The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, December 23, 1898, Image 1

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    VOL. ' XVI.
ST. HELENS, , OIlE(JOK, , 1.1 DAY, , DECEJMJEU 23, . 181)3
NO. ' 1.
r :v;uo c.f th ? Telegraphic
News of tho World.
, i. ;:'!':. ':v , iii.r.i tub wir.rj
H 1 Hitti--m ief 'N.l I r n of Itara Proa
IUa Tim JUugttlMg, litters l'roanntad
In a Comlmal Form,.
(V.onol William J. Mr y in has da
', us'.l himself as opposed to expansion,
Spaniards opened fire on a Cuban
f own! procession In Havana, and
wounded several. Op will probably
Bv tlia explosion of a shell at Fort
Cirnst- 'n, at CronstaJt, Kussia, Din
sold it .Aere killed and three ofllcers
ami t .en soldiers wounded.
By an explosion In tlia grist mill at
!' I'ysvillo, Nate Thomas and Clarence
S'lmnons were killod outright and Will
Murfcley was fatally injured.
Chicago packers will upend a large
mi n.unt of money in erecting Immense
t- ; t-Htoniga plants in Santiago and Ha-
vuiij for the reception and storing of
Irutdi meat.
Simon, the new senator from Ore
gon, has been placed upon tlia follow
ing committees: Mines andi, mining.
irrigation, revolutionary claims, Foto-
mao river front 'and tiespasecs upon
Indian lands. .
Five deaths' occurred . In Butte,,
Went., which are claimed to liave been
caused by the dreadfnt sulphur and
arsenic fumes front tlxi smelters. Many
people who can do so ara leaving the
city to get out of tne smoke.
It le probable that Secretary Bliss
aill, -within a short time, tender bis
icsignntkm. to the president. Ho has
bad (he step undur consideration for
some time, deeming it necessary that
be should be free to devote mora tiu
to uis large biMlness interests. -
The Brooklyn, Texas, Castln and
Resolute have been ordered to Havana.
While there ia not the faintest desire
to convey a threat In the dispatch of
these warships to Havana, it may he
tinted that when they lie within the
bar Lor they will bold the town in per
fect subjection. '
Tba Clear-water Short Line Railway
Company, which is the official title of
the branch ; Northern Pacific cut-off,
bus filed certificates in the office of th
secretary of state at Olyinpla, designat
ing Thomas Cooper as its agent In
Washington, and showing, th route of
the proposed, road, now under construc
tion. Word has been received from United
States Consul Allen that John C. Flan
agan, the confidential clerk of George
W. Lake, a rich merchant of Chemul
po, who was murdered August 29. has
been sentenced by a consular comt to
imprisonment for life. Flanagan bad
been robbing bis employer systematic
ally and committed the oriuie to cover
op bis misdeeds.
Two men were killod by the explo
sion of natural gas at Cannonsvillo, lud.
Henry J. NeHigan, cook, George W.
Beverly, both of company O, First
Florida, stationed at lluntsville, Ala.,
were killed in a Camp quarrel.
Senator Pttvin, ot the Paris peao
commission, i'jn an interview with a
London Daily-. Mail correspondent, de
clared in favor of a triple alliance be
tween the United states, England and
Japan, for tba protection of all their
interests north of the equator,
Charles - Tracy, aged 10, shot and
Instantly killed Tim Connors, custodian
of Greenlawn. cemetery, Indianapolis,
Ind. ..Tracy with a nninber of other
boys was near the cemetery throwing
snowballs at pedestrians. Refutdng
to desist be was killed by Connors.
Tbe thirteenth annual convention of
the American Federation of Labor met
at Kansas City, Mo. About 150 dele
gates from all parts of the country were
present; also William Tborne and Wil
liam Jnskip, of London, representing
the British tiadet-union congress.
The'British Columbian government
lias made a crown receive of all town
si ten and laud outside of the mining
fluids in the Lake Atliu district. This
was recently announced privately by
Mr. C. tSettlin, premier of British Co
lumbia, U) Gold Commissioner W. 3.
Pant, who bus just arrived in Seattle
from Ail in. '. ; ." : .' ' : ' '
KoHnlund's famous Le lloi mine Is at
lact before London investors. Th
Lomloti Globe Corporation and th
British America Corporation have in
Vit'id subscriptions to 200,000 share
f 5 each in tiie LeUoi Company, ltd.
