s- OREGON MIST F1IIDAV, UOTOnKH 0, 1N0S, ovn riiDLio school. Frogreaa Blade Therein I of ft hunt' ing Character, Kut.Hii the history of lb St, Helens pnhllo cliool wu such a tiroisraselv spirit developed now obtain, and such eon Iiienriuhle adviiconint resulting, There art nnw In attendance (12 pupil, oud the ed ucational methods employed art of th highest Jbaracter and drgrca of perfection Heretofore, especiully the tout term, the capacity of (lit) facilities were greatly over' taxed, nitil tlio ability of the master was riot equal to the work before him becauseot tlie v large attendance. The director this year. with tine consideration, caused inuny im provements to be muds in the sehoolhulld- lug, and the Blotter for greatest pml-c Is the I ant tliat an assistant teacher was employed Its good dlttcti are already nolioeahle. A number of )tudeiils Hying outside of thedls trtct are In attendance, and the number will more Uiuo likely be liioreaseil later In the winter. Tbe addition of a higher grade of studio being taught In the lehool this year marks distinct udvanoe, and the school-board lid the people are to be congratulated, Algebra, enmnoaltioit, physical geography nd civil government are the etudlee added to the course title term, and the puplli take tip the work with new and Increasing Inter ext. Ithaibeen theeuittoiu In our school to plod along in the same routine of school work yenr after year, with no noticeable advancement; but we believe the recent means employed and the introduction f six higher studies will mark new era In the public school of tlili city, Kvidenoe la Mot wimtliig that the board end the preset! ellkionl corps of teachers are making every effort to conduct school which shall be up to the times. It Is the glorious privilege of the American youth that no matter In how remote section of tho country he may dwell, the sehool Is not far away. Our common schools provide a ooiirne of book training which Is an ample equipment for the active Ufa of the average oitlion, and la at thesnme time a broad foundation for tlie ambitious student who seeks to go'nlgher up the lud 4er of learning. Let us hop that St. Helens boy and girls will appreciate and turn to good advantage the golden opportunities which am spread before them. The per petuity of our government depends upon lb Intelligence and virtue of the oltlwm, nd of these the public school should be the nursery. . COIIS AND B1LOS. Doth are Being Brought Into Gen. era! Uso In the County. We have on exhibition In oar office nnmber of ears of corn grown on tbe 0111 place, at Warren, by Mr. M. H. Clark. Two varieties tbe yellow dent and mammoth tlia former well developed and matured, tha latter Well developed, but yet In tbe rutlk. Mr. Clark Imported these varieties from eastern Mate and their growth and development are source of much satisfac tion to th grower. Mr. Clark Just recently constructed a very large silo 5 tons capac ity srbloh he now has filled with ensilage, en oat of It being cut from a four-acre patob of tbe greener variety of corn giown on bis place. Mr, Clark estimated that the crop would average IS tons of ensilage to the acre. Il ha been only a few years since eitoa were first constructed In this part of Oregon, at that time an experiment, but their worth and merit has been so fully and completely established that they are to be found on nearly every farm la tbe vicinity of Hcappeose, and the verdict la that dairy ing cannot be successfully carried ou with, out the use of ensilage for green food through the winter months. Tbe process of preserving thU green substance Is very simple, and calls for an outlay of little cash nd labor, yet it can readily be aeon what It mean to feed green substance to milch oow throughout the