OREGON MIST. JAN UAH Y 8, M, LOCAL NEWS NOTES. The word mlclalta t man can make U to oorreut th mistake of his friend. It la easier to ill re a boitKar a Hvo-dol Up bill than to forglveour brother Who ruioa inn pitiluaa logio over our puaonul prejuuloa. Commissioner roterson arrived In (own Tuesday uiglit from hia home near Miat. Mr. Peterson atatoa tbat tbera are about thirty invhea of euo on the dividu between Milt and Olats ' lanio.and an vocational tree aoroas the road makes travel ouiwbal diOl ; cult. The current of life runa ever away to the boaom of Owls jrreat ooeau: dou't aot your foroo 'gaiuit the rlvar'a course ana linn to alter lis motion. Don't waato a ourae on (he univomn remember, it lived before you. Don't butt at the atorm with your puny form, but bond anJ let it fly o'er you. The world will never adjust itself to auityour whim to Ilia hitler; aoma things hi lint go wrong your whole life loin, aud the aooner you know it the better, Flulirer brother, of Mayger, won a bronae modal and a diploma for hav ing the beat exhibit of plain and fancy shingles at the Omaba Ezpoaitlon. Thia ia not only an honor for theni, . but a big edvertiaemeutof thareaoaroca of Oolumbia oouuly, ealhng the atten tion of the ahingle men throughout the Hunt to our unexcelled limber. Would that more business men of the con nl ry bud the "gat up and git-' to them that thia nlururisiug firm ba. ltainier Review. Some freak haa telegraphed from Portland tbat laborura are very acaroe in Oregon, and advisee people in the East to oome Went The diapatch an (wared in the St. Louis Chronicle, and baa been the cause oi niany peraona writing to Mayor Maaon, of Portland, and the chamber of commerce of that city, All kinda of aohenief are ad vanced, one man wanting to establish at new telephone line in the metroH-ll. While Oregon ia prosperous, laborer are net an acaroe a repreaetiten, and audi rej-orttcan bave only a bad effect. "If newt paper man knew how many 'knock' be received behind hi back he would adopt another calling," remarked a oitiien the other day. The newapaper man who luccee1!, expect to be maligned by every law-breaker, windier and Hypocrite, every carping critic aud every lover of notoriety who la ignored, tiJ in fact by all peraona who do not agree'witlrhlntonall public dad private qtieelious.' The newepaper man who expeuta to go through life without being mWrepn-arnled and un justly eenauied sbuold make arrange menu to die young. Tillamook Head- Steelheads are In groat demand. Though the eeason iaatita height, very few are being taken. Owing to their oarcity, fishermen only go out occas ionally, and a nighl'a drifting on the river seldom remit in a ctoh of more than one or two Hah. The water i extremely cold, and the weather at tbia season of the year makes it very an--pleasant to spend a night in an open boat drifting on the river. Fishermen, theiefore, are reluctant to go out for the amall oompenaation in it. At cer tain stage of the tide, when steel heads are known to run better, a few boat can be aeon drifting abreaat of the city, in favorable weather. For a time th demand waa o great that the buyer forced the price op to7 cent a pound, but tbia only laautd for a few daya and ' the price dropimd to 6 cent, where it jiow remains. The lupply i very, lim ited, but it is not thought the price will go any higher the remainder of , the aeaaou. The reaidence of II. B. Borthwick, 334 Taylor atreet, Portland, was gone through by burglars Thursday even ing, aays Monday' Oregoniait. Mr. and Mr. Borthwick had juat gon down to hia mill, near Qoble, and the girl employed by them had gone afier a woman who staya with her when the family I away. While the bouse wa Vhtia left unprotected, some sneak thief who had been watching hia opportun ity entered through the basement and ranaaoked the house, opening every closet and bureau drawer, and turning their contonta out in search of the plunder he fancied. Ha did Dot care for ailverware or clothing, but secured aome 925 in money, a pair of opera gbiet'S and some 300 of Mr. Botth wick's ChrUtmae cigar. A box con taining s doxen pain of new kid gloves w thrown aside a of no value. The thief waa evidently in search of article of