The purchase prioo is 060,000. paya
ble in cafh in fully paid shares, leaving
50,000 for the working capital. , 1
l . 1 ' ,. 1 . i 1
TT.jii,t Rt'otna nrvnmBnH tit
aware that any asrangoiuent has been ' uM th appearance of tho great
made for tha transfer of tho title of the "'I vigorous American nation" -among
fiamoan islands to Germany, and being . oolonlzing powers. Bo said he
one of the parties to tba tripartite hoPei1 "'at. in accordance with Dis
agreement under which Samoa is now ,'mrel Principle, commoroiat (jtios
governed, it is not conceivable that , wou!d kPt ttom
iw.y change in the status ot the island '.political relations, for, if thi were
ran be made without the knowledge of
this government
,k i
Miner Hum ttoim. ' -
Tbe will of the lute Edward Austin,
c.f Biiwtoii, -'-bequeaths (SI, 100,000 to'
puljio ll .:. J
The czar lias recently Issned an edict
ordering a trial by jury in Silierl '
.' t Januaiy 1, i
T!i B-ititi gwomment lias dectdw! !
to make a irmons grant for tho ilil
c.f th) !'iU-":-fl and (hii;'.-:) emiwd by
the r.-t liMriitKine i:i ti Weat la .
At a mooting of the various religions
denominations hold in London, tlia
crar'a !ii,-.u inauiniit proposal Was ln
Four peison wore killed and other
seriously injured in Far la bv tho col.
lapse ot a house in course of construe,
tion.. It is (pared tiiat five bodies still
remain burled in the debris.
Mrs. Maty Tntt Throckmorton, who
in her early lilo was a loader In Wash
Ing ton society, is dead from the effects
of Inhaling illuminating gas which es
caped by nouldent In her toom. She
was 88 years of age. - . y ,
The British steamer Pawnee has ar
rived in New York from Mediterran
ean ports, and brought 10 ship-wrecked
people, eight men and two women, who
were taken from tho disabled schooner
Deer Hill, of St. John's,. N. ii., in
midocean. "-..':
, The navy department baa made pub
lie a report from Admiral Bohley cov
ering that part of the operation and
movements of th flying squadron
from Ha (ailing from Key West for
Cionfiiogo np to, bat not Including the
Hrst bombardment.
As a result of a coasting accident at
Tin tie reek, eight mile from Pitts
burg, Joseph West, aged 80 years, is
dead and eleven others ara Injured, two
seriously. The sled collapsed at the
bottom ofastoep bill and hurled the
patty with great force in every direc
tion. - - .
Thomas Jones, living near Greer,
W. Va., attempted to light fir with
crude oil. An explosion occurred,
wrecking the room, and tbe, dresses of
bis twin daughters', aged A years, 4g
nited. Ho was too badly buruod to
aaalt them, and they were so badly
burned that both of them died shortly
afteiwcrda. . ; , ' !
Export to Cuba are already begin-:
ning to show the ciTeot of returning ;
peace and the reopening of onr ports to
commerce. The October figures of the 1
rr UP'"" "
' . Z . ... , Li . . .
furu ui me unima Dimes K ouua 'I
I.. .11 . !
188, witb, October, 187
Tbe international a'ntl-anarohistio
eonforenoa which ha been in session
her for several weeks, has proved a
success. Great secrecy it maintained
regarding the proceeding and conclu
sions, but the delegates seem satisfied
that they have laid a splendid founda
tion lor a uniform system of dealings
ith anarchists. The conference de
clined to recognize anarchist outrage
as political crimes. '
Tlia drought In California ha ended
and rainfall is reported from' nearly
every section of tbe state.
Pnget sound oystermen have formed
an association, and will make an effort
to secure needed legislation.
Th war department has decided to
have the remains of all sohliois who
died in Manila returned to this country.
Captain Knoott, custodian of the
relics in the famous Luetgnrt case, i a
victim of blood poisoning and may not
recover. -
Clyde Bennington, aged S3, has been
sentenced to life imprisonment ia Ban
r .: u:. .....t i iy n...i. '
v,.?.,wu .... VB,. . .
emu ivuuoiw i
The death sentenca of Private Lind-
say, Tenth cavalry, baa been commuted
bv the bresidnut to life imprisonment. '
on recommendation of General Wheeler. !
Since tha oeuiatlnn nf WiiHtlas this '
on.n1n..iit irxuit h,it tt onft (tun
in no tha atarv nu Ciihana. ami t ha
nrW ta mill iro!nnn urith nntirlim '.
Tbe United States troops in Cuba and
Porto Itieo have not beat forgotten.
They will be sent for Christmas 10,000
ponuds of prima turkey and 8.0Q0
pounds ot cranberries.
Tho body of an unknown man was
found on one of tha bar of th Willam
ette, three miles east of Monroe. Tba
lead and feet were missing. There was
no means of identification. ' v
A dispatch from London say it 1
understood that th Prince of Wales
has spoken approvingly of the proposed
monument to George Washington to b
placed In. Westminstoi Abbey. .
