"I ha Wot Jit5iw? o' All. Tito rjiwt common of I1 ailments from sports of all kiwis are sprains and bruises. The most common and surest cm of thetn ia by the use of St.. Jacobs Oil, which ia prompt In its action Tha Art of Walking. ' c To be thoroughly graceful long stop ruui quick short stops should bo equal ly avoided, remarks Frenoh woman. A Btiff walk Is also very ungraceful, and that is the great fault of English glils. The walk too stiffly and take too long strides. Spanish women have very pretty walk, rmturallf, as also have Italian country girls and all aocostpmed to carrying weights ra their beads. The French are also very graceful walkers. Study your walk, girls. Take danolng lessons t6 begin with and then repeat yoor lessons befoio your long toilet glass. A pretty walk la a beauty in Itself, and every erne who will an acquire this beauty. Do ft, then, at once now without losing another day. .-, , ........ . Good Blood IVlakes Health And Hood's EarsaparilU makes good blood. Tbat is why It cores so many diseases and makes so many people feel better than ever before. If you dontfeel well, are half sick, tired, Worn out, you may be made well by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla America's Greatest Medicine. . Hood's Pills cure all Lfver III. 25 cents. MORE OR LESS IMPERSONAL' A sign before the door of a dentist reads thus: "Teeth extracted while you wait." A farmer near Cottonbnrg, Ky., has trained a terrier dog to remove the worms from tobwsoo plants. ;- An artist In a New York paper pio- tured the Vesuvius in action and en- shrouded In dense clouds of smoke from her neomntic anns. That artist needs to be informed that the Vesuvius usee only smokeless air In discharging her dynamite gnns. A little surprise awaited two women . who recently met In the office of a Chi cago lawyer. They had never seen eaoh other before, but ere they left the office the discovery was made that eaoh had called to begin proceedings to obtain a divorce from the game man. No household is complete without a botr tie of the famous Jesse Moore Whiskey. It is a pure and wholesome stimulant rec ommended by all physicians. Don't ne glect this necessity. The beautiful colors seen in- the soap bubble arise from the faot tbat the bubble, being very thin, refleots light from the onter and inner surfaces of the film. riT Prrm0(ntl7 Cnrprl. No fits or nerToasnes lllw after first day's ess of Dr. KHoe's Ureal Nerve Restorer. Send far f Kr B Hs.OO trial bottle and treetlee. DR. B. H. SUA- IIJU Arclk street, tUiladrijiUi, fa. It has been calculated that oridnary . gunpowder on exploding expands about 6,000 times, that is, fills a space this much larger as a gaa than when In a solid form. - . .. In the full cleanse your system by using Dr. I'funder's Oregon Blood Further. '. Try Schilling's Beat tea and twain Dovdeft It is said that a striking outline of v the features of George Washington has appeared in .a knotty protuberance of a tree in Portland, Me. It is not a oher- ry tree. . We will forfeit 11,000 if any of our pub lished testimonials are proven to be not genuine. The Piso Co., Warren, Fa.. Ardent in spite of his 80 yeais, Francis Watklns, of Anderson, Ind., proposed to Lydia Bethel, a good-looking young woman of Bethel, O. She accepted him and they intended . to elope, but his daughters prevented. Then tho aged lover became cool, and the result was a $10,000 breach-of-promise suit, whloh he has just com promised for (3,000. Mrs. Folly Owens, who was. lately married to William Owens, of White River township, near ' Koblesville, Ind., Is now living with her 18tb hus band. Mrs. Owens has six children as the fruits of her former marriages, no two having the same name. She is over 60 years old. She was separated from the larger numbet of her hus bands. She is part Indian, her mother being a half-caste. . ' "I DO MY OWN W0EK" ' ' .. Bo Bays Mr. Mary Bochlette of Linden, New Jersey, In this Letter to Mrs. Plnkham. I was bothered with a flow which would be quite annoying' at times, and at others would almost stop, , ' " I used prescriptions given me by my physician, but Ue same state JkS$9a ol affairs continued. . " After a time I was taken with a flooding, that J was obliged to keep my bed. Finally, In despair, I gave up my aoc "V, . tor, and began '"I taking your medl- " cine, and have certainly been greatly benefited by its use. "Lydla E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound has Indeed been a friend to me. " I am now able to do my own work, thanks to your wonderful medicine. I was as near death I believe aa I could be, so weak that my pulse scarcely beat and my heart had almost given out. I could not have stood it one week more, I am sure. I never thought I would be so grateful to any medicine. " I shall use my influence with any one suffering aa I did, to have them use Lydla E. Plnkham' Vegetable Compound." Every woman that ia puzzled about her condition should secure the sympa thetic advloe of a woman who under Bland. Write to Mrs. Plnkham a! I.yun, Muss., and tell her your ills I i Best i otiKh br I in Tit;., " r in. "to-"-) C'"ixi Watt I . NORTHWEST NEWS. Items of General Interest Gleaned From the Thriving 1'arlBfl rrte. This year is a great one for the fish ermyn on the Coquillo river. The total attendance at the Spokane fruit fair this year was 72.250. Stops have hoen taken at Salem to contest the Wright branch asylum site ouao. ? : 'Lana county's potato crop is short this year, and the farmers look for high prices. : Winter apples are more plentiful In Kittitas valley than ever before, and the quality is firat-olaea. There is an unusual amount of sick ness In Falouse at present, most of the patients having typhoid fever. Two men who made a voyage from Lynn canal to St. Mluhaels In an open boat have arrived at Victoria. The rnn of silverslda salmon In the Lower Columbia river oontinuea heavv, and the fall pack will be unusually large. News has reached Victoria of the sp potntment of C. O. Sinkler, of Nelson, as sold commissioner for the Yukon district, vice Fawcett, removed. On the steamship Doric, which ar rived at San Francisco from the Orient, was brought In opium valued at 1270,- 000, on which a duty of 1100.000 will be collected. : The value of Improvements iu Walla Walla county, exclusive of cities, ac oording to the revision of the board of equalization, amounts to 1380,324; per sonal property, 11,875,883. : The Lincoln county (Wash.) corumis sioners have fixed the tax levy for all purposes at 14 mills, on a valuation of 15,668,733. The levy for road pur poses was increased from 0.83 to 1.28 milla, .. The floating indebtedness against the new town of Kent, Wash., will be paid off January, after which the city's in oome will be sufficient to pay all cur rent expenses and leave a handsome surplus. The prune crop of Clackamas county, Oregon, has been gathered and mar keted with very little loss, and growers are elated over piesent profits and future prospects. At Clackamas sta tion, 83 tons were evaporated. A cargo of 100,078 bushels of barley was shipped from Tacomatbe week be fore last direct to England. The barley was all raised In Columbia county, Washington, and being of prime qnal Ity, netted the producer a good price. The charter has been granted for the building of the Golden-Fort Steele, B. C. railroad, and work will be started in early spring. The contract for the Nelson & Bedlington railway has been let to Larson & Foley, work to com mence this month. Controller of the Currency Dawes has decided that he has no authority to charter a national bank in Honolulu until congress passes laws for the gov eminent of the islands. Consequently Perrv S. Heath and San Francisco oapi ta lists will not have their applications granted at present. The Carbonado coal mines shipped 85,000 tons during September, heat inir all previous records. Eoelyn had held the record with 80,000 tons. The Carbonado mines, owned by the South ern Pacific Rai iroad Company, are run ning full time and employ 600 men, averaging f 3. 