value which did not occupy much pnre. Mr. Borthwick did not get home until Saturday night, and yes terday had hardly time to ascertain what was missing, aa the contunta of the bureaus snd closets ' had been so scattered about. The will of Mary Jane Brlstow was admitted to probate in the county court yesterday, any Friday's Oregon ian, and K. L. Krenan and Ata K. lliohaidann were appointed executor without bomla. The estate ia valuvd t about $7000, and is deviaed aa fol low; To Ana Richardson, a brother of the testatrix, reading' in Lewis comity, Wash., lot 4, block 40, Couch addition, and the Income of the prem ie at 600 Front street, being the south oiiu-hiilf of block 6. block C, Carw Iters' addition ; also C4Q00 owing tiy him to the testatrix, loaned to pur chase a farm in Lewi county, and a franchise) for a boom at the mouth of Lewi river, Wsh.,belng right granted to the Lewi Eivcr Boom Company by lease for fifty year. To Liselte L. Kesnan, lots S and 3, block 4, Couch addition, and Mary J. Keenan, daugh ter of Ljisette L. Keenan, the west half of let 1, block 40, Couch addition. The rest of the enisle i devised to 8umuel A. and Archie llichurdson, a brother and nephew, residing in Iowa. There re niimeron bequest of articles of jow. lry. H. W. Fries, W. H. Grind etaff and A. D. Keenan were appointed appraiser. The Mr. RichardkOn men tioned in thia will is well known to St. Helena people, having resided just op posite this place for many year, and ha been a familiar figure on the streets of this town. We might say to the mow I "Oat off from the earth ; and perhaps no one would got mad, either. Miss Beatrice Crouse Is up from As toria spending a few day with relative aud Ineuda in and about ot. lioleti. Misses Jr iorenoe and Anna ueorge returned to Portland last Sunday, after pending a week witb relative in this oiiy. . . Wolffs A Z wicker, of Portland, bave purchased a ten-acre tract of land at Linnton, and will proceed at once to erect a large shipyard and slilp-build- ing plant. Two hundred men will be giveu employment. The women are on the warpath after tbe Utah congreman who ha throe wives. They are also on the warpath after the man who has no wife, and it ia not often that the man who ba one wifo escapes the onslaught of the lady belligerents. Verily, women are like providence, in that their ways are past finding out. Hero Is a pointer for school boys and girls. Your teacher are your best frionda. Whatever they ask you to do, try to do it promptly and cheerfully. Going to school I bualneas for you, just the same aa regular buaines for the older folk, and if you neglect your business now, where and bow will yon finish your life workf Oolumbia county need a good many things, but tbe worst of all ahe should have an organisation to advance her interests. A board of trade or commer cial association would bring about many enterprises in the course of a few years that otherwise will go to neighboring oountiea. Now is tbe time lo liue op with the procession. J Mr. E. M. Wbsrton has recently dis posed of bis farm, Just below Colum bia Uity, to Mr. Joe Holaday, oi Boap- poose, and Wednesday of tbia Week left, accompauied by his family, for Newcastle, California, where be expects to permanently locate). Mr. Holaday has purchased one of the nioeat amall farms in this aeotiou of couutry. Judge Doan lat Saturday heard the petition of W. D. Cae, administrator of of tbe estate of James Cook, de ceased, for final settlement of the estate. The administrator wa dis charged, aa were alao the bondsmen, and the estate turned over to Andiew Elliott, wbo held a power of attorney from the two ben lu the old country. A letter from a reliable gentleman in Manila says the condition of the sol dier is) by no mean deplorable. Most of tbe sickness ia the direct result of wine, women and sons?. The letter say that no soldier suOer who keepa out of the night air and does not dis sipate. In fact, their life is a contin ual round of joys a perpetual picnic We believe be tells the truth. The macqiierade dance givea in this city last Friday evening, under the auspicea of the Knighta of Pythiaa, waa very much of a success, not par ticularly so from a financial stand point, but socially