than Former Estimates. THE CANAL AND SUBSIDY BILLS Tbay Cannot Ba Passad a This Sassloa Far Lack of Tim to ' Consider. BURIED IN AN AVALANCHE. The Oregon senate Monday passed unanimously Josephi'a bill to make the cost of the maintenance of insane per sons chargeable against their estates in certain oases, and to provide for the transportation of insane patients to the asylum in charge of trained nursei from tbe asylum. Other bills passed were as follows: Charter of Dalles City (Tbe Dalles); to amend tbe obarter of the town of Du- fur, to amend the law relating to ten ancy in common, and abolishing joint tenaucy; by request, to give preference to honorably discharged soldiers and sailors in all publio employment; to amend the law ao as to make records of official court reporters piims facie evi dence, and to authorise tbe settling and signing of bills of exceptions by snocessors of the trial Jndge; to require Multnomah county to take the city oi Portland's lease of the steel bridge; to amend the charter of Lebanon. . INCREASED APPROPRIATIONS. Stany Italian Minora Vlrtlmi of tha Hilda Eight Bodloa Kaoavarod. Denver, Feb. 14. Two mighty ava lanches combining into one swept down Cherokee gulcb at 8 o'clock this morning, carrying away dozen or more mine buildings, oabina and ma chinery, and causing a great loss of life and damage to mine property. Bow many dead bodiea lie in this great mass of snow and debris will not ba known before spring. Eight dead bodies are now at the morgue, two more persons are known to be lost, and three have been taken out alive. The rescuing party has only penetrated about 15 feet into tbe mane of snow and wreckage piled up at the foot of the gulch to the depth of 71 feet. Favorlni alliior flaws Itaina. -the town of Btlloshoro, Ga., was. nearly wiped out of existence recently by a tornado. No lives were lost, but several people were injured, There is trouble is sight for all the Chinese in the United States, resulting from tne totul disappeaiance of Chinese vho were admitted Jo the country in ordei to take patt in the trans-MMs-aippl exposition. Inspector Junius Btone, of the government seivice. Is In vestigating tbe situation, A fatal head-end collision occurred at Itnlay City, Mloh., on the Chicago S Grand Trunk railroad. In which four persona were killed and seven were in jured. R. O. Judaon. Industrial agent of the O. R. A N., returned from Buffalo Hump, Idaho, confirms: the news oi a wonderfully rick strike on the Cracker Jaok claim, owned by Rufus Hawley, Flint & Co. The assays are the high est ever seen in that country, running The vote by which Stanley's bill to regulate tha praotice of dentistry In Oregon was defeated Thursday, was re- ponsideied in the house Friday, and the bill passed by a vote of 84. Two other. Important bins were passed. One is an amendment to the mining laws to facilitate the building of ditches and canals, of special inter est to mining sections, and the other is a bill to withdraw certain school lands from pnbllo sale and reduce the inter est on loans of, school funds in con formity with recommendations of the governor in a recent message to both houses of the legislature. . In tbe house Thursday the following bills were passed: Senate bill provid ing for a separate board of county com missioners for Claokamas county; to authorise county courts and school dis tricts to display flags on courthouses and schoolhouses, to amcnl the code relative to the loan of school funds by reducing the into. t rate to 8 per cent. and providing for foreclosure proceed ings whenever interest' becomes in ar rears six months; to regulate the bring ing of sheep from one county to knottier f 3,809.05 In gold and 840.88 in silver. ajud directing inspection; The Wuhlnartoa X,o(lilatnra tha Normal Schools. The 'Washington house appropria tion committee baa increased the Cheney normal school appropriation from 835,000 to (81,000. and lleni burg from 835,000 to 845,000. In the house Monday bills introduced were: For tbe publication of notices by posting in oounties of from the 10th to the 39th class; for the relief of Mrs. 1. II. Stab I; relating to the sufficiency and justification of bail on bonds; amending the constitution by permit ting women to vote on a constitutional amendment, granting suffrage to wo men; relating to dyke distriots. During the afternoon session of tbe house Mr. Englebert ooonpied the ohalr. Speaker Guie received a tele phone message announcing that tbe Pails treaty iiad been ratified by tbe United States senate. The announce ment was greeted with hearty applause by the bouse. Xalayad by Trains. Only 81 out of 84 senators were pres ent when the senate oonvened Monday. Senator Wooding is sick with grip at Seattle, and all of the east of-the- mountain senators wero detained by trains being late. ' Bills introduced were: Prohibiting the organisation of corporations until all bills and claims are paid; amend ing tbe revenue law by making person al property taxes delinquent on 80 days' notioe being given; permitting acceptance of