WAITING. ' t st:o has slipped his tether ; . Awl ulluwd down the west. lt d weary, wesry wilting, lore.) li.e little blnl la sleeping la the softness of lis nest. Nifcht follows 3ny, dnjr follow dawn HU tut) itM4W llMS CUU4 .lld a"""! . And it'a weary, weary waiting, love. The cruel wind la rising With a whistle and wall, (And it'a weary, weary waiting, lore.) My eyes are seaward straining for the coming of a Ball: r,ut Told the son, and fold the beach Far and beyond whore case can reacbl And It'a weary, weary waiting, lore. I heard tbe bell buoy ringing How long ago It aeetnal (And It'a weary, weary waiting, lore.) And ever still, lta knelling Crashes In upon my dreams. '- The banns were read, my frock waa aewn, Since then two seasons' winds have blown And It's weary, weary waiting, love. The stretches of the ocean Are bare and bleak to-day. fOh, tts's weary, weary waiting love.) My eyes are growing dimmer As if teara or age, or sprayt But I will stay till you come borne. Strange ships come in across the foam! And it's weary, weary waiting, love. Cosmopolitan. THE BURGLAR AND THE BRIDEGROOM. THE colonial express was Just drawing out of New Haven late In tbe afternoon, when a young man with a dark mustache and glasses, who bad evidently lust boarded the train, walked down the car aisle and paused Inquiringly at tbe vacant seat by my side. .The tram was well mieu, and after pausing for an Instant as If to aee whether I objected to sharing my aeat with him the stranger planted himself at my side. Finally he leaned over to me. and, touching my arm, said: "I trust, sir, the arrangements will be satisfactory." . "I beg your pardon, sir," I replied. "I am Miss Celeste's man. I was sent to meet yon." I never neglected an opportunity to take advantage of circumstances, and I merely replied: "Indeed." - "We are due at Providence at 722. Tbe ceremony will take place at 8," be went on. Ignoring my non-committal replies. "If yon will please to give me your baggage checks," be continued, "I will have tbe servants attend to It when we arrive." "I have nothing wltb me but this satchel," I replied. "Ah, yon have sent It on ahead. That is good. But," he said, "yon are per haps wondering bow I recognised your' "I am not remarkably well known,' I replied, "and my pictures" "Ah, you look Just like them. Miss Celeste allowed me to look at one. I am gratified that you did not forget a sug gestion I made to Miss Celeste that you .wear a fedora and a pink rose." ' "So that was your Idea, was It?" I aid. Tbe train commenced to slow op for Providence. My companion arose, and I followed btm when he leaped upon the platform. A carriage attended by two footmen was In waiting, and my companion guided me to It I was In such a strange position that I would have preferred doing without the footmen at this par ticular time. In a few moments tbe carriage drew tip at tbe door of a large, well-lighted house wltb a broad veranda. From tbe parlor laughter and conversation indi cated that a large company was pres ent. As we alighted another carriage, which had been Just ahead of us, turn ed from tbe curb and a solitary gentle man walked up to tbe bouse. "We are Just hi time. That Is the minister," said my guide. ' I will show you to your room, If you please, and you can Join the company in the parlor as soon as you are ready. If you need me you can ring." Tbe broad staircase was at hand, and I was saved the em barrassment of meeting any of tbe guests whom I might be expected to know. Celeste, also, I escaped. ' My room was large, and upon tbe bed a number of packages were spread out J opened one of them. It was a dozen sliver spoons. A small card read: "To Mr. and Mrs. George Mopart: Congrat ulations." Evidently tbe package was Intended for me. I opened several oth ers. One was a handsome diamond pin, Just as I took It up I beard tbe knob of my door turn, and unconsciously I slip ped It Into my pocket My companion of tbe train entered, "Miss Celeste desires me to say that she will meet you at the bead of the talrs in ten mlputes, and will descend .with you for tbe ceremony." . "O, thank you, William. Is your name -William? I forget" "James, sir." "All right James; that will do." I retled my cravat and then took an other look at tbe presents. I remem bered afterward tbat I failed to return that pin. Several other, remarkably costly presents of small size were also missing afterward, though I remem ber perfectly seeing them on tbe bed .while I was in the room. I bad Just about six minutes in which to