it eclipsed all former events in the history of the town. The best of order prevailed and all present seemed to be set on having a good lime, and certainly they bad it. Tbe receipte were equal to the expenses, however, for all of which the member ship is duly grateful. The future prosperity of Columbia county depeuda largely upon what the people of the county make it by united effort and an evincible desire to work for Columbia county and not aome particular part of it. Help build up, and not to tear down. There are many detail, however, to be thought out and worked out, and intricate prob lems solved before the wonderful re sources ol this county can be de veloped. We aak one qnestion for the solo purpose of eelling our friends lo thinking: What united effort ia being made to induce manufacturing indus tries to locale in our county and de velop our resource? What is every body's business it nobody's business. Let us be up and doing. On the 21t of thia month there ia to be a meet ing in Portland of tbe state board of Immigration, and an invitation ia ex tended to county courla and chairman of town council throughout the (tale to attend. Columbia county ihould be repreesnted there because the meet ing will be one of representative peo ple, and undoubtedly great good would oome to tiiia county should it be prop erly represented. And too, a chamber of commerce, to look after the indus trial interests of the county, could ao complin!) a great deal. Getting our products lo markQt; fruigbt rales, en couraging tbe patronage ot Dome manufacture, encouraging industries to locate here, and numeroua other matters that such an organization could take up which would be a per manent benefit to the county. If we desire to progress we must adopt the methods lor that purpo-e employed by sections of the state that are going ahead. The successful man in btui- nes studies out carefully the.amnll matters and guard them carefully, and so with our county's interest. We must took to the minor detail, and it requires an organised body to accomplish those thinga. The year at will undoubtedly be a busy year for u all, but we can well afford lu devote a portion of our time to the public' welfare. When everything i bustnw and stir propositions for public benefit are more easily accomplished. We must look after immigration, i. W& de itlre the acquisition of sturdy, indus trious husbandry. We want our hills and fertile vulleys converted into vine yards and meadows, and when this be uccomplivhed our population is natur ally increased, our wealth become greater, our taxes less, - and our inde pendence forever eatiibli.xhed, snd if a chamber of commerce or a board of immigration can accomplish any of these things it will be of lasting bene fit to our naturally wealthy county. v s f 1 flkkes t-30 food more dclidoiss end wfco-esoma Srtvi. Bw!m ww MOWLTON NOTK9. Ed Potter was la St. Helens Tueaduy J as. Speno went to Bcappoose Tuesday Mrs. N. A. Ferry has been on th !ck list thia week. . Mr. and Mrs, Samuel iCcllujr visited Port land last week. Mft.M, P. Smith, of Varnonta.ba started a restaurant here. Mrs. B. Parry spent Christina in Port land with relatives, Fred Franl visited th metropolis on Tbursday of last week. Mr. Jolly baa moved on a Mr. Olson's placs back of Peer Island. Th Onion Hunday school has r-Iote4 officers tor I lis ensuing year. Prof. I. H, Copslsnd, of thia plaos, I teaching tae HI. Helens scbeol. Mr. and Mrs, N. A. Perry spent Christ mas with relatives in tteappoos. E, F. Bidley' brother from Seattle has been visiting bare for a few days. Miss Eva Bblntaffer, of Caatle Hock, is Visiting relatives here at present. H. J. Wattsrs, of ek Helen. 