0 OREGON MIST. lhhVK.1) A. lav its' flDAV AtOUNINO -HB-' DAVID DAVIS, Snbaerlptloa Rate. Oneenny one year ia advance.., II 90 Or."iy mx raonuie... 8ln-le uo,y-. - Advertising ral -naxle knows upon application COLOMBIA COUNTY DIRECTORY. COUNTY OIIICEBS, Indite Joaeph B. Doan, Rainier fclerk ........J. O. Walts, St. Helena tilwrldr , I- N- R1!. Clatakanie Vrvaaunw , Helens govt, of lichools.,.,,,.,.1. H. Copeland, Warren Assomnr Martin White, Quimy Hiirvovor tjeo. Uayea, Mayawr Coroner ,,.,-Dr. A- McLaren. Hainlar . , I ,..P, A. Prates, Ucanpojse Commissioners J - , p peiersou. Mist T. UeLKrlS. ORKCOia. WOT. . America, for Americana. "Long May It wave O'er tb Home of tne Free and the Land of the Brave." Tub statement cannot be contra- dieted that no section of Oregon ia more adapted Ot favorably given to uccessful dairying than ia Columbia county. Tbe introduction of the silo has added a very great percent of in centive to this industry and the natural adaptability of tbe section for this in dustry has created a condition of pos sibilities not rivaled anywhere. We insist that the location of a large creamer plant at soma eonvenient point near here would bave a ten dency to stimulate dairying and at the same time be a source of much revenue to the operator. It has been demonstrated clearly that corn for en silage can be produced in unknown quantities on oar farms and a suffi cient quantity of ensilage can be pro duced on a small tract of land to feed a vast number of cows. It would pay every farmer in Columbia county to build a silo, and this once done, the coming of creameries to care for the product would be but a brief matter of time. Tomorrow (Saturday) there will be a tmblio meeting held at Vernonia to hear the report of the committee re cently appointed at a meeting there, to solicit funds and labor to be em ployed in improving tbe road from Pitlaburg to St. Helena. Much de pends upon this report and if the proper encouragement has been lent by the people over there, it is not on- likely that valuable assistance will be rendered by persons along the route and at the river terminus of the road which it ia desired to impreve. The county court will assist in this matter and there are a number of persons in this city who will lend financial aid to the enterprise. After learning what is willing to be done by the people of Nehalem Valley, we believe greater encouragement will be offered over here. It is a matter of vast import ance to tbe people of St. Helens and their contributions should not be stinted. Tbe people ot that valley are determined to bave an outlet to the river and if St. Helens does not make an effort to secure this enter prise it is certain to go elsewhere. Vfst do not think couuty officials in Tillamook county are saying much about the reduction of the legal rale of interest in Oregon, for &ey hardly know at present whether it will have a tendency to discount county war rants. We, however, expect it will. If warrants in any county fail to sell at par something should be done to make them marketable at face value. We think we are correct in making the assertion that no county should have warrants outstanding more than twelve months. The tendency is rather to increase than decrease the indebtedness of counties. -This is wrong from a businers point of view, and had strictly business methods been used previously by officials, many counties and cities would not be so lamentably behind paying their outstanding warrants. This brings us to a matter right at home, for Tilla mook is one of those counties which is far behind in this respect. Tbe question of receipts and expenditure, the amount of equalization and the prompt collection of taxes should be thoroughly looked, into every year with a view to reducing tbe indebted ness. When this is done and war rants are not so long outstanding, county officials