OREGON MIST. s rillOAT, flOVEHIBUCU la, mot. TOLD IN SIDEIIEADS. 0TIXD OB PUtfKID RoaDI, It hat bu mcttevted that the oumrai alooerg purchase portable sawmill for the purpose of planking lume of tlx main roads. It It eonUmded that with to much wet weather in Tilla mook, the graveled roadt are out up text winter, making it bad for travel, while if the road were planked, they would be good to travol over all the year round. Thar la IorIo in the argument, and it mould receive ths careful consideration of the board of county commissioners. Different eectiont of tha country have to adopt timerem metnoiit of building roads, according to oil mala, Tha first ques tion to aik la, Which la tha beat ma terial for Tillamook county roada, gravel or plaokT If it can b demon- traiod that plank will r.ive better ser vice (baa gravel, tha commissioners would ba lustifled In dolnc somsthina- to bring about mora eatktaotioo, . woion it it plainly teen the graveled roada are not doing la tha winter. FoMiblr tome of tba gravel naad wouia never make good roadi any where Tillamook Headlight. Evident Diihohkitt. A eltlien of Portland, who built a drier a few milea irom me city, ana auring me pad season dried some tlx ty tone of prunes, , eoia mem to a HarfFranoiaoo Arm. It M remarked to bira that they would we sold as California prunes, but to enow bim that thi waa not to. the firm aent him aample of the labels mm need on their boxes. It Is a handsome label, and reads: "Fancy Oregon Italian prunes, packed by ,8an Francisco." Tbie waa per fectly satisfactory, bat a, man who la up to the wilea of California fruit men ayi that these label will be pat on the cultu lUUa California French prnnea, and the large Oregon Italian prance wilt be labeled "Fancy Cali fornia Prunes." thai giving the pur chaser t favorable Ida of California prnnea and an unfavorable opinion of Oregon prunes. It may be that the person making this statement is pre judiced, but Oaliforoiana have for many years marketed so much Ore gon produce no CaSiforoian that there U notuing improbable la the statement. AVAPoa oiia Astoria baa a yonng man Who promisee to gain a worldwide, reputation within the course of very abort time, gay tba A Marie Budget. Hii name is Ed ward L. Lowe and be resides at 241 Tenth street. For the paat two years tola yonng man has been, constantly at work on an invention which he aueeeeded in perfecting a few weeks ago, and haa received a government patent on it. Hii invention is a vapor engine," end if the machine will accomplish only one-half what he claims fer it, it will revolutionise the gasoline Ian nob. maohinee and place them in the background. The patent department of the government recog nises the importance of thii engine and pronounce It a wonderful Inven tion, simple in construction, economi cal and durable. It la also reported that the 8tandard Oil Company haa been watching the progress of yonng Lowe's work, but failed to eecore any definite information. Practical de monstrations have already been made, and now that he has secured a com plete patent, atepa will ba taken te or ganise a company with capital and commence manufacturing the ma chine for market. Bio Tihbm DfUL. There is every probability, aays the Aslorian, that eeverai tewnahipi of .limber land will be bought in Clatsop county within a abort time. .Recently J. B. Johnston returned from a oruise made through the country tributary to Kaoanicum creek, in company with a representa tive of J. O. Day, of the firm of Day Bros., builders of the Cascade locks, who intend purchasing a large timber tract la that vioinity. Mr. Johnston would not talk of bis trip further than to lay that he had cruised townships 6-7, 6-10, 6-10, 4-9 and 6-9. all of which are tributary to Necanioum, and con tain about a billion feet of timber. It is learned from other sources, how aver, that the Day Bros, have contem plated the purchase of this tract of land for soma time. The timber on the townships in question it not as good as in other portions of the county, but it ia more accessible end requires leas capital to place it in tidewater. Nearly all of this timber can be logged by teams and put la tidewater at small expense. It ia stated that in connec tion with thia tale of timber, the Day Bros, are about to erect a large saw mill with a capacity of 160,000 feet of lumber a day. It ia thought that the mill will be located at Seaside. vii a.u. r ali r ihmihu Ing on the Columbia ia over for thia year. From the best estimates obtain able, it is thought that about 115,000 panes bare been put up. Of the in dividual canneries, Cook, of Clifton, ' head tba list with about 40,000 eases. The fall season Just paat was a re markable on in several particulate. The pack was the Urgeat in the bla- -ory of fall