The halibut schooner Two Brothers. '
plying in Alaska waters, bas been miss- '
inir nearly six woeks. and it is feared
that she lias been lost with all on board. '
One of her boats was recently found In
badly battered condition,
Eight add itional survi vois of the orcw
of the Sot sbipLondonian were brought
into Baltimore by tho North German
Lloyd steamship Maria Kick mors. They
are: Captain F. B. Lee, Third Officer
Joseph Cottier, Boatswain T. Behem,
Quartermaster F. Carleen, Able Sea
men J. Webb and W. Cadness, Becond
Steward D. Darnell and Second Cook
W. Martin, v. ' . '
In the German roichstag, Count von
Kardorff, loader of the free conserva
tives, condemned the sentimental Gcr
Jan sympathy with Spain, and wol-
O08 uerraany eoi taion very goou :
terms wnu me wnneu rsiaies. , , ... i
Leon Favier, who fought under the
great Napoleon, has Just celebrated hi
80th birthday at Pljilndolphia.
The president of the municipal coun
cil of Paris has informed Slaio. Gars
Bernhardt that the council has accept
ed bor recent offer to take a lease of
the Thoater dea Nacions.
Preparations ate on foot In Honolulu
to tent the applicability of the TJnKmi
States immigration hi- to tho Hawa
iian IhlamJs by the importation to the
Cane Holds of 1 ,000 Corcan lobofe?.j.
William T. Stead Writes of
the Czar's Proposal. '
oiToirn NiiY foe -'amrkicans
IuTincnt In Knjlun.t 111 Favor of an
Jnlot'tmltoiiHl l!mtB
. London, Duo. SO. William T. Stead,
tvritinii to the Associated PrHS, says:
"I have, seen the cznt. I have heard
from his own lips tha earnest dunirn of
hi heart that eoiitothinu praotical
should be done, and that quickly, to
divert to tho seivica of humanity soma
of the many millions now devoted to
preparations for war. - He has taken
the Initiative in summoning tho confer
ence. He is prepared to give an earn,
est ot bis sincerity by arreatiug the
future Increase of Kutsian armament.
But unless ha is supported hy tha peo
ples who detest militarism as well as
by those who groan under its burdens,
his weil-iueant, odavof will full.i
"The American people can, if they
will, prevent so fatal a catastrophe,
As the greatost and lateat born ol the
world's powers, they can,' If they
choose, save this supremo opportunity
of the century from teing sacrificed hy
the skeptical apathy of the govern
monts. But to do this, It will be nee
easary to ant, end to act at once, VVha
ia hoped of those friutida of peace an
enemies of militarism who tnrn tliei
eager eyes to tha great republic of the
New World, Is that between now am!
the end of January, the citizens of tli
United Status will, by pubtio demon
stratlons, formal resolutions and by
Other method by which a democratic
people gives expression to its convie.
tion and it aspiiations, have manifest'
ed to th wo! Id their determination to
help ,he rut to pnt this thing through
England, whera tha difllcnlties
t - , u ,,.,. ,,.,,.
v.,,,ft w muni
tioon tha baleful legacy of the Crimean
war, such a national emmnittoe Is al
reaily in course of formation. By the
etnl of next month, it Is expected there
will not ba any considerable center of
I population wbicli wilt not have ha
. it pablia meeting demanding that en
ergetlo support should bo given to tha
Russian proposals.
"What tba friends of peace in Eng
land confidently calculate upon is that
tha appeal in- tha caue of humanity
will find tha American people ready
aud able to respond. If so, the great
est demonstration ever mada of the
' peace-loving passion of th English'
, speaking race will ba within our reach.
A joint Angto-Amorioan reprantitlon
of, say, IS men and 6 women, chosen
from tha foremost of our race, charged
with tha mandate to proceed through
Europe on a pilgrimage of peace to pre
sent an address ot thank to th caar
won Id rotma th continent,
"Bound the Anglo-American doputa
tion wouid group themselves, in the
first place, the representatives of tha
seven small state Sweden, Korwnv,
; nanm., P..l.l.1n, tLtltun-l Uu,(lJ,.
v.B...., ............ .,r.,.T,.-
jwnd ani1 Portugal, with an aggregate
,. ... n. ..n nnrt mm ri
. ........... . w - 'J U-I--.....-U, "
with these reinforoomcnt tha areat in
ternational delegation would begin it
crusade throoali Eurnne. In four
weeks, it would have shaken tbe conti
nent from Center tQ Crc1tnf(JIencfl.'
J-M movement in tavor 01 an inter-
national ernuuiraiion in sniiport ui
tba cxar' peace conference is taking
practical snapo in ureat urttain, aniiit
; attracting mncli sympathy from the
( queen and other members of tha royal
( family, who ar Said to be awar of the
entire slnoerlty 01 tne czar.
Menrlmao Her In She. Haads of
.. Clilaago Itlrla.