entire winter. The talk, blades, aud grain of the corn are chopped Into very small particles -about one inch In length by horse-power ma chine, and elevated to tlio top of tbe illo, which Is nothing more than bug barrel with concrete bottom. Email door are Made short distance apart from top to bottom of the silo from which to pass out the ensilage. But returning to the corn, we have no hesitation In saying no section of Oregon can produce such splendidly de veloped and well matured corn a Is grown around Warren aud Beappoass. The real worth of this product as food far stock has universal praise, and henceforth Its cultiva tion will be more extensively engaged In throughout Uiis county. ' CIKCUIT COURT. Proceedings Had From Thursday to Ctoae of Torm Saturday. Moeck vs Eppcrlyj tried, submitted with out argument and takon under advisement. Eureka and Epicure Paoklng Co. v R. O, Daveytordered that defendant surrender lmmedlato possession of proporty, and In case cannot be returned plaintiff have judg ment for 330. John Carlson v L. Baldornj argued and submitted. Joaeph Silver V Win. I.eot bond of de fendant fixed at 1 120 for use of property pending appeal to circuit court. UelU V Wikstrom nd Columbia Bank ing Co. j testimony for plaintiff Introduced and oase continued until November 8, 1898. jury excused from further attondanoe on torm unless notified b clerk to appear. James Kennedy vs H. B. Borthwick; tried and submitted and plaintiff given 15 days to file brief, and defendant 15 day to file brief. Kmlly Stenbarg vs John 0. Ment et al; default and decree as prayed for, and an attorney fee of 115 allowed to guardian ad litem. Bills allowed as fallows: T. C. Watts, bailiff, $3O.0Oi J.K. Blakesley, bailiff, 115.00; T. J. Cleeton, district attorney, 07.60( G. A. Hall, deputy district attorney, 38.00; O. J5. Bunyon, official reporter, 880.00, A. P. Devi v Joel and Mary 0. Mils motion for new trial overruled, and motion for judgment set for hearing November tt, ltm. State of Oregon vs. John Harri, default and deoree and foreclosure. Wat. Wolf v Petor Meyer, dismissed and judgment for oosts in favor of defendant. Court adjourned nntll November 1, 1808. ON EVERY BOTTLE Of Bhiloh's Consumption Cnre is this (mar antee: "All we a.k of you is to "?," thirds of the contents of this bottle faith fully, then If you say you are not benefited retiirii the bottle to your druggist and ho may refund th price paid. Price 25 cw, 50 cuT and 11.00 rUl by Dr. Kdwin Koss, druggist, Bt. Helens, Oregon, and W. A. Peny.Uoulton, Oregon, IUaOAL AND l.OVAL. The latest sfylo In fall millinery at aws. w.JJ.Buoir, near Ifco aclioolliousa, Mr. and Mr. Smiley, of Eureka, are in the city, the g units of Mr, aud Mr. a a. Buomon. An adjourned term of circuit court will convuue here next Tuesday. Tbe term will probably last all week. The regular November terra of coun ty court wilt convene in this city on Wednesday, the th of the mouth. The quartorly examination for teactv era will be held in this city beginning at 1 O'clock, Wednesday, November v. mere is no excuse lor au idle man arouud Ht, Heleu these days. Those who so desire can liud employment at gooa wuge. Judge Doan admitted Kmll Munke, a eul ji.cl of Germany, to oiliaenship lust Friday, The witnesses were Jew) Hill aud F. VV. Hmith. nev. jur. i'Uilbrook will hold com munion service at 11:30 a. m. in the Congregational church, iu this city next Buuday, and tho regular evening service at I Wooddealora of this place have cut the price of wood up to 11 29 per cord ou the wharves. It really look ae though buaiues conditions were slight ly improving. Uiu fashion tn dress may be re vived, but no old-fashioned medicine can replace Cnaiuberlaiu'a Colic, Chol era and Diurrlioea Remedy, for sale by