fishing on the river, tba Erice paid for silversidee was higher laa for several yeara and, owing to the shortage In the spring pack here, on the Round and in Alaska, the Canned article found a ready tale at good figure, and the greater portion of it was shipped a feet a pscked. The demand for steelheedg was also unprecedented and what few were caught sold for a higher price than waa paid for Chinook during tba apring season. Thi waa due almost Wholly to the fact that the cold storage men have entered the field to a greater stent than, ever before. With the large cold storage plant of Smith Bros, now being erected jn Astoria, the preparationa being made by Tresoott for enlarging hi operation, sod in' creased supply of thia clas of flh sure to result from the hatcheries now in operation, the outlook for a profita ble busiuesa in cold storage shipment ia the near future i enoouraging. Teaoher 'In thi stania, what I meant by Ihe line, 'The shades of night were falling fastf" Bright scholar "The people were pulling down the Winds.", LOCAL NEWS NOTES. Hr. and Urt.' Andrew EuUU were in rortiana last JTriday, Jack ITanW.rt tJ it. Tr.i-u. t. -, -IIJIWl 4.19- view, was on our streets last Friday. County Clerk Watts was attending vuuurM in jroruena weanesuay, Mr. J. W. Lane, of Ml.t, was doing uimiuww ,u mis o,ty luursaay of , this Rev. 0. E. Philbrook Will preach at 8cappoose,next Sunday at il&O and Goble Will celebrate Thankso-leUa .. . . t i. .... . . itu rnu oau ai nigui, at Jjoth' wins s now nail. Merchant D. W. Prlne. ftf Rmnnnnu was In our CitV Fridev aftarnoon at. tenuiog so oosiness mailers. Mr. Alex Sword, ot Varnnnla doing business la St. Helens and Fort- ina, we uuter part 01 last week. Mr. 8. P. Ballard earn. Avar fmm Pittsburg last Friday to attend to uusiaess mauers oeiore ine oountv sours. . DcDtltv Clark Harris vlaltail til. ranch near VarnnnlA nn flaturiti ent Sunday. He returned home Monday County Assessor Martin White and wue nave removed irom Houlton to St. Helens, and will hereafter reside In Ibis city, Mr. Omar Shannahan came ud from Peterson a camp last Friday. Mr. Shannahan has been employed there neany a year. Mark Swager retorned from Beatlla Saturday night. He will return to that city today or tomorrow with hie family, and will hereafter make that place bis permanent hornet Kelso Journal. Thanksgiving will soon be at hand and if some sympathizing individual win snow us where a good, let turkey roosts, ana guarantee that the faithful wstohdo is not at home, we will have A S J . . .a . a . tursey dinner on inai uay. Judge Case, of Auburn precinct. was seen doing business on onr street Friday of last week. Tb Justice court of Auburn precinct is the only one in the county to replenish the county exchequer with cash received from finea. Auburn bas sent in two fines one of 15.00 and one of 120.00. The receipt in the county clerk's office for land redemptions on tax sale certificates to farcin November amount 10 9334.7. The receipts lor lees in that office during the month of October amounted to 9217.46. Last Friday Hr. Baldera contribute to tbe wealth of the county to the extent of f 600 for taxes for 1BVS and I87. Senator MoBride left Portland on the 8d of the present month for New York City, where he would Join a number of his co-workere in congress, and there hold a conference upon some important business matters per taining to their senate duties be fore congress convenes next month, In compliance with an agreement of tbe other member, of which com mittee Senator McBrida ia alee a member. We have on aaic at this office a umber of ticket to the benefit enter tainment to be given ia Portland on December 6th. The proceeds of this benefit will go to the widows and or phans of the viotims of the awful ex plosion on the torpedo boat Davia, re cently. Tb entertainment is given under trie auspice of tbe employe of Wolf 4 Z wicker's ironworks who will be assisted by Portland's best talent, and prom lees to be a brilliant affair, i The kindly spirit manifested is worthy of consideration, and tbe undertaking should be encouraged by liberal pa-j tronare. Tiokete are but one dollar each. Call at thia office and purchase. Churohley Brothers, of Portland, an making preparations to buy and get out an immense amount of cord wood in tha vioinity of Deer Island, i We have been informed that the move i not temporary, but will de velop into an Industry ot considerable proportion and of a permanent char acter. Tbeee gentlemen bave been in tbe wood business in Portland for several years, and heretofore bave pro cured nearly all the wood they bave disposed of in the city at or near Beaverton. in Washington county, but the supply is exhausted and it be came necessary for them to seek an other scarce of supply. Deer