1 loading a oar of wood at this place for Portland. Mis Leah Wilson, oar f. teacher, spent Christina in Portland witb bar parents. Thomas Henderson left for his boats Tbursday of last wsok on tha night train. Th elegant M. K. churob is progressing along nicely, and ia all ready (or shtugtes. Tha many friend of Mr. Emerson ar glad to sea him walking about after a tll of sickness. , Rev, Philbrook's two sons, Ed and Wat son, ware bom for tb holiday from col lege at forest Grove. Tbe section crew her wss out down to two men on account of not having enough tie delivered on track. N. A. Perry' little danghtsr ba been quit sick since Christmas, and Mr. Perry lias been quite miserable too. Capt. Jss. Cox and aon bave gone to Alaska; the former to act as captain of a steamer end ths latter as fireman. Rev. Pbllbrook preached a very Instruct ive aad eutertalnlng sermon here last Bun day night, it wa very appropriate to th new year. Mrs. II. Hsnshaw visited Portland on Tbursday of last week, accompanied by Miss ltirdis Hsnshaw wbo ba bu visit ing her for a few.day. Bchool opened again Monday with ranks soniewhut thinned on account of the suow, and so many children being confined to tbolr borne on account of severs oolds. Tbs Vernonia mall baa bean lat for the last few svenlHgs on account ot mow and trees serosa the road. Tb mallear rier re ports three feet of mow on tbs mountain. Rev. Haley filled bis usual appointment bare Sunday morning in apita of the mow. 11 r. Holey ts undoubtedly abroad-minded Christian man. He ban ius.de many friends hers wbo ar auxloua to see hiui succeed. Tbe pupils of th school presented their teacher, Uiaa Wilson, with a beautiful pho tograph album for lUiriatmas. It la hardly necessary to say tliut aba value th gilt highly ss a token of their regard for bar. Tbe young people of thia place wbo at tended tbs K. of P. ball were Misses Den ial! Walker and Wilson, Messrs. finvtd Hsnshaw, Fred Franta, Aarou Kelly, Kph Harrison and N. A. Perry. Tbey all are lavish iu tbrir praise of the Knigbts ss en terialuers, aud tha phrase "I do hop tbe Knights will give another ball, sojn,"is common on her now. Houlton bad a very successful Christmas tree. A abort programme wa rendered, on of the leading features of which was tbs voml solo by Misa fiirdi lieusbaw, of University Park. After tb programme tb curtains wars drawn, revealing two trees, groaning under Uielr load of Christ mas fruit. All ware remembered and an enjoyable time was bad. CL.ATSKAN1B NOTES, Special school racetiug next Fiiosy even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Buiarth, ot Woodland, Wasb., spent a few daya witb th family of N. Merrill. Mias Laura Nichols and brother, George, were visitors a few .daya of last and the present week. .; Constable and Deputy Sheriff Haines and furca of deputies are on duty these night about tb railroad station. W. 8. Miller and wife, who apent a few daya including Christmas with friends at Castle Kock, Wash., returned tbia week. . 8. Colton, a former engineer at this place for tbe A. 0. It. passed np the road last week to take a similar position with the 0. U. 4 N. Co. A very enjoyable entertainment was given Tuesday evening in Merrill' ball by Mia Louis barr, assisted by th Kanklu sisters and Miss Ross, all of Portland. A child 7 month old of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Elliott died Mondny evening of scute bronchitis after a brief illness, funeral took plaoe Wednesday morning at Maple- wood cemetery. Frank Clark has returned from hia wand erings to visit his parents lu town. Frank bas heen around the country a good deal in tit last two year or more, going as far south a Pbosnix, Ariaona. James McDonald ha tbe contract ot car rying mall three time a week between this place snd Vesper, relieving Jamns Van wbo baa been doing ths work. He bss also leased Van's lesidence and plaoe, Just out side of town. Vau will probably continue the butcher business hi th spring. The body of Andrew Yokolu, drowned in tbe Columbia last week, was brought to this city for burial. T hia wa an untortunut case where whlskt got th belter of the man and caused bis drnith while on his way home from the Oak Point whiskey scow, by the capslaing of his boat and drowning. A unique and pi exant school entertain ment waa given In the upper room at the school-building last Friday evening. It was a combination of music, recitations, readings, ending with a drama entitled "The Courting and Marriage of Mother Uoose," In which tbe various members of tbe Mother Goose family acquitted them wives with distinction. A good deal of labor M I - b wy, ww vok. must har been sjient In prepare"", but Mother Ooos and her whole family can fuel graliCed at their satisfactory perform ance, while