The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, January 13, 1899, Image 3

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JANUARY 18, IflDh.
Considering lb season of tho year,
tlia fundi received by (lie county dur
ing the month ot Docetiibor hut wm
a very satisfactory amount. Treasurer
Bona receipted Clerk Welti for $145 26
for moneys roivetl on innd rcdetnp
lions, mid $103.40 fee. From Sheriff
Bice the treuau rr received $94.82 tai
money and $ 55.78 fee, accruing (rum
the S per cent penalty on delinquent
ids. The total for the month was
f lfiS.BO.
V i i
:, Mrs. Mary Ellen Louse aaya the til
war question U dead, and our friend,
Jaokson, of the Knit Oregon, avert the
(Ad girl helped to kill it. Just so, Jack.
Doubtless1 you are right this time, for
one if hound to hit tiie mark once in a
while. However, your mind bas
changed ilnoo Mrt. Loaie toured the
Weal tome time ago, when none wtt
ao loud at the Knit Oregoiiinn iu laud
ing the praise of tbit aame Mrt. Lease
whom it now accuses of destroying ilt
Idol. Milton Jingle.
Every town hat a liar or two; a
mart Aleck ; tome pretty girls ; more
Ion fen than It needs; a woman or two
that tallies; an old fogy that the town
would be better off without; men who
land on the street comers and make
remarks about women ; a man who
laughs an idiotio laugh every time he
cayt anything; ecoret of men with the
caboose of their troutert worn at tUck
at glass; wen who can tell you how
the war question should be settled ;
the weather, and how to run. othor
people's business, but who have made
dismal failure of their own.
The Ontario, Oregon, Mattack min
gles literature and international prob
ferns and local news thus: Hogs are
all butchered grunting cested. Those
who understand turning bogs' intrals
Into a weather bureau say the bog
nielt was lapped more forward than
ft and that the severe part of the win
ter is over. Several people here are
going into tbe nog business, una
reason is, Prince Biamark has passed
way and "Windy Bill" feels bettor
after hit camel ride through Jerusalem.
No trouble exporting our bog into the
fulberland. Suocess to American bog.
JIo oan get In anywhere he wants.
Through tlcknest of the office force
and In the family and a rush of work
on band Tun Mist neglected to men
tion in the last issue that the Kuightt
of r ythias of this city bold a public
Installation of officers on Tuesday
evening of last week. The families of
members of the order were Invited, the
total number present being about sV'
enty-flve. Deputy Grand Chancellor
Edwin Uoss, assisted by Fast Chancel
lor Frank Dow as grand prelate, and
fast Chancellor David Davis as grand
master at arms, oandueted the installa
tion ceremony, the orlicers for the pres
ent term being 0. W. Blskeslcy, 0. C. ;
G. O. Haley; V. 0. E. E. Quick, M. or
W. ; Martin White, prelate; Ed Joseph,
M. Of IS,! Edwin Uoss, M. of jr.; M, u
Gray, K. of K. and 8. ; H. R. Cliff, M.
at A.; J.N. ltioe, I. O.J John 8oott,
O. Q. A fter this ceremony the lodge
room was converted into a banquet
hall, tables being spread and laden with
numerous delicacies, and those present
proceeded to make merry a only suck
a crowd oan. Many good speeches
and witty sayings were indulged I ft
until an extremely late hour, when
the visitors retired, and the members
proceed to olose lodge in the regular
form. Avon lodge has the reputation
of being a cay entertainer, and when
a meeting is announced at which the
ladies and friends are to attend, it oan
confidently be expected that good
time will result. This lodge is now al
most five years old, and is one of the
most prosperous lodget in the Oregon
domain. The membership has in
creased to almost rixty contributing
members, and its permanency is an
assured fact.