Dr. lidwin ltoss, druggist. The Oregon Wood Company baa re moved its office from op stair' in tbe Taylor building to tbe room for a long tune occupied a a barber shop by J. tt. Ducket, in the same building. Henry Walters is having erected a neat little cottage on a lot be recently purchased, Dear tbe walk, to Houlton and just above tho old spring. Mr.M. K. Eupey i doing the carpenter work. Judge Doan and Commissioner Crakes inspected the new bridge built ovef Tide oreek, last Wednesday. Tbe bridge is just now completed, and Mr. rakes say tbe work ol construction is entirely satisfactory. The contract price ol tbe bridge was $-120. Tbe sheriff's sale of property for de linquent taxes took place Tuesday. . ' .1 . 1 I . , . I t ' 1 a. greav ueai ui vne property was uiu in by private parties and a large per cent of tlie tax was paid during the process of advertising. Tbe remaining parcel the county bid in and now bolus a lien upon it for unpaid lax. It is reminder of old times for tbe city to be filled every evening with many stranger men returning to town after a day's labor in the quar ries and at tbe rock crusher. About forty wen now find employment ber at present in tlie rock business, and the work will continue for a number of months. John Cloniogerr George Frakes and James Eversol succeeded in bagging 74 docks last Sunday in four hours shooting on the Frakes place. Tbe boys are feeding wheat and as a con sequence have splendid luck in tolling the game into their lake. We can tes tily to the palatable qualities of tbe fowls as John generously donated a third of a dozen to our sustenance. In the list of names of persons hav ing patents to lands recently arrived at the land office at Oregon City, we note the following belonging in Colum bia county: Anton Oliuiecki, Felix Gliniecki, Charles B. Armstrong, Wm. F. Myers, Wm. A. thnsliolm, John Mullen, Lars Elison, John Edholm, Charles Peterson, Laforeat B. Stuart, Jacob Alexander, Frank Keefe, Joseph Dixon, Francis M. Parker Ootlrod Bergerson, Frederick W. Fluhrer,Kuf us D. Blakcley. Mrs. if. J. Scott has leased tha Ori ental hotel in this city for a torm of years, and will hereafter cater to the demands of tbe friends of that popular boatlery. Mrs. Scott, for soma time since, has been taking care of tbe public at her private residence, Dut the degree of popularity which has steadily developed in her favor rend ered the home fucilities entirely inade quate ; hence to supply demands the large hotel was leavea. rare, bcovi will undoubtedly do a profitable busi Mr. B. B. Mason, who resides on Milton creek, near Howard's mill, has adopted a rather unique method of burning stumps. He fires tha stumps aud enoourages the burning until a degree of heat is developed which in sures their continuous burning, then thev are entirely covered with earth, and tbe process of absorption is like burniug a pit ot charcoal. Mr. Mason reports fair success in this undertak ing, and if it can be successfully car ried out no doubt the method will be more genorally employed. The larce rookorueher now in opera tion just below town is a gigantic and intricate pieoe of mechanism. It is wnrth the time of anv person to visit the scene of operation and watch the mammoth maohine grind the huge slabs of rock blown from the face of the solid bluff into dust and amalHrag meuts. A large foroe of men finds employment in operating the machine and loading the barges; a great many of those em ployed being looal residents. Tha lowest wages paid is $1.75 per day, and the work will continue for several months. fTT)r? Baking A 1 SCHOOL RICPOIIT8, St. Helens School Make Good Bhow iusj tor Pa aioncu. Following I a report for th first month of th St. Helen public school ( QBAHMAK ORAM, K amber day taught ,.,....,,,,,....... SO Whole nunier enrolled , SO tt umber ol boys enrolled Number of Kills enrolled Ti Average daily attendance...,..,., M Number tardy 2 Tlione neither absent nor tardy for th momu were; 1 earl Decker, Nellie Cornier, Loots Whitney. Lottie Hall. Aznes Huckle. Oawule Cole. Lnvelle Watklns, Birdie Han- loru, rrana wiKniroin, rome unariton, urao Hart aud Lulu Ueorge. 