keep my appointment with Celeste. Had It not been for the ceremony which was scheduled to take place im mediately afterward I believe I should have allowed my love of adventure to lead me to the head of tbe stairs. Ce leste! Nice name! I wondered what she was like, as I softly opened tbe door and looked out into tbe hallway, fine was not there yet. Neither were the servants. I left the room, closing tbe door tightly behind me. 1 The ball was deserted. At the head of tbe stairs I could hear laughter and conversation. I bad my bat in my band, but In order not to excite com ment I bad left my small satchel be hind. I strolled out on to tbe veranda. Just at tbat moment down tbe street I heard tbe rumble of a cab. In another moment a four-wheeler, driven furious ly, hauled up and a young man leaped out He dnsned up tbe path, taking the steps three at a time. I drew back into tbe shadow. He passed so quickly that I could not see his face. I sauntered down tbe path. Tbe driv er w as Jut turning bis cab around. "IT!, cabby P' I shouted to the Jehu. "A dollar If I get to New Haven depot in five minutes. ' . I bought a copy of the rrovldencs Journal next day at Boston to see bow the ceremony bad beou performed. l or 8. pi'OVlUClul IMUvt til JuUliittl really did well on that story. I enjoyed reading the humorous ac count of bow tho bridegroom missed his train, and how the butler had mis taken another gentleman on the train for Mr. Mopart I disliked, however, to have the Jour nal make such open Insinuations against tbe honesty of the person thus Introduced In Mr. M opart's stead. It stated tbat lu all probability tht butler bad stumbled upon a clever ras cal and crook In his search for the bridegroom, for a number of costly wedding presents which bad been left In tbe room with tbe supposed Mr. Mopart had mysteriously disappeared, as he himself bad done but a few min utes before the real Mr. Mopart had ar rived. lie had left behln dhlm a small band satchel In whlcb were found a number of jimmies, skeleton keys, and other articles used only by a certain class of gentlemen. It was " tbe discovery of these articles that first aroused suspi cion. As for the wedding, that had taken place in spite of the excitement Ex change. There are more than six thousand known languages and dialects. There are always 1,200,000 people afloat on tbe seas of tbe world. Tbe gun of largest calibre in tbs world Is tbe British 17.72 inch one hun dred ton gun, A map of Jerusalem in mosaic, over fifteen hundred years old, has been found In Palestine. London has a population of 4,250,000, equaling tbe combined populations of Paris, Berlin, St. Petersburg and Rome. Tbe highest point of land in New York (Manhattan) is at Eleventh ave nue and l!0th street 225 feet In Brooklyn tbe highest point is Lookout Hill, in Prospect Park, 180 feet False teeth lor horses, which were suggested by the president of a French humane society a few years ago, have actually been Invented, and are gaining favor with owners of large stables. In Ecuador they sweeten coffee with crushed beetles; In Japan they give you gooseberry pie with roast duck; In Cey lon the richest people beg, and In Lon don a man who refuses to tip a waiter runs a fair chance of getting arrested. To "dance attendance" to an expres sion borrowed from the medieval cus tom, which compelled tbe bride at a wedding to dance with whomsoever asked ber. No matter bow low the con dition or how objectionable tbe person, the bride could not refuse. Growth of the Language, "It seems to me, Henry," remarked the wife of a professor of English lit erature, after the guests who bad at tended one of their "evenings" bad gone, "that you treated Mr. Scollops with marked discourtesy." "Oh. I did, did I r "Yes. You turned your back on him while he was talking to you, and walk ed deliberately out of tbe room, mutter ing to yourself." "I listened to him patiently enougb," said the professor, "while he was tell ing me where he had 'Sundayed the week before last. I stood it even when be observed that it always 'enthused' him to talk over old times, but when ha asked me to come around some evening and remlnlsce' awhile" and the pro fessor walked to the window and clear ed his throat vigorously "it was all I could do, Hester, to keep from throwing blm out of tbe bouse!" Swiss Humor. The PaU Mall Gazette, having had access to the official archives of the custom house at Les Verrieres, pub lishes tbe following example of duly scheduled imports: . A missionary was returning to Basel from