Chicago, Dee. SO. .Lieutenant Rich
srd Pearson Hobson was heavily beta
barded by a larga field of kissing gifls
at tba Auditorium tonight, but a no
ilialresa sluniti ate,l after tha
nua(iint. it is not believed that he
wal seriously injured. Lieutenant
Hobson lectured on "Th Sinking ot
tho Morrlinuc," under the auspices of
the Chicago Press Club, and after tha
lecture, the member of the audience
prssed forward for an impromptu ia-
oeption. There wa much handshaking
and applause, but mora interesting
than either were 108 kisses given tha
. Merrlmao's hero by as many girls. The
lieutenant met the attack bravtly and
even seemed to encourage It.
( " During bis brief stay in Chicago,
, Lieutenant Holison was the guest of
, General John AIoNulta, at tha Union
I League Club. After tha lentnie ba
I left for Kansas City, where be will
I speak tomorrow ' evening. Tuesday
evening the distinguished naval offi
cer will face an audience in Denver,
I whence be will proceed to San Fran
cisco and sail for Manila December 24,
on the City of Peking.
Savannah, Ga., Dec SO. Nearly the
whole of the business part of . the town
of Tifton, in the center of tha peach
belt,- was bnrned last night. 1 An oil
lamp In a boarding house exploded,
She Manonio batl and 10 stores wore
. , . " ''
" " """ii"1' ;
liidlan 1(111 i'naamt
Washington, Doo. 20. The house
today gave its attention to th Indian
appropriation bill, passing it
tinlly ao i e pur led. This is the third of
tiie appropriation bills to pasfl, and it
clears tiin calendar of the big snrply
blShi, although another, tlia agrienl
tnral, will ba ready mid kmnVing for
attention by - Monday, Xiie jiouse
pi.Ki'il the bill gtnntiiig a iljtbt of way
thruuli tlio' hn iratioifco fornat re
icrve to Iho f-lttglnaw bouthern railway
Of Aiissotift,
tli-AWMl of Authuriijr
Havana, Deo. 30, -The ' fipjuiiuh
(intonation ooniiiiissUiiinra Informed the
American conimlesiotiefs tlila cvouing
that the Havana subuibs of Curro ami
Jeans del Monta had boon evacuutud.
T!i tipimirh ttoops nvaeuuted Jetius del
Monte at 6 o'clock this evfltilritf, imme
diately afier which American and Cu
ban HiiKH weie raiticd, crackers weie
Hi oil, . and the usual demonstrations
tnailo hy tha larga oiowd in honor of
the event. At the hour of filing this
dispatch, 8 P. M., It Is reported that
some of the troops of the Cuban
oial Mario Meuocal are entering Juius
del Mont a. I'rob.ibly the United HtnteS
foiees will be sent tloue tomorrow.
The suburb if Curro was evacuated
yesterday. American and Cuban Hans
were displayed (torn the houaeS on Cal
sada dL Curro, and crowds rtmhed
through the streets shouting "Viva
Cuba lib.' . -"
' AlHint 6:80 last evening, k 'crowd o
Cubans of the lower olnss paused a bar
racks ot engineers ou the lnlanU avtt.
nun, slioulitijr "Long live Cuba!" and
"Death to fpaiu" and firing shots Into
tha air In 'luhratiott of the avaotiation
ot CVrro,' The engineers did not lire,
but the guard was doubled.
Tiie crowd then
passed on from the
Calaad del Monte to th Calaadu del n, The treasury Is empty, and th
Curro, stopping the street-cars and com- ( only means of replenishing it is a sys
pelling iiaBsengnrs to shout "Viva Cuba tern of taxation almost to the verge of
lilire." Among the demonstrator were ! conflHoatiori. There are no custom
a number ot butcher, who carried pis
tols and knives. Jose Gancedo and bis
cousin, Teoduhj Ilnertls, who were on
tha cars, were wounded with knives.
Oanccdo died today, and IluorUs will
probably die. ,
Later tho erowd met some anglnrer
at tiie Esquina da Tejua and fired upon
them, seriously wounding one. The
engineers returned tlia. Are, wounding
a street car couductort a civilian, Isi-
doro -Itazols, and John Leonard, ooi
ored man. Th rioting continued,
ninny shot being Hied in front of the
Casa do Socoiro, where the wounded
wore aid!ed.
Spanish soldier were ordered to tbe
scene, and arrived about 9 o'clock,
While marching through Cerro, they
wr flred upon by men concealed o
bind pillar. One KpanUb piivate full,
wounded, and tho battalion fired into
the air to scare the rioters. On rosmn
log their march, they were again fired
upon, and another man was hit; The
Spaniards then tired and dlpered the
rioters. Among tho wounded was col
ored woman, and It I also reported
that there wore sevoral other.
