e ORKCON .MIST. J"S5 S.i KVIiSiV I R1BAI ItlOHMING . -- . DAVID DAVIS. 8nfcaorlptleat Itauea. Onaeory one year In advance.,..-..,..... one oojy six uumui.. bmie copy...... ...M (HI CO Advertising rat "Miiada Knows upon application t ! ..'UJV1UU-. U.iSSJJ! JLl U U 1 B COLOMBIA COUNTY D I RECTO BY. couivrir onctns, in. lira .......Joseph It. Poan, Rainier Olnrk J. O. Watts, St. Helena Blinrlir J. N. Rice, Clatakanle Trotwnrrir. ............ B Kors, 8t. Helens Sunt, ol Schools.,,. I. H. Copeland, Warren A'MfltMr .............Martin While, Quinsy purveyor. Geo. Hayes, MuyRer Coroner....... ..Dr. A. P. MoLaron. Rainier , .1 A. Frafces, Hcappo.iae n. l. jreieroou. Mist Commissioners j"''' e ttipEMBER S, 1898. America for Americano, "lions; Hay It wavo O'er tbn Home of the Free and tbe Land of the Brave." CHOSE AMU EFFECT. Spain, once wealthy, proud and haughty, is now certainly tbe most meek and lowly of all nations that - ever made pretense to place a nd power. It was with this self-evident spirit manifest that tha Spanish commission ers at Paris last Monday sanctioned and signed the documents which rend ers their country helpless and humble, sad transferred to American owner ship the island of Cuba, the Lsdrone islands and the Philippine archipelago. It is not difficult for Spain to find the cause of her downfall. She need not leave her own borders. The cause exists within her own people and officers. TJ.ur policy, past and present, has been one of terror, deception and fraud, and the culmination of such a policy could have been nothing short of what it is. Bight and decency will prevail against the shafts of vice and cruelty, and no existing power can long detain its predomination. A brief reference in a political sense will prove this assertion. Tbe policy of the United' States has been and is snch as to recommend a continuation of the course sin. ply because it has been right in all matters pertaining lo good gov eroment and the elevation of man kind. A striking illustration of this is seen in the actions of the American people within tbe last half century or less. The great war of the rebellion was the culmination of a cherished policy not greatly nnlike that of Spai to oppress, enslave and keep thu masses in ignorance, and the result of that war was the uplifting of human uy, me ireedora ol souls and tbe en lightenment of the people, because it was Christian and right; and such policy, we believe will prevail. We aee in tbe recent occurrences the les ion taught us when tbe protectant church was established many hundred years ago; when our forefathers estab lished a free and independent govern ment on American soil, and when tbe cause of slavery failed in our own land. All these things succeeded be cause they were right, and this nation has gone steadily onward performing these Christian functions because they were Christian. The same thing may be said of our own policies in recent years. Vicious governments! ideas and policies have been advocated and an attempt made to force them upon the American people in right recent years, but tbey failed because they were vicious and wrong. Tbe Ameri can people being a free and Christian people, striving for the elevation and betterment of mankind, turned down such policies at borne as our nation has caused to be turned down in a foreign land. Spain could have hoped for nothing better because her policy at home has been un-Cbristianlike. perhaps by cars for that matter. Cer tainly present prospects would warrant such a surmise, as the lumber and log- j!ag busSnea oa tha Columbia riv and the entire Pacific coast never had brighter prospects in store. Not ouly is this the case, but conditions have undergone such a wonderful revolt tion within the past few years a to render this point in the lead as a wood supply center for the city of Portland, and certainly facilities tor supplying this demand will naturally increase, whioh means the expenditure of large sums of money, not only for its prop- aration but for its maintenance. The section of country