Patagonia, bringing with him, not as the fruits of his labors, but merely for tbe purposes of science, a collection of Patsgouion skulls. Tbe custom house officers opened the chest inspected tbe contents and In formed tbe owner that the consignment must be classed as animal bones, and taxed at so much the pound. The missionary was Justly indignant; therefore the officials agreed to recon sider tbe question. When the way-bill had been revised, It appeared in tbe following form: "Chest of native skulls. Personal ef fects, already worn." Simplicity of a Novelist's Lire. Jokat, tbe Hungarian novelist lives In extreme simplicity. He is seldom seen away from home, and begins work at bis desk in the early morning, some times remaining there the whole day. A small room adjoining his library con tains tbe books of reference be con sults, a narrow bed like a soldier's, and a few window plants. Tbe room Is so destitute of what Is generally looked upon aa necessary comforts that It might be the dormitory of a monk. Dr. Jokai,- now in his seventy-fourth year. Is constantly attended by a devoted man-servant, who has grown aged la bis beloved master's service. Tbe Shape of the Earth. Owing to the action of certain well- known laws, tbe earth Is not a perfect sphere. Careful measurements show that It is slightly bulging at the equa tor. It is a simple matter to show proof tbat tbe earth Is round. When a ship is approaching tbe shore, the first parts to be seen are the top sails; as she nears the bind the lower sails and rigging come into view, and lastly tbe hull appears. If the earth's surface were flat tbe bull being tbe largest part, would be seen first" Philadel phia Inquirer. Japanese Books. Tbe Japanese now publish three times as man books as the Italians. Out of 25,000 volumes published last year In the Land of Flowers no less than 6,000 were law books, and 1,300 treated ot religion. Cluba rlrlv aome men in mstrlmnnr and matrimony drives others to cluba, Kaally Gotten Over. A oripnle mm a sprain is one who neglects to use Ht. Jacobs Oil to cure it. Prompl use of it brings prompt cure, and the trouble is gotten over easily. Woman' Weapon ana Ton! Una. Keeper Then she picked tbe catch on her handcuffs, ting through a two toot wall of stone, took out a pane of plate glass by removing the putty, and then opened the big lock on tbe gate. What tools had slier Matron None whatever. Stay. Good graoioua, I forgot to take away her hairpins! Keeper Then pursuit is useless. She still has them Stray Stories. Pains and Aches Of Rheumatism Make Countless Thousands Suffer. But this disease is cured by Hood's 8ar saparilla, which neutralizes the arid in tbe blood. If you havs any symptoms of rheumatism take Hood's Snrsrttmrilla at once ana ao not waste tune ana money on unknown preparations. The merit of Hood's Hamiparilla la unquestioned and ics recoru ol cures utiequullea. Hood's Sarsaparilla la America's Greatest Medicine for rheumatism Hood's PHIS cure sll liver ills, iocenta. No Mystery to Him. "Ilave you paid any attention to the race problem?" asked tbe thoughtful man, as he laid down bis paper. "Have 1. answered tbe very small man with the massive diamond. "I'm the fellow who taught Tod Sloan how to ride. Washington Star. DEAPNKSS CANNOT Hsf CURED Bv local amplications, aa thcr cannot reach the Olscaewd portion ot tbe ear. There tsonly one way lo cure m-aines. ami mat la oy consuiu. ttunal reuuvlies. Deafness la caused by an in flamed condition ol the mucous II ningof the Kustacbian Tube. When tbla tube Rets In flamed von have a rumbling- sound or imper fect heartna, and when It is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unlet the Inflamma tion can be taken out and this tube restored to lta normal condition, hearing wm no destroyed lorever: nine eases oat ot tea are caused by catarrh, which la nothing but au iiitiained condition of tbe mneous surfaces. We will aire One Hundred Dollars for anr easeolOeafnesslcanaed by catarrh) that can not be cured bj Hall s uatarrn cure, nana lor circulars, tree. . .,.. r. i. tltsnsi m 11. ivwaa v. Sold by Druggist, 7&e Hall's Family mils are tbe beat. Bamboo pens still retain their hold in India, wheie they have been in use for more than 1,000 years. If von want the best wind mill, rmmrw. tanks, plows, wagons, bells ot all sizes boilers, engines, or general machinery, see or write JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrison street, Portland, Oregon. A New invention rlylu- Ton. The latest invention ot considerable merit is tbe Flying Top," invented by a Western boy. , It is so easy to perate, tbat a boy six years of age can manage it without any difficulty. The top is constructed on the principle of a flying machine and by simply pulling cord, ascends from 60 to 800 feet, or, nntil its momentum ceases, when it giadually descends like a parachute, still spinning when it strikes the ground. ITS) rermaimiUy Cared. Bo ntsor nervouanee II alter Aral dav'a nae of lr. If Him.'