29 a day wages. The Scully Steel & Iron Company, of Chicago, has just closed a contract for the delivery of 25,000 tons of steel plates at Viotorla, B. 0., to be used in the construction of five British steam ships by one of the largest shipbuild ing firms at that point. The value of the contrsot exceeds f 100,000. A scheme is on foot to construct a logging road about three miles In length from the head ol Gray's liver, Oregon. It will be operated by A. Jj. Saldren, who has in operation a simi lar road at Clatskanie, and will tap a t'lstriot of 5,000 acres of sptuce timber longing to C. H. Green, of Saginaw, ich. ; The new association does not con template any general regulation of ooast lumber values. Its alms are simply to control the situation at San Franoisco, where the trade has been for some time in a badly demoralized condition. Puget Sound values, foreign trade or other departments of the lum ber business, are not affected. ' Henry Miller, of Catblamet, Wash., has contracted to furnish the North Pacifio mills, at Portland, over 3,000, 000 feet of spruce and fir log this sea son. The Astorlan says that this cut will come from Euloklum, the principal logging stream flowing Into the Colum bia, vr here over 150 men were employed at logging during the past summer. According to the Lumberman there is a good field on the coast for a small turpentine faotory. There are two species of wood rich in turpentine and allied porducts, Douglas fir and "bull" pint, wood alcohol, pitch and other so-called naval products. , The yield is by no means as large as the pitch pine of the South, but there is certainly room for a factory that will utilize the stumps and refuse of pitch-bearing trees on the coast. Harvesting in the Palouse country has been completed. Every threshing machine has pulled -in, and the haul ing of grain todifferentshipping points will be finished by November 1, or per haps a little sooner. So far this season, the tptal shipment of new wheat has not exceeded 276,000 bushels, most of this being to Spokane for milling, and to the Sound. Since the completion of harvesting, farmers and gialndealers have concluded that the crop of this year is the largest ever harvested in the Falouse country. Although the average yield ia less than in 1897 and several other former seasons, the aggie gate yield has been greater. One feature of the new fishery law enacted by the Oregon legislature in special session, is likely to receive con siderable attention. It is that "the persons appointed to the position of fish commissioner shall hold the office herein provided for for the period ol four years from the time of his appoint ment." This would make the appoint ment by Governor Lord, for the law carries ' the emergencoy clause, hold nearly through the term ef Governor Geer. ', ' ' WEEKLY MARKET LETTER, IRpportfd hy Pownlng, Hopklna 4 Co., Inn.. Btmrd ol Trarlfi Brokers 711 to 71 Chamber ei Coinnierca building, 1'orlltud, Oregon. Since Lei tor failed the outsider ha not been interested in Chicago prices. The disastrous outcome to tho man with so many millions was terrifying teeson to tha small bull. Explanations did not count Whether Leiter made egregious errors or not was of little corisequonce. The defeat, after year's campaign, of the bull leader who for so long seemed the greatest who had ever arisen, took the heart from every one who had believed in his ouiise. It was only last June that the disaster took place; about four months ago. It seems a long Interval, but it is really a short one, and It would be remarkable if it were not still In everyone s mind. What new bull leader would now invite the comparisons which would inevitably be made: what banking concern would hazard the criticism which would fol low any! favors toward a buying cam paign in grain? Have the losses of last summer's collapso been forgotten yet? There must be a good deal imaginative about any bull deal. Not one advance In twqnty Is a mere matter of consump tive demand or of aotual scarcity. There must be a great deal of theory ith advancing prices; people must forget prudence, become venturesome. permit more or less exniliratlon. . Would it not be like Holding a plcnio at the close of a funeral to permit muoh bull spirit within four months of the Leiter failure? The present movement of wheat to market is the heaviest ever known 11, 000,000 bushels received at primary points last week. There was never any such total as that in six days before. Is not the speculator doing pretty well in taking care of that property and In also maintaining prices? Is not the fact that such a volume of grain is financed and the price sustained evidence that the volume of speculation la larger than the very narrow fluctuations would indicate? j Seattle Harkat. Tomatoes, 50 d 75c per box. Cucumbers, 10$ 15c pet doa. Onions, 8590o per 100 pounds. Potatoes, f 10&14. Beets, per sack, $1. Turnips, per sack, 6065o. ' , Carrots, per sack, CSo. Parsnips, per sack, $1. Beans, green, 33a Green corn, l $ 1.25 per saok. Cauliflower, 7 So per dos. Hubbard squash, ljo per pound. Celery, 40& 500. , Cabbage, native and California $1.2531.60 per 100 pounds, l . Apples. 