tb musical and literary num ber were alao to be commended. Tbs eld year went out with considerable noise about Clatskanl. The firing of guns fliiia tsjss persons fcsssine st Brit another attack bad been mad opon the railroad Asiatics, but th ringing of bells and good-natured racket generally suggest ed that nothing of that kind waa on band. It dawned on ths folks soon that th old year wa going out and th new coming in, and th nols seemed to b In order, WAltKKM KKW8. Cat Hawkin 1 rcpapering bis house, Mr. John Downing 1 attending to busi ness at Portland. Frank Hoyt was attending to business In St. Helena Wednesday.' - Will Wilburn, of Stella, la tb guest of Mr. and Mr. Downing. Mr. B. O. Hazsn bas been vary sick for tb last week witb la grippe. p 00. Young spent a few day at th Lak farm tb latter part of last week. Mr. H. H. Clark and wife apent New Years with Cha. Clark aud wife. Key. Jaa. A. Kensbaw will preach at th scboolhouss next Sunday evening. J. K. tiill, of Portland, (pent Thursday of lost week on hi ranch at this plao. Will Marquam, of Portland, wa attend ing to business at Warren on Monday, Johnny Nelson and wife and Mia Birdie Downing wer Portland visitors Wednes day. . Mr. E. Harm, who was quits sick tbe first part of ths week. Is able to be around again. Mr. iUamnssen and Jlmmte Bacon were passenger en tb noon ttain for Portland Monday. Jiinmie Bacon, Dad Downing and Chaa. Clark took a trip to Buuker bill on Thurs- of hut week. Mrs. Flagg, of Salem, cam down to at tend the funeral of ber fathar, Mr. J. R. Beegle, on Friday last. Mr. and Mr. Downing and danghter, Birdie, and Dale Sample spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Harms. Mr. R. O. Hazen, Uisa Edythe Haxeo and Jack Cooper were the gueste of Will Cooper and wife on New Year. Fred Hawkins i tbe happiest fellow In Columbia county, bis wife buving presented him with a baby boy on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Cause, wbo bad been spending tbe holidays witb his family at thia place, re turned to Portland on tbe noon train Fri day but. Mr. Ellas Wilborn.of Stella, Wash., who baa been visiting at W. I. Fullerton's dur ing tb holiday, departed on tue train for Portland Monday night. The Misses Mae and Maude Blavens, who hv been (pending the holiday witb their sister, Mr. Boott, at 8t. Helena, returned home on the noon train Tuesday. One of tbe best conducted ranches in this part of the country ia th Pattullo place. Mr. Ed McParland hi a practical farmer and ba pat tbe place In a better condition than It ba aver been in before. In tbs abort time that Mr. McFarlaud bas bad charge of tbe place, great change can be noticed. The ranch baa never bees a paying propo sltlon of late years, but nnder Mr. McFar land'a careful management it wilt enjoy tbe distinction of being on of the best paying ranches In Columbia county. A Psp Sheffield was attending to boai a ass at ticappoose on Tuesday bis bora be came frightened at tha train and ran away. He waa in tue railroad office at te time, and ruabod out just In time to ee his horse and cart dissappear around the bend of tbe road, and immediately gave full chase. The horse succeeded in turning tb cart over, and in doing so ons of tbs shafts wss bur led a foot hi tha ground. Pap succeeded in reaching heme witb tha bars and cart minus a whiffle tree and backboard and tbe harnesa tied up with bale rope. John B. Beegle, sr., who departed this life at Warren on December 28, 1808, of heart disease, st th age ot 74 yean and eight months, waa born in Kentuoasry, April 24, 1824. and moved to Oregon In 1876, pur chasing a farm near Warren "ptin which be resided op to ths time of km death. An aged wifs and (even children aarvlve him aa follow: Jss. A. Beegle, of Warren, Ore gon; Joba R. Beegle, ot Dye, Alaska; Mr. Sarah K aster, ot Ooshen, Missouri; Mrs. M.I. Dickey, of Cottage Grove, Oregon; Mr. Ella Flagg, of Salem, Oregon; Mr. Lucy Miller, of Lone Rock, Oregon, snd Mrs. Anna Richardson, of Washington. Th deceased was a good citbten, a man of sterling integrity, upright and honorable In all his dealings, and waa widely known and highly respected by all who knew him. Tbe burial took place in the Oddfellows' cornet ry, near