. ,it Nerve ReatORr. Send for FKr.ae aa.oo trial bottle and ttreuee. nfl. B. H. JtLUila, Ltd.. sua aJcnU,-Mt,iUdelpbla,Pa. Venice Will Be Drained. Venioe without its waters would be far less pioturesque place than it ac tually is, says the London Chronicle. Anil such a state of affairs, we are led to believe, may eventually ooroe about. Tbe regular increase in the delta of the Fo has been studied by Prof. Marinel- li. Comparison of the Austrian map of about 1823 with tbe records of sur veys made in 1893 shows that the mean j annual increase during those years has been about three-tenths of a square mile; and from all known data it ap pears that the total increase during six centuries has been about 193 square miles. The inoease is continuing and the Gulf of Venioe is doomed in time to disappear. No immediate alarm need, however, be excited, for Prof. Marinelli calculates tbat between 100 and 120 centuries will elapse before the entire Northern Adriatic will have be come dry land. Street of CofTea Drinking on ffyes Snaitkin. according to the Medical Review, says that tbe Moors are invet erate coffee drinkers, especially tbe merchants, who sit at their bazars and drink continually duriug tbe day. It has been noticed tbat almost invar iably when these coffee drinkers reach the age of 40 or 45 their eyesight be gins to fail them, and by tbe time they get to be 50 yeais old they become blind. One is forcibly impressed by the number of blind men seen about the streets ol Fes, the capital of Mo rocco. It is invariably attributed to the excessive use of coffee. N. Y. Medical Times. A Colonia Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexi co, correspondent of the New York World thus describes the model town in whifth ha liven? ''Onre ia a inwn fit about 1.000 inhabitants. Eleven years try ali en s foot-easb. have passed since the first tent was a. powder to be shaken Into the shoes, pitched by tbe first settler. Now we At tils season your feet feel swollen, ner have hundreds of dwellings ownetl by vous and uncomfortable. If yon have the dwellers no millionaires, no beg- ,nrt"B or tight shoes, try Allen's . . . . Foot-base. It rests and comforts; makes gars. We are in a cham ber of the , walki easy Cures swollen and sweating mountains 8,000 feet high. Fifteen ; feet, blisters and callous spots. Kelieves miles of hills and hollows part us from ' corns and bunions of all pain and is a cer ihe nearest roilroad station. We have 'JL"nI!"J hilhlains, Bweatinij, damp , ... ,. , or frosted feet. We have over thirty thou- no saloons, no gamlbmg, no smoking, gand testimonials. Try it today. Sold by no proianny, no rounu uancing si our socials. We have one police officer. Nearly every man owns a gun. Our academy building has 6,000 square feet of floors and 250 students. If you ean beat this, please put in waste basket." DON'T DELAY.... In securing the COLUMBIA AGENCY for 1WW; one day'a delay may resnlt in your competitor getting it. we arc the only bicycle house having a delivery point in the North west. Prompt delivery of all ordcra atsured. pealers who handle the OoMJMKI t and H Alti roKIl line will hare a double advant age over others who do not. We have trn- firoved the uuallty of nor products, while our nereajted output enables us to reduce our prices, as rouows: I Columbia Rhalnless ..... ..75 00 Colombia Models A7-M... 60 00 Colombia Models td-tf), '98 pattern, 'V) im- I provemenui...w....... ,. 40 00 POPE MANUFACTURING CO., Ceairslllna Oregsn Washington, Montana aaa Idaho 132-84 SlXtb St., PO rtllBd, Of A SWORN STATEMENT. . I, C. B. Rollins, M. D., of Grass Vslley, Or., volnntarlly mske the following statement! After havinx my tt-th extracted I have had Ave nets marie at ltervalsof ahoutnlne months, three In Portland, one hi Han Kranelsco and one In Spokane. With neither of thane have 1 tx en able to ear a meal's victnals or even an apple or ripe peach. On Iiecember lu, IMM, I bad my sixth set mode by Or. Stri ker, I. O. O. V. Temple, First and Alder, Portland, Or., and within twenty minutes after the time they were put Into my mouth I was able to eat a common hard winter apple and a piece ol dried venison, and at this time, December lath, have eaten every meal since with tbe greateat comfort and with no trouble at all. r They are a perfect Ht and satisfactory in every respect. , . c. R. ROi.uNB, M. D. References French Brna. Psnk, The Bailee, Or icerman Co. Bank, Wasco, Or.j Wm. uwi'irr, miciin o, miermnu io., ira. a. o. nu -nut. auu nr.tjer, I oniaito, vr, "ubscribed and sworn to before me till Ltih day of December, iHtvt. 