Island is fortunate in securing such an enter- orise. because it means permanent employment for a number of persons at culling and hauling wood during the entire year, for an unlimited time or until the supply of timber In that vicinity ia exhausted. The price of the product delivered at the railroad, to be netted by the peoplo, will be 1.76, per cord, and it will bave the effect of greatly atimulating trade and business ia tbat vicinity. Tuautav avAninarnf thia week marked another epoch in the social history of Avon lodge Knights of Pythias, of this city. Lodge opened at tbe usual hour and the rank of Knight waa conferred a nandidate. after whioh the lodge-room waa thrown open to friends, and for three noure wo largo orowu proceeded to make merry in a manner known only to those whose good for tune It is to participate in euoh events. i Invitation previously en "" lodge to be present waa responded by fifteen members, accompanied .-...in a . mmt ladlea. and the ; v. .n,i frinda of the lodsre in this city welld the number to nearly one hundred people. A committee of three popular Kmgbia O! Avon wage We were ibown thi week the mednl and diploma awarded to Mr. W. B, Dillard, of thi city, for "the best dis play oi vegetables irom one fmm," at tbe Portland exposition this year. It I very evidont tbat no partiality wa orougbt to bear In this matter, as m name of the exbibittor was not even known. Both the medal and diploma are made to "J. it. UUlari," instead of tbe propor owner, Mr. Dillard.' Tbey are tokens of whioh Mr. Dillard may reasonably feel proud. A tunnel being made into the moun tain of rock wbere tbe crusher Is being operated, will be completed in a very short time. When completed, it will be loaded With sixty kegs of black powder and the charge exploded. It, no doubt, will shake things up consid erabty around town, hence we give the warning, so our people will not think it is an earthquake or a volun tary explosion. . W. N. Meserve was in town yester day. Mr. Meserve bad Just returned from Nebalem, wiiere be bad finished some surveying tbat he had promised to do. Tbe city and county jail of St. Helens bae not bad an occupant for many months. No tolling bow soon It will be occupied. TBEtnONIA TABIETIES. Three cheers for Washington state. Whara. O where, are tba BOOST Tbe eeuo comes oaea gene aeaa. Mr. TJIrle Ericsson is spending the win' tor with bis friaad Gustsve iiulu Tha first snow of the season fell anits treaty for a snort uuie last weanesuay. Oeom Smith has lately moved into tbe Thomas Lavender residence In this city. Mr, Joeh Besasmea went ont with tbe mail Monday, Instead ot ths regular carrier. Ph.a Armatrona aama In fmm Oentoiv VUla (Saturday alter dm lamuy auu poultry. Harva Anderson eame In from Salem a few days age wllb bis brother, Thomas, oi upper nenaiezu. Visa Rosa Seasman, who was tha guest of Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Keasey tbe past week, is at com again. Waddlnc bells will soon beheard rlneinir from tbe vicinity of Upper Beaver, so came rumor says. Wa Mellinaer sr.. who has been absent fer some time irom ibis valley, returned Monday to wis city. , B. Hmlth besins a series of meetinn at tha shnrnh Mondav. November U. Ail are eordially invited to oome out and listen to taa sermon. Tha amnions nreaehsd by Bev. Ernst were listened to attentively both at Beaver and at this plaoe. Tbe quarterly meeting was weu atieouao. Emerv Sheeley and TJ. U. Berchlev were employed by tiny ta drive to Portland the eattle and sheep imrchaaed by tbat gentla- iaa m uta tivimi. Te scribe is Informed tbst If r. and Mrs. B. W. Kaaae exoaet soon to start for Cal ifornia to spend the winter. Mr. Keasey's health la quit poor here. We. Smith has moved his family and household effects from the old Sovereign boose shove town, to the Orin HiaU resi dence ia this city. Miss Ida Wilson returned from Elsie Tuesday, wbere she baa been engaged in teacliine the vouua sprout bow to shoot for tbe paat nln mouths. Mr. Qnstaveson and family exnect soon to move to tbe Keasev, or Uomewood ranch, to take care of the Keasey property in the absence of tbe owner. ... . Pmf. C. C. Adams, whe Is teachlnc at Moantaindale. eame over Saturday to viait friends in Ibis vicinity. He reports every thins lovely at Mountaindale. Mr. Wa. Melllheer sr.. will soon be a full fledged bartender so wS are informed. He roe to Cornelius to aaaums control of a saloon belonging to George Brian. Oar doetorfHatfield) still oantlnaes very poorly and at last reports he Intended, as s ooa as able to stand the ride, to return to Portland to secure medical treatment. Our school master cave this answer to the question, "What Is ths cause of such a republican walkover la all the state f" Ths question was put by our worthy post