The rioting caused great alarm in
Cerro and along tha Calaada del Monte,
wheie all limines have kept closed door
since hut night.
Aeeldotti to tha Cralsar Clneluaatl
SnnlUlii Harbor.
Santiago de Cuba, Deo. SO. While
tbe United States cruiser Cincinnati
was leaving port about sunset yester
day, she ran full speed upon a rock
clearly defined in the charts, but not
buoyed. Last September, General
Leonard Wood, considering that'th
absence of a buoy there might luad to
some accident, anchored a small one.
the first ever placed there, but tbe
Bessie, on entering the harbor one
nluht. carried it away, and since then
there lias been no buoy to murk the
location of tbe rock.
The Cincinnati probably I not seri
ously damaged, at she is not making
water. For the last 84 hours tha gov
ernment collier Uotitbery and the May
flower have been engaged in an effort
to pull hoi off. Thu far they hare
been unsuccessful, but it is hoped they
will have better Itiulf tonight at high
tide. The principal link now ia tearing
a bole in the cruiser 'a bottom while she
la pulling off.
Trnnanort. Bring tha Ramalalna Maw
' V Torkars From Honolulu.
Ban Francisco, Dec. 20. --The United
Slates transport steamer Bcandia baa
arrived bere, 83 days from-Manila and
eight days from Honolulu, She re
mained several days at the latter port,
and the now she bionght from the
Philippines was forwarded by the steam
er Alameda and Gaelic, which arrived
during the past week., The Scandia
brings the remaining companies ot the
First New York volunteer 'regiment
from Honolulu, All aie reported in
good condition, five who were ill being
now convalescent. Among her pnnaen
pors from Manila are W. A, Walsh, of
the Astor battery, and W. S. Colin, O.
H. Herrman, W. H. Curran, of the
Pennsylvania .volunteers, and several
members of the First California regi
ment. The Bcandia is in quarantine,
and no mail or passengers will ba land
ed tonight, neither will any one be per
mitted to go on board.
. Maritclnes for Troops 1b Cuba,
gavannafa, Ga., Doe, SO. Major-
General Brooke, who was appointed a
military governor of Cube, arrived in
the city this afternoon. Ho bad a con
ference with the president and secre
tary Alger this evening. After the
confoionee Secretary Alger said General
Brooke was tin his way to Havana prov
ince, and had come to Bavannah upon
telegraphic orders for a conference witb
the president and tha secretary relative
to affairs on the island.
General Brooke Is suffering from a
cold and lover. It was said Into to
night that the fover was high, ami that
probably he would not be able to leavo
le city for a ween.
New t!jfji'irnb Company.
The Colfa Implement Company
has bimn incorporated to deal in it i j r I -
tilUira! i'liplcmetits at Colfax, Wash.
he inoorporaloi and tnwinos are
Aaron Kulin, J. W. Hereford nrid L.
D. W'oodwortli. Tho capita! stock is
f 100,000, divided 'into 100 share Kt
Vi,Uw of H0:.) cub,
rinar del Rio Ravaged by
Spanish Troops.
(louvrnt lurli1 Itoiinrt on tit pl.triet
lie Foiimt It t'ruelauiatlim
to the t')le,
Washington, Deo. 19. The terrible
ttiilo of affairs exintlng in the western
province of Cuba is shown in this report
to the war department from General
Davis: .
"Pinar del IUo, Deo. 19.-Adjiitait-General,
Washington: Arrived here
hint night. Tho troops' a re comfortably
encamped, and have all the required
supplies'. We have been received with
the gieiUeot eiithtiniiMin and rejoining.
The civil governor left tha province
when tiie Hpnnish troops retired. The
alcalde called and tendered his services,
A small Cuban foroe is in the town as
police, and good order prevails every
wheie, I shall ralwj the Csg touxirrow
. in the prenenca ut the troops and oiti-
jbousoaln this province. ... Th country
Is one of great fertility and beauty, but
has been ravaged almost to destruction.
A Bill ni1U(i-u iy fvf'iKfttniMiu clleiB
and foreigners that one-half the former
popnlutlon bas been killed and starved
to death. Colonel geyburn with
battalions, is at Gimnajay
tiered to occupy Muriel witb a detach'
jmont. There is no sickness among tha
Swords Turnail to I'lotrtharos. !
Havana, Doo. 19. General Davis,
tha American commander at Piuar del
IUo, bas lesiied a proclamation saying
that President MoKinley has directed
him to assure the Inhabitants of secur
ity of their live and property as long
as they were orderly. General Davis
further declares that lair taxes will be
levied, and that no favoritism will ba
shown. In conclusion, General Davi
sayst -
"Inhabitant ot Pinar del Eio I
have com a a friend to help you in
all which may contribute to the pros
perity of this grcafftruntry, or Its gen
eral welfare. There is very little I am
obliged to do without your co-operation,
bat witb your help I am sure of
complete success. The trocbas and
forts will be turned Into boirres, and
the machetes will ba need for labor
only. Your sacritims and hemic acts
have been already rewarded. The past
belong to the history ot tbe ocuturyi
think of your future peace and prosper
ity. This must bo your aspiration,"
The aaanlab Archive.