1zalJ SOUS OUiWifiS, Kotarv Public lor Ortgoa, Ownership of Wedding Preeenta. A recent decision in Springfield, Mass., as to the ownership of wetldin presents is that where such presents are sent to the bride before marriage, as is tbe custom, the presents are her property, and remain so even it a sep aialiou lakoa pluoe after marriage. View of a Layman. BM1 What do you rockon that doc tor tumps me all over de chest ferr Jake Tryin' to see how much dough yon had in your inside pocket, of course. Cincinnati Enquirer. 11a Knew Not All. lie You think you know it all don't yon? , Him No I have never been able to figure ont any reason for yon being alive. Indianapolis Journal. Samples of merchandise curried by a traveling salesman are held, in Kansas City, P. & U. R. company vs. state (Ark.), 41 L. It, A. 833, not to be bag gage within statute regulating charges on excess baggage. Weasels and skunks are enemies of tbe careless poultry keeper. All poul try should be kept in quarters made secure at night from these depredators. Openings for ventilation should be oovered with wire screens. REGAINED HEALTH. Gratifying Letters to Mrs. Pink- ham From Happy Women. I Own Tow My Ufa," Mrs. E. Woouiiskb, MUla, Neb., writes "Dkab Mrs. Pinkiiam: I owe my life to your Vegetable Compound. Tho doctors said I had consumption and nothing could be done for me. My menstruation had stopped and they said my blood was turning to water. I had several doctors. They all said I could not live. I began the use of Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and it helped me right away; menses returned and I have gained in weight. I hare better health than I have had for years. It is wonderful what your Com pound has done for me." "I reel Like a New rereesu" Mrs. Geo. Leach, 1000 Belle St, Alton, I1L, writes! " Before I began to take your Vege table Compound I was a great sufferer from womb trouble. Menses would ap pear two and three times In a month, causing me to be so weak I could not stand. I could neither sleep nor eat, and looked so badly my friends hardly knew me. " I took doctor's medicine but did not derive much benefit from it My drug gist gave me one of your little books, and after reading it I decided to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. I feel like a new person. I would not give your Compound for all the doctors' medicine in the world. I ean not praise it enough." The Tibetans have a week of five days, named after iron, wood, watei, feathers and earth. ' I never used ao quirk s cure as Plan's Cure for Consumption. J. B. Palmer, Box 1171, Seattle, Wash., Nov. 23, 1805. No fewer than 2,401 patonts have been taken out on processes for making sugar and salt Hogs are fattened on oranges In Paraguay, and orange-fed pork is said to be very good. Warmth and Strength. The cold of winter certainly aggra vates rheumatism, and at all seasons St Jacobs Oil is its master cure. It irapaits warmth and strength to the muscles, and cures. Among the industrial novelties are aluminum carpets and steel billiard balls. When coming to Ban Francisco go to Brooklyn Hotel, 2U8-212 Hush street American or European plan. Koom and board $1.00 to 11.60 per day ; rooms SO cents to $1.(10 per day; single meals 23 cents. Free coach. Cbas. Montgomery. Mrs. Richard King, of Texas, owns 8,000 square miles of land in that state. To Cure a Cold In One Iy Take Laxative Tlromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fulls to cure. 2oc. In 1850 the highest house in New York city Jiad only five stories. No household is complete without a bot tle of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec ommended by all physicians. Kou't ne glect this necessity. j Taxes on beatds are leived in Japan ese cities. auoruKgisrs ana snoo utorec lor zoc. i nal pastage FKEK. Address, Alien S. Olm- steu, itoy, n. x. Tbe rivers in Northern Russia were frozen this year before the end of Oc tober. Col umhla Model 49, ), Hsrtlorils M 00 Vedette. strictly Up-tfl-Iiate . 