60c90o per box. Pears, 75c Stl per box. , Prunes, 40 50c pur box.. Peaches, 60cl. Plums, 60c . - Cantaloupes, $1.35 per box. Butter Creamery, 20a per pound; dairy and ranch, 18 20c per pound. Eggs, 26 Cheese Native, 12 12 J!c Poultry Old hens, 18(3140 per pound; spring chickens, $B 4. Fresh meats Choice dressed beel steers, prime, 67(!; cows, prime, 6c; mutton; 7)c; pork, 78o; veal, 6 1960. . , , . - Wheat Feed wheat, $19. Oats Choice, per ton, $22328. Corn Whole, $23.60; cracked, $24; feed meal, $23.60. Barley Boiled or ground, per ton, $34 25; whole, $23. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.60; stralehts, $3.35; California brsnds, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.70; graham, per barrel, $3.70; whole wheat flour, $3.75; rye flour, $4. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $14; shorts, per ton, $16. , Feed Chopped feed, $1721 pel ton; middlings, per ton, $17; oil Cake meal, per ton, $36. ' '- Hay Puget Sound mixed, $9.60 10; choice Eastern Washington tim othy, $13. Portland Markat. Wheat Walla Walla, 60c; Val ley and Blueatem, 62(3630 per bushel. Flour Best grades, $3.86; graham, $2.86; superfine, $2.25 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 86 38c; oholcs gray, 84 86c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $21 22; brew ing, $28 per ton. MilletutTs-Bran, $15.50 per ton; Mid dlings, $21; aborts, $16.50; chop, $15 per ton. Hay Timotiiy, $10(911; clover. $9 10; Oregon wild hay, $9(310 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 5055o; seconds, 40 45c; dairy, 40 460 store, 26(335o. . - Cheese Oregon full cream, ll12o; Young America, 12)o; new cheese, lOo per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.60(33 per dozen; hens, $3.003.60; springs, $1.25S; geeae, $6.00(36.00 for old, $4.606 for( young; ducks, $4.00(3 6.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, i 12c per pound. Potatoes 65 60c per sack; aweets, 83Xc per poubn. . Vegetables Beets, 90c; turnips, 75c per sack; garlic, 70 per pound; cab bage, $1 01.25 per 100 pounds; cauli flower, 76o per dozen; parsnips, 75c per saok; beans, 8o per pound; celery, 70075c per dozen; cucumbers, 60o per box; peas, 8(33c per pound. Onions Oregon, 76c$l per sack. Hops 10(3 16o; 1897 crop,-67o. Wool Valley, 10(3 12o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 8 12c; mohair, 25o per pound. Mutton Gross, best cheep, wethers and ewes, 8o; dressed mutton, 7c; spring lambs, 1e per lb., Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.75; light and feeders, $3.00 4.00; dressed, $5.60(36.60 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, 8. 60 $3.75; cows, $3. 50 o. 00; , dressed beef, 6c per pound. Veal Large, 6w6c: small, 6a 7jjC per pound. Saa Vranelseo Market, Wool Spring Nevada, 11 14c per dound; Oregon, Eastern, 10(3 13o; Val ley, 1617c; Northern, 9llc. Millstuffs Middlings, $1721.00; bran, $14.600 16.50 per ton. - Onions Yellow, 05(3 60c per sack. Butter Fancy creamery, 28o; do seconds, 2 5 2 7c; fancy dairy, 210 22c; do seconds, 20(32to per pound. Eggs Store, 1822o; fancy ranch, B084o. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $2 02.60; Mexican limes, $0fl.50 Cali fornia lemons, $3,000,300; do choice, I3.60O4.50; per box. POLISHING! HER GUNS, (reparations for War Contlnna la Franco Naval Koaarvaa la Raaittuaae. Paris, Oct. 23. The alleged war pre parations of France uio tho abcoihiiig topic of diHCUNHion hare. Accoiuing to French, pnpors there were Important navarexporiments at Toulon last even ing. A flotilla of torpedo-boats was detailed to make an endeavor to force the entrance of Die harbor and the whole garrison was called to arms and forts and batteries were manned roady tor instant action. The result of the experiments has not been ma Jo public Vioe-Admiral Barrea presided yes terday at a secret council ol war at Breat, iu which the chiefs of the marl time forces