0. A. Hall, Principal. PKIJIAIY GBADB. Number rf day taught ....20 1 olol enrollment .82 Number boys enrolled ........... ,..,.,.14 Number jrlrla enrolled , 18 Averne dailv attendance 27 Time tardy ,...,....,. 10 Those neithnr absont nor tardy du'ina; the mouth were: Kayuiond Watts, liesxta uaiiau, uoya Uattan, wooie vanaoian, Lilly and Julia Vuiitloiah. Lola Berber. Had Kills, Ursine Keithley, Willie Wat ers, Hoy AWpey ajtfl Beatrice Bice. s. d. b. wax, Assistant. Deport of school district No, 30, for the month ending October 7tb, 1808: Number days taught 20 Number of davs attendance 250 Num her of days absent 84 Number of times tardy t Number of boys enrolled. 10 Number of girls enrolled 7 Average number belonging ., 14 Avrae daily attendance , ... 12 Pupils neither absent nor tardy during iue incnui were: Alice unges, uarr Brown, Lester llafley, Cleveland Barueti Laura Stuitb and Kay Tarbell. r io OA 8. Vikckt, Teacher, LOWER BATE OP INTEREST. Legislature Pasaes Aot Placing Lo cal Rate at 0 Per Cent. Tbe bill reducing tha rate of interest, in- trocuced by Senator Daly, of Benton, and now before the governor, provides that sec tion 3687, chapter 61, of Hill's annotated aws of Oregon, be amended so as to read as follows Section 8587. Tbe rate ef interest In this state shall be 6 per centum per annum and no more, an all money after the same become dne; on Judgment and decrees for the payment of money ; on money received to the use of another and retained beyond a reasonsble time without th owner'scon- oent, expressed or implied, or upon money due upon th settlement of matured ac counts from the day th balance is ascer talned; on money due or to become doe when there I a contract to pay Intereet and no rat specified. Bat on contracts, Interest up to th rat of 10 per oentum per annum may be charged by express agree ment ot th parties, and no mors. That all acts or parts of acts In conflict with the above be, and tbe sams are, here by repealed "That Inasmuch as tbe counties of this state are paying Interest on their county warrant at th rate ot S per centum per annum, thereby Imposing a useless burden on the taxpayer, th act shall become a law apon receiving th signature of th governor." ASSESSMENT OF THIS COCNTT. Total Valuation of all Taxable Prop" erty la $l,80B,BO8. Foil swing Is a summary of th assess ment roll of Colombia county for 1888, compared with that for 1897: 1898. 1897. Tlllableland. .......... 170,80 f 171,677 Nontlllabla land 8Z1,M0 K,3S8 Improvement on deed ed lands 7fl.7SS 76.659 Town and city kite.... (7 .80S 37,468 Improvement iOtil SS.HJjO Improvements ou land not aseaeu or pain la Railroad bed Railroad rolling stock Telearaoh and telenh'n Meronanaise ana stoca in trad Farming implements, waeons.carriaeea.eto Steamboats, sailboats, stationery ensmes.etc Money. Notes and accounts... Shares of stock Household furniture, jewelry, eto. orses and mnles.1382 Cattle, 3784 Sheep and coats. 888.. Swine, 804 5.7S0 114,000 17.170 7,440 16,408 4370 68.290 800 23.160 1,100 20,881 16,201 40.6HO 9U8 ' 1.180 4,030 89.2M) 16,680 6,960 17,980 8,936 68,305 646 28,340 1,178 20.892 16,181 43,(129 1,148 1.278 11,486,930 91,425 11,463,176 83.6tXI Made from pure ;- cream ol tartar. Safeguards the lood against slum. Alum baldi mcnacers to i are th crreatest bealth of th present day. MY At BK,l KMW 00. , WW VftflH. O roes value of all. Exemption ........ Total taxable property $lyS,606 f 1.358,616 Number of polls In 1898, 700; in 1897, 649. TELL YOUR SISTER. A Bountiful Gomnlexlon is an impossibil ity without erood oure Mood, tbe sort that only exists in oonnecUon with good diges tion, a healthy liver and bowels, Sari' Clover Root tea acts directly oa the bowels, liver, and kidneys, keeping them in perfect neaitn. rrUMraaets ana ou cm. boiu oy Ur. Kdwtn Ross, drumrlst. Bt. Helens. Ore gon, and N. A. Perry. Houlton, Oregon. Hrrnito thb High Places. Hops are already "bitting the high places" m Washington, several offers ol io cents a pound nave been saade at North Yakima, with no sales: which latter condition is due to th fact that growers are confident tbe price will reach itt) cents before the end 01 the winter. Bkamokawa Eagle,';:,.-;', Evbrytbimo Gohh Ur. Wheat hat gone up two cents; hope and prunes are making fortunes for owners; wool, sheep, eattle, hogs, chiokens, eggs, butter, apples, potatoes, and everything else produced oa tbe farm, are com manding the highest prioss all around that they have been (or a muraber of years. Last (all we thought we were in clover, but prune and bop wore worth but liitlo then. JSugsne' City Register. A Gbkat Howi -What a bowl would go up if the newspapers were to criticise the individual a freely as people criticise the newspapers, says an exchange. Every Issue ef a repu- i table newspaper is a mantle of charity, land the matter left out truth, not 1 gossip would often equal in volume the matter published. If an editor were to got out cold fact edition some day, and then climb a tall tree land watch tbe result-whew! whtt a i pionio he T.i.uid have. ; j Bio Pricm fob Potatoes. The ?ol -lowing clipping from the Oowliti Ad vocate, published at' Castle liock, in Washington, shows that potatoes, are liable to bring good prices this wider. "Frank B. Ulouser la r.gain in tie ! market buying potatoes this aea&on. He informed the Advocate the latter part of last week that he had pur olianed about 5000 sacks ; paying there for 50 cents per Back and furnishes Sacks and twine, He is also advano- : inj 10 cents per hundred o all pota toes bought," .-stkutf rniTt717BA0Tm Vays your Expensee-tlood anUl October SOtlt. J For the tnneflt ol visitors to the falr-Q'JJ Jj J Q'JJvrMient tt too, sod we refund J 11.00 on every 110.00 purchase of ...sVaEiro on coys CLOTi..:is At our riot. On Prio to All Goods toit4 te pUia ftgtiTWa IHwrrlaon. Mid Snd Htm FAUODS CLOTHIHQ HOUSff POM1XAXD I THE MEHALEM OOVNTBT. Ooal and TImfce? There Great De velopment Possible. The following communication appeared In th Sunday Oregonlr.n of October 23d : Poavtaan, Or.. Oct. 14.-(To th Editor.) Recently I received a letter from Mr. H. Hawfood, a civil nginoer formerly of this city, but for th past tea years a resident of California. la this loiter he write quit fully regarding th resource of th He ha le in valley, aad the benefit that would ac crue to Portland by the construction ol a railroad between the two points. Mr. Hawgood was englaeer tor tbe Port land Willamette Valley line; else tbe 11- waoo Bhoalwater Bay railroad, and is thoroughly aeqoaldted with the Webalem country and th roe t over which arailroad to tbla city would probably be bnilC Believing the Inhumation contained In Ur. Bawgood' letter ndgbt Saeqarage public sentisaaut U favor ot web an enter prise, I eneieae copy of so mack thereof a refers to tkfs subject. D. W. Tavwia. "How is it that Portland dees nettling toward opening the loraber aad coal fields of the Upper KehalemT The extent aad Ugh grade or th Heha- lem lumber is somaaon knowledge in Port land. Tbe ooal fields have been examined and reported oa, both by th United State government aad private Individuals. AU reports