OKEGON MIST. ISSWfcO EVKUf piKIDAY JROHNlftO DAVID DAVIS. Subscription Itsues. Cne copy on year In advene. one oooy mi Burntus.. Advertising rat .miule known upon application COLOMBIA COBNTY DIRECTORY. JniStro...... 'lfik , (Sheriff 1 rwisnrar ' i)ti. of richoola. AaeKflOT.. ....... ,.?oseb. B. Doan, Rainier ......J. I. Watts, St. Hi'louS J. H. Rtoo, ClatJkanle ,., B. Kos,St. Helen ,....1. H. Copeland, V arreo Mania White. Onlnev h'JIVKyor.. ,.eo. Kayee, tsnytinT Conmar ....Dr. A. V. McLaren. Kaiojr ,... ,P. A. Frakw, Sna)po.e Commissioner , ..'.. ,.N. j. Petersen, Hist ST. HEIRM, OHK4HIN, ROT. 18. America for American, "bong Maj It wave O'er th Homo of the Free and tbe L.nl of the Brave. Strange thinga will happen, and one will see all sort of big frame when they haven't got a gun. Tbe follow ing editorial appeared ia last week' Bainier Beview, whoa editor are pop nliats. ' The extract contain much troth, and the sentiment displayed is all the more striking when compared with that of other popnlista, - whose harrangae about the Hebrew senator from Oregon would indicate that they (the populists) would love their Jesus to death if halt was not soon made: "It gives os that tired feeling to hear some papers constantly prating about Joe Simon being a Jew, as if that vera a dis qualification tor United State senator or any other office. We believe the constitu tion does not require a religions test, and it is very poor taste, to say the least, to harp on that one string. Joe 8imon is not of onr political faith, bat it makes no dif ference to us whether he be Jew, Pa pan or Gentile, if he makes Oregon, a good sena tor. There is one thing a boot the man that we mast au aamire; tie nas atwaya oeen successful. Nothing socceede like auocess." The sentiment contained in the brief extract just quoted does honor to him who gave it utterance. It is an indication of greater liberality than we could have hoped to have seen dis played. In the election of Mr. Simon, a man who never apoligued for bis Judaism any more than he would for his Americanism, emphasizes the valu able lesson that under our secular form of government political prefer ment is open to all citizens, regardless of religious belief. A La sob and more powerful Maine will take the place of tbe one blown np by the Spaniards in the harbor of Havana. The next three battleships to be built will be the Maine, Missouri and Ohio. The first of these ships will represent not only the old "Fine Tree State"n the rolls of the navy, but will keep alive the memory of the dastardly work whioh precipitated the Spanish war, and be a floating memo rial of the martyrs who found their death in the original ahip of that name. A soon as tbe ship ia finished she should be sent to Havana to fire a salute over the wreck of her name sake, which is the coffin of so many of our brave soldiers. The Missouri will represent on the waters the great state of the "Middle Valley," and the Ohio tbe great state which has supplied to the country so many presidents and statesman. X--Yt since the civil war have Missouri "and Ohio been repre sented among the fighting ships of the navy. Now that their names are to take tbe seas once more, tbey will be borne by first-class battleships, sister ships to the new Maine. The careless disposal of the slops sod debris about the home is one of the most ruinous practice in vogue by tne farmer and bis family. Impuri ties about the home bring disease by filling the sir with a billion microbes or disease germs. All . impurities should be emptied into a keg or barrel that does not leak, and wheeled sway and poured on the grass or into a hole dug for the purpose and covered up, snd not in the same place twice. Tbe barrel or keg should be cleansed weekly with carbolic acid sod lime. Tbe emptying of slop at the kitchen door or near the bouse give rise to an odor not unlike that of pig-pen only worse. This breed diseases such as ma larial fever, etc., of which people die. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. It is next to hsalthf ulnesa, too. The prem ises about the house can not be kept too clean and free of slops, etc. Ver min breeds disease very rapidly and with awful result Kaep the home and all the appurtenances clean and pure, and then keep clean yourself. Ths Welcome's predictions of last week in regard to the elections, have, in the main, proved true. While the democrats have made gains ia con gress, as is invariably the case in an "off year," the republicans have held their own well, and in certain quarters have won a great victory. Tbe great est landslide is in the- stats of Wash ington, where fusion was defeated as badly, or considering the great fusion majority of two years ago, even worse than the allied forces of free silver were beaten last Jan in Oregon. Free silver, though not yet quite dead, has received another fatal wound, and will breathe its last expiring breath in 1900. Boossvelt' election makes him a pres idential candidate in 1904, after re election as governor of New York in 1W)1, and McKinley will have a walk over in l'JOO.-Bunduy Weicome,(dem.) Tuesday's election in Portland and Multnomah county ia further evidence of the truth of our statement last week that populism has lost its job. Mr. Josnplri, mo republican candidate to si,Cw-J Joseph Simon in the state sen was elected by a large majority i rc3. The democratic candidate re 4.ivpil 19113 votes ia ths county, tbe he A self goveruousot candidate 1069. rm fiTiwnriM IVsHPOPfli Ul tunuuuu iiuiiuini The Oregon City Enterprise says that Oretroa leads all the other stater of the Union in 1898 with a wool clip of ovor 2I,IXX),WU pounds. There aie thousands of people who do not know that a eixe in underwear ia two inches, in a sock an inch, in a collar half an inch, in shoe one-sixth of an inch and in gloves a quarter of an inch. The clam on Clatsop beach are playing out rapidly. At the present rate of destruction, clam digging will be one of tbe lost art in ths near fa ture. There is some talk of artificial nronaeation. It might be well to have a close season on olams until the stock ia replenished. The resource of the great North west are now being developed a never before. Although only in the incipi ency of our possibilities, we can hardly get cars to send away our products of the current year. What will it be when our population and our produc ing facilities bav been doubled. President HcKioley has set Decem ber 1 for the date of our taking pos- eseioa of Cuba: the Spanish troop, to evacuate by January 1, 1899. Blanco claim that he cannot get transporta tion to leave by that date; but if any troops remain after that it will be on ufferanoe and wholly subject to oar occupancy. Under the new Oregon fish law the following licenses must be said : For each drag seine, not exceeding five hundred feet in length, 110; for each additional foot in length the further sum of 1 cent each ; each gill net, f 2.50 ; for eaoh set net, $1 ; for each pound net, trap or weir, f 15 ; for each scow or fish wheel, 115; for eaoh stationary fish wheel, 92a. There is a good demand in Colfax, Washington, for potatoes for Eastern shipment, sod the price is strong at ft per 100 pounds. This i the highest price paid for a long time, and yields a good profit to the farmer. The po tato crop is light this year, both as to yield and average, and there will not be nearly as many offered for sale as in furmer years. The favorable condition of the West ern and Southern farmers is shown by the fact that only about 13,000,000 haa been borrowed from the money centers of tbe East to enable the far mers to move their fall crop. Ordi narily over 130,000,000 has been bor rowed for this purpose. Tbe explana tion u given that tbe prosperous season of last year haa left money in their hands, and that tbey have not experienced their usual need of cur rency. In speaking of poison in canned goods the Popular Science Monthly says hermetically sealed cao