took part. Confidential orders were subsequently issued to the garrison. Aurora asserts that five vessels of the naval reserves around Brest have been ordered to hold themselves In readiness for active service. M. Del Case, minister of foreign affairs, has ordered tbat the'report of Major Marchand, as to the situation at Fashoda, which Is expected at Cairo tonight, be telegraphed textually. Ow ing to Its probable length It Is expected that at least 48 hours will be required to reduce it to tha Frenoh olpher oodo at Cairo and to translate it in Paris. A CHINESE' EXECUTION. Tha Event Turned Into a Hideous reatlval. Vancouver, B. a, Oct. 88. Accord ing to the latest mall advices from China eight subordinate leaders of the Kwangskt rebellion have boon behoaded at Wu Chow. They were carried in baskets through the prinolpal streets aa a warning spectacle, amidst the laughter and Jeers of men, women and ohildren. ... Ten thousand people witnessed the decapitation, and made it a gala day. Little children copied their parents, who Joked the dying rebels a second before the ax fell. When all was over the children played among the head less, bleeding corpses and made sport with the black disfigured heads. Mandarins and headsmen improvised a sort of Maypole, and the heads of the rebels were placed on top In tiers, the children dancing . around them. The governor advised the mandarins to make the beheading as festive s possi ble, so as to inspire disgust for the rebels in the heart of the people. A banquet was afterward spread. ' . The Japan Mall says a petition has been sent to the government by foreign consuls requesting , that beheading be discontinued. '....' STORM IN TEXAS. t Several Lives lost at the Bult ol ! the Gate. St. Louis, Ma, Oct 23. A special to the Bepubllo from Houston, Tex., says: The electric and wind storm which swept over Texas last eight was very severe in-South Toxais. ' Damage to cotton is enormous. ' At Deer Park, 20 miles from " Houston, the residence of ' G. F. Adams was demolished. Adams; his wife and baby sustained minor Injuries, while A. J. Cook was crushed to death. At Pasadena, the residence of John Stout was turned over and completely wrecked. Six occupants were injured. The wind was so high at Missouri City, 85 miles west of Houston, that it blew a number of freight cars from the siding on to the main track. The Cal ifornia express, running 40 miles an hour, dashed Into the cars at full speed. The engine turned over, Instantly kill ing George Johnson, of San Antonio, the englneer.and badly scalding the fire man and injuring the head biakeman. Noneof the passengers were badly bait. LA GRANDE FACTORY'S RECORD Three Hand rod and Seventy Tods ol Beets Bandied la One Day. La Grande. Or., Oct 23. The Ore gon Sugar Company is making a record. The capacity of its plant Is 860 tons of beets every 34 hours, but today 870 tons were bandied, and there ate now on hand 675,000 pounds of sugar. To day Spokane telegraphed for three cars B. S. O. E (best sugar on eartn.) Portland ordered three oars, Walla Walla one, Penldeton one, Baker City one, and throe have been sold here. La Grsnde has been sending ,$3,000 drafts about twice month to San Francisco for sugar. Now this money is distributed among the farmers and workmen here. This year's crop will produce 8,000,000 pounds of sugar at a conservative estimate. Today's test showed a greater percentage of sugar than has yet been obtained from beets grown in any other country. , ' ANARCHY IN VISAYAS. Inanrsente la Control at tha Southern Philippines. Manila, Oct. 22. The United State cruiser Boston and the collier Nero, which October 6 were ordered to pro ceed to Hong Kong in connection with the recent disturbances at and near Pe king, have arrived at Amo, In the pro vince of Fo Klen, the former short of coal and the latter with her cargo afire. Well authentioated - report have reached here of a terrible state of an archy In the southern Philippines. The Spaniards . there are cooped up in the principal towns. The Americans continue capturing the rebel vessels as they arrive at Ca vite. Two have been captured this week. Waved American and Brltlah FIae. New York, Oct. 22. A dispatch to the Tribune from Halifax says: The regimental reports of the Royal Cana dian