Farties who have been holding West
ern Oregon and Washington timber
land for years are feoling greatly en
couraged over the prospects of dispos
ing of their property in the near future
at fairly good prices. - Several traotsof
Washington timber have been sold
within the past few months, and a deal
ia now on band, with every indication
of being closed within the uoxl few
Weeks, whereby local man will sell to
an Eastern Arm several hundred acres
of Clatsop county timber land. The
growing scarcity of good timber in the
Eastern and Middle states is causing
the mill men to look to the coast for
an available supply. Astoria Budget.
The comity court has purchased a
new portable saw mill for $1,200, which
ia to be used for sawing out plank to be
used in the construction of roads, and
a the logs will not coat the county
anything, for people on the roads south
of here have agreed to furnish them
free, so anxious are they to secure
good roads, it can now be confidently
relied upon that Tillamook county
roads will in a few years be iu far bet
ter shape to travel thun what iliey are
today. Tho county judge and com
missioners are generally commended
lor their wisdom In purchasing the
aw mill, which we believe will In the
eud save the county large sum of
money Tillamook Headlight.
A remarkable coincidence, which
may be of interest to believers in tele
pathy and other kindred occult ser
vices, is to be noted in connection with
the recent destruction of the Fulton
cottage at Seaside. On that night the
members of the Fulton family were
alarmed by a strange sense of smoke
prevading the residence. The odor
was so marked and distinct that the
ladies ot the family became alarmed
nd Insisted on a thorough examina
tion by Mr. Fulton of the entire prem
ises, which, of oourse failed to disclose
uy fire. Strange as it may seem, this
waa a veritable occurrence, aud believ
ers in the misteriuus can make as much
or little of it as they please. Astorian.
An exchange has the following good
advice: "Once I was young and now
I am old, and I've never seen a girl
unfaithful to her mother that ever
came to be worth a one-eyed button to
husband. It isn't a guess. It is a
law of God. It isn't exactly in the
bible;' but it is written large and awful
in the miserable life of many a misfit
home. I'm talking for the boys this
time. If one of you chaps ever come
cross a girl that, with a face full of
roses, tays, at you como to the door,
'I can't go for thirty minutes, for the
dishes are not washed,' you wait for
that girl. You sit right down on the
doorstep and wait for her, ' 'cause some
other fellow may come along and carry
her off,' and right there you have lost
an angel. Wait for the girl and then
tick to her like a burr to a mule's
If you want to be loved don't find
fault; don't believe all the evil you
liear; don't jeer at anybody's religious
belief; don't be rude to your inferiors
in social position ; don't go untidy on
the plea that everybody knows you;
don't repeat gossip, even if it does in
terest a crowd ; don't underrate any
thing because you don't possets it ;
don't contradict people, even if you are
lure you are right; don't believe that
veryone else in the world ia happier
than you ; don't conclude that you
have never had any opportunities in
life ; don't be inquisitive about the af
fairs of even yonr mo-it intimate
friends ; don't get into the habit of
vulgarizing life by making fun of the
sentiment of it ; dou't express a posi
tive opinion unless you perfectly un
derstand what yob are talking about.
Don't lose sigh? of .the fact that Co
lumbia county, baa a prosperous future
if her citizens will only take the
trouble to tell the world about our
boundless resources.
The snow and sleet storm of tbe pstt
week snd the consequent accompany
ing cold hat been a bummer. Just as
an illnslraiion of how cold it baa been
here in St. Helens the following state
ment made to ua at different times
during the weak are published. It is
said that some of the boys down town
found a bottle of fourth-proof alcohol
froxen, last Saturday, the bottle hav
ing broken, and tbe frosen substance
was used to knock the icicles off the
hot water tank when they were mix
ing toddy. All the sun dogs froie
to death, according to Sheriff Bice's
statement, and a nightmare over in
Charley Muckle's barn ia said to have
had her hoofs frosen off. A popular
young man here in town (we will not
divulge any names) proposed to a so
ciety yonng lady one night during tbe
week, but the words were frozen before
they reached the young lady'a ears,
and the young man is now quite de
spondent because lie has received nd
answer. Martin White laid he taw
Bob Uattan sink a shaft sixteen feel
through the mow to find bit cow, and
when he found her the gave ice cream.