will not germinate poison, but if allowed to stand exposed to the atmosphere for only a few minutes it is sufficient to infuse tbe contents, whether meat or fruit, with a deadly poison. After the11 can is opened never let the contents stand in it, bnt always poor out in an earthen dish. This is an old troth, but the bad effect of not observing it are frequent. There are people in this country who complain a boat their liberties being curtailed, but how would they ike to lire in Uermanyr .Not long since a young girl in Berlin was im prisoned two months tor "lese ma- jeate", ber crime consisting of criti cizing Emperor William's picture exposed in a shop window. Another 17-year-old girl in Cologne was cent to prison lor six month for tearing one of hi majesty's picture from the wall of her own room, which action was witnessed by a second person who made a complaint against her. The stale is growing; the towns are growing; the nation is growing. Loosen your lungs and let the air rash in. lie an expansionist prosperity expansionist. Quit the fault finders and join the upbuilders. Spread out in generosity, liberality, in love for your fellow man.' Purge yourself of calamity, cleanse your soul of sus picion. Look at your nation and ad mire it, look at your state and admire it, look at your town and admire it. And then if yon still feel against tbe republican party go to a doctor. There is something organically wrong with yon. A committee f the Progressive As sociation went out in the country to view the county roads. After wan dering around in the woods all day they returned to the city, being un able to find anything that resembled a county road. And yet, Clatsop county is spending f.AHXI a year on county roads, and taxes sr fifty mill or five per cent. It ia about time tbi wast ing of publio funds was stopped. Every chuck hols that is repaired costs the taxpayer $100. ' But it is the best that can be done under the pres ent road laws. Astoria Herald. A new republic ha just been formed in Central America, The republics of Nicaragua, Honduras and Salvador have combined and ths combination is to be known a the United State of Central America. Tbe new republic contains about 2,000,000 people and has an area ot 11,000 square miles. The president is to be sleeted every four years, and his duties are similar to those of the president of tbi coun try. There will be two branches of congress, a senate, and a house of representative. The new country tart out fair enough, but it will be a surprise if it doe not have a revolu tion inside of a year. The Salem Sentinel raise a great kick this week because so many of Salem' people go to Portland to trade,. Tbe same "kick" could be made at most any town ia tbe state, but the pace such "kicks" occupy in the newspapers had better be given to news item. People will not heed them, snd although the advice to trade at home should be as on strictly in accord with boms interests, still svery one baa a desire to trad where they think they can do best for themselves snd obtain ths best re sults for tbeir money. It is time that home merchants should have the home trade, not only in one lino of trade, but in all When a man dies now-day the first thing they ask is; "Whs he insured, aud fur liow ii.Uv.1i Tha p&pura lllss generally wind up tbe obituary notioe with . Ilia amount ot Insurance. Soon the obituary notices will read something like Ibis: "Peter Jones died and left a wife and two children. Loss fully covered by insurance." Or, if tbe deceased it not insured, it will read about as follows; "John Smith is dead. He leave a wife. Total loss ; no insurance." It i noticeable that the papers and individual who were most opposed to the" maintenance of the National Guard and standing army in times of peace, are the very ones who are now raising the largest howl about the hardships our soldier are suffering at present. The truth of the matter is that tbe suffering is largely due to the unprepared state of our