25 tw We ),,b bicycle sundrlea. Write lor terms and discounts. ' NEWS OF NORTHWEST Items of fienerwl Interest Gleaned Front the Thriving I'aollln ... States. A Wheat t'roiliiser, TJnlontown, Wash,, claims for the southeastern corner ot the I'aloiiao oountry the distinction of balng the greatest wheat-producing section of tbe world. Within radius of six miles of tbat thriving town thertt were raised this year upwards ol 1,500,000 bushels of wheat, with good crops of barley, oats, bay, vegetables, eta. Fall wheat, averaged from 42 to 6 bushels to the aura and spring wheat S3 to 30 bushels. If any other ambitious cor ner ot the world desires to contest honors for supremacy iu grain-iaising the opportunity is offered. Telephone Extension. The Rocky Mountain Boll Telephone Company will soon oomieot llailey. Idaho, with all' prominent pluaua by long distance telephone, A line will be construoted from Uoiso to Camas Prairie, thenoe to Hallcy by tbe (sold Belt, nnd then to lUiickfuot. Iluiley will be the headquarters of the 800 mile line between the Utah & North- cm and Boise. Telephone lines are be ing extended over the principal parts of Burns, Or., and tho Prinevllle Tele- phone Company is making extensive Improvements. Hops. A contract to sell 12,000 pounds of thelSttO hops at 10 cents por pound ,' "e patient. All ot sniess io.ii has been made by Daniel Cavanangh Hons with Dr. Dnrrln strictly conrj. to Faber & Nels. ot Albany. Pros, 'lontial. Letters of inquliy answered. peots for fair prices for this year's crop are very flattering. Hop men in Ore gon who held their crops and thus ob tained belter prices Are now out of debt fur tbe first time in several years. 1 1 oral Bros, bought several lots Ht North Yakima within 10 days at 13 H and 13 cents. 'Arivanae In Kgga. Eggs are worth 60 cents a dosnti nt Colfax, Whitman county. It would seem policy for tho Whitman farmers to raise a million or two bushels less wheat ami put in a fow acres ot bens, It is muoh ebeaper to raise a dosun eegs than a bushel ot wheat, yet Whit man ami other Kastern Washington counties, which produced nearly 15,' 000,000 bushels of wheat last year. import thousands of dollars' worth ol daily and hog products and eggs every year. . Canjpoavllle Indnatrlea, The growing and shipping of fruil n the vicinity ot Canyon vi He is now so far advanced as to bring in consider- able of a revenue. Prunes to tbe amount ot 1,500,000 pounds have been sold at the average late of over thret cents tier pound, bringing in ovor 148, 000. Shippers are now getting ready large consignments of winter spples. snd the prevailing prioe for turkeys it from 9 to 10j oents gross. Liuio, sul phur and salt for spraying purposes arc now in demand. Bromtne-Chlorlnn Plant. An innovation in mining that will be of the greatest value to the people of Eastern Oregon is the establishment at Baker City of a bromine chlorine plant, for the working of refactory ores, which have hitherto been con- idered as worthless. The Uoloonda plant, being erected by J. O. English snd others, snd which is expected to be in operation very soon, will increase to a great extent the busi ness of the Baker City merchants. Lima Slilpinenta. The Tacoma & Hoc be Harbor Lime Company, which is the chief lim works in tbe Northwest, shipped 100, 000 barrels last year, against 90,000 in 1887. Tbe increase was both foreign and local, and tbe president, J. S. Me Millin, says be expects an incroasj this year of at least 50 per cent, basing hit estimates on trade conditions and or ders now on hand. This business it a lair indicator ol the demand foi building material. BIS Cargo to the Orient, The N. Y. K. steamship Riojun Muru sailed froa Seattle last week foi tbe Orient, with one of tbe heaviest cargoes ever taken from that port. Tht freiubt included 4,000 bales of cotton,! 13 carloads of pig lead. 14 cars of wood pnlp, besides a great quantity of - flout and miscellaneous goods. Another cargo soon to be shipped to the same port will contain 700 tons ot salted salmon, brought over from the Fraser uver. Hide for ountjr Honda, The county commissioners of Gal latin county, Mont., received bids lusl Monday for the purchase of funding bonds to the amount Of 1197,000. These bonds are made payable in 20 years, and are to bear interest at tb rate of S poi cent per annum, payable semi-annually in tbe city of Iiozeiuan The oounty reserves the right to redeem any ol tbe bonds after 10 years, by giving 00 days' notice. Fins Induatry Growing. A result ol recent agitation through out Oregon foi the