This is snow joke, either. Tbe smoke
in Jim Sheldon's shop ohimoey froze
solid, and it was found necessary to
make shoepegl out of bamboo stalks
in order to let tbe frost out of George
Mayger's boots. Dr. Cliff loaned bis
team last Sunday and tbe driver is
said to have frozen and did not return
here with the team until late In the
night, in charge of two honest high
waymen. It waa soold weather.
The county oourt in session last Fri
day fixed the tax levy for the year
1898 as follows : The state tax hav
ing been fixed the day previous by the
slate board at 5 7-10 mills, county tax
15 7-10 mills, school Ux 5 6-10, mills,
soldiers' and sailors' indigent fund 1-10
of a mill, the total being 27 mills, the
tame at on tbe 1897 roll The total
amount ot valuation on the 1808 as
sessment roll ii $1,396,080, and the 27
mill rate will raise $37,694.17, of which
amount the state lax will be $7,957.66,
county purposes $21,918.46, school pur
poses $7,678.45, indigent fund $139.61.
There will be a larger amount on the
tax roll when turned over to the sher
iff for collection, however, from the
fact that a great many of the school
districts will levy a special tax, which
will add several thousand doliara to
the total to be collected. The county
levy as fixed this time is over two mills
leas than last year, owing to the in
creased state tax levy, aa tbe court
did not choose to occasion a higher
rale of taxation than baa heretofore
existed. This reduotion will necessar
ily lessen the amount of money for
county purposes, notwithstanding the
faot that the tax roll tula year contains
about $35,000 more assessed valuation
than the one last year contained. The
situation ia about the same, however,
under the ciroumstancee, as the legal
rate of interest on warrants is reduced
2 er cent, besides the county is not
so far behind on payment of warrants
by several mouths, aa it has been in
the past.
Thb Mist is tbe official paper for
Columbia county for the year 1899.
The county oourt so designated it last
Friday, and in tbe future, as in tbe
past, tho proceedings of the county
oourt, tbe only matter which this
designation covers, will be printed free
of charge to the county. During tbe
years of 1894, 1890 and 1896 this paper
did this work for nothing. In 1897
the work was dons by the News free
of charge, but that paper charged 15
cents an inch for printing the proceed
ings during the year just ended. The
bid of the Newt man to do the work
for the year 1899 was 1 cent a line
while Thb Mist offered to and will
print the proceedings without cost to
the county. It It a matter of news to
our readers, and the proceedings will
appear regularly in our paper as soon
after the oourt adjours earh term aa it
it possible for the clerk to prepare the
copy, and while we are looking for all
the legitimate business there is to be
had at reasonable compensation, we
do not tee why Columbiacouuty should
ray to have tbe proceedings of the
court printed in any particular paper
when all the papers are obliged to fur
nish the court proceedings to their
readers at all events. Thi Mist al
ways has, and will continue to print
all the county news. .. .
Editor Curtis, publisher of the As
toria Herald, and member ot the legis
lature from Clatsop county, doesn't
take much stock in football, and he
will probably try aud have It abolished
at this session of the legislature, lie
has announced bis purpose to Intro
duce sucn a mil.
These are dull days for the newt-
paper. Notwithstanding the fact that
the advertising patronage it light at
this season of the year the expense of
getting out a papor remains just tbe
same if anything slightly increased.
If you have not paid your subscription
you could do us a great favor by doing
" On behalf of myself and wife I wish
to extend thanks to the good people
of St. Helens and Houlton for the
pleasant surprise donation party given
us last Saturday evening. They left
our larder well stocked, which, with
$8.80 cash, amounted to about $22.50.
I especially feel grateful for the good
will and appreciation shown by one
and all Bar. G. G. Halsy.
' The legislature will have no possibil
ities of obstruction to mar its progress
in the coming session, and an open
Held for work will be left to it. It is
to be hoped, however, that in the un
obstructed opportunity for legislation
that ambitious legislators will not force
upon the people any more superfluous
laws. The state already has too many
laws of a useless character, and some
time might be profitably spent in re
pealing a few of them.