master. "O, the result was caused by the war," or words to this effect. Tbe post master said it was on account of tbe prosperity we were having, he should say. do iron ksow Consumption is preventable? Science bas proven that, and also tbat neglect is sui cidal. The worst cold er cough ean be cured with omlob s uough snd consump tion Cnra. Sold on a Dositive atisrautee (or over fifty years. Bold by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist, St. Helens, Oregon, and N. A. rarry, .uouiion, uregvn. Tae gseet Plaster. .' A nim of flannel dainnened with Cham- berlain'a Pain Balm aad bound on the af fected parts ie superiar to sny plaster. When troubled with a pain In the ehsst or side, or a lame back, give it a trial. You are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it affords. Pain rial ED IS also a certain cure lor rneuuiauaia. For sale by Dr. Edwin Boss, druggist. Ml l DOES THIS STRIKE YOUT linAAw nnmnlaivfona. Kanseattna Itreath come from chronic oonstipation. Karl's viover tvoos tea is an iuwiuwwimv ua been sold for fifty years on an absolute atiaranlea. Price 25 eta aad SO ets. Sold by Dr. Edwin Boss, dregitist, St. Helens, Oregon, and N. A. Perry, Houlton, Oregon. A Bar SlKta l Crawp. Hoarseness In a child tbat Is aubiect to eroup Is a sura Indication of the approach of tbe disease. If Chamberlain's Oough Remedy is given as soon as the child be comes hoarse, or evea after tba eroupy oough bas appeared, it will prevent the at tars, asany motnera who pare uruupv children keep this remedy at baud and find that it saves them much trouble and worry. It can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. For sale by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist. HOW IS YOUK WIFEt i , 1 1 t ... t. nAM.u lias sua ion . uvr uvnuvj i anj, wu-..- pation. Indigestion, Sick Headache are the Krincipai causes. a.ari a cioyer noot tea as onred these ill for half a eentury. P.ln 9Ji it anil fin eta. Money refnnded if results are not satisfatory. Sold by Dr. Ed win Rosa, arnrgist, ot. ueieii8,uregou,ana N. A. Perry, Houlton, Oregon. V WHH " " n.rMi1 an elaborate anread. ooa- liau iw " ' , ... sitting of clam chowder, roaat chicken, sandwiches, olives, coffee, and numer ous delioious edibles, wnion aisap psared with alarming rapidity, after .hinh aome time was devoted to Timi naaunl an nleaa- abtly that it was far past midnight be- tbe visltora ana inenus aeimriu, .... ih.n It ni with regret that they left the hall. As the little steamer Annariue left the wharf at nearly 1 o'clock with her precious cargo she given a lareweii Dy inoso im. u -i. Thi. araa one of the most pleasant affaire ever given in this city, and those wno Pnri.i... .. long remember it as uoh. ; had GOOD COUNTRY ROADS. Tbe Greatest Aid to Development a Country Can Hbtc. Tillamook Herald. ' At no other season, are the people, and particularly tbe farmers, so impressed with the necessity for good roads, than when the deluge comes. Every farmer tbst comes to town now damns tbe roads, and yet there bas been money and labor enough expended on tbe roada in Tillamook county to have made a very fair system of roads throughout the county, and we are led to believe, therefore, tbat the manner of col lecting and expending road money In this state is not tbe best tbst could bs devised. Good roads are the greatest aid to develop ment a community can bave, and every dollar of road money should be expended la a manner tbat will produce tbe greatest result. No railroad company would em ploy other than experts to build Its roads or keep them up wbea ouce built, and there Is no reason why a county should not be as particular in exacting good work for the money It expends on its roads as a railroad company. We are not criticising Individ' nais, but speaking generally. It Is a well known fact tbat many farmer do a great deal more work on the roads than tbey get paid for, and do good work, too, and some road supervisors do the same thing; and there are very few who do not earn all tbey get. But there Is a woeful lack of system in county road work, which. If rem edied, would increase the value of tbe work done. There ia one way to do this, and that is for tbe state to plaoe tbe building and the maintenance of tbe roads of a ooonty so completely in tbe bands otthe county court that one man might be made road superintendent for a term ot years who would have full obarge of all the road work In bis county. asAIHIfSts ROTES. The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Anmst oeet uieo last inursuay. Alex Bchmerer Is at home after an ex tnded visit in the East. W. H. Dryden Is limping around on three legs, tbe result of a log roiling, (not politi cal.! Some people think it la (he proper caper to iniore themselves and all their