are of the same tenor. Th coal i good, tbe field is extensive, and the topo graphical features render mioiog economical. The report of th United States geologi cal survey, March, 1890, Is a public docu ment, easy of access. It m incredible that inch all-power ful agencies for the perasaneat growth of a community should be allowed to He dor mant year after year, within 45 miles of Portland. "A short railroad Is all that fa needed to inaugurate aa era of prosperity. If the peo ple of Portland woald subscribe for bond, a tenth of what they were willing to do for th 'Hunt' system some years ago, tkis road could be built. If about one-half th bond of th road, ay 250,000 to iloO.OOO, r taken ap locally, th balance of th money can be gortea. It 1 estimated that Uieeoal consumption of Porlasd alone amount to front 180,000 to 900,000 tons yearly. It go without saying that the Heaaleta eonld command a very large proportion of this, a wU a other coal business. Add to this trafflo tha lumber and local freight, and the road weald be a good Investment froai th start. The bondholder would ran no rick. As to construction, I have knowledge based en actual surveys of a very thoroagh character. . A good line eas be had at reas onable expense. A cash subsidy might be an inducement for tbe building of the line, bnt would scarcely be as satisfactory to theeommanity as actual ownership ot the bonds, or the people ef Portland might do as th people of Ban Francisco did with the Ban Joaquin Valley road, own and operate It. This would at least leav In their own hand all matter relating to any extensions or other things that might be considered as aflectinc the best interest and welfare ot Portland." HORN. Waiaac. On Upper Milton creek, Thurs- aay, uciooer mj, iua, to tn wue ol Char ley Wallace, a son. Bicbasdsox. At the month of Lewi river. Monday. October Si, If, to tha wife of Dan Biohardson, a daughter. Bxhdkr. Kear Warren. Monday. October j, 1009, to u wue oi aianon neaaer, a plan in rsllevlnn the lonn. anenln tha eretions aud restoring the system to a nat ural anil neaity condition, t or sale by Dr. jbuwiu xuisa, uruggist. Blew ta Prevent Crane; We have two children who are subject to attacks of eroup. Whenever an attack is coroiiiKon my wife give them Chamber lain's uough Kemedy and alwaj prevents tbe attack. It is a household necessity in this country, and no matter what elne we run out or, it would not do to be without Chamberlain's eolith Remedy. More of it is sold here than all the other coueh medi cines combined. J. M. Nickle, of Niokle uros., merchants, Mcklevllle, Pa, For sale ny ur. iujwm Koss, druggist. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that 1 win not be re- iponsime tor anv oms contracted tiy my aus- Bu Helens, Orettua, October 28, im. TAKEN OP. A three-year-old bay mare with a blase face; in in? ware uu nsrnt niua root. call and pay Oamase. A. Al. Owner nleaae rAAMw&tt, ver- FOR SALE. The Thoroughbred Begliitered Xersey 'BANTIAM." Inquire at this office. Boll, TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. Omcs or SrHoot HrraBimmoiirr, uregon. ueiooer-A, mm. NOTICB 18 HEREBY OIVEH THAT. FOR th purpoaa ol making an examination of all DerSOns Who miff Olfur tbamaelvM m MnHi. dates for teachen of tbe schools of this county, the county school superintendent thereof will nom a puonc examination at at. Helena, Oregon, beginning at 1 o'clock p. m., Wedoewlay, Novem bers, lHm. BUUe papers will tie attended to at tbe same time. I. H. coveland. Connty Bclxiol ituperintendent. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. , Laud Ornca at Oaason Citt. Ob., NOTICB 18 HKEKBY GIVEN THAT THE foliowine-naraed MttlAr hiu fllt nntinu t1 bis Intention to muk. flnal nmnf in mnnnrf , bis claim, and that said proof will be made be- ir tne ouuoty viera oi tjoiumoia county at at. OmVUB, VXIfUR, VII JWHBWr S, USX, YlMi &IQEL WILK1NSOH, Homestead entry Ho. tHi, for the north K ol northwest H of aeetlon 27, aad east U of north east H of seoUoa as, township i north, range 4 west. He name the follewtn wltneaaea to nmra hts eonttnuoiu reatdence upon, and eohlvaUoa of mmivx itura, .is; William Wood, TJ. V. Beeehley, T. M. Parker jiu ma jaeutuaer, an or veraonia,ireffou. 02d3 Cux. B. Kooaaa, rWxl&wr, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. La an Omca at Oaieoa Crrv, Ob.. U ... , I. ,MA NOTTCB a HEREBY 6lVE THAT THB foDowina-BAraed aettler haa filad and na of hie Intention to make Anal proof In anpport of maun, ami iau pua iinn.i will De maae DO- fore the County Clerk of Colnmbia county, at St. Helens, KKt)a, n November 12th, XbKo, via: JOU H1LDBBHAND, Homestead Xntn No. K8S for the south K of northwest H aad lots t and 4 of aastlon 4. town- snip uutn, rang s week He names the followlne wftawwi tn mm ais eonunovui laaifience upon ana etllllra,lon of aald lanJ, via: Valenti UliuieeU, Joe Mitch, Andrew KinowaU, and Uexbard Vorbaoh, all of v alley, uregua- otnll CHAS. B. VOORBS, Begtster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lamd Omca at Oaaeon Citt, Oa., NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ffUowina.named Mttlar haa Alul notfofl of nia intention to maae Dual proof la support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Columbia oonnty, at at. Helens, Oregon, oa November asih, mm, via; GU8TAY H. 8IBBCK8, Homestead Entry No. S761. for the seii" of sacUoo at tp s a, r t weac. He namea the following witneaaea to prav his continuous reaidenoa nnoa. and cultivation Of said land, vis: F. U. Tompkins. H. C. Lamber- aon, juuna Mtwrnana. ana urvuie u. uarruoa, all of geappeoaa, OreKon, auoa vaaa s. MtAittao, Hegiater. Ttiree Veetera 1st Craassttattless. "When von are aick. what vni Ilka homt la to be chosen for a mediouia in tha firat place: what experience tells von is best to be ohoeen in tlie second Diaca: what reajinn (I. e. Theory) says is best is to be chosen in the last place. But if you can get Dr. In clination, Dr. Experience, aud Dr. Reason to bold a consultation trarethar. thev arill give you th beet advice that can be taken." When von have a had nold T)r. Tnnlina. tion would recommend Chamharlain'a Cough Remedy, becauaa it is pleasant and safe to take. Dr. Experience would recom mend it becauaa It never falls to affect a speedy and permanent cur. Dr. Reason would recommend it because it is prepared on scientific principles, and aot oa nature's CONTEST NOTICE. DBrABmw t or m limnoa. I Uaitsd States Land Omoa.1 Obsooh Citt, Oregna. Oct, 1, IMS. ABCTTICIKr-T CONTEST AFMDAVrT HAV ing been filed in this office by George F. Smith, contestant, airainst homestead entry No. tm, made June 11, latf, for Southeast H Section 11, Tawnahlp 4 North, Kange 4 West, by Coi Brarxeman. eonteatee. in which tt Is a that the said (jonstant Braggeraan never made natant alleged tbere at all after he made entry, nor did he cul tivate or improve the aair. after making entry: that he haa not Ured oa his claim or beea on his claim for over six yeara nor anyone acting for him; that his abaeuoe la not due to his em ployment tn the military or naval service of the united States in time of war; aald parties are hereby notltlod to appear, respond and oiler evi danoa touching said alleitatioa at 10 o'clock a. m. on December Sth, 1H&S, before the Register and Reeefvor at the united States Land Othce iu Oregon City, Orertm. The said con tei tan t having, in a proper affi davit, filed Oct. 1, 1898, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice cannot be made. It la hereby or dared and di