from Scappoose north to Rainier, and even below that point, with tbe country tributary to the Columbia river for eight or ten miles into the interior will certainly see a great revival in the logging and wood business within the next year or two, and the benefit to the people oan scarcely be estimated. These sugges tions are prompted by passing events and prospects and it will be but a brief period of time, in our opinion, when these fancies will be realities. MAMunm,mi aa.ii aa a s a sa a a . a . i OF GENERAL IHTEEEST. PRESENT AMD FUTURE COHDITIQHS. Adjacent to St. Helens arj several very valuable bodies of timber, not withstanding the fact that tbe cutting and marketing of timber has been tbe chief industry of this neighborhood ever since the founding of this town nd the first development of the coun try around it. The most accessible timber, as a natural consequence, was long ago utilized, and lor this reason we may reasonably expect a greater degree of development by more mod ern methods. This latter condition of affairs might have been realized sev eral years ago but for reasons appar ent to everybody no market or no price for logs. The timber now acces sible lies several miles from St. Hel ens, but this town muBt be its market place and tbe supply center for tbe forces and plants which will prepare it for market. Of course tbe old-time methods will be replaced by more modern means of utilizing this natural resuurce as a means of stimulating business, and the time is at hand for renewed efforts. The people here shouts need not be surprised if at an early dafe manufacturing plants are placed in operation in the forests nesr this town, and their products conveyed here by means of lara flumes, and A new bank is to be established bv Californlana in Honolulu. This will mean a chain of banks extending nearly a third of the distance around the globe, beginning with ths banks of Newfoundland, passing the baaks of the Wabash, and ending somewhere on the banks of the Sandwich islands, far Hawaii. i Now that the county court has de cided to purchase a portable sawmill to be used in planking the roads, there should be no roads ordered opened ex cept where tbey will be of a permanent nature, and where they will be neces sary for the accommodation of all. We think it is a wise movement on the part of the county eourt and one tbat will be appreciated by every pro gressive citizen of the county. Tilla-T moo Herald. A move is on foot to secure a bounty from the state on beet sugar made within the state from Oregon grown beets. This is only another scheme hatched to secure something for noth ing. II the beet industry does not pay, let the growers of this product plaut something else. State money appropriated for bonuses, bounties and to pay members of useless commissions large salaries for doing nothing is be coming altogether too common in Oregon. An exchange gives the following discertation of fusion : "A Kansas fe male horse who was tbe mother of a mule colt watched oven' her offspring witn care and solicitude, hoping tbat it would soon develop into the likeness of her family; bat one day when the colt was getting well grown it turned loose loud brays.wbereupon the mother said sadly: 'Alas, this is the result of fusion; I thought I could raise you for a horse, but whenever you open your mouth you speak like an ass.' '' w.uw.iajiaw!ggntt-.iaaiji?atiiMwwwa mm Will Compel Voting;. Seme ingenious politicians ars trying to Invent a scheme by wblch they can force people to vote at all general elections. Their plan thus tar Is to assess s poll tax of 110 against each mats clllsen over SI years of age, to be annulled In oast the taxpayer votea at each general election; otherwise It Is to be collected. Tbolr excuse tor pro posing such a paualty is that 80,000 voters neglected to sxercis their right of suffrage til tha stale of Washington at ths recent election held ou the Hili ol last month. II there are no constitutional impedimenta tuey will undertake to have weir law en acted by tha next Washington