friends. if by so doing they can get "a lick at the nuiroaa. Mr. and Mrs. Mattoon, living about two miles from Rainier on tbe Beaver road, were afflicted bv the death of an infant daughter last Saturday. Hec Horns' dog was struck by the work train last week and tbe front of his head caved in, but Is running around as usual. Hec. aays he hopes It will cure him of suck ing eggs. There bas been ouite a stir ia onr town for several days over the question of tbe railroad depot. Almost everyone ib tbe burg had bis "say so" aad there were pe titions and counter-petitions, with the re sult that we have a very small chance of getting a oapot soon. (TI.MnM TTuil im mIn.Im ... died at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. a. U. Hudson, in Beaver Valley. Bun- day morning at 1 :S0 o'clock. Hie death was caused bv congestive chills and he was sick bat two days. The funeral was held Tues day, the 15th, at Hudson s school house. ar. a. m. euauo, oi puis city, conducung uw services. "roast Hew XeaUaatet. Riarros, New Zealand, Nov. S3, 1888. I am very pleased to state that aince I took the agency of Chamberlain' medicines tbe sale bas beea vary large, more especial ly of Cough Remedy. In two years I bave sold more of thi particular remedy than ot all other make for the previous five years. As to its efficacy, I bave beea In formed by scores of persons of tbe good re- suiw nvj nav rwceiveu irvra auu auuw its value from the use of it in my own household. It is so pleasant to take that we bay to place tbe bottle beyond the reacn ot tne cnudren. k. j. boahtlibcbt, For sale by Dr. Edwin Ross, druggist. TREASURER'S NOTICE. Coomtt TasAsoaaa's Omca, 8. Hklcns, Oa.. November 4. M9S, NOTICE U HKKKBY. tilVKN THAT ALL unnald Count Warrants of Columbia County, Oregon, wbich have been presented and endorsed: "Not Paid for Want ot Funds," Srior to Jan. 1,1887. will be paid upon presen lUon at tbla office. Interest will not be allowed after this date. EDWIN ROriH, D4d2 Treasurer of Colombia County, Oregon. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Omci of Citv TaaAsnaaa, TBI CITS TREASURKK O? ST. HBLKNS, Oregon hereby gives notice that all war rants of this city whii h have been presented and endorsed "Not Paid for Want of rnnda." Sri or to August a, W7, and warrant No. fttt, en oroed August a, lHtf7, will be paid upon pre sentation to me. .Interest will not be allowed site tins date. bavid da vis. City Treasurer. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lamp Omoi at Oaaooit Cm, Oa., NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVSN THAT THK fnllowina-named settler haa Sled notlna of his intention to make final proof In support of blsolaim, snd tbat said proof will be made be fore tne county eiera ol ixuumoia county at bk Helena, Oregon, on December S, 1888, via: Homestead entry No. tmtt, for the north M of northwest W of section 37. and east U of north east X of section as, township north, range i wen. Be names the followlni witnesses te Drove his Continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, vis: William Wood, Tj. H. Beeghley, F. K. Parker and Win MeUluger. all of Vernonla, Oregon. 0213 Caaa. B. Mooaas, Register. Bciting Powder Ilade from purt cream of tartar , . Safeguards ths toed '''s.hsst alum.--' . A&trm trailr mcaaceraloi ism tfxrwt tol the pneasut day. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Omca at OaaoosT Cm, Oa , m October 14. im. N0T1CB 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THB follow! ng-aamed settler has filed notloe of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof wiil be made be fore the County Clerk of Columbia county, at Bt. Helens, Oregon, on November 38th, 1&8, vis: l r. a T a niu-u.lra Homestead Entry No. 9161, for the seK of ssotlon Kl. tpn, r 2 west. He names ths following witnesses to prove his continuous residence uon, and eulttvaUon of said land, vis: . M. Tompkins, H. C. Lamber son, Julius Zlesmann, and OrvUlt D, Oarrisoa, all of Seappooss, Oregon. oiiam CHAa. B. VOOSES, Register. Notice of Final Sdttost NOTICB IB HKREBTorVEN THAT I, THB nnderaixned, administrator of the estate of William Kellum, deceased, have filed In the offioe of the elerk of tne County Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia County, my final account el my administration uuon said estate, together with my petition for final settlement and distribution of the residue ot said estate.and that said eourt has appointed Tuesday, ttaeDOth day of December, 1:'H, at 1 o'clock p. as the Ume, and the courtroom of snid Court, st the courthouse, in 8U Bsleni, said county and stata, as the plaoe for the settlement of said aooouut and the hearing of said petition, at which time and plaoe any person interested In said estate may appearand file