Havana, Deo. 10. The -removal of
the Spanish archives fioni Cuba to
Spain lias been the subject of fieniient
corresiondno between tbe American
and Spanish military commissions. To
day tho matter was satisfactorily ad
justed. Colonel Clous, oil behalf of
the American coiiiiuintiioners, had a
long interview with General Jimine
Castulhiuot, who had lists of the docu
ment in each division of the various
departments of the government All
documents relating to tnunkipal and
provincial affairs, as well as those
necessary to administration, are not to
be disturbed, but only such papers bora
the governor -general's office and othof
offices a exclusively relate to tha Bpan-
lull government. For instance, paper
regarding tha Cuban debt and the war
expenses aie to ba sent to Madrld.whil
on tho otber band the archive of th
autpnnmist government are to remain
practically intact.
- Deeldad by m Saldlar's Tots.
Topeka, Kan,, Deo, 19. The state
canvassing board decided a tie between
A. F. Scott, Republican, and L. M.
Marks, Populist, candidate for , the
legislature from Jefferson connty, by
ordering the drawing of lots. Mr. Boott
won, but did not demand bis certifi
cate, going borne witb the expectation
that it would be sent by mail, Before
the ceitiflcate was sent, however, the'
mid-Paoifla vote oast by ihp Twentieth
Kansas, en route, tor Manila, was re
ceived. Upon examination one vote
was fonnd for Air. Marks. Accordingly
the state canvassing board reversed it
decision and issued a certificate to Mr.
Transports From Havana, '
Savannah, Ga,, Deo. 19. The trans
port Chester sailed today for Mariana,
Cuba, carrying Brigadier-General Has-
bronck, and the headquarters staff of
the Second division of the Eleventh
army corps and the Fourth Virginia
regiment. The transport Minnewaska
and Iloumanlan arrived from Havana
today. Thov will take aboard the
Forty-ninth Iowa and tbe Bixtb Mis
souri regiments tomorrow and will
probably sail the next day.
Ootit liolt Ia I.rue.
Spokane, Waah,, Deo. 19. There I
great exoitement bore over repeated
rich strikes in the Kepublio camp,- on
the Colville reset vation. It ia now
demonstrated that the gold bell Is at
luast seven milos long aud three mile
wide, and in that aieu rich cbutua are
being discovered almost daily.
Fatal Train Wrk In loritla,
Jacksonville, Fla., Doo. 19. A rs-
finger train on the Florida Central &
Peflinsula 'railroad wan wrecked this
afternoon near Madison, canavd by a,
collison with oaf tie on the truck, hi
person woie killed, as follows: E. H.
Clmdlor, cngincar; . James Evans,
cokued, fireman; John T. Rsllivan, of
St, Augustine, Fla., attache to the
army; Hov, S. II. Culoman, a colored
preacher of Jacksonville;'' John A.
Khoadea,, colored, Pensacola; Alfred
Austin, colored, Cimirea,
llamHu'liig v!ilst(m lttro1ucd at th
Miinlfir Trial.
Bun Fiamiisoo, Dco.'IU. The dufongo
In the liotkin murdor trial today re
ceived the set-back it has experi
enced since the cum opened. Tha evi
dence of two of the witnehses examined
today was of such a convincing tmtura
that the chagrin caused by its iiitrwluo
tion was plainly written upon the faces
of the aacimed woman anil hor counol.
The evidence clearly showed that Mrs.
Bolkin wiote the anonymous letter
scut to Mrs. Dunning from tills city,
apprising Mrs. Dunning of the ulifgmj
mincimdiiot of her husband, and in
foiuiiug hor that she bad grounds for
coiiitnenciiia a suit for divorce. The
handkerchief which was inclosed in
the box of poisoned, candy .was proven
to have been purchased in this' city by
Mrs. Botkin, another link In tlia chain
of the prosecution,
Admiral Doway'a Oplnlnn of th I'hll.