and others will not bave their warrants discounted ten to fifteen per cent. Tillamook Head light, y ' , Thb lesson is learned, though at some expense, that It is necessary to produce a good, clean quality of fruit if it is desired to secure the best profit from our labors. There must be imlDstalting in the cultivation of the orchard, and above all is the import ance of placing fruit that is free from insetita, on the market. Incal culable damage could result iu the briufust period to our fruit industry by heedless desire to ruish fruit into the market without first obtaining its quality of excellence in a sense of utiiiiK litre Iruiu Morula, lu aoititt parts of the county this year many orchards were Infested with the fruit pest and while the product may have presented an excellent outward ap pearance, it was far from being perfect within. To overcome this evil it is necessary to spay the trees, and be energetic in tbe task. It is outortu nate that this condition of affairs pre vails, but it does, and we must meet it and overcome the evil, lest absolute ruin will result to our many splendid orchards and tbe reputation the county bears for producing an excellent qual ity of fruit bs entirely lost to us. It is not an expensive undertaking to spray fruit trees, elthoufih it calls forth constant care, yet little was ever accomplished without effort. By all means let us perpetuate our reputa tion for good IruiU . MISCELLANEOUS NOTES. Prosecuting Attorney Cleeton has filed bis appointment of Johau E. Young as his deputy, in Clatsop county, vice C. J. Cur Us resigned. Seven dollars a thousand ia the price paid a few days ago byaTacoma mill for a raft of flooring logs. That is tbe highest price ever reached on tbe Sound. Tbe price of bops ia steadily ad vancing and sales were made recently in Salem at lb cents per pound, This is the highest price reported thus far this year. Tbe secretary of state, bas sent no tices to all persons holding claims against the state, that they will be pnid in accordance with the bill passed by the legislature. ' The Seven Devils railroad will be built at once. It will start from Union, this state, and tap a country rich in timber, marble, mines and farms, and will be a great developer ot country, Northern Pacific rates for passenger traffic in Washington have bean re- reduced from 6 cents a mile to 4 cents a mile, consequently passenger rates from Oregon to Washington points are somewhat cheaper. As a result of the recent collision between the steamers Shaver and Pot ter, Sidney Scammon, of tbe Shaver, has been suspended lor bu days. Joseph Turner, who was at the wheel on the Potter st the time of the ac cident, was exonerated. The Barnes cannery at Portland is putting up about 400 cases of fish per day. The salmon comes in by the carload, principally from Willapa har bor. The cannery will run till Nov ember 10 and then close down for tbe winter. Iaman, Poulson & Company, like the rest of tbe sawmill companies, find considerable difficulty in obtain ing Iocs enough to keep their saws whirling. When the tall rains raise tbe Willamette and its tributaries, loggers will be able to furnish a good supply. Tbe fall fishing is about over and it is expected tbat another week will find all tbe boats off the river and tbe canneries closed nntil tbe spring season opens. The fall pack has been satisfactory to everyone and has helped out what was thought to be a very poor year. The Albina Lumber Com pany's saw mills in lxwer Albina bave been pur chased by tbe Western JUnmber Com pany, and the new owners will pro ceed at once to put . the plant in op eration, employing some 3U men. The mills bave been shut down for about a month past. The governor has re-appointed Mr. H. D. McGuire fiab commissioner for four years. This re-appointment was the exercise of good judgment, as Mr. Hcuuire had much work under way and in contemplation, which, when completed, will be of incalculable ben efit to tbe fishing industry. Tbe Clatsop county court has fixed tbe tax levy for 1898 as follows Uouaty, 12 mills: interest on out standing warrants, 3 mills: state tax of 1892, 2 mills: county school. 