written obleeUons to said account and the granting of said petition. CUARHS8 MAYOI5R, Administrator of the estate of William Kellum, deceased. nl&ill Jotica cfFlMlSsteEt. NOTICB 18 HERBbTgiVSS THAT I, THB undersigned, administrator of the estate of John Klmora, deceased, bave filed In the of floe of the oleik of tho County Court of the State of Oreirou, for Columbia County, my final aooonntof my administration upon saldeotate, together with my petition for dual settlement of said aetata, and that said Court bas ap;iutd Tuesday, tha 20th dy of December, lsi, at 1 o clock p. m., as the time, and the OK'trooru of said Court, at the ooarthonsa in St ileions. In said county end siste, as the place for Uie sut tlement of said aoconnt and the bearing of said petition, at which time and plaoe any parwm Intercnted in aaid estate may appear and file written objections to said aooouut ami the grant tug of said petition. K. K- QUICK, Administrator ot the estate, of John Elmore, dewaaed, ulikUe CONTEST NOTICE. DaPASTMBNTor tbs Innisioa. I United Btates Land Otlice.) Orroom City, Oregon, Oct. 1. ISOg, ABWifiCi. i coxiT X:r:3iViT rx.'.v lug been filed In this otlice by Oeorie F. Mrulth, coiiteiitaiit. attninst houientcad entry No. ihmT, maiie June 11, PV'A for Hotitheest BiMttion 11, Township i North, ttauxe 4 Went, by CoiHitnt hrugKeiuan, eontestee, in which It is alleiced that the said uoustatit BrUKKeiuan never made settlement on his claim i that he uover resided titer at aU alter he made entry, nor did he cul tivate or improve the san.a alter making entrv; that ha has not lived on bis claim or been on hisclaim forever six years nor anyone acting for htm; that his alieeuce is not due to his em- Bloymunt In th military or naval service of the cited states in time oi war: said parties are hereby notitiod to appear, respond and otter evi dence touching said alienation at 10 o'clock a. ru. on December lh, before the KiM,-lU)r snd iteeeiver at tne united Btates latua onwe in Oregon City, Oregon. The said contestant having, In a proper aril davit, tiled Oct. 1. !'.. set forth I nets which show that after due diliKcnce personal service or tnts notice cannot oe maoe. it is nereoy or dered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. ifUAb u unimofffl 0Ml.t., WM. GALLOWAY, Receiver. Skill's Sal3ca Foreclosure. In th Clmnft Cmrt of the Stole of Oregon for t a. WIIUXJU.M, FUlntllT. Jouw Mr PrTEttfto Ait Kllm Pmiguow, iMfendttnt, TY VfRTUR Of AN IXECTTTION. JU1XJ- X ntAnt, order t,nd decree, duly Itmued out of od autler the teal of tbe tbore-en titled Court, In the abore-entitled chum, to medulf directed, and doted tbe 1Mb day of November, iim, in favor of the ove named plalnUif, I. G- Wik ttrom, and against ti above-named defend ants, Jobn M. Foteraon and KDen Peterson, for the sum of sixteen hundred dollars, with interest thereon at th rale of ten per cent per annum from the 1st day of November, and tbe further fcum of aeveuty-eeven (77.001 dol lars, with Interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum irom ine wo any oi uctober, I'., and the further sum of threo hundred (tm.fxi) doll an, and the further sura of fifteen dollars con is and d.sbnrsamienU. and the vof and npoa this writ, eommaudlna; and requiring me to make sale of tbe Mlowiugr-de-setibtid mortftrairtMl oremlses to-wit: The eotith- vest one'Qoarter (swH) of section 90, township o, norm oi rauxe . went oi ine wuiameiwe mer idian, in Columbia county, Oregon, how, there fore, by virtue of aaid executions judgment, order and decree, and tn compliance with the commands of said writ. I wilt on Mondav. the lvth day of December, 1806. at tha hoar of 10 e doe a, m. or saia aay, as tne iron, aoor oi the eonnty covrthonse, in the City of HU Helens, Columbia county, Htate of OreRon sell, at pub lic auction, subject to redemption, to the high est bidder, for United Btates gold coin, cash in hand, all the risjht, title and Interest which the Above-named deendants, or either of them had, In and to the foregoing-dembed snort gaged premises on the date of pialntliTs mort gage, or since had, to satisfy said execution, judgment, oruerana aeeree, cons ana an acc 1ncv ..luua ai Ktir-r BherllT of Columbia Connty, Ore iron. vasea as oi. Helena, ur isor. ia, vu. nxxiifl SM's Sale ca Forsclssnra. In (he Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, tor sue 14NUIIV oi iiuinoia. H. Vaawie, Ja FlalnUfT, vs. Awina Mtixsa akd W. If. KtLtsa. Defendants. BY VlttTUB OK AN EXECUTION, JU1KJ ment, order and decree, duly issued out of 9.uii Duuer tne seat 01 uw aooventiteu tjourt, In the atiove-entitlad eause. to madulv directed. and dated the 4th day of November, lKOit, upon a judgment and decree rendered aad entered In said Court on the 12th day ot October, Vm, in favor