thi place, on Friday last, and wa witnessed by a large gathering of sympathising friend and relative. "Peace to hUash." "Hello I Bacon," said Max Berg as he came bounding Into the postoffla on Tues day ot last week, "give u a cigar;" and turning to your correspondent and a few other who were bugging the stove said: "Step up, fellows, and smoke." We ail looked at Max in astonishment, and won dered what bad happened. W knew that Christmas bad passed and New Year wa a wek off. "What la thb, Max, your birth day r" asked Mr. Bacon. "Not exactly," replied Max, who was so excited that he wa trying to light the wrong and of hia cigar. "Sold your ranch?" Mr. Bacon again ventured to ask. "No," said Max, wbo had by this time lighted hi" clj,-ar, and forgetting the burning match which ha held iu hi hand until it became too tropical for com fort, and which waa dropped very quickly accompanied witb a few German oath. "What bas happened T" asked aome one in the crowd. Max stammered for a minute or so and said : "It's a girl, fellow, and it weighs 10 pounds." Then Max smiled, and so did we. - How to Help a Town. Tbe best way to build up a town ia to land by every man in a place wbo doe right. Whenever a man la doing well do not tear him down. All residenta should be partners, not opponents. In all liveli hoods tha mors business your rival doe th mors you will do. Every business man who treats customers honestly, fairly and courteously will get hi share, and the more business that csn tie secured by united efforts the better It will b for all. When a town ceave to grow tt begin to die. and more people try to kilt snch other In their business the mure readily will utter ruin com to nil. Stand together for tlis ad vancement of every oltisen. It a mnn shows ability to p osper do not pull hint buck through -ulouy or weigh him dowu ' by a cold iniliffvronca. LITTLE LOCALS. , County court is in scanion this week Mr. B. F. Giltner lies critically ill with grippe, in Salem. County Surveyor Hayes wss in town All out-door work is practically at a standstill on account of the snowstorm Mr. Wallace Clark, of Lewiaton, Maine, i visiting hi lister, Mr. Abra ham (Jrouae, near Uarico. Th Oregon Wood Company want twenty men to cut wood. Apply to Ueorge Mayger, St. Helena. The Oregon Wood Company wants a team and man to haul wood. Apply to U. Q. Mayger, St. Helena. Eev. Mr. Gray, of Portland, will hold aervices ia the Episcopal churob in thi city nezt Sunday evening at 7 ; 30. The Houlton public school reopened laat Monday morning fora aix-inonth' term,witb Miss Lesh Wilson aa teacher. KtAHKlKB. Stacbt-Quiolct. At tb residence of W. H. Twilight, in Astoria, on Ditntiay, Jan nary 1st, MtO, Mr. W. J. Stacey and Miss Lulu J. Quigley, iter. M. Uuriing4tie, of ficiating. Limokt. Near tit. Helens, on Friday, De cember 30ib, im, to Mr. and Mra. Geo. li. Letuont, a daughter. TAKEN VP. m KM ll..n a.uea i1,t sarlth vrssn imj livwi swim iuicv cueist viS witu small bellou. wilt be Rlt4 for owner to ctvll, pay charge and take the Mkme. FOR SALE. On span of horses, harness and wagon. ISO; or !oms snd har new 140. J. B. GobraaY, tit. Helens, ureaoii. Notice cf Final Settlemest XTOnCK IS HEREBY GIVES THAT L THE ll utuiernitriitHl tultnintatiatirix of the estate of William. WilUiMoa. decetwd, bave t)Iel in ine oniee oi tne Jlrt of tue ;mimy uourt oi tbe Bute of Oreiron. In and ior Columbia (Jountr. my final account of my adiniiilhtration upon 8Mja ewjue, togeiner who my petition ior niitu distribution of tbe residue of uid enlace, and that the Hon. i. a. Doan. Judtfeo! Raid Court, baa aiatofnted Tueatlav. tbe 7th dav of Febru ary, IHiv, at o'clock p. ui., aa the time, and the Courtroom of amid Court, in fct Helena, in faid County aud Htate, ae the plane for the settle ment of aaid aocouut and hearing of aaid pe tition for distribution ia aaid ctt, at which time and plaoe any person iiiteronted in said estate may appear and file written objection uiereto. lufjiftUA. wiiiM.'wi."i. administratrix of tbeestateox William Wilkin on, deceased. jefg Notice for Publication. Laud Orrics at Oaaoow Citt, O., December W, 1SWS. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVKN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make onal proof In support of hisclal'St, and that naid proof will be made be fore the comity clerk oi Columbia county, at Ht. Helens, Oregon, on January &t lavs, vis; ALBERT WOOD, Homestead entry No. S00S, for tbe sonth $ of the northwest Si. and the west of the southweot of section 27, township 6 north, range 4 west. He names the following wttueasea to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: P. Peek, William Alien, Oeorxe Parker and W. Wrench, all of Vernoula, Oreiron. dXsjtf CHA. B. MOOBKS, KesUtex. Notice for Publication. Laud Omca at Ouooh City, On., December 1, IMS. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has Sled notice of his Intention to make flual proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the county clerk of Colombia county, at St. Helens, Oregon, on Janaary i, 18W, vis: JOSEPH KITSCH, Homestead entry No. 10,961, for tbe northeast ii of section 10, township 4 north, range S west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence noon and cultivation of said land, vis: Kred Fioeter, John Htldehrsnd, Wa. C. Adams and Julius Fioeter, all of Valley, Oregon. iaiSl CH AS. B. MOORKU, Register. Notice for Publication Land Orrtc ai Objoom Ctrv, Oa , - December 7, IBM. NOTICE 18 HEKEBY -GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler haa filed notice of his Intention to maks final proof in supMrt of his claim, and that aaid proof will be mode be fore ths county clerk ot Columbia comity at St. Helens, Oregon, on January II, IMS, via; t. . CHR1BTOPH 8A0ERVEIN, Homestead entry No. 8210, for the west Wof the southeast t and eaat of southwest of aeo tion 'JO, township 5, north of range 2 west. He uamea the following wltneHsee to prove his eontinuoua reaidence upon, and cultivation of said land, vis: Joseph Diipont and N. 1. Dupont, of Vsliey, Oregon, and M. Apachand C. O. Meyer, of Peris, Oregon. dajli cuas. B. Kooass, Register. Notice for Publication. Lako Orrica at Oscson City, On., December 7, 189", NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to matte Anal proof in support of his claim, and th.it aaid proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Columbia county, at St. Helens, Oregou. on January Ulu. law, vis: SI. APACH, Homestead entry No. 9267, for the went H of the northwest !- of section 29, township 4, north of rantre '2 wetit. He uames the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, vis: Joseph Dupont and N. J. Du pont, of Valley, Oregon, and V. Bauervoln and 8. Kock, of Peri, Oregon. d'JjU CHA& B. MOO RES, Register. SfccriB Sale on Foreclosure. In the Circuit Ccmrt of the State of Oregon, for the County of Columbia, Thk Stat, er Ob boom nd ths Boa an or Cow- MIMrUONKM rOK THS &ALS OT tiCHOOL AMD UtUVKKAlTY JaAKOfl, AND fOS THK 1WVK8T- MstNT or ruKiM aklsino tukukkrom, Plaiutifla vs. John Haerii aha Lvcy E. Habkis, His Wife, Defendants. BY VIRTUK Or AN EXECUTION, JUDO me ot, onler and decree, duly iied out oi and under the teal of the above-entitled I'-oHrl, in the HHVG-utt(led cause, to niedHly directed, aud dated the 14th day of liecemtter, 1Kh, in favor of the hNw named plaintiifs, The State of Oregou and the Board of Commiwtionerfi for the Pale of School and University Lands, and for the invftatment of tne Funds A rial tig There from, mid airainKt the above-named defendttnts, John Harris and Lucy K. Harris, his wife, for the sum of Three Hundred aud Fifty (9!toO) dol Urn, with ititeruHt I hereon at the rate of eiyht per cent per annum from the 9th day of Mar, lisya, and the further sum of Oue Hundred ($i0() dollar as an attorney'! fee, and the further sum of Ten aud forty one-huudredths U 10.40) dol Urn Canute and disbursement, end the costs of and U)on this writ, commuudinsr and r quirlnf ine to make tale of the follow! nn-de-aoribmorftntsred nremi-sei to-wit: The south wet one-quarter (w oi stMttion , iownhip 5, north of runne west of the Willamette nts idinn, in ('olumbia county, OreRon, aud con taining1 lftO acres of land, with the limrove- menta thureon. Now, therefore, by virtue of aid execution, Judgment, order and decree, nd In (mmimanee with the commands of said writ, 1 will, on Monday, the 2.trd day of January, 1W9, at the hour of 