Intelligent methods are the needs of
the state at large In the improvement
of our roads, as well as an appropria
tion of money for the purpose. Legis
lation may be needed, but about as
much as anything that is needed is
energetio action by residents of the
district, and the manifestation of a de
sire to actually make improvements
that will be of benefit and not merely
to get tbe lob done regardless of the
advantage that will follow. Eugene
Thb Mist takes this means of thank
ing its correspondents. We realize the
i in porta ut part our contributors have
taken in making Thb Mist a live and
newsy county paper. Without your
assistance it would nave been a difit
cult matter to have attained tbe suo-
cess which the paper baa met with.
We desire that when occurrences take
place in your neighborhood that would
Interest the public, send it to us for
publication. All we require is that
your uame ia signed to the manuscript
to prove Its genuineness. We do not
want to print your name. All neces
sary stationery and sumps are fur
nished to regular correspondents.
Before Judas Doan Tuesday even
ing wat heard s writ of habeas corpus
in the case of Mary A. Gaston vs. o.
A, Sanford. The warrant for arrest
was issued out of tbe circuit oourt
last Saturday, charging defendant with
attempting to abscond and thus de
fraud bis creditors. Mr. Sanford wai
arrested on Monday evening, after re
turning from Portland. At the habeas
corpus hearing defeadant was ordered
released from the custody of the sher
iff on the ground that insufficient evi
dence had been produced to warrant
his retention Voider the circumstances.
. Last Saturday evening there was a
surprise donation party tendered Rev.
and Mrt. Haley at their home in this
city, by the people of St. Helens and
Houlton. The donations were numer
our aud useful and the surprise was
complete. After a brief time spent at
the house the assemblage was invited
by the Masonic fraternity to repair to
their lodgeroom," wnlch was accepted,
and where two ' or three honrs were
very enjoyably spent.
Professor Hoist will give a basket
ball in the opera house in this city on
Friday evening, January 20th. Each
lady attending will be expected to
take a basket of lunch, which will be
auctioned and sold to tbe highest bid
der. Admission, 60 eenta for gentle
men, ladies free.
Mr. D. W. Freeman, of Fiahhawk,
was a passenger down on the Shaver
Tuesday evening from Portland. Mr.
Freeman was returning from a trip
through Washington county, where
he purchased a team of four-year-old
colts. . Friend Freeman will drive a
fancy team. ,
Columbia county begins tbe new
year nnder the most favorable condi
tions and everything indicates great
prosperity for our business interests
aud a marked improvement all along
the line in our county. We are bound
to grow and thrive with the passing
years tbe location and natural re
sources and natural conditions make
it not only possible, but positively cer
tain. A little energy exercised, bow
ever, by our citizens would add greatly
to the development of tbe county to a
wideawake and thriving taction. Our
requirement! are many and can only
be obtained by push. Let every citi
zen itrive to aid in our general ad
vancement during the year 1899.
Senators come high, but they are
an indispensable commodity. As a
result of Oregon's special session bf
the legislature last October the stale
lax levy is over 2 mills higher than it
waa last year. Tbe special session
disposed of much work which was nec
essary to be accomplished as soon aa
possible, yet we believe the principal
factor in prompting its convening was
the election of a senator. The time
between the special and regular ses
sions waa so short that we believe it
would have been possible for Oregon to
have survived the unpleasantoees of
remaining two or three months longer
with but one senator. The action of
tbe legislature now in session will dein
enstale whether or not the speoial ses
sion wat a good thing.