legislature. He Wu Happy. An editor who died of starvation aftsr making Dr. Tanner asharasd of himself, was being escorted to heaven by an angel who had been sent for that purpose. "May I look at ths other p ace befort we ascend to eternal happiness t" asked ths editor. "Yes," said the angel. So they went be low and skirmished around taking in ths sights. The angel lost sight of the editor and went around hades to hunt him up. He was found by a big furnsoe fanning hlru aril and sauna- with people in the fire. There was a sign upon tbe furnace which read "Delinquent bub- sc n tiers." "Get a move on you," said ths angel, must so.'1 "You go on," said ths editor, "I am not coming. This is heaven enough for nis. therefore we know ws are treading on ten' der ground, Ws hava dons so merely throw light on ths subject. Ths number of complaint about bad roads In Tillamook county ie a natter wliioh everybody la in. terested in, and to discuss Ilia nioat eco nomical way of constructing good roads ana oriugos is in me province oi an to si press their ouiuions. We do not pretend lo say that thoaa who bold ths above views arerittht. They Arid favor with quits a number of people, and ths question la wuetner it is not wortu trying. Two Pointed Questions Answered. What Is the nse of making a better arti cle than your competitor il you cannot get a better price for it F Ana. Aa there la no difference In the price the ptiblio will bur onlv the better, so that while our profits may be smaller on a suiris asie tuey win ds muon greater in the arerwate. iiow can yon get the publie to know your maae u ine oeetr If both artielea are brought prominently before the public, both are certain to be tried, and the public will very quickly pass judgment on tiieiu and uss only the better one. This explains ths lance sale on Chamber- Iain's Couku Keuiedy. Ths people have been using it for years and have found that it can always be depended upon. They may occasionally take up with soma fash ionable noveltv nut forth with axafftntratiMl rapture upon a lot of claims, but are certain to return to ths one remedy that they know to be reliable, and for coughs, colds and croup there is noth ing equal to Chamberlain a Cough Kerned;. ror saie ojr ur. cuwtn itoaa, aruggiat. iSTEAUER "CAM" Commenuins Monday, October 10th, the llwaoo Hallway t Navigation l o.'a steamer "CAN BY" will make round trips between RAINIER - PORTLAND leaving Rainier at S a. m. and Port land at p. ui. dally (except Sunday). We solicit a share of ths public patronage, and lu rrtnm will give qnlok service and a clean boat. f taVWt hava wme to stay and want your buaiueaa. The I. H J. Ce. r. SMITH, Agent. Clever Women. DOE8 THIS STRIKE YOU! Muddy Complexions, Nauseating Breath wiuw iroiu viirumo vuiisiipaiion. aan It is quits a mistake to think the men do clorr ? Teals an absolute ours and has vi iit.nl . ... , I been sold for hfty years on an absolute Stockmen should make a note of this fact: The state law makes it compulsory to record both brand and mark used by owners to designate stock. No brand or mark can be used as proof of ownership in tbe courts of the state unless it is recorded in the county clerk's office. There fore a man may go to tbe clerk1 office, and finding certain marks and oranus not upon record, he may go upon tne range ana appropriate all siock bearing such unrecorded brail the same as "suck ears." Coos Bav mews. A number of bills will be presented at tbe next session of the legislature having in view the improvement of our present road laws and there is little doubt but that some change will oe maae. une is now in preparation oy judge .rranE 4. Taylor and Hon Johan Young, of Astoria, tbat is novel in us suggestion, but one that would accomplish much good if it should be come a law. It is for the state to build a road as near the coast line as possible from tbe southern to the northern extremity of the state. The bill provides that It shall be done bv convict laoor. not like clever women. On tbe contrary, men soon tire of mere prettyness, but ths