of the above-named plaintiff, U. Varwig, Jr., and against the above-named defendants, Annie Miller and W. M. Killer, for the sura of four hundred (4(fl) dollars, with Interest thereon at the rate ol eight per cent per annum since October 11th, lis, and thirty dollars attorney's tees, ana twemy-nve f.f..uu) aoiiers costs ana accruing costs of and upon this writ, eommaud lna and reoairlne me to make sale of the follow- lug-deecrlbed mortgaged premises, to-wit: The northeast quarter (ue) of the northeast Quar ter (ne54) of section fourteen (14), in township six (6), north of noire two (2), west of the Will amette meridian, containing forty acres of land. In Columbia county, Oregon. Now, thereiore, by virtue of said execution, Judgment, order and decree and tn compliance with the com mands of said writ, X will, oa Monday, Decem ber Wth.lswi, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at the front door ot the eounty court house, In the City of 8U Helens, said eonnty and state, sell, subject to redemption, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for United States gold coin, essh In hand, all the right, title and interest which the above-named defendants, Annie Ml Uer and W. M. Miller, or either of mem. nsa. on tn loreffoinr-neACrinen nmnertv en the date of plaintiff's mortgsge, or since had. mi satiety aaia execution, judgment, oruer ana decree, Interest, ousts ana all accruing costs. Sheriff of Columbia Counw.'orwon. Dated this 11th day of November, lxA nUd Slieriff s Sals on Forsclsssre. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, lor Miavuuutyoi .oiumoia. mka B. gTixsaao, Plaintiff, va. Job C. Marti, Ahu Mawtx, Saihb Maktx, 'llLLia MARTS, UAH1 HANTS, ALPHIA ADAMS, M. Usssaicx ahb Xrau HcHDatcu, De fendants. BY VIKTOR OF AM KXECtmOK. JTJDG ment. Older and deftrea. diilv Insned tmt of and nnder the seal of tha above-entitled Court, In the above-entitled eauss, to me duly directed, and dated the 4th day of November, ltwa, upon a judgment and decree rendered and entered in said Court on the 21nd day of October, 1W, in favor of the above-named plaintiff, Emma H. Stenherg, and against ths above-named defend ant, John C. Mants, for the sum of four hundred (MOO) dollars, with Interest thereon from the htth day of August, WJ7, at the rata of ten per eat per annum, and ninety i$90) dollars attor ney fees, and the sum of forty-two ((42) dollars eosts of suit and accruing costs of and upon tnis writ, eommauaing ana requiring me to make sale of the foliowmg-deseribed mortgaged premises, to-wit: The southwest quarter of sec tion four (4). township three (3), noith of range two (2). west of the Willamette meridian, all in Columbia County, State of Oregon. Now, there iore, oy virtue oi saia execution, juagment, or- mimi UWTOU, auti ,u wiup,iiuico wita vav commands of said writ, I will, on Monday, the 12th day of December, 1898, at tbe hour of 1 o'clock In the afternoon, at the front door of the eounty eourthouxe. In the City of Bt. Helens, said eounty and state, sell, subject to redemp tion, at puouo auotion, to tne nignest oioaer, for United States gold coin, essh tn hand, all the rfzht. title and Interest which the above-named defendants, or either of them, had, at the time of the commencement of this suit, or since had in and to tha above-desorlbed property, to sat isfy said execution, judgment, order and decree, Interest, ousts, and accruing oosta. Phe-iiv of Columbia l'.omitv- olvtavin. Dated, Bt. Helen,, Oregon, Nov. 11, 18D8. nllds Sheriff's Sals ca Fersclossre. tn the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for irOiuntoia vounvj. Jos Goitway, Plaintiff, sra HATHAlf Hicttota, Mamt 0. HTf-fc, ' Jobl Hnx and MAKTHi i. MGHoLS, ieienaanta. BY VIRTUS OF AN EXECUTION, JUDG ment. order and deciM. dnlv Insued out of and nnder the seal of the above-entitled Court, In the above-on tilled caufw, to me duly directed, And dated tha 1st day of November, 18yH, upon a judgment and decree rendered and eotered in said Court on the 14th day of October, in favor oi the above-named piaintitr, Jonn con way, and agalnwt the above-named defendant. Nnthan Nliifinle (.rtit MrV d. Hill fnr ttia stiim of three hundred and forty-four and ninety-four one hundredths (fcU4.W) dollars, with interest tnereon at tne raie oi ewrnt per oent per annum from the 14th day of October, IADS, and the further turn of fifty (150) dollars attorney's fee, and the further sum of twentv-three and flftv one-hnndredths dollars coau and dls- buraemenfa, Ana the ooau of Ana upon this writ, nnmmandinar and HKiuirlnsr ma tx make sale of the followinjie-atwcribed property, to-wit: a Hit ot tana atwcriDea u Deginmng at a point where ths county road intersects a lot of land now owned bv B. W. Blood, which borders on the