military, and that eur volunteers are not accus tomed to the hardships of war. - It is very doubtful if our glorious navy had been made up ot volunteers after the opening of tbe war and they had not keen equipped ' and trainee as tbey were, that our arms on the sea would have won the victories they did with out hardship. The new law enacted in a bill Intro duced by Senator Kuykendall, of Lane, make a radical change in the qualification of voter at school elec tions. Hereafter no one can vote at any school election in any district who was not assessed with $100 worth of property on the last county assess ment roD. There is no exonse or cause for such a law to be enacted Why a poor man haa not as much judgment in regard to the education of bis children as one a little more fortunate in tbe possession of this world s goods, no man can or would even try to give a reason. Tbe mere result of the law will not be so bad as ths principal It is class legislation There is nothing more distasteful to a true American than the idea ot it. Nw Postal Bnuta. The rural postmaster will no donbt approve of the following rules and post them in a conspicuous place : "No letters will be delivered until they have been re ceived. If yon don't gst a letter or paper on the day yon expect it, bav the postmaster look through all the boxes and dowa cellar also. If your friend don t write, cuss tbe postmaster. He is to blame. If be tell you -there is no mail for yon, put on a grieved expression and say, There ought to be some.' He is probably hiding your mail tor the pleasure of having you call for it two or three times a day Ask him to look again." Oregon's Mines. Simultaneously with the reports of extraordinary dis coveries of gold in Alaska come equally exoiting data concerning re markable cuds of precious metal in Oregon. Baker, Grant, Josephine, Lane and . Douglas counties in this state have contributed much to tbe substantial mineral development of Oregon during the past year, while the world marvels at the truth a it is .revealed concerning the productive ness of the frigid north in th pre cious stuff. Tbe practical miner will, however, take his chance for fortune in tbe mineral region of Oregon rather than risk his life with the limit of his means in the quest for riches amid the pen! that must be encoun tered under tbe brilliant Doreaus. Obioiw or Peanuts. We don't suppose there are many people who know that toe peanut came to this country with the first cargo of slaves that were landed on onr snores. It is a native of Africa and in its original state as full of grease almost as a bit of pork. Cultivation snd change of soil have greatly reduced the oleagin ous quality of tbe nut, although tbe North Carolina variety has enough grease yet to find a ready sale in France, where it join it African an cestor and cottonseed in (applying not a little of the olive oil we find in the restaurant aad family groceries. Norfolk, Vs., ia the greatest poanut center id the world, and handles an nually 200,000 bags, or 8,000,000 bushels. Milk Suoar. Here is something that will surprise many dairy people. Illinois is now supplying sugar from milk. A queer looking factory is in operation at Marengo, Indiana, with a barbed wire fence stretched aronnd it to keep out the curious. F. W. Pat rick, who owns a large number of creameries throughout the valley, is the head ot the concern. Tbe cream is separated from ths milk and churned into butter. Tbe skimmed product is curdled and then dried, after which it is ground as fine as corn meal and shipped away to the East, where it i converted into a liquid and used for glazing purpose The whey left from tbe curd is tbe substance from wbioh sugar is produced. It is boiled down to a syrup, and boiled until sugar of a dark brown color is formed. It is then trucked to the re finery, where it is sent through a se cret process, after which it is as fins snd light a aoy of the granulated grades. Milk sugar is not destined to compete