taxes on any part . of a parcel of land with reference to taxes I due on other parts of same property; bouse bill, providing for tbe building of ferries to be operataed on lakes as well as streams was re-reforred, because of objection to tbe condemnation lights contained in tS old law, j agonclllo Ordared tha Flabt. Washington, Feb. 14. The follow ing cablegram was received at the war department today from Otis: "Manila, Feb. 14. Adjutant-Gen eral, Washington: It is reported the insurgent representative at Washington telegniphetd Agninaldo to drive out the Americans before the arrival of re inforcements, me dispatcn was re ceived at Hong Kong and mailed to Malolos, which deoided on the attack to be made about the 7th inst. Tlia eagerness of the insurgent troops to engage the Americans piecipitated tbe battle." Panama Strike Continues. iwioo. uoiomma, eh. 14. At a conference held yesterday at Panama, a representative of the strikers declared that the men were willing to accept $3.30 a day in currency, but the rail way officials deolT&ed to entertain the proposition. Fifty more laborers from fortune island arrived today on the steamer Finance, The general situa tion, so far as the strike is concerned, is unaltered. Thia end of the Panama railroad is completely blockaded. Gala In Knalnnd. ' London, Feb, 14. A heavy gale swept the British islands yesterday and has oontinued today, causing floods at many points. Rivers have overflowed then banks, railways have been sob- merged and there have been numerous casualties along the ooast. In reply to the representations of Ambassador White, Germany has as sured tbe United States that she will investigate the conduct of ber agents in Samoa, and should it be shown that they have acted in violation of tbe treaty of Berlin, she will recall them. The chief officer and boatswain of the British steamer Martello, from New York for Hull, England, wore killed and the quartermantt-r end a seaman drowned, during a fearful storm recently. Frasldaat MoKlnloy'a Hsuaca to Con srma Urges AoUoa at This H vs. loa. Washington, Feb. 18. The preel dent's message on the Pacifio cable, transmitted to congress today, is as fol lows: Al a consequence of tbe ratification of tbe treaty of Paris by tbe senste of tbe United States, and ita expected ratiriction by the Spanish government, tbe United States will come into pos session of the Philippine islands, on the farther shores of the Pacific, the Hawaiian islands and Guam being United States territory, and forming convenient stopping places on the way across the sea, and the necessity for speedy cable communication between tbe United States and all . the Philip pine islands bos become imperative. Such communication should bo estab lished in such a way as to be wholly nnder tbe control of tbe United States, Whether in time of peace or war. At present,- the Philippines can be reached only by cables which pass through many foreign countries, and the Ha waiian island and Guam can only be oommunioated with by steamers, in volving delays in each instance of at least a week. The present conditions ahould not be allowed to continue for a moment longer than ia absolutely nec essary. The time has arrived when a cable in tbe Pacifio must extend as far as Manila, touching at the Hawaiian islands and Gnam on the way. Under those circumstances, it be comes a paramount necessity that meas urea should be taken before the close of the present congress to provide such means as may seem suitable for the es tablishment of a cable system. I reo- ommend the whole subject to tbe care ful consideration of congress, and to such prompt action as may seem advisable. IN BLEAK SIBERIA. Bodloa of Aadroo and Fatty Probably ronndDlaoavarad by Matlvoa. Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, Feb. . 13. A gold mine owner named Konactyrscbin baa received a letter saying that a tribe of Turgusos, inhabiting tbe Timir pen insula, Worth Siberia, recently in- formed tbe Russian police chief of the district that on January 7 last, between Komo and Fit, in the province of Yen iseisk, they found a cabin constructed of cloth and cordage, apparently be longing to a balloon. Close by were the bodies of three men, the head oi one badly crashed. Around them were a number of instruments, tbe uses of which were not understood by the Turgusos. Tbe police chief has started for the spot to investigate, and it is believed that the bodies are those of the aero naut Herr Andree and bis companions. Missouri Fruit Crop K Iliad. r-evana, mo., jr'en. is. The peace and apricot crops of Vernon and Cedar oounties are reported killed today. Tbe loss is estimated at more than 8100, 000. Tbe weather is the coldest knows here in 80 years. . Trial Bavlaloa Bill Adopted. Paris, Feb. 18. Tbe trial revision bill was adopted by a vote of 833 to 333 in the chamber of deputies. Late this evening there was considerable ferment in the streets, caused by the shouting of the rival parties. Olathe, Kan., Feb. 13. Annt Dicy Dibbs, aged 80 years, was tonnd frozen to death in her home