battalion of imperial troop were marked by an unusual Incident At the conclusion of the sports 100 wen, the pick of the garrison, formed a pyra mid by mounting upon one another' shoulders and the man at the apex, a fine specimen of the British soldier, stood waving in one hand the Union jack and in the other the. Star and Stripes., - Two Minor Killed. Butte, Mont, Oct. 22. Emll Flan key and Herman Keekkle, miners em ployed in the Otisco mine, were in stantly killed while ascending the shaft today. The oroeahead got bung in the shaft, and when loosened struck both men, knocking them from the bucket. City of Mexico, Oct. 28. El Mundo announces that a syndicate with $20, 000,000 capital has been formed in New York to purchase estates In various agricultural regions in this country, be ing the most extensive business of the kind ever undertaken here. fl Benefactress Kind Bet. mm ( Srmlnt Km; DttmU, Meh. Mrs. John Tinmey, of 130 Baker strc!, Detroit, Mich., 1 one of thoso women who always know just what to do In all trouble and sickness. One that is mother to those In distress. To a reporter she laid: "I am tho mother of 10 children and have raised eight of them. Sev eral years ago we had a serious time with my daughter, which began when she was about lxtetn years old. She did not have any terious illness hut seemed to gradually waste away. Hav lug never had any .consumption In our family, as we come of good old Irish and Scotch stock, we did not think it was that. Our doctor oallwl the dis ease by an odd name whloh, as I after ward learned, meant lack of blood. "It is Impossible to describe the feel ing John and I had aa we noticed our daughter slowly passing owuy from us. We finally found, however, a medicine that seemed to help her, and from the JTfW the Ttm Mm Wrl Coujlnrtt to B'i. first we noticed a decided change for the better, and after three months' treat ment her health was so greatly Im proved yon would not have recognised her. She gained in flesh rapidly and soon was in por feet health. The medi cine used was Dr. Williams' Pink Pills fof Palo People. I have always kept these pills in the house since and have recommended them to many people. I have told many mothers about lhem and they have affected some wonderful aures. "Every mother in this land should keep these pills In the house, as they are good for many ailments, particular ly those arising from impoverished or diseased blood, and weakened nerve force." There were 16 shocked and angry aaaidens in Whiting, Ia., when they (earned that the young clergyman of the Christian church In that little town was about to become the husband of Mis Annie Bigelow. He was emntged to be married to every one of the 17. He has resigned from the church. "Why : does my cake smell so queer?' Too much soda or per haps alum or lime. Use Schillings Best baking pow der. "Hunter Btonos" were teen in the Rhine last winter. They appear only when -the river is very low, and the date of their appearance is then cut Into them. They are believed to fore bode a year of bad crops. Dear Edito: II you know ol a soltottoror eanvaaaer In your city or elsewhere, especially A man who )im Millotted lor ouacrlptlona, in surance, nuraory stock, books or tailoring, or a man who ran tell foods, yon will eonfi'r a favor by telling him to eorrenpond with tut; or II you will Insert this notice In your .it'r and such parties will cut this notice out and mail to us, we niay be able to furnish them a good position In Ineir own and adjoining coanties. Aflrirc, AMEKICAN WOOLKK MILLS' CO., Chicago. The Maledive Archipelago, west of Ceylon, embraces 14,000 coral islands, few of which are more than six feet above the level of the ocean and only 175 of wbiob are Inhabited. . A Short Fight, The damp autumn nights and morn ing stirs up sciatica-, and then comes a tug of pain. Use St. Jacobs Oil, and then comes a tug to cure It. It 1 a short fight and the cure is sure. Mis Daisy Feai ing, the young col ored woman appointed a teacher in the Jersey City schools, will retain her plaoe and the school to which she has been assigned, according to the super intendent, no matter what objections ere raised. She is a graduate 'of the schools, bright and capable. It has been stated that the residents of the district irr which