cultivation ol flux, is a commercial commodity, is the owing of a considerable acreage thic full to flaxseed. The Portland Linseed Oil works is furnishing seed to farmun on application, agreeing to take their pay from proceeds ol crops raised, foi which orop they will contract at prices that mean handsome returns. Hew Ilank Propoaed. A new bank, the second in the town, is a new project now being planned lor Lewiston, Mont. ' The capital is ex pected to be f 100,000, ol which amount Kergns county people have already subscribed for $()0,0U0 worth. George Bach, formerly ol Utica, will be cash ier, and the principal promoters are II. Hodgson, David Ililger, Herman Otten and Louis Landt. The bank will open its doois in perhaps a-week or two. - During the senson the Northern Pa cific has shipped from the ranges to Eastern terminals lor Northwestern and Chicago markets 10,000 head of Battle, an Increase of 6,000 over the pievions season; BIB, 000 head of sheep, an increase of 10.000, and 8,000 horses, an increase of over 60 per omit. The present season has not yet closed. I According to the correspondent In the fipokane Review, the mining town ol Kepublio in Eastern Washington, offers exceptionally fine opportunities 'to capital to erect waterworks. Hep j pesrs wster is now selling at 60 oents PR, DARRIN'3 CURES. Dakar City Republican. Those who are disposed to doubt Dr. Darrin's cures will have their doubts shaken on reading the following oard from Mr. John Martin, ol Cove, Or, Mr. Martiu is a man wull and favoro bly known to all ot our readers, and s man ot 20 years' resilience In Union oounty. His oas will go far to estab. Ilsh tbs skill of Dr, Darrini For the benefit ot the afflicted M well ss Dr. Darrln, I will stats I bad been afflicted 10 years wltb hydrocele snd other troubles before being treated and oured by Dr. Dnrrln, live years ago, in Portland. I am happv to say the cure was uerfmit and permanent, and I am now a well man. 1 reside at Cove, Or., and will gladly answer any Inquiries. JOHN MARTIN. Dr. Unrrln's l'lnee of nuslness. ill. Darrln gives Ireo examination (0 all, and when nooessnry gives modi einos In connection with eluotrkity. Tbe poor treated free from 10 to 11 thillv. exoent medicines. Those will- j ing to pay, 10 to 6; evening, 1 to 8; ttnmhiva. 10 to 19. Deafness, onturrh, eye, nnss and throat, heart, liver, stomaeh, lung troubles, errors of youth, blood taints. gleet, iuipotoucy, varicocele, hydrocele, striotura, gonorrhea and syphlllis a pnoclalty, Crosi eyes and hydrocele onaratod on nntil January 12. A ehronia malo anj female ami private diseases treated at reasonable rates, pui)U8iio.l except oy perm s- Circulars and question blanks sent free. Butteries and belts furnished when necessary. Office, 885 Moirluon street, Portland. Metals. Four hundred years ago only aoven metals were known. Now there are 61, 80 of which have been discnvaied within the present century Chicago Inter Ocean. Heroes of the 6j W&t with Sown (jt thousand of them, itc uf. rinnjj iTom 1 mo t Tin o uiv cam inducsd by lif in poitonou southern ctmp, th vtsult of changes of climate, or of imperfect luitTition caused by im proper and badly cooked food. Sleeping on the ground has doubtless developed theumatitm in hundreds who mve pvcdi&poted to the disease. In such uses the Boys of '98 my take 4 lesson fvom the ctperi nc of the Heroes of the Civil War. Hundreds of the Boys of '63 have testified to the efficoxy of Dr. WilllamV Pink Pills for Ple People in driving out m6.lo.ri. rheumatism And. other diseases, contracted during their dy of hardship nd privation (n the army. These pills re the best tonic in tht world, r Aaa Robinson, of Ml. Sterling, III., la a velrrsn of the Civil war, having eerml in the 8,il I'l-jinsylvnuia vohiulrera. lie went lo the mnr a vig.tr. oua farmer's hoy and came ones ltnat-n In health, a victim uf actaiti rltru. mutism. Moat nf the time he wna unmtvd fur manual lulxr of any kimt. and Ilia sutlcrlug vrrre nt sll times Inlrnne, Iteasvat Nothing aretiird tu give me permanent relief nntil thrwr yvaia ago, when my atlenlion was -called to si.nie of Die Wumlrrful curre erfecleit ly !r. Williams' IMnk Tills for Tale Trople. I had not taken more than half a hoa when 1 nntlrrd aa Improvement in any condition, ami 1 krvpou improving airadily. Tothens I owe my miioration lo beaUu. They are a grand remedy.".!, iiiiimf At S.H drutfaiw or Snt,Mttl4.M rocttpt at price. JOttt Btr bo, by th"D. VX.H.am Ms 0 .tins Co, b.t V, SeHgn.tctkdv.K.V. Cut Rate Drug Catalogue