with the best, because th former i intended only for medical purposes. Fought Lies Demons. James Wil son, Jake Graham and E. Smith were ia a boat oil Memeluse point on Fri day. Graham was tbe worse for drink and continued to accuse Wilson of wanting to leave him behind. A wordy war went on between them for soma time, and this angered Graham and Wilson so much that it led to blows. The men, standing np in th boat, clinched, and in that position. tumbled ont of tbe boat into ten feet ot water. One would naturally sup pose that this part of the performance would cool tbeir aDgered passions, but not so, however, for ths men attacked each other in the water, like demons, clinching, and chewing each other to pieces. Smith saw that tbe men were not only fighting, but drowning as well, which it would not have taken long to have done bad not assistance been near. Smith polled the boat to them and took hold of both men, keep ing them from drowning, for it was evident that they would soon succumb, but even in this condition,' and while Smith was holding their bead out of water, they clinched and chewed each eibor still. Th men were finally res cued from the water, Graham's nose and Wilson's thumb showing that tncja Ksmbnrs had cone tnrorirrh the chewing mill.- Tillamook Headlight. Fonr Noisy Nnlaanocs Retired. v New York Evening Sun. Th flfty-slxth congress will be happy In the absence of certain bore aud mounte banks who for several years have obetruoted business and brought tbs national legisla ture Into disrepute. Neither William Yin ceat Allan (imp.), nor David Turple(dero.), will be returned to th senate. Allen is a shallow demagogue and aa intolerable nuiaanoe as a legislator, fie never uttered an honest sentiment and be was as noisy as a baas drum or a flh born. Turpi was a niossback bourbon, and his speech Hooded ths senate chamber like th burst ing of a thousand dniua. Jerry (Simpson and James Hamilton Lewis, clown and mountebank, will not vex the ear of the house and excite mur derous yearning in th speaker of the fifty-sixth congress. Jsrry will go back to ths cracker barrel in the grocery stars at Medicine Lodge, aud there he will probably stay for ths rest of bis natural life. Lewis differed from Simpson only In variety. He was equally a down, but he was mors of a bore than Jerry. When his mouthing amused it was because hs took such fright ful liberties with tbe English language. Perhaps he was more of a demagogue than 81m peon superficially at least for Jsrry had a saving sens of humor and knew when to stop making an ass of himself. He hsd a very good Idea of ths limit of bis audience's patienoe. Not so Lewis. He was as brasen aa a new drummer and as try to th nerves as a crash ot crockei y. TELL YOUR SISTER. A Beautiful Complexion is sn impossibil ity without good pur blood, the sort that only exists in connection witn good (inges tion, a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover Root tea acts directly on ths bowels. liver, and kidneys, keeping them in perfect health. Price ZS eta sad SO eta. Sold by Or. Kdwin boss, druggist, BL Helens, Ore gon, ana a. a. ferry, uouiton, uregon. ON EVERY BOTTLE Ot Sblloh's Consumption Care is this rear antes: "'All we aoik of you is to us two- miras oi toe contents or una Dome isitu fully, then it you say yon are not benefited return the bottle to yoor druggist and he may refund ths price paid. Price 25 eta, 60 cts and si.w ooid by ur. &iwiu koss, druggist, St. Helens, Oregon, and N. A. Ferry, Hon! ton, Oregon. Porraa. Near Hoolton, Tuesday, Novem ber 15. 18S8, to the wife of d Potter, a uaugoter. . Ciotnran.