elerer woman who Is too kind-hearted to be sarcastic and is unspoiled by a sense of self-importance, is sura to be attractive. Some people seem to think that clever brains are, In women, usually accompanied by plain features, but this does at all fol low. Bright thoughts and sparkling wit enliven the most ordinary of faoea, till one forgets that their owner is not possessed of a Grecian type of loveliness snd ons is in dined to beleive her to be beautiful. Ths vivacious girl of varying moods and qnaint raudra la one of great charm. In her a man forgets to look for beautiful features, so interested does he become In tbe fasci nating study of a mind which renders her faoe irresistibly pleasing and winning, be cause, like the eurlaca of s lake, it obangea mm every pasaing motion. n attractive woman ninst cultivate her mind, fur cul ture and intelligene count for more than ine moat per tec t ol outward beauty, Preacher and Printer. A rreacher came to a newspaper man this way : You editors dsn not tell the truth. If yon did yon could not live; your newspaper would be a failure. The editor replied, Yon are right; and the minister who will at all times and under all circuta- srsnces tell tbe troth of his members, dead or alive, will not occupy his pulpit more than one Sunday, and then ha will find it convenient to leave town in a hurry, Tbe press and pnlpit go baud la hand with whitewash bi nshes snd pleasant worda,mag- uarantee. Piles 23 ota and 60 eta. 8uld gi by Dr. Kdwiu Rosa, druggist, Bt Helena. Oregon, and N, A. ferry, lioulton, Oregon. IMPERIAL. ig ...SALOON Q. A. BRINN, Prop. HNE: WINEcLIQDORS, and Cigars. PORTLAND, OHKGON 04 North Third Street. Between Davie and Everett. o Oeorm Is always pleased to aae his old Columbia county friends. When la the metropolis give aim a call. TELL YOUR SISTER. A Beautiful Complexion is sn impossibil ity without rood Dure blood, the sort that only exists in connection with good diges tion, a neauny liver and Dowels. Karl s Clover Root tea acts directly on ths bowels. liver, and kidneys, keeping them in perfect health. Price 25 cts and 60 eta. Bold by Dr. Edwin Ross, drugglnt. St. Helena. Ore gon, sua . A. ferry, Houlton, Oregon. ON EVERY BOTTLE Of Sbiloh's Consumption Cnrs Is this guar antes: "All we ask of you is to nse two thirds of the contents of this bottle faith fully, then if you say yon are not benefited return ine Dottle to your druggist snd may refund the price paid. Price 25 eta, cts and 11.00 Hold by Dr. Edwin Ross, oraggisi, ot. tteiens, Oregon, ana n. A ferry, Uoullou, Oregon. HOW 13 YOUR WIFE Has she lost her beauty T If so, Consti pation, Indigestion. Hick Headache are the principal caunee. Karl's Clover Root Tea has cured these ills for half a ceuturv. Price 25 cts and 60 cts. Money refunded if results are not aatisfatorv. Hold by Dr. Ed win koss, aruggiat, Ht Helens, Oregon, and ti. a. rerry, nouiton, uregon. BANQUET SALOON 0L0NINGEIU COOPER, FBorBIETORS. Wine and Liquo Card tables, pool table, billiard table and I other devices for the entertainment of pab- roua, w tiers urns can do pioasanuy spent, ( I ted I Besides other popular brands, are kept he I oonatantly on hand to supply the increated ', 60 1 trade at this very popular saloon. TH MsIOtJB CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY IS KEPT aT TH BANQUET. 1 n n rrt St HlMi MEAT MARKET. JAMES II. SHELDON, IW. All Kinds of Fresh Meats, Hams, Bacon, end lard. EWMKATS BY WHOIJSAlt m-AT SrSClAL BAT IS UWT Main Street, Bt. XXwlwnss, Oretgon. CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Has fust received a large assortment ol f reah and Pars Drugs and Chemicals Also new and select stnck'of drugs and patent medicines, fancy stationary, school bnoas and school supplies, perfumery ami toilet erUuk-o, and iu iaut svarylhlug which la usually kept at a urtt-clas drug store. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded, AT THE CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE i DENTIST CASTOR1A For Infants ind Children. nuitvneau vitiMiMiiiiu piraraui wwiuigg,- I bm ay i m m mm mm fta ' nifying little virtues into big ones. Ths US rUuS 103 K2T8 AiYSTS bZZZN j futid, iuj pcu sMiu uc fraOTMsue u vj vuw ; yy J. A. REID Has Located In St, Helena Permanently, TOLL SET TEETH. . PILLINtl GOLD FILLINtiS. . . . ..17 80 to 110 00 no to 1 CO .I M upwarda great saint-making triumvirate. Tbe press represents civilisation. It stands as ths safeguard of liberty and pro gress, what is it that espouses the esuse of the helpless and stands between the bumble and oppression What is it tbat confronts corruption and wrong f What in this land hath no fearT It is the press oi America, ine tree press, ana ail men know that tbe newspapers, as if by instinct, mark for their displeasure every enemy of the community and the nation, and every gtuuij ui immorality ana crime. Bears the fBignatore Grown iii'Ww Work a Spccialt 3.80 TO $0.00 PEN TOOTH. OABVOTIIA. Bean the IM alM Yw Haw Ajwpn DcngM Bigsatan) sf , Xs& Yw Haw k'mys I The work that I have done In this eommunttv Of ths paal Ave months la my recommendation. All work guaranteed satisfactory. A Missouri boy, the son of a clersry man, bag inherited all the traditional baptism by immersion principles, and oy ciose attention to the cereraonjas performed by bis fond parent is able to repeat n word lor word. A few days ago he filled stub with water in the kitchen and catching the family cat and her two kittens, proceeded to leacn toe essential rites of the Bap tist charch. The kittens underwent the ordeal without serious protest, bnt tne cat snowed her displeasure b scratching tha boys face. Throwing ine OHending animal down in disgnst he said : "Damn it. then be a Metho dist, it you want to. Bheep buyers who have nuvntlv ueeu torougn urant. llarnev and Urook counties report a scarcity of sneep, at least purchasable ones. Good mutton sheep, tbey say, are out of the question, owing to tha poor ranges. Even tbe mountain ranees. heretofore as good as could be desired, nave oeea very snort this season. Flocks which have come out of tbe mountains in poor condition have found their home range killed out by iroutn, ana a great many owners are Iready feeding; hav. Nearlv evarv band tbat has passed through northern Grant county this year show unmista kable evidence of having bad to bustle to uve. 1 be cold storage men have. Flan Commissioner McGuire thinks, hand led at least one-third of the Columbia nver salmon catch this season, which accounts in part for the falling off in tbe pack this year. The shinment of smoaea salmon is also beginning lo show evidence of growth, and a num ber of firms have made very heavy shipments of salmon in this way this season. The output this yearashas been the custom, was bssed upon the quantity handled by the cannerymen, but hereafter the cold storage people nd the firms who shirmed smoked fish niuat be taken into consideration. Chemistry of Ullage. Ths Oregon dairyman who owns a sflo needs very little advice on tbe points in volved in making palatable and nutritions ensilage, bnt suggestions are always wel come, and ths following from the American Cultivator Is worth considering: The time for patting in silage has come again, and some thoughts shout tbe best means of doing this are now la order. There is not ths need that need to be sup posed of doing the work in s single dsy, so tbat fermentation could not begia untij after ths top was covered with some weight to press the silage together. The effect of fermentation is to liberate carbonic acid gas. This is heavier than ths common sir, and therefore remains in ths alio unless there Is a hole near the bottom to send in a current of fresh air. Ths greatest care should be taken to see tbat insects or mice ksve not drilled boles through the wood work of tbe silo during tbe time It has been unoccupied. If such holes can be found they should be covered and closed with cement. OASVOnXA. Bears tha IM alM Yos Haw Always BOliglt Blgastaie) sf . 