Under Oregon's tax law all school
districts and municipalities mutt make
their tax leviet and certify the tame to
the county clerk during the month of
January of eaoh year. As school dis
tricts mutt make their leviet by vote
of the people, and a ten days' notice ia
required to call a meeting, director! of
school dislrioti should make their ar
rangements accordingly. It must be
understood, however, that tbe law is
explicit in its explanation that before
lbs levy in a district ia made it is first
necessary fur the school clerk to obtain
from tba county clerk a certified state
ment of the amouotof assessable prop
erty iu each district. The county clerk
now hat the required data prepared,
and until it ia received by the district
olerk no special levy should be made.
Mrs. Mclntire, a lady who recently
located in this city and baa a dress
making parlor in tbe Gable building,
sustained a fracture of the left wrist
last Friday by falling on the slippery
sidewalk near Dr. Cliff's office. It was
an unfortunate accident.
Circuit Court.
At an adjourned terra of circuit court
new iters Baturday tne lonowiog pro
ceedings vers bad :
John Conwav vs. Nathan Nichols; con
firmation of sale.
Confirmation of sale by assignee of tut
nsolrsnt estate of lean Blanchard.
Tbos. Cooper baa been absent from
town for several days the past week
looking after business interests in
Kalama, where he has just recently
opened up a new saloon in partnership
with Mr. J. Berber, also of this place.
County court adjourned last Satur
day noon until Monday forenoon.. It
was impossible to finish all tbe busi
ness on band Saturday. Jndge Doan
and Commissioner Peterson completed
tbe duties of that body Tuesday.
Coroner McLaren sent into court
this week the report of the inqnesl
held in the case of Andrew Jokola.
Tbe verdict of the jury ia that deceased
came to his death by drowning while
Rev. G. G. Haley will preach, in
Houlton next Sunday morning. Sub
ject, "The Mercy of God." He will al
so preach in St. Helens in tbe evening
at 7.30. Subject, "The Voice of Ages.'
Commissioner Frakes and family
came down Tuesday evening from
Clackamas county, where they bad
attended the funeral of Mr. F rakes'
father, who died last Sunday.
Thb Mist having been designated
the county official paper for the year
1899 it is necessary to become a sub
scriber to it in order to get all the
county news.
in another column of thta paper
will be round a list of the newly ap
pointed road supervisors for the year
1899, together with their postoffice ad
dress. ,
Charley Muckle was kicked on the
thigh by a fractious horse. Wednes
day. The injury is considered not ser
ious. :
Thomas Cloninger. with hit usual
good nalured am lie, waa in town from
Soappoose Tuesday. - -
W. D. Plue, of Rainier, haa been
granted by the government a patent
on a door.
Mr. Holcomb, of Portland, is visit
ing bis granddaughter,-Mrs. Dillard.
All kinda of commercial job and
book printing executed at this office.
Every time the wind raises a dis
turbance it seems to blow about it.
If Sbilob ' Cough and Consumption Curs,
which is sold for the small pries of lift ct.,
SO CM. snd f 1.00, does not curs take tbs bot
tle back and we will refund your money.
Hold for over fifty vsars on thfs guarantee.
Price 26 ct. and 60 cu. Bold by Dr. Edwin
Ko, druggist, St. Helens, and N, A. Par
ry, Houlton.
Fbakbs. At Locan, Clackamas county, oa
Sunday. Jsnuary 8, lHoU, William Frakes,
aired 75 years.
Deceased cams to Oregon from Indiana.
He leaves three children, bis wife having
died about six years ago: P. A. Frakes,
commissioner of Columbia county, Mrs.
Laura Kiory, of Yamhill comity, and Marsb
Frakes, of Logan, Clackamas county.
Moetra. At Rainier, Wednesday, January
11th, 1890, C. W. Moser.of pneumonia.
Mohtoh. At Bachelor flat, Monday. Ian-
nary wo. IBM, wt toe whs oi eric ssor
ton, a son.
Blaek heifer calf . a short vearllnr. whit star
In face. Owner please call, Drove urODertv. wit
charges aud recover same.
as. n. 0HVUJOM, ei. netens.
One scan of hone, harness and waeon. W0:
or taoraei and harueas Ztf. J. U. OountaY, Bt.
ueieus, Oregon.