-At 8cappoose, Thursday, Ko yeniber 17, 18D8, to ths wire of Thomas Cloninger, a son. Tom says ths boy is targe enoagn to vote, ana asks all who doubt it to call and see. CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. Us Ihi Yea Bars AiwsfS Essgiit Bears the Blgnatwe Bests th --f1 KM Yw lwn tough! BigBsme r ' OAOTOTIIA. . Basnths ,lb Ini Yt Haw Alwun Baigf OASTOniA. Baents yJto KM M to IJI Botgtt Get Value Received EVERY TIME AT N. A. Perry's HOULTON, OREGON. -THE- OX2I13.KFi&ls. -HOTEL- Mrs, 1L J. Scott, Proprietress A strictly flrat-elaas honse- A home for commercial travelers and the pubtlu. Board and lodging at reasonable rates. Horses Cared For. BT. IIKIjENS. OltTCGOTST PROFESSIONAL. J. W. DAT W. B. DILLABD ATTORNEYS -AT-LA W Office next floor to Courthouse, ST. HELENS, OUKtiON, Oeneral oraotice In courts of Oreiron or Waah- Ington. Abstracts made directly from oouuty records. J-JB. J. K. HALL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Clatakanie. Columbia county, Or. G. W. COLE,. ATTORNEY AND COCN8ELOR-AT-LAW, ST. HELENS, OREGON. Title Abstract Books. Notary Public. Commis sioner of Deeds for Wasbtnfrton, and an exper ienced collector in connection with office. . J-jat. EDWIH EOBS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon H. a. CLIFF, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon. GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Collections, forec)onroe, mechanics' telna, etc. irepuiy prosecuting attorney, vuice with T. i. Cleeton. - St. Hklbks, : Orboow. STEAIIERJ'CAHBY" Oommenelns Monday, October 10th, the llwaeo Knllwny A Nsvlitatlon Co.'a uamer "OaKDV" will nak round trips between RAirilllR POflTLAKO Leaving Rainier at a. m. and Port land at S p. in. dally (ioupt Sunday). Vl aollnlt a ahara of tha Dublin MltrOlmHe. and in return will nlve quick eervlce audeolaan jour bu&uioja. ooat. itv--ne nave come to nty ,uu n,i. um s. ti . . F.WHITU.Asaut. IUPERIAL.... ...SALOON O. A. BRINN, Prop. FINE: Wlllii: LIQOORS, and Cigars. PORTLAND, OBKOON 04 North Tblr Street. Between Devi and Everett George Is always pleased to aoe his old Columbia county friends. When In ths metropolis give hliu a oalL BANQUET SALOON 0L0NLNGER& C00PEK, PBoraiKToRs, Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool table, billiard table and Other devioes for th entertainment of pat rons, where time can he pleasantly spent. . . ( - Besides other popular brands, are kept constantly on band to supply th Increased trade at this very popular saloon. THS FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY IS Ik IT AT TH1 BANQUET, DENTIST J. A. REID Has Located In St Helen Permanent!. FULL SET TJCKTH. . FILUNO GOLD FILLINGS...., J 50 to 18 09 SO lo 1 00 H 60 upwards Cram M Erie fori a Sjccialty 3.60 TO no.00 aCft TOOTH. The work that I have done In this community or the paat Ave mouths ia my recommendation. All work guaranteed satisfactory. Office Neat Doer to Rosa' Dragster ST. BXLIK8, I t I i OHEOOM S STORIA & COLUMBIA RIYER H RAILROAD COMPANY. WINTER aCHCDCLB. Kast bound Ually West bound Trains 24 p. m. M 8: 2o 07 :SS S:U 7 a 7:28 7:00 a. m. U 20 11 00 10 46 10 is 'arrive . Ronl toa . learel t. m. s iso It 16 80 p. m. 7 60 10 26 66 20 I 60 dome Rainier Mayaere. ....Clatnkanie .... Westport...,,.. Clifton Kaappa 10 00 10 36 ft S 23 00 S M 8 00 10 66 U 18 11 43 10 13 10S6 11 10 1 eave. .Astoria., arrive p. m. h 16 Trains leave Astoria for Heaslde at 12 20 p. m. and 6 p. m. Boat connections at Astoria for Ilwaeo, Chinook. Fort Cauhy, Kenahuc, Till amook, and GerrlbaldL Passenger for Astoria or way points mnst flsg trains at Houllon. Trams will stop to let pas senfrers off at Houllon when coming tram points west of Oobie. jr. V. flars, Oen. Pass. Agu, Astoria, Or, mv wnv win imiwwwwm was wwessi E.E. QUICK G. WCOLE Commissioner of . Kotary Public . Deeds for Wash ington. ....... ' COLE & QUICK, PBOPfiliTORS OF THORNE'S Merica) System Jitls toads. Titles Examined and Perfected. Abstracts Furnished. Assessments Examined. In surance Written. Taxes Paid and Convey ancing. ST; IIEtiEnS, OREGON. flUCKLE BROS MANUFACTURERS OF Dimension Lumber, Flooring, Bustle, Bheath Ing, Casings, and a complete stock of svery variety of . ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE OLD STAND, BT. HELENS, OB STAR - -:- SALOON W, W. BXAKESLBY, Prwp. Fins Wines : and : Liquors. Th Famous J. IT. CUTTER, MAGNOLIA aud HONEY DEW Whiskey always on hand CELEBRATED HOP GOLD BEER A large stock of DOMErtTIC and KKY WERT Cigars of the best grade always on hand. Between the two hotel. Maim St. - St. Helena), Ore. irrr Si Helens MEAT MARKET. JAMES II. B1IELD0N, Prop. All Kinds of Fresh f'eats, 'MSATS BY Ms- A T SPECIAL Main Btrwwt, CLATCKANIE DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Ha Jutft retlv4 vi rrwM 1 Drurs and Also new and select aloek of drain and patent medicines, fancy stationery, anhonl bonis and st hoid supplies, perfumery aud toilet articles, and in Itwt sverjr thing whluhla usually kept at a nrst-oiaa drug store, , Prescriptions Carefully. Compounded ; ' AT THE CLATSKAJIE DRUG STORE ? Groceries and FLOUB, GRAIN, AND FEED. .TOBACCO AND CHUBS, NOTIONS, ETC. T. C. WATTS' STORE, Eeuben, - llli asftafi aslfciisjlfci Ssfc,saSsl s-Wal tsiwsaa-sftalJaSsVssI sjl,1sftwl "The Perkins" C. W. KN0WLE5, Manager.' Mr. Snowies wss, (or many years, iioprietor of tbs 8t. Charles hotel, and while there established a imputation as a hotel man. He is now in a better position to entertain his friends tbn ever before, and will welcome all bi old patron to his new place of business, where can be found an up-to-date hotel. ,. " Corner Fifth and Washington streets, PcrtlsnJ. White Collar Line THE COLUMBIA BIVEft AND PD0ET BOUND HAVIOATION CO. PORTLIKD-ASTOEIA EDDIE. ..TELEPHONE... ' Landing Foot of Alder Street; Portland. Learea Portland daily (exoeptrlundayjat 7 A, VI, Landing Telephone dock, Astoria. Leaves Astoria daily (except Sunday) 7 P. M. Telephone Tickets Good on Steamer Potter. Steamer Potior Ticket Good on Telephone. U. B. SCOTT, Pres. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY, STEAMER- Young America -VIA- WILLAMETTE SLOUGH LeavsBt. Helens..... Arrive at Portland-.. Leave Portland Arrive at Bt. Helen.. 6:80 A M 10:00 A M ... 2:80 P M ,6:00 PM FARE tft CENTS. Will Carry Nothing bnt Passengers and Fast Fright. JAMES Gf OD, Master. STEAMER G. L . ..:..-,. J DELL SHAVER, Master. Leaves SSoeVetS T.u r, rit Friday evenlnn at 4 o'eloVS T wYfiTiS TnfkCn"f"?ll"'."j,eJ""'BlUt,nlf- Monday, Wednisr, and KalarJ. :Wi8t. Helen. SSi. ArrlvTfn0. ?b" Stella 7: 16 Marger V:rK.inl.M:il enang time without notioe. ...STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... Leaves Kelso on Monday, Wednesdsys and Fridays at 6 o'clock a. m. fSaWJlfcC .....Portland and Kelso Routs Hams, Bacon, snd Lard, WHOLKSALS-Wk BATHS, m9 St. IlelMna, Orsgon, DRUG STORE far MortMBt sna rur Chemicals 1 If) ft 8 Provisions - - Oregon sftwl 9 waasftt.aHfcLJiassSsii Swfcjsft wftw gftss ijssftst Jsftt I Time SCHEDULES From Portland. DavABT ros Aaitva rooM Fast Mall Sp.nl, Salt Laks, Denver. FL Worth, Oai aha, Kan sas City, tit. Louis, Chisago and last. Fsst Hall 7:!aia.l Simian Flyer 2 p.m. Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis, hi. Paul, OuTuth, Mil waukee, Chleago A Xaat. Bpokan IC:ia.sj. p.1 Ocean Steamship. AU sailing dates sub ject to ehause. For Han Franrboe Ball November 4p. ss. Tp. m. To Alaska-. 841 Kept 17 tp. as. Is. m. Es.Buoday Baturdar top. m. ' Columbia Rhwr ; ' Steamers, " To Astoria and Way landiug. ' 4 s. sa. XxjJimday . St. Ex.rlu.nday . Willamette River, Oregon City. Kewherg, Salem A wa-land'gs 4:110 p. m. Ex.Buodey 7 a. m. Toos.Thur, and Hat, Willamette and Yam. - hill River. OrriroD City, Dayton, aud Way-Undiuga, SO p.m. Mon. Wed. andPri. a m. Tuea. Thnr. and Sat, Willamette River. Portland lo CarvaUl snd Wsy-landinga, 4 Wo m. TuesTlinr. and Sa. Lt. Rlparla 1:46 a. in. daily x sept Sat, Snak River, KlpariatoLswIstoB. Lv.Iew'loa ft:4na.m. sIIt ex. osplFrt, yr. H. HURLBEBT, Oeneral PasMngtr Agent, POBTLAND .. . OBE00M W. SHAVER The Only Direct Eonto ...FROM... ' Portiand.to Qatskanie m company reserve m nan n 01M.C0. Shaver Transportation Company. Leaves Port land Tudr, Thursday, and ,m Sato Mays, at 4 o'clock a, m. via Villair.stta Slssgh....,' . j-.-,f..,-,.Mi-.ii i " 'll J ii,' "R'