rooted that auoh notice be given by due aad proper publication. CHAS. B. MOOORE8, Register. WM. HALLOW AY, Receiver. ...Save Money.... Portland :-: Exposition. i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 1 i i i i i i i i fasyaasasasa ,..Y VISITING THB., r Bring tbts eonrwn with yon and we will ajlow yoa a rebate ol ....10 FEE CENT.... Onallyrmrpqrekaaes. We in i carry largest stouk of r p y r p p y y 'r s yyyyyyyiyyyyywyyyy Hen's aad Boys' GlotMng In th Olty, Inoludlag aa Xnormon Un oi ...Overcoats cisi IZzzldzts&zs.. L'-oycr Clothing Co. . TFotmtsi'JPiflo:vJtiTs. ., THIISO m6 OAK kiTRlE ,S. r A8!eyicPrcpara!lmi()rAS- atmfcating iteTbodfliiriBcSula tji'4 ibe&tomadia aislBcfwels cf PrcrmotesBIgMfionXlhecTful TsEssTKlHcstontains neiUier OfnuuT.Morpliifi nor MLuexaL 1VOT NARCOTIC. Mmvtfodiksmiamcwca JFtmi'm Sal- Ij&w.fcpaf .- I l-wtAMImae.. 1 AoffifedEcmedv forCofrsRoa- lion. Sour Stoni."ch.Diarrtoea, VVarmsonvuions.Feveri.m Best and LOSS OF SIXES', laeSunile Signature of EXACT COPTCTVHAPPEa. J U-Vi . Tb IS::! Yea Hz? Alf.mji flsaa f-f , isi.illsJ Lwtoyiil ; Baar3 tho of Ak1 ' I he ind a v r ; ; You Urn Airays Bouglif. In' nnnn l':U 'It'' 5 J ',: ae kt tj. ka ui ks vmc efffiTitifA omaMwv. ncwromi errv. r vvvvyvvvvvvvtfvyvvv'tfwii'vt HARRIS' CASH GROCERY il For Your Keep alwavi on hand all kinds taie and funoy ftwerirn and provieioDB, jrm prxKiuee, tropical and doniwtic fro us in seamo, fine teas and coffees, tv banco and cinrs. A fine line of confectionery also in stock, and various tuber a pec iaiU.es. 7) Groceries. i. wmttn wu li t- ivu iyiMii o i ncc. i.ai, nt.it.rMi, uk. --r -A TSlr-jr A AAAAAA A A A A. A JW A J ST. HELENS PHARMACY Dr. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. 'nUttinMi, a a.saiAa. DRUGS vvvvyvv- .. .. ' raoeoeeoeoooo patent Medicines, Fancy Toilet Articles. PERFUMES AND FANCY STATIONERY. Prescriptions... Carefully and Accur atety Compounded.... DAY OR NIGHT. ....Cigars.... Ilr,- OTtfaLjti--.---kw - a'K -iT,-ar r : , .u j-jt- Complete Line of... $sts' Sundries School Books... ancL.. .".::r; School Supplies DART & MUCKLE flaln Street, St. Helena. Oregon. Csoere 6EMEHAL MERCHANDISE Choice Grocerie 13 Always on hand. Flonr, irmlti, and feed. Tobacco aud oigurs, and siuokers' articles, uutlons, etc. mm... CROCKERY AND TINWARE. ...Dry Goods... Inohidlnst a (tenersl assortment of clothing, furnishings, and dress goods. Also a flue line ol boots aud shoes. III. DART & MUCKLE jj. , St Helena, Oregon. 5.i?323S2ri!?J?;-i GOOD TOOLS1 LOW PRICES! .FOB NET SPOT CASH tanning's Patent Bits ; . . Clark's Expansion Bits...... Common Brace. ...... ....... Katcbet Braces... u. Draninoknlves Poliiine Drawinv-knlves Common Baw-eecs MOrrell s fjaw-sets flarpcnters' hammers Carpenter' heteuets Cat porters' hamiaxe.. . . J&cx plr.ncst 1'isntou iianduaw. ...... ...... Onod steel bam' saws ........ l'itrierukMis. , lZtoSOo ..too to 1.10 $5 to 50c ,.68e to 12.00 45o ,.1 20 ...lflc 60c 25 to 45c .....85 to otto .....eStoTOo ..........560 ...1 25 .....50 to 75o 17 to Sac ICS 3Sill rSHMSttS. 1-qt. Artlo S 85 5-qt. Artlo 1 15 St. Artie...... .M 1 80 Blauk Diamond Files. OH StOvas. PSncbers. Wrenches, and imnt of ased by all kiuus oi people, at low prices (or the next 80 day O n 4- Qnart ArHc 1-qt. White Mountain.. 3- qt. Whit Mountain.,. 5- qt. White Mnuntalo.. 4- qt. White Mountain. . 6-qt, White MouniBin.. LAWS MOWERS. IS-Irsch Philadelnhia 14-inoh Philaiieluhia.,.. Irt-inoh Philadelphia lft-inch Philadelphia 20-Inch Philalolphia Camp Coilee Pots OBAHITS CAMP KKTTI.E3, 5- qt. with cover 4-qt. wiih cow 6- qt. with eover ft-qt. with coyer ...$1 W ... 1 ct ... 1 4'i ... 1 75 ... 2 no ... 2 45 .... 4 50 .... 5 Hi 8 m ..... 6 50 ..... 7 m .aotoaoo Seeori tn fTfrfTTT w lnorrlauu &ia JkXkiJLi J 1 4 V i