Conaw Tbbasubbb's Osnca,
St. Hrlxn. Oa., January 18, 1990.
unpaid County Wsrrauts of Columbia
County, Oregon, which have been presented
aud endonwi: "Not Paid for Want of Funds,"
prior to May 10, 1SV7, will be paid upon presen
tation at this office. Interest will not be allowed
alier this date. KDWIN BOris,
nstll Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon.
Mrs. Ellerson, of Portland, ia visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. Sheldon,
Treasurer Roes has
rants in this issue.
a call for war-
Subsoribe for The Mist and get the
eounty news.
Charley Cooper has returned from
Oak Point.
Ed Gore waa up from Eagle Cliff
This is pretty good advice to yonng
men in anv station of life, and would
be excellent to follow in this see of the Vt. Kose waa
world. The advice ia charaoteristio of Monday night.
tbe man who gave it. Bob Bnrdette
says: "There are young men who
do not work, my son, but the world is
not proud of them. It duet not know
their uamee, even ; it simply speaks of
them as 8o-and-So'a boys. Nobody
likes them: nobodv batea them: the
great busy world doesn't even know I0'" JPP "h,t .n
that they are there. So .find out
what you want to be and do, son. and
take off your coat snd make a dust In.
the world. The busier you are the les.
deviltry you will be apt to gel into, the
sweeter will be your sleep, tbe brighter
snd happier your holidays, and the
better satisfied will the world be with
f,.d!:cs t!sa food mora delicious end whoSesonsa
Sflvsi. BAKiwfl sewnst, e., w veiw.
called to Clatskanie
A Correction.
Oabico. Or.. Jan. 9. (To the Editor.)
Noticing an Item in your paper last week
of a visitor at Mr. Crouse'a camp at Carico,
I wish to correct an old mistake. Carico
poatomcea is tributary to ueer island, ana
is about lire miles from Mr. Grouse's. Quite
sent pp there, so it is rather unhandy alt
: Muddy Complexions, Nauseating Breath
ooiue Jcons clirnnio constipation. Karl's
Clover Root Tea is an absolute cure and has
been1 srdd, -for fifty year" on an absolute
guarantee; H'lioe 25 ota and 50 cts. Sold
y-lift il win Boas, druggist, St. Helens,
Oregon, aud N. A. Perry, Houlton, Oregon.
La Grippe Successfully Treated.
I have just recovered from the second
attack of la aripne this year." says Mr. Jaa,
A. Jones, publisher of the Leader, Mexia,
Texan. "In the latter case I used Cham
berlain's Cough Kemedy, and I think with
considerable euocess, only beinjr in bed a
little over two days against ten days tor the
former attack. The second attack I am
sattatted would have been equally as bad aa
the llrst but for tho use of this remedy, as 1
had to go to bed in aboutslx boura after be
ing 'struck' with it, while in the first case I
was able to attend to business about two
days before gottiiia 'down. " For sale by
iUr, dwiu Boss, druxKist. .
Notice of Final Settleaest
undersigned administratrix of the estate
of William Wilkinson, deceased, have Sled in
the otfie of the Clerk of the County Court of
the State of Oregon, In and for Columbia County,
my final account of my administration ution
said estate, together with say petition for anal
distribution of the real due of said estate, and
that the Hon. J. B. Doan, Judge of said Court,
has appointed Tneaday, the 7th day of Febru
ary, lhaa, at t o'clock p. m., ss the time, and the
Courtroom of said Court, in 8t Helena, In said
County and State, aa the place for the settle
ment of said account and hearing of said pe
tition for diitritxiiioa in said estate, at which
time and place any person interested In said
estate may appear and Ale written oh lections
thereto. J.OtJlfiDA W11.KI80N,
Administratrix of the estate of William Wilkin
son, deceased. Join
Notice for Publication.