her school located bad filed protest to the appointment of a colored woman a teacher. . The oldest steam engine in the world has just gone off. duty after working 120 years. It was built In 1777. ' " M Li TEE EXCELLENCE OF SY&UP OF FIGS is due not only to tile originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the Califorhia, Fio Sybuf Co. only, iud we wish to Impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Fig is manufactured by the California. Fio Bybvp Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding: tho worthless Imitations manufactured by other par tie. - The high standing of the Cali FOBftiA Fio Svkup Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Wlgt has given to millions of families, make the name of the Company guaranty of the excellence of Its remedy. It ia far In advance of all other laxatives, aa it acta on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and It doe not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. AS r BAH CISCO, Cat lOCUVlLLX, Ky. MC W TOKK, M, T. u .. s...i am fluhans In addition to the $SO,000 appropri ated by congress and tlistri billed by n i i i.,. tha ml lf ol the vooplw ot Cuba, the wutrul Cuban relief commlttoo appointed by the president distributed food, medioim-e and Kmiornl supplies to the poor and siifloring Cuban to tho cash vnlne of $831,010. Of this amount 1178,082 wa In oah contributions and f.H0,B87 In supplies. Tho total shipments of upiillua was 0,042,0112 kilos, or 8BU8 tons, of which quantity 2,800,888 kilo were food, 00, 7B8 kilos were clothing, 1,0D8 kilos medicines and .804 wore miscellaneous supplies. Tha Fields nt Siort. From the fluids of sport we go to bed aud gut tip full of pains and aohes. The next night, by the use of Bt. Jacobs Oil, wo are soothed to sloop and get up cured. Smokers are less llnhlo than non smokers to contract diphtheria and other throat dleuaaos In tho ratio of ono to 88. Bo lays rrofossor Ilajak, of Vienna, Austria. ' If you want "the host wind mill, pumps, tanks, plows, Wskoiis, bells ol all sixes, bollurs, enflnm, or rtciu'itil machinery, see or write JOHH I'OOLE, foot of Morrison street, fortlmid, Oregon. A Frenchman, M. Bleunard, urns the X-rays lor mutisaring the adultera tion of flour with ohwlk andand. When coining: hi fan FranHiro bo to Ilrooklyii Hotel, 20tM12 Iliwh street, Amoriran or European plan. Hoom and board (1.00 to (1.60 per duy rooms Meenl to (1.00 per day; slnale meals 23 cents. Free coach. Clias. Montgomery, The Austrian state railway carried 6,100,945 passengers and 2,608,(IJ tons of goods during the month ol June. ' . " Use Dr. Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier now. Now that it is all over, women wnr correspondents who wore in the cam paign of Santiago are beginning to be heard from for the first time. Mln Anna Kotthend Bonjanin, a Southern girl, is the Infest of these, and she is going to lecture about her experiences to various women's clubs throughout the New England and the Middle atatos. She was actively in the cam paign, and to judge from the difficulties she surmounted in getting to the (rout her silence while there or, at least, her anonymity was due to a four that she might bo sent wy. ...Willamet Front and Everett Sta. ATLAS AND BOILERS. I O 1 -jat"' - t:n i-ir ill i II , M HIS A Beautiful Present In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand), the manufacturers. I. C. Hubinger Bros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, have : decided to Ql VE AWAY beautiful present with each package of starch sold. These presents are Ih the form of Beautiful Paste! Pisfwoo They are 13x19 inches Id size, and are entitled as follows: Lilacs and Pansies. Pansles and Marguerites. IPitt ' fewMiiweooMWp' 1 m tmNQ or thw "aii. - I 9 CjfUBtrifrfRB!C9 .Ktoiui(J, These rare pictures, four In number, by the renowned pastel artist, R. LeRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects in his studio and are now offered for the first time to the public. The pictures are accurately reproduced In all the colors used In the oris- inais, ana are pronounced Dy competent critics, works of art. Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the home, nothing surpassing them in beauty, richness of color and artistic merit. One of these pictures B with eacfiVpeanckageyof hm I OiSbl C "aCOtE'Cll purchased of your grocer. It Is the best laundry starch on the market, and is sold for 10 cents s package. Ask your grocer for this starch and get ISaafHiVlf 111 rtrttlfat ILL GHOCE&S KEEP EUSTH STAKCa. ACCEPT 13 SUBSTITUTE a,l.. l.jFfunder'jr ftCALTf RESTORER. USEITI BASEBALL, FOOTBALL ATHLETIC AND 6YMNAIIUM SUPPLIES. . : Betid for Oattlofue. will i fimcx co. (loliUn Wad (Unas. Only one out of ttvory thousand mar. ried couple live to ueltibrute their golden wedding. ' aimll We Heap tha I'htlliinlne. While pulilio opinion la ilivnlcil as to the wisdom of keeping the I'lillipplutis, It Is, Iw.wMvi.e nil mm WAV hi rrirurtl t,l the wU- doni of everybody keeping their health, For this purpose Hosteller's Htonmeh lUlters in widely used, This medicine is both preventive and cure for nmlurU) lovers ami stoma uiauniera. A ton of gold lit worth 130,000. A ton of silver, at the present rate per ounce, may bo snld to bo worth about 0,400. too itKWAitn eioo. The renders ot thin imp' will be ,pleae4 to fenr.i that titer is at ieet one drrruled uUcium fliatwneneehet lawn sble to cute tn all lit sieges, and Hint Isoatsrrti. Iliill'st'atnrrh Oura u the only positive euro known to llie Medical irsternily. 1'aWrth being A constitutional dla. esse. roiiulMS a eot.iiltuMnl li"tniiit. Hairs l a alsrrh Cure t taken Internally, a.Mli.jj HjrceilJ muni iv i.t.... m...mi., -iiriai.us oi the lyalem. thereby flelroying the founds, Hon of dVa, end giving tha iatint Strength, by building ( the eontltuttri and amitmlng nature In doing Its work. Tha pro. nrleiors nave so niueh fnllli in IIS ounthrt jiooers, that thejr offer 0n Hundred lnrt for any can that it falls to cure. Hani tut list oi testimonials, Adir" if. feu mtl A CO., Toledo, 0. Bold bydriiei;t.1. Hall's Vauilly I'llls are tho best. TEETH WITHOUT PLATES J toots Crowned. Illdea Made, 'kltilesa lllllna and aairartlon. Dr. T. H. White, V"' Buy Direct Jtr i. i WOOLEN MILLS! MMSl Ann save minn.ruieu wt.'fin. or-llllSUllM:i.K l(t Ulnatanteed. t'nia, Iokho, samples, aeli-inoasiireiiienl Mnnks, eto., nialled Ire. Address J. MNbiiiAN, MrKa building, Portland, or. Meuttun tills paper YOUR LIVER Is It Wrong? Get It RlKhL Keep It Rlcbt. Moora's Revealed Bemeriy wllldoit. Ttiras doses will make youleel better. Oet It trot your druegls! or any wholesale flru huu, or troui Stowul k Uolmas Drug Co., Beatlla. If till RT Malta money by sueceaftil I flll.fi I (locuiatlon In lineage. W E 4 II I II I ""T end sail wheat on mar. If 1 1 Lai 1 I .Riua. lorinnes liar been mad on a small beginning by tiadlngia la lures. Writ for toll pattloiilsra. Iiest ol rat. renoelren. Several years' varleneeon the Chleaen Hoard of Trade, and a Ihoronsh inow tedgaof the blne. rieud lor our true refer enee bonk. DOW'NfS'd, llol'klNB A Co., Chleagj Hoard of Trade nroteia. Ollloea la Portland, Oregon and Meatus, Wash. $45 $45 $45 $45 $45 1893 stoW BICYCLES "Dast Wheals nn Rarth." With J per eeal dismount for eaxh. IHB9 tdeala fH.m. I.'A, 'j, with 10 per ecu I dlie'otiitt for eesli. hend lor catalogue. Live agents waulea everywhere. ritmi t. M run lit. rrci.lt en., POHTLANl). fd'uKAXK. TACOM. Iron Works... INCORPORATED 1803. Manufacturers of Marine and Stationary Engines and Boilers, Saw Mill. Flour Milt, Minine and D.Wfnf Machinery, Shitting, Pulley, ITangers, water Wheel, etc Agents for the John T. Noyt Co. Flout Mill Machinery. Huntley Mfg. Co.'i Monitor Grain Separators end Scourers. Dealers in Rxcriiinr Boiling Cloth, Mill and Elevator Supplies, Cotton end Leather Belting, etc. Hend yonr orders dlreet to its ana get th bena flt oi juanufeoturors' price. ... STEAMBOAT llt'II.DKUM ... .PORTLAND, OR. Cawston & Co. f ocesMers it H. P. Orsjorj CeJ 48 and SO Fint St., 304 First Ave, S, Portland, Or. Seattle, Wash, Wild American Popples. Lilacs and Iris. vtakch win, po MMsxr HA'rtsjCetat. it Fl BOILERS inm ffl snppLits tetMtttoeiM)s)ta CURE YOURSELF. n Hig for nnnfititrftl Qinihntitm, iiiDamnintlcQat, Irrlctaiiutii or ult tttaMoni of mtionnn m(Mil)iiiiiri. 1 motm ay nvuigttmmi for mnt In plo winppor, In jfl,HJ, i m Ciruular aeht i N. V, N. V. f 'otiT.tuli.' )J It fr.,.nu iiu.l.i,. iralrHiEvtssOHEUK V enMmstrw t V. a. i w HEN wrltln to adrertlsaj-s pleas mention tuis paper.