7 mills; county road, 4 mills; Young's bay bridge, 1$ mills; total, zii mills. The total levy on property wilhin the city limits of Astoria is 47 mills. The McDonald Brothers finished making up a raft in Alger's slough last week. The boys have put in over zUU,UUU feet this summer and have reason to be proud of their season's work, not having started till after tbe Fourth of July. They sold their logs to the Jones Lumber Co., of Portland, receiving fa lor fir and y o for spruce. WHAT IS SHILOHt A Brand old remedy for Couehs. Cold and Consumption: nsed tbronich tbe world for half a century, bas cured innumerable A incipient consnmptinn and relieved many in advanced stages. If you are not saiunea wiin ins results we will reiunfl our money. Price 25 cts. and SO cts. Hold vr. JSdwia itoss, druggist. Obkooh Apples Sku. Will. The demand for Oregon apples is increas ing yearly, and U our growers would give them the proper' attention and care tbey would realize targe returns from their orchards. Columbia county can boast of some of the finest apples tbat grow anywhere, and if our fruit- raisers would only take the pains to spray their orchards four or five limes a year, as is done elsewhere, thereby destroying tbe worms, our fruit would soon command the highest price. True, tbe orchard pests are not so bad here as in other sections of tbe state, but we should remove them at once, or else in a few years we will have to eo into the spraying business on a larger scale. Besides we lose annually a large amount from the sale of apples, as the fruit when free from worms sells at a good deal higher figure. MANY A LOVER Has tnrned with disgnst from an otherwise lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Boot Tea purities the breath by its action on tbe bowels, etc.. as nothing else will. Bold (or years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 eta. end 50 cts. Bold by l)r.Jdwin Kobs, druggist. YOONG MOTHERS. Croup is tbe terror ol thousands of young mothers because its outbreak ia so aironix Infr and frequently fatal. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption cure acts like magic la cases of Croup. It has never been known to fail. The worst cm. a relieved immedi ately. Price 25 eta., 60 cts. and $1.00. Bold oy hi. bawtn Koss, druggist. PRICK OK WOOD ADVANCED. Agreement Binned by Many Yard Owners Along the Ktver. The price of cord wood along the river baa been advanced not 5 oents or 10 cents a cord but 28 cents a cord, and now the prevailing price to steamboats Is $2 25 a cord. This condition of affairs was Inaug urated la.it week by the circulation t an agreement and its general signing by many wood dealer. Those whose signature are attached are Dart Wuckle and tbe Oregon Wood Company, of St. Helens; R. M. Hed- rlck, Kalama; Koater A Neer and J. C. Farr, Near City: W.J. Deits, If. Vomeroy and B. Klstner, Rainier; tbs Mayger Company , Mayger; II. Lawaon & Sun, Stella and Hocua fc Young, Oak Point. There are a few dealers along the river who did not algu, but they undoubtedly will later on. This condition of affairs In tbe wood business Is not spontaneous; Indica tions have been pointing ia this direction for many months and the result Is accepUd with much satisfaction, save among steam boat operators, who, as a matter of coura. desired that tbs price of ootdwood should not overreach t2 00 per cord. The natural tendency of times to improve has been tbe moat important factor in bringing this con ditio about, while, since the pries of wood in Portland has been soaring, no doubt that, too, had its influence