Labd Omci at Okbook Citt, Ob.,
December 18, vm.
following-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof in support of
his elfllin, and that said proof wiU be made be
fore the eounty clerk of Colombia county, at
St. Helens, Oregon, on January 41, lave, vis:
Homestead entry No. MM, for the south M of the
northwest , and the west of the southwest
of section 27, township 6 north, range 4 west.
He uamee the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon aud eultivation of
said land, via: P. Peck, William Allen, Ueorge
Parker and W. Wrench, all of Vernonla, Oregon.
aaya chas. a. auimui, aecister.
Notice for Pablicatioi
Laud Optics at Obbgoi? City, Or.,
iwiumIu. ia tooa
il following-named settler haa filed notice of
bis Intention to make final proof In support of
nis ciaim, ana mat saiv proof win oe maue oe
fore the eounty clerk ol Colarobla eounty, at
at. nolens, Oregon, on January xs, law, via:
Homestead entry No. 10,061, for the northeast 54
of section 10, township 4 north, rauge S west.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, vis: Fred fleeter, John Hildebrand,
Wm. C. Adams and Julius Fleeter, all of Valley,
vngon, aa& uhab. b. muukm, ueguter.
Notice for Publication.
IiAmd Orno at Obbook City. On..
following-named settler haa filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore tne county ciera ot uuumoia eounty at Ht
Helens, Oregon, on January 14, 18W, vis:
Homestead entry No. 9210, for the west W of the
soutneast , ana east oi soutnwesi 4 oi see
tion 30. lownshio 5. north of range 2 west.
He names the following witnesaea to prove his
continuous residenoe upon, and eultivation ot
aaiu uina, vis:
Joseoh Dunont and M. J. DuDont. of Valley
Oregon, and M. Apachand C. o. Mover, of Peris,
wagon, ayjis i.uas. b. jtuoaas, register.
Notice for Publication
Land Ornca at Oaaeon Citt, Oa.;
December 7, 9fc
following-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk oi Columbia county, at
St. Helens, Oregon, on January lath, issa, via:
Homestead entry No. 9257. for the west H of the
northwest of section 2S. township t, north of
range 2 west.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of
said land, vis: Joseph Dnpont and N. J. Du
ron t, of Valley, Oregon, ana C. Bauervoln and
8. Rook, of Perls, Oregon.
d9JU CHA8. B. MO0RK8, Register.
Sheriff's Sal8 on Foreclosure.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the CouutT of Columbia. - . ,
Thi Stats sr Oskoon ako m Boa as or Com-
aiiasioHXBs fob thb balb or school akd
VjNivaasiTT Lauds inu roi thb Ikvsst.
Jobh Rabbis axd Loot B. Habbis, His Wirav
ment, order and decree, duly issued out of
and under the seal of the above-entitled Court,
and dated the 14th day of December, 18U8, in
favor of the a Wive named platnUna, The State
of Oregon and the Board of Commissioners for
the Hale oi school snd university Lands, and
for the Investment oi the Fanda Arising There
from, and against the above-named defendants.
John Harris and Lacy B. Harris, his wife, for
toe aum oi a nree At unarea ana iriity (asm1; aoi
lars, with interest thereon at the rate of eight
per cent per annum from the 9th day of Mar,
1898. and the farther Bum of One Hundred rllCM
doliara as an attorney's fee, and the further
sum of Ten and forty one-huudredths (S10.-0)
dollars eoets and disbursements, and the eosta
ot and upon this writ, oommanding and re
quiring me to make aale of the followlng-de-soribed
mortgaged premises to wit: The south
west one-quarter (sw) ot section s, township
S, north of range 2, west of the Willamette mer
idian, in Columbia county, Oregon, and con
taining 160 acres ot land, with the improve
ments thereon. Now, therefore, by virtue of
said execution. Judgment, order and decree,
and In compliance with the commands of
said writ, I will, on Monday, the 23rd day of
January, 1899, at the hour of 10 o clock in the
forenoon of said day, at the front door of
the county courthouse, In the City oi 8t. Helena,
Columbia eounty, elate of Oregon, sell, at pub
lic auction, subject to redemption, to the high
est bidder, fur United States gold coin, cash in
hand, all the right, title and interest which
the above-named defendants, or either of them
had, in and to the foregolug-dcwrlbed mort
gaged premises on the dute of plalntlrTs mort
gage, or since had, to satisfy said execution,
judgment, order and decree, ftisu and all accru
ing ousts. J. N. KICK,
Sheriff of Columbia County, Orewon.