ClatMkanie- river, thence runnius In a south erly direction eourse on the line ox said lot a distance of one hundred feet: thence tn an east r2y direction one hand red feet to the county road, thence running along said oounty road in A northerly oourae, fifty feet; thence running aioufr said eonnty road one hundred and six teen feet, to the place of Ixfurlniuvifr: said lot be ing Apart ot tneaonauoatiiatmoi ttryant, In section 8, township ? north, range 4, west of Willamette meridian; and also that certain lot of land beginning at a stake maritd "H" run ning thence aue soutn iw teet; tnenne aue eat 60 feet; thence due north 100 feet; thence west 50 feot, to the place of beginning, being also a portion of the donation ciaira of stitld JE. Bry ant, in aoQtia , township T north, range 4 wctst of Willamette meridian, with ail the tenements and heriUitimenta thereunto bekioog. Now, thereiore, by virtue of said execmioti Judg ment, order and decree, and tn ooiiipliauce with the eoranaaiida of mud writ, J wiil, on Monday, December lath, Jftv, st ihe aeur of 10oYVk ia the forenoon, at the Sunxt door of the court house, in itve iry of St, Helens, is aaid County and Htate, eU, subject to redemption, at pubiie auction, to the highest bidder, for United Ktatcs gold coin, emh tn h&udi all the rkht, title aid interest whioh the above-named defendant, or either of them hod, in aid to the foregoing described premises, ell In imid eou.y and state, on the date of nlaintiff's morjRrti. or si nee had, to saUafy saiil execution, juuKmonl, or.itir sim areuree, UHeremt, oosls aoa hii amirmug Hhenn oi voiurowa bounty, urepn. Dated at 8t Helena, Oregon, Novemlwr 11, 1 v'J'ti. Joaei'h tifutou, aUurney lor Viiiiunif, &U-d .rlatlWr;!tftitrl r """! f s P jsj r , jC'v'cgc Salle PreparafloTvfof As- IWfesl):r?s3fvfvCLccTrJ ness !"4 HostXoatoins ndMior atuta.MorpLiAO nor ILztsiX TKAItOOXIC. a eMia s s jtV'-MM JimMl I g l im firr-fr RVr I tion. Sour S Eosocti.Diarriwya, Vcrnisjuinviu5ions,FevErisJv nes and Loss or ism ZacSioue signature el EXACT COPT Of WKAKPEH. V- tjgi La Li ke s, o w - 1 sjasaaaMaaejatli. mm li lawaAli 'I eraWllS l.eiWaMitaaS t lib Kr.d Ycrj I f-e,a- a, ; cf MP. j am ihe i . j as 1 you novo Always Doughl, Waa U W.l fy. atiSiauaaus.ay aagisaijj, y ity aaaaiaa; jaiajgy r-g HARRIS CASH GROCERY j .. : : 4 For Your Keeps always on hand ell kinds of taple and fancy groceries and provisions, farm produce, tropical and domestic fruits in season, tine teas and eod'eee, tobacco and cigars. A nne line of confectionery mlm in stock, and variouu other speciaiUe. gs.Jlsaaeseae,ia nf II fsl itafafajge,S)AssaNel Groceries. rnDueo rftsl l- -V niniliiu 0TDrrr r -T- I in r-ar An a bvniibrt vw,r i.i t. rM v rviM 11 o i rvi-t 1,01, ncLtno, wrt. raTjsajiisjtiajiajTyar-iqi ig, gtpgyiqe-sjyj; ST. HELENS PHAHMAGY Dr. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. DRUGS Patent Medicines, Fancy Toilet Articles. PERFUMES AND FANCY STATIONERY. Prescriptions... ' Carefully and Accor ately Compounded.... DAY OR NIGHT. eeeOilXrSe.e Complete Line cf Cimif iT'ola' f"iw 3vi fl School Books ancL. School Supplies -13 JaALIal DART & MUGKLE rtala Street. St. Helena, Oregon. Da!trt im. GENERAL MERCHANDISE Choice Groceries Always on hand. Floor, grain, and feed. Tobaeeo and cigara, aud sauikers' artiule, notion, .to. CROCKERY AND TINWARE ...Dry Goods... Inelndlng a general assortment of elothlng, fnrnlnhlnga, and dress goeoa. Also a fine line of bouts and alioea. DART & MUCKLE ' ' Hain Street, - Bt. Helens, Oregon. GOOD TOQLSl ' LOW: PRICES! .FOB NET 8P0T CASH.- Jennlng Patent Site...., Clark' Expansion iJite... Uommon iiracee..... Ratchet Braces Drawing-kniTO.. Folding Drawing-knives. Common Saw-eeta , Morrelra Saw-sets Carpenters' bammera..,., Carpentera hatcheta. ..... Carpenters' haniiaxes Jack planes Disston handsaws ........ Good steel handsaws ..... firmer chisels. ....tZtoSOc ,70c to 1.10 ....35to5Uc .600 toS2.00 ....... , 20 lSe 60c ,.,.85 to 611c ....60 to 700 , 66c 1 25 ..,.60 to 75c ..17to8oe ICS OBIASl rsiggBS. HtArtlo. .. 85 6-qt.Artio. 1 15 S-qt, Artto 1 SO Black Diamond FHi, Oil Poyi, Piiiclio'i, Wron ' used bv all kinds of people, at low pi ifes (or is.k next -Qnart Artlo. . .......... 1-qt. White Mountain... 3-qt. Vhite Monntftin. .. 3- o,t. W hile Monnlain... 4- ql. While Monntnin... 6-qt. White Hoantain... 13-Inch Plilla.ltphia.... , H-i'H-h Philndeiphm 16-iuch PliSla.ieipl'ia lWnch PliiiedWubia 20-i nch Pli iladrl ph ia ... -. ..... . Damp Coliee Pots ' GBAWtTK CAMJT RXTTiS..'. 3- qt. with eovor. ........ .......... 4- qt, with cover 6-qfc. wt(h eoter. 8-qt, with coyer , ,. . ..U M .. 1 W .. 1 ' .. 1 Vi .. 2 Cfl .. 3 i ..... 4 m .... 6 lii ..... 6 M 8 .... 7 m .'iil to o. J aeei a.nt y y yy- "- . i.-a. J X 4 ria lirtirtao at , i i i i i i