at Shawnee, bore I she had lived alone for years. She had apparently hurt herself by a fall and was unable to call for help. Washington, Feb. 11. Chairman Cannon, of tbe appropriations com mittee of the bouse, in the courae of a general debate on the sundry civil bill today, sounded note of warning against extravagant appropriations, and particularly served notioe tlmt neither ship-snb8idy bill nor the Nicaragua canal bill could be passed at this ses sion. Although he specifically dis claimed speaking for any one but him self, tbe statements be made, coming fiom the chairman of the appropria tions committee, caused great inter est. Cannon made a statement of the expenditures and revenue for the pres ent fiscal year, increasing Secretary Gage's estimate of the deficiency in the revenues from $113,000,000 to $i59, 000,000, exclusive of the $30,000,000 to be paid to Spain nnder the ornwi. sions of the treaty of Paris. At the opening of the session of the house today, a bill to amend the was -revenue act was passed, providing that ben a bond or note was secured by mortgage bat one stamp should be affixed, of a higher rate due on either instrument Among other bills passed was one granting railways tbe right of way through the Nes Perces reserva tion, in Idaho; to grant Boulder, Colo., 1,800 acres of land in the mountains for a park; to remove the existing dis ability of Confederates, preventing them from sitting on federat, petit and grand juries (thia was the last of tho political disabilities of ex Confederates to be removed), and for the - relief of the beira of the late Edward De Leon, late consul-general to Egypt. The bouse then went into committee of the whole and took np the consider ation of the sundry civil appropriation bill. Cannon Rn. Ill), in ebanteot the measure, made a general analysis of what it contained. It carries 862, 838.101. but $20,000,000 is for pay ment to Spain to carry out the provi sions of the Paris treaty. Exclusive of that, the bill carries $9,095,758 lest than the estimates, and $5,939,811 ess than the current law. Cannon's statement of the condition of tbe revenues brought on a general discussion, which lusted until adjourn-, ment. , - y" . In tbe Sonata Washington, Feb. 11. Several bills of minor importance were passed bv tbe senate this morning. One of them was to restore to their origins! status as to promotion officers of the navy and marine corps who lost number by rea son of advancement of otbei officers for exceptional and meritorious service dor--ing the war with Spain. Another bill passed authorized the purchase or construction of a launch for tbe customs service at Astoria, Or., to cost not more than $3,500. Consideration of tbe executive, legis lative and judicial bill was then re sumed. The paragraph relating to tbe deposit of copyright works in the na tional library waa stricken out with tbe intention of revising it in conference. A brief but lively otvil service de bate waa precipitated by an inquiry of Cookrell, concerning the expenditure of money for the office of supervising architect. Be maintained that the work of the supervising architect's office was done slowly, if not badly. The construction of public buildings dragged through year after year, "Were those buildings being erected by private individiuals they would be completed in one season. Following a general discussion, the pending bill was laid aside, after 61 pages had been disposed of, and at 8:15, on motion of Hoar, the sonste went into executive session and sooon adjourned. 1 Army BUI Mast Pass. Washington, Feb. 11. The Post says: 'The army reorganisation bill must pass or the president will call an extra session of congress. The opposi tion to tbe bill in the senate has al- dy been frequently referred to in tbe Post, and the prediction made that some compromise would be agreed upon whereby legislation of a temporary character would be placed in the army appropriation bill. This will not satisfy the administration. No make-shift expedient will be accepted. Tbe president has determined that tbe passage of tbe army bill shall be made ao issue, and there is no doubt in administration circles that be will be- successful. If, however, an ob stacle should prevent action, an extra session will surely be held." ' An. Independent Portland, Or., Feb. 11 Millionaire William G. Tiffany, of New York, the largest holder in the proposed Portland and Seattle road, vehemently denies that the Union Pacific or any other road will have any interest in tbe new line. He states it will be entirely in dependent. More to the point, work on the road is to begin at once. The Amerlean Casnalltles. Washington, Feb. 11. General Otia cables the war department that the to tul casualties resulting from all encase ments ainoe the ot evening February 4 aggregate 308, as follows: Killed. 8 oilioere, 66 euliatod men; wounded, 8 officers, 169 enlistd men; missing, 3 enlisted men. Wichita, Kan., Fb. 11. ft k re ported boie that many cattle c-f Ui range are suffering from frtram livof) This usually proves fatal.