on the market. Much of the available timber has been oaed for this purpose within tbe last three or tour years snd as a matter of course distance for conveying this article has In creased, which no doubt had a tendency to raise the price. It was unfortunate that prices for wood ruled so low when the tim ber was handiest and opportunity offered for reaping a splendid reward for labor, but the fact nevertheless is, such condl tions did prevail and there was no relief to be bad. It is an nncontradictable fact that business, generally, is good along the Co lumbia river and prospects for tbe future are anusuaUy bright SCHOOL REPOKT. Houlton School Makes Good Show ing- for Past Month. Following Is a report of the public school at Houlton for the month ending October 28th,1898: Davtlaueht H Days attendance 66BVi Days absence 40 Number boys enrolled n Number girls enrolled 19 Total enrolled ,. 41 Average daily attendance S3 Cases of tardiness 12 Pupils neither absent nor tardy were: Clarence Garrison, Charles Wikstrom,Clyde Perry, Iola Braddeck, Ota Walker, Grace Kelly, Bona Perry, Mary Wikatrom, Janls Spence, Guy Walker, Cora Usher, Clydia Usher, Frank Kelley and James Cox. Vis itors during the month were liesdsmes Henshaw, Crie, Perry and fbilbrook, of Houlton, Nellie aad Clinton Laws, of Marshland. Leah Wtxsoa, Teacher, VERSOIsIA VABIETIES. Weather bas changed, now comes rain T. B. Denslow was strolling the streets of Forest urove r- naay. Ed Webster raid Forest Grove a visit last week, ramming inorsaay. We somewhat overreached oar capacity last week, hut men it is good to rest. Mr. F. L. Wilson Paid Clntskanie and vicinity a visit Thursday and nuay Mr. Filner. of Upper Beaver, was doing auuie trauiusj in .ui. ncuaesuaj. J. 8. Moore is boas carpenter on the Adams Darn now unuer coiuirucuou, Thomas Adams is bnsy transfering Olaf Malmeten's charcoal from his place to this city, A rentleman bv the name of Gray was in this city Wednesday inquiring for sheep ana oeei came. Pete Palmer came in Wednesday from Forest Urove. where he has been at work witn Vic Brown a bailer, Geo. W. Bice and Mr. Wrench were seen uaaaina- through tbia citv Wedneadav ec route tor vuaieys mm. Since last week we have learned that our doctor (Hatfield ) is quite sick and confined lo nis oea most oi tns time. Mr. Gustave Halt arrived home from Clatakanie, where he has been at work , tbe past summer in a togging camp. U. M. Beeehlev and Chas. Mellineer were op tne river i nuraaay garnering up tne gram uua tnem lor tnresning. Arthur Johnson was doing trading in Gorest Grove Friday. He reoorta the sum- It, cape uorn, in a terrioie conuiuon. Wra. Crissv. accomnanled bv B. H Mitchell, went to the latter's claim last Sat urday alter a load ot household goods. Wm. Wilson, sr.. drove one dozen sheeD from bis ranch to this city Saturday. The sheep were the property of tbe cattle buyer, Gray, A gentleman from Buxton bv tbe name of jonnson. engagea fernery tmeeiey Wed nesday to help him drive some milch cows Ironi this valley to bis home. Vernon and Lester Moore came in Bat dav. October 22. from aear tbe Grove. wnere they nave Deen engaged in gathering prunes for Mr. Newball. They returned to weir worn Jaonuay. We are informed that Adotnb Bergerson ia the hannieat man on tbe ITnoer Neiialem. caused by bis wife giving birth to a boun cing Doy. At laat accounts mother ana child were doing wen, Mr. Benben Ward had the misfortnns to fall from the roof of our new schoolhouse to the ground, this week. He fell about fourteen feet. He was shingling at the time and had an eoilentic fit aad tumbled off the roof. It was some time before the men could revive bim. No bones were broken bat be was pretty badly bruised up. The Beat Plaveter. A niece of flannel dauioened with Cham berlain's Pain Balm and bound on the af fected parts fs superior to any plaster. When troubled