.. Jpplna Inaiirgents
Manila, Deo. 19. Roar-Ad tiiiral
Dewey, when a press correspondent
called upon him today, wa courteous
and pleasant, but absolutely declined
to discutfg the politiciil situation in the
Philippine i'bm.l", on the ground that
bis sphere was purely naval. He then
proceeded io cross-examine the corre
spondent about everything ashore. He
was glad to learn that the insurgents
were releasing the eick fipanish sol
diers they held a prisoners, notwith
standing Aguinnldo's grandiloquent
,U..l ... J UA IPI.U .1.-.
l,,-,,-,,,.,, VM 4
. .7 1' , ,,?i. 1. Zl "
aplle of their defiant talk,
Admiral tlwavi FknliAVArt tltat
t' f the Insurgent were friendly, especial
i n i ?tT ,y ,im:o 11,9 nrblp ot our fleet have
visited the different porta of those
islands, aud since some of our officer
bave made tour Inland, carefully in
vestigating popular sentiment and ju
diciously preaching the gospel of peace
ful settlement everywhere with highly
satisfactory results.
Hawaiian Bills. -
Washington, Deo. 19. Th senate
committee on foreign relations mada
una progress today with the bit) re
' ported by the Hawaiian committee for
the government of tha Hawaiian
islands, but adjourned over without
completing the work. The bouse com.
' mittceon merchant marine and fluhei
j lo today ordered a favorable reort on
' a bill to extend the navigation laws of
the United States to the Hawaiian
Kx-Cnnrdrat la ul4lar' lloroa.
Washington, Doo.1 19. Repiesenta
tive Kixey, of Virginia, today intro
duced a bill tot the admission ot ex
Confederate, as well a Uuion, soldiers,
to soldiers' borne.
' Fear f arsons Killed bjr Train.
New Tork, Deo. 19. A wagon con
taining eight persons was (truck by a
tiain on the Pennsylvania railroad to
night at the Allen wood crossing, a few
miles from Manasqusn, N. J., and four
! people were killed, two fatally injured,
and two otheis seriously injured. The
; dead are: Mr. Ellen Allen, Bessie
' Allen, ber daughter; Miss Allie Alger,
' and Jennie Crammer. Tha fatally in
jured arot David S. Allen, husband
of Mrs, Allen, who wns killed, and Kate
' Allen, their daughter. Mr, Allan wa
ot the family of which Allenwood take
it name, and wal one ot the most
prominent men in that part ot Mew
i Jersey. ---.,
Ilylng" by Iflaaclrai.
San Francisco, Dec. 19. On board
the steamer Gaelio, which arrived
from tbe Orient todsy, was Rev. H. W.
White, a missionary. He bring newt
of a terrible condition of affair exist.
Ing in the Chin-Chow-Fa province, a
section ISO miles long and TO miles
wide, inhabited hy over 4,600,300 peo
ple, mostly farmers. Owing to two
successive dronght the crops have been
failures, and the people ot the province
are dying by thousands from starvation
and the outlying provinces and the
government are doing little to help the
suffering. The people of Bhang-Tung
province are also starving. -.- In some of
tbe villages of the latter place theie
are hundreds of deaths in a week'
time. In Cbin-Chow-Fu there have
been a many a 190 death in one
day. . - '
Important Moxieaa ronnfiaalon.
New York, Deo. 19. A dispatob to
the Herald from Mexico City says:
The lust act of the Mexican congress
today wus the confirmation of one of
the largest concession tor many years.
The concession wa granted to Captain
A, B. Smith, of Los Angeles, Cel., and
bis associates tot colonizing, steamship
and railway enterprises ot the first
The colony lands -Include many
leagues on tbe Gulf of California, with
the ocndltion that a canal be con
structed from the lands to Yuma, Cal,,
and a steamship service be placed from
the bead of tbe gulf to the southern
boundary. The service will also De ex
tnndod to the Lower California points.
The line will comprise six modern
steamers, .' , -'
' ' Bound for Itome.
Paris, Don. 19. The American pence
commisBidn left for Havre and South
ampton tonight, and will sail for New
York tomorrow. on the steamer St.
Louis, ' -
' Killed bj- a Falling Wall.
Chicago, Deo, 19. Two firemen,
Lieutenant Matthew Myer anil Truck-
man Patrick O'JIorn, wore killed by
tiie collapse of a wall tonight during a
fiia in tho Palace livery stables, at
854 Cottnge 'Grove avenue, f-Vveral
other firemen wero seriously hart, in
chiding the following: Lieutenant
Albert Lingenrmrge.r,'- log'.- fractured;
Michael O'iiaro, skull fractured;
Thomas Dillon, . skull fractured; Kd
ward Crcuscuo, buck broken. Th
pH'i ''-.y Ui'8 was about f ;iotooo.
House Passed PenUotT E!
Without Debate.
Was I'a-s4 Afl.r IMnjilno.lrig tha Kirov
rasua fiwmit rtltt ivnalon mil
'. . '.,., Cnrrl lS,3,il.