FREE ... Woorlard.ClarltcaCo. ngPASTlSBNT . PIIUTLAMI, Oil. YOUR LIVER la It Wrong? Get It Right Keep it Right Honra'a Revealed Itemed 7 WllMolt, Three doses will toako yon feel better. Oct It Irota your druggist or any wholesale drug house, or srom Stewart a llotmos Drug Co., Beanie. TEETH WITHOUT PLATES ItotN Crowned. HrM Mndft, . l'Kl.ittn IIIUmh una Klrantlnns Dr. T. II. White. f.SiTSr Relief at last PralMHl by thoflitifl of iuttiirttd latitat m Hare, al way rdlablA and without an equal. Auk rtrusrulflt fur Dr. Hrtra Vmm h rtnala Pltla la mtHnl boi with D9 dARTfUr FILLS Whit and Red. IiMlttt on bavin th Bttnulnii! "Rallfl, tor Woman" m&tltvl VHKRin DlaUn A.lMrl letter with tf tlnoiitalR ami imrtloiilnra, A1 Ve, FRENCH OftUfi CO., 3B1 nh 383 PenfC St., N.Y. la hnjrtnjr afNtrta ol cultivation watil f ao1 si ; larjtstlri f i prist Inal onmt ot turn b on liirVrior tiiGila thai biNst smnds) to cUMpatfttw Par a trilla nora for FERRYS alwari art roar mnnara worth. Flva cat par pipar svftrvwiiftra. Always ilia w Dear, bhvtamsuii rra. tv I I IIUV A -., jf 1 a. roll, Ml.fc. f ..JUST OUT., THE FLYING TOP. The greatest Invention of tho sge. We will anril SKiniilo. pniiiaid, on roccliit ol 'Urn. We give an ciiu prices w sgoms. i liniisanda or mi-ll and womi-n can mna u to i i day selilne Mr novelties. PACIFIC! t'OAMT KOVEI.TVK o 181 First street. Portland. Or. r? mm 1 i Beat )uh erup. Tuus OnrnL TJas r 1 f ! w ) f I SnS V" Water rawer Abandoned. Tbe famous Innlins railway at Pros pact Park, Magma Fulls, is to be opor. ated electrically according to a rsmml (Incision o( the Nov York fttnts f'nik Commissioners. Heretofore this rail way hits always been operated by water power, but in rlew of tho tact tUt during the great lee brldgos, when tourists flock to loe this marvelous sight, from nil over the slutti, the rail way Is usually Inoperative. This has been due to the chocking ol the inlults with Ice ami very often too low water. As there Is no other means ot access without a tedious descent and ascent, the tourists have been greatly Incoii. voniunoed, and the mniingement havs lost consblarablo money. With almn (hint electric power nvsllulila from the Niagara Falls Power Company tbs (lee trio operation ot the load appears to b most apropos. German? anil Asia Minor, Tl Is Inevllalile that Asia Minor shall eren. ttially psaa Imm thn pnss-mion of Mnham. ineilttiilsm, and whi'tliurilenriaiiy aecnmiillaiua the task or not. the Siitlua mtist yield tu a Christian nation. It l Just as limvlliil.le that illxjiiea n( tht dlitiwtlve ordain inut yield to HiuToller'sMtoinaeh llllters. The riiminlers nt Oils kitiit are usually called !ypela, voiiNtl. iiallitn anil hlllnu.lieM. The Hitlers are equally kikmI lor all such eouiplalals, rvaardluna ol tbs liaiuo, One of Many. Mrs. Weeks What business is lour lmsbnuil enitiiged in? "' Mrs, Meeks lie operates In stocks, "is he s bnll' or a 'bear' f" "Both. Hu's bull at the stock exchange and a bear at homo." Chi cago Uvening News. The Thing to lo. When tho fiolntio nerve Rives Its woist torment In the shape nt Sciatica, the one thing to do Is to use 81. Jacobs Oil promptly and feel sura of a cure, rerfeotljr llarmleaa. , Dix I open know a round man who smoked 60 cigarettes dally without any particular harm resulting there from. IliX Is It possible Dix Yes; and tbe only noticeable effect was the death of the smoker, Chicago Evening News. $40 CASH, $45 INSTALLMENTS i899c BICYCLES neat Wheela n Karth." ISM Ideals MM, ri ttt. Sena lor catalogue, Liveageiita wanted everywhere. rrtltDT, MKKRILI, Yl' LB '., J,0ttTI.A.m Rl'OKANff. TACOMA. J 1 fv. Is UULTIFLQRA ROSES. ! nt IIimm, new Homo., plants btnv b li.il la laa.i from f tin ,tf .,,. . j rVTth lima. TW Hf nul. kly anil Ifciwari pw qunntlty. Vnrturtlj haMr la thn rilon, whera ll,.- siHim all aaminnr. In P"l limy Mwm h.,lh .imini., j,d Vint., pmm a iaA ,f moi ,ma will get Ibj.oa o( varli.ua eolors white, plus. erloiiin. aa 1. alike, and vary awent. Hond as 10 eenta and the aamss if a or moni peoplo wham e Snow buy amta or alanta, and wa alb mall y.n a pai-kM at 11,1. HoJ JOMli LEM3 CHlLDVFlorJM.il RUPTURE CURED. VHairHNToVlfaVX'tj,'-- JKZSA CURf YOURSEIFf . VJl. X i aiT m"t nnaatnrat l.ll..J.,kI 4larharM, llinailiiii.lli" mTXZL "'rall.."i !-.... .lVi. "ami rKEsiOstiriif!o. " or pqlsuiioua. Ciscimuii.o.f ' 'J sjaia by arrngajlata, ' wiWaaaa-WJaiw'iiiauj;.;..--", MACHINERY ?'. '!", Minos, Shop, ,n() Farms! Steel g. l!5f KnssiJIo. Chisel SSljLgjri liiany Orea.e, e'te". " TATUPolBOWEH M. P. . V. HO. B9.