wilh a pain in the chest or side, or a lame back, give it a trial. You are certain fo be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it artords. Pain naim ia also a certain cure lor rheumatism. For sale by Dr. Edwin Koss. druggist. OABTOntA. Beantb 'M Kind TOM Haw Always , yTiis Kind Von Haw Always Slgaatais Of OASTOniA. Bears tas A M a"w IN HlW Always OASTOniA Bean tbs f M Kind Yoii Haw Alwyt , Tin Kind Yon Haw Alwsyt Sigaatnss of Get Value Received EVERY TIME AT . N. A. Perry's HOULTON, OREGON. ' WauitEN NKW1, Mr. E. Harris was doing business in Tort land Friduy. Eina.1 r.ui. ot JPoi uaiiii, is viaiUii his mother, Mrs, Uawkius. At Swift lias moved on Henry Scott's place, a recent purclts's of bis, Gusllogcle and family, of Bachelor Flat, were Warren visitors Monday. J. 8. Baron la building a curbing around bis wall. Ilia son, James, it doiug the work. Mr. Ols Bohnian shipped four earloads of cord wood lo Portlaud the first of the week. Will Sheffield, who bas been on the sick list for the last four days, Is able to bs about agatn. Mr. Hawkins has forty cords of aah wood which be ia having liaulvd to ( ullertoa's landing. Will Cooper and wire have returned from Portland, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, senior. Fred Hawkins is walking around with tbe aid of a cane, having been thrown frem bis wood wagon. , Misses Birdie Downing, Edythe Hssen and Mr. Jack Cooper will attend the Kp worth League convention at Astoria, The Misses Mae and Maude Slavens, who bave been spending a few days in Portland, returned home on Wedueaday evening. Mr. K. London, who ts connected witb the firm of Balfour, Guthrie Co.. Port land, spent Bunday with Ma. Ed McFar land, at tbe Patluilo ranch. Rev. Haley prvached at the achoolhonae Sunday morning and Brother Ford con ducted relitt'oua services at the turns place in tbe evening. A large congregation was present. John Slavens, while working in the rail road yarns at rornanu, met witn a very painful accident. While he and a number of other employes were repairing the ap proach to the ateel biklge, a large timber which they were handling, fell, crushing jonnsioot. A very enloysble birthday party was ten dered Dale Sample, by his mother, Mrs. A. Hovt. at her home, at this place, laat Fri day evening, the occasion being the 21st an niversary of the young man's birth. The evening was spent in games, after which a dainty lunch was served. Among those present were: Mrs. A. Hoyt, Misae Klla Bacon. Laara I'uzey, Edythe Hasen, Birdie Downing. Lydia Collin, Mae and Maude siavens, Mae Harris, Lena unsnnian, mnei Bacon, Clara Beegle, all Crosby, Messrs. Frank Hoyt, sr.. Jack Cooper, John Bush man, Robert Downing, Ed McFarland, Jas. Baker, Tom, Gosa and Dais Be tuple, Frank Hovt, jr.. Joe Nelson, John Blavena, Will o..:ll. 1 .... It .. 1 -LI ...... Henry Larsen, jr., Carson and Ed Harms, n alter uacon ana waiter uoiiius. A esire Starts ef Grssa, Hoarseness in a child that is subject to croup is a sure indication ot tne approaca of the disease. If Cbaiuberlain'e Couch Remedy Is given as soon as tbs child be comes noarae, or evea after tbe croupy cough bas appeared, it will prevent the at- laca. aaany motners wno nave croupy children keep this remedy st hand and find that it saves them much tronbieand worry. It can always bs depended upon and is pleasant to take.