Dated at St. Helena, Or., Dec. as, less. dj J0
Q. W. Cole, attorney for piauniff.
i' I ; i I . k t
simllntlng ttieToodarulReguta-tagiteStoaiflctefirailmcf
iKsssndRcstXootains neitter
(Jjnum.NIorphine nor riincraL
AyJs W- ,
- jtrHM . . 1
If -i t's fnrg Mar " I
' (AwjWJbjar-. I
. hiiiMn rsrnn
Aoofect Remedy for ConsUp-
lion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms jumvuisiorsTeverisn
oess and LOSS OT SiEEB
lac Simile Signature of
n "V" r n f 1
(i ". se va i fi n r r 1
W&a UW 14 UutiU ii
Foir Inhnti and Children.
Tfo IGsd Yc I!sv3-
Ill i. lap Lrpi
Bears tho
Sir m m
oi A A I
wa '
' - t
K ft' ,Jto
hp- Kind
UJ' You Have
Always Bought.
I 1 .1 V 1 V I
f "i r n ct
i.y IS iuii,; !
1 ' if i
TW rfrrAtt rorwrr, tirwromt nr.
This store keeps always on band a fin assortment of con
fectionery, tobacco and cigars, etc., besides tbe shelves are
always sept wen otiea w:u
...A ccmplets assortment of fancy and staple Grccsriss...
Batter, eggs, and provisions of all kinds, domestic and
tropical fruits in season. ,
- J
Dr. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor.
Patent Medicines, Fancy Toilet Articles.
. Carefully and Accur
ately Compounded....
Complete Line of
Druggists' Sundries
School Books...
School Supplies
flair) Street, - St. Helena, Oregon.
Choice Groceries
Always on band. Flour, (train, sod feed. Tobacco and
cigars, and smokers' articles, notions, ate.
...Dry Goods...
Inehtdintr a general assortment of elothimr, furnishings,
and dress goods. Also a fine Uue of boota and shoes.
Main Street,
St Helens, Oregon.
Jennlng's Patent Bits
Clark's Expansion Bits
Common Braces
Ratchet Brace
DrawinektiiTea ... ...
Folding Drawing-knives . . . . .
Common Saw-sets
MorreiPs Saw-sets .. ....
Carpenters' hammers........
Carpenters' hatchets.
Carpenters' handajtes
jack planes
Disston handsaws
Good steel handsaws
firmer chisels. ... .
....12 to 30c
.70c to
,60c to X2.00
it 20
... 60 to 70c
......... 65o
1 25
....60 to 75c
....17 to 35c
ica ckcak rastziRs.
1-qt. Artio... I 85
8-qt. Artio 1 15
S-qt. Artio. 1 SO
Black Diamond Files. Oil Stoves. Pinchers. Wrenches, and mar.v t', i I
used by all kinds of people, at low prices for the next 3o days. Optn vuut9.
4-Quart Artie
1- qt. White Mountain
2- qt. White Mountain
8-qt. While Mountain
4-qt. White Mountain
6-qt. White Mountain
13- Inch Philadelphia
14- inch Philadelphia
16-inch Philadelphia
18-inch Philadelphia
20-inch Philadelphia....
Camp Coffee Pots...
.... 1 00
... 1 45
.... 1 75
..... S 00
.... 2 46
4 SO
.... S 15
8 00
...... 6 W
7 no
.20 to 3i0
5- qt. with cover.,...
4-qf. with cover
6- qt. with cover
8-qt. with cover......
SsesnS stnel ate
t. wW,.wts9 "i1