8T. Office Next Door to Rosa' Dragster Ho. ENS, s 1 11 OREGON jm ins two ICS naw aiwavt Bcrjga l CZm AS )KIA& COLOMBIA RIYER H RAILROAD COMPANY. Bests ths TOniA. IMHUalYoi H3Wa!wrtBgg!lt jf ins Mia IPS K3W alwsrt WINTER SCHEDtrLK. East bound Pally 'West bound 38 Get Value Received EVERY TIME AT N. A. Perry's HOULTON, OREGON. 1 P.- . 25 07 B:8S 8:1ft 7:28 7:00 JLk. a. m. 11 20 11 00 10 46 10 18 S M 9 28 9 00 88 8 00 Trains arrive. Houtton. leave uobie Rainier.. .... Meyirera. ...... ...Claliikattie ... Wetrt .... Clifton ... Kuappa ....... leave .Astoria. . arrive 82 t. m. 8 M 9 IS 80 10 00 10 26 10 H 11 18 11 U y. m, 2 18 p. m 7 60 810 8 25 8 66 9 20 9 60 10 12 1086 111 10 -THE- HOTEL Trains leave Aatorla for Beaslde at 12 20 is. m I and 4 p. m. Boat connections at Astoria for llwaoo. uninooa. rort canoy. lieluvlera. Tin. i amooK, ana uarnoaiui. Passengers for Astoria or wav oofute must An tral us at lloulton. Trains will stop to let paa I eenicera off at lloulton when coming from points I went oi uoDie. s. sj, mayo. uen. rase. Aicu Astoria, Or. A strictly first-class house. A hems tor commercial travelers and the public. Board and lodging at reasonable rates. ( lTorses Cared For. ST. JIKLXCNS. ... OBKOON PROFESSIONAL. Commissioner of Deeds for Wash ington. ...... The shorter ths silage is cut ths better it Ifrfl W J Sntt TWiriotTOoa f E. E. QUICK win acvu. uecause loan aiiara mcu iuu.ii closely snd incloses little sir. It is tbe amount of which tbe siiags holds at tbs be ginning that determines how raeoh it shall ferment. If tbe amount Is small tbs silage win come out sweet. The ricbusss of ths siiags bss much to do with its sweetness or sourness. Corn that Is neariug maturity but without drying of tbe leaf, makes the beat silage. It has more sugar snd starch, and theae, so soon aa they ferment, are turned into carbonic acid gas. and tbns stop any further fermentation. On the other nana, green corn that is nowhere near mature, and has little sweetness, makes a very poor ail aire, and is moat v verv aonr. 8o. too, is silaee msde from nuttina- in whole cornstalks. These cannot be nai'lrod closely, and the result is that many of the G. WCOLE , Notary Publie . J. W. DAT W. B. PILLAHD frtot,thw.i.iuobe "Unort ro"?n mbta UH ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW COLE & QUICK. PROPRIETORS OF THORNE'S i KnicBrical System Title Abstracts. Tltlea Examined anil ParfactMl. Ahatmu ! Pnrnlahed. Assessments Kxamlned. In ' suraooa Written. Tuea Paid and Convev. I auolng. ST. HELENS, OREGON. Road Supervisor Tillamook Headlight. The county court early next year will be records. confronted with tbe nntbankful task of ap. pointing road supervisors, which, ss a rule, And many aspirants snd contentions par ties on the warpath. . In soma counties there fa considerable leg-pulling and many political debts to pay, wbiob to often tbs means of inexperienced and undesirable persons being appointed, and often in a county being divided np into too many roaa Districts. Tbs question we wish to ssk: Is tbs present system of road su pervisors and road work satisfactory or un satisfactory T There are tboss who argas mat it is unsatisfactory, and tbey contend tbat if tbe county court weuld diacard the present road district plan, snd appoint but one supervisor, a man of wide experience in road work and bridge building, better results would soon be seen. Hers in Tilla mook county considerable money every year must necessarily be expended for bridge work, and here, they claim, is where an experienced person wonld savs money for tbe county. Another point tbey raise is tbat tbs present plsn creates too many bosses at tbe county's expense, and tbat some supervisors do not get ths amount of work out of the men tbat should result. Office next door to Cou rthouss, ST. HELKN8, OHEUON. General nractlce In ennrta of Ommn at Vuh. Ingtou. Abstracts mads directly from county I T1UCKLE BROS jQR, Jj X. BALL, PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON. Olatsksuie, Columbia county, Or. Q. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND COUN8ELOR-AT-LAW, ST. HELENS, OREGON. MANUFACTURERS Or Dimension Lumber, Flooring, Rustic, Bheath- ma, casings, ana a complete atocx oi every variety of ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE OLD STAND, 8T. HELENS, OR Title Abstract Booke. Notarv Piihlfn. f!omml MvunruiiwHiiiur maiminKion, ana anexper- KUHU 111 WBUKHQD VlUt ODIS. jy. EDWIN ROBS, PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON. St. Helens, Oregon JR. H. R. OLUW, PHYSICIAN AND 9UBGE0N. St. Helens, Oregon. GEORGE A. HALL, There Is logic in quits a number of tbdr I ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. suggestions when considered from a purely I ) , "Ma," o view, out wo en a person suggests making changeeven if it is a good ons to a long-standing custom, he Is sure to meet with considerable opposition, St. Helens, : Orkoon. Collections, foreclosure, mechanics' lelns, etc. -r ii"nuu,iija niiurney. umoe with T. Cleeton.- STAR -- SALOON W. W. UX A K EHEiE , Pre. Fins Wines :nd : Liquors. Ths Famous 3. H. CUTTER. MAONOLIA suu nunai i r. r wiussey .-always on band CELEBRATED HOP GOLD BEER A large stock of DOMKHTin mH if B!V W1V Cigars of the best grade always on hand. Between the two note. Mala Bt. - St. Helena, Ore, Groceries and Provisions "aysjgeny ay ayi mat ay ay ay ay ayvyygjy ay ay ay ay ay ay ar-aas vejsrsy my ss FLOUR, GRAIN, AND FEED. TOBACCO AND CIGARS, NOTIONS, ETC. T. C. WATTS' STORE, Oreron Reuben, - jgsflfcl JzV aaftsr A rW A ag, mtm -mfo mfa -mffc fr i i i i i i i i i i i i "The Perkins" C. W. KNOWLES, Manager, Mr. Knowles was, for many years, proprietor of (he St. CliarWs hotel, and while there established a reputation as a hotel man. He is now in a better position to entertain bis friends than over ' before, and will welcome all his old patrons to his new place of business, where can be found an np-to dute hotel. Corner Fifth and Washington streets, Portias! White Collar-Line THE COLUMBIA RIVER AND PUGET BOUND NAVIGATION CO. PORTLABD-iSTGRU ROUTE. ..TELEPHONE... Landfne Font nf ltd. rim. 9a.i..4 Leaves fortland daily (except 8unday)at 7 A, If. Landlfl Tnlnt,hnn. rfnnW kmimim Leaves Astoria dally (except Sunday)'? P. U. Telephone Tickets Good on Steamer Potter. Steamer rotter Tickets Good on Telephone. U. B. SCOTT, Pres. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. -STEAMER- Young America -VIA- WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave Bt. Helens...... Arrive st Portland... Leave Portland Arrive at Bt. Helens... .. 6:80 A M ..10:00 A M .. 2:80 P M .. 6:00 P M IMRE (5 CE.1TS. Will Carry Nothinsr bnt PaaaAnonr. nd Fast Fn ight. -JAMES Of 0D, Master. 0. 8. A N. CO. -.. Time SCHEDULES ,0" frem Portland. aoM Fast Salt Lake, Denver. Ft. Feat ' Mall Worth, Omaha, Kan- Hall. p,m. aaa City, tit, Louis, ?;a.. Chicago and Heal. Spokane Walla Walla. Bpnkane, Spokane Flyer Minneapolis, Bt, rijer 2p.m. Paul, DuTuth, Mil- 10. a. m. waukea, Chicago 4 Saat. . (p at. Ocean Steamships. . All sailing date sab- ' , . iet.'t te chatiae. For Hn grani iMW Sail November i , , m, in, a. 28 th. ' 7 p.m. llafli m. unilay Saturday 10 p. m. Sa. m. Bx.Huntlay 7 am. Tuea.Thar. anil Mat. Sa. m. Tuea.Thnr. ana sat. Lv. Itlpnria :sna. in. dally ex cept sat. To Alaska' Sail Sept. 17 Oolumbla River Steamers. . To Astoria and War uuiuiuga. Willamette River. Oregon City, Newbars. oaiem way-iajurge Willamette and Yam- Mill Rivera. Oreiron City, Dayton, ana way-landinge. Willamette Rlvar. Portland to Corvallls ana way'landinss. Snake River, HI parts to Lswtaton. Dp. I 4 p. m. Ex.Suaday 4 90 p. at. Kx.Hundajr S:Md. m. Mon. Wad. aud m. 4:n m. TueaTliiir, aud Hat, Lv Lew'toa ta. m. Sally ax-. ceptFrl. W. XX. HURLBERT, Oeneral Passenger Agent, PORTLAND 0KE00M STEAMER G. W. SHAVER DELL SHAVER, Master. The Only Direct Route ..FROM., Portland to Clatskanie The company reserves tbs rlsh' to Shaver Transportation Company. ....STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... Leaves Kelso on Mondays, Wednesdava and Friilaya at 0 o'clock am. Leaves Port land Tuesday, Thursday, ami Hatunlaya, at o'clock a. m. .Portland and Kelso Route via Willamette Slough.,...