- For sals by Dr. Edwin boss, aruggisu BICK HEADACHES, Tbecnrseol overworked womankind, are quickly and surely cured by Karl s Clover Root Tea, the great blood puritierand tissue builder. Money refunded if not satisfac tory. Price -a cts. and 40 eta. Buhl by Dr. &awin uoss, aruggist. C ASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. Tits Kind Yea Han kmi Ccugtl Beam the Signature of I -THE- amximsrFiSaiEA ' HOTEL- Mrs. M. J. Scott, Proprietress . A strictly first-class house. A home for commercial travelers and the public. Board and lodgiug at reasonable rates. Horses Cared For. ST. HKLKN8, - - - OREGON DENTIST J. A. REID Has Located In at. Helens Permanently, FULL SET TEETH i7 80 to S10 00 FILLING 60 to 1 00 GOLD FILLINGS ft 60 upwards Crown aoi Bridge Wort a Ssecialtj 3.60 TO 90.00 PCR TOOTH. The work that I have done In this eommnnltr for tne pant ove monina is my recommendation All work guaranteed aaoaiaetory. Office Next Door to Rosa' Drugstore ST. HELENS, : : : : OREGON PKOFEH8IONAI J. W. DAT ' W. B. DILLABD f?UUx& & Pay, ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW Office next door lo Conrthouse, MT. HELENS, OUEUOM, General oractlce In conrta of Oregon or Waah- Inxtou. Abstracts made directly from oouuty recorda. J-B. 1. . HALL, PHYSICIAN AND 8UEGE0N. Clatakanie, Columbia county, Or. Q. W. COLE, ATTORNEY AND CODNSELOB-AT-LAW, ST. HELENS, OREGON, Title Abstract Rooks. Nntarv Public. Commis sioner of Deeds for Washington, and an exper ienced collector in connection with office. J-B. EDWIN BOSS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. St. Helens, Oregon j-jb. h. a. CLIFF, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 8t. Helens, Oregon. GEORGE A. HALL, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. : Collections, foreclosures, mechanics' lelns, eto. Uepuly prosecuting attorney, ufuce with T. i. Cleeton. St. Helens, Oregon. STEAUER "CAIIBY" Commenting Monday, October loth, the Ilwaou tUltwnv A rJavtaatliin Co.'s iMmsr "t'ANUY" will make round Uipa between RAINIER PORTLAND Leaving Rainier at S a. en. and Port laud at S p. ui. dally (exiwi.l Sunday L We aollelt a share of the public patronage, and In rrtiirn will alve quick service ami a elean boat. We liaaai come to stay and want rour uuuuoas. saw a. is a-i.i;,, , r, SMITH, Agwit HAGHOLIA.... ...SALOON O, A. BRINPt, Pro. ' FINE : WINES, : LIQUORS, and Cigars. PORTLAND. OKE&ON 143 'rent atrwri, Near Alder, fleorm it always pleased to see hts old Columbia county Irten'la. When lu the metropolis give nlia a ealL BANQUET SALOON 0L0NINGER&C00PEK, s PROPRIETORS. Wine and Liquor Card tables, pool table, billiard table and other devices for the entertainment of pat-, rons, where time can be pleasantly spent. Besides other popular brands, are kept constantly on band to supply the Increased trade at this very popular saloon. y THI FAMOUS CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY U KEPT AT THB BANQUET. MONEY'S WORTH- VERV TIME AT DOLMAN'S STORE. T. HELENS, OREGON. atr. Dolman alware keeps a full stock of General Merchandise, which he sails at prices tbat defy oom petition. I STOMA & COLUMBIA RIYER il RAILROAD COMPANY. WINTER SCHEBIXE. Bast bound Dally ;Wesl bound 21 Traiua 22 M p. m. :66 9:25 9:07 :i)S 8:15 7:45 7:23 7:00 . m. a. in. p. m y 80 1 10 8 26 8 U 9 20 9 m 11 30 arrive. Hrralton. leave s an 9 is 9 m 11 00 10 45 10 18 9 69 9 2 9 00 8M 8 00 ..... ooble .... Rainier .... Mayirera ...Clatckanie ... Wrstport. ....Clifton Knappa 10 oo 10 2S 10 M 11 18 11 42 10 12 lions 111 10 leave.. Aato rla.. arrive . m. 2 IS Trains leave Aatorla for Seaside at 12 20 D. in. and 6 p. m. Boat eonnactlona at Astoria for llwaoo, Chinook. Fort Canbr, Nshalein, Till amook, and Oarribaldl. Paaseners for Astoria or way points mntt flag tralna at Houlton. Trains will atop to let vaa aenxera off at Houlton when coming from points west ui uutue. I , Gen. Faae. Ant., Astoria, Or. E.E. QUICK G. WCOLE Commissioner of , Notary Public , Deeds (or Wash ington. ...... COLE & QUICK, PROPRIETORS OF THORNFS tacrical SystemJPiUe Abstracts. Titles Examined and Perfected. Abstracts Furnished. Assessments Kxamlned. in surance. Written. Taxea Paid and Couvey sncliiK.' i T. HELENS, OHEOOrl. fiUCKLE BROS MANUFACTURER t OF Dimension Lumber, Flooring, Bnstlc, Sheath- ins. mating, ana a complete stocx or svery variety of ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE OLD STAND, 8T. HELENS, OB STAR -:- SALOON W, W. BLAKEHLEY, Prep. Fins Wines : and : Liquors. ThS Famous J. IT. CUTTKB, MAGNOLIA and HONEY DEW Whiskey always on hand CELEBRATED HOP GOLD BEER A large stock of DOMK8TK! and KEY WEBT Cigars of the best grade always on hand. Between the two hotels. Maist St. - St. Helena, Ore. Si MEAT MARKET. JAMES II. All Kinds of fresh Meats, twit SATS BY xm, AT SPSCIAL Main Street, CLATSKANIE DRUG STORE DR. J. E. HALL, Proprietor, Has hlat raoalved a lar eeeortaMnt of trash aad Pars Drugs wChemicals Also a new and select stock of dmee and patent medlolnea, fancy stationery, school bonis ami achool auilles, perfumery and toilet artldva, and lu fact svery thing which Is oaually kept at a arat-elaee drug atora. Prescriptions Carefully Compountlod AT THE CLATSKANIE Groceries and FLOUJEt, GRAIN, AND FEED. TOBACCO AND CIQAKS, NOTIONS, ETO. . I T. C. WATTS' STORE. j Reuben, - - - tW rfh aHt BlWwarWWWl'lssA stlW At A wiV "The Perkins" C. W. KNOWLES, Manager. Mr. Knowles was, for many years, proprietor ol the St, Charkg hotel, and while there established reputation as a hotel man. He is now In better position to entertain his friends than ever before, and will welcome all bis old patron to hii new place ol business, where can be found an op-to-Uate hotel. . Corner Fifth and Washington streets, Portland. White Collar Line THB COLUMBIA B1VEB AND FUGKT BOUND NAVIGATION CO. FORTLAKD-ASTORIi EODTE. ..TELEPHONE... m., un. aummmi, rurii.iHii Leaves rortland dally (except Sunday) at 7 A, M. r.ultH Vu, .1 i A at j n , - a Landlne Talenhona dnflk. Aaiorfa. Leaves Astoria daily (exoept Sunday) 7 P, 11. Telephone Tickets Oood oo Bteanisr Potter. Steamer roller Tickets Good on Telephone. U. B. SCOTT, Pres. FOR PORTLAND, DAILY. , TeAMEH Young America . VIA WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Leave 81. Helens... 6:80 A M Arrive at Portland 10:00 A M Leave Portland 2:80 P M Arrive st tit, Helens 0:00 P M ABB CENTS. Will Carry Nothing' bnt Passengers and Fast Frriglit. JAMES Of OD, Maeteir. STEAMER G. DELL SHAVER, Master. """Sr-Mliiiriiiirirsfc'iiiiiis-'i - at ,r, .... -- ' -. ., , . TsAO vpa Portlanil, foot of WiihluKton tret, Tnostlar. Thiirmlay. Rnd fliindnv ATAnlnm mt A eVra'wt "2 Ar"" 10 1:80 ' ' pXC fi ...STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... Leavei Kelao on Mondays, Wert n e b d a y ftnd Frtdftyi at A o'clock a. m. ...Portland and Kelso Route SHELDON, Prop. Hams, Bacon, and Lard, WHOlKSALi' BATSS an ' St. Helena. Oregon. ui 'ii ii ii TTir DRUG STORE Provisions..... 3 - r - Oregon srV ssf4f wafts- a ssfrs wi, a jA. gav 0. RM.C0. disas j Time SCHEDULES in rrem Portland. aosi Fast Rait Lake, Denver, rt. Put Mall Worth, Oniaha,Kan- Mail p.m. aaa City, Kt. Louis, 7:8Ua.B. Chicago and Bast. Bwikane Walla Walla, Spokane, Dpokana flyer Mlnasanolls, HI, Flyer a p.m. Paul. lulmh, Mil- 10.00 sum. waukee, Chicago A Esau , 1. m Ocean etaamshlpa. . AU sailing dates tub- Jeet to chanse. For Han Fraiwlnco Bail Novenibrr 1,4, 7, 10, 13, 18. 1, IB, - as. aach. 7p.m. ToAlaska to. a. Hallbept.17 ,p-"' R p. m. Oolumbla Rlvsr in.m Ex.riunday Btaamsrs. , Kx.rJumlay Baturday To Astoria and Way 10 p. m. landings. a.m. Willamette Blvee. 4.m Ex.unday Oregon City. Newberg, Kx.Bunday , Balem A Way-laud ga Tuea.Thr. WM Hhsrs. M,, PwJd. and Sat. Oreiron City, Dayton, tuA trl and Way-landings. , " 6a.m. WHIamstts Rlvsr. fD. Tuea.Thur. Portland to Corvallls Tties Thur. and sat. and Way-laudlnga and Bat. Lv.Rlparla Bnaks Rlvsr. Lv.Uw'toa l:oh. m. 6-4Aa.ni dally ex- Rlparla to Lewlslon. dally ex-' eeptBafc eopiFrl. "W. H. HURLBERT, General Passenger Agent, PORTLAND .... . 'oBEOOlf W. SHAVER The Only Direct Route ..."ROM,.. Portland to Clatakanie Shaver Transportation Company. Leaves Port lnnd Tuesday, Thursday, and BatiiMays, at o'clock a. m. via Willametts Slcugh.....