10 o clock in the forenoon of anld day, at the front door of the county otrthouse.4n the City of Ht. Helens, t;olumbi aounty, Htate of trcicon, sell, at pub lic auction, nuhltM't to redemution, to the hiph eat bidder, for United States gold eAn, ctih In hand, all the rklit, title aud Inturest which the alove name! dcCcudantx, or either of them had, in and to the forcKoiu-deNcrlhed mort gaged remises on the dnte (if ilnitifTs mort- ttHe, or mure nan, m aasty aai execuiinn, jminraonL order aua decree, eote and all aevru iiitr coiitu. J. N. HICK. Bhcriffof Columbia County. Orojron. iarca a m, nctcna, ur., icc. iwo. a-'o G. W. Cole attorney for plaiutitf. KSWIWr r if j a . a a i The Uinta You Kavowttys Eoc-Tit,, and v Uch Las tcci ia nse for over 30 rears, bas borne the glnaturo of ' and has been roada under h.U per ' LjCJ-Z,, awnal snpervitikm since lis Infancy. Tirs, 'XU4Z Allow no one to deceive yoo In thia. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periment) tbat trifle with and endanger tbe health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.; What is CASTORIA: ! Castoria is a snbstitnte for Castor Oil, Paretrorlc, Iropi and Sootliinsr Syrups. It is Harmless and I'lcasant., It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its agre la Its eruarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fererlsbneas. It cures SlarrboeA and Wind1 Colic. It relieves Teetblnjr Troubles, cures Conatipation and Flatulency. It aMalmilates the Food, regulates tho Stotuaeh and Bowels, giving; healthy and natural sleep, The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. " GBnUINB CASTORIA ALWAYO- ' Scars tlis Tho Kind You HaYO Aluays Bought In Uco For Over SO Years. tm trfTuf. aataiMfiT, Tt wuftfraiv wrmxrr, hwwr ew. HARRIS CASH GROCERY Keeps always ftn hand all kinds of staple and fancy groceries and provisions, farm produce, tropical and dmneatic fruits in seatton, fine teas and coffees, tobacco and eigara. A tine line of confectionery s'ho ia tuck, and vattiollie spsscuutlea. For Your k. vvrtnen yi ii i t- mMis 01 net. 1,01, ntLtno, un, rrtrti r-r ai it"f ..in ,1111.1 eTrirr-r r t , , r-, , -r ST. HELENS Dr. EDWIN DRUGS aVvianavvv-v- Patent Medicines, PERFUMES AND Prescriptions... Carefully and Accuf ately Compounded.... DAY OR NIGHT. ....dsZaXrs.... r DART & nain Street. Choice Groceries Always on hand. Flour, irraln, snd feed. Tobacco and Cigars, aud aiuoken.' article, notions, eta ...Hardwaro... : SBEftGHAfiBtSE "" CROCKERY AND TINWARE . rf ...Drv Goods... Including a neneral a8snrtn.ent of clotliintr, furnlKhlnga, and drotsS goods. Also a Hue liue of boot and sUoes. DART & Main Street, - GOOD TOOLS! . ......FOR NET Jenning's Patent Bits , Clark' Expansion Bit.... Common Braces Katcht-t Braces Drawint-kniYes ...... Kotdir.g DraainR-knlTss... Common Saw-wts Mom-H's Saw wis .. ...... Carpenters' ham luers ...... Carpenters' haichets. . Carpenters' baudaxe ...... Jack plane. ... Disaton hn ndsaws .......... Good steel laandsuws ...... f irmer chisels ....12 to 30c .70c to $1.10 ....35to50o .rJOo to S2.00 9e $ 20 15c ......... 60c '."...Mi to4So .,..3fttofl0e ... 60to7fic ......... S5ct 1 25 ,...60 to 75c ....17 to 36c ics caEAK rastzaiis. 1-qt. Artie ... S5 5-ot. Artie , 1 15 qt. Artie 1 30 Black Diamond Files, Oil Stoves, Pinchers, Wrenches, and many other ftood things used by all kinds of ueople, at low nrices tor the next 30 days. Open cveitiiM. r ( U i. i i n 1 r ' i i ' t t n Eignaturo cf 0 v- Groceries PHARMACY ROSS, Proprietor. Fancy Toilet Articles. FANCY STATIONERY. Complete Line of ff!1(?rtiVt(!' QnTtrTina) School Books., and.... School Supplies a r MUCKLE St. Helens, Oregon. MUCKLE - St. Helens, Oregon. LOW PRICES! SPOT CASH....- 4- Qnrt Artie... 1- qt. White Mountain 2-qt. White Mountsin. ... 5-qt. White Mountain.... 4-qt. White Mountain.... 6-qt. White Mountain.... $1 65 1 01) 1 as . 1 75 . 2 00 .. S 4ft LAWS MOWIKS. 12-inch Philnflelplila It-inch Philadelphia 10-inch Philadelphia IWnch Philadelphia... ..... 20-inch Philadelphia Camp Coilee Pot 4 50 .... 5 15 (Ill 6 50 7 K) .20 to 30o , GRAKITB CAMP KETTLES. 5- qt. with cover 8"e 4-qt. with cover... ,, Xne 6- qt. with cover , ft 8-qt. with cover 4ik vJXJf ar i.iMsiiebui 3 1 t