Washington, Deo. 17. The bouse to
day adopted the conference report on
the bill extending tiie niarino Inspec
tion laws lo sailing vennek of 700 tw.t
and over, and providing for fieeiMii.g
their second and third matus,
Barney (ltep. Wis.), in charge of the
pension appropriation bill, then called
up this Dieiinoro and made a general ex-,
planiition of its provision. -,
Allen (Dum. Mius.), of the appropri
ations committee, in teply to Barney,
called attention to the fact that when
ho Hmt came to congress. 14 vmirs ao,
the pension appropriation bill invalia
lily precipitated a bloody-shirt discus
sion, and ba congratulated the country
that oongresa had progressed since then
and that there would be no acrimoni
ous disoiiesion on this bill. The coun
try at least bad the gratifying informa
tion that the pension roil had reached
tha wasimtim. ' -- ----- . . ,
"And I consratulate the com, try lir
this," said Allen, io conclusion, "that
while one of tbe most gallant and des
perate soldiers of the Confederacy (him
self) ' helped to report- this bill, the
meiderit of the United States Is down in
Dixie doing honor to the Confederate
dead. We ail have cause to rejoice."
(Laughter and applansc). There was
further debate upon the' bill. It
was read through without a word of
criticism and panned, the whole .time
occupied in its consideration being ies
than 30 minutes. This is the shortest
time on rccoid for a general pension
bill - The bill carries $H5,2!i3,b30,
Tbe total num. hor of pensioners on the
toll la 9113,714.
In tho fleaata.
, The senate decided upon convening
today to take a recess from 1:30 until
6:80 o'clock In order to permit sonatois
to attend tire funeral of Mrs. Bright,
wife of tbe eigeant-at-rsns. -
Morgan (Dem. Ala.) presented a
memorial from the national board of
trade favorable to tho construction .of
the Nicaragua oanal, nuking that tbe
document be printed ia the Congres
sional Becord. Allen (Pop. Neb.) ob.
jected.'and the objection provoked an
animated discussion, involving tbe ,
rules of the senate as well as the wis
dom of the (tonstmction of the canal.
Morgan accepted tho objection a nn
eort to obstruct legislation on the sub
ject of the canal and prevent the coun
try securing information on thesuhioct.
Allen resented this Imputation, saying
be was favorable Ui the canal on Ken-
eral principle," though advocating gav
ernmmit ownership. He predicted
that the Canal would cost 1500,000,000.
Without determining the waited
point raised by Allen, tho senate, at
Hale's request, took up the urgency
deficiency appropriation bill. ;; ,
Cock roll (Dem. Mo.) addressed the
senate in regard to the mustering out
ot the volunteer soldiers, a large ma-
jority of whom be said, wanted to be
mustered out, and many of whom were
making sacrifices by remaining in the
service. ',
Halo (Rep. Me.) said he bad no
doubt that 'the rank and file of the
army abtosd bad great desire to re
turn home, and be expressed the opin-...
Ion that they should be allowed, to
do o. . ;. "
Allison (ltep. Ia.) expressed sympa
thy with the desire to have a large
number of volunteers mustered out
Huwell (Rep. N. J.) said the war de
partment had for the past several"
months been gradually weeding ont
soldiers for discharge, and that ni;f;iy
thousands had thng been relieved from
this duty, lie bad no doubt that even
without legislation 60,000 men would
be released within the next six months.
The urgency deficiency bill . was tnen .
passed. ''., . ...
At the instance ot Harris, tbe senate
adopted a resolution calling apart the
president for information as to the
status of the report of the Nicaragua
commission. ,
Kepalrlng tha Mainaohnutta.
New York, Deo. 17. Tbe HernM
lays; So serious are the injuries sua- -iained
by battle-ship Massachusetts a
result of the mishap several days a,;o
that Naval Constructor Bowles esti
mate that the cost of her repairs will
ba at least (24,000, Requisitions cov
ering this ainoi'it for material and la
bor have boon approved, and opnir(i
will he started at once. Constructor
Bowles estimates that six weeks at
least will be nececnary to complete the
, Train Ran Into a Stxlgti. ..
-Imlay City, Mich., ,Dc. 17.--A
f?otvhbonnd engine, light, on the Pon
tine, Oxford & Northorn railroad, to
night struck a sleigh containing live
people, throwing them out, seriously
Injuring two and killing throe outright.
The .dead arc: Mrs. Thomas Hoi h, of
Lirn; Walter Bohb, her eon, aged 4,
and Mrs. John Yerkes' km, agod 14
Grain Blockade at flu Iain.
Buffalo, N, Y., Deo.. ' 17. The grain
blockade at this port continues and is
unprecedented.' At' noun, today- fully
80 larjjB Blftamers wore in the river
waiting to be unloaded, or frown in.
They cany about 9,Coi).000 bushels of
prain, while in the different elevator
7,000,000 bushels are at present stored,
Lima, Peru, via Oalveaton, Tex.,
